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2019 Supplements
C.��"1"�F;t�a"�I� +�t�C��: ��i�T"�tL��'"�"It:bN� "%��n ��� �t��e� !C:"+�c�+� ����aplen�c��a� ���. �4'� '1'I°a�° s����l��sc�l n�� a�r�c�'�'�r r��l����r�a�r�t ���a�es ���:.a��8ii �c: pl�c�°� i�� y���r �'"c�c',i� vcalu��u� ir���ax��i�t�lvt '�"l�� �abt�lin�� a.�a� �}a�; �rc�rtt���r� ��`t4�� ����;�„ �;'h�a�,��� tk�c° �;u�a�l�rru�r�t r�taam���;r �:�n��� th� ►�u��ni�� �t���i �y�;;�ur in �r��a�;�� tk�� 1��.�;�, �ii��.� a�at� ]����l�t�cax� r�,;va�����:i ����° ����,� �tzp��l�r�����t vv�� ����.a�,ti��. °l°I�i� ��t����r�t6c:�n p�����e� sl���.�l�l k�� �rl��ec� ir� �9�� Cr�znt c��yc���r �"c�c��° �fii>1��c��. �,���a:�l�tL��r�, ��� iYaur�b�t° c�r c1�t� �si`ac�����ii�n� i��c�l����d ��� tl�a� �u��al��t����: Q,,�,. P��b+���. 1-�f�l�, �- '��P � �, 4...°��� 1 ��, ��-�� 1 �. ����a ��, sd�,� 2t�a� § 112-10 ANIMALS § 112-10 § 112-10. �Znpoundment fees. [Added 1z-13-2010 by L.L. No. 7-2010; amended 1-7-2019 �"-' � by L.L. No. 1-2019] I- The owner of a dog that is seized and redeemed in accordance witti the provisions of ArticIe 7 of the Agriculture and Markets Law of the 5tate of New York shall pay the folIowing impoundment fees to the Town oi Ithaca before the dog is released to the owner: A. For the first impoundment of any dog owned by a person: $25. B. For the second impoundment of any dog owned by the same person within 12 months of the first impoundment of any dog owned by the same person: $50. C. For the third impoundment of any dag owned by the same person within 12 months of the first impoundment oF any dog owned by the same person: $75. D. If more than one dog owned by the same person is impounded at the same time, the unpoundment of each dog is considered a separate impoundment. (For example, if two dogs owned by the same person are impounded at the same time and the owner has not had any dogs impaunded within the past 12 months, fihe fees are $25 far one dog and $50 for the other dog.) 112:5 Supp 48, Ju12019 Chapt�r 1$4 ARTICLE I General Provisions § 18�-1. Title. � 184-2. Applicability. § 184-3. Purpose. § 184-4. Definitions. § 184-5. General prohibition on unreasonable noise. ARTICLE II Unlawful Noise Sources § 184-6. Purpose of Article II. § 1847. Radios, television sets and other sound-produciag or - amplifying devices. NOISE § 184-5. Construction and other machinery. § 18�-9. Partees, events or gatherings. § 184-10. Dogs. ARTICLE III Permits § 184-11. Aathorization for permit. § 184-12. Permit procednre; fee. ARTICLE N Violation and Penalty § 184-13. Enforcement of violations. § 184-14. Penalties for violations. § 184-I5. Liability of owuer. jffiSTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca 7-&2019 by L.L. No. 6- 2019.