HomeMy WebLinkAboutPWC Minutes 1998-12-15 DISPOSITION DATE TOWN OF ITHACA Public Works Committee December 15, 1998 Present: David Klein, Chair; Dan Walker;Fred Noteboom; Rich Schoch; Gene Redman; Wayne Sincebaugh; and Ed Conley The meeting began at 8:20 a.m. There was a discussion regarding Agenda Item 4 (Town-wide Speed Limits). At the December Town Board Meeting Barry Stevens from NYS Department of Transportation was in attendance. Mr. Stevens informed the Board that only towns with a larger population can enact a Town-wide Speed Limit. Although Cathy Valentino was not at the meeting, she asked that a discussion regarding agreements with Tompkins County be discussed. She informed David Klein that she has been elected president of the Intermunicipal Cooperation Committee. This is a committee to discuss the problems between the County and Towns and Villages. This committee will be discussing the County,Towns and Villages working together to provide engineering work for projects, and Tompkins County would pay the Towns and Villages 80 percent of the costs. Fred Noteboom informed the Committee that the Highway/Parks Department, Engineering Department, and Human Resources Specialist have been working on a re- organizational plan for the Highway/Parks and Engineering Departments. There was a discussion regarding the changes in the Tompkins County Public Works Department since Bill Mobbs will be retiring. These changes may affect road maintenance. Fred said that there have been discussions regarding having the County work on projects that they are"good at" and having the Towns and Villages do the projects they are "good at", such as ditching or work around the area that the equipment is near. David said that we need to look at this very carefully. Fred handed out draft agreements on Equipment Sharing Agreements. One was Tompkins County's and the others where samples from New York State. There was a discussion regarding agreements going to the Town attorney and the length of time it takes to get them back. The Snow and Ice Contract still has not been Public Works Committee Minutes Page 2 signed. Town Hall Update Dan informed the Committee that the final designs have not been completed yet. This will not be completed until mid-January. The Town of Ithaca did not receive the historical grant they had applied for. Dan indicated that the roof was satisfactory,but it will have to be worked on. There was a discussion regarding the type of roof to be put on. Dan estimates the following time frame: Bidding in April, Approval in May, and Start Working in June. He also indicated that the Post Office might not be done with their construction until July or August. The Town needs to get the Post Office's construction schedule. Warren Road Water and Sewer Update Water Lines: They need to be replaced. f Sewer Lines: The need to be realigned because the current grade is too flat. The camera shots of the lines indicate there are many patches in the line. Dan said that he would provide the Town Board with cost estimates at the February meeting. The time line for this is as follows: Bidding in March, Construction in April. Fred said that he would like to see side walks put in on Warren Road. David said that the shoulders would be wider to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists. Dan said that the water would be going in on the South side of the road. We can put gravel down to help accommodate the pedestrians and cyclists. There was a discussion regarding BOCES building a sidewalk to the present walkway (which goes across the road). This sidewalk could be on the BOCES side of the ditch. David asked if Dewitt School has been involved in discussions regarding this. Fred said there have been meetings with Dewitt School and they are aware of the project. David then asked if the Northeast Study included all types of transportation. Fred said yes. There was a discussion regarding the school buses parking on Winthrop Drive and the Public Works Committee Minutes Page 3 site distances on the road. Wayne Sincebaugh informed the Committee that there is a T-Cat pull off by BOLES. Maybe another pull off could be put in the other side of the road. The Town needs to review the County's Plans for reconstruction on Warren Road and the Schools need to be informed of the project. David expressed his concern for the site distances from the driveways when cars are parked along the road. Wayne indicated that the driveways could be built up to alleviate that problem. Coddington Road Community Center Rich Schoch indicated that the shoulders on Coddington Road could be made wider and we could put in angled parking at the Community Center. Fred indicated that Local Law says that the facility can be used for public meetings. Meeting Dates for 1999 It was decided that we would continue to meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Miscellaneous Fred indicated that the pull off in E. King Road could not be abandoned. He will talk to Jonathan Kanter about putting in a park and ride. There was a discussion regarding the State maintaining the pull off and how the law reads about trucks using it. There was a discussion regarding the need for the Christmas Tree Pickup. There is not much information regarding the reasons for starting the pickup, except that it started in the early '90s. It was probably started because so many trees ended up in the ditches and driveway pipes. Fred said that it takes three people one day to pick up the trees each year. Fred said that if time permits,we would like to have the drainage way on Saranac Way trenched in. This is on our Work Plan for 1999. Cathy asked that the Committee to discuss a weight limit for Pine Tree Road. This has become a truck route from Route 79 to Ellis Hollow Road. There was a discussion regarding Cornell University's EIS for Prescient 7. Fred will discuss this with Cornell. Fred indicated that the Northeast Subarea Transportation Study would be Public Works Committee Minutes Page 4 recommending a bypass from Lansing to Route 79. Ed Conley feels that Pine Tree Road should not become a truck route. This will be put on the next Public Works Committee agenda. Highway/Parks Department Work Plan for 1999 Fred hand out the Highway/Parks Department's Draft Work Plan for 1999. He indicated that the Town would not be working on Burns Road this year because Burns Road/Coddington Road has been put on the TIPS schedule. Fred said that he will present the Expenditures of Agreement for Highway Monies at the January Town Board Meeting. Fred said that the paving plan includes Saranac Way,Forest Home Drive, and Maple Avenue. Fred explained that the Town of Dryden would be working on their end of Forest Home Drive, so he felt that this would be a good time for the Town of Ithaca to work on our end. David felt this did not look like a lot of work to be done. Fred said that most of the roads in the Town need to be rebuilt with better drainage, which takes more time to do. Maple Avenue is quite an extensive project. There was a discussion on the Storm Water Management projects and that Simsbury Drive may be added to them. Fred said that we will work on developing preventive maintenance plans, i.e. ditching, guide rail. There was a discussion regarding seeding ditches after we have cleaned it out. Rich indicted that we would like to purchase a hydro-seeder or make one. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m. c:\35high\highway\pwc\minutes\121598pw.doc Created 12/98 by ghk