HomeMy WebLinkAboutPWC Minutes 2007-05-22MSFIOSITR 11, N I &M 0141IMIT91 N MmW-91 011113 IV, 100111 TUESDA Y, May 22, 2007, 9:00 a. in. Public Works Facility 1. Approval of Minutes a. April 24, 2007 I Discussion on Extending the Water Line on Orchard Hill Road. 3. Discussion on Northeast Drainage StUdy. 4. Discussion ort 602 Spencer Road. 5Discussion on Salem Drive Footer Drain Survey. 6Discussion on Frandsen SUbdivision. T Discussion on E. King Road. Sewer. 8. Discussion on Future Staff Needs. ME 1* .0 DIS"r'MION DATE TOWN OF ITHACA Public Works Committee May 22,2007,9:00 a.m. Public Works Facility Present: Peter Stein, Cathy Valentino, Sandy Gittelman, Fred Noteboom, Rich Schoch, Mike Smith, Wayne Sincebaugh, and Gene Redman. Guest: Ray Benjamin, City of Ithaca; Penny Gerhart; Tom Gerhart; and Judy Drake The April 24,2007, meeting minutes were approved. Inlet Valley Cemetery This cemetery has not been maintained and the association that owns the cemetery has no more money. The records cannot be found, and there is money (approximately $10,000) in a CD at the Tompkins Trust Company. The Town cannot take it over until New York State approves it and it has to have been abandon and no burial in 5 years. Fred Noteboom said that we do have volunteers that are mowing, etc. over there, and we are going to talk the Tompkins County Probation to see if we can get Community Service to rebuild the wall. Water Line on Orchard Hill Road A homeowner on Orchard Hill Road has contacted the Town and asked to have the water line extended to his residence. Wayne Sincebaugh said that originally the homeowner wanted to put in a 2" copper fine. This type of line would not allow for any fire flow, so Wayne proposed putting in an 8" line. He suggested the Town pay for materials and the homeowner would pay the contractor to put it in. The Committee discussed that if that was done, there would be only one house left on the road without water service. It will cost approximately $15,000 for materials to the first house, and $40,000 to extend to the end house. We will contact the homeowner at #17 to see if they would be interested in the extension. 41 Ptiblic Works Cmunittee Miritites, May 22, 2007 The Committee felt that we should move ahead with this project. Northeast Draina,,e A public nieeting'"ras, field, and it was very apparent that the re,;idents were opposed to the Briarwood, Phase If project, 'Fhe town has no new information on the StUdy that is going to be Conducted, At the above putflic meeting, the residents were informed that observation of the willow trees indicates water levels, so the ditches were riot filled in,. Spencer Road Drajjjq4!�-I'a cahl.e raa Fred informed the Committee that Richard 1-larding, the representative froin U- I laul, would not be able to be at this meeting. Fred and Richard will be meeting next week to diSCUSS the drainage pr()blem. Fred said that he would try to coordinate that meeting so that Ray, Benjamin, City of Ithaca, could be there too. There was some concern that because U-Haul owns the property and they are as corporation, they rnay not be too interested to spent money to fix the probleni. Fred has received information from the Ton-tpkins COWIty Soil and Water Conservation Department regarding grants that might be available. The Committee ask(ad why the Town of Ithaca was irivolved with this issue if the probleni is in the City of Ithaca, The residents on Spencer Street (Penny and Tcam Gerhart) felt that the problerns started after the Town repaired the culverts on Stone Quarry Road and re -channeled the water to the streani going bytheir back yard. The work bad to be done on Stone Quarry Road after the road was washed OUt during a storm. Fred, and Ray agreed, that the water is getting to the stream quicker, but not necessarily a larger quantity, Although, 1'red believes the construction of Longview might have had an impact on the arnount of water. Ile feels that if holding ponds were put in that rnight help the situation, but fie does not think Ithaca College would be willing tca do that because of the cost. Ray informed the Committee that there might be little the City can do because the strearri, is not in the City 's right-of-Nvay. Ray said that he would took into grants to help U-I laul pay to have the stream stabilized, qi I Public Works Committee Minutes, May 22,2007 am Fred said that the USDS has indicated that there are more rain and high rain events in the Northeast in the last several years. Salem Drive Footer Drain The resident at 128 Salem Drive said that the Town promised to survey for their footer drains. The Committee agreed that the Town should not and will not spend taxpayers' money for a project that will benefit only that resident. The Committee suggested giving the resident a list of surveyors in the area. Frandsen Subdivision Fred informed the Committee that this item was put on the agenda to discuss, but the Frandsen project has been put on hold. The subdivison would include 23 lots with 16 on one side of the road. This subdivision approval has been to the Planning Board, although the Planning Board wants more information on storm water management and there were concerned with the steep slopes. There were also some concerns about the parkland, a pond, and the turn around proposed. E. King Road Sewer Wayne said that there are 5 or 6 properties on E. King Road, between Troy Road and Ridgecrest Road that do not have sewer. He feels that the Town should extend the sewer to those houses. He said the cost would be approximately $100,000, and he would like to do this project in 2008. The residents we are talking about currently have septic systems, but they pay for Town sewer —not as much as resident's with sewer hooked up to the Town's sewer system though. The Capital Projects Plan has been reviewed up to 2011. This plan will be sent to the Town Board in June. Future Staff Fred said that as the Town's infrastructure continues to grow, the current staffing is not adequate. There are more parks and preserve maintenance, along with the Town getting the cemetery. Maintenance of buildings has grown also. Peter Stein asked if we could make a 5-year staffing plan. We will work on that. Fred said that he would be asking for 2 more seasonal laborers, but no permanent employees in his 2008 budget. 10. Public Works Committee Minutes, May 22, 2007 Page 4 S Given the Public Works Department's crew structure, the Committee felt a full 4th crew would be more feasible. Miscellaneous Fred informed the Committee that we have started on repairs to the box culvert on Forest Home Drive and we have also started posting the signs at Glenside Preserve. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 a.m. ghk