HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 Supplements GENERAL CODE INSTRUCTIONS Town of Ithaca Code Supplement No.29 The enclosed new and/or replacement pages should be placed in your Code volume immediate- ly! The dateline, on the bottom of the page, does not indicate the adoption date of the Code changes, but rather identifies the pages printed with this supplement. This instruction page should be placed in the front of your Code volume. REMOVE INSERT Preface, i—iii Preface, i—iv Table of Contents, Table of Contents, V-ix V-Vii 18:1 — 18:2 18:1 - 18:3 57:1 —57:2 221:5—221:6 221:5—221:6 221:6.1 270:133 —270:134 270:133—270:134 270:134.1 270:134.1 DL:5—DL:6 DL:5—DL:6 Index Pages 1 —28 Index Pages 1 —28 s. r Legislation, by number or date of adoption, included in this supplement: L.L. Nos. 13-2012; 1- 2013;2-2013; 3-2013. - 2013;2-20I3; 3-2013. 43-01-2013 T PREFACE The Town of Ithaca has, over the years, passed through a process of Iegislative change common to many American communities. While only a few simple laws were necessary at the time of the establishment of the Town,subsequent growth of the community,together with the complexity of modern life, has created the need for new and more detailed legislation for the proper function and government of the Town. The recording of local law is an aspect of municipal history,and as the community develops and changes, review and revision of old laws and consideration of new Iaws, in the light of current trends, must keep pace. The orderly collection of these records is an important step in this ever-continuing process. Legislation must be more than mere chronological enactments reposing in the pages of old records. It must be available and IogicaIly arranged for convenient use and must be kept up-to-date. It was with thoughts such as these in mind that the Town Board ordered the following codification of the Town's legislation. Contents of Code The various chapters of the Code contain all currently effective legislation of a general and per- manent nature enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, including revisions or amend- ments to existing legislation deemed necessary by the Town Board in the course of the codifica- tion. Division of Code The Code is divided into parts.Part I,Administrative Legislation, contains all Town legislation of an administrative nature, namely, that dealing with the administration of government, that estab- lishing or regulating municipal departments and that affecting officers and employees of the mu- nicipal government and its departments. Part Il, General Legislation,contains all other Town leg- islation of a regulatory nature. Items of legislation in this part generally impose penalties for'vio- lation of their provisions,whereas those in Part I do not. Table of Contents and Grouping of Legislation The Table of Contents details the arrangement of material alphabetically by chapter as a means of identifying specific areas of legislation. Wherever two or more items of legislation have been combined by the editor into a single chapter, the use of article designations has preserved the identity of the individual enactments, and the titles of the articles are listed beneath the chapter title in order to facilitate location of the individual enactments. Reserved Chapters Unassigned chapter numbers do not appear in the Table of Contents but are available for assign- ment to new enactments.In this manner,new subject matter can be included alphabetically. 1 03-01-20I3 ITHACA CODE r i Pagination A unique page-numbering system has been used in which each chapter forms an autonomous unit. The first page of each chapter is the number of that chapter followed by a colon and the nu- meral "1." Thus,Chapter 6 would begin on page 6:1.By use of this system, it is possible to add or to change pages in any chapter, or add new chapters, without affecting the sequence of subse- quent pages. Numbering of Sections A chapter-related section-numbering system is employed in which the section number indicates the number of the chapter and the Iocation of the section within that chapter. Thus, the first sec- tion of Chapter 30 would be § 30-1,while the sixth section of Chapter 57 would be § 57-6. Scheme The scheme is the list of section titles that precedes the text of each chapter. These titles are care- fully written so that, taken together, they may be considered as a summary of the content of the chapter. Taken separately, each describes the content of a particular section. For ease and preci- sion of reference,the scheme titles are repeated as section headings in the text. Histories O ` At the end of the Scheme(list of section titles) in each chapter is located the legislative history for that chapter. This History indicates the specific legislative source from which the chapter was derived, including the enactment number(e.g., ordinance number, local law number, bylaw num- ber, resolution number, etc.), if pertinent, and the date of adoption. In the case of chapters con- taining parts or articles derived from more than one item of legislation,the source of each part or article is indicated in the text, under its title. Amendments to individual sections or subsections are indicated by histories where appropriate in the text. General References; Editor's Notes In each chapter containing material related to other chapters in the Code, a table of General Ref- erences is included to direct the reader's attention to such related chapters. Editor's Notes are used in the text to provide supplementary information and cross-references to related provisions in other chapters. Appendix Certain forms of local legislation are not of a nature suitable for inclusion in the main body of the Code but are of such significance that their application is community-wide or their provisions are germane to the conduct of municipal government. The Appendix of this publication is reserved for such legislation and for any other material that the community may wish to include. lI 03-01-2013 . PREFACE Disposition List The Disposition List is a chronological listing of legislation, indicating its inclusion in the publi- cation or the reason for its exclusion. The Disposition List will be updated with each supplement to the Code to include the legislation reviewed with said supplement. Index The Index is a guide to information. Since it is likely that this publication will be used by persons without formal legal training, the Index has been formulated to enable such persons to locate a particular section quickly. Each section of each chapter has been indexed. The Index will be sup- plemented and revised from time to time as new legislation is added. Instructions for Amending the Code All changes to the Code, whether they are amendments, deletions or additions, should be adopted as amendments to the Code. In doing so, existing material that is not being substantively altered should not be renumbered. Adding new sections. Where new sections are to be added to a chapter, they can be added at the end of the existing material (continuing the numbering sequence) or inserted between existing sections as decimal numbers (e.g., a new section between §§ 65-5 and 65-6 should be designated § 65-5.1). Adding new chapters.New chapters should be added in the proper alphabetical sequence in the appropriate division or part (e.g., Part I, Administrative Legislation, or Part II, General Legisla- tion), utilizing the reserved chapter numbers. New chapter titles should begin with the key word for the alphabetical listing(e.g.,new legislation on abandoned vehicles should be titled "Vehicles, Abandoned" under "V" in the Table of Contents, and a new enactment on coin-operated amuse- ment devices should be "Amusement Devices" or "Amusement Devices, Coin-Operated" under "A" in the Table of Contents). Where a reserved number is not available, an "A" chapter should be used (e.g., a new chapter to be included between Chapters 166 and 167 should be designated Chapter I66A). Adding new articles. New articles may be inserted between existing articles in a chapter (e.g., adding a new district to the Zoning Regulations) by the use of"A" articles (e.g., a new article to be included between Articles XVI and XVII should be designated Article XVIA). The section numbers would be as indicated above (e.g., if the new Article XVIA contains six sections and existing Article XVI ends with § 166-30 and Article XVII begins with § 166-31, Article XVIA should contain §§ 166-30.1 through 166-30.6). Supplementation Supplementation of the Code will follow the adoption of new legislation. New legislation or amendments to existing legislation will be included and repeals will be indicated as soon as pos- 111 03-01-2013 ITHACA CODE r sible after passage. Supplemental pages should be inserted as soon as they are received and old pages removed, in accordance with the Instruction Page which accompanies each supplement. Acknowledgment The assistance of the Town officials, particularly Town CIerk Tee-Ann Hunter, is gratefully acknowledged by the editor. The codification of the legislation of the Town of Ithaca reflects an appreciation of the needs of a progressive and expanding community. As in many other munici- palities, officials are faced with fundamental changes involving nearly every facet of community life.Problems increase in number and complexity and range in importance from everyday details to crucial areas of civic planning. It is the profound conviction of General Code that this publica- tion will contribute significantly to the efficient administration of local government. As Samuel Johnson observed, "The law is the last result of human wisdom acting upon human experience for the benefit of the public." I iv 03-01-2013 -� TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: ADMINISTRATIVE LEGISLATION 1. General Provisions........................................................................................................... 1:1 Article I—Adoption of Code 9. Appearance Tickets..........................................................................................................9:1 14. Banking Transactions....................................................................................................14:1 18. Citizen and Staff Advisory Committees........................................................................ 18:1 20. Compensation................................................................................................................20:1 Article I—Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals 23. Conservation Board.......................................................................................................23:1 28. Defense and Indemnification.........................................................................................28:1 32. Ethics,Code of...............................................................................................................32:1 41. Health Insurance............................................................................................................41:1 51. Notification of Information Security Breaches..............................................................51:1 54. Ordinances,Publication of.............................................................................................54:1 57. Procurement...................................................................................................................57:1 59. Public Works Department..............................................................................................59:1 69. Relocation Expenses......................................................................................................69:1 73. Residency Requirements................................................................................................73:I 84. Terms of Office..............................................................................................................84:1 Article I—Supervisor 89. Town Board...................................................................................................................89:1 PART II: GENERAL LEGISLATION 100. Adult Uses ...................................................................................................................100:1 V 03-01-2013 ITHACA CODE 104. Agricultural Assessments ............................................................................................104:1 112. Animals........................................................................................................................ 112:1 - Article i Dog Control and Licensing 121. Bingo............................................................................................................................ 121:1 125. Building Construction and Fire Prevention................................................................. 125:1 129. Buildings,Unsafe......................................................................................................... 129:1 148. Environmental Quality Review................................................................................... 148:1 153. Fees..............................................................................................................................153:1 157. Flood Damage Prevention........................................................................................... 157:1 161. Freshwater Wetlands....................................................................................................161:1 166. Games of Chance.........................................................................................................166:1 173. Lighting,Outdoor........................................................................................................173:1 175. Lock Boxes..................................................................................................................175:1 184. Noise............................................................................................................................184:1 188. Notification of Defects................................................................................................. 