HomeMy WebLinkAboutPWC Minutes 2007-03-27WPM I ON U91 E TOWN OF rr1JACA PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE TUESDAY fare 2 7, 2007, 9.00 a.m. Public Works Facility 1 Approval of Mirintes a. January 23, 2007 b. February 26, 2007 2, Review Northeast Drainage Problerns. 3. Discussion on Sprinkler Systen'i Variance at'Tutek) Park. 4. Discussion on the Briarwood Subdivision Phase 11. 5Review of Preserves Definitions. 6. f')1'SCUssion on the Salen-t Drive Storm Water Management Project. glik 4* D�SPOSMON DATE TOWN OF ITHACA Public Works Committee March 27,2007,9:00 a.m. Public Works Facility Present: Peter Stein, Cathy Valentino, Dan Walker, Fred Noteboorn, Rich Sc ,.).hoch, Mike Smith, and Gene Redman. Guest: Susan Ritter The meeting began at 9:00 ami, Northeast Drainaa KristinTaylor and Joe Slater took vid(e.o of the drainage ways in the Northeast during a rain event and, (juick snowil'ielt, The video showed that the drainage ditches are working and there were some wet yards, Dan Walker explained that there is not much the "Gown can do with the ditches to change the flooding problerns in the area. "I'lle problem, is the coil fi gura ticon of I the house s. Dansaid to solve the residents` arable each residenceWOUld have to be surveyed to find and look at the tooter drains. This would be costly and Dan feels it shOUld be the property owner's responsibility to fix. An example of the problem is] 04 Winston Drive. They have problems with flooding, There is nothing we can do for them because the house is low and they need ter redo their drainage that goes into the'fi)wn's drainage way. Dan said that we are in the process of rnapping, the drainage ways. Iles suggested that We COUld also nlap the houses drainage, bUtwe would have to have permission frorn the property owner to go con their property. Fred said that Ave are not getting as many cornplaints since we havelArorked ou the lower end of the Northeast. 1-Janshaw Road There is as public meeting tonight so the residents can review the final design. `I'lle'rown's main concerns are the sidewalks and the drainage. The'l .'own has talked to,rompkins County about' their design,- the design will not handle any 0 Ptiblic Works ("onitilittee Mirmtes, March 27, 2007 0 more water than it does now. The scheduling of this project is important so tile Town can get our water line project bid out and done before their construction. Sprinkler Varian.ce.gat ..Tutelo Park Fred Noteboorn inforryied the Conlillittee that we have applied for a variance so we would not have to put in as sprinkler systein at the'Futelo Park's Comfort Station. Fred said that it would cost the Town abOUt $15,000 to put in a sprinkler systerri plus as yearly fee for inspections, etc. The building will only be used in the summer and will be locked when not in use. We are not storing any flarrimables in the building. Briarwood Subdivision Dan said there is a draft RFF' so the'Fown can get a consultant to study the drainage design in the proposed Briarwood Subdivision Phase 11. ]"here will be as meeting on March 2901 to) go over the scope of tile project, Dan will have as cost estimate then. It will have to go to the `Fawn Board for their approval. Before the Planning Board call review the Briarwood Subdivision proposal, tile "r'o"M Board has to approve the roads, sewer, and water locations, Dan said the proposal would have to inClUde an ag,;reernent between the 'Town' Cornell University, and property owners that they will have to niaintain the drainage ways. If the drainage ways are not maintained, the Town, will do it and charge there. There was a discus ion regarding the communication all(] tinie frame for this, project. "I'lie Town has not received as formal submittal from the developer. The staff will continue to coordinate with the developer, Definitioli as Preserve Rich Schoch indicated that the 'Fawn has an intern conducting an inventory of all 1 park, trail, and preserves sites for developing managerrient plans. We will be posting the sites with on r r(,gu lar park/trail posting sign, along with 'I our new preserve b(AIndary marker sif,,ns this surnmer. We will \Arol"k oil getting I an Adopt -a -Preserve program going for as many sites as we can, "I"he intention of the preserves is for little maintenance to be done. "I'lley are to remain passive, open spaces. We will took at each preserve individLially to see 4i I Public Works Committee Minutes, March 27, 2007 Page 3 what this entails. We will have to look at the deeds carefully, as some have restrictive covenants attached to the parcels. Salem Drive Storm Water Management Project We have not progressed much on this project. We would like to work on this in 2007, but we have to wait until the County works on Hanshaw Road. We will get a detailed plan together as soon as possible. Cathy Valentino informed the Committee that there was a meeting with New York State, Tompkins County, the Town, and residents of the Coddington Road area. Tompkins County has lost funding for this project, so it is down to about 5 or 6 million. The County is now proposing doing the section of road from Troy Road to the Town line. The residents are concerned about the impact on historic houses and trees that may be taken down. The State was concerned with the drainage and that the road was falling apart. The consulting firm has not produced a storm water management plan. Tompkins County said that the road has to be the proposed width, although the State said it could be a narrower width. Cathy was concerned that the State did not recognize the Town's resolution regarding the road width. This project needs to get back on track. She said that the State kept referring to the "project book". She would like to get a copy of it. The Committee discussed how very different the two different consultants (one for Hanshaw Road and the one for Coddington Road) are. The consultant for the Hanshaw Road project is better prepared. The right-of-way on Coddington Road is a "ROW by use". This means you have to use it or lose it. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m. MO