HomeMy WebLinkAboutPWC Minutes 2008-05-27 4141 TOWN OF ITHACA Public Works Committee May 27,2008, 9:00 a.m. Public Works Facility Present: Peter Stein, Pat Leary, Dan Walker, Fred Noteboom, Rich Schoch, Gene Redman, Wayne Sincebaugh,and Mike Smith. Guests: Creig Hebdon,Lois Chaplin,John Lampman, and Bill Sczesny The meeting began at 9:04 a.m. The April 29, 2008, meeting minutes were approved. Town Hall Roof Dan Walker said we are still looking into where the money will come from. He felt the Capital Projects Committee should look into it. Peter Stein said he will talk to Supervisor Engman to see where the money can come from. Dan estimates the project at$30 a foot, totaling around$250,000. Northeast Public Meeting Creig Hebdon said that he will present the materials we have, which should take about 10 or 15 minutes. Peter said that he will chair the meeting. There will also be a questions and answers time. There will be maps pinned up around the room for residents to look at and find their neighborhood. The Committee agreed that residents need to be made aware that when we do surveying this summer, we might need to go in backyards. It was suggested that flyers be made up and put in residents' doors letting them know about Town employees in their backyards. The Town needs to decide where to start surveying—possibly east of Warren Road. Sharlene Drive Fred Noteboom has been contacted by residents on Sharlene Road regarding the speeding on Sharlene Road. This road is used as a pass through, so motorists Public Works Committee Minutes,May 27,2008 Page 2 speed through the yield signs. Right now there is a yield sign at Tudor Road and Snyder Hill Road. Fred would like to recommend those signs be changed to stop signs. Fred said that there are stop signs on Eastern Heights Drive at Sharlene Road. There was a discussion of possibly making that a four-way stop. Fred did not think that was necessary if stop signs were on both ends. The Committee discussed if a public hearing was needed and decided that it was. We will ask the Town Board at their June meeting for a public hearing to be set for the July meeting. Forest Home Drive and Pine Tree Road These are two separate issues but John Lampman and Bill Szcesny were here to discuss both. Forest Home Drive Bridge: John explained the plans for the replacement of the Upstream Bridge on Forest Home Drive. John explained that the retaining walls and abutments needed to be replaced. There have been discussions with Cornell University regarding putting in a walkway on Caldwell Road. John explained that the bridge would essentially look like the present one. There are two designs presently being considered for the structural support. Forest Home Drive from Warren Road to Caldwell Road will also be rebuilt while the bridge project is going on. The Committee discussed some of the details of the road and the approaches to the bridge, such as: lane width, 45 degree curbing, and shoulder treatments. The Committee also discussed on-going discussions with Forest Home Improvement Association for the rest of the Forest Home traffic calming plan. There should be a design plan this summer. The Town's part of the project is in our capital plan for 2009. The estimated cost for the Town is at least$102,500. The Town has also budgeted $200,000 for the road work in the capital plan for 2009. The bridge surface will be concrete or grate decking. The advantage to the concrete is less maintenance. The disadvantage is concrete is not historical. Wayne Sincebaugh felt that the water line that runs from Caldwell Road to Warren Road should be replaced. We have had several water main breaks on this line and he felt we should replace while the road would being worked on. Public Works Committee Minutes,May 27, 2008 Page 3 Pine Tree: Tompkins County will be replacing the overpass on Pine Tree Road, which carries our East Ithaca Recreation Way trail. Cornell and the Town will work with them to improve bicyclist and pedestrian access. This will go to the Town Board to get their support for Tompkins County's grant application. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.