HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 2023-09-25MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD September 25, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. AGENDA Town of Ithaca Public Meetings - YouTube ZOOM ID 87962750564 Ph. 929 436 2866 1. Consider setting a public hearing regarding a proposed local law amending Chapter 270 "Zoning" and the Town's Zoning Map for superimposing a Limited Historic Commercial Overlay District on TP 24.4-2 (Hayts Chapel) 2. Consider approval and authorization to sign an easement on Water Tower Rd 3. Consider approval 2024 Office and Field Classification Wage Scales 4. Consider establishment of a Reserve Fund — Bonded Indebtedness — PWF 5. Consider approval of requirements for contracts for Payments in Lieu of Taxes for certain solar and wind energy systems 6. Consider approval of Recommendation(s) to Tompkins County legislature and the Farmland Protection Board regarding removing parcels from Ag District No.2 7. Committee Reports a. Budget b. COC c. Personnel and Organization d. Planning e. Public Works f. Ad Hoc/Other Committees 8. Consent Agenda a. Approval of Town Board Minutes b. Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract c. Approval of reclassification — Network Specialist d. Denial of a Fee Reduction Request — 983 Taughannock Blvd e. Acknowledge appointment of Information Aide — PW 9. Report of Town Officials MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD September 25, 2023 Minutes Board Members Present: Rod Howe, Supervisor; Members Rich DePaolo, Eric Levine, Rob Rosen, and Bill Goodman Absent — Pamela Bleiwas and Margaret Johnson Present: CJ Randall, Dan Thaete, Ashley Colbert, Joe Slater, Judy Drake, Donna Shaw Mr. Howe opened the meeting at 4:33 p.m. 1. Consider setting a public hearing regarding a proposed local law amending Chapter 270 "Zoning" and the Town's Zoning Map for superimposing a Limited Historic Commercial Overlay District on TP 24.4-2 (Hayts Chapel) Mr. Howe noted that they were just going to be setting the date for the public hearing for the proposed Local Law. There were no questions or comments from the Board. TB Resolution 2023 -154: Setting a public hearing regarding a proposed local law amending Chapter 270 of the Town of Ithaca Code, titled "Zoning," and the Town Zoning Map to rezone Tax Parcel 24.4-2, located at 1296-1298 Trumansburg Road by superimposing a Limited Historic Commercial Overlay District over the Base Medium Density Residential District Resolved that the Ithaca Town Board will hold a public hearing at its October 16, 2023, meeting which begins at 5:30 p.m. at Town Hall, 215 N Tioga St., and broadcast live via Zoom and YouTubeLive for convenience of the public regarding a proposed local law amending Chapter 270 of the Town of Ithaca Code, titled "Zoning," and the Town Zoning Map to rezone Tax Parcel #24.4-2, Located at 1296-1298 Trumansburg Road by superimposing a Limited Historic Commercial Overlay District over the base Medium Density Residential District. At which time, all persons wishing to address the Board in favor or opposed to the proposed local law shall be heard. Links and the draft local law are available from the Town Clerk or on the Town's website. www.,. o.w..p::l1h c..,11u Lus Moved: Rich DePaolo Seconded: Bill Goodman Vote: ayes — Howe, DePaolo, Levine, Rosen & Goodman 2. Consider approval and authorization to sign an easement on Watertower Rd Mr. DePaolo asked who owned the parcel needing access. TB 2023-09-25 (Filed 10/17) Pg. 1 Mr. Thaete responded that he was not sure, but the owner was looking to build a single-family home on the parcel. TB Resolution 2023-155 : Approval of and authorization to execute a Permanent Water and Access Easement and ROW associated with water service for TP 42-1-9.63 Whereas, the owner of a vacant parcel known as tax parcel 42-1-9.63 (an unaddressed parcel located southerly of Watertower Rd) seeks to install a potable water service to the parcel, and Whereas, an existing Town of Ithaca water main is installed beneath Watertower Rd, a private road located on property owned by Ithaca College, and Whereas, the water main is located within an existing easement that is not of sufficient width to provide access to the water main from the vacant parcel, and Whereas, the potable water service and associated easement is shown on the drawing titled "Easement Map, Showing Proposed Easement for, Sanitary Sewer and Water Services, Watertower Rd", dated 2/1/2023, prepared by Darrin Brock, L.S., of T.G Miller, P.C., and Whereas, pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA") and its implementing regulations at 6 NYCRR Part 617, it has been determined by the Town Board that execution of the easement is a Type II Action because the Action constitutes "extension of utility distribution facilities, including gas, electric, telephone, cable, water and sewer connections to render service in approved subdivisions," and thus