HomeMy WebLinkAboutCB Minutes 2011-12-01 Town of Ithaca Conservation Board December 1, 2011 7:30 PM Final Minutes Members Present: Diane C., Tony I., Jon M., Kristine S., Ellie S., Eva H.,Andy G. Staff Present: Mike S. Guests: Vladimir M., Susan P., Mara Alper 1. Persons to be heard: none 2. Member concerns: Eva was concerned with the former "Olivia's"restaurant and if the historic aspect of the building was considered in the new site plan review. Mike was not present at the planning board meeting potentially addressing this, but will look at the minutes. 3. Chair and Coordinator reports: Diane had followed up with Elizabeth, a guest at a previous Conservation Board meeting, about space for community garden plots. The land she was interested in has deed restrictions and cannot be used for this purpose. Herb Engman has offered to work with her to find another potential site. The Codes and Ordinances committee is still working on a stream setback law. Comments were made on the stream buffer near King Rd., needing to be upgraded to reflect the proper flow amounts. Jon Bosak had concerns with invasive species and compost bin sizes. Mike reported that the December 6 h Planning Board meeting is canceled. The December 20 meeting will include the former "Courtside" site for use as temporary parking for a construction project in the City. The Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals currently have vacancies, and more information can be retrieved from the Town website. 4. Business —Approval of minutes 11/03/11 James commented on previous questions regarding Bolton Point and pursuing a new rate plan structure which Herb is looking into. The minutes were approved with minor edits. 5. Continue discussion regarding gas drilling and Conservation Board comments on the revised draft SGEIS —review draft letter. Susan has compiled member's suggestions for comments on the new revised DSGEIS about hydraulic fracturing. James had edits to contribute to this document. Diane had previously emailed questions to the board members about the style and format of our combined responses to be submitted which were further discussed. Tony also had revised wording to contribute as well. The board agreed that any vague wording about distances should be expressed in specific numbers. Ellie suggested adding a comment about rental housing prices increasing as an affect of temporary workers occupying rooms previously used for tourism, but was unsure how to include this information without specific figures. Hotel room taxes are apparently not applied when guests stay for more than one month. The deadline for comments was extended to 01/11/2012. Board members will email Susan by December 15 with any additional edits, which she will compile by December 25 and send back out to everyone. 6. Regular reports and updates: - Environmental Review committee—no report - Scenic resources committee—Tony presented the revised design of the sign to be installed at East Shore Park. - R. Fischer Award committee—James is still taking suggestions for additional applications with a few in mind such as: Cayuga Compost and Sustainable Tompkins. The deadline for nominations is February 29, 2012 for the 2011 award. - Tompkins County EMC—Comments on hydrofracking are being compiled by the EMC as well. - Six Mile Creek volunteer monitoring program —Samples were taken in November over 3 days. The group may have a public meeting in the near future. - City of Ithaca Natural Areas Commission—no report - Comprehensive Plan—Met in November and have one section left to review, which will then be followed by working with staff on action plans. - Cornell Plantations Natural Areas Academy —James attended a celebration for helpers with the Natural Areas Academy. 7. Other business: -Nomination of Chair and Vice Chair for 2012—Diane nominates Kristine as Chair and James as Vice Chair for 2012. Ellie moves to approve the nominations and Eva seconds the motion with all in favor. -Approval of 2012 meeting schedule—The dates listed are accepted, and the meeting time was discussed and will be moved to 7pm. Kristine moves to approve the meeting schedule and Andy seconds the motion. - Discussion of committee assignments —Creating a new committee on publicity was discussed, which would either include the R. Fischer award, or be combined with that current committee. A subgroup to discuss Coy Glen may be formed, and Diane and Ellie expect to look into this. 8. Executive Session: Susan and Vladimir have attended a few meetings each and wish to join the board. James moves to approve both to the board, and Kristine seconds the motion. The Town Board appoints new members to the board. 9. Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 9:03pm and the board members thank Diane for her wonderful work as Chair for several years! Minutes prepared by Andy G.