HomeMy WebLinkAboutPWC Minutes 2019-02-26TOWN OF ITHACA
February 26, 2019 9:00 a.m.
Public Works Facility
Board and Staff Present: Rod Howe, Rich DePaolo, TeeAnn Hunter, Mike Smith, Jim Weber, Judy
Drake, Dan Thaete, Joe Slater, Bruce Bates, Steve Riddle, Rich TenKate
Guests: Bruce and Doug Brittain, representing Forest Home
1. Approval of Minutes:
Minutes from January 15th, 2019 were approved,
Ms. Hunter, seconded by Mr. DePaolo. Carried.
with a sentence omitted in item #4, by a motion from
2. Member Comments / Concerns: None
a. Consider Modifications to the Agenda — None
3. Apple Orchard PRV Transfer Agreement to Town of Dryden:
Mr. Weber reported that the Agreement will transfer ownership of the PRV to the Town of Dryden
which services the Varna area. Attorney Guy Krough has worked with both towns to produce the draft
agreement and is comfortable with it. Ms. Hunter asked for an explanation of the term "co-
beneficiary". Mr. Weber explained that there will be still be Town of Ithaca customers being serviced
and the possibility exists for future connections for the town. Mr. Riddle from Bolton Point is
comfortable with the draft agreement as well. The customer service connection on Cornell property still
needs to be worked out separately.
4. Water Main Project Costs Discussion:
Mr. Weber explained that there are three water mains identified in the 2019 CIP list. When the budget
was approved, it was thought that the water main on Muriel St. would be replaced in-kind on the
shoulder. However, it was found that the water main is off of pavement, adjacent to the sanitary
sewer. Health codes require a 10 -foot offset, therefore the main cannot be kept in the ROW. The only
viable option for the new main is in the center of the one travel lane. The approved budget was
$625,000. An additional $50,000 is being requested out of water reserves to address pavement costs
to cover the change in location for a total project budget of $675,000. Discussion was held regarding
fire flows, redundancy in the system, water main size, and separation requirements per the Health
Department. The Committee recommended presenting a resolution to increase the budget at the Town
Board Meeting on 3/11. Mr. Weber added that the Winston/Salem water main is on the cusp of its
budget as well.
5. PW Admin Addition:
Mr. Weber updated the Committee with the proposed schedule. 3/19 Planning Board, 4/5 Plans
complete, 4/8 Town Board approval for advertisement, 4/9 Advertise, 5/3 Open bids, 5/13 Town Board
approval to award, 11/27 Substantial Completion. He reported that the Project Application has been
submitted. The Consultant has provided plans for front elevations and turning movement. The
Committee would like to see samples of colors of a metal clad -foam based exterior before deciding.
Mr. Weber will try to get them and provide them at the 3/11 Town Board Meeting. He presented
information regarding a concrete -backed insulation sub -surface. In regard to the Green Building
Code, 1 point is lost due to the window -to -wall ratio, but the point can be made up within the heat
pump system.
6. Dove Drive Water Access Easement:
Mr. Weber explained that the property has recently changed ownership. Title investigation shows that
the existing water main cuts through the property's front yard. The attorney for the new owner has
requested that the easement language be modified, removing the ability to install a road within the
easement in exchange for an access easement over the existing driveway for access the Hungerford
Water Tank. The Town Attorney does not have an issue abandoning terminology relative to the
concern. The easement will be presented to the Town Board for approval. Cornell also uses the
property and approves permits for Clarity Connect and WVBR to access the radio tower. Currently
Cornell has no rights to do so. A separate easement would need to be negotiated between Cornell
and the resident. We will maintain our easement over the water main. For tank maintenance, we will
obtain an easement over the driveway. A discussion between the resident, the town, and Cornell
needs to take place to determine long-term maintenance responsibilities of the driveway.
7. Forest Home Guide Rail:
Mr. Weber explained that the estimate to install guide rail in the area of Forest Home from Mclntrye to
Judd Falls from the preferred vendor is $37,000. PWD support activities will increase the budget to
$45,000. All of the cost would come out of the PWD General Roads budget, taking away from
scheduled road maintenance for 2019. He also explained that PWD will be reconstructing the road in
the upcoming years which may necessitate pulling the guide rail out. Discussion was held regarding
closing liability gaps in the barrier, road sub -surface failure, repair techniques, current rail being old
standards, and possibly requesting additional funds for road maintenance to cover what is being spent
on guide rail. Doug Brittain suggested using Type 1 end rather than Type 3 end to save money. He
stated that the Highway Design Manual suggests using an attenuator as an alternative as long as the
use can be justified. Bruce Brittain added that justification can be made due to the slow speed limit
and excellent low accident record. Mr. Weber was not in favor of supporting anything below what
NYSDOT requires in regard to the type used and recommends following the standard established. He
reminded the group that DPW snow plows regularly travel the roadway and that there are regular
reports of large vehicles using roads in that area not suited for the road conditions. He referenced the
short sight distance, narrow shoulder and no rights outside of the edge of the shoulder, and the lack of
safety improvement. Aesthetics was raised as being important and Mr. Weber will provide a visual of
what the two end types look like. The Committee wants to know what the NYSDOT Highway Design
Manual says in regard to the issue before making a recommendation.
7. Project Updates — Mr. Weber
Sewer Study— We have the Executive Summary. A meeting is scheduled on 3/5 between the
Consultant and Staff. It will be presented to the Committee on 3/19 and will go to the Town Board
Study Session on 3/25. There are issues within the existing sanitary sewer system in regard to
capacity and inflow & infiltration. There will be more to report after meeting with the Consultant.
Sewer Updates between the Town, Cornell, and Dryden —
Work continues with Cornell and the Town of Dryden regarding sewer agreements and discharge
8. Other:
a) FEMA is looking at doing a small creek flood study in conjunction with the Inlet. There is a
meeting at the City on 3/13. They are looking at Tompkins County and all surrounding
municipalities in regard to volumes, erosion, compliance with storm water laws.
b) In regard to the removal of trees on Christopher Circle, Ms. Hunter verified that residents
will be notified via an email from Mr. Weber. Mr. Weber added that there are small trees on
Kay Street that Mr. Slater will verify whether they are on the easement. Discussion was
held regarding the water main being of 1950 vintage and the reason the water main was
replaced in the circle. He added that the request of abandoning the line in question that
serves five residents would create a non -looped system. The Committee is in favor of
moving forward with the removal of the scheduled trees.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m., motioned by Ms. Hunter, seconded by Mr. DePaolo. Carried.
Our next meeting will be on 3/19 at 9:00 a.m.
March agenda item:
Mr. Goodman - Coddington Road Community Center and park easement in regard to the alienation
process. Mr. Weber will provide a map of the Pine Tree Water Tank.