188:1 192. Numbering of Buildings..............................................................................................192:1 200. Parks and Recreation Areas.........................................................................................200:1 205. Property Maintenance..................................................................................................205:1 210. Sewer Rents.................................................................................................................210:1 214. Sewer Use: Use of Public Sewers................................................................................214:1 215. Sewer Use: Rules,Regulations&Penalties of Board of Public Works, City of Ithaca,NY,Re: Water Supply, Sewage Disposal&Air Conditioning........................215:1 216. Sewer Use: Requirements for Contributors Into Joint POTW.....................................216:1 217. Sewer Use: Administration and Amendments.............................................................217:1 221. Signs ............................................................................................................................221:1 225. Sprinkler Systems........................................................................................................225:1 I' v1 03-01-2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS 227. Storm Sewer System and Surface Waters Protection ..........227:1 ........................................ r 228. Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control.....................................228:1 230. Streets and SidewaIks..................................................................................................230:1 Article I Excavation and Construction in Municipal Roadways and Highway Rights-of-Way Article II Construction and Repair of Sidewalks Article III Hanshaw Road Walkway 234. Subdivision of Land.....................................................................................................234:1 239. Taxation.......................................................................................................................239:1 Article I Senior Citizens Exemption Article II Alternative Veterans Exemption Article III Business Investment Exemption Article IV Exemption for Certain Disabled Persons With Limited Income Article V Exemption for Improvements to Property Made Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act Article VI Historic Barn Exemption 243. Taxicabs.......................................................................................................................243:1 250. Vehicles and Traffic.....................................................................................................250:1 Article I (Reserved) Article II Vehicle Weight Limits Article III Parking;Stop and Yield Intersections 254. Watercraft....................................................................................................................254:1 256. Water Protection..........................................................................................................256:1 Part 1 Cross-Connection Control Part 2 Supplementary Cross-Connection Control 261. Water Rates..................................................................................................................261:1 270. Zoning. ........................................................................................................................270:1 271. Zoning: Special Land Use Districts.............................................................................271:1 APPENDIX DISPOSITION LIST INDEX Vii 03-01-2013 Chapter 18 CITIZEN AND STAFF ADVISORYcommaTEES § 18,-1. I.,egislative authority. § 18-6. Authority of citizen advisory § 18,-2. Supercession of Town tmw. committees. § 18-3. Creation and appointment of 18-7. Compensation. citizen advisory committees. § 18-8. Staff advisory committees. § 18-4. Members of citizen advisory § 18-9. Inapplicability of chapter to other committees. committees, boards and § 18-5, 'Perms of citizen advisory appointments. committee members; removal. [HISTORV: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca 3-13-2006 by L.L. No. 6-2006. Amendments noted where applicable.] § 18-1. Legislative authority. This chapter is adopted pursuant to § 10, Subdivision l(ii,03), of the Municipal flonle, Rule Law cif the State ()f Nov York. § 18-2. Supercession of Town Law. This chapter supercedes § 63 of" the Town Law of the State of New York to the extent the provisions of§ 63 regarding conn-nittees are inconsistent with this Chapter. § 18-3. Creation and appointment of citizen advisory committees. The Town Board may, from time to time, create and appoint one or more citizen advisory ClAillnittecs to aid and assist the Town. § 18-4. Members of citizen advisory committees. I Amended 2-11-2013 by UL. No. 1-20131 The citizen advisory committees so created and appointed shall consist ofpersons who are not members of the Town Board, or persons not members ofthe "Vown Board together with 'Fown Board members, provided that the persons who are not inernbers of the 'Town Board shall be residents of the Town, unless otherwise specit"wally authorized by the Town Board in the resolution creating the committee. Without limiting the foregoing, the Town Board may appoint persons who are serving as Town staff, regardless of residency, to be unembers of any such citizen advisory committee. 18:1 03-(11 -2013 § 18-5 FH 1ACA CODE § 18-9 § 18-5. J."ernis of citizen advisory cornrijittee members; removal. Clitizen advisory corinifittee meiribers shall serve at the pleasure of the 'Town Board and may be removed by the Town Board at any time, vvith or without cause. § 18-6. Authority Of CitiZCn adViSOQV C0111ttlittCeN. The duties ofall citizen advisory committee,,,,, shall be as stated firorn time to time by the ToNvii Board, Notwithstanding the foreg(�)ing, aII citizen adv,isory corranittees shall be advisory in nature, and while they may make recorninendat ions on various tuatters, no such recommendation shall be binding on the Town Board, Town Board corraniftees, or rather boards of the Town. § 18-7. (7ompensation. Citizen advisory committee members sl'uill serve vvithout compensation, except the Town Board may authorize committee members to be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses incurred by rnernbers in the course of'performing then- duties, provided such reinibursernern is Consistent with policies for reimbursement of expenses applicable generally to employees of the Town and appropriation for such expenses are made by the ']'own Board, § 18-8. Staff advisory committees. The Town Board may firorn tirne to time create staffadvisory, conunittees, consisting primarily of' ]'own stall" niernbers, to assist the Town. 'I''own, Board mernben's may serve on, staff advisory con-irnittees. Tw he "]'on Supervisor shall appoint the members of the staff advisory committees, and dicy shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Supervisor and may be removed by the rown Supervisor at any One, with or vvithout cause. The provisions of §§ 18-6 and 18-7 above regarding authority and compensation. respectively, shall apply to staff adviso-Pry committees. § 18-9. Inapplicability of chapter to Other committees, boards and appointments. The foregoing provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the ft'Alovking: A. Town Board corrunittees, consisting of Town Board inernbers, which the Town Supervisor has sole discretion to create and appoint to aid and assist the Town Board in the performance of'its duties. B. Boards and committees established by other local laws or ordinances, including but not firnited to the Planning Board, Zoning Board of' Appeals, Conservation Board., f"Ahics Board, and Records Manag,,crnent Advisory Board. C. Appointments of represernatives of the Town to joint boards or Joint conii-rdaces that have been created by, agreement with other municipalities or other governmental agencies. Appointments of' Town representatives to Such joint boards or-joint coiniuntees shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the respective agreements creating such joint boards or committees an(], in the absence of any specific provision governing 18:2 03- CH .-2013 § 18-9 CITIZEN AND STAFF ADVISORY CONMTTEES § 18-9 appointment, shall be made by the Town Board. Such appointments include, but are not limited to, appointments of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission, and the City of Ithaca-Town of Ithaca-Town of Dryden Special Joint Committee related to the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility. 18:3 03-01-2013 Chapter 57 f PROCUREMENT § 57-1. Authority and purpose. § 574. Standards for best value. § 57-2. Award based on best value. § 57-5. Documentation. § 57-3. Applicability. § 57-6. Procurement policy superseded where inconsistent. [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca 3-11-2013 by L.L. No. 3-2013. Amendments noted where applicable.] § 57-1. Authority and purpose. New York General Municipal Law § 103(1) allows the Town to authorize, by local Jaw, the award of certain purchase contracts (including contracts for services) subject to competitive bidding under General Municipal Law § 103 on the basis of"best value" as defined in § 163 of the New York State Finance Law. The "best value" option may be used, for example, if it is more cost efficient over time to award the good or service to other than the lowest responsible bidder or offerer if factors such as lower cost of maintenance, durability, higher quality and Ionger product life can be documented. ' § 57-2. Award based on best value. The Town Board may award purchase contracts, including contracts for services, on the basis of "best value," as that term is defined in New York State Finance Law § 163. All awards based on best value shall require Town Board approval. §57-3. Applicability. The provisions of this chapter apply to Town purchase contracts, including contracts for services, involving an expenditure of more than $20,000, but excluding purchase contracts necessary for the completion of a public works contract pursuant to Article 8 of the New York Labor Law and any other contract that may in the future be excluded under state law from the best value option. If the dollar thresholds of New York General Municipal Law § 103 are increased or decreased in the future by the State Legislature, the dollar thresholds set forth herein shall be deemed simultaneously amended to match the new General Municipal Law thresholds. § 57-4. Standards for best value. Goods and services procured and awarded on the basis of best value are those that the Town Board determines optimize quality, cost and efficiency, among responsive and responsible bidder or offerers. Where possible, the determination shall be based on an objective and quantifiable analysis of clearly described and documented criteria as they apply to the rating 57:1 03-01-2013 § 57-4 ITHACA CODE § 57-6 of bids or offers. The criteria may include, but shall not be limited to, any or aII of the r� following: cost of maintenance; proximity to the end user if distance or response time is a ? significant term; durability; availability of replacement parts or maintenance contractors; longer product Iife; product performance criteria; and quality of craftsmanship. § 57-5. Documentation. Whenever any contract is awarded on the basis of best value instead of lowest responsible bidder, the basis for determining best value shall be thoroughly and accurately documented. § 57-6. Procurement policy superseded where inconsistent. Any inconsistent provision of the Town's procurement policy, as adopted prior to the effective date of this chapter by resolution of the Town Board, or as amended thereafter, shall be deemed superseded by the provisions of this chapter. 57:2 03-01-2013 § 221-5 SIGNS § 221-6 (d) Neighborhood identification signs, not to exceed six square feet in size. (e) In agricultural districts, signs for the sale of farm and garden produced products, total area of signs not to exceed six square feet and total number of signs not to exceed two. (f) In agricultural districts, breed identification signs, not to exceed six square feet in size. (2) Freestanding signs in residential districts and/or agricultural districts shall be located as specified in § 221-6A(2). C. Business and industrial districts. (I) The following signs may be placed in business and industrial districts without a permit: (a) Signs listed as exempt in§§ 221-5A and B. (b) At each entrance to an office, public, or institutional building, a sign denoting only the name and/or business or profession of the occupants, not to exceed six square feet in size. (c) Window graphics, signs and displays as specified in § 221-7E. (d) Temporary window signs announcing the opening or closing of a business, sales, and price listings, not to exceed 50% of the total display window area. j (e) At gasoline stations integral graphics or attached price signs on gasoline pumps. (2) Any signs erected pursuant to § 221-5C(l) shall be counted in determining the maximum number of signs permitted pursuant to § 221-6B. § 221-6. Regulated signs. A. Residential and/or agricultural districts. (I) The following wall or freestanding signs, on premises, not self-illuminated, may be placed in residential districts and/or agricultural districts on issuance of a permit: (a) One wall or freestanding sign, not exceeding four square feet in area, identifying a principal permitted enterprise or use other than residential. (b) One wall or freestanding sign, not exceeding 24 square feet in area, identifying a multiple residence. (2) Freestanding signs in residential districts and/or agricultural districts shall in no case be located between the sidewalk and the street, nor closer than two feet from the sidewalk, nor closer than three feet from a building or structure, nor closer than 15 feet from a side lot line; the maximum height of sign and support shall be six feet. r - F 221:5 03-01-2013 § 221-6 ITHACA CODE § 221-7 (3) Banners that are no more than 24 square feet in area, and are at least 500 feet from a public road right-of-way and from the lot line of any adjoining owner, may be placed in residential districts and/or agricultural districts on issuance of a permit, - ' as long as all corners are attached to poles by grommets or pole pockets and the banners are made of heavyweight fabric or have air slits. [Added 12-10-2012 by L.L. No. 13-2012] B. Business and industrial districts. (1) Business and industrial districts regulated signs shall meet the requirements of § 221-7. (2) The following signs may be placed in business and industrial districts on issuance of a permit: (a) Regulated signs as listed in § 221-6A. (b) The following signs may be placed at each on-premise enterprise in business and industrial districts: [1] One wall sign or one projecting sign on each building or store frontage, and one freestanding sign. If a business has entrances for vehicular traffic on more than one street, two freestanding signs are permitted. [2] In the case of multiuse facilities, one freestanding sign shall be allowed for the development as a whole, regardless of the number of separate enterprises. If such multiuse facility has entrances for vehicular traffic on more than one street, two freestanding signs are permitted. [3] In lieu of any one or more of the signs permitted above, one or more marquee, awning or canopy signs may be substituted instead provided that: [a] Such marquee, awning or canopy sign is located no further than six feet from the facade of the building to which it relates; and [b] Such sign(s) complies with the provisions relating to marquee, awning or canopy signs set forth below; and [c] The total number of signs does not exceed the number permitted pursuant to Subsection B(2)(b)[1] and [2] above. § 221-7. Business and industrial districts signs. A. Wall signs. (1) The maximum area of wall sign graphics shall be, for each linear foot of building frontage occupied by the enterprise on which the sign is placed, one square foot. (2) Wall signs shall not extend beyond the ends or over the top of the wall to which attached. 