HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG Packet 2023-11-28 Agriculture Committee Members and Associates (*) A.J. Teeter Farm (Matthew Stalker, Chair), Casper’s Farm (Michael Casper), Der Rosenmeister Nursery (Lee Ginenthal), Forest Family Farm (Claire Forest), Indian Creek Farm / Cummins Nursery (Steve Cummins), Ithaca Equestrian Center (Russ Wedemeyer), Laughing Goat Fiber Farm (Lisa Ferguson), Steep Hollow Farm (Christianne White, Vice-Chair) TOWN OF ITHACA AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 28, 2023 Aurora Conference Room 215 N. Tioga Street Ithaca, NY 14850 (The rear entrance is handicapped accessible) 607-273-1747 Members of the public are welcome to attend in-person at Town Hall or virtually via Zoom (https://zoom.us/j/6750593272). AGENDA 6:00 pm 1. Crystal Buck, Farmland Protection & Ag Marketing Educator, CCE Tompkins - Discussion of 8-Year Review of Agriculture District #2 6:15 pm 2. Marty Moseley, Director of Code Enforcement & Zoning, Town of Ithaca - Introduction and Q&A’s 6:30 pm 3. Farmers Round Robin – What’s happening on your farm? How the season is going/went? Issues/concerns? Announcements? 6:45 pm 4. Persons to be heard 6:50 pm 5. Chair (Matthew) and Coordinator (Mike) reports / updates 6:55 pm 6. Ithaca Town Board (Rich) report / update 7:05 pm 7. Approval of minutes – July 25, 2023 7:10 pm 8. Review Goal 3 and related recommendations from the Town’s Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan 7:20 pm 9. Other Business - Recommendation of Chair and Vice-Chair for 2024 - Approval of the 2024 meeting schedule 7:30 pm 10. Adjourn Please call (607-273-1747) or email (msmith@town.ithaca.ny.us) if you cannot attend 1 Town of Ithaca Agriculture Committee Meeting Tuesday, July 25, 2023, 7:00 pm In Person at Ithaca Town Hall (Aurora Conference Room) and via Zoom Video Conference Draft Minutes Members Present: Matthew Stalker (AJ Teeter Farm), Leon Ginenthal (Der Rosenmeister Nursery), Claire Forest (Forest Family Farm) via Zoom. Town Representatives: Bill Goodman (Town Board Member), Mike Smith (Senior Planner). Guests: None 1. Farmers Round Robin – What’s happening on your farm? How is the season going/went? Issues/concerns? Announcements? Matt reported that the farm is just about finished with the 1st cut of hay, a good second cut is anticipated. Apple harvest festival information is coming out for this October and the farm will have vendor space on The Commons. Lee reported good sales in the nursery. The weather has been a challenge and propagation is beginning soon for the next year. Claire reported a lot of weed removal in her berry patch and ripe crop is anticipated within a month. The hay fields are being mowed by local farmers as well. 2. Persons to be heard: None 3. Chair (Matthew) and Coordinator (Mike) reports / updates: Matt updated that the AJ Teeter Farm applied for a grant for a roadside farmstand to sell their local farm products. They hope to receive the grant and begin the process of refining the details to provide an additional food resource in the area. Mike Smith reported that he spoke with the Codes Director about attending one of the next Ag Committee meetings. He will introduce himself and can field any general questions from the committee about building codes, permits and zoning. He grew up on a farm as well and is also on State Code boards and committees, so he is a good resource. Mike also reported on the first solar project to come in since the adoption of the new solar regulations. The name is Carrowmoor Solar, and the location is 1358 Mecklenburg Road, near a large existing cell antenna tower. The lot is just over 90 acers, the proposed large scale solar project would use 29 acers and the panels would cover 8-9 acers. The site plans were passed around at the meeting and are available on the town website as well. The project went through sketch phase and the next phase is scheduled for August with the Planning Board. The land’s current use is agricultural, crop fields and there is intent in the application to graze sheep within the project site once complete. 