HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 2023-12-27YEAR END MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD Wednesday, December 27, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. T"own of Ithaca Pa�bli.c Med.n ps - YoLiTube 1-daps.//tisOOweb.zoofn.us/j/k�k�E�80828447 AGENDA 1. Call To Order 2. Public Hearing regarding a 3-year contract with the Village of Cayuga Heights for Emergency Responses and Fire Protection in the Northeast portion of the Town outside the Village. a. Adoption 3. Consider approval and authorization for the Supervisor to sign a contract with Open Gov for an Asset Management Program 4. Consider a Resolution of Appreciation recognizing Bill Goodman's many years of service to the Town 5. Consent a. Town Board Minutes b. Town of Ithaca Abstract c. Approval of Lead Senior Planner Duties and Stipend d. Budget amendments e. Set a public hearing regarding a local law authorizing a monetary gift to the City of Ithaca for support of Cass and Stewart Parks Adjourn Year End Meeting of the Ithaca Town Board December 27, 2023 Minutes Board Members Present: Rod Howe, Supervisor; Members Rich DePaolo, Bill Goodman, and Rob Rosen Absent: Margaret Johnson, Eric Levine and Pamela Bleiwas Staff Present: Judy Drake, Director of Human Resources; Ashley Colbert, Deputy Town Clerk; Joe Slater, Director of Public Works; Donna Shaw, Director of Finance; and 1. Call to order — Mr. Howe opened the meeting at 11:00 a.m. 2. Public Hearing regarding a 3-year contract with the Village of Cayuga Heights for Emergency Responses and Fire Protection in the Northeast portion of the Town outside the Village. Mr. Howe opened the public hearing; there was no one wishing to speak, and the hearing was closed. TB Resolution 2023 - 196: Authorizing the Town Board to enter into a 3-Year Contract with the Village of Cayuga Heights on behalf of the Town of Ithaca Fire Protection District, which covers the Northeast portion of the Town outside the Village of Cayuga Heights, and is for the provision of Fire Protection Services, Hazardous Material Incident Services, and Emergency Medical First Response Services Whereas, the Town of Ithaca, New York (the "Town") on behalf of the Town of Ithaca Fire Protection District, which covers the Northeast portion of the Town outside of the Village of Cayuga Heights, has negotiated with the Village of Cayuga Heights, New York (the "Village") regarding a new fire contract for the provision of fire protection services, hazardous material incident services and emergency medical services, pursuant to New York Town Law § 184, and Whereas, a duly called and advertised public hearing was held on December 27, 2023 to hear all interested parties in connection with the proposed fire contract, and Whereas, the Town Board believes it to be in the best interests of the Town to enter into such fire contract negotiated by Town and Village representatives, and Whereas, pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA") and its implementing regulations at 6 NYCRR Part 61.7, it has been determined by the Town Board that approval of the fire contract is a Type II action because it constitutes "routine or continuing agency administration and management, not including new programs or major reordering of priorities that may affect the environment," and thus approval of the contract is not subject to review under SEQRA, now, therefore be it Resolved, that the Town Board approves the above -referenced fire contract and authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute such contract, subject to review by the Attorney for the Town, on behalf of the Town of Ithaca Fire Protection District. TB 2023-12-27 (Filed 01/04) Pg. 1 Moved: Rob Rosen Seconded: Rich DePaolo Vote: ayes — Howe, DePaolo, Rosen & Goodman 3. Consider approval and authorization for the Supervisor to sign a contract with Open Gov for an Asset Management Program TB Resolution 2023 - 197: Authorization for the Town Supervisor to Sign Amendment 1 to the Software Services Agreement with OpenGov, Inc. for an Enterprise Asset Management Platform and Professional Services Whereas, staff has reviewed numerous software applications within the last twelve months to replace the Town's current asset management software program that is in need of updating for use by the Public Works and Engineering Departments, and Whereas, staff reported to the Public Works Committee and Town Board that the current system needs to be updated to include ArcGIS integration and updated workorder workflow, and Whereas, the Directors of Public Works and Engineering, the GIS Analyst