HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA Minutes 2020-10-13Town of Ithaca Public Hearing Notice Zoning Board of Appeals Tuesday, October 13, 2020 @ 6:00 SP. 215 N Tioga St. 0008-2020 Appeal of Gerhard E. Vrabel, agent for the owner of 211 King Road West, Tax Parcel No. 37.-1-8, is seeking relief from Town of Ithaca Code sections, 270-205 (A) and (B) (Nonconforming structures), 270-211(A)1 (Restoration), and sections 270-60E.(2) (Yard regulations), for a proposal to replace an existing non-conforming accessory structure on a parcel, with a larger accessory structure. Town of Ithaca Code section 270-205 (A) specifies that a non-conforming building cannot be enlarged or altered to increase its non-conformity, and Town of Ithaca Code 270-205 (B) specifies that if a structure is destroyed by any means (in whole or in part) it may only be reconstructed in accordance with section 270-11 of Town of Ithaca Code. Town of Ithaca Code section 270-211(A)1 requires that the restoration of a building be located on and no larger than the existing footprint prior to the destruction of the building, where the applicant is proposing to increase the size of the structure by 96 square feet and is proposing to have an accessory building on a lot that is approximately 12 feet wide by 24 feet long (288 square feet). Town of Ithaca Code section 270-60E (2) requires accessory buildings to be located in the rear yard, where the applicant is proposing to construct an accessory building not located in the rear yard. The current property is located in the Low Density Residential District. 'XHWRSXEOLFKHDOWKDQGVDIHW\FRQFHUQVUHODWHGWR&29,'WKH=RQLQJ%RDUGRI$SSHDOVZLOO QRWEHPHHWLQJLQSHUVRQ,QDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH*RYHUQRU¶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¶VZHEVLWHDQGFOLFNRQ0HHWLQJ$JHQGDV,IWKHUHDUHDQ\TXHVWLRQV SHUWDLQLQJWRWKLVSXEOLFKHDULQJFRQWDFW0DUW\0RVHOH\DWPPRVHOH\#WRZQLWKDFDQ\XVRU RSWLRQ Marty Moseley Director of Code Enforcement ZBA 2020‐10‐13 (Filed 10/16/2020)    Pg. 1    Town of Ithaca Zoning Board of Appeals October 13, 2020 Minutes Due to the extension(s) of Gov. Cuomo’s Executive Order(s) suspending certain requirements of the Open Meetings Law for health and safety reasons, the meeting was held via the ZOOM audio/visual platform. Present: Rob Rosen, Chair; Members Bill King, Chris Jung, George Vignaux, and David Squires Absent: David Williams and David Filiberto Marty Mosely, Director of Codes; Paulette Rosa, Town Clerk and Susan Brock, Attorney for the Town Mr. Rosen called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. 0008-2020 Appeal of Gerhard E. Vrabel, Agent, 211 King Road W, TP 37.-1-8, LDR, seeking relief from Town of Ithaca Code sections, 270-205 (A) and (B) (Nonconforming structures), 270-211(A)1 (Restoration), and sections 270-60E.(2) (Yard regulations), for a proposal to replace an existing non-conforming accessory structure with a larger accessory structure. Town of Ithaca Code section 270-205 (A) specifies that a non-conforming building cannot be enlarged or altered to increase its non-conformity, and Town of Ithaca Code 270-205 (B) specifies that if a structure is destroyed by any means (in whole or in part) it may only be reconstructed in accordance with section 270-11 of Town of Ithaca Code. Town of Ithaca Code section 270-211(A)1 requires that the restoration of a building be located on and no larger than the existing footprint prior to the destruction of the building, where the applicant is proposing to increase the size of the structure by 96 square feet and is proposing to have an accessory building on a lot that is approximately 12 feet wide by 24 feet long (288 square feet). Town of Ithaca Code section 270-60E (2) requires accessory buildings to be located in the rear yard, where the applicant is proposing to construct an accessory building not located in the rear yard.   Discussion Mr. Vrabel explained that the property is in his family and may soon be deeded to them, but right now they share it and its access via our driveway. The shed needs to be replaced and upgraded and access remain via the paved access drive. He noted that when they did a survey, they found that the driveway straddles the properties and when it is deeded or consolidated in some way, that will be rectified. ZBA 2020‐10‐13 (Filed 10/16/2020)    Pg. 2    The Board had no issue with the proposal and in discussing the possible consolidation of the properties in the future, the Board had no issue with the structure remaining and being in what may become the front yard of a future combined parcel. The Board thought the impact was minimal, even given the larger size, and the current shed has been there for many years, in fact, prior to zoning. It is currently a legally non-conforming structure being a structure on the lot without a primary residence. Public Hearing Mr. Rosen opened the public hearing at 6:02 p.m.; there was no one present wishing to address the Board and Ms. Rosa noted for the record that no one had entered the Zoom meeting or contacted her via email or phone regarding the appeal. The hearing was closed. Determination ZBA Resolution 0008-2020 Area Variance(s) 211 King Road W, TP 37.