approval, construction and implementation of the Improvement are not subject to review under SEQRA, and Whereas, the Engineering Department has reviewed the plan for the above improvement that is proposed to be dedicated to the Town, and have found them generally acceptable, and request the easement be executed by the Town Board, now therefore be it Resolved, that the Town Board approves the Permanent Water and Access Easement and Right -of Way from Ithaca College to Town of Ithaca, and authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute the easement, subject to review by the Attorney for the Town. Moved: Eric Levine Seconded: Rod Howe Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Levine, Rosen & Goodman 3. Consider approval 2024 Office and Field Classification Wage Scales There were no questions or comments from the Board. TB Resolution 2023-156: Approval of 2024 Office and Field Classification Wage Scales Whereas, the Town Board established a Wage Scale, which sets the Hiring Minimum and Job Rate for each job classification, which may be increased each year based on a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA); and TB 2023-09-25 (Filed 10/17) Pg. 2 Whereas, the collective bargaining agreement with the Public Works unit represented by Teamsters Local 317 established a 4.0% cost of living adjustment for 2024; and Whereas, after evaluating the Consumer Price Index (CPI-W) as well as other factors, the Town Supervisor and Human Resources Manager in preparation for the 2024 tentative budget recommended to the Personnel and Budget Committees a 4.0% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) to the Job Rate for all classifications when establishing the 2024 Office and Field Wage Scales; and Whereas, the Personnel Committee and Budget Committee reviewed and discussed the recommendation and recommends for the 2024 Wage Scales a 4.0% COLA on the Job Rate for all classifications in the Office and Field Wage Scales; now, therefore, be it Resolved, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve a 4.0% Cost of Living Adjustment on the Job Rate for all classifications for the 2024 Office and Field Wage Scales. Moved: Eric Levine Seconded: Rich DePaolo Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Levine, Rosen & Goodman 4. Consider establishment of a Reserve Fund — Bonded Indebtedness — PWF There were no questions or comments from the Board. TB Resolution 2023 -1.57: Establishing a Reserve Fund for Payment of Bonded Indebtedness for the Public Works Facility Office Expansion and Transferring $300,000 into the Reserve Fund from the General Fund Resolved that pursuant to Section 6-h of the New York General Municipal Law, there is hereby established a reserve fund for payment of bonded indebtedness for the Town of Ithaca's Public Works Facility Office Expansion project to be known as the "Public Works Facility Office Expansion — 2020-A Bond Payment Reserve Fund" (hereinafter "Reserve Fund"). The purpose of this Reserve Fund is to accumulate money to pay the principal and interest related to the Public Works Facility Office Expansion included in the Series 2020-A Bond Issue. The Town Board further authorizes the initial transfer and deposit into this Reserve Fund of $300,000 from the unreserved fund balance in the General Fund, which will cover three years of principal and interest payments. The Town Board may authorize future payments into the Reserve Fund from unreserved fund balance and/or through budget appropriations, now, therefore be it Resolved that the Town Supervisor is hereby directed to deposit and secure the moneys of this Reserve Fund in the manner provided by Section 1.0 of the New York General Municipal Law. The Town Supervisor may invest the money in the Reserve Fund in the manner provided by Section 11 of the New York General Municipal Law, and consistent with the investment policy of the Town of Ithaca. Any interest earned or capital gains realized on the moneys so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become part of the Reserve Fund. The Town Supervisor shall account for the Reserve Fund in a manner which maintains the separate identity of the Reserve TB 2023-09-25 (Filed 10/17) Pg. 3 Fund and shows the date and amount of each sum paid into the fund, interest earned by the fund, capital gains or losses resulting from the sale of investments of the fund, the amount and date of each withdrawal from the fund and the total assets of the fund, showing cash balance and a schedule of investments, and shall, at the end of each fiscal year, render to the Board a detailed report of the operation and condition of the Reserve Fund, and be it further Resolved that except as otherwise provided by law, expenditures from this Reserve Fund shall be made only for the purpose for which the Reserve Fund is established. No expenditure shall be made from this Reserve Fund without the approval of the Ithaca Town Board and such additional actions or