HomeMy WebLinkAboutBF124851-001Jessie Sh&WTHIS IN TB y of, to R ed
to an&fo a ntrmat vAmders9d, -Carl, oot
Tom of Ithaca. r ant, JDA",is . or contrast .v ea all,of tbt Town,, at, Ithaca.,
- -- - - - -- - - - -X County CC T pk ,Aof Now Xwkt. pazti",,*t-th*,,firzt part,
and Town of Ithaca, a. ci rapt tisubdivisaw ... At, .tbM4,,.0 t,, of
Tompkins b►tate of Now, York# party, of t,
WITNESSRW. that the parties of the fire ,t part in.c .af ONW, D ( 00)
lawful money CC tss as& o r.. va luabl e . iAarnt., . by thet�party of, the
second part:, do hereby grant aad v d unto tbw,.. cti cf, tAw sacond,,.part its, successors
and assigns tbrerver,
ALL THM T OIL PAdM DF .ter Situats in. ZA Tmn of Ithaeaq County of Tompkins
State ct .. ant bAdng the west ha.X cf. Lot No.. 2+6 of t6b-Va00zd&v F&rz subALVisivn
in said Tom, more particularly, cribed as follows:
BEGINNING at the northeastern corner 49 p ba1mg ..tm tbr, pasty ct the .; s wt,, on
which the tovm barn now standso said p:ivt . being-i& the 9012thunis Of Lost No. 26,of s nan
Order Farm subdivisions, and b ing the northwest comer of presimea, this day calwayed.. by, the
Tom of Ithaca, to the party ct the, first part: thenAO westerly s long the BMW Nlin a of lot 190.
26, one hundred fifty feet (150 t) to the east line of last=a ba ratofare bel ongirg. to . ty
of the second part; thenco northerly along the east- line . of saJA.1sndsf. f if ty feet. (501) to an
iron pin in. the boundary between Lots Nos. 25 and 26; then" tacly along the said, .beAnWery
line, one hundred fifty feet .(150f) to an iron pin;. then" therly on, a line, PaXsll&l with the i
west line d Spencer, Road fifty feet (501) to thplace of .beginning,, ...for fur thowr1dent1fination
of the p remi s hereby conveyed reforenoe Is made. to the,..asury map , mat ed. bra -by 1-
D. Crumb dated September 24t 1941, from which tiw. . abarve . crip .gym By this deed
the said Jessie Shaw,towsys, all her interest in tiw`abo desarZ -promisem cow eyed to her
by deed of grace Catlin Fit4h if. Stephens, Special Guardian for infants, akhard. L.- 4aatl1n,
Gloria Jam Catlin and :barbers May Catlin.. dated September 19. 1940 reco in tho, TompX4ne
County Clerk's Offie:e- is Hoak 257 of Deeds at page. 253 , and the BALK,,Carl El. Boot
convey the interest they may,have in said abawo described premlsez,by. virtue -of, a certain
land contract between thmselvea aact .Jessie dated Septemboar 20,- 1940
TOGZ=tl with tine- appurtenames aid all the estate r1fghts, of tie. parties of tie, first
part in and to said promises.
TO HME AND TO HOLD the p herein granted unt.a the party of ttm . * part, .its
successors and assigns forever.
AND said parties of time firs t part covensiLt as follows:
MIST. That the party ct the second part shall quietly enjoy tta. said- pr es;
SECOND. That said parties of tha first part will forever WAAAWT the title to said. pre-
IN WITNESS VKK Fg the parties cf the first part have hereunto set theirr hazda.ant. seals
the day and r first above written.
Jessie Shaw L.S.
Carl Root L.S.
STATE OF NEff YO W s Elsie 04a t L.S.
On this 20th flay of J&nu&ry Ninet9sa HUndred &A. forty-two, before mop, the subscriber,
personally appeared Jessie , to, me personally known and..?k1k4*n to no to be tie same, person
described in and who executed the wi thin Instrument, aid.,they, s eve rally acknowledged. to me , ,tha t
they executed the same.
Armand L. Adams, Notary Public.
dodorded February 90 1942 �t 10200 A.M.
Anna B. Wright Moury & husb s TELTs,nw=udzs,,M&de.the _3lst day at, Jam ry
to s Nineteen HwAvat aA forty two. BETWESM, Anna, za. brig ht
John L, Gale. s Moury ct 220 -We&t, Rixth Street,, J aeksonvillelFloridas
- - - - - - - - - - - - - — x also knewn as Ann&AL Wright Xouroy m4L,4olued, by her husUM
C. X. Nmray, parties of the first parts and John L. Galo,,,af-Xewfiol,#,p.C4unty,-of Tompkines
Now York, party ct the secuiA parts
WITNESS ,, that t1w Wty of the first part in oon0bration -of One DQUAr aA otIN r
good and valuable cons:id,eration- (41-.00 60) lawful, maumv, 4 tha United btates, to her in hand
paid by the party of tbs- second parts, does. hereby grant, and xeleum unto tho_partY cC the
second parts, his heirs armL assigns. forever,
ALL THAT TRACT Otl PA :,OF LAND, situate in .th Tom of Mewfleld* Tom County, Now
Yorks, bounded arA& described .as follows Beg inn3 ng. at a stone. stend in& in. nor.thnest corner
of Arthur J. Brown's lot in the center air the h*my; theme �soutkt 72 dagren,eazt_26.75 chain;
thence nor th 9.50 chaina4 o a p"t; themv north 80, 1/2. degreea,weat 27.40 chains; - tb*nce nc9th
18 1/4 degrees east 4.89 chains them* east 12.75 chains; -tbimme, 894h 4.33 ahainA;',them e
south 1+6 1/4 degrees east 4.50 chains; . theme - south 71 degrees., east 11-50 chain& t4 a stone;
thence scl, th 19 4efrews we+ st 3/+ links to the place of boginning,, coutai" . 1 rea of land,
more or loss, "k;i4`11AW Ab"
ALSo ALL THAT TIUCT Od PAdCEL OF LANA situate in s&M- Tom of Sewflelds,_Tampkins
County, Now Xovk., describe& as follow ap being, a part, of -Lot 37 in t1wriathesat -seetion (C
Township No. 6 in Watkins, at Flints 12 Townships in thw Co of Tompkins, mild 4tate ct New
Yak., betinnift, at tba-betheast co of land owned- by StephenL T. Bon Aha -section 1:tns*,
thence north 94 50 chtns to a post;„ thence, most 26.10,chainz,lo &, post,;- theftea'sOMth- 18 1/2
degrees west 4.89, cheins, thaum south A30 1/2 dogress, esat, 27-40 chain& tO US, Pl&Q& of beginning
containingA 19 1/2 acres of lan&, XACZPTIKG AM. AS&WMM 116, squaro_ rodw.deeds& to , the Beewn
Hill Cometery.
ALSO ALL THAM TRACT Oil FAAMDF. LAND in it Tarno County ami.fitateaforesadA described
as followst It being part of Lot 32 in the northespat mmtion of Tmnship.3a. 6 in Watkins
and Flints purchase; beginning at the dmthe "t corner of Ike was t part of said Lot. No. 32
in the center of the public highway on the line of layi owned by Abraham Brown;, thence north
29 1/2 degrees- east alorg, the center of the highway 6.25 dudna to a pine stump;. thenaw-,-"St
3.72 chains to a post; theme south 29, 1/2 degrees west 6.72 chains. to tka, line of A&M-loot
No. 37; thence east 3*72 chains 10 the plaaeof beginnings cofntai Z acres of land.
ALSO ALL THAT TMCT Oil FARM CF LAND 1jx_tbs, Town., Cmnty sit, state aforesaid, knmm} as
part of 61 acres off west end ct Lot No. 38 alm,a part ct 59 aerest off the east, of fist
39s containing 54 acres 2 rods,,12 rod4s, of land it being the` same lan&. deeded. by Joba Holman
to Alvah Brown bounded as follows On the east by laid on*4 by Holden T.. Bromt, on tbs. Smth,,
by laid owned by James Stamp,; on the west by lami. owned, by John Sebring on,tiamor.th by lard
owned by Holden T. Brown, also 26 acres off lot No. 37, bo=uWd as. followsl on the amth by
the above deftribed lax* on the west by the highway; on the nor th by the highway and, on the