HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 2020-08-10 Meeting of the Ithaca Town Board Monday, August 10, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. ZOOM ID 9891 095 8241 Call In 929-436-2866 AGENDA 1. Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance 2. Persons to be Heard and Board Comments 3. Public hearing regarding a 5-year contract with the Village of Cayuga Heights for Fire Protection services in the Northeast portion of the Town a. Consider approval/authorization 4. Discuss and consider setting public hearings for September 14, 2020 regarding the 2020 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts and Special Benefit Areas for the 2021 tax year and the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Commission (Bolton Point) Preliminary Budget 5. Discuss and consider approval of Wage Scale for non-Collective Bargaining employees Office and Field 6. Discuss and consider approval and authorization for the Supervisor to extinguish and existing easement and sign a replacement easement associated with the Coddington Road Community Center park land replacement subject to permissive referendum a. SEQR b. Adoption 7. Discuss proposed Cayuga Watershed Project submission 8. Discuss and consider approval and authorization to execute contract for the South Hill Recreation Way Native Planting project 9. Discuss and consider approval of an authorization to sign a one-year extension for Animal Control Services 10. Consider Consent Agenda Items a) Approval of Town Board Minutes b) Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract c) Approval of Bolton Point Abstract d) Approval designation of Highway surplus vehicles and equipment e) Approval of the Remote Work Policy and Procedures f) Approval of a Modified Vacation Buy Back Program for 2020 g) Approval of the revised Smoking Policy to be Tobacco Free h) Approval of provisional appointment of Water Sewer Maintenance Supervisor i) Approval of the Revised Longevity Schedule (non-Collective Bargaining employees) j) Approval of closures for Town-wide training k) Approval of a temporary salary adjustment Court Clerk 11. Report of Town Officials and Committees 12. Review of Correspondence 13. Adjournment MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD Monday, August 10, 2020 5:30 p.m. MINUTES Board Members Present: Rod Howe, Supervisor; Members Eric Levine, Rich DePaolo, Bill Goodman, Tee-Ann Hunter, Pat Leary and Pamela Bleiwas Staff Present: Susan Brock, Attorney for the Town; Judy Drake, Director of Human Resources; Marty Moseley, Director of Code Enforcement; Becky Jordan, Deputy Town Clerk; Donna Shaw, Finance; Joe Slater, Director of Public Works and Dan Thaete, Director of Engineering 1.Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance Mr. Howe called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. (Meeting held via ZOOM per Executive Order extensions COVID-19) 2.Persons to be heard and Board Comments There was no one from the public wishing to address the Board. 3.Public Hearing regarding a 5-year contract with the Village of Cayuga Heights for Fire Protection services in the Northeast portion of the Town Mr. Howe opened the public Hearing at 5:35 pm. There was no one wishing to address the Board and the hearing was closed at 5:36 p.m. TB Resolution 2020 -104: Authorizing the Town Board to enter into a 5-Year Contract with the Village of Cayuga Heights on Behalf of the Town of Ithaca Fire Protection District, which covers the Northeast portion of the Town outside the Village of Cayuga Heights,and is for the provision of Fire Protection Services, Hazardous Material Incident Services, and Emergency Medical First Response Services Whereas, the Town of Ithaca, New York (the "Town") on behalf of the Town Fire Protection District, which covers the Northeast portion of the Town outside of the Village of Cayuga Heights, contract for the provision of fire protection services, hazardous material incident services and emergency medical services, pursuant to New York Town Law § 184, and Whereas,a resolution was duly adopted for the Town Board to hold a public hearing on August 10, 2020 to hear all interested parties in connection with such proposed fire contract, and Whereas, said public hearing was duly advertised and held on said date and time and, TB 2020-08-10Pg. 1 Whereas, the Town Board believes it to be in the best interest of the Town to enter into such fire contract negotiated by Town and Village representatives, and Whereas, pursua implementing regulations at 6 NYCRR Part 617, it has been determined by the Town Board that tinuing agency administration and management, not including new programs or major reordering of priorities that SEQRA,now,therefore, be it Resolved, that the Ithaca Town Board approves the above-referenced fire contract and hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute such contract, subject to approval by the Attorney for the Town, on behalf of the Town of Ithaca Fire Protection District. Moved: Rich DePaoloSeconded: Eric Levine Vote: ayes Bleiwas, DePaolo, Goodman, Howe, Hunter, Leary, and Levine 4.Discuss and consider setting public hearings for September 14, 2020 regarding the 2020 Assessment Rolls for Special Benefit Districts and Special Benefit Areas for the 2021 tax year and the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Commission (Bolton Point) Preliminary Budget TB Resolution 2020 -105: Setting a public hearing regarding the 2020 Assessment Rolls for the 2021 tax year for Special Benefit Districts and Special Benefit Areas and the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission 2021 Preliminary Budget Resolved that the Town Board will hold a public hearing at its September 14, 2020 meeting beginning at 5:30 p.m., regarding the proposed: 1.2020 Assessment Rolls for the 2021 tax year for Special Benefit Districts and Special Benefit Areas, and 2.The Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission 2021 Preliminary Budget at which time the public may be heard concerning the same. Information on the above items is www.town.ithaca.ny.us Moved: Tee-Ann HunterSeconded: Eric Levine Vote: ayes Bleiwas, DePaolo, Goodman, Howe, Hunter, Leary, and Levine 5.Discuss and consider approval of Wage Scale for non-Collective Bargaining employees Office and Field Ms. Drake commented that this has been through the Personnel Committee and the Budget committee. TB 2020-08-10Pg. 2 Mr. DePaolo asked if we always follow the collective bargaining agreement? Ms. Drake responded that typically we do. Mr. DePaoloasked ifthis is discretionary? Is therea review process done largely in part by the collective bargaining members?He said he from the Union Contract. Mr. Goodman responded that historically we follow unioncontract. There was an exception 10 or 11 years ago,around the recession,possibly in 2008/2009, where we followed theConsumer Price Index (CPI)relating it to thecost of living. Mr. DePaolo asked if that has the power of undermining the advantageof being in a union? Is that a concern to usorto the union? Does thatdrive up demands in bargaining? Ms. Drake responded that she did not think it was, really. TB Resolution 2020 -106: Approval of 2021 Office and Field Classification Wage Scales Whereas, the Town Board established a Wage Scale, which sets the Hiring Minimum and Job Rate for each job classification, which may be increased each year based on a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA); and Whereas, the collective bargaining agreement with the Public Works unit represented by Teamsters Local 317 established a 2.75% cost of living adjustment for 2021; and Whereas, after evaluating the Consumer Price Index (CPI-W) as well as other factors, the Town Supervisor and Human Resources Manager in preparation for the 2021 tentative budget recommended to the Personnel Committee a 2.75% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) to the 2020 Job Rate for all classifications in the Office and Field Wage Scales for 2021; and Whereas, the Personnel Committee reviewed and discussed the recommendation and recommends for the 2021 Wage Scales a 2.75% COLA on the 2020 Job Rate for all classifications in the Office and Field Wage Scales for 2021; and Whereas, the Budget and Finance Committee during its early review of the 2021 Budget recommendation of a 2.75% cost of living adjustment; now, therefore, be it Resolved, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the 2021 Office and Field Classification Wage Scales, which include a 2.75% Cost of Living Adjustment on the 2020 Job Rate for all classifications in the Office and Field Wage Scales for 2021. Moved: Pamela BleiwasSeconded: Pat Leary Vote:ayes Bleiwas, DePaolo, Goodman, Howe, Hunter, Leary, and Levine TB 2020-08-10Pg. 3 6.Discuss and consider approval and authorization for the Supervisor to extinguish an existing easement and sign a replacement easement associated with the Coddington Road Community Center(CRCC)park land replacement subject to permissive referendum Mr. Goodman reminded everyone that this project has been discussed since CRCC first talked about expansion a couple years ago. Wereceivedstate legislative approvalin order to alienate the current easement of parkland/preserve land we have. The Town iscomfortable relinquishingthecurrent easement with the replacement easement. CRCC has received State grant funding and have gone to the Planning Boardfor approval. The Planning Board has done its own SEQRand now the Town Boardwill be doingits own SEQRin a moment making a suggested negative determination which makes no Environmental Impact ation. We have been advised by Ms. Brock that an interest in realestate is subject to permissive referendum. If we authorize relinquishment of the current easementtoday the 30-day referendum would start now. Acquisition of thenew easement is subject toapublic hearing. The public hearing th could be held at the August 24Town Board meeting. Mr. Goodman added that Jay Franklin, County Director of Assessment,has been asked for an updated evaluationof the easementsandT.G. Miller willprovidealegal description for the new easement. Ms. Brock had comments to add. TB Resolution 2020 107a: SEQR: Termination of Existing Parkland Easement and Acceptance of Substitute Parkland Easement to Town on Coddington Road Community Center Lands Whereas, the action is the termination of an existing parkland Easement and acceptance of substitute parkland Easement to the Town of Ithaca on