HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 2024-04-08MEE'TING OF'TH.E ITHACA'TO�WN BOARD Ap *1 �8 2024 Ca # 0 n, 7-001 p.m 1. Cell to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 3. Public hearing regarding an easement with NYSEG for the South Hill Trail Extension a. Discuss proposed SOU for Trail Ma'intenano e between the towns of Dryden,. 'Danby and'Ithaca, Caroline, b. Consider approval of the easement and associated MOU 0 4. Consider award of Ming Road, Box, Culvert, Design, Services Project 5. Consider award of 2024 Pavement Markings .Project 6. Consider approval of an encroachment license, 21 Forest Home Dr 7. Consent Agenda, a. Approval of Town Board minutes b. Approval of Town Abstract c., Approval of Bolton Point Abstract d. Acknowledge receipt, ofEth'.1ics Disclosure Forms e. Appointment of Civil engineer f. Approval of Proclamation — Building Safety Month/May 8. Board/Comi-nittee/Official Reports 9., Correspondence M�EETING OF TUE ITHACA TOWN �BOARD A,prl*,l 8, 2024 .MIN''UTES Present: Board Members Rod Howe, Supervisor; Members Eric Levine, Rich DePlo, Rob Rosen, and Margaret Johnson Absent-. Pamela Bleiwas and Susie Gutenberger Susan Brock. Attorney for the Town.� Judy Dralke Director of Human ResourceMarty Moseley, Director of Code Enforcement- O'Randall, .Director of Planning; P,a,ulette.Rosa, Town Clerk'; Donna, S,haw, Director of Finance-, Joe Slater, Director of Public Works; and Dan Thaete, Director of Engineering 0 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Atlegi,ance — 7.-00 p.m., schedule due to the lunar ecl, , Ipse. 2. Persons to be.heard — None I Public hearing regarding an easement with NYSEG for the South Hill Tra1*1 Extension Mr. ow opened the pubtic hearing at 7:02 P.rn. Mr. Whitmer, Supervisor, Town of Caroline spoke giving a brief history of the efforts to get this, trail done and thanked the T own Board for their efforts and municipal cooperation. There was no one else wishing to address the board and the hearing was closed. Mr. Howe noted that this is the next step in a process we have been working on for a very long time,. NYSEt-j will have to hold their own approval process, but it is a, positive step in the right d1rection. 'B,oard members thanked members and staff who helped get th�ts project to the is, point and were very supportive of the project. TB Resolution 2024 - 033: Authorizati"'on to Sign an Easement with NYSE G and to Sign a I - I ntermu "al Agreement wi*th the Towns of Dryden, Danby and Carol'ne �for the votential South Hill, Recreation Way Extension Whereas, the Town of Ithaca wishes to cooperate with the Towns, of Caroline, Danby, and Dryden to develop an extension of the South Hill Recreation Way from its present tenninus at Burns Road out to the TAga County line-, and 0 Whereas, the route of this trail. extension follows the fou ner rallbed whiis now owned by New 4r, York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG'),- and Whereas, I E or this project and hasbeen 1, a draft easement w'th NYS G hasbeen prepared f presented, to this Board; and TB 2024-04-08 (Filed 4/19) Pg. I Whereas, an, in term uni , cipal agreement with the Towns of Caroline, Danby and Dryden has been dA rafted, setting forth tine ns e respoi­bi"jines and, fiab,ifit�ies regarding this trail extension project anal J has been presented to th' is Board; and Whereas, NYSEG has, offered to sell trail easements to the Towns based on a fair market appraisal price of $36,66 , with the Town of Ithaca's proportionate share being $6,618 and, W"hereas, pursuant to the Chew York State Env�tronmental Qu . tity Review Act SE A" and its implementing regulations at 6 N'YCRR.Part 617, it has been. detertnined. by the Tows .Board that acquisition of less than 25 acres of parkland is a Type 11 action, and the adoption. of regulations, policies, cedures and local legislative d,ecis* ct'on with any act* , pro ions, in conne i I ion ru the Type 11 fistis, also a Type 11 action, pursuant tYCRR Section 617.5(c)(39) and (33), and thus the acquisition of the easement and approval, of the intermunic'i , pal, agreement are not subject to review under SEQRA- and Whereas, a public hearing was held pursuant to General Municipal Law Section 247; now, therefore,'be it, Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town ofithaca hereby approves and authorize the execution. of the.proposed easement with. NYSEG for the potential. extension of the South Hill Recreation Way, and it is further Resolved, thatthe Town, Board, of the Town, ofIthaca authorizes the payment to NYSEG of $6,618 for the Town of I I thaca's portion of such easement upon. full execution of the easement, and be it further Resolved', that