HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Packet 2 - Carrowmoor Solar sketch plan materials - 6-20-23 mtg 300 State Street, Suite 201 | Rochester, NY 14614 | p 585-454-6110 | f 585-454-3066 www.labellapc.com TO: Town of Ithaca Planning Board FROM: Lauren Rodriquez, PE, Civil Engineer, LaBella Associates, DPC Lucia Woo, Environmental Renewables Manager, LaBella Associates, DPC On behalf of Nexamp, Inc. DATE: April 10, 2023 SUBJECT: Nexamp, Inc. Carrowmoor Solar LLC – Stormwater Management Approach Nexamp, Inc. is developing plans for the Carrowmoor Solar LLC Project: a one 5-megawatt (MWAC) solar array to be installed on a 93.65 acre parcel, located at 1340 Mecklenberg Road, Ithaca, NY(Tax ID 027.-1-15.2). Activities include the installation of the ground-mounted solar energy system consisting of tracker modules/panels, new electrical equipment, battery storage, and accessories including electrical lines, access road, and inverter/transformer equipment pads. The project proposes to follow the NYSDEC guidance from January 2020 for stormwater approach for construction of solar projects in New York State. The DEC provides two scenarios for construction of solar panels. Our design intent follows Scenario 1, with provisions included to address Note 5. Please see the breakdown below of how this project site will comply with Scenario 1 and Note 5: Scenario 1: The DOW considers solar panel projects designed and constructed in accordance with the following criteria to be a “Land clearing and grading for the purposes of creating vegetated open space (i.e. recreational parks, lawns, meadows, fields)” type project as listed in Table 1, Appendix B of the CGP. Therefore the SWPPP for this type of project will typically just need to address erosion and sediment controls. 1. Solar panels are constructed on post or rack systems and elevated off the ground surface, Solar panels will be constructed on an elevated racking system. 2. The panels are spaced apart so that rain water can flow off the down gradient side of the panel and continue as sheet flow across the ground surface*, Racked panels are spaced such that the row spacing in between panels (front-edge to back- edge) is equal to or greater than the width of the panels in accordance with the Maryland Guidance. 3. For solar panels constructed on slopes the individual rows of solar panels are generally installed along the contour so rain water sheet flows down slope*, 2 The site generally slopes Southwest to Northeast, with many parts of the site sloping predominately West to East. This array utilizes a tracker system, with panel rows oriented in a North-South fashion, and generally along the contours. 4. The ground surface below the panels consist of a well-established vegetative cover (see “Final Stabilization” definition in Appendix A of the CGP) Final ground cover will consist of a seeded, vegetative meadow and grass coverage to CGP Final Stabilization requirements. 5. The project does not include the construction of any traditional impervious area (i.e. buildings, substation pads, gravel access roads or parking areas, etc.) See response under NYSDEC Notes for Item 5 below. 6. Construction of the solar panels will not alter the hydrology from pre-to post development conditions (see Appendix A of the CGP, for definition of “Alter the hydrology…”). Note: The design professional shall perform the necessary site assessment/hydrology analysis to make this determination. The design intent is to preserve the original hydrology patterns. A HydroCAD assessment showing no increase or major alteration to hydrologic patterns from pre-to post development will be provided as part of the full SWPPP report. *Refer to Maryland’s “Stormwater Design Guidance- Solar Panel Installations” attached for guidance on panel installation. **See notes below for additional criteria. **Notes - Item 1: For solar panel projects where the panels are mounted directly to the ground (i.e. no space below panel to allow for infiltration of runoff), the SWPPP must address post- construction stormwater management controls designed in accordance with the sizing criteria in Chapter 4 of the NYS Stormwater Management Design Manual, dated January 2015 (Note: Chapter 10 for projects in NYC EOH Watershed). Not Applicable. - Item 5: For solar panel projects that include the construction of traditional impervious areas (i.e. buildings, substation pads, gravel access roads or parking areas, etc.), the SWPPP must address post-construction stormwater management controls for those areas of the project. This applies to both Scenario 1 and 2 above. 3 The project also contains 4 equipment/battery storage pads, and gravel access roads for the solar array and the interconnection utility poles. These impervious features will be treated with vegetated filter strips per the NYSDEC Stormwater Design Manual requirements. The use of filter strips for treatment on this project limits grading and installation of pipes and filter media and preserves natural sheet flow conditions to the highest extent possible. The NYSDEC memo refers to the Maryland “Stormwater Design Guidance – Solar Panel Installations” for additional design guidance. The Maryland guidance provides additional context for sheet flow disconnection, including suitable slope ranges and recommendations to limit earthwork and construction traffic. Through our years of experience designing and permitting solar projects in NY State, we have worked with various DEC regions and MS4s to apply the Maryland Guidance in reasonable, functional fashions on projects. Below are design criteria currently accepted by NYSDEC Region 8 for solar installation on slopes in excess of 5% but less than 10% that LaBella has frequently used as a basis of our stormwater approach and design on solar projects: In the NYSDEC Region 8, we are currently willing to accept the following design criteria in regard to solar panel installations: 1. On 5-10% slopes it is our experience that solar panel projects with the panels arranged as shown in the attached photos, including a 1” gap between panels, will avoid creating concentrated flow paths on a well vegetated site. In such cases, flow diffusers, or other dripline features are not required as suggested in the Maryland Solar Guidance. However, if the topography of the slope is such that it concentrates flows coming off the panels, other erosion controls may be necessary. Additionally, temporary stabilization will be needed on erosive soils until a dense vegetated cover can be established. 2. On slopes 10% or greater, additional controls are required. These can take the form of water bars or level spreaders. We are not recommending that water bars be used as level spreaders. For both practices they should be implemented across the slope at the recommended frequency as indicated in the Blue Book detail for water bars. That is every 75’ for slopes between 10% and 20%. In all instances, if erosion is observed to be occurring despite implementation of planned erosion and sediment controls, additional measures should be considered and implemented to minimize soil erosion and offsite transport. The entirety of the solar array footprint resides in areas with slopes 10% or less, with the vast majority of the array footprint located in areas with slopes 5% or less. The solar panel rows consist of varying lengths of racks with two modules in a portrait configuration. All multi-module solar racking configurations incorporate gaps (on average 1”) in between modules to account for thermal shrink/swell throughout the course of the year. In addition to this, since the solar panels will be installed on a tracker system, the exact location of the water dripline from the 4 panels to the ground will vary throughout the course of the day, lessening the frequency and concentration of flow a single point would receive from the solar panels at the dripline. Attached to this memo, please find the NYSDEC Stormwater Guidance, as well as our Region 8 correspondence regarding implementation of the Maryland Guidance on solar projects. M E M O R A N D U M TO: Regional Water Engineers FROM: Robert Wither, Chief, South Permit Section SUBJECT: Solar Panel Construction Stormwater Permitting/SWPPP Guidance DATE: January 17, 2020 Issue The Department is seeing an increase in the number of solar panel construction projects across New York State. This has resulted in an increase in the number of questions on Construction General Permit (CGP) and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) requirements from design professionals because the current CGP (GP- 0-15-002) does not include a specific reference to the SWPPP requirements for solar panel projects in Tables 1 and 2 of Appendix B. To address this issue, the Division of Water (DOW) has developed the following guidance on CGP/SWPPP requirements for the different types of solar panel projects. Scenario 1 The DOW considers solar panel projects designed and constructed in accordance with the following criteria to be a “Land clearing and grading for the purposes of creating vegetated open space (i.e. recreational parks, lawns, meadows, fields)” type project as listed in Table 1, Appendix B of the CGP. Therefore, the SWPPP for this type of project will typically just need to address erosion and sediment controls. 1. Solar panels are constructed on post or rack systems and elevated off the ground surface, 2. The panels are spaced apart so that rain water can flow off the down gradient side of the panel and continue as sheet flow across the ground surface*, 3. For solar panels constructed on slopes, the individual rows of solar panels are generally installed along the contour so rain water sheet flows down slope*, 4. The ground surface below the panels consist of a well-established vegetative cover (see “Final Stabilization” definition in Appendix A of the CGP), 5. The project does not include the construction of any traditional impervious areas (i.e. buildings, substation pads, gravel access roads or parking areas, etc.), 6. Construction of the solar panels will not alter the hydrology from pre-to post development conditions (see Appendix A of the CGP, for definition of “Alter the hydrology…”). Note: The design professional shall perform the necessary site assessment/hydrology analysis to make this determination. *Refer to Maryland’s “Stormwater Design Guidance- Solar Panel Installations” attached for guidance on panel installation. **See notes below for additional criteria. Scenario 2 If the design and construction of the solar panels meets all the criteria above, except for item 6, the project will fall under the “All other construction activities that include the construction or reconstruction of impervious area or alter the hydrology from pre-to post development conditions, and are not listed in Table 1” project type as listed in Table 2, Appendix B of the CGP. Therefore, the SWPPP for this type of project must address post-construction stormwater practices designed in accordance with the sizing criteria in Chapter 4 of the NYS Stormwater Management Design Manual, dated January 2015 (Note: Chapter 10 for projects in NYC EOH Watershed). The Water Quality Volume (WQv)/Runoff Reduction Volume (RRv) sizing criteria can be addressed by designing and constructing the solar panels in accordance with the criteria in items 1 – 4 above, however, the quantity control sizing criteria (Cpv, Qp and Qf) from Chapter 4 (or 10) of the Design Manual must still be addressed, unless one of the waiver criteria from Chapter 4 can be applied. **See notes below for additional criteria. ** Notes - Item 1: For solar panel projects where the panels are mounted directly to the ground (i.e. no space below panel to allow for infiltration of runoff), the SWPPP must address post-construction stormwater management controls designed in accordance with the sizing criteria in Chapter 4 of the NYS Stormwater Management Design Manual, dated January 2015 (Note: Chapter 10 for projects in NYC EOH Watershed). - Item 5: For solar panel projects that include the construction of traditional impervious areas (i.e. buildings, substation pads, gravel access roads or parking areas, etc.), the SWPPP must address post-construction stormwater management controls for those areas of the project. This applies to both Scenario 1 and 2 above. cc: Carol Lamb-Lafay, BWP Dave Gasper, BWP Page 1 Maryland Department of the Environment Stormwater Design Guidance – Solar Panel Installations Revisions to Maryland’s stormwater management regulations in 2010 require that environmental site design (ESD) be used to the maximum extent practicable (MEP) to mimic natural hydrology, reduce runoff to reflect forested wooded conditions, and minimize the impact of land development on water resources. This applies to any residential, commercial, industrial, or institutional development where more than 5,000 square feet of land area is disturbed. Consequently, stormwater management must be addressed even when permeable features like solar panel installations exceed 5,000 square feet of land disturbance. Depending on local soil conditions and proposed imperviousness, the amount of rainfall that stormwater requirements are based on varies from 1.0 to 2.6 inches. However, addressing stormwater management does not mean that structural or micro-scale practices must be constructed to capture and treat large volumes of runoff. Using nonstructural techniques like disconnecting impervious cover reduces runoff by promoting overland filtering and infiltration. Commonly used with smaller or narrower impervious areas like driveways or open roads, the Disconnection of Non-Rooftop Runoff technique (see pp. 5.61 to 5.65 of the 2000 Maryland Stormwater Design Manual1) is a low cost alternative for treating runoff in situations like rows of solar panels. When non-rooftop disconnection is used to treat runoff, the following factors should be considered: • The vegetated area receiving runoff must be equal to or greater in length than the disconnected surface (e.g., width of the row of solar panels) • Runoff must sheet flow onto and across vegetated areas to maintain the disconnection • Disconnections should be located on gradual slopes (≤ 5%) to maintain sheetflow. Level spreaders, terraces, or berms may be used to maintain sheetflow conditions if the average slope is steeper than 5%. However, installations on slopes greater than 10% will require an engineered plan that ensures adequate treatment and the safe and non-erosive conveyance of runoff to the property line or downstream stormwater management practice. • Disconnecting impervious surfaces works best in undisturbed soils. To minimize disturbance and compaction, construction vehicles and equipment should avoid areas used for disconnection during installation of the solar panels. • Groundcover vegetation must be maintained in good condition in those areas receiving disconnected runoff. Typically this maintenance is no different than other lawn or landscaped areas. However, areas receiving runoff should be protected (e.g., planting shrubs or trees along the perimeter) from future compaction. Depending on the layout and number of panels installed, the disconnection of non-rooftop runoff technique may address some or all of the stormwater management requirements for an individual project. Where the imperviousness is high or there is other infrastructure (e.g., access roads, transformers), additional runoff may need to be treated. In these situations, other ESD techniques or micro-scale practices may be needed to provide stormwater management for these features. Example 1 – Using Non-Rooftop Disconnection Where the Average Slope ≤ 5% Several rows of solar panels will be installed in an existing meadow. The soils within the meadow are hydrologic soil group (HSG) B and the average slope does not exceed 5%. Each row of panels is 10 feet wide and the distance between rows is 20 feet. The rows of solar panels will be installed according to Figure 1 below. In this scenario, the disconnection length is the same as the distance between rows (20 feet) and is greater than the width of each row (10 feet). Therefore, each row of panels is adequately disconnected and the runoff from 1.0 inch of rainfall is treated. Figure 1. Typical Installation - Slope ≤ 5% Example 2 – Using Non-Rooftop Disconnection Where the Average Slope ≥ 5% but ≤ 10% Several rows of solar panels will be installed in an existing meadow. The soils within the meadow are hydrologic soil group (HSG) B and the average slope is greater than 5% but less than 10%. Each row of panels is 10 feet wide and the distance between rows is 20 feet. The rows of solar panels will be installed as shown in Figure 2 below. The disconnection length is the same as the distance between rows (20 feet) and is greater than the width of each row (10 feet). However, in this example, a level spreader (typically 1 to 2-foot wide and 1 foot deep) has been located at the drip edge of each row of panels to dissipate energy and maintain sheetflow. Discussion To meet State and local stormwater management requirements, ESD must be used to the MEP to reduce runoff to reflect forested conditions. While all reasonable options for implementing ESD must be investigated, minimally, the runoff from 1 inch of rainfall must be treated. In each of the examples above, there may be additional opportunities to implement ESD techniques or practices and reduce runoff that should be explored. However, simply disconnecting the runoff from the solar panel arrays captures and treats the runoff from 1.0 inch of rainfall. Where imperviousness is low and soil conditions less optimal (e.g., HSG C or D), this may be sufficient to completely address stormwater management requirements. In more dense applications or in sandy soils, additional stormwater management may be required. Page 2 Conclusion The primary purpose of Maryland’s stormwater management program is to mimic natural hydrologic runoff characteristics and minimize the impact of land development on water resources. Any land development project that exceeds 5,000 square feet of disturbance, including solar panel projects, must address stormwater management. However, for solar panels, stormwater management may be provided in a cost-effective manner by disconnecting each row of panels and directing runoff over the vegetated areas between the individual rows. Resources 1 2000 Maryland Stormwater Design Manual, Volumes I and II, MDE, October 2000 (http://www.mde.state.md.us/programs/Water/StormwaterManagementProgram/MarylandStormwaterDesignMa nual/Pages/Programs/WaterPrograms/SedimentandStormwater/stormwater_design/index.aspx) Figure 2. Typical Installation – Slope ≥ 5% but ≤ 10% Page 3 1 Gasic, Drazen From:Scannell, Luke W (DEC) <luke.scannell@dec.ny.gov> Sent:Friday, December 18, 2020 8:22 AM To:Gasic, Drazen Subject:Re: NYSDEC Solar Guidance Attachments:20200916_145002.jpg; 20200916_145004.jpg Categories:Resources Drazen, Yes, that is essentially correct for point 1. For point 2 we don't recommend trying to use water bars as level spreaders, use either or. More formally: In the NYSDEC Region 8, we are currently willing to accept the following design criteria in regard to solar panel installations: 1. On 5-10% slopes it is our experience that solar panel projects with the panels arranged as shown in the attached photos, including a 1" gap between panels, will avoid creating concentrated flow paths on a well vegetated site. In such cases, flow diffusers, or other dripline features are not required as suggested in the Maryland Solar Guidance. However, if the topography of the slope is such that it concentrates flows coming off the panels, other erosion controls may be necessary. Additionally, temporary stabilization will be needed on erosive soils until a dense vegetated cover can be established. 2. On slopes 10% or greater, additional controls are required. These can take the form of water bars or level spreaders. We are not recommending that water bars be used as level spreaders. For both practices they should be implemented across the slope at the recommended frequency as indicated in the Blue Book detail for water bars. That is every 75' for slopes between 10 and 20%. In all instances, if erosion is observed to be occurring despite implementation of planned erosion and sediment controls, additional measures should be considered and implemented to minimize soil erosion and offsite transport. Regards, Luke From: Gasic, Drazen <DGasic@LaBellaPC.com> Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2020 5:05 PM To: Scannell, Luke W (DEC) <luke.scannell@dec.ny.gov> Subject: NYSDEC Solar Guidance ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 2 Luke, Could you confirm my understanding below based on our solar discussion, as potential additional guidance that may be accepted if we coordinated with the regional DEC official? We are looking to make a submission to MS4s as well, and at the time, we may request that we have a conference call about the proposed design with the MS4 and the regional DEC official. Update 1: If the developer is able to provide a min. 1-inch space between the modules horizontally, then the DEC would be willing to consider not requiring flow diffusers for slopes between 5-10%. The rationale for this is that having the gap breaks up the potential accumulated sheet flow created on the modules. The DEC is also in favor of the modules being in landscape over portrait as that again reduces the surface sheet flow on the modules. Update 2: If we need to place modules in slopes greater than 10%, the DEC is willing to review calculations for water bars that are sized and designed based on the NYS Erosion Control Book (Blue Book) with the attached clarification. . The intention is to make the water bar parallel to the contour with as close to 0% cross slope, and allow water to transition from shallow concentrated flow, from solar panels, to sheet flow. Thank you -Drazen Drazen Gasic, CPSWQ, CPESC LaBella Associates | Civil Renewable Manager | Civil Engineer 585-402-7005 direct Town of Ithaca Planning Department 215 North Tioga Street Ithaca, New York 14850 (607) 273-1747 AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT In accordance with Section 283-a of the New York State Town Law, the Town of Ithaca will use the data in this statement to assist in evaluating the impacts of proposed development projects on farm operations in Agricultural Districts. 1.Name of Applicant: Address: 101 Summer St, Boston MA, 02110 2.Project Name/Location: Carrowmoor Solar, 1340 Mecklenburg Rd, Ithaca,NY 3. Description of proposed project. 4. Tax Parcel Number(s): 5. Number of total acres involved with project: 6. Number of total acres presently in Tax Parcel: 7. How much of the site is currently farmed? 29 Acres 8. Please identify who is farming the site. 9. Please indicate what your intentions are for use of the remainder of the property, over: Five years: Ten years: Twenty years: 10. Who will maintain the remainder of the property not being used for this development? (PLEASE COMPLETE OTHER SIDE.) 11. Please indicate crop(s) or vegetational cover for the site. Carrowmoor Solar, LLC 5 MWAC solar facility Landowner- Rancich Family Ltd Partnership DocuSign Envelope ID: A6F92C15-A20B-4802-8FFC-066B8543F286 Owner - Rancich Family LTD Partnership Solar 27-1-15.2 91.1 Solar Solar 5MWac Community Solar Facility with Energy Storage Row Crops Landowner 12.Are there any drainage ways or underground tile systems located on the site? If yes, please describe 13.Is the parcel included in a farm plan prepared by the Tompkins County Soil and Water 14. Is the parcel currently granted an agricultural tax exemption? Yes No Signature of Applicant: Date: ****************************************************************************** FOR TOWN USE ONLY: NOTE: This form and a map of the parcel(s) should be mailed to County Planning as part of the GML m and n referral. It should also be mailed to property owners within 500 feet of the property boundary along with the Notice of Public Hearing (Attach list of property owners within 500 feet). Name of Staff Person - Date Referred to County Planning - (Orig. Date: 4/22/94, Rev. 1/97) No evidence of drain tiles. DocuSign Envelope ID: A6F92C15-A20B-4802-8FFC-066B8543F286 3/17/2023 District of the USDA Soil Conservation Service? no Are federally funded cost sharing practices in place for the parcel? no Name of program(s). Will this project alter existing drainage patterns? Unlikely N o Evide nce of dr ainag e tile or unde rgr ound m anagem ent of any k ind X Date Prepared: NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets – Agricultural and Markets Law §305(4) Short Form Notice of Intent to Undertake an Action Within an Agricultural District for Solar Energy Projects Affecting Less than 30 acres of Mineral Soil Groups (MSG) 1 - 4 Instructions: The purpose of this form is to provide NYSERDA with the necessary information required to submit a Notice of Intent to the Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSAGM) for the Project Developer. Please populate all fields in this form, and provide additional requested documents/maps in a single file with a maximum file size of 20 MB, and return to NYSERDA, with a copy to commercial.industrialpv@nyserda.ny.gov. This complete submission is required to be uploaded as part of your NY-Sun Commercial/Industrial application. If the proposed project impacts more than 30 acres of MSG 1-4 or is stacked1 with other projects on the same parcel impacting more than 30 acres of MSG 1-4, please refer to the Notice of Intent Long Form. NYSERDA has provided Contractors with mapping resources (the interactive map is available here) to assess the level of overlap that their Facility Area is expected to have on MSG 1-4. All submissions on or after March 22, 2023 must use this form version. I.Project Maps Provide, as part of your response package to NYSERDA, maps showing the site of the proposed action including the following: The proposed solar array layout of the project on an aerial image. Label or annotate the map with all affected landowners, including tax map numbers, surrounding land uses, and type(s) of agricultural production. Label all points of interconnection with the public utilities, all transmission lines associated with the project, equipment storage or mobilization pads/construction areas, and access roads/driveways Include any siting considerations that determined the location of the solar array, such as wetlands, grading restrictions, municipal setback or zoning requirements, landowner requests, etc. A copy of the NRCS Web Soil Survey map of all affected parcels, including the breakdown of soils impacted (MSG 1 - 4)2. II.Project Description and Agricultural Setting: Project Name: Public Entity: NYS Energy and Research Development Authority Project Company: Project Developer: Project Contact Information: Name: Title: Company: Phone Number: Email: 1 Stacked projects are defined as multiple projects greater than 1MWdc that are abutting and located on parcels of real property that are owned by the same landowner(s). Stacked projects will undergo aggregated review. The impacted MSG 1-4 acreage will be aggregated across all stacked projects to determine the required mitigation. 2 Mineral Soils Group (MSG) 1-4 are defined by the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets for each soil type in each county identified by the United States Department of Agriculture, and are used to classify the state’s agricultural lands based upon soil productivity and capability. Each county in New York State has a listing of all soil types present in the county that is associated with a specific mineral soil group, MSG 1 through 10. DocuSign Envelope ID: A6F92C15-A20B-4802-8FFC-066B8543F286 Contact Information of other individuals authorized to respond to Agriculture & Markets inquiries: Name: Title: Company: Phone Number: Email: Project Address: Authority Having Jurisdiction: Yes No County: Agricultural District: Number of Points of Interconnection?: Anticipated date of commencement of proposed action4: Provide information regarding the system size, NY-Sun incentives awarded, the current status of interconnection and any other relevant information for the project. Describe any siting considerations that that impacted the placement of the array, such as the presence of delineated wetlands, grading restrictions, municipal setbacks or other zoning requirements, shading setbacks, landowner restrictions, etc. 3 The Facility Area is defined as all land area occupied during the commercial operation of the generation facility, the associated interconnection equipment and, if applicable, energy storage equipment as verified by NYSERDA through the Operational Certification process. Generally, this will include all areas within the facility’s perimeter security fence(s) and the applicable facility related improvements outside of fenced areas. The Facility Area shall include the area “inside the fence” of the project including all fencing inclosing the mechanical equipment such as the solar arrays, inverters, location of any combiner boxes, fuses, switches, meters, distribution boards, monitoring systems such as Balance of Systems components, interconnection equipment, and stormwater controls. The Facility Area shall additionally include improvements of the project “outside of the fence” including access roads, parking areas, stormwater controls and other permanent facilities, or structures installed at the Facility Area, except vegetative landscape screenings or appropriately buried utilities such as electrical conductors or conduit(s). 