221:6 03-01-2013 § 221-7 SIGNS § 221-7 (3) Wall signs shall not extend more than nine inches from the face of the building to which attached. (4) Any part of a sign extending over pedestrian traffic areas shall have a minimum clearance of seven feet six inches. B. Projecting signs. r' 221:6.1 03-01-2013 § 270-230 ZONING § 270-230.1 (1) Such mobile home shall be physically located within a County Agricultural District. (2) If more than one mobile home is to be located on a farm, no building permit shall be issued for such second or additional mobile home unless the proposed mobile home is shown on, and located in accordance with, a site plan approved pursuant to the provisions of Article XXIR. (3) Such mobile home shall only be used in connection with the operation of a farm and shall be leased to, or occupied by, only persons who are, or families at least one member of which is, employed by the farm operator operating the lands on which the mobile home is located. (4) In conducting the site plan review, in addition to any other authority granted the Planning Board by this chapter, the Board is authorized to reduce the minimum lot size from that otherwise required by the terms of this chapter to the minimum permitted by the Tompkins County Health Department, if on-site septic systems are to be used, or 15,000 square feet, whichever is larger. (5) The farm labor home shall be subject to the same residential setback and other yard requirements of the zone in which the same is located. (6) The provisions prohibiting more than one principal building on a lot are waived for farm Iabor homes in a County Agricultural District. (7) Such mobile home shall be removed if not utilized for housing farm laborers for three or more successive years, or if the property on which the mobile home is located ceases to be a farm operation for a period of three or more years. (8) Any site pian approval granted under this section shall be for a period requested by the applicant, but in no event longer than five years, provided that the same shall be renewed for additional periods of up to five years each upon application of the farm operator if the conditions relating to the granting of the initial site plan approval still exist. B. For the purpose of this section, the term "land used in agricultural production" shall have the same meaning as set forth in Agriculture and Markets Law § 301 (4) or any replacement or successor statute. § 270-230.1. Compliance with property maintenance requirements. [Added 6-13-2011 by L.L. No. 6-2011] All lots in all zones within the Town of Ithaca must comply with Chapter 205, titled "Property Maintenance," of the Town of Ithaca Code. To the extent an express provision applicable to a specific zone set forth in this Chapter 270 conflicts with a provision in Chapter 205, the express provision in Chapter 270 shall govern, but all other provisions of Chapter 205 shall apply. r' 270:133 03-01-2013 § 270-231 ITHAC.A CODE § 270-234 A13."1'IC1.11' XV]If Ad min ist ration § 270-231. Enforcement. This chapter shall be enforced by the Director of' Building and /oning or any other person designated by the '"fown Board, and dUIY appointed deputies, all herein collectively refcrred to frorn tirne to time as the Code Enforcernent Officer. § 270-232. Applications for approvals, remedies or relief. Ever), applicant fic)r any approval, remedy or any other relict' under this article or any other article of this Zoning Chapt(r shall disclose the inforination required by § 809 cal'the General Municipal Law. § 270-233. Permit to build. jAmended 12-29-2006 by L.L. No. 16-20061 A. No person, firin, corporation, associaafion or other organization shall coinnience the erecti011, COnStrUCtloal enlargement. alteration, unprovernent, repair, rernoval, or demolition of any building or SITLICtUre (including signs,, eNcept as specified in Chapter 221, Signs, of' the C.ode of the Town of hhaca), nor install heating equipment, nor undertake any other work which must conform to New York State's Uniforin Fire Prevention and BUilding, Code, without having applied f`6r and obtained a building perlilit from a Code LInforcernerit ()fficer pursuant to Chapter 125 of the Code of' the Town of Ithaca, Notwithstanding the forcg(�)ing, no building permit shall be required Under those circumstances specified in § 1254A of' the Code of' the 'I'mNin of lth,aea lbi, which no building Perilr1it is required, 13. No periflit to build shall be issued except purSMInt to written order of the Board of Appeals, where the proposed constl-rjction, alteration, or use would be in violation ofany provision of this chapter or would OCCUl- oil a parcel on which a violation of' any provision of this chapter exists. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this subsection shall not prohibit the issuance of' a permit to repair or replace a roof or another element of a structure that needs such repair or replacement in order to inaintain the structllres integrity in the determination of' the Director of Code Enforcement, even if there is an existing violation of this chapter on the parcel, [Amended 2-11-2013 by L.L. No. 2-20131 § 270-234. Certificate of occupancy. jAmended 12-29-2006 by L.L. No. 16-20061 A certificate of occupancy shall be I'C(]Llired for all vvork and other circumstances specified in 125-7 of the Code ofthe Town of' Ithaca. 2701 134 (13-01 -2013 § 270-235 ZONING § 270-235 § 270-235. Zoning Board of Appeals. r` There is hereby established a Zoning Board of Appeals which shall function in the manner prescribed by law (except as the same may be superseded by the terms of this chapter as set forth below). A. Membership. (1) There shall be five members of the Zoning Board of Appeals. The members of the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be residents of the Town of Ithaca and shall be appointed by the Town Board to serve for terms as prescribed by law. Vacancies occurring in said Board by expiration of term or otherwise shall be filled in the same manner. No person who is a member of the Town Board shall be eligible for membership on the Zoning Board of Appeals. (2) Alternate members. [Amended 11-13-2006 by L.L. No. 14-2006] (a) There may be appointed additionally up to two alternate members of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Alternate members shall be appointed by resolution of the Town Board for terms established by the Town Board. 270:134.1 03-01-2013 § x)1,-1 DISPOSI FION LIST § rm,l Local Adoption Law No. Date Subject Disposition 24-2009 12-7-2009 Sewer rents arnendunew (I h. 210 25-2009 12-7-2009 Subdivision of land amendment Ch' 234 26-2009 12-7-2009 Water rates amendinew Ch. 261 27-2009 12-7-2009 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 1-2010 1-11-2010 Zoning amendment C,11. 270 2-2010 4-12-2010 Vehicles and traffic: parking-, Ch. 250, Art. III stop and yield intersections ainendinern. 3-2010 4-12-2010 Building construction and Fire (,1is, 125, 221; 2251� 270 prevention arnendirtent; signs amendnient-, sprinkler systems amendment, zoning ainendroent 4-2010 7-12-2010 Streets and sidewalks: excavation, Ch, 230, Art. I and conStrUCtiOn in municipal roadways and highway rights-of-way 5-2010 8-9-2010 Adoption ofernployee, retirement NCM incentive, Part A 6-2010 11-8-2010 Zoning: special land use districts, Ch. 271 amendnient 7-2010 12-13-2010 ATInnals' dog control and Ch. 112, Art, I licensing amendment 1-2011 4-11-2011 Zoning amendment; zoning: Chs. 270, 271 special land use districts amendment 2-2011 4-11-2011 Zoning amendment fi. 270 3-2011 4-11-2011 Zoning amendment Ch, 270 4-2011 5-9-2011 Records management repealer Ch. 65, reference only 5-2011 6-13-2011 Property mainleriance Ch. 205 6-2011 6-13-2011 Zoning amendment ('h, 270 7-2011 7-11-20ori 1 1 Zing: special land use districts C,h. 271 amendment 8-2011 7-11-20:11 '1 Vehicles and traffic: parking; Ch, 250, Art. Hi stop and yield intersections an-wridment 9-2011 7-11-.20111 Moratorium NCM 10-201 1 7-11-201 1 Zoning arnendinew Ch, 2701 1 4-2011 8-8-201, 1 Zoning anicndment,- zoning;: C,I lis. 270; 271 special land USC districts amendment 1)L:5 03.rat - 2013 § DL-1 ITHACA CODE § DL-1 Local Adoption --�. Law No. Date Subject Disposition I2-2011 I0-6-2011 Tax levy limit override 2012 NCM 13-2011 10-17-2011 Vehicles and traffic: parking; Ch. 250, Art. III stop and yield intersections amendment 14-2011 11-7-2011 Code of Ethics Ch. 32 15-2011 11-7-2011 Zoning Map amendment NCM 1-2012 1-23-2012 Zoning: special land use districts Ch. 271 amendment 2-2012 3-12-2012 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 3-2012 3-12-2012 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 4-2012 5-7-2012 Zoning: special land use districts Ch. 271 amendment 5-2012 5-7-2012 Zoning: special land use districts Ch. 271 amendment 6-2012 5-7-2012 Zoning Map amendment NCM 7-2012 5-7-2012 Zoning Map amendment NCM 8-2012 5-7-2012 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 9-2012 8-13-2012 Zoning: special land use districts Ch. 271 amendment 10-2012 8-13-2012 Sprinkler systems amendment Ch. 225 11-2012 8-13-2012 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 12-2012 9-10-2012 Tax levy limit override 2013 NCM I3-2012 12-10-2012 Signs amendment Ch. 221 1-2013 2-11-2013 Citizen and staff advisory Ch. 18 committees amendment 2-2013 2-11-2013 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 3-2013 3-11-2013 Procurement Ch. 57 DL:6 03-01-2013 - GENERAL CODE INSTRUCTIONS Town of Ithaca Code Supplement No.30 The enclosed new and/or replacement pages should be placed in your Code volume immediate- ly! The dateline, on the bottom of the page, does not indicate the adoption date of the Code changes,but rather identifies the pages printed with this supplement. This instruction page should be placed in the front of your Code volume. REMOVE INSERT Table of Contents,vii Table of Contents,vii 230:1 —230:4 230:1 —230:4 230:4.1 230:17—230:21 234:1 —234:2 234:1 —234:2 234:21 —234:24 234:21 --234:24 234:24.1 DL:5—DL:6 DL:5—DL:6 Index Pages 1 —28 Index Pages 1 —28 ' \t r Legislation, by number or date of adoption, included in this supplement: L.L. Nos. 4-2013; 5- 2013. 06-01-2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS 227. Storm Sewer System and Surface Waters Protection..................................................227:1 228. Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control.....................................228:1 230. Streets and Sidewalks........................................................................................... ...230:1 Article I Excavation and Construction in Municipal Roadways and Highway Rights-of-Way Article 11 Construction and Repair of Sidewalks Article III Hanshaw Road Walkway Article IV Road Preservation 234. Subdivision of Land.....................................................................................................234:1 239. Taxation.......................................................................................................................239:1 Article I Senior Citizens Exemption Article II Alternative Veterans Exemption Article III Business Investment Exemption Article IV Exemption for Certain Disabled Persons With Limited Income Article V Exemption for Improvements to Property Made Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act Article VI Historic Barn Exemption 243. Taxicabs.......................................................................................................................243:1 250. Vehicles and Traffic..........................................................:..........................................250:1 Article I (Reserved) Article II Vehicle Weight Limits - Article III Parking;Stop and Yield Intersections 1 254. Watercraft....................................................................................................................254:1 256. Water Protection..........................................................................................................256:1 Part 1 Cross-Connection Control Part 2 Supplementary Cross-Connection Control 261. Water Rates..................................................................................................................261:1 270. Zoning..........................................................................................................................270:1 271. Zoning: Special Land Use Districts.................................... ..............271:1 ........................... APPENDIX DISPOSITION LIST INDEX vii 06-01-2013 Chapter 230 i STREETS AND SIDEWALKS ARTICLE I § 230-4.15. Liability and indemnity. Excavation and Construction in § 230-4.16. Conflict with other laws. Municipal Roadways and Highway Rights-of-Way ARTICLE II § 230-1. Application; findings. Construction and Repair of Sidewalks § 230-2. Definitions. § 230-5. Title; statutory authority. § 230-3. Prohibitions. § 230-6. Construction of sidewalks. § 230-4. Permitcrequired. § 230-7. Maintenance of sidewalks. § 2304.1. Permit process. § 230-8. Duty to construct and § 2304.2. Winter work. maintain sidewalks. § 2304.3. Review of application; fees, § 230-9. Applicability. escrow deposits, security and insurance. ARTICLE III § 230-4.4. Permit issuance. Hanshaw Road Walkway § 230-4.5. Enforcement officer. § 230-10. Ownership, maintenance and ; § 230-4.6. Performance. liability. § 230-4.7. Revocation of permit; defaults. ARTICLE IV § 230-4.8. Rent or highway use and Road Preservation occupancy fee; permanent use or occupation of § 230-11. Findings; purpose. roadway. § 230.12. Legislative authority. § 2304.9. Inspections. § 230-13. Definitions. § 2304.10. Restoration. § 230-14. General provisions. § 230-4.11. Waivers. § 230-15. Penalties for offenses. § 230-4.12. Enforcement; penalties for Exhibit A, Sidewalk offenses. Specifications for the Town of § 230-4.13. Appeals. Ithaca § 230-4.14. Final determinations. [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.] i 230:1 06-01-2013 § 230-1 ITHACA CODE § 230-2 GENERAL REFERENCES f - Notification of defects—See Ch.188. Property maintenance—See Ch.205. 