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CANrrARI'sF.WvREASl:MMT IIBE#� +JteJtAvE 339 TOWN OF fTflA�A SANrTARv SF:WfR tMPRtTVCMFIdT - ,RirCf IVc WILED PRl)tlkTi'1"(t(nl'lo\. ToilPIVINSC't)ItNrl: TQNNUFtTffACA tit::'": l i f:t."i rt,pea} Address: .401 %l.l'atherieffrck �' C0 Al ` lthaea, N)MAI As Tea n of Ithaca I a\ J an,Vl Number 71 .1-10 µ 1TllStUt\St?kf:madeasofthc l+/ day of May. 2tlUl, ' BETWEEN.St. Catherine of Sienna Church. referred to hoer as the GRANTOR, i and the It)W'N of II IlACA. a municipal corporation with offices at 21S Nmth Toga, )theca, New York. hereinafter called GRANT,: succc,,uenand avigns. its � �... WITNI NSI' M MAI W11t.RI:AS. GRANT lU hag an cascmrtM fur dine installation and maintenance of a sent lateral pipets) and appunen;mEcs. and Lary sewn transmission. ndlttiian and service B: � r j WI IfRI'AS. the e:rite% vtM to mnditysoch casement u«clarify lfic - rcspcatrve rights and obbgatums Ofthe panics, and W'11fRi.AS, the GRANIOR is the owner or has an hoer in real pro{eny in the 'town of lthaca where the transmissn,n.andsen,relateral ppgs}and appurtenances or other facditics sewer collection, . t h must puss or encroach u iva'e ,pert, rime 1" pri y fin the above reasons; ) . �... NoW', I I WREFO RE. said GRANTOR in consideration of the henefits to accrue "commimm wide and to said GRANTORas a result of stahifiration of property values and protecu ou of the general health: liericin t a s r { and welfare of the community. and otherwise, and furthermin idsratam of the co%enams herein conwncd and other g,xrt and sufitetrm consideration, receipt whereof is hereby acknowkd hcrct» grant and comvcv 'o sad GRANTTf E. its stircessors and assigns fmcver: # . A permanent easement to enter upon, cnnst operate, mainwia repair and replace wnrtnrs sewn mllection, trat%missiem and sctvwc lateral s) and herein Jewrit+ed across or upon the lands of the GRAN FOR in othcr facilities as arc paccordantt f the lawn of Ithaca i ttli on nct:tl originally a' the olTice of the Town t'lcrk of the Town of lthaea: the width p `'pecifrrations fled ,.;. of the shown on the attached map; if the w idth of the casement is omit shtmn on the attacheanp, "tiller of the a� lament �styaf! n of the shown ixt said map Teel! s casluheruise he 213 untcsc or unicss otherwise stored herein. the center tic of pipcys) as actually laid shall be the center line of the easerrmrnt. Me execution of this instrument by a party holding the following bens) on the above premises shall constitute a rrtkax from mry suchlirn(s) of tlx casement granted hereby: All equipment. materials, and tither property hi hinging to the GRANTF:t'.: its agents it contractors, stored im or kxated tin the ca cnJcnf area, and the ewn pipits} and appuncnarnes tin any tither favilluo) cunslnicled im said premmscs shall remain the property of and shall he under the (a,uol and +uperv,sun cat the rkAN 11.I.; but the GRAN Itrk t t) reserves Uu underlying tee m said caseent, sub)nt to the title u+ said prupcnycovercJ by lights and privileges tinnn granted it) the GRANT fl:. and (2) GRAN JOR reserves the right to use and enjoy said premises prinided tha'such use shah trait interfere wth tile lights granted m the GRANTF:f. or the construction. maintenance. (perauom or repair of. or cause injury or damage to, the sanitary sewngef ps) or other facilities or appurtenances. Whenever the tiRLhtoks premises. it is agreed that • suhstanhelk the same condition it was in bcfbeforehereunder any work is titre on "'thou' expense m the owner. all debris will he removed. the premises will be restored to any such work was done insofar as such reuoratiuri to is teasortahly pissibtt. 