4. Ithaca Town Board (Bill) report/update: Bill reported on the Tutelo Park event to recognize the indigenous tribal lands that was held. Lee mentioned the botanical trail tour and the event was well attended. Bill also updated that the closing on the former Cortright property took place and the town purchased a portion for the continuation of the Black Diamond Trail. One more parcel remains privately owned that is needed for the completion from Buttermilk Falls to lower Treman Park. The neighboring Grayhaven Motel owners bought the bulk of the property and have plans to expand their business. The other existing Inlet Valley businesses were briefly discussed as well. 2 He also updated that the town Codes and Ordinances committee is in the early stages of revising the subdivision ordinances, more information is available through the planning department. It was noted that this is Bill’s last Ag committee meeting, serving almost 15 years as the town board liaison. The November meeting will have a new liaison from the town board and Bill was thanked for his work with the committee. 5. Acceptance of minutes – March 28th, 2023. The March 28 2023, minutes were accepted as presented. 6. Discuss ideas for the next Town Board farm tour-Fall 2023. Mike reported that the town board is interested in another farm tour to visit 2-3 Farms on a Friday in late September. New locations are being looked into, possibly Lee’s Rose Nursery and an Evergreen tree/landscape nursery and one additional local farm. 7. The committee reviewed the recommendations under Goal 2 -Retain and encourage a diversity of viable farm types from the Town of Ithaca Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan. Goal 1 was reviewed at the last meeting and each of the 5 goals will be presented at committee meetings for review and comments. Implementation, responsibility and status/action columns were added for each recommendation as presented for Goal 1 previously. 2-k Encourage shared farm infrastructure development, no actions were listed and it was mentioned that there are no processing facilities in the Town and only one nearby is Cudlins in Newfield (https://www.facebook.com/cudlins/). The service is highly needed in the area, and it is a necessity. During Covid-farmers were trucking cattle to another state to be processed. Mike mentioned a farm in Alpine adding space for potential onsite processing (Van Galder Family Farms - https://vangalderfamilyfarms.com/). 2-b-bring out more on the Town’s website to include more resources, if possible, more educational links or other things to encourage agricultural interest. 2-g Assist farmers in exploring new farming marketing ideas and opportunities. This recommendation was noted as needed as well. Lee recalled a small business class put on by Alternatives Credit union that was helpful to him. Groundswell was another local learning resource that may or may not be currently available (https://groundswellcenter.org/farm-business- support/). Tying the available opportunities with a financial institution may be a helpful learning tool if farmers express interest. Matt was supportive of exploring this possible resource and Claire was also supportive and mentioned other credit unions nearby also. Mike mentioned the Small Farms Program (https://smallfarms.cornell.edu/online-courses/) at Cornell advertises on occasion for classes to help farmers as well. The committee was supportive of exploring this opportunity more as well and agreed that it would be a good team building experience for committee members to do together. Lee agreed to research this more and report what is available at the next meeting. 8. Other Business: none 9. Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.  Next meeting 11/28/2023 6:00 p.m. Minutes were drafted by Planning Admin Staff Abby Homer Recommendation Implementation Responsibility Status / Actions 3-g Reactivate and support the Town of Ithaca’s Agricultural Committee Short / Ongoing TOI, AC - Committee has been meeting approximately 4 times a year since 2012 3-l Review the Town Agricultural Zoning, the Town’s Agricultural Easements Target Areas, and the boundaries of the Tompkins County Agricultural Districts for inconsistencies; address inconsistencies as is deemed appropriate Short TOI, CCE, TC - Map produced summer 2012 3-a Enhance zoning as a tool to control non-agricultural development on or adjacent to agricultural land Medium TOI, AC 3-f Explore alternative methods to deed restrictions for monitoring the subdivision of farm properties in the Town’s Agricultural Zone Medium TOI, AC 3-j Identify lands owned by local colleges or New York State that are of high priority to retain in agricultural/open space