= Subseqnent amendmeuts noted where applicable.] Animals — Sce Ch. 105. Fees — See Ch. 153. § 184-1. Title. GENERAL REFERENCES Parks and recrcation areas — See Ch. 200. ARTTCLE I General Provisioas This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Town of Ithaca Noise Ordinance" whether adopted as an ordinance or local law. Hereinafter, this law is sometimes referred to as "this chapter." § 184-Z. Applicability. This chapter shall apply to alI areas of the Town outside the Village of Cayuga Heights. I. Editor's Note: This local law also repealed former Ch. 184, Noise, adopted 8-7-1989, ameaded ia its endrety 5-8-2006 by L.L. I�io. 8-2006, as subsequently amended. 184:1 SuAp 4$, Ju12019 � ] �4v� 1"1'i 1:��C'A "M�;)T7�I:; � l ��-� � l��-�, �'ur�a�!»c;, '�l�aa:. ��s�z���ca�c: r��" A�ii� �i������;a• �� �c� ��r�°�;���v� th� ��s��1�4., �����ltly, ��a��c�, �;���n9'�ra-1, r���ca�e, ru�li`�c�e, �;����y ��ati' �;t�ir�� �ard�7• l�y� �;����r°�:��;irt� t�� �na4�����, �r°��Lti�au�, a�r �t���i��t�t��r�a�� c�1" ������i��e, a����������,��ry> �sr7��ata.�ra9 �r t��7��sta�lly� ������� ����i��� ��r��l� �r•� ��t°<r�a�����,�t�, un����a�l �arx ��r�r���ta�r�f aC� t6ro�i� ii����, y�1����, ���� �ts� ���- ��h1mc.1:7 ��� c�c;�ri7a�������al �a's th� ���via��-aa�n�t�r�t. ; 1�3�-4. �c�,na�ti+urti�;. �Jn���� llae �;aattt�a�t vth�,r-rwi;;c� �;I�:,�r�l�� ir�c�i��t��»„ t��� ����:�rc�ti d�a��i ��Izxm�st� ���;c:�l ir� �)ti� �}����t�r �.c-e c��ti����l ��; f�all��rv✓s: :�1)4.�1.,mmG" f'fl�'l��t"?1`v -� ,� ��cr��a,r� v�Y}�c� i� at ����t 1f� ;�a�°�ars c>qc:�. I�.�Y..t'I���" �:.BC�I.:!�,� �_ "�"y�� I7���,�r� ��e�gn�i�i7�� <�t 7;(�t9 �a.�a�. 1���:��� t�kn� �a�� e���yx c��,y ���� «:�cii�a�; ��t �i:[G() �a.���, lc�c:r�l %i�r��, �fl'v�k�;�t_a�1�!(:;"i' "J�'fJItK ......._ 'w�`cr��1� r��a��� r�e�:t:�s��ry Ct7 �'��»1c>r� �a��<���t�i}� tc:a �:r ���'`� �c���ditic��d f�l(���ri��� � ����ili�, c������it�1 c:�r �v�irk ���;�������°� Cia ����ui��t ���-�ca7�� �a�° ��r�����r�y� �`r��tra ��:�� ie��r��ir��:r�� ����°��a,�t'� t� �l�t���r°. fl�w"Id���'�.w`�f'��� "�C)I,IS�f�7 .......m � ��°��,���►C3 c�t�" �l���m�� �'�t�r��t������t, ���;������l�v l�;�w �����x� ��xa+� �c����wb���.���, �r��' c�f'� hi�l� �r�t�:�x�ity, rvi#1� ar7 ��l�r�t�a� c,�7��� ���r� �•z���i� ����yr. I"�C�"�'�"C':.��� '��:;i-�l�,C.,,S;� _._._ Gr��l�r�{c��, t�ut i� t���� lii�ti�Lc�! �:��, xaa��c�raar�kril��, �:�r�ac�:�, k��u��s» tr�c��a�c��, r�ir�ik�ik��, aaat� �t��y c��l��d� �,r�;h�c8�, �r� �ic;trn��� R��,� tk�� `��l�u�;l� t���c8 �C°��9'�i� 1_,�a��r c��'tiac `tit��e �af` �1�e��'�'a~���, �� it ra��y l�e �����;,iac��a� ti°c�r�-��t tirt�� t� �i��t�;. �Tl�wrF-�"1 1 C�r11~; ���?C.JF�� ---- T"1�a, l�waur�» �7w��;i�tu�i���, ��t ���i�l ��.a�a. �ca�z�l ti7�ae ��rrz �ra;�� d�b;� �M��ai a:r��i��� at �a:�aJ ��.x��, q��c:�el �,����� ��� i}7� li�Wlc�wi�r� c�a}, [�'b�F��(:.