HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945 Town Budget - Town Officals Individual Reportso h+ ®F 17-MCR 66<U.USU10� OF ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR 260 PROTECTION DISTRICT EXPENDITURES Miscee laneous expenses (itemize) krIHAY� 60iZ At-iQF CRLLS Fire protection contract TOTAL EXPENDITURES Unexpended balance Dated: September , 19A-gE REVENUES (Signed)s f Supervisor jr� 7 A B. WILLIAMSON LAW NOOA CO.. NOCNESTM M.T. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMIT`1'ED EY�� REGISTRAR ®F VITAL STATISTICS* TOWN OF rJ«�-�=� FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 19-4!� Compensation Other expenses Fees of physicians TOTAL EXPENDITURES None Dated: September EXPENDITURES $ 0 REVENUES (Signed) 6 Registrar of Vital Statistics Note Sy' a- ,0 i If the town clerk is also registrar of vital statistics, he must file a separate estimate for each office. * Under the Public Health Law (Section 35), real property within villages cannot be taxed for town health purposes. Therefore, the ainounts to be raised by tax for the board of health and for the registrar of vital statistics (including the fees of physicians) can be assessed only against the taxable real property in the town outside of villages. 14 P. S. WILLIAMSON LAW BOOK CO.. ROCHESTER. MY. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBM D , TOWN WELFARE OFFICER TO � FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 19. EXPENDITURES Salary Office and other expenses (itemize) Compensation of employees (itemize) Home relief Burials Lunacy cases Lunacy examinations Other expenses Veterans' relief TOTAL EXPENDITURES Reimbursement of home relief from State Reimbursement of welfare salaries from State Refunds of home relief from recipients Unexpended balances (Sec. 115, Town Law) TOTAL REVENUES Dated: September, 19 REVENUES 5 D: 0 _ (Signed ) / Town Welfare Officer Note The estimate of revenues includes the estimated "unexpended balance" (see page 83) of taxes previously levied for public assistance and care which will be on hand at the end of the current year and available for use to finance the next year's expenditures. It will be noted that unexpended balances of moneys raised for home relief cannot be used for purposes other than home relief. FAIL WILLIAMSON LAW BOOK CO., ROCHESTER. N.Y. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY TOWN CLERK TOWN OF�'� FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 19� EXPENDITURES Salary $ �"on Office and other expenses (ite�miize.. Compensation of employees (itemize) TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUES Fees of town clerk $12 ,V Dog tags $/ 9 -o 0 Delinquent dog list Marriage licenses 8 3-00 Hunting and fishing licenses — Filing (conditional sales contracts and chattel mortgages Transcripts of records, searches, etc. 24-6 Other fees Other licenses (town ordinances) —itemize TOTAL REVENUES Dated: September, 19� (Signed) - Town Clerk Note Under the heading "Other licenses," the estimated income of the town from fees for licenses required by town ordinances (peddling, soft drink, dance -hall, etc.) pursuant to the town law (Sec. 136), should be specified. - If the office of tax collector has been abolished and taxes are collected by the town clerk, the town clerk should include in his estimate, under the heading "Revenues," addi- tional items for "Interest and penalties on taxes" and "Fees of tax collector." 3 P.B. WILLIAMSON LAW BOOK CO.. ROCHESTER, N.Y ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY ASSESSOR TOWN OF FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 19 `/ s- EXPENDITURES Salary S °Z sue- —eat,' h Office and other expenses (itemize) Compensation of employees, if any Fees TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUES Dog damage cases (received from county) Fence viewer cases (received from disputants) TOTAL REVENUES Dated: September —1--y—, 19—Yy S 4 s- 04 I+'. B. Howe R. C. Mandeville F. C . Marshall (Signed) Note Assessor S J oZ S e h S .26— A separate estimate may be filed by each assessor or a joint estimate on behalf of all. p e, NILLIAMSOH LAY/ BOON CO.. NOCHESTHR. N.T. ANNUAL EST131ATE SUBMITTED BY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE TOWN OF / Trf! ,fi K. v-\ FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 19_�LL. EXPENDITURES Salary Office and other expenses (itemize) Compensation of employees, if any TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUES Fines, penalties and forfeitures Motor vehicle fees (received from State) Criminal fees —Indictable cases (received from county) Criminal fees —Conservation Law (received from State) Civil fees Civil fees —dog (received from county) Civil fees —Conservation Law (received from defendants) Other revenues (itemize) TOTAL REVENUES Dated: September 'L, , 19 iL!L. $ 4 , $ I .r. 1o, / 0 . (Signed) justice of the Peace. Note Under the heading "Revenues", a justice of the peace must include the estimated amount of all moneys payable to the town which will be collected through his office during the ensuing year. In estimating the amount of "Fines, penalties and forfeitures" which will be re- ceived, the justice of the peace should include only those payable to the town. Anticipated income set forth under the heading "Other revenues" should be care- fully itemized. O T. a. •ILLWAN50M LAW NOOK CO.. ROCHESTER. M.T. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE TOWN OF O/`r�� FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 19 `A4. t "- EXPENDITURES Salary $ � Office a d othe ex ses (' emize) 4a," .; Ald Compensation of employees, if any TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUES Fines, penalties and forfeitures Motor vehicle fees (received from State) Criminal fees —Indictable cases (received from county) Criminal fees —Conservation Law (received from State) Civil fees Civil fees —dog (received from county) Civil fees —Conservation Law (received from defendants) Other revenues (itemize) TOTAL REVENUES Dated: September 6 , 19� (Signed) f ustice of the Peace. Note Under the heading "Revenues", a justice of the peace must include the estimated amount of all moneys payable to the town which will be collected through his office during the ensuing year. In estimating the amount of "Fines, penalties and forfeitures" which will be re- ceived, the justice of the peace should include only those payable to the town. Anticipated income set forth under the heading "Other revenues" should be care- fully itemized. ® P. a. NILLIAMSM LAN BOOR CO.. AOCNMEN. Y.T. W ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR BOARD OF HEALTH* TOWN OF I tuln "'.ca FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 19 4S . EXPENDITURES Salary of health officer T_ l" c L 7, Q Other health expenses (itemize) Compensation of nurses TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUES None Dated: September l ,t 6 44 . ` (Signed) 2"i�= e th fficer Note If the town is included within a consolidated health district, the expenses of the board of health of such consolidated health district must be raised in the manner provided in Sec. 20 of the Public Health Law, and no item therefor should be included in the pre- liminary or annual bud, et of the town. 18 P. a. WILLIA61SON LAW BOOK CO.. ROCHESTER. N.Y. W ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY COUNCILMAN TOWN OF FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 19�. Salaries Office and other expenses (itemize) TOTAL EXPENDITURES None EXPENDITURES $ k7,0 a REVENUES Dated: September 19 (Signed) " 4' r'e wA " to - Cotilman Note A separate estimate may be filed by each councilman or a joint estimate on behalf of all. T. P. B. WILLIALISON LAW BOOK CO.. ROCHESTER, N.Y. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY COUNCILMAN TOWN OF Z Z FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 19 ! r EXPENDITURES Salaries 2 c,. Office and other expenses (itemize) TOTAL .EXPENDITURES REVENUES None Dated: September '^ 19y r4, (Signed);,:. Councilman Note A separate estimate may be filed by each councilman or a joint estimate on 'belialf of all. 0 2 P. B. WILLIAMSON LAW BOOK CO.. ROCHESTER. N.Y. ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY DECEIVER OF TAXES TAX COLLECTOR TOWN OF -- FOR FISCAL YEAR ]BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 19ZVI EXPENDITURES Salary $ Office a other expenses (itemize) i®. ®o Compensation of employees, if any TOTAL EXPENDITURES REVENUES Interest and penalties on taxes Fees of tax collector TOTAL REVENUES Dated: September 1,ze, I IA $P9 (Signed) ��--- (Title) — Note The collector or receiver is required to state separately, under the heading "Revenues," the anticipated income of his office during the ensuing year from "Interest and penalties on taxes" and the "Fees of tax collector." If taxes are collected by the local collector without fees, no amount should be stated under the item "Fees of tax collector". In towns in which the office of tax collector has been abolished and the town clerk collects taxes, the estimate of the town clerk should include, under the heading "Reve- nues" two additional items — "Interest and penalties on taxes" and "Fees of tax col- lector." In towns of the first class where the office of receiver of taxes is appointive and the town clerk is also the receiver of taxes, the estimate of the town clerk should also include the two additional items hereinbefore referred to. 5 P. a. IYII.LIFMSON L N tl QK f.0.. ROCneSTF.R. N.T NNt UN - Nil ANNUAL ESTIMATE Sid 1 PITTED BY SUPERVISOR TOWN OF FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 19 EXPENDITURES —GENERAL FUND Town Board Town Hall and Town Offices �, �, Rentals (board room, offices, elections, etc.) $— 6. o o Compensation of employees Purchase of furniture and equipment Repairs, light, heat and telephone Other expenses (itemize) Elections Compensation of election officials (including mileage) 40. 0 Compensation of custodians of voting machines *0, 0 Other expenses (itemize) Voting machines, purchase and repair .Insurance Compensation insurance Official bonds and undertakings 300.00 Fire and liability /000.00 Other (itemize) Printing and advertising (all departments) 100.00 Services of attorneys and expenses of litigation 100.00 Services of engineer and expenses [f0Q.00 Zoning inspector and expenses Annual audit and examination Publicity fund Employee's Retirement System (town share) Total $%r Supervisor Salary $]A_CO `_ 0 Office and other expenses (itemize). 3 00. 00 Compensation of employees, if any_ !rp&00 Total $ Police, Constables and: Deputy Sheriffs (`where police department has not been established) Compensation $ Mileage and other expenses (itemize) �0 Purchase of equipment 1 Total $ SD WILLIAMSON LAY! ROOK M. R0ONE11M N.Y. �. REVENUES —GENERAL FUND Mortgage taxes Income taxes Franchise taxes on business corporations Alcoholic beverage taxes (town share) Dog licenses (from county) Rent of town owned property Fees of constables or police officers Fees of town library Fees of parks and playgrounds Fees of airports Fees of cemeteries Other revenues (itemize) FMES FeesT tiff CLERX S Tovnee Unexpended balances (Sec. 115, Town Law) TOTAL REVENUES Dated: September, 19� 15,00® 350.00 800. S57000 00 (Signed) I,-, Supervisor. i, Parks and Playgrounds Compensation of employees Other expenses (itemize) Patriotic Observances Cemeteries Airports Redemption of Debt (Principal) Temporary Loans Emergency appropriation loans Revenue anticipation loans Deficiency loans Other temporary loans (specify) Total $ $IDO.0O Bonds (give title of each issue) a. b. C. Total Interest on Debt Interest on temporary loans Interest on bonds (give title of each issue) a. b. c. Total Construction and Permanent Improvements (itemize) Nature of Improvement a. b. C. Total$ _ Veterans Organizations for Rooms $ Judgments and Settlements (describe in detail) $ 1943 Accounts, Claims and Demands TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 00 Lockup (where police department has not been established) Compensation of employees Other expenses (itemize) Traffic Signs, signals and highway lighting Dog Warden Compensation Other expenses (itemize) Forest Fires Compensation of fire wardens and laborers CW— Payment to Conservation Corrunission Inspection Costs Building inspection Plumbing inspection Electrical inspection Examining Boards Plumbers Electricians Heating and ventilating War Emergency Purposes Attendance Officer Compensation Other expenses (itemize) Town historian Compensation Other expenses (itemize) Town Library Compensation of employees Other expenses (itemize) Payments to other libraries Total Total $ $ O, Q Total-• �® Total Total- 15'0.00 Q0 Total $ 00 "Total $ lr,ota;l $ _.-