4 The commencement date is the first day the Project Developer/Developer starts any construction-related activity and may include, but is not limited to, creating access road(s), digging underground trenches, starting land clearing, staging supplies and/or equipment, or installing solar panels. Is this project stacked with another project?: Total Parcel Size:Total Facility Area3: MSG 1 MSG 2 MSG 3 Facility 1 Facility 2 Facility 3 Facility 4 Facility 5 System Size kWac System Size kWdc Date of Interconnection Application Facility Area Impacted MSG 1-4 acres within the Facility Area MSG 4 Total Impacted MSG 1-4 acres within the Facility Area: Fill out the below table for each Point of Interconnection. As an example, if there is only one Point of Interconnection, fill out only Facility 1. If the project has 3 separate Points of Interconnection, fill in Facilities 1 through 3. DocuSign Envelope ID: A6F92C15-A20B-4802-8FFC-066B8543F286 No If yes, will the parcels be merged after the system has been decommissioned? Affected Landowners 5: 1.Name(s): Address: Parcel Number(s): 2.Name(s): Address: Parcel Number(s): 3.Name(s): Address: Parcel Number(s): Operator of the Parcel (if different from the listed landowner): III.Adverse Agricultural Effects: Has the proposed action been approved by the affected local municipality? Yes No If no, please cite approvals which are still pending: Is the parcel subdivided, or will the parcel be subdivided? Yes Yes No N/A Has the Project Company avoided and/or minimized impacts to prime soils in the consideration of the proposed layout? Yes No Please explain: Will unaffected portions of any impacted farms remain in agricultural production? Yes No If yes, will the landowner have access to the remainder of the agricultural field? Yes No N/A 5 Provide the names, addresses, and tax parcel identification numbers for the landowners that are directly affected by the construction of the proposed project within the agricultural district. This includes the owners of the land where the project will be constructed and any other landowner that may be affected by the construction of an access road or transmission lines across their property. Do not include landowners within the project vicinity that are not within the agricultural district. DocuSign Envelope ID: A6F92C15-A20B-4802-8FFC-066B8543F286 IV.Alternatives to the Proposed Action: Describe alternatives to the proposed action, and reasons why the project site was selected as the preferred site for the proposed action. An alternative site is viewed as any other parcel(s) that were assessed or reviewed to be a potential candidate to host the project, before arriving at the selected location. Provide only the tax parcel ID and a brief explanation as to why the parcel was not ultimately selected. Tax Parcel ID Reason Not Selected V.Mitigation Measures Proposed: NY-Sun supported Projects in Agricultural Districts are required to adopt the NYSAGM Guidelines for Solar Energy Projects – Construction Mitigation for Agricultural Lands (10/18/19) (Guidelines) in their entirety. Confirm both that the Guidelines will be adhered to in their entirety and include a signed copy with this filing. I confirm that the Project will conform to the NYSAGM Guidelines, in their entirety. Signed copy of Guidelines included in application. A copy of the project's decommissioning plan is included. No Does the decommissioning plan ensure the project site will be restored to its previous condition upon decommissioning? Yes If no, please explain: Additional mitigation measures proposed, if any: When this form is completed, the Project Company must provide their signature prior to submitting the form to NYSERDA. _ __________________________________________ Project Company Authorized Signature Date DocuSign Envelope ID: A6F92C15-A20B-4802-8FFC-066B8543F286 KATHY HOCHUL Governor RICHARD A. BALL Commissioner April 13, 2023 Candace Rossi, Project Manager NYSERDA, NY-Sun 17 Columbia Circle Albany, NY 12203 RE: Final Notice of Intent to Undertake an Action within an Agricultural District, Carrowmoor Solar, Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County Agricultural District No. 2 Dear Ms. Rossi, I have determined that the enclosed Final Notice of Intent, filed with this Department by NYSERDA, for the advance of public funds for the construction of a 7.027 kWdc solar array, in the Town of Ithaca, located in Tompkins County Agricultural District No. 2, is complete. The Final Notice has been forwarded to the Commissioner of Environmental Conservation, the Advisory Council on Agriculture, and the County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board. In consultation with them, the Commissioner shall review the proposed action during the next forty-five (45) day period commencing April 13, 2023 and make an initial determination whether the action will have an unreasonably adverse effect on the continuing viability of a farm enterprise, or enterprises within the district and state environmental plans, policies and objectives. Furthermore, the Department will be exploring acceptable mitigation options for the proposed project during the next thirty (30) days. Please be advised that the Department's acceptance as complete of the Final Notice of Intent for the proposed action does not authorize commencement of the project. In order to comply with the provisions of Section 305(4), no funds may be advanced to construct the facility or to acquire land within the district until the Notice process has been completed as set forth in Section 305(4). Please do not hesitate to contact me, at (518) 457-6320 if you have any questions regarding your Notice filing. Sincerely, Judy Littrell Senior Environmental Analyst Cc: Connor Ramsdell, Project Contact, LaBella Honorable Rob Howe, Ithaca Town Supervisor NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS Guidelines for Solar Energy Projects - Construction Mitigation for Agricultural Lands (Revision 10/18/2019) The following are guidelines for mitigating construction impacts on agricultural land during the following stages of a solar energy project: Construction, Post-Construction Restoration, Monitoring and Remediation, and Decommissioning. These guidelines apply to project areas subject to ground disturbance 1 within agricultural lands including: • Lands where agriculture use will continue or resume following the completion of construction (typically those lands outside of the developed project’s security fence); • Lands where the proposed solar development will be returning to agricultural use upon decommissioning, (typically those lands inside of the developed project’s security fence); • Applicable Area under review pursuant to Public Service Law Article 10 Siting of Major Electric Facilities. The Project Company will incorporate these Guidelines into the development plans and applications for permitting and approval for solar projects that impact agricultural lands. If the Environmental Monitor, hereafter referred to as EM, determines that there is any conflict between these Guidelines and the requirements for project construction that arise out of the project permitting process, the Project Company and its EM, will notify the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM), Division of Land and Water Resources, and seek a reasonable alternative. Environmental Monitor (EM) The Project Company (or its contractor) shall hire or designate an EM to oversee the construction, restoration and follow-up monitoring in agricultural areas. The EM shall be an individual with a confident understanding of normal agriculture practices 2 (such as cultivation, crop rotation, nutrient management, drainage (subsurface and/or surface), chemical application, agricultural equipment operation, fencing, soils, plant identification, etc.) and able to identify how the project may affect the site and the applicable agricultural practices. The EM should also have experience with or understanding of the use of a soil penetrometer for compaction testing and record keeping. The EM may serve dual inspection roles associated with other Project permits and/or construction duties, if the agricultural workload allows. The EM should be available to provide site-specific agricultural information as necessary for project development through field review and direct contact with both the affected farm operators and NYSDAM. The EM should maintain regular contact with appropriate onsite project construction supervision and inspectors throughout the construction phase. The EM should maintain regular contact with the affected farm operator(s) concerning agricultural land impacted, management matters pertinent to the agricultural operations and the site-specific implementation of agricultural resource mitigation measures. The EM will serve as the agricultural point of contact. 1Ground Disturbance is defined as an activity that contributes to measurable soil compaction, alters the soil profile or removes vegetative cover. Construction activities that utilize low ground pressure vehicles that do not result in a visible rut that alters soil compaction, is not considered a Ground Disturbance. Soil compaction should be tested using an appropriate soil penetrometer or other soil compaction measuring device. The soil compaction test results within the affected area will be compared with those of the adjacent unaffected portion of the agricultural area. 2 An EM is not expected to have knowledge regarding all of the listed agricultural practices, but rather a general understanding such that the EM is able to perform the EM function. DocuSign Envelope ID: A6F92C15-A20B-4802-8FFC-066B8543F286 2 Solar Guidelines (Rev. 10/18/2019) NYSDAM 1. For projects involving less than 50 acres of agricultural land within the limits of disturbance (LOD),3 the EM shall be available for consultation and/or on-site whenever construction or restoration work that causes Ground Disturbance is occurring on agricultural land. 2. For projects involving 50 acres or more of agricultural land within the (LOD) (including projects involving the same parent company whether phased or contiguous projects), the EM shall be on site whenever construction or restoration work requiring or involving Ground Disturbance is occurring on agricultural land and shall notify NYSDAM of Project activity. The purpose of the agency coordination would be to assure that the mitigation measures of these guidelines are being met to the fullest extent practicable. The Project Company and the NYSDAM will agree to schedule inspections in a manner that avoids delay in the work. NYSDAM requires the opportunity to review and will approve the proposed EM based on qualifications or capacities. Construction Requirements • Before any topsoil is stripped, representative soil samples should be obtained from the areas to be disturbed. The soil sampling should be consistent with Cornell University’s soil testing guidelines, and samples should be submitted to a laboratory for testing PH, percent organic material, cation exchange capacity, Phosphorus/Phosphate (P), and Potassium/Potash (K). The results are to establish a benchmark that the soil’s PH, Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus/Phosphate (P), and Potassium/Potash (K) are to be measured against upon restoration. If soil sampling is not performed, fertilizer and lime application recommendations for disturbed areas can be found at https://www.agriculture.ny.gov/ap/agservices/Fertilizer_Lime_and_Seeding_Recommendations.pdf . • Stripped topsoil should be stockpiled from work areas (e.g. parking areas, electric conductor trenches, along access roads, equipment pads) and kept separate from other excavated material (rock and/or sub- soil) until the completion of the facility for final restoration. For proper topsoil segregation, at least 25 feet of additional temporary workspace (ATWS) may be needed along “open-cut” underground utility trenches. All topsoil will be stockpiled as close as is reasonably practical to the area where stripped/removed and shall be used for restoration on that particular area. Any topsoil removed from permanently converted agricultural areas (e.g. permanent roads, etc.) should be temporarily stockpiled and eventually spread evenly in adjacent agricultural areas within the project Limits of Disturbance (LOD) ; however not to significantly alter the hydrology of the area. Clearly designate topsoil stockpile areas and topsoil disposal areas in the field and on construction drawings; changes or additions to the designated stockpile areas may be needed based on field conditions in consultation with the EM. Sufficient LOD (as designated on the site plan or by the EM) area should be allotted to allow adequate access to the stockpile for topsoil replacement during restoration. o Topsoil stockpiles on agricultural areas left in place prior to October 31st should he seeded with Aroostook Winter Rye or equivalent at an application rate of three bushels (168 lbs.) per acre and mulched with straw mulch at rate of two to three bales per 1000 Sq. Ft. o Topsoil stockpiles left in place between October 31st and May 31st should be mulched with straw at a rate of two to three bales per 1000 Sq. Ft. to prevent soil loss. • The surface of access roads located outside of the generation facility’s security fence and constructed through agricultural fields shall be level with the adjacent field surface. If a level road design is not 3 The Limits of Disturbance (LOD) includes all project related ground disturbances and all areas within the project’s security fencing. DocuSign Envelope ID: A6F92C15-A20B-4802-8FFC-066B8543F286 3 Solar Guidelines (Rev. 10/18/2019) NYSDAM feasible, all access roads should be constructed to allow a farm crossing (for specific equipment and livestock) and to restore/ maintain original surface drainage patterns. • Install culverts and/or waterbars to maintain or improve site specific natural drainage patterns. • Do not allow vehicles or equipment outside the planned LOD without the EM seeking prior approval from the landowner (and/or agricultural producer), and associated permit amendments as necessary. Limit all vehicle and equipment traffic, parking, and material storage to the access road and/or designated work areas, such as laydown areas, with exception the use of low ground pressure equipment.4 Where repeated temporary access is necessary across portions of agricultural areas outside of the security fence, preparation for such access should consist of either stripping / stockpiling all topsoil linearly along the access road, or the use of timber matting. • Proposed permanent access should be established as soon as possible by removing topsoil according to the depth of topsoil as directed by the EM. Any extra topsoil removed from permanently converted areas (e.g. permanent roads, equipment pads, etc.) should be temporarily stockpiled and eventually spread evenly in adjacent agricultural areas within the project Limits of Disturbance (LOD); however not to significantly alter the hydrology of the area. • When open-cut trenching is proposed, topsoil stripping is required from the work area adjacent to the trench (including segregated stockpile areas and equipment access). Trencher or road saw like equipment are not allowed for trench excavation in agricultural areas, as the equipment does not segregate topsoil from subsoil. Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) or equivalent installation that does not disrupt the soil profile, may limit agricultural ground disturbances. Any HDD drilling fluid inadvertently discharged must be removed from agricultural areas. Narrow open trenches less than 25 feet long involving a single directly buried conductor or conduit (as required) to connect short rows within the array, are exempt from topsoil segregation. • Electric collection, communication and transmission lines installed above ground can create long term interference with mechanized farming on agricultural land. Thus, interconnect conductors outside of the security fence must be buried in agricultural fields wherever practicable. Where overhead utility lines are required, (including Point(s) of Interconnection) installation must be located outside field boundaries or along permanent access road(s) wherever possible. When overhead utilities must cross farmland, minimize agricultural impacts by using taller structures that provide longer spanning distances and locate poles on field edges to the greatest extent practicable. • All buried utilities located within the generation facility’s security fence must have a minimum depth of 18-inches of cover if buried in a conduit and a minimum depth of twenty-four inches of cover if directly buried (e.g. not routed in conduit).5 • The following requirements apply to all buried utilities located outside of the generation facility security fence: o In cropland, hayland, and improved pasture buried electric conductors must have a minimum depth of 48-inches of cover. In areas where the depth of soil over bedrock is less than 48-inches, the 4 low ground pressure vehicles that do not result in a visible rut that alters soil compaction. 