designation and work with those institutions to locate development in a way that minimizes the loss of agricultural land Medium / Ongoing TOI 3-b Investigate an agricultural Lease of Development Rights (LDR) program and/or a program to allow the Town the right of first refusal for outright purchase of agricultural properties Long TOI, TC, AC 3-c Continue implementation of the Town’s current agricultural conservation easement acquisition (PDR) program for appropriate agricultural parcels that have been targeted in the Policies and Procedures Manual for the Agricultural Land Preservation Program Ongoing TOI, TC, AC - Completed September 2014 Indian Creek Farm PDR easement through NYSDAM grant - Completed 2021 PDR easement at 471 Bostwick Rd 3-d Limit extension of municipal sewer and water in agricultural areas Ongoing TOI - ongoing - no new water or sewer has been extended into agriculutre areas 3-e Cooperate with Tompkins County on Agricultural District designations Ongoing TOI, TC - Mitchell property added to District 2 in 2012 - Town has participated in the 8-reviews of Ag District's 1 (2019) & 2 (2023) 3-h Advocate at the State level for increased funds to be allocated for farmland protection initiatives Ongoing TOI, NYS 3-i Educate individual landowners who rent (or could rent) land to farmers about the importance of that land to the overall farming landscape in the Town of Ithaca and the importance of keeping that land in active agricultural use Ongoing TOI, TC, CCE, AC - https://nyfarmlandfinder.org helps to connect farmers to the land 3-k Work with Tompkins County and Cornell Cooperative Extension to recruit farmers actively to the Town Ongoing TOI, TC, CCE, AC 3-m Promote practices that slow runoff and enhance absorption of pollutants when constructing and maintaining roadside ditches Ongoing TOI, CCE, TC, NYS, SWCD Goal 3: Ensure long-term protection of agricultural-land resources for agriculture, open space, and scenic resources Town of Ithaca Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan Implementation Chart õ õ õ 11/16/2023 Implementation Legend: Short-Term (0 - 1 years) - Recommendations that could be implemented immediately, within the first year. Medium-Term (1 - 5 years) - Recommendations that could be implemented following the completion of short term items. Long-Term (5 - 7 years) - Recommendations that are important but would take considerable more time to research and implement. Ongoing - Recommendations that are to be incorporated into the ongoing activities of the Town Departments, Boards and Committees. : Identifies recommendations that are critical to supporting agriculture in the Town. Responsible Organization / Agency: AC = Town of Ithaca Agricultural Committee CCE = Cornell Cooperative Extension DEC = New York State Department of Conservation NYS = New York State SWCD = Soil and Water Conservation District TC = Tompkins County / Tompkins County Farmland Protection Board TCCOG = Tompkins County Council of Governments TOI = Town of Ithaca õ 11/16/2023 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Town of Ithaca Agriculture Committee 2024 Agriculture Committee Chair and Vice-Chair Recommendation to Ithaca Town Board November 28, 2023 Motion by: Seconded by: . BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Ithaca Agriculture Committee recommends to the Town Board that ______ be appointed as Chair of the Agriculture Committee for the year 2024, and AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town of Ithaca Agriculture Committee recommends to the Town Board that be appointed as Vice- Chair of the Agriculture Committee for the year 2024. A vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Nays: Abstentions: PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Town of Ithaca Agriculture Committee Schedule of Meetings for the Year 2024 Agriculture Committee Meeting, November 28, 2023 Motion by: Seconded by: . BE IT RESOLVED, that the Agriculture Committee of the Town of Ithaca adopts the following schedule of meetings for the Agriculture Committee for the year 2024. The Town of Ithaca Agriculture Committee will meet on dates and times listed below, in the Aurora Conference Room in the Town of Ithaca Town Hall. THE 2024 SCHEDULE IS AS FOLLOWS: January 30 (6:00 p.m.) March 26 (6:00 p.m.) July 30 (7:00 p.m.) November 26 (6:00 p.m.) A vote on the motion was as follows: Ayes: Nays: Abstentions: