HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 2023-07-31MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD July 31, 2023, 12:30 p.m. YouTube Link Zoom Link AGENDA 1. Consider resolutions endorsing the proposed dissolution plans for the following Lighting Districts and setting public hearings for same: a. Burleigh Dr b. Forest Home c. Glenside d. Renwick Heights e. Eastwood Commons f. Clover Lane g. Winner's Circle h. West Haven Road i. Coddington Rd 2. Consider authorization to apply for funding through the 2023 Environmental Protection Fund Grants Program for Parks, Preservation and Heritage to purchase approximately 135 acres of land on South Hill (Attachment 1) a. SEQR b. Approval 3. Consider award of Forest Home Pump Station Improvements Project— Alternate #1 4. Consider setting a public hearing regarding a proposed Sewer Improvement — IAWWTF — Public Interest Order 5. Consent Agenda a. Approval of Town Board Minutes b. Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract c. Set public hearing regarding SCLIWC 2023 Budget d. Acknowledge receipt of Independent Audit — Town of Ithaca YE 2022 e. Appointment of Der Rosenmeister Nursery (Lee Ginethal) — Ag Committee £ Appointment of Planning Board Chair g. Appoint Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate Member Adjourn SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD July 31, 2023, 12:30 p.m. Minutes Board Members Present: Rod Howe, Supervisor; Rich DePaolo, Deputy Supervisor; Members Bill Goodman, Rob Rosen, Margaret Jonson Absent: Pamela Bleiwas and Eric Levine Present: Donna Shaw, Marty Moseley, Ashley Colbert, Joe Slater, Dan Thaete Mr. Howe opened the meeting at 12:30 p.m. 1. Consider resolutions endorsing the proposed dissolution plans for the following Lighting Districts and setting public hearings on same: TB Resolution 2023 - 112: Endorsing this Proposed Dissolution Plan for the Burleigh Drive Lighting District and Setting a Public Hearing on Same Whereas, in 2021, the Town of Ithaca purchased from NYSEG the seven (7) streetlights in the Burleigh Drive Lighting District, and in 2023 the Town upgraded the streetlights to LED lights; and Whereas, there are thirty-three (33) tax parcels located within the Burleigh Drive Lighting District in 2023, and future annual costs for the District's electricity and streetlight maintenance are estimated to be around Five Hundred Dollars ($500) in current dollars; and Whereas, because the Town's bookkeeping burden and administrative expenses for the Burleigh Drive Lighting District are disproportionate to the District's minimal future costs, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca (Town Board) is considering dissolution of the Burleigh Drive Lighting District and paying for the costs of the Town's lighting districts, once dissolved, through real estate taxes raised on a townwide basis pursuant to New York Highway Law §327; and Whereas, New York General Municipal Law §773(2)(a) provides that the Town Board may commence a dissolution proceeding for the Burleigh Drive Lighting District, which is a local government entity, by endorsing a proposed dissolution plan; now, therefore be it Resolved, pursuant to General Municipal Law § 774, the Town Board endorses the following proposed dissolution plan for the purpose of commencing dissolution proceedings for the Burleigh Drive Lighting District: TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 1 (a) The name of the local government entity to be dissolved is the Burleigh Drive Lighting District; (b) The territorial boundaries of the entity were established when the November 7, 1991, resolution and order of the Town Board establishing the entity was filed in the Tompkins County Clerk's office on November 14, 1991; the territorial boundaries have not changed and are described in said resolution and order as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Burleigh Drive with the easterly boundary line of the Village of Cayuga Heights, which point is just north of the northwest corner of Town of Ithaca tax parcel No . 72-1-1.99; running thence south along the Cayuga Heights boundary line and in part along the west line of tax parcel 72-1-1.199 to a point 200 feet south of the center line of Burleigh Drive; running thence easterly, northeasterly, and northerly on a line parallel to the center line of Burleigh Drive and 200 feet distant therefrom to the north line of the Town of Ithaca; running thence westerly along the north line of the Town of Ithaca and the north line of tax parcel 72-1-1.185 200 feet to the center line of Burleigh Drive; continuing thence westerly along the north line of the Town of Ithaca 200 feet to a point; running thence southerly southwesterly and westerly on a line parallel with the center line of Burleigh Drive and 200 feet distant therefrom to the center line of the westerly portion of the loop road known as Lexington Drive, which point is westerly from premises reputedly owned by the Church of Latter Day Saints being Town of Ithaca tax parcel 72-1-1.1.70; thence southerly along the center line of Lexington Drive 200 feet to the center line of Burleigh Drive; thence westerly along the center line of Burleigh Drive a distance of approximately 60 feet to the east line of the Village of Cayuga Heights and the point or place of beginning. The current tax parcel numbers that are within said territorial boundaries are: 72.-1-1.1.69 72.-1-1.170 72.-1-1.1.71 72.-1-1.172 72.-1-1.1.73 72.-1-1.174 72.-1-1.1.75 72.-1-1.176 72.-1-1.1.77 72.-1-1.179 72.-1-1.1.80 72.-1-1.181 72.-1-1.1.82 72.-1-1.183 72.-1-1.1.84 72.-1-1.185 72.-1-1.186 72.-1-1.187 72.-1-1.188 72.-1-1.189 72.-1-1.1.90 72.-1-1.191 72.-1-1.1.92 72.-1-1.193 72.-1-1.1.94 72.-1-1.195 72.-1-1.1.96 72.-1-1.197 72.-1-1.1.99 72.-1-1.200 72.-1-1.201 72.-1-1.202 72.-1-1.203 (c) The type and/or class of the entity is a lighting district that the Town Board formed pursuant to Town Law Article 12-A; (d) The Town Board estimates that the cost of dissolution of the Burleigh Drive Lighting District is One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), which is the cost of associated legal fees and the publication cost of legal notices; (e) The Burleigh Drive Lighting District has no public employees, so it does not need to provide any plan for the transfer or elimination of public employees; TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 2 (f) The Burleigh Drive Lighting District's assets are as follows: Seven (7) streetlights purchased from NYSEG in 2021 for Two Thousand Sixty -Nine Dollars ($2,069). The streetlights were upgraded to LED lights in 2023 for an estimated cost of Two Thousand Seven Hundred One Dollars ($2,701). The fair value thereof in current money of the United States is Four Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Dollars ($4,770). On December 31, 2022, the Burleigh Drive Lighting District had an available fund balance of Two Thousand Three Hundred Ninety -Eight Dollars ($2,398). The Town assessed property tax of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) to thirty-three (33) parcels within the Lighting District in 2023, proportionately allocated based on road frontage. The estimated expenses for 2023 (including the cost of conversion to LED lights, eight (8) months of streetlight maintenance, and electricity) are Three Thousand Two Hundred Seventy - Five Dollars ($3,275). Any residual funds (estimated to be One Hundred Twenty -Three Dollars ($123)) left at 12/31/2023 will be moved to the Town's General Fund to offset future costs; (g) The Burleigh Drive Lighting District does not have any liabilities and indebtedness, bonded or otherwise, except as follows: The Town, on behalf of the District, owes the New York Power Authority and/or its contractors Five Thousand Fifty -One Dollars ($5,051) for LED conversions. This amount has not yet been billed to the Town. The Town anticipates rebates of Two Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($2,350), which results in a net indebtedness of Two Thousand Seven Hundred One Dollars ($2,701); (h) There are no agreements entered into between the Burleigh Drive Lighting District and the Town of Ithaca in order to carry out the dissolution; (i) following the dissolution of the Burleigh Drive Lighting District, the residents of the Burleigh Drive Lighting District will continue to be furnished municipal street lighting services by the Town of Ithaca, which will be paid for by real estate taxes raised on a townwide basis pursuant to New York Highway Law §327; 0) The entity's assets shall become assets of the Town of Ithaca. The terms for the disposition of the entity's liabilities and indebtedness are as follows: The amount of the entity's indebtedness (if any) to New York Power Authority and/or its contractors as of December 31, 2023, as described in subsection g above shall be paid by moving the entity's fund balance (which is adequate to pay its indebtedness) to the Town's General Fund and paying them from the General Fund. There will be no need for the levy and collection of additional taxes and assessments for the entity's outstanding liabilities and indebtedness as of December 31, 2023; (k) There are no local laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations of the Burleigh Drive Lighting District which shall remain in effect after the effective date of the dissolution; (1) The effective date of the proposed dissolution is December 31, 2023; (m) The time and place for a public hearing on the proposed dissolution plan pursuant to New York General Municipal Law § 776 is September 11, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850; (n) There are no other matters desirable or necessary to carry out the dissolution; and be it further TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 3 Resolved, that the Town Clerk for the Town of Ithaca shall post, publish, and display the proposed dissolution plan and provide notice to the public as required by New York General Municipal Law § 775; and be it further Resolved, that the Town Board shall hold a public hearing on the proposed dissolution plan on September 11, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850, and at such time and place all persons interested in the proposed dissolution. plan may be heard concerning the same; and be it further Resolved, that following the conclusion of the public hearing, the Town Board shall meet to take such other and further action on the part of said Board with relation thereto as may be authorized and prescribed by law, which may include a resolution approving a final version of the Burleigh Drive Lighting District dissolution plan. Moved: Bill Goodman Seconded: Rich DePaolo Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Rosen Goodman, & Johnson TB Resolution 2023 - 113: Endorsing this Proposed Dissolution Plan for the Forest Home Lighting District and Setting a Public Hearing on Same Whereas, in 2021, the Town of Ithaca purchased from NYSEG the twenty (20) streetlights in the Forest Home Lighting District, and in 2023 the Town upgraded the streetlights to LED lights; and Whereas, there are one hundred ten (11.0) tax parcels located within the Forest Home Lighting District in 2023, and future annual costs for the District's electricity and streetlight maintenance are estimated to be around Two Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Dollars ($2,670) in current dollars; and Whereas, because the Town's bookkeeping burden and administrative expenses for the Forest Home Lighting District are disproportionate to the District's minimal future costs, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca (Town Board) is considering dissolution of the Forest Home Lighting District and paying for the costs of the Town's lighting districts, once dissolved, through real estate taxes raised on a townwide basis pursuant to New York Highway Law §327; and Whereas, New York General Municipal Law §773(2)(a) provides that the Town Board may commence a dissolution proceeding for the Forest Home Lighting District, which is a local government entity, by endorsing a proposed dissolution plan; now, therefore be it Resolved, pursuant to General Municipal Law § 774, the Town Board endorses the following proposed dissolution plan for the purpose of commencing dissolution proceedings for the Forest Home Lighting District: (a) The name of the local government entity to be dissolved is the Forest Home Lighting District; TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 4 (b) The territorial boundaries of the entity were established when the Town Board adopted its May 11, 1929 resolution establishing the entity. The current tax parcels included in the Forest Home Lighting District are as follows: 66.-1-3 66.-1-4 66.-1-5 66.-1-6 66.-1-7 66.-1-8 66.-1-9 66.-1-10 66.-1-11 66.-1-12 66.-1-13 66.-2-1 66.-2-2 66.-2-3 66.-2-4 66.-2-5 66.-2-6 66.-2-7 66.-2-9 66.-2-10.2 66.-2-11 66.-2-13 66.-2-14 66.-3-1 66.-3-2 66.-3-3.4 66.-3-3.7 66.-3-3.11 66.-3-3.1.2 66.-3-3.13 66.-3-3.1.4 66.-3-3.1.5 66.-3-3.22 66.-3-3.211 66.-3-3.511 66.-3-3.512 66.-3-3.513 66.-3-3.514 66.-3-3.515 66.-3-3.516 66.-3-3.51.7 66.-3-3.518 66.-3-3.51.9 66.-3-3.521 66.-3-3.522 66.-3-3.523 66.-3-3.524 66.-3-4.1 66.-3-4.2 66.-3-5 66.-3-7.1 66.-3-7.2 66.-3-8 66.-3-9 66.-3-10 66.-3-11 66.-3-12 66.-3-13 66.-3-15 66.-3-16 66.-3-18 66.-3-19 66.-3-20 66.-3-21 66.-3-22.1 66.-3-22.2 66.-3-23 66.-3-24 66.-3-25 66.-3-26 66.-3-27 66.-3-28 66.-3-29 66.-3-30 66.4-1 66.4-5 66.4-6 66.4-9 66.4-10 66.4-11 66.4-12 66.4-15 66.4-16 66.4-17 66.4-18 66.4-19 66.4-20.1 66.4-21 66.4-22 66.4-23 66.4-24 66.-5-1 66.-5-2 66.-5-3 66.-5-4 66.-5-6 66.-5-7 66.-5-9.1 66.-5-9.2 66.-5-10 66.-5-11.2 66.-5-12 66.-5-13 66.-5-14 66.-5-15 66.-6-1 66.-6-2 66.-6-3 66.-6-4 66.-6-5 (c) The type and/or class of the entity is a lighting district that the Town Board formed pursuant to its May H , 1929.resolution; (d) The Town Board estimates that the cost of dissolution of the Forest Home Lighting District is One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), which is the cost of associated legal fees and the publication cost of legal notices; (e) The Forest Home Lighting District has no public employees, so it does not need to provide any plan for the transfer or elimination of public employees; (f) The Forest Home Lighting District's assets are as follows: Twenty (20) streetlights purchased from NYSEG in 2021 for Five Thousand Nine Hundred Twelve Dollars ($5,912). The TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 5 streetlights were upgraded to LED lights in 2023 for an estimated cost of Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Nineteen dollars ($7,719). The fair value thereof in current money of the United States is Thirteen Thousand Six Hundred Thirty -One Dollars ($13,631). On December 31, 2022, the Forest Home Lighting District had an available fund balance of Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty -Nine Dollars ($9,959). The Town assessed property tax of Four Hundred Dollars ($400) to one hundred ten (110) parcels within the Lighting District in 2023, proportionately allocated based on assessed value. The estimated expenses for 2023 (including the cost of conversion to LED lights, eight (8) months of streetlight maintenance, and electricity) are Ten Thousand Four Hundred Thirty -Three Dollars ($10,433). Any residual funds (estimated to be Seventy -Four Dollars ($74)) left at 12/31/2023 will be moved to the Town's General Fund to offset future costs; (g) The Forest Home Lighting District does not have any liabilities and indebtedness, bonded or otherwise, except as follows: The Town, on behalf of the District, owes the New York Power Authority and/or its contractors Fourteen Thousand Four Hundred Thirty -Three ($14,433) for LED conversions. This amount has not yet been billed to the Town. The Town anticipates rebates of Six Thousand Seven Hundred Fourteen ($6,71.4), which results in an estimated net indebtedness of Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Nineteen Dollar ($7,719); (h) There are no agreements entered into between the Forest Home Lighting District and the Town of Ithaca in order to carry out the dissolution; (i) following the dissolution of the Forest Home Lighting District, the residents of the Forest Home Lighting District will continue to be furnished municipal street lighting services by the Town of Ithaca, which will be paid for by real estate taxes raised on a townwide basis pursuant to New York Highway Law §327; 0) The entity's assets shall become assets of the Town of Ithaca. The terms for the disposition of the entity's liabilities and indebtedness are as follows: The amount of the entity's indebtedness (if any) to the New York Power Authority and/or its contractors as of December 31, 2023 as described in subsection g above shall be paid by moving the entity's fund balance (which is adequate to pay its indebtedness) to the Town's General Fund and paying them from the General Fund. There will be no need for the levy and collection of additional taxes and assessments for the entity's outstanding liabilities and indebtedness as of December 31, 2023; (k) There are no local laws, ordinances, rules or regulations of the Forest Home Lighting District which shall remain in effect after the effective date of the dissolution; (1) The effective date of the proposed dissolution is December 31, 2023; (m) The time and place for a public hearing on the proposed dissolution plan pursuant to New York General Municipal Law § 776 is September 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850; (n) There are no other matters desirable or necessary to carry out the dissolution; and be it further TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 6 Resolved, that the Town Clerk for the Town of Ithaca shall post, publish and display the proposed dissolution plan and provide notice to the public as required by New York General Municipal Law § 775; and be it further Resolved, that the Town Board shall hold a public hearing on the proposed dissolution plan on September 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850, and at such time and place all persons interested in the proposed dissolution plan may be heard concerning the same; and be it further Resolved, that following the conclusion of the public hearing, the Town Board shall meet to take such other and further action on the part of said Board with relation thereto as may be authorized and prescribed by law, which may include a resolution approving a final version of the Forest Home Lighting District dissolution plan. Moved: Bill Goodman Seconded: Rich DePaolo Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Rosen, Goodman, & Johnson TB Resolution 2023 - 114: Endorsing this Proposed Dissolution Plan for the Glenside Lighting District and Setting a Public Hearing on Same Whereas, in 2021, the Town of Ithaca purchased from NYSEG the eight (8) streetlights in the Glenside Lighting District, and in 2023 the Town upgraded the streetlights to LED lights; and Whereas, there are twenty-seven (27) tax parcels located within the Glenside Lighting District in 2023, and future annual costs for the District's electricity and streetlight maintenance are estimated to be around Six Hundred Sixty -Eight Dollars ($668) in current dollars; and Whereas, because the Town's bookkeeping burden and administrative expenses for the Glenside Lighting District are disproportionate to the District's minimal future costs, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca (Town Board) is considering dissolution of the Glenside Lighting District and paying for the costs of the Town's lighting districts, once dissolved, through real estate taxes raised on a townwide basis pursuant to New York Highway Law §327; and Whereas, New York General Municipal Law §773(2)(a) provides that the Town Board may commence a dissolution proceeding for the Glenside Lighting District, which is a local government entity, by endorsing a proposed dissolution plan; now, therefore be it Resolved, pursuant to General Municipal Law § 774, the Town Board endorses the following proposed dissolution plan for the purpose of commencing dissolution proceedings for the Glenside Lighting District: (a) The name of the local government entity to be dissolved is the Glenside Lighting District; (b) The territorial boundaries of the entity were established when the Town Board adopted its July 10, 1947 resolution and order establishing the entity; the territorial boundaries have not changed and are described in said resolution and order as follows: TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 7 Commencing at the point of intersection of the center line of Floral Avenue with the south line of the City of Ithaca, thence westerly along the south line of the City of Ithaca, 207', more or less, to the southwest corner of the City of Ithaca, 1480' to the north line of the Glenside Subdivision; thence north 81 degrees 30' west along the said line of the Glenside Subdivision 1.407', thence south 15 degrees 20' west to the center line of the Coy Glen Road; to the center line of the Floral Avenue; and, thence across Floral Avenue including all property abutting on Floral Avenue on the east side to a distance of 100' (one hundred feet) back from Floral Avenue, from this point northerly to the city line the place of beginning. The current tax parcel numbers that are within said territorial boundaries are: 30.-1-2 30.-1-4 30.-1-5 30.-1-6 30.-1-7 30.-1-8 30.-1-9 30.-1-10 30.-1-11 30.-1-12 30.-1-13 30.-1-14 30.-2-1 30.-2-2 30.-2-3 30.-2-5 30.-2-6 30.-2-7 30.-2-8 30.-2-9 30.-2-11 30.-2-12 30.-2-14.1 30.2-14.2 30.-2-15.1 30.-2-15.2 30.-2-17 (c) The type and/or class of the entity is a lighting district that the Town Board formed pursuant to Town Law Article 12; (d) The Town Board estimates that the cost of dissolution of the Glenside Lighting District is One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), which is the cost of associated legal fees and the publication cost of legal notices; (e) The Glenside Lighting District has no public employees, so it does not need to provide any plan for the transfer or elimination of public employees; (f) The Glenside Lighting District's assets are as follows: Eight (8) streetlights purchased from NYSEG in 2021 for Two Thousand Three Hundred Sixty -Five Dollars ($2,365). The streetlights were upgraded to LED lights in 2023 for an estimated cost of Three Thousand Eighty -Seven Dollars ($3,087). The fair value thereof in current money of the United States is Five Thousand Four Hundred Fifty -Two Dollars ($5,452). On December 31, 2022, the Glenside Lighting District had an available fund balance of Two Thousand Three Hundred Thirty -Two Dollars ($2,332). The Town assessed property tax of One Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($1,700) to twenty-seven (27) parcels within the Lighting District in 2023, proportionately allocated based on assessed value. The estimated expenses for 2023 (including the cost of conversion to LED lights, eight (8) months of streetlight maintenance, and electricity) are Three Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty -Eight Dollars ($3,728). Any residual funds (estimated to be Three Hundred Four Dollars ($304)) left at 12/31/2023 will be moved to the Town's General Fund to offset future costs; (g) The Glenside Lighting District does not have any liabilities and indebtedness, bonded or otherwise, except as follows: The Town, on behalf of the District, owes the New York Power Authority and/or its contractors Five Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy -Three Dollars ($5,773) for LED conversions. This amount has not yet been billed to the Town. The Town anticipates TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 8 rebates of Two Thousand Six Hundred Eighty -Six Dollars ($2,686), which results in a net indebtedness of Three Thousand Eighty -Seven Dollars ($3,087); (h) There are no agreements entered into between the Glenside Lighting District and the Town of Ithaca in order to carry out the dissolution; (i) following the dissolution of the Glenside Lighting District, the residents of the Glenside Lighting District will continue to be furnished municipal street lighting services by the Town of Ithaca, which will be paid for by real estate taxes raised on a townwide basis pursuant to New York Highway Law §327; 0) The entity's assets shall become assets of the Town of Ithaca. The terms for the disposition of the entity's liabilities and indebtedness are as follows: The amount of the entity's indebtedness (if any) to New York Power Authority and/or its contractors as of December 31, 2023 as described in subsection g above shall be paid by moving the entity's fund balance (which is adequate to pay its indebtedness) to the Town's General Fund and paying them from the General Fund. There will be no need for the levy and collection of additional taxes and assessments for the entity's outstanding liabilities and indebtedness as of December 31, 2023; (k) There are no local laws, ordinances, rules or regulations of the Glenside Lighting District which shall remain in effect after the effective date of the dissolution; (1) The effective date of the proposed dissolution is December 31, 2023; (m) The time and place for a public hearing on the proposed dissolution plan pursuant to New York General Municipal Law § 776 is September 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850; (n) There are no other matters desirable or necessary to carry out the dissolution; and, be it further Resolved, that the Town Clerk for the Town of Ithaca shall post, publish and display the proposed dissolution plan and provide notice to the public as required by New York General Municipal Law § 775; and, be it further Resolved, that the Town Board shall hold a public hearing on the proposed dissolution plan on September 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850, and at such time and place all persons interested in the proposed dissolution plan may be heard concerning the same; and, be it further Resolved, that following the conclusion of the public hearing, the Town Board shall meet to take such other and further action on the part of said Board with relation thereto as may be authorized and prescribed by law, which may include a resolution approving a final version of the Glenside Lighting District dissolution plan. Moved: Bill Goodman Seconded: Rich DePaolo TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 9 Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Rosen, Goodman, & Johnson TB Resolution 2023 - 115 : Endorsing this Proposed Dissolution Plan for the Renwick Heights Lighting District and Setting a Public Hearing on Same Whereas, in 2021, the Town of Ithaca purchased from NYSEG the eleven (11) streetlights in the Renwick Heights Lighting District, and in 2023 the Town upgraded the streetlights to LED lights; and Whereas, there are fifty-one (51) tax parcels located within the Renwick Heights Lighting District in 2023, and future annual costs for the District's electricity and streetlight maintenance are estimated to be around Eight Hundred Dollars ($800) in current dollars; and Whereas, because the Town's bookkeeping burden and administrative expenses for the Renwick Heights Lighting District are disproportionate to the District's minimal future costs, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca (Town Board) is considering dissolution of the Renwick Heights Lighting District and paying for the costs of the Town's lighting districts, once dissolved, through real estate taxes raised on a townwide basis pursuant to New York Highway Law §327; and Whereas, New York General Municipal Law §773(2)(a) provides that the Town Board may commence a dissolution proceeding for the Renwick Heights Lighting District, which is a local government entity, by endorsing a proposed dissolution plan; now, therefore be it Resolved, pursuant to General Municipal Law § 774, the Town Board endorses the following proposed dissolution plan for the purpose of commencing dissolution proceedings for the Renwick Heights Lighting District: (a) The name of the local government entity to be dissolved is the Renwick Heights Lighting District; (b) The territorial boundaries of the entity were established when the Town Board adopted its February 5, 1927 resolution creating and establishing the entity; the territorial boundaries have not changed and are described in said resolution as follows: In that part of said Town of Ithaca, known as Renwick Heights, and extending on the east side of the State Highway, known as Lake Road, passing through the unincorporated village of Renwick Heights in said Town and including the lots or parcels of land abutting thereon from and including the property of W.C. Ballard shown as lot #3, thence northwesterly to the junction of said Lake Road and Remington Road and Renwick Place Road, also extending on both sides of the latter and including the lots and parcel abutting thereon throughout the entire length of said Renwick Place Road, also extending on both sides of Renwick Heights Road and including the lots and parcels abutting thereon from the junction of said Renwick Heights Road, and Lake TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 10 Road, northerly to and including the property of E.L. Palmer shown as lot #25, also the property shown as lot #45, also the property shown as lot #44, also extending on both sides of Renwick Drive and including the lots or parcels abutting thereon from the junction of said Renwick Drive and Renwick Heights Road, southeasterly to and including the property of W.O. Kerr shown as lot #1, thence continuing on both sides of said Renwick Drive and including the lots or parcels abutting thereon northeasterly to the eastern boundary line of the unincorporated Village of Renwick Heights or the western boundary line of the Village of Cayuga Heights. The current tax parcel numbers that are within said territorial boundaries are: 16.