5 Burial of electrical conductors located within the energy generation facility may be superseded by more stringent updated electrical code or applicable governing code. DocuSign Envelope ID: A6F92C15-A20B-4802-8FFC-066B8543F286 4 Solar Guidelines (Rev. 10/18/2019) NYSDAM electric conductors must be buried below the surface of the bedrock if friable/rippable, or as near as possible to the surface of the bedrock. o In unimproved grazing areas or on land permanently devoted to pasture the minimum depth of cover must be 36-inches. o Where electrical conductors are buried directly below the generation facility’s access road or immediately adjacent (at road edge) to the access road, the minimum depth of cover must be 24- inches. Conductors must be close enough to the road edge as to be not subject to agricultural cultivation / sub-soiling. • When buried utilities alter the natural stratification of soil horizons and natural soil drainage patterns, rectify the effects with measures such as subsurface intercept drain lines. Consult the local Soil and Water Conservation District concerning the type of intercept drain lines to install to prevent surface seeps and the seasonally prolonged saturation of the conductor installation zone and adjacent areas. Install and/or repair all drain lines according to Natural Resources Conservation Service conservation practice standards and specifications. Drain tile must meet or exceed the AASHTO M-252 specifications. Repair of subsurface drains tiles should be consistent with the NYSDAM’s details for “Repair of Severed Tile Line” found in the pipeline drawing A-5 (http://www.agriculture.ny.gov/ap/agservices/Pipeline-Drawings.pdf). • In pasture areas, it may be necessary to construct temporary fencing (in addition to the Project’s permanent security fences) around work areas to prevent livestock access to active construction areas and areas undergoing restoration. For areas returning to pasture, temporary fencing will be required to delay the pasturing of livestock within the restored portion of the LOD until pasture areas are appropriately revegetated. Temporary fencing including the project’s required temporary access for the associated fence installations should be included within the LOD as well as noted on the construction drawings. The Project Company will be responsible for maintaining the temporary fencing until the EM determines that the vegetation in the restored area is established and able to accommodate grazing. At such time, the Project Company should be responsible for removal of the temporary fences. Post-Construction restoration requirements applicable to continued use agricultural areas that suffered ground disturbance due to construction activities (typically lands outside of the developed project’s security fence). • All construction debris in active agriculture areas including pieces of wire, bolts, and other unused metal objects will need to be removed and properly disposed of as soon as practical to prevent mixing with any topsoil. • Excess concrete will not be buried or left on the surface in active agricultural areas. Concrete trucks will be washed outside of active agricultural areas. Remove all excess subsoil and rock unearthed from construction related activities occurring in areas intended to return to agricultural use. On-site disposal of such material is not permissible in active agricultural lands. Designated spoil disposal locations should be specified in the associated construction plans. If landowner agreements, LOD boundary, or Project’s land use approvals do not allow for on-site disposal, material must be removed from the site.6 6 Any permits necessary for disposal under local, State and/or federal laws and regulations must be obtained by the facility operator, with the cooperation of the landowner when required. DocuSign Envelope ID: A6F92C15-A20B-4802-8FFC-066B8543F286 5 Solar Guidelines (Rev. 10/18/2019) NYSDAM • Excess stripped topsoil shall not be utilized for fill within the project area. Any extra topsoil removed from permanently impacted areas (e.g. roads, equipment pads, etc.) should be evenly spread in adjacent agricultural project areas, however not to significantly alter the hydrology of the area. • Regrade all access roads outside of the security fencing (as determined necessary by the EM), to allow for farm equipment crossing and restore original surface drainage patterns, or other drainage pattern incorporated into the design. • Repair all surface or subsurface drainage structures damaged during construction as close to preconstruction conditions as possible, unless said structures are to be removed as part of the project design. Correct any surface or subsurface drainage problems resulting from construction of the solar energy project with the appropriate mitigation as determined by the Environmental Monitor, Soil and Water Conservation District and the Landowner. • On agricultural land needing restoration because of ground disturbance, postpone any restoration practices until favorable (workable, relatively dry) topsoil/subsoil conditions exist. Restoration must not be conducted while soils are in a wet or plastic state of consistency. Stockpiled topsoil must not be regraded, and subsoil must not be decompacted until plasticity, as determined by the Atterberg field test, is adequately reduced. No permanent project restoration activities shall occur in agricultural areas between the months of October through May unless favorable soil moisture conditions exist. • In all continued use agricultural land where the topsoil was stripped, subsoil decompaction shall be conducted prior to topsoil replacement. Following construction, all such areas will be decompacted to a depth of 18 inches with a tractor mounted deep ripper or heavy-duty chisel plow. Soil compaction results shall be no more than 250 pounds per square inch (PSI) throughout the decompacted 18 inches as measured with a soil penetrometer. Following decompaction, all rocks 4 inches and larger in size unearthed from decompaction will be removed from the surface of the subsoil prior to replacement of the topsoil. The topsoil will be replaced to original depth and the original contours will be reestablished where possible. All rocks 4 inches and larger from topsoil shall be removed from the surface of the topsoil. Subsoil decompaction and topsoil replacement must be avoided after October 1, unless approved on a site-specific basis by the landowner in consultation with NYSDAM. All parties involved must be cognizant that areas restored after October 1st may not obtain sufficient growth for stabilization 7 to prevent erosion over the winter months. If areas are to be restored after October 1st, necessary provisions must be made to prevent potential springtime erosion, as well as restore any eroded areas in the springtime, to establish proper growth. Excess stripped topsoil shall be evenly spread in the adjacent project areas, or adjacent agricultural areas (within the LOD), however, not to significantly alter the hydrology of the area. • In all continued use agricultural areas where the topsoil was not stripped, including timber matted areas, the EM shall determine appropriate activities to return the area to agricultural use. These activities may include decompaction, rock removal, and revegetation. Soil compaction should be tested in the affected areas and the affected area’s adjacent undisturbed areas using an appropriate soil penetrometer or other soil compaction measuring device as soon as soils achieve moisture equilibrium with adjacent unaffected areas. Compaction tests will be made at regular intervals of distance throughout the affected areas, including each soil type identified within the affected areas. Soil compaction results shall be measured with a soil penetrometer not exceeding more than 250 pounds per square inch (PSI), by 7 Sufficient growth for stabilization should be determined by comparison with unaffected crop production. Annual crops restored after normal planting window (as determined by the landowner or associated producer) should be stabilized with Aroostook Winter Rye at the rate of 150/100 lbs. per acre (broad cast/drill seeder). DocuSign Envelope ID: A6F92C15-A20B-4802-8FFC-066B8543F286 6 Solar Guidelines (Rev. 10/18/2019) NYSDAM comparing probing depths of both the affected and unaffected areas. Where representative soil density of the affected area’s collective depth measurements present compaction restrictions exceeding an acceptable deviation of no more than 20% from the adjacent undisturbed area’s mean soil density, additional decompaction may be required to a depth of 18-inches with a tractor mounted deep ripper or heavy-duty chisel plow. Following decompaction, remove all rocks unearthed from decompaction activities 4 inches and larger in size from the surface. Revegetation shall be performed in accordance with the instructions below. • Seed all agricultural areas from which the vegetation was removed or destroyed with the seed mix specified by the landowner/agriculture producer or as otherwise recommended in the Department’s fertilizer, lime and seeding guideline: [https://www.agriculture.ny.gov/ap/agservices/Fertilizer_Lime_and_Seeding_Recommendations.pdf]. Soil amendments should be applied as necessary so that restored agricultural areas’ soil properties, at minimum, reasonably reflect the pre-construction soil test results or as otherwise agreed to by the involved parties to ensure continued agricultural use. All parties must be cognizant that areas restored after October 1st may not obtain sufficient growth to prevent erosion over the winter months. If areas are to be restored after October 1st, necessary provisions must be made to restore and/or re-seed any eroded or poorly germinated areas in the springtime, to establish proper growth. Monitoring and Remediation Project Companies shall provide a monitoring and remediation period of one complete growing season following the date upon which the desired crop is planted. All projects subject to NYS Public Service Law Article 10 will provide a monitoring period of two complete growing seasons following the date upon which the project achieves the establishment of the desired crop. On site monitoring shall be conducted seasonally at least three times during the growing season (Spring, Summer, Fall). Monitoring is required to identify any remaining impacts directly associated with the construction of the project on agricultural lands proposed to remain or resume agriculture production, including the effects of climatic cycles such as frost action, precipitation and growing seasons to occur, from which various monitoring observations can be made. NYSDAM expects the Project Company (or its contractor) to retain the EM for follow-up monitoring and remediation (as needed) in agricultural areas. Monitoring is limited to the restored agricultural area. Non-project related impacts affecting the restored project area will be discussed with NYSDAM staff and considered for omission from future monitoring and remediation. The EM is expected to record the following observations from onsite inspections:8 • Topsoil Thickness and Trench Settling – The EM observations may require small hand dug holes to observe the percentage of settled topsoil in areas where the topsoil was stripped, or trenching was performed without stripping topsoil. Observations concerning depth of topsoil deficiencies shall require further remediation by re -appropriating additional topsoil. Acceptable materials for remediation are: known areas of native excess topsoil (according to records of project specific excess topsoil disposal spread within the original LOD) or imported topsoil free of invasive species that is consistent with the quality of topsoil on the affected site. 8 The activities that follow are not necessary for restored agricultural lands on which the farmer or landowner has commenced activities, including agricultural activities or other use that tend to reverse restoration or create conditions that would otherwise trigger restoration. Should NYSDAM contend upon inspection that conditions indicate that post-construction restoration activities were improperly performed or insufficient, NYSDAM may inform the project company and NYSERDA for further investigation and remediation. DocuSign Envelope ID: A6F92C15-A20B-4802-8FFC-066B8543F286 7 Solar Guidelines (Rev. 10/18/2019) NYSDAM • Excessive Rock (>4-inches) - Determined by a visual inspection of disturbed areas as compared to unaffected portions of the same field located outside the construction area. Observations concerning excess stone material in comparison to off-site conditions shall require further remediation including removal and disposal of all excess rocks and large stones. • Soil Compaction - Project affected agricultural soils should be tested using an appropriate soil penetrometer or other soil compaction measuring device. Compaction tests will be made at regular intervals of distance throughout the access or work areas, including each soil type identified on the affected agricultural areas. Where representative soil density of the affected area exceeds the representative soil density of the unaffected areas, additional decompaction may be required. Consultation with NYSDAM staff and the agricultural producer(s) should be conducted prior to scheduling additional decompaction. If warranted, decompaction to a depth of 18-inches with a tractor mounted deep ripper or heavy-duty chisel plow. Restoration of displaced topsoil to original depth and re-establish original contours where possible. Decompaction deep shattering will be applied during periods of relatively low soil moisture to ensure the desired mitigation and to prevent additional soil compaction. Oversized stone/rock (Four-inches) material that is uplifted/unearthed to the surface as a result of the deep shattering will be removed. • Drainage – The EM shall visually inspect the restored agricultural areas in search of pervasive stunted crop growth due to seasonal saturation, not previously experienced at the site and not resulting from the agricultural producer’s irrigation management or due to excessive rainfall. Identified areas of stunted crop growth shall be compared to the nearest undisturbed adjacent areas under a substantially equivalent terrain and crop management plan. Drainage observations should be evaluated to determine if the project affected surface or sub-surface drainage during construction or restoration. Project caused drainage issues affecting or likely to reduce crop productivity of the adjacent areas will have to be remediated via a positive surface drainage, sub-surface drainage repair or an equivalent. • Agriculture Fencing and Gates – The EM shall inspect Project associated fencing and gates (installed, altered or repaired) within the Project’s LOD associated with agricultural activities for function and longevity. The Project Company is responsible during the Monitoring and Remediation Phase for maintaining the integrity of Project associated fencing and gates. The Project Company (or its contractor) shall consolidate each applicable growing season’s observations into an annual report during the monitoring period and shall be provided upon request to NYSDAM. Annual reports should include date stamped photographs illustrating crop growth in comparison with unaffected portions the agricultural areas. The EM shall record observations of the establishment of the desired crop and subsequent crop productivity within restored agricultural areas and shall be evaluated b y comparing its productivity to