HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 2023-11-13MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD November 13, 2023 5:30 p.m. For your convenience, this meeting will be also broadcast via YouTube Link and ZOOM 929-436-2866 Meeting ID 98910958241 ►1- 1) Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2) Persons to be Heard and Board Comments 3) Village of Cayuga Heights Fire Department Report — Chief Tamborelle 4) Consider approval to re -levy unpaid Water/Sewer accounts 5) Consider approval and authorization for the Supervisor to sign a contract with T.Y. Lin International Engineering and Architecture, PC for the Ithaca Energy Code Supplement (IECS) Implementation Assistance Program 6) Consider Authorization for the Supervisor to sign a revised contract with Bell & Spina Architects -Planners, PC associated with the Town Hall Mezzanine/Court Offices renovation and weatherization project 7) Consider approval of a revised Fee Reduction Request Policy — Code Enforcement 8) Consider Consent Agenda Items a. Approval of Town Board Minutes b. Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract c. Approval of Bolton Point Abstract d. Acknowledge GTC Health Consortium. Health Wage Scale and Employee Wages e. Approval of Holiday List f. Appointment of Ethics Board Member — Jennifer Terpening g. Ratify provisional appointment of GIS-IT Specialist at Bolton Point — Frazier h. Ratify Provisional Appointment of Water Treatment Plant Operator Trainee at SCLIWC - Whitmarsh i. Approval of Laborer appointment at Public Works - Quick 9) Report of Town Committees/Intermunicipal Organizations 10) Review of Correspondence MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD November 13, 2023 Minutes Board Members Present: Rod Howe, Supervisor; Members Eric Levine, Rich DePaolo, Bill Goodman, Pamela Bleiwas, Rob Rosen and Margaret Johnson Staff Present: Susan Brock, Attorney for the Town; Judy Drake, Director of Human Resources; Marty Moseley, Director of Code Enforcement; CJ Randall, Director of Planning; Paulette Rosa, Town Clerk; Joe Slater, Director of Public Works; Donna Shaw, Director of Finance; and Dan Thaete, Director of Engineering 1) Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance — 5:30 p.m. 2) Persons to be Heard and Board Comments 3) Village of Cayuga Heights Fire Department Report — Chief Tamborelle (Attachment 1) Chief Tamborelle went through highlights of his report. Discussion on the success of a bunker system, the demands of being a volunteer and ideas for helping with training opportunities to bolster volunteerism were touched upon. Mr. Howe thanked the Chief and noted that the draft contract for services for the next period is being reviewed right now and we expect to consider it at the year-end meeting. 4) Consider approval to re -levy unpaid Water/Sewer accounts Ms. Shaw noted that this is the lowest re -levy in at least 13 years; reminder letters have been sent the past few years and recently the automatic payment option by ACH began and is popular. TB Resolution 2023 — 177: Authorization for 2023 Water & Sewer Re -levy Delinquent 2022/2023 Water & Sewer Rents. TOWN OF ITHACA Reconciliation of Receivables ITEM# DESCRIPTION WATER SEWER TOTALS 1 Delinquent Re -levies $ 71,774.49 $ 39,106.29 $ 110,880.78 2 Billing Credits $ (7,568.56) $ (3,857.28) $ (11,425.84) Account Receivable Balance: S 64.205.93 S 35.249.01 S 99.454.94 TB 2023-11-13 (Filed 1/4/2024) Pg. 1 Whereas, (Item No. 1 above) $110,880.78 of delinquent water and sewer charges inclusive of penalties and related surcharges for the billing period 12/1/22, 3/l/23, 6/1/23 and 9/l/23 remain unpaid and due to the Town as of November 13, 2023 to be re -levied onto the 2024 Town and County Tax Bills; and Whereas, (Item No. 2 above) ($11,425.84) of billing credits will be carried forward for the December 2023 Water & Sewer Billing cycle; and Whereas, Town Code Chapter 261 and Town Code Chapter 210 provides for all delinquent accounts for payment of water and sewer rents and related charges to be placed on the ensuing years tax roll as a re -levy; now therefore be it Resolved, that this governing Town Board