lands owned by the Coddington Road Community Center; and Whereas, this is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Town Board is acting in an uncoordinated environmental review with respect to this action; and Whereas, the Town Board, at a meeting held on August 10, 2020, has reviewed, and accepted as adequate the Short Environmental Assessment Form, Parts 1-3 for this action, prepared by Town Planning staff; now, therefore be it Resolved, that the Town of Ithaca Town Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance in accordance with Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617 New York State Environmental Quality Review, for the above referenced action as proposed, based on the information in the EAF Part 1 and for the reasons set forth in the EAF Parts 2 and 3, and, therefore, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be required. TB 2020-08-10Pg. 4 Moved: Bill GoodmanSeconded: Rod Howe Vote: ayes Bleiwas, DePaolo, Goodman, Howe, Hunter, Leary, and Levine TB Resolution 2020 107b: Authorization to Release and Extinguish an Existing Easement from Coddington Road Community Center for Parkland Purposes, subject to Permissive Referendum, and to Set a Public Hearing on Approval of a Replacement Parkland Easement Whereas, an easement situated on lands owned by the Coddington Road Community Center, Inc. (CRCC) was acquired by the Town in 1986 and expanded in 2008, and served as, and was designated for, park and recreation purposes, and Whereas, after negotiations with the Town in 2018 over their desire to expand the childcare facility into the easement lands, CRCC agreed to offer the Town a replacement easement of similar size on another portion of their property, and Whereas, in the summer of 2019 the Town obtained permission from the New York State Legislature and Governor (Assembly A8235 & Senate S6441) to alienate the existing parkland easement and replace it with an easement located on another portion of the property; and Whereas, this is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Town Board is acting in an uncoordinated environmental review with respect to this action and has made a negative determination of environmental significance; now therefore be it Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca authorizes the release and extinguishment of the existing easement and authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute the necessary documents to release and extinguish said easement, subject to the approval ofthe Attorney for the Town and satisfaction of all requirements in the adopted alienation legislation, andsubjecttoapermissive referendumaspermittedbylaw,andbeitfurther Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca will hold a public hearing at the Town Hall, th 215 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York on the 24day of August, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. for the purpose of considering approval of a replacement parkland easement from the Coddington Road Community Center as described above, and be it further Resolved, that at such time and place all persons interested in the proposed replacement easement may be heard concerning the same; and be it further Resolved, that the Town Clerk of the Town of Ithaca is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of such public hearing in the Ithaca Journaland to post a copy of same on the signboard of the Town of Ithaca. Moved: Bill GoodmanSeconded: Eric Levine Vote: Aye Bleiwas, Hunter, Howe, Goodman, DePaolo, Leary, and Levine 7.Discuss Proposed Cayuga Watershed Project submission TB 2020-08-10Pg. 5 Rod, Tee-Ann and Bill have been collaboratingon potential Watershed Projectsthat could use some improvement. Tee-Ann has not yet spoken with Joe for an update Joe commented that he is putting together some maps on areas where improvement could be addressed.He hopes to bring forth at next meeting. 8.Discuss and consider approvaland authorization to execute contract for the South Hill Recreation Way Native Planting project TB Resolution 2020 108: Authorization for Supervisor to sign an Agreement for Services with Jim Engel of White Oak Nursery for the second phase of the Town of Ithaca South Hill Recreation Way Invasive Removal & Native Replanting Grant Whereas, the Town of Ithaca received a 2018 Urban and Community Forestry Grant from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) for removing woodyinvasive plants and replanting with native trees and shrubs along the South Hill Recreation Way, and Whereas, the funding provided by NYSDEC is $38,250, which requires a local match of $12,750, and Whereas the Town awarded the first phase of the project consisting of the removal of invasive species to White Oak Nursery on October 3, 2019 which was completed satisfactorily, and Whereas, The Town of Ithaca Public Works advertised a RFP for the second phase of the project consisting of the provision of a minimum of 250 native trees and 250 native shrubs and assistance in planting the trees and shrubs in coordination with Town Staffand volunteers to reestablish native species where the invasive species were removed, and Whereas the Town received four responses and the Parks Manager and Director of Public works reviewed and evaluated the responses and determined that the proposal submitted by Jim Engel of White Oak Nursery is the best met the evaluation criteria stated in the RFP and was the lowest cost submitted, and Whereas the Director of Public Works and the Parks Manager recommend awarding the project to White Oak Nursery asthe lowest responsive and responsible proposal, now therefore be it Resolved that the Town Board approves and accepts the recommendation of the Public Works Department and Park Manager and authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign an agreement with Jim Engle of White Oak Nursery in an amount not to exceed $11,800 as stated in the RFP. Moved: Rich DePaoloSeconded: Bill Goodman Vote: ayes Bleiwas, Hunter, Howe, Goodman, DePaolo, Leary, and Levine TB 2020-08-10Pg. 6 9.Discuss and consider approval of an authorization to sign a one-year extension for Animal Control Services TB Resolution 2020 -109: Approval and authorization to sign a 1-year extension of the Tompkins County Animal Control services contract Whereas the Tompkins County Animal Control contract for services is due to expire and due to the uncertainty surrounding COVID 19 budget constraints for all parties/municipalities involved, the option of a one-year extension is optimal, now therefore be it Resolved that the Town Board hereby approves of and authorizes the Supervisor to sign a 1-year extension of the existing contract with Tompkins County Animal Control. Moved: Rod HoweSeconded: Eric Levine Vote: ayes Bleiwas, Hunter, Howe, Goodman, DePaolo, Leary, and Levine ADDED ITEM Mr. Howe noted that the CornellAdministration, Students and County representatives havejoined the meeting to discuss the reopening planand answer questions from the Board. Gary Stewart, Cornell Relations, introduced the group; Joel Malina, VP University Relations; Lucas Smith, Rising Junior;Gary Stewart, Director of Community Relations;Karen Brown, Sr Director of Marketing & Communications;Pat Wynn, Asst VP of Student andCampus Life;Cait Baldwin, Housing and Dining. Mr.Smithexplained that hecurrently servesas the Director of Local Relations for the Student AOffice of StudentGovernment Relations. He explained that this is a new position created in the lastyearand they have been working on furthering studentengagementand but working directly with studentsto represent the students. He said the goal is to interact with community representatives and let you have an understanding of who we are and that we are invested in the community. Many times the student body is clumped together, and we would like to put faces to the names of students and so I have been making the round of different legislative meeting to introduce myself and the organization. We have also held some Town Hall type meetings and participate in Town meetings and will continue to do so to s. Mr. Smith said it was exciting to let the governing bodies know that we are invested in the community and there are a lot of parts to this. Pat Wynn spoke, saying that she reports to Mr. Lombardi, and Housing and Dining are two big units that are in myportfolio,so she wanted to attend to answer any questions. TB 2020-08-10Pg. 7 Karen Brown sated that she reports toMs. Wynn and theyare working hard onmove in arrangements, testing, and scheduling for students that will bearriving in the coming weeks. Joel Malina said that they have all been spending a lot of time thinking about these unique public health challenges. As we have rolled out our plan and have had to make adjustments to roll with the changesofthe virusaroundthe nation,itis veryimportantto us tobeengagedwith our neighboring municipalities. We want to be as transparent as possible in answering questions. We have issued many statements with a lot of information. President Pollack last week released the firstofherpubliccommunitymessagestha want to rehash all of that, I thought I would try to paint the big picture to our reopening and spend the rest of the time answering any questions. Wemadeourreopeningdecisionafterconsideringanumberoffactors.Firstandforemost, scientificmodelingby ProfessorPeterFrazierandhis teamatCornellwhichlooked atwhatit would look likehavingapurelyonlinesemesterandwhatitwould looklikewith howweare proceeding which is a hybrid of in person instruction with virtual instruction. One of the unique attributes of Ithaca, Tompkins County, and Cornell is the high number of our students who live off campus. It became clear through surveys and then through the modeling that regardless of our decision we would have thousands of students returning to Ithaca. In the scenario of a purely online model where to compeladherenceto aBehavioralCompact, abilityto restrict complete theirprotocols,thatthe risk to ourCornell community and after looking at recent modelingfrom Dr.Frazier,the spread of the virus to our non-Cornell community would be exponentially greater under the online scenario. Whatmakesthat suchanimportantdifferential,isthe secondfactorwhichis anaggressiveprotocol for testing which is already underway. We will be testing all undergraduates twice per week from now until Thanksgiving, graduate professional students probably once per week, and faculty and staff will vary based on