HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Minutes 2021-08-17 TOWN OF ITHACA PLANNING BOARD Shirley A. Raffensperger Board Room, Town Hall 215 North Tioga Street Ithaca,New York 14850 Tuesday,August 17,2021 Members of the public are welcome to attend in-person at Town Hall(masks required)or virtually via Zoom(httys://us06web.zoom.us/*/83643764382). AGENDA 7:00 P.M. Continue SEQR Determination: Cornell University Multidisciplinary Building, 350 Tower Road. 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Continue consideration of Preliminary Site Plan Approval and Special Permit for the proposed Cornell University Multidisciplinary Building project, located east of Rice Hall on the Cornell University campus along Tower Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 67.-1-13.2,Low Density Residential Zone. The project involves the construction of a 100,000+/- square foot,4-story building that will replace an existing parking lot adjacent to Rice and Bruckner Halls. The new building will house Cornell's Centers for Cancer Biology and Immunology, Department of Computation Biology, Masters of Public Health Program, and the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future. The project will also include the installation of small plazas,pathways, gardens, stormwater facilities, outdoor lighting, signage, and landscaping. Cornell University, Owner; Ramnath Venkat, Cornell University Infrastructure,Properties&Planning, Applicant/Agent. 7:15 P.M. Consideration of whether a Veterinary Office/Clinic use is considered substantially similar to a use(or uses)identified in Section 270-126(A) of Town Zoning,in accordance with Section 270-127 (K) of Town of Ithaca Code. This consideration is specific for Briar Patch Veterinary to extend services at 702 Elmira Road(Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 33.-2-6.22). WM B &Patricia Kerry, Owner; Dr. Ingrid Rhinehart, Applicant. 4. Persons to be heard. 5. Approval of Minutes: July 20, 2021 and August 3, 2021 6. Other Business 7. Adjournment Susan Ritter Director of Planning 273-1747 NOTE:IF ANY MEMBER OF THE PLANNING BOARD IS UNABLE TO ATTEND,PLEASE NOTIFY CHRIS BALESTRA AT 273-1747 or CBALESTRAna TOWN.ITHACA.NY.US. (A quorum of four(4)members is necessary to conduct Planning Board business.) Accessing Meeting Materials Online Site Plan and Subdivision applications and associated project materials are accessible electronically on the Town's website under"Planning Board"on the"Meeting Agendas"page(http://www.town.ithaca.nv.us/meeting-a2endas). TOWN OF ITHACA PLANNING BOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Tuesday,August 17,2021 By direction of the Chairperson of the Planning Board,NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Ithaca on Tuesday,August 17,2021, at the following time and on the following matter: 7:00 P.M. Continue consideration of Preliminary Site Plan Approval and Special Permit for the proposed Cornell University Multidisciplinary Building project,located east of Rice Hall on the Cornell University campus along Tower Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 67.-1-13.2, Low Density Residential Zone. The project involves the construction of a 100,000+/-square foot, 4-story building that will replace an existing parking lot adjacent to Rice and Bruckner Halls. The new building will house Cornell's Centers for Cancer Biology and Immunology, Department of Computation Biology, Masters of Public Health Program, and the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future. The project will also include the installation of small plazas, pathways,gardens, stormwater facilities, outdoor lighting, signage,and landscaping. Cornell University, Owner; Ramnath Venkat, Cornell University Infrastructure, Properties & Planning,Applicant/Agent. Members of the public are welcome to attend in-person at Town Hall(masks required) or virtually via Zoom (https://us06web.zoom.us/*/83643764382). Said Planning Board will at said time and said place hear all persons in support of such matters or objections thereto. Persons may appear by agent or in person. Individuals with visual impairments,hearing impairments or other special needs,will be provided with assistance as necessary,upon request.Persons desiring assistance must make such a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearing. Susan Ritter Director of Planning 273-1747 Dated: Friday,August 6,2021 Publish: Wednesday,August 11,2021 TOWN OF ITHACA PLANNING BOARD August 17, 2021 MINUTES Board Members Present: Fred Wilcox, Vice Chair; Greg Lindquist, Cindy Kaufman, Ariel Casper, and Margaret Johnson Town Staff: Susan Ritter, Director of Planning; Chris Balestra, Planner; Marty Moseley, Director of Codes; Susan Brock, Attorney for the Town; Dan Thaete, Director of Engineering; David O'Shea, Engineer; Becky Jordan, Deputy Town Clerk Mr. Wilcox opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Agenda Item 1 Consideration of whether a Veterinary Office/Clinic use is considered substantially similar to a use (or uses) identified in Section 270-126 (A) of Town Zoning, in accordance with Section 270-127 (K) of Town of Ithaca Code. This consideration is specific for Briar Patch Veterinary to extend services at 702 Elmira Road (Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 33.-2-6.22). WM B & Patricia Kerry, Owner; Dr. Ingrid Rhinehart,Applicant Dr. Rhinehart gave an overview, saying that her practice has outgrown their current space and when the neighboring property (formerly Stellar Stereo)became available, it was the perfect opportunity to expand. During the process, it was discovered that although the property is zoned Neighborhood Commercial, there was the need to determine if the use was allowed under current Code. The board asked about plans for architectural changes or increased parking. Dr. Rhinehart responded that interior renovations will happen and there are no plans for additional parking being added. PB Resolution 2021-021: Determination of"Substantially Similar" Use Veterinary Clinic/Office Use 702 Elmira Road Tax Parcel No.33.-2-6.22 Town of Ithaca Planning Board, August 17, 2021 WHEREAS: 1. This action is consideration of whether a Veterinary Office/Clinic use is considered "substantially similar"to a use (or uses) identified in Section 270-126 (A) of Town Zoning, in accordance with Section 270-127 (K) of Town of Ithaca Code. This consideration is specific for the Briar Patch Veterinary Hospital to extend services at 702 Elmira Road (Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 33.-2-6.22). WM B &Patricia Kerry, Owner; Dr. Ingrid Rhinehart, Applicant; and PB 2021-08017 (Filed 9/2) Pg. 1 2. The Planning Board has reviewed a narrative provided by the applicant, along with an aerial location map, a staff-prepared memo, and an excerpt from Town Code Section 270-126 (A) that lists the permitted uses in the Neighborhood Commercial Zone; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Planning Board hereby finds that the proposed veterinary clinic/office use is substantially similar to a business, professional, or administrative office (Section 270-126 (C)), which is listed as a use permitted as of right in the Neighborhood Commercial Zone. The proposed veterinary clinic/office will not have greater adverse effects upon traffic, noise, air quality, parking, or any other attribute reasonably relevant than the uses permitted as of right. Moved: Greg Lindquist Seconded: Cindy Kaufman Vote: ayes—Wilcox, Kaufman, Lindquist, Casper, Johnson Agenda Item 2 Continue consideration of Preliminary Site Plan Approval and Special Permit for the proposed Cornell University Multidisciplinary Building project, located east of Rice Hall on the Cornell University campus along Tower Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 67.-1-13.2, Low Density Residential Zone. The project involves the construction of a 100,000+/- square foot, 4-story building that will replace an existing parking lot adjacent to Rice and Bruckner Halls. The new building will house Cornell's Centers for Cancer Biology and Immunology,Department of Computation Biology, Masters of Public Health Program, and the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future. The project will also include the installation of small plazas, pathways, gardens, stormwater facilities, outdoor lighting, signage, and landscaping. Cornell University, Owner; Ramnath Venkat, Cornell University Infrastructure, Properties & Planning,Applicant/Agent Ram Venkat, Project Manager; Steve Beyers, University Facilities Engineer; Jared Pittman, University General Counsel; David Cutter, University Landscape Architect; and Andrew Herdeg, Architect were present for questions. Mr. Venkat gave a summary of activities since the last appearance, saying that they have taken the feedback from the Planning Board and the Community and updated the project narrative submission to include contains a noise analysis with all exhaust fans associated with the future basement lab fit out, as well as working with Mr. Moseley and Ms. Balestra regarding energy code compliance efforts. Mr. Venkat introduced Ryan Yaden, an Associate Partner in Lake Flato Architects who are nationally recognized as a High Performance Building Design Firm who has received numerous awards for their sustainability designs, including the Committee on the Environment (COTE) Top 10 award. Mr. Yaden introduced Paul Erickson, AEI Mechanical Engineer; Dondi Harper, Civil Engineer; Joe Keefe, Acoustical Engineer, who were also available for questions from the Board. PB 2021-08017 (Filed 9/2) Pg. 2 SEQR DETERMINATION Mr. Wilcox asked for a response to the concerns regarding sound in the event of a full build out. Mr. Keefe explained that the fans on the buildings have been changed to less noisier ones and the calculations were rerun and the noise level was reduced. He stated that they will ensure that the sound levels for all fans that we are using for our analysis are specified as the maximum allowable for the project so that nothing louder gets installed, and the calculations would remain as the highest or not to exceed level. Ms. Kaufman stated that the comments about architecture are subjective and personally, she believes the architecture is beautiful, fits in well within the site, enhances the experience on campus, and will stand the test of time. Mr. Lindquist asked for confirmation that any federal grant funds would be solely used for equipment in the lab and not the construction of the project. Mr. Venkat confirmed that statement to be accurate and true. Mr. Wilcox commented that the repaving of Route 366 in 2022 will impact truck traffic and Cornell should take every necessary measure to keep traffic from turning down into Forest Home. SEQR Determination No further comments from the Board. Ms. Brock suggested a change on Part 111,page 7, item 15 "Impact on noise and light". Where it reads: "the sound would taper off to around 45 decibels at the closest residences at McIntyre PI and Forest Home" add, which is about the same as the existent ambient background sound level. The study found that it would be difficult to detect project noise at these residential receptors. PB RESOLUTION 2021-022: SEQR Preliminary Site Plan Approval & Special Permit Cornell Multidisciplinary Building Tax Parcel No. 67.-1-13.2 350 Tower Road Town of Ithaca Planning Board, August 17, 2021 WHEREAS: 1. This action involves consideration of Preliminary Site Plan Approval and Special Permit for the proposed Cornell University Multidisciplinary Building project, located east of Rice Hall on the Cornell University campus along Tower Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 67.-1-13.2, Low Density Residential Zone. The project involves the PB 2021-08017 (Filed 9/2) Pg. 3 construction of a 100,000+/- square foot, 4-story building that will replace an existing parking lot adjacent to Rice and Bruckner Halls. The new building will house Cornell's Centers for Cancer Biology and Immunology, Department of Computation Biology, Masters of Public Health Program, and the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future. The project will also include the installation of small plazas, pathways, gardens, stormwater facilities, outdoor lighting, signage, and landscaping. Cornell University, Owner; Ramnath Venkat, Cornell University Infrastructure, Properties & Planning, Applicant/Agent; 2. This is a Type I Action pursuant to the Town of Ithaca Code, Chapter 148- Environmental Quality Review; 3. At its meeting on September 3, 2019, the Planning Board proposed to establish itself as Lead Agency to coordinate the environmental review of the above-referenced proposal, and on April 29, 2021, notified potential Involved and Interested agencies of its intent to serve as Lead Agency; 4. The Planning Board, on August 17, 2021, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Full Environmental Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the applicant, Parts 2 and 3, prepared by Town Planning staff, a binder titled"Multidisciplinary Building Site Plan Review," dated April 2021, a revised narrative, dated August 9, 2021, a set of drawings titled"Cornell Multidisciplinary Building, Tower Road, Ithaca, New York,"prepared by Lake Flato Architects, Inc., including the following sheets dated 04-16-2021: G200, G300, C100, C201-C203, L101, L302-L303, L400-401, A400-A402, E100-E101, E711, the following sheets dated 03-18-2021: A200-A204, revised sheets dated 06-14-2021: G410, C102-C103, L100, L103, L200, L300-301, and other application materials; and 5. The Town Planning staff has recommended a negative determination of environmental significance with respect to the proposal; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, having received no objections from other involved agencies, establishes itself as Lead Agency to coordinate the environmental review of the above- described proposal; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 New York State Environmental Quality Review for the above referenced proposal, based on the information in the EAF Part 1 and for the reasons set forth in the EAF Parts 2 and 3, and, therefore, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be required. Moved: Greg Lindquist Seconded: Ariel Casper Vote: ayes—Wilcox, Kaufman, Lindquist, Casper, and Johnson PB 2021-08017 (Filed 9/2) Pg. 4 PUBLIC HEARING Mr. Wilcox opened the public hearing at 7:40 p.m. Joe Wilson, Dryden expressed his disappointment in the lack of Cornell and the Board not addressing any of the substantive and highly competent comments made by members of the public with any specificity. He was surprised nothing specific was asked about greenhouse gas emissions that are going to be generated by this building. Irene Weiser, Caroline stated that she shares Mr. Wilson's concern about the lack of inquiry into the energy dimensions of Cornell's proposal. Cornell has stated in their proposal that they will comply with the New Energy Code Supplement, however, there are four different pathways to compliance. She asked if they are they doing the LEED compliance with 17 of 35 points? Greenhouse emissions using combined heat and power? Brian Eden, Sara Hess, Doug Brittain and Elmer Ewing spoke to state they had submitted written comment. (All written comments are Attachment 1) Caroline Arms,President, Forest Home Improvement Association spoke, expressing the concerns for impacts on traffic through Forest Home, the need for signage on Tower Rd and Judd Falls Rd, and the importance of detours and routing during the repaving project of Route 366 next Spring. Ms. Arms requested the Board require Cornell to work with Town highway Superintendent to provide signage on the Tower Road/Judd Falls Road intersection making it clear that construction traffic should not turn down Judd Falls Road. Bruce Brittain stated he was pleased with Mr. Keefe's explanation for why adding a noise source would make things quieter but would feel more comfortable with a performance standard rather than relying on ever changing predictions for what the noise level will be. Each new building on campus makes the noise noticeably louder. Ms. Brock clarified that Section 201.2 of the Code states that plan specifications and other materials relating to the components of the building under the Energy Code Supplement shall be submitted to the Code Office in conjunction with an application for a building permit, therefore, all references to "the application" are referring to the building permit application not the site plan or special permit application. Mr. Wilcox closed the public hearing at 8:22 p.m. DETERMINATION Mr. Wilcox asked if Cornell has made a commitment in terms of color temperature? PB 2021-08017 (Filed 9/2) Pg. 5 Mr. Yaden responded that they are following Cornell standards and suggestions for consistency with the surroundings. Ms. Kaufman suggested having exterior lighting at 3500k or 3000k even if surrounding lighting is at 4000k to set the tone for future installations of lighting. Mr. Lindquist suggested using the language, shall not exceed 3500k color temperature. Ms. Kaufman inquired about guaranteeing Cornell's intent to comply with the energy code supplement and Mr. Moseley asked about the typical timeframe for LEED certification. Mr. Beyers responded that the LEED application process is quite lengthy and certification is almost never given until long after occupancy. Mr. Yaden added that LEED certification can take 6-12 months after occupancy for a building of this complexity. There are a There are several post occupancy credits that they pursue that onboard the users, allow for the building HVAC system to go through a cycle, especially in cold months, which accounts for some of that delay. Mr. Venkat added that the project currently does intend to have enhanced HVAC commissioning and building envelope commissioning. The project does have an independent consulting team that is independently reviewing both designs and providing considerable feedback throughout each phase of design and construction. PB RESOLUTION 2021-023: Preliminary Site Plan Approval & Special Permit Cornell Multidisciplinary Building Tax Parcel No. 67.-1-13.2 350 Tower Road Town of Ithaca Planning Board, August 17, 2021 WHEREAS: 1. This action involves consideration of Preliminary Site Plan Approval and Special Permit for the proposed Cornell University Multidisciplinary Building project, located east of Rice Hall on the Cornell University campus along Tower Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 67.