HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Packet 1 - Carrowmoor Solar sketch plan materials - 6-20-23 PB mtg PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMO To: Planning Board Members From: Christine Balestra, Planner Date: June 13, 2023 RE: Proposed Carrowmoor Solar – Sketch Plan and Lead Agency Declaration Please find attached materials related to the proposed Carrowmoor large-scale community solar photovoltaic system project, located on Mecklenburg Road (NYS Route 79) across from 1335 -1349 Mecklenburg Road. The project is scheduled for the June 20th Planning Board meeting for sketch plan review. The project involves installing a 5MWac single-axis sun tracking solar array system on approximately 30-acres of land, along with two inverter/transformer equipment pads, solar energy battery storage, new overhead utility (NYSEG) interconnects and poles, an eight-foot-tall perimeter fence, stormwater management facilities, access drive, and other site elements. The proposed large-scale solar energy project is a Type I Action under the State Environmental Quality Review (6 NYCRR Part 617). There are no decisions or approvals at the meeting on June 20th, other than the Planning Board declaring their intent to be the lead agency in the environmental review of the project. The Board may also provide feedback, comments, and concerns for the applicant team to consider. Property characteristics and history: The 91+/- acre parcel on Mecklenburg Road is currently farmed and contains a telecommunications tower that was approved by the Planning Board in 2016. The parcel is bound on the north by woods and farmland, on the east by farmland, on the south by Mecklenburg Road, and on the west by farmland. This parcel, along with the adjacent farm parcel immediately east (also owned by the applicant), was once part of the “Carrowmoor” development proposal. The Planning Board issued a positive declaration of significance in 2009 for the Carrowmoor mixed-use development project that would consist of 400 +/- residential condominium units, a community center complex, up to 36,000 square feet of neighborhood oriented commercial uses, up to 32 living units in an elderly residential building, a ch ild-care center, and other development. There has been no action on the Carrowmoor residential development proposal since 2009; the proposed solar energy project will largely preclude or substantially reduce the Carrowmoor development proposal. Recent amendments to Town Code §270-219.1 Solar energy systems: Members may recall that the Planning Board recommended approval for amendments to Town Code §270-219.1 at the May 2, 2023, Planning Board meeting. The Town Board adopted the amendments on June 12, 2023 (copy attached – note that the document still contains “draft” watermark). Among the approved modifications, the amendments increase the maximum solar facility footprint from 10 acres to 35 acres, to coincide with the typical footprint for a distributed community solar project (5 MW) and to limit large-scale solar energy systems to precise areas via a Large-Scale Solar Overlay Zone. The Overlay Zone was based on an evaluation of the entire community founded on factors of concern such as proximity to electric infrastructure, topography, encumbered or preserved parcels, etc. The parcel containing the proposed Carrowmoor solar project is within one of the precise areas located on the Large-Scale Solar Overlay Zone Map (copy attached). Application materials: The applicant’s narrative lists the items that were submitted for an overall Planning Board review of this project. There is a significant amount of material – most of which is beyond the submissions required by the town’s sketch plan checklist provided to the applicant during the pre-application meeting with staff. The applicant was also given a copy of the recently amended regulation that contains the enhanced requirements for site plan review for Large-Scale Solar Energy Systems. Since the Carrowmoor parcel contains Prime Farmland/Farmland of Statewide Importance, the project must either utilize agrivoltaic farming, or develop and implement a vegetation management plan aimed at native plantings for pollinators. Based on the materials provided, it appears that the applicant will provide a vegetation management plan that will protect the farmland and promote environmental stewardship. This plan, along with the rest of the submission, will be analyzed during the next stage of the review process (preliminary site plan review). We’ve included the following items listed in the applicant narrative for the sketch plan review: 1 (narrative/project explanation), 5 (site design and civil drawings), 7 (wetland delineation), 8 (SHPO, DEC, FAA, USFWS agency documentation), 9 (glint and glare report), 10 (Visual Models), 11 (NYS SPDES/SWPPP memo), 15 (Ag Data Statement), and 16 (NYSDAM documentation). Please save the paper copies of these materials because they may be needed for the preliminary site plan review stage of the project. All other items listed on the applicant narrative are available in paper and digital formats (we have made the applicant aware that they provided the wrong size drawings – per the submission checklist, all drawings for the Planning Board should be in 11 x 17 size). Please let Abby or me know if you would like a copy of the remainder of the project materials. If there aren’t any required changes to plans after the sketch plan discussion, then the remainder of the materials that were submitted will be provided for the preliminary review. However, planning staff expects that there may be modifications to the plans between sketch and preliminary site plan review (e.g., the proposed poles located at the road will likely be moved to comply with the setback requirements in §270-219.1.G (c)[2]). Finally, there will be a link to the digital materials in the mail out email you receive instead of document/PDF attachments. Please call me at (607) 273-1721 ext. 121 or email me at cbalestra@town.ithaca.ny.us if you have any questions. Att. PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Lead Agency – Declaration of Intent Carrowmoor Large-Scale Solar Energy System Tax Parcel No. 27.-1-15.2 Mecklenburg Road Town of Ithaca Planning Board, June 20, 2023 WHEREAS: 1. The Town of Ithaca Planning Board, at its meeting on June 20, 2023, considered a Sketch Plan for the proposed Carrowmoor large-scale community solar photovoltaic system project, located on Mecklenburg Road (NYS Route 79) across from 1335-1349 Mecklenburg Road. The project involves installing a 5MWac single-axis sun tracking solar array system on approximately 30-acres of land, along with two inverter/transformer equipment pads, solar energy battery storage, new overhead utility (NYSEG) interconnects and poles, an eight-foot- tall perimeter fence, stormwater management facilities, access drive, and other site elements. Rancich Family Limited Partnership, Owner; Nexamp Solar, Applicant; Ryan McCune, Agent; 2. The proposed project, which requires site plan approval by the Planning Board, is a Type I action pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, 6 NYCRR Part 617, because the project involves the physical alteration of more than 10 acres, and includes a nonagricultural use occurring wholly or partially within an agricultural district (certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, article 25-AA, sections 303 and 304), pursuant to 6 NYCRR 617.4 (b) (6) (i) and 617.4 (b) (8); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby proposes to establish itself as lead agency to coordinate the environmental review of the proposed actions, as described above, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby requests the concurrence of all involved agencies on this proposed lead agency designation, said concurrence to be received by the Town of Ithaca Planning Department within thirty days from the date of notification to the involved agencies. Table of Content Project Overview & Narrative Carrowmoor Solar Mecklenburg Rd | Town of Ithaca, NY Primary Contact: Ryan McCune Nexamp Solar 101 Summer Street, 2nd Fl Boston, MA 02110 RMcCune@nexamp.com 607-592-5648 Carrowmoor Solar – Project Narrative – Town of Ithaca Table of Contents Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... 2 Project Summary .......................................................................................................................... 3 Design – Carrowmoor Solar ......................................................................................................... 4 Existing Site Conditions ................................................................................................................ 5 Proposed Array Layout ................................................................................................................. 6 Existing Conditions ....................................................................................................................... 7 Permitting and Project Design ...................................................................................................... 8 Draft Project Schedule ................................................................................................................ 12 Company Overview .................................................................................................................... 13 Carrowmoor Solar – Project Narrative – Town of Ithaca Project Summary Members of the Town Planning Board, Nexamp is excited to present the Town of Ithaca with its plan for a solar system located on Mecklenburg Rd in Ithaca. This Community Solar system will be constructed on a collection of open fields owned by John Rancich. As we embark on the application process, Nexamp hopes to learn more about the Town’s desires for ongoing solar development, and ultimately, we are seeking feedback that will help our team adjust our final design as we head into environmental and site plan approval processes. The proposed solar array is a single-axis sun-tracking system, which optimizes system performance by tracking the sun from east to west throughout the day. The Utility-approved system is 5MWac and should occupy less than 30 acres of fenced area each. The proposed project will also include construction of a new gravel access road leading to the proposed solar array area, Single-Axis Tracker solar racking, no more than two inverter/transformer equipment pads, Solar Energy Storage, new overhead utility poles, and an eight-foot fence around the perimeter of each solar array. There will be no significant proposed grading, except for some stormwater management systems to limit erosion and runoff. At the conclusion of construction, the soil will be seeded with a locally appropriate seed mix to prevent soil damage and promote deep root growth. Vegetation management within the solar array would be accomplished by mowing and/or sheep grazing within the fenced area. At the end of their lives, the solar arrays will be decommissioned, and the site restored back to the current existing condition, per Town Code requirements. Included in this packet is an overview of the project, including system design, environmental conditions, the estimated permitting process, and a sample construction schedule. Additionally, should the board members or Town employees want to better familiarize themselves with Nexamp and its history, we have provided a brief overview of our company as well. We sincerely thank all members of the board for their consideration, and we hope that this pre- application process sets the groundwork for a productive partnership in the future. Best, Ryan M McCune Carrowmoor Solar – Project Narrative – Town of Ithaca Design – Carrowmoor Solar Address 1340 Mecklenburg Rd, Ithaca, NY Panels Heliene 156HC M10 SL - 585W Solar Panels Tax Parcels 27-1.-15.2 Inverters 2 – SMA 2660kW Inverters 4- CAB 1250kW Storage Inverters Zoning District AG – Proposed Solar Overlay Energy Storage 5MW - 20MWh 8 – BYD Cube Pro 625Kw System Size 5MWac Racking FTC Voyager Total Fenced Acreage ±27- acres Property Setbacks: Front ~850’ Side ~ 190’+ Back ~ 90’ Carrowmoor Solar – Project Narrative – Town of Ithaca Existing Site Conditions Summary As part of its initial due diligence related to the site, Nexamp has worked with civil and environmental contractors to conduct extensive physical, environmental, and permitting diligence on the site. Pre- Permitting meetings with the Town have informed our current design, and as designed the site in question will not require any environmental permits other than those associated with its SWPPP and eventual SPDES permit application. Phase one environmental studies have found no evidence of Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs), Historical Recognized Environmental Conditions (HRECs) or Controlled Recognized Environmental Conditions (CRECs) within the fenced area of the site. We anticipate that our project will be declared a Type I action, subject to full SEQR review by the Town of Ithaca Planning Board. Phase I Environmental reports can be shared with the Town upon request. The Phase I study was conducted by our civil engineering partners at Renua Energy, and was completed pursuant to ASTM, E1527-13 standards. Tax Parcel Currently, the project is slated for construction on a single parcel; 27-1.-15.2, located in the Town’s Agricultural District. Wetlands & Drainage While this site does contain several sections of poorly drained soils, there are no DEC recognized wetlands present on the site. Preliminary site analysis shows several potential USACE wetlands on the site. Design has been modified to not permanently disturb these wetlands. Construction controls protecting these potential wetlands have been incorporated into our civil design set and will remain in place until the surrounding installation is complete and ground is stabilized. Final wetland delineations will be completed at the start of the growing season to confirm their presence and pervasiveness. Wildlife Preliminary analysis of the NYS Environmental Resource Mapper and NYS EAF Mapper have shown no species of interest, or endangered species within the project area, or area of impact. USFWS has indicated two endangered species in the area: the Monarch Butterfly and the Northern Long Eared Bat. No habitat will be destroyed or deteriorated by the project, and thus we expect no impacts to be found for either species. Further coordination with these agencies will be conducted during the SEQR process. NYS DEC has issued a letter of no impact affirming these findings as of February 16th, 2023. Archaeological Resources Per Nexamp’s Letter of No Impact, issued by NYSHPO on April 3rd, 2023, there are no historic properties of any archaeological or historic importance affected by the proposed development. Soils While the facility does fall within the TOMP002 Agricultural District, no USDA prime soils exist on the property. Two small pockets of NYSDAM MSG 3 Soils are located on site, but minimal impacts to said soils will take place due to the nature of the installation and small volume of necessary grading. Carrowmoor Solar – Project Narrative – Town of Ithaca Proposed Array Layout Carrowmoor Solar – Project Narrative – Town of Ithaca XX X XXXXXEEEEEEX X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX127  )25 &21 6 758 & 7 ,21'5$:,1*1$0($0 '5$:,1*180%(5'$7(,668(')25'5$:1%<5(9,(:('%<352-(&7180%(5‹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xisting Conditions Carrowmoor Solar – Project Narrative – Town of Ithaca Permitting and Project Design Nexamp has progressed through the design process while consulting the new Solar Code, and thus feels confident that its final project design adheres to all the stipulations codified in the Town’s local Solar law. Nexamp’s system is qualified as a Full-Size Solar system, per the guidelines issued in the latest Town of Ithaca Solar Code. As designed, our project meets all the design, signage and safety standards as outlined in the local law and will be eligible for site plan and special use consideration by the Town Planning Board. Per the town’s Solar Law, we have furnished the following materials to aid with the consideration of our special use permit application. 1) Site Plan and Special Use Applications 2) Owner Authorization Forms 3) Option and Ground Lease 4) Title Search 5) Site Design 6) SEQR Full Form EAF – Part 1 7) Wetland Delineation 8) Agency Documentation – SHPO, DEC, FAA, USFWS 9) Glint and Glare Report 10) Visual Models 11) NYS SPDES / SWPPP Memo 12) Operations and Maintenance Plan 13) Decommissioning Plan, Bond, and Cost Certification 14) Emergency Response Plans (Solar + Storage) 15) Ag Data Statement 16) NYSDAM Documentation 17) Preliminary ALTA Survey 18) Single- and Three-Line Electrical Diagrams 19) CESIR Study In addition to the physical submission of these materials, the applicant has opened a digital data room to be shared with Board Members and the public at the following location. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ccx8xp663ourbakrs943f/h?dl=0&rlkey=ppxrqgbsv23m53ewz2zjvbvyw Carrowmoor Solar – Project Narrative – Town of Ithaca We expect the Town to designate this project a Type I action under SEQR and encourage the Town Planning Board to take lead agency of the project to retain greater oversight as to the final design and legal conditions attached to the site plan approval for the project. In addition to town approvals, we expect the project to be subject to the following approvals prior to construction. Jurisdiction Approving Party Approval Status Notes Town of Ithaca Planning Board SEQR – Negative Declaration To Be Submitted *Assuming Planning Board as Lead Agency Town of Ithaca Planning Board Site Plan Approval To Be Submitted Tompkins Count Planning Board 239-m To Be Submitted * Triggered due to presence on State Highway Town of Ithaca Code Enforcement Officer Building Permit To Be Submitted New York State NYSDAM NOI Submittal Submittal Completed – Approval due in May/June 2023 *Project does not disturb enough prime soil to merit mitigation and as such no permit is necessary New York State NYSDOT Perm 33C Permit To Be Submitted New York State NYS DEC SPDES Water Permit To Be Submitted New York State NYSDEC Wetland and Habitat Assessment Approved – No Impact New York State NYSHPO No Impact Letter Approved – No Impact Federal Government FAA Navigation Impact Designation Approved – No Impact Federal Government USFWS No Impact letter Approved – No Impact Permitting and Design Compliance Zoning: The proposed site at 1340 Mecklenburg Road is located withing the LDR district, as well as the solar overlay district provided by the Town of Ithaca. The parcel is not part of a required open space area or park-side area. The facility should be designated as a Large-Scale Ground Mounted PV system. It exists entirely on one parcel, and the solar facility footprint does not exceed 35 acres. All project equipment is setback are a minimum of 75ft, while some access roads occur within this setback to comply with road placement regulations. Interconnection: This is a 5MWac, 20MWh Energy Storage facility connected via local distribution grid to the West Hill Substation. The facility was approved by NYSEG in December of 2022. The system is planning to Interconnect via existing poles on Mecklenburg rd. at the existing Crown Castle Communications tower maintenance entrance. Slight changes to the interconnection layout are required to make the facility compliant with the Town’s 75’ setback requirement, but a forthcoming design change will place all utility and customer owned equipment outside of setback boundary. Conduit within the system fence, and all conduit heading to the POI will Carrowmoor Solar – Project Narrative – Town of Ithaca remain underground, buried to NYSDAM and Town of Ithaca standards, to the extent approved by the utility. Racking: Racking suppliers are somewhat fluid at this stage, due to the early age of the project and lack of visibility into later-stage availability. Regardless of supplier, the system will be a 2- Portrait single-axis tracker system, mounted to the ground via either steel I beams or ground screws. The overall system height should not be more than 17-18 ft at peak tilt. Panels utilized will be a PV variety, covered with anti-glare coating to meet the Town of Ithaca’s requirements. Roads: Roads for this project have been located and constructed to preserve safety and comply with the Town’s soil protection requirements. Utility access will be limited to the existing access road utilized by Crown Castle for tower access. This road will be widened to meet the 20’ requirement of the utility, and where necessary pervious spurs will be installed adjacent to the existing road for pole or pad access. Construction and maintenance access will be conducted via the westernmost access road, adjacent to the westernmost abutter property line to adhere to code. The road will continue through the facility past the energy storage facilities to the rear fence for fire access as directed by the IFD. Construction and access roads will be built at grade where possible, but several raised areas will occur to preserve existing drainage patters and ensure adequate stormwater protections. A temporary laydown area will be constructed off the Construction and Maintenance access road for storage of all construction material, equipment, and employee parking throughout the systems construction. This laydown area will be removed, excess stone spread, and soil seeded and remediated prior to final completion. Stormwater: Apart from the potentially pervious access road improvements installed along the existing Crown Castle access area, all roads will be impervious surfaces treated to NYSDEC standards. A SWPPP and stormwater narrative have been included in our application materials to better outline these features and their respective functionality. Extensive temporary protections will be installed during construction to prevent runoff and soil damage, including silt fencing around all existing internal wetlands, and areas of disturbance. A 5-acre waiver is being sought, so stormwater inspections will take place bi-monthly throughout construction, and DEC reports will be shared with Town engineers as request. Screening and Vegetation: The project as designed preserves substantial natural screening to the North, West and East. This natural, native screening is going to be preserved to substantially screen the project. To augment this natural screening, ±78 coniferous trees have been proposed along Mecklenburg Rd. During and following construction, Nexamp plans to seed the facility with Ernst Buzz and Fuzz, an ASGA-approved grazing and pollinator friendly seed mix that will promote foraging and pollinator habitat in the project area. Fencing: The project was designed with 8’ farm fence throughout the site, satisfying NEC requirements. Posts will be PT wood, save gate entrances which will be standard metal poles for stability. The fence is small-wildlife friendly, made of galvanized steel 2.5” mesh, and will be installed at 3” above grade. Construction Practices: Nexamp; as the developer and contractor for the project will, manage all subcontractors and steer the project with its own Project Management team. Per Town and State Requirements, the project will be constructed under NYSDAM guidelines, dictating soil management and storage in addition to environmental monitoring requirements. The facility Carrowmoor Solar – Project Narrative – Town of Ithaca does not impact any prime soils, so environmental monitoring will be handled by on-site, Nexamp Project Managers. NYSDEC stormwater requirements and installations will be handled under the SPDES permit to be issued to the company. Operations and Maintenance: Nexamp Asset Management Services, LLC, a subsidiary of Nexamp Inc, will be the long-term asset manager for the system. Nexamp has never sold one of its NYS assets and has only parted with a few of the 129+ Community Solar Systems it has developed and constructed nationwide. As such, we feel confident in the promises made in our Operations and Maintenance Plan, included in our submission. This O&M Plan covers stormwater, vegetative maintenance, Decommissioning: Decommissioning plan with cost certification was submitted that meets town requirements, additional decommissioning agreements can be supplied for consideration by the Town. Carrowmoor Solar – Project Narrative – Town of Ithaca Draft Project Schedule To better equip the Town in discussing and understanding the implications of the construction phase of this project, as well as the estimated development timeline proceeding it, we have prepared this preliminary development and deployment schedule for review. Project Stage Estimated Timeline Notes Development and Permitting May 2023 – September 2023 Sample Municipal and Ministerial Permitting Schedule. - Submission 5/5/2023 - Preliminary Site Plan Review: 6/20/2023 - Revised Material Submission: 7/25/2023 - Final Site Plan Review: 8/25/2023 Financing September. 