demands on their having to be physically on campus versus our fallback position, which is for all faculty and staff, when they can, to continue working remotely. The testing protocol hasbeen developed and is being implemented in close partnership with the County Health Department and under the auspices of Cayuga Health Systems. We are utilizing a portion of ourAnimal HealthDiagnosticLabattheCollegeofVeterinaryMedicinewhichhas received approval to conduct diagnostic testing, and the results of testing of human samples. Wehavealreadyhadover5Ksurveillancetests in our lab on campusandthe resultsshow 4 confirmed cases out of those 5K tests. This is a very good sign in terms of prevalence and baseline of the virus in our neighborhood, in our county. This will change as more students come to campus. We will be analyzing data on a daily basis in consultation with the County Health Department. Based on results we will determine if there is a need to further alter our current protocols under which we are opening our Campus. TB 2020-08-10Pg. 8 Mr. Molino said the third factor being aBehavioral Compactthatevery student will have to sign and attest toin order to register for classes. This is a detailed, five-page document that is very detailed. There has been a lot of back and forth about what can Cornell do to ensure compliance to maximize the adherence to the guidance laid out. The Division of Student and Campus Life has developed a Compact Compliance Team working with local law enforcement to ensure we are aware of violations when they take place.Follow up will take place with varying and incremental degrees of outcomes leading up to suspension and having to leave campuswithout any tuition refund. We are taking this extremely seriously and although we are not anticipating 100% compliance, but we are anticipating that with early round of those violators and the implementation of those serious consequences, we are anticipatinga lot ofpeer to peer pressure to influence behaviors. He said we all realize that peer influence is much more pot peers putting pressure on peers to not let them ruin it for us all. We have launched a public health education campaign,primarily online and throughout the community such as on TCAT busesand sheltersand we want to be modeling the behaviorsthat are expected. We have begun installing large signs at all entrances to campus as well as signage at all building entrances so all visitors know that masks must be worn at all times.This is going to be a community wide effort to model behaviors andengage respectfullyand successfully. everyone stays safe and healthy. Questions Mr. DePaolo asked whether local law enforcement or even campus security,is being directed to monitor compliance or is compliance going to be mostly complaint driven? If they are cruising around and see someone not wearing a mask or socially distancing, what is their directive? Mr. Malina responded that Cornell University Police, City Police and the County Sheriffs have had a series of meetings to plan for this. The approach would be for law enforcement to be a conduit to collect complaints,but for the first response to be one of education. If the violations include the student community, the first call would be to our Compliance Team so that we can handle it in what we believe will be the most effective fashion, with real behavioral outcomes in terms of the Cornell relationship.Those will be progressivestarting with educational approach, but if there is a second offense, those responses will not be the same. Ms. Wynn added that we understand that people will make mistakes, but the real question is; was it a mistake or was it egregious behavior comply. She said the first occurrence such as attending a class without a mask to class, the first have purchased 50K masks to make that happen and so they are there for students who forgot their mask and easily accessible. Students that are refusing to wear a mask is another story. TB 2020-08-10Pg. 9 All new students will receive a welcome kit to include masks, thermometer, hand sanitizer, and a key fob for elevators. We are trying to approach this from a preventive aspect.Will there be students that are egregiously misbehaving, we hope not, but she thought the process in place was good. Mr. DePaolo responded that it sounds like they are largely anticipating a complaint driven system and asked from what part of the community do you anticipate the complaints arising? Are complaints anonymous or traceable to a complainant? Mr. Malina responded that weere the complaints will come from. We will offer anycitizenin the countyan opportunity for reporting ofany observed infractions. One of the advantages ofthis semester is that wewill know where off campus students are living whereas in the past wedidnot always knowwhere students lived off-campus. This new knowledge will enable us to immediately contact the primary residence and lease holders of the residenceof any infractions. Mr. DePaolo asked if thatwill extend to the Greek community as well? Ms. Wynn responded that the Greeks will not be permitted to have any events this fall; no events at all.Not a limited number or any other threshold, just no events at all. Mr. DePaolo said then they are just going to essentially be dormitoriesand Ms. Wynn responded yes, that is correct. Mr. Malina added that it important to know that there are sanctioned parties;residents of a Greek house can still have their own parties subject to local restrictionsin terms of alcohol consumption, but we will not be able to ban what would be an independent casual decision of a group of Greek life members to have their ownparty for themselves. Ms. Wynn added that the same applies to any cohort that lives in any apartment in college town. All members of the same family so to speak, already have a shared space, so to speak.But in terms of the Greeks, they cannot invite others inand the real enforcement will be in Collegetown where they invite others in and we will haveto make our judgements and go into the enforcement mode. Ms. Hunter asked if, relative to quarantine, ifsomeone in the Cornell community tests positive for COVID-19,what are the procedures for quarantining that individual and contact tracing? Mr. Malinaresponded that the County Health Department is responsible for any and all contact tracing.We would certainly be informed if a member of our community tests positivebut the County would be responsible for contact tracing, but we haveon-campus isolation facilitiesfor what we anticipate will be the need. us to provide that isolation with Cornell resources. Ms. Hunter askedif in the contact tracing process there are 25 individuals identified as coming in contact with that person, who will be in charge of making sure that those people get tested and quarantine for 14 days? TB 2020-08-10Pg. 10 Mr. Malina responded that all ofthat is the purview of the County Health Department and we will certainly be active partners in facilitating and supporting to the extent that they ask for that support. Ms. Hunter asked if they had arranged any partnership with them for doing that; sheimagined that that is a daunting responsibility for the Health Department and asked if they are comfortable that the County Health Department has therequisitestaff to handle this large responsibility? Ms. Wynn responded that there is a contingentof stafffrom Cornell Healththat has gone through the John Hopkins contact tracing training in order to augment the needs of the County Health Department. Ms. Hunter asked,regarding quarantine for exposed individuals, what is the protocol there, especially as it pertains to peoplewho areliving off campus? Ms. Wynn responded thatthatit is a decision made by the County Health Department. They basicallyreview the situation and if they deem thatthe living situation isnot amenable to quarantine, they will contact us and we will make thearrangements. She added that she had that situation last week. During the summer, about 90% of the issues were resolved by having the student stay in their apartment or house and we dealt with about 10% of them. Again, this is the involved. Ms. Bleiwas said her question has to do with how Cornell is going to ensure that the students themselves actually submit to this testing? Mr. Malina responded that that is really at the heart of the Behavioral Compact. We will know if a student fails to show up fortheir twice a weektestingand if they fail to show up, they may no longer have access to facilitiesand there are other ways that we can have that lever of compliance. It is really at the heart of why we are having that Behavioral Compact; so that we can make sure that there is as much adherence as possible and if not, there will be repercussions. Ms. Bleiwas askedthen,controlled by simplyquarantining, how fast can Cornell mobilize to change gears on having students in Ithaca? Mr. Malina responded thatthey get this question a lot and he very much understands the desire for clarity. We are asked what is the threshold? How many positive cases will it take? In practice, there will be daily analysis of our testing results. In consult with Mr. Kruppa and the Health Department, there will be opportunities,every day, for us to assess whether our approach remains the best approach to maximize public health and to the extent there are reasons to consider a change inthat approach,we will be able to pivot quicklyif needed. Mr. Malina added that President Pollack mentioned in her message from last week that we may today, what levels will trigger that, but we will be paying close daily consultation and the State TB 2020-08-10Pg. 11 Health Department will as well. It is going to be a collaborative partnership and discussion based on the results. Ms. Leary asked how reliable are theanterior nares or front of the nose swab tests compared to the standard site of the nasal pharyngeal in terms of false negatives? Mr. Malina responded that the surveillance testing will soon be 100%front of nose with thepublic health departments confidence that results are as trustworthy. We also know that the deeper nasal Ms. Leary asked ifthere havebeen any comparisons? Mr. Malina responded that there have been comparisons by his team run by the Health Department. Ms. Leary said she had a technical question about the testing; she said she has heard that the site of the surveillance testing is the front of the nose, howreliable is that compared to the standard of the back of the nose? She is concerned