-1- 13.2, Low Density Residential Zone. The project involves the construction of a 100,000+/- square foot, 4-story building that will replace an existing parking lot adjacent to Rice and Bruckner Halls. The new building will house Cornell's Centers for Cancer Biology and Immunology, Department of Computation Biology, Masters of Public Health Program, and the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future. The project will also include the installation of small plazas, pathways, gardens, stormwater facilities, outdoor lighting, signage, and landscaping. Cornell University, Owner; Ramnath Venkat, Cornell University Infrastructure, Properties & Planning, Applicant/Agent; PB 2021-08017 (Filed 9/2) Pg. 6 2. This is a Type I Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as lead agency in coordinating the environmental review with respect to this project, has on August 17, 2021, made a negative determination of environmental significance, after having reviewed and accepted as adequate a Full Environmental Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the applicant, Parts 2 and 3, prepared by Town Planning staff, and other application materials; and 3. The Planning Board, at a public hearing held on August 17, 2021, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a binder titled"Multidisciplinary Building Site Plan Review," dated April 2021, a revised narrative, dated August 9, 2021, a set of drawings titled "Cornell Multidisciplinary Building, Tower Road, Ithaca, New York,"prepared by Lake Flato Architects, Inc., including the following sheets dated 04-16-2021: G200, G300, G410, C100-C103, C201- C203, L100-L101, L200, L300-L303, L400-401, A400-A402, E100-E101, E711, the following sheets dated 03-18-2021: A200-A204; and revised sheets dated 06-14-2021: G410, C102-C103, L100, L103, L200, L300-301, and other application materials; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Planning Board hereby finds that the Special Permit standards of Article XXIV Section 270-200, Subsections A—H, of the Town of Ithaca Code, have been met, specifically that: A.The project will be suitable for the property on which it is proposed, considering the property's size, location, and physical site characteristics. • The property is large enough to accommodate the proposed building and other improvements, particularly because the project has been designed and shaped to fit the former parking lot layout. The site characteristics are suitable for another campus structure located on the Cornell University campus. B. The proposed structure design and site layout are compatible with the surrounding area. • The proposed structure is a modern building that fits in with the variety of architecture that exists on Tower Road on the Cornell campus. The proposed site layout largely follows the existing parking lot layout, with only minor changes to access and site elements. Overall, the proposal is compatible with the surrounding area. C. Operations in connection with the proposed use do not create any more noise, fumes, vibration, illumination, or other potential nuisances than the operation of any permitted use in the zone. • The noise, illumination and other nuisances that will occur on the site will be temporary and associated with construction of the Atkinson Center building, which would be the case with any construction in the zone. These nuisances will cease upon completion of the building. D.Community infrastructure and services, such as police, fire and other protective services, roadways, schools, and water and sewer facilities are currently, or will be, of adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed use. PB 2021-08017 (Filed 9/2) Pg. 7 Cornell will be utilizing their own infrastructure and services, all of which are of adequate capacity to accommodate the proposed use. E. The proposed use, structure design, and site layout will comply with all the provisions of the Town Code and with the Town of Ithaca Comprehensive Plan, provided that the proposed building will receive a height variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals. F. The site layout, with proposed vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian access, traffic circulation, and parking and loading facilities, is sufficient for the proposed use and is safely designed for emergency vehicles. • The project involves the removal of a parking lot that will not be replaced. However, Cornell University will accommodate the loss in parking through their Transportation Demand Management program, which encourages multi-modal transportation. There will be an increase in pedestrian and bicycle facilities on site. All accessways have been safely designed for emergency vehicles and either have been or will be approved by the Codes Department and the Ithaca Fire Department before final site plan approval. G.The project includes sufficient landscaping and/or other forms of buffering to protect surrounding land uses. Existing vegetation is preserved to the extent possible. • There will be some tree and vegetation loss associated with the project. Unfortunately, many of the very large oaks that front on Tower Road along the project will be removed, as they are unhealthy. The project will include tree preservation where possible. All lost trees will be replaced with additional trees and other vegetation. The portion of the building that will be located along the slope will be partially screened by existing tall trees. The surrounding land uses are other Cornell campus structures and uses, which will not be affected by the building. H.To the extent deemed relevant by the Planning Board, the proposed use or structure complies with all the criteria applicable to site plan review set forth in Chapter 270, Zoning. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: 1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Preliminary Site Plan Approval, as shown on the Preliminary Site Plan Checklist, having determined from the materials presented that such waiver will result in a significant alteration of neither the purpose of site plan control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town Board; 2. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary Site Plan Approval for the proposed Cornell University Multidisciplinary Building project, located east of Rice Hall on the Cornell University campus along Tower Road as described in the materials listed in Whereas #3 above, subject to the following conditions: a. Before final site plan approval, granting of any necessary variances from the Town of Ithaca Zoning Board of Appeals, PB 2021-08017 (Filed 9/2) Pg. 8 b. Before final site plan approval, submission to the Town of`Ithaca Engineering Department of the additional details related to the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) noted in the memo written to Cornell University by David O'Shea and Daniel Thaete, dated 5118/202 1, revised T"131202 1; and approval of the SWPPP by the Town Engineer, c. Before final site plan approval, submission of calculations and other information, satisfactory to the Town Engineer, outlining any associated impacts and/or changes at the Town of'Ithaca potable water interconnect, d. Before final site plan approval, submission of documentation from the Ithaca Fire Department indicating that the proposed access and site layout are adequate for emergency purposes, c. Before the issuance of a building permit, inclusion of the Multidisciplinary Building project into the campus-wide Stormwater Operations, Maintenance, and Reporting agreement between Cornell University and the Town of Ithaca, and f. All outdoor lighting shall conform to the requirements of the Town of Ithaca Outdoor Lighting Law and all outdoor LED lighting shall not exceed 3500K color temperature. Moved: Ariel Casper Seconded: Greg Lindquist Vote: ayes Wilcox, Kaufman, Lindquist, Casper, Johnson Minutes were not available for approval. Meeting was adjourned upon motion by Mr. Casper, seconded by Ms. Kaufman, unanimous. Submitted by in Becky Jord puty Town Clerk PB 2021-08017 (Filed 912) Pg. 9 Chris Balestra From: Brian B. Eden <bbe2@cornell.edu> Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 2:42 PM To: Chris Balestra Subject: Atkinson Center Public Comments Attachments: Atkinson Center Public Comment.docx; Maplewood Redevelopment Project Findings Statement.docx; Reducing Embodied-Carbon in Buildings.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Dear Chris, Please circulate my comments to the members of the Planning Board for consideration at the August 17t" meeting. Thank you. Brian Chris Balestra From: Bruce Brittain <brucebrittain@verizon.net> Sent: Friday, August 13, 2021 2:31 PM To: Chris Balestra Cc: Susan Ritter Subject: Noise Impact of Atkinson Hall Multidisciplinary Building Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Hi Chris-- Could you please forward this to members of the Planning Board? Thank you! Have a nice weekend. --Bruce DATE: August 13, 2021 TO: Town Planning Board CC: Sue Ritter, Chris Balestra FROM: Bruce Brittain RE: Noise Impact of Atkinson Hall Multidisciplinary Building The packet for the August 17 Planning Board meeting includes a revised acoustic analysis conducted by Ostergaard Acoustical Associates (dated August 9, 2021). This analysis now includes the noise created by the exhaust fans for the potential future lab fit-out that were not included in the July 8, 2021 analysis that was in the July packet. You will note that the new noise analysis contradicts the previous analysis. Specifically, the sound emissions of the building with the additional fans are now predicted to be lower than the sound emissions previously predicted without the fans. This seems implausible, and does nothing to enhance the credibility of Ostergaard's acoustical modeling: Sound Emissions Excluding Emergency Generator Receptor A (101 McIntyre Place): July Analysis: 45 dB(A); August Analysis: 44 dB(A) Receptor B (109 McIntyre Place): July Analysis: 43 dB(A); August Analysis: 42 dB(A) Receptor C (117 McIntyre Place): July Analysis: 44 dB(A); August Analysis: 42 dB(A) Sound Emissions Including Emergency Generator Receptor A (101 McIntyre Place): July Analysis: 45 dB(A); August Analysis: 44 dB(A) Receptor B (109 McIntyre Place): July Analysis: 43 dB(A); August Analysis: 43 dB(A) Receptor C (117 McIntyre Place): July Analysis: 44 dB(A); August Analysis: 43 dB(A) In addition, noise levels at Beebe Hall are now predicted to be much lower. (Compare Figures 2 and 3 in the two Analyses.) i Clearly, this cannot be true. Adding noise does not make things quieter. Either the information provided to the Board in the July packet was incorrect, or the information in the August packet is incorrect. I presume that Cornell would like us to believe that the current analysis is to be trusted, but the fact that the predicted sound level decreased after Board members expressed concerns about noise makes one suspicious. Regardless of the above-mentioned inconsistencies, it appears that the predicted noise generated by the proposed new building will indeed be noticeable, and will be about as great as all existing background sources combined. Here are the details: o Existing background sound level at nearby Forest Home residences is about 45 dB(A). "... the background sound level at residences near Atkinson Hall is about 45 dB(A)."(p. 34/92) o The predicted level of noise generated solely by Atkinson Hall, as determined for three houses on McIntyre Place, will be 42 - 44 dB(A). "Sound emissions excluding emergency generator:A: 44 dB(A); B: 42 dB(A); C: 42 dB(A)."(p. 37/92) o Thus, the sound generated by Atkinson Hall is expected to be almost as great as all other existing background sounds combined. "... Atkinson Hall sound emissions are expected to be about the same as the existing ambient sound level..."(p. 31/92) o The cumulative sound levels are predicted to be 47 to 48 dB for houses on McIntyre Place, representing an increase of 2 to 3 dB. See Table on p. 39192. o Based on information provided by the World Health Organization, sound level in a residential area should not exceed 45 dB(A). The July analysis summarized this correctly: "Therefore, avoiding sleep disturbance necessitates an outdoor sound level that does not exceed 45 dB(A)."(p. 31/117) The August analysis incorrectly infers that the 45 dB limit is for the new building alone, not all sources combined: "Therefore, to avoid sleep disturbance, outdoor sound levels due to Atkinson Hall sound sources should strive to not exceed 45 dB(A)."(p. 33/92) In any case, their predicted 47 - 48 dB cumulative sound level exceeds this limit. o According to the DEC <Assessing and Mitigating Noise Impacts, October 6, 2000 Revised: February 2, 2001 https://www.dec.ny.gov > docs > noise2000>: "Remember, if a new source operates at the same noise level as the ambient, then 3 dB(A) must be added to the existing ambient noise level to obtain the future noise level. If the goal is not to raise the future noise levels the new facility would have to operate at 10 dB(A) or more lower than the ambient."(p. 14-15/28) The DEC goes on to say, "In circumstances where noise effects cannot readily be reduced to a level of no significance by project design or operational features in the application, the applicant must evaluate alternatives and mitigation measures in an environmental impact statement to avoid or reduce impacts to the maximum extent practicable per the requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEAR)."(p. 22/28) Bottom line: This building will be too loud, even according to Ostergaard's own references. Not only would sleep disturbance become an issue, but the predicted 3 dB increase would be noticeable, even during the day. The University should reduce the sound levels emitted by this building, or reduce other campus background noises so that the total impact on Forest Home (and the Botanic Gardens) is limited to a more appropriate level. For example, it could be that replacing old exhaust fans on Rice, Bradfield 2 and/or the Plant Sciences building with new, quieter units could bring the ambient sound level down to a point where the addition of the noise created by Atkinson Hall would not be detrimental to the adjoining residential community. Thank you for your careful analysis and consideration. 3 Chris Balestra From: Bruce Brittain <brucebrittain@verizon.net> Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2021 10:36 PM To: Chris Balestra Subject: Atkinson Hall Considerations Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Hello Chris, Would you be willing to share this with the Planning Board? Thank you very much. -Doug Brittain Dear Members of the Town Planning Board: As you consider approval of Cornell's Multi-Disciplinary Building (Atkinson Hall) project, I hope that you will weigh the following concerns: -- The design of Atkinson Hall leaves something to be desired. Yes, it is better than the worst buildings on campus, but there is still considerable room for improvement. It is taller than the neighboring Cornell buildings, and exceeds the Town's height limit. The fact that it includes so many rooms with no windows makes a mockery of the claim that it "uses daylight strategically" to reduce the need for electric lighting. And as SHPO states,"...the new construction does not reflect the materials or design details of the surrounding historic structures. We recommend that alternatives be explored regarding the design of the elevations visible from the road."(p. 91192) Perhaps Cornell should have hired a different architectural design firm. It's not too late. -- The location is far from ideal, in spite of claims to the contrary. Who would want to put a BSL-3 lab right in the middle of a busy campus, next to a natural area and a residential neighborhood, when there are other alternatives available? Cornell owns a good deal of land in the vicinity, including on top of Hungerford Hill (where some Covid research is reportedly already being undertaken at Baker Lab) and on Mount Pleasant (which is even farther from densely populated areas). Either of these locations would put the BSL-3 exhaust stack at a much higher elevation (thereby ensuring more dilution before any toxins settle back to earth) and yet would still be within close range of central campus. Actually, even moving the building to the other end of Wing Drive would be an improvement. -- The removal of those four majestic oak trees is completely unnecessary. Cornell bragged about the formal setting with its iconic mile-long row of century-old oak trees, and then plans to destroy that which they say attracted them to the site. If Cornell can't be bothered to protect the trees (and their roots) during construction, then they should build elsewhere. 