HomeMy WebLinkAboutA Sustainability FrameworkA Sustainability Framework
Town of Ithaca, NY
Town of Ithaca
215 North Tioga Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
Table of Contents
Summary..................................................................................... 4
Vision......................................................................................... 5
Focus Areas.................................................................................. 5
Goals ......................................................................................... 7
Proposed Timeline ........................................................................14
Implementation ...........................................................................15
Appendix A: Existing Measures ..........................................................16
Appendix B: Acronyms....................................................................17
The Town of Ithaca has a fundamental commitment to its constituents to make
decisions that protect and enhance economic, community, and environmental
resources. Integrating sustainability into decision-making, planning, and overall
government operations sets the stage for long-term action and decision-making
that will benefit future generations while at the same time addressing the
needs of today. Sustainability and climate protection are systematic,
integrating principles that the Town Board has endorsed to guide local
decision-making. A sustainability framework requires an approach that provides
equal consideration to the economy, community, and environment. In the
initial phase of the program, the Town of Ithaca will focus primarily on
environmental sustainability, working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
within Town operations and in the community at large.
This document is intended to provide a preliminary, high-level roadmap for the
development and implementation of the Town’s Sustainability Action Plan
(discussed in greater detail below). It includes a vision for the sustainability
program, focus areas, specific goals, an implementation strategy, and a
proposed timeline. The Framework proposes the creation of an energy
committee to guide the implementation of plan, as well as an internal
sustainability action team that directly involves staff in initiatives related to
the workplace.
Becoming a “Climate Smart Community”
(http://www.dec.ny.gov/energy/50845.html), joining ICLEI – Local
Governments for Sustainability, and hiring a Sustainability Planner in 2010 were
strong statements of the Town Board’s commitment to sustainability and
climate protection. The Town of Ithaca joins more than 600 local governments
throughout the nation who are leading the effort to envision, accelerate and
achieve ambitious sustainability and climate protection goals.
Building a sustainable future for the Town of Ithaca goes beyond the work of
government. Residents, business owners, and organizations each have a part to
play in maintaining and creating the community we aspire to live in. Though we
cannot do it alone, the Town will provide leadership to the community as we
move forward.
The Town of Ithaca seeks to lead by example, engage in partnerships, educate
the public, and encourage citizen engagement to enhance sustainability within
Town operations and throughout the community at large.
The guiding principles for the Town’s sustainability efforts are as follows:
The Town leads by example through energy efficiency and sustainability
practices related to its own operation
The Town implements policies and integrates sustainability into the
planning process in order to facilitate sustainable development within
the community
The Town engages in partnerships that strengthen internal sustainability
efforts while also extending outward to reach other municipalities and
community members
The Town conducts education and outreach to its constituents to
promote sustainable living and to encourage public participation
Focus Areas
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory
A greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory is an assessment of energy use, or
an audit of activities causing or releasing greenhouse gases and a projection of
how much these activities are likely to grow in the future. The full analysis
consists of a baseline inventory and a target year forecast of GHG emissions
from community-wide sources. Both a community-wide GHG inventory and a
government operations GHG inventory will be conducted for the Town of Ithaca
for the calendar year 2009.
The community inventory includes any activities that generate GHG emissions
taking place within the geographical boundary of the Town of Ithaca, such as
emissions from the residential and commercial/industrial sectors. Ithaca’s
government operations greenhouse gas emissions inventory includes emissions
from any facility, equipment, or process operated by the Town of Ithaca.
Emissions from government operations are a subset of the Town’s community
Information from the greenhouse gas emissions inventories allows the Town of
Ithaca to identify energy and cost saving measures, create a strategy to reduce
emissions in a quantifiable and transparent way, and provides baseline data to
help monitor the success of future initiatives. The inventory is the first step in
ICLEI’s “Five Milestones” methodology, which is followed by ICLEI’s 600+
member governments nation-wide:
1) Conduct a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis: Baseline Inventory and
2) Establish a Reduction Target
3) Develop a Climate Action Plan
4) Implement the Climate Action Plan
5) Monitor Progress and Report Results
Climate Action Planning
A local Climate Action Plan will include the actions that have already been
implemented in the Town of Ithaca since the base year and all measures that
the Town intends to implement in the future to meet its GHG emissions
reduction target. Typical elements of a Climate Action Plan include:
Summary of baseline emissions inventory (Milestone 1)
Summary of the emissions forecast (Milestone 1)
Summary of chosen emissions reduction target (Milestone 2)
Description of implemented emissions reduction measures
Description of new or proposed actions to be implemented that,
together with existing measures, will enable the Town of Ithaca to meet
its emissions reduction target
Implementation strategies for each proposed measure identifying costs,
responsibilities, schedules, funding sources, etc.