-2-1 16.-2-2 16.-2-3 16.-2-4 16.-2-6 16.-2-7 16.-2-8 17.-2-1 17.-2-2 17.-2-3 17.-3-1 17.-3-2 17.-3-3 17.-3-4 17.-3-5 17.-3-6.2 17.-3-7 17.-3-8 17.-3-9 17.-3-10 17.-3-11 17.-3-12 17.-3-13 17.-3-14 17.-3-16.1 17.-3-18.21 17.-3-18.22 17.-3-19 17.-3-20 17.-3-21 17.-3-22 17.-3-23 17.-3-24 17.-3-25.12 17.-3-26 17.-3-27 17.-3-28 17.-3-29 17.-3-30 17.-3-31 17.-3-32 17.-3-33 17.-3-34 17.-3-35 17.-3-36 17.-3-37 17.4-11 17.4-12 17.4-13 17.4-14 17.4-15 (c) The type and/or class of the entity is a lighting district that the Town Board formed pursuant to former Town Law §§ 260, 261, 262 and 263; (d) The Town Board estimates that the cost of dissolution of the Renwick Heights Lighting District is One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), which is the cost of associated legal fees and the publication cost of legal notices; (e) The Renwick Heights Lighting District has no public employees, so it does not need to provide any plan for the transfer or elimination of public employees; (f) The Renwick Heights Lighting District's assets are as follows: Eleven (11) streetlights purchased from NYSEG in 2021 for Three Thousand Two Hundred Fifty -One Dollars ($3,251). The streetlights were upgraded to LED lights in 2023 for an estimated cost of Four Thousand Two Hundred Forty -Five Dollars ($4,245). The fair value thereof in current money of the United States is Seven Thousand Four Hundred Ninety -Six Dollars ($7,496). On December 31, 2022, the Renwick Heights Lighting District had an available fund balance of Three Thousand One Hundred Fifty -Four Dollars ($3,154). The Town assessed property tax of Two Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($2,200) to fifty-one (51) parcels within the Lighting District in 2023, proportionately allocated based on assessed value. The estimated expenses for 2023 (including the cost of conversion to LED lights, eight (8) months of streetlight maintenance, and electricity) are Five Thousand Thirty -Nine Dollars ($5,039). Any residual funds (estimated to be Three Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($315)) left at 12/31/2023 will be moved to the Town's General Fund to offset future costs; TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 11 (g) The Renwick Heights Lighting District does not have any liabilities and indebtedness, bonded or otherwise, except as follows: The Town, on behalf of the District, owes the New York Power Authority and/or its contractors Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty -Eight Dollars ($7,938) for LED conversions. This amount has not yet been billed to the Town. The Town anticipates rebates of Three Thousand Six Hundred Ninety -Three Dollars ($3,693), which results in a net indebtedness of Four Thousand Two Hundred Forty -Five Dollars ($4,245); (h) There are no agreements entered into between the Renwick Heights Lighting District and the Town of Ithaca in order to carry out the dissolution; (i) following the dissolution of the Renwick Heights Lighting District, the residents of the Renwick Heights Lighting District will continue to be furnished municipal street lighting services by the Town of Ithaca, which will be paid for by real estate taxes raised on a townwide basis pursuant to New York Highway Law §327; 0) The entity's assets shall become assets of the Town of Ithaca. The terms for the disposition of the entity's liabilities and indebtedness are as follows: The amount of the entity's indebtedness (if any) to New York Power Authority and/or its contractors as of December 31, 2023 as described in subsection g above shall be paid by moving the entity's fund balance (which is adequate to pay its indebtedness) to the Town's General Fund and paying them from the General Fund. There will be no need for the levy and collection of additional taxes and assessments for the entity's outstanding liabilities and indebtedness as of December 31, 2023; (k) There are no local laws, ordinances, rules or regulations of the Renwick Heights Lighting District which shall remain in effect after the effective date of the dissolution; (1) The effective date of the proposed dissolution is December 31, 2023; (m) The time and place for a public hearing on the proposed dissolution plan pursuant to New York General Municipal Law § 776 is September 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850; (n) There are no other matters desirable or necessary to carry out the dissolution; and Resolved, that the Town Clerk for the Town of Ithaca shall post, publish and display the proposed dissolution plan and provide notice to the public as required by New York General Municipal Law § 775; and be it further Resolved, that the Town Board shall hold a public hearing on the proposed dissolution plan on September 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850, and at such time and place all persons interested in the proposed dissolution plan may be heard concerning the same; and be it further Resolved, that following the conclusion of the public hearing, the Town Board shall meet to take such other and further action on the part of said Board with relation thereto as may be authorized TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 12 and prescribed by law, which may include a resolution approving a final version of the Renwick Heights Lighting District dissolution plan. Moved: Bill Goodman Seconded: Rich DePaolo Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Rosen, Goodman, & Johnson TB Resolution 2023 - 116: Endorsing this Proposed Dissolution Plan for the Eastwood Commons Lij!htinj! District and Setting a Public Hearing on Same Whereas, in 2021, the Town of Ithaca purchased from NYSEG the nine (9) streetlights in the Eastwood Commons Lighting District, and in 2023 the Town upgraded the streetlights to LED lights; and Whereas, there are eighty-eight (88) tax parcels located within the Eastwood Commons Lighting District in 2023, and future annual costs for the District's electricity and streetlight maintenance are estimated to be around Five Hundred Seventy Dollars ($570) in current dollars; and Whereas, because the Town's bookkeeping burden and administrative expenses for the Eastwood Commons Lighting District are disproportionate to the District's minimal future costs, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca is considering dissolution of the Eastwood Commons Lighting District and paying for the costs of the Town's lighting districts, once dissolved, through real estate taxes raised on a townwide basis pursuant to New York Highway Law §327; and Whereas, New York General Municipal Law §773(2)(a) provides that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca may commence a dissolution proceeding for the Eastwood Commons Lighting District, which is a local government entity, by endorsing a proposed dissolution plan; now, therefore be it Resolved, pursuant to General Municipal Law § 774, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca endorses the following proposed dissolution plan for the purpose of commencing dissolution proceedings for the Eastwood Commons Lighting District: (a) The name of the local government entity to be dissolved is the Eastwood Commons Lighting District; (b) The territorial boundaries of the entity were established when the July 9, 1973 resolution and order of the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca establishing the entity was made final; the territorial boundaries have not changed and are described in said resolution and order as follows: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situated in the Town of Ithaca, County of Tompkins and State of New York, being located on Honness Lane, being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly right of way of Honness Lane, said point being the southeast corner of lands of Roberts as recorded in the Tompkins County Clerk's office in TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 13 Liber 315 at page 273; thence running N — 06°— 18' — 04" -E along said Roberts, a distance of 325.37' to a point; thence running N- 83' — 31' — 21' — W, a distance of 354.21' to a point; thence running N- 07' — 25' — 30" — E, a distance of 966.12' to a point in the center line of a creek; thence running easterly along the center line of said creek having a chord bearing of 5-81 ° — 45' — 22" — E for a distance of 248.30' to a point in said center line of the creek; thence running S — 07' — 25'— 30" — W, a distance of 145.0' to a point; thence running N — 81 ° — 34' — 02" — E, a distance of 342.82' to a point; thence running S — 18' — 00' — 06" — E, a distance of 130.0' to a point; thence running N-71 ° — 59' - 54"- E, a distance of 150.00' to a point on the former right of way of E. C. & W. Railroad; thence running S — 18 ° — 00' — 06" — E along said right of way, a distance of 666.12' to a point; thence running S — 68' — 18' — 25" — W, a distance of 120.40' to a point; thence running S — 67' — 09' — 45" - W, a distance of 345.20' to a point; thence running S — 60' — 00' — 58" — W, a distance of 122.33' to a point; thence running N — 84' — 00' — 29" — W, a distance of 150.00' to a point; thence running S — 06' — 18' — 04" — W, a distance of 264.00' to a point in the above mentioned right of way of Honness Lane; thence running N — 84' — 19' — 02' — W along said right of way of Honness Lane, a distance of 50.0' -to the place of beginning and containing 18.9 acres of land more or less. The current tax parcel numbers that are within said territorial boundaries are: 60.1-1-1.1 60.1-1-1.2 60.1-1-1.3 60.1-1-1.4 60.1-1-2.1 60.1-1-2.2 60.1-1-2.3 60.1-1-2.4 60.1-1-3.1 60.1-1.3.2 60.1-1-3.3 60.1-1-3.4 60.1-1-4.1 60.1-1-4.2 60.1-1-4.3 60.1-1-4.4 60.1-1-5.1 60.1-1-5.2 60.1-1-5.3 60.1-1-5.4 60.1-1-6.1 60.1-1-6.2 60.1-1-6.3 60.1-1-6.4 60.1-1-7.1 60.1-1-7.2 60.1-1-7.3 60.1-1-7.4 60.1-1-8.1 60.1-1-8.2 60.1-1-8.3 60.1-1-8.4 60.1-1-9.1 60.1-1-9.2 60.1-9.3 60.1-9.4 60.1-1-10.1 60.1-1-10.2 60.1-1-10.3 60.1-1-10.4 60.1-1-11.1 60.1-1-11.2 60.1-1-11.3 60.1-1-12.1 60.1-1-12.2 60.1-1-12.3 60.1-1-14.1 60.1-1-14.2 60.1-1-14.3 60.1-1-15.1 60.1-1-15.2 60.1-1-15.3 60.1-1-16.1 60.1-1-16.2 60.1-1-16.3 60.1-1-17.1. 60.1-1-17.2 60.1-1-17.3 60.1-1-18.1 60.1-1-18.2 60.1-1-18.3 60.1-1-19.1 60.1-1-19.2 60.1-1-19.3 60.1-1-20.1 60.1-1-20.2 60.1-1-20.3 60.1-1-21.1. 60.1-1-21.2 60.1-1-21.3 60.1-1-22.1 60.1-1-22.2 60.1-1-22.3 60.1-1-30.1 60.1-1-30.2 60.1-1-30.3 60.1-1-30.4 60.1-1-30.5 60.1-1-30.6 60.1-1-31.1 60.1-1-31.2 60.1-1-31.3 60.1-1-31.4 60.1-1-33.1. 