1 -- Cornell has said both that there will be only a "slight glimpse" of Atkinson Hall from the Botanic Gardens, and that Atkinson Hall will take advantage of the good views of the Botanic Gardens. Which is it? Right now, the Botanic Gardens are a secluded oasis, an idyllic world, only a few steps from the busy campus. But if Cornell surrounds it with taller and taller buildings, it will look less like a tranquil rural landscape, and more like an urban pocket park. Once the magic has been lost, it's not coming back. Taller trees to better screen the new building would help some, as would restricting its height. Relocating it to the other end of Wing Drive would help even more. -- A fake swamp? Really? How embarrassing. This is an educational institution, not Disneyland. There are a lot of people on campus who know a thing or two about soils or topography or geography or geology or hydrology, and know that the high point on campus should not have a wetland. This feature adds unnecessarily to the impervious area, which is the opposite of what a wetland is supposed to do. But it gives us an opportunity to celebrate mosquitos. Rather than a concrete stagnant pond, it might be better to have a larger lawn with shade trees and picnic tables where students and staff can eat lunch without being bothered by mosquitos. -- There will be traffic impacts. And whether these impacts are acceptable is a judgment left to the Planning Board, not the applicant. With "several hundred" new faculty, students, and staff, there will be several thousand additional vehicular trips distributed around the county. (The national average is ten trips per household per day.) Many of these trips will be concentrated on the corridors that lead to and from campus. And that means increased traffic in residential areas, because it is currently impossible to drive to campus without going through somebody's neighborhood. This is a continuing problem that needs a long-term solution. (For example, the University owns enough land that it could construct an attractive commuter route from the Cornell Business & Technology Park in Lansing to central campus, almost entirely on its own property.) In the short term, perhaps Cornell should contribute to local traffic calming efforts, for instance by planting street trees in Varna once Route 366 is repaved next year. The elimination of around 90 parking spaces, and the failure to provide any regular parking for the new building, means that a significant number of commuters will be dropped off in the morning (by a spouse, typically) creating one round trip, and then picked up again in the afternoon, creating a second round trip. The traffic impact created by these employees is doubled compared to driving themselves and being able to park. (Two round trips instead of one.) People don't all teleport if they can't park on campus. Instead they cope the best they can, and this sometimes involves round-trip drop-offs and pickups, or parking in nearby neighborhoods. It's unrealistic to assume that a reduction in parking spaces automatically leads to a corresponding reduction in commuter traffic. Not everyone is going to ride a bike in winter, or walk from Trumansburg. -- Noise is a significant issue, and has been dealt with fairly thoroughly by my brother Bruce in a separate email memo. I would like to add that we live in the house that is the farthest north in Forest Home, and yet the dominant noise that we hear at our house (at night, when the traffic dies down) is already Cornell campus fan noise. Adding to the fan noise will not help matters. We should perhaps be considering means of reducing noise, rather than debating how much more to add. And as with many other issues, relocating the building to the less sensitive area at the other end of Wing Drive would undoubtedly reduce the impact. If it is difficult for you to accurately judge the actual sound level likely to be emitted by Atkinson Hall, in light of the ever-changing pick-a-number noise analyses, you might want to consider setting a performance standard instead. A 3dB increase (a doubling of sound) is problematic, in part because Cornell seems to apply this doubling standard to every new building project, and it isn't long before you have four times the sound, and then eight times, and then sixteen. This seems to be what led to the current situation. Perhaps it's time to put a lid on Cornell's noise levels, and to require reductions 2 in pre-existing sound sufficient to compensate for the new sounds that they are adding. Cornell could continue its inexorable growth as long as it doesn't increase its acoustical footprint. If Cornell misses this net-zero target by 1 dB, and you let that error slide, that could still lead to slowly rising background sound levels, but it would sure be better than continuing with the 3dB doubling standard. Thank you very much for your time. I look forward to Tuesday's discussion. Doug Brittain 135 Warren Road Town of Ithaca 15 August 2021 3 Chris Balestra From: Irene Weiser <irene32340@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, August 16, 2021 12:56 PM To: Chris Balestra Subject: Comments re Cornell Atkinson MBD Attachments: IW comments to Town Ith PB re Atkinson 8-16-21.docx Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed HI Chris! Please forward my comments, below and attached,to the Planning Board, in advance of the Aug 17th meeting. Thank you. To:Town of Ithaca Planning Board From: Irene Weiser, coordinator Fossil Free Tompkins,Town of Caroline resident Date: August 16, 2021 RE: Cornell Atkinson Center MBD project proposal I have reviewed the Planning Board agenda packets for June 1,July 20, and August 17, 2021 with submissions by Cornell regarding the Atkinson Center MBD application. I am glad to see that Cornell intends this application to comply with the Town's new Energy Code. I am writing to suggest that Cornell's MBD application is not yet complete and that the Planning Board should request more information related to the building energy use and compliance with the Town of Ithaca's Energy Code Supplement before voting on the Site Plan and SEAR determination. In particular, Section 144-4 Commercial Building Provisions of the Town's ECS, part 144-c401.2-B, Application for performance-based compliance path/whole building path states that: As part of the application packet,the applicant shall submit the relevant documentation,which is detailed in 144-C403, which the Town shall use as the basis for verifying and showing compliance with the ECS. And Subsection 144-C403.1, pertaining to Performance-based and Whole Building Path compliance states that Until January 1, 2023,to meet the requirements of this subsection 144-C403, a building must comply with any one of the high-performance building approaches described in 144-C403.2, 144-C403.3, 144-C403.4, and 144- C403.5,where • 144-C403.2 relates to LEED-based and Energy calculation-based compliance and describes the requisite documentation that should be provided with the application. • 144-C403.3 relates to Passive Haus based compliance and details the requisite documentation. (seemingly not relevant to Cornell's application.) • 144-C403.4 relates to Greenhouse Gas Emissions-based compliance and details the requisite calculations and documentation. 1 • 144-C403.5 relates to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Factors for Electricity for Buildings served by Combined Heat and Power, and details the requisite calculations and documentation. While Cornell's application identifies various compliance buzzwords—LEED qualified, GHG emission reductions, renewable energy, etc. -Cornell's application does not specify which compliance pathway it is pursuing, nor does it provide the required documentation. Until such information is provided and reviewed by the Town, I suggest the application is not complete and should not be voted upon. In addition, I have questions for the Planning Board regarding application of the new law. 1. Per subsection 144-C403.1—Where the ECS states that "a building must comply with any one of the high- performance building approaches"—which entity—the Town or the applicant-chooses which compliance pathway is to be pursued? 2. How does compliance with the ECS relate to the overall SEAR evaluation? For example, if Cornell were to choose the LEED pathway of compliance, does it absolve the Town from evaluating the GHG emissions and Energy impacts as part of the SEAR evaluation? ( I hope not!!) 3. As part of the PB's"deep look" may it request information/documentation specified in some of the non-chosen compliance pathways? (IMO the documentation specified in C403.3 -C404.5 is along the lines of what a "deep look" should entail.) 4. How does the Town plan to evaluate the documentation presented by Cornell "as the basis for verifying and showing compliance with the ECS?" Under what conditions would the Town consider hiring an expert to assist with analysis of the documentation and calculations? Under what circumstances would the Town consider hiring an expert to evaluate energy and GHG impacts of the project as part of the SEAR evaluation? 5. Cornell's statement that this project represents only 0.7%increase in their campus energy use is irrelevant. It is the cumulative impact of GHG emissions(not energy use)that matters. We have exceeded the amount of emissions that are sustainable for life on this planet. Any addition of carbon emissions matters. Instead of Cornell's 0.7%figure ask this—how many existing homes in the Town would need to be electrified and converted to renewable heating and electricity to reduce the GHG impact of Cornell's increased gas use from this project? (and please ask them to show their calculations) 6. Cornell is promising conversion to a renewable energy heating system when their(still experimental) deep earth heating project is active. Will SEAR approval be based on the experiment succeeding?or failing? If based on succeeding and it fails,then what? Can the Town impose some contingencies? For example, if the facility is not using renewable heat by(some date)then Cornell agrees to pay the established social cost of carbon into an offset fund to help pay for building electrification of low-income households in the Town? Thanks for your thoughtful consideration of these comments and of the matter before you. Sincerely, /s/ Irene Weiser 334 Brooktondale Rd Brooktondale, NY 14817 607-539-6856 Irene32340@gmail.com Irene Weiser irene32340@amail.com 2 Brooktondale, NY 607-539-6856 Joy to the world All the boys and girls Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea Joy to you and me.19, 3 Chris Balestra From: Joseph Wilson <wilsonjoe79@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, August 13, 2021 5:11 PM To: Chris Balestra Subject: August 17 Meeting--Comments to Planning Board Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Hi Chris, Please share these comments with the Board. Thank you. To: Members of the Ithaca Town Planning Board Prepared for: August 17, 2021 Meeting Re. The Cornell Atkinson Building aka MBD c: Ithaca Town Board The latest IPCC report to the world, our State's Climate Leadership & Community Protection Act, the Town and County's Comprehensive Plans and the Town's Climate Smart Community Resolution each call for reducing the use of fossil fuels—especially methane/natural gas--and cutting global warming greenhouse gas emissions. Further, as our own experience in Ithaca is telling us, global warming is upon us and accelerating at a never expected rate. This building adds--not reduces--the amount of methane gas to be used in our community and adds--not reduces--the amount of global warming greenhouse emissions to be caused. As Planning Board members, you are charged to determine whether the environmental impact of the building and its operation will be Significant or not. Given what appears in the publicly available packets, it does not seem that you have sufficient information to take the SEQRA"hard look" at the impacts caused by energy use and emissions in order to make this decision. For instance: The latest Program narrative asserts that the building will comply with the Town's Ithaca energy Code Supplement (IECS). As you know, the IECS calls for 40%fewer GHG emissions than buildings meeting State code. The narrative, without giving needed specifics, simply asserts that the building will produce "less of an emissions impact than equivalent buildings built to code minimum requirements" and that there will be "lower greenhouse gas emissions than a `baseline' building"under the NYS Energy Code. That is not an unequivocal statement that emissions will meet the 40% standard, and accepting such assertions to justify a SEQRA Finding of No or Small impact would not be taking a"hard look". As another justification for a No or Small impact Finding, the narrative tells you that Cornell"is targeting" a LEED Gold certification for the building. Numerous studies of LEED building energy use and greenhouse gas emission reductions, however, have found that actual performance of LEED buildings often falls short of claims and LEED point-based predictions. The most recent of these studies summarizes in its Abstract: "In aggregate, LEED offices demonstrate 11% site energy savings but only 7% savings in source energy and GHG emission." Moreover, the authors found that there was only a "minimal correlation"between measured energy savings and those projected using the LEED point system. 1 In short,you have insufficient information to make a competent SEQRA Finding that the proposed energy efficiency, operations, and emissions from this building will have No or Small Impact on our community's environment. It is your right as Board Members--if not your obligation to the community given the Climate Crisis--to obtain expert guidance on the methane gas and electricity uses, the resulting GHG emissions, and the most energy efficient building design options. Possibly the simplest way, but not the only way, to get sufficient information would be to require an Environmental Impact Statement regarding these issues. Were you to do so,both you and Cornell could receive the benefit of independent expert advice on how the design of the building and the plan of operation could be made less methane gas intensive and more energy efficient over the 40 year design life of the building. Respectfully, LL1`Energy and Greenhouse Gas Savings for LEED-Certified U.S.Office Buildings",Energies 2021, 14(3),749; https"//doi.org/10.3390/enl4O3O749 Joseph M. Wilson 75 Hunt Hill Road Ithaca NY 14850(Town of Dryden) La nd I i ne: 607-539-1159 2 To: Town of Ithaca Planning Board From: Caroline Arms Date: August 17, 2021 Re: Preliminary Site Plan Approval and Special Permit for the proposed Cornell University Multidisciplinary Building As President of the Forest Home Improvement Association, I am writing to you about truck traffic during the construction of the proposed Cornell University Multidisciplinary Building. All Forest Home residents would agree that truck traffic through the hamlet is already a problem. In particular, large trucks cause dangerous situations on tight bends and at many intersections. The neighborhood has had problems for years with trucks that disregard the signs about the 5-ton weight limit on most of the roads in Forest Home. Trucks have problems with intersections that do not allow for wide turns, including all the intersections on Judd Falls Road below (to the north of) Tower Road. They cause dangerous situations for pedestrians and cyclists and sometimes damage to property. For example, on April 12, 2021, a long truck with empty flatbed took out the Stop sign at the bottom of JFR when negotiating the turn. The various responsibilities for the roads in and approaching Forest Home was described in 2019: htt s: fhua,or w -content u Noads 20J.9 03 Guude to Infrastructure in F6 N 20190314, df P......... .................................g ..........R............................................ .......k ........................... ......................... ............. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ?........... Since then, Plantations Road has been renamed Arboretum Road. The nearest intersection on Tower Road to the proposed building is with Judd Falls Road. Downhill from the intersection on Judd Falls Road, you quickly get into Forest Home and the road is subject to the 5-ton weight limit. There is currently no sign about the weight limit that is visible to the trucks going east or west along Tower Road. The weight limit signs on Judd Falls Road are closer to route 366 and round a curve down Judd Falls Road at the border of the hamlet. Despite an attempt last year by the Town to get the vendors of GPS systems to document the weight limit, the frequency of large trucks coming through the hamlet has been unacceptably high over recent months. Drivers who have been approached by residents often say that they use the map system on a mobile device rather than subscribing to a system aimed at trucks. The situation during the planned construction period for this building is complicated by the fact that NYS Department of Transportation plans to repave Route 366 next summer, in a project expected to run from May to October. See.htt.P. tn..th e Ey ( o .: . ................ . .2.Na icc. .e.ntmeetf.n -.q o to . p.roi€ t for details. Our experience with the North Campus Residential Expansion during the excavation phase had been that the trucks carrying the excess excavation material used the designated route (avoiding Forest Home) responsibly. However, during the construction phase, when trucks delivering materials or equipment may be coming from or going back to more diverse locations, they have not always followed the contractor's guidance based on the truck route in the planning documents. On occasion, trucks have blocked traffic in the community for extended periods, requiring police intervention to manage traffic while a truck reverses a long distance and/or turns round in an intersection using multiple operations. Requests to the Planning Board I hope that the Planning Board can add a requirement to the list of conditions in the Site Plan Approval document that Cornell works with the Town's Highway Superintendent to provide signage at the Tower Road intersection with Judd Falls Road that is clearly visible to traffic on Tower Road that makes clear that construction traffic should not turn down Judd Falls Road toward Forest Home. Ideally, permanent weight limit signage should be in place at that intersection once the new building is open. Also, when Cornell has a contractor for the project, they should be required to communicate effectively to trucks (via drivers or companies) coming to the site that they must not come through Forest Home. Drivers approaching Forest Home from other directions tend to interpret "Local Delivery Only" as including the Cornell campus. The community is grateful to Cornell, and in particular to Cornell Community Relations staff and the primary contractor for the NCRE project, for providing contact information to allow reports of problems and for responding promptly to individual issues. We hope such support will be continued for this new construction project. Is this something that the Planning Board can require? Thank you very much for your consideration. Caroline Arms caroline.arms@gmail.com Brian Eden Town of Ithaca Resident August 16, 2021 Re: Atkinson Center SEAR Review Dear Town of Ithaca Planning Board Members, As a member and the former Chair of the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council and the recently retired Board Chair of HeatSmart Tompkins, I have been addressing municipal boards and planning boards for more than 10 years in an attempt to encourage the application of climate focused building science to new construction project decision-making. I often presented the most recent scientific reports on the climate crisis. For more than 30 years such reports have been widely circulated and there is now a 234-page chronology of such climate science reports.Then the assessment as set forth below should come as a surprise to no one. The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued its Sixth Assessment Report on August 9 finding that global warming is dangerously close to spiraling out of control and warning that the world is already certain to face further climate disruptions for decades, if not centuries, to come. The panel of scientists conclude that humans are "unequivocally" responsible. Rapid action to cut greenhouse gas emissions could limit some impacts, but others are now locked in. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres described the report as a "code red for humanity". "The alarm bells are deafening," he said in a statement. "This report must sound a death knell for coal and fossil fuels, before they destroy our planet." The focus of my comments here will be on the projected energy performance of the proposed Atkinson Center building. Given that mitigation measures will reduce the ultimate negative impact of climate change, I believe that the Planning Board should focus its review on a decarbonization metric. The LEED scoring system has proved to be an inadequate tool to ensure the development of highly energy efficient buildings.The draft Preliminary Site Plan Approval document concluded that the project would have only a small impact on the campus energy system. This is primarily an analysis of the capacity of the energy system to deliver the energy needed and the efficiency of the delivery system. The logic of this argument escapes my understanding with regard to the efficiency of the building envelope itself. Neither one of these metrics directly correlates with greenhouse gas emissions. For example, consider an energy efficient electric Hummer powered with renewable energy. It will utilize more energy than is necessary for its primary function of personal transport. Renewable energy is a scarce resource and should not be squandered on such a vehicle even if efficient. We shall never be able to construct enough renewable energy projects to meet all our electric demands. Demand reduction with energy efficient buildings must be pursued in tandem with the development of increased renewable energy supplies. The documents distributed with the Agenda demonstrate a fastidious review of some topics but insufficient information on the building's specifications was provided for me to conduct a meaningful assessment of the building envelope's efficiency. I would hope that the applicant would provide the Board and the community with the following information; R values for the insulation of the envelope, the technical measures utilized to assure airtight construction, the U values for high-performance window glazing,thermal-bridge-free detailing, and efficient heat recovery ventilation. Assertions such as "Specifically, the Multidisciplinary Building will reduce operational energy cost by at least 20% and use at least 10%less energy than a "baseline"building modeled as stipulated in the latest version of the New York State Energy Code based on energy modeling."Quantifiable data in support of such assertions should be submitted. In the DEIS for the Maplewood Redevelopment Project, a more detailed energy analysis was provided. Even without a DEIS requirement here, I believe that such information would be useful to enable Board members to calculate the heating and cooling loads for the building and to more confidently certify that the proposed building will have small environmental impacts related to energy use. See the Maplewood Redevelopment Project DEIS (September 15, 2016, Chapter 5, Effect of the Project on the Use and Conservation of Energy,Table 2 comparing Baseline Energy Performance Targets with ECM Inputs for Zero Emissions Building Ready. The extent of information provided there compares very favorably with the Supplemental Information on Energy Use provided by Cornell on June 18, 2021. Also attached is the Maplewood Project Findings Statement. Given that we are now more aware of the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, why do we not wish to have access to such detailed information in this review? Cornell has demonstrated the capability to construct such buildings in the past. The Cornell Tech Building on Roosevelt Island is a high performing building. Construction costs have substantially decreased since Cornell Tech was developed and this type of energy efficient construction has been more widely adopted. To limit the negative environmental impacts of our energy use, we need to focus on the opportunities for cost effective mitigation. Newly constructed high performing buildings are technically feasible and the least expensive mitigation measure. Retrofits are substantially more expensive. This projected 40+year life building will not meet the efficiency standards required to achieve our 2050 greenhouse gas emission reduction goals and may need substantial retrofitting in the future.The options for effective mitigation measures are more expensive and will increase the necessity for the adoption of community adaptation and resiliency measures. These latter costs will be funded by municipalities and other government entities. The applicant is tax exempt and will not be responsible for such funding. Advanced construction technologies that focus on building design, construction, and installation (e.g., off-site manufacturing, robotics, digitization, automation, and improved modeling) to improve affordability, scalability, and performance of energy efficient building systems and methods are becoming well established. There are several models for all electric low carbon buildings whose design is focused on energy conservation with optimal specifications for insulation, advanced window technology, airtightness, ventilation, space heating, lighting, and highly efficient mechanical systems. Short-term thinking that downplayed the existential threat of greenhouse gas emissions has permitted the climate crisis to accelerate. Not taking aggressive action to stem these emissions over the past 30 years has resulted in ever accelerating negative climate impacts. A local analogy would be the toxic contamination caused by the Ithaca Gun and Morse Chain companies. Poor disposal practices of toxic wastes have resulted in numerous, serial costly remediation projects. The most recent proposal for the clean-up at the Morse site proposed in the past month is $6M. Postponing a difficult decision to some future date can result in significant cost increases. I will not delve deeply into the inadequacy of the SEAR process in general, but I am concerned given the critical nature of this decision that after extensive discussions between the Planning Board and the applicant, a completed application, and a draft Neg Dec Determination of Environmental Significance prepared for approval at the same meeting as the Public Hearing, renders that hearing a mere formality. We have a very intelligent and technically savvy community of folks in the Town and the community is not likely to gain the benefit of their expertise in this format. If there were discussions involving residents held earlier in the process, ideas such as reducing the embedded carbon in the construction project could have been considered prior to completing the application. For example, reviewing the extensive documentation on the use of green building materials in construction. Mass timber (Cross Laminated Timber) has high structural capabilities with only 50% of the embedded carbon as concrete and 1%that of steel. Low carbon concrete is also available now, but better products are undergoing research in the lab (See the attached report on Reducing Carbon in Buildings for a more detailed discussion). In summary, these are the major conclusions of my comment: 1. Existing SEAR forms do not collect applicant information on the estimated greenhouse gas emissions of a proposed project. The focus is on energy use only. 2. The applicant has provided very little data for us to perform detailed energy modeling to verify that the building will comply with the Town of Ithaca Energy Code. 3. Efficiently delivered fossil fuel sourced energy has no relationship to the building envelope's efficiency. 4. Relying on the campus portfolio of buildings to demonstrate that a new building will use only a small portion of campus energy or is more efficient than the average building on a 150- year old campus has no significance for determining the energy efficiency of the proposed building's envelope and its potential negative impact on the environment. Private developers don't have the advantage of spreading their greenhouse gas emissions across those of all the other buildings in the City or Town.They must demonstrate that their proposed project alone will satisfy the Code. It's always been perplexing to me that as the climate crisis worsened there was no more than a small group of us attempting to influence the outcomes of local decision-making. Is it the overwhelming nature of the threat that causes folks to psychologically distance themselves from its implications? Is the threat still not personally sufficiently immediate? Much of future climate change is already inevitable. Scientists have always been conservative in their analysis due to the existence of some level of uncertainty. And then there was the fear of discouraging a constructive public response. I hope that the sense of urgency is sufficient here for Board Members to request more information to assure that the Planning Board will be able to conduct a fully informed review. Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot nothing's going to get better it's not Dr. Seuss Thank you for considering my comments. Sincerely. Brian Eden 147 N. Sunset Dr. Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 Maplewood Redevelopment Project Findings Statement (December 26, 2016) H. Greenhouse Gas Emissions/Effect of Proposal on the Use and Conservation of Energy Impacts and Proposed Mitigation According to the DEIS, the existing Maplewood development generated 1,258,000 kg CO2 per year in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, utilizing natural gas as the primary energy source. The proposed development,with more than double the population and a significant increase in the number of buildings and potential energy usage, will generate 1,388,000 kg CO2 per year. The DEIS included an analysis of the amount of CHG emissions related to the construction of the project, including the energy used to prepare the site and construct the buildings, and the number of vehicular miles traveled by workers coming to and from the site from their residences. The DEIS and FEIS state that the developer of the Maplewood project is committed to using only electricity as the project's energy source and that the project will further incorporate many of the mitigation measures listed in the NYSDEC's "Guide For Assessing Energy Use And Greenhouse Gas Emissions In An Environmental Impact Statement." Additionally, the project will incorporate all of the energy conservation measures listed in Table 5-2 of the DEIS (Chapters, page 5-4). The FEIS expands upon the energy commitment by stating that the developer will (1) obtain Energy Star certification for the project, which includes third party testing and inspections, and (2) purchase 100% of the energy used for the project from renewable sources, with "renewable source" defined as a source that is not depleted when it is used, such as solar, wind and hydro power. Discussion and Findings The Lead Agency finds that: The proposal to commit to obtain Energy Star certification and purchase renewable energy for 100% of the project, combined with constructing buildings to those Zero Energy Building standards listed in Table 5-2 and incorporating the majority of the NYSDEC's mitigation measures listed in the guide noted above, will serve to minimize adverse environmental impacts related to greenhouse gas emissions to the maximum extent practicable. These mitigation measures will be incorporated as conditions of Planning Board site plan approval. Rml Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings Low-Cost, KlqK-Value Opportunities ll in/ Il r" f a f ; 1 % JAM- ; G f i //i Authors & Acknowledgments Authors Rebecca lEsau MattjungcIlaus Victor 011gyay Audirey IReimplheir Authors listed alphabetically, All authors frorn RlMl unless otherwise rioted, Contacts Victor Oigyay, v6lgyay@rrinrll.orrg Rebecca Esau, uresau@irirvil.oirg Copyrights and Citation MattjUrigclaus, Rebecca IEsau,Victor Olgyay, and Audrey IRernpher, Reducing I...Mbodied Carbon in Buildings:Lows-,Ccist, High-Volue Opportunities, IRIMI, 2021, �lhttli)://vvvvw,,iiroriirni,.oiirg/iiinF,ight/iireduciong-eiinr�iiiIIV�iod' d-,caiirllV�oiin-iiir"i-,IburjiIIIdiiir"igs, RIMI values collaboration arid airris to accelerate the energy transition through sharing knowledge and insights. We therefore allow interested par-ties to reference, share, and cite OLAr' work through the Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4,0 license. Ilhttli)s://ciireativecoiiriiiinriiio�ns.oiirg/ �Ii ice iin ses/by-sa/4.0/. All images Used are from iStock,cor-ri unless otherwise noted, Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings www.rmi.org 12 Acknowledgments r' We would liken to thank Skarsska for providing material aria cost information based on arionyr-nized project data,arid for condUcting an EC3 analysis of the three case stUdies included in the report. r We wuuld liken to recognize the following r��arn nka�ar�s of the Sk�srnsku tcn�sr�for sharing key insights arid reviewing the report: IrVk Chen Steve Oleim a� E II it rr°n a IL...all We thank the following individuals fair their contributions to and review of the report: �Moinika Heinin, Urban I....urid Institute Il irlk IlK stneir,Walter F'. IMoore �Meghan III,,,ewis, Carbon II...cnadersfsifn IForurn �Mairta Schantz, Urban Il....arid Institute We thank the following additional individuals and organizations for participating in interviews during the research phase of this report: rup �Bruce Killln a IF E - Ecological Building Network Thoirinto n Toinrn s ttli li rain TIlmberll lk We thank Breaktfsrr:Ugh IEnergy, I....I....0 for its SLAppurt in they prudUction of this report, About RMI RIMI is an independent nonprofit fuurnded in 1982 that transforms global energy systearns tFnrr:rufs rnnsrketrivcnrs sr:rlutir:rrns to ulli;rn with s 1,5'C futuresrsd ser::ure a clean, prosperous, zero carbon future for all. We work in the worlds r-nost critical geographies and engage bUsirnesses, policyrrnukerse comrrsursitiies, and INGOs,to identify arid scale energy systern �R;aMwG�"IPAIo-S�111r—VD interventions that will CLAt greenhouse gas er-nossio ns at least 50 percent by 2030. RI i has offices in IF asult and BOUldere Colorado; New York City; Oakland, California; Washington, ID.C.,° and Beijing, Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings www.rmi.org/3 r� Ta b l e of Content s 5 Section I Embodied Carbon: A Hidden C111himate ChalIlleinge 6 Executive Surnmary 7 What Is IErnbo¢ ied Carbon, and Why Is It rnportant? 7 T r h e T r I r-ne Value of Carbon 7 1 owering IErnbodied Carbon Can fDriveValue 8 Setting the Stage 9 Section 2 IKey Iftteirlialls Miliviling Embodied Cairboini hni US Buildlings 10 Industry Over-view 11 Cernerit and Concrete 12 Steel 13 T r irriber 13 InSUlation 1 IMoving (Forward 15 Section 3 - Pirovein Sollutriloins and Stimtegiles to IReduce Embodied Carbon 16 Characterizing I ow-Ernbodied-Carbon SOILItions 17 Applying I ow-Ernbodied-Carbon Solutions to the fDesign and Construction IProcess 19 Current"roois for Implementation 20 Sectriloini 4 - Case Studies In the IlEcoiniomics of I ow Eimbodledi-Carboin 1113urildrilings 21 overview 22 Methodology 23 (....imitations of 'rms Sturdy 24 Case Sturdy 1: Mid-Rise Concrete and Steel Construction 25 Case Sturdy 2: (Mid-Rise Stick-BLAilt Consti-LAction 26 Case Sturdy 3: Milt.up Construction 27 Flurther Opportunities to Reduce Ern bodied Carbon in Case Sturdy BLAildings 28 Discussion 30 Section 5 Oppoiiirtuniltriles -to Dirlive Deeper avilinlgs 31 Regional Differences 33 Regional IData Disparity 34 Advanced Materials to Drive Greater,Change 38 Codes arid Flolicy 39 Section 6 Coindusloin 41 Appendix 43 Eindiinr*tes Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings www.rimi.org/4 / /ate, r/ fflfff f, / i 0 / / o 000 pp// j 1 f �Y t Y �t ���� N�i �� �� Summary Embodied Carbon: A Hidden Climate difference associated with |ovv'embodied'carbon � Challenge solutions and points Lo next-generation so|uLionsthat could drive even greater reductions. Buildings accuuntfur at least 3996 of energy-related g|ubo| carbon ernissiunsonanannual basis.' At least y ��'alkeaways one-quarLeruf these ernissionsresu|tfrunnembodied carbon, or the car-bon ennissiuns associated with Up-front embodied car-bon can bereducedbyup building rnaLeria|s and consLrucLion. The solutions for Lo4G96 in ourcose study bui|ding typologies,with addressingennbodied carbon in buildings have not less than 196 costprerniurn, been vvide|ystudied in the United States, leaving significant knowledge gap for engineers, architects, Optimizing ready-nnix concrete design, choosing contractors, po|icyrnakers, and building owners, finish materials with low-ernbudied-corbun footprints, arid considering |ovv-ernbudied-carbun Ernbodied carbon can be reduced significantly at or carbon-sequestering insulation options are the little to no additional up-front cost. The case studies rnosL innpactfu| no-cost rneasuresfor reducing showcased in this report show anennbodiedcarbon ernbodiedcorbun. savings potential ofZ446-4646oL cost prenniurns of less than 196. CurrenL practice indicates that Designing for, rnininna| material Usage can vve can achieve these reducLionsbyspecifying reduce embodied carbon, lower up­frunLcosts, and substituting rnateria| alternatives with lower and rnaintain o building's sound structure and ernbodied carbon during the design and specification aesthetics, process. FargreaLer reductions are possible when a whole-building design approach is taken, Sourcing reborand structural steel with higher recycled content, choosing |ovv-ernbudied-carbon This report highlights the low--cost arid no-cost glazing products, and reducingstructura| sysLern so|uLionsfor reducingennbodied carbon in buildings material needs are the nnust innpactfu| low-cost bystudying three bui|ding types and considering rneosures, design strategies that can reduce ennbodiedcarbon aL any stage ufa pro|ect's design and construction Currently ernerging materials prurniseLo phases. The report quantifies the constructioncost significantly furtherreduceernbodiedimpacts. Exhibit I Top categories for reducing embodied carbon Concrete Rmbar Insulation Glazing Finish Materials 14%-33%,eductivn 4%-10%,educdvn 16%,eductivn z%reducdvn s"mreduction None to low cost premium None m low cost premium mo cost premium 1o%cost premium None u`low cost premium � Redudngsmbmdied Carbon inBuildings www.,mimrg 6 What Is Embodied Carbon, and Why Is It with energy consurnpLion). As global construction Important? continues to rise, and existing bui|dingoperations becurnernore efficient, embodied carbon will becurne Ernbodied carbon refers to the greenhouse gas an increasingly significant issue--occounLingfor ernissions resulting fronnextracting, rnonufacturing, approximately 5O46ofglobal bui|ding'secLurernissions and installing materials and products over the life between now and ZO5O. This growing prob|ernwill cycle ofa bui|ding.z These ennissionscan also include account for a significant arnounLofuurremaining the Use phase and treaLnnentof materials aL the end carbon budget for keeping global warming below of their usefu| lives (e.g., reuse, recycling, |andfiUing), 1,5"C, and iL needs tobe addressed bypu|icyrnakers and practitioners now Lu drive the most irnpocL.o It's critical Lo understand which |ife-cyde stages are being considered in any studyofennbudiedcarbon, The most cornrnon characterizations are"cradle Lo The Time Value of Carbon gate"(covering material extraction, transportation, and rnonufacturing) and"cradle Lu grave"(which also |n the questtureduce the emissions generated inc|udes the use phase and end'of-|ifeconsidenaLions). from bui|dingcunstruction and operations, the rnost End-o#ife considerations are important for va|uab|e opportunity for reducing carbon isotthe developing holistic arid consistent view of the beginning ofo building's |ife. Ernbodied car-bon is environmental impacts that a material has thruughits critical tornitigating global dinnaLe change, because disposal ur reuse. Hovveve� end'of-|ifeconsiderations rnusLof these emissions typically uccur LIP front, aL are often urnitteddueLu data scarcity, uncertainty the start ufo building's life cycle. ArchitectureZO3O abuuteventua| treatment (will apruductbe |ondfiUed, reports that"[u]n|ike operational carbon emissions, recycled, urreused7), or other Unknowns, which can be reduced over time with bui|dingenergy efficiency renovations and the Use ofrenewable This report will only consider the crod|e+Lu-gate life- energy, embodied carbon ennissions are locked in cycle stages, orup�runternbodied carbon,These place os soon asobui|dingisbui|L |tis critical that vve stages correspond to the A]-A3 life-cycle stages get a handle un embodied carbon now ifvve hope to that are connnnon|y Used for |ife cycle ana|ysis,s phase out fossil fuel ernissionsby the year 2O5O," which refer to raw nnateria| supp|\( transport tothe Global construction is booming arid is projected to rnanufocturingsiLe, and nnanufacturing. Up-front continue to rise for decodes./ It is therefore critical ernbodied carbon indudesennissions related tothe Loreduceernbodied carbon ernissionsasquicWyas extraction, transportation (frurn extraction site to possible, because the ernissionsfrurn construction rnanufocturingsiLe), and rnanufacLureof materials. |t today can remain in the o1rnusphere for hundreds does riot inc|ude emissions related totransportation of years, Reducing and avoiding both ernbodiedarid Lo the cunstruction site, the construction or, use operating emissions is our best strategy for reducing phases, or end-u#ife considerations.Therefore, the overall quantity ufC{]_2e in the atmosphere. the core conclusions and case study analysis inthis report do riot address end-o#ife embodied carbon considerations, a|thuugh the report does discussend- Lowering Embodied Carbon Can of-life considerations ota high level, Drive Value Ernbodied carbon is critical for c|irnotennitigabun Embodied carbon reductions can deliver va|uebeyond because iL accounts for upward of1196 ofg|obo| reducing car-bon emissions, ernissions4(LIP to2396bysorneesdnnates),' butit has not been addressed at nearly the same scale Ernbodied carbon reductions can often ireduce project as operational ennissiuns(the ernissiunsassociated costs. Reducing the arnuuntof material needed ina Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings www.rmi.org/ project is one of the first steps that bui|dingdesigners Fina||\( reducing ennissions in the extraction, can take Loreduce embodied carbon, Procuring rnanufocLu ring, and transportation uf|om+ennbudied' fevverrnateria|svviUcusLtheowneranddeve|oper carbon nnaLeria|simproves allir quaUity and pulbUic |ess money, Further, carbon'reducdun strategies that IheaUtlhincornrnunities located close toindustria| reduce the cernent content of many concrete mixes centers. These health arid environnnento| benefiLs can also reduce cost, ascernenLisa driver of both cost are especio||y important for connnnunitiesufcolor, and carbon for concrete. Projects that use rnasstinnber inc|uding Black, Lotinx, and Indigenous cornrnuniLies for structura| components also reduce project costs and people in areas with |uvver incomes, who are most dueto faster construction times with rnore rnodu|or directly impacted by industrial ernissionsthrough cunnponenLs and sinnp|erconnections, higher rates ofasthrno and other diseoses,» Lovv'ernbodied'carbonpruducLsa|su often reduce einergy consumption in extraction' manufacturing, Setting the Stage aind/oir transportation. Un|essLheir process is driven bvcarbon'inLensivechennica| reactions, low- This report vvi|| lay uutofrarnevvurk for reducing ernbodied'carbonpruductsvvi|[ bynaLure, resu|t embodied carbon inbui|dings and highlight the ways in energy savings upstreonnofa material's end Use, that the constructiunindustry can cost-effectively These savings Lypico||yresu|tin operational cost reduce embodied carbon insurneof the nnost savings for nnoLeria| manufacturers, which rnaybe preva|entbui|dingconstrucdon types in the United passed onto the end consunner, States today. Bui|ding projects that reduceernbodied car-bon and/ or include avvhu|e-bui|ding life cycle assessnnent (VVBL CA) can heUp tommeet green buiUding certification requiremmeints, Certifications that incorporate embodied carbon inc|ude the Bui|ding Research Estob|ishnnent Environmental Assessnnent Method (BREEAM), Excellence in Design for,Greater, Efficiencies(EDGE), LEEDv4frorn the US, Green Bui|ding Cuunci[ arid both the Zero Car-bon arid Living Building Cha||enge certifications frurnthe International LivingFuLure |nstituLe ( LF|),u A low-ennbodied-corbon bui|ding design vvi|| also be lbetteir prepared for-futumecode or poUicy chainges that inceintfivize or requireUow emmlbodied carlboin. |n the near Lerrn, these changes could take the form ofa carbon tax, bui|ding code requirements, procurennentpo|icies (e.g, Buy Clean po|icies), development incentives, or,other regu|aLury rnechanisrns.A|Lhuugh localities are Unlikely to irnp|ennenLretrooctive pu|iciesrequiring |ovv- ernbodied'carbon bui|dingdesign, bui|dingLo o |ovv- ernbodied'carbon standard vvi|| prepare developers, designers, arid the cunstrucbunindustry for these |ike|yfuturescenarios, � Redudngsmbmdied Carbon inBuildings ww°^,mimng 8 Section Key Materials Driving Embodied Carbon in US Buildings / �%% Sri/� !�� 1✓G ,;;% err,%> r ' / ! /%i, r / �rr %//„✓� / r e 'J` %� /G� r r i�%J /o/ii i i,//� l rii / /'r,/' // r r,. / /r� � �„� „�,,,�/i�/%r��:✓ i»`�/rr%�/ ;/r 41�,. ,aril, i r r G loll rr r I r r., J ; r � `, ir� rrr% /a rl�i ���✓% �� �� ! I qer i IIIIIIIIIII J 'III 9 Driving Materials Embodied ��������0�� in US Buildings ��� ����� � � Industry Overview fronn interiors can occounL for a similar arnountof ernissiuns over the |ifetirneofa building, |n this report, In urderLu tackle embodied carbon in buildings and vvefocus primarily on structural materials, metals Initiate osectu�vvide shift toward addressing the (inc|uding steel arid a|unninurn), cement, insulation, issue, vve first need tu Understand the carbon impact and Lirnber, Each uf these materials has adifferent of the industries driving embodied car-bon ernissions. embodied carbon content butis critical tuour VVBLCAs show us that a building's structureand consideration ofstructural systems in this context. substructure typically constitute the largest source uf its up-front ennbodied carbon, LAP tu8O96depending VVe can better understand the carbon ennbodiedin on bui|dingLype.,» However, becauseofthe relatively buildings by looking aLthese materials individually: rapid renovation ofbui|ding interiors associated with cernent and concrete, stee|, tirnber, and insulation. tenancy and turnover, the total ernbodiedcarbon Exhibit 2 Typical high-embodied-carbon structural elements, building envelope materials, and finish materials . 2 Building Envelope Rigid Insulation Metal Panels �� t � lions Beams + Columns , Precast Panels Floor + Roofs 3. Finishes Ceiling Tile Gypsum Wa I IN source:Mimun Reducing Embodied Carbon inBuildings ww°^,mi.o,g 10 Cement and Concrete and someS[IVis are becoming less vvide|yovai|ab|e. For instance, supp|yof fly ash, abv-pruductufcoal Concrete is one of the rnustvvide|y used materials power generation, isfo||ingos coal is Used less and less in the cunstrucLiun industry and aprinnarysuurce aso power generation suurce. High-qua|ityaggregate of embodied carbon in buildings, |n fact,global Use can also reduce the arnountofcernent needed to of concrete exceeds the consumption of any other produce concrete due to better adhesion and other material, aside frornvvaLernA|thuugh each ufconcrete's properties, |nsorne cases, iL can even bevvorthvvhi|eto constiLuenLrnateria|s offer uppurtunities for reductions irnport aggregate,as the improved strength properties inernbodied carbon,the high ennbodied carbon uf can outweigh the carbon ernissiuns associated with concrete isprinnari|y driven bv the rnanufacLureofone Lransportation.,s key ingredient--ordinarypurdondcernent, Portland cernentis the most curnrnuncennentitiuus binder Used The rennoining4O96ofcernentpruductionernissiuns in concrete nnixLuresin the United States, arid the US connefronn the burning of fossil fue|stu heat the ki|ns cernent industry is one of the largest cuntributorsLo requiredtu produce clinker,The e|ectrificatiunufcennenL US-borne emissions at683nni||ionrnetrictons(MIMT)uf production, os well os the Use uf alternative fue|ssuch COze per yeac`z asbiornass and renewable energy, cuu|d help reduce emissions, but these strategies are currently inearly VVhi|e the layperson rnay use"cernent''arid"cuncreLe" stages ofdeve|upnnent arid adoption, Researchers interchongeab|y,they are unique materials, and are exploring carbon copturetechniques that vvou|d Understanding the difference is key tu the ernbodied capture and store carbon ernissionsfrurn the cennent carbon discussion,To build bui|ding,cunstruction W|nsasa poLentia| su|ution, but these technologies professiuna|s buy concrete(which contains cennent), nut are notnnarket-ready Becauseernissionsassociated the cernenL itself. Cernentis Used with water asabinder with cernenL are so significant(almost 1 kgofCClfor Lo adhere partidesuf sand arid rock(aggregaLe)together each kgofcernentrnanufacLured), rnanyresearchers Lofurrn concrete.The rnanufactureufcernenL tends Lo are working onernerging technologies to address this becentra|ized, and the rnixingofcernenL into concrete issue.mTodoy'stechnu|ogies can he|prnonufacturers is high|y|uco|izedLu rnininnizethe expense ufnnoving rnake cernent products with substonLia||y|ess ernissions heavy aggregate. aL competitive prices, and ennergingtechno|ugiesrnay be able tu pruducezero-ernbodied-corbon cernenL, or Nearly GO96ofC[1 emissions frurn cement production even net carbon-negative products,,r come frurnchernica| reactions that occurwhile producing c|inker, on intermediary cunnponent The building consLructionindustry'sdernandfor ofcernent,o Since these emissions are the resu|t concrete accuunLs for onestinnoLed5196oftotal pordand ofchernica| reactions,they cannot bereducedor cement producedin the United StaLes.m Given its e|inninotedbv increasing energy efficiency urby evident popularity inbui|ding construction, it's essential switching fue|s.As such, one way toreducethe vve address the high carbon intensity of this rnateria|, ernbudied carbon content ofcernentisby replacing o Aforthcurning guidebvRM outlines now concrete portion uf the cennenL with supplementary cernenLiLious ready-mix supp|iers, deve|upers, and contractors can materials(SCIMs)suchas fly ash and s|agorbv using a |everoge proven arid cost-effective su|utionsto lower the clinker-free alternative topurt|ondcernent, embodied carbon ufconcrete, However, SCMs are in high dernand due to their ability tu reduce the ennbudied carbon ofcernent arid concrete,w � Redudngsmbmdied Carbon inBuildings www.,mi�,g 11 Steel of CC)' ennissiunsonnuaUy12becauseE4Fs are effectively as"c|ean~as their energy source, The US steel indusLryis responsible for 104,6 IMIMTof CC)' ernissions annually, acontribubun that makes LAP The rnost straightforward way toreduceembodied 296oftotal US ernissions.mStee| indusLryennissions have carbon fbrsLructura| steel today is to specify steel dropped bv approximately GO46 since 1g9O, largely due produced in facilities that operate using relatively low- to technological i rn prove rne rits as well as increased emissions(or zero-ernissions)energy suurcessuchos recycling of scrap steel 2 11 Even so,steel isasubstantio| hydroelectric, renewable hydrogen, solar, ur wind,1s source ofernbodied carbon ernissions for the built A|thuughzero-corbon steel may not bemarket-ready environment that cuu|d theoretically bereducedLozero today, specifying steel pruducedin efficient factories will either through material substitution or-Lhroughthe ensure less energy is Used inpruduction. |ncombination production ofc|eonersteel, with cleaner electricity, this step can nnakeasignificant difference." |n recent decades,the US steel industry has shifted away frorn the use of integrated steel rni||s and the primary Structural steel is the predurninanL structural framing useuf blast oxygen furnoces,toward the Use ofmore rnateria| Used inbui|dingconstrucLiun, holding 4696of efficient electric arcfurnaces(EAF),Which Use scrap steel the rnarkeL share for structuro|fronning materials for aso primary input. Qf all the U5 steel rnadein2O16,7O96 nonresidential and nnu|tisLury residential construcLion was rnanufactured Using efficient electric arc furnace s,z` inZO17 Concrete arid wood held 34%and 1O96ufthe reflecting a switch that has indeed reduced the carbon rnarket share, respecLive|y,"Steel reinforcing or"rebar," footprint of steel, However, steel producdunrennainsan which is typically ernbeddedinstructuro| concrete,can incredibly energy intensive process, and steel destined also beornaUor Use ofsteel, for the bui|L environment is still responsible for 4GWIVIT � Redudngsmbmdied Carbon inBuildings www.rmiong �z Timber products are responsibly and sustainab|yproduced, and specifying p5C-certifiedproductsisapositive Timber has been Used inbui|ding construction for step toward managing low-carbon wood producLs.21, Lhuusondsof years and is still one of the rnustwidely However, FSCis riot the un|ysuurceufsusLainab|y Used bui|ding materials. |nZO17, bui|dingcunsLruction harvested wood,arid groups that du riot pursue accounted for 6296of wood product end Use inthe certification can also have exce||ent forest management United States,Although conventiono||y used for practices,When wood is riot harvested susLainob|y, construction of single-family houses arid low-rise the resulting ecological destruction, increased soil bui|dings,vvood is attracting interest worldwide for degradation, and use ofpeLro|eunn-based fertilizers can the consLrucdunofta||erbui|dingsas wood products drosticaUy increase the embodied carbon content of becorneon effective alternative Lo more carbon- vvoodpruducts, intensive concrete arid steel, Asdernand grows for wood products, it will becrucio| With the introductiunofinnovative design strategies Lo ensure this dennond is rnet with sustoinob|eforestry arid engineered wood productssuchascruss-|onninated rnanagennent practices, Otherwise,the broader Use drnber(CLT),wood issLeadi|ybecurninga more viab|e oftirnberasabui|ding product cou|d result inhigher material option for low-arid nnid'rise bui|dings.The carbon emissions and less ecological diversity.zr cost-effectiveness uf wood producLs has he|peddrive interest os costs of steel arid concrete rise, and wood products offer additional benefiLs for design f|exibi|i�y, Insulation constructiun speed, and reduced environmental irnpoct. NthuughcLTis not yet widely Used in the United States, |nsu|ationproducts are essential to creating operationally the vvood-frarned"pudiunn" building design,which efficientbui|dings.A|Lhough they rnoy represent ore|oLive|y inc|udes several stories of wood over one story uf snnaU portion ufan overall cunstruction cost budget,they concrete, is gaining inpopularity, can beo significant cunLribuLortoa building's ernbudied carbon budget,This category ofnnaLeria|s has producLs Timber cou|d even be considered aneLcarbon- with a broad range ofennbudied car-bon innpocts,fronn sequestering material, becouse the car-bon sequestered corbon-inLensive,petrochernico|-based contributors Lo duringatree's growth can surpass the carbon ennitted corbon-negative options, For,exornp|e,rigid or spray foann during harvesting arid nnonufacturing. Hovveve�this producLs have the greatest associated ernissiuns,whereas deternni nation depends on the nneLhudofcu|tivadon bio|ugica|-bosed materials(suchosce||u|ose and cotton arid harvest osvve|| as the end-of |ifeconsiderations producLs)can cunLribuLe very little ennbodied carbon or of the material, Considering wood osocarbon- even be considered asnetcorbun'sequesLeringproducts, sequestering material iso point of contention arnung The insu|aLive capacity ofo product,rneasuredosthermal industry experts,with debate largely revolving oruund resistance,orR*o|ue,varies between material type, varying forestry and harvesting practices and their with high values indicating higher performing insu|ation, effect onernissiuns. Nevertheless, timber istypically Bio|ugica|-bosednnoterio|s tend to have lower R-va|ues seen osa |uvvepcarbon alternative Lu steel and concrete than corbon'inLensive materials and vvou|drequirea when used osastrucLuro| material. thicker application uf the product Lu achieve onequivo|ent |eve| ofperforrna rice, Exhibit 3 demonstrates the relative |n order tufu||y Understand the irnpoctoftimber up-fronternbudied carbon ennissions associated with materials, environmental assessments rnusLfirst various insulation materials, account for variation in forest management and harvesting practices, because differences inthese practices produce great disparities in the onnounL of car-bon sequestered, For,exonnp|e,the Forest Stewardship Cuunci| (F5[)certifies that wood � gedudngsmbmdied Carbon inBuildings www.rmio,g 13 Exhibit 3 Embodied carbon of insulation materials (kg CO 2 e) Net Carbon Emitting Extruded Polystyrene (XP5) 1§111111111EMNIMMI= 20,205 Closed Cell SpraVfO8nn (HF{] MENOMONEE= 17,518 [|05ed Cell Spr8\doarn (HFC}) MEIMMI= 9,948 Mineral Wool 4,730 ��| Expanded Polystyrene(EPS) ���� 2,517 �� Fiberglass ��� 2,053 �Met CaiiIboin SequesteirKii,�iiq 3,319 Cellulose 18,2 5 7 H ern p[[ete 2 2,312 Straw Ba le Note:The amount ofCoze is based on n-20at 234 mz. Source:Chris Maqwoud. Opportunities for cOz Capture and Storage/n Building Materials,10.1314O/ms�22.3217|39208.2u19. Moving Forward emissions, 5trucLura| engineers, architects, arid other specifiers could significantly reduce embodied carbon in A|thuughernbodied carbon reduction strategies exist new construction projects at little to no additional cost today,there are several significant barriers tuachieving by Using the tools and resuurces available tothenntoday, these reductions. Perceptions of high cost, along with detailed in Section 3. industry resistance to change, have stifled progress. Misinformation and |uvv product availability have There are rnanyrnure materials and construction contribuLedLu misconceptions that|uvv'ernbudied- rnethods that can deliver subsLanLia| carbon reductions carbon products are more connp|icatedto use or in buildings beyond what iscovered in this repurL.The procure, or-that they are inferior in strength urqua|ity, processes,solutions,and case studies offered inthe Additionally, nnost industry decision makers and following sections can help developers, designers, developers remain Unaware of the ennbodiedcarbon and construction professionals achieve low ernbudied discussion arid therefore do riot know Lo request these carbon inbui|dings based untuday's best practices. products tu begin with,or they nnight not be aware of tools that can help thern identify and track their prcyect's � gedudngsmbmdied Carbon inBuildings www.rmio,g 14 Sec n 3 Proven S ��' ins and Strategies to Reduce E ied Carbon f r 11 , / l Ire N M it l r , u m Y i f 1 ism i i f 1 . f f i !r PI r / r/rr, , ollllo �i U �� � � ������ ���� 0��� �� ����oven 4����� �� N����� ��� ��� ��� 4�� ��� �� ����������� to ���� Embodied Carbon �� ��� � Building common understonding ufsu|uLions and strategies Lo reduce ernbudied carbon in buildings is o critical first step to testing the econonnicva|ue arid technical potential uf |ovv- ernbodied'carbonconstructiun. Characterizing Low-Embodied-Carbon Solutions Example Today,there are rnanyso|uLions that can be leveraged MinimizinQ the over-all quantity ofmateria|used inabuilding, Lo |irniL embodied carbon in new buildings.The totality especially high embodied-carbonmateria|ssuchasconcrete' of|ov-ennbodied-carbun solutions includes a long list steel,and petrochemica| hased insulation products'can significantly reduce the overall embodied carbon ofaproject, of offerings that span a wide range ufconnp|exity, Impact Designing for additional levels ofstrucmra|efficiency and Most simply, |uvv-ennbodied-corbon solutions for materia|savings car)yield^compoundingefficiency,''where buildings can be broken down into three main lighter structures reduce materia|quantities as well as requirements for foundations T his can direcdyresult in cote�ories� w���U�-���U����������' ���~���-��� materia|cost savings, mmateriaU substitution, arid speci-fication. In genera[ whole-building design so|utions can drive the Key Considerations 11 racking embodied carbon intsmsofki|oQramsof[DJe greatest embodied car-bon savings, However, material per square foot is key to quantifying the benefit ofmatsia| substitution arid specification can also resu|t in quantity reductions,Structura|engineers often design for substantial embodied carbon savings' especially when efficiency automatically based oil economics theyWorkwithintheamin�scheeshared'but because � m by the architect' these so|uLionsLar-geL carbon-intensive nnateria|s such engineers arid architects need a collaborative approach to as concrete arid steel, FurLherrnure,these categories achieve deeper,savings, are not rnuLuo||yexdusive...........they can be combined or performed in parallel to drive deeper ernbodied carbon savings, The exonnp|es corresponding with each strategy barely scratch the surface of possible low'ernbodied- Example corbonso|utions. [hoo$ngceUu|oseasaninsu|adngmateria|in place ofa petm|eum-based insulation(e,g,expanded po|ystyrene)car) achieve the same functional need(insu|adon}while dramatically As the world becomes rnurefluenLin |ovv'ennbodied- reducing the embodied carbon of the over-all po4ect, carbon construction, new design strategies may prove Impact Lhernse|ves more innpocLfu|, some materials may be |n some cases,insulation products car) lead to near-zero or, produced rnore efficiently,and orchitecturo| styles rnay net negative(sequestering}carbon emissions, shift�-o|| changing the calculation aruund designing for Key Considerations low embodied carbon, When considering two materials,it's important toconsider, their-functiona|performance,For insulation products,this includes their,thermal properties(e,g,R�o|ue)as well as their-form factors(e,g,blown product,rigid board,hat*arid other performance qualities(Whether they also provide all air, barrier,resist fire,repe|pests,etc�, Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings www.rmi.org 1 Applying Low-Embodied-Carbon Solutions to the Design and Construction Process The rnost effective path tu reducing cost arid carbon un 6xammpUe abui|ding construction or renovation project istoset A designer car)specify a desired percent reduction ofGVVPin a given concrete mix,To meet this demand,the manutacmrer ernbodiedcarbon�ua|sondperfornnano|yseseor|yin could incorporate changes to the concrete mix design that the design process,The initial prioritizaLionufembodied reduces embodied carbon while meeting the necessary carbon will enable the design tear-n to consider whole- strength requirerrients."Riese changes may include lowering the ratio ofpordand cement,incorporating supp|ementary building design solutions,which can yield substontio| cemenUdousmatsia|s(S[Ms}.or using aggregate that Will reducbunsin embodied carbon, It's important that result in lower total embodied carbon, design so|uLions are established early in the process impact becauseitbecornes more difficu|L and expensive to Cement often drives the embodied carbon ofa given concrete rnakefundonnento| changes os the project becornes mix,arid lowering its content will reduce the carbon impact of thepo4ect, rnuredeMnite. Key Considerations ReducinQport|and cement content may lead to notah|e Other interventions,such as nnoLerio| replacement and changes in process,such as longer-cure times for,agiven specification, naturally occur later in the design process cement mix, � ' when the pmqecLisrnurede�ned Substituting and desiQnteamcanuseopen-sourcetoo|ssuchasE[3orother ' databases(see page 19 for more information on these specifying |ovv'ennbudied'carbun materials alone can resources)toidentirythe|omepcarbon'cost-comparable have significant impact on the embodied carbon ufo option for their project,Somesupp|iss may not have environmenta| product dedaration(EPD}data displaying constructionor renovation project, the embodied carbon content of the materia|to prove ithas a lower embodied carbon content than standard products, Strategies Loreduce embodied carbon exist for These data limitations are expected to improve asdemand grows for,low-embodied-carbon materia|s, every stage uf the design process,frurnpredesign and site selection through occupancy(see Exhibit 4). Implementing these strategies falls under the responsibility ufnurneruus stakeholders and requires a level of collaboration beyond standard practice. "To foster the strong working relationships needed to execute these strategies, it is critical that the project owner bring together the architect, engineer, energy orsustoinobi|iLyconsultant, contractor(if possib|e), and other rna]urstokeho|ders at the outset of project tu establish roles and responsibilities arid set frequent check-ins thruughouL the design arid cunstructionprocess. � Redudngsmbmdied Carbon inBuildings www.rmi.org1`/ Exhibit 4 Strategies to reduce embodied carbon throughout the design and development process Primary Roles AL Architect Contractor Manufacturer Alk Owner Ak Structural Engineer AL Geotechnical Engineer Landscape Architect 1 Consider reusing an existing building before deciding to design a new building. 46 4WL Assess soil type and determine options for the building's foundation.Some types of foundations Predesign& use greater quantities of materials than others. Site Selection aka Consider salvaging or reusing materials from a building that is to be deconstructed. IL Set an embodied carbon budget for the project based on LCA calculations for similar buildings or case studies. 2 Ensure structural systems are compact,efficient,and not oversized. Design flexible and efficient spaces that allow for long-term changes in use. Conceptual AL Design for future disassembly and reuse. Schematic Design AL a,A Consider the embodied carbon trade-offs related to architectural design decisions such as massing,envelope systems,foundations,and landscaping. t41hn rM Conduct an initial whole-building LCA(WBLCA)or perform an LCA for"hot spot"materials or LIu 1dliu•u assemblies with higher carbon intensities. Desiigirn Select building systems and assemblies that minimize embodied carbon. Assess availability of local reused and locally sourced materials. wlaLeii°i„111 Specify material characteristics that result in low embodied carbon. 3 AL u �`i11'ir d tli r7 Substitute like-for-like materials that offer lower global warming potential mcuucuuy�rent Design ii Development hm8 W Consider the embodied carbon trade-offs related to architectural and structural refinements &Construction and changes. Documents 4L Update WBLCA as needed. 4 ILIncorporate clear embodied carbon goals in all procurement language and set building system or material-specific goals. Bidding& Include requirements for product substitutions in the specifications. Procurement AL A. Request embodied carbon data,including EPDs,from all vendors. A Include previous work,experience,and proposed solutions that address embodied carbon in any procurement selection criteria. AL Design a subcontractor selection process that incentivizes bidders to offer lower-embodied-carbon materials and methods. 5 Establish clear guidelines and targets to reduce construction waste. IV Hold contractors accountable for delivering low-embodied-carbon design committed to in Construction previous phases. Consider offering monetary performance bonuses for additional embodied carbon reductions identified and executed during the construction process. AL Document the as-built embodied carbon content of the building and publish the data. Update WBLCA as needed. 6 Debrief and apply lessons learned to future projects. � Establish embodied carbon reduction targets for future Occupancy: renovations and tenant fit-outs. Maintenance, Renovations& Tenant Fit-Outs SoUirce:Partially adapted frrom Fmbodied Carbon Quick Guide,.A Quick Reference Guide for Teams to Reduce their Project's Embodied Carbon, International I.Wing Future IlnstltUte,2020. Current Tools for Implementation Redevelopment and Reuse Anurnberof open-source arid subscriptiun-based When embarking ona building project,the first tools are available tu Support |uvv-ennbodied- consideration should be whether new construction carbon design and cunstrucbon strategies,The iS needed ataU.zp The embodied carbon impact following tools can be used to assess arid reducethe of redeveloping an existing structure iS5O96to environmental impact ofprojects: 75% lower than the impact ofconstructing anew bui|ding.s" Bvrepurposing existing assets, both cost ~ TheAtt'ieinaUmmpact Estimmatorr forr Buflidlirigs is a and carbon emissions associated with new bui|ding free software tool for conductingaconnprehensive materials are avoided, Even if the foundation and life cycle assessment ofbui|dings. It draws on an structure are the only elements retained, their reuse ennbedded database uf regionally specific nnateria| will have a sign ifri cant impact on the embodied carbon life-cycle data.The tool allows for side-by-side of the project, because these components generally comparisons providing clear visibility into the account for a majority ufabui|ding'5 carbon fro ctprint. impacts ufvarious design choices, |fredeveloping an existing building is not aviab|e ~ ��e Cairboill"i Smmairt MateiriMs PaUetteisan option, consider incorporating recycled materials into ArchitecLure2O3O project that provides"ottribuLe' the design wherever possible, |tiS also important based design andrnateria| speciMcotiunguidance~ to design with the end of the building's |ifeinmind, intended tu connect designers arid specifiers with ensuring the systems can be easily decunstructedand information about key materials and actionable reused or that the building can be easily reconfigured information about how to reduce ernbodiedcarbon to fill another use, during the design and construction process,1» ~ The Emmtiodied Carbon lill"i Coinstirructior"I The following section presents case studies that CaUcuUatoir(EO) is an upen-source database that apply nurnberof|ovv-ernbudied-carbon so|uLions houses Lhousondsof digitized,third-parLyverified to achieve substantial ennbodied car-bon reductions Environmental "Iroduct Declarations (EPIDs). This ot less than 146 additional cost, tool isrnusL useful in providing transparency of information and connporing the carbon innpactof different product options across sinni|ar nnoLeria| types, EC3 also allows Users Lo compare the Up-front(Al-A3) ennbudied car-bon innpactsuf different building materials for ogiven project, buL iLis not intendedasaVVBI CA tool. ~ Oirie CUllc�k I CAisa subscription-based software productthaL integrates with building Information modeling(B|M) and an extensive database uf material EF'Dstu produce o life cycle assessment in any design stage ofaproject, ~ �aUUyis on application that allows,architects and engineers tuperfornn highly detailed VVBLCAsof projects directly within the Revit design platform, � Redudngsmbmdied Carbon inBuildings www.,mi�,g 19 i %�, r/ /' i =r, l�, r, l r ��lf �, l f.::�: � , ___ r� �� r! /r,,,, _ . >/,. r rill. ,, r,�,,,.. > r i L r re �„ rl F �f�, � !%%/, 6x7m�r %r/0/i 1�1 J ' r r I1 ,� �� I ;, � ; ; � J r„i (�; i I � � U f , �) � r � ; �� SSSS 11ti111, �������1I,���1���1� � i, ,'� j � � � �; I, ��' �������i �I�u��liull � �i ul�iYiUo� i � muu'� �� �� � ����� li I �� �r i � ,1,,; l '','� �,_ � rs� , %i ri//rri�;,� rr, /,��i� J f�� � ' , �" `� i III II�-% J�! /// /rye (1J f` ,; ��� �, i �_ i� uu dui .. �� r ; ��` t ( n �4i� .� r r i � 1 � � r ..� , uu i r ��4 ' � � t� f �' � fur r� � f, � � �� r � 1 � J r, �� 1 ;, I r i r' � �� � r 1I 1' � V IIIIIII i "'" r %� � I rr r; � , � � rr � ,' - a � �;, >- � r / %" / s f ,,ij� G ? is � r; a %; % 'f ,� r /, ,� lI„ f r i i � ,r �� �; �'� � � i �. �, � `�irr; %/,,, III ' '��i � j i�./ Ili � / 1/ I f � � 1 �// i� /: �e w e �� r n. of rm' '; , ( u„ ',ry �/�° � r 0 ,fi,r r � f r ( � r � J r / r % � r 1 �/ /�,, � � l rri r i�,.//, se Studies in the Economics of owm Embodied= Carbon Buildings Overview these r-neasures increased overall project costs by Iess than 1%, which is within the rnargin of error for One of the core objectives of the report is to answer rnost construction project budgets, the question: How much can we reduce ernbodied carbon in new bLAildings,at no additional cost? Skanska, one of the worid's ieading sustainable construction fir-irns, provided cost data frorn In short, this StUdy shows,that eirnbodied car-bon three actual projects In the Pacific Northwest and can be reduced by 24%-46% in mid-rise commercial condLActed an analysis under the guidance of IRIW to office, rT1LAItifarTdiy, and tilt-up-style buildings by generate the results Of this, study, Iever-aging low- arid no-cost r-neaSUres, "Together, Exhibit 5 Methodology and assumptions for the report's case study modeling exercises Data-Driven Three Building Methodology Construction Types E E ..................E Quantity takeoffs from real Skanska Mid-Rise Steel and Concrete E E projects of r (IIIIII II I I E Embodied carbon Mid-Rise Stick-Built coefficient data � i E Construction from EC3 tool j%IIIII E Cost estinmates based o actual project data and INS III Concrete Tilt Up regional pricing Two Scenarios Cost-effective low embodied Business as usual carbon(low or no additional up-front cost) Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings www.rmi.org 121 Methodology Skanska and IRKl chose the three building construction types included in this sturdy based on the Use s r�o.