payment of said funds are to be made available wholly from moneys appropriated from surplus funds, which are sufficient funds to cover the purchase price and costs of this transachon, and, be 'it fU,rther Resolved, that the Tow hoard of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and authorizes the execution of the, proposed intermunicipal agreement with. the Towns of Dryden, Danby, and Caro�line regarding future maintenance of and other responsibilities and, liabilities regarding the trail, and, be it further Resolved., that the Town Supervisor be, and hereby is, authorized and requested to to such steps (including the expenditure of Town surplus funds for easement purchase,, recording fees, filing fees, and other real estate fees and expenses), and to execute all such documents (including the easement and tntermuni,cipal agreement) as are deemed necessary to eftectuate such easement and the purposes of this resolution. Moved: Eric Levine Seconded: Rich.DePaolo Vote-, ayes -- Levine, DePaolo, Howe, Rosen, and Johnson TB 2024-04-08 (Filed 4/1.9) Pg. 2 0 4�., Consider award of King Road Box Culvert Demgn Services, Project There were no quest,ions. on the actioll T# 0 h B, Resolution 2024 - 034. Authors for t e Town SupervIsor So to tan, a contract with Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C. for Professional Services for the.Kinp, Road West Box Culvert Replacement Analysli's Whereas on April 1, 2024, the " Director of Engineering (" Director received roposals for the KnIg P Road West Box Culvert Rep lacementAnalysi s and .Deta iled Constction.Drawi�ngs'Prepa�rati.o�n. (Proj ect), and 4 Whereas Barton & Loguldice DPC has adequately outlined related work experience, project object'ives, and timefines that'l-neet and/or exceed our expectations,'end Whereas the Town. Engineer and staff have reviewed the proposal. and qualifications of the fin-n, contacted past clients and has recommended that the Town . Board select the proposal of $14,600 'I (Part A) fior the analysis made by the �fin-n of Barton & Loguioice D . PC, which is a responsive and qualffied, proposal, and Whereas Part B, of the proposal for Detailed Construction DrawingsPreparation may be considered for award at a later .at based on the findings of "art A, now, therefore, be it Resolved that the Town Board, awarthe contract and, authorizes the Supervisorto execute the contract for Part A, of the Project to Barton &Loguidice DPC,, 443 Electronics Parkway, Liverpool, NY 13088, subject to review ew by the Attorney for the Town, and be it further. Resolved that the Director is authorized to approve contract amendments, without further al.uthon'zalign ftom the Town Board,, provided the maximum amount of such amendments, does not exceed, $2,900 in aggregate, an bet, further Resolved that the total contract amount, including contingency,, shall not exceed Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and Zero Cents ($17,500). Moved: Rod Howe Seconded,:. Eric Levine Vote: a,yes—'Lev�ine,'De'Paolol,'Ho,we,'Rosenl, and, Johnson 510 Consider award of 2024 Pavement Nl.arkikgs.Project "Mr. DePaolo asked if there was a threshold, at, whi,ch, the town contracts, this out vers,us keep,Ing it I I 1111ouse. Mr. Slater responded that we have traditionally piggybacked with the, County's contract for the longer road striping where a, trailer is used, but there are scheduling issues and in some yea,rs,we TB 2024-04-08 (Filed 4/19) Pg. 3 were unable to get the striping done because the County took precedence. The Town does have the ability to do smaller striping Jobs itself, lent it is, more efficient to contract it out as a, package. TB Resolution. 2024 — 02,511,; Aui'zafiion to award the 2024, Town, Wide Pavement Markings Contract Whereas on March 1"fit h., 2024, the Town of Ithaca Director of Public or (Director) received bids for the 2024 Town W'Id.e Pavement, Markings contract which included supplying the . ings mate�rials, eqwpment, and labor for the instal,ation of NYSDOT comp I pavement mark�' such as road striping, parking line s,ADA. symbols, and other miscellaneous pavement markings throughout the Town of Ithaca; and Whereas pursuant to the New York State Environmental, Quality Review Act ("S,EQRA") and its iniplenienting regulations at, 6 NYCRR Part 617 it has been determined by the Town Board that, approval, construction. and implernentation of the pavernent mark.tng services ts a i. ype flActiOn because the Action. constitutes "Installation of T�raffic Control Devices on Existing Streets,, Roads and .Highways," and thus the Project is not subject to review under SEQRA, and 'Whereas the Director reviewed, theNds and, qualifications of the bidders