60.1-1-33.2 60.1-1-33.3 60.1-1-45 60.1-1-47 (c) The type and/or class of the entity is a lighting district that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca formed pursuant to Town Law Article 12-A; (d) The Town Board estimates that the cost of dissolution of the Eastwood Commons Lighting District is One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), which is the cost of associated legal fees and the publication cost of legal notices; TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 14 (e) The Eastwood Commons Lighting District has no public employees, so it does not need to provide any plan for the transfer or elimination of public employees; (f) The Eastwood Commons Lighting District's assets are as follows: Nine (9) streetlights purchased from NYSEG in 2021 for Two Thousand Six Hundred Sixty dollars ($2,660). The streetlights were upgraded to LED lights in 2023 for an estimated cost of Three Thousand Four Hundred Seventy -Four dollars ($3,474). The fair value thereof in current money of the United States is Six Thousand One Hundred Thirty -Four Dollars ($6,134). On December 31, 2022, the Eastwood Commons Lighting District had an available fund balance of Four Thousand One Hundred Eighty -Seven Dollars ($4,187). The Town assessed property tax of Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750) to eighty-eight (88) parcels within the Lighting District in 2023, proportionately allocated based on assessed value. The estimated expenses for 2023 (including the cost of conversion to LED lights, eight (8) months of streetlight maintenance, and electricity) are Four Thousand One Hundred Thirty -Two Dollars ($4,132). Any residual funds (estimated to be Eight Hundred Five Dollars ($805)) left at 12/31/2023 will be moved to the Town's General Fund to offset future costs; (g) The Eastwood Commons Lighting District does not have any liabilities and indebtedness, bonded or otherwise, except as follows: The Town, on behalf of the District, owes the New York Power Authority and/or its contractors Six Thousand Four Hundred Ninety -Five Dollars ($6,495) for LED conversions. This amount has not yet been billed to the Town. The Town anticipates rebates of Three Thousand Twenty -One Dollars ($3,021), which results in a net indebtedness of Three Thousand Four Hundred Seventy -Four Dollars ($3,474); (h) There are no agreements entered into between the Eastwood Commons Lighting District and the Town of Ithaca in order to carry out the dissolution; (i) following the dissolution of the Eastwood Commons Lighting District, the residents of the Eastwood Commons Lighting District will continue to be furnished municipal street lighting services by the Town of Ithaca, which will be paid for by real estate taxes raised on a townwide basis pursuant to New York Highway Law §327; 0) The entity's assets shall become assets of the Town of Ithaca. The terms for the disposition of the entity's liabilities and indebtedness are as follows: The amount of the entity's indebtedness (if any) to New York Power Authority and/or its contractors as of December 31, 2023 as described in subsection g above shall be paid by moving the entity's fund balance (which is adequate to pay its indebtedness) to the Town's General Fund and paying them from the General Fund. There will be no need for the levy and collection of additional taxes and assessments for the entity's outstanding liabilities and indebtedness as of December 31, 2023; (k) There are no local laws, ordinances, rules or regulations of the Eastwood Commons Lighting District which shall remain in effect after the effective date of the dissolution; (1) The effective date of the proposed dissolution is December 31, 2023; TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 15 (m) The time and place for a public hearing on the proposed dissolution plan pursuant to New York General Municipal Law § 776 is September 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850; (n) There are no other matters desirable or necessary to carry out the dissolution; and be it further Resolved, that the Town Clerk for the Town of Ithaca shall post, publish and display the proposed dissolution plan and provide notice to the public as required by New York General Municipal Law § 775; and be it further Resolved, that the Town Board for the Town of Ithaca shall hold a public hearing on the proposed dissolution plan on September 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850, and at such time and place all persons interested in the proposed dissolution plan may be heard concerning the same; and be it further Resolved, that following the conclusion of the public hearing, the Town Board shall meet to take such other and further action on the part of said Board with relation thereto as may be authorized and prescribed by law, which may include a resolution approving a final version of the Eastwood Commons Lighting District dissolution plan. Moved: Bill Goodman Seconded: Rich DePaolo Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Rosen, Goodman, & Johnson TB Resolution 2023 - 117: Endorsing this Proposed Dissolution Plan for the Clover Lane Lighting District and Setting a Public Hearing on Same Whereas, in 2021, the Town of Ithaca purchased from NYSEG the two (2) streetlights in the Clover Lane Lighting District, and in 2023 the Town upgraded the streetlights to LED lights; and Whereas, there are eleven (11) tax parcels located within the Clover Lane Lighting District in 2023, and future annual costs for the District's electricity and streetlight maintenance are estimated to be around One Hundred and Thirty -One Dollars ($131) in current dollars; and Whereas, because the Town's bookkeeping burden and administrative expenses for the Clover Lane Lighting District are disproportionate to the District's minimal future costs, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca (Town Board) is considering dissolution of the Clover Lane Lighting District and paying for the costs of the Town's lighting districts, once dissolved, through real estate taxes raised on a townwide basis pursuant to New York Highway Law §327; and Whereas, New York General Municipal Law §773(2)(a) provides that the Town Board may commence a dissolution proceeding for the Clover Lane Lighting District, which is a local government entity, by endorsing a proposed dissolution plan; now, therefore be it TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 16 Resolved, pursuant to General Municipal Law § 774, the Town Board endorses the following proposed dissolution plan for the purpose of commencing dissolution proceedings for the Clover Lane Lighting District: (a) The name of the local government entity to be dissolved is the Clover Lane Lighting District; (b) The territorial boundaries of the entity were established when the Town Board adopted its March 9, 1981 resolution and order establishing the entity; the territorial boundaries have not changed and are described in said resolution and order as follows: All tracks or parcels of land situated in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York consisting of several parcels of land lying on either side of Clover Lane, shown on Ithaca Tax Map No. 59 on block 2 thereof, and comprising lots 5 to 10 inclusive, the westerly side of Clover Lane bound on the north line 200 feet south of the south line of Mitchell Street, on the west line 51 feet east from the division between the City and Town of Ithaca, on the south by Parcel 19 and on the east by the west line of Clover Lane; also comprising of Parcels 11 to 18 inclusive; bounded on the west by Clover Lane, on the north by said line which is 120 feet south of and parallel of Mitchell Street, on the south by Parcel 19 and on the east by the east line of Parcels 18 and 17.2 and said line projected northwest as shown on said map. The current tax parcel numbers that are within said territorial boundaries are: 59-2-5 59-2-6.1 59.-2-7 59.-2-8 59.-2-9 59.-2-10 59.-2-11 59.-2-12.2 59.-2-13 59.-2-14 59.-2-18 (c) The type and/or class of the entity is a lighting district that the Town Board formed pursuant to its March 9, 1981 resolution and order; (d) The Town Board estimates that the cost of dissolution of the Clover Lane Lighting District is One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), which is the cost of associated legal fees and the publication cost of legal notices; (e) The Clover Lane Lighting District has no public employees, so it does not need to provide any plan for the transfer or elimination of public employees; (f) The Clover Lane Lighting District's assets are as follows: Two (2) streetlights purchased from NYSEG in 2021 for Five Hundred Ninety -One Dollars ($591). The streetlights were upgraded to LED lights in 2023 for an estimated cost of Seven Hundred Seventy -Two Dollars ($772). The fair value thereof in current money of the United States is One Thousand Three Hundred Sixty - Three Dollars ($1,363). On December 31, 2022, the Clover Lane Lighting District had an available fund balance of Six Hundred Thirty -Nine Dollars ($639). The Town assessed property tax of Three Hundred Seventy -Five Dollars ($375) to eleven (11) parcels within the Lighting District in 2023, proportionately allocated based on assessed value. The estimated expenses for 2023 (including the cost of conversion to LED lights, eight (8) months of streetlight maintenance, and electricity) are Nine Hundred Seven Dollars ($907). Any residual funds (estimated to be One Hundred Seven Dollars ($107)) left at 12/31/2023 will be moved to the Town's General Fund to offset future costs; TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 17 (g) The Clover Lane Lighting District does not have any liabilities and indebtedness, bonded or otherwise, except as follows: The Town, on behalf of the District, owes the New York Power Authority and/or its contractors One Thousand Four Hundred Forty -Three Dollars ($1,443) for LED conversions. This amount has not yet been billed to the Town. The Town anticipates rebates of Six Hundred Seventy -One Dollars ($671), which results in a net indebtedness of Seven Hundred Seventy -Two Dollars ($772); (h) There are no agreements entered into between the Clover Lane Lighting District and the Town of Ithaca in order to carry out the dissolution; (i) following the dissolution of the Clover Lane Lighting District, the residents of the Clover Lane Lighting District will continue to be furnished municipal street lighting services by the Town of Ithaca, which will be paid for by real estate taxes raised on a townwide basis pursuant to New York Highway Law §327; 0) The entity's assets shall become assets of the Town of Ithaca. The terms for the disposition of the entity's liabilities and indebtedness are as follows: The amount of the entity's indebtedness (if any) to New York Power Authority and/or its contractors as of December 31, 2023 as described in subsection g above shall be paid by moving the entity's fund balance (which is adequate to pay its indebtedness) to the Town's General Fund and paying them from the General Fund. There will be no need for the levy and collection of additional taxes and assessments for the entity's outstanding liabilities and indebtedness as of December 31, 2023; (k) There are no local laws, ordinances, rules or regulations of the Clover Lane Lighting District which shall remain in effect after the effective date of the dissolution; (1) The effective date of the proposed dissolution is December 31, 2023; (m) The time and place for a public hearing on the proposed dissolution plan pursuant to New York General Municipal Law § 776 is September 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850; (n) There are no other matters desirable or necessary to carry out the dissolution; and be it further Resolved, that the Town Clerk for the Town of Ithaca shall post, publish and display the proposed dissolution plan and provide notice to the public as required by New York General Municipal Law § 775; and be it Resolved, that the Town Board shall hold a public hearing on the proposed dissolution plan on September 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850, and at such time and place all persons interested in the proposed dissolution plan may be heard concerning the same; and be it further Resolved, that following the conclusion of the public hearing, the Town Board shall meet to take such other and further action on the part of said Board with relation thereto as may be authorized TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 18 and prescribed by law, which may include a resolution approving a final version of the Clover Lane Lighting District dissolution plan. Moved: Bill Goodman Seconded: Rich DePaolo Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Rosen, Goodman, & Johnson TB Resolution 2023 - 118: Endorsing this Proposed Dissolution Plan for the Winners Circle Subdivision Lighting District and Setting a Public Hearing on Same Whereas, in 2021, the Town of Ithaca purchased from NYSEG the three (3) streetlights in the Winners Circle Subdivision Lighting District, and in 2023 the Town upgraded the streetlights to LED lights; and Whereas, there are seven (7) tax parcels located within the Winners Circle Subdivision Lighting District in 2023, and future annual costs for the District's electricity and streetlight maintenance are estimated to be around Two Hundred Thirty Dollars ($230) in current dollars; and Whereas, because the Town's bookkeeping burden and administrative expenses for the Winners Circle Subdivision Lighting District are disproportionate to the District's minimal future costs, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca (Town Board) is considering dissolution of the Winners Circle Subdivision Lighting District and paying for the costs of the Town's lighting districts, once dissolved, through real estate taxes raised on a townwide basis pursuant to New York Highway Law §327; and Whereas, New York General Municipal Law §773(2)(a) provides that the Town Board may commence a dissolution proceeding for the Winners Circle Subdivision Lighting District, which is a local government entity, by endorsing a proposed dissolution plan; now, therefore be it Resolved, pursuant to General Municipal Law § 774, the Town Board endorses the following proposed dissolution plan for the purpose of commencing dissolution proceedings for the Winners Circle Subdivision Lighting District: (a) The name of the local government entity to be dissolved is the Winners Circle Subdivision Lighting District; (b) The territorial boundaries of the entity were established when the Town Board adopted its June 12, 1989 resolution and order establishing the entity; the territorial boundaries have not changed and are described in said resolution and order as follows: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Ithaca, County of Tompkins, State of New York, and being the subdivision known as the "Winners Circle Subdivision" as shown on the subdivision map entitled "FRANCIS J. PAOLANGELI — DEVELOPER — WINNERS CIRCLE SUBDIVISION, FINAL PLAT, SLATERVILLE ROAD, NYS ROUTE 79, TOWN OF ITHACA, TOMPKINS CO., N.Y.," dated February 7, 1989, by T. G. Miller Associates, P.C., Engineers & Surveyors, a copy of which map was filed March 24, TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 19 1989 in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office in Drawer M of Maps, 100 and 1.01, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the centerline of the Slaterville Road (New York State Route 79) in said Town, which point is at the most easterly corner of Lot 1 as shown on said subdivision map; thence South 64 degrees 42 minutes West (all bearings magnetic 1988), passing through iron. pipes at 33.4 feet, 228.9 feet, 431.9 feet, and 497.1 feet, a total distance of 512.4 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 35 degrees 33 minutes West, passing through an iron pipe at 191.0 feet, a total distance of 199.7 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 35 degrees 02 minutes West, passing through iron pipes at 238.0 feet and at 290.0 feet, a total distance of 510.0 feet to an iron pipe set in the apparent center of a creek; thence easterly along the centerline of a creek, a chord bearing North 73 degrees 31 minutes East, a chord distance of 361.1 feet, a distance of 363 feet more or less, to a point marked by an iron pipe; thence South 33 degrees 10 minutes East a distance of 166.