approves the list of delinquent water and sewer charges of $71,774.49 and $39,106.29 respectively, for re -levy to the 2024 Town and County Tax Roll; and be it further Resolved, that a certified copy of this resolution along with a listing of those re -levied water and sewer charges are to be delivered to Tompkins County Assessment Department by the Town Receiver of Taxes for the purpose of adding these delinquent charges to the 2024 Town and County Tax Roll, the Finance Officer for accounting purposes, and to the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission for the purpose of reconciling and account billing purposes. Moved: Eric Levine Seconded: Pamela Bleiwas Vote: ayes- How, DePaolo, Levine, Bleiwas, Rosen Johnson, & Goodman 5) Consider approval and authorization for the Supervisor to sign a contract with T.Y. Lin International Engineering and Architecture, PC for the Ithaca Energy Code Supplement (IECS) Implementation Assistance Program Ms. Randall gave a brief overview of the program and a memo was included in the packet. TB Resolution 2023 - 178: Approval of the IECS Implementation Assistance Program and selection of T.Y. Lin International EnOneerint! and Architecture, PC. Whereas the Town adopted a local law establishing the Ithaca Energy Code Supplement in 2021 to achieve major reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in new construction and major renovations, while emphasizing electrification and affordability, and Whereas the IECS Implementation Assistance Program enables the Town to provide third -party services to help individuals in the Town obtain information, guidance, and consultant expertise regarding energy options that can help reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions at their earliest conceptualization of expansion, renovation, or new construction plans, and Whereas the IECS Implementation Assistance Program Request for Proposals for Professional Services was advertised in the New York State Contract Reporter on September 8, 2023, and two TB 2023-11-13 (Filed 1/4/2024) Pg. 2 (2) proposals and cost proposals, respectively, were received by the September 22, 2023, deadline, and Whereas on September 22, 2023, the Sustainability Planner received a Statement of Qualifications from T.Y. Lin International Engineering and Architecture, P.C. wherein that Firm. adequately outlined related work experience, program objectives, and scope of services that meet and/or exceed our expectations for Professional Services, and Whereas in accordance with 6 NYCRR Section 617.5(c)(26), State Environmental Quality Review, the Study is classified as Type II Action and not subject to environmental review, now, therefore be it Resolved that the Town Board hereby adopts the IECS Implementation Assistance Program through April 1, 2025, and approves the proposal for the Professional Services — Ithaca Energy Code Supplement (IECS) Implementation Assistance with T Y Lin as submitted and authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute an Agreement with T Y Lin, subject to review by the Attorney for the Town. Moved: Rich DePaolo Seconded: Rob Rosen Voted: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Levine, Bleiwas, Rosen, Johnson & Goodman 6) Consider Authorization for the Supervisor to sign a revised contract with Bell & Spina Architects -Planners, PC associated with the Town Hall Mezzanine/Court Offices renovation and weatherization project Mr. Howe gave an overview, noting that as the Court offices were looked at more closely, and the renovations began to take shape, additional needs were identified. This changed the scope of work and this action is for the increase for those changes and will help inform the Board on whether to move forward with the project or not. TB Resolution 2023 - 179: Authorization for the Town Supervisor to sign a revised Contract with Bell & Spina Architects -Planners, PC for the Detailed Construction Drawings and Specifications Preparation Services associated with the Town Hall 2nd Floor Mezzanine and Court Office Renovation-Weatherization Proiect Whereas, the Town Board awarded a contract to Bell & Spina, Architects -Planners, PC (Bell & Spina) to create construction drawings, specifications, bid documents, and obtain associated permits to update/rehabilitate an unused portion of the Town Hall 2" d Floor Mezzanine and remove an existing bathroom within the Town Court Offices to allow for more useful space (Project) for a lump sum fee of $25,930 and travel reimbursable costs not to exceed $5,200 by TB Resolution 2023-076; and Whereas, the Director of Engineering (Director) requested a proposal from Bell & Spina to incorporate weatherization items within the project documents for the areas in an effort to TB 2023-11-13 (Filed 1/4/2024) Pg. 3 displace workers only once due to construction and to prevent damage to newly renovated areas by subsequent projects; and Whereas, deterioration of the exterior fagade was noted by maintenance staff and the Director requested a proposal to assess the exterior, historical fagade; and Whereas, Bell and Spina has provided a proposal with a fixed fee of $44, 368.00 and travel reimbursable costs not to exceed $300 for the additional services associated with the incorporation of the weatherization work and a fixed fee of $7,513.00 to perform the fagade assessment; and Whereas, the Director has reviewed the proposals submitted by Bell & Spina and recommends the contract be revised to incorporate the additional services, the fixed fee be increased by $51,881.00, and the travel reimbursable costs not to exceed be increased by $300, now, therefore be it Resolved, that the Town Board authorizes the award and execution by the Supervisor of a revised contract with Bell & Spina, Architects -Planners, PC, 215 Wyoming Street, Syracuse, NY 13204, for a fee not to exceed of $77,811.00 and travel reimbursable costs not to exceed $5,500 subject to approval of the contract documents by the Director of Engineering and review by the Attorney for the Town, and be it further Resolved that the Finance Officer is authorized to amend the 2023 budget as follows: Budget Amendment Account Description From To A5132.518 Rebuild Fueling Station 53,311 A5132.200 Capital Equipment 30,000 A1620.517 Town Hall Office Improvements 83,311 Moved: Rob Rosen Seconded: Rod Howe Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Bleiwas, Levine, Rosen, Johnson & Goodman 7) Consider approval of a revised Fee Reduction Request Policy — Code Enforcement Mr. Howe noted that there is a memo and the changes are minor, but makes it clearer that the Board's decision is final and has been discussed and recommended by the P&O Committee. TB Resolution 2023 - 180: Adoption of the revised Fee Reduction Request Policy — Codes Whereas the Personnel and Operations Committee has reviewed and recommended changes to the Fee Reduction Request Policy — Codes, now therefore be it Resolved that the Town Board approves and adopts the revised Fee Reduction Request Policy — Codes, effective immediately. TB 2023-11-13 (Filed 1/4/2024) Pg. 4 Moved: Pamela Bleiwas Seconded: Eric Levine Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Levine, Bleiwas, Rosen, Johnson & Goodman 8) Consider Consent Agenda Items TB Resolution 2023 - 181: Consent Agenda Resolved that the Town Board adopts the following consent agenda: a. Approval of Town Board Minutes b. Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract c. Approval of Bolton Point Abstract d. Acknowledge GTC Health Consortium Health Wage Scale and Employee Wages e. Approval of Holiday List f. Appointment of Ethics Board Member — Jennifer Terpening g. Ratify provisional appointment of GIS-IT Specialist at Bolton Point — Frazier h. Ratify Provisional Appointment of Water Treatment Plant Operator Trainee at SCLIWC - Whitmarsh i. Approval of Laborer appointment at Public Works - Quick Moved: Rich DePaolo Seconded: Eric Levine Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Levine, Bleiwas, Rosen, Johnson & Goodman TB Resolution 2023—1.81a: Approval of Town Board Minutes Resolved that the draft minutes of the Town Board meetings of August 28d', September I Ith and 25th, and October 5th and 23rd of 2023 be approved as final with any non -substantive change made. TB Resolution 