and the Network Specialist were provided several demonstrations by multiple software systems/programs, and they recommended the OpenGov Enterprise Asset Management platform, formerly Cartegraph, to the Public Works Committee and now to the Town Board, and Whereas, the Town's Management Team discussed and has recommended that it would be in the Town's best interests to select OpenGov, Inc. to provide its Enterprise Asset Management platform and professional services, due to the Town's existing relationship with OpenGov, Inc. as well as the technical support capabilities, software functionality, highly configurable and customizable software that will meet the Town's specific asset workflows, applications, ability to mesh with existing permitting and documents, and the level of specialized training provided to the Town from OpenGov, Inc. which will serve and be utilized by the Public Works and Engineering Departments, and Whereas, OpenGov, Inc. has proposed Amendment 1 to the Town's March 24, 2021 Software Services Agreement to provide three years of software services and professional services for its Enterprise Asset Management platform for use by the Public Works and Engineering Departments at a total cost of $184,886.01 ($84,825.00 for professional services, and an annual software subscription of $31,740.21 for 2024, $33,327.22 for 2025 and $34,993.58 in 2026), now therefore be it Resolved, that the Town Board hereby approves OpenGov, Inc. as the provider for said software management platform and associated professional services, approves Amendment 1 to the Town's March 24, 2021 Software Services Agreement, and authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute Amendment 1 to the Town's March 24, 2021 Software Services Agreement and related documents, subject to the approval of the Town Supervisor after consultation with the Attorney for the Town. Moved: Rich DePaolo Seconded: Rod Howe Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Rosen & Goodman TB 2023-12-27 (Filed 01/04) Pg. 2 4. Consider a Resolution of Appreciation recognizing Bill Goodman's many years of service to the Town TB Resolution 2023- 1.98: Recognition of William Goodman's Dedicated Years of Service to the Town Whereas Bill Goodman served on the Town Board from 2008-2015 and was Deputy Supervisor, 2012-201.5; was elected and served as Supervisor from 2016-201.9; and then continued as a Town Board member from 2020-2024, serving as Deputy 2020-2021; and Whereas, Bill's management style was collaborative, thoughtful, and creative resulting in encouraging and eliciting the full talents of the professional staff, improving employee morale, enhancing the working relationships between Town Board members and committees, and promoting open, respectful and productive interactions with residents; and Whereas, Bill's tireless networking with other government entities, educational institutions, and organizations enhanced intermunicipal cooperation and informed town policymaking; and Whereas, Bill's leadership as Supervisor and service on the Town Board advanced major town initiatives, including: the development of form -based zoning to implement the Comprehensive Plan; the advancement of policies to reduce the town's carbon footprint; the creation and presentation of fiscally responsible budgets and fair labor agreements; the promotion of economic development initiatives; the expansion of the town's sidewalk infrastructure; the facilitation of a process that resulted in the creation of short-term rental legislation to preserve and better utilize the town's housing stock while protecting neighborhood character; thoughtful work on a new telecommunications law; his long tenure as Chair of the Codes and Ordinances Committee; and Whereas, Bill's love of nature and hiking, and his understanding of the importance of interconnected, multi -modal transportation corridors motivated his dedicated and successful pursuit of a vibrant network of trails in and around the Town, including real -property research and key acquisitions for the future extension of the South Hill trail and the Black Diamond Trail in the Inlet Valley; and Whereas, Bill's long tenure on the Special Joint Committee of the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant and his service as a Commissioner on the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission (Bolton. Point) ensured responsible management and oversight of critical water and wastewater infrastructure; and Whereas, Bill's experience as a mediator and his calm, rational demeanor were critical in crafting intermunicipal agreements, incorporating