�,t significant building Usety��cs that exist in the United States today by gross square footage.31 This 1�! InClUdes bUilding;wlth a steel-re iriforced concrete slab and steel and concrete above grade case" stud 1), buildings with a steel-reinforced concrete slab aria traditional tlrriberfrairnin above grade (ease sturdy 2), and buildings with tilt-LAP construction (case sturdy). Case studies 1 and ) are representative of traditional � " raid-rise office and rnultifairnily residential bUilr ingse whereas case sturdy 3 represents a construction rnethodology cr:rrnrrionly used for big-box retail, ,f warehouses, and data centers. Skanska chose three representative bLAildi g s of these construction types frorn its recent construction � portfolio, As a full-service design, crust estimation, o and construction firm, Skariska was able to produce quantity takeoffs grid cast estimates for each of these ��/��' buildings, Skariska corribiried the quantity takeoff information for theses"three projects y, with environmental performance data frorn the Embodied Carbon in Construction alr::ulator°(EC3) tool to develop a high-level est:irnate of the Up..:frr:rrst earrikaodied carVar:rrs associated with constructing t:Fsea structural systernse irssulatir:rrse glazing, and interior flrsisfs rrsaterials wltFslrs each existing building design. The original cost arid quantity takeoff information, combined with the Up-front (cradle-to-gate, or,A1_g3) eirnkaodied carbon data frorn IF:C3, established r:rur� ,tbaseline case, ��% o�ir� '� a ��� IN � �/ Skanska then modified each of these baseline buildings to develop a "cost-effective eirnb died carbon reduction"scenario. The rrsairs rnetFsr:dology �r for this scenario was to sealed rrsaterials that represent the 80th percentile of carbon dioxide equivalent established in available environmental prodLA :t. declarations(F:F'IDs) for they chosen material, IF:If'IDs are essentially independently verified prodLACt labels that approximates embodied carbon and other environmental impacts. Skarsska's rrseatfodology focused on ones-for-ones material SLAbstltution and specific tl rs strategies, s performing whole-bUildir ; Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings www.rmi.org122 design changes Wou|dbedifficu|LtorefecLinthe FinaU\( this study does riot inc|ude any vvho|e-bui|ding rnude|s. Then, Skansko performed o cost analysis to design strategy changes, A|thuugh these strategies either affirrn that the chosen nnateria| vvou|dhave (e.g, redesigning obui|dingLu Use different orfewer no attributab|e cost increase, or-to ca|cu|o1ea cost structural materials) can often achieve significant prerniurn for the chosen nnaLeriai The nnoLerio|sthat reductiunsat |uvv cost,the scope of this project were chosen for this"cost-effective~scenario were riot |irniLedour analysis tu Use of the EC3 tool, EC3can Lo increase total project cost bvrnore than 196, readily nnake specification and une-fur-unennoteria| substiLuLiun comparisons, but it does riot have the RM| arid Skonska also intended Loinc|udeadditional capability to inform whole-building design changes, ernbodied carbon reduction measures that would drive deeper vvho|e-bui|ding embodied carbon The following case studies detail our key findings for reductions. Many of the nneosuresin this category each cunstruction Use type. are Under deve|upnnent or- not widely ovoi|ab|einthe United States; uLherscou|d riot beaccurote|ycosLed, Asoresu|t,these advanced material so|utiuns are riot inc|udedin the scenariosbe|ovv but are addressed quo|iLative|yinsection 5, Limitations of This Study |deoU}\this study vvou|d incorporate data frorn Lhuusandsof projects across the United States, Such a sample vvou|d provide o diversity of cost estinnates frunn construction firms, an understanding of regional variation in pricing and ovai|obi|it\( and asLabsticoUy significant sarnp|euf costs arid quantity takeoffs, The data and the assertions nnade in this sLudy are based on the scenorius that RIW| and 5kanska studied. However,they cannot be generalized toall bui|dingLypo|ugies, or-across every building project, because they were not drawn frunnostatistically significant sarnp|e, nor are these cunstructionUse types perfectly representative uf their respective construction types. AddiLionaUy,the case studies only address up-front ernbodied carbon, which considers |ife-cydestages A]-A3 (extraction, nnanufacLu ring, and transportation between those processes), or crad|e-to-gate sysLern boundary, The case studies do riot consider the ernissions related tucunstruction, use, or the end of apruduct's |ife(including any uf the considerations in |ife-cyc|e stages A4-A5, B, C, or D). � Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings www.,mi�,g 2 3 Case Study 1: Mid-Rise Concrete and Steel Construction In a five-story, 200,000 ft2' rnixed-use office building with as steel-reln-forced concrete slab and steel and concrete above-grade construction, we identified as potential 46%reduction in up-front ernb(.Aied carbon by f'ocusing on a wide array of building cornponents,The cost prerniurn for this reduction in ernb(.Aied carbon is less than 0.5%of the overall project cost, Embodied Carbon Reduction by Material Category 46% rota i 32% Reductio i HIM I 01MY lllllllllI Ill Ill Ill lllllllll 0.500% (UM 4, rr BaseHne Concrete Rebar Wazing ffisWation Steel Proposed (e)(d webar) 4.0 N A hl III I Reducing Embodied Carbon in BOdings wwwxrni.org 124 Case Study 2: Mid-Rise Stick-Built Construction In a six-story, 125,000 ft2, mixed-use rnultifarnily building with lumber frarrilng above a steel-relnforced concrete slab, we identified as potential 41% reduction in up.-front ernbodied carbon by focusing on as wide array of building cornponerits, wrhe cost prerniurn for this reduction in ernbodied carbon is less than 0.5% of the overall project cost, in line with the results of case study 1. Embodied Carbon Reduction by ""`° Material Category % I ota i lZeductioll 14% 4 0A 41%6 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII2 1% 0 5 W/u 0,400% 7W Hiseline Insulation Concrete Rebar Flooring/ (I Doors Steel Proposed Paint IQexcl rebar) i�flliiii P au an au u, III Reducing Ernbodied Carbon in BOdings wwwxrri.org/25 Case Study 3: Tilt-Up Construction In a 360,000 ft'tilt-up concrete warehouse, we identified a potential 24% reduction in up-front ernbodied carbon by focusing on shell and core rnaterials only, 'rhe cost prerniurn for this reduction in ernbodied carbon is less than 1% of the pr(.,)ject cost as slightly higher prerniurn as cornpared with case studies 1 and 2 but still within the rnargin of error for rnost construction projects. Embodied Carbon Reduction by Material Category 19% Tota i I No F%edLJCt III III" O/b Mo% OJO% fl I ZeHl ne Concrete Rebar Gypsum Sted Proposed (e)(Ld rebaw) sll V Ord ma u Illlllllllppppppp ppi � �ap�j.. �� Reducing Embodied Carbon in BOdings www.rrni.org/26 Interior Fit-Out Further Opportunities to Reduce Embodied Carbon in Case Study Buildings AithoughitiS commonly Understood that the structure ufa typical building accourtS for the majority uf There are several ernbodied carbon reduction the bui|ding's up-front embodied carbon footprint, opportunities that gu beyond the specification and examining the recurring cycle of renovation over a one-for-one material substiLutiunopportunibes building's life reveals the importance of interior�nish inc|uded in our analysis. These indude: materials, � Interior finish andfit-uuL reductions,' including: |n some cases, the curnu|abve impacts ufmultiple renovation cycles can surpass the up-front embodied ° Substituting traditional dryvvo|| with lightweight carbon accunnu|ated during a building's con5truction.sz or a|Lernotive (p|onL'bosed) drywall materials Arecent report from architecture and design firm Hawley Peterson Snyder conservatively estimated ° Substituting |ovv'ernbodied-carbon carpet tiles that building interiors are renovated or replaced on a rnadefrurn alternative materials 15-year cycle, adding to the building's total embodied carbon each dnne.zs In cities with high frequency of ° Specifying lower-ernbudied-carbun ceiling tiles tenant improvements, this cycle cou|d be much shorter, and paint products Building typology also plays a key factor in the relative impact of interior�t_uuAs. For instance, curnrnerda| s Replacing or redesigning c|addingand structural and residential buildings are renovated at higher e|ennents,n such as: frequencies than other buildings, leading to higher cumulative impacts of embodied carbon. ° Replacing nneLa| decking or light-gouge steel vva|| pone|svvith wood-based a|ternaLives In a 2Ol05tud}\ the Carbon Leadership Forum measured the impacts uf initial construction combined ° Redesigning entire structural systernsto with mechanical, electrical, and p|urnbing(K4EP)and lever-age |ighLer-vveightrnoteria|s (such as tenant improvements(T|), recurring at intervals of15 wood) and recalculating the size and nnateria| year5.The results indicated that when replacements content of slabs and other foundational ufVIEPand T| accumulate over 60-yearbui|ding structural e|ernenLs |ife span,the combined impacts exceed the initial con5trucbon impacts incertain cases.s^ s VVho|e'bui|dingdesign conside rations,ill inc|uding: Materials used for interior fit-out5 are often made ° Adaptive reuse of existing bui|dings bvconnpaniesvvith high|yvariab|e product lines, So providingEPDsforeachpruductcanbednne- and ° Reducing floor area for greater Occupant cost-prohibidve.zs In a study conducted by the Carbon density or nnore efficient use uffiuor space Leadership Forum, the material categories that were found to carry the highest global warming potential (GVVP) in interior ht-outs, such a5a|unninurn-franned store frants, HV4C components, interior partitions, and wood flooring and under|aynnent, lacked essential L[A data.s«These current data limitations are expected to improve as demand grows for low-embodied-carbon fit-out nnateria|S. Design practitionersShou|d reduce the quandtyofhigh-ennbodied-carbon materials ifa low-impact alternative is not available in their region, � gedudngsmbmdied Carbon inBuildings www.rmi.orgz`/ Discussion Northwest, we can note thern as strong anecdotal evidence, natherLhanbruad|yapp|icab|econc|usions, These resu|ts lead us to afevv puvverfu| observations, Even though the strategies ennp|oyeddo not inc|ude VVe had hoped to draw stronger condusionsfrurn comprehensive vvhu|e-bui|ding design strategies, these case studies about the cost, carbon, and they still yie|da24%-4696 reduction inup-fronL material impacts ofsubsLituting more strucLura| steel ernbodied carbon through specification and material and concrete with wood, but becauseof the limits uf substitution measures. Given that these conclusions our study(narne|y the fact that vve were nut ab|e to are based on three case sLudiesin the Pacific redesign bui|dingstructura| sysLenns), vve were Unable Lo draw suchcunc|usions, / Interior finish and fit-out reductions were included tualimited extent in case studv2;they were excluded from the other case studies because interior fit-out and finish materials were not included in the oiNuf materials for the original projects. v These changes weire not considered in the case studies because they would have required a level of strUctural redesign beyond the scope of the project. a BecaUse this analysis was based on buildings that had already been designed and specified,these changes fell OUtside the scope of the project. Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings www.rm�.org/28 Exhibit 6 The categories in which a project's embodied carbon can be reduced for little to no cost Concrete i ff 14%-33% reduction i Illlllmm. None to low-cost premium Rebar See case studies 1,2,and 3 4%-10%reduction 3 3/e None to low-cost �✓/ iii�uuioi premium See case studies 1,2 Insulation i a 16%reduction No cost premium See case study 2 Glazing3% P � k Finish r;/ o Materials 3/o reduction e case study premium2 Se b, �., �NNNhn1g1 o n 911i ii I�uuullVuum umoi IVuu m u � i�. 5% reductions l None to low-cost p remium See case study 2 Reducing Embodied d Carbon in Buildings www.rmi.org/29 Seption 5 rtn 0 ppor ', s to Drive r Savings %!% f06, / " r� rid ���/i ������ ,, i/�%%`%�.�1r; �!, ��ill/ri%� �+)�iG�%'�ri✓/�/y,! / !i �'i�� "' �w�M!r� �wu�. �lu i Y� I I I' Idll I q WJO W i III I v { I 7 ��,r`��,r� Sri �ir J��� r` rrr✓�r�✓vr o i� � r:r � s, l Ir„FF'1 �'r''I�r r7rrrrJTl+fIG+✓dx�i�yl d r � �r 11114 ar�i�r�r✓r;r a� �� r/ ur rl 1 r j� rrsr Ow, r r+����`rl'r f�✓ r �nr��rld r ,,r portunities to Drive Deeper ings � The case studies in Section 4 demonstrate that targets, ThisWill in turn reducecusLs as result the technology and solutions available today can of greater rnarkeL penetration, familiarity, and economically lower the ennbudied carbon ofbui|dings. production of critical products, Although riot part of this study, there are several additional financial levers that could furtherImprove As the business case for |uvv-ernbudied-carbon the econornics of|uvv-ennbodied-corbun buildings: construction continuesto grow and more practitioners adopt reduction strategies asstandard s UinterinaUcarlboin priciling: Applying omonetary practice, iLis important tu acknowledge key factors cost to carbon via o carbon Lax or self-induced that can influence now low-ennbodied'corbon corporate carbon pricing cuu|d drannaLico||y opportunities are approached in any given project, increase the vo|ueof |ovv-ernbodied-carbun design tothe developer-. Companies like Re&naUdifferences and data d�spariitliesrnay Microsoft have Implemented an Internal cost enable certain |ovv-ernbudied-carbunso|uLionsand of carbon that is used to influence decisions prohibit others, Emmergiling Uowm-emmbod�ed-carlboin toward reducingcorbon ennissions, induding mmateriaUs and techniques can nnoke |irniting cunstructiun carbon ernissions. embodied carbon sirnp|er, less expensive, or, more innpactfu| as they becorneavailable. Fino||\( low- s Consumer sav�ngs: Scaling producbonoflow- ernbodied-carbonbuiUding codes arid pofic�esare ernbodied'carbon nnoLerio|s could result in cost gaining nnonnenLurn across the United States and will savings being passed ontu the consurnecSavings Increase rnarkeLdennond for |ovv-ennbodied'corbon fronnreducingport|andcennentino concrete rnix, materials arid constructiun. for instance, rnoy today be realized only bythe reody'rnixsupp|ier, butvvith added transparency and growing dennond for concrete with lower Regional Differences cennent content,these savings may beconnea benefit for the purchaseraswell, Regional variations in labor force, material supply availability, carbon intensity uf energy grids, and other s IMarlket commpetWon: Increasing the producLion factors can significantly alter the econonnicviability, of|uvv-ernbodied-carbunnnateria|sislikely availability, and workforce capabilities oruundspecific Loreduce the cost of the nnaLeria|s. Thisrnay low-ennbudied'carbonso|utions. also be accelerated by increased dernandfrurn preferential purchasingpolicies. Electricity Used during rnanufocLuring can curnefronn regional sources with varying degrees ofcarbon s DeveUopMg and reducing embodied carlboin intensity. For, instance, surne steel products nnode targets: Requiring the rneasurernentofembodied in factories Using electric arc furnaces can bevery car-bon for new bui|dings arid renovation projects low in embodied carbon if the electricity cornes alone will lead to greater dernandsfor low- fronn hydropower or other zero-carbon sources. In ernbodied'carbon nnoLerio|sond construction regions Using coal and other carbun'inLensivefue|s techniques, Once ennbudied carbon is regularly to generate electricity,those sarne steel products will rneosured, codes, policies, and standards will have rnuch higher embodied carbon. becorne stronger tools for setting stringent � Redudngsmbmdied Carbon inBuildings www.rmi�,g 31 l r The transportation of materials within or across geographic regions can significantly impact the eirik odied carbon of a product. AlthcI the rnanUfaCtUririg stage typically eirnits the highest ravels of car-bon in the life cycle of a given product, transportation emissions can be sukastGaritial, particularly when a large qLA aritity of material is s ; transported across long di�,tar�c�.s. When evaluating low--embodied--carbon material options, eirlissions associated with transport to the construction site (lifecycle stage A4) shr:ruld be considered alongside the embodied carbon of the given material (Iffecycle IOo stages Al-­A3), It is Werth rioting that many studies, inClUdin,g this study, do riot incorporate lifecyc:le stage A4 because the information Is riot readily available vita tools such as f C3. Additionally, it requires � � , " � ­ are additional side calculation for each rriaterial � depending on its Source. In sorne cases, specifying local materials that cut down on transportation eir fissions will be the better option, whereas in other" cases it will be better to ship materials with low Up— f front embodied carbon from farther away. �� � � �" � r�x,� The capability of a local labor force to work with low--embodied--carbon products varies, affecting a design arid C"nstr°L1C'tV(:Drl tearn's ability to Ir1"1pemE'r'It -� � certain low erribodied carbon solutions. (Many proo:IUcts .SLA :h as low®er-ribo ied-car-bon car-feet tiles,thinner wall ,gypsum boards, and sustGainably Sourced sheathing prod UCts—look, feel, avid are typically installed like their traditional r.:ou rite rparts. However, constr'LActin,g a rn ass timber structural system or working with a new ceirient chemistry may be a skill set less common to a given region,which can risk additional time avid expense for a project that specifies these solutions without a trained arid knowledgeable workforce, The negative impacts of regional differences will decrease as dernand grows for low®eiriV tidied-carbon products, labor forces gain experience with new skill sets aria construction methods, and training becomes available to work with these materials and Solutions, Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings www.rmi.org/32 Regional Data Disparity BO96ufproducts represented have less embodied carbon than the vo|ue listed, demonstrating a Environmental ProducL Declarations(EPI)s) are a key conservative target for reduction. A tighter, but still tool for selecting |um+ennbudied-carbonproducts, achievable target isdernonsLroLedbv the lowest value The availability of EPE)s varies by region due to within the colored area, indicating that only 2O96 of nnonufacturers supplying data based ondennondfronn products represented have less ennbudiedcarbon the local pub|icand private sectors, than the vo|ue listed, This range is similar across all locales, whereas the extrernernininnurn and nnaxirnurn The graphs below(Exhibit 13)show the range uf values vary significantly, indicating that sorneregions, ennbodied carbon content inready-nnix concrete frurn suchos California, have o higher nunnberufEPI)sthat EPI)s across California, �Nevv York, arid Georgia. The show a wider range ofproducts, highest va|ue within the colored area indicates that Exhibit 7 Embodied carbon range of ready-mix concrete available in California, New York, and Georgia In each location,the'`Conservative'`value represents that 8u+aufavailable spos show a lower embodied carbon content per unit ofconcrete, the"Achievable"valUe represents that 20%of EPDs show a lower value,and the"Majority Range"captures 60%of available EPDs. CaUfforiMa New York Georq�a Numbernf 1,000 avai|ab|eEPDs� 27�46 9�� 473 ' IlMax847 800 � Max596 600 � IlMax554 Conservative Conservative kg COueper ydzof Conservative 462 465 ready~mmkx concrete 4,28 400 Ackiavab|e 272 Aclhievalble ZOO 240 Achlievaliblie 207 �in1O� � _�- � WnS4 | LO Wn2 source� cc3Too| � Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings www.rmi.m,g 33 Advanced Materials to Drive Greater materials that either reduce or(net) store ennbudied Change carbon alone can drarnaticaUy curb bui|ding-re|ated carbon ernissions. Emerging |ovv'ernbodied-carbon materials arid techniques can rnoke |irniting ernbodied carbon The materials Outlined in Exhibits 9-11 dernonstraLe a sinnp|e� less expensive, ur more innpactfu| asthey variety ufernbodied carbon reductionnneasuresand beconne available. Although ennbodied carbon can be offer alternatives to traditional cunstructionmaterials reduced substantially using widely available products with higher ernbodied carbon. While sornennoteria|s today, emerging materials and other technologies are widely available across the United States, others nnoy help lower ernbodied carbon content asthey are emerging and requirefurther testing, |Liscritical beconne available, prove their rnerit, or,come down in to research the ennbudied carbon savings offered by price. Exhibit demonstrates ovvide array ofbuilding ogiven nnateria| along with specific constructobi|it\( materials (most