2023—1.81b: Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the payment of the following audited vouchers for the amounts indicated: VOUCHER NOS. 936 - 1006 General Fund Town Wide 445,876.19 General Fund Part -Town 1,690.09 Highway Fund Town Wide DA 10,006.13 Highway Fund Part Town DB 24,649.88 Water Fund 77,056.35 Sewer Fund 26,357.40 Capital Projects 1,524.00 Fire Protection Fund 295,000.00 Forest Home Lighting District 236.30 Glenside Lighting District 45.36 TB 2023-11-13 (Filed 1/4/2024) Pg. 5 Renwick Heights Lighting District 53.25 Eastwood Commons Lighting District 35.86 Clover Lane Lighting District 8.01 Winner's Circle Lighting District 16.20 Burlei h Drive Lighting District 36.90 West Haven Road Lighting District 98.82 Coddin ton Road Lighting District 70.73 Trust and Agency 32,1.33.86 TOTAL 914,895.33 TB Resolution 2023—1.81c: Approval of Bolton Point Abstract Resolved, that the governing Town Board authorizes the payment of the following audited vouchers: Voucher Numbers: 451-502 Check Numbers: 21172-21.1.76, 21.178-21224 Capital Impr/Rep1 Project $ 16,057.63 Operating Fund $ 167,1.49.44 TOTAL $ 183,207.07 Less Prepaid $ (50,806.26) TOTAL $ 1.32,400.81. TB Resolution 2023 - 181d: Acknowledge Greater Tompkins Co Municipal Health Insurance Consortium Wage Scale and Employee Wages for 2024 Whereas, the Town of Ithaca was established as the "Employer of Record" for the Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance Consortium (Consortium); and Whereas, on September 21, 2023, the Board of Directors of the Consortium approved of the 2024 budget which included the wages for the staff based on step increases for 2024; and Whereas, on October 18, 2023, the Executive Committee of the Consortium approved of the 2024 Job Classification and Wage Scale with a 4% cost of living increase; now, therefore, be it Resolved, the governing Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby acknowledge the Consortium's 2024 wages as detailed in the Human Resources Office for payroll services and civil service payroll certification. TB Resolution 2023—1.81e: Acceptance of Floating Holiday for 2024. Whereas, there is an annual poll conducted of all Town Hall, Public Works Facility, SCLIWC and GTCMHIC employees to determine their preference for the next year's floating holiday for each location; now, therefore, be it TB 2023-11-13 (Filed 1/4/2024) Pg. 6 Resolved, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby accept the Floating Holiday for 2024 for Town Hall staff as Friday, July 5, 2024, as requested by a majority vote of the employees of Town Hall; and be it further Resolved, the Town Board does hereby accept the Floating Holiday for 2024 for Public Works Facility staff as Friday, July 5, 2024, as requested by a majority vote of the employees that work at the Public Works Facility; and be it further Resolved, the Town Board does hereby accept the Floating Holiday for 2024 for SCLIWC staff as Friday, July 5, 2024, as requested by a majority vote of the employees that work for SCLIWC; and be it further Resolved, the Town Board does hereby accept the Floating Holiday for 2024 for GTCMHIC staff as Friday, July 5, 2024, as requested by a majority vote of the employees that work for GTCMHIC. TB Resolution 2023 —181f: Appointment of Ethics Board Member — Jennifer Terpening Resolved that the Town Board re -appoints Jennifer Terpening to the Ethics Board with a 5- year term beginning January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2028. TB Resolution 2023- 1.81g: Ratify Provisional Appointment of Geographic Information Systems/ Information Technology Specialist (GIS/IT Specialist) at SCLIWC. Whereas, the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission on November 9, 2023, appointed Jeffery Frazier to the title of Geographic Information Systems/ Information Technology Specialist (GIS/IT Specialist), effective, October 30, 2023; now, therefore be it Resolved, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby ratify SCLIWC's appointment of Jeffery Frazier to the title of Geographic Information Systems/ Information Technology Specialist (GIS/IT Specialist), effective, October 30, 