�N ......�. �r�i�1���r��s �t�� �,is��ul��tr ;��ut� �D��r��f �r��� ��}sc'� wlr�ya� i��i���i�����1, �����r gar•�a����C�,r ������t��a- a��z�r"�ar ���;�;c�, ��i7y �r�n, �.c�r��c�r��tia„r��, �ac,liii�al ���tl�c�i�,ri�icr��, �c����r��i7�ea�t ��c�n�,yF, ;���ca�i�tit�r� �a�° c����<�r�ir�t�r�r7> incl�nci'�n�; �r��t r7c,t: 1i�r���6c;<� t�� caft�c�c;�•�> �ii��c;�ta-�r�, �ein}���:�ye�:�, ������� at�cid��r wr�d��t�����r�1 ��n�t�•��ct��rs t�t��°��>i; c�ac ����;yr 1e�;a1 �t�1it� �r;lt��d^�s��v�r. ��'�Il')�:1`�°�'d,�,l�, ;%"(7�J.f:s __ .�� �"�:�rr��t�r,rati'���, .��;r��ultu�-al, I.,����r��'ak T��;,��cJe��tis�l, 1'.,K���r-l�!�:n�;'s��✓ ���a��37ti�(, C�1c�iiu���-����sii;y �:.��i�l���ti�], }�i�1�-���,i��aiy ���.�»i�i��tti��, I'u�c���i� 6�c�a°��r� �'aa��, +.�t• 1"�tal�i��le ����i��;,��c��:. ,��s��. ��:�; t�r�ii���c� i�� CW;����at��- '?�d�, 1'c�M�ira�;. '°���i�1���t�.�6 Icrrr�°'' �1sc-r i�aclt;�r��� ��.n��r °�}���it�l ]t�o�d t�s� �iuw,trie-t ���° �al�t�tt�+� ci��»=����la����rat ��ar�� it� �'l��p�tct� �71, �'�ar�i��,�;: �����.i�� l.,K���c� C 1�e l�istrict�. ��}���°c�i�t tk�� �aa��c�ta���ia��a�i Idanci �d�e �s r��id���tarb@. �ad��r��1�3 sa�'l� ��ti�a�t�s°�; ��� ����€;��ai�rl ca�r rc��l;�c��a3 Ga��c� t�ay �c� �.�c�i��� a,rc��l� ��d��ti�r��1 ����1�� c:ar� �ii�'�`�r��titly de����nn�irr�atc��l' �^,a�n���;, "r�s���etz��; a.�-ara��"" w���all n���� t��c��� ,r,��i��;µw c��ta:n��i;i��ci �a��r.ier ����;1� l�r��✓s cyr �a�,y ;�n,ac,����a�t� �t�,t�xt�;� «ar6���ci�� i�t� }�r+�,c����ni��an� ia7t���c��c� l���c� t��e �� r�:�;d����Ci��l, �(.)L1I�I.7m�N1�'�,If��'q��"r F.:4��I..���zt�9T:,�1"�" .. ... r"�r7�, a���c��rir�c c�r �lcw��n�� ��ar ���� �r�'�p�1�1��;w�ti�,at �at �1�t I��z������ ���.?i�°�, i���i7-�amie��C��1 �����:�ic,, c�r �r��,A crthcm� ��:�t��rcl. `�cr���tc�-��'��}�1�1rc��ra�; �r,�t;ti�rn�r�� sh��6 ��aat ur��°]u��° ��r����lard �utarrr-r�sl°�ila� �c�tt���J s�v�1,�a�� a�l��ra ��:,r,ci �rtd }��t�rci c��al,, k��� t:l�� �a�,�:�������t� �af tab� rr��atc�r va;lticl� i77 e��l�i���u �ur�}� �Ga�c�rtt�'pt�il� ,�c�aar��i �;}��,t�177 �� �1��t�z�l�c�. �i� t�»w��� i�� tl�is ch�u}�t�m, ,�;c�w�r7a1-e����p��i�"�,ri��� �+�������tr��:�ti: :�}t��l� �c�t is��lt���'c. �v�t��ir�� d�vic�c�; c:�rt �t�if�raa`ia�a� �i�1a�r~��Aa�y ��el�icl�;� t�r° }��arzt� �>r �stl�aa• ��vL�a-r�in� c��vir;�:� c�i7 ��n�� ���17ict� t���� i��ul�' ��a�° tra�'ti� sa�cty �at�r�c���w, c�r° �utl��,r�a�c� dir°a:� ��<�rti��:� �>r �a�t��d� ��i�l�r.rri.r�-cl ���u�r��;���y �1��r�r�=��;. � �a�l:�, tiur�a�r 4�, u�ul �tMi� § 184-4 NOISE § 184-7 � TOWN — All of the Town of