that of the nearest adjacent undisturbed agricultural land of similar crop type within the same field. If a decline in crop productivity is apparent the Project Company as well as other appropriate parties must determine whether the decline is due to project activities. If project activities are determined to be the primary detrimental factor, the project EM will notify NYSDAM concerning unsuccessful restoration and to potentially schedule a NYSDAM staff field visit. If project restoration is determined to be insufficient, the Project Company will develop a plan for appropriate rehabilitation measures to be implemented. NYSDAM staff will review and approve said plan prior to implementation. Additional monitoring may be required depending on additional restoration activities needed. DocuSign Envelope ID: A6F92C15-A20B-4802-8FFC-066B8543F286 8 Solar Guidelines (Rev. 10/18/2019) NYSDAM The Project Company is not responsible for site conditions and/or potential damages attributable to the agricultural producer’s land use management or others’ land use management. Decommissioning If the operation of the generation facility is permanently discontinued, remove all above ground structures (including panels, racking, signage, equipment pad, security fencing) and underground utilities if less than 48- inches deep. All concrete piers, footers, or other supports must be removed to a minimum depth of 48-inches below the soil surface. The following requirements apply to electric conductors located at the respective range of depth below the surface: • 48-inches plus: All underground electric conduits and direct buried conductors may be abandoned in place. Applicable conduit risers must be removed, and abandoned conduit must be sealed or capped to avoid a potential to direct subsurface drainage onto neighboring land uses. • Less than 48-inches: All underground direct buried electric conductors and conductors in conduit and associated conduit with less than 48-inches of cover must be removed, by means of causing the least amount of disturbance as possible. Access roads in agricultural areas must be removed, unless otherwise specified by the landowner. If access is to be removed, topsoil will have to be returned from recorded project excess native topsoil disposal areas, if present, or imported topsoil free of invasive species that is consistent with the quality of topsoil on the affected site. Restore all areas intended for agricultural production, according to recommendations by the current landowner or leasing agricultural producer, and as required by any applicable permit, the Soil and Water Conservation District, and NYSDAM. Monitoring and restoration requirements in accordance to the prior sections of these guidelines, will be required for the decommissioning restoration. NYSDAM requires notice before the Project Company undertakes decommissioning. _______________ (Project Company) hereby agrees to use best efforts to adopt and employ the provisions of the NYSDAM Guidelines for Agricultural Mitigation for Solar Energy Projects in all material aspects of the construction, post construction and decommissioning of this project. Where Project Company determines that it cannot perform an activity in a manner that meets the material terms of any provision of the Guidelines, the Project Company or its Environmental Monitor will notify NYSDAM and make good faith efforts to devise an alternative solution that will mitigate adverse agricultural impacts. ______________________ _________ Signature Date DocuSign Envelope ID: A6F92C15-A20B-4802-8FFC-066B8543F286 Carrowmoor Solar, LLC 3/17/2023 CARROWMOOR SOLAR 1349 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 14850 NEXAMP PROJECT NO: 2230713 ISSUED FOR REVIEW 3/24/2023101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110PROJECT NO: 2230713APRIL 2023CARROWMOOR SOLAR1340 MECKLENBURG ROADITHACA, NY 14850LOCATION MAPN.T.S.NEXAMP105 N. Tioga Street, Suite 200Ithaca, NY 14850607-319-4136labellapc.comPROJECT LOCATION RevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1340 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW04/10/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLELMR12/31/2024C001GENERAL NOTES, LEGEND,AND DRAWING INDEXLEGENDDRAWING INDEX1.THE CONTRACTOR ALONE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO LOCATE UTILITIES OUTSIDE THERIGHT-OF-WAY INCLUDING PRIVATE ROADS.2.SITE DRAINAGE, INCLUDING THE PROJECT SITE AND ADJACENT PRIVATE AND PUBLICROADWAYS, DRIVES, PARKING AREAS OR PROPERTIES SHALL BE MAINTAINEDTHROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD.3.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPPLYING ALL MATERIALS, TOOLS ANDEQUIPMENT, INCLUDING SPECIAL CUTTING DEVICES, NECESSARY TO PERFORM THEWORK CONTAINED IN THIS CONTRACT.4.THE SIZES AND MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION OF WATER MAINS, SANITARY SEWERS ANDSTORM SEWERS TO REMAIN ARE REPUTED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY SIZES OFALL UTILITIES WHERE CONNECTIONS TO SAID EXISTING UTILITIES ARE REQUIRED.EXCAVATION TO VERIFY THESE UTILITIES SHALL BE MADE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TOTHE OWNER.5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL EXISTING SITE AMENITIES NOT DESIGNATED FORREMOVAL.6.UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE PLANS OR DIRECTED BY THEARCHITECT/ENGINEER, THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PRESERVING ANDPROTECTING FROM DAMAGE ALL TREES, SHRUBS AND PLANTS IN THE VICINITY OF THEPROPOSED WORK.7.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT AND SUPPORT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES DESIGNATEDTO REMAIN FOR THE DURATION OF THE CONTRACT.8.ANY SITE AMENITY, UTILITY, STREET APPURTENANCE, OR OTHER ITEM WHICH BECOMESDAMAGED AS A RESULT OF THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS SHALL BE REPAIRED ORREPLACED IN-KIND BY THE CONTRACTOR AS DETERMINED BY THE PROJECT MANAGEROR ARCHITECT/ENGINEER AND AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER.1.CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BID. NOALLOWANCE WILL BE MADE FOR ADDITIONAL COSTS DUE TO CONTRACTOR'S FAILURE TOVERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS.2.PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY DIG SAFENEW YORK AT 811 TO REQUEST UTILITY STAKEOUT OF ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES.3.WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THIS CONTRACT WILL OCCUR AT AN ACTIVE AND FUNCTIONALFACILITY. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH THE OWNER TO MINIMIZE DISRUPTIONTO THE OPERATIONS OF THE FACILITY. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE TOPROVIDE A SAFE WORK SITE AND TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC, VISITORS AND EMPLOYEESFROM HARM AS A RESULT OF HIS CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES.4.THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING ABOVE GROUND ANDBELOW GROUND UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND APPURTENANCES SHOWN ON THE PLANSARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE NOT GUARANTEED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BERESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE EXACT HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OFALL UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND APPURTENANCES IN THE PATH OF AND ADJACENT TOTHE PROPOSED WORK.5.SITE DRAINAGE, INCLUDING THE PROJECT SITE AND ADJACENT PRIVATE AND PUBLICROADWAYS, DRIVES, PARKING AREAS OR PROPERTIES SHALL BE MAINTAINEDTHROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD.6.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT AND SUPPORT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES DESIGNATED TOREMAIN FOR THE DURATION OF THE CONTRACT.7.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT, LOCAL FIRE DEPARTMENTAND THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION (NYSDEC)AS NECESSARY AND SHALL OBTAIN ANY REQUIRED PERMITS PRIOR TO BEGINNINGWORK. COPIES OF ANY REQUIRED PERMITS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE OWNER PRIORTO BEGINNING THE WORK.8.CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE FROM SITE, MATERIALS NOT INDICATED TO BE SALVAGEDINCLUDING ALL DEBRIS. ALL REMOVED MATERIALS SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY OFCONTRACTOR WHO SHALL LEGALLY DISPOSE OF SAME.9.ALL TREES, SHRUBS AND PLANTS DESIGNATED TO REMAIN AND DISTURBED BYCONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS, SHALL BE REPLACED IN-KIND AS DIRECTED BY THEARCHITECT/ENGINEER AND/OR OWNER'S DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE AT NOADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER.10.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN SAFE VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN ACCESS TO THEEXISTING BUILDINGS FOR THE DURATION OF THE CONTRACT.11.WHEN EXISTING CONSTRUCTION WHICH IS TO REMAIN IS DAMAGED DURING THECOURSE OF CONSTRUCTION AS A RESULT OF CONTRACTORS WORK, IT SHALL BEREPAIRED AND/OR REPLACED WITH SIMILAR OR LIKE MATERIALS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE,AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. ALL REPAIRS AND/OR REPLACEMENTS WILL BE SUBJECT TOOWNERS APPROVAL.12.COORDINATE LOCATION OF TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION FENCE AND TEMPORARY STONESTAGING AREA WITH OWNER1.CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BID. NOALLOWANCE WILL BE MADE FOR ADDITIONAL COSTS DUE TO CONTRACTOR'S FAILURE TOVERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS.2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE, MARK, SAFEGUARD AND PRESERVE ALL SURVEYMARKERS AND RIGHT-OF-WAY MARKERS IN THE AREA OF CONSTRUCTION.3.ANY IRON PINS, MONUMENTS OR OTHER ITEMS DEFINING PROPERTY LINES WHICH AREDISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS SHALL BE PROPERLY TIED ANDACCURATELY RESET BY A NYS LICENSED SURVEYOR UPON COMPLETION OF THE WORK.4.HORIZONTAL DATUM BASED OFF NAD83.5.VERTICAL BASED OFF OF NAVD88.6.TOPOGRAPHY AS SURVEYED BY LABELLA ASSOCIATES IN FEBRUARY 2023.1.CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ANY STORM SEWER REPLACEMENT WITH THENYSDOT AND THE TOWN OF ITHACA.2.CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE INSTALLATION OF ELECTRIC SERVICE LINES WITHNYSEG.1.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF OSHA, AND ANY OTHERAGENCY HAVING JURISDICTION WITH REGARD TO SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WITHTRENCHING OPERATIONS. THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH HEREIN ARE INTENDED TOSUPPLEMENT REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THESE AGENCIES. IN THE CASE OF ACONFLICT BETWEEN REQUIREMENTS OF OTHER JURISDICTIONAL AGENCIES AND THESEDOCUMENTS, THE MORE STRINGENT REQUIREMENT ON THE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY.2.SHEETING, IF REQUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTION, IS CONSIDERED TO BE PART OF THISCONTRACT AND SHALL BE PROVIDED AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER.3.ALL TRENCHES THROUGH PAVEMENT SHALL BE SAW CUT PRIOR TO EXCAVATION ANDAGAIN PRIOR TO PAVEMENT RESTORATION.4.CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST THE RIMS OF ALL MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS, VALVEBOXES AND OTHER UTILITY SITE STRUCTURES TO MEET FINISHED GRADE IN AREASREQUIRING REPAVING OR REGRADING AS PART OF THE WORK, INCLUDING THOSE THATMAY NOT BE SHOWN ON THE PLANS.5.VOIDS LEFT BY UTILITY OR STRUCTURE REMOVAL OR GRUBBING OPERATIONS SHALL BEBACKFILLED AND PROPERLY COMPACTED WITH STRUCTURAL FILL (NYSDOT ITEM 304.12)IN AREAS UNDER AND WITHIN 5 FEET HORIZONTALLY OF ALL STRUCTURES, BUILDINGSAND PAVEMENTS. IN GRASSED AREAS, VOIDS LEFT SHALL BE FILLED AND PROPERLYCOMPACTED WITH SUITABLE ON-SITE OR IMPORTED EARTHEN BACKFILL. ALLDISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED.6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEWATER ALL EXCAVATIONS TO PREVENT THE INTRODUCTIONOF GROUNDWATER INTO THE TRENCHES/EXCAVATIONS. PROVIDE ALL EQUIPMENTNECESSARY TO MAINTAIN THE GROUNDWATER LEVEL AS NECESSARY.7.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE AT MINIMUM 6 INCHES OF CLEANED SCREENEDTOPSOIL IN ALL DISTURBED AREAS PRIOR TO SEEDING.1.ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEW YORKSTANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL, AND LOCALGOVERNING SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION AGENCY RECOMMENDATIONS ANDSTANDARDS. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT PROPOSED EROSION CONTROL PLANINCLUDING SEQUENCING OF WORK TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO START OFWORK.2.UTILIZE CONSTRUCTION METHODS/TECHNIQUES, WHICH WILL LIMIT THE EXPOSEDEARTHEN AREAS AND MINIMIZE THE EFFECT OF EARTH DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES ON SOILEROSION. THE AREA OF DISTURBANCE SHALL BE LIMITED TO A MAXIMUM OF 5 ACRESUNLESS A 5 ACRE WAIVER IS APPROVED BY THE NYSDEC.3.ALL SEDIMENTATION BARRIERS AND OTHER TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT MEASURESSHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. PLANS SHOW THESUGGESTED MINIMUM MEASURES REQUIRED.4.REMOVAL OF ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURESSHALL BE COMPLETED AT THE APPROVAL OF THE OWNER AND ENGINEER. THE COST OFREMOVING THESE MEASURES SHALL ALSO BE INCLUDED IN THE BID PRICE.5.FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL ON-SITE,ADJACENT AND/OR DOWNSTREAM STORM/SANITARY SEWERS, AND/OR OTHER WATERCOURSES FROM CONTAMINATION BY WATER BORNE SILTS, SEDIMENTS, FUELS,SOLVENTS, LUBRICANTS OR OTHER POLLUTANTS ORIGINATING FROM ANY WORK DONEON, OR IN SUPPORT OF THIS PROJECT.6.DURING CONSTRUCTION NO WET OR FRESH CONCRETE OR LEACHATE SHALL BEALLOWED TO ESCAPE INTO STORM/SANITARY SEWERS, DITCHES OR OTHER WATERS OFNEW YORK STATE, NOR SHALL WASHINGS FROM CONCRETE TRUCKS, MIXERS OR OTHERDEVICES BE ALLOWED TO ENTER ANY STORM/SANITARY SEWERS, DITCHES, RIVERS, ORWATER COURSES.7.ALL EXCAVATED OR IMPORTED EARTHEN STOCKPILES SHALL BE SUITABLY STABILIZEDAND PROTECTED BY SILT FENCE SO THAT IT CANNOT REASONABLY ENTER ANY WATERBODY, OR STORM OR SANITARY SEWER.8.ALL METHODS AND EQUIPMENT PROPOSED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO ACCOMPLISH THEWORK FOR EROSION AND POLLUTION CONTROL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OFTHE ENGINEER.9.