2023 – November 2023 Internal financial diligence and approvals Design and Procurement November 2023 – January 2024 Final Construction Sets and module, inverter, transformer, and racking procurement Deployment and Civil Construction March 2024 -June 2024 Installation of erosion/wetland protection measures, roads, and stormwater management features Mechanical Construction June 2024 – March 2025 Installation of underground wiring, equipment pads, Racking and modules Punchlist and Commissioning March 2025 – May 2025 QA/QC inspections and Equipment testing Permission to Operate and Closeout (Solar) June 2025 NYSEG energization approval Permission to Operate and Closeout (Storage) September 2025 NYSEG energization approval Carrowmoor Solar – Project Narrative – Town of Ithaca Company Overview In 2007, U.S. Army veterans Will Thompson and Dan Leary realized a vision for making a range of renewable energy options more affordable and accessible to homeowners and businesses throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The pair launched NexGen Energy Solutions, a turnkey provider of renewable energy and carbon solutions, in their hometown of North Andover, Massachusetts. NexGen became Nexamp later in 2007. During the early years, Nexamp delivered a variety of energy systems for residential, commercial, municipal and agricultural customers. Energy solutions offered included solar PV, solar thermal, micro- wind, geothermal heating and cooling, and a wide array of energy efficiency services. In 2011, Nexamp shifted its focus fully toward commercial and industrial scale solar facilities, working with businesses, municipalities, and property owners that wanted to realize the various benefits of renewable solar generation. 2015 marked Nexamp’s first community solar project and the beginning of a new chapter for the company. Leveraging its integrated approach of developing, building, owning and operating solar plants, Nexamp turned its focus to community solar, and alongside that the mission of making the benefits of solar power available to everyone—homeowners, renters, non-profits, small businesses, farms and more. Nexamp was named NECEC Clean Energy Company of the Year in 2015 and a Solar Power World Top 3 Commercial Solar Developer in 2017. In 2016, Mitsubishi’s Diamond Generating Corporation made a significant investment in Nexamp, and in 2018 the group made an additional investment that gave it a controlling interest. Serving a rapidly expanding network of individuals, property owners, businesses, and communities that benefit from its nationally distributed portfolio of solar assets, Nexamp is a Massachusetts-based, nationally headquartered solar company that is laying the groundwork for a cleaner, more secure and resilient energy future. Throughout 2022, Nexamp permitted and financed more than 250MWs of community solar projects in 12 states, with more than half of that total capacity occurring in New York State. Our team expects to bring another 250MWs through permitting and financing through 2023, adding to our industry-leading community solar portfolio. Even in uncertain times, our team has considered to set the bar for not only developing sustainable projects but managing them and working with our partner communities to build lasting relationships. Carrowmoor Solar – Project Narrative – Town of Ithaca Company Information Year Founded 2007 Years in Business 15 Ownership Status Privately held, Delaware Corporation Year Established 2007 Other Legal Names of Firm Nexamp Capital, LLC Nexamp Solar, LLC Nexamp Asset Management Services, LLC Parent Company Nexamp, Inc. Federal Tax Identification 261541318 Number of Employees, 473 full-time employees ?osTOWNOFITHACALOCALLAWNO.OFTHEYEAR2023ALOCALLAWAMENDINGTHETOWNOFITHACACODE,CHAPTER270ENTITLED“ZONING,”TOREVISEPROVISIONSRELATEDTOSOLARFACILITIESBeitenactedbytheTownBoardoftheTownofIthacaasfollows:Section1.Chapter270(“Zoning”)oftheTownofIthacaCode,ArticleIll(“Terminology”)isamendedbyaddingthefollowingdefinitionstoSection270-5(“Definitions”):‘AGRIVOLTAICFARMING—Alsoknownasdual-usesolar,isthesimultaneoususeoflandforbothsolarvoltaicpowergenerationandcroporlivestockfarming.ENERGYSTORAGESYSTEM—Oneormoredevices,assembledtogether,capableofstoringenergyinordertosupplyelectricalenergyatafuturetime,nottoincludeastand-alone12-voltcarbatteryoranelectricmotorvehicle.LOTLINE,FRONT—Lotlinethatbordersapublicfrontageorcontextuallotfront,orseparatesalotfromathoroughfare(notincludingalleys).Atacornerlot,afrontlotlinefollowstheshorterofthetwopublicfrontages,orthecontextuallotfront.Atathroughlot(doublefrontagelot),afrontlotlineisthelinecrossedformainaccesstothelot,orthecontextuallotfront.THOROUGHFARE—Areaoflandthatisnotpartofalot,devotedforuseasapublicway(whetherithaspublicorprivateownership)fortravel,gathering,utilityinfrastructure,andrelatedamenities.Section2.Chapter270(“Zoning”)oftheTownofIthacaCode,ArticleIll(“Terminology”)isamendedbyrevisingthedefinitionof”SolarFacilityFootprint”inSection270-5(“Definitions”)toreadasfollows.SOLARFACILITYFOOTPRINT—Thecumulativelandareaoccupiedduringtheoperationofthesolarenergygeneratingfacility.Thisshallincludeallareasandequipmentwithinthefacility’sperimeterboundary—includingthesolarenergysystem,onsiteinterconnectionequipment,onsiteelectricalenergystorageequipment,andanyotherassociatedequipment—aswellasanysiteimprovementsbeyondthefacility’sperimeterboundarysuchasaccessroads,permanentparkingareas,orotherpermanentimprovements.Thefootprinttotalshallnotincludesiteimprovementsestablishedforimpactmitigationpurposes,includingbutnotlimitedtovegetativebuffersandlandscapingfeatures.Forsmall-scaleground-mountedphotovoltaicsystems,thesolarfacilityfootprintmeansthemaximumoccupiedsurfaceareatakenupbytherowsofsolarpanelsanddoesnotincludethespacebetweentherows.Section3.Chapter270(“Zoning”)oftheTownofIthacaCode,ArticleXXVI,1 (“SpecialRegulations”)isamendedbydeletingSection270-219.1(“Solarcollectorsandinstallations”)andreplacingitwiththefollowing:‘270-219,1Solarenergysystems.A.Purpose.Thepurposeofthissectionistofacilitatethedevelopmentandoperationofrenewableenergysystemsbasedonsunlight,becauseitisinthepublicinteresttoprovideforandencouragerenewableenergysystemsandsustainability,inaccordancewiththeTownofIthacaComprehensivePlan,IthacaTownBoardResolutionNo.2020-049(ResolutioninSupportofaGreenNewDeal(GND)),andIthacaTownCodeChapters135(CommunityChoiceAggregation(Energy)Program)and144(EnergyCodeSupplement).Thissectionencouragesagrivoltaicfarmingwhensolarenergyandenergystoragesystemsaresitedonlandthatiswell-suitedforagricultureproduction.Solarenergysystemsareappropriateinallzoningdistrictswhenmeasuresaretaken,asprovidedinthissection,tominimizeadverseimpactsonneighboringpropertiesandprotectthepublichealth,safetyandwelfare.B.Applicability.(1)Therequirementsofthissectionshallapplytoallsolarenergysystemsmodifiedorinstalledaftertheeffectivedateofthissection.(2)SolarenergysystemsarepermittedinallTownzones,includingPlannedDevelopmentZones,subjecttotherequirementsdescribedbelow.(3)Notwithstandingtheforegoing,wherethesolarenergysystemsprovisionsoftheNewNeighborhoodCode(Chapter272)applyandareinconsistentwiththis§270-219.1,theprovisionsoftheNewNeighborhoodCodeapply.C.Generalrequirements.(1)Buildingpermitsarerequiredforallsolarenergysystems.(2)Thesetbacksandapprovalrequiredforeachtypeofsolarenergysystemaresummarizedinthetabletitled“SetbackandYardRequirementsforGround-MountedSolarEnergySystems,”andarefurtherdescribedbelow.(3)Qualifiedinstaller.Allsolarenergyinstallationsmustbeperformedbyaqualifiedsolarinstallerand,priortoissuanceofacertificateofcompliance,mustbeinspectedbyaTownCodeEnforcementOfficerorbyanappropriateelectricalinspectionpersonoragency,asdeterminedbytheTown.Inaddition,anyconnectiontothepublicutilitygridmustbeapprovedbytheappropriatepublicutility.Nogrid-tiedsolarenergysystemmaybeinstalleduntiltheapplicanthassubmittedevidencethattheutilitycompanyhasbeeninformedofthecustomer’sintenttoinstallaninterconnectedcustomer-ownedgeneratorormeter,includingthereceiptofdocumentationfromsaidutilitythatitwillconnectthesystem.Off-gridsystemsareexemptfromthisrequirement.(4)BatteryEnergyStorageSystems.Whenenergystoragebatteriesareincludedaspartofthesolarenergysystem,theymustbeplacedinasecurecontainerorenclosuremeetingtherequirementsoftheNewYorkStateBuildingCodewheninuseandwhennolongerusedshallbedisposedofinaccordancewiththelawsandregulationsofTompkinsCountyandotherapplicablelaws2 andregulations.Theon-siteaccumulation,incineration,disposal,orstorageofinoperable,ordamagedbatteriesisexpresslyprohibited.(5)Forpurposesofthis§270-219.1,asolarenergysystemuseisanaccessoryuseonalotifitisdesignedforauseprimarilyonthelot.(6)Intheeventofinconsistencybetweentheprovisionsinthis§270-219.1andotherprovisionsinChapter270orChapter271(suchassetbackorheightrequirements),theprovisionsin§270-219.1shallgovern.D.Rooftopandbuilding-mountedphotovoltaicsolarenergysystems.Thefollowingstandardsareapplicabletorooftopandbuilding-mountedphotovoltaicsolarenergysystems:(1)Permittedinallzones.(2)Nosizethresholds,exceptaslimitedbytheNewYorkStateUniformFirePreventionandBuildingCode.(3)Nositeplanapprovalisrequired;changesto,ortheadditionof,rooftoporbuilding-mountedphotovoltaicsolarenergysystemswillnottriggersiteplanmodificationrequirements.(4)Glare.Allsolarpanelsmusthaveanti-reflectivecoating(s).E.Solar-thermalenergysystems(rooftop,building-mountedandground-mounted).InadditiontothestandardsinSubsectionFbelow,thefollowingstandardsareapplicabletosolar-thermalenergysystems:(1)Permittedinallzonesasaprincipaloranaccessoryuse.(2)Nosizethresholds,exceptaslimitedbytheNewYorkStateUniformFirePreventionandBuildingCode.(3)Setbacksforground-mountedsolar-thermalenergysystemsshallbethesameasthoselistedinSubsectionGbelowforground-mountedphotovoltaicsolarenergysystems.(4)Nolotcoveragestandardsapply.(5)Nositeplanapprovalisrequired;changesto,ortheadditionof,solar-thermalenergysystemswillnottriggersiteplanmodificationrequirements.(6)Safety.Noroof-mountedsolar-thermalenergysystemshallbelocatedinamannerthatwouldcausethesheddingoficeorsnowfromtheroofintoanopenporch,stairwellorpedestriantravelarea.F.Standardsapplicabletoallground-mountedphotovoltaicandground-mountedsolar-thermalenergysystems.(1)Height.Themaximumheightforallground-mountedsystemsis20feetwhenthesystemisorientedatmaximumtilt.ForfarmsintheAgriculturalandLowDensityResidentialZonesthatutilizeagrivoltaicfarming,thePlanningBoardmayapproveagreaterheightifitfindsagreaterheightisnecessarytoaccommodatecontinuedornewagriculturalactivity.3 (2)Installationofsolarenergysystemsisprohibitedin:(a)Requiredopenspace;(b)Requiredbuffers;or(c)Parkset-asideareasrequiredasaconditionofsubdivisionapproval.(3)Maintenance.Theownerandoperator(ifdifferentthantheowner)shallmaintainthefacilityingoodcondition.Maintenanceshallinclude,butnotbelimitedto,structuralrepairsandintegrityofsecuritymeasures.(4)Abandonment.Ifafterasolarenergysystembecomesoperationalitceasestoperformitsoriginallyintendedfunctionformorethansixcontinuousmonths(orfor12ofany18months),thesolarenergysystemisdeemedabandoned.Thepropertyownerandoperator(ifdifferentthantheowner)shallremovethecollectors,plates,piping,mountsandassociatedequipmentandfacilitiesbynolaterthan180daysafterthesolarenergysystemisdeemedabandoned.Uponrequestoftheowneroroperator,thePlanningBoardshallholdapublichearinganddeterminewhethertoextendthetimelimitbeforethesystemisdeemedabandoned.Uponafindingthattheapplicantcouldnotmakethesystemfunctionasintendedfortherequireddurationbecauseofcircumstancesbeyondtheapplicant’scontrol(suchassupplychainissues),thePlanningBoardmayextendthetimelimitandimposeconditionsasitdeemsappropriate.Anapplicationforsuchextensionmustbemadebynolaterthan15daysbeforethesolarenergysystemwouldbedeemedabandonedpursuanttothefirstsentenceofthissubsection.(5)Solarenergysystemsmaybebuiltacrosscommonlotlinesbymutualagreementamongallpropertyowners.Mutualeasementsallowingsuchsystemsarerequiredwherelotownershipisnotidentical.Solarenergysystemsthatarebuiltacrosscommonlotlinesmaybeaprincipaluseononeormorelots,and/oranaccessoryuseononeormorelots,providedthattheuseisallowedintherelevantzone.G.Additionalstandardsforground-mountedphotovoltaicsolarenergysystems.(1)Ground-mountedphotovoltaicsystemsaredividedintothreesizecategories,asfollows:(a)Small-scaleground-mountedphotovoltaicsystemshaveatotalsolarfacilityfootprintof2,000squarefeetorless.(b)Medium-scaleground-mountedphotovoltaicsystemshaveatotalsolarfacilityfootprintofmorethan2,000squarefeetuptoandincluding7,000squarefeet.(c)Large-scaleground-mountedphotovoltaicsystemshaveatotalsolarfacilityfootprintgreaterthan7,000squarefeetuptoamaximumof35acres.(2)Standardsapplicabletoground-mountedphotovoltaicsystemsbasedonscalesize.(a)Small-scalephotovoltaicsolarenergysystemstandards:4 [1]Permittedinallzonesasprincipalandaccessoryuses.[2]Setbacks(measuredfromthelotlinetotheclosestpartofthephotovoltaicsolarenergysystem):[a]Tenfeetminimumfromsideandrearyardlotlines.[b]Minimumsetbackfromfrontlotlineequalsthemaximumnumberoffeetforrequiredfrontyardsinthezone,exceptinLightIndustrial,IndustrialandPlannedDevelopmentZones.[ciInLightIndustrial,IndustrialandPlannedDevelopmentZones,theminimumsetbackfromfrontlotlineis50feet.[3]Lotcoverage.Thesolarfacilityfootprintofthesystem,whencombinedwithallotherbuildingsandstructuresonthelot,shallnotexceed120%ofthemaximumlotcoverage,buildingarea,andyardoccupancyrequirementsforthezone.[4]Siteplanreview:notrequired,unlessthephotovoltaicsolarenergysystemispartofanoverallnewdevelopmentplanormodificationofanexistingplanthatotherwisetriggerssiteplanreview.(b)Medium-scalephotovoltaicsolarenergysystemstandards:[1]Permitteduse:[a]Accessoryuseinthefollowingzones:MediumDensityResidential,HighDensityResidential,MobileHomePark,MultipleResidence,Conservation,NeighborhoodCommercial,CommunityCommercial,andPlannedDevelopmentZones.[b]Principalandaccessoryusesinthefollowingzones:Agricultural,LowDensityResidential,LightIndustrial,Industrial,andOfficeParkCommercialZones.[2]Setbacks(measuredfromthelotlinetotheclosestpartofthephotovoltaicsolarenergysystem):[a)Sixtyminimumfromalotline(exceptfromafrontlotline)thatabutspropertyinanyzoneexceptacommercialorindustrialzone.[b]Thirtyfeetminimumfromalotline(exceptfromafrontlotline)thatabutspropertyinacommercialorindustrialzone.[c]Minimumsetbackfromfrontlotlineequalsthemaximumnumberoffeetforrequiredfrontyardsinthezone,exceptinLightIndustrialandIndustrialZones.[d]InLightIndustrialandIndustrialZones,minimumsetbackfromfrontlotlineis50feet.[e]Roads,landscapingandfencingmayoccurwithinthesetback.[3]Lotcoverage.Thesolarfacilityfootprintofthesystem,whencombined5 withallotherbuildingsandstructuresonthelot,shallnotexceed120%ofthemaximumlotcoverage,buildingarea,andyardoccupancyrequirementsforthezone.[4]Siteplanreview:[a]RequiredinLowDensityResidential,MediumDensityResidential,HighDensityResidential,andPlannedDevelopmentZones.fbiInotherzones,notrequiredunlessthephotovoltaicsolarenergysystemispartofanoverallnewdevelopmentplanormodificationofanexistingplanthatwouldrequiresiteplanreviewevenifthephotovoltaicsolarenergysystemwasnotpartoftheplan.[5]Designstandards.[a]Fencing.Chainlink,barbed,razor,andconcertinawires,electricallychargedwire,railroadties,concretemasonryunits,scrapmetal,tarped,andclothfencesarenotpermittedasfencing.[b]Glare.Photovoltaicsolarenergysystemsandotherfacilitiesshallbedesignedandlocatedinordertominimizereflectiveglaretowardroadsoranyhabitableoroccupiablebuildingonadjacentproperties.(c)Large-scalephotovoltaicsolarenergysystemstandards:[1]Permitteduse:[a]Principalandaccessoryusesinthelarge-scalephotovoltaicsolarenergysystemoverlaydistrict,whichissuperimposedonunderlying(base)zones.[b]AccessoryuseinPlannedDevelopmentZones;principaluseonlyiftheindividualPlannedDevelopmentZonespecificallyallowsitasapermittedprincipaluse.[2]Setbacks(measuredfromthelotlinetotheclosestpartofthephotovoltaicsolarenergysystem):[a]Seventy-fivefeetminimumfromalllotlines.[b]Roads,landscapingandfencingmayoccurwithinthesetback.[c]Multiplelots.ThePlanningBoardmayconsiderasolarfacilityprojectthatiscomprisedofseverallotstobetreatedasasinglelotforpurposesofapplyingsetbackstandards.[3]Lotcoverage.Themaximumsolarfacilityfootprintofasystemis35acres.Thecoverageofphotovoltaicsolarenergysystemsshallnotcountinthecomputationoflotcoverage,buildingarea,andyardoccupancy.[4]Siteplanreviewisrequiredpriortoconstruction,installationormodification.InadditiontotheapplicationrequirementsforsiteplanreviewperTownCode§270-186,thefollowingadditionalinformationisrequiredtobesubmittedaspartofthesiteplanapplication:6 [a]Utilitynotification:submissionofdocumentationfromtheutilitycompanythatoperatestheelectricalgridwheretheinstallationistobelocatedconfirmingthatthegridcansupporttheproposedinstallation,bydeliveryofavalidpreliminaryinterconnectionreportorCoordinatedElectricSystemInterconnectReview(CESIR)reportissuedfortheproject.Off-gridsystemsshallbeexemptfromthisrequirement.fbiSafety.TheowneroroperatorshallprovideevidencethatacopyofthesiteplanapplicationhasbeensubmittedtotheappropriateFireChief(IthacaFireDepartmentorCayugaHeights).Allmeansofshuttingdownthephotovoltaicsolarenergysystemshallbeclearlymarkedonthesiteplanandbuildingpermitapplications.[c]Operationandmaintenanceplan:submissionofaplanfortheoperationandmaintenanceofthefacility,toincludemeasuresformaintainingsafeaccess,operationalmaintenanceofthephotovoltaicsolarenergysystem,anyanticipatedagrivoltaicfarminguse,andgeneralpropertyupkeep,suchasmowingandtrimming.[dJUtilityPlan:locationandnatureofanyproposedutilityeasementsandinfrastructure,includingaone-orthree-lineelectricaldiagramdetailingtheentiresolarenergysystemlayout,includingthenumberofsolarpanelsineachground-mountedarray,solarcollectorinstallation,associatedcomponents,inverters,electricalinterconnectionmethods,andutilitymeter,withallNationalElectricalCodecompliantdisconnectsandovercurrentdevices.Thediagrammustdescribethelocationandlayoutofallenergystoragesystemcomponents,ifapplicable,andmustincludeapplicablesetbackandotherbulkandareastandards.[e]Documentationofsolarcollectortypeincludingbutnotlimitedtoequipmentspecificationsheetsforallsolarpanelsandcollectors,significantcomponents,mountingsystems,andinvertersthataretobeinstalled,aswellasproposedsolarenergyproductionnameplatecapacitydesignlevelsproposedfortheSolarenergysystemandthebasisforthecalculationsoftheareaoftheSolarenergysystem’snameplatecapacity.[f]Documentationofenergystoragesystemcomponentsandfiresafetycomplianceplan.SuchplansshalldocumentandverifythatthesystemanditsassociatedcontrolsandsafetysystemsareincompliancewiththeapplicableFireCodeofNewYorkState,includingproceduresforsafeshutdown,de-energizing,orisolationofequipmentandsystemsunderemergencyconditionsandemergencyprocedurestobefollowedincaseoffire,explosion,releaseofliquidsorvapors,damagetocriticalmovingparts,orotherpotentiallydangerousconditions.[g]AStormwaterPollutionPreventionPlan(SWPPP)asrequiredbyIthacaTownCodeChapter228(StormwaterManagementandErosionandSedimentControl).7 [h]Visualassessmentofthevisualimpactsofthephotovoltaicsolarenergysystem.Ataminimum,thisassessmentshallinclude:[i]line-of-sightprofileanalysis;[H]thelocations,elevations,height,plantspecies,and/ormaterialsthatwillcomprisethestructures,landscaping,and/orgradingusedtoscreenand/ormitigateanyadverseaestheticeffectsofthesystem;[Hi]visualsimulations,includingphotographicimages,depictingthemaximumheightoftheproposedsystemcomponents(includingallportionsandattachmentstothesystem),takenfromtheperspectivesofthepublicright-of-way,andofanypropertiessituatedinclosestproximitytothelocationbeingproposedforthesystemsiting.Photosshouldalsobetakenfromtheperspectivesofanypropertiesthatwouldreasonablybeexpectedtosustainsignificantadverseaestheticimpactsduetotheirelevationrelativetothesite,orthesystemlocationandthepropertylocation;[iv]beforeandafterrenderings;and[vipossibleimpactstoanyimportant/scenicviewslistedintheTompkinsCountyorTownofIthacaScenicResourcesInventories.