of which are readily available today) durability, cost, and other factors when choosing that range fronn high-ennbudied'carbon materials advanced material options, to materials with high neternbodied carbon storage potential, Raising awareness around readily available Exhibit 8 CO2 e emissions and storage capacity of building materials ". CO2e/ mmateiIaU -4.0 -3.5 -3.0 -2.5 -Z.O -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 O 0.5 1.0 1.5 2D 2.5 3D 3.5 4.0 Po|ystyrene(EP5) Steel Gypsum Board Cement Steel (recycled content) Concrete 1--lemperete Laminated Bamboo Mass Timber mnx Dimensioned Lumber ���� mrao Straw � �� min Source:Table se.Qa|inaChurxinaet al, "Buildings as a Global Carbon Sink," Nature Susta/nab///t»2o2o Reducing Embodied Carbon inBuildings ww°^,mi.ong a4 Exhibit Market~ReadyMaterials Materials that are readily available but have not yet achieved high market penetration Embodied Carbon Reduction Measure Description Market Readiness Byincea$ngthequandtyofpe-andpost-recyc|ed Products are readi|yavoi|ab|efor Carbon~negatKve matsia|s.biopo|ymers,arid other No-based materials, use today. carpet backUng carpet ti|e manufacturers can produce products that are carbon negative when measured from cradle oogate, AQmwinQnumberofp|an�based insulation products Several straw,hempceoe,arid are emi|ab|eon the marhet,Thesemateria|s are often ceUu|ose products are avai|ab|eor) considered |mminemhodied carbon or provide anet the markettoday, sequestration of carbon in buildings,[eUu|osehas PUant~basedUnsuKatUon been avai|ab|e for decades in the United States but is 1pmmducts being reformulated to Work in different form factors, Hempereteis another-high|y sustainable mateha|that serves asan excellent insu|aoo: Both of these materia|s are emi|ab|ein the esidentia|market but are riot readi|y avai|ab|ein the incommer- ia|constructionmarket, Low-GWP extruded po|ystyrene(XPS)insulation Several products are avai|ab|ein products are madebyrep|acinQHF[434a.ahigh-GWP the United States. Next~gen, Kow~GWP XPS hydmOuomcarbonb|owing agent,with a blend ofother, UnsuKatkon products Wowing agents With |omerGVVPs,The Wends donot e|iminateGVVP but offer,a lower,a|temaUvetotradidona| XPS products m�th very high GWp� Graphene-infused paints are|ime-hased products with Several products are avai|ab|ein Graph ene~10 used carbon~ added graphene for,strength and durahi|ity,The|ime the United States,but their carbon sequestering paUnt ingredient absorbs CO,from the surrounding air,asthe reduction daims are untested, paint dries, Lightweight wallboard products reduce transportation Several products are avai|ab|ein emissions and are moeeasi|yhand|ed or)jobsites,One the United States. Lightweight wallboard example isa|ightweight gypsum board that also reduces 1pmmducts embodied carbon byequirinQ less heat and associated emissions needed to dry the mix, |t also uses less water than typical gypsum wmUboapds," The use of limestone asasupp|ementarycementidous Several products are avai|ab|ein matsia|(S[M)represents an important,|om+costhigh- the United States. avai|abi|ity first step toward|omering the embodied emissionsof concrete, Limestone is the most readily avai|abeS[K ,�ven that it�a|eady present in ���� �� ��mm��� �������� cemert and deposits are widely avai|ab|e,Thetotal emissionsabatement potential of limestone is|imited hysubst�tudon |imits(l5%inASTIM).Which reflect the reduction instrength assodated with rise of|imestone asanS[M, Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings www.rm�.org Exhibit 10 Near-Market-Ready Materials Materials that are available on a small-or pilot-project scale but are not yet broadly available on the market Embodied Carbon Reduction Measure Description Market Readiness Several emerging cement chemistries and production methods Market readiness varies based on are being pursued,requiring less fue|for cement production arid the technology and the producer, Alternative resu|tinQinfemmrchemioa|reaction emissjons, Most products have undergone cement testing arid are currently being chemistries and Some of these technologies are currently in use ina|imrtednumber offered hy one or more ready-mix ofpmducUonfaci|itiesforrea�+mixconcete others concetesupp|ieo �mm������ ' , being used only tomake precast pavers,and others are earlier in development, Substitudng cement WOsupp|ementarycemendtiousmaterials Producers are consistently looking (S[Ms),such as fly ash,slag,orpozzo|anic materials,inhigher for ways to reduce cement content percentages car)dhve greater carbon reductions,S[Mshomnon- in concrete mixhy increasing the fossil fuel sources such as glass pozzo|anor rice husks can further amount ofS[Ms'but high(5O'Yo- Hkgher enhance carbon reductions,T his substitution leads to|ommrcement plus)S[M mixes are riot currently concentrations of requirements in the concrete mix but is dependent on the supply market validated in most regions , ofS[Ms'availability ofhiQhS[M mix design performance data,arid SCMskt concrete architectura|/strucmra|de$gnrequirements,Higher concentrations ofS[Ms than are typically accepted hy industry today can increase the time to reach specified compressive strengths,which is why this strategy is typically|imitedor riot used at all for quickvertical construction projects with short Ume|ines, These products claim to reduce emhodied carbon hydirectly These products are available in injecting carbon dioxide into concrete,where itis mineralized arid certain locales,but their embodied CO 2~Knjected permanently embedded,Since ement naturally carbonates over carbon reduction daimsare cement products time,itremains unclear whether this process offers|ong-termcarbon untested, advantages particularly giver)the need for high-grade Some companies are also looking atcapturing CO,from cement kilns, S|Ps and other exterior panels car)be made With p|an�basedmateria|s, Straw bale S|Ps and prefabricated Some carbon accourflngsystemsmaycuroiderthese materials tobe straw bale Wall panels have Plant-based wall net carbon sequestering,and others would consider-them tohelow been successfully imp|emented embodiedcarhonwhencomparedaiththepetm|eum-or&ypsum- in the residential market for 1paneUs based traditional materials that they replace, selective projects,hommvecthese applications are not yet common in the commeria|market, CO 2~sequestemmd T his nea technology uses[0'asa raw materia|for makinQ Several startups are actively carbonate mcks Thecarbonatemckspmducedaeusedinp|aceof developing this ne%AItechnology, aggregates for natural limestone rock mined from quarries,whichis the principal concrete component of concrete, Magnesium oxide wallboards car)be used in place oftraditional Several USmanufacturers gypsumdrymmUor other sheaOhingapp|icadons,Thecalcination offer products With a variety of Magnesium oxide process equiedto manufacture this product occurs atlower- applications arid uses,but some temperatures compared with that of traditional pordand cement or studies have highlighted negative wallboard ca|cium oxide,resulting in reduced manufacturing emissions, moisture-absorbing features that can lead to mold and moisture damagein certain cases'm Laminated Bamboo|umher products are a viable alternative to lumber, Bamboo Not tested or produced atscale in bamboo lumber offers some advantageous strength characteristics compared to the United States and structurM typical lumber products,butthere are outstanding questions about bamboo the longevity and general re$|ienceofbamboo lumber products.w � Redudngsmbmdied Carbon inBuildings ww°^,miong as Exhibit11 Materials in Development Materials that are under development and that could provide significant embodied carbon reductions for critical building materials Embodied Carbon Reduction Measure Description Market Readiness Using mo|ten oxide electrolysis orreneWaWy T his product is riot yet available on the market, produced hydrogen to produce steel and reducing but many producers are impmvinQ the embodied the amount of virgin steel through reuse or carbon of available steel year-ovepyear,and there Zero-carbon steel egc|inQcan enable azem-carbon steel product. are active efforts oo produce zem-carbon steel in Currently,|omepemhodied-carbon steels are the United States and Europe, avai|aWe'butthereisnotamarket-readyzem- carbonsteeim S[Ms car)be made from recycled glass products, T here are several emerging companies Working in which proponents c|aimimpmvespe�brmanceof co�un�ionwith|oca|regc|inQcenters tobring �U��� �����U�� ����� the u|timate concrete mix, glass pozzu|anS[I\Asto market,The greatest|imits are due to economics and avai|abi|ityof the S[Ms, Using alternative fuels for the heating process T his is still in the early stages ofdevelopment, during the production of clinker for ordinary Cement production Port|and cement would address appm*mate|y 48%of the current up-�ontembodied carbon of ����me� �� �U������U�� cement production,Thisis technically achievable fuels but has not been tested ata large scale,The process would not address the emissions related tochemica| processes, Se|f-hea|inQ materials,including concrete,can Most se|f-hea|inQand/or living materials are in reduce embodied carbon by increasing the early stages of laboratory development, ����KK�� ��� KU������� longevity of certain materials with lives that are limited by material fai|ure,Some living mmateHaUs materials car)further reduce embodied carbon by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in the process offorminQ,m Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings / Codes and Policy Sustainable Materials |nsLiLute highlights a number of other approaches Lo limiting embodied carbon A growing nunnberof codes arid policies are targeting Lhruugh codes and po|icies,+sincluding: embodied carbon reductions across city, state, and federal levels, Codes, standards, regu|abons, and s Other financial incentives, suchas bid incentives incentive prugrarns can all be effective tools for or tax credits driving change bvpronnoting arid establishing best practices tu reduce embodied carbon incunstrucLiun, s Transparency initiatives such asrequiringor, incenLivizing the measurement and disc|osureof Already we have seen several low-ernbudied-carbon ennbudied carbon data for building projects policies puL into effect, inc|uding the BuyClean California Act, The policy drives |ovv'ernbodied- s Performance approaches suchasrequiringor carbon procurement byrequiringcontractor's incenLivizing the reductiunof embodied carbon bidding onstate infrastructure arid construction for bui|dingprojects relative to: projects tu disclose the Environmental Product Declarations (ElFIDs)of certain materials and ° Acustornizedperfurnnonce tar-get defined bya mandates o preference for lower-carbon producLs, benchrnarkingsysLenn Buy Clean California has inspired several other state legislatures to pursue similar policies. ° Afixed perfornnanceLorget related to the GVVIFI of building or nnaterio| Further, in2O21 the US General Services Adnninistratiun approved an advice letter s Prescriptive opproachessuch as requiringur recommending two key strategies tu |inniternbudied incenLivizingthe use of specific materials or carbon in the federal governrnent:+1 designnneasures While these code and pu|icysu|utiuns have shown 1. The first strategy, o material approach, applies to be effective in select contexts,this is not an to all projects, This approach requiresER")sfor exhaustive list,A report bv the Carbon Neutra| 7546of materials Used ino project arid requires Cities Alliance, (7tyPolig/Fr,o/nem/ork /brDramatically that their emissions rank in the best-perfurrning Reducing Embodied Carbon, demonstrates the 8046 in terrnsuf global warming potential arnong vvide'rongingscope of embodied carbon reduction functiona||yequiva|ent pruducts, policies by outlining 52 policies spanning five categories: zoning and land Use, bui|dingregulations, procurement, waste arid circularity, arid financial 2. The second strategy is ovvho|e'bui|ding |ife po|icies.4a �Nevv proposals for these types of cycle assessment (VVBL CA)approach, applicable legislation, as well as governmental commitments to larger projects over- $3.Og5 rni||iun. The suchosC4O Cities' Clean Construction Declaration, VVBLCA approach requires that the life cycle are gaining nnornenLunn across the United States. assessment of building's design shows at In addition to governmental policies, corporations least a2O96 car-bon reduction, ascompared are issuing policies ono monthly basis that |irnit with o baseline bui|ding. embodied carbon. These policies airntureducedernond for high- ernbodied-corbon pruducLsthruughpreferential purchasing of |ovv-irnpocL materials, The Athena � gedudngsmbmdied Carbon inBuildings www.,mi.m,g 38 Conclusion Illllll�i inclusion g ennbodlied carlbon is an urgent and using materialls that are widelly availlalbIle today. The critic all issue, because the trajectory of er-ribodied redUctions highlighted by OLAr three case studies are carbon eirnissions,is not CLArrently aligned with global backed Up by rnethods,arid materials that are widely climate targets, Since 2010, as global emissions available and simple to ir-ripleirrient. Reductions can frorn building operations have decreased slightly, go well beyond 50% by considering whole-bUilding construction related eirnissions have actually increased design strategies, incurring a higher cost preirniurn, by 1,5%.47 IIt is imperative that practitioners empIloy or leveraging sor-ne of the advanced materials that the strategies and sollutions availlalblle today to are corning down the IR&I") pipeline, 'rhe technologies accellerate the adoption of Ilow-embodlied-carlbon that enable low-er-ribodied-carbon constrUction will constrcti u on. These changes are necessary to deliver continue to evolve, and regional nuances will continue the Unprecedented action reqUired to rneet the goal of to inflUence the efficacy of individual prodLACtS or- the Paris Clir-nate Agreement and limit global warming solutions, But the design methods and high-Ilevell to 1,5"C. considerations highlighted in this report can Th pIlied to any project today, offering Ilasting This report demonstrates that midsized sollutions to elliminate arid sequester carlboin connimerciall Ibu illding projects can reduce einnlbodied emissions flin our Ibu illdfings. carlbon by up to 46%at Iless than a 1%cost premium Rim Ir ........... Ili e, Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings www.rmii.org/40 uuuuuuuuuu°um� �� IV� �UUI uuuumuuuuu� �p VI S l 1, �� 6100POO ' lm uuumoum u � i� y� � v J r l IN Ii / i air ; r f pF „F m 1 f r ? ii F,Fa ii OF p �ti�FlFu ova ��wmri is �� of HIM :iii:!il 11,1111111; i1g; i y F rf � a a i „ F r ���� �������@� �������� N����� ���� Case Studies Fhe case studies below were cornpiled while conducting research for this report and are included here for additional insight into the irnpacts of variOUs approaches to lowering the eirnbodied car-bon content of low-arid � rnid-risebui|dings. Exhibit Al Additional Case Studies Construction Building Type Study Name Location Typology Size (ft') Link ffinnnno TaUy case study Seattle,WA Residence halls at size riot listed Mid-rise steel the University of cmnr/caaestucly/ concrete Washington Case study 1hnm WA 9-storycommercia| size riot listed httms// ^MassTimber building ca irbonn end axsil'irUx31 Poiru rn. Mid-rise steel DptimizaUonand org/rnass'finribeir- concrete L[A.^[arbon opmKnlizatlion-and~xca/ Leadership Forum ([LF) Pane|ized CA,WA,OR,H| Commercial various httms/hwwmu Roof� ��stem�. buildings ��m��mmb� /wp- [onceteU|�uP Woodwmrks cmntemt,/kAjl3xnacfiw/xS- L[AofKatsna's Spokane,WA 5-story office 168'800 httjl3s:&/ Mid-rise mass [LTa rid Catalyst building ca irbomn end ainafirU131 Pmiru rn. Umber([[r} Bui|ding.[LF org/lIkatarra/ Comparative Life- Port|and'DR 12-storymixed-use 89.986 httjl3s://wwmufjpx. Mid-rise mass Cycle Assessment apartment/office timber,(Cl..". ofaMassTimber building Pdf2()20/Fjl3L?020L g|u|am) Building arid Nainq00o.jpdf Concrete Alternative Luxury Wood- /m|anta'GA 5-story,wood-frame 275.000 httms/hwwmu Frame Apartment apartment buildings womdwmrks.mirg/wp- Mid-risemmod � ��x Community (3 buildings) cmmt� � oachw/ Completes Dense, Cmo� �� tTw��Umms� rrame Mixed-UseUrban caaesmuclly.jpcfl� Development, Woodworks � Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings www.rmiong 42 Q Erhd otall r I�iil i ' I, s� f 1, r✓ I rrti �. r I r III I � ; I / a r u � ,r/v.MARIMEMNIIIIIIIIIIII Endnotes 1. Bringing Embodied Carbon Upfront: Coordinated 9. Centering Equity it) the Sustainable Building Action for the Building, and Construction Sector to Sector: Comprehensive Surnmary: CESBS Launch 7dckle Embodied Carbon, World Green IBUilding Summit NAACP, 2018, Ilhttllpsa�//iir"iaacli).oiirg/wp- COLAricil, 2019, IIN"ittps //www,.wo�rllldgIlbc,.oiirg/sites/ co nteiint/urjpllloads/2020/04/CIIESIIBS-,SLIIIr1111rTllit- defau lt/f lles/WoirldG Co�riirmpiirellheiir"is'tlive.-Suiinr,iiiiirvia�ry--,Ju Ill y..20119,.pdf. Caiirlboiir"i_,UIIpfiiro nt,.11pdf; and Robert,jairries IPratt, "A Common Ask: Collecting ESG fData on Building 10. Paula Melton,"The Urgency of Embodied Carbon Materials, Starting with IErrmVaodied Carbon," Urban and What You Ca ri ")o abOLA t," BuildingGreen, Land,jarILAar-y 31, 2021, September 10, 2018, Ilhttl�)s://www,.IlbLiillld'�iir"iggireeiir"i,. oiirg/sustai urn aIbilllity/a-,cooriirnoriirnc)iir"i..aF,Ilk-,coIII III ecti urn g-, cooriirn/feat iiire/Liiirgeiincy-,eoriirnIlbodied-caiirlboiir"I.-aiir"id.- esg-,data.-oon-,lburjillldiong-iirviateiiriallls.-staiirtiiir"ig.-witllh.- wIIN"iat.-yo�mi.-caun.-do-a(lbout-,it,. eiinr�iiiIIV�odied-,caor11boiir"i/,. 11. Colin R. Gagg,"Ceirrient and Concrete as an 2. Kathrina Simorien, Barbara X. IRodrigUeze and Engineering Material: An IHistoric Appraisal Catherine De Wolf, "Benchniarking the Eirriloodied and Case StUdy Analysis,"Engineering Failure Car-bon of IBLAildirngs," Technology I Architecture + Analysis 40 (May 1, 2014): 114-140, liatps:/Mol. Design 1, no, 2 (2017): 208-218, https://doLoirg/1l0.1 oiirg/110,,11016/Jp.eiir"igfaill auna�ll,.2014�,�02.004,,� 080/24G75114,4G8a,201ll-/.1354,623a, 12. Inventory of U.S, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and 3. Sustainability of Construction Works—Assessment of Sinks: 1990-2018, US Environmental F)rotection Buildings, Part 2:Framework for the Assessment of Agency, 2020, f)ttps://www,epa.gov/sites/ Environmental Performance, ELAropean Committee prodLAction/fil es/2020. 44/doCLiriieritS/LIS-g Ig- for Standardization, 2011. i rive nto ry-2020--nia i n-text,p df; and "MariufaCtLA ring Energy and Carbon Footprint," US IDepartrm ent of 4. 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