2023, at the hourly wage of $29.15, in Job Classification 6, with full time benefits. TB Resolution 2023 - 181h: Ratify Provisional Appointment of Water Treatment Plant Operator Trainee at SCLIWC. Whereas, the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission on November 9, 2023, appointed Jeremy Whitmarsh to the title of Water Treatment Plant Operator Trainee, effective, November 27, 2023; now, therefore be it Resolved, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby ratify SCLIWC's provisional appointment of Jeremy Whitmarsh to the title of Water Treatment Plant Operator Trainee, effective, November 27, 2023, at the hourly wage of $21.76, in Job Classification 2, with full time benefits. TB 2023-11-13 (Filed 1/4/2024) Pg. 7 TB Resolution 2023 -- 181i: Approval of 1,abor Appointinent at Public Works - Quick Whereas there is as vacancy in the full-time position of Laborer for the Public Works Department due to as resignation; and Whereas the Interview Committee has determined that Isaak Quick possess the necessary knowledge and skills to satisfactorily perfiorm the duties of'Laborer; and Whereas Joe Stater, Director ot'Public Works/ Highway Superintendent, appointed Isaak Quick as Laborer, effective November 20, 2023; now, therefore be it Resolved the 'Fown Board of the "Town of Ithaca (toes hereby approve the appointment niade by the Director of Public Works/ Higbovay Superintendent of Isaak Quick as Laborer, effcctive November 20, 2023; and be it further Resolved the position is at 40 hours per week, at the hourly wage of' $24.56, which is an estimated annual salary of $51,084 from Public Works account numbers, in Job Classification "ll", with Full time benefits-, and be it further Resolved as mandatory twenty-six (26) week probationary period applies with no further action by the ]'own Board if there is successful completion of the probationary period as determined by the Director call Public Works/ Highway Superintendent, 9) Report of lown Cominittees/Intertnunicipal Organizations Mr. Rosen reported that Codes & Ordinances niet and began reviewing as revised draft revision of the subdivision regulations and we will be lookingat an issue involving second kitchens in as residence and regulations associated with thorn. Mr. Howe reported that public Works has been working on the draft streetlight policy and ways to fund the weatherization project. 10) Review of Correspondence Mr. Howe noted that another cannabis dispensary 30-day notice has been received and Planning Coninuttee will begin looking at that as soon as the State finalizes their regulations. Mr. llowe.91oved to a(ljourn the meeting at 6:20 pni, seconded by Mr, Dellaolo, unanimous. Rosa, I own Clerk 117B 2023-11-13 (Filed 1/4/2024) I)g, 8 Attachment 1 56 Active Members 33 Men 23 Women 20 Interior IT 18 Exterior FF 19 Probationary Members (joined October C. 34 Current Cornell students 27 EMS providers with 8 more in Em"T' class now Calls YTD 542 (CUrrently up 56 runs from 2022) 328 VCI-1 158 T01 56 MA Recent Projects 1.231 was Put in service in 2,022 (it arrived a year We due to Covid delays) HRM New Roof was put on the station (I 25K) New F1 50 pickup truck (51 K) replaced a I 0-year-oWtruck. New AC Units for the station (I I OK) Upc(Mning Projects New E202 ordered 6/23 for delivet- y in 2025 (957K) 45% price increase in apparatus in 3 years, Had to order now to take delivery in 2025. The ladder truck we took delivery on was 873K kind the engine that the new truck is replacing cost 400K in 2tali. 2024 AnticiaLated Proj*ects _ Replace 25 Scott Aix -packs, CUrrent packs 20 almost 20 ycars old (125K) Replace 20+ year, old gas powered rescue tools with battery, Units (30K) All costs have one through the roofwith no fbreseeable to u) the trend, Harrel to budget for proJects when we do not know what the cost will be next week, The engine woutd have been 41Yo less expensive if we had ordered it a week earlier. (,,'omell has niade as contribution to the village that has been put into a reserve fund for the purchase ot'a new fire truck. That agreement is (lone and we are working on getting Cornell to commit to another agreement.