HomeMy WebLinkAboutBF079719-001 r FORM A3X V 'W-V') WA"HA-TV• hl.rw C.v.rx. 7YfKM7t...w�..ao of►.�e».ea fl...ulI.IT,f'In,6k1.1•Is,_.TT.t...d 1.311 r6we I&W Aww A.W'.h. 'I W~p 381 FAU 037 .1lade life 12th day (►f September .1 iueteen Hundred and Fifty-five Between RCCCC L!'CET'TI of 544 Warren Road, Town.of It.h^.c:,, Bounty of Tompkins, Stme of Flew York Part t of the ftrst part, and T(X-iN OF I'"H:ACA, 1 Municipal Cornornicn in Tomnkins Cnunty, Stite of New York part y of the second part, witneowth that the part y of the first part,in consideration of Cbz and No/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. - --Dollar (11.00 ) lawful nioneyof the l'nited States, end other good and v•:lu^ble c-nrider-)•ion paid by the part v of the second part,do E.,s hereby grant and release unto the part y of the second part, and assigns forever,all ;ii-.T TRACT OP. 'ARC.-EL CF L;!.'D si u,.te in the Tc.-:r. of Ith-cn, ^aunty of Tomrkins, anti State of New York, beim the midway labelled "Tareyton Drive" on m n entitled, ".i,r of Extension ir'e. 1 of `.uriel a _ Street •:b;iiv5 cion in T(-.;,-n of Ithaca, N.Y.^, m:de by Carl Cr::nd.-I I, C. dlted Cctob-r 12, 1954 and filed in the Tom;adns County Cierk•s Office Octo'.)er 27, 1954, from the north end of the turr-around Zt the north r• end of Tareyton Drive, as rMo�•-n on s^id map, to the south end of the turn-around at the south and of said Tareyton Drive as shown on said map, said roadvay beim- 50 feet dile snd 1496 feet lon-, toTether with the two turn-Grounds shoi.m thereon. yLSC .ALL THAT TRACT OR P.t CEL 01 LIND c ituate in the Town of Ithaca County of Tompkins and State of Now Yc,rt:, beinT th-t rorticn of the roadway shown as ^1?CS:. I?:LL :U D°' on sad Map, from the east line of m Muriel Street to the mast line of Tareyton Jrive,' all as shown thereon, said roadway beinZ 50 fe•t wide and 550 feet long. There is also conve;•ed herewith an easement ov:-:r the following strips of land for the purpose of mairtiining draina:;e ditches frau { said Tareyton Drive and for the purpose of cleaning, repairinZ and replacing said ditches: A. ALL THAT Tit'CT.0) :PARCEL OF LAND shown on said map and describ d as follows: Commencing at the sout%ieast corner of lot 14; running thence west alonZ the south line of Lot 14, 250 feet to the southwest ILI - �.. �mriY.$ms`�'ti'sliY+aaeaai�Y:ba'::. 381 F338 corner thereof; thence rcrth 3 feet: thence east parallel with the first described line 250 feet; thence south 3 feet to the nlace of be-inning. .. B. Commencing at the soutrwest corner of soli Lot 14; runnin-, thence north along the west lines of Lots 14, 13, and 17, 320 fent to the northwest corner of said Lot 12; thence east along the north line of.Lot 12, 20 feet; thence south parallel to the fiat described line 320 feet to the south line of Lot 14; thence w-st 2C feet to the place of beginning. C. C6nmencing at a point in the east line of Tnreyton "rive L. 10 feet north from the southeast corn^r cf Lot 11; thence south along the eaet line of Tareyton Drive 25 feet; thence Vest parillel to the south line 9f Lot 11, 250 feet to tl-e west line of Lot 12; thence north alon; the vest lines of Lots 12 and 11, 25 feet; thence east 250 feet to the place of be-inning. D. Commencing in the east line of '-,`.oriel Street at the nertho:est corner of Lot C as shown on "Msr of "o. 129 to 305 :uriel Str^.t in Tcw•n of Ithaca, X.T." made by Carl Crnndi11 C.' ., a-ted 'T-rcl ", 1054 and filed in the To-rkins County Clerk's Ofw c�,; running thence east along the north line of Lot C, 25' feet to t�.e northeast corner thereof; thence north 20 feet; thence west p*r^ilel to t! e `'irst described line 250 feet to the east line of Vuriel Street; thence f south along the east line of A:nriel Street 20 feet to the place of beginning. Together udth the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the part v of the first part in and to said premises, To have and to hold the premises herein granted unto the partof the second part, andyassiins forever. And said party of the first part C covenant as follows: Ftrst,That the part y of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said premises; Second,That said pa-.-t.• of the first r!rt will forever Warrant the title to said premise. Third,That, in Compliance with Sec. 1$of the Lien Law, the irontor will t receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied flrat for the purpose of paying the cost of Y the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of thea improvement before using any part of the total of the same foranyotherpurpose. r U0 381 F,m339 In Witness Whereof: the part y of the Just part has htreunto set his hand and seal the day and yearlirst above written. am �n�nst>nrr of _ ��.. i' Siate of Aew York � aM On this 12th day of September County of Tompkins J inetern Hundred-and Fifty-five L I before nee, the submeriber,personally appeared ROCCO LUC£NTI to me personally known and known to pit N?be the sante person described in and who executed the within Instrument, and he duly acknowledfed to ntc that he executed the sante. .1 of ry Public t nsy►1`>:sty:tns ::Mary wnL;.I-aw d Nm Vcft �Y,WT�S�tlP T,+r*aw CouNI Tun F&vLm h"rK 3%1947 Y tw. z *»OW �...i�. oar. 1,55 y'�c3 1a "`�'°°""i"d. •