public input, and resolving disputes; and Whereas, the Town of Ithaca has greatly benefited from Bill's devotion and desire to serve our community in order to make it a better place for us all to live; and Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, on behalf of the Town and all its citizens, expresses its sincere appreciation, admiration, and gratitude to William Goodman for his sixteen years of distinguished and dedicated service to our community, and extends its collective wishes for his fulfillment in future endeavors. TB 2023-12-27 (Filed 01/04) Pg. 3 Moved: Rob Rosen Seconded: Rod Howe Vote: Ayes — Howe, DePaolo, Rosen & Goodman 5. Consent Agenda TB Resolution 2023 - 199: Consent Agenda Resolved that the Town Board adopts the following consent agenda: a. Town Board Minutes b. Town of Ithaca Abstract c. Approval of Lead Senior Planner Duties and Stipend d. Budget amendments e. Set a public hearing regarding a local law authorizing a monetary gift to the City of Ithaca for support of Cass and Stewart Parks f. Acknowledge permanent appointment of Administrative Assistant IV — Public Works — Becky Jordan Moved: Rich DePaolo Seconded: Bill Goodman Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Rosen & Goodman TB Resolution 2023 - 199a: Approval of Town Board Minutes Resolved that the draft minutes of the Town Board meetings of November 27 and December 11 of 2023 be approved as final with any non -substantive change made. TB Resolution 2023 -199b: Town of Ithaca Abstract No. 24 for FY-2023 Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the payment of the following audited vouchers in total for the amounts indicated. VOUCHER NOS. 1115 - 11.82 General Fund Town Wide 68,808.70 General Fund Part -Town 22,460.69 Highway Fund Town Wide DA 4,164.14 Highway Fund Part Town DB 8,304.45 Water Fund 709,032.85 Sewer Fund 434,146.29 Risk Retention Fund 568.65 Fire Protection. Fund 296,620.00 TOTAL 1,544,105.77 TB Resolution 2023 -199c: Approval of Lead Senior Planner Duties and Stipend TB 2023-12-27 (Filed 01/04) Pg. 4 Whereas, the Director of Planning requested to appoint one of the three Senior Planners responsible for more duties for the Planning Department Office as described by the Lead Senior Planner Duties listing; and Whereas, the Human Resources Manager recommended to the Personnel and Organization Committee during the 2024 Staffing Plan process establishing an internal duties listing and creating a per week stipend in place of creating a different job description; and Whereas, the Personnel & Organization Committee has reviewed the request and recommends the approval of the internal duties listing for a Lead Senior Planner and a stipend for said at $25 per week as established in the 2024 budget; and Whereas, the Director of Planning designates Michael Smith as the Lead Senior Planner due to his years of experience at the Town of Ithaca as a Senior Planner and already serving in the role without title or stipend since June 2013;.now, therefore be it Resolved, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the Lead Senior Planner duties and stipend at $25 per week and approves the designation of Michael Smith as the Lead Senior Planner, effective January 1, 2024. TB Resolution 2023—1.99d: Budget Transfers, Amendments and Modifications for 2023. Whereas, the Town Finance Officer has reviewed all budgetary revenue and appropriation accounts, and Whereas, this review disclosed certain budgetary revenues and expenditures requiring transfers, amendments or modifications summarized below: General Town -wide Fund Budget Transfers Account Description From To A Law Library & Publications 150 Al110.410 Conferences & Mileage 150 A1.220.410 Conferences & Mileage 1,291 A1320.401 Auditing Services 1,291 A1316.400 Contractual 50 A1.31.6.408 Postage 50 A1340.420 Dues & Publications 120 A1.340.416 Cell Phone Reimbursement 120 A1410.400 Contractual 120 A1.41.0.416 Cell Phone Reimbursement 120 A 1.440.110 Intern 15,000 A1440.400 Contractual 25,000 A 1.420.402 Legal Services 40,000 A1440.100 Regular 10,000 A1.620.100 Regular 10,000 A1620.441 Bldg & Grounds Maintenance 500 TB 2023-12-27 (Filed 01/04) Pg. 5 A] 620.445 Bus Pass Program 500 A1680.415 Telephone 1,500 A1.680.400 Contractual 1,500 A 1680.492 Software 200 A1680.496 Time Warner Cable RR 100 A1.680.497 Tools & Supplies 100 A1990.490 Contingency Account 270 A1.920.488 Taxes/Assessments on Town Property 270 A501.0.449 Furniture & Furnishings 200 A501.0.410 Conferences & Mileage 200 A5132.441 Garage Maintenance 1,850 A5132.416 Cell Phone Reimbursement 1,850 A7110.450 Petroleum Products 