Ithaca exclusive of the portion of the Town within the �' -', incorporated Village of Cayuga Heights. I- UNREASONABLE NOISE — Any excessi�e or unusually loud sound which either annoys, disturbs, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety oi a reasonable person of normal sensitivities, or which causes injury to animaI Iife or damages to property or business. § 184-5. General prohibitioa on unreasonable noise. A. No person shall malce, continue, cause or permit to be made any unreasonable noise. B. Factors to be considered in determining whether unreasonable nozse exists in a given situation include, but are not limited to, any or all of the folIowing: (l) The intensity of the noise. (2) The dura�ion of the noise. (3) The intensity of the background noise, if any. (4) The zoning district within which the noise emanates and all zoning districts that lie within 500 feet of the source of the sound. {5) The time of the day or night the noise occurs. (6) The proxi�nity of the noise to sleeping facilities. , {7) Whether the naise is continuous or impulsive. (8} The existence of complaints conceming the noise from one or more persons who are affected by the noise. (9} Whether the nature of the noise is usual or unusval. (10) Whether the noise is due to a natural or a human-made activity. ARTICLE II Unlawful Noise Sonrces § ].84-6. Purpose of Arti¢le II. The acts set fortlz in this Article II are declared to be prima facie evidence of a violation of this chapter and are prohibited, but said listing of acts shall not be deemed to be excIusive. § 1847. Radios, television sets and other sound-producing or -ampIifyi�g devices. A, It shall be unlawful for any person within any Residential Zone, or within S00 feet of a Residential Zone, to use or to operate any radio or receiving set, musical instrvment ' (including drums), stereo, television, any other machine or device for the producing or ,- � reproducing of sound or any other sound-ampIifying equipment in such a manner as to �_ . ` 184:3 Supp 48, Ju12019 � � ��-� ',�.� �.��,� c��c.�r:��:, � t ��-�� �c�ts�c tar�r��sc�orn�k�l� rzc���� �w�i�1�i�� �;� t��ailc�i���, a:��; c>��t�i��� ��r�z�lc�iau� at �� c�i�t�r�cc, c�f 25 f`��t c�r i��c,r� �o-�aa�a t;l�� �,u�Mr�c;� cwf �u��r s����7�. �. ����,t� ��aa: ������c:��c� ��' �,��r�, ��,+�,ticar�: ( � � C,�ar �7� +��'��t��� tq��t i�s�,c�ar�� ca�7 t�tty �,u��a�ia� �a����a��y �n�N��:;r� �r��-r��ri�;sic�n ���� �>�rt�i��e�' �c� r��� t�tat �,u�lca� �ar°c.��ac��t:�✓� �� '"p�r�;��r�^, �Ir��ll ir��lu�8a: tf�� �-o-�;r�c�r� c�r g����•.�c��7s �vkr�� c���t��ia�c,c� �a��•�a�is�ic.��� ti, �a�i1ir� tl��� �rca�.