HomeMy WebLinkAboutPWC Minutes 2005-01-25","1 '11111011 ""I"�'I'lIll""Il","I �,VGSII:� 0 ti DA � E PHONE (607) 273-1656 HIGHWAY DEPARTMERT 106 SEVEN MILE DRIVE, ITHACA, N.Y. 14850 pub1icworks@townJthaca.ny.us Roads, Parks, Trails, Sewer, and Water TOWN OF i"n 1ACA PUBLICWORKS COMMITTEE `I"ttesday, January 25, 2005, 8:00 a.ni. PUblic Works Facility 1. Approval of Minutes a. October 26, 2004, no meeting in December 2004 2. Review Meeting Dates I Discussion on Drainage ISSUeS throughout 'row n 4. U1.,)date on Capital Projects —.-Water 1 5. Discussion on the ( "ateway Trail Project 6. Discussion on Troy Park "Trashing" Re -view and Discuss Scheduled Equipment Purchases for 2005 Discussion on the First Street Interceptor —Sewer System Discussion on the Paul Ruben's New Subdivision Proposal FAX (607) 272-6076 DATE TOWN OF ITHACA Public Works Committee January 25, 2005, Minutes Public Works Facility, 8:00 a.m. Present: Sandy Gitteltnan, Dan Walker, Fred Noteboorrt, Rich Schoch, Wayne Sincebaugh, Mike Smith; and Gene Redmim The meeting began at 8:10 am. The minutes from the October meeting will be approved at the next meeting. YI�Tl�finD�atcls The meeting dates will rernain the sarne—fourth'I'Liesday of the month, with the November and December meetings being combined. i:) r i i i �iq e I �ss, L i e�-s Fred Noteboorn informed the Committee that there is no money in the 2005 budget for storm water management pr()jects. According to the Town's Capital Projects r"lan, we were SUpposed to work on Winston Court in 2005. We still have to do the storni water management project on Slaterville Road (Elwing s). The Corninittee diSCUssed that the northeast section. of Town is a priority for storm water management. This is due to the flat nature of the region. The Committee reviewed the culvert pipe policy, Currently, the resident buys the pipe, after we let them know what size, and than.. the 'I`own's fOr'CeS Pot them in. Dan said that the Engineering Department is working on a drainage plan for the northeast. Some of the problem s we are, faced with, are the increased building in the Town and no accornmodations for maintenance after the drainage way, is installed. Ttie committee feels that the Town needs to educate people on the Town's storm. water policy and the residents' resp onsibi I i. ties. Mike Smith said that when theTown approved the Storm Water Plan ('that is mandated), Ave would have public meetings to inform. the public. There is a full day training session coming up on March '15cry. This is be sponsored by the DEC and'"I"ornpkins COUnty Soil Conservation. Public Works Committee M inutes, January 25, 2005 Page 2 Sandy Gittelman asked if the'rown was in compliance with the St�ate's reClUirement's for having,; as storm water plan in place. We are in cornpliallce so far. We have to have fUll cornpliance by 2009. The'Fown is designated at a MS4,----this clesignation is based on the population of the area. We have been meeting with other County officials to help all of us develop our plans. The Town. is responsible for all the water runoff in the Town. We will need to monitor pollution and erosion, Water Ca atal PEcLs J�'eyaeyw. f lospital Water, and Sewer: T'his project started in 2002 and has been closed (Alt, West Hill Water and Sewer: The Town still has the retainage fo:)r this project, We are waiting), to settle with the contractor, Westtfill WaterTank (Eco-Village): This project has been closed and was built under budget. We sent al.,)proxii,nately $ 1.90,000 to Debt Services, Bostwick Road Water 'Tank and Ston(`QUarry Road water line extension: This proiect has been closed and was built under budget. Approxiin,ately $90,000 will go to Debt Services. Coy Glen Road Pump Station: This is under budget also, but there is still soine landscaping to do there. There is approximately $140,000 left in that budget. S(:)uth Will Transmission Main: J.'his project has been cornplk.,ted and it was over budget by about $14,000. There were SOM(µ unforeseen problerns: narriely, the ground was rockier than was anticipated. Wc, will have to have a public hearing, to increase this budget. We are anticipating closirig this project in )title 2005. !L,Li yjrLi i l TheTown and City of Ithaca had as meeting; regarding as grant that is available tc> help with designing, surveying;, and engineering this trail. The two places on the trail that are in question are the gap section: Do we bridge it or fill it in? 