HomeMy WebLinkAboutPWC Minutes 2007-04-24WSPUSMON DAIE
TUESDA Y, April 24, 2007, 9:00 a. tit.
Public Works Facility
1 Appr()val Of MinLAOS
a. March. 27, 2007
2. Discussion on Flanshaw Road Sidewalk and Water Main,
3. Update on Gateway ]"rail.
4, DiSCLISSiOrl on Brush Pick Up.
5. Discussion on Forest 1--lorne Drive/Beebe Lake Culvert Replacellient.
6Discussion on "Frumansburg Road Water Main Project.
Public Works Committee
April 24, 2007, 9:00 a.m.
Public Works Facility
Present: Peter Stein, Cathy Valentino, Dan Walker, Fred Noteboon-l" Rich
*- I" ,hoch, Mike Smith, Way'ne SincebaUgh, and Gene Rednian.
Guest: Creig I Iel:)�don
The niveting began at 9:03 a.ni-
I'lie March 27,2007, rneeting rninutes were approved,
Hanshaw Road Sidewalk and Water Main
Sidewalk: Fred Notebooni stated that building the sidewalk fron.1 CommUnity
Corners (Village of Cayuga Heights line) to Salem Drive will cost the'rown
approx,irnately $32,000. Building as sidewalk frorn Salem Drive to Sapsucker
Woods Road will cost approximately $72,000.
If Briarwood Phase 11 were, built, it might no.'A be necessary to have the side%valk
up to Sapsucker Woods Road because the Briarwood subdivision will have
The Committee discussed doing the projects at different firnes. It would be rriore
cost effective tea do both sections at the same bane', due to rnobilization, etc. We
Would have to acquire the, land also.
Fred will keep in contact with Fisher Associak,!s regarding the s,idewalks.
Water Main, The water inain replacernent was scheduled to be done just before
the County did their construction on Hanshaw Road. Dan Walker would like to
rnove ahead and replace the line in 2007. There have been several breaks on that
lime and it is in the budget for 2007.
The final plans will be presented at the June Town Board meeting. It would cost
approxiniately $360,000,
-111, b ic Works Conin,fittec Minutes, April 24, 2007 Page 2
(,',atewav Trail
Mike Srnith informed the Conunittee that the contrac.ts are ready to be signed for
the design phase of this project. Mike believes that for each phase, Nve will have
to sign a new contract. There is $84,000 designated for desi,,,ri work,
Paul Young will be the Nevv York State Department of I I ransportation, contact
instead of Pete Bartolotta.
The rights -of -way of the railroad bed have to be researched. We will be getting
together with the City of Ithaca to see what their contribUti011 will be
Mike stated that we would be presenting the I I own Board with a resolution tc�
authorize the Supervisor to sign the contracts and start the design work,
This trail is scheduled to go frorn the South Hill Recreatic)n Way to Floine 1")Cl..)Ot.
We are currently scheduling construction for 2008.
BrUSIA and t.,eaf Flic"U
Fred infornied the ( I otilmittee that due to the heavy snowstorm on April 16,
2007, we will start the brush pick up a week later. We hav(,s started to pick up
some, but there is a 10t Under now and there is a lot of tree daniage yet to bi,
cleaned up.
Forest Horne Driv(IBeebe Uike Sinkhole
Fred informed the Clornmittee that a very large sinkhole has been found on
Forest Horne Drive close to the intersection of plantations Road. We have
blocked off all access to that section of road, including the adjoining sidewalk.
We will need to replace a concrete box culvert that is about 100' long and about
20' (JeCP Under the road. We will be surveying that area starting today.
We will brinl'), esfinlatc%s to the May Town Board Meeting, but we are hoping it
will cost approximately $100,000 to repair.
We are in contact with Cornell University regarding this project.
Public Works Committee Minutes, April 24,2007
Page 3
Trumansburg Road Water Main
Dan said that this project would consist of putting in'6,000' of pipe. We will be
starting at the hospital and going to Candlewyck Apartments. We will be boring
under the road at the fire station and at the Candlewyck apartments.
Dan stated that there is $500,000 in the budget for this but the cost will be closer
to $600,000. We also have to get easements from PRI, Ciaschi's and Lower's. We
have the easements from the hospital.
Dan said there would be a resolution before the Town Board at the June meeting
to let it out to bid.
East Shore Drive Water Main
Dan informed the Committee that the water line on East Shore Drive was
deteriorating. It is the same age as the water line on Trumansburg Road. The
water line starts at Remington Drive, goes to the Town Line, and proceeds a little
way into the Town of Lansing. Dan said that the fire flow on that line is very
We have not done anything with this line because the City of Ithaca has not
decided to go with B61ton Point water or build a new water plant. If they
decided to go with the Bolton Point water system, we could get help with the
project from the City.
Dan would like to size the pipes to be multi -purpose.
Dan said that because of the old piping, low flows, and that the New York State
Department of Transportation might be working on this road within the next
couple of years, he would like to make replacing the water line a priority.
The Committee discussed the resolution that was passed by the Town Board
regarding getting a consultant for reviewing the drainage in the northeast section
of the Town. We will update the Committee at the May meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 a.m.