HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 LL 2 - Standard of Conduct for Employees L�Y'(C, - Local Law No. 2
A Local Ow establ-ishing stendar'iJs of !.Iondijc,,t Cor of.'Cil!>ers
and. emp1,,),lees of the Tonwa aT Ithaca,,
BE IT EKAC'F.)-'U1 by the Tovin T:31--crd c!if th-? Towln� W, �[ tl'nac@
f A Lows.,
Section 1. Pursunn,L to the proYsIx, of secUon ejght�
1,iundred Gien.erql Lerw, the lloI�,ln Board ctthe
of Ithoc"a, riecognis t1,�nt there are Mac of cotton! canduct
for public officers and empLoyeles vflnictln inist be A,,,s&rved if' i hag.hl
degree of morK conduct is to be c)btaincct ,-cind if pubt.i(, con!['lden(�(,?
is Q be Wntained in our unit of loc,,iL governmen'L, It is thie
purpose of this local Law or promulgate tiese rules of eticic,al
conduct for the Dfficers and empiqlVees of ttic `Pcd,nn of Dc,?voca. 11`�h c se
rules shal I serve as a guida for !,,ifflolaL conduct cff this Offloors
and employees of the Town of 1thstca. The 1r1.,,Les cif' eth5.cal corvcli:dct
of this local law ms adopted, shalt. nict. c, maflict; W,',t1'�t, lout S"'I'aLl I
be in addition to any prohibition of article Aghtemi A the General,
MunicipaL Law or any other general o�,r law reLatin'p, to
c,,i,rnduct aind Listerest in contracts of nuu-lJ.cJp:ll af'f'J,ce'1rs �ai,1cl, innployees,
Section 2 Def! 11 U on, (a) 1'ttuniicl.pah Dffl,cej!, or Etnplo�,,vee"
of t�,Je' l'ccwn :![Lhaca� p��dd 101c,
MOslis FAr 5
unpaid, including members of ary administrative Mant commiss'ctn
or other agency thereof. No p, roan she] L IDe dieiei,,ned �z� be a mucilclp,aL
officer or empLoyee solely by reasan of—being a WkuAeer Fireman
or nivil defense volunteer, exeapt a W cnX&&er or assistant,
chief engineer,
(b) ".lDnit,'n-est" mleans a pecl,unll.7 y Or material
benefi,t accruing Lo n municipal officer on ernprayee urless zthe
context Kherwise rwqdres,
Section 3, Standnrds of CAcn& -, L,, cff�',,,cer� cur ern�pJ.oyiai!,
of thie 1- -s,,: ,j� 7,,-,'r a,-nd by the
ing standards of conduct, but in determfUng whethyr .or KNA there Mn
been compUanco Wh such standards . there be tn��ein Unto acco�,nic
whether or nQ suQ; person acted tc the beer of WS lunWedEyi Prior-
motion and belief, and wheb!ne:r 1,,1s actelft Ln good Cat-th:
;1 n UL ft s shell not dirzctLy or Urdirectly,
solAcit any �,)r recel-,,,�e aIy gI`t hyving ), I,ralute
of a:c More whoLh)et, in t1he :r-,rri of' mcne,,y s +r...
vices, loan, travel , entertainment, hovpitali ty, thiny, c,r proaLc, ,
or any other form, under cirownstances in ` t c, ) i I d rensonabQ,,,
be inferred that the gift was in,fluence, h,'Lm, or, .11
reasanHbly be expect to Wfluence hlm,, in t'ne perf")Zur,uace ot,
official dut! s or was intended as a fc,�c, qny DfTlclwal actJor,
an hi-s part.