1 Numbering of buildings--See Ch.192. Traffic—See Ch.250. ARTICLE I Excavation and Construction in Municipal Roadways and Highway Rights-of-Way [Adopted 7-12-2010 by L.L. No. 4-2010,] § 230-1. Application; findings. The provisions of this article apply only within the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York. The Town of Ithaca hereby finds and declares that the provision of safe travel and the maintenance of safe public highways and roadways are of paramount importance to the public. Further, highways are costly to build, repair and maintain, and the Town of Ithaca expends substantial resources annually to maintain, repair, preserve and protect such public highways. Thus, based thereupon, and upon the authority granted to the Town of Ithaca under and pursuant to Town Law § 64, highway Law § 136, Articles 39, 40 and 41 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, and § 10, Subdivision l(a)(6) and 1(a)(12), of the Municipal Home Rule Law, the Town of Ithaca adopts this article to preserve and protect highways and related rights-of-way, and to ensure safe travel for all persons travelling there upon. § 230-2. Definitions. The following terms used in this article shall have the following meanings: APPURTENANT STRUCTURE— Any temporary or permanent structure or construct, other than a roadway or road surface, within the area of any highway, including those structures, constructs, and devices located or instaIIed over, upon, or under any such highway, including, but not limited to, signs, traffic control devices, waterlines, utility lines, communications lines, culverts, ditches, drainage ways, manholes, fire hydrants, curbs, driveways, guardrails, bridges, bridge supports and railings, fencing, and often also including driveways. DEFAULT— A. Any violation of the terms, requirements, or conditions of this article; or B. The violation of any terms or conditions of any permit; or C. Performing any work, construction, or excavation not referenced in any application; or D. Performing any work, construction, or excavation upon any land, highway, or appurtenant structure not specifically identified in the application or the permit issued by the Town of Ithaca. CONSTRUCTION — The building, installation, repair, or replacement of any appurtenant structure. 1. Editor's Note: This local law also repealed former Art. 1, excavations in Town Streets and Highways, adopted 7-12-1965 by L.L.No.2-1965,as amended. l 230:2 06-01-2013 § 230-2 STRETTS AND SIDE.'MALKS 230-2 C I ONTRACTOR - Any person or entity, including any landowner or private citizen., that proposes to perforni, excavati011 01' COJlStrUCtiOFl Under, in or upon any highway, or any appurtenant Structure related to, any highway,, F'X CA V ATI 0 N Any work, process, or construchon that proposes to or ckws alter tfic surface of any highway, or which affects tire soils or any appurtenant structure of or under any hi9ln,vay, including, brit not limited to, pavement Cuts and cillvert instalkitions, and also) including road SLU-41][Ce work all(] paving, 1,I'El Any charge or cost imposed or due under or as a result of this article. Fees may be Set., updated, changed, or amended From time to time by I-CSOILIti011 of"the 'Town Board of the Town of Ithaca. MGHWA'Y. ....... Each, every, and all public streets, public sidewalks, public roads, public alleys, and public highways within the Town of' Ithaca that are Town of Ithaca highways by use, highways, by dedication, and/or highways by illll)IiC;ltioll, including the paved or finished surfaces thereof', all signage, all ditches, CUtIverts, drains and drainage ways, all utility and similar StRiCtUrcs and appurtenar ices, and all land, improved or otherwise, within the bOUnds of' file highway rights-of'-way. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT The elected or appointed highway Superintendent of the Town of Ithaca, and/or the Town of Ithaca Director of' Public Works, as applicable, together with file designees of each such person who are given specific written authorization to act f()I- SlACh lllghWZJY Superintendent or Director Of PLJb1jC Works under this article, By resolution, the Town Board rnay, designate any person or entity to let in the name, place, and/or stead of the, highway Superintendent in relation to any or all matters, duties, powers, and/or responsibilities of' the highway Superintendent as are referenced in or necessarily implied by t1le terms and clauses, of cach and all of tile sections of this artic1c. Further, by and in the scuric or another resolution, the Board may revoke or limit the power of' appointment of the highway Superintendent or the Director of Public Works to nalric designees under this article, and may further appoint such designees, itsell" or grant such appointment power to any person or entity designated to so act In the name, phrice, and/or Stead 01'the highway Superintendent.. IIF'RMIT - Any permit required under or pursuant to this article. S[""CU R,ITY , A, A cash deposit delivered to the sole custody of the Town of Ithaca to secure and guarantee performance under any permit and cornpliarice with this article, free of reservations, restrictions, conditions or claims; or B. An unconditional letter of credo approvcd by the r1J,o,,u of'Ithaca; or A performaricc, cornifletion, in(] indemnify bond approved by file Town of Ithaca; or I A certificate of dcpos1t irrevocably assigned to the Town of Ithaca in sin approved anrount,' or I-,". Any other fbt-ni of undertaking as approvc(I by the ,/.'own of Ithaca; or 30:3 06-art - 2 013 § 230-2 ITHACA CODE § 230-4 F. Any combination of the foregoing approved by the Town of Ithaca. §230-3. Prohibitions. No firm, utility company or provider, transportation corporation, communications or cable company, or other person or entity shall conduct any construction or make any excavation, cut, or breaking in, or otherwise open any highway or sidewalk for any purpose whatsoever, including, but not limited to, the making of any driveway connection or the installation or repair or replacement of any culvert or other appurtenant structure, without a permit issued pursuant to the requirements of this article. No contractor may perform any construction or excavation in, upon, or under any highway, nor construct, repair, install, or build any appurtenant structure, without a permit. No contractor or other person or entity in connection with construction or excavation may spread, place, or distribute any substance upon a highway or within a highway right-of-way unless done pursuant to, and in compliance with, a permit. A. In the case of an emergency any person or entity already having or possessing rights to any appurtenant structure within any highway may effect such emergency repairs as are reasonably necessary; but such person or entity must thereafter apply for a permit upon the next business day. B. This article shall not apply to the installation of mailboxes and newspaper boxes. r' § 230-4. Permit required. A. Contractors must obtain all appropriate and/or required permits and approvals from the United States, the State of New York, and the County of Tompkins, or from their applicable subdivisions, prior to applying for a permit from the Town of Ithaca. All contractors are required to obtain a permit from the Town of Ithaca prior to performing any construction or excavation in, upon, or under any highway, or before constructing, repairing, installing, or building any appurtenant structure. Each permit issued by the Town of Ithaca will be valid only for a stated period of time. permits are not transferrable or assignable by any act or by operation of law. If the permit expires, a renewal permit may be issued by the Town for an additional fee, as set from time to time by Town Board resolution, and upon such additional terms, security, or restrictions as determined by the Town highway Superintendent. B. When a common construction or excavation project involves more than one firm or contractor, including public service companies and transportation corporations, those contractors shall together designate in writing a lead contractor who shall be responsible for obtaining a permit, for acting in compliance therewith, and for compliance with the terms and requirements of this article. Despite the existence of a lead contractor, all such other persons and entitles shall be and be deemed contractors under and pursuant to this article. 230:4 06-01-2013 § 230-4.1 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS § 230-4.1 § 2304.1. Permit process. t � Contractors must submit a completed application for a Town of Ithaca permit upon a form provided and approved by the highway Superintendent. The highway Superintendent may develop and utilize one or more types of forms for permit applications as based upon any 230:4.1 06-01-2013 § 230-11 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS § 230-13 ARTICLE IV Road Preservation [Adopted 5-13-2013 by L.L. No. 4-20131 § 230-11. Findings; purpose. The Town of Ithaca Town Board has determined that potential major development projects may rdsult in extraordinary, high-intensity traffic to and from development sites, causing significant and measurable damage to Town roads that jeopardizes the health and safety of residents and others who use those roads. Accordingly, the damage that results from high-intensity traffic must be anticipated, analyzed, and repaired promptly and to appropriate engineering standards. The Town Board has further determined that it is in the best interest of taxpayers and the general public to assign responsibility for the repair of damage to Town roads attributable to such high-intensity use, and, where necessary, for the improvement of Town roads toa standard appropriate for high-intensity use prior to the commencement of the activity, to those responsible for the damage rather than to all Town taxpayers. The purpose of this article is to maintain the safety and general welfare of Town residents by regulating heavy uses of Town roads that have the potential to adversely affect such roads. Well-maintained roads are important to the safety and economic well-being of the Town and its residents. § 230-12. Legislative authority. The Town is authorized to adopt this article by New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law f § 1660, New York State Municipal Home Rule Law § 10, and New York State Town Law § 130. § 230-13. Definitions. BOND - A commercial bond to ensure that the condition of the Town roads is not adversely impacted by high-frequency, high-impact track traffic. The Town Board may accept an equivalent financial guarantee in lieu of bond. BOND RELEASE — A bond release given by the Town Highway Superintendent based on satisfactory road conditions at completion of the high-frequency, high-impact truck traffic project. HIGH-FREQUENCY, HIGH-IMPACT TRUCK TRAFFIC — Traffic to and from a temporary project site that generates more than 500 truck trips. For purposes of this article, a truck trip is a trip to or from the temporary project site involving a truck with a gross weight 4 of 30 or more tons (truck and load combined). A single truck makes two truck trips if it meets the weight limit traveling to the temporary project site and meets the weight limit traveling from the temporary project site. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT — The Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Ithaca, or his or her designee. PERMITTEE — The permittee is the person responsible under this article to obtain a permit - regardless of whether the person in fact obtains a permit. The permittee is the person 230:I7 06-01-2013 § 230-13 ITHACA CODE § 230-14 responsible for the project generating the truck traffic. In any instance in which another permit is,required, such as a building, drilling, or mining permit, any person who obtained any such permit or was required to obtain such other permit shall be deemed the permittee for purposes of this article. In the event that no other permit is required, the owner of any property on which the activity is taking place shall be deemed the permittee for purposes of this article. PERSON — Any individual, public or private corporation, political subdivision, government agency, municipality, industry, partnership, association, firm, trust, estate, or any other legal entity whatsoever. TEMPORARY PROJECT — Any nonpermanent activity that generates high-frequency, high-impact truck traffic on Town roads, whether or not the project itself is located in the Town. This term includes, but is not limited to, land disturbance preparatory to and during site development, construction activities, mining, and oil and natural gas exploration and drilling activities. With regard to projects that require another permit, such as a building, drilling, or mining permit, all activities covered by that other permit are considered part of the temporary project for purposes of this article. Farm operations and the movement of farm products, as defined by New York State Agriculture and Markets Law §§ 301 and 2, respectively, are excluded. Also excluded are vehicles necessary to the functions of government, including, but not limited to, school buses, law enforcement vehicles, firefighting vehicles, military vehicles, and municipal vehicles engaging in road work on behalf of municipalities. TOWN HIGHWAY or TOWN ROAD — Roads shown as Town of Ithaca roads on the Town of Ithaca's Official Map, as it may be updated from time to time. This term includes the improved and unimproved lanes of travel of any Town road, plus all related improvements and appurtenances, including, but not limited-to, ditches, swales, culverts, bridges, tunnels, shoulders, guardrails, signs, concourses, driveways, easements, rights-of-way, sluice pipes, sidewalks, and any utilities or improvements therein, thereon or thereunder, regardless of whether such road is a highway by use, by implication, or by dedication. Further, as to any dedicated Town road, the whole of the Town's title in fee and any improvements in, on or under the dedicated property, including trees, plants, and all lateral and subjacent rights in support, shall be deemed a part of the Town road. § 230-14. General provisions. A. Pursuant to New York Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1603(e), the Town Board delegates to the Highway Superintendent the following powers granted to town boards under New York Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1660(a)(11): temporary exclusion from any portion of any Town highway of any vehicle with a gross weight of over four or more tons, when in his or her opinion such road would be materially injured by the operation of any such vehicle thereon; the erection of signs on the section of highway from which such vehicles are excluded; and the issuance of permits providing appropriate exemptions to such vehicles, if it is deemed that such vehicles are providing essential local pickup or delivery service and that a failure to grant such permit would create hardship. B. The Highway Superintendent may make a determination that a temporary project may generate high-frequency, high-impact truck traffic that will materially injure a Town highway and that such traffic should be temporarily excluded from the portions of Town highways that would be so injured. In making a determination whether such traffic will 230:18 06-01-2013 § 23 0,-14 STR f,"ETS AND SIDEMALKS § 230­14 rnaterially injure as 'fawn own hif',,Ihwaiy, the Highway Silperilltell(ICW shall consider, arnong other thins, the condition of the highway, the 1111OLHIt of* high-frequency, high-'I 9 mpact truck traffic the proJect is expected to generate, trip frequencies, vehicle and load weights, and the latest design standards ail` the Anterican Association of State I I ighwa y and Transportation Officials. Upon a (ICICI-Millation by file Highway Superintendent that as temporary project may generate high-freclucricy, high-Itripact truck. traffic that will materially injUrc a Town highway, the Highway Superintendent shall erect signs on the appropriate sections of such '['own highways setting forth as notice that SLICII vehicles are excluded, and the notice shall aIS0 be published in the offlicial newspaper of the Town, DAny periniftee rriay apply to the IlIghWJY S1,11-wrintendent for ,.,I permit providiing for an appropriate exemption for the vehicles serving the temporary pro feet, Such pernlit shall be granted, upon appropriate ternis and conditions, if' the Highway Superintendent determines that the vehicles are performing essential local pickup or delivery service and that as failUrC to grant such permit would create hardship. L_ Any such perrnit shall designate the I'Mtte(S) to be traversed arid contain other reasonable restrictions or conditions deemed necessary by the Highway Superintendent. 'File conditions may, include, bill not be lirrolled to, requiring the permittee to ritake road improvements to) ensure that the roads have the strength and capacity to handle the anticipated tralTic. The perni4 shall be carried oil all vehicles serving the pro.ject and shall he open to inspection by any peace offlicer, acting punAmitt to his or tier special duties, Or police officer, Such permit shall he for the duration ofthe ternporary, project. F. In order to obtain as permit, the perp-rittee must submit as perIlIlt appliCatioll to the Highway Department, which shall include all information required by the Ifighway Superintendent:, illClUdiflg, lint not firritted to: vehicle identification and ow tiers/o pera t ors 1, vehicle weights" Joad weights, materials carried; rOLACS to be followed firom state, county and Town highways to the sate; duration of activity (begilljIllig (late and end datc)-, frequency of trips-, and finies of operation. The applicant shall pay as permit fee to be established by the Jown Board according to its Uee Schedule., as amended from time to I I me, G 1"fie Highway Superintendent rnay rcqL]i]'C the pernrittee to submit (10CLImeniation (including, but 110( hII1j1Cd to, photographs and VideOS) and inspection reports prepared by as licensed profess low.)I engineer regarding the condition of the roads, shoulders, and all structures (culverts, bridges, etc.) that wfll lie traversed by the permitted' traffic as a condition of the permit. fi, tit addition to the restrictions on routes and other reasonable restrictions, the Highway Superintendent will decide it' the Scope of work IS such that as bond is required, and the alTIOUntand terms Of' aAlly such bond. The determination of' the need for a.inacl ril'1101.111t 01' any bond shall be based on a cleterminattoii of'potential darnagc to Town roads based on the truck routes, weight. of the vehicles, fi-cquency of travel, seasonal conditions and file type category (classification) of the roads on the approved routes. 1. A permittee aggrieved by as determination of the Highway SUperintendent regarding the need fbir or conditions of a pertnit may, within 10 days of receipt of the determination, 23W 19 06-01 -2013 § 230-14 ITHACA CODE § 230-14 appeal to the Town Board. No action inconsistent with the determination of the Highway fl Superintendent shall take place pending the determination of the Town Board. The permittee shall make its appeal by delivering to the Town Clerk at the Town offices an appeal requesting a reconsideration and administrative hearing before the Town Board. Such appeal shall state the basis for the request for reconsideration and shall be accompanied by any supporting materials. Failure to serve such an appeal within 10 days shall be deemed a waiver of any claim or defense that the determination is not appropriate and valid. If the appeal is timely filed, the Town Board shall, within 40 days of the filing, hold a hearing and, based upon any relevant materials presented by the Town and the appellant, shall issue a resolution deciding the appeal within 30 days after the hearing. Such resolution shall be filed with the Town Clerk, who shall arrange for delivery of a copy of the decision to the appellant, within five days after such fling, at the address for such person designated in the appeal or at such other address as the appellant may thereafter designate in writing to the Town Clerk. The Town Board's decision after the hearing shall constitute a final agency action. J. The permittee shall be responsible for assuring that the high-frequency, high-impact truck traffic does not prevent any impacted Town road from remaining in a safe and usable condition for all legal uses of the road throughout the duration of the project. If the permittee fails to meet this obligation, the Town may utilize bond funds to assure impacted Town roads remain in a safe and usable condition for all legal uses of the road throughout the duration of the project. K. Upon completion of the high-frequency, high-impact truck traffic project, the permittec will apply to the Highway Superintendent for a bond release. Upon inspection of the traveled roads, as necessary, the Highway Superintendent may approve the release of the bond. If the release is not approved, the Highway Superintendent will specifically document the tasks that must be accomplished in order for the bond to be released, which may include, but not be limited to, the payment of money for the repair to damaged roads based upon then-current roadway construction costs. The permittee must remedy all of the specified problems before the bond may be released. If the permittee fails to remedy all of the specified problems, the Town may utilize the bond funds to do so. The Highway Superintendent shall use the latest design standards of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials to determine what repairs need to be completed on the traveled roads to remediate any road deterioration attributable to the permittee's high-frequency, high-impact truck traffic. L. If the permittee does not comply with this article and all the terms and conditions of the permit and does not operate within the parameters specified on the permit, the permit may be revoked at the discretion of the Highway Superintendent. In the event that high-frequency, high-impact truck traffic uses any Town roads without the required valid permit, the Highway Superintendent, or any Iaw enforcement officer or Code Enforcement Officer, has the authority to deny access to the roads and, in cases where a Town permit was required, to shut down the project. This relief is in addition to any and all damages and penalties. M. The permittee will be responsible for the repair of any damages that occur to any Town road when a project proceeds with or without a proper permit, as well as for all fines and penalties specified in this article. i 230:20 06-01-2013 § 230-14 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS § 230-15 r ` N. In lieu of obtaining a permit, any person who may be responsible to obtain a permit may enter into a road use agreement with the Town, although the Town has no obligation to enter into such an agreement. In such case, the requirements shall be governed by the agreement, rather than by permit conditions. The terms of the road use agreement shall be negotiated between the permittee and the Highway Superintendent, shall address issues relating to insurance, bonds, routes, schedules, inspections, road surveys, indemnification and road repairs, as well as such other issues as the Highway Superintendent may identify, and must be approved by the Town Board before it becomes effective. § 230-15. Penalties for offenses. A. Any person who violates this article shall be guilty of a violation and subject to a fine of not more than $500 and/or imprisonment for not more than 15 days. Each and every act committed that is prohibited by this article shall constitute a separate violation. Each time a vehicle travels on a Town road without a permit as required by this article shall constitute a separate violation. Any police officer, peace officer, Town Code Enforcement Officer, the Highway Superintendent, or any other person who may be lawfully designated by the Town Board shall have the authority to issue appearance tickets in connection with such violations. Violations may be prosecuted by the Attorney for the Town or any other person with authority to prosecute violations within the Town. B. In addition, any person who violates this article shall be liable for a civil penalty of$500 for a first violation and $1,000 for a second or subsequent violation which was committed within a period of five years from the commission of the prior violation. The Attorney for the Town or his or her designee may commence an action or special proceeding against the violator in a court of competent jurisdiction to collect these penalties, together with costs, disbursements and recoverable attorneys' fees, and/or to compel compliance with this chapter or restrain by injunction any such violation. C. Upon failure of any permittee to comply with the requirements of this article, the permit shall be subject to suspension, revocation or to the imposition of additional conditions. 230:21 015-01-2013 Chapter 234 SUBDIVISION OF LAND ARTICLE I ARTICLE IV Introduction and Administration Reservation Requirements and Subdivision Design Standards § 234-1. Authorization and adoption. § 234-2. Policy. § 234-21. Reservation of land for public § 234-3. Enforcement and facilities. administration. § 234-22. Reservations of parks and § 2344. Public hearings. recreational land. § 234-5. Minimum requirements. § 234-23. Highway improvements. § 234-6. General procedure. § 234-24. Blocks and lots. ' § 234-7. Environmental review. § 234-25. Solar access. § 234-8. Fees. § 234-26. Storm drainage. § 234-27. Water supply and sanitary § 234-9. Violations and penalties. sewerage. § 234-10. Appeals and waivers. § 234-28. Survey monuments. § 234-11. Amendments and rules. § 234-29. Underground wires and cables. § 234-12. Severability. § 234-30. Phased developments. § 234-13. When effective. ARTICLE V ARTICLE II Rules and Regulations for Clustered General Procedures for Subdivision Subdivisions Review § 234-31. Minimum gross area. § 234-14. Sketch plans and § 234-32. Number of dwelling units preapplication information, permitted. § 234-15. Preliminary subdivision review. § 234-33. Buffer zone requirement. § 234-16. Final subdivision review. § 234-34. Building placement and design. § 234-17. Modifications of final plat. § 234-35. (Reserved) ARTICLE III ARTICLE VI Interpretations and Definitions Preliminary and Final Subdivision Plat Requirements § 234-18. Internal references. § 234-19. Construction. § 234-36. Preliminary plat checklist. § 234-20. Definitions. § 234-37. Final plat checklist. 234:1 06-01-200 § 234-1 ITHACA CODE § 234-1 § 234-38. Improvement plans and related ARTICLE VII information. Expiration of Subdivision Approval § 234-39. Conditions; procedures. [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca as amended 3-8-1993 (adopted by the Planning Board 3-2-1993). Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.] GENERAL REFERENCES Compensation of Planning Board—See Ch.20,Art.1. Freshwater wetlands—See Ch. 161. Agricultural assessments—See Ch. 104. Numbering of buildings—See Ch.192. Building construction and fire prevention—See Ch.125. Sewer use—See Chs.214-217. Unsafe buildings—See Ch. 129. Street excavations—See Ch.230,Art.1. Environmental quality review—See Ch.148. Water protection—See Ch.256. Fees—See Ch.153. Zoning—See Ch.270. FIood damage prevention—See Ch. 157. ARTICLE I Introduction and Administration § 234-1. Authorization and adoption. A. By resolution adopted on the sixth day of October 1955, the Town Board, pursuant to the provisions of Article 16 of the Town Law, authorized the Planning Board of the Town of Ithaca to approve plats for subdivisions within that part of the Town of Ithaca outside the limits of any incorporated village, said resolution reading as follows: "RESOLVED, that the Planning Board shall be, and it hereby is, authorized and empowered to approve plats showing new streets or highways within that portion of the town outside the Iimits of the Incorporated Village of Cayuga Heights, and to exercise all other powers, delegated to it by the provisions of Article IX of the Zoning, Building and Planning Ordinance of the Town of Ithaca enacted October 7, 1954,1 or which may be delegated to it by resolution of the Town Board, pursuant to the provisions of§ 274 of the Town Law,2 or which are described or contemplated under the provisions of Article 16 of the Town Law or acts amendatory thereof, with reference to Zoning and Planning; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk shall file with the Clerk of the County of Tompkins a certificate in the form herewith attached, certifying that the Planning Board has been authorized to approve plots showing new streets or highways in accordance with the provisions of§ 276 of the Town Law." B. By resolution adopted on the fifth day of November 1955, the Town Board authorized the Town Planning Board to confirm or make changes to the Town Zoning Regulations3 simultaneously with the approval of a subdivision plat to the extent 1. Editor's Note:See now Ch.270,Zoning. 2. Editor's Note:Town Law§274 was repealed by L. 1992,c.663.See now Town Law§271. 3. Editor's Note:See now Ch.270,Zoning. ,5 t 234:2 06-01-2013 § 234-28 Sl,_113DIVISION OF LAND § 234-31 f3l. T'he monuments shall be constructed of reinforced concrete (3,000 psi in 28 (lays) and have no fewer than two no. 3 (Ict'01-Tried Imrs, in them, evenly spaced. HIC 111101111111ents shall be six inches in dianictcr and 36 inches in length. Each trionutrient shall have a cross case in the top center or a copper rod extending 1/4 inch above the concrete. All such monuments may he precast or cast in the hole. It shall be the responsibility of the developer to malnuiin the montinictits on all, unsold lots. § 2,34-29. Underground ivires and cables. Wires and cables providing local Wility and similar set-vices (including but not limited to electric, telephone, Cable television, arid strectlighting) in residential subdivisions shall be placed undC1'gr0Ut1d. § 234-30. Phased developments. In large, phased developments, a sequential installation ofuhlities and improvenients shall be made in accordance with an agreenicrit satisfactory to the '"I"own Planner, Town I.Engincer and ']'own Attorney. The phasing agreement shall provide for the niaintenance of existing roads and utilities. AT TICL.F V Rules and Regulatio ns for Clustered Subdivisions § 234-31. Alinitnum gross area. A. The min11111,1111 grOSS area for any clustered subdivision proposal shall be five acres. Clustered subdivisions are permitted only, with respect to residential dwelling units. The Planning Board may not require a subdivider to prepare as cluster plan for lands in a I figh Density Residential Zone. [Amended 6-7-2004 by L.L. No. 6-20041 11, The area of the subdivision required to be reserved by the developer f'or open space shall not be more than 1011.14, of the gross area, and shall contain in any event as parcel with .In open area ofat least 10,000 square feet. C. At the tinic of preliminary approval, it shall be determined whether or not the subdivision to be considered shall be a cluster dcsign, When the subdivider presents to the Planning Board a traditicnial subdivision plan, the planning Board may approve a prchuninary plat for a giVC11 number of units, contingent upon: all or part ofthose (JI'lit.1 being clustered in a final plat acceptable to the Planning Board. 1). When the subdivider proposes to develop as portion of the property as as traditional subdivision and a portion as a clustered subdivision, the Maiming Board may approve, modify and approve, or disapprove the proportions of the protect and locations which shall be developed traditionally or be clustcied. L In the event the Planning Board approves as traditional subdivision plan at the preliminary Subdivision hearing, the subdivider shall have the option c.4' submitting a cluster plan 234:21 06.01 -2013 § 234-31 IT I IAC A CO D f? § 234-32 prior to fimal plat approval. In this case, the Planning Board shall schedule au J)Ublic hearing prior, to final subdivision approval in order to consider the cluster proposal, § 234-32., Number of dwelling units permitted. A, The number of dwelling units im,linitcd in a clustered residential SLII.AhViSi011 may in no, case exceed the nualber otherwise permitted, in the Planning Board's Judgment, by the applicable sections of' Chapter 270, Zoning of the Code of' the 'I"'own Of Ithucl, The Planning Board may restrict tire sul)(livider to a lesser nuinbcr of dwelling units if, 61 the Planning Board's judgment, P e sarticular conditions of' thi:te warrant such rest r let ion. In addition, (Ile density of dwelling units in a clustered development shall not exceed 3.5 dwelling Units per gross acre in a Medit.1111 DeflSity Residential Zone or 2.3 dwelling units per gross acre in a Low Density Residential Zone. [Amended 6-10-2013 by L.L. No. 5-20131 B, To determine the number of' dwelling units permitted to be clustered pursuant to Town Law § 278, the Planning Board may require the SUbdivider, as ptlri of' the sl(ctch plat review process, to prepare a conventional subdivision plat which erects all stand,,,irds of' Chapter 270, /caning, sut)(JiviS1011 regulations, and Town of' Ithaca highway and open spacc regulations. jAmendled 6-10-2013 by L.L. No. 5-20131 C. '['Ile Planning Board uNly eXCILide areas front the sketch pW which, in its opinion, are unsuitable for constrUCtiOn Of the proposed housing because of excessive sIopes, poor drainage, or- other considerations which imay be InjUrlorts, to the health, salety, and welfare of"the community, D. Considerations which the Planning Board rnay use in order to limit the nurnber of dWLIIj11g Units or lots which may be developed in any clustered subdivision illChlde brit are not limited to: I Will such a development be Substantially and materially irrjurious to (lie ownership, Use and eit'joymem of other- property in the vicinity or neighborhood; (2) Will such it develOpMern 1111I)Cde, the orderly development oaf land in the vicinity or neighborhood, and will such use be appropriate in appearance and in harfriony Nvith the existing or inten(Jed character Of SUCII 1,111d in tile vicinity or, neighborhood; (3) Will tile street systeni and off-street parking facilities handle the expected rnaffic it] a safe and efficient manner and not 1)lacc arl Undue Inti-den on exisring roads;, (4) Will the natural surt"ace drainageways Continue to work cffiectively; (5) Are water and sewerage or "asic disposal fiacilities adcquate; (6) Is tile environmental quality of the proposai, in terms cat'site planning, design, and landscaping, compatible with the character of the neighborhood" (7) Are lot area, access, parking, and loading fiacifities, sufficient for the proposed activities; 234:22 06-01 - 2013 § 234-32 SI.BDIVIYON OF LAND § 234-34 (8) What effeCt will the dcflSity Of' such clustered construction and use have on tile appearance and maintenance of open spaces in as neighborhood, I i. The nutriber of units a1I0WCd it) ally clustered subdjvisi(:)n shall not exceed the nurnber deter rill ned by tile Planning Board as shown can the sketch plat. 'rhe Planning Board may allow the subdivider to CILISICT the perrnitted nurilber of dwelling units in detached, sernidetached, attached, or IntlitiStOry StTUCtUres. F. No more than six sernidetached, attached, or 111111tistory dwelling units shall be permitted to be clustered in ally One StRICILirc. jAn'llended 6-10-2013 by L.L. No. 5-20131� § 234-33. Buffer zone requirement. [Amended 6-10-2013 by L.L. No. 5-2013j Ruffcr zones shall he at least 30 feet wrde between the buildings it) a Clustered Subdivision and the boundary of adjacent lots in residential, conservation, or agricultural zoning districts and at least0 feet wide between the buildings in a clustered SUbdivision and the boundary of 2 ad.jacent lots in commercial, industrial, or other zoning districts. parkland deeded to the Town of' Ithaca pursuant to these Subdivision regulations shall he provided with a separation From the nearest building of at least, 20 feet:. 'File Planning Board may f'C(]Llirc a butler at Icast 40 feat wide between the edge of the pavement cad`any public road in a Clustered subdivision and 'Illy ackjoilling lot. Notwithstanding tile fioregoing, the Planning Board may require a buffer of' at least 125 feet between a C01111nullity center and the boundary of adjacent lots in ally zoning district, The Planning Board may also, at, its discretion, require the subdivider lo, provide adequate landscaping within (lie buffer area, Parking shall be Forbidden in tile buffer area. § 234-34. Building placement and design. JAmended 6-10-2013 by L.L. No. 5-20131 A. BUdding placement, general, I j 1-ocation of structures and other improvements must place the highest priority oil the preservation oferivironnientally sensitive areas and agricultural USCS. (2) Buildings in ,.i cluster should be grouped as closely as possible to use the site effitclently and to inamirrize common open space, (3) Staggered front setbacks or randoin building placement in a cluster of buildings that tace a corninon courtyard is discouraged. R Building spacing. (1) Distance between principal structures: (a) Side to side: 10 feet nunirraim, (b) Otherwise: 40 Jett mininlurn. (2) Distance between principal and accessory structures and between accessory structures: five feet minimurn. 234:23 0,6-01 -2013 234-34 1"1 I I A CA (A)D F, § 234-3(l C, Building setbacks. Building envelopes (areas that designate where buildings in ay be IflaCed) nIUSt be ITICILided, On the preliminary and final plats, Building envelopes do not have to conforryi to setback rquireirients in the underlying zorring district, but I'TIUSt conform to (lie. stream setback requirements in Chapter 270, Zoning, and to the buffer zone requirements In § 234-3.3 above, 11 Building height. Building height inust conforar to the height requirements for the underlying zoning district as set lorth it) C'I hapter 270, Zoning, E. The Planning Board may, in the Course Of SUbdiViSIori 1)1,'It review, regulate the exterior characteristics of any proposed structiji-es or USCS III order that the development shall be, in the Judgment of the Planning Floard, compatible with the surrounding conirlitinity, Factors which rnay be considered fit this judgment include, but are not firnited to; The view to be afforded present owners of`private property, or legal users of'public property, in the vicinity of' the proposed Clustered Subdivision. after COIlStrUCtiO11 Of' the project; (2 The description and nature, including size, shape, color of materials to be used In the proposed structures and other areas-, (3) Ambient noise Incidental to the normal activity in the project, as presented, or extra(-,)rdirf,ary noise incidental I(I the construction ofthe pro,ject" (4) The phasing plan proposed by the subdivider, if'the developirient is to be built III stages. § 234-35. (Reserved) Al"TICLE V1 Preliminary and Final Subdivision Plat Requirements [Arriended 7-15-199' 6 by L.L. No. 6-19961 § 234-36. Preliminary plat checklist. The items listed below, unless waived by the Planning Board, must be filed in the office of the Town Planner or Tmvn Planner's designee before an application 1`4 as preliminary subdivision approval is deemed coniplete. These materials shall be filed at least 30 calm olair days prior to the Planning Board meeting al volrich prefirriinary approval is requested. ................ One co�)rrlpleted and signed Development Review AplificatIO11. 2. (,)lie Development Review Fscrow Agreement and backup withholding form (it'required). 3,_ Payment of review fices. 4. Deposit of escrow. 12, Edit or'.s, Note: Former§ 234-35, Restriction of unrelialed persons,Nsas ry peal ed 6-10-2013 by 1_1_ No.5-2013,. 234:24 06 -01 20 1 3 § 234-36 SUBDIVISION OF LAND § 234-36 5. One fully completed and signed Short Environmental Assessment Form, i Part I (SEAF), or Long Environmental Assessment Form, Part I (LEAF). (See Town Planner as to which to submit.) Y 234:24.1 06-01-2013 DIA DISPOSITION LIST § f)],-I Local Adoption Law No. Date Subject Disposition 24-2009 12-7-2009 Sewer rents amendment (I'li. 210 25-2009 12-7-2009 Subdivision of land amcndment Ch. 234 26-2009 12-7-2009 WaWr ratans amoidnicrit C'h. 261 27-2009 12-7-2009 Zoning an-lendurient Ch. 270 I-2(11 tl 1-11-2010 Zoning anicildi-nent Ch. 270 2-2010 4-12-2010 Vehicles and traflic! parking; It. 250, Art. III stop and yield intersectiOns aincridniclit 3-2010 4-12-2.0210 BUildilIg construction and fire Chs. 125; 221; 225-1 270 prevention amendment; signs amendnwrit; sprinkler system's amendment; zoning amendment 4-2010 7-12.2010 Streets and sidewalks: excav�ation Ch. 230, Art, I and construction in inumelpal roadways and highway right s. 5-2010 8-9,-2010 Adoption ofcrnpoyce retirement N( M incentive, Part A 6-2010 11-8-2010 Zoning: special land use districts Ch, 271 amendment 7-2010 12-13-2010 Animals: dog control and lt. 112, Art. I licensing amendment 1-20111 4-11-2011 Zoning Zoning: Chs, 270, 271 special land use districts amendment 2-.24.111 4-11-2011 Zoning ajrjrjCjrjCIjjjCj1jt Ch. 270 3-20 1 1 4-11-201 1 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 4-2011, 1 5-9-2011 Records mamagement repealer Ch. 65, rcference only 5-2011 Pyr-1:i-24:111 Property inainteriance C'h. 205 6-21:111 (i-14-2(611 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 7-201 1 7-11-2011 Zoning: special land use districts Ch. 271 amendment 8-201 1 7-11-2011 Vehicles and trat'J"ic: parkirg Ch. 250, Art. III stop ,ind yield intersections atriendincrit 9-2011 7-11-2011 M oratorn,M) NCM 10-2011 7-1. 