HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 2021-12-16 Town of Ithaca Planning Committee
Thursday, December 16th, 2021
(4:00 PM via Zoom)
Final Minutes
Committee members: Rich DePaolo, Chair; Bill Goodman, Pat Leary
Board/Staff members: Director of Planning Sue Ritter, Director of Code Enforcement Marty
Moseley, Town Planner Mike Smith, Town Planner Dan Tasman, Town Supervisor Rod Howe,
incoming Town Board member Margaret Johnson, Town Planning Admin. Asst. Abby Homer
Guests: Noah Demarest, Bruce Brittan, Kris Hodges, Fred Shoeps, Jason Demarest, Christa
Nuez, Betsy Shrier, Adam Fishel, Sean Whitaker, Carol Chuck.
Rich noted the small change to the Agenda, Maplewood II development proposal presentation
was postponed. The Committee members and staff introduced themselves to the attendees.
1. Persons to be heard: None.
2. Committee announcements and concerns: None reported.
3. Consider approval of October meeting minutes:
Bill moved; Pat seconded. October 21st, 2021, Minutes were approved as drafted.
4. RaNic Golf Club site development presentation by STREAM collaborative: Design team
members,Noah Demarest of STREAM Collaborative, Jason Demarest of JKDA Architecture,
and Adam Fishel of Marathon Engineering,presented a slideshow of early concepts related to
renovation of the existing RaNic Golf Club which is located partially in the Village of Cayuga
Heights and mainly in the Town of Ithaca off Pleasant Grove and Warren Roads. Proposed
renovations include updating the golf course, the existing club house, adding a boutique
hotel/hospitality function and several townhomes.
Property owner Shawn Whittaker participated in the presentation as well, giving his background
and reasoning behind the proposed renovations. Decrease in large corporate membership over
the years prompted the club's strategy to be refocused on the general community, tourists, and
individual memberships to ensure long term success. Staffing upgrades at the club has created a
strong team with big focus to support growth.
The current property boundary map was shown, including recent adjacent property acquisitions
such as the horse farm on Warren Road and two properties on Hanshaw Road. The Village/Town
boundary line was shown on the map as well.
Images of the existing clubhouse, along with inspirational images featuring destination golf
resort/retreats clubhouses were shown, indicating a possible future vision for the site. The intent
is to serve both club members and the public in a more open way. Inspirational lodging images
were also shown.
A preliminary schematic of the proposed hospitality site plan was shown with the
existing/renovated clubhouse, new two-story inn attached with a breezeway from the clubhouse
and two clusters of free-standing cottages. Enhanced parking and a new connection to Hanshaw
Road was noted to help with ingress/egress to the property. The clubhouse renovations include
exterior updates and interior alterations to encourage winter/off season activities for the
The schematic concept for the inn with different elevation views was shown along with the
cottage/cabin concepts. Early design and concept images for the proposed townhouse section
were also briefly shown.
Blending into the community, style, and maintaining the economic viability were noted goals.
The inn, cottages, and majority of the townhome construction would fall within the Village of
Cayuga Heights with some potential isolated single family or individually owned duplex lots in
the Town shown on the overall golf club improvement plan.
The property is currently zoned Low Density Residential (LDR) with the golf course as the
principal use and the clubhouse/lodge allowed by special permit. The proposed housing within
the LDR zones will need further examination as the concepts fall more in line with the
density/clustering of Medium Density Residential zone.
Next steps in the process include formal applications to both the Town and Village expected in
January 2022. The project schedule includes design/engineering work through the summer of
2022, with proposed groundbreaking in the fall 2022, and opening slated for the following fall,
Committee questions and comments:
- Bill asked about the project status for the Village of Cayuga Heights. An informal
presentation was provided the previous month with joint Village Trustees and Planning
Board. A parallel municipal process was stated as the objective.
- The proposed potential removal of an existing home on Hanshaw Road to be replaced with
parking and putting green area was also briefly identified as a future option.
- Pat indicated overall support for the project.
- Rich commented on the zoning constraints,possibly a PDZ would accommodate goal with
careful consideration, also supported the overall use of existing infrastructure to upgrade
- Sue asked about the newly acquired horse barn and house property on Warren Road, and if
the house and barn would remain: The house is being used by staff and would remain, the
barn options are being investigated,possibly utilize for the golf course or hospitality
- The zoning constraints, PDZ or cluster options were briefly discussed, and it was explained
that phasing of the project would be done simultaneously.
There were no further questions for the presentation, conversations with planning and zoning
would continue for anticipated update at the January meeting.