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 56 degrees 56 minutes West a distance of 41.7 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 34 degrees 24 minutes East, passing through an iron pipe at 24.5 feet , a total distance of 48.5 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 89 degrees 37 minutes East a distance of 5 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 30 degrees 07 minutes East a distance of 119.7 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 72 degrees 45 minutes East a distance of 8.6 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 34 degrees 03 minutes East a distance of 100.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 72 degrees 44 minutes East a distance of 127.0 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 54 degrees 29 minutes East, passing through an iron pipe at 61.5 feet, a total distance of 94.5 feet to the centerline of Slaterville Road; thence South 34 degrees 01 minutes East along the centerline of Slaterville Road a distance of 205.8 feet to the point or place of beginning. The current tax parcel numbers that are within said territorial boundaries are: 58.-1-8.1 58.-1-8.2 58.-1-8.3 58.-1-8.4 58.-1-8.5 58.-1-8.6 58.-1-8.7 (c) The type and/or class of the entity is a lighting district that the Town Board formed pursuant to Town Law Article 12; (d) The Town Board estimates that the cost of dissolution of the Winners Circle Subdivision Lighting District is One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), which is the cost of associated legal fees and the publication cost of legal notices; (e) The Winners Circle Subdivision Lighting District has no public employees, so it does not need to provide any plan for the transfer or elimination of public employees; (f) The Winners Circle Subdivision Lighting District's assets are as follows: Three (3) streetlights purchased from NYSEG in 2021 for Eight Hundred Eighty -Seven dollars ($887). The streetlights were upgraded to LED lights in 2023 for an estimated cost of One Thousand One Hundred Fifty -Seven dollars ($1,157). The fair value thereof in current money of the United States is Two Thousand Forty -Four Dollars ($2,044). On December 31, 2022, the Winners Circle Subdivision Lighting District had an available fund balance of One Thousand Five Hundred Thirty -Three Dollars ($1,533). The Town assessed property tax of Two Hundred Dollars ($200) to seven (7) parcels within the Lighting District in 2023, proportionately allocated based on assessed value. The estimated expenses for 2023 (including the cost of conversion to LED lights, eight (8) months of streetlight maintenance, and electricity) are One Thousand Three TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 20 Hundred Eighty Dollars ($1,380). Any residual funds (estimated to be Three Hundred Fifty - Three Dollars ($353)) left at 12/31/2023 will be moved to the Town's General Fund to offset future costs; (g) The Winners Circle Subdivision Lighting District does not have any liabilities and indebtedness, bonded or otherwise, except as follows: The Town, on behalf of the District, owes the New York Power Authority and/or its contractors Two Thousand One Hundred Sixty -Four Dollars ($2,164) for LED conversions. This amount has not yet been billed to the Town. The Town anticipates rebates of One Thousand Seven Dollars ($1,007), which results in a net indebtedness of One Thousand One Hundred Fifty -Seven Dollars ($1,1.57); (h) There are no agreements entered into between the Winners Circle Subdivision Lighting District and the Town of Ithaca in order to carry out the dissolution; (i) following the dissolution of the Winners Circle Subdivision Lighting District, the residents of the Winners Circle Subdivision Lighting District will continue to be furnished municipal street lighting services by the Town of Ithaca, which will be paid for by real estate taxes raised on a townwide basis pursuant to New York Highway Law §327; 0) The entity's assets shall become assets of the Town of Ithaca. The terms for the disposition of the entity's liabilities and indebtedness are as follows: The amount of the entity's indebtedness (if any) to New York Power Authority and/or its contractors as of December 31, 2023 as described in subsection g above shall be paid by moving the entity's fund balance (which is adequate to pay its indebtedness) to the Town's General Fund and paying them from the General Fund. There will be no need for the levy and collection of additional taxes and assessments for the entity's outstanding liabilities and indebtedness as of December 31, 2023; (k) There are no local laws, ordinances, rules or regulations of the Winners Circle Subdivision Lighting District which shall remain in effect after the effective date of the dissolution; (1) The effective date of the proposed dissolution is December 31, 2023; (m) The time and place for a public hearing on the proposed dissolution plan pursuant to New York General Municipal Law § 776 is September 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850; (n) There are no other matters desirable or necessary to carry out the dissolution; and be it further Resolved, that the Town Clerk for the Town of Ithaca shall post, publish and display the proposed dissolution plan and provide notice to the public as required by New York General Municipal Law § 775; and be it further Resolved, that the Town Board shall hold a public hearing on the proposed dissolution plan on September 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850, and at such time and place all persons interested in the proposed dissolution plan may be heard concerning the same; and be it further TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 21 Resolved, that following the conclusion of the public hearing, the Town Board shall meet to take such other and further action on the part of said Board with relation thereto as may be authorized and prescribed by law, which may include a resolution approving a final version of the Winners Circle Subdivision Lighting District dissolution plan. Moved: Bill Goodman Seconded: Rich DePaolo Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Rosen, Goodman, & Johnson TB Resolution 2023 - 119: Endorsing this Proposed Dissolution Plan for the West Raven Road Lighting District and Setting a Public Hearing on Same Whereas, in 2021, the Town of Ithaca purchased from NYSEG the nineteen (19) streetlights in the West Haven Road Lighting District, and in 2023 the Town upgraded the streetlights to LED lights; and Whereas, there are seventy-nine (79) tax parcels located within the West Haven Road Lighting District in 2023, and future annual costs for the District's electricity and streetlight maintenance are estimated to be around One Thousand Four Hundred Forty -Six Dollars ($1,446) in current dollars; and Whereas, because the Town's bookkeeping burden and administrative expenses for the West Haven Road Lighting District are disproportionate to the District's minimal future costs, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca (Town Board) is considering dissolution of the West Haven Road Lighting District and paying for the costs of the Town's lighting districts, once dissolved, through real estate taxes raised on a townwide basis pursuant to New York Highway Law §327; and Whereas, New York General Municipal Law §773(2)(a) provides that the Town Board may commence a dissolution proceeding for the West Haven Road Lighting District, which is a local government entity, by endorsing a proposed dissolution plan; now, therefore be it Resolved, pursuant to General Municipal Law § 774, the Town Board endorses the following proposed dissolution plan for the purpose of commencing dissolution proceedings for the West Haven Road Lighting District: (a) The name of the local government entity to be dissolved is the West Haven Road Lighting District; (b) The territorial boundaries of the entity were established when the Town Board adopted its November 5, 1992 resolution and order establishing the entity; the territorial boundaries of the entity have not changed and are described in said resolution and order as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the south line of Mecklenburg Road, which point is located 175 feet easterly along the south line of Mecklenburg Road from its intersection with the east line of West Haven Road, and which point is in the easterly line of tax parcel 28-2-6.302 (as shown on the tax maps revised through May 1, 1980) and running along the boundary line between said tax TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 22 parcel 6.302 and tax parcel 28-2-13 through 8, crossing another strip of land associated with tax parcel 28-2-6.302 and along the easterly boundary line of said tax parcel with tax parcel 28-2-7 a distance of approximately 1,680 feet to a point in the north line of tax parcel 28-2-6.21; running thence easterly approximately 40 feet along the north line of said tax parcel 6.21 to the northeast comer of same; running thence southerly along the easterly line of tax parcels 28-2-6.21 and 6.22 a distance of approximately 900 feet to a point in the southeast comer of tax parcel 28-2-6.22 reputedly owned by Deborah C. Mitchell; running thence easterly along the southerly line of said tax parcel 28-2-6.22 a distance of approximately 83 feet to the northeast comer of tax parcel No. 29-6-32.2 reputedly owned by the Axtell Estate; running thence southerly along the easterly line of said tax parcel 29-6-32.2 and tax parcel 29-6-32.1 and across another strip of land connected to tax parcel 28-2-6.1 a total distance of approximately 250 feet to the north line of tax parcel 29- 6-31 reputedly owned by Endo and Bone; running thence easterly along the north line of said Endo-Boue parcel a distance of approximately 33 feet to the north line of said Endo-Boue parcel; running thence southerly along the easterly line of tax parcels 29-6-29, 28, 27,26 and 25 and continuing across a strip of land connected to tax parcel 29-6-24.1 and further along the east lines of tax parcels 29-6-23,22,21,20 and a portion of 19 a total distance of approximately 1,152 feet to a point in the north line of tax parcel 29-6-13.1 which point is also in a southerly line and comer of tax parcel No. 29-6-19 reputedly owned by Edward and Jane Strite; running thence westerly along said Strite parcel a distance of approximately 65 feet to a comer in the Strite parcel; running thence southerly along an easterly line of the Strite parcel a distance of approximately 100 feet to a point in the southerly line of said Strite parcel; continuing southerly along the easterly line of tax parcels 29-6-18.1 and 18.2 a distance of approximately 240 feet to a comer in tax parcel 29-6-18.2 reputedly owned by Larry Burdge; running thence easterly along a portion of the Burdge line a distance of approximately 25 feet to a comer; running thence southerly along an easterly line of the Burdge parcel a distance of 40 feet to the southeast comer of said Burdge parcel; running thence westerly along the south line of said Burdge parcel a distance of 100 feet to the northeast corner of tax parcel 29-6-16.1 reputedly owned by James and Mary Robertson; running thence southerly along the easterly line of said Robertson parcel a distance of approximately 145 feet to the north line of Elm. Street Extension; running thence westerly along the north line of Elm Street Extension and across West Haven Road and continuing along the north line of Elm Street Extension a total distance of approximately 360 feet to a west line of tax parcel 29-4-8 reputedly owned by John and Tammy Wilcox; running thence northerly along the west line of said Wilcox parcel a distance of approximately 175 feet to the south line of tax parcel 29-4-7 reputedly owned by Richard and Margaret Coutre; running thence westerly along said Coutre parcel a distance of approximately 134 feet to the southwest comer of said Coutre parcel; running thence northerly along the west line of said Coutre parcel and the west line of tax parcels 29-4-6, 5,4,3,2 and 1, and continuing across tax parcel 28-1-28.2 and along the west line of tax parcel 29-5-7, 6, and 5 to the northwest comer of said tax parcel 29-5-5 reputedly owned by Harold and Doris VanAllen; running thence easterly along the north line of said VanAllen premises a distance of approximately 157 feet to the southwest comer of tax parcel 29-5-4.1 reputedly owned by Isadora Becker; running thence northerly along the west line of said Becker property and the west line of tax parcel 29-5-4.2 a distance of approximately 197 feet to the south line of tax parcel 29-5-3 reputedly owned by Michael and Lisa Lofgren; running thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lofgren parcel a distance of approximately 162 feet to the southwest comer of said Lofgren parcel; running thence northerly along the west line of said Lofgren parcel, the west line of tax parcel 29-5-2,across a portion of TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 23 tax parcel 28-1-28,2,and along the west line of tax parcel 29-5-1.2 reputedly owned by Donald and Jenevieve Henry a total distance of approximately 250 feet to the northwest comer of said Henry parcel; running thence northerly along the east line of tax parcel 28-1-26.3 reputedly owned by Frank and Rose Flacco a distance of approximately 590 feet to the northwest comer of said Flacco parcel; running thence easterly along the north line of said Flacco parcel a distance of approximately 200 feet to the southwest comer of tax parcel 28-1-26.1; running thence northerly along the westerly line of said tax parcel 28-1-26.1 a distance of approximately 1.60 feet to the northwest comer of said tax parcel 28-1-26;1; continuing northerly on the extended west line of said tax parcel an additional distance of 1.50 feet to a point; running thence westerly a distance of approximately 50 feet to a point which intersects with the westerly line of tax parcel 28-1-26.5 reputedly owned by Robert and Elizabeth Hesson extended 1.50-feet to the south; running thence northerly along said extended west line and the west line of said Hesson parcel a distance of approximately 300 feet to the northwest comer of said Hesson parcel; and continuing northerly along an extended west line of said Hesson parcel a distance of approximately 1260 feet to the south line of Mecklenburg Road; running thence easterly along the south line of Mecklenburg Road a distance of approximately 400 feet to the point or place of beginning. The current tax parcel numbers that are within said territorial boundaries are: 28.