[i]Adecommissioningplantobeimplementedasspecifiedinthissection,toensurethatthesitewUlberestoredtoausefulandnonhazardouscondition,withatimeframeprovidedforthecompletionofthework,andrelatedsecuritizationofsuchobligation,asfurthersetforthinSubsectionG(2)(c)[7]below,Thedecommissioningplanshall,ataminimum,containthefollowingelementsandmeetthefollowingrequirements.[i]Specifywhenandwhatconstitutesaneventrequiringdecommissioning,whichmustincludeataminimumthefollowingeventsrequiringdecommissioning:theTownnotifiestheownerandoperator(ifdifferentthantheownertoimplementthedecommissioningplanpursuanttoSubsectionG(2)(c)[8][a]below;thelackofproductionforsixcontinuousmonths(orfor12ofany18months)afterthesystembecomesoperational,unlessthePlanningBoardgrantsanextensionpursuanttoSubsectionF(4)above;thelackofacurrentpermit;failuretomaintainanyrequireddecommissioningbondorothersecurity;aviolationofanysiteplanconditionsorpermitconditionsthatcontinuesmorethan30daysaftertheTownprovideswrittennoticeofsuchviolation(or,iftheviolationisnotreasonablycapableofcurewithin30days,iftheowneroroperatorfailstocommencetocuresuchviolationwithinsuch30dayperiodandthereafterdiligentlyandwithcontinuityprosecutesuchcuretocompletioninaperiodnottoexceed90daysaftertheTown’snotice.)[H]SpecifytheformandtypeofnoticetobeprovidedtotheTown8 intheeventofanydecommissioning,sale,transfer,partialtransfer,assignment,oroccurrenceofanyeventwhichmayresultinanactorpartialorderrequiringpartialorcompletedecommissioningofthesite.[Hi]Specifythemeansandmethodsbywhichutilityinterconnectionswillberemovedinaccordancewiththeutilityprovider’srequirements,aswellasallelectricalandothersafetyprecautionstobeundertakenduringremoval.[iv]Specifythetimelineandmeansandmethodsforremovalanddispositionofallsolarpanels,batteryenergystoragesystems,electricalappurtenances,structures,equipment,securitybarriersandtransmissionlineswithin180daysofthedatedecommissioningisrequired.[v]Specifythemeansandmethodstominimizedisruptiontofielddrainsandsoils;remediatedrainsandsoils;andavoidorminimizeerosion,includingstabilizationandrevegetationofanysiteswithnativeseedmixes,excludinganyinvasivespecies.Theplanshallrequiredecompactionofsoilsto18inchesandremovalofanyinstalledmaterialstofourfeet,unlesstheTownEngineerallowstheowneroroperatortoleavelandscapingordesignatedbelow-gradefoundations,piers,footers,orothersupportsinplacetominimizeerosionanddisruptiontovegetation.Theplanshallfurtherspecifythatundergroundelectriclinesshallbeabandonedinplace,andaccessroadsinagriculturalareasshallberemovedunlessotherwisespecifiedbythelandowner.[vi]Specifydisposalofallsolidandhazardouswastesinaccordancewithlocal,state,andfederalwastedisposalregulations,includingtheremovalofanycontaminatedsoils.Totheextentpermittedbylaw,nodesignationofanyfacilitiesbya“beneficialusedeclaration”shallbepermittedtovarythisclean-upandremediation/disposalrule.[vH]Includeanexpectedtimelinefordecommissioningplanexecution,togetherwithacostestimatepreparedandsealedbyalicensedengineer,detailingtheprojectedcostofexecutingthedecommissioningplan.U]Forapplicationsthatdonotproposeagrivoltaicfarming,avegetationmanagementplanpertheDesignStandardsbelow.[5]DesignStandards.[a]Fencing.Chainlink,barbed,razor,andconcertinawires,electricallychargedwire,railroadties,concretemasonryunits,scrapmetal,tarped,andclothfencesarenotpermittedasfencing.[i]Whenfencingwillenclosetheperimeterofthesiteorfacility,wildlife-friendlyfencingthatallowsthepassageofsmallmammalsandreptilesandisdesignedtominimizewildlifeinjuryanddeathduetoentanglementorstrangulationshallbe9 usedonsiteshavingasolarfacilityfootprintgreaterthanthreeacres.ExceptionscanbemadebythePlanningBoardforsitesthatarenotinrurallocationsandhavelimitedsurroundingwildlifehabitat.[U]Mechanicalequipment,andanystructureforenergystoragesystemcomponents,shallbeenclosedbya7-foot-highfence,ortheheightrequiredbytheNationalElectricalCodeifitrequiresmorethansevenfeet,withaself-lockinggatetopreventunauthorizedaccess.[b]Vegetationmanagementplan.[iiRemovaloftreesandotherexistingvegetationshallbelimited0towhatisnecessaryfortheconstruction,operationandmaintenanceofthephotovoltaicsolarenergysystem,butinnocasemaysuchremovalexceedthefollowing.Forparcelsthatare10acresorless,clear-cutting(whichisdefinedin§270-5)shallnotoccuronmorethan20%ofthelot.Forlotsthatexceed10acres,clear-cuttingshallnotoccuronmorethan20%of10acresonthelot,andclear-cuttingshallnotoccuronmorethan10%ofthebalanceoftheacreageonthelot.[U]WhensitingsolaronsoilsclassifiedbytheUSDepartmentofAgriculture’sNaturalResourcesConservationServiceasprimefarmlandorfarmlandofstatewideimportance,applicantsmustutilizeagrivoltaicfarmingwherepracticable.Applicantsthatdonotproposeagrivoltaicfarmingonsuchlandshalldevelop,implement,andmaintainavegetationmanagementplanbyprovidingnativeperennialvegetationandforaginghabitatbeneficialtogamebirds,songbirds,andpollinators.Totheextentpracticable,whenestablishingperennialvegetationandbeneficialforaginghabitat,theownersshallusenativeplantspeciesandseedmixesandseedallappropriateareaswithinthesolarfacilityfootprint.Anyprojectwhichisdesignedtoincorporateagrivoltaicfarmingorfarmoruseswithinthesolarfacilityfootprintmaybeexcludedfromthisrequirementbasedontheamountofspaceactuallyoccupiedbytheagriculturalactivity.ThisexclusionwillonlybeallowedbasedonaPlanningBoarddeterminationthattheselandsarebeingusedforagriculturaluses.[c]Glare.Photovoltaicsolarenergysystemsandotherfacilitiesshallbedesignedandlocatedinordertominimizereflectiveglaretowardroadsoranyhabitableoroccupiablebuildingonadjacentproperties.[d]Roads.Roadwayswithinthesiteshallbedesignedtominimizethewidthandextentofroadwayconstructionandsoilcompaction.10 [e]Screening/Buffering.Basedonsite-specificconditions,includingtopography,adjacentstructures,androadways,practicableeffortsshallbemadetominimizevisualimpactsbypreservingnaturalvegetation,andprovidingdenselandscapeyear-roundscreeningtoabuttingresidentialpropertiesandroads,butthescreeningshouldminimizeshadingofphotovoltaicsolarenergysystems.[f]Lighting.AlllightingonthesiterelatedtothephotovaltaicsolarenergysystemshallcomplywiththeTown’sOutdoorLightingLaw(IthacaTownCodeChapter173)andbelimitedtothatrequiredforsafetyandoperationalpurposes.[g]Signage.AllsignageshallcomplywiththeTown’sSignLaw(IthacaTownCodeChapter270,ArticleXXIX).Asignshallbedisplayedonornearthemainaccesspointidentifyingtheownerandprovidingatwenty-four-houremergencycontactphonenumber.[h]Utilityconnections.Reasonableeffortsshallbemadetoplaceallutilitylinesfromthephotovoltaicsolarenergysystemunderground,dependingonappropriatesoilconditions,shapeandtopographyofthesite,financialfeasibility,andanyrequirementsoftheutilityprovider.Whenabovegroundcablesandtransmissionlinesmustcrossagriculturalfields,utilitypolesshouldbelocatedonfieldedgestothegreatestextentpracticabletoavoidbisectingofagriculturallands.Electricaltransformersforutilityinterconnectionsmaybeabovegroundifrequiredbytheutilityprovider.[i]Noise-generatinginvertersshallbelocatedasfarawayfromadjacentpropertylinesaspossible.UIThePlanningBoardmayspecifyfree-standingballastorrackingsystemsiftheTownEngineerrecommendssuchasystem.[6]ConstructionStandards.Thefollowingstandardsapplytotheconstruction,restoration,andfollow-upmonitoringofsolarenergyprojectsimpactingsoilsclassifiedbytheUSDepartmentofAgriculture’sNaturalResourcesConservationServiceasprimefarmlandorfarmlandofstatewideimportance.Anenvironmentalmonitor(EM)shallbehiredbytheapplicant,atthediscretionoftheTown,tooverseeconstruction,restorationandfollow-upmonitoring.TheEMshallbeanindividualwithaconfidentunderstandingofnormalagriculturepractices(suchascultivation,croprotation,nutrientmanagement,drainage(subsurfaceand/orsurface),chemicalapplication,agriculturalequipmentoperation,fencing,soils,plantidentification,etc.)andabletoidentifyhowtheprojectmayaffectthesiteandtheapplicableagriculturalpractices.TheEMshouldalsohaveexperiencewithorunderstandingoftheuseofasoilpenetrometerfor11 compactiontestingandrecordkeeping.TheEMmayservedualinspectionrolesassociatedwithotherProjectpermitsand/orconstructionduties,iftheagriculturalworkloadallows.TheEMshouldbeavailabletoprovidesite-specificagriculturalinformationasnecessaryforprojectdevelopmentthroughfieldreviewanddirectcontactwithboththeaffectedfarmoperatorsandtheNewYorkStateDepartmentofAgricultureandMarkets(NYSDAM).TheEMshouldmaintainregularcontactwithappropriateonsiteprojectconstructionsupervisionandinspectorsthroughouttheconstructionphase.TheEMshouldmaintainregularcontactwiththeaffectedfarmoperator(s)concerningagriculturallandimpacted,managementmailerspertinenttotheagriculturaloperationsandthesite-specificimplementationofagriculturalresourcemitigationmeasures.TheEMwillserveastheagriculturalpointofcontact.[a]Forprojectsinvolvinglessthan10acresofprimefarmlandorfarmlandofstatewideimportance,theconstructionmanagerorsomeotheron-sitepersonnelmayserveastheEM.TheEMmustbeonsitewheneverconstructionorrestorationworkisoccurringonagriculturalland.[b]Forprojectsinvolving10acresormoreofprimefarmlandorfarmlandofstatewideimportance,theEMshallbeonsitewheneverconstructionorrestorationworkisoccurringonagriculturallandandshallcoordinatewiththeNewYorkStateDepartmentofAgricultureandMarkets,DivisionofLandandWaterResourcestodevelopanappropriatescheduleforprojectinspections.[ciTheEMshallcontacttheNewYorkStateDepartmentofAgricultureandMarkets,DivisionofLandandWaterResources,iffarmresourceconcernsormanagementmatterspertinenttotheagriculturaloperationandsite-specificimplementationconditionsfoundbelowcannotberesolved.[d]Constructionrequirements:[i]Thesurfaceofaccessroadsconstructedthroughagriculturalfieldsshallbelevelwiththeadjacentfieldsurface.[U]Accessroadsshallbelocatedalongtheedgeofagriculturalareas,inareasnexttohedgerowsandfieldboundaries,andinnonagriculturalareasofthesitetothegreatestextentpracticable.[Hi]Thewidthofaccessroadsacrossoralongagriculturalfields12 shallbenowiderthan20feetsoastominimizethelossofagriculturallandswhilemaintainingcompliancewithNewYorkStateUniformFirePreventionandBuildingCodesforemergencyvehicleaccess.[iv]Culvertsandwaterbarsshallbeinstalled,wherenecessary,tomaintainnaturaldrainagepatterns.Lv]Alltopsoilfromagriculturalareasusedforvehicleandequipmenttraffic,parking,andequipmentlaydownandstorageareasshallbestrippedandstockpiled.Allvehicleandequipmenttrafficandparkingshallbelimitedtotheaccessroadand/ordesignatedworkareas,suchaslaydownareas.Vehiclesandequipmentshallnotbeallowedoutsidetheworkareawithoutpriorapprovalfromthelandownerand,whenapplicable,theenvironmentalmonitor.[vi]Topsoilstrippedfromworkareas(parkingareas,electriccabletrenches,alongaccessroads)shallbestockpiledseparatelyfromotherexcavatedmaterial(rockand/orsubsoil).Aminimumof50feetoftemporaryworkspaceshallbeprovidedalong‘open-cut”electriccabletrenchesforpropertopsoilsegregation.Alltopsoilshallbestockpiledimmediatelyadjacenttotheareawherestripped/removedandshallbeusedforrestorationonthatparticularsite.Topsoilstockpileareasshallbeclearlydesignatedinthefieldandonconstructiondrawings.[vii]Electricinterconnectcablesandtransmissionlinesinstalledabovegroundcancreatelong-terminterferencewithmechanizedfarmingonagriculturalland.Therefore,interconnectcablesshallbeburiedinagriculturalfieldswhereverpracticable.Interconnectcablesandtransmissionlinesinstalledabovegroundshallbelocatedoutsidefieldboundarieswhereverpossible.Whenabovegroundcablesandtransmissionlinesmustcrossfarmland,minimizeagriculturalimpactsbyusingtallerstructuresthatprovidelongerspanningdistancesandlocatepolesonfieldedgestothegreatestextentpracticable.[viii]Allburiedelectriccablesincropland,haylandandimprovedpasture,shallhaveaminimumdepthof48inchesofcover.Inunimprovedgrazingareasandlandpermanentlydevotedtopasture,theminimumdepthofcovershallbe36inches.Inareaswherethedepthofsoiloverbedrockrangesfromzeroinchesto48inches,theelectriccablesshallbeburiedentirely13 belowthetopofthebedrockoratthedepthspecifiedfortheparticularlanduse,whicheverisless.Atnotimeshallthedepthofcoverbelessthan24inchesbelowthesoilsurface.[ix]Whenburiedelectriccablesalterthenaturalstratificationofsoilhorizonsandnaturalsoildrainagepatternstheeffectsshallberectifiedwithmeasuressuchassubsurfaceinterceptdrainlines.TompkinsCountySoilandWaterConservationDistrictshallbeconsultedconcerningthetypeofinterceptdrainlinestobeinstalledtopreventsurfaceseepsandtheseasonallyprolongedsaturationofthecableinstallationzoneandadjacentareas.AlldrainlinesshallbeinstalledinaccordancewithNaturalResourceConservationServicestandardsandspecifications.DraintileshallmeetorexceedtheAASHTOM252specifications.[x]Existingdrainageanderosioncontrolstructures,suchasdiversions,ditches,anddraintileshallremainundamagedandprotected.Whereexistingdrainageanderosioncontrolinfrastructuremustberemoved,appropriatemeasuresshallbetakentomaintainthedesignandeffectivenessoftheoriginallyinstalledstructures.Drainageanderosioncontrolstructuresdisturbedduringconstructionshallberepairedorreplacedtoasclosetooriginalconditionaspossible,unlesssaidstructuresaretobeeliminatedbaseduponthelarge-scaleground-mountedsolarPVsystemsiteplanapproval.[xi]Allexcesssubsoilandrockshallberemovedfromthesite.On-sitedisposalofsuchmaterialshallonlybeallowedifapprovedbythelandowner,withappropriateconsiderationgiventoanypossibleagriculturalorenvironmentalimpacts.Anypermitsnecessaryfordisposalunderlocal,stateand/orfederallawsandregulationsshallbeobtainedbythecontractor,withthecooperationofthelandownerwhenrequired.[xHlAllpiecesofunusedwire,bolts,andothermetalobjectsshallberemovedandproperlydisposedofassoonaspracticaltopreventmixingwithanytopsoil.[xHi]Excessconcreteshallnotbeburiedorleftonthesurfaceinactiveagriculturalareas.Concretetrucksshallberequiredtousedesignatedwashoutstationslocatedoutsideofagriculturalareas.[xiv]lnpastureareas,itmaybenecessarytoconstructtemporary14 orpermanentfencesaroundworkareastopreventlivestockaccess,consistentwithlandowneragreements.[e]Restorationrequirements.Allagriculturalareastemporarilydisturbedbyconstructionshall:[i]Bedecompactedtoadepthof18incheswithadeepripperorheavy-dutychiselplow.Soilcompactionresultsshouldbenomorethan250poundspersquareinch(PSI)asmeasuredwithasoilpenetrometer.Inareaswherethetopsoilwasstripped,soildecompactionshouldbeconductedpriortotopsoilreplacement.Followingdecompaction,removeallrocksfourinchesandlargerinsizefromthesurfaceofthesubsoilpriortoreplacementoftopsoil.Replacethetopsoiltooriginaldepthandreestablishoriginalcontourswherepossible.Removeallrocksfourinchesandlargerfromthesurfaceofthetopsoil.Subsoildecompactionandtopsoil*replacementshallbeavoidedbetweenthemonthsofOctoberandMayunlessfavorablesoilmoistureconditionsexist.[ii]Regradeallaccessroadstoallowforfarmequipmentcrossingandtorestoreoriginalsurfacedrainagepatterns,orotherdrainagepatternincorporatedintositeplandesign,approvedbythePlanningBoard.[fluSeedallrestoredagriculturalareaswiththeseedmixspecifiedbythelandowner,inordertomaintainconsistencywiththesurroundingareas.[iv]Allsurfaceorsubsurfacedrainagestructuresdamagedduringconstructionshallberepairedtoasclosetopreconstructionconditionsaspossible,unlesssaidstructuresaretoberemovedaspartofthesiteplanapproval.Allsurfaceorsubsurfacedrainageproblemsresultingfromconstructionofthelarge-scaleground-mountedsolarPVsystemshallbecorrectedwiththeappropriatemitigationasdeterminedbytheEM,TompkinsCountySoilandWaterConservationDistrictandthelandowner.[viRestorationpracticesshallbepostponeduntilfavorable(workable,relativelydry)topsoil/subsoilconditionsexist.Restorationisnottobeconductedwhilesoilsareinawetorplasticstate.Stockpiledtopsoilshallnotberegradedandsubsoilshallnotbedecompacteduntilplasticity,asdeterminedbytheAtterbergfieldtest,isadequatelyreduced.Noprojectrestorationactivitiesshalloccurinagricultural15 fieldsbetweenthemonthsofOctoberandMayunlessfavorablesoilmoistureconditionsexist.[vi]Followingsiterestoration,allconstructiondebrisshallberemovedfromthesite.[f]Monitoringandremediationrequirement.Immediatelyfollowingsiterestoration,theapplicantshallprovideamonitoringandremediationperiodofnolessthantwoyears.Onsitemonitoringshallbeconductedseasonallyatleastthreetimesduringthegrowingseason(Spring,SummerandFall).Themonitoringandremediationperiodallowsfortheeffectsofclimaticcyclessuchasfrostaction,precipitationandgrowingseasonstooccur,fromwhichvariousmonitoringdeterminationscanbemade.Themonitoringandremediationphaseisusedtoidentifyanyremainingagriculturalimpactsassociatedwithconstructionthatmaybeinneedofmitigationandtoimplementthefollow-uprestoration.TheEMshallconsolidateeachapplicablegrowingseason’sobservationintoanannualreportduringthemonitoringperiodandshallbeprovidedtotheTownofIthaca,[i]Generalconditionstobemonitoredshallincludetopsoilthickness,relativecontentofrockandlargestones,trenchsettling,cropproduction,drainageandrepairofseveredsubsurfacedrainlines,fences,andanyotherconditionsthePlanningBoardshalldeemappropriate.[H]Topsoildeficiencyandtrenchsettlingshallbemitigatedwithimportedtopsoilthatisconsistentwiththequalityoftopsoilontheaffectedsite.Allexcessrocksandlargestonesaretoberemovedfromthesite.[7]Security.[a]Assecurityfortheperformanceofdecommissioningrequirementsinthissection,theownerandoperator(ifdifferentthantheowner)ofalarge-scalephotovoltaicsolarenergysystemshall,uponthegrantingofrequiredapprovalsandpermitsunderthissectionandpriortotheinstallationofanyportionofthesystem,executeandfilewiththeTownClerkabond,letterofcreditorotherformofsecurityorundertakingwhichshallbeapprovedbytheattorneyfortheTownandtheTownEngineerastoamount,form,mannerofexecution,andsufficiencyforsurety.Thesecurityshallremaininfullforceandeffectuntiltheremovalofallsystemcomponents(includingsolarcollectors,driveways,structures,lighting,utilities,fencing,gates,andaccessoryequipment),andallsiterestorationhavebeencompleted.Thevalueofthesecurityshallbeequalto125%ofthecostoffacilityremovalandrestorationofthesite,asdeterminedbytheTownEngineerafterevaluationofthe16 applicant’sdecommissioningcostestimatesubmittedaspartofitsapplication.[b]AtleastonceeverythreeyearsafteranyapprovalorpermitisissuedbytheTown,theownerandoperator(ifdifferentthantheowner)ofthesystemshallprovideupdatedcostestimates,preparedandsealedbyalicensedengineer,forremovalofallsystemcomponentsandallsiterestoration,andiftheresulting125%costrequirementshowsthattheexistingsecurityismonetarilyinsufficient,thentheownerandoperator(ifdifferentthantheowner)shallupdatesuchsecurity,orseetoitsreplacementorsupplementationinanamounttoequalsuchupdated125%costnumber.[8]Decommissioning.[a]Intheeventthephotovoltaicsolarenergysystemisnotcompletedandfunctioningwithin18monthsoftheissuanceoftheinitialbuildingpermit,theTownmaynotifytheownerandoperator(ifdifferentthantheowner)tocompleteconstructionandinstallationofthefacilitywithin180daysofthedateofnotification.Iftheowneroroperatorfailstoperform,theTownmaynotifytheownerandoperatortoimplementthedecommissioningplan.[b]Theownerandoperator(ifdifferentthantheowner)shallimplementthedecommissioningplanifanyofthefollowingoccurs:theTownnotifiestheownerandoperator(ifdifferentthantheowner)toimplementthedecommissioningplanpursuanttoSubsection[8][a]above;thelackofproductionforsixcontinuousmonths(orfor12ofany18months)afterthesystembecomesoperational,unlessthePlanningBoardgrantsanextensionpursuanttoSubsectionF(4)above;thelackofacurrentpermit;failuretomaintainanyrequireddecommissioningbondorothersecurity;aviolationofanysiteplanconditionsorpermitconditionsthatcontinuesmorethan30daysaftertheTownprovideswrittennoticeofsuchviolation(or,iftheviolationisnotreasonablycapableofcurewithin30days,iftheowneroroperatorfailstocommencetocuresuchviolationwithinsuch30dayperiodandthereafterdiligentlyandwithcontinuityprosecutesuchcuretocompletioninaperiodnottoexceed90daysaftertheTown’snotice);anyothereventoccursthatrequiresdecommissioningasstatedinthedecommissioningplan.[c]Iftheownerandoperator(ifdifferentthantheowner)failtofullyimplementthedecommissioningplanwithin180days,theninadditiontootherremediesprovidedbythissectionorchapter,byNewYorkTownLaw§268,orbylaworequity,theTownmayutilizethefollowingproceduretoremoveaphotovoltaicsolarenergysystemand/orimplementadecommissioningplan:[i]TheCodeEnforcementOfficermayorderremovalofsuchphotovoltaicsolarenergysystemand/orimplementationofthedecommissioningplanbywrittennoticetotheownerorperson,companyorotherentityhavingcontrolofthesystem,andtotheownerofthelotonwhichsuchsystemislocated.17 Thenoticeshallsetforthadeadlinebywhichsuchremovaland/orplanimplementationmustbecompleted.Saidnoticeshallfurtheradvisethat,shouldtheviolatorfailtosoactwithintheestablisheddeadline,theremovaland/orplanimplementationmaybeperformedbyadesignatedgovernmentalagencyoracontractor,withtheexpensethereoftobechargedtotheviolatorand/ortobecomealienagainstthepremises.[U]Ifthephotovoltaicsolarenergysystemisnotremovedand/ortheactionsinthedecommissioningplanarenotcompletedwithintheperiodsetforthintheTown’snoticeorTownBoard’sdecisionafteranyappealthereofpursuanttoSubsectionG(2)(c)[8][c][iv]below,theTownmayenterthepremisestoremovethesystem,causetheremovaltobeperformed,and/orimplementthedecommissioningplan.TheTown’sentryontosuchpremisesshallbepursuanttoanagreementbetweentheTownandlandowner.Ifnoagreementexistsorcanbeobtainedinatimelymanner,theTownmayseekawarrantfromacourtofcompetentjurisdictionforaccesstothepremisesand/ormayseekacourtorderrequiringorauthorizingallactionsreasonablynecessarytoremovethesystemand/orimplementthedecommissioningplan,withthecostsofsuchactionsthesoleresponsibilityoftheviolator.[Hi]Intheabsenceofadequatefinancialsurety(becausenoneisrequiredforsmall-andmedium-scalefacilities,oriftheTowndoesnotrecoveritscostsandexpensesfromfinancialsecurityrequiredforlarge-scalefacilities),theTownshallpresentthelandownerwithabillforallcostsandexpensesincurredbytheTowninconnectionwiththephotovoltaicsolarenergysystemremovaland/ordecommissioningplanimplementation.Ifthelandownershallfailtopaysuchcostsandexpenseswithin15daysafterthedemandforsame,orwithin30daysofthefinaldecisiononanyadministrativeorjudicialcontestthelandownermaypursue,thensuchunpaidcosts,expensesandinterest(atthestatutoryinterestrateformoneyjudgmentsinNewYorkStatecourts)incurredfromthedateofthesystemremovaland/orcompletionofthedecommissioningplanshallconstitutealienuponthelandonwhichsuchremovalwasundertaken.Alegalactionorproceedingmaybebroughttocollectsuchcosts,expenses,interest,andrecoverableattorney’sfees,ortoforeclosesuchlien.Asanalternativetothemaintenanceofanysuchaction,theTownmayfileacertificatewiththeTompkinsCountyDepartmentofAssessmentstatingthecostsandexpensesincurredandinterestaccruingasaforesaid,togetherwithastatementidentifyingthepropertyandlandowner.TheTompkinsCountyDepartmentofAssessmentshall,inthepreparationofthenextassessmentroll,assesssuchunpaidcosts,expensesandinterestuponsuchproperty.Suchamountshallbeincludedasaspecialadvaloremlevy(administeredasamovetax)againstsuchproperty,shall18 constitutealien,andshallbecollectedandenforcedinthesamemanner,bythesameproceedings,atthesametime,andunderthesamepenaltiesasareprovidedbylawforcollectionandenforcementofrealpropertytaxesintheTownofIthaca.Theassessmentofsuchcosts,expensesandinterestshallbeeffectiveevenifthepropertywouldotherwisebeexemptfromrealestatetaxation.