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO TREAT TRAVELED AREAS TO CONTROL DUST.WATER SHALL BE APPLIED TO SUCH TRAVELED AREAS AS THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER OROWNER'S DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE MAY DESIGNATE. THE NUMBER OFAPPLICATIONS AND THE AMOUNT OF WATER SHALL BE BASED UPON FIELD ANDWEATHER CONDITIONS.10.ALL AREAS OF SOIL DISTURBANCE RESULTING FROM THIS PROJECT WHICH WILL NOT BESUBJECT TO FURTHER EARTHWORK OR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BEPERMANENTLY SEEDED TO ESTABLISH GRASS, AND MULCHED WITH HAY OR STRAWWITHIN ONE WEEK OF FINAL DISTURBANCE. MULCH SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL ASUITABLE VEGETATIVE COVER IS ESTABLISHED.11.CONTRACTOR STAGING AREAS AND CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE LOCATIONS SHALL BECOORDINATED WITH THE OWNER PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. STABILIZEDCONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE(S), AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS SHALL BE PROVIDED. ALLDISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED.12.ALL CATCH BASINS/DRAINAGE INLETS SHALL HAVE STONED INLET PROTECTION AROUNDTHEM AND GEOTEXTILE FABRIC OVER THE GRATE TO PREVENT SEDIMENTATION FROMENTERING THE STORM SYSTEM.13.TILL ALL COMPACTED SOILS LOCATED IN LAWN AREAS TO RESTORE THE ORIGINALPROPERTIES OF THE SOIL PRIOR TO SEEDING.UTILITY NOTESGRADING NOTESEROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTESGENERAL NOTESSURVEY NOTESDEMOLITION NOTESC001 GENERAL NOTES, LEGEND, AND DRAWING INDEXC002 OVERALL SITE PLANC101 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DEMOLITION PLANC102 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DEMOLITION PLANC201 SITE AND UTILITY PLANC202 SITE AND UTILITY PLANC301 GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANC302 GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND ROAD PROFILEC501 CONSTRUCTION DETAILSC502 CONSTRUCTION DETAILSEXISTINGPROPOSEDDESCRIPTIONPROJECT BENCHMARK / CONTROLPOINTSTREE PROTECTIONWETLANDWETLAND BUFFERTREE/VEGETATION LIMITFENCEBUILDING/STRUCTUREPROPERTY LINESETBACK LINEEASEMENTSRIGHT-OF-WAYPEBLDG⅊⅊SIGNDECIDUOUS TREECONIFEROUS TREEUTILITY POLE WITH LIGHTEND SECTIONUTILITY POLESTSTORM LINEOVERHEAD ELECTRICUEUEUNDERGROUND ELECTRICCOMMUNICATIONSMAJOR CONTOUR510MINOR CONTOUREROSION FENCE509STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEOUTLET PROTECTIONTREE STUMP1.WELL COMPACTED SUBGRADE SHALL BE UTILIZED UNDERNEATH CONSTRUCTION OFPAVEMENT AND CONCRETE BASES.2.ALL STAKEOUT FOR THE PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY ANEW YORK STATE LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR.3.IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE NOTED BETWEEN THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS ANDINFORMATION PROVIDED OR AN ERROR IS SUSPECT, IT SHALL BE IMMEDIATELYREPORTED TO THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AND LABELLA ASSOCIATES PROJECTMANAGER IN WRITING.4.ANY PROOF-ROLLING OF EXPOSED SUBBASE BY A MINIMUM 10 TON SMOOTH DRUMROLLER SHALL BE DONE UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF, AND OBSERVED BY, QUALIFIEDENGINEERING PERSONNEL PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF SUBBASE MATERIAL. THE ROLLERSHOULD BE OPERATED IN THE STATIC MODE AND COMPLETE AT LEAST TWO (2) PASSESOVER THE EXPOSED SUBGRADES.5.THE PRELIMINARY WETLANDS DELINEATION WERE COMPLETED BY LABELLA ASSOCIATESIN JANUARY 2023. FURTHER INVESTIGATION IS NEED TO DEFINE THESE AREAS.6.PARCEL LINES AS SHOWN BYA.TOMPKINS COUNTY TAX MAP, FOR THE TOWN OF ITHACA.B.MAP TITLED, "AS-BUILT SURVEY FOR CROWN CASTLE-WESTHAVEN/MECKLENBURGROAD SITE SURVEY," PREPARED BY JONATHAN MURPHY PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEY,DATED JANUARY 27, 2017.C.MAP TITLED, "MAP OF SURVEY FOR PARCEL OF LAND CONVEYED TO ROBERT DRAKE,"PREPARED BY ROBERT S. RUSSLER JR., DATED MARCH 2003.D.MAP TITLED," MAP SHOWING LANDS OF ROBERT J. WELLS & GEORGE W. IDEMAN,"PREPARED BY MILTON GREENE, DATED NOVEMBER 20, 1973.E.MAP TITLED, "SURVEY MAP SHOWING THE LANDS OF JAN H. & SUSAN J. SUWINKSI,"PREPARED BY T.G. MILLER P.C., DATED DECEMBER 27, 2016.F.DEED BETWEEN JOHN E. RANCICH AND RANCICH FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP DATEDSEPTEMBER 21, 2012 AND FILED IN THE TOMPKINS COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ASINSTRUMENT NO. 597581-003.SITE NOTES1.CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ON THIS SITE MUST COMPLY WITH THE NYS DEPARTMENT OFAGRICULTURE AND MARKETS (NYDAM) PUBLISHED GUIDELINES FOR CONSTRUCTIONMITIGATION FOR AGRICULTURAL LANDS LAST REVISED OCTOBER 18, 2019. THE FOLLOWINGREPRESENTS ONLY A CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY OF THE GUIDELINES. IT IS THERESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO BE FAMILIAR WITH THE COMPLETE GUIDELINES ANDCOMPLY WITH THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION.2.NEXAMP WILL HIRE OR DESIGNATE AN ENVIRONMENTAL MONITOR (EM) TO OVERSEECONSTRUCTION, RESTORATION, AND FOLLOW-UP MONITORING IN AGRICULTURAL LANDS. THEEM SHALL BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION AND/OR ON-SITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCTIONOR RESTORATION WORK THAT CAUSES GROUND DISTURBANCE IS OCCURRING ON LESS THAN50 ACRES OF AGRICULTURAL LAND.3.STRIPPED TOPSOIL SHALL BE STOCKPILED FROM WORK AREAS AND KEPT SEPARATE FROMOTHER EXCAVATED MATERIAL UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF THE FACILITY FOR FINALRESTORATION. TOPSOIL SHALL BE STRIPPED TO MATERIALS STORAGE AND LAYDOWN AREAAND STABILIZED ACCORDING TO PLANS. EXCESS TOPSOIL SHALL BE SPREAD EVENLY INAGRICULTURAL AREAS WITHIN THE LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE OR AS NOTED ON THE PLANS. INNO CASE SHALL THE SPREADING OF EXCESS TOPSOIL ALTER THE HYDROLOGY OF THE AREA.4.FOR ALL OPEN-CUT EXCAVATIONS, TOPSOIL AND SUBSOIL SHALL BE SEGREGATED. WHENOPEN-CUT TRENCHING IS PROPOSED, TOPSOIL STRIPPING IS REQUIRED FROM THE WORKAREA ADJACENT TO THE TRENCH (INCLUDING SEGREGATED STOCKPILE AREAS ANDEQUIPMENT ACCESS).5.TOPSOIL STOCKPILE AREAS AND TOPSOIL DISPOSAL AREAS SHALL BE CLEARLY INDICATED INTHE FIELD AND ON THE PLANS.6.TOPSOIL STOCKPILES ON AGRICULTURAL AREAS LEFT IN PLACE PRIOR TO OCTOBER 31 SHALLBE SEEDED WITH AROOSTOOK WINTER RYE OR EQUIVALENT AT AN APPLICATION RATE OFTHREE BUSHELS (168 LB) PER ACRE AND MULCHED WITH STRAW AT A RATE OF TWO TOTHREE BALES PER 1000 SF.7.TOPSOIL STOCKPILES ON AGRICULTURAL AREAS LEFT IN PLACE BETWEEN OCTOBER 31 ANDMAY 31 SHALL BE MULCHED WITH STRAW AT A RATE OF TWO TO THREE BALES PER 1000 SFTO PREVENT SOIL LOSS.8.THE SURFACE OF THE ACCESS ROADS LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE FENCED AREA ANDCONSTRUCTED THROUGH AGRICULTURAL FIELDS SHALL BE LEVEL WITH THE ADJACENT FIELDSURFACE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.9.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT NO VEHICLES OR EQUIPMENT ARE ALLOWED OUTSIDETHE DESIGNED LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE. VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT TRAFFIC, PARKING ANDMATERIAL STORAGE SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE ACCESS ROADS AND/OR DESIGNATED WORKAREAS WITH THE EXCEPTION OF LOW GROUND PRESSURE EQUIPMENT.10.ALL BURIED UTILITIES LOCATED WITHIN THE FENCED AREA MUST HAVE A MINIMUM COVERDEPTH OF 18 INCHES IF LOCATED WITHIN CONDUIT AND 24 INCHES IF DIRECT BURIED.11.ALL BURIED UTILITIES LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE FENCED AREA SHALL HAVE A MINIMUMCOVER DEPTH OF 48 INCHES IF LOCATED WITHIN CROPLAND, HAYLAND OR IMPROVEDPASTURE AREAS. IN AREAS WHERE THE DEPTH OF SOIL OVER BEDROCK IS LESS THAN 48INCHES THE ELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS MUST BE BURIED BELOW THE SURFACE OF THEBEDROCK IF FRIABLE/RIPPABLE OR AS NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THE SURFACE OF THE BEDROCK.ALL BURIED UTILITIES LOCATED IN UNIMPROVED GRAZING AREAS OR ON LAND PERMANENTLYDEVOTED TO PASTURE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER DEPTH OF 36 INCHES. WHEREELECTRICAL CONDUCTORS ARE BURIED DIRECTLY BELOW THE GENERATION FACILITY'SACCESS ROAD OR IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THE ACCESS ROAD THE MINIMUM DEPTH OFCOVER MUST BE 24 INCHES.12.EXCESS STRIPPED TOPSOIL SHALL NOT BE UTILIZED FOR FILL WITHIN THE PROJECT AREAS.13.EXCESS CONCRETE WILL NOT BE BURIED OR LEFT ON THE SURFACE IN ACTIVE AGRICULTURALAREAS. CONCRETE TRUCKS WILL BE WASHED OUTSIDE OF ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL AREAS.ON-SITE DISPOSAL OF SUBSOIL AND ROCK UNEARTHED FROM CONSTRUCTION RELATEDACTIVITIES IS NOT PERMISSIBLE IN ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL LANDS.14.CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR ALL SURFACE OR SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE STRUCTURES DAMAGEDDURING CONSTRUCTION.15.RESTORATION WORK ON AGRICULTURAL LAND SHALL BE COMPLETED DURING FAVORABLE(WORKABLE, RELATIVELY DRY) CONDITIONS AND NOT WHILE SOILS ARE IN A WET OR PLASTICSTATE OF CONSISTENCY.16.IN ALL CONTINUED USE AGRICULTURAL LAND WHERE THE TOPSOIL WAS STRIPPED, SUBSOILDECOMPACTION SHALL BE CONDUCTED PRIOR TO TOPSOIL REPLACEMENT TO A DEPTH OF 18INCHES WITH A TRACTOR MOUNTED DEEP RIPPER OR HEAVY-DUTY CHISEL PLOW.17.CONTRACTOR SHALL SEED ALL AREAS FROM WHICH VEGETATION WAS REMOVED ORDESTROYED WITH THE SEED MIX SPECIFIED BY OWNER.NYS DEPT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS NOTES FOFOFOFOFOFOFOFOX X XXXEEEEEEX X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOE OEOEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEUERevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1340 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW04/10/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLELMR12/31/2024C002OVERALL SITE PLANC0021OVERALL SITE PLANSCALE: 1"=120'0'120'240'360'C101C201C301C102C202C302N XX X XXXXXEEEEEEX X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXRevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1340 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW04/10/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLELMR12/31/2024C101EXISTING CONDITIONS ANDDEMOLITION PLANC1011EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DEMOLITION PLANSCALE: 1"=80'0'80'160'240'MATCH TO SHEET C102N REMOVE AND RELOCATEEXISTING STEEL GATE.REPLACE STEEL GATE IFDAMAGED.REMOVE EXISTING 15" CMPCULVERT AND END SECTIONS.FOFOFOFOFOFOMECKLENBURG RD. / N.Y.S. ROUTE 79(66' WIDE R.O.W.)0'80'160'240'RevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1340 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW04/10/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLELMR12/31/2024C102EXISTING CONDITIONS ANDDEMOLITION PLANC1021EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DEMOLITION PLANSCALE: 1"=80'MATCH TO SHEET C101N XX X XXXXXEEEEEEX X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXEND SECTIONINV= 1114.65END SECTIONINV= 1113.96STEND SECTIONINV= 1114.65END SECTIONINV= 1113.96ST± 34LF 18" SICPP @ 2.00%YDRAIN BASIN 12" DIA.RIM=1116.62E INV=1114.25END SECTIONINV= 1113.50STST± 75LF 6" SICPP @ 1.00%TWO (2) ± 34LF 18" SICPP @ 2.00%R30'R30'R55'R55'UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE UEUER30' (TYP.)25'25'75'75'75'20'57.5'86.25'86.25'25'24.99'25'25.04' 25'25'25'25'25'12'15'11.06'706.22' SIDE SETBACK191.93' SIDE SETBACK89.96' REARSETBACKNEW CONCRETE EQUIPMENT PAD(INVERTER AND TRANSFORMER)LAYDOWN AREANEW 7' TALLAGRICULTURAL FENCENEW SOLAR PV ARRAYNEW SOLAR PV ARRAYNEW SOLAR PV ARRAYNEW SOLAR PV ARRAYNEW SOLAR PV ARRAYPROPERTYSETBACK LINENEW 20' VEHICLE GATENEW CONCRETEEQUIPMENT PADENERGY STORAGEUNDERGROUNDELECTRICAL LINES (TYP.)NEW 4' PERSONNEL GATENEW 20' SNOW REMOVAL GATENEW 4' PERSONNEL GATENEW 15' GRAVEL ACCESS ROADNEW 12' GRAVEL ACCESS ROADNEW 4' PERSONNEL GATENEW 4' PERSONNEL GATEAUXILIARY PADVEGETATEDFILTER STRIPVEGETATEDFILTER STRIPPROVIDE TEMPORARYCONSTRUCTION ACCESSGRAVEL (±3,100 SF)60'76'105'RevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1340 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW04/10/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLELMR12/31/2024SCALE: 1"=80'N0'80'160'240'MATCH TO SHEET C202C201SITE AND UTILITY PLANC2011SITE AND UTILITY PLANPROJECT DATAPARCEL INFORMATIONAPPLICANTCARROWMOOR SOLAR LLCOWNERRANCICH FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIPPARCEL ADDRESS1340 MECKLENBERG ROAD, ITHACA, NY 14850TAX NUMBER027.-1-15.2PARCEL AREA (TOTAL)93.65 ACRESTOTAL PROJECT AREA29.3 ACRESEXISTING IMPERVIOUSWITHIN PROJECT AREA0.00 ACRESPROPOSED IMPERVIOUSWITHIN PROJECT AREA0.99 ACRESSYSTEM SIZE5.0 MW ACUTILITY POLE COUNT3PANEL COVERAGE8.85 ACRESTOTAL DISTURBANCE AREA±28.22 ACRESZONING INFORMATIONREQUIREDPROPOSEDCLASSIFICATIONAGRICULTURALAGRICULTURALFRONT SETBACK50 FT±859 FTSIDE SETBACK75 FT±192 FTREAR SETBACK75 FT±90 FTLOT COVERAGE12% MAX±10.6% FOFOFOFOFOFOMECKLENBURG RD. / N.Y.S. ROUTE 79(66' WIDE R.O.W.)END SECTIONINV= 1119.40END SECTIONINV= 1118.20ST± 40LF 18" SICPP @ 3.00%END SECTIONINV= 1131.54END SECTIONINV= 1129.59STST± 81LF 15" CMP @ 2.40%OE OEOER55'UEUEUEUEUE UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEUEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEUE15'20'75'75'50'57.5'86.25'57.5'50'859.02' FRONT SETBACK30'20'R30'R40'PROPERTYSETBACK LINEPROPERTYSETBACK LINEUNDERGROUNDELECTRICAL LINES (TYP.)NEW 15' GRAVEL ACCESS ROADNEW 20' ACCESS ROADCUSTOMER RISER POLE WITH UTILITY METER (C1)UTILITY RECLOSER POLE (U1)UTILITY DISCONNECT POLE (U2)EXISTING UTILITY POLE (POI)CUSTOMER PAD MOUNTED EQUIPMENTUNDERGROUND ELECTRICALTO BE ROUTED THROUGHEXISTING GAP IN TREELINETO AVOID TREE CLEARING.RELOCATED STEEL GATE. REPLACESTEEL GATE IF DAMAGED.VEGETATEDFILTER STRIPVEGETATEDFILTER STRIPPERMANENTSTORMWATERMANAGEMENTEASEMENTCONIFEROUS TREE VEGETATIVESCREEN, SPACED 20' O.C. INTWO ROWS, TYP.0'80'160'240'RevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1340 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW04/10/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLELMR12/31/2024SCALE: 1"=80'NMATCH TO SHEET C201C202SITE AND UTILITY PLANC2021SITE AND UTILITY PLAN XX X XXXXXEEEEEEX X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX1117.701118.50END SECTIONINV= 1114.65END SECTIONINV= 1113.96STEND SECTIONINV= 1114.65END SECTIONINV= 1113.96ST± 34LF 18" SICPP @ 2.00%1118.501118.501118.501117.701117.701117.701118.201118.201118.201118.20111511171119 109310941095109610971098109911001101110211031104110511061107110811091110111111121113111411161117111811191120112011211119111811181119112011211122111511151115 1110 1110 11051096YDRAIN BASIN 12" DIA.RIM=1116.62E INV=1114.25END SECTIONINV= 1113.50STST± 75LF 6" SICPP @ 1.00%7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+0021+07TWO (2) ± 34LF 18" SICPP @ 2.00%1092INSTALL AND MAINTAIN2 ROWS OF SILT FENCEINSTALL AND MAINTAINCONSTRUCTION FENCEINSTALL AND MAINTAINCONSTRUCTION FENCEINSTALL AND MAINTAIN 2ROWS OF SILT FENCEINSTALL AND MAINTAINCONSTRUCTION FENCEINSTALL AND MAINTAIN2 ROWS OF SILT FENCEINSTALL AND MAINTAIN2 ROWS OF SILT FENCEINSTALL AND MAINTAINCONSTRUCTION FENCEOUTLETPROTECTION (TYP.)INSTALL AND MAINTAINCONCRETE WASHOUTDRAINAGE SWALEFIRST 10 LF OF FILTERSTRIP SHALL NOT EXCEED2% GRADE. GRADE OFREMAINING WIDTH VARIESFIRST 10 LF OF FILTERSTRIP SHALL NOT EXCEED2% GRADE. GRADE OFREMAINING WIDTH VARIESRESTORE LAYDOWN AREA TOVEGETATED CONDITIONS AFTERCOMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTIONRESTORE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTIONACCESS AREAS TO VEGETATED CONDITIONSAFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION11151116RevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1340 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW04/10/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLELMR12/31/2024SCALE: 1"=80'0'80'160'240'MATCH TO SHEET C302C301GRADING AND EROSIONCONTROL PLANC3011GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANN FOFOFOFOFOFOMECKLENBURG RD. / N.Y.S. ROUTE 79(66' WIDE R.O.W.)PEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEEND SECTIONINV= 1119.40END SECTIONINV= 1118.20ST± 40LF 18" SICPP @ 3.00%END SECTIONINV= 1131.54END SECTIONINV= 1129.59STST± 81LF 15" CMP @ 2.40%1118111911201121112211231124112411231122112311241125112611271128112911301131113211331120112011200+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 1074 1075INSTALL AND MAINTAINCONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ATFIRST 50 LF OF ACCESS ROADOUTLET PROTECTION (TYP.)INSTALL AND MAINTAINSILT FENCE (TYP.)MATCH TO EXISTING GRADEMATCH TO EXISTING GRADEMATCH TO EXISTING GRADEFIRST 10 LF OF FILTERSTRIP SHALL NOT EXCEED2% GRADE. GRADE OFREMAINING WIDTH