proceedings as may be required by Section 6-h of the New York General Municipal Law and any other law. Moved: Eric Levine Seconded: Bill Goodman Vote: Howe, DePaolo, Levine, Rosen & Goodman 5. Consider approval of requirements for contracts for Payments in Lieu of Taxes for certain solar and wind energy systems Mr. Howe explained that this would mean the town would be requiring pilot agreements on systems meeting the threshold of 500 kilowatts and that relieves the solar companies from having to notify the Town of their intent to request one. Mr. Goodman asked why the Town is doing this rather than passing legislation that would exempt them. Mr. Howe responded that Jay Franklin from Assessment and Ms. Brock have advised going this route and doing so would allow the Industrial Development Agency to negotiate the pilot terms for solar farms of this scale. TB Resolution 2023 - 158: Requirement for Contracts for Payments in Lieu of Taxes for Certain Solar and Wind Energy Systems Whereas, New York State Real Property Tax Law §487(2) states that real property which includes certain solar or wind energy systems (as defined in § 487) "shall be exempt from taxation to the extent of any increase in the value thereof by reason of the inclusion of such solar or wind energy system" for a period of fifteen (15) years, and Whereas, Real Property Tax Law §487(8)(a) states a municipality may adopt a local law providing said exemption is not applicable to qualifying solar and wind energy systems within its jurisdiction, but the Ithaca Town Board has elected not to adopt such a local law, and Whereas, Real Property Tax Law §487(9)(a) permits municipalities that have not removed the exemption to require the owner or developer of a property which includes a qualifying solar or wind energy system to enter into a contract for payments in lieu of taxes ("PILOT contract"), TB 2023-09-25 (Filed 10/17) Pg. 4 with the PILOT contract amounts up to the amount of taxes that would be paid if the property were subject to full taxation absent the 15-year exemption, and Whereas, pursuant to Real Property Tax Law §487(9)(a), the Town of Ithaca currently has to provide written notification to an owner or developer of the Town's intent to require a PILOT contract; in order to require a PILOT contract, the Town must make such notification within sixty (60) days of the Town's receipt of the owner's or developer's proper written notification of its intent to construct a solar or wind energy system, and Whereas, Real Property Tax Law §487(9)(b) provides an alternate notification provision that allows the Town to adopt a resolution indicating the Town's "ongoing intent to require a contract for payments in lieu of taxes for such systems, such... resolution shall be considered notification to owners or developers and no further action is required on the part of the" Town to provide notification, and Whereas, with adoption of this resolution, the Town will no longer have provide individual notification to an owner or developer within sixty (60) days of receipt of a notification of intent to construct a solar or wind energy system, now therefor it be Resolved, that effective September 26, 2023, and continuing unless and until this resolution is revoked, the Town of Ithaca will require PILOT contracts for solar and wind energy systems greater than 500kW in size that qualify for the 15-year exemption, and be it further Resolved, that the PILOT contract amounts shall be equal to the amount of taxes that would be paid if the property were subject to full taxation absent the 15-year exemption. Moved: Rich DePaolo Seconded: Rod Howe Vote: Howe, DePaolo, Levine, Rosen & Goodman 6. Consider approval of Recommendation(s) to Tompkins County legislature and the Farmland Protection Board regarding removing parcels from Ag District No.2 Mr. Howe noted that these are all residential parcels that will not see any agricultural use based on their current development. The West Haven subdivision and the West Haven Preserve are two examples of parcels being removed. The effect of removing the AG District designation just means that if the property changes hands, the new owner does not have to notify the County that farming activities will be happening on them. TB Resolution 2023 - 159 : Recommendation to the Tompkins County Legislature and the Agriculture and Farmland Protection Board regarding removing parcels from Tompkins County Agricultural District No. 2 Whereas, the Tompkins County Legislature along with the Tompkins County Agriculture and Farmland Protection Board (AFPB) are reviewing Tompkins County Agricultural District No. 2 as part of the regular 8-year review; and TB 2023-09-25 (Filed 10/17) Pg. 5 Whereas, a portion of Agricultural District No. 2 is located on the western side of the Town of Ithaca; and Whereas, the AFPB has asked the Town of Ithaca if there are any issues with the existing boundaries that relate to town plans and if any modifications to the district should be made; and Whereas, the Town of Ithaca Planning Committee on September 21, 2023 discussed and reviewed a map prepared by planning staff that identified 1.2 parcels for possible removal from the district due to the unlikelihood that they would ever be used for agriculture and forwarded that recommendation to the full Town Board for consideration; now therefore be it Resolved, that the Town Board hereby recommends to the AFPB that the 1.2 parcels (Tax Parcel No.'s 28.