HomeMy WebLinkAboutBF172341-001Quit -Claim Deed. 56 Williamson Law Book Co., Publishers, Rochester, N. Y. tz-or 197 4) '!i� 9 Made the......... Sixth ...........................day of .... ................. '?.P..c).e--t1711-P-r....----------------------- ---- in the year One thousand nine hundred and ----- t.w_o,----- -----_--------__-.-_- ott)rttn -la-r-ad T.------ N.Pwm an...and....Ian p....F........H-------N Maar Ias._.H .....Plo-n a..L----- o.f... t-h-e c-it.; -af-..I-t-ha.-c a. ....... c--ovnt-J -o f...T.omp.ki.nas--------------- a nri-s-t.at.e.. a-f .I-Le:Fr...-` a-rk....... .. ............. T h r - T-o-vii:1...o.f. - I t-ha c; a ... - --- ------ - --- - -------- ----- 'i6t'55tio' That the said part' es --------------------------------------------= of the first part, and of the second part, of the first part, in consideration of -rh-P---- s.urL.--o f T)o-? 1a.r.-----(31----U-U-)-----and..---a- tn-er .... g-ood an-=1-- va� v ahlp-_s-Qn� i --P-r-a-t-ion ---- ($t . UU ---------- ---.-), to .......... -t-h-em ---- ------ -------- in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, have, bargained, sold, remised aaa Dui(,-Cfajttteb, and OT t§tSt Trt#tUfg, do bargain, sell, remise and Quit -Claim unto the said party of the second part, and to_ -- --- i}eirs-a c rs bas-ferret=er, "�' -(4Ne._ k'o- its --successor--s-,-- the----riuht -- of. way-- f-or -----pu-bli-c----hiL;:rrvay------------ --- through 1,gals on Tots numbers eighty-ewht and ninety in the Tovrr, a-f--I-t-hac a... f(-`c3UJ---...fee?-t- --in 71uidt-h,-- tw4.n.ty--fdve 425) fe-et... o:n side of the. center line, foU.owing the center of the. present grad- in� Beginning-at-;�tc3tion "U" in-.-t-hP--r,akf�---Road----a-bo-u-t----t-w-o hunch-- d-------- atrl Pighty (280) feet due north of the. north line. of the Take View C-P.m--et -(-ry ---- rvnn-Zn-g.... t h eri L p - n Q rt np as t F t-ly----on-R h-u n drr-d----- (i f)U }- --- fe-e to t-o-- ---- )tat ion I ; thence b % inning a curve tvrenty"degrees to the left ----------------- wi , n a rac ius o._ -wo urn rp-I --six ...a nd fl--vrP -tent-.hg -286 ;5-------------- -- feet, one hundred (100) feet to Station2 ; thence on a comp paknd - - -- --- - ---- --------- - ,curve six..rPPs to the left with a radius of nine Hundred a:*xl fifty-five- (955) fee-j._one hundre.d aml thi-r-ty (130) feet to �ta- ---- -- - ------ -- - ----------- ----- - - tion 3 plus 3U_.-; .UhAnc�e on a reverse curve one hundred twenty-seven Oeg-rees_a-nd..-.tu..e-.it, y....mir.ttt.Ps__.t_o =t'le. -right `•w-i-th...a.. rad.ii)s.. o-f--f.n._rL„ - ----------- five (45) feet, one hundred and twenty (120) feet to station 4 us 5U-- • t.beneP on -a c'-an ovnd curve four dP7rPes to the r ht p L)_ with a radi:as of fourteen hundred and thirty-three (1433) fer-t, t--href' hu_n �Ir Pte -d -nd t-wenty-five C32-5).. ._ f e-e?-t- to--stu-fiti- fl --r-i-- 7.-....plry _u s...-7-5-------------._---- thence on a compound curve forty-Pit;ht degrees to the. rifsht, with a r-a -ku o-f oire*---- hun (1r st=-d- -ni net-e en a i1 d f -au, r t-eint-h:s------(}_ 4-)--- --f -P-r- t. ..... ....... .fifty (50) feet to station 8 plus 25 ;-thenceon a compound curve twn- i-ety degrees to-----r- P right, with a raffi aus----of tw-6 :Hundred P-: zty- six and five tenths (286.5) fePt-, one hundred (1UU) feat to sta- -- ------------ ------ - -. �---------- r ------- ------ ..... ----------- -------------------- ------------ t ion 9 plus 25 thence. on a . everse. curve one hundred an"1 f our de.6r?Ps-_--a-rzl_-.t-en--:-minu_-t-es_...t-o_--t-he. left with a radius ofi'----fifty-five -- --- - - - - - ------------ (55)- feet, one. hundred and ninety-five feet to station 11 plus 20; 'thence on a.---r-evP.rsP.-cu-rv-e two- deg-r-ees to. -the ri ht .with --a. radi-u.s---.-- of.--tivo -thousand r-ight'hundred and sixty-five (2865) feet, four h-un-fired and -t a--rt-y,--(43f)) f-e-et-----ter s-ta-tics-n 1:5 p-?-us 5-0- ; t--h-P-nee---on e----------- reversP curve four degrees to the left, with_ a radius of fourteen. hundred and thirty, -three (1433) feet, one hundred (100) feet to station 16 plus 50 ; then(,,,- on a reverse curve six degrees to the right with d *'' of ninhundred aryl fifty-five, (955) feet, one hundred anPf'iTtyjl50) feete. t to station 18 ;' thence on a reverse c ur-v-e f1v­e t-o th-e I-ef -t- --wi- th. a--- -nadd.i) s o f forty-six (1146) fent, two hundred aryl fifty (250) feet to sta- t ie 213....p1--u-s-_450-----;.....-----o-n----a----- ---- c-u-rve .f-ou-r. Ar-g r r-A---- minutes to the right with a radius of t•vnlve hundred and seventy- t hr-ere f e-et--i ----- o -ne h-unflr-ed (1-00) f e P. t---- -t- o s- t, a- t io-n 21 pl-us 5U th­enc r -- ----------- on an Pnd curve north about five degrees and twenty minutes east-, a bout.- - one -h-urrdr ed a -yid n-inr-.-t-y----(-I-'90) f-r, r�t t-o s-t, at io-n 23--plus 4,0--; ----- -- - -- ------- - being .fourteen f,-.Pt to the left of a thirty inch hickory; thence r easy c ij; ria- -ur ... t-I ro L,--H the points d-o t4�'r_ 'Aed ty t_h� --f b s curves 1 1) e po b- di.,5.tanc.e._s north twelve. de-rees and twpnty-spven __ ! ---------- - ------------- - - - -------- ------ - - - ------ LA -------- -- ------------------ -------- ------------- - - I ------------- minutes east one hundred - (100) feet ; thence no rth seventeen de.- gr-e-(-.s f_i_fty__-_two___mi_rv).tes P.as-t . ........ o_np___hun..dr_pd t-100-) f-P.-et -.-.* . ...... t-he-n-ce ------------ -- - --- ------ north three. degrees forty-nine minutes -vfest one hundred (100) feet, pas-si --- ng----a ---- cvl-v­err-t---:a-t fi --- fty- -f --- i-ve ---- (--55)------ fe-e-t- ------ th-k-.nc-f----n-o-rth-- -f-o-rt-y--t*-VVo ---------- minutes west one. hundred (100) feet; thence north el given degrees a YYI ----- f e-a.s-t ---- o-n-e---h-un-dr-r-d ----- ( I - () C) -) ------ fte-eli ---- ; ----- t-h-en ce----no -rth twenty-seven degrees and thirty-five minutes east., one hundred Te - - ------ S ; 4, 0 - Y!'i:4-e ------ ri-0'-r,$U­h s ei-v cin-A- y­7'-­o-n- 6,­­*c e , e es,­--an-I -wo min ----------- Ot th I I g,r utes eayt, one hundred (11-00) feet ; thence south fifty-five de- --------------- 6'rees an(,U___L,_hI_1r_t �,wit-; ------ i�n, O'd ----- CLO-(Y) ------ n6-O.---sau-th ----- thi rty7 Pi*,&,.I�t dpgreos and fifty-seven minutes- -n-aot one hundred --- -- ------ - . and. .. . ........ ...... --- - ----------- - ---------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -_ --------- ------- ------ - (100) fer-,t� ; thence so*i)th twenty-nine degrees and thirty-two r-qin- u t-es_ .... P-a-a-t-I tw-.o --- h.i-.j nd f f, p_a,s�i -------- ng ---- a _Q_Vlye._r_t .... at ----- o.n.P_k .-_ _,.V.n - - ------- -- -- dred and twenty-five (125) feet thence. s oijth Fifty-one degrees P, n mi-niv", p s eas-t ------ tw--o h-un-dr-ed --(-200.) fn.e.t. ...; t_h.p.nc-__p s- ou.t.h_ -t hi nine degre'es and fb rty-rnibht' minutes east; two hundred (200) f P-e-t to t-he­cem-ter ---- af ........ vtpw a-r-t .... t-6,-n-ai o-n ----- I ------ th-4-n-cr--.1 no--r-th ------------------------ thirty-fouir de6rers thirty-seven minute, s e as, t, , one -hundred (100) f P-r,-t ...... ....... Ice d­pg-rere.-s and - --f kfty- f ou r rni-ntu-t-es -- -------- - -- Y - � east, one. hundred ( 100 ) fer-t ; t.hence no rt h nineteen degrees anal s eve'II****MrIu• t-Ps -FCas.t-,- --on-e -hundred- -(--1-00-) fe-e t nort--ii W.v-e--r ------ -- - -- - - ,legrees, thirt y-two minutes Past, one hundred (100) feet ; thpncr-. n n1ne -a --- n AL ---- t-wo­--ti�--nt-hS ----- f-e-e-t ----------------- north ---- ff ilfe­ffilff vt-is-s ---- I --pas s - - -- -- ---- ---- ; ---- ------ ------- -- ---- ----------- s--- ... . ........... ... ... ----- ---- -------------------- --------------- ---- ff-GO-) f t ­­----- -- ---- --------- r,vc-ii degrees, hundred P, e th_ien_cp. north sixt -six. (I.e-rees forty-seven minutes east,. one hvn- -------------- ------------------------- ---------- y I ..... ....... .... -------------------------------------- forty-seven - ------------------- * --------------------------- f _6 r-t y, n___ e- ------­------- dred (100) feet ; thp.ncp, north eiblh�ty-onp, degrees and mind I-d-es, ear-t .. ...... o-ne. livn-drea ...(_IQ_Q_) f -P (---. t ------ ...... thencF. south sixty-seven 11 - ---- ---- - - --- ---------- t - - - - - ---- -- ----------- - -- - - --------- ---- degre.e.s and sj-;, minutes east, one. hunired .100) feet ; thence s ht ----- deg_ne-ems an-d f-i-fty--ei-:ht trunutea r-ast, one. hun- - --- ------- --- ---- - --------------------------- .. . . . ...... ... (Tred (100) fe.(-.t to center of culvert thence leavinL the center line ana--de-s-c-rib-ing- r.o..JJL-nts -o-n t.h.e.we-st linp --o-f.. said right of way soutil-i sixteen degre.ps and thirty-si.yprj. minutes east one hundred it-ki-en,,,e a I c r. J� ------ --------- - --------------- E�', Y - 1 1.6 t iL-,-h t a-nd t-e -fit-I-IS e Wrest line s ou th tu hi rteen deLr s7..es twenty-three nAnu t es eas t two ------­---­- ..... t - --------- I -------- ----- S.C­ LY .... bne. and Wo ueylt'hS ------ (-201:-.-Z} ----- f -i�. -e t ------ t--h ----- t,-ir pi-i-t- 1— 0 degrees selfn, minutes east, and nine- -- ---- -- - -- e �_j _(tO 0) _:C t thane r. n e soy t h twee--ntlr- li'Ei d_pbrpe_s_cand__t'hi_ 11 , I's s c- Y mina. Past fift,;-one (51) fee. thence..... -south twenty-two dp.�rer­s ............. !!� --------------------------------- ---------- ------ _.­ -------------------------------- z .......... ......... t ; ----------------------- - - --------------------------------------------- -- -- -- - --- --------------- and thirty-four minutes east, two hunclred one. and nine tenths (201-9) f aet th eno e__ s- out h eiEhl d--r---gr-ecs ----a-nd ---fou-rt-y---fou-r-----minutes ------------------- -- ­------ eas t one hundred forty-eight and eight tenths (148.8) feet ; thence s ot-t-h I ---- th--re.( ------ d_C-_F g ne-es ar,-d --- tIii_r.t.y-_n_.i_r.E ----- mi.n_v_t__es est o-n-a seventy-five anti three to-nths 17 5.3 )_f n.et 4u* h (-n (,, o, south f ou r- P, En- s-P v-,p rt__y=_tYY,.o ----------- and f o,,)r tentIlls- (172.4). fer.t thpnc*c-. south nine de6roos an-,threr, minutps 1-Fez-t -and six--' (99. f erf-rt ---- A _ - -n. �. .....s-opt ----- .......;V -- ----...... ?our d-gre(s and. forty-eight minutes east ninety-nine and eight -----------i -----"­tt 9P,PfavinEu iewPs s.i e.. points -on . -the e-as.t. se-i- cl. e __ o *.f said - r '" i L_- h __t. 'of way as follows - - - - s oath fifty-two degrees and twpYity-t- h r e. e mine t e s east one e. h, u n 'd ninfity (1-9.8-3) - ---f e-t? t thenc-P a.1o_n,' . ..... t-hem e-as--t sid-e, L_ ---------- 3 0113 t h s r-.v P Yt y- thr P (-, degrees t e n mi rut- es .,. eas +1 ninety-nine and f ou r t P.-nt--kx (19-9 4-)......f P-e t------- ------ t-h-p.n­ef s-av-t-h minutes east one. hundred and fifty (150) fp.(,t ; thence south f i ft-y��-ix­ --d-Rgr-e-e-s; amd fo-v-r-t-e-e Yi iriil-n-u-ti-ers r-ras-+. f-ift y (-5U--)-- t fo ---------------- the. Kline Road. ---------------------- And t1l­n g-a-r-t-i-es o-f_ the ft-rs t p-art h-ere­t-y: re -I eras­p - ----- t_-he ia--id------------------ for 4-11-le. pUrpOS(,.S of a right of tray to the said town of Ithaca LI ----------------- I --------------------- --- �­ p u- bli'c' L_f__h,_.v_ a y on. y; an d d­6 fu r-t-h Pr r el P-.- a-., 0 al -et tuw-n af I't-hu--ua ------------------ f rom_--a-11 .... aa:!D4&es ... Aup. to thp..parties of "the first part by reason - ----- -- ----- -- ----- --------------------------------------------- - firs_ t__ the. laying out of the. same. ----- -- -------------- -------------- ----- - - With @11 ;md- singular the li-@reditamants and appu_rte_P:4Pc;GS_ ther-Gto belonging or in ap-y- wise appertaining, and the reversion and fever-siens, r-emaind-e-r- ani-d- I:ents, isgaes a pight, title, inter-est, elaiiia afid El@mand whatsa@ver, ef the said PIT94 4 the first par-t, eitheF in law er- equity, af, in er- te the-, �4bevc__ bargained premisGs, with the and appur-tenaFlees, to Aaw an� to -AO(b thp- de -a' -ril4p,(I lAqd,;—A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- to the said par! Of th@ SeeE)R - - --- --- __ - heirs and assigns, to th@ sale and only pr-ep@r- lb@nefit -And behool ef the--. said :�,494 ef the, SeGand par-t, heirs and assigIR!, ful r, %, cl. jn 'WitntOO VotrtOf The said par2��_ of the first part kan- hereunto set ""'day and �year* first above written. 4h, �ha, ,*, ,and sa the 3n, Oprizencc of L. S. .. ..... ..... .. --- --- --------- - - --- -- - - ---- ---- --- --- . ........ ..... . .... ........ [L. S.] '5fafe of ciuw Iota. County of ------- ------ TolyippIdns Ss. - - ---- -------- ----- -- of On this 6-th ------------- day of. --------- ..-...in the year One thousand nine hundred and--- Awo -------------before me, the subscriber, personally appeared --- Jarred T - ---- IT!n-viman, Jan_e____P._ '9.-- NP.-,v,tan __and --- Ch-ar-Les H ------- Blo o d -- - - -- ------ -- --------- ---- --- - - -- ----- -- ----- ------ ----------- - ----- -- ---------- to me personally known to be the - - ------------------ - ----- - - same person -S described in - --------- -- - -- ----------- - -- --- -------- and who executed ------ - --- - --- - ----- the foregoing instrument, and they ----- - s_r�_vexall_y _' 11 ..acknowled that 9Ve _� thty executed the �� same. --- - - ------ I ----- - ------------ 0 0 ai bio R 0 0 C) 0 V