HomeMy WebLinkAboutLL 02 of 1994 Senior Tax ExemptionTOWN OF ITHACA LOCAL LAW NO. 2_ OF THE YEAR 1994 OF AGE OR OVER , Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of lUiaca as foUows: .SECTrON ,!. The provisions of Local Law No. 1 of the year 1971 nf .h^ t.u amended by Local Law No 2 of the vear 1Q77 r r m c i ? ^No. 2 of the year 1982^ -^ t^e year 1980, Local Law Local Law No. 4 of the ycai amended to read as follows: araenuea DV Local Law No 2 of the vear 1077 t r x7 7 xumea asNo. 2 of the year 1982^ ^^2 , of S ^98^ £a^ f Local Law No. 4 of the year 1990 and T nrai t o kt o ^amended to read a^ fSlowsr ^ "ereby further fu T> f law is enacted pursuant to Secdon 467 of 2m « Sr' " "" °' """S" ■a.P" 551 of a» s„» ofS^ifc STiXtowS S oS"' Heach of whom is 65 years of aee or over nr rr.ai owned by one or more persons,whom is 65 years of age or over shall he owned by husband and wife, one ofapplicable taxes specified in said Section 4d7 hac ^ '"P'taxation by said Town for theincomes of th^ownS A nSnsuch exemption if such person becomes sixtyTve^S^are'SErXncStatus date and before December nf fh/» years of age after the appropriate taxableow toM, ifrSl fcitatoeT «!«=»">« annual income of owner percentage A<5<!P<!«:pn vjr uwwtKb PJ^QJ^ TAXATION Up to and including $16,500.00 50% More than $16,500.00but less than $17,100.00 45% $17,100.00 or more butless than $17,700.00 40% $17,700.00 or more butless than $18,300.00 35% Taxcn'ip.94, wpSliili/locallaw StcaTLf' as in effect from time to dme prior to the effective date of SECTION ?.. This local law shall take effect immediately.