-1-26.1 28.-1-26.3 28.-1-26.5 28.-1-26.22 28.-1-26.23 28.-1-26.24 28.-1-26.85 28.-1-26.85/1 28.-1-26.85/2 28.-1-26.85/4 28.-1-26.221 28.-1-26.222 28.-1-26.223 28.-1-26.224 28.-1-26.225 28.-1-26.226 28.-1-26.227 28.-1-26.228 28.-1-26.229 28.-1-27 28.-1-28.227 28.-2-1 28.-2-6.21 28.-2-6.22 28.-2-6.302 28.-2-7 28.-2-8 28.-2-9 28.-2-10 28.-2-11 28.-2-12 28.-2-13 28.1-1-18 28.1-1-18./2 28.1-1-18./4 28.1-1-18./5 28.1-1-18./6 28.1-1-18./7 28.1-1-18./8 28.1-1-18./9 28.1-1-18./201 29.4-1 29.4-2 29.4-3 29.4-4 29.-4-5 29.-4-6 29.4-7 29.4-8 29.-5-1.2 29.-5-2 29.-5-3 29.-5-4.1 29.-5-5 29.-5-6 29.-5-7 29.-5-8 29.-6-13.1 29.-6-13.5 29.-6-13.6 29.-6-16.1 29.-6-18.1 29.-6-18.2 29.-6-19 29.-6-20 29.-6-21 29.-6-22 29.-6-23 29.-6-24.1 29.-6-24.5 29.-6-25 29.-6-26 29.-6-27 29.-6-28 29.-6-29 29.-6-30 29.-6-31 29.-6-32.1 29.-6-32.2 (c) The type and/or class of the entity is a lighting district that the Town Board formed pursuant to Town Law Article 12; (d) The Town Board estimates that the cost of dissolution of the West Haven Road Lighting District is One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), which is the cost of associated legal fees and the publication cost of legal notices; TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 24 (e) The West Haven Road Lighting District has no public employees, so it does not need to provide any plan for the transfer or elimination of public employees; (f) The West Haven Road Lighting District's assets are as follows: Nineteen (19) streetlights purchased from NYSEG in 2021 for Five Thousand Six Hundred Sixteen Dollars ($5,616). The streetlights were upgraded to LED lights in 2023 for an estimated cost of Seven Thousand Three Hundred Thirty -Three dollars ($7,333). The fair value thereof in current money of the United States is Twelve Thousand Nine Hundred Forty -Nine Dollars ($12,949). On December 31, 2022, the West Haven Road Lighting District had an available fund balance of Six Thousand One Hundred Four Dollars ($6,104). The Town assessed property tax of Three Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Dollars ($3,950) to sixty-seven (67) parcels within the Lighting District in 2023, proportionately allocated based on road frontage. The estimated expenses for 2023 (including the cost of conversion to LED lights, eight (8) months of streetlight maintenance, and electricity) are Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Forty -Seven Dollars ($8,947). Any residual funds (estimated to be One Thousand One Hundred Seven Dollars ($1,1.07)) left at 12/31/2023 will be moved to the Town's General Fund to offset future costs; (g) The West Haven Road Lighting District does not have any liabilities and indebtedness, bonded or otherwise, except as follows: The Town, on behalf of the District, owes the New York Power Authority and/or its contractors Thirteen Thousand Seven Hundred Eleven Dollars ($13,711) for LED conversions. This amount has not yet been billed to the Town. The Town anticipates rebates of Six Thousand Three Hundred Seventy -Eight Dollars ($6,378), which results in a net indebtedness of Seven Thousand Three Hundred Thirty -Three Dollars ($7,333); (h) There are no agreements entered into between the West Haven Road Lighting District and the Town of Ithaca in order to carry out the dissolution; (i) following the dissolution of the West Haven Road Lighting District, the residents of the West Haven Road Lighting District will continue to be furnished municipal street lighting services by the Town of Ithaca, which will be paid for by real estate taxes raised on a townwide basis pursuant to New York Highway Law §327; 0) The entity's assets shall become assets of the Town of Ithaca. The terms for the disposition of the entity's liabilities and indebtedness are as follows: The amount of the entity's indebtedness (if any) to New York Power Authority and/or its contractors as of December 31, 2023 as described in subsection g above shall be paid by moving the entity's fund balance (which is adequate to pay its indebtedness) to the Town's General Fund and paying them from the General Fund. There will be no need for the levy and collection of additional taxes and assessments for the entity's outstanding liabilities and indebtedness as of December 31, 2023; (k) There are no local laws, ordinances, rules or regulations of the West Haven Road Lighting District which shall remain in effect after the effective date of the dissolution; (1) The effective date of the proposed dissolution is December 31, 2023; TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 25 (m) The time and place for a public hearing on the proposed dissolution plan pursuant to New York General Municipal Law § 776 is September 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850; (n) There are no other matters desirable or necessary to carry out the dissolution; and be it further Resolved, that the Town Clerk for the Town of Ithaca shall post, publish and display the proposed dissolution plan and provide notice to the public as required by New York General Municipal Law § 775; and be it further Resolved, that the Town Board shall hold a public hearing on the proposed dissolution plan on September 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850, and at such time and place all persons interested in the proposed dissolution plan may be heard concerning the same; and be it further Resolved, that following the conclusion of the public hearing, the Town Board shall meet to take such other and further action on the part of said Board with relation thereto as may be authorized and prescribed by law, which may include a resolution approving a final version of the West Haven Road Lighting District dissolution plan. Moved: Bill Goodman Seconded: Rich DePaolo Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Rosen, Goodman, & Johnson TB Resolution 2023 - 120: Endorsing this Proposed Dissolution Plan for the Coddington Road Lighting District and Setting a Public Bearing on Same Whereas, in 2021, the Town of Ithaca purchased from NYSEG the twelve (12) streetlights in the Coddington Road Lighting District, and in 2023 the Town upgraded the streetlights to LED lights; and Whereas, there are sixty-two (62) tax parcels located within the Coddington Road Lighting District in 2023, and future annual costs for the District's electricity and streetlight maintenance are estimated to be around One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) in current dollars; and Whereas, because the Town's bookkeeping burden and administrative expenses for the Coddington Road Lighting District are disproportionate to the District's minimal future costs, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca (town Board) is considering dissolution of the Coddington Road Lighting District and paying for the costs of the Town's lighting districts, once dissolved, through real estate taxes raised on a townwide basis pursuant to New York Highway Law §327; and Whereas, New York General Municipal Law §773(2)(a) provides that the Town Board may commence a dissolution proceeding for the Coddington Road Lighting District, which is a local government entity, by endorsing a proposed dissolution plan; now, therefore be it TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 26 Resolved, pursuant to General Municipal Law § 774, the Town Board endorses the following proposed dissolution plan for the purpose of commencing dissolution proceedings for the Coddington Road Lighting District: (a) The name of the local government entity to be dissolved is the Coddington Road Lighting District; (b) The territorial boundaries of the entity were established when the Town Board adopted its April 12, 1993 resolution and order establishing the entity; the territorial boundaries have not changed and are described in said resolution and order as follows: COMMENCING at the intersection of the center lines of Coddington Road and Northview Road West; running thence southwesterly along the center line of Northview Road West 175 feet; running thence northwesterly on a line parallel with and 175 feet southwesterly from the center line of Coddington Road a distance of approximately 4,700 feet to the boundary line between the City of Ithaca and the Town of Ithaca, which line is also the northwest line of Town of Ithaca tax parcel No. 41-1-13; running thence northeasterly along said City -Town line to the center line of Coddington Road; running thence southeasterly along the center line of Coddington Road (excluding the portion of Coddington Road which lies outside the normal 60 foot right of way along the east side of Coddington Road) a distance of approximately 530 feet to a point; running thence northeasterly a distance of approximately 95 feet in part along the northwest line of Town of Ithaca tax parcel No. 54-7-49 to a point in the former railroad right of way; running thence southeasterly along the southwesterly line of said former railroad right of way and along the rear line of tax parcels No. 54-7-49, 48, 47, 46, and 45.2 a distance of approximately 400 feet to a point where the southwesterly line of said former railroad right of way is 175 feet from the center line of Coddington Road; running thence on a line parallel with and 175 feet northeasterly of the center line of Coddington Road a total distance of approximately 3,710 feet to the center line of Northview Road; running thence southwesterly along the center line of Northview Road to the center line of Coddington Road; running thence -southeasterly along the center line of Coddington Road approximately 20 feet to the intersection of said center line with the center line of Northview Road West and the point of beginning. The current tax parcel numbers that are within said territorial boundaries are: 41.-1-15 41.-1-16 41.-1-19 41.-1-21 41.-1-28 41.-1-29 41.-1-30.2 42.-1-1.1. 42.-1-1.2 42.-1-2.3 42.-1-2.4 42.-1-4.1 42.-1-4.2 42.-1-5 42.-1-6 42.-1-7.1. 42.-1-7.2 42.-1.8 42.-1-9.5 42.-1-9.8 42.-1-9.12 42.-1-9.41 42.-1-9.42 42.-1-9.43 42.-1-9.44 42.-1-9.1.41 42.-1-9.1.42 52.-1-1 52.-1-2 52.-1-3 53.-1-1 53.-1-2 53.-1-3 53.-1-14.1 53.-1-14.221 53.-1-14.222 53.-1-15.1 53.-1-15.2 53.-1-15.3 53.-1-15.4 53.-1-15.5 53.-1-15.6 53.-1-16.1 53.-1-16.2 53.-1-19 53.-1-20 53.-1-21 53.-1-24.1. 53.-1-24.2 53.-1-24.3 53.-1-24.4 54.-7-40 TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 27 54.-7-42 54.-7-43 54.-7-44 54.-7-45.1. 54.-7-45.2 54.-7-46 54.-7-47 54.-7-48 54.-7-49 54.-7-50 (c) The type and/or class of the entity is a lighting district that the Town Board formed pursuant to Town Law Article 12-A; (d) The Town Board estimates that the cost of dissolution of the Coddington Road Lighting District is One Thousand Dollars ($1,000), which is the cost of associated legal fees and the publication cost of legal notices; (e) The Coddington Road Lighting District has no public employees, so it does not need to provide any plan for the transfer or elimination of public employees; (f) The Coddington Road Lighting District's assets are as follows: Twelve (12) streetlights purchased from NYSEG in 2021 for Three Thousand Five Hundred Forty -Seven dollars ($3,547). The streetlights were upgraded to LED lights in 2023 for an estimated cost of Four Thousand Six Hundred Thirty -One dollars ($4,631). The fair value thereof in current money of the United States is Eight Thousand One Hundred Seventy -Eight Dollars ($8,178). On December 31, 2022, the Coddington Road Lighting District had an available fund balance of Four Thousand Seventeen Dollars ($4,017)). The Town assessed property tax of Two Thousand Eighty Dollars ($2,080) to sixty-two (62) parcels within the Lighting District in 2023, proportionately allocated based on road frontage on Coddington Road. The estimated expenses for 2023 (including the cost of conversion to LED lights, eight (8) months of streetlight maintenance, and electricity) are Five Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($5,700). Any residual funds (estimated to be Three Hundred Ninety -Seven Dollars ($397)) left at 12/31/2023 will be moved to the Town's General Fund to offset future costs; (g) The Coddington Road Lighting District does not have any liabilities and indebtedness, bonded or otherwise, except as follows: The Town, on behalf of the District, owes the New York Power Authority and/or its contractors Eight Thousand Six Hundred Fifty -Nine Dollars ($8,659) for LED conversions. This amount has not yet been billed to the Town. The Town anticipates rebates of Four Thousand Twenty -Eight Dollars ($4,028), which results in a net indebtedness of Four Thousand Six Hundred Thirty -One Dollars ($4,631); (h) There are no agreements entered into between the Coddington Road Lighting District and the Town of Ithaca in order to carry out the dissolution; (i) following the dissolution of the Coddington Road Lighting District, the residents of the Coddington Road Lighting District will continue to be furnished municipal street lighting services by the Town of Ithaca, which will be paid for by real estate taxes raised on a townwide basis pursuant to New York Highway Law §327; 0) The entity's assets shall become assets of the Town of Ithaca. The terms for the disposition of the entity's liabilities and indebtedness are as follows: The amount of the entity's