[iv]AppealsofnoticesandTownbills.Anypersonreceivinganoticetoremoveaphotovoltaicsolarenergysystemand/orimplementadecommissioningplan,orabillforTowncostsandexpenses,mayappealtotheTownBoardby,within15daysofreceiptofsuchnoticeorbill,deliveringtotheTownClerkattheTownofficesanappealrequestingareconsiderationandadministrativehearingbeforetheTownBoard.Suchappealshallstatethebasisfortherequestforreconsiderationandshallbeaccompaniedbyanysupportingmaterials.Failuretoservesuchanappealwithin15daysshallbedeemedawaiverofanyclaimordefensethatthenoticeorbillisnotjustified,andtheviolatorshallcomplywiththerequirementsofthenoticeorpaythebill.Iftheappealistimelyfiled,theTownBoardshall,within40daysofthefiling,holdahearingand,baseduponanyrelevantmaterialspresentedbytheTownandtheappellant,shallissuearesolutiondecidingtheappealwithin30daysafterthehearing.SuchresolutionshallbefiledwiththeTownClerk,whoshallarrangefordeliveryofacopyofthedecisiontotheappellantwithinfivedaysaftersuchfiling,attheaddressforsuchpersondesignatedintheappealoratsuchotheraddressastheappellantmaythereafterdesignateinwritingtotheTownClerk.TheTownBoard’sdecisionafterthehearingshallconstituteafinalagencyaction.”Section4.Chapter270oftheTownofIthacaCode(“Zoning”),ArticleXXVII(“GeneralProvisions”),Section270-223(“Fencesandwalls;retainingwalls”),isamendedbyaddinganewSubparagraphA(13)readingasfollows:“(13).Ground-mountedphotovoltaicsolarenergysystems.TownCode§270-219.1’sdesignstandards,andrequirementsforfencesformechanicalequipmentandstructuresforenergystoragesystemcomponents,apply.”Section5.Chapter270oftheTownofIthacaCode(“Zoning”),ArticleIV(“EstablishmentofZones”),Section270-6(“Enumerationofzones”),isamendedbyaddinganewSubsectionEreadingasfollows:“E.Large-scalephotovoltaicsolarenergysystemoverlaydistrict(see§270-219.1,Solarenergysystems)”Section6.AdditionofLandstoOverlayDistrict.IthacaTownCodeChapter270(Zoning)isamendedbyaddingtothelarge-scalephotovoltaicsolarenergysystem19 overlaydistrictthelotscoloredgreen,asshownonthemapattachedas“ExhibitA”tothislocallaw.Section7.AmendmentofZoningMap.TheofficialzoningmapoftheTownofIthaca,effectiveApril1,2004,lastrevisedonJanuary24,2022,andasamendedtodate,isherebyfurtheramendedbyinclusionofthelandsdescribedinthislocallawinthelarge-scalephotovoltaicsolarenergysystemoverlaydistrict,allassetforthinthislocallaw.Section8.Intheeventthatanyportionofthislawisdeclaredinvalidbyacourtofcompetentjurisdiction,thevalidityoftheremainingportionsshallnotbeaffectedbysuchdeclarationofinvalidity.Section9.ThislocallawshalltakeeffectimmediatelyuponfilingwiththeNewYorkSecretaryofState.20 01D)*•a0O.tDD,<oo0ac‘CTownofEnfieldTownofDrydenI(0CDrID0D(000P0U,0U,a00aCoODI-—1<,bJoz-N3C)0)rDI-‘CDCDCi)C,DICD0DI-I’Carrowmoor SolarParcel #0#0 #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 #0 !.!. !. !.!. !. !. !. !.!.!.!. !. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !.!. !.!. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !. !.!. !. !. Wetland 1PEM Wetland 3PEM Wetland 5PuB Wetland 2PEM Wetland 4PSS W2-10 W1-5 UPL3-A WET3-A UPL2-A WET2-A UPL1-A WET1-A UPL4-A WET4-A W3-6 W3-1 W2-5 W4-8 W4-5 W4-1 W3-12 W4-14 W1-11 W3-17 ErA BgC LaB LaB W LaB Creator: AF Reviewer: ASFIGURE 1 Sources:1. Study Area: Created by LaBella using informationprovided by the client.2. Basemap: Esri, DigitalGloce, GeoEye, Earthstar,Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGSAeroGRID, IGN, and GIS User Community, 2020.3. Mapped soil data were obtained from the NRCSonline Soil Data (soildatamart.nrcs.usda.gov) 0 125 250 Feet LaBella Project No: 2230713Date: April 2023 Wetland and StreamDelineation Sur vey Wetland and Stream Delineation Carrowmoor Solar1340 Mecklenburg Rd. Ithaca, NY 1 inch = 250 feet LegendStudy Area #0 Data Point Location !.Wetland Flag LocationScrub-Shrub Wetland (PSS)Emergent Wetland (PEM)Open Water (PuB)Approximate Offsite WetlandBoundaryRoadSoil NEXAMP Inc.Path: J:\Nexamp Inc\2230713 - Carrowmoor Solar\06_Drawings\Environmental\Figure 1-Wetland and Stream Delineation Survey.mxdÜ Notes1) Wetland/stream delineation flag locations were surveyed using a sub-foot GPS unit.2) All areas outside of the wetlands/streams delineatedwithin the study area are considered to be upland.3) Only select wetland/stream flag locations are labeled.4) All wetland/ stream boundaries and jurisdictions are subject to verification by USACE. Mecklenburg Rd. We tland ID Cow ardin Classification Approx im ate Are a w ithin Study Are a (acre s) Jurisdiction Wetland 1 PEM 0.16Wetland 2 PEM 0.40Wetland 3 PEM 1.44 USACEWetland 4 PSS 0.32 Potentially Non-Jurisdictional Wetland 5 PuB 0.05 USACE Potentially Non-Jurisdictional KATHY HOCHUL Governor ERIK KULLESEID Commissioner April 03, 2023 Emma Hinkle 300 State Street Suite 201 Rochester, NY 14617 Re: USFWS Carrowmoor Solar/5MW AC/33 Acre 1340 Mecklenburg Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850 23PR00941 Dear Emma Hinkle: Thank you for requesting the comments of the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). We have reviewed the project in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. These comments are those of the SHPO and relate only to Historic/Cultural resources. They do not include potential environmental impacts to New York State Parkland that may be involved in or near your project. Such impacts must be considered as part of the environmental review of the project pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act and/or the State Environmental Quality Review Act (New York Environmental Conservation Law Article 8). Based upon this review, it is the opinion of the New York SHPO that no historic properties, including archaeological and/or historic resources, will be affected by this undertaking. If further correspondence is required regarding this project, please be sure to refer to the OPRHP Project Review (PR) number noted above. Sincerely, R. Daniel Mackay Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Division for Historic Preservation rev: D. Boggs New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Division for Historic Preservation, Peebles Island, PO Box 189, Waterford, New York 12188-0189 (518) 237-8643 • https://parks.ny.gov/shpo Farmland Classification—Tompkins County, New York Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 3/23/2022 Page 1 of 5470077047008504700930470101047010904701170470125047013304701410470077047008504700930470101047010904701170470125047013304701410372600372680372760372840372920373000373080 372600 372680 372760 372840 372920 373000 373080 42° 27' 17'' N 76° 32' 58'' W42° 27' 17'' N76° 32' 35'' W42° 26' 54'' N 76° 32' 58'' W42° 26' 54'' N 76° 32' 35'' WN Map projection: Web Mercator Corner coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 18N WGS84 0 150 300 600 900 Feet 0 50 100 200 300 Meters Map Scale: 1:3,400 if printed on A portrait (8.5" x 11") sheet. Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. MAP LEGEND Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Rating Polygons Not prime farmland All areas are prime farmland Prime farmland if drained Prime farmland if protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Prime farmland if irrigated Prime farmland if drained and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Prime farmland if irrigated and drained Prime farmland if irrigated and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Prime farmland if subsoiled, completely removing the root inhibiting soil layer Prime farmland if irrigated and the product of I (soil erodibility) x C (climate factor) does not exceed 60 Prime farmland if irrigated and reclaimed of excess salts and sodium Farmland of statewide importance Farmland of statewide importance, if drained Farmland of statewide importance, if protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated Farmland of statewide importance, if drained and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated and drained Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Farmland of statewide importance, if subsoiled, completely removing the root inhibiting soil layer Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated and the product of I (soil erodibility) x C (climate factor) does not exceed 60 Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated and reclaimed of excess salts and sodium Farmland of statewide importance, if drained or either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Farmland of statewide importance, if warm enough, and either drained or either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Farmland of statewide importance, if warm enough Farmland of statewide importance, if thawed Farmland of local importance Farmland of local importance, if irrigated Farmland of unique importance Not rated or not available Soil Rating Lines Not prime farmland All areas are prime farmland Prime farmland if drained Prime farmland if protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Prime farmland if irrigated Prime farmland if drained and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Prime farmland if irrigated and drained Prime farmland if irrigated and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Farmland Classification—Tompkins County, New York Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 3/23/2022 Page 2 of 5 Prime farmland if subsoiled, completely removing the root inhibiting soil layer Prime farmland if irrigated and the product of I (soil erodibility) x C (climate factor) does not exceed 60 Prime farmland if irrigated and reclaimed of excess salts and sodium Farmland of statewide importance Farmland of statewide importance, if drained Farmland of statewide importance, if protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated Farmland of statewide importance, if drained and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated and drained Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Farmland of statewide importance, if subsoiled, completely removing the root inhibiting soil layer Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated and the product of I (soil erodibility) x C (climate factor) does not exceed 60 Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated and reclaimed of excess salts and sodium Farmland of statewide importance, if drained or either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Farmland of statewide importance, if warm enough, and either drained or either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Farmland of statewide importance, if warm enough Farmland of statewide importance, if thawed Farmland of local importance Farmland of local importance, if irrigated Farmland of unique importance Not rated or not available Soil Rating Points Not prime farmland All areas are prime farmland Prime farmland if drained Prime farmland if protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Prime farmland if irrigated Prime farmland if drained and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Prime farmland if irrigated and drained Prime farmland if irrigated and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Prime farmland if subsoiled, completely removing the root inhibiting soil layer Prime farmland if irrigated and the product of I (soil erodibility) x C (climate factor) does not exceed 60 Prime farmland if irrigated and reclaimed of excess salts and sodium Farmland of statewide importance Farmland of statewide importance, if drained Farmland of statewide importance, if protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated Farmland Classification—Tompkins County, New York Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 3/23/2022 Page 3 of 5 Farmland of statewide importance, if drained and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated and drained Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated and either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Farmland of statewide importance, if subsoiled, completely removing the root inhibiting soil layer Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated and the product of I (soil erodibility) x C (climate factor) does not exceed 60 Farmland of statewide importance, if irrigated and reclaimed of excess salts and sodium Farmland of statewide importance, if drained or either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Farmland of statewide importance, if warm enough, and either drained or either protected from flooding or not frequently flooded during the growing season Farmland of statewide importance, if warm enough Farmland of statewide importance, if thawed Farmland of local importance Farmland of local importance, if irrigated Farmland of unique importance Not rated or not available Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:20,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Tompkins County, New York Survey Area Data: Version 17, Aug 29, 2021 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Apr 1, 2020—Oct 1, 2020 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Farmland Classification—Tompkins County, New York Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 3/23/2022 Page 4 of 5 Farmland Classification Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI BgC Bath and Valois soils, 5 to 15 percent slopes Farmland of statewide importance 31.0 80.1% EbB Erie channery silt loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes Farmland of statewide importance 0.3 0.9% LaB Langford channery silt loam, 2 to 8 percent slopes Farmland of statewide importance 7.4 19.0% Totals for Area of Interest 38.7 100.0% Description Farmland classification identifies map units as prime farmland, farmland of statewide importance, farmland of local importance, or unique farmland. It identifies the location and extent of the soils that are best suited to food, feed, fiber, forage, and oilseed crops. NRCS policy and procedures on prime and unique farmlands are published in the "Federal Register," Vol. 43, No. 21, January 31, 1978. Rating Options Aggregation Method: No Aggregation Necessary Tie-break Rule: Lower Farmland Classification—Tompkins County, New York Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 3/23/2022 Page 5 of 5 « OE/AAA Notice Criteria Tool - Desk Reference Guide V_2018.2.0 Notice Criteria Tool The requirements for filing with the Federal Aviation Administration for proposed structures vary based on a number of factors: height, proximity to an airport, location, and frequencies emitted from the structure, etc. For more details, please reference CFR Title 14 Part 77.9. You must file with the FAA at least 45 days prior to construction if: If you require additional information regarding the filing requirements for your structure, please identify and contact the appropriate FAA representative using the Air Traffic Areas of Responsibility map for Off Airport construction, or contact the FAA Airports Region / District Office for On Airport construction. The tool below will assist in applying Part 77 Notice Criteria. * Structure Type:SOLAR | Solar Panel Please select structure type and complete location point information. Latitude:42 Deg 27 M 05.36 S N Longitude:76 Deg 32 M 46.57 S W Horizontal Datum:NAD83 Site Elevation (SE):1100 (nearest foot) Structure Height :20 (nearest foot) Is structure on airport: No Yes Results You do not exceed Notice Criteria. your structure will exceed 200ft above ground level your structure will be in proximity to an airport and will exceed the slope ratio your structure involves construction of a traverseway (i.e. highway, railroad, waterway etc...) and once adjusted upward with the appropriate vertical distance would exceed a standard of 77.9(a) or (b) your structure will emit frequencies, and does not meet the conditions of the FAA Co-location Policy your structure will be in an instrument approach area and might exceed part 77 Subpart C your proposed structure will be in proximity to a navigation facility and may impact the assurance of navigation signal reception your structure will be on an airport or heliport filing has been requested by the FAA Notice Criteria Tool https://oeaaa.faa.gov/oeaaa/external/gisTools/gisAction.jsp 1 of 2 1/12/23, 2:35 PM Notice Criteria Tool https://oeaaa.faa.gov/oeaaa/external/gisTools/gisAction.jsp 2 of 2 1/12/23, 2:35 PM Mail Processing Center Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Regional Office Obstruction Evaluation Group 10101 Hillwood Parkway Fort Worth, TX 76177 Aeronautical Study No. 2023-AEA-1152-OE Page 1 of 4 Issued Date: 03/14/2023 Ryan McCune Nexamp 101 Summer Street Boston, MA 02110 ** DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure:Utility Pole Customer Riser & Recloser Pole (C1) Location:Ithaca, NY Latitude:42-26-56.27N NAD 83 Longitude:76-32-30.57W Heights:1078 feet site elevation (SE) 50 feet above ground level (AGL) 1128 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is(are) met: Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking/ lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70/7460-1 M. This determination expires on 09/14/2024 unless: (a)the construction is started (not necessarily completed) and FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, is received by this office. (b)extended, revised, or terminated by the issuing office. (c)the construction is subject to the licensing authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and an application for a construction permit has been filed, as required by the FCC, within 6 months of the date of this determination. In such case, the determination expires on the date prescribed by the FCC for completion of construction, or the date the FCC denies the application. NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE E-FILED AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. AFTER RE-EVALUATION OF CURRENT OPERATIONS IN THE AREA OF THE STRUCTURE TO DETERMINE THAT NO Page 2 of 4 SIGNIFICANT AERONAUTICAL CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED, YOUR DETERMINATION MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR ONE EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heights, frequency(ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, and frequencies or use of greater power, except those frequencies specified in the Colo Void Clause Coalition; Antenna System Co-Location; Voluntary Best Practices, effective 21 Nov 2007, will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, power, or the addition of other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA.This determination includes all previously filed frequencies and power for this structure. If construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed, you must submit notice to the FAA within 5 days after the construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of the structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (817) 222-5935, or kenneth.patterson@faa.gov. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2023- AEA-1152-OE. Signature Control No: 569329549-576129025 ( DNE ) Ken Patterson Specialist Attachment(s) Map(s) Page 3 of 4 TOPO Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1152-OE Page 4 of 4 Sectional Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1152-OE Mail Processing Center Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Regional Office Obstruction Evaluation Group 10101 Hillwood Parkway Fort Worth, TX 76177 Aeronautical Study No. 2023-AEA-1153-OE Page 1 of 4 Issued Date: 03/14/2023 Ryan McCune Nexamp 101 Summer Street Boston, MA 02110 ** DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure:Utility Pole Customer PT & Meter Pole (C2) Location:Ithaca, NY Latitude:42-26-56.04N NAD 83 Longitude:76-32-30.56W Heights:1078 feet site elevation (SE) 50 feet above ground level (AGL) 1128 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is(are) met: Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking/ lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70/7460-1 M. This determination expires on 09/14/2024 unless: (a)the construction is started (not necessarily completed) and FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, is received by this office. (b)extended, revised, or terminated by the issuing office. (c)the construction is subject to the licensing authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and an application for a construction permit has been filed, as required by the FCC, within 6 months of the date of this determination. In such case, the determination expires on the date prescribed by the FCC for completion of construction, or the date the FCC denies the application. NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE E-FILED AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. AFTER RE-EVALUATION OF CURRENT OPERATIONS IN THE AREA OF THE STRUCTURE TO DETERMINE THAT NO Page 2 of 4 SIGNIFICANT AERONAUTICAL CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED, YOUR DETERMINATION MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR ONE EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heights, frequency(ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, and frequencies or use of greater power, except those frequencies specified in the Colo Void Clause Coalition; Antenna System Co-Location; Voluntary Best Practices, effective 21 Nov 2007, will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, power, or the addition of other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA.This determination includes all previously filed frequencies and power for this structure. If construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed, you must submit notice to the FAA within 5 days after the construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of the structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (817) 222-5935, or kenneth.patterson@faa.gov. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2023- AEA-1153-OE. Signature Control No: 569329550-576129035 ( DNE ) Ken Patterson Specialist Attachment(s) Map(s) Page 3 of 4 TOPO Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1153-OE Page 4 of 4 Sectional Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1153-OE Mail Processing Center Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Regional Office Obstruction Evaluation Group 10101 Hillwood Parkway Fort Worth, TX 76177 Aeronautical Study No. 2023-AEA-1154-OE Page 1 of 4 Issued Date: 03/14/2023 Ryan McCune Nexamp 101 Summer Street Boston, MA 02110 ** DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure:Utility Pole Customer Disconnect Pole (C3) Location:Ithaca, NY Latitude:42-26-55.74N NAD 83 Longitude:76-32-30.55W Heights:1078 feet site elevation (SE) 50 feet above ground level (AGL) 1128 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is(are) met: Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking/ lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70/7460-1 M. This determination expires on 09/14/2024 unless: (a)the construction is started (not necessarily completed) and FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, is received by this office. (b)extended, revised, or terminated by the issuing office. (c)the construction is subject to the licensing authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and an application for a construction permit has been filed, as required by the FCC, within 6 months of the date of this determination. In such case, the determination expires on the date prescribed by the FCC for completion of construction, or the date the FCC denies the application. NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE E-FILED AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. AFTER RE-EVALUATION OF CURRENT OPERATIONS IN THE AREA OF THE STRUCTURE TO DETERMINE THAT NO Page 2 of 4 SIGNIFICANT AERONAUTICAL CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED, YOUR DETERMINATION MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR ONE EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heights, frequency(ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, and frequencies or use of greater power, except those frequencies specified in the Colo Void Clause Coalition; Antenna System Co-Location; Voluntary Best Practices, effective 21 Nov 2007, will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, power, or the addition of other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA.This determination includes all previously filed frequencies and power for this structure. If construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed, you must submit notice to the FAA within 5 days after the construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of the structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (817) 222-5935, or kenneth.patterson@faa.gov. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2023- AEA-1154-OE. Signature Control No: 569329551-576129033 ( DNE ) Ken Patterson Specialist Attachment(s) Map(s) Page 3 of 4 TOPO Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1154-OE Page 4 of 4 Sectional Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1154-OE Mail Processing Center Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Regional Office Obstruction Evaluation Group 10101 Hillwood Parkway Fort Worth, TX 76177 Aeronautical Study No. 2023-AEA-1155-OE Page 1 of 4 Issued Date: 03/14/2023 Ryan McCune Nexamp 101 Summer Street Boston, MA 02110 ** DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure:Utility Pole Customer Pole with Utility Meter (C4) Location:Ithaca, NY Latitude:42-26-55.27N NAD 83 Longitude:76-32-30.54W Heights:1077 feet site elevation (SE) 50 feet above ground level (AGL) 1127 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is(are) met: Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking/ lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70/7460-1 M. This determination expires on 09/14/2024 unless: (a)the construction is started (not necessarily completed) and FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, is received by this office. (b)extended, revised, or terminated by the issuing office. (c)the construction is subject to the licensing authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and an application for a construction permit has been filed, as required by the FCC, within 6 months of the date of this determination. In such case, the determination expires on the date prescribed by the FCC for completion of construction, or the date the FCC denies the application. NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE E-FILED AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. AFTER RE-EVALUATION OF CURRENT OPERATIONS IN THE AREA OF THE STRUCTURE TO DETERMINE THAT NO Page 2 of 4 SIGNIFICANT AERONAUTICAL CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED, YOUR DETERMINATION MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR ONE EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heights, frequency(ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, and frequencies or use of greater power, except those frequencies specified in the Colo Void Clause Coalition; Antenna System Co-Location; Voluntary Best Practices, effective 21 Nov 2007, will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, power, or the addition of other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA.This determination includes all previously filed frequencies and power for this structure. If construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed, you must submit notice to the FAA within 5 days after the construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of the structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (817) 222-5935, or kenneth.patterson@faa.gov. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2023- AEA-1155-OE. Signature Control No: 569329552-576129032 ( DNE ) Ken Patterson Specialist Attachment(s) Map(s) Page 3 of 4 TOPO Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1155-OE Page 4 of 4 Sectional Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1155-OE Mail Processing Center Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Regional Office Obstruction Evaluation Group 10101 Hillwood Parkway Fort Worth, TX 76177 Aeronautical Study No. 2023-AEA-1151-OE Page 1 of 4 Issued Date: 03/14/2023 Ryan McCune Nexamp 101 Summer Street Boston, MA 02110 ** DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure:Solar Panel solar array: center west Location:Ithaca, NY Latitude:42-27-03.38N NAD 83 Longitude:76-32-55.67W Heights:1129 feet site elevation (SE) 8 feet above ground level (AGL) 1137 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is(are) met: Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking/ lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70/7460-1 M. This determination expires on 09/14/2024 unless: (a)the construction is started (not necessarily completed) and FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, is received by this office. (b)extended, revised, or terminated by the issuing office. (c)the construction is subject to the licensing authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and an application for a construction permit has been filed, as required by the FCC, within 6 months of the date of this determination. In such case, the determination expires on the date prescribed by the FCC for completion of construction, or the date the FCC denies the application. NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE E-FILED AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. AFTER RE-EVALUATION OF CURRENT OPERATIONS IN THE AREA OF THE STRUCTURE TO DETERMINE THAT NO Page 2 of 4 SIGNIFICANT AERONAUTICAL CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED, YOUR DETERMINATION MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR ONE EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heights, frequency(ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, and frequencies or use of greater power, except those frequencies specified in the Colo Void Clause Coalition; Antenna System Co-Location; Voluntary Best Practices, effective 21 Nov 2007, will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, power, or the addition of other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA.This determination includes all previously filed frequencies and power for this structure. If construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed, you must submit notice to the FAA within 5 days after the construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of the structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (817) 222-5935, or kenneth.patterson@faa.gov. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2023- AEA-1151-OE. Signature Control No: 569329548-576129036 ( DNE ) Ken Patterson Specialist Attachment(s) Map(s) Page 3 of 4 TOPO Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1151-OE Page 4 of 4 Sectional Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1151-OE Mail Processing Center Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Regional Office Obstruction Evaluation Group 10101 Hillwood Parkway Fort Worth, TX 76177 Aeronautical Study No. 2023-AEA-1148-OE Page 1 of 4 Issued Date: 03/14/2023 Ryan McCune Nexamp 101 Summer Street Boston, MA 02110 ** DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure:Solar Panel solar array: northeast corner Location:Ithaca, NY Latitude:42-27-12.45N NAD 83 Longitude:76-32-44.07W Heights:1090 feet site elevation (SE) 8 feet above ground level (AGL) 1098 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is(are) met: Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking/ lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70/7460-1 M. This determination expires on 09/14/2024 unless: (a)the construction is started (not necessarily completed) and FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, is received by this office. (b)extended, revised, or terminated by the issuing office. (c)the construction is subject to the licensing authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and an application for a construction permit has been filed, as required by the FCC, within 6 months of the date of this determination. In such case, the determination expires on the date prescribed by the FCC for completion of construction, or the date the FCC denies the application. NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE E-FILED AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. AFTER RE-EVALUATION OF CURRENT OPERATIONS IN THE AREA OF THE STRUCTURE TO DETERMINE THAT NO Page 2 of 4 SIGNIFICANT AERONAUTICAL CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED, YOUR DETERMINATION MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR ONE EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heights, frequency(ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, and frequencies or use of greater power, except those frequencies specified in the Colo Void Clause Coalition; Antenna System Co-Location; Voluntary Best Practices, effective 21 Nov 2007, will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, power, or the addition of other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA.This determination includes all previously filed frequencies and power for this structure. If construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed, you must submit notice to the FAA within 5 days after the construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of the structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (817) 222-5935, or kenneth.patterson@faa.gov. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2023- AEA-1148-OE. Signature Control No: 569329545-576129028 ( DNE ) Ken Patterson Specialist Attachment(s) Map(s) Page 3 of 4 TOPO Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1148-OE Page 4 of 4 Sectional Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1148-OE Mail Processing Center Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Regional Office Obstruction Evaluation Group 10101 Hillwood Parkway Fort Worth, TX 76177 Aeronautical Study No. 2023-AEA-1149-OE Page 1 of 4 Issued Date: 03/14/2023 Ryan McCune Nexamp 101 Summer Street Boston, MA 02110 ** DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure:Solar Panel solar array: northwest corner Location:Ithaca, NY Latitude:42-27-12.38N NAD 83 Longitude:76-32-48.35W Heights:1096 feet site elevation (SE) 8 feet above ground level (AGL) 1104 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is(are) met: Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking/ lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70/7460-1 M. This determination expires on 09/14/2024 unless: (a)the construction is started (not necessarily completed) and FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, is received by this office. (b)extended, revised, or terminated by the issuing office. (c)the construction is subject to the licensing authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and an application for a construction permit has been filed, as required by the FCC, within 6 months of the date of this determination. In such case, the determination expires on the date prescribed by the FCC for completion of construction, or the date the FCC denies the application. NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE E-FILED AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. AFTER RE-EVALUATION OF CURRENT OPERATIONS IN THE AREA OF THE STRUCTURE TO DETERMINE THAT NO Page 2 of 4 SIGNIFICANT AERONAUTICAL CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED, YOUR DETERMINATION MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR ONE EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heights, frequency(ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, and frequencies or use of greater power, except those frequencies specified in the Colo Void Clause Coalition; Antenna System Co-Location; Voluntary Best Practices, effective 21 Nov 2007, will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, power, or the addition of other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA.This determination includes all previously filed frequencies and power for this structure. If construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed, you must submit notice to the FAA within 5 days after the construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of the structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (817) 222-5935, or kenneth.patterson@faa.gov. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2023- AEA-1149-OE. Signature Control No: 569329546-576129030 ( DNE ) Ken Patterson Specialist Attachment(s) Map(s) Page 3 of 4 TOPO Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1149-OE Page 4 of 4 Sectional Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1149-OE Mail Processing Center Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Regional Office Obstruction Evaluation Group 10101 Hillwood Parkway Fort Worth, TX 76177 Aeronautical Study No. 2023-AEA-1147-OE Page 1 of 4 Issued Date: 03/14/2023 Ryan McCune Nexamp 101 Summer Street Boston, MA 02110 ** DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure:Solar Panel solar array: southeast corner Location:Ithaca, NY Latitude:42-27-01.26N NAD 83 Longitude:76-32-37.79W Heights:1087 feet site elevation (SE) 8 feet above ground level (AGL) 1095 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is(are) met: Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking/ lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70/7460-1 M. This determination expires on 09/14/2024 unless: (a)the construction is started (not necessarily completed) and FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, is received by this office. (b)extended, revised, or terminated by the issuing office. (c)the construction is subject to the licensing authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and an application for a construction permit has been filed, as required by the FCC, within 6 months of the date of this determination. In such case, the determination expires on the date prescribed by the FCC for completion of construction, or the date the FCC denies the application. NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE E-FILED AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. AFTER RE-EVALUATION OF CURRENT OPERATIONS IN THE AREA OF THE STRUCTURE TO DETERMINE THAT NO Page 2 of 4 SIGNIFICANT AERONAUTICAL CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED, YOUR DETERMINATION MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR ONE EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heights, frequency(ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, and frequencies or use of greater power, except those frequencies specified in the Colo Void Clause Coalition; Antenna System Co-Location; Voluntary Best Practices, effective 21 Nov 2007, will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, power, or the addition of other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA.This determination includes all previously filed frequencies and power for this structure. If construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed, you must submit notice to the FAA within 5 days after the construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of the structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (817) 222-5935, or kenneth.patterson@faa.gov. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2023- AEA-1147-OE. Signature Control No: 569329544-576129029 ( DNE ) Ken Patterson Specialist Attachment(s) Map(s) Page 3 of 4 TOPO Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1147-OE Page 4 of 4 Sectional Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1147-OE Mail Processing Center Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Regional Office Obstruction Evaluation Group 10101 Hillwood Parkway Fort Worth, TX 76177 Aeronautical Study No. 2023-AEA-1146-OE Page 1 of 4 Issued Date: 03/14/2023 Ryan McCune Nexamp 101 Summer Street Boston, MA 02110 ** DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure:Solar Panel solar array: southwest corner Location:Ithaca, NY Latitude:42-27-00.85N NAD 83 Longitude:76-32-49.68W Heights:1116 feet site elevation (SE) 8 feet above ground level (AGL) 1124 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is(are) met: Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking/ lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70/7460-1 M. This determination expires on 09/14/2024 unless: (a)the construction is started (not necessarily completed) and FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, is received by this office. (b)extended, revised, or terminated by the issuing office. (c)the construction is subject to the licensing authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and an application for a construction permit has been filed, as required by the FCC, within 6 months of the date of this determination. In such case, the determination expires on the date prescribed by the FCC for completion of construction, or the date the FCC denies the application. NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE E-FILED AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. AFTER RE-EVALUATION OF CURRENT OPERATIONS IN THE AREA OF THE STRUCTURE TO DETERMINE THAT NO Page 2 of 4 SIGNIFICANT AERONAUTICAL CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED, YOUR DETERMINATION MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR ONE EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heights, frequency(ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, and frequencies or use of greater power, except those frequencies specified in the Colo Void Clause Coalition; Antenna System Co-Location; Voluntary Best Practices, effective 21 Nov 2007, will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, power, or the addition of other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA.This determination includes all previously filed frequencies and power for this structure. If construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed, you must submit notice to the FAA within 5 days after the construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of the structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (817) 222-5935, or kenneth.patterson@faa.gov. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2023- AEA-1146-OE. Signature Control No: 569329543-576129026 ( DNE ) Ken Patterson Specialist Attachment(s) Map(s) Page 3 of 4 TOPO Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1146-OE Page 4 of 4 Sectional Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1146-OE Mail Processing Center Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Regional Office Obstruction Evaluation Group 10101 Hillwood Parkway Fort Worth, TX 76177 Aeronautical Study No. 2023-AEA-1156-OE Page 1 of 4 Issued Date: 03/14/2023 Ryan McCune Nexamp 101 Summer Street Boston, MA 02110 ** DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure:Utility Pole Utility Recloser Pole (U1) Location:Ithaca, NY Latitude:42-26-54.74N NAD 83 Longitude:76-32-30.55W Heights:1077 feet site elevation (SE) 50 feet above ground level (AGL) 1127 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is(are) met: Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking/ lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70/7460-1 M. This determination expires on 09/14/2024 unless: (a)the construction is started (not necessarily completed) and FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, is received by this office. (b)extended, revised, or terminated by the issuing office. (c)the construction is subject to the licensing authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and an application for a construction permit has been filed, as required by the FCC, within 6 months of the date of this determination. In such case, the determination expires on the date prescribed by the FCC for completion of construction, or the date the FCC denies the application. NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE E-FILED AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. AFTER RE-EVALUATION OF CURRENT OPERATIONS IN THE AREA OF THE STRUCTURE TO DETERMINE THAT NO Page 2 of 4 SIGNIFICANT AERONAUTICAL CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED, YOUR DETERMINATION MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR ONE EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heights, frequency(ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, and frequencies or use of greater power, except those frequencies specified in the Colo Void Clause Coalition; Antenna System Co-Location; Voluntary Best Practices, effective 21 Nov 2007, will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, power, or the addition of other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA.This determination includes all previously filed frequencies and power for this structure. If construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed, you must submit notice to the FAA within 5 days after the construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of the structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (817) 222-5935, or kenneth.patterson@faa.gov. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2023- AEA-1156-OE. Signature Control No: 569329553-576129034 ( DNE ) Ken Patterson Specialist Attachment(s) Map(s) Page 3 of 4 TOPO Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1156-OE Page 4 of 4 Sectional Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1156-OE Mail Processing Center Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Regional Office Obstruction Evaluation Group 10101 Hillwood Parkway Fort Worth, TX 76177 Aeronautical Study No. 2023-AEA-1157-OE Page 1 of 4 Issued Date: 03/14/2023 Ryan McCune Nexamp 101 Summer Street Boston, MA 02110 ** DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure:Utility Pole Utility Disconnect Pole (U2) Location:Ithaca, NY Latitude:42-26-54.25N NAD 83 Longitude:76-32-30.50W Heights:1076 feet site elevation (SE) 50 feet above ground level (AGL) 1126 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is(are) met: Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking/ lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70/7460-1 M. This determination expires on 09/14/2024 unless: (a)the construction is started (not necessarily completed) and FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, is received by this office. (b)extended, revised, or terminated by the issuing office. (c)the construction is subject to the licensing authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and an application for a construction permit has been filed, as required by the FCC, within 6 months of the date of this determination. In such case, the determination expires on the date prescribed by the FCC for completion of construction, or the date the FCC denies the application. NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE E-FILED AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. AFTER RE-EVALUATION OF CURRENT OPERATIONS IN THE AREA OF THE STRUCTURE TO DETERMINE THAT NO Page 2 of 4 SIGNIFICANT AERONAUTICAL CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED, YOUR DETERMINATION MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR ONE EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heights, frequency(ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, and frequencies or use of greater power, except those frequencies specified in the Colo Void Clause Coalition; Antenna System Co-Location; Voluntary Best Practices, effective 21 Nov 2007, will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, power, or the addition of other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA.This determination includes all previously filed frequencies and power for this structure. If construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed, you must submit notice to the FAA within 5 days after the construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of the structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (817) 222-5935, or kenneth.patterson@faa.gov. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2023- AEA-1157-OE. Signature Control No: 569329554-576129031 ( DNE ) Ken Patterson Specialist Attachment(s) Map(s) Page 3 of 4 TOPO Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1157-OE Page 4 of 4 Sectional Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1157-OE Mail Processing Center Federal Aviation Administration Southwest Regional Office Obstruction Evaluation Group 10101 Hillwood Parkway Fort Worth, TX 76177 Aeronautical Study No. 2023-AEA-1150-OE Page 1 of 4 Issued Date: 03/14/2023 Ryan McCune Nexamp 101 Summer Street Boston, MA 02110 ** DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure:Solar Panel solar array: west corner Location:Ithaca, NY Latitude:42-27-09.28N NAD 83 Longitude:76-32-55.64W Heights:1119 feet site elevation (SE) 8 feet above ground level (AGL) 1127 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is(are) met: Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking/ lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70/7460-1 M. This determination expires on 09/14/2024 unless: (a)the construction is started (not necessarily completed) and FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, is received by this office. (b)extended, revised, or terminated by the issuing office. (c)the construction is subject to the licensing authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and an application for a construction permit has been filed, as required by the FCC, within 6 months of the date of this determination. In such case, the determination expires on the date prescribed by the FCC for completion of construction, or the date the FCC denies the application. NOTE: REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS DETERMINATION MUST BE E-FILED AT LEAST 15 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION DATE. AFTER RE-EVALUATION OF CURRENT OPERATIONS IN THE AREA OF THE STRUCTURE TO DETERMINE THAT NO Page 2 of 4 SIGNIFICANT AERONAUTICAL CHANGES HAVE OCCURRED, YOUR DETERMINATION MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR ONE EXTENSION OF THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heights, frequency(ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, and frequencies or use of greater power, except those frequencies specified in the Colo Void Clause Coalition; Antenna System Co-Location; Voluntary Best Practices, effective 21 Nov 2007, will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, power, or the addition of other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA.This determination includes all previously filed frequencies and power for this structure. If construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed, you must submit notice to the FAA within 5 days after the construction or alteration is dismantled or destroyed. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of the structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (817) 222-5935, or kenneth.patterson@faa.gov. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2023- AEA-1150-OE. Signature Control No: 569329547-576129027 ( DNE ) Ken Patterson Specialist Attachment(s) Map(s) Page 3 of 4 TOPO Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1150-OE Page 4 of 4 Sectional Map for ASN 2023-AEA-1150-OE United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 3817 Luker Road Cortland, New York 13045 w May 3, 2023 Nicole Stephan LaBella Associates 300 State Street, Suite 201 Rochester, NY 14614 Dear Nicole: This is in response to your March 9, 2023, letter and May 2, 2023, electronic mail submittal requesting U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) review of the proposed Carrowmoor Solar Project located at 1340 Mecklenburg Road in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York. We appreciate the opportunity to provide the following comments pertaining to threatened or endangered species under our jurisdiction pursuant to the Endangered Species Act (ESA; 87 Stat. 884, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). We understand that there is no federal nexus (i.e., funding, permitting) associated with this project. The proposed project involves the construction of a solar facility on an approximately 55-acre parcel previously used for agriculture. Some trees are present on the site however project documents indicate removal is not anticipated. Labella Associates, working on behalf of Nexamp, has determined that the proposed project would not result in adverse impacts to the federally listed Endangered Northern long eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis;). The Service agrees that adverse effects to this species are not reasonably certain to occur given that tree removal is not proposed and there are no known roosts within 150 feet or hibernacula within 0.25 mile of the project. On September 14, 2022, the Service published a proposal in the Federal Register to list the tricolored bat (Perimyotis subflavus) as endangered under the ESA. The Service has up to 12 months from the date the proposal published to make a final determination, either to list the tricolored bat under the ESA or to withdraw the proposal. The Service determined the bat faces extinction primarily due to the rangewide impacts of white-nose syndrome (WNS), a deadly fungal disease affecting cave-dwelling bats across North America. Because tricolored bat populations have been greatly reduced due to WNS, surviving bat populations are now more vulnerable to other stressors such as human disturbance and habitat loss. Species proposed for listing are not afforded protection under the ESA; however, as soon as a listing becomes effective (typically 30 days after publication of the final rule in the Federal Register), the prohibitions against jeopardizing its continued existence and “take” will apply. Therefore, if proposed projects have the potential to adversely affect tricolored bats after the potential new 2 listing goes into effect, we recommend that the effects of the project on tricolored bat and their habitat be analyzed to determine whether authorization under ESA section 7 or 10 is necessary. Please contact our office for assistance in determining if take is reasonably likely to occur for this species for your proposed projects. The monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) is currently a candidate for listing under the Endangered Species Act (Federal Register :: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 12-Month Finding for the Monarch Butterfly). While the monarch butterfly may be identified through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (Service) Information, Planning and Consultation (IPaC) program official species list requests, there is no requirement under section 10 (non- federal agency involvement) to coordinate with the Service on candidate, proposed, or listed species. However, we encourage project sponsors to take advantage of any opportunity they may have to conserve the monarch butterfly. We also continue to encourage our project sponsors to consider incorporating habitat restoration or enhancement measures into project plans that benefits the monarch butterfly and other pollinator species No further coordination with the Service is required pursuant to the ESA for this project. Should project plans change, or if additional information on listed or proposed species or critical habitat becomes available, this determination may be reconsidered. The most recent compilation of federally listed and proposed endangered and threatened species in New York is available for your information. Until the proposed project is complete, we recommend that you check our website regularly to ensure that listed species presence/absence information for the proposed project is current.* This letter does not exempt the project proponent from obtaining approvals or permits that may be required by State or Federal agencies. Further, this letter does not convey any authorization for take under the ESA or any other authorities. Any new information regarding the proposed project and its potential to impact listed species should be coordinated with both this office and with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. We appreciate the opportunity to review this project. If you require additional information or assistance, please contact Tim Sullivan at tim_r_sullivan@fws.gov. Future correspondence with us on this project should reference project file 2023-0033936. Sincerely, Ian Drew Field Supervisor *Additional information referred to above may be found on our website at: https://www.fws.gov/office/new-york-ecological-services-field/new-york-project-reviews cc: NYSDEC, Syracuse, NY (Env. Permits) Prepared For: NexAmp, Inc. 101 Summer Street 2nd Floor Boston, MA, 02110 617-431-1440 Submitted by: LaBella Associates 1000 Dunham Dr. Suite B Dunmore, PA, 18512 570-342-3101 NexAmp, Inc. – Carrowmoor Road Solar Glint-Glare Analysis Report March 2023 Project No. 2230713 Technically, glare is the reflection of diffuse light sources like the sky, while glint is the reflection of directed light sources like the sun. Glint is far more intense that glare, and often what is referred to in the context of solar PV assessments. Despite these formal definitions, we will refer to the reflection of sunlight from the surface of solar panels as glare given its common usage. When light reflects from the surface of an object, the angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection, as shown in the image to the right. In addition, as the angle of incidence increases so does the amount of light reflected. For solar panels, less than 5% of light from the sun reflects at angles common throughout the heart of the day, while between 15 and 40% of sun light reflects during the early morning and late afternoon hours due to the steeper sun angles. Figure 1 – Reflection Path The tilt of the solar panels above the horizontal, their elevation above the ground, and the higher reflectivity of the panels at steeper solar angles mean that the only times glare from these facilities could potentially impact observers close to the ground, like those in cars or in homes, would be when the sun is quite low in the eastern or west ern sky during dawn or dusk. Additionally, since the panels are oriented to the south, no locations to the north of the array could ever receive glare from the panels, regardless of the time of year. While solar panels will reflect some light as described above, solar glass is designed to capture as much sunlight as possible and thus will generally have similar or less reflectivity than other materials. For example, the smooth surface of a pond will reflect roughly the same amount of sunlight as a solar panel at the angles of interest here, while a freshly covered field of snow will reflect more than twice as much light on average and a steel surface would reflect more than four times as much light over these same angles. Thus, glare from solar facilities is not generally found to be a concern when compared to other materials common in the natural and built environments. This can be seen, for example, in the fact that several solar facilities have been built near airports with findings from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that glare from them poses no hazard to air navigation. Glint-Glare Analysis Report March 2023 NexAmp, Inc. Page 1 of 5 Project No.2230713 To ensure there is no glare set by the solar array the FAA developed Technical Guidance for Evaluating Selected Solar Technologies on Airports in 2010 (FAA Guidance). The FAA Guidance recommends use of the Solar Glare Hazard Analysis Tool (SGHAT) by Sandia National Laboratory to determine any potential glare impacts a result of the construction of a solar array. Given this, LaBella assessed the site based on the topography of the area and the natural and proposed vegetative screening around the Project site using the tool outlined above. The solar panel surfaces are modeled to an average of 17 feet above the natural ground on the project site. The project site generally slopes from the west to east, with a max elevation of 1130 feet MSL to the elevation of 1036 feet MSL, with a total elevation change of roughly 100 feet. This results in the average panel surface elevation equal to or slightly above the ground surface at 1349 Mecklenburg Road, Ithaca, NY. The SGHAT that was used in this assessment was adopted by the FAA in October 2013 for use in assessing solar systems located on or near airports and can predict both the size and intensity of glare for every minute of every day of the year. Of particular importance when using these projections is to note that the Sandia tool is designed to be conservative with three assumptions acting to substantively overestimate the potential for near surface glare. First, the tool models the solar facility as large unbroken sheets of glass despite the fact that roughly 40 to 50% of the facility’s area is undisturbed ground between the rows of panels. Second, the tool takes no credit for any obstructions or vegetative screens. And third, it makes no detailed accounting of cloud cover which could hide the sun and prevent direct solar reflections entirely on some days. The details of this analysis for the present system are included below. Figure 2 – Site Configuration with Receptor Locations The SGHAT analysis was performed for the observation points at some of the residences adjacent to the site and included a route analysis for the roads on the north, west, south, and east sides of the site. Glint-Glare Analysis Report March 2023 NexAmp, Inc. Page 2 of 5 Project No. 2230713 The following table summarizes the potential annual minutes of glare at each of the observation points shown on the map above. For the purposes of this report Green Glare is defined as glare with a low potential to cause flash blindness. Yellow Glare is defined as glare with the potential to cause temporary flash blindness. Red Glare is defined as glare with potential to cause permanent retinal damage. Figure 3 – Proposed Glare Summary Table Glint-Glare Analysis Report March 2023 NexAmp, Inc. Page 3 of 5 Project No. 2230713 Forty (40) locations were reviewed during the analysis, occasionally resulting in a pair of observation points per location, one at six (6) feet (simulating a first story window or person on the ground) above ground height and one at 15 feet above ground height (simulating a second story window). All forty (40) object point locations, as well as Mecklenburg Road and Trumansburg Road/Cliff Street, have the potential for glare based on the SGHAT analysis. As noted above, the SGHAT does not take into account any vegetation between the observation points and the array. The impact of the potential glare is not known fully at this time, as there is significant vegetation between the project site and some of the potentially impacted locations. Further investigation through line-of-sight analysis is recommended. For Bundy Road (road to the north of site) and Sheffield Road (road to the west of site), no glare would be observed. The full SGHAT Glare Analysis Report can be found in Appendix A. Given the conservative nature of the above analysis, there are several features that will act to further minimize any potential impacts from glare at this site. First, the panels to be used at this site are manufactured with specialized glass and covered with anti-reflection coatings that substantively reduces their potential to create glare. Second, many of these locations are screened from the solar facility by existing forested vegetation running along three (3) sides of the project site, which may act to screen any potential glare. Exact heights of vegetation are unknown but can be investigated further to determine more a less conservative glare analysis. Given the above analysis, all 25 neighboring sites (40 object points total) may see a slight amount of glare from this proposed solar facility at certain times of the year. However, there is no potential impact for red glare, just green and yellow. Green and yellow glare pose little to no human harm, unlike red glare. When the anti-reflection design elements of the solar panels to be used at this facility and the mitigating features of the site itself are considered, it can be concluded that glare may be minimized somewhat, however impacts would need further investigation to determine this. Existing vegetation may also minimize some of the glare, however that would also require further investigation. Glint-Glare Analysis Report March 2023 NexAmp, Inc. Page 4 of 5 Project No. 2230713 2018, Technical Guidance for Evaluating Selected Solar Technologies on Airports, www.faa.gov/airports/environmental/policy_guidance/media/FAA-Airport-Solar-Guide- 2018.pdf ForgeSolar, 2016, www.forgesolar.com Glint-Glare Analysis Report March 2023 NexAmp, Inc. Page 5 of 5 Project No. 2230713 FORGESOLAR GLARE ANALYSIS Summary of Results Glare with low potential for temporary after-image predicted PV Array Tilt Orient Annual Green Glare Annual Yellow Glare Energy ° ° min hr min hr kWh PV array 1 SA tracking SA tracking 134 2.2 0 0.0 - PV array 2 SA tracking SA tracking 0 0.0 0 0.0 - PV array 3 SA tracking SA tracking 0 0.0 0 0.0 - PV array 4 SA tracking SA tracking 485 8.1 0 0.0 - PV array 5 SA tracking SA tracking 384 6.4 0 0.0 - Total annual glare received by each receptor; may include duplicate times of glare from multiple reflective surfaces. Receptor Annual Green Glare Annual Yellow Glare min hr min hr Bundy Road - SR 138 1,003 16.7 0 0.0 Mecklenburg Road into Hector Street SR 007 0 0.0 0 0.0 Project: 2230713 - Carrowmoor Solar Project Carrowmoor Solar, 1349 Mecklenburg Rd. Ithica, NY, 14850 Site configuration: March 2023 Client: NexAmp, Inc. Created 27 Mar, 2023 Updated 10 Apr, 2023 Time-step 1 minute Timezone offset UTC-5 Site ID 87097.15386 Category 500 kW to 1 MW DNI peaks at 1,000.0 W/m^2 Ocular transmission coefficient 0.5 Pupil diameter 0.002 m Eye focal length 0.017 m Sun subtended angle 9.3 mrad PV analysis methodology V2 Page 1 of 39 Receptor Annual Green Glare Annual Yellow Glare min hr min hr Sheffield Road - SR 172 0 0.0 0 0.0 Trumansburg Road into Cliff Street - SR 096 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 