Procedures for monitoring progress made toward the achievement of the
target and the status of implementation of the GHG reduction actions
The Climate Action Plan can serve as a guide to policy and decision-making, as
well as an educational tool to promote citizen engagement. Similarly, the plan
is a roadmap for the implementation of GHG emissions reduction measures and
the overall achievement of reduction targets. Regardless of who is responsible
for carrying out the plan and achieving the goals, the Action Plan provides clear
guidance for doing so.
Comprehensive Planning
In early 2007, the Town Board initiated a review of the 1993 Town of Ithaca
Comprehensive Plan, out of which emerged the recommendation to fully
update the plan. Since February of 2008, a nine-member citizen committee has
met to work on the plan update. To date, the Town has held public meetings,
conducted focus group sessions, and conducted resident surveys to gather input
from community members and integrate feedback into the Plan. At a time
when the Plan is undergoing changes and updates, sustainability can serve as a
guiding principle throughout. Similarly, the Plan can address many elements of
sustainability such as transportation, land use, open space, and natural
resources, while integrating new areas, such as sustainable development, green
infrastructure, and energy and climate change.
In April 2009, the Town Board unanimously passed a resolution to become a
“Climate Smart Community,” committing the Town to a number of goals to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save taxpayer dollars, and implement
climate smart practices. The Town Board can continue in this leadership role
by endorsing subsequent resolutions that advance sustainability and climate
protection efforts in the Town. Resolutions could be related to reducing
greenhouse gas emissions, adopting a Climate Action Plan, supporting
sustainable development and building, approving renewable energy technology
for Town operations, and more.
Public Education & Engagement
Engaging the public will become a critical component of creating lasting,
meaningful changes in the Town of Ithaca to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
and enhance sustainability. This work is not that of government alone. While
the Town of Ithaca is taking a leadership role in addressing sustainability and
climate change by setting an example for the community to follow, we stand to
have a more positive impact on a community-wide scale. By engaging citizens,
businesses, schools, and other stakeholders, the Town can build the trust,
ownership, and excitement essential to the success and longevity of plans,
programs and policies around sustainability and climate change.
The Sustainability Action Plan for the Town of Ithaca is a matrix of the goals,
objectives, and action steps to be carried out over the next two years. The
Sustainability Action Plan is a living document, subject to revisions and changes
as the process evolves. To date, members of the Town Board, Conservation
Board, Comprehensive Plan Committee and Town Staff have reviewed,
provided feedback and expressed support for the Plan. This matrix can be
reviewed here:
Sustainability Action
And the goals of the plan are detailed below:
Goal 1: Evaluate and assess baseline energy conditions
Objectives Action Steps Benchmarks
a) Gather data on current
Local Government and
Community energy use
b) Inventory greenhouse
gas emissions resulting
from all Town
operations and
facilities and the
commercial, industrial,
transportation, and
waste sectors of the
1) Access and collect
utility bills for all
facilities and operations;
collect aggregate
community data from
2) Become ICLEI member
3) Input utility data into
CACP software and
generate reports for
4) Present report to Town
Board for input and
All utility data
Government and
Community) is
collected and
GHG emissions
inventory is
baseline energy
measurement is
report generated
Goal 2: Recommend quantifiable greenhouse gas emissions targets
Objectives Action Steps Benchmarks
Based on GHG emissions
inventory, determine
greenhouse gas emissions
reduction targets to be
achieved in the short-term
(5-15 years)
1) Review and analyze
baseline energy data from
2) Utilize ICLEI’s CAPPA
tool to identify
meaningful yet feasible
emissions reductions
3) Meet with Town Board
members to get elicit
feedback on emissions
4) Finalize and establish
goals that will guide
recommended reduction
GHG emissions
reduction targets
based on
baseline energy
have been
established and
Goal 3: Recommend goals for reducing energy demand
Objectives Action Steps Benchmarks
Identify reduction goals
a) Local government
buildings (Town Hall,
Public Works, Bolton Point)
b) Local government fleet
and employee commuting
c) Infrastructure (water,
sewer, street lighting,
traffic signals)
d) Community emissions
(residential, commercial,
industrial, transportation,
1) Conduct research to
identify potential
measures and activities to
reach goals
2) Utilize CAPPA to
identify reduction
measures based on
reduction target
3) Create draft proposal
for recommended goals
4) Present to Town Board
for feedback and input
5) Draft Climate Action
Plan (CAP)
Have gone
through CAPPA
protocol to
feedback from
and have
completed 1st
draft of CAP
Goal 4: Recommend renewable energy options for Town operations
Objectives Action Steps Benchmarks
Identify cost-effective
opportunities for
renewable energy purchase
or generation for Town
operations and integrate
into CAP
1) Conduct research and
identify options for
renewable energy in the
2) Identify financial
incentives and funding
opportunities and conduct
cost-benefit analysis for
all possibilities, including
return on investment
3) Present
recommendations to
Town Board, elicit
feedback, and integrate