-1-8, LDR Resolved that this board grants the appeal of Gerhard E. Vrabel, Agent, 211 King Road W, TP 37.-1-8, LDR, seeking relief from Town of Ithaca Code sections, 270-205 (A) and (B) (Nonconforming structures), 270-211(A)1 (Restoration), and sections 270-60E.(2) (Yard regulations), for a proposal to replace an existing non-conforming accessory structure with a larger accessory structure and for the accessory building to not be located in the back yard if or when the two parcels are consolidated, and be permitted to be in what will become the front yard; with the following: Conditions 1. Built substantially as shown in the submitted drawings, and with the following Findings That the benefit to the applicant does outweigh any detriment to the health, safety and welfare of the community, specifically that: 1. The benefit that the applicant wishes to achieve cannot be achieved by any other means feasible given that access is needed from the paved portion of the driveway and the current location is a legally existing, non-conforming placement, and 2. That there will not be an undesirable change in the neighborhood character or to nearby properties given that there has been a shed there for many years, before zoning, and although larger, a shed in that location has been part of the community character for many years and the impact is mitigated by the structure being approximately 85’ feet from the road where 30’ feet is the setback requirement in the low density residential zone; and 3. That the request is substantial given that the location is not permitted under current Code, when or if the parcels are combined, and the proposed shed is larger than the current shed; and 4. The request will not have adverse physical or environmental effects as evidenced by no SEQR being required; and 5. That while the alleged difficulty is self-created in that the applicant wishes to have a larger shed, the benefit to the applicant does outweigh any detriment to the health, safety and welfare of the community. V Moved by Rob Rosen, seconded by George Vignaux Vote: ayes - Rosen, Vignaux, King, Jung and Squires Unanimous Meeting was adjourned upon a motion and a second at 6:30 p.m. Submitt Paulette Rosa, Town Clerk ZBA 2020-10-13 (Filed 10/16/2020) Pg. 3 TOWN OF ITHACA 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 www.town.ithaca.ny.us AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL AND POSTING & PUBLICATION STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS.: COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) I, Christopher Torres, being duly sworn, depose and state, that deponent is not a party to the actions, is over 21 years of age with a professional address of 215 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York. That on the 5^ day of October 2020, deponent served the within Notice upon the property owners listed on the attached document, for an appeal for a property located at: 211 King Rd W. By depositing same enclosed in a postpaid addressed wrapper, in a post office under the exclusive care and custody of the United States Post Office Department within the State of New York, and that the attached notice has been duly posted on the sign board of the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca on October 5, 2020 and the notice has been duly published in the officialjiewspaper, Ithaca Journal on October 5,2020. ■■'-i;; iTown of .-Ithaca j •' •' ■ - ■ P Christopher Torres, Administrative Assistant Sworn to before me on , 2020. f^a(jZA Notary Public iECKY L. JORDAN NOTARY PUBLiC-STATE OF NEW YORK Nc. 01J061 86361 Ouallfled In Tompkins Countyf-/iy Commission Expires April 26. 20 3^ ublic Hearing Notice • — - * 'Zoning Board of Appeals Tuesday, October 13. 2020 <d 6:00 p.m. 215 N Tioga St. 0008-2020 Appeal of Gerhard E. Vrabei, agent for the owner of 211 King Road West. Tax Parcel No. 37.-1-8. is seeking relief from Town of Ithaca,Code sections,' 270^205(A) and (B) (Noriconformlng' structures),'270-211(A)1 (Restoration)., and .sections,'270-60E:(2), (Yard regulations), for a proposal to replace an existing-non-conformmg accessory ^ructure on'a parcel, with a larger accessory stru'c- ture.- , . , .