5,000 A711.0.451 Vehicle Maintenance 5,000 A7320.464 Youth Employment Program 1,849 A7320.462 Youth Entrepreneurship Program 1,849 A7320.424 Youth Employment Program 495 A7320.465 Youth Development Program 591 A7320.465 Learning Web 361. A7320.461 Coddin ton Rd CC 1447 A9040.800 Workers Compensation 8,797 A9010.800 NYS Retirement 8,797 General Part Town Fund Buduet Transfers Account Description From To B8020.403 Planning Study 30,000 B1420.402 Legal Services 30,000 B 1660.404 General Office Supplies 50 B 1670.408 Postage 50 B 1680.491 Hardware & Equipment 20 B 1680.492 Software 20 B8020.410 Conferences & Mileage 120 B8020.41.6 Cell Phone Reimbursement 120 Highway Fund Budtet Transfers Account Description From To DA191.0.439 Liability Insurance 500 DA1420.402 Legal Services 500 Highway Part -Town Fund Buduet Transfers Account Description From To DB 1670.405 Copier Paper 100 TB 2023-12-27 (Filed 01/04) Pg. 6 DB 1670.408 Postage 100 DB5110.450 Petroleum Products 100 DB 1910.439 Liability Insurance 100 DB5130.276 Park & Turf Equipment 15,000 DB5130.277 Leaf & Brush Equipment 2,000 DB5130.451 Vehicle Maintenance & Repairs 17,000 Now, therefore, be it Resolved, that this Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Finance Officer to record all budget transfers, amendments, and modifications, including all other changes deemed appropriate and necessary. TB Resolution 2023 - 199e: Set a public hearing regarding a proposed local law "Authorizing_a monetary gift to the City of Ithaca to Support Cass Park and Stewart Park recreational facilities Resolved that the Town Board will hold a public hearing regarding a proposed local law "Authorizing a monetary gift to the City of Ithaca to Support Cass Park and Stewart Park recreational facilities at their meeting at Town Hall, Monday, January 8, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. at which time all persons wishing to be comment on the proposed local law will be heard. TB Resolution 2023 —199f: Acknowledge Permanent Appointment of Administrative Assistant IV -Public Works Department Whereas, Becky Jordan was promotionally provisionally appointed as Administrative Assistant IV for the Public Works Department on May 21, 2023, pending the next civil service exam; and Whereas, the Tompkins County Civil Service office has provided the certificate of eligible listing for the said title and Becky Jordan was a reachable candidate; now, therefore be it Resolved, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the permanent appointment of Becky Jordan to the position of Administrative Assistant IV in the Public Works Department with no change in current compensation or benefits, retro-active to December 21, 2023; and be it further Resolved, an eight (8) week probationary period applies with no further action by the Town Board if there is successful completion of the probationary period as determined by the Director of Public Work. 6. Reports and Correspondence Mr. Howe noted that the speed reduction in Southwoods was granted, Public Works Committee had a presentation on the Forest Home Signage Study and starting to look at criteria for sewer exemptions with a threshold where staff could approve them. He noted that the election years have been changed by Gov. Hotchul and we will need to start looking at how that will affect us. TB 2023-12-27 (Filed 01/04) Pg. 7 Mr. Goodman reported that NYSEG has finally responded regarding the easement, and we did have Zoorn meeting where they said they were still interested in granting the easement and lie is hopeful it will be completed next year. Over a year ago we did have counsel look at the draft easement and NYSEG did not agree to the cross- indernnification we Suggested, but it is similar to other easeirients granted to other municip,alifies, We also did get the TV Tourisin Grant to begin looking at some of' the iSSLies brought, up by, neighbors and address those. Mr. Howe reported that NYS Parks is working on securing the payback for our recent trail land purchases. Submitted by a'u 11 cw� Ashley Colbert, Deputy "FoNvii Clerk TB 2023-12-27 (Filed 0 1 /04) pg8 w Public Notices Originally published at ithacajournal.com on 12/14/2023 Town of Ithaca Notice of Public Hearing The Town Board will hold a public hearing regarding a 3-year renewal of the contract with the Village of Cayuga Heights Fire Department for Various Emergency Responses and Fire Protection Services on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 at 11:00 am at which time all persons wishing to be comment on the proposed contract will be heard. Paulette Rosa Town Clerk 12/14/23