��r�ty� �`��a° ����t e,�Fe��at. ��) �m��r° r��a c�if�,�a��� �kt��i. ��c,�u�r� i��q xari�,r�t� ��imc��a�;��v, <� e,��:rsc�n"� s[tal� �a��;l���a� u�o�y� �dtalt �r�r�4�r� �-s�' p�a'���n�, v��lic� B�v� i�� <�r o�7 i��� ��r�:r���oA��y� C���t i� ���v��lv�c� ��� tt�� ���fi�s���. �W�� r=a�r «�►7 ��aff"er��c� CP�t�� �a�t��r°� <�fitc:r ��-�a����r�� AaC"a� ���rtt�mt ��ur�;«�n�t t�,a ,�t�Cicl� 1lf a:�t t,����;. �l�z��ac�t�, <� '"����;�.ro��"" �hall i���lta�i'� t�t� ���t°�ca�� c�� �~�c���t�ra� ��It�:, �����. �a�,i�^�� c�gro t��� ���:,r•tr:r it. � 1�3�-�3. �;��n�;trr��t��rn ��w�l crt���r mac�uin�r�,�. �,. E:°�:����t r�� �p�cci�e�;� i� �;�a�r���;#��an ��ro�°r�t���d�r•, c3�ari���; tl�� a�i�Ettti���� It��aG�'� ��.� �i�fa���� ���. .�rt��:,6� C, ,��` l$�-� ���r�mti�, i¢ �I��I1 i�� ural��°s,��1`up fc7o- ��i7�f��,�,rw��� raa�t���r� d:� ��«��c��n�i�l �;�ac�c, c�r �,vmt��a�r �()(➢ i�e�i ��k' �� l�a���ci�:aati�l �c����, tra ca�a�r•,�t� �c��r�«�ru�t�t�an ��{t,�i���a��,�ttt �i�t�:lt�eiia�� �at�t m���:+t litrt���c� rt�� �;�'�� �ai[� ��ri���;��, �„xc:,a�r�tc��. ���ro�«w���tic.� l�ann��ec`, c�r�r°r��;� ��m` ���<���� c�r �1�:�Cr�i� I�rt�i�sty �r� �c�tc��-r�r a���y �rt�t���i�� �,��rr���t�~u�tG���t� �>r r������t' ��w��s�t`k� ���� �x;� ti� c�rr��;K�C�:� ���+����. C3, I l��w :���Ci��r�7 sl�all otic>t t�c �I����a�t� Cc� pu�irl�i��iti: f l � '"�"�.�r-k: ��f �r� �;r����°�;���c�� ����I�arc. ��� "v�"�r� ':�" a ��rn�a:��,�� r't��tt���� ��a �a��1c��rM��;, �ir�������r��� ��r �ar����c��; ka����� �.�n��m�aG����� l-�y a p��r-�ca��f.�) r°��;ic0����; �rt �;�rck7 ��r�;t��t���; }arc�t�i�.�c�c� �}��t, i�" ��cayr ��c:�r���stic, ��r�����r t�.a��l, i¢y��udi7�� fl���t rra:at 1��7��tt�t1 t� ra��:a�lt���ti�;��ll� �:ac������'�:�� ������> ���t�c��r�,, �ri�ac�er�� �r��l ���;w�� �ra� ���'c��;�� taa��l� tu�;�ti �a�td'��c�c��;w i�; ca���,r�at�;�i a�uA•it�� d:l�� ni�tztlir��e ��e�ur�, r�c� p��:r�,��tt skt��ll �����w,:�t,�� �t,r,c;l�► ��a��f�ir�ca-� s�� ��; t�a �,��t;�� �ac��•��:�,��rr�balc r�c�i�c ��ritf�i�� r� r������yti�l traai1cli�t�; i��• a�:��s� � resit���tta<�I a��;x�l }�a�ay���r�y° �,c��z��cl�tw-�, �r c��rt���i� ��i. a lro��i�d���� at � t�i�9��c��i:, ���"�,5 f��:t ��r �r�a.ar� 6i-c:��r� 1�ic <�;a��ar�� c��'ll�r� ��>��r�a:i, �", 1;���a� g°�r°c�r�r���c>r�� �-a�" t����, ���tu�r�� �)���1� �ta�� a��.��� t:�a N��r��a1�:a� h���7 c�Eac,�•ati�r��� �am� I��aa�� tl�� ��m�i�����,a�l a,��� �� �����'u��� i� ���; �� t;�.rr�� �¢�a.� ���iicl� �arc lc���,�ie�i r�°mt�ti��; � �����a�cy� ���;rmc,ttlt�rr�� r3i�n����t c:rc�tec� und��r tlr� ��r���,i�ic,c�� c�t� ;'�i'ti�l� '��_t^��n'� �:a�' �:���, Na��,� "�"���-� �;i��� �����ic:°�.aikn�rm� zir7d �'I�rl�,:�a:� �...<��r. f�. C.u�ur��d;r�� �+.�IV'�r�°tuc�n vc�l�i�;4�� �rYc� r�cycl�r�� v�1���:�1�� �t����� r�c�t t�� c�g��r�tta.°cl �`c:.ar' �a�al��a}