about false negatives. Mr. Molina responded that she is correct, the surveillance testing will soon be 100% front of the nose and the reason we are going forward with that is the confidence that our Public Health believe that the results are as trustworthy as the other. He said he is not an expert, but he does know that part of this was also a recognition that the back of the nose confidently shift to the front of the nose collection. Ms. Leary asked if there have been comparisons of the effectiveness by the Health Department? Mr. Molina said that there have been comparisons by our team that were run by the Health Department and as far as he was aware, the Health Department did not have any concerns. Mr. Leary asked how many student peer ambassadors are out there to talk to their fellow students about the need for compliance? Ms. Wynn responded that they are looking at about 300 in total that would be mostly students, but also some faculty and staff that would like to take this on. Ms. Brown added that we have also seen people who have volunteered in excess of that number to say that they are interested in participating in that role. Ms. Leary asked if there is some kind of vetting process for that role; what do you look for in a Peer Ambassador? Ms.Wynn responded that someone who is willing to do it and someone who has a passion to do it and who understand how hard students have worked to get into Cornell and stay in Cornell and have this in-person experience, and they want to protect that . TB 2020-08-10Pg. 12 Mr. Smith added that studentsare not shy for the most part and the student voices that carry through are the majority of us really feel that we need to protect the community and do what is right from If you look at a lot of the student forums, there is very little discussion now about fighting back against the compact or the testing. It is really starting to subside and it is more students making a conscious decision now about whether it is right forthem to come back at all and maybe stay at home. He said that that is encouraging to him to see that his peers are looking at it and making decisions before they come and decide whether they want to come and comply with the new normal and if not, stay home. Mr. Smith said the Compact is a really great program and it really does get the message across. Everyone is going to go through that program and understand what is expected. Ms. Leary asked what his impression is on whether there is any sense that students understand or recognize what the risks are to a young person from this disease? Mr. Smith said that is a great question and that is where a lot of the debate is from the public health perspective; students not understanding that we are not invincible. He said the discussion is there and after going through the Student Compact, it is very clear that the symptoms are just as likely tobe severe for young as they are for the elderly. Ms. Wynn added that she has been meeting for the last 8 weeks or so with a group of student leaders, both Greek and not, and this has come up several times and one of the things that we have talked about it that you might be immune-compromised and not have any outward symptoms so it 17 year old but may in fact have an underlying issue and the students have talkedabout that a lot, getting that awareness out. Mr. Howe asked what the anticipated number of people on campus including students, faculty and staff, this year compared to last year? Will it be 50%? 75%? Mr. Malina responded that they do notyet have a final number,buttheestimateis20,000 students here in Ithaca out of a total of 24,000. We have about 10,000 faculty and staff with maybe 40-50% on campuswhich gives us an estimate of 25,000 out of 35,000 on campus. th Mr. DePaolo referencedtheJune 15study that underpinned the decision to resume residential life at Cornell, and based on the full campus population, which is approximately 34,000, the model anticipates over 1,200 positive tests in a 16-week period.He said his question is about capacity; the study envisionsonly a small percentage of those cases will require hospitalization, saying 16 concerned with the idea that this model, to some extent,assumes that your population is going to TB 2020-08-10Pg. 13 it is they have todo as a part of normal living. He said he wonders if there has been any kind of attention paid to potential impacts on the communityoutside of campus? Mr. Malina responded that the 1,200 is thehighend of the rangeand it is not that we expect 1,200 confirmed casesof the virus but Peter Frazier,who conducted the modeling, and just this morning circulated to us and we will be making this public shortly, an expanded modeling to look at impacts on the non-Cornell members of the community.What you will see is that approach to reopening results in 700 fewer infections in the greater Ithaca area,excluding Cornell and it results in 20 fewer hospitalizations. Why is this? It goes back to the fact that with an unmonitored student population, that is where you have results that are high enough to lead to a pandemicwithin the community, but when we have asymptomatic testing, especially atthe degree in which Cornell is moving forwardwith and incorporating it,that is where we are able to have this significantpublic healthbenefit to our approach. Mr. Malina repeated that with the Behavioral Compact, asymptomatic screening, Prof. Frazier feels that that will be more than enough to controltransmissionas the students return. Mr. DePaolo said he appreciates that, but he just looked at the study again and the projection for 1,250 positive cases was the median projection, not the worst case scenario.He appreciates that the college is doing asymptomatic testing and thought that will go a long way toward containing the spread. He said hisquestion is, is there an assumption that Cornell would have a very high percentage of students in Ithaca if you were only offering online courses?What wasthe survey results on that? Mr. Malina responded yes, there would be about 5,000 students that would not be under any sort of a monitoring or testing protocol versus what we will have under the combinationof on campus and off campus of about 20,000. The anticipation was that about 50% of the student body would have returned to Ithaca regardlessof the mode of instruction offered. Mr. Stewart thanked the Town for their time and service. He said that they are doing other town hall type meetings; Tuesdaywith the Chamber of Commerce, Wednesday at noon with the Landlords Association and Board or Realtors and next week more. All the dates and times are on the Community Relations website. Mr. Howe thanked the Cornell group and added that the Board knows how to reach you all with any other questions. 10.Consider Consent Agenda Items TB Resolution 2020 -110: Adopt Consent Agenda Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the following Consent Agenda items: TB 2020-08-10Pg. 14 a)Approval of Town Board Minutes Pulled b)Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract c)Approval of Bolton Point Abstract d)Approval designation of Highway surplus vehicles and equipment e)Approval of the Remote Work Policy and Procedures f)Approval of a Modified Vacation Buy Back Program for 2020 g)Approval of the revised Smoking Policy to be Tobacco Free h)Approval of provisional appointment of Water Sewer Maintenance Supervisor i)Approval of the Revised Longevity Schedule (non-Collective Bargaining employees) j)Approval ofclosures for Town-wide training k)Approval of temporary salary adjustment Court Clerk Moved: Eric LevineSeconded: Tee-Ann Hunter Vote: ayes Bleiwas, Hunter, Howe, Goodman, DePaolo, Leary, and Levine TB Resolution 2020 -110b: Town of Ithaca Abstract No. 15 for FY-2020 Whereas the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for approval of payment; and Whereas the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board; now therefore be it Resolved that the governing Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers in total for the amounts indicated. VOUCHER NOS.824900 General Fund Town Wide30,965.18 General Fund Part-Town2,209.46 Highway Fund Town Wide DA 10,246.94 Highway Fund Part Town DB12,012.89 Water Fund164,716.39 Sewer Fund8,821.81 Gateway Trail H82,673.38 State Route 96b Sidewalk H7271,500.81 PWF Renovations Project H22188,559.81 TOTAL691,706.67 TB Resolution 2020-110c: Bolton Point Abstract Whereas, the following numbered vouchers for the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission have been presented to the governing Town Board for approval of payment; and TB 2020-08-10Pg. 15 Whereas, the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board; now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the governing Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers. Voucher Numbers: 247-308 Check Numbers:19110, 19119-19166 Capital Impr/Repl Project$ 15,898.59 Operating Fund $ 84,409.65 TOTAL$ 100,308.24 Less Prepaid$ 1,122.60 TOTAL$ 99,185.64 TB Resolution 2020 -110d: Disposal of Surplus Vehicles and Equipment Whereas, the Town has received, or soon will receive, all of the replacement vehicles and equipment ordered as part of the 2020 Fleet Replacement Program; and Whereas, the Public Works Department requests the Town Board to declare the following identifiedvehicles and equipment as surplus, obsolete, and no longer needed by the Town: 2010 Ford F350 Dump Truck (Fleet #17) Pending Delivery of Replacement 2006 Jeep Liberty (#26) Originally Scheduled for 2019 Auction 2010 John Deere 624K Loader (Fleet #31) 2013 Caterpillar Mini-Excavator (Fleet #36) Trade for $34,000 2010 Gehl Skid Steer (Fleet #46) 2017 Grasshopper Mower (Fleet #53) Traded for $6,500 2013 Ford F250 SuperCab w/Plow (Fleet #69)Pending Delivery of Replacement chment Tiger Boom Mower Attachment ATD Sand Blaster Tool Whereas, the Public Works Department recommends the listed vehicles and equipment be - -on new vehicles or equipment ordered as part of the 2020 Fleet Replacement Program, as determined to be in the best interest of the Town of Ithaca; now therefore be it; Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby declare the vehicles and equipment identified above are surplus, obsolete, and no longer needed by the Town; and be it further Resolved, that the surplus vehicles and equipment be disposed of by sale in a public auction, by --in of the 2020 Fleet Replacement Program, as determined to be in the best interest of the Town of Ithaca; and