-uv ; i 'iTown'o'f Ithaca Code section 270-205 (A) specifies that anon-conforming building cannot be enlarged or ,alteredto incfe'ase its noh^co'nforrhityV and Town" of Ithaca'Code'270-205. (B) specifies that if a.structure iS'destroyed by anymeans (in whole or in part) it'may only be reconstructed in accordance witK section 270-1'T;of Towri <>f'Ithaca.Code. Town of Jthaca, Code'section 270-211(A)1 requires that the-restoratibn of a building 'be' Ibcated'on and hblargdr than the|existlhg footprint prior to the;destructiop'of .the-building,'where the applicant Is proposing .tb 'ih-; crease the size .of.Ithe-structure'by 96 square feet'and'.isproposing to,Jiave an accessory building) on a lot,.thatr,]sapproximately 112 feet'wide'by 24 feeflong (288.square'feet). , . ... v'l.r'Town of Ithaca Code section 270-60E (2) requires accessory buildings to be located in the rear yard, where the 'apx- plicant is proposing to construct an accessory building notlocated in the rear yard. . .The current'prpp'erty is located in 'the Low Density'Resi dential District. ,Due to public health and safety ,'concerns related to COViD-19,-the Zbr!ihg"'Bo'ard.'bf Appeals'will not be meeting ih-^person.'j.lh accordahcevwith:.'the-X3ovemor-'s Execu-.' tlve Order 202.1. The meeting will be held by videoconferencing through the Zoom App. The meeting can beaccessed and you can .provide'commen-U during the pub-' li«rHea"ring~t>y"qoinJ't^ wwvv^borhlus"'"'- Join Meetingi^Kleeting—ID' 944-393-1973.'-iYbu- 'ca'n-'alsb'^'^call-'in' to- thi' Zoom meeting by telephone at -4-1 (929 436 2866) to-Iis-ten to the. meeting and provide comments during th<Eublic hearing. You can also provide comments via emaiefore and ciuring the meeting to Town Cierk Pauletti .Rosa at_,clerk@town.ithaca.ny.u5... For'rhore informatlor'oni''.. vhovy*-to access the'.--meeting'•"/and •"•.'pfojec'applicatibrVrneeting 'fnaterfals. [or. how to sub'rhit 'ai commeht.before,'or dudng the meeting,'/please .visit the -Towi.of lthaca's\.website'-and..click, on Meeting Agendas. Ithere are any questions pertaining to this public hearing contact Marty Moseley at mmoseIey9town.itha'ca.'hy.u< or 273-1721 option #2. Marty Moseley _Director bf Code_Enforcement You are receiving this notice because you live within 500 feet of a property requesting a variance from the Town Code. Comments can be made during the meeting, or in writing via mail to 215 N. Tioga St., or via email to ctorresj^a town.ithaca.ny.us All comments become part of the official record. Town of Ithaca Notice of Public Hearing Zoning Board of Appeals Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. 215 N. Tioga St. Due to public health and safety concerns related to COVID-19, the Zoning Board" of Appeals will not be meeting in-person. In accordance with the Governor's Executive Order 202.1, this meeting will be held by video conferencing through the Zoom App. The public will have an opportunity to see and hear the meeting live and provide comments. INSTRUCTIONS TO ACCESS THE VIRTUAL MEETING: If you have a computer, tablet or smart-phone, you can access the Zoom meeting by going to www.zoom.us and clicking on "Join a Meeting", and entering 944-393-1973 into the Meeting ID. You can also call in to the Zoom meeting at +1 (929 436 2866). 0008-2020 Appeal of Gerhard E. Vrabel, agent for the owner of 211 King Road West, Tax Parcel No. 37.-1-8, is seeking relief from Town of Ithaca Code sections, 270-205 (A) and (B) (Nonconforming structures), 270-211(A)1 (Restoration), and sections 270-60E.(2) (Yard regulations), for a proposal to replace an existing non-conforming accessory structure on a parcel, with a larger accessory structure. Town of Ithaca Code section 270-205 (A) specifies that a non-conforming building cannot be enlarged or altered to increase its non-conformity, and Town of Ithaca Code 270-205 (B) specifies that if a structure is destroyed by any means (in whole or in part) it may only be reconstructed in accordance with section 270-11 of Town of Ithaca Code. Town of Ithaca Code section 270-211(A)1 requires that the restoration of a building be located on and no larger than the existing footprint prior to the destruction of the building, where the applicant is proposing to increase the size of the structure by 96 square feet and is proposing to have an accessory building on a lot that is approximately 12 feet wide by 24 feet long (288 square feet). Town of Ithaca Code section 270-60E (2) requires accessory buildings to be located in the rear yard, where the applicant is proposing to construct an accessory building not located in the rear yard. The current property is located in the Low Density Residential District. Marty Moseley Director of Code Enforcement