1-2011 Zoning amendment Ch, 270 11-2011 8-8-2011 Zoning ameridment; zoning (Ams. 270,- 271 special land use districts amender ern 1..1'I-:5 06-1)1 -2 1)13 § DL-1 ITHACA CODE § DL-1 Local Adoption Law No. Date Subject Disposition 12-2011 10-6-2011 Tax levy limit override 2012 NCM 13-2011 10-17-2011 Vehicles and traffic: parking; Ch. 250, Art. III stop and yield intersections amendment 14-2011 11-7-2011 Code of Ethics Ch. 32 15-2011 11-7-2011 Zoning Map amendment NCM 1-2012 1-23-2012 Zoning: special land use districts Ch. 271 amendment 2-2012 3-12-2012 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 3-2012 3-12-2012 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 4-2012 5-7-2012 Zoning: special land use districts Ch. 271 amendment 5-2012 5-7-2012 Zoning: special land use districts Ch. 271 amendment 6-2012 5-7-2012 Zoning Map amendment NCM 7-2012 5-7-2012 Zoning Map amendment NCM 8-2012 5-7-2012 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 . 9-2012 8-13-2012 Zoning: special land use districts Ch. 271 amendment -, 10-2012 8-13-2012 Sprinkler systems amendment Ch. 225 11-2012 8-13-2012 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 12-2012 9-10-2012 Tax levy limit override 2013 NCM 13-2012 12-10-2012 Signs amendment Ch. 221 1-2013 2-11-2013 Citizen and staff advisory Ch. 18 committees amendment 2-20I3 2-I1-2013 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 3-2013 3-I1-2013 Procurement Ch. 57 4-2013 5-13-2013 Streets and sidewalks: road Ch. 230, Art. IV preservation 5--2013 6-10-2013 Subdivision of land amendment Ch. 234 DL:6 06-01-2013 GENERAL CODE INSTRUCTIONS Town of Ithaca Code Supplement No.31 The enclosed new and/or replacement pages should be placed in your Code volume immediate- ly! The dateline, on the bottom of the page, does not indicate the adoption date of the Code changes,but rather identifies the pages printed with this supplement. This instruction page should be placed in the front of your Code volume. REMOVE INSERT 250:7—250:8 250:7—250:8 250:8.1 250:8.1 DL:5—DL:6 DL:5—DL:6 Legislation,by number or date of adoption, included in this supplement: L.L.No. 7-2013. 09-01-2013 250-16 VEHIC1,J"IS AN[) TRAFFIC § 250-16 Abby Road, during the period from I l:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. daily front May I through September 30 of each year. (15) On both sides of PIcasant brave Road from the Village ol" C,ayuga Heights line to the intersect ion wilh Forest I lorne Drive (Route 392). (16) Oil both sides of Prue 'ri'ree Road front, Route 366 southerly to the railroad overpass. (17) On the south side of Roat Street rUrluillg westerly from Blackstone Avenue to tile terminus of Roat treel, during the hours of 1 :00 a.rn, to 6:00 a.m. daily. (18) On both sides of' Sharlene Drive from Snyder hill Road to Eastern Heights Drive during tile hours of 1.00 a.m. to 6:0O a,m. daily. 19) Oil both sitics of' Snyder Hill Road firom the 11'o,,vn of Dryden linc to the intersection NNith fine 'Free Road. (,20) Oil both sides of' Winthrop Drive from the easterly entrance to the Northeast Scho(fl parking lot northerly and NvesterIv to the westerly entrance to the Northeast School parking lot and oil the nol'therly side of Winthrop Drive from the westerly entrance to the. Northeast School parking lot westerly to tile intersection of' Winthrop Drive and Brandywine Road. (2 1) On both sitics of Pennsylvania Avenue from the ity of Ithaca line SOUtheast and cast approximately 2075 feet to tile intersection of the west line of the Unopened paper street known as -Maryland Avenue" projected southerly across the full width of Pennsylvania Avenue, which intersection is also the cast line ol—Fown of Ithaca Tax Parcel Number 54,-6-7 im-oJected southerly a,Cr()SS tile full width of Pennsylvania Avenue. [Added 4-12-2004[ (2 12 Oil both sides of Kendall Avenue frorn its intersection with Pennsylvania Avenue southeast approximately 2100 feet to its intersection vvith a title drawn south southwesterly from the SOUthWest corner of Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel Number 54.4-19 to) tile northwest corner of ']'own of Ithaca 'Fax Parcel Number 54.-5-25. [Added 4-121-20041 (23) Oil both sides of Clover Lane for its entire length. [Added 1-10-2005 by 11I.L. No. 1-20051 (24) On both sides of Froy Road from the intersection of Troy Road with King Road East to a lJoillt 1,500 fiect north of the center time of King Road East, [Added 12-7-2009 by L.L. No. 16-20091 (25) On tile north side of' King Road F`ast from file intersection of King Road East and 'Froy Road to a point 700 feet Nvest of' the center line of' Troy Road. �Added 12-7-2009 by L.L. No. 16-20091 (26) On both sides of Sand Bank Road from the intersection of NYS Route 13 with Sand Bank Road to as point 1,400 feet cast of" the center fine of' NYS ROLOrk 13. [Added 7-11-2011 by L.L. No. 8-2011 25(`);7 0,9-tut -2013 § 250-16 ITHACA CODE § 250-20 (27) On both sides of Penny Lane and Lois Lane seasonally from May 1 through September 30. [Added 10-17-2011 by L.L. No. 13-2011] (28) On both sides of the seventy-five-foot long "dead end" spur of Kendall Avenue, which spur begins 100 feet northwest of the intersection of Kendall Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue. [Added 9-9-2013 by L.L. No. 7-20131 § 250-17. Stopping of motor vehicles. [Amended 4-12-2010 by L.L. No. 2-2010] Where stopping is prohibited by this article, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or traffic control sign or signal. The stopping of motor vehicles is prohibited in the following locations: A. Buttermilk Falls Road West in its entirety. B. Buttermilk Falls Road East in its entirety. C. On both sides of Winthrop Drive within 125 feet of the northwesterly and southeasterly sides of the crosswalk that has a center line located approximately 1,068 feet easterly of the intersection of Winthrop Drive and the center line of Brandywine Drive. § 250-18. Stop signs. The intersections enumerated on Schedule A annexed hereto are designated as stop intersections and stop signs are ordered installed at the entrance to such intersections as set forth on Schedule A. § 250-19. Yield signs. The intersections set forth on the annexed Schedule B are designated as yield intersections and yield signs are ordered installed at entrances to such intersections as set forth on Schedule B. § 250-20. Penalties for offenses. A. Any violations of §§ 250-10 and 250-11 shall constitute a traffic infraction and any persons violating the same shall be deemed guilty of a traffic infraction and shall be punishable by a fine of not more than$50 or by imprisonment for not more than 15 days or by both such fine and imprisonment. B. Failure to observe the signs erected in accordance with § 250-12 or 250-13 shall be treated as a traffic infraction and shall be punished as set forth in the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York. + - 250:8 09-01-2013 § 250-21 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC § 250-21 § 250-21. Authority to impound vehicles. A. Any vehicle parked or abandoned on any highway within the Town of Ithaca that hinders or impairs the ability of the personnel of the Town of Ithaca, or any other governmental agency, to respond to a snowstorm, flood, fire or other occurrence to which a prompt response is necessary or desirable, may be removed by the Town of Ithaca. B. Any vehicle found unattended on any highway within the Town of Ithaca which constitutes an obstruction to traffic may be removed by the Town of Ithaca. i 250:8.1 09-01-2013 I-)l'-I DISPOSITION L,IST I)1.,-1. Local Adoption Law No. Date Subjed Disposition 24-2009 12-7-2009 Sewer rents amendment Ch. 210 25-2009 12-7-2009 SUbdivision of land amendment ChI 2,34 26-2009 12-7-2009 Water rates aniendment Ch. 261. 27-2009 12-7-2009 Zoning amendrnent Ch. 270 1-2010 1-11-2010 Zoning aniendment Ch. 270 2-20 10 4-12-20101 Vehicles and traffic: parking, C"It 250, Art, III stop and yield intersections amcndnicnt 3-2010 4-12-21010 Building construction and fire Chs. 125; 221; 225, 270 prevention amendment, signs arnendinern.- sprinkler systems amendi-rient,' zoning amendment 4-2010 7-12-2010 Streets and sidewalks: excavation Ch. 230, Art., I and construction ill InUlliCill',11 roadkvays and highwzav rights-of'-way 5-20110 8- -2010 Adoplion of cinIfloyee retil-elflent N( M incentive, ['art A 6-2010;1 11-8-2010:) Zoning: special land use districts h. 271 amendment 7-2010D 12-13-2010 Animals: dog control and Ch. 112, Art. I licensing amcndinew 1-2011 4-11-2011 Zoning amendment; zoning: Chs. 270; 271 special land use districts, ,a ,mendtimit 2-2011 4-11-2011 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 3-201 1 4-11-2011 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 4-2011 5-9-2011 Records management repealer, Ch. 65, reference only 5-2011 6-13-2011 Property maintenance C. 205 6-201 I 6-13-2011 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 7-2011 7-11-2011 Zoning: special land use districts C"ll 271 amendment 8-201 1 7-11-201 1 Ve[iicics and traffic: parking,- C."Ji. 2501, Art, 111 stop and yield intersections amendment 9-2011 7-11-2011 1 Moratorium NCM 101-2011 7-11-2011 Zoning aiTiendment Ch. 270 11-201 1 8-8-2011 Zoning amendment; zoning: Chs. 270-, 271 special land use districts anmidment 01) -01 - 2013 § DL-1 ITHACA CODE § DL-1 Local Adoption Law No. Date Subject Disposition 12-2011 10-6-2011 Tax levy limit override 2012 NCM 13-2011 10-17-2011 Vehicles and traffic: parking; Ch. 250, Art. III stop and yield intersections amendment 14-2011 11-7-2011 Code of Ethics Ch. 32 15-2011 11-7-2011 Zoning Map amendment NCM 1-2012 1-23-2012 Zoning: special land use districts Ch. 271 amendment 2-2012 3-12-2012 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 3-2012 3-12-20I2 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 4-2012 5-7-2012 Zoning: special land use districts Ch. 271 amendment 5-2012 5-7-2012 Zoning: special land use districts Ch. 271 amendment 6-2012 5-7-2012 Zoning Map amendment NCM 7-2012 5-7-2012 Zoning Map amendment NCM 8-2012 5-7-2012 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 9-2012 8-13-2012 Zoning: special land use districts Ch. 271 amendment 10-2012 8-13-2012 Sprinkler systems amendment Ch. 225 11-2012 8-13-2012 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 12-2012 9-10-2012 Tax levy limit override 2013 NCM 13-2012 12-10-2012 Signs amendment Ch. 221 1-2013 2-11-2013 Citizen and staff advisory Ch. 18 committees amendment 2-2013 2-11-2013 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 3-2013 3-11-2013 Procurement Ch. 57 4-2013 5-13-2013 Streets and sidewalks: road Ch. 230, Art. IV preservation 5-2013 6-10-2013 Subdivision of land amendment Ch. 234 6-2013 7-22-2013 Tax levy limit override 2014 NCM 7-2013 9-9-2013 Vehicles and traffic:'parking; Ch. 250, Art. III stop and yield intersections amendment DL:6 09-01-2013 GENERAL CODE 4 INSTRUCTIONS Town of Ithaca Code Supplement No.32 The enclosed new and/or replacement pages should be placed in your Code volume immediate- ly! The dateline, on the bottom of the page, does not indicate the adoption date of the Code changes, but rather identifies the pages printed with this supplement.This instruction page should be placed in the front of your Code volume. REMOVE INSERT 184:5—184:7 184:5— 184:8 200:1 —200:2 200:1 —200:2 DL:5—DL:6 DL:5—DL:6 Legislation, by number or date of adoption, included in this supplement: L.L.Nos. 9-2013; 10- 2013. 12-01-2013 § 184-8 NOISE § 184-10 r � and rear-loaded garbage collection vehicles, and garbage collection vehicles that do not —' have compactors, may be operated for residential pickup beginning at 6:00 a.m. Iocal time as long as they do not create noise within a residential building or across a residential real property boundary where such noise interferes with the comfort, repose, health or safety of members of the public within any building or, outside of a building, at 25 feet or more from the source of the sound. C. The provisions of this section shall not apply to lawful farm operations on lands the principal use of which is as a farm and which are located within a county agricultural district created under the provisions of Article 25-AA of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law. § 184-9. Parties and other social or fund-raising events or gatherings. A. It shall be unlawful for any person in charge of a party or other social or fund-raising event or gathering that occurs on any private or public property to allow that event to produce noise in a loud, annoying, or offensive manner, or recklessly create the risk thereof, such that noise from the event interferes with the comfort, repose, health or safety of members of the public within any building or, outside of a building, at a distance of 25 feet or more from the source of such sound. It shall also be unlawful for any participant in that event to contribute to such noise. B. For the purposes of this section, a "person in charge of a party or other social or fund-raising event or gathering": (1) That occurs on any public property shall include the person or persons who obtained permission to utilize that property for that event. (2) That occurs on private property shall include the person who owns the premises involved and any adult person who lives in or on the premises involved in such party or social event. (3) Shall include the person who is listed on a permit granted pursuant to Article III of this chapter with respect to such event. C. For any violation of this section where beer is being served from a keg on the premises, the person to whom the keg is registered shall be presumed to be responsible for the violation, in addition to any person designated in Subsection A or B above. § 184-10. Animals. Any person who owns, harbors, or is the custodian of a dog in the Town of Ithaca is subject to the noise and other requirements in Chapter 112 of the Town of Ithaca Code, titled "Animals," and upon violation thereof shall be subject to the penalties set forth in that chapter. 