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LL 11 of 1998 Sewer Use Requirements
TOWN OF ITHACA LOCAL LAW NO.11 OF THE YEAR 1998 A LOCAL LAW AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO.1OFTHE YEAR 1984 AND LOCAL LAW NO.17 OF THE YEAR 1992 BOTH RELATING TO SEWER USE REQUIREMENTS TO CONFORM SUCH LOCAL LAWS TO RECENT EPA AND DEC REGULATORY CHANGES Be it enflcted by theTown Bo^rd of the Town of Ithtico.as follows; Section 1.Local Law No.17 of the year 1992,adopted July 13,1992 entitled "A LOCAL LAW AMENDING LOCAL LAW NO.1 OF THE YEAR 1984 REGULATING THE USE OF PUBLIC SEWERS AND DRAINS,PRIVATE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL,THE INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION OF BUILDING SEWERS,AND THE DISCHARGE OF WATERS AND WASTES INTO THE PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEMS,THE TREATMENT AND PRETREATMENT OF INDUSTRIAL WASTES,AND PROVIDING FOR THE /V INSPECTION OF SUCH FACILITIES AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF THIS LAW WHICH AMENDMENTS CONFORM LOCAL LAW NO.1 OF THE YEAR 1984 WITH RECENT EPA AND DEC REGULATORY CHANGES",which Local Law amended Local Law No.I of the year 1984, is amended as follows: 1.Section 3.A(28),entitled "Pretrcatment Requirement"is amended by deleting the second sentence of same. 2.Section 5 entitled Specific Discharge Prohibitions"is amended by adding to subparagraph (B)of such section the following sentences at the end thereof: The preceding list of substances is not a comprehensive list of prohibited substances. If a substance meets the general criteria set out in the first two sentences of this subparagraph,it is prohibited." 3.Section 5 entitled "Specific Discharge Prohibitions"is further amended in subparagraph (J)by deleting at the end thereof the phrase",unless the Approval Authority,upon request of the POTW,approves alternate temperature limits". 4.vSection 7 entitled "Categorical Pretrealmcnt Standards"is amended by adding a new sentence at the beginning thereof and modifyingthe next sentence sothatthe first twosentences will now read as follows: sewerJll,wpSUth/locallaw,August28.1998 2:50pm "Categorical Pretreatment Standards which EPA has promulgated for specific industrial sub-categories are hereby incorporated by reference.Where Categorical Pretreatment Standards are more stringent than the local limits,industrial users in those sub-categories shall comply with the more stringent Categorical Pretreatment Standards in accordance with the compliance timetables for each Categorical Pretreatment Standard mandated by EPA." The balance of Section 7 remains unchanged. 5.Section 16 entitled "Permit Application Requirements"is amended by relettering subparagraph (O)to be subparagraph (P)and inserting a new subparagraph (O)reading as follows: "0. A list of any environmental control permits held byor for the user;" 6.Section 22 entitled "Reporting Requirements",paragraph (A)is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: ", including a statement whether Pretreatment Standards are being met on a consistent basis,and, if not, whetheradditional O&M and/or additional pretreatment is required for the IndustrialUser to meet the Pretreatment Standards and Requirements.This statement shall be reviewed by an Authorized Representative of theIndustrial User and certified to by a qualified professional." 7. Section22 entitled"Reporting Requirements",paragraph B.is amended by adding the following at the end thereof: "This report shall contain the information required in 40 C.F.R.Section 403.12(d), including the nature and concentration of all pollutants in the discharge from each regulated process, and the average and maximum daily flow for these process streams. This report further shall state whether Pretreatment Standards are being met on a consistent basis, and, if not,whether additional O&M and/or additional pretreatment is required for the Industrial User to meet the Pretreatment Standards and Requirements. This statement shall be reviewed by an Authorized Representative of the Industrial User and certified to by a qualified professional." 8. Section 22 entitled "Reporting Requirements",paragraph C is amended by adding in the first sentence after the phrase "such Standard or Pretreatment"the word "Requirement",and by adding the following sentence at the end thereof: sewer.III.wpSIiih/locallaw,At l:50pm "In additi and maxi such reports shall include a recordof measured or estimated average um daily flows for the reporting period." ©Section 42, entitled "Legal Action" is amended in the first sentence by deleting the phrase "discharges industrial wastes,septage,or other waste water into the POTW contrary to" and inserting instead the word "violates". Section 2.In the event that any portion of this local law is declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction,the validity of the remaining portions shall not be affected by such declaration of invalidity. Section 3.This local law shall become effective ten (10) days after its enactment,or,if later, upon the filing of a copy of same with the office of the Secretary of Slate of the State of New York.