and, has determined, that the lowest responswe bid of" Thirty -Five Thousand Seven. Hundred Fifty -One Dollars, and Zero cents ($35,75.1.00) for the work. was made by O.H. Striping,, Ine. 1023 West Broad Street Horseheads, NY 14845, and be it Resolved that the Town Board, awards the contract and, authorizes the Supervisor to execute the contract for the 2024 Town Wide Paveau -nent, Marking contract to O.H. StripingInc, subject to final approval. by the Director and review by the Attorney for the Town. Resolved that the Director is authorized to approve change orders to said contract, without further authorization of this Board,, provided that such. change orders do not to exceed Seven Thousand, One Hundred Fifty -One Dollars and, Zero Cents ($7,150.00) in aggregate., upon, receipt, of appropriate j*ust�lfi,.ca,t�i,.oi ,., and the totalpro.ject cost, including the contract, contract changes, engineering, legal and other expenses,, does not exceed the maximum. authorized cost of the project of Forty -Two Thousand Nine -Hundred One Dollars and Zero Cents ($42,901.00). Moved: Rod Howe Seconded: Rich fDePaolo Vote: a,yes—'Lev�ine,'De'Paolol,'Ho,we,'Rosenl, and, Johnson WI6'V_�IWJWi%_%_i0 11 -1 0 11 UMMMI WITFIAP-11"Fo 1,111TIMM 11, 1 1 . ;d Iff 1kca &VXV I 70, Consent Agenda 0 TBResolution. 2020 - 036. Adopt Consen enda a. Approval. of Town Board minutes -- Pulled/Comments -- adopted. b., Approval of Town Abstract c., Approva]. of Bolton, Point Abstract TB 2024-04-08 (Filed 4/1.9) Pg. 4 d. Acknowledge receipt of Ethics Disclosure Forms e., Appointment of'Civil Engineer f. Approval of Proclamatio'n - Building Safety Month Annually g. Appotntrnent of Eth�'ics,.Board'.Mem.ber - Engman Moved: Eric Levine Seconded: Rod 'Howe Voite: ayes - Levine,, DePaolo, I lowel Rosen, and Johnson TB, Resolution 2024 - 036a:Approval of Town hoard Minutes Resolved that the draft minutes of March 25, 2024, are adopted as final with a change recommended by Mr. DePaolo and agreed, to by the Town Clerk. "a t=,, mu Ty wimimi-or mit anT,,,r%FXI-7yfl7,=,�9 Miff Resolved that the Town. Board authorizes the payment of the following audited vouchers in. total for the amounts Indicated: VOUCH"ER, NOS. 245-295 Wr General Fund Town ide 223.58 901 General Fund Part -Town, 045.43 I ffighway Fund Town. Wide DA 566.11 ffighway Fund, art' DB 9 3 77.5 6 Water Fund, 17' 93 6.2 3 Sewer.Fund 61 323.61 TOTAL 472.52 1801) TB Resolution.2024 - 036c: Bolton Point.Abstract Resotved, that the governing Town Board authorizes payment of the f6ll.owtng audited vouchers. - Voucher Numbers.- 106-148 Check Numbers: 21409-21451 Capital [n1pr/Repill"', Project 15 547.00 Operating Fund $ 102, 102.04 TOTAL $ 117fi49.04 Less.Prepaid $ TOTAL $ 117,1649.04 TB, Resolution 2024 - 036d: A&nowl.edge eip�t of 2024 EtWics Di*sclosure Forms Resolved that the Town Board acknowledges receipt by the Town Clerk of Ethics Disclosure forms as of April 3, 2024. TB 2024-04-08 (Filed 4/19) Pg. 5 TB Res olufi*on 2024 - 036e: Appmve Provi"sional Appointment of Civi'l Engtneer Whereas there is, a vacant, Civil Engineer position in the tngineering Department and working with the Publi.c'Works De artment; and p I Whereas the interview Committee inteirviewed seven candidates from an open recruitment for the A position', anu, Whereas the Committee has determined that Emfly Rodgers possess th.e necessary knowledge and skills, to satisfactorily perform the duties of the si oiton; and p Whereas Dan Tha,ete, Director of Engineering., in coordination with Joe Slater,, Director of Public Works, appointed Emily Rodgers as Civil Engineers effective May 20, 2024- now, therefore be 'it .Resolved the Town. Board approves the provtslonal appointment of Emily Rodgers as Giv.11 Engineer for the Engineerin epa Drtment, effective May 20, 2024; and be it further 9 Resolved the position is, at 40 hours per week, at the hourly wage of'$36.251, which is an estimated annual salary of $75,400 from A1,440.100 and A50 I 10. 100, in Job Classificabon "'E"', with full time benefits; and be it further Resolved, the said appointment is a provisional. appointment pending the results from the next civil service exam for this position. TB, R,esolution 2024 - 036f: Resolution P�roclaiming'Bttjflding Safety Month — May 2024 Whereas our Town is committed to recognizing that our growth and strength depends, on the safety and essential role our homes, buildings, and infrastructure play, both in everyday fife and when disasters serf ke,'and; Whereas our confidence In. the resil.i.ence ofthese buildings that make up our community Is achieved through. the devotion of vigilant guardians —building safety and fire prevention. officials, architects, engineers, builders, tradespeople, design