184:5 12-01-2013 § 184-11 ITI 1ACA CODF, § 184-12 ARTICLE III Permits § 184-11. Authorization for ptrujit. Where the enforcentent (A' this chalmer %vould create an unnecessary hardsliiij), the Town Board, in its discretion, is authorize(I to grant a per alit for a specific waiver front the requirenients ot'lhis chapter, SUCh waivers shall be granted only In those eircurnslances where (lie applicant demonstrates that the Nvaiver is necessary for at valild PlArpose, that the propose(] waiver is the minimal intrusion needed, that on bahrince the need fior and benefits of the waiver outweigh the needs and right:; M' the surrounding; neighbors to as peaceable and quiet etiv iron meril, § 184-12. Permit procedure; fee. k An application for such a permit shall be filed with file Town no less than 45 days bef'ore the anticipated need arid shall provide time information: (1) 'r Fhe name of`the applicant. (2) The adult person responsible fbi- compliance with the permit, il'driTcrent fromthe applicant, which adult person shall also sign the application and agree to be responsible 1:'(,)r compliance with the perinil ternis and any conditions attached to the perlrlit. (3) The masons For such usage. (4) Plans and specifications of'the use. (5) Noise abatement and control methods to be used. (6) Tinie schedIllel (7) Demonstration why the applicant cannot conforin to this chapter. (8) SUCK other information as the Town Clerk ancl/or Town Board nray reasonably require to adequately consider the permit request., BThe J own Board may in its sole discretion war ve the application filing 45 days upon good carise shown or fair other unique, special ole extenuating circunt, sta 111CCS, [Added 10-20-2008 by L.L. No. 15-2,00831 C, At the time, of the filing of the permit application or applications, the applicant shall pay. the Town a nonrefundable tee as set from finie to time, by Town, Board resolution. jAdded 10-20-2008 lay L.L. No. 15-2008; amended 2-9-2009 by L,L, No. fa-20091 ; 12-7-2009 by L.L. No. 21-2ft0941 2. Lditor's `.``;met Forincr Subsection A19i regarding proof of nofificatk)o of the application for the pernift, wlikh irnmediately Wlowed,was repealed 11-18-2013 by LL No.9-2013. 3. t,",(Jitor's Note:This local law also redoignaled former Subsectioa R as Subsection 11 4. Editor's Nutri'rhis toew law also proviam for an effective dMe of 1-'1-21111x. 184:6 12-01 -2013, § 184-12 NOISE § 184-14 D. Applications may be submitted simultaneously by a single entity, representative or agent thereof for events occurring at a single address within a consecutive six-month period. All applications shall be reviewed, and determinations shall be rendered, on an individual basis. [Added 12-7-2009 by L.L.No. 21-200951 E. A public hearing before the Town Board shall be held in connection with the application no less than five days after publication of notice of such hearing in the Town's official newspaper. The issuance of permits shall be discretionary. The Town Board may impose any conditions deemed necessary by such Board to minimize the intrusion of sound that might occur by the exercise of the privileges granted by the permit. Any permit issued shaII state that the permit only applies to this chapter, and that § 240.20, Subdivision 2, of the Penal Law of the State of New York, Disorderly Conduct, provides that "A person is guilty of disorderly conduct when, with intent to cause public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk thereof ... he makes unreasonable noise." If a permit is issued, a copy of the permit stipulating any and all conditions imposed by the Town Board shall be furnished to the Tompkins County Sheriffs Department by the Town Clerk, simultaneously upon the issuance of the permit to the applicant. F. The Town Board may, in its sole discretion, waive the holding of a public hearing upon good cause shown or for other unique, special or extenuating circumstances. IAdded 11-18-2013 by L.L. No. 9-20131 ARTICLE IV Violation and Penalty § 184-13. Enforcement of violations. Enforcement may be facilitated by, but shall not be dependent upon, complaint by a resident of the Town to a Town Code Enforcement Officer or county or other law enforcement officer. Any police officer or peace officer or any person who may be lawfully designated by the Town Board shall have the authority to issue appearance tickets in connection with any violation of this chapter. § 184-14. Penalties for violations. A. A violation of this chapter is hereby declared to be an offense, with conviction of a first offense punishable by a fine of up to $500 or imprisonment not to exceed 15 days, or both. For conviction of a second or subsequent offense which was committed within a period of five years from the commission of the prior offense, a violator shall be subject to a fine of up to $1,000 or imprisonment not to exceed 15 days, or both. With respect to continuous emissions of sound, each day of such emission shall constitute a separate violation. \ 5. Editor's Note:This local law also redesignated former Subsection D As Subsection)E;said local law also provided for an effective date of 1-1-2010. 184:7 12-01-2013 § 184-14 ITHACA CODE § 184-I5 B. In addition, persons who violate this chapter shall be liable for a civil penalty of$500 for a first violation and $1,000 for a second or subsequent violation which was committed within a period of five years from the commission of the prior violation. With respect to continuous emissions of sound, each day of such emission shall constitute a separate violation. The Attorney for the Town or his or her designee may commence an action or special proceeding against the violator in a court of competent jurisdiction to collect these penalties, together with costs, disbursements and recoverable attorneys' fees, and/or to compel compliance with this chapter or restrain by injunction any such violation. § 184-15. Liability of owner. The owner of any real property (except public highways, and other publicly owned facilities) from which sounds prohibited by this chapter emanate shall be guilty of a violation of this chapter, whether or not such owner was on the premises or occupied the premises when the proscribed sounds emanated from same. ,y 184:8 12-01-2013 Chapter 200 PARKS AND RECREATION AREAS § 200-1. Construal offirovisions. § 200-7. Issuance of perruh. § 200t-2. Intent. § 200-8. Fees; security deposits; § 200-3. General regulations. insurance; damages; other 1§ 200-4. Trail regulations. requirements. § 200-5. Prohibited activitis. § 200-9. VaHance. e § 200-6. Activities requiring perruit. § 200-10. Penalties for off,'enses. § 200-11. Enforcement. IIIISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca 3-111-2002 by L.L. No. 4-2002. Amendments noted where applicable.1 GLNERAL RFAVIRFACE'S Animals--- See Cr,, 112, Noise — See Ch. 184. § 200-1. Construal cat`provisions. This chapter amends and restates Local Law No. I fior the Year 1980 and N(::), I for the Y'car 1982, as the same may have been amended front tinge to tinte. To the extent there is any inconsistency between the terms of this chapter and the above refereneLd local laws, the terms Ofthis chapter shall prevail. § 200-2. Intent. The Town of Ithaca, in order to provide for balanced Town devcic�ptricrit and to: safeguard and promote the general health air(] welf"are of the community, has established a variety of park areas, trails and facilities. Such park areas, trails and facilities vary greatly in size, development, and appropriateness of various activities, 'Fo enhance and promote the safety an(,] enJoyment cif'each individual in the use ofTown of Ithaca parks, trails, and facilities, and to assure each individual equal opp(:�Olinity in the usc and enjoyment of' such facilities, the rules and regulations of this chapter are established to govern the conduct of'the public with respect thereto, § 200-3. General regulations. A, No persons shall rise any Town of Ithaca park facilities or trail facifities during the period commencing 1/2 hour after, sunset and ending 1/2 11OUr prior to SUnrise. Not withst,,,i riding the foregoing, the ToNvii Board, the Town Hio,,may Super-inmident, or the Town Parks Mairitemance Manager rnay prohibit use of any park or trail f'iscflity at any time, or clow a park or trail at any trine, for purj.-)()ses of repairs, or for safety during certain seasons of"the year, or at any other time when reasonalfly necessary f6r the safely 2W1 12-(11 -2013 § 2()0-3 IT]IACA CODE' § 200-4 of the public, the users, or the community. Notices Of CIC)SiIIg at Wars other than the normally closed 11OLirs, except in an emergency, shall be posted conspicuously on of' about the park of, trail fiacility.. B. All users of the parks and trails will behave in as reasonable and resp(alsible manner at all linies and will take clue account of the presence of' other persms using the facilities, especially when choosing as site to picnic or play field games. [Arnended 11-18-2013 by L.L. No. 111-20131 C. Any person having custody or c(,milrol of' as minor will be responsible fbr CI)SUrIng that such 111111jor ConrIfflies with the rules and regulatiOrIS Ot'llijS CIUIPtCr. 1). Minors under six years of' age shall at all tunes be nuclei- the supervision and control of as j),arent, guardian, or responsible adult. F, Donicsficated household pets are allo"'e(j oil J,OwVrj of' ItItaca parks or trails provided that the pet shall at all tirries be caged or restrained by as leash or other device. Animals shall at all times be Under the supervision and control of the owncr or person having custody of the animal. Owners shall clean up any fcce,,,, or other bodily waste emanating frorn such arninal., jAmended 11-18�-2013 by L.L. No. 10-2013] § 200-4. rrail regulations. The follovving rules shall apply to the use of"Fown trails: A. The trails shall be used only, f'cn- bicycle traffic and pedestrian traffic either on fioc)t or vvith sno\vshoes or with cross-country skis with cross-country type bindings, and for no other purposes except as otherwise specifically authorized by this chapter, For purposes of 'this chapter, "bicycles" shall be defined as every devise propelled by the feet acting upon pedals and having wheels any two of which are inure than 14 inches in diameter. Specifically CXCIUded fr(:.)m the defirtition of, bicycles shall be any device which is (or may be) motorized notwithstanding the fact that it rnay also be propelled by feet acting upon pedals. NotWitlistanding the fioregt.Ang, wheelchairs, including motorized wheelchairs, ina), be Used by persons, who sufTer from as disability that requires the use of as wheel chair to inove about. B. The trails shall be Used 0111Y for continuous travel and passage. NVithout limiting the foregoing, the following acts are prohibited on, the trails. loitering, picnicking, littering, or otherwise depositing or dropping ob'jects on the trail, the tossing of balls car r r othe obJects, playing Barnes or other- recreational use. C Both bicycle and pedestrian traffic shall kcal' to the right of the center of the trad and travel in as single file when passing oncoming traffic. Upon overtaking another bicycle or pedestrian, bicyclists shall signal and proceed to pass with due care, Pedestrians shall yield to bicycles. 1, E.cfitor's Now Former Subsection F, which required field gaincs to be pbrytd only in designated areas, and formner Sabsection (,, which permitted picnics, only in designated areas, both of which inivnediately IbHowed,were repeated 11-18-2013 by LL No, 10-2013. 200:2 12 _01 - 24113 l DISPOSITION LIST § I)t,-I LOC111 A(loption Law No. Date Suh,ject Disposition 24-2009 12-7-2009 Sewer rents amendment Ch, 2101 25-2009 12-7-2009 Subdivision 471 land aniendinent C,It. 234 26-2009 12-7-2009 Water rates amendnrent Ch. 261 2 7-2009 12-7-2009 Zoning arricridinerit Ck 270 1-2010 1-11-'2010 Zoning amendment (,,111. 270 2-201101 4-12-2010 Vehicles and tral"fic: parking; Ch, 250, art. Ifl stop and yield interscctions amendment 1-2011,01 4-12-20)101 Building construction and fink Chs. 125-1 221-, 225-- 270 prevention amendment, signs ainendment: sprinkler systems amendment: zoning amendmerit ,:1-201101 7-12-2010 Strects and sidewalks: excavation Ch. 230, Art. I and constrUICti011 III 111111liCipal roadways and highway rights-of'-way 5-2010 8-9-2010 Adoption of employee retirement NCM Incentive, Part A 6-2010 11-8-2010 Zoning: special land use districts Ch. 271 amendment 7-2010 12-13-2010 Animals: dog control and Ch. 112, Art. I licensing anicndment 1-2011 4-11-2011 Zoning amendment', z(,ming: Chs. 270-1 271 special land use districts amendment 2-2011 1 4-11-20:111 Zoning amendment Ch, 270, 3-201 1 4-11-20111 Zoning amendment Ch. 2701 4-201111 5-9-20111 Records manageincia repealer ('h, 65, reTerence Only 5-201 1 6-13-2011 Properly maintenance C'h. 205 6-20111 6-13-20111 Zoning amendinent Ch, 270 7-201 1 7-11-201 1 Zoning: special land Use districts Ch. 271 anienthrient 8-20:p11 7-11-2011 Vehicles and traflic: parking; Ch, 2501, Art. III stop and yield intersections amendment. 9-2011 7-11-2011 Moratorium NCM 10-2011 7-11-2011 Zoning, arnendinew (']1. 270 11-201 11-8-20111 Zoning amendment-, zoning.- Chs. 270-1 271 special land use districts amendment 13[,:�5 12 -01 -2013 DI,i F11 I A C/k (T)D F' § D1.,1 Local Adoption Law No. Date S im bj�ect Disposition 12-2011 10 -6-2011 Fax levy limit override 2012 N(I NI 1 13-2011 10-17-2011 Vehicles and traffic: parking,�, li. 2501; Art. fit stop and yield intersections anwridnient 14-2011 11-7-2011 Code of I"thics Ch. 3 2 15-2011 1 1-7-2011 Zoning 'Mal) airiendment NC N1 1-2012 1-23-2012 Zoning: special land use districts Ch. 271 amendment 2-2012 3-12-2012 Zoning arnendinent Ch. 270 1 3-2012 3-12-2012 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 4-20412 5-7-2012 Zoning: special land use districts li. 271 amendment 5-2012 5-7-2012 Zoning: special land use districts C h. 271 amendment 6-2012 5-7-20,12 Zoning Map amendment NC'NI 7-2012 5-7-2012 Zoning Map amendi'vient NCM 8-2012 5-7-20112 Zoning amendment ('it, 2708 9-2012 8-13-2012 Zoning: special land use, distriets Ch. 271 arriendinent 101-2012 8-13-20,12 Sprinkler systems amendment Ch. 225 11-20112 8-13-20,12 Zoning arnenclaient Ch. 270 12-20,12 9-10-2012 'Fax levy finin, override 2013 NCM 13-2012 12-101-20112 Signs amendment Ch. 221 1-2013 2-11-21013 Citizen and staffadvisorY Ch. 18 committees amendn'ient 2-2013 2-11-2013 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 3-2013 3-11-2013 Procurement Ch. 57' 4-2013 5-13-2013 Streets and sidewalks', road Cllr. 231), Art. IV preservation 5-2013 6-101-2.'0113 Subdivision of hand arnendi,nent Ch. 234 6-2013 7-22-2013 Tax lcvy limit override 2014 NCN4 7-2013 9-9-2013 Vehicles and traffic: parking, Ch. 250, Art. III stop and yield intersections amendment 8-2013 10-7-2013 Zoning Mal.,) amendment NCNI 9-2013 11-18-2013 Noise amendment Ch. 184 101-2013 11-18-2013 Pat-ks, and recreation areas Cli. 200 amendnient D L:6 12 -01 21J113