VARIES10801090110011101120113011401150108010901100111011201130114011500+001133.261133.290.031130.061130.940.880+501+001129.481129.820.331128.631128.59-0.041+502+001126.511126.30-0.211123.571123.720.152+503+001120.011122.582.561119.061122.022.963+504+001119.661122.152.491121.711122.530.824+505+001123.491123.24-0.251124.261124.23-0.035+506+001124.161124.14-0.031123.471122.74-0.726+507+001121.16 1120.19 -0.97 1116.02 1117.70 1.687+508+001114.87 1117.38 2.50 1118.22 1119.24 1.028+509+001121.08 1120.36 -0.71 1120.53 1120.16 -0.369+5010+001119.59 1119.66 0.08 1119.18 1119.08 -0.0910+5011+001118.34 1118.19 -0.15 1116.94 1117.19 0.2511+5012+001115.37 1116.33 0.96 1114.80 1115.99 1.1912+5013+001115.19 1115.82 0.63 1113.88 1114.96 1.0813+5014+001113.06 1113.34 0.28 1111.87 1111.69 -0.1914+5015+001110.05 1110.07 0.01 1108.43 1108.46 0.0415+5016+001106.84 1106.66 -0.18 1104.75 1104.41 -0.3416+5017+001101.92 1101.94 0.02 1100.03 1100.19 0.1617+5018+001099.63 1099.41 -0.23 1098.99 1098.91 -0.0918+5019+001098.04 1098.15 0.12 1097.04 1096.84 -0.2019+5020+001095.53 1095.22 -0.31 1093.65 1093.59 -0.0520+5021+001091.96 1091.97 0.02 21+10GRADE BREAK STA= 0+00.00ELEV= 1133.29GRADE BREAK STA= 21+07.39 ELEV= 1091.73 PVI STA:0+50.00PVI ELEV:1130.57K:14.99LVC:66.88BVCS:0+16.56BVCE:1132.56EVCS:0+83.44EVCE:1130.07 PVCPVTPVI STA:2+52.60PVI ELEV:1123.28K:15.19LVC:64.87BVCS:2+20.17BVCE:1125.14EVCS:2+85.03EVCE:1122.80 PVCPVTPVI STA:3+52.60PVI ELEV:1121.80K:33.65LVC:75.00BVCS:3+15.10BVCE:1122.35EVCS:3+90.10EVCE:1122.08 LOW PT. STA:3+64.86LOW PT ELEV:1121.98PVCPVTPVI STA:4+77.60PVI ELEV:1122.74K:33.33LVC:50.00BVCS:4+52.60BVCE:1122.55EVCS:5+02.60EVCE:1123.30 PVCPVTPVI STA:7+77.27PVI ELEV:1115.94K:9.85LVC:100.00BVCS:7+27.27 BVCE:1118.69 EVCS:8+27.27 EVCE:1118.27 LOW PT. STA:7+81.46LOW PT ELEV:1117.20PVCPVTPVI STA:12+02.60PVI ELEV:1116.14K:44.43LVC:75.00BVCS:11+65.10 BVCE:1116.89 EVCS:12+40.10 EVCE:1116.02 PVCPVTPVI STA:14+52.60PVI ELEV:1111.58K:772.34LVC:100.00BVCS:14+02.60 BVCE:1113.25 EVCS:15+02.60 EVCE:1109.98 PVCPVTPVI STA:17+37.60PVI ELEV:1100.03K:25.00LVC:100.00BVCS:16+87.60 BVCE:1102.53 EVCS:17+87.60 EVCE:1099.53 PVCPVTPVI STA:0+07.50PVI ELEV:1133.10K:4.16LVC:14.42BVCS:0+00.29BVCE:1133.28EVCS:0+14.71EVCE:1132.67LOW PT. STA:???LOW PT ELEV:???HIGH PT. STA:0+00.29HIGH PT ELEV:1133.28PVCPVTPVI STA:1+52.60PVI ELEV:1129.03K:23.55LVC:100.00BVCS:1+02.60BVCE:1129.78EVCS:2+02.60EVCE:1126.15 PVCPVTPVI STA:6+02.60PVI ELEV:1125.55K:19.35LVC:150.00BVCS:5+27.60BVCE:1123.86EVCS:6+77.60 EVCE:1121.42 HIGH PT. STA:5+71.15HIGH PT ELEV:1124.35PVCPVTPVI STA:8+82.60PVI ELEV:1120.84K:17.70LVC:100.00BVCS:8+32.60 BVCE:1118.51 EVCS:9+32.60 EVCE:1120.34 HIGH PT. STA:9+14.90HIGH PT ELEV:1120.43PVCPVTPVI STA:10+52.82PVI ELEV:1119.14K:75.00LVC:75.00BVCS:10+15.32 BVCE:1119.51 EVCS:10+90.32 EVCE:1118.39 PVCPVTPVI STA:13+27.60PVI ELEV:1115.75K:24.83LVC:75.00BVCS:12+90.10 BVCE:1115.87 EVCS:13+65.10 EVCE:1114.50 PVCPVTPVI STA:16+02.60PVI ELEV:1106.78K:55.65LVC:100.00BVCS:15+52.60 BVCE:1108.38 EVCS:16+52.60 EVCE:1104.28 PVCPVTPVI STA:19+02.60PVI ELEV:1098.38K:44.50LVC:100.00BVCS:18+52.60 BVCE:1098.88 EVCS:19+52.60 EVCE:1096.76 PVCPVT-3.25%-3.25%15" STORMSEWER CROSSINGINV:1130.6518" STORMSEWER CROSSINGINV:1118.9318" STORMSEWER CROSSINGINV:1114.29TWO (2) 18" STORMSEWER CROSSINGINV:1114.296" STORMSEWER CROSSINGINV:1113.83-2.50%-5.97%-1.50%-5.75%-1.48%0.75%2.25%4.65%-1.00%-2.00%-0.31%-3.33%-3.20%-5.00%-1.00%-3.25%-5.50%0'80'160'240'RevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1340 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW04/10/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLELMR12/31/2024SCALE: 1"=80'MATCH TO SHEET C301C302GRADING AND EROSIONCONTROL PLAN AND ROADPROFILEC3021GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANN0'80'160'240'HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1"=80'VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 16'C3022ACCESS ROAD PROFILE PLANSECTION B-BBBSTAPLE DETAILNOTE:CAN BE TWO STACKED BALES OR PARTIALLY EXCAVATED TO REACH 3 FT DEPTHCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS1.LOCATE WASHOUT STRUCTURE A MINIMUM OF 50 FEET AWAY FROM OPEN CHANNELS, STORM DRAIN INLETS, SENSITIVE AREAS,WETLANDS, BUFFERS AND WATER COURSES AND AWAY FROM CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC.2.SIZE WASHOUT STRUCTURE FOR VOLUME NECESSARY TO CONTAIN WASH WATER AND SOLIDS AND MAINTAIN AT LEAST 4 INCHES OFFREEBOARD. TYPICAL DIMENSIONS ARE 10 FEET X 10 FEET X 3 FEET DEEP.3.PREPARE SOIL BASE FREE OF ROCKS OR OTHER DEBRIS THAT MAY CAUSE TEARS OR HOLES IN THE LINER. FOR LINER, USE 10 MIL ORTHICKER UV RESISTANT, IMPERMEABLE SHEETING, FREE OF HOLES AND TEARS OR OTHER DEFECTS THAT COMPROMISEIMPERMEABILITY OF THE MATERIAL.4.PROVIDE A SIGN FOR THE WASHOUT IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO THE FACILITY.5.KEEP CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURE WATER TIGHT. REPLACE IMPERMEABLE LINER IF DAMAGED (E.G., RIPPED OR PUNCTURED).EMPTY OR REPLACE WASHOUT STRUCTURE THAT IS 75 PERCENT FULL, AND DISPOSE OF ACCUMULATED MATERIAL PROPERLY. DO NOTREUSE PLASTIC LINER. WET-VACUUM STORED LIQUIDS THAT HAVE NOT EVAPORATED AND DISPOSE OF IN AN APPROVED MANNER. PRIORTO FORECASTED RAINSTORMS, REMOVE LIQUIDS OR COVER STRUCTURE TO PREVENT OVERFLOWS. REMOVE HARDENED SOLIDS, WHOLEOR BROKEN UP, FOR DISPOSAL OR RECYCLING. MAINTAIN RUNOFF DIVERSION AROUND EXCAVATED WASHOUT STRUCTURE UNTILSTRUCTURE IS REMOVED.3' TYP. 4"2"10' TYP.10' TYP.18" DIA. STEEL WIRECONCRETE WASHOUT AREA WITH STRAW BALESN.T.S.C5015STAPLES(2 PER BALE)IMPERMEABLESHEETINGSTRAWBALE (TYP.)WOOD ORMETAL STAKES(2 PER BALE)BINDING WIRESTRAW BALE(TYP.)IMPERMEABLESHEETINGSTAKE (TYP.)GROUND CABLE4" MIN.2'-6"3" MIN (TYP.)3" MIN (TYP.)6" MIN. (TYP.)UNTREATED NATIVE SOILCLEAN, DRY BACKFILL CUSHIONEARTH UNDISTURBEDTRENCH NOTES:1.ADDITIONAL MISCELLANEOUS CABLES FROMFIELD DEVICES SUCH AS TEMPERATURETRANSMITTERS, METEOROLOGICALSTATIONS, REFERENCE MODULES, SIGNAL,GROUND SHALL UTILIZE THE UNDERGROUNDTRENCH SYSTEM WHERE IT IS APPLICABLE.CABLES SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LAYERSAS INDICATED.2.THE TRENCH DETAIL BELOW SHOWS ASAMPLE NUMBER OF DC FEEDER CABLESFROM DC COMBINER BOXES. SPECIFICCABLE QUANTITIES ARE SHOWN INRESPECTIVE DETAIL SECTION.3.TRENCHING MUST COMPLY WITH THELATEST STANDARDS.4.CLEAN FILL REQUIREMENTS: TRENCHINGBEDDING SHALL BE SAND OR ROCK-FEE FILLSCREENED TO A MAXIMUM 1/4" SIZE AS ACUSHING (FREE OF SHARP EDGE MATERIAL,ROTTING WOOD OR ORGANIC MATTER THATMIGHT ATTRACT INSECTS).THE CABLES SHALL BE COVERED WITH"CLEAN FILL" SAND OR SOFT EARTH, FREEFROM STONES, ROCKS OR OTHER MATERIALTHAT MAY DAMAGE THE CABLE DURINGBACKFILL.5.THE CABLES CROSS-SECTION AND THENUMBER SHOWN IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE. ALLCABLES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITHSTANDARDS AND SHALL BE SIZEDACCORDING TO USE AND TYPE OFINSTALLATION.4" MIN.2'-6"3" MIN (TYP.)3" MIN (TYP.)6" MIN. (TYP.)DETECTABLE MARKER TAPEGROUND CABLEDC CABLES FROM COMBINERBOXES TO INVERTERDC CABLES FROM STRINGSTO COMBINER BOXES3' MAX.TYPICAL TRENCH DETAILSN.T.S.C5016DETECTABLE MARKER TAPEDC CABLES FROM COMBINERBOXES TO INVERTERDC CABLES FROM STRINGS TOCOMBINER BOXES IN 2" PVC CONDUIT.3' MAX.PIPEO.D.NOTE:BEDDING AND BACKFILL MATERIALINSTALLED & COMPACTED INMAXIMUM 6" LIFTS.DIM. APIPE DIA.UP TO 18"19" TO 36"OVER 36"1'-0" (MIN.)1'-6" (MIN.)2'-0" (MIN.)6"9"12"DIM. BSTORM SEWER TRENCH AND PIPE BEDDINGN.T.S.C5018AT EXISTING PAVEMENT: INITIAL SAWCUTTYPICAL EACH SIDE OF TRENCH. (SEE PAVEMENTJOINT DETAIL FOR PAVEMENT RESTORATION)EXISTING ORPROPOSED SURFACESAFE OPERATIONSHEET PILING(AS REQUIRED)PIPE ZONEB AA6" MIN.IN ROCKPIPEO.D.A6" MIN.IN ROCKFOR SURFACE RESTORATIONREFER TO ADDITIONAL DETAILSTRENCH BACKFILL MATERIAL-ROADWAY SIDEWALK AND ALL DRIVEWAYAREAS: SELECT GRANULAR FILL.-NON PAVED AREAS:SHALL BE COMMON EARTH BACKFILLWARNINGTAPEPIPE BEDDING MATERIAL:NYSDOT 703-0201 50-50MIXTURE OF PRIMARYSIZE 1 & 2IN ROCK, BACKFILL PIPEZONE WITH SANDEND SECTIONC5013A A LIGHT STONEFILLING10' MIN.8' MINIMUMPLANWITH AT CULVERT END = 6' MIN.10' MIN.SECTION A-AINLETOUTLETC50110N.T.S.10"GALVANIZED STEELEND SECTIONLIGHT STONE FILLINGNYSDOT ITEM 620.031:3 MAX SLOPESTORM SEWERGALVANIZED STEELEND SECTIONGEOTEXTILESEPARATION FABRICPLACEMENT THICKNESS:LIGHT - 18"STORMSEWERGALVANIZED STEELEND SECTIONLIGHT STONE FILLINGNYSDOT ITEM 620.031:3 MAX SLOPEGEOTEXTILE SEPARATION FABRIC(MIRAFI 160N OR APPROVED EQUAL)STORMSEWERPLACEMENTTHICKNESS:LIGHT - 18"GEOTEXTILE SEPARATION FABRIC(MIRAFI 160N OR APPROVED EQUAL)NOTES:1.CONDUCTORS TO BE 1000V RATED FOR DIRECT BURIIAL. MEDIUM VOLTAGE CONDUCTORS FROM PS1 TO BE RATED FOR CLASS 35KV, ANDMEDIUM VOLTAGE CONDUCTORS FROM PS2 TO BE RATED FOR CLASS 15KV.2.CONDUCTORS OF THE SAME CIRCUIT TO BE NEXT TO EACH OTHER; COMBINER CIRCUITS TO BE SPACED 4.5" FROM EACH OTHER UNLESSPOSTED OTHERWISE (HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL DIRECTIONS).3.COMMUNICATIONS TO BE BURIED 1' AWAY FROM ALL POWER CONDUCTORS. USE DIRECT BURY RATED FIBER CABLE.4.3" OR 4" PVC SCH80 JUMP-CONDUIT SHALL BE UTILIZED FOR ROW-TO-ROW STRING CIRCUITS WIRING.5.POWER SUPPLY CABLES TO ARC FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTION CIRCUITS SHALL BE LOCATED AT A MINIMUM 1' FROM DC CIRCUITS.6.CONTRACTOR SHALL SIZE THE ROW-TO-ROW JUMPER CONDUIT FOR THE CONDUCTORS USED, WITH PVC SCHEDULE 80. A TOTAL OF 60 #10HOMERUN CABLES CAN FIT INTO A STANDARD 4" PVC CONDUIT. CONTACT THE ENGINEER IF ADDITIONAL GUIDANCE IS REQUIRED.SILT FENCENYS DEC DETAIL: SILT FENCENOTES:1.WOVEN WIRE FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE POSTS WITH WIRE TIES OR STAPLES. POSTS SHALL BE STEELEITHER "T" OR "U" TYPE OR HARDWOOD.2.FILTER CLOTH TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO WOVEN WIRE FENCE WITH TIES SPACED EVERY 24" AT TOP AND MID SECTION.FENCE SHALL BE WOVEN WIRE, 6" MAXIMUM MESH OPENING.3.WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER THEY SHALL BE OVER-LAPPED BY SIX INCHES AND FOLDED.FILTER CLOTH SHALL BE EITHER FILTER X, MIRAFI 100X, STABLINKA 140N, OR APPROVED EQUAL.4.PREFABRICATED UNITS SHALL BE GEOFAB, ENVIROFENCE, OR APPROVED EQUAL.5.MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN "BULGES" DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE.FLOW1 14" SQUARE HARDWOOD36" MIN. FENCEPOSTS, DRIVEN MIN.16" INTO GROUND10' MAX. C. TO C.16" MIN.20" MIN.36" MIN. FENCE POSTWOVEN WIRE FENCE (MIN. 14 1/2 GAUGE W/MAX. 6" MESH SPACING WITH FILTER CLOTHUNDISTURBEDGROUNDPERSPECTIVE VIEWSECTION VIEWCOMPACTED SOILFLOWEMBED FILTER CLOTH A MIN. OF 6" IN GROUNDFLOWWOVEN WIRE FENCE (MIN. 14 1/2 GAUGE W/MAX. 6" MESH SPACING WITH FILTER CLOTH6" MIN. HEIGHT OF FILTER = 16" MIN.SYMBOLN.T.S.C5019FIXED KNOT FARM FENCE20' WIDE FIXED KNOT FARM FENCE DOUBLE SWING GATEN.T.S.C5011NOTE:1.LEVEL SPREADERS TO BE MAINTAINED THROUGH THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE. THEN RETAINED FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION2.AS A PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL MEASURE. ARRAYS TO NOT BE BUILT ON TOP OF LEVEL SPREADERS.EXISTING SLOPEWASHED STONE50-50 MIX #1 AND#2 TAMPEDLEVEL SPREADERN.T.S.C-50272'2'6"2'2'6"TRACKER PANEL (SHOWN INHORIZONTAL POSITION FORCLARITY)DOWN-SLOPE DRIPLINE TOALIGN WITH PROPOSED LEVELSPREADERGEOTEXTILE FABRIC (MIRAFI140N OR APPROVED EQUAL)WASHED STONE50-50 MIX #1AND #2 TAMPEDGEOTEXTILE FABRIC (MIRAFI140N OR APPROVED EQUAL)FOLD EXCESS GEOTEXTILE OVER FILLEDTRENCH FOR DURATION OF CONSTRUCTIONTO PROTECT STONE. AFTER CONSTRUCTIONIS COMPLETE AND NEARBY SOILS HAVEBEEN STABILIZED, FOLD BACK GEOTEXTILEAND KEY-IN TO SURROUNDING SOIL.ALL JOINTS AREWELDED TO MAKE ARIGID FRAMEBRACE RAILCENTER GATE STOPOR APPROVEDEQUALDROP BAR ORAPPROVED EQUALPROVISIONPROVISION FORPADLOCK ANDKNOX BOXSIGN IDENTIFYING O:NERAND EMERGENCY CONTACTFIXED KNOT WIREMESH ORAPPROVED EQUAL8' (TYP.)MATCH FENCE HEIGHT6" MIN.12" MIN. DIA. (TYP.)4' MIN. ADJUST TO FROST DEPTHPER GEOTECH REPORT (TYP.)20' WIDE OPENING MIN.HINGEPOST(TYP.)3" CLEARNOTES1.INSTALL ALL FENCING COMPONENTS PER MANUFACTURESSPECIFICATIONS.2.ALL FENCING AND HARDWARE SHALL BE GALVANIZED, UNLESSOTHERWISE NOTED.3.HINGE POSTS MAY BE TIMBER IF CONTRACTOR DESIRES, TIMBER HINGEPOSTS DO NOT NEED TO BE SET IN CONCRETE. UTILIZE HINGE THRUBOLTS TO CONNECT TO TIMBER HINGE POSTS OR LAG SCREWS, PERMANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS.4.IF CONTRACTOR UTILIZES METAL HINGE POST THAN POSTS SHALL BE SETIN CONCRETE AS SHOWN ON DETAIL.5.BRACING REQUIRED AT FOR ALL GATES. SEE FIXED KNOT FARM FENCEDETAIL.6.FIXED KNOT WIRE MESH TO BE BEKAERT SOLIDLOCK® PRO, 12.5 GAUGE,CLASS 3 GALVANIZED, 6" VERTICAL SPACING OR APPROVED EQUAL7.BRACE RAIL SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ADDITIONAL BRACE RAILS MAY BEREQUIRED (NOT SHOWN) OR TRUSS RODS MAY BE REQUIRED PERMANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONSCORNER OR END POSTWIRE STRAINER12.5 GAUGE TENSILE WIREBRACE PINBRACE PINTOP POST / BRACE RAILBRACE POSTLINE POSTALL FENCE WIRE TO BE MIN. 2" ABOVEGROUNDNOTES1.INSTALL ALL FENCING COMPONENTS PERMANUFACTURES SPECIFICATIONS.2.ALL FENCING AND HARDWARE SHALL BE GALVANIZED,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.3.ALL SQUARE POSTS TO BE MIN. 5"X5" NOMINAL SIZE ORROUND POST WITH MIN. 5" OR 6" DIAMETER PRESSURETREATED WOOD OR APPROVED EQUAL. PREFER POSTS TOHAVE A CHAMFERED TOP.4.ALL LINE POST TO BE SET TO A MIN. DEPTH OF 4' BELOWGRADE, ALL CORNER, END OR GATE POSTS SHALL BE SETTO A MIN. DEPTH OF 6' BELOW GRADE, UNLESSOTHERWISE NOTED.5.FIXED KNOT WIRE MESH TO BE BEKAERT SOLIDLOCK®PRO, 12.5 GAUGE, CLASS 3 GALVANIZED, 6" VERTICALSPACING OR APPROVED EQUAL.6.BRACING IS REQUIRED AT ALL CORNER, END, AND GATEPOSTS. DOUBLE BRACING (TWO BRACE ASSEMBLIES IN AROW) SHOULD BE USED FOR STRAIGHT RUNS OF FENCETHAT EXCEED 1,000 LF. AN ADDITIONAL BRACEASSEMBLY SHOULD BE INSTALLED MID SPAN FORSTRAIGHT RUNS OF FENCE THAT EXCEED 1,320 LF.ADDITIONAL BRACING MAY BE STILL BE REQUIRED OVERUNEVEN TERRAIN, CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALLADDITIONAL BRACING AS NEEDED IF DEFLECTION ISNOTICED DURING TENSIONING.FIXED KNOT WIREMESH TYP. SEE NOTE 5.2 X H MIN. 2.5 X H PREFERREDH = 8'10' O.C.INCREASING SPACING MUST BE PRE-APPROVED BY OWNERBURY DEPTHSEE NOTE 4FIXED KNOT WIREMESH ORAPPROVED EQUALALL JOINTS ARE WELDEDTO MAKE A RIGID FRAMEPROVISION FORPAD LOCKLATCH POSTPOST TOP3" CLEAR4' WIDE OPENING MIN.HINGEPOST8' (TYP.)MATCH FENCE HEIGHTROUND POSTHINGE (TYP.)6" MIN.12" MIN. DIA. (TYP.)4' MIN. ADJUST TO FROSTDEPTH PER GEOTECHREPORT (TYP.)NOTES1.INSTALL ALL FENCING COMPONENTS PER MANUFACTURESSPECIFICATIONS.2.ALL FENCING AND HARDWARE SHALL BE GALVANIZED,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.3.HINGE POSTS MAY BE TIMBER IF CONTRACTOR DESIRES,TIMBER HINGE POSTS DO NOT NEED TO BE SET IN CONCRETE.UTILIZE HINGE THRU BOLTS TO CONNECT TO TIMBER HINGEPOSTS OR LAG SCREWS, PER MANUFACTURERSRECOMMENDATIONS.4.IF CONTRACTOR UTILIZES METAL HINGE POST THAN POSTSSHALL BE SET IN CONCRETE AS SHOWN ON DETAIL.5.BRACING REQUIRED AT FOR ALL GATES. SEE FIXED KNOTFARM FENCE DETAIL.6.FIXED KNOT WIRE MESH TO BE BEKAERT SOLIDLOCK® PRO,12.5 GAUGE, CLASS 3 GALVANIZED, 6" VERTICAL SPACING ORAPPROVED EQUAL7.BRACE RAILS AND/ OR TRUSS RODS ARE NOT SHOWN, MAYBE REQUIRED PER MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONSFIXED KNOT FARM PERSONNEL GATEN.T.S.C5012GEOTEXTILE FABRIC(MIRAFI 180N ORAPPROVED EQUAL)MIN. 6", 3/4"STONE6", 3/4"CRUSHED STONEMIN.12" STRUCTURAL FILLMIN.6" (TYP.)MIN.36" (TYP.)FINISH GRADECOMPACTED SUBGRADE(SUITABLE SOIL MATERIAL)BEDDING SANDMIN. 6" COVERELEC. CONDUITSIZE VARIES3" COMPACTEDSANDSEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGSFOR CONCRETE PAD DETAILSMIN. 4"SLAB ABOVEGRADEMIN. 