HomeMy WebLinkAboutPWC Minutes 2007-10-23DISPOMON I)ME
Public Works Committee
October 23, 2007, 9:00 a.m.
F'ublic Works Facility
Present: Peter Stein, Dan Walker, Fred Noteboorn, Rich '-k,hoch, Cjen('
Redman, and Wayne Sincebaugh.
Guest: Creig tkbdon and KristenTaylor
The meeting 1.,)egan at 9:03 a.rn,
The August 27,2007, nweting minutes were approved.
Northeast Draina-Ye
Peter Stein said that there is aTown. Board resolution asking the Public Works
Corru-nittee to find as solution for the Northeast drainage,
Dan explained that the T(,,)wn has two areas fii the Northeast that have been
very few I,-)robleiris with the'Fown's draina�syMost
',,e stem. t of the problems are
'Y �
on individual properties and we have no easetrients to %,vork on these propert�ies.
Dan said that we can look into individual lots and show the original Subdivision
drainage, and then as condition, evaluation can be done.
Peter asked what as firrIC' line WOUICI be, Dan said VVC WOUIct try to get it done by
the end of January.
Fred Notebooni said that piping the ditches will not solve the wet basement
problerns. ScHne people have had work clone on their tooter drains and they
don't have problems. "I'lie report should is-ICIUde education of the home owner's
'File C0111fnitteC diSCUssed the responsibility of the water volunie and that we
don't want to put too much down stream so that C'ayuga Fleights has as prc6lern.
Peter said that whatever the plan is, we ne(:!d to make sure it will Work. The plan
should im"lude cost estimates and who will do the work.
JIUMic rorks Commlittee Minutes, October 23, 2007
Dan will set up a work schedule and draft a survey letter for the residents to find
OLIt their individual problenis. Dan will have it for the December 4, 2007,
meeting, The Committee discussed sendin).,, a letter to the resident and also to
the owner (of the property).
The Coaliliitte�e felt that a public meeting should be field before the survey is sent
()Llt. The Conimittee discussed what type ofmailing lists we have. We can look
at the one used for the newsletter.
Dan said that we have already surveyed the drainage ways, We know what otir
drainage systeni is cloing.
Dan li,eand that the County might have to PLA off starting their Hanshaw Road
project. Fred indicated that the construction update sheets indicate starting in
the Spring.
Fred asked abOLIt the filture of this Con-in-tittee. There will be two vacancies.
Peter said that lie will. take care of this. He is willing to continue oil this
Conimittee, Traditionally theown Supervisor has been on, the C.orn in i ttee.
The n'iecting was adjourned gat '10:00 &m.