into CAP
CAP has section
on recommended
energy options
opportunities are
researched and
pursued when
Goal 5: Recommend recycling and waste reduction strategies within Town
facilities and among residents
Objectives Action Steps Benchmarks
Develop and implement
plan to increase and
improve current recycling
and waste reduction
strategies and practices
within Town facilities
1) Work with Tompkins
County Solid Waste
ReBusiness Program to
assess current practices
2) Identify areas for
3) Integrate
recommendations into 1st
draft of CAP
4) Seek feedback from
Town Board members
Participation in
the ReBusiness
Program and
completion of
of strategies
CAP has section
on recommended
Goal 6: Promote climate protection strategies through land use planning
Objectives Action Steps Benchmarks
Institutionalize sustainable
development and growth
through land-use planning
a) Reduced sprawl
b) Pedestrian-oriented
c) Open space protection
d) Green-building
e) Energy efficiency and
renewable energy
f) Transit-oriented,
bikeable and walkable
g) Healthy forests and
street tree shading
h) Community gardens
1) Conduct research to
identify best practices in
land use planning efforts
related to climate
2) Conduct research on
integration of green
building standards and
codes into local zoning
and comp plans
3) Integrate green
building standards into
upcoming zoning
requirements, code
enforcement, and Comp
4) Present to and
collaborate with Planning
and Town Board to
generate ideas and
strategies, gain feedback
5) Integrate
recommendations into 1st
draft of CAP
CAP has section
on recommended
land use
practices for
Plan expresses
commitment to
and lays the
groundwork for
how to be a
“greener” town,
guiding the new
zoning ordinance
available for
green building
and other
Goal 7: Promote a green economy
Objectives Action Steps Benchmarks
a) Support sustainable job
b) Procure products and
services that have a
reduced negative impact
or increased positive
impact on environmental
and human health
compared with their
conventional counterparts
c) Conduct IT assessment
and explore technology
solutions to address waste
reduction, paper and
energy consumption, and
cost-saving measures
1) Develop a green
purchasing policy for
Town facilities
2) Adopt a green IT policy
Adoption of a
green purchasing
policy for Town
adoption of a
green IT policy;
policies included
in CAP
Goal 8: Educate and involve the public
Objectives Action Steps Benchmarks
a) Highlight Town
commitment to reducing
energy use
b) Utilize the Town
newsletter, lobby displays,
and other outreach
mechanisms to disseminate
educational programs and
materials related to
sustainability and energy
c) Consider the social and
economic impacts of
energy reduction policies
1) Include sustainability
efforts in bi-annual
2) Publicize efforts on
Town website
3) Hold public meetings
to garner support, elicit
interest, get feedback
(what's important to
4) Electronic newsletter
to Town residents
5) Build relationships with
local media outlets to
publicize the Town's
6) Create sustainability
Goal 9: Commit to an evolving process while building sustainability into long-
term goals and planning processes
Objectives Action Steps Benchmarks
a) Integrate accepted
recommendations into
Town of Ithaca
Comprehensive Plan and
zoning requirements
b) Keep abreast of
changing research and
climate protection
c) Share successes with
neighboring town and
other municipalities to
learn and amplify results
1) Work with the Planning
department and board
throughout the process to
keep them informed,
elicit feed, gain support,
and build sustainability
plan into Comprehensive
2) SP devotes proportion
of time to research and
education; maintains a
connection to national
networks and
3) Hold bi-annual summits
with County, City, and
other Town sustainability
staff to compare efforts
and report on aggregate
impacts and successes
Plan (or Energy
and Climate
Change section)
integrated into
New findings are
integrated into
work scope when
with other
working on
and energy
Goal 10: Document the process
Objectives Action Steps Benchmarks
a) Document the process of
developing and achieving
sustainability goals and, in
partnership with the Town
of Dryden, produce a guide
to the process for use by
other towns
1) Maintain weekly report
detailing activities and
2) Upon completion of
each goal, create report
detailing the steps along
the way and the protocol
that can be used by other
small local governments
3) Work with ICLEI to
create guide, utilizing
already-existing materials
Finalized and
approved guide
to energy and
planning for
small local
Plan for
Goal 11: Develop and implement a Town-wide internal employee
education/outreach program
Objectives Action Steps Benchmarks
a) Communicate
sustainability goals and
initiatives to Town
b) Create a structure
within which employees
can participate in
collective efforts to reduce
energy consumption within
Town operations and
c) Provide a mechanism for
regular communication and
interaction that will allow
employees to give
feedback on sustainability
planning efforts and
outreach campaign
1) Introduce concept to
committees for feedback
and direction (PP & C,
2) Establish an
advisory committee on
sustainability to guide
3) Create and finalize
education/outreach plan
and implement
meetings of the
Ongoing and
related to
monthly emails,
workshops, and
Proposed Timeline 2010 2011 2012 Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Goal 5 Goal 6 Goal 7 Goal 8 Goal 9 Goal 10 Goal 11
Integration of Sustainability into the Comprehensive Plan
As mentioned previously, the Comprehensive Plan can set the stage for creating
policies and programs that advance sustainability, as well as lay the foundation for
changes to the zoning ordinance that will orient development and land-use
towards more sustainable practices.