nn, idFient4-at- ic � ,c�ll nconfLdent!W
, ffic-,-il
dutl.cs or use such informatior t ) fur ner his personal- interesQ,
10 Ropresentation Bef',,,�re One's A,,jenr:,,,L,
not rece5ve , or enter inwo cjw�,� T� eqc'ess ar I.CI for
com,p .nsatlon for services to be rendered La relahimi 03 ary matte-r
before any municipal agency of KIM he is an Wficar. member o.,r
employee or of any monicipal agency ;nTr MAr he W
lc11"., t;.v htl hr's thc.,, 'GO a,rx1c,1,-nt any C)r
Q 22pLytaiation More any kgwi nn, w, GioOdrigent
Poe. He shall not ent
ar imoKed fas, ccnvensatlan for services be rendi.r&:J ir rclatjoa
to any matter before any agency Ot' "IiS hl,,s
compensation is to be dependenn or, cDOingmt uMan a;4—actlon Q,,,
such agency w1th respect to such matter, provIded Ovit this pare
graph ME not prohitiLt the fixing at any MY W Mes based
ra e cf titer_ servj, , re,,ridered.
(e) DI-sclosure of Interest Q Ingislatiart. IR) Q a�
exbent thai., hia krnowb Mn "i,", 7.......
rq n B ciq 'rjrj ai.V
of.f:'Lcer or inpl,oyee or the lcwr,. of 7 Lhaca_ wh(.itht,,,r paid i)r, unpal.d,, w�:,l
who partWipates in the discussLion or giveo MUM opinion to
t "e 11'.'O"vlra [3',_)aard an i, be.fori, th,,-. Tol,,�tn 13tl�)imrd sl"cOL
publicly disclose on the oMOK record tie natu,.re and exterit of
any fin an& M inWre,,it he Inis in such legls] qtJon.
(f) Envestments in Danflict �?cLth Offl,cia-, Dutles.
Flo Mal 1 riot V�n,,6Ft or T"Ti TTT�;'T t I
in any financial, bakines, commercial or Kher primte twansaci:Lon
which creates a conflict W! W! 100 MUM! duties,
PrOmto Emi,�Io,yrier)L. He sh,aL! nct, engage in,
77777 -------------- i �ept roriie loyatent Or
solicib, ne�q4otisf;_F w 7m7� promise to , r� craterrip
render services for private intorests when muM employment or
service creates a confUct with ca, 1.qp7Jc1.s the prqper d-I.s(n)argle
of Irri
(h) 11jure lypinment. He MmIl rmt, after the ter-
mination of service such Tnu.riicipalt.ty, appe�ar
before nny board or agency of the Town of Ithacs Ln relation to
any case, proceeding or applKat.,iroi in 'vv!,.:.lch hepersonally rrar
ticipated during the period of his services or mqUoymeant or which
was unde', his act. ve consideration,
Section 4. Nothing herein shall be, denined fu) bar or pre-
ven t t he' '773_tT�Tt/__f i 1..1,n g by a p r e s ent:; o r ('c rm a r rn uni c i.p a1.. o ff 1.:e r
or employee of any c i aim, account, rkma" or suit agaInst the Wwn
of Ithaca, or any agency thereof of behalS of himself ar Fnq member
of his family nrising out of any pex,mrrin,_ injury or property damage
or for any lawful benefit authorized or permUted by I=
Section 5. Distribubion of Code of EMcm, The Supervisor
of the s, ccide W ethUs to
be distributed to every officer anf.1 eirrip"Loyee oJ=" the Town uai' thin
thirty days after the effective date of this Wcal Low. EaNt
officer and enTlayce elected or npp(:!intc,,J. th ,reafter shal.]. be
furnished a nopy before entering u.pon the duties of 'his Off"Ice o'r
Section, 6. Pena'l t l-e,s. -1n add�ltion to any penalty con-
tined 67'er
p'T"",T-FT 17575' of i,a w, all,)T pe�_rson who shall krorm'Llag-
ly said intenticvially MY& any of tire 4,,)ravisl.ioris of t1h:Ls, corle ma,y,
be fined, suupended or removed fr.,,-mm of"Pi('"e or eni�i)".Loyment, as the
cnoe may. be. W the nmnnwprandded by Qw.
Section 7. Effective .that ThJs local ]-aw shall talre
e:ffect as p-rovirt.c-d in section twenty-
seven of the MumWipal Homo Rule low,
Adopted by the TownBa�ard� of thus 'tPown of i thaca
on December 'T, 1�)'"(O.