indebtedness (if any) to New York Power Authority and/or its contractors as of December 31, 2023 as described in subsection g above shall be paid by moving the entity's fund balance (which is adequate to TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 28 pay its indebtedness) to the Town's General Fund and paying them from the General Fund. There will be no need for the levy and collection of additional taxes and assessments for the entity's outstanding liabilities and indebtedness as of December 31, 2023; (k) There are no local laws, ordinances, rules or regulations of the Coddington Road Lighting District which shall remain in effect after the effective date of the dissolution; (1) The effective date of the proposed dissolution is December 31, 2023; (m) The time and place for a public hearing on the proposed dissolution plan pursuant to New York General Municipal Law § 776 is September 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850; (n) There are no other matters desirable or necessary to carry out the dissolution; and be it further Resolved, that the Town Clerk for the Town of Ithaca shall post, publish and display the proposed dissolution plan and provide notice to the public as required by New York General Municipal Law § 775; and be it further Resolved, that the Town Board shall hold a public hearing on the proposed dissolution plan on September 11, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ithaca Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850, and at such time and place all persons interested in the proposed dissolution plan may be heard concerning the same; and be it further Resolved, that following the conclusion of the public hearing, the Town Board shall meet to take such other and further action on the part of said Board with relation thereto as may be authorized and prescribed by law, which may include a resolution approving a final version of the Coddington Road Lighting District dissolution plan. Moved: Bill Goodman Seconded: Rich DePaolo Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Rosen, Goodman, & Johnson 2. Consider authorization to apply for funding through the 2023 Environmental Protection Fund Grants Program for Parks, Preservation and Heritage to purchase approximately 135 acres of land on South Hill TB Resolution 2023 - 121: SEAR Acquisition of Approximately 135 Acres on South Hill (located off King Road East, Chase Lane, Ridgecrest Road, and Schickel Road) for a New Preserve Whereas, this action is the acquisition of approximately 135 acres on South Hill (located off King Road East, Chase Lane, Ridgecrest Road, and Schickel Road) in the Town of Ithaca, and Whereas, the landowner has offered to sell these undeveloped lands to the Town of Ithaca at 80% of the appraised value, and TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 29 Whereas, the property will be acquired in order to add to the Town's existing preserves and to provide residents with additional recreational opportunities for passive enjoyment of the forested habitats, and Whereas, the Town of Ithaca is applying for funding from NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation (OPRHP) under the 2023 Environmental Protection Fund Grants Program for Parks, Preservation and Heritage to assist in the acquisition costs, and Whereas, it has been determined that the above -described action is an Unlisted Action, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, 6 NYCRR Part 61.7, and Town of Ithaca Code, Chapter 148 — Environmental Quality Review, for which the Town of Ithaca Town Board is acting as Lead Agency in an environmental review with respect to the property acquisition; and Whereas, the Town Board, on July 24, 2023, has reviewed and accepted as adequate the Short Environmental Assessment Form, Parts 1, 2 and 3 prepared by Town staff for this action; now therefore be it Resolved, that the Ithaca Town Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance based on the information in the Short EAF Part 1 and for the reasons set forth in the Short EAF Parts 2 and 3 in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act and Chapter 148 of the Town of Ithaca Code for the above referenced action as proposed and, therefore, neither a Full Environmental Assessment Form, nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be required. Moved: Rob Rosen Seconded: Rich DePaolo Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Rosen, Goodman, & Johnson TB Resolution 2023 - 122: Authorization to Apply for Funding through the 2023 Environmental Protection Fund Grants Program for Parks, Preservation and Heritage to Purchase Approximately 135 Acres of Land on South Hill Whereas, the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation (OPRHP) has announced the availability of funding under the 2023 Environmental Protection Fund Grants Program for Parks, Recreation and Heritage, which includes a category for the acquisition of parks or other recreational facilities to preserve it for recreation or conservation purposes, and Whereas, the maximum assistance allowed toward the cost of the project is $500,000, with a 25% local match required, and Whereas, the Town of Ithaca is seeking to purchase approximately 135 acres on South Hill (located off King Road East, Chase Lane, Ridgecrest Road, and Schickel Road), to be included as a Town preserve, and TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 30 Whereas, the Town estimates the total cost to be approximately $674,000 for the acquisition of the property, outlined further in the application for this acquisition grant, and Whereas, the landowner has offer to sell the approximately 135 acres to the Town at 80% of the appraised value, which reduces the overall cost to $543,000, and Whereas, grant applications are due by July 28, 2023 Resolved, that the Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca, or designated representative, is hereby authorized and directed to file an application for the acquisition of the approximately 135 acre property on South Hill under the 2023 Environmental Protection Fund Grants Program for Parks, Recreation and Heritage in an amount not to exceed $443,000 (Town of Ithaca local share is $100,000), and upon approval of said request to enter into and execute a project agreement with OPRHP for such financial assistance to the Town of Ithaca. Moved: Rich DePaolo Seconded: Rod Howe Vote: ayes — Howe, DePaolo, Rosen, Goodman, & Johnson 3. Consider award of Forest Home Pump Station Improvements Project — Alternate #1 TB Resolution 2023 —123: Authorization to award and execute contract for the Town of Ithaca Forest Home #1 Pump Station Improvements Construction Contract Project - Alternate #1 Whereas on. May 01, 2023, the Director of Engineering (Director) received bids for the Town of Ithaca Forest Home #1 Pump Station Improvements Construction Contract Project (Improvement), for the installation of a forcemain, manholes, associated appurtenances, and restoration of disturbed areas. An alternate containing additional work includes replacement of submersible sewage pumps, piping, guide -rail system, controls, valve vault, installation of a new emergency generator, transfer switch, associated electric and gas services, and associated site restoration, along with other work specified and indicated in the Contract Documents, and Whereas the project was bid with a Base Bid A or B option for the installation of the forcemain within Pleasant Grove Rd and an Alternate 1 for work associated with the Pump Station itself, and Whereas the Director has reviewed the bids and qualifications of the bidders and has determined that the lowest responsive bid for Base Bid A of $384,000.00 and Alternate I of $610,000.00, with a total bid price of $994,000.00 for the project, was made by the lowest responsive bidder, Vacri Construction Corporation, One Brick Avenue, Binghamton, NY, and Whereas at their meeting on. May 08, 2023 (TB 2023-077) the Town Board authorized the award and execution of the Contract for the Base Bid A portion of the project. Whereas the Director has reviewed bids and now recommends the award of Alternate #1 with a total bid price of $610,000 to Vacri Construction Corporation, and TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 31 Whereas at their meeting on June 12, 2023, the Town Board adopted a Public Interest Order (TB 2023-088) establishing the Improvement and authorizing a maximum amount of $1,089,445.00 to be expended on this Improvement, now, therefore be it Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to award and execute the construction contract for the Alternate #1 portion of the Town of Ithaca Forest Home Pump Station #1 Improvements project to Vacri Construction Corporation, subject to final approval of the contract by the Director and review by the Attorney for the Town, and be it further Resolved that the Director is authorized to approve change orders to the contract, without further authorization of this Board, provided that the maximum amount of such change orders does not exceed $10,000.00 in aggregate and the total project cost, including the contract, engineering, legal and other expenses, does not exceed the maximum authorized cost of the project of $1,089,445.00. Moved: Rich DePaolo Seconded: Margaret Johnson Vote: ayes- Howe, DePaolo, Rosen, Goodman, & Johnson 5. Consent Agenda TB Resolution 2023 - 125: Approval of Consent Agenda Resolved that the Town Board approves and/or adopts the following Consent Agenda items: a. Approval of Town Board Minutes b. Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract c. Set public hearing regarding SCLIWC 2023 Budget d. Acknowledge receipt of Independent Audit — Town of Ithaca YE 2022 e. Appointment of Der Rosenmeister Nursery (Lee Ginethal) — Ag Committee f. Appointment of Planning Board Chair g. Appointment of Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate Member Moved: Rich DePaolo Seconded: Bill Goodman Vote: Howe, DePaolo, Rosen, Goodman, & Johnson TB Resolution 2023-125a: Approval of Town Board Minutes Resolved that the Town Board approves the minutes of June 26, and July 10, 2023 as submitted with non -substantive changes made. TB Resolution 2023 - 125b: Town of Ithaca Abstract No. 1.4 for FY-2023 Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the payment of the following audited vouchers in total for the amounts indicated. TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 32 VOUCHER NOS. 585 - 623 General Fund Town Wide 11,688.09 General Fund Part -Town 525.00 Highway Fund Town Wide DA 2,293.47 Highway Fund Part Town DB 11,444.85 Water Fund 3,152.31. Sewer Fund 4,505.02 Fire Protection. Fund 331,351.36 Trust and Agency 481.25 TOTAL 365,441.35 TB Resolution 2023 — 125c: Setting a public hearing regarding the SCLIWC Preliminary Budget Resolved that the Town Board sets a public hearing at their meeting held on. Monday, August 14, 2023, beginning at 5:30 p.m., at Town Hall, 215 N. Tioga St and via ZOOM regarding the preliminary budget for the SCLIWC (Bolton Point) at which time all persons interested in speaking will be heard. TB Resolution 2023 - 125d: Acknowledge receipt of 2022 Town of Ithaca Independent Audit Resolved that the Town Board acknowledges receipt of the 2022 Town of Ithaca Independent Audit, which was presented at the Town Board meeting on July 1.0, 2023. TB Resolution 2023 - 125e: Appointment of Der Rosenmeister Nursery (Lee Ginenthal) to the Agriculture Committee Whereas, the Agriculture Committee has received an application from Der Rosenmeister Nursery (Lee Ginenthal) to become a member of the Committee, and Whereas, DerRosenmeister Nursery has been operating in the Town since 2003 and Lee Ginenthal has attended multiple Town Agriculture Committee meetings over the past year, now therefore be it Resolved, that the Town Board appoints Der Rosenmeister Nursery (Lee Ginenthal) to the Agriculture Committee as requested. TB Resolution 2023 - 125f: Appointment of Planning Board Chair Whereas the Planning Board has a vacant chair position and have recommended that Fred T. Wilcox III be appointed as Chair for the remainder of year ending December 31, 2023, and he has indicated he would accept the role of Chair; now, therefore, be it TB 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 33 Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby appoint Fred T. Wilcox III as Planning Board Chair, effective July 19, 2023, for the remainder of year 2023. ��I- =-Mr.-Ummmar. in, 17-M Whereas the interview committee interviewed a candidate for the open Alternate position and recommends appointing Matthew Mining, 144 Snyder Hill Road, as an alternate member completing a term ending December 31, 2023; now, therefore, be it Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby appoint Matthew Mining, as an alternate Zoning Board of Appeals member for a term of July 24, 2023, through December 3 1, 2023. Motion made at 12:38 p.m. by Mr. DePaolo to enter executive session to discuss the possibl,; acquisition of real property where disclosure could affect the outcome, seconded by Mr. Goodman, unanimous. Motion made at 12:50 p.m. by Mr. DePaolo to reenter open session and adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Goodman, unanimous. 