Establishment of a Sustainability Action Team
The education and inclusion of employees is essential to the effectiveness of a
greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategy for the Town. As the primary
occupants of the municipal facilities whose operations will be assessed for
potential energy savings, employees have an important part to play in helping to
reduce energy consumption and improve energy efficiency. As targets for energy
reduction are established, participation amongst employees will be critical to
achieving these targets. With the leadership of the Sustainability Planner, a
Sustainability Action Team that is representative of all department and positions
will convene to provide guidance on internal policies and programs. The work of
this team will be to:
Focus on issues that affect everyone’s job and the workplace in general
Identify priorities
Guide education/communication efforts
Guide development of internal policies related to sustainability
Make decisions related to implementation of new programs and changes
to existing policies and practices
Establishment of an Energy and Sustainability Committee
It is recommended that the Town establish an Energy and Sustainability Committee
to guide the implementation of the Climate Action Plan and to ensure the
integration and longevity of sustainability practices into local government
operations. The committee should be comprised of members whose diversity of
skill-sets, expertise, and vision can address the multiple elements of sustainability
in a strategic manner on behalf of the Town of Ithaca. This group will assume
responsibility for monitoring and evaluating progress and reporting results.
Furthermore, this group will aid in the development of a long-term sustainability
plan to set goals and priorities for the Town and most importantly, to carry out the
actions necessary to achieve meaningful, lasting positive impacts.
Appendix A: Existing Measures
Existing Sustainability Measures: Town of Ithaca
Town Hall
Computer-based Energy Management System
Building controls set for maximum energy efficiency
Replaced inefficient lighting, saving 18,000 lbs of CO2/year and
$3,000/year in electricity costs
High efficiency lighting
LED exit signs
Use of daylight for space lighting
Robust recycling program
Public Works
Purchase of used and refurbished vehicles and equipment when
Most byproducts/waste collected and generated are reused in some
way: leaves to compost, dirt and gravel from excavation to road
material, brush and downed trees to mulch
Uses a green de-icing product, “Ice B’Gone,” that has positive
impacts on public health by improving water quality, increases
safety, protects and preserves that natural environment and wildlife
habitat, and provide cost savings
Vehicle/equipment lending and borrowing structure with neighboring
Energy efficient lighting in Public Works office facility
Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility
Methane from digesters provides energy all heat for the digesters, ¼ of
electricity needs, and some heat for the buildings
Reuse effluent water in the buildings (no potable water)
Performance contract will significantly improve building performance and
reduce energy consumption:
o Replacing motors that pump oxygen with high speed turbine blowers
o Variable frequency drive motors to replace most motors (one of the
#1 ways to save energy in the industry)
o HVAC/Lighting retrofits
Methane capture powers electricity generation
Bolton Point Water Treatment Facility
Significant savings on energy bills by using off-peak rates
Occupancy sensors in main facility
Appendix B: Acronyms
ICLEI: formerly stood for “International Council of Local Environmental
Initiatives,” now known as “Local Governments for Sustainability”
SP: Sustainability Planner
TS: Town Supervisor
PP&C: Public Works, Planning, and Codes committee
ERC: Employee Relations Committee
SAC: Supervisor’s Advisory Committee
BP: Bolton Point
PW: Public Works
TCSW: Tompkins County Solid Waste
CACP: Clean Air & Climate Protection software (from ICLEI)
CAPPA: Climate & Air Pollution Planning Assistant software (from ICLEI)
CAP: Climate Action Plan