4", 1-1/2"STONE, FLUSH WITH PADSUBSOIL EQUIPMENT FOUNDATIONN.T.S.C5014RevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1340 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW04/10/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:-LELMR12/31/2024C501CONSTRUCTION DETAILS TYPICAL SITE LAYOUTN.T.S.C5023SOLAR MODULEVARIES (REFER TO PLANS)VARIES (REFER TO PLAN)PROPOSED FENCE LINEPROPOSED FENCE LINETABLE LENGTH VARIES (REFER TO PLAN)SEE PLANSOLAR MODULEEXISTING GROUNDMOTOR POST (TYP.)0'-6" MIN.STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEN.YS DEC DETAIL: STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ACCESSCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS:1.STONE SIZE - USE 1-4 INCH STONE, OR RECLAIMED OR RECYCLED CONCRETE EQUIVALENT.2.LENGTH - NOT LESS THAN 50 FEET (EXCEPT ON A SINGLE RESIDENCE LOT WHERE A 30 FOOT MINIMUM LENGTHWOULD APPLY).3.THICKNESS - NOT LESS THAN SIX (6) INCHES.4.WIDTH - TWELVE (12) FOOT MINIMUM, BUT NOT LESS THAN THE FULL WIDTH AT POINTS WHERE INGRESS OR EGRESSOCCURS. TWENTY-FOUR (24) FOOT IF SINGLE ENTRANCE TO SITE.5.GEOTEXTILE - WILL BE PLACED OVER THE ENTIRE AREA PRIOR TO PLACING OF STONE.6.SURFACE WATER - ALL SURFACE WATER FLOWING OR DIVERTED TOWARD CONSTRUCTION ACCESS SHALL BE PIPEDBENEATH THE ENTRANCE. IF PIPING IS IMPRACTICAL, A MOUNTABLE BERM WITH 5:1 SLOPES WILL BE PERMITTED.7.MAINTENANCE - THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING ORFLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED, OR TRACKEDONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY.8.WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH STONE AND WHICH DRAINS INTO ANAPPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE.9.PERIODIC INSPECTION AND NEEDED MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT.C50223'5:110' MIN.12' MIN.50' MIN.6"MIN.50' MIN.12' MIN.PLAN VIEWEXISTINGPAVEMENTMOUNTABLEBERM (OPTIONAL)EXISTINGPAVEMENTFILTER CLOTHEXISTING GROUNDEXISTING GROUNDPROFILE VIEWSYMBOLSTONE ACCESS ROAD DETAILC502412' OR AS SHOWN ON PLANS12" CRUSHED STONEGEOTEXTILE FABRICSUBGRADE1EXISTING GRADE2%6GRASS FILTER STRIP (TYP.)(SEE PLANS FOR LOCATIONS)ORANGE CONSTRUCTION FENCEN.T.S.C502610' MAX.2' MIN.5' MIN.2" x 2" WOODEN ORSTEEL STAKESGEOTEXTILE ORANGE HIGHLYVISIBLE FENCING2" GALVANIZEDWIRE STAPLETEMPORARY SOIL STOCKPILEN.T.S.C5025MIN. SLOPEMIN. SLOPESLOPE OR LESS12NOTES:1.AREA CHOSEN FOR STOCKPILING OPERATIONS SHALL BE DRY AND STABLE.2.MAXIMUM SLOPE OF STOCKPILE SHALL BE 1V:2H.3.UPON COMPLETION OF SOIL STOCKPILING, EACH PILE SHALL BE SURROUNDED WITHSILT FENCING, THEN STABILIZED WITH VEGETATION OR COVERED.4.SEE SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAIL FOR INSTALLATION OF SILT FENCE.SILT FENCEVEGETATIVE FILTER STRIPN.T.S.C502110' LONG GRADED AREAMAX SLOPE OF 2%LENGTH VARIES, SEE PLANS. THEENTIRE FILTER STRIP AREA MUSTRESULT IN A COMBINED MAX SLOPEOF 12% WITH THE UPSLOPE AREANOTES:1.NO DEVELOPMENT IS ALLOWED ONFILTER STRIP AREA.IMPERVIOUS SURFACETREE PLANTINGN.T.S.C502724"60°3"AS PERA.A.N.STANDARDSSET TRUNK PLUM, LEANSLIGHTLY INTO PREVAILING3" POLYPROPYLENE STRAP ORGARDEN HOSENO. 12 GALV. PLIABLE STEELWIRE (TWIST TO TIGHTEN)(ALLOW FORSOME SWAY) - 2 STRANDS2"X2" STAKE (THREE SIDED)3" MULCHOPTION FOR AREAS WITHGOOD DRAINAGEUNDISTURBED EARTHGUYING: FOR ALL TREESLARGER THAN 4" CALIPERRODENT GUARDFLAGGINGWEED BARRIEREARTH SAUCERFINISHGRADE2"X4"X48" WOODSTAKES: NOTCHEDLOAMY TOPSOIL MIXTURE:4 PARTS TOPSOIL, 1 PARTALL-GRO COMPOST MIXNOTE:1.STAKING: FOR ALL TREES 4" CALIPER OR LESS. REMOVE STAKES ONE YEAR AFTER PLANTING.2.USE 8' STAKES DRIVE 4' BELOW GROUND SURFACE.3.GUYING: FOR ALL EVERGREEN TREES AND ALL TREES TALLER THAN 12'. USE SAME WIRE AS FOR STAKING. USETHREE PER TREE, EQUALLY SPACED. DO NOT TWIST WIRE TO TIGHTEN: USE 1/2"X6" TURNBUCKLE.4.ROOT COLLAR TO BE SLIGHLY ABOVE SURROUNDING GRADE.5.MULCH CAN NOT BE MORE THAN 1" THICK AT ROOT COLLAR EXTENDING OUT AT LEAST 6" FROM THE BARK, THEN ITCAN BE THICKENED.6.MULCH IS TO BE PLACED 3 TO 6 INCHES AWAY FROM THE TRUNK.7.KRAFT WRAP PAPER SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED FOR RODENT GUARD.RevisionsNO:DATE:DESCRIPTION:NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NAME:6/3/2010 8:47:56 AM DRAWING NUMBER:DATE:ISSUED FOR:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:PROJECT NUMBER:© 2023 LaBella AssociatesVERSION 23.1 NEXAMP101 SUMMER STREET, 2ND FLOORBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02110CARROWMOOR SOLAR1340 MECKLENBURG ROAD ITHACA, NY 148502230713PLANNING BOARD REVIEW04/10/2023It is a violation of New York Education Law Art. 145 Sec. 7209 & Art. 147Sec. 7307, for any person, unless acting under the direction of a licensedarchitect, professional engineer, or land surveyor, to alter an item in anyway. If an item bearing the seal of an architect, engineer, or land surveyoris altered; the altering architect, engineer, or land surveyor shall affix tothe item their seal and notation "altered by" followed by their signature anddate of such alteration, and a specific description of the alteration.300 State Street, Suite 201Rochester, NY 14614585-454-6110labellapc.comCERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER:PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING: 018281LAND SURVEYING: 017976GEOLOGICAL: 018750EXP:EXP:JLELMR12/31/2024C502CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Existing ConditionsCamera 01 - Photograph InformationCARROWMOOR SOLAR 03/29/2023 at 13:50:02 EST iPhone 13 13mm w/ 0.5x Zoom 42°26’53.37”/-76°32’26.80” (±32.8f t) Date/Time: Camera: Focal Length: Location: The existing conditions were captured in photos to be used as the base for the simulations. Field photos were captured with a rear facing GPS enable cell phone camera, specifically, an iPhone 13 Pro. Each photo location was recorded through the use of an Arrow Gold GNSS GPS unit. At each photo, a vantage point was created recording location, altitude, and documented field notes. Solar PanelsCamera 01 - Photograph InformationCARROWMOOR SOLAR 03/29/2023 at 13:50:02 EST iPhone 13 13mm w/ 0.5x Zoom 42°26’53.37”/-76°32’26.80” (±32.8f t) Date/Time: Camera: Focal Length: Location: The existing conditions were captured in photos to be used as the base for the simulations. Field photos were captured with a rear facing GPS enable cell phone camera, specifically, an iPhone 13 Pro. Each photo location was recorded through the use of an Arrow Gold GNSS GPS unit. At each photo, a vantage point was created recording location, altitude, and documented field notes. Existing ConditionsCamera 02 - Photograph InformationCARROWMOOR SOLAR 03/29/2023 at 14:17:05 EST iPhone 13 13mm w/ 0.5x Zoom 42°26’52.83”/-76°32’45.73” (±32.8f t) Date/Time: Camera: Focal Length: Location: The existing conditions were captured in photos to be used as the base for the simulations. Field photos were captured with a rear facing GPS enable cell phone camera, specifically, an iPhone 13 Pro. Each photo location was recorded through the use of an Arrow Gold GNSS GPS unit. At each photo, a vantage point was created recording location, altitude, and documented field notes. Solar PanelsCamera 02 - Photograph InformationCARROWMOOR SOLAR 03/29/2023 at 14:17:05 EST iPhone 13 13mm w/ 0.5x Zoom 42°26’52.83”/-76°32’45.73” (±32.8f t) Date/Time: Camera: Focal Length: Location: The existing conditions were captured in photos to be used as the base for the simulations. Field photos were captured with a rear facing GPS enable cell phone camera, specifically, an iPhone 13 Pro. Each photo location was recorded through the use of an Arrow Gold GNSS GPS unit. At each photo, a vantage point was created recording location, altitude, and documented field notes. Existing ConditionsCamera 04 - Photograph InformationCARROWMOOR SOLAR 03/29/2023 at 14:17:19 EST iPhone 13 13mm w/ 0.5x Zoom 42°26’52.83”/-76°32’45.73” (±32.8f t) Date/Time: Camera: Focal Length: Location: The existing conditions were captured in photos to be used as the base for the simulations. Field photos were captured with a rear facing GPS enable cell phone camera, specifically, an iPhone 13 Pro. Each photo location was recorded through the use of an Arrow Gold GNSS GPS unit. At each photo, a vantage point was created recording location, altitude, and documented field notes. Solar PanelsCamera 04 - Photograph InformationCARROWMOOR SOLAR 03/29/2023 at 14:17:19 EST iPhone 13 13mm w/ 0.5x Zoom 42°26’52.83”/-76°32’45.73” (±32.8f t) Date/Time: Camera: Focal Length: Location: The existing conditions were captured in photos to be used as the base for the simulations. Field photos were captured with a rear facing GPS enable cell phone camera, specifically, an iPhone 13 Pro. Each photo location was recorded through the use of an Arrow Gold GNSS GPS unit. At each photo, a vantage point was created recording location, altitude, and documented field notes. Existing ConditionsCamera 05 - Photograph InformationCARROWMOOR SOLAR 03/29/2023 at 14:26:16 EST iPhone 13 13mm w/ 0.5x Zoom 42°26’52.70”/-76°32’50.34” (±32.8f t) Date/Time: Camera: Focal Length: Location: The existing conditions were captured in photos to be used as the base for the simulations. Field photos were captured with a rear facing GPS enable cell phone camera, specifically, an iPhone 13 Pro. Each photo location was recorded through the use of an Arrow Gold GNSS GPS unit. At each photo, a vantage point was created recording location, altitude, and documented field notes. Solar PanelsCamera 05 - Photograph InformationCARROWMOOR SOLAR 03/29/2023 at 14:26:16 EST iPhone 13 13mm w/ 0.5x Zoom 42°26’52.70”/-76°32’50.34” (±32.8f t) Date/Time: Camera: Focal Length: Location: The existing conditions were captured in photos to be used as the base for the simulations. Field photos were captured with a rear facing GPS enable cell phone camera, specifically, an iPhone 13 Pro. Each photo location was recorded through the use of an Arrow Gold GNSS GPS unit. At each photo, a vantage point was created recording location, altitude, and documented field notes. Existing ConditionsCamera 06 - Photograph InformationCARROWMOOR SOLAR 03/29/2023 at 14:26:28 EST iPhone 13 13mm w/ 0.5x Zoom 42°26’52.71”/-76°32’50.34” (±32.8f t) Date/Time: Camera: Focal Length: Location: The existing conditions were captured in photos to be used as the base for the simulations. Field photos were captured with a rear facing GPS enable cell phone camera, specifically, an iPhone 13 Pro. Each photo location was recorded through the use of an Arrow Gold GNSS GPS unit. At each photo, a vantage point was created recording location, altitude, and documented field notes. Solar PanelsCamera 06 - Photograph InformationCARROWMOOR SOLAR 03/29/2023 at 14:26:28 EST iPhone 13 13mm w/ 0.5x Zoom 42°26’52.71”/-76°32’50.34” (±32.8f t) Date/Time: Camera: Focal Length: Location: The existing conditions were captured in photos to be used as the base for the simulations. Field photos were captured with a rear facing GPS enable cell phone camera, specifically, an iPhone 13 Pro. Each photo location was recorded through the use of an Arrow Gold GNSS GPS unit. At each photo, a vantage point was created recording location, altitude, and documented field notes. Existing ConditionsCamera 07 - Photograph InformationCARROWMOOR SOLAR 03/29/2023 at 14:32:17 EST iPhone 13 13mm w/ 0.5x Zoom 42°26’52.61”/-76°32’52.46” (±32.8f t) Date/Time: Camera: Focal Length: Location: The existing conditions were captured in photos to be used as the base for the simulations. Field photos were captured with a rear facing GPS enable cell phone camera, specifically, an iPhone 13 Pro. Each photo location was recorded through the use of an Arrow Gold GNSS GPS unit. At each photo, a vantage point was created recording location, altitude, and documented field notes. Solar PanelsCamera 07 - Photograph InformationCARROWMOOR SOLAR 03/29/2023 at 14:32:17 EST iPhone 13 13mm w/ 0.5x Zoom 42°26’52.61”/-76°32’52.46” (±32.8f t) Date/Time: Camera: Focal Length: Location: The existing conditions were captured in photos to be used as the base for the simulations. Field photos were captured with a rear facing GPS enable cell phone camera, specifically, an iPhone 13 Pro. Each photo location was recorded through the use of an Arrow Gold GNSS GPS unit. At each photo, a vantage point was created recording location, altitude, and documented field notes. Existing ConditionsCamera 11 - Photograph InformationCARROWMOOR SOLAR 03/29/2023 at 15:11:10 EST iPhone 13 13mm w/ 0.5x Zoom 42°26’53.05”/-76°32’38.07” (±32.8f t) Date/Time: Camera: Focal Length: Location: The existing conditions were captured in photos to be used as the base for the simulations. Field photos were captured with a rear facing GPS enable cell phone camera, specifically, an iPhone 13 Pro. Each photo location was recorded through the use of an Arrow Gold GNSS GPS unit. At each photo, a vantage point was created recording location, altitude, and documented field notes. Solar PanelsCamera 11 - Photograph InformationCARROWMOOR SOLAR 03/29/2023 at 15:11:10 EST iPhone 13 13mm w/ 0.5x Zoom 42°26’53.05”/-76°32’38.07” (±32.8f t) Date/Time: Camera: Focal Length: Location: The existing conditions were captured in photos to be used as the base for the simulations. Field photos were captured with a rear facing GPS enable cell phone camera, specifically, an iPhone 13 Pro. Each photo location was recorded through the use of an Arrow Gold GNSS GPS unit. At each photo, a vantage point was created recording location, altitude, and documented field notes. Existing ConditionsCamera 12 - Photograph InformationCARROWMOOR SOLAR 03/29/2023 at 15:11:10 EST iPhone 13 13mm w/ 0.5x Zoom 42°26’53.18”/-76°32’33.89” (±32.8f t) Date/Time: Camera: Focal Length: Location: The existing conditions were captured in photos to be used as the base for the simulations. Field photos were captured with a rear facing GPS enable cell phone camera, specifically, an iPhone 13 Pro. Each photo location was recorded through the use of an Arrow Gold GNSS GPS unit. At each photo, a vantage point was created recording location, altitude, and documented field notes. Solar PanelsCamera 12 - Photograph InformationCARROWMOOR SOLAR 03/29/2023 at 15:11:10 EST iPhone 13 13mm w/ 0.5x Zoom 42°26’53.18”/-76°32’33.89” (±32.8f t) Date/Time: Camera: Focal Length: Location: The existing conditions were captured in photos to be used as the base for the simulations. Field photos were captured with a rear facing GPS enable cell phone camera, specifically, an iPhone 13 Pro. Each photo location was recorded through the use of an Arrow Gold GNSS GPS unit. At each photo, a vantage point was created recording location, altitude, and documented field notes. Existing ConditionsCamera 13 - Photograph InformationCARROWMOOR SOLAR 03/29/2023 at 15:11:10 EST iPhone 13 13mm w/ 0.5x Zoom 42°26’53.18”/-76°32’33.89” (±32.8f t) Date/Time: Camera: Focal Length: Location: The existing conditions were captured in photos to be used as the base for the simulations. Field photos were captured with a rear facing GPS enable cell phone camera, specifically, an iPhone 13 Pro. Each photo location was recorded through the use of an Arrow Gold GNSS GPS unit. At each photo, a vantage point was created recording location, altitude, and documented field notes. Solar PanelsCamera 13 - Photograph InformationCARROWMOOR SOLAR 03/29/2023 at 15:11:10 EST iPhone 13 13mm w/ 0.5x Zoom 42°26’53.18”/-76°32’33.89” (±32.8f t) Date/Time: Camera: Focal Length: Location: The existing conditions were captured in photos to be used as the base for the simulations. Field photos were captured with a rear facing GPS enable cell phone camera, specifically, an iPhone 13 Pro. Each photo location was recorded through the use of an Arrow Gold GNSS GPS unit. At each photo, a vantage point was created recording location, altitude, and documented field notes.