-1-28.226, 28.-1-26.1, 28.-1-26.5, 28.-1-26.23, 28.-1-26.221, 28-1-26.223, 28.-1- 26.224, 28.-1-26.225, 28.-1-26.226, 28.-1-26.227, 28.-1-26.228, and 28.-1-26.229) identified on the map titled "Tompkins County Agricultural District # 2 — Town of Ithaca — 8-Year review — September 19, 2023" be removed from the district. Moved: Rich DePaolo Seconded: Rod Howe Vote: Howe, DePaolo, Levine, Rosen & Goodman 7. Committee Reports a. Budget At their September I Ith meeting the budget committee discussed that some investments and sales tax collections are over budget, so they will offset the decrease under budget of mortgage tax income. This was expected due to the decrease in interest rates. The Town has adopted a reserve fund policy and some of the reserve funds are exceeding the Limit or the ceiling of those funds, so they need to be moved out of certain reserve funds. Therefore, we're creating a new reserve fund to move the funds into. They will discuss the tentative 2024 budget at their next meeting October5, 2023. As a quick overview we are under the tax cap and the typical tax bill for a property owner in the Town of Ithaca would decrease by $129.35 or 6.8% for a house that has a $300,000 assessment value if this budget is adopted. b. COC The Code and Ordinances Committee did not meet this month to allow the staff more time to prepare for the presentation. The COC was tasked with redoing the subdivision regulations. The Town wants to make sure that developers don't have bad infrastructure and low first costs, and make sure we have complete streets and TB 2023-09-25 (Filed 10/17) Pg. 6 walkable neighborhoods. The COC would like to get that done before development happens. Comments were received on the public engagement plan, and they are ow working on the draft. c. Personnel and Organization They did not have a meeting this month and had nothing new to report. d. Planning The East Shore Dr Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects are now up on the website, where you can view the map of the area that is in consideration and progress happening. There is a feasibility study being done to look at improving the safety of that area between Boynton Middle School and Ithaca City School District. For the safe streets for all initiative, it is a county wide look at the transportation network. The City is the lead applicant for the group which includes 10 municipalities as well as New York State DOT and the County Highway. The contract is currently legal with the City. There will be more updates to come on that. The Country Club property is currently for sale and that was proposed as the Ranic Plan Development Zone, which is currently in a waiting period. There is also property on Arrowwood Dr, which is currently for sale by Cornell University real estate. e. Public Works This month's meeting there was a presentation about complete safety software. The software would involve cameras, being able to track where equipment is, and being able to change the routes for snow removal. The town is doing a pilot that involves some vehicles, which Public Works has been experimenting with the software. Another presentation was from cartograph, an asset management software that is coupled with Open Gov. and they are waiting to do some follow up questions. The Town Hall weatherization project there have been some questions and to bring it back to the Board. The October meeting will go more into depth on the streetlight policy. A tour with Public Works was also talked about for 2024, so board members can get out and look at the infrastructure and see where updates may need to happen. L Ad Hoc/Other Committees TB 2023-09-25 (Filed 10/17) Pg. 7 CWIO - Six Mile Creek Project is waiting on a final report. They received some results from the consultant and there will be a presentation on some of their initial findings on September 28th. The next phase for CWIO will be getting staffed again and looking for monies to implement. 8. Consent Agenda TB Resolution 2023 - 160 : Adopt Consent Agenda b. Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract c. Approval of reclassification - Network Specialist d. Denial of a Fee Reduction Request - 983 Taughannock Blvd - Pulled Procedural question on why the action was under consent. Moved: Rich DePaolo Seconded: Eric Levine Vote: unanimous e. Acknowledge appointment of Information Aide - PW Moved: Rich DePaolo Seconded: Eric Levine Vote: ayes - Howe, DePaolo, Levine, Rosen & Goodman TB Resolution 2023 - 160b: Town of Ithaca Abstract No. 18 for FY 2023 Resolved that the Town Board authorizes payment of the following audited vouchers in total for the amounts indicated: VOUC:'I]Fl� NOS. 791 - 824 __ _...._ __._........... _....__.... ................. __ General I`und °1 own Wide __... _..__..__.._.._.._ ._...._ _. _ ....... _... _....... ........ 17,819.70 _..... ........ - General Fund Part -Town 9.658.67 1 Ir hw r 1 and ..� crwn Wide D k _.'_._... , . _..._.._.. _._... _._ 2,579.40 lJ ghc y I'rrnd Part rown D113 � 6 '73 984 Water l'r.rnd _................. . 1 1,485.47 _,.._ ..__....._ ._. Sever I and 84,776.42 _C at�r1 1'rojeets 8,199 ()0 — . .......__.. ... Risk Detention l Lind 104.70 Fire Protection 1""Wid. -... 1 orest ]lcamc 1 rglitin District __ .,_ Glen,rde l,,fighting Distr„is......... _..................._. 1.Ze.nwick heights 1 iglitrng District _ ____.._...._. _. 1 _astwood Corr mores L_lghtrrig District Clover I aiie Liglatin l.7rstrret 1-1 Wrr7ner�s C."rrelc 1 rg:lrtrng Distarc� 13rrr2.... lerglr.....irr arc 1„,g,.lrtrng District .w_ .. ....... .,�� ¢„rr�r��� District Wem 1 liar en ! arid. � t .... ........ �...,._ ... ... ..,.. ,� �..�� _..� q��q1 l . 1 .r.g..irtwrrg lrstrret C oddrr� �tcarr l.caacl .. ................a.. _.. Tryst a d Agency......_ ....... ........ �t)C) 00 Debt. Service TOTAL AI 11] 197 4 =i TB Resolution 2023 -160c: Reclassify Network Specialist position and approve modified job description Whereas, the Town of Ithaca accordance with applicable Civil Service laws, rules and regulations maintain appropriate titles, positions and job descriptions and the following recommended changes have been approved by Tompkins County Civil Service; and Whereas, the Town Supervisor and Human Resources Manager recommend a modified job description for the Network Specialist position which better matches the position and needs of the Town and recommends reclassifying the position from "F" grade to "H" grade of the Office Job Classification; and Whereas, the Personnel & Organization Committee discussed the recommendations for the Network Specialist job description and reclassification and concurs with all the recommendations; now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve of the Network Specialist modified job description and approve reclassifying the position to the "H" Office Job Classification grade in the 2024 Wage Scale. TB Resolution 2023 - 160d: Denial of a Fee Reduction Request — 983 Taughannock Blvd Whereas a Fee Reduction Request was submitted by Carolyn Lee for one of two required Operating Permits associated with two structures on a single parcel for short & long-term rental permits, and Whereas the Review Committee is recommending denial of the request as the applicant did not identify how this fee reduction request would be unique to their situation and would not apply to a majority of other Town applicants, now, therefore be it Resolved that the Town Board denies the request for a Fee Reduction for the reasons stated above. TB Resolution 2023-160e: Acknowledgement of Appointment of Account Clerk Typist -PWD Whereas, there will be a vacancy in the position of Administrative Assistant I due to a retirement on. September 30, 2023, which can be filled by an Administrative Assistant 1, Account Clerk Typist or Information Aide; and Whereas, the Highway Superintendent with a selection committee has determined through interviews and evaluation that Rebecca Wright, Account Clerk Typist — Bolton Point, possesses the necessary knowledge, skills and ability to perform the duties of Account Clerk Typist; and Whereas, the Highway Superintendent has chosen to appoint Rebecca Wright to the Account Clerk Typist position, effective September 18, 2023; now, therefore, be it TB 2023-09-25 (Filed 10/17) Pg. 9 Resolved, the Town Board of the Town cif` ltl°auaca does hereby acknowledge the flit hway Superintendent's appointment of Rebecca Wright to the Account Clerk- Typist position, effective September 18, 2023; and be it further Resolved, this is a 40 hours a week position, hourly wage of $22.39, estimated annual salary of $46,571, in Job Classification "A" hire rate, with full tirne benefits; and be it farther Resolved, if the said successfully complete the, mandatory InituraLIM twenty -sip (26) week probationary period there will be no ftirther action required by the Town Board. 9. Report of Town Officials Mr. Howe noted that we will possibly be cancelling the October Study Session, '17he Comptroller's audit came back and the Town's fiscal stress score is Zero. "That sounds bad, but the range is 0 - 100 with 100 being the worst; in 2021 our score was zero and in 2020 it was 6,74. There will be litigation related to the streetlights that has been talked about in the past. Meeting was adjourned at 5:08 pm. upon a motion made by Mr. Flowe, seconded by Mr. Depaolo, unanimous. Submitted by Ashley Colbert, 13 ;putyTown Clerk '1713 2023-09-25 (1,'iled 10/ 17) pg. 10