1 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 2 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 3 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 4 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 5 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 6 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 7 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 8 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 9 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 10 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 11 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 12 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 13 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 14 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 15 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 16 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 17 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 18 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 19 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 20 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 21 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 22 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 23 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 24 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 25 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 26 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 27 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 28 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 29 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 30 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 31 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 32 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 33 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 34 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 35 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 36 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 37 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 38 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 39 0 0.0 0 0.0 Page 2 of 39 Receptor Annual Green Glare Annual Yellow Glare min hr min hr OP 40 0 0.0 0 0.0 Page 3 of 39 Component Data PV Arrays Name: PV array 1 Axis tracking: Single-axis rotation Backtracking: Shade-slope Tracking axis orientation: 180.0° Max tracking angle: 60.0° Resting angle: 0.0° Ground Coverage Ratio: 0.5 Rated power: - Panel material: Smooth glass with AR coating Reflectivity: Vary with sun Slope error: correlate with material Vertex Latitude (°) Longitude (°)Ground elevation (ft) Height above ground (ft) Total elevation (ft) 1 42.453920 -76.545613 1087.03 17.00 1104.03 2 42.453279 -76.545570 1090.07 17.00 1107.07 3 42.453263 -76.545774 1091.61 17.00 1108.61 4 42.452586 -76.545747 1092.55 17.00 1109.55 5 42.452574 -76.547276 1107.41 17.00 1124.41 6 42.453896 -76.547351 1091.94 17.00 1108.94 Page 4 of 39 Name: PV array 2 Axis tracking: Single-axis rotation Backtracking: Shade-slope Tracking axis orientation: 180.0° Max tracking angle: 60.0° Resting angle: 0.0° Ground Coverage Ratio: 0.5 Rated power: - Panel material: Smooth glass with AR coating Reflectivity: Vary with sun Slope error: correlate with material Vertex Latitude (°) Longitude (°)Ground elevation (ft) Height above ground (ft) Total elevation (ft) 1 42.452529 -76.547285 1107.95 17.00 1124.95 2 42.452545 -76.544372 1080.64 17.00 1097.64 3 42.452450 -76.544372 1081.37 17.00 1098.37 4 42.452454 -76.544131 1078.16 17.00 1095.16 5 42.451314 -76.544104 1082.01 17.00 1099.01 6 42.451302 -76.544678 1084.13 17.00 1101.13 7 42.451536 -76.544699 1085.17 17.00 1102.17 8 42.451540 -76.544919 1085.92 17.00 1102.92 9 42.451765 -76.544951 1086.92 17.00 1103.92 10 42.451769 -76.545391 1089.45 17.00 1106.45 11 42.451330 -76.545381 1090.02 17.00 1107.02 12 42.451326 -76.546566 1104.96 17.00 1121.96 13 42.452023 -76.546566 1099.39 17.00 1116.39 14 42.452019 -76.546891 1106.93 17.00 1123.93 15 42.452023 -76.547258 1113.79 17.00 1130.79 Page 5 of 39 Name: PV array 3 Axis tracking: Single-axis rotation Backtracking: Shade-slope Tracking axis orientation: 180.0° Max tracking angle: 60.0° Resting angle: 0.0° Ground Coverage Ratio: 0.5 Rated power: - Panel material: Smooth glass with AR coating Reflectivity: Vary with sun Slope error: correlate with material Vertex Latitude (°) Longitude (°)Ground elevation (ft) Height above ground (ft) Total elevation (ft) 1 42.451288 -76.544215 1082.61 17.00 1099.61 2 42.451280 -76.544483 1083.32 17.00 1100.32 3 42.450718 -76.544473 1086.74 17.00 1103.74 4 42.450710 -76.545106 1091.66 17.00 1108.66 5 42.450880 -76.545106 1090.56 17.00 1107.56 6 42.450888 -76.545288 1092.65 17.00 1109.65 7 42.451296 -76.545304 1089.14 17.00 1106.14 8 42.451288 -76.547219 1116.34 17.00 1133.34 9 42.450262 -76.547187 1115.24 17.00 1132.24 10 42.450298 -76.544011 1086.15 17.00 1103.15 11 42.451283 -76.544062 1081.34 17.00 1098.34 Name: PV array 4 Axis tracking: Single-axis rotation Backtracking: Shade-slope Tracking axis orientation: 180.0° Max tracking angle: 60.0° Resting angle: 0.0° Ground Coverage Ratio: 0.5 Rated power: - Panel material: Smooth glass without AR coating Reflectivity: Vary with sun Slope error: correlate with material Vertex Latitude (°) Longitude (°)Ground elevation (ft) Height above ground (ft) Total elevation (ft) 1 42.453267 -76.547957 1105.23 17.00 1122.23 2 42.453267 -76.547432 1103.34 17.00 1120.34 3 42.451280 -76.547378 1117.47 17.00 1134.47 4 42.451272 -76.548901 1125.91 17.00 1142.91 5 42.452055 -76.548944 1120.81 17.00 1137.81 6 42.452063 -76.548032 1116.11 17.00 1133.11 7 42.453259 -76.548054 1105.43 17.00 1122.43 Page 6 of 39 Route Receptors Name: PV array 5 Axis tracking: Single-axis rotation Backtracking: Shade-slope Tracking axis orientation: 180.0° Max tracking angle: 60.0° Resting angle: 0.0° Ground Coverage Ratio: 0.5 Rated power: - Panel material: Smooth glass without AR coating Reflectivity: Vary with sun Slope error: correlate with material Vertex Latitude (°) Longitude (°)Ground elevation (ft) Height above ground (ft) Total elevation (ft) 1 42.451208 -76.548923 1126.29 17.00 1143.29 2 42.451224 -76.547367 1118.22 17.00 1135.22 3 42.450757 -76.547356 1121.84 17.00 1138.84 4 42.450741 -76.548901 1128.83 17.00 1145.83 Name: Bundy Road - SR 138 Path type: Two-way Observer view angle: 50.0° Vertex Latitude (°) Longitude (°)Ground elevation (ft) Height above ground (ft) Total elevation (ft) 1 42.459250 -76.571855 1260.48 0.00 1260.48 2 42.459875 -76.551084 1103.56 0.00 1103.56 3 42.460477 -76.529669 780.33 0.00 780.33 Page 7 of 39 Name: Mecklenburg Road into Hector Street SR 007 Path type: Two-way Observer view angle: 50.0° Vertex Latitude (°) Longitude (°)Ground elevation (ft) Height above ground (ft) Total elevation (ft) 1 42.447410 -76.571291 1262.44 0.00 1262.44 2 42.447948 -76.547816 1140.16 0.00 1140.16 3 42.448423 -76.531294 905.85 0.00 905.85 4 42.448582 -76.526917 829.52 0.00 829.52 5 42.448661 -76.526638 824.88 0.00 824.88 6 42.448962 -76.526273 818.67 0.00 818.67 7 42.449373 -76.526037 813.81 0.00 813.81 8 42.450418 -76.525672 801.40 0.00 801.40 9 42.451448 -76.525264 779.98 0.00 779.98 10 42.451859 -76.524857 766.81 0.00 766.81 11 42.452287 -76.523998 738.21 0.00 738.21 12 42.452366 -76.522754 707.90 0.00 707.90 13 42.451954 -76.521724 676.38 0.00 676.38 14 42.451337 -76.521059 653.03 0.00 653.03 15 42.449817 -76.519836 616.07 0.00 616.07 16 42.448645 -76.518441 573.44 0.00 573.44 17 42.447093 -76.517583 552.46 0.00 552.46 18 42.445431 -76.516838 521.11 0.00 521.11 19 42.444402 -76.516795 503.52 0.00 503.52 20 42.443341 -76.516473 473.12 0.00 473.12 21 42.442517 -76.515936 440.14 0.00 440.14 22 42.441583 -76.515486 399.99 0.00 399.99 Name: Sheffield Road - SR 172 Path type: Two-way Observer view angle: 50.0° Vertex Latitude (°) Longitude (°)Ground elevation (ft) Height above ground (ft) Total elevation (ft) 1 42.447363 -76.571222 1261.98 0.00 1261.98 2 42.459251 -76.571855 1260.48 0.00 1260.48 Page 8 of 39 Name: Trumansburg Road into Cliff Street - SR 096 Path type: Two-way Observer view angle: 50.0° Vertex Latitude (°) Longitude (°)Ground elevation (ft) Height above ground (ft) Total elevation (ft) 1 42.460515 -76.529640 779.56 0.00 779.56 2 42.457555 -76.524876 715.96 0.00 715.96 3 42.456399 -76.523610 667.23 0.00 667.23 4 42.455528 -76.522237 639.81 0.00 639.81 5 42.453676 -76.520799 603.83 0.00 603.83 6 42.452948 -76.519941 579.52 0.00 579.52 7 42.451333 -76.518911 547.92 0.00 547.92 8 42.449512 -76.517580 510.12 0.00 510.12 9 42.447786 -76.516785 478.80 0.00 478.80 10 42.445348 -76.516013 421.78 0.00 421.78 11 42.443590 -76.515734 411.68 0.00 411.68 12 42.441658 -76.515305 398.45 0.00 398.45 Page 9 of 39 Discrete Observation Point Receptors Name ID Latitude (°) Longitude (°)Elevation (ft) Height (ft) OP 1 1 42.451911 -76.551908 1138.58 6.00 OP 2 2 42.451210 -76.553330 1148.70 6.00 OP 3 3 42.449378 -76.553986 1161.35 6.00 OP 4 4 42.448262 -76.553745 1163.27 6.00 OP 5 5 42.448238 -76.553723 1163.29 15.00 OP 6 6 42.448190 -76.551181 1156.09 6.00 OP 7 7 42.449077 -76.548842 1138.32 6.00 OP 8 8 42.449069 -76.548842 1138.39 15.00 OP 9 9 42.448206 -76.548069 1140.83 6.00 OP 10 10 42.448198 -76.548069 1141.02 15.00 OP 11 11 42.447782 -76.548442 1150.01 6.00 OP 12 12 42.447774 -76.548453 1150.13 15.00 OP 13 13 42.447739 -76.548775 1153.66 6.00 OP 14 14 42.447723 -76.548785 1153.87 15.00 OP 15 15 42.447568 -76.549306 1159.07 6.00 OP 16 16 42.447568 -76.549306 1159.07 15.00 OP 17 17 42.447592 -76.549976 1158.03 6.00 OP 18 18 42.447584 -76.549955 1158.10 15.00 OP 19 19 42.447430 -76.551569 1157.95 6.00 OP 20 20 42.447430 -76.551559 1157.93 15.00 OP 21 21 42.447564 -76.552267 1159.03 6.00 OP 22 22 42.447556 -76.552267 1159.03 15.00 OP 23 23 42.447529 -76.555206 1144.66 5.00 OP 24 24 42.447529 -76.555217 1144.66 15.00 OP 25 25 42.447184 -76.545816 1146.84 6.00 OP 26 26 42.447124 -76.544952 1112.96 6.00 OP 27 27 42.447773 -76.543043 1079.36 6.00 OP 28 28 42.447773 -76.543032 1079.28 15.00 OP 29 29 42.447885 -76.537855 1046.98 6.00 OP 30 30 42.447893 -76.537855 1046.85 15.00 OP 31 31 42.447208 -76.538187 1052.15 6.00 OP 32 32 42.451012 -76.532447 922.34 6.00 OP 33 33 42.449041 -76.536605 1012.92 6.00 OP 34 34 42.448977 -76.536122 1007.15 6.00 OP 35 35 42.448570 -76.536009 1008.11 6.00 OP 36 36 42.448570 -76.536015 1008.11 15.00 OP 37 37 42.449987 -76.533654 949.65 6.00 OP 38 38 42.449995 -76.533660 949.80 15.00 OP 39 39 42.449543 -76.533622 949.50 6.00 OP 40 40 42.449551 -76.533628 949.66 15.00 Page 10 of 39 Glare Analysis Results Summary of Results Glare with low potential for temporary after-image predicted PV Array Tilt Orient Annual Green Glare Annual Yellow Glare Energy ° ° min hr min hr kWh PV array 1 SA tracking SA tracking 134 2.2 0 0.0 - PV array 2 SA tracking SA tracking 0 0.0 0 0.0 - PV array 3 SA tracking SA tracking 0 0.0 0 0.0 - PV array 4 SA tracking SA tracking 485 8.1 0 0.0 - PV array 5 SA tracking SA tracking 384 6.4 0 0.0 - Total annual glare received by each receptor; may include duplicate times of glare from multiple reflective surfaces. Receptor Annual Green Glare Annual Yellow Glare min hr min hr Bundy Road - SR 138 1,003 16.7 0 0.0 Mecklenburg Road into Hector Street SR 007 0 0.0 0 0.0 Sheffield Road - SR 172 0 0.0 0 0.0 Trumansburg Road into Cliff Street - SR 096 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 1 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 2 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 3 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 4 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 5 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 6 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 7 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 8 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 9 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 10 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 11 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 12 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 13 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 14 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 15 0 0.0 0 0.0 Page 11 of 39 Receptor Annual Green Glare Annual Yellow Glare min hr min hr OP 16 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 17 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 18 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 19 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 20 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 21 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 22 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 23 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 24 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 25 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 26 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 27 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 28 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 29 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 30 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 31 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 32 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 33 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 34 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 35 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 36 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 37 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 38 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 39 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 40 0 0.0 0 0.0 Page 12 of 39 PV: PV array 1 low potential for temporary after-image Receptor results ordered by category of glare Receptor Annual Green Glare Annual Yellow Glare min hr min hr Bundy Road - SR 138 134 2.2 0 0.0 Mecklenburg Road into Hector Street SR 007 0 0.0 0 0.0 Sheffield Road - SR 172 0 0.0 0 0.0 Trumansburg Road into Cliff Street - SR 096 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 1 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 2 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 3 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 4 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 5 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 6 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 7 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 8 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 9 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 10 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 11 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 12 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 13 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 14 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 15 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 16 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 17 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 18 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 19 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 20 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 21 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 22 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 23 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 24 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 25 0 0.0 0 0.0 Page 13 of 39 Receptor Annual Green Glare Annual Yellow Glare min hr min hr OP 26 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 27 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 28 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 29 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 30 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 31 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 32 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 33 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 34 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 35 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 36 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 37 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 38 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 39 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 40 0 0.0 0 0.0 Page 14 of 39 PV array 1 and Bundy Road - SR 138 Receptor type: Route 0 minutes of yellow glare 134 minutes of green glare Page 15 of 39 PV array 1 and Mecklenburg Road into Hector Street SR 007 Receptor type: Route No glare found PV array 1 and Sheffield Road - SR 172 Receptor type: Route No glare found PV array 1 and Trumansburg Road into Cliff Street - SR 096 Receptor type: Route No glare found PV array 1 and OP 1 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 2 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 3 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 4 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 5 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 6 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 7 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 8 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 9 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 10 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 11 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 12 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 13 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 14 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 15 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 16 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found Page 16 of 39 PV array 1 and OP 17 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 18 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 19 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 20 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 21 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 22 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 23 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 24 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 25 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 26 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 27 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 28 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 29 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 30 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 31 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 32 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 33 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 34 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 35 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 36 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found Page 17 of 39 PV array 1 and OP 37 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 38 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 39 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 1 and OP 40 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found Page 18 of 39 PV: PV array 2 no glare found Receptor results ordered by category of glare Receptor Annual Green Glare Annual Yellow Glare min hr min hr Bundy Road - SR 138 0 0.0 0 0.0 Mecklenburg Road into Hector Street SR 007 0 0.0 0 0.0 Sheffield Road - SR 172 0 0.0 0 0.0 Trumansburg Road into Cliff Street - SR 096 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 1 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 2 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 3 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 4 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 5 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 6 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 7 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 8 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 9 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 10 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 11 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 12 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 13 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 14 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 15 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 16 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 17 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 18 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 19 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 20 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 21 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 22 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 23 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 24 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 25 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 26 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 27 0 0.0 0 0.0 Page 19 of 39 Receptor Annual Green Glare Annual Yellow Glare min hr min hr OP 28 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 29 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 30 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 31 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 32 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 33 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 34 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 35 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 36 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 37 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 38 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 39 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 40 0 0.0 0 0.0 PV array 2 and Bundy Road - SR 138 Receptor type: Route No glare found PV array 2 and Mecklenburg Road into Hector Street SR 007 Receptor type: Route No glare found PV array 2 and Sheffield Road - SR 172 Receptor type: Route No glare found PV array 2 and Trumansburg Road into Cliff Street - SR 096 Receptor type: Route No glare found PV array 2 and OP 1 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 2 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 3 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 4 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 5 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 6 