be it further TB 2020-08-10Pg. 16 Resolved, that the proceeds realized through the sale of the surplus vehicles and equipment be deposited to Highway Fund account DB230, Cash Reserve -Highway Equipment. TB Resolution 2020 110e: Approval of Remote Work Policy and Procedures Whereas, the Town has had employees working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic and it seems there will be a need and desire to allow staff to work remotely after the pandemic has passed; and Whereas, the Management Team has reviewed a Remote Work Policy that will allow for temporary remote work and regularly scheduled remote work and recommends the creation of such policy; and Whereas, the Personnel and Operations Committee has reviewed the policy and has determined that there are several benefits to having the policy such as providing work life balance and reducing the carbon footprint; and Whereas, the Personnel and Operations Committee recommends the approval of the Remote Work Policy and Procedures; therefore, be it Resolved, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the Remote Work Policy and Procedures. TB Resolution 2020110f: Adoption of Modified Vacation Buy Back Program for 2020 Whereas, during a time when staff are returning to work from the COVID-19 pandemic and vacations are more difficult to achieve, a modification to the current Vacation Buy Back program isin the best interest of the staff; and Whereas, the Personnel and Organization Committee has reviewed the recommendation to allow for a one year only modification to the Vacation Buy Back program allowing staff to return a maximum of 80 hours, while still meeting all other qualifications of the program; and Whereas, the Personnel and Organization Committee recommends the approval of the modified Vacation Buy Back program for the 2020 calendar year; now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the modified Vacation Buy Back program for 2020. TB Resolution 2020 -110g:Adoption of Replacement of Smoking Policy to be Tobacco Free Policy Whereas, the Town Board approved a Tobacco Free policy for all Town property and equipment; and TB 2020-08-10Pg. 17 Whereas, the Smoking Policy in the Personnel Manual needs to reflect the changes by replacing the Smoking Policy with a Tobacco Free Policy; and Whereas, the Bolton Point Water System approved the replacement of the current Smoking Policy with the Tobacco Free policy; now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does herebyapprove the replacement of the current Smoking Policy with the Tobacco Free policy; and be it further Resolved, the Human Resources Manager is directed to update the policy in the Personnel Manual and Safety Manual. TB Resolution 2020 110h: Provisional Appointment of Water & Sewer Maintenance Supervisor Whereas, the Water & Sewer Maintenance Supervisor position is vacant due to a promotion, and Whereas, the interviewing committee interviewed 6 candidates from the open recruitment for the position; and Whereas, the committee has determined that Glen Reese Jr. possesses the necessary knowledge and skills to satisfactorily perform the duties of the position and recommend appointment effective August 10, 2020; now, therefore be it Resolved, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the provisional appointment of Glen Reese Jr. as Water & Sewer Maintenance Supervisor, effective August 10, 2020; and be it further Resolved, this is a 40 hour a week hourly position, at the hourly rate of $35.80, which is an estimated annual salary of $74,464, from account numbers F8310.100 and G8110.100, in Job Resolved, the said appointment is a provisional appointment pending the results from the next civil service exam for this position. TB Resolution2020-110i:Adoption of Revised Longevity Schedule for Non-Collective Bargaining Unit Staff Hired on or after 2010. Whereas, the Town Board on December 28, 2018 approved a revised Longevity Schedule for non- unionized employees hired on or after August 1, 2010 to match the Teamsters Collective Bargaining Agreement; and Whereas, the Personnel and Organization Committee reviewed the Longevity Policy and corresponding schedule as there are staff hired in 2010 reaching the ten-year threshold and determined that the levels are not adequate; and TB 2020-08-10Pg. 18 Whereas, the Personnel and Organization Committee recommends revising the Longevity schedule for the non-collectively bargained staff to better reflect the incremental levels desired to appropriately award years of service; now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does herebyapprove the Longevity Schedule for non-unionized employees hired on or after August 1, 2010; and be it further Resolved, the Human Resources Manager is directed to update the policy in the Personnel Manual. TB Resolution 2020 110j: Approval of closure of Town Offices for Training Resolved that the Town Board hereby approves the full day closing of Town Hall offices on thth September 11and Public WorksFacility Offices on September 18for Diversity Training. TB Resolution 2020 -110k: Approval of a temporary salary adjustment Court Clerk Whereas, Shannon Sanzi, Court Clerk, has resigned effective August 14, 2020; and Whereas, Penny Grant, Court Clerk, has agreed to keep the office running for both Judges with a small per week stipend; and Whereas, the Human Resources Manager recommends by $150 per week for the duration of the period the position is vacant, and Whereas, the Town Supervisor has reviewed the request and recommends the approval of the temporary salary adjustment for Ms. Grant; now, therefore be it Resolved, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby approve the temporary salary adjustment of $150 per week for Penny Grant, Court Clerk, effective August 16, 2020 which will continue until the vacant position is filled. 11.Report of Town Officials and Committees Mr. Howe reported that he is planning on bringing an extended lease for the History Center to the next meeting and the retreat with Board and staff is postponed to January. 12.Review of Correspondence rd Mr. Howe referred to the letter received onAugust 3from home ownersregarding delays in completion of their home due to COVID-19and a request foratemporary certificate of occupancy and thewaivingofthefee.He asked Mr. Moseley for his recommendation. Mr. Moseley saidhe told them they could request a waiver and subsequently received the letter and his response to Mr. Howe wasthatif you were to allow a reduction for this individual it would not prohibitsomeone else from coming to the Board and asking for the same from you for future TB 2020-08-10Pg. 19 projects.Everybodyis dealingwith this,materialshortagein certaininstancesandthe COVID related shutdown so it is not specifically unique to one property as it stands. It is here because they asked me to waive the fee, and I do be a public hearing if the Board decides to do a reduction or waiver. The fee is half the cost of the building permit which was $2,200 so the TCO fee is $1,100. Mr. Howe asked if anyone on the Board is interested in waiving the fee. Ms.Hunteraskedifwe are discussingwhether toseta public hearingoristhequestionwhether to not consider it at all. Mr.Howe saidhe wouldlike a generalsense ofwhether theboardisopentoconsideringa reduction or waiver and then if we are, we wouldneed a publichearing. Discussionfollowed withmembers concerned aboutsettinga precedentbecause everyone isin the same situation and whatdifferentiates this one. Mr. Moseley said they have had delays in the delivery of materials, but honestly, that is no different than any other contractor right now. For instance, our PWF addition has had delays in the window delivery which delayed us a month and another contractor has said windows and lumber are very y date. Ms.BrockreviewedChapter 125andreadtheauthorizationandthecriteria theBoardwoulduse to support a waiveror reduction: a.the fee for the original BP was sufficiently large to cover the cost to the Town b.the payment of the fee as normally determined hereunder would be a significant financial hardship to the applicant c.the need for the temporary certificate of occupancy was not created by the lack of diligence of the applicantin prosecuting the work or project to completion d.the reduction in fee is the minimum necessary to alleviate the hardship to the applicant and still cover the cost to the Town e.all other conditions with the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy have been met Mr. Moseley said there are various reasons for needing a TCO that include having to be out of a current residence due to lease or fast sale and wanting to move in before the full punch list of final inspection items are inspected. TB 2020-08-10Pg. 20 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 90403131 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Qfsnju!Bqqmjdbujpo!Sfqpsu From:80203131 To:804203131 Bqqmjdbujpo!$EbufUzqfTCMMfhbm!BeesfttJotqfdups 2020-02307/1/2020ELECTRICAL ONLY66.-5-7112 Judd Falls RdMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Replacing sub panel to 100 amp 2020-02317/2/2020DECK39.-3-23B Vista LnDMAGNUSO Eftdsjqujpo;Replacing a 4' 6'' x 6' floating deck with a 10' x 12' floating deck. 2020-02327/2/2020SINGLE FAMILY RENOVATION/A28.1-1-18217/219 Rachel Carson WaDMAGNUSO Eftdsjqujpo;Build aesthetic (non-structural) wall with pocket door to create home office space. Electrical: install smoke alarms, light fixtures, and additional outlets in lower level of house per code. 2020-02337/6/2020DEMOLITION63.-2-7.1301A Maple AveMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Demolition of building known as building A & B. 2020-02347/6/2020DEMOLITION63.-2-7.1301C Maple AveMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Demolition of building known as building C 2020-02357/6/2020DEMOLITION63.-2-7.1301D Maple AveMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Demolition of building known as building D 2020-02367/6/2020DEMOLITION63.-2-7.1301E Maple AveMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Demolition of building known as buildings E & F 2020-02377/6/2020ROOFING33.-2-1.22132 McGee RdDMAGNUSO Eftdsjqujpo;New metal roof installed over existing roof on house. 2020-02387/6/2020DEMOLITION63.-2-7.1301G Maple AveMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Demolition of building known as buildings G & H. 2020-02397/6/2020DEMOLITION63.-2-7.1301I Maple AveMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Demolition of building known as building I 2020-02407/6/2020DEMOLITION63.