HomeMy WebLinkAboutIV permitted use guide fnlGuide For Understanding the Use Table Step 1. Find your property on this map. Note the lot’s base zone (AG agricultural, LDR low density residential, NC neighborhood commercial, or LI light industrial) and its overlay zone (IV-C Inlet Valley Core, or IV-T Inlet Valley Transition). Step 2. Turn to Section 270-171.5 (permitted uses) of the Inlet Valley Overlay regulations. Step 3. For non-residential and non-agricultural uses, see the tables in 270-171.5 D through J. There’s a table for each broad type or category of use: lodging, commercial, industrial and semi-industrial, civic, utility, and accessory uses. Rows in each table lists individual uses in a category, with definitions and conditions. There’s columns on the right of each row, for each overlay zone and underlying base zone. These columns show if a use is allowed (checkmark ✓), allowed with special permit review and approval by the Planning Board (checkmark and circled S ✓ⓢ), or not allowed (dot •) in the base and overlay zone. If a non-residential and non-agricultural use isn’t in any of these tables, it’s not allowed in the Inlet Valley Overlay area. An example: you want to know if a certain lot in the LI (light industrial) zone, with an IV -C (Inlet Valley Center) overlay, allows professional offices. E. Commercial principal uses ✓ = permitted use • = use not allowed ⓢ = needs special permit approval IV-C overlay IV-T overlay LDR NC LI AG LDR 5) Professional office Professional, administrative, clerical, outpatient medical or allied health care, design, or technical service. Includes government offices. Conditions: • Gross floor area: ≤ 2,500’². ✓ⓢ ✓ ✓ • • The code allows the use, but its gross floor area (GFA) must be less than 2,500 square feet. The use doesn’t need special permit review. (Certain changes to the building or site may still need Planning Board review, though.) Step 4. For a residential or agricultural use, the normal permitted use lists for the zone in the Zoning Code apply. (AG zone: Town of Ithaca, NY Agricultural Zones (ecode360.com), LDR zone: Town of Ithaca, NY Low Density Residential Zones (ecode360.com), NC zone: Town of Ithaca, NY Neighborhood Commercial Zones (ecode360.com), LI zone: Town of Ithaca, NY Light Industrial Zones (ecode360.com)) Use category Overlay zone Base zone Use Definition Conditions