HomeMy WebLinkAboutPWC Minutes 2005-10-2111 " ("'e" ,, , v
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PHONE (607) 273-1656
publimorks @trwn. ithaca. ny. us
Roads, Parks, Trails, Sewer, and Water
Friday, October 21., 2005, 8:00 a.m.
I"ublic Works Facility
1. Approval of.minUtes
a. September 23, 2005 Minutes
1 Discussion on Intersection Lights for Seven Mile Drive.
3. Discussion on 'I'Lltel,c) Park
4. Disctission on Cotinty Projects
a. 1-fateshaw 1�oad
b. Warren Road
5. Disctission on Storrn Water Managetnent
FAX (607) 272-6076
LowN oi:, irHACA
Public Works Committee
October 21, 2005, MJnUtCS
Public Works Facility, 8:00 a.m.
Present: Cathy Valentino, Sandy Gittelman, Peter Stein, Fred Noteboorn, Rich
Schoch, Gene Redman, Wayne Sincebatigh, Mike Snifth, and Dan Walker
I'he meeting began at 8:05 a.m.
The'Swoetriber 23, 2005, mirintes were approved as written.
Cathy Valentino said that the blacktop on the Ellis I-Iollow Walkway is breaking up.
She said. that the residents at the Ellis I lollo\v Community Center have concerns with
cars speeding. She said they appreciate the signs informing drivers that there is as
siciewalk but that has not helped with the speeding. Fred Noteboorn said that we could
look into a raise.d crosswalk there. I le said that raised crosswalks are so that drivers can
see pedestrians better, not necessarily for speed control.
Cathy asked it there had been any resoli.ition for the resident at the end of Chase Lane.
Tared said that lie has been talking to Dale Warhol, of Harris and Beach. Fred infornied
hire that the Town would not be doing any more work on the tum arouricl this year.
`Fhings have tosettle, We will SUrface treat it next year. Wayne Sincebaugh said that he
has been in contact with the contractor and the contractor said that he would IiX Lip the
Maack lotsews r line.
Seven Mile Drive Intersection Street.. "i, YlIts
Fred received as reqUeSt for streetlights in the Peach'Tree Lane/Apple Blosso m
Lane/Aniber Lane area. Pred replied that it would have to be paid for by settirig tip a
street light district, whereby the residents pay fear the lighting. fie also informed the
person that the'rown's current policy is to have a street light at every intersection.
Fred then received several, calls concerned with street lig;hfing and that the residents did
not want them. Fred felt that street light S an be necessary and safer at the
intersection of Seven Mile Drive and Peach'Tree Lane and at Seven Mile Drive and
Anit.)er Lane. He did not see deck necessity for thern at Peach'Tree Lane and Apple
Blossorn. Lane and Apple Blossom Lane and Arriber Lane. The Corrunittee agreed.
The Conimiffiv discLissed the proposed policy on street lighting, which will include that
all new street lights will have to be constrUCWd so that light does not shine tip into the
night sky. We shou Id look, into shielding for these lights even though the policy has not
PtjLJJ,f6ANorks C'orrimittee Meeting Minutes, ()ctober 21, 2005 llage 2
been approved yet. Mike STnith said that the new style of lights is the same as the old
ones but the lights are recessed so that file light CiOVS not Sllin(w Lip into the air. Fred said
that he would write as letter to the residents to get their feedback on this issue.
Tutelo Park
Fred inforined the Coniruittee that Tt,ttelo J."ark will not be fully constructed in 2005 and
the�re is no money budgeted in 2006 for jxu-chases to be rilade in 2006, We have
purchased and are storing all iterris that we can, but son cannot be purchased until
2006. As could be seen by the docurnent handed out, we will need $50,050 to finish the
park. Cathy said that she would have an aniendinerif to the Final Budget to add that
"T"'he Con-unittee diSCUssed that theTown has been receiving Pressure to change the
nature trail's surface. Currently it is as wood chipped Patti that Nvas built by the Boy
13couts. On the plans, it was to be as nature trail. A resident feels that we should be
pavirig this trail and moving it so that handicapl.,)ed residents canuse the trail to get to
the site for the'"I'utelo Indians annual celebration, The Comn-tittee agreed that if the
I , utek) Indians want the trail moved arid paved, they wotild have to pay for it. IA(e will
continue to work with they 'Futelos.
Sandy Gittelman said that the William arid Hannah Pew 'T'rail is being used even
though we have not officially opened it or finished building it,
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NO'117: On the agenda it says Warren Road, Taut M2 will be diSCLISShIg G'Odington
Road not Warren Road.
C"odding,ton Roa& Dan Walker said that the County has had as progress mecting. The
road has been surveyed and soil tests have been done, At the rneeting it was discuss(,wd
that the total cost of the project will be $1 () Million, arid the County onty has $ 5 Million
for this project. They are now trying to deckie what sections can be cut out, [)an foods
that the Ithaca C'ollege area ancl the Burns Road/E- King Road area are the section in
most need (-,)f repair,
"I"he design for the area near Ithaca . "ollege calls for srnalkwr road lanes, as parking lane,
and as bike/pedestrian lane. Sidewalks WOUld go to Juniper Drive, 'rhis would cost
about $2.5 Million to Collstruct,
The design for the Burns Road/E. King Roa(] section of the road calls for it to be flatter
at the intersctions, but st(.weper farther in Burns fZoad. ['art of this project will include
Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes, October 21, 2005 Page 3
moving the water lines on Bums Road. The intersection would be moved south —
farther from E. King Road. This will cost about $ 1 Million to construct.
Pan feels that with the remaining money, they should work on the section of road near
the Coddington Road Community Center.
Hanshaw Road: The Consultant firm that Tompkins County hired has been meeting
with the residents on Hanshaw Road. Jonathan Kanter is arranging for the Town Board
and the Planning Board members to go look at the area. We would like to have
sideways put on Hanshaw road but it seems that some of the residents are opposed.
Storm Water Management
The Uptown /Lexington Drive area has been done. There is still some restoration to be
Dan said that he is working with Fisher Associates (the firm that is designing the
Hanshaw Road project for Tompkins County) regarding storm drains on Salem Drive.
Work on the Salem Drive storm water drainage is scheduled for 2006.
Dan said the next area to work on is South Hill, namely, Coddington Road and
Ridgecrest Road areas. Fred has expressed his concerns about the County's project
affecting the drainage on the South Hill Recreation Way. We would like to work on the
Ridgecrest area, which is slated to be worked on in 2006.
Cathy received a letter from a Labor Union and they would like permission to put up
signs (in the Town) advertising their union. Cathy said she would call the City of Ithaca
and find out what their criteria is for such signs.
Cornell Plantations owns a piece of property between the Forest Home Drive bridges
that they would like to get ride of. The Forest Home Association would like to have a
park there that they would maintain. It is believed that the Association couldn't take
over the property, so possibly the Town would be interested. The Town does need
access to the pump station and creek. We would like to see if we could get Cornell
Plantations to fix up the area first —there would need to be a fence on the creek side of
the property. Fred will discuss this further with Cornell.
Rich Schoch informed the Committee that we could purchase a pre -built 12'x16,, gazebo
(with benches) for under $5,000. This gazebo would be in memory of Shirley
Raffensburger and put up on the William and Hannah Pew Trail. The Committee
discussed that a plaque should be put on the gazebo.