-2-7.1301J Maple AveMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Demolition of building known as building I 2020-02417/6/2020DEMOLITION63.-2-7.1301K Maple AveMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Demolition building known as building K Page 1 of 9 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 90403131 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Qfsnju!Bqqmjdbujpo!Sfqpsu From:80203131 To:804203131 Bqqmjdbujpo!$EbufUzqfTCMMfhbm!BeesfttJotqfdups 2020-02427/6/2020DEMOLITION63.-2-7.1301 Maple AveMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Demolition of maintenance shed 2020-02437/6/2020DEMOLITION63.-2-5217 Maple AveMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Demolition for shed 2020-02447/6/2020DEMOLITION63.-2-5217 Maple AveMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Demolition of main structure 2020-02457/6/2020ELECTRICAL ONLY63.-2-7.1301 Maple AveMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Temporary power panels for abatement 2020-02467/6/2020SINGLE FAMILY RENOVATION/A47.-1-2904 Coddington RdMKELLY Eftdsjqujpo;Build a new 10 ft X 24 ft roofed open porch at main entry door. W/ associated electrical. 2020-02477/6/2020CHANGE OF USE43.-1-3.7124 King Rd EDMAGNUSO Eftdsjqujpo;Alterations as required to change occupancy from R to E, including ADA modifications, addition of fire alarm system, exit signs, and renovation of basement space into classroom with new exit door, window and finished with electrical Page 2 of 9 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 90403131 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Qfsnju!Bqqmjdbujpo!Sfqpsu From:80203131 To:804203131 Bqqmjdbujpo!$EbufUzqfTCMMfhbm!BeesfttJotqfdups 2020-02487/7/2020EXTERNAL PLUMBING PERMIT63.-2-7.1301 Maple Ave Eftdsjqujpo;External Sewer Spot Repair/Demolition (No Fee) After Abatement is completed, cut and cap main lines at boundary/property line per plan (at this point no active input present on the property). The Town of Ithaca will inspect. Once abatement of each building has been completed building, the following procedure shall be followed: 1. Excavate and locate the exit of the sanitary service line at each building. 2. Cut a 1-ft section out and cap cast iron or SDR pipe with proper cap size (town to inspect) 3. Backfill excavation After each building has been disconnected the following procedure shall be followed per the e-mail chain with Daniel 1. Fill all sewer drains in each building floor slab with grout mix 2. Grout fill (flo-able fill) remaining sanitary manholes on site to 1-ft below grade 3. Remaining 1-ft will have 8'' of common fill and 4'' of topsoil. Please see the attached submittals for the fernco caps and the flo-able fill. The water and sewer units for this property was calculated using the Town of Ithaca Water and Sewer Benefit Formula. unit and 1 sewer unit. Page 3 of 9 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 90403131 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Qfsnju!Bqqmjdbujpo!Sfqpsu From:80203131 To:804203131 Bqqmjdbujpo!$EbufUzqfTCMMfhbm!BeesfttJotqfdups 2020-02497/7/2020EXTERNAL PLUMBING PERMIT63.-2-5217 Maple AveDTHAETE Eftdsjqujpo;External Sewer Spot Repair/Demolition (No Fee) After Abatement is completed, cut and cap main lines at boundary/property line per plan (at this point no active input present on the property). The Town of Ithaca will inspect. Once abatement of each building has been completed building, the following procedure shall be followed: 1. Excavate and locate the exit of the sanitary service line at each building. 2. Cut a 1-ft section out and cap cast iron or SDR pipe with proper cap size (town to inspect) 3. Backfill excavation After each building has been disconnected the following procedure shall be followed per the e-mail chain with Daniel 1. Fill all sewer drains in each building floor slab with grout mix 2. Grout fill (flo-able fill) remaining sanitary manholes on site to 1-ft below grade 3. Remaining 1-ft will have 8'' of common fill and 4'' of topsoil. Please see the attached submittals for the fernco caps and the flo-able fill. The water and sewer units for this property was calculated using the Town of Ithaca Water and Sewer Benefit Formula. unit and 1 sewer unit. 2020-02507/8/2020FENCE/RETAINING WALLS70.-11-4917 Muriel StMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Install partial fencing of backyard space. Page 4 of 9 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 90403131 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Qfsnju!Bqqmjdbujpo!Sfqpsu From:80203131 To:804203131 Bqqmjdbujpo!$EbufUzqfTCMMfhbm!BeesfttJotqfdups 2020-02517/8/2020EXTERNAL PLUMBING PERMIT63.-2-6221 Maple AveDTHAETE Eftdsjqujpo;External Sewer Spot Repair/Demolition (No Fee) After Abatement is completed, cut and cap main lines at boundary/property line per plan (at this point no active input present on the property). The Town of Ithaca will inspect. Once abatement of each building has been completed building, the following procedure shall be followed: 1. Excavate and locate the exit of the sanitary service line at each building. 2. Cut a 1-ft section out and cap cast iron or SDR pipe with proper cap size (town to inspect) 3. Backfill excavation After each building has been disconnected the following procedure shall be followed per the e-mail chain with Daniel 1. Fill all sewer drains in each building floor slab with grout mix 2. Grout fill (flo-able fill) remaining sanitary manholes on site to 1-ft below grade 3. Remaining 1-ft will have 8'' of common fill and 4'' of topsoil. Please see the attached submittals for the fernco caps and the flo-able fill. The water and sewer units for this property was calculated using the Town of Ithaca Water and Sewer Benefit Formula. unit and 1 sewer unit. 2020-02527/8/2020ROOFING60.-1-34.411323 EASTWOOD AVENUEMKELLY Eftdsjqujpo;Strip roof to deck, deck repairs as needed, install ice & water shield on edges & valleys, & reshingle roof. 2020-02537/8/2020ROOFING72.-1-3.12422 Winthrop DrMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Tear off old shingles & install ice/water synthetic felt; new drip edge & shingles architect. 2020-02547/8/2020DECK47.-2-6.51975 Coddington RdMKELLY Eftdsjqujpo;Replace existing front steps/landing with all new pressure treated framing, composite decking and aluminum rail. 2020-02557/10/2020ROOFING52.-1-24151 Northview RdDMAGNUSO Eftdsjqujpo;Full roof replacement 2020-02567/10/2020DEMOLITION31.-3-1111 Fidler RdDMAGNUSO Eftdsjqujpo;Removal of In Ground Pool Page 5 of 9 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 90403131 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Qfsnju!Bqqmjdbujpo!Sfqpsu From:80203131 To:804203131 Bqqmjdbujpo!$EbufUzqfTCMMfhbm!BeesfttJotqfdups 2020-02577/10/2020ELECTRICAL ONLY63.-1-8.1651 Dryden RdMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Provide new 20KVA UPS for the central energy plant. Provide new distribution panel for the UPS to feed the two room. 2020-02587/14/2020ELECTRICAL ONLY57.-1-27133 Pine Tree RdMKELLY Eftdsjqujpo;Upgrade from 100 to 200 amp service w/ combo meter / disconnect outside, & 40 pos. panel inside. N Y S E G # 1 0 3 - 0 0 4 - 8 3 0 - 9 7 2020-02597/14/2020ELECTRICAL ONLY58.1-1-53.253B LOIS LANEMKELLY Eftdsjqujpo;Replace failed 100 amp service entrance cable NYSEG# 103-006-90259 2020-02607/14/2020SINGLE FAMILY RENOVATION/A42.-1-5326 Coddington RdMKELLY Eftdsjqujpo;Remodel Kitchen & Laundry Room, New Windows, Rebuild Closets, Relocate One Wall. Electrical Included. 2020-02617/14/2020TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE RENO25.-2-13895 Taughannock BlvdMKELLY Eftdsjqujpo;Various repairs including additional insulation, electrical upgrades to make location habitable 2020-02627/15/2020ELECTRICAL ONLY57.-1-8.145204 TUDOR ROADMKELLY Eftdsjqujpo;Upgrade to a 200 amp electrical entrance w/ new 40 pos. circuit breaker panel. NYSEG#10300681854 2020-02637/16/2020SINGLE FAMILY RENOVATION/A71.-5-1209 Roat StMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Replace exterior front door of house - now 32'' width with a 36'' door 2020-02647/16/2020ZONING ONLY39.-1-1.22950 Danby RdDMAGNUSO Eftdsjqujpo;Serendipity Event on SHBC South Lawn with Temporary Lighting August-September 2020 2020-02657/16/2020SINGLE FAMILY RENOVATION/A28.-2-51215 Mecklenburg RdDMAGNUSO Eftdsjqujpo;Power Vent Water heater replacement and 200 amp electrical service upgrade NYSEG 10300688877 2020-02667/16/2020ACCESSORY STRUCTURE37.-1-9209 King Rd WDMAGNUSO Eftdsjqujpo;Replace old shed with new amish built shed Page 6 of 9 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 90403131 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Qfsnju!Bqqmjdbujpo!Sfqpsu From:80203131 To:804203131 Bqqmjdbujpo!$EbufUzqfTCMMfhbm!BeesfttJotqfdups 2020-02677/16/2020TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE NEW30.-2-9101 Coy Glen RdDMAGNUSO Eftdsjqujpo;New single family dwelling with an attached accessory dwelling structure. Main house, 3370 sq. ft. and ADU, 800 2020-02687/20/2020ROOFING33.-2-1.22132 McGee RdDMAGNUSO Eftdsjqujpo;New metal roof installed over one layer existing roof on garage. 2020-02697/20/2020SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE NE31.-2-1.3465 Floral AveDMAGNUSO Eftdsjqujpo;Build New Residential Single-Family Home with Electrical. 2020-02707/20/2020HEATING AND COOLING UNIT57.-1-8.145204 Tudor RdMKELLY Eftdsjqujpo;Heat Pump Installation. Supplemental only, not primary source. 2020-02717/20/2020SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AD72.-1-1.177131 Burleigh DrMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Addition and alter the interior layout of the home. One existing bedroom will be converted to an office. 2020-02727/22/2020ROOFING26.-1-2156 BUNDY ROAD17599 Eftdsjqujpo;Roof and skylight replacement and description is on contract 2020-02737/23/2020OPERATING PERMIT REGISTRY26.-4-401213 Trumansburg Rd Eftdsjqujpo;Rental Registry - Single Family Home 2020-02747/23/2020HEATING AND COOLING UNIT58.-2-39.522151 Westview LnMKELLY Eftdsjqujpo;Installation of LG LSN180HSV outdoor unit on pad and stand with electric, installation of LG LSN180HSV on high To build insulated ''dog house'' and run supply and returns to each room using flex duct if possible or hard pipe with run line set up side wall and through soffit to attic along with line from ductless unit. 2020-02757/23/2020OPERATING PERMIT REGISTRY28.-1-34.153 Woodgate Ln Eftdsjqujpo;Rental Registry - Single Family Dwelling with an Accessory Dwelling Unit. 2020-02767/24/2020TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE NEW43.-2-141111 Danby RdDMAGNUSO Eftdsjqujpo;Install fire separation to make a legal two family home. 2020-02777/24/2020ROOFING29.-6-8102 Haller BlvdDMAGNUSO Eftdsjqujpo;Remove & replace approx. 1800 sq. ft. of asphalt roof shingles. Sheath over 1x6 roof deck with 7/16' OSB zip system Page 7 of 9 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 90403131 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Qfsnju!Bqqmjdbujpo!Sfqpsu From:80203131 To:804203131 Bqqmjdbujpo!$EbufUzqfTCMMfhbm!BeesfttJotqfdups 2020-02787/27/2020FENCE/RETAINING WALLS61.-1-8.262 Dove DrMKELLY Eftdsjqujpo;Install 200' of 75'' high deer fence with 4 gates using 4x4 posts 2020-02797/27/2020ROOFING66.-4-17107 Judd Falls RdMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Tear off & re-roof with everlast metal roofing 2020-02807/28/2020ROOFING31.-2-10106 Buttermilk Falls Rd WDMAGNUSO Eftdsjqujpo;Removing shingles on garage and replacing with new 3-tab shingles. 2020-02817/29/2020SINGLE FAMILY RENOVATION/A24.-5-7.1211 Hayts RdMKELLY Eftdsjqujpo;Replace garage to house entry door with fire door. Install kitchen range hood. With electrical. 2020-02827/30/2020ROOFING70.-10-1.135111 Sycamore DrMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Tear off and re-roofing. 2020-02837/31/2020ROOFING71.-1-11.43311 St Catherine CirMSTONIER Eftdsjqujpo;Tear off 2 layers, install ice & water shield at eaves & valley synthetic felt over rest. Reshingle, complete 2020-02847/31/2020ACCESSORY STRUCTURE31.-5-1.2325 Bostwick RdDMAGNUSO Eftdsjqujpo;Construct new driveway and build 30' x 40' garage 2020-02857/31/2020ROOFING26.-4-4105 Williams Glen RdMKELLY Eftdsjqujpo; Page 8 of 9 90403131 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Qfsnju!Bqqmjdbujpo!Sfqpsu!.!Upubmt From:80203131 To:804203131 Dpvou Qfsnju!Uzqf ACCESSORY STRUCTURE 2 CHANGE OF USE 1 DECK 2 DEMOLITION 12 ELECTRICAL ONLY 6 EXTERNAL PLUMBING PERMIT 3 FENCE/RETAINING WALLS 2 HEATING AND COOLING UNIT 2 OPERATING PERMIT REGISTRY 2 ROOFING 12 SINGLE FAMILY RENOVATION/ALTERATION 6 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ADDITION 1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE NEW 1 TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE NEW 2 TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE RENOVATION/ALT 1 ZONING ONLY 1 Upubm;67 90403131 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Qfsnjut!Jttvfe Qfsn!$EbufUzqfTCMMfhbm!BeesfttJoqfdups 2020-02307/6/2020ELECTRICAL ONLY66.-5-7112 Judd Falls RdMSTONIER Eftd; Replacing sub panel to 100 amp 2020-02037/6/2020SOLAR71.-1-34.31 Rocky LnMSTONIER Eftd; Installation of a 3.55 kW roof-mounted solar PV system 2020-02117/6/2020ELECTRICAL ONLY71.-1-68.11018 Hanshaw RdMKELLY Eftd; Replace existing overhead 100 amp service with new 200 amp service w/ a 40 position main breaker panel. N Y S E G # 1 0 - 3 0 0 - 6 8 3 - 8 8 2 2020-02187/7/2020DEMOLITION30.-2-9101 Coy Glen RdDMAGNUSO Eftd; Demolition of main level and second story with temporary electrical service. 2020-02137/7/2020ROOFING49.-1-17.3672 CODDINGTON ROADMKELLY Eftd; Reroof house: 1x4's purlins nailed over all existing 1 layer of shingles. Metal roof panels screwed to 1x4's. 2020-02147/7/2020ROOFING49.-1-17.3672 CODDINGTON ROADMKELLY Eftd; Reroof Garage: 1x4's purlins nailed over existing 1 layer of shingles. Metal roof panels screwed to 1x4's. 2019-01467/7/2020OPERATING PERMIT REGISTRY44.-2-8.1171 King Rd EDMAGNUSO Eftd; Rental Registry - Single Family Home with an Accessory Dwelling Unit. 2020-02167/7/2020ROOFING49.-1-17.4672 CODDINGTON ROADMKELLY Eftd; Reroof Barn: 1x4's purlins nailed over existing 1 layer of shingles. Metal roof panels screwed to 1x4's. 2020-02097/8/2020SINGLE FAMILY RENOVATION/ALTERATION72.-1-3.10418 Winthrop DrMSTONIER Eftd; Converting 64 sq. ft. porch into a mudroom. Adding (2) walls, (1) door, (1) window. Electrical work also involved. 2020-01527/8/2020DECK61.-1-8.4612 DOVE DRIVEMKELLY Eftd; Replace existing raised deck with a 11 ft. by 13.5 ft. deck on the back of the house raised to the level of main floor of the house. 2020-02017/8/2020COMMERCIAL RENOVATION/ALTERATION58.-2-4149 HONNESS LANEMKELLY Eftd; Kitchen renovation - replace stove, cabinets, refrigerator, freezer, and updating washing area. Includes electrical work. Page 1 of 8 90403131 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Qfsnjut!Jttvfe Qfsn!$EbufUzqfTCMMfhbm!BeesfttJoqfdups 2020-02157/9/2020DECK72.-1-1.153127 Simsbury DrMSTONIER Eftd; Building a deck, 571 sq. ft. 2020-02527/9/2020ROOFING60.-1-34.411323 EASTWOOD AVENUEMKELLY Eftd; Strip roof to deck, deck repairs as needed, install ice & water shield on edges & valleys, & reshingle roof. 2020-02537/9/2020ROOFING72.-1-3.12422 Winthrop DrMSTONIER Eftd; Tear off old shingles & install ice/water synthetic felt; new drip edge & shingles architect. 2020-01917/9/2020SOLAR58.1-1-107107 PENNY LANEMKELLY Eftd; Install a 5.33 KW solar PV system on the South side of the house roof consisting of 15 Solaria PowerXT-355R-AC panels w/ factory through a 60 amp disconnect fused at 40 amps, and connected in the main circuit breaker panel to the entrance cable just before 2020-02107/10/2020ACCESSORY STRUCTURE44.-1-118404 Teton CtDMAGNUSO Eftd; Placement of 12' x 20' assembled storage shed on property. 2020-02177/10/2020POOL AND SPA45.-1-25179 King Rd EDMAGNUSO Eftd; Installing an above ground swimming pool. 18 ' in diameter. 52' in depth with electrical. 2020-02217/13/2020DECK44.-1-1223 Whitetail DrDMAGNUSO Eftd; Replace existing deck posts with 6'' x 6'' posts and install new deck beam. 2020-02557/14/2020ROOFING52.-1-24151 Northview RdDMAGNUSO Eftd; Strip roof to deck, repair deck sheathing as needed, and install ice & water shield in valleys & eve's, and shingle roof. 2020-02477/15/2020CHANGE OF USE43.-1-3.7124 King Rd EDMAGNUSO Eftd; Alterations as required to change occupancy from R to E, including ADA modifications, addition of fire alarm system, emergency renovation of basement space into classroom with new exit door, window and finished with electrical work. 2020-02567/16/2020DEMOLITION31.-3-1111 Fidler RdDMAGNUSO Eftd; Removal of In Ground Pool 2020-02597/16/2020ELECTRICAL ONLY58.1-1-53.253B LOIS LANEMKELLY Eftd; Replace failed 100 amp underground service entrance cable. NYSEG# 103-006-90259 Page 2 of 8 90403131 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Qfsnjut!Jttvfe Qfsn!$EbufUzqfTCMMfhbm!BeesfttJoqfdups 2020-02377/17/2020ROOFING33.-2-1.22132 McGee RdDMAGNUSO Eftd; New metal roof installed over existing roof on house. 2020-02577/17/2020ELECTRICAL ONLY63.-1-8.1651 Dryden RdMSTONIER Eftd; Provide new 20KVA UPS for the central energy plant. Provide new distribution panel for the UPS to feed the two existing panels 2020-02317/17/2020DECK39.-3-23B Vista LnDMAGNUSO Eftd; Replacing a 4' 6'' x 6' floating deck with a 10' x 12' floating deck. 2020-02207/20/2020DECK44.-1-1121 Whitetail DrDMAGNUSO Eftd; Installing 6'' x 6'' deck posts and new beam for existing deck. 2020-02227/20/2020DECK44.-1-1427 Whitetail DrDMAGNUSO Eftd; Replace existing deck posts with 6'' x 6'' posts and install new deck beam. 2020-02237/20/2020DECK44.-1-1841 Whitetail DrDMAGNUSO Eftd; Replace existing deck posts with 6'' x 6'' posts and install new deck beam. 2020-02247/20/2020DECK44.-1-1943 Whitetail DrDMAGNUSO Eftd; Replace existing deck posts with 6'' x 6'' posts and install new deck beam. 2020-02257/20/2020DECK44.-1-2045 Whitetail DrDMAGNUSO Eftd; Replace existing deck posts with 6'' x 6'' posts and install new deck beam. 2020-02267/20/2020DECK44.-1-2147 Whitetail DrDMAGNUSO Eftd; Replace existing deck posts with 6'' x 6'' posts and install new deck beam. 2020-02277/20/2020DECK44.-1-2249 Whitetail DrDMAGNUSO Eftd; Replace existing deck posts with 6'' x 6'' posts and install new deck beam. 2020-02287/20/2020DECK44.-1-2865 Whitetail DrDMAGNUSO Eftd; Replace existing deck posts with 6'' x 6'' posts and install new deck beam. 2020-02297/20/2020DECK44.-1-3481 Whitetail DrDMAGNUSO Eftd; Replace existing deck posts with 6'' x 6'' posts and install new deck beam. Page 3 of 8 90403131 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Qfsnjut!Jttvfe Qfsn!$EbufUzqfTCMMfhbm!BeesfttJoqfdups 2020-02647/21/2020ZONING ONLY39.-1-1.22950 Danby RdDMAGNUSO Eftd; Zoning Only: Serendipity Event on SHBC South Lawn with Temporary Lighting August-November 30, 2020 2020-02587/21/2020ELECTRICAL ONLY57.-1-27133 PINE TREE ROADMKELLY Eftd; Upgrade from 100 to 200 amp electrical service w/ combo meter / disconnect outside, & 40 pos. circuit breaker panel inside. N Y S E G # 1 0 3 - 0 0 4 - 8 3 0 - 9 7 2020-02687/21/2020ROOFING33.-2-1.22132 McGee RdDMAGNUSO Eftd; New metal roof installed over existing roof on garage. 2020-02627/22/2020ELECTRICAL ONLY57.-1-8.145204 TUDOR ROADMKELLY Eftd; Upgrade to a 200 amp electrical entrance w/ new 40 pos. circuit breaker panel. N Y S E G # 1 0 3 0 0 6 8 1 8 5 4 2020-02727/23/2020ROOFING26.-1-2156 BUNDY ROADMKELLY Eftd; Strip roof to deck, deck repairs as needed, replace existing skylight, add ice & water shield, and reshingle entire roof. 2020-02767/24/2020TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE NEW43.-2-141111 Danby RdDMAGNUSO Eftd; Install fire separation to make a legal two family home. 2020-02657/29/2020SINGLE FAMILY RENOVATION/ALTERATION28.-2-51215 Mecklenburg RdDMAGNUSO Eftd; Install Power Vent gas water heater replacement and 200 amp electrical service upgrade. NYSEG #10300688877. 2020-01887/29/2020ELECTRICAL ONLY33.-1-4.4152 Inlet Valley WayDMAGNUSO Eftd; Refeed underground 400' 150A service. 2019-03607/29/2020SINGLE FAMILY RENOVATION/ALTERATION47.-1-3.3912 CODDINGTON ROADMKELLY Eftd; Construct a 8 ft. X 24 ft. unroofed deck on front of house, raised to level of main floor of the house. Page 4 of 8 90403131 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Qfsnjut!Jttvfe Qfsn!$EbufUzqfTCMMfhbm!BeesfttJoqfdups 2020-02497/31/2020EXTERNAL PLUMBING PERMIT63.-2-5217 Maple AveDTHAETE Eftd; External Sewer Spot Repair/Demolition (No Fee) After Abatement is completed, cut and cap main lines at boundary/property line per plan (at this point no active input into sewer property). The Town of Ithaca will inspect. Once abatement of each building has been completed but prior to demolition of each shall be followed: 1. Excavate and locate the exit of the sanitary service line at each building. 2. Cut a 1-ft section out and cap cast iron or SDR pipe with proper cap size (town to inspect) 3. Backfill excavation After each building has been disconnected the following procedure shall be followed per the e-mail chain with Daniel Thaete and 1. Fill all sewer drains in each building floor slab with grout mix 2. Grout fill (flo-able fill) remaining sanitary manholes on site to 1-ft below grade 3. Remaining 1-ft will have 8'' of common fill and 4'' of topsoil. Please see the attached submittals for the fernco caps and the flo-able fill. The water and sewer units for this property was calculated using the Town of Ithaca Water and Sewer Benefit Formula. This property sewer unit. Page 5 of 8 90403131 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Qfsnjut!Jttvfe Qfsn!$EbufUzqfTCMMfhbm!BeesfttJoqfdups 2020-02517/31/2020EXTERNAL PLUMBING PERMIT63.-2-6221 Maple AveDTHAETE Eftd; External Sewer Spot Repair/Demolition (No Fee) After Abatement is completed, cut and cap main lines at boundary/property line per plan (at this point no active input into sewer property). The Town of Ithaca will inspect. Once abatement of each building has been completed but prior to demolition of each shall be followed: 1. Excavate and locate the exit of the sanitary service line at each building. 2. Cut a 1-ft section out and cap cast iron or SDR pipe with proper cap size (town to inspect) 3. Backfill excavation After each building has been disconnected the following procedure shall be followed per the e-mail chain with Daniel Thaete and 1. Fill all sewer drains in each building floor slab with grout mix 2. Grout fill (flo-able fill) remaining sanitary manholes on site to 1-ft below grade 3. Remaining 1-ft will have 8'' of common fill and 4'' of topsoil. Please see the attached submittals for the fernco caps and the flo-able fill. The water and sewer units for this property was calculated using the Town of Ithaca Water and Sewer Benefit Formula. This property sewer unit. Page 6 of 8 90403131 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Qfsnjut!Jttvfe Qfsn!$EbufUzqfTCMMfhbm!BeesfttJoqfdups 2020-02487/31/2020EXTERNAL PLUMBING PERMIT63.-2-7.1301 Maple Ave Eftd; External Sewer Spot Repair/Demolition (No Fee) After Abatement is completed, cut and cap main lines at boundary/property line per plan (at this point no active input into sewer property). The Town of Ithaca will inspect. Once abatement of each building has been completed but prior to demolition of each shall be followed: 1. Excavate and locate the exit of the sanitary service line at each building. 2. Cut a 1-ft section out and cap cast iron or SDR pipe with proper cap size (town to inspect) 3. Backfill excavation After each building has been disconnected the following procedure shall be followed per the e-mail chain with Daniel Thaete and 1. Fill all sewer drains in each building floor slab with grout mix 2. Grout fill (flo-able fill) remaining sanitary manholes on site to 1-ft below grade 3. Remaining 1-ft will have 8'' of common fill and 4'' of topsoil. Please see the attached submittals for the fernco caps and the flo-able fill. The water and sewer units for this property was calculated using the Town of Ithaca Water and Sewer Benefit Formula. This property sewer unit. 2020-00907/31/2020SINGLE FAMILY RENOVATION/ALTERATION44.-1-55391 Teton CtDMAGNUSO Eftd; Basement partitions + 46 Sq'; change outlet of stair in basement. Shift washer/dryer east about 4 ft. Add 3' door to create closet fireplace to gas insert. Electrical work to be included. Upubm 47 Page 7 of 8 90403131 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Qfsnjut!Jttvfe!.!Upubmt From:80203131 To:804203131 Dpvou Qfsnju!Uzqf ACCESSORY STRUCTURE 1 CHANGE OF USE 1 COMMERCIAL RENOVATION/ALTERATION 1 DECK 13 DEMOLITION 2 ELECTRICAL ONLY 7 EXTERNAL PLUMBING PERMIT 3 OPERATING PERMIT REGISTRY 1 POOL AND SPA 1 ROOFING 9 SINGLE FAMILY RENOVATION/ALTERATION 4 SOLAR 2 TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE NEW 1 ZONING ONLY 1 Upubm;58 90403131 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Dfsujgjdbuft!Jttvfe From:80203131 To:804203131 Dfsu/!$EbufUzqfUfnqTCMMfhbm!BeesfttJotqfdupsTubuvt 2020-0195 7/1/2020CC45.-1-583 Chase LnDMAGNUSOISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2020-0194 7/1/2020CC71.-1-10.2309 Siena DrMSTONIERISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2020-0187 7/2/2020CO30.-2-9101 Coy Glen RdJMCNEALISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2020-0187 7/2/2020CO30.-2-9101 Coy Glen RdJMCNEALISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2020-0192 7/2/2020CC28.-1-34.204 Woodgate LnDMAGNUSOISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2020-0155 7/6/2020CC70.-9-2406 Salem DrMSTONIERISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2020-0102 7/6/2020CC59.-2-20.4120 Homestead CirMKELLYISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2020-0151 7/7/2020CC71.-1-11.48301 St Catherine CirMSTONIERISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2020-0153 7/10/2020CC58.-2-39.24314 SUNNYVIEW LANEMKELLYISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2020-0117 7/10/2020CO25.-2-32.1847 Taughannock BlvdJMCNEALISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2020-0048 7/13/2020CO39.-1-1.22950 Danby RdDMAGNUSOISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2020-0113 7/15/2020CC70.-1-14134 Muriel StMSTONIERISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2019-0145 7/15/2020CC70.-11-469 Muriel StMSTONIERISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2019-0358 7/15/2020CC70.-11-35.6114 Salem DrMSTONIERISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2019-0426 7/15/2020CO70.-10-1.14112 Sycamore DrMSTONIERISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2020-0093 7/15/2020CC70.-6-1102 Deerfield PlMSTONIERISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2020-0182 7/16/2020CC71.-1-2214 Texas Ln ExtDMAGNUSOISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; Page 1 of 3 90403131 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Dfsujgjdbuft!Jttvfe From:80203131 To:804203131 Dfsu/!$EbufUzqfUfnqTCMMfhbm!BeesfttJotqfdupsTubuvt 2019-0428 7/16/2020CC54.-2-12163 PEARSALL PLACEMKELLYISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2020-0264 7/24/2020CO39.-1-1.22950 Danby RdDMAGNUSOISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2020-0156 7/24/2020CC45.-1-3610 LaGrand CtDMAGNUSOISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2019-0425 7/29/2020CC52.-1-6.2113 NORTHVIEW ROADMKELLYISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2020-0259 7/30/2020Cert of CX58.1-1-53.253B LOIS LANEMKELLYISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; 2020-0231 7/31/2020CO39.-3-23B Vista LnDMAGNUSOISSUED Qfsnju!Uzqf; Page 2 of 3 90403131 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Dfsujgjdbuf!Sfqpsu Upubmt!cz!Uzqf!boe!Tubuvt From:80203131 To:804203131 Dpvou Dfsujgjdbuf!UzqfDfsujgjdbuf!Tubuvt CC 15 Cert of Compliance - Electrical Only 1 CO 7 Upubm;34 ISSUED 23 Page 3 of 3 90403131 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Dpnqmbjout!Sfdfjwfe!Sfqpsu From:To: 80203131804203131 Uby!Qbsdfm!$ EbufUzqfMfhbm!BeesfttEjtqptjujpo 7/1/2020REPORT OF FIRE49.-1-8628 Coddington RdOPEN Eftd; IFD reported Fire. 7/1/2020PROPERTY MAINTENANCE45.-1-583 Chase LnOPEN Eftd; Exterior electrical meter can pulled away from garage. No support for service lateral entrance conduit. 7/2/2020BUILDING WITHOUT A PER63.-2-7.1301 Maple AveOPEN Eftd; Abestoes abatement occurring without a permit 7/6/2020FIRE SAFETY VIOLATIONS103 Bundy RdOPEN Eftd; Same problem as prior, attic temperature 138 degrees, Zone 5 Taken off online and system reset with a trouble. System already on fire watch due to sprinkler system issue. SEE DOCS 7/9/2020PROPERTY MAINTENANCE136 Veterans PlOPEN Eftd; Insect infestation in Unit K 7/14/2020NYS BUILDING CODE70.-2-4302 Tareyton DrOPEN Eftd; Ordre to Remedy issued on 7/31/20 Swimming pool installed without a permit 7/17/2020BUILDING WITHOUT A PER57.-1-8.145204 Tudor RdOPEN Eftd; Contractor in the process of installing a heat pump without a Permit. He agreed to stop work & get a Permit. 7/24/2020NYS BUILDING CODE27.-1-6.1271 Bundy RdOPEN Eftd; Electric service to house damaged when power line pole broke and fell. Neighbor reports that house is vacant. Owner contacted. 7/24/2020FIRE SAFETY VIOLATIONS125 Textor CirOPEN Eftd; Panel or rooms need to more clearly show where alarm is or better zone deliniation. Fire alarm came in for floor 1 mechanical room but FA Panel showed room 106. 106 is a closet in a lab and that device was not in alarm. Special Notes: This building is one that has been identified as IC Safety waits and IFD goes in to investigate due to hazards contained in the building. IFD needs alarm areas to be easily identifiable.. Forwarded to the Town of Ithaca Automatically: 7/24/2020 3:38:17 AM 7/27/2020GARBAGE62.-2-13.71020 Ellis Hollow RdUNFOUNDED Eftd; Numerous complaints about the hotel and it's clientele. Garbage blowing into other properties has become an issue. See docs for more information Page 1 of 3 90403131 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Dpnqmbjout!Sfdfjwfe!Sfqpsu From:To: 80203131804203131 Uby!Qbsdfm!$ EbufUzqfMfhbm!BeesfttEjtqptjujpo 7/30/2020FIRE SAFETY VIOLATIONS103 Bundy RdOPEN Eftd; IFD responded for a report of a smoke condition in the laundry room. Belt odor but no smoke or fire.All 3 dryers shut off. Maintenance will check them over. See docs Page 2 of 3 90403131 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Dpnqmbjout!Sfqpsu From:80203131 To:804203131 Upubmt!cz!Dpnqmbjou!Uzqf!'!Tubuvt Dpvou DpnqmbjouUzqfDpnqmbjou!Tubuvt BUILDING WITHOUT A PERMIT2 FIRE SAFETY VIOLATIONS3 GARBAGE1 NYS BUILDING CODE2 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE2 REPORT OF FIRE1 Upubm;22 OPEN10 UNFOUNDED1 Page 3 of 3 90403131 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Dpnqmbjout!Dmptfe!Sfqpsu From:To: 80203131804203131 Uby!Qbsdfm!$ EbufUzqfMfhbm!BeesfttEjtqptjujpo 7/27/2020GARBAGE62.-2-13.71020 Ellis Hollow RdUNFOUNDED Eftd; Numerous complaints about the hotel and it's clientele. Garbage blowing into other properties has become an issue. See docs for more information Page 1 of 2 90403131 Upxo!pg!Juibdb 326!O/!Ujphb!Tusffu Juibdb-!OZ!25961 Dpnqmbjout!Sfqpsu From:80203131 To:804203131 Upubmt!cz!Dpnqmbjou!Uzqf!'!Tubuvt Dpvou DpnqmbjouUzqfDpnqmbjou!Tubuvt GARBAGE1 Upubm;2 UNFOUNDED1 Page 2 of 2