5. Consider revised proposed amendments to the Agriculture Zone: The December 10th
Planning Department memo was referenced with the highlighted proposed changes to the Ag
zone language and images/dimensions of yurt options. The square footage requirements
appropriate for tents and yurts was further researched and compared to the proposal for the
Learning Farm.
A slight modification to the Seasonal Farm Lodging Facilities definition was discussed and
ultimately agreed to by the Committee, with farm labor in addition to guests participating in farm
activities. The number of days the units were allowed to be erected or occupied was discussed.
Marty referenced the temporary structure requirement in the NYS code of 180 days, any longer
being classified as permanent and having to meet all NYS building and local codes including the
new Ithaca Energy Code Supplement,plumbing and electric requirements. The possibility of the
applicant appealing to NYS for a variance to the 180 days was noted. Principal use as a farm and
the yurt/tent lodging being an ancillary use was also discussed.
Christa Nunez stated the intent is for the yurts to have electricity and meet code, as well as have
composting toilets and plumbed shower facilities hooked to septic.
The elimination of the age requirement for existing barns to serve as principal building/structure
on a separate lot in the Ag zone for farm purposes was revisited, with no negative consequences
identified. Mike Smith referenced an example on Sheffield Road where this requirement caused
an issue. Committee members agreed to eliminate the age requirement so that any existing barn
would be allowed to serve as a principal building in the agricultural zone.
Rich revisited the accessory buildings and uses provision authorized by special permit only
section (270-30, A(1), B) that limited each yurt or tent to be no larger then 735 square feet in
size(which would potentially allow for up to 60 guests (given NYS occupancy requirements) if
the maximum of 10 yurts were used compared to the 50 people max originally agreed to by the
committee). He suggested capping at an aggregate of 5500 sq. ft., which would allow flexibility
on yurt/tent sizes, while keeping total potential lodging capacity at 50. Committee members
agreed to add the aggregate cap of 5500 square feet of total yurt or tent space.
The committee agreed to the language as amended and moved the amendment forward to the
Town Board and Attorney for consideration.
6. Consider revision to detached accessory dwelling unit definition on Town Zoning Code:
The December 8th memo from Marty with a proposed revised definition for a detached accessory
dwelling unit. All agreed to the proposed revised definition to be sent to the Town Board for
7. Consider modification to the draft Food Truck legislation: The committee referenced a
12/8/2021 memo from Planning and Codes staff regarding the Food Truck draft law section 79-4
Siting. As proposed, only a food truck owned or operated by the owner of a restaurant would be
allowed to have their food truck operated less the 100 feet away from said restaurant. Staff
requested consideration of allowing a food truck, not owned by,but with permission/consent of
the restaurant owner also allowed within 100 feet. After some discussion, the committee agreed
that if a restaurant wanted to allow a food truck on their own property, that wouldn't be an issue.
Specific language was proposed ("notwithstanding the forgoing a food truck may be located on
same property as brick-and-mortar restaurant with consent of owner") with the committee
requesting the Attorney for the Town's review.
8. Review redlined draft of Inlet Valley overlay district. The Attorney redlined inclusions on
the Inlet Valley overlay district language was provided and briefly discussed. Time did not
permit full discussion and review. Dan Tasman summarized a few of the issues with the use
document,particularly the use table and how to readily distinguish when the overlay use would
apply versus the underlying zoning. Dan suggested a re-write of the use table.
The committee agreed to hold off on full review of the document until the new year. A revised
more streamlined document will be presented in January including revisions for signage and use
9. Staff updates and reports: Sue referenced a NYS Senate Zoning reform bill (75/74) that
would prohibit Towns from establishing minimum lot sizes greater then 5000 sq. ft. if the lot has
access to water and sewer and 20,000 sq ft. if in any other areas. A link to the bill was sent in the
chat. Margaret checked the status of the bill and it showed it was referred directly Rules and
would move to the Floor.
No update on the South Hill proposed regulating plan, possible update for January.
Bill Goodman and Pat Leary were thanked for their dedication as members to the Committee and
Town Board. Margaret Johnson was welcomed as the incoming Town Board representative
starting in January.
10. Next meeting date and upcoming agenda items: The committee members discussed
continuing with the 3rd Thursday 4:00 pm monthly meeting dates and times. All agreed to
continue the schedule, next meeting January 20th, 2022.
Topics: Review redlined draft of Inlet Valley overlay district,possibly Maplewood II, RaNic,
SH regulating plan.
The Planning Committee meeting concluded at 5:20 pm.