9 E E 0=1 I Ashley Colbert Deputy Town Clerk T13 2023-07-31 (Filed 8/11) Pg. 34 Attachment 1 Short Environmental Assessment Form— Part.1 - Project Informatiott Instructions foLComplefing Part I ­ Project Information. The applicant or 1project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding, are subject to public review, and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part I based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item, please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part I" You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency; attach additional pages as necessary to supplernunt any ilem, ................................... . ..... ................................................................................................................................................................................. Part I - Project and Sponsnr Information Name of Action or Project: Acquisition of approximately 135 acres (Sage Preserve) Project Location (describe, and attach a location rnap): Located off King Road East, Chase Lane, Ridgecrest Road, and Schickel Road — — ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - Brief Description of'Proposed Action: The proposed action is the acquisition of approximately 135 acres of undeveloped land on South Hill (located off King Road East, Chase Lane, Ridgecrest Road, and Schirkel Road) in the Town of Ithaca. The property to be acquired by the Town will be used for passive recreation such as walking, hiking, dog walking,, nature observation, cross country skiing, etc The acquisition will add to the Town's existing preserves and be the first preserve on South Hill, providing additional opportunities for passive enjoyment of these forested habitats. The proposal is consistent with both the Town's Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan and Comprehensive Plan ------ --------------- ------------ - ---------- - - ------------- me of Applicant or Sponsor: Telephone! 607-273-1721 Town of Ithaca L-Mail: rhowe@town Ithaca ny.us Address: 215 North'floga Street ------------ _­ ------ : — -------------------------- --------- ------------------------------- 141'0 ---------- I ............ . ....... City/PO: State: Zip Code: Ithaca 114Y 14850 .............. 1. Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan, local law, ordinance, NO YES administrative rule, or regulation? — If Yes, attach a narrative description of the intent oaf the proposed action and (lie environmental resources that Z may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no, continue to question 2. 21 1:1 2. Does the proposed action require a permit, approval or funding from any oti:;7(r government Agency? NO YES If Yes, list agency(s) name and permit or approval: seeking funding 'from NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation 3. a. Total acreage ofthe site of the proposed action'? +1­ 135 acres b. Total acreage to be physically disturbed? 0 acres c. Total acreage (project site and any contiguous properties) owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? 4-/-,135 acres ------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- — - ------------ 4. Check all land uses that occur on, are adjon-Ong or near the proposed action: S. [:1 Urban Rural (non -agriculture) Industrial E] Cornmer-cial 0 Residential (suburban) 21 Forest Agriculture Aquatic 0 Other(Specify): 21 Parkland ------------------------------------- . . . . . . . . . . ................................................................................................................................................................ . . . .................. ................ . — --- — - - ------------- - ---- Pat ge I of" 3 .......... -1- ........... ......... ..... 5. Is the proposed action, ..... 7-Nd"', YES WA a, A permitted use tinder the zoning regulations? El I F*-/] 7 b. Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? F] F� ............ . . .... .. . . ............. ........❑NO YES 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural landscape? [I- F1 ... ... .. ... . ...... 7. c proposed action located in, or does it adjoin, a state listed Critical Environmental Area? Is the site ' NO YES If Yes, identify: M . .. . . . . ........... ... NO YES 8. a. Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? b. Are public transportation services available at or near the site of the proposed action? Fv-1 F] c. Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near the site of the proposed F] nol action? . . .. ... ...... ... . . ... ........ ... 9. Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirements'? NO YES If the proposed action will exceed requirements, describe design features and technologies: MA- ri W ia nn ed . . . .......❑ ................ . . .... . ........ .. . . ...... l0 Will(he'propos'� �.connect to an existing public/private water supply? NO 4 YES If No, describe method for providing potable water: N/A - no construction planned F-1 ...... ........ ........... 11. Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities? NO YES If No, describe method for providing wastewater treatment: N/A - no construction planned Rl M ii—a'. Does the project site contain, or is it substantially contiguous to, a building, archaeological site, or district NO YES which is listed on the National or State Register of Historic Places, or that has been determined by the Commissioner of the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation to be eligible for listing on the Fv� El State Register of Historic Places? b. Is the project site, or any portion of it, located in or adjacent to an area designated as sensitive for archaeological sites on the NY State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) archaeological site inventory? 13. a. Does any portion of the site of the proposed action, or lands adjoining the proposed action, contain NO YES wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal, state or local agency? R Fv] b, Would the proposed action physically alter, or encroach into, any existing wetland or waterbody? El If Yes, identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: The prop" contains several small wetlands and streams. No alterations are planned to any wetland or waterbody. .......... Page 2 o I''i ............... 14. Identify the typical habitat types that occur on, or are likely to be found on (fie project site. Cheek all that apply� ElShoreline 2] Forest E:] AgriCUltural/grasslands 21 Early mid -successional R]Wetland El Urban El Suburban 15. Does the site of the proposed action contain any species ofammal, or associated habitats, listed by the State or NO YES Federal government as threatened or endangered? 1:1 16. Is the project site located in the 100-year flood plan? N 0 YES 17. Will the proposed action create storm water discharge, either from point or non -point sources? NO ........ YES If Yes, a. Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent properties? El El b, Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems (runoff and storm drains)? El 1:1 If Yes, briefly describe: ..... ............ — — -- - - ----------- 18. Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that would result in the impoundment ofwater NO YES or other liquids (e.g., retention pond, waste lagoon, dam)? If Yes, explain the purpose and size of the impoundment: .......... ...... 19. Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the location of an active or closed solid waste NO YES management facility? If Yes, describe: ------ .... 20.1-fas the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subject of remediation (ongoing or NO YES completed) for hazardous waste? If Yes, describe: ... ................. . I CERTIFY THAT THE IN'Fi—ORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE I /spon Rod Howe 7,h h,,� App i cant sorname: Z. ....... ... . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . Date: Si nature,:. L. -, Title: Town Supervisor . ......... Flagg 3 of3 Tuesday, June 27, 2023 1:45 PM EAF F Mapper Summary Report �'O Rd fF Source', bm HERE GaY, C na#fr n g Km r Disclaimer: The EAF Mapper is screening tool intended to assist project sponsors and reviewing agencies in preparing an environmental assessment form (EAF) Not all questions asked in the EAF are answered by the EAF Mapper. Additional information on any EAF question ran be obtained by consulting the EAF Workbooks Although the EAF Mapper provides the most up-to-date dijgital data available to DEC,, you may also need to contact local or other data sources in order ge a to obtain data not provided by the Mapper Diglitail data ts not a for determinations, substitute agency LJ5(4,flWV,'0AINt'I6;)' INCRIDAEN'r P a, Esn 'hadmid, lAGCC 'c, 00le Part i / Question 7 [Critical Environmental Area] Part I / Question 12a [National or State Register of Historic Places or State Eligible Sites] Part 1 / Question 12b [Archeological Sites] Part 1 / Question 13a [Wetlands or Other Regulated Waterbodies] Part 1 / Question 15 [Threatened or Endangered Animal] Part 1 / Question 16 [100 Year Flood Plain] Part 1 / Question 20 [Remediation Site] Zr. <1 04hille �17 K�9�61 Hamilton Albany HIERF, Gam),n USS �rtermal, NClEfAvelf r�' , � ""A 511 11::vr jap�i; Es'w� Chard oit-a, 7 "02 hau a-"M' NC IP0 T' ie 01IMMI'mt"j" E5n, Fi EF, E 11 J f No Yes - Digital mapping information on local and federal wetlands and waterbodies is known to be incomplete. Refer to EAF Workbook. No Digital mapping data are not available or are incomplete. Refer to EAF Workbook. No Short Environmental Assessment Form - EAF Mapper Summary Report I Agency Use Only [if applicable] Project: [LS Acre Acquisition Date: - Xrf-1 Part 2 - Impact Assessment Part 2 is to be completed by the Lead Agency. Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part I and other matefials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept "Flave my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" . . . ... ....... No, or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur 1. Will the proposed action create a material conflict with an adopted land use plan or zoning Z 0 regulations? 2. Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land'? 3. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of the existing community? ---------------------- 4, - ------ ------------ -- ---- -- --------- -- ---------------- - ---- -- ------------ ---- - ---------------------- -- ----------- - --------------------- Will the proposed action have an impact on the environmental characteristics that caused the ----- — ----------- ----------- - --------- establishment of a Critical Environmental Area (CEA)? S. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change in the existing level of traffic or affect existing infrastructure for mass transit, biking or walkway? 6. Will the proposed action cause an increase in the use of energy and it fails to incorporate Li reasonably available energy conservation or renewable energy opportunities'? 7. Will the proposed action impact existing: Li a. public I private water supplies? b. public private wastewater treatment utilities? 8. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of important historic, archaeological, El architectural or aesthetic resources? 9. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change to natural resources (e.g., wetlands, waterbodies, groundwater, air quality, flora and fauna)? ---------------- I O — --------- --- --- ---- ---- --------- --- - ---- — -------- ---- ---- -- ---- --------------- --------------- Will the proposed action result in an increase in the potential for erosion, flooding or drainage ------ problems? I I Will the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources or human health? Page I of 2 Age cy Use Only [If applicable] Project: 135 Acre Acquisition Date: July 24, 2023 Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 3 Determination of Significance For every question in Part 2 that was answered "moderate to large impact may occur", or if there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action may or will not result in a significant adverse environmental impact, please complete Part 3. Part 3 should, in sufficient detail, identify the impact, including any measures or design elements that have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant. Each potential impact should be assessed considering its setting, probability of occurring, duration, irreversibility, geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider the potential for short- term, long-term and cumulative impacts. There are no anticipated negative environmental impacts related to the acquisition of approximately 135 acres of undeveloped land on South Hill by the Town of Ithaca. The purpose of the acquisition by the Town is to protect the land for conservation purposes and to provide Town residents with additional land for passive recreational opportunities. The parcels are a mix of established wooded areas, successional growth, and woody invasive plants, and contains several small wetlands and streams. There are also cleared areas on portions of the property for large overhead power lines and a gas line that crosses the property. The property currently contains several mowed paths that the current landowner maintains, and allows neighbors to walk. The Town would initially plan to maintain the existing mowed path system, and hopefully expand the paths and connections around the property in the future. As a Town preserve, it would be open to the public as a passive recreation area (walking, dog walking, bird watching, cross country skiing, nature observation, picnicking, etc.), similar to the other existing Town preserves. The parcels are zoned Low Density Residential Zone and Medium Density Residential Zone and the Future Land Use Map from the 2014 Comprehensive Plan designates the area primarily as "Natural/Open" and "Semi -Rural Neighborhood". The proposed Town acquisition of this land for a preserve is consistent with the Town's Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan and Comprehensive Plan. Regarding Part 1, 13a, the 135 acres to be acquired do contain several small wetlands scattered around the property and a couple streams. This project is not proposing any construction and the Town acquisition as a preserve will help to protect these water resources. Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above, and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action may result in one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statement is required. Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above, and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Town of Ithaca Town Board .. .......... Name of Lead Agency Date Rod Howe Town Supervisor Print or Type Njw-n$�,o , rRespoMl, �le Of*er in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of ResponsAle officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer (i6fffferent from Responsible Officer) PRINT FORM Page 2 of 2