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found Page 20 of 39 PV array 2 and OP 7 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 8 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 9 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 10 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 11 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 12 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 13 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 14 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 15 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 16 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 17 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 18 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 19 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 20 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 21 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 22 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 23 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 24 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 25 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 26 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found Page 21 of 39 PV array 2 and OP 27 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 28 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 29 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 30 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 31 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 32 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 33 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 34 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 35 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 36 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 37 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 38 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 39 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 2 and OP 40 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found Page 22 of 39 PV: PV array 3 no glare found Receptor results ordered by category of glare Receptor Annual Green Glare Annual Yellow Glare min hr min hr Bundy Road - SR 138 0 0.0 0 0.0 Mecklenburg Road into Hector Street SR 007 0 0.0 0 0.0 Sheffield Road - SR 172 0 0.0 0 0.0 Trumansburg Road into Cliff Street - SR 096 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 1 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 2 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 3 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 4 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 5 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 6 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 7 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 8 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 9 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 10 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 11 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 12 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 13 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 14 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 15 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 16 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 17 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 18 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 19 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 20 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 21 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 22 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 23 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 24 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 25 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 26 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 27 0 0.0 0 0.0 Page 23 of 39 Receptor Annual Green Glare Annual Yellow Glare min hr min hr OP 28 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 29 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 30 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 31 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 32 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 33 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 34 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 35 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 36 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 37 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 38 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 39 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 40 0 0.0 0 0.0 PV array 3 and Bundy Road - SR 138 Receptor type: Route No glare found PV array 3 and Mecklenburg Road into Hector Street SR 007 Receptor type: Route No glare found PV array 3 and Sheffield Road - SR 172 Receptor type: Route No glare found PV array 3 and Trumansburg Road into Cliff Street - SR 096 Receptor type: Route No glare found PV array 3 and OP 1 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 2 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 3 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 4 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 5 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 6 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found Page 24 of 39 PV array 3 and OP 7 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 8 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 9 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 10 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 11 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 12 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 13 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 14 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 15 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 16 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 17 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 18 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 19 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 20 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 21 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 22 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 23 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 24 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 25 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 26 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found Page 25 of 39 PV array 3 and OP 27 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 28 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 29 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 30 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 31 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 32 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 33 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 34 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 35 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 36 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 37 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 38 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 39 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 3 and OP 40 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found Page 26 of 39 PV: PV array 4 low potential for temporary after-image Receptor results ordered by category of glare Receptor Annual Green Glare Annual Yellow Glare min hr min hr Bundy Road - SR 138 485 8.1 0 0.0 Mecklenburg Road into Hector Street SR 007 0 0.0 0 0.0 Sheffield Road - SR 172 0 0.0 0 0.0 Trumansburg Road into Cliff Street - SR 096 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 1 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 2 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 3 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 4 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 5 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 6 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 7 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 8 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 9 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 10 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 11 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 12 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 13 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 14 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 15 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 16 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 17 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 18 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 19 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 20 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 21 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 22 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 23 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 24 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 25 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 26 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 27 0 0.0 0 0.0 Page 27 of 39 Receptor Annual Green Glare Annual Yellow Glare min hr min hr OP 28 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 29 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 30 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 31 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 32 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 33 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 34 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 35 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 36 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 37 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 38 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 39 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 40 0 0.0 0 0.0 Page 28 of 39 PV array 4 and Bundy Road - SR 138 Receptor type: Route 0 minutes of yellow glare 485 minutes of green glare Page 29 of 39 PV array 4 and Mecklenburg Road into Hector Street SR 007 Receptor type: Route No glare found PV array 4 and Sheffield Road - SR 172 Receptor type: Route No glare found PV array 4 and Trumansburg Road into Cliff Street - SR 096 Receptor type: Route No glare found PV array 4 and OP 1 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 2 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 3 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 4 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 5 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 6 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 7 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 8 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 9 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 10 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 11 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 12 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 13 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 14 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 15 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 16 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found Page 30 of 39 PV array 4 and OP 17 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 18 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 19 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 20 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 21 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 22 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 23 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 24 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 25 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 26 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 27 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 28 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 29 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 30 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 31 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 32 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 33 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 34 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 35 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 36 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found Page 31 of 39 PV array 4 and OP 37 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 38 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 39 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 4 and OP 40 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found Page 32 of 39 PV: PV array 5 low potential for temporary after-image Receptor results ordered by category of glare Receptor Annual Green Glare Annual Yellow Glare min hr min hr Bundy Road - SR 138 384 6.4 0 0.0 Mecklenburg Road into Hector Street SR 007 0 0.0 0 0.0 Sheffield Road - SR 172 0 0.0 0 0.0 Trumansburg Road into Cliff Street - SR 096 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 1 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 2 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 3 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 4 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 5 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 6 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 7 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 8 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 9 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 10 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 11 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 12 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 13 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 14 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 15 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 16 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 17 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 18 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 19 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 20 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 21 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 22 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 23 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 24 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 25 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 26 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 27 0 0.0 0 0.0 Page 33 of 39 Receptor Annual Green Glare Annual Yellow Glare min hr min hr OP 28 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 29 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 30 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 31 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 32 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 33 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 34 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 35 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 36 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 37 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 38 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 39 0 0.0 0 0.0 OP 40 0 0.0 0 0.0 Page 34 of 39 PV array 5 and Bundy Road - SR 138 Receptor type: Route 0 minutes of yellow glare 384 minutes of green glare Page 35 of 39 PV array 5 and Mecklenburg Road into Hector Street SR 007 Receptor type: Route No glare found PV array 5 and Sheffield Road - SR 172 Receptor type: Route No glare found PV array 5 and Trumansburg Road into Cliff Street - SR 096 Receptor type: Route No glare found PV array 5 and OP 1 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 2 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 3 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 4 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 5 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 6 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 7 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 8 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 9 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 10 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 11 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 12 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 13 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 14 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 15 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 16 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found Page 36 of 39 PV array 5 and OP 17 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 18 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 19 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 20 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 21 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 22 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 23 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 24 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 25 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 26 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 27 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 28 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 29 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 30 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 31 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 32 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 33 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 34 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 35 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 36 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found Page 37 of 39 PV array 5 and OP 37 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 38 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 39 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found PV array 5 and OP 40 Receptor type: Observation Point No glare found Page 38 of 39 Assumptions Default glare analysis parameters and observer eye characteristics (for reference only): • Analysis time interval: 1 minute • Ocular transmission coefficient: 0.5 • Pupil diameter: 0.002 meters • Eye focal length: 0.017 meters • Sun subtended angle: 9.3 milliradians 2016 © Sims Industries d/b/a ForgeSolar, All Rights Reserved. "Green" glare is glare with low potential to cause an after-image (flash blindness) when observed prior to a typical blink response time. "Yellow" glare is glare with potential to cause an after-image (flash blindness) when observed prior to a typical blink response time. Times associated with glare are denoted in Standard time. For Daylight Savings, add one hour. The algorithm does not rigorously represent the detailed geometry of a system; detailed features such as gaps between modules, variable height of the PV array, and support structures may impact actual glare results. However, we have validated our models against several systems, including a PV array causing glare to the air-traffic control tower at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport and several sites in Albuquerque, and the tool accurately predicted the occurrence and intensity of glare at different times and days of the year. Several V1 calculations utilize the PV array centroid, rather than the actual glare spot location, due to algorithm limitations. This may affect results for large PV footprints. Additional analyses of array sub-sections can provide additional information on expected glare. This primarily affects V1 analyses of path receptors. Random number computations are utilized by various steps of the annual hazard analysis algorithm. Predicted minutes of glare can vary between runs as a result. This limitation primarily affects analyses of Observation Point receptors, including ATCTs. Note that the SGHAT/ ForgeSolar methodology has always relied on an analytical, qualitative approach to accurately determine the overall hazard (i.e. green vs. yellow) of expected glare on an annual basis. The analysis does not automatically consider obstacles (either man-made or natural) between the observation points and the prescribed solar installation that may obstruct observed glare, such as trees, hills, buildings, etc. The subtended source angle (glare spot size) is constrained by the PV array footprint size. Partitioning large arrays into smaller sections will reduce the maximum potential subtended angle, potentially impacting results if actual glare spots are larger than the sub-array size. Additional analyses of the combined area of adjacent sub-arrays can provide more information on potential glare hazards. (See previous point on related limitations.) The variable direct normal irradiance (DNI) feature (if selected) scales the user-prescribed peak DNI using a typical clear-day irradiance profile. This profile has a lower DNI in the mornings and evenings and a maximum at solar noon. The scaling uses a clear-day irradiance profile based on a normalized time relative to sunrise, solar noon, and sunset, which are prescribed by a sun-position algorithm and the latitude and longitude obtained from Google maps. The actual DNI on any given day can be affected by cloud cover, atmospheric attenuation, and other environmental factors. The ocular hazard predicted by the tool depends on a number of environmental, optical, and human factors, which can be uncertain. We provide input fields and typical ranges of values for these factors so that the user can vary these parameters to see if they have an impact on the results. The speed of SGHAT allows expedited sensitivity and parametric analyses. The system output calculation is a DNI-based approximation that assumes clear, sunny skies year-round. It should not be used in place of more rigorous modeling methods. Hazard zone boundaries shown in the Glare Hazard plot are an approximation and visual aid based on aggregated research data. Actual ocular impact outcomes encompass a continuous, not discrete, spectrum. Glare locations displayed on receptor plots are approximate. Actual glare-spot locations may differ. Refer to the Help page at www.forgesolar.com/help/ for assumptions and limitations not listed here. Page 39 of 39