'The other section :ill question is on the City's end of the trail behind the new Horne Depot. "mere are also seance questions about as sect4)u going across Stone Quarry Road, The'Fown of Ithaca will be the lead agency on this projc�ct, but VVC will be splitting responsibi li ties with the C ity of Ithaca, Public Works Committee Minutes, January 25, 2005 Elm The Town has indicated that for maintenance proposes the gap section would easier to maintained if it was filled in; the State Parks would like to see a concrete bridge there. The grant application must be submitted in February, the award will be granted in 6 to 8 months. The project has applied for and been approved for $550,000 from the Federal Highway fund, although the bill has not been approved in Congress yet. There was a suggestion that youth workers be used to help build this trail. There are some concerns as youth are limited as to what they can do. Troy Park is still getting Trashed This has been discussed before but it is still happening and continues to get worst. We have stopped plowing the driveway, etc, but now there are 4-wheeler tracks, etc. and they are still going in and trashing the place. The police do not adequately monitor the site —there is not enough staff to have more frequent patrols. We feel we have gotten little help from the police. Fred will talk to the Sheriff, Peter Meskill. The Committee discussed getting a surveillance camera, although there is no electrical service in the park. There is electric to the adjacent pump station there. The Town's parks are considered closed after dark. In the past, we had a gate there and opened it in the morning and closed at again at night —this is not a practical long-term solution. It was suggested that a neighborhood meeting might help out. Purchases for 2005 Fred said that the Highway Department will be asking the Town Board to approve specifications for a wheeled hydraulic excavator and authorizing them to be bid out at the February meeting. This has been budgeted for in the 2005 budget. We also will be purchasing an all -wheel drive van, medium —duty truck and a pick up truck. These can all be purchased on State bid so we do not have to develop specifications and bid them out. First Street Interceptor Project Dan Walker explained that the Town's sewer goes to the First Street Interceptor. At present, the City's sewer is over capacity. The sewer lines are old and there is quite a bit of leakage. The City is proposing a project that will reduce the leakage and increase capacity. f Public Works Committee Minutes, January 25, 2005 Page 4 They have put together a design to replace the current pipes with 24" sewer line. The Town will own 40 percent of the capacity of this sewer line. This will adequately serve the Town for another 40 years. This project will take about two years to build. This project will start on First Street, go up to Aurora Street, then to State Street. Dan said that he will have an engineering report regarding the past and future sewer flows for the Town Board to review at their February meeting. Eventually the Town will direct the sewer from East Hill to State Street, but the First Street interceptor needs to be fixed first. Paul Ruben Subdivision Mike said that there are suppose to be new plans submitted, but it has not happened yet. He believes it will consist of approximately 59 lots and 2 looping roads. There was a discussion regarding possibly having land dedicated to a trail instead of parkland. This trail could connect Troy Park with the South Hill Recreation Way. This will be put on the next meetings agenda. Miscellaneous Mike said that there has been a submittal for Phase 4 for the Linderman Creek project. This would be for senior housing. The road to this section of the project would have no public access, although we might want them to build it to Town specifications, as they might ask the Town to take over as a Town road at some future date. There was a concern that there is no real secondary access to the Phase 4 lots —safety issue. The Town does have an easement to go to Bundy Road. There was a discussion on the road going into the Linderman Creek project —Conifer Lane. If the Town were to accept it, it would have to be rebuilt and have at least 3" asphalt top coat put on it. This is the road that would go to Bundy Road then from Bundy Road to the Overlook development and Hayts Road. This has to go to the Planning Board for variances and re -zoning, etc. It should go to the Town Board in March. The meeting was adjourned at 10:02 a.m.