Professionals, laborers, plumbers, and others in the construction industry —who work year-round to ensure the safe construction of buildings, and,- 1r, Whereas these guardians are dedicated members of the Internatiu tin Code Concil, a nonprofit that brings together local, state., terri.torial, tribal and federal officials who are experts in, the built environment to create and implement the highest -quality codes to protect us in the buildings where we live, learn, work and, play, and,,, 'Whereas these modern building codes include safeguards to rote!ct the ubti,c from hazards, such p p as hurricanes, snowstorms, tornadoes, wildland fires, floods, and earthquakes and-, Whereas Building Safety Month is sponsored bythe International Code Council to remind the public about the critical role of our communities' largely unknown protectors of public safety TB 2024-04-08 (Filed 4/19) Pg. 6 our local code officials - who assure us of safe', sustainable', and affordable buildings, that are essential to our prosperity, aid; Whereas "M.tss.lon Possible," the theme forBu.tIdtng Safety '.Mout h. 2024, encourages us all to raise awareness about building safety on a der sona l, local,, and global, scale, and; Whereas each year, in observance, of Building Safety Month, people all over the world, are asked to consider the comm,ftment, to improve building safety, resilience and, economic investment at home and in the community, and to acknowledge the essential service pru i*ded to all of us by local and state building departments, fire prevention bureaus and federal agencies in protecting lives and property. Resolved that the Town Board, proclaims the month encoui ofMay each year as Budding Safety Month * 4 0 0 and rages 'ts ci''tizens to j I o�i In us as we participate in Build�ii,ig Safety Month act, , tv, , itws. 0 TB, Resolution 2024 — 0361: Ethics Board Appointment Resolved that the Town our Appoints Herbert Engman to the Town Ethics Board for a, term endi"ng Decemt)er 31',, 2028. 8. Board/Committee/Official Reports — Mr. Howe noted that he attended the Chamber of Commerce'conomic Development Summit where they introduced their brochure' Live and Work in Ithaca' and, the Town, of Ithaca was not inicluded. He let the Chamber know of the Towu's, disappointment in, bung excluded. 9. Correspondence — None 6 Executive Session — At 7:18 p.m., Mr. Howe moved, to enter executi,ve session to discuss the acqutsifton of �real property where disclosure could affect the outcome, seconded by Mr. DePaolo; unanimous. At 738 p.m., Mr. Howe moved to, reenter open session secore dedley Mr. DePaolo unanimous. ,Added Item, 1 10 TB, Resoluon ti2024 — 037: Authori zation to proceed w i"th purchasie negotiations tor, the 0 oi* acgmsition of'real propefty on Elmira Road, to presuve a un.igue architectural aid, cultural asset Resolved that th,e! Town Superv.is,or is authorIzed to proceed with negotiations and execute afl. necessary documents associated with a purchase offer for the acqui.sittion of approximately three - and -a -half (3.5) acres, on Elmira Road to preserve a, unique architectural and cultural asset for the benefit of town residents. TB 2024-04-08 (Filed 4/19) Pg. 7 Moved: Rod Howe Seconded: Rob Rosen Vote: ayes — Levine,, DePaolo, Howe, Rosen, and Johnson The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM upon a motion by Mr. Howe, seconded by Mr. Levine - 'unanimous. Submitted, by ti Paulette'Rosa, Town Clerk TB 202408 (Filed 4/19) Pg. 8 TOWN OF ITHACA, AFFIDAVITOF POSTING AND PUBLICATION L Ashley Colbert, being duly sworn, say that I am the Deputy Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York; that the following notice has been duly posted on the sign board of the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithac2 and the notice has been duly published in the: official newspaper, Ithaca Journal: ADVERTISKMENT/NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF ESTOPPEL NOTICE OF ADOPTION Regarding Signing of an Easement with NYSEG For, South Hill Recreation, Way 41 Extension Project Location of SI'gn Board Used for Posting: Town Clerk's Office 215 North Tioga Street Ithaca,, NY 14850 Town website at www.town.'1*fh,aca.n Date of Posting:, March 29,,2024 Date of Publication:, March 29, 2024 ... .... .... . .... ... shley Colbert Deputy Town Clerk STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF TOMPKINS) SS: TOWN OF ITHACA) Sworn to and subsen"bed before me this, 29"' day of Mii,'zch 2024. otary Pu -1c ASSY L. HOMER Notary Public, - State of New York No. 01HO6086105 Qo All, ualified in Cortland Cunty "iAy Commission Expires Jan. 13. 20 *riginally publisbed on itbacajournal.corn on *3/29/2024