4RAN ('F;1: shelf trq , emrtnts, otherthan acquired to reuo , or replace any heirs. pavementor other driveway surfaces, that have beat placed on the' area Iw <ikn vlf)R, (;kANT()k,s hcin. suaraso_ easement or assigns. ff am damage is caused to the tdtAfJTT)R'S properry, or if such pntease has ram tecri pn,perly neur,rcd by the tiRA vil F„ tttc GRANTOR shall give prompt and due notice in Ithaca Offices 2 B North. at arom to the 4RANIFIX at the Town of T- a Street: Ifhara. New York immediately fotlowiti ant such l` or failure t0 reshtre the native must lx in venting and'muu to given pnmtptly, in oiler to enable toe Town of Ithaca is mtuh the Town Engineer and the C Suth any who performed the wok on the Project. Any action against the Town must het g o r, if °y upon which GRANTOR'S claim is lased a within such Amer sWutory within two years from the bull of the evert f lk C ptxnid as may be applicable. This easement is intended to modify the existing cawmcttt pariaialag to the st:wer fine sftown on die afiliefied taap. Upon tec"din g of tlii easement a stmill he dccrrirtd to supetutk wt-b Print easeniertt and ft"teefurtlt the . cascrnen(agrccntca'. -. parties shill be govmaeaf exefasiwdy fry tote t of this • R ttFE+t f Iiiil 340 N ♦��♦,..♦ y. Z AN D£ POEI. ♦. .. ��♦♦. ♦ `". xtsTiNG 5Ew£ •♦♦ ♦♦♦ o INY MA JORIE C (R.O.) ♦`'"♦♦ BOUDREAU.J N a)20. 0' `♦ HO$* 1036 ♦ . �• PERMANVENT EASEMENT LINE SAINT CATHERINE NCATHERINE OF SIENNA (R.O. EXISTING R.O.W. NO#1 106 HANSHAW ROAD HANSHAW ROAD PERMANENT EASEMENTS FOR SANITARY SEWER MAIN THROUGH THE LANDS OF TAX PARCEL 0 71.-1-10 TOWN OF ITHACA SEWER SYSTEM TOMPKINS COUNTY , NEW YORK FILE: SIENNA DRIVE SCALE: Not to Scale DATE. 3/23/01 a • 10 0 NOTARY PIMUC DormL!kftd OftY Pubk gute 0t NOW NO.OIH06©52879 w conlli,kao ama ..ro"c+o" mate1;3 rac[ 341 I;AStih EN I --I own o(Ithaca Sannan Sewer Improvetncm This.tnctrtmwnt shall hind the panics hereto, their disinbutes, perumal representatives, hero,. succCW s aid aailtns. IN % 1 INI.SS R i ii Rl'(tt'. . tnctrumcnts has two duly v, " GRA IOR(S) nr the holders of this lien. tit Cathcrinv of Siena � G OWNER(s) SAME C1iW'�iIWaYSiG?tiATIJRE ON'hFRIsiNAYfE __._ __ Ol!'hiYys)SIGISATL'RE t.5. %nne of Ncw York. County of Tompkins SS; On this r day of wt� , in the )rat 20011 hefote me, the undersigned, Mrvonally appeamd "+✓ �+ �x t- ;..�.F` _ } crs�mally known to me or proved to me on the basis of vvnsi:Wt<uy evidence to fie the tadrvtduahq whoa tunm-s(xT n tare) whscrihed to the within insttumem and acknowtcdged to me thin he/Ac: thc) executed the s.one in hrvha"ttherr cap;wnyliesk and thatbv likhvv,9heit MgnaNtAil) un the instruincol. the indivtduallsl. or the pers,xt uptai behalf of which the indtvnluahst acted, .%ft.0 ed the ' j t j ' /fir"lV NOTARY Pj1lWUC WRIE WV#TmM NOury Public, slat• 01 NarrMsAl TOWN OF tTWAC'A NO. Oi WH6052477 Ry; C Cheri k.' Valentino lY� n v �� I itGRATItRE Shue Of New York. C'ouaty of Tompkitke SS: On this 2C -h dery of M _. _in the year 2tl(tihefure ones the undeni Weds r � g perstinaily a{+pt�red �G c` 1iw K2 �C't w s trp: rkm' rally known to Inc or proved m iris tin the halts of saltvfactory evidence to he the nidivithutrys) whose uantey s) is (are) suhl ribcd to the wtthtn mvinimcnt and ackiwwiedgcd to me that he'shehhcy executed tire saute in histherAheir, ca{xa ityi m). Wert that by hivha llictr signamte(vl on the insh'Ifflurn, the indiv iduahs), or the person upttn hchalf of which the r"vidtwlfa} ae1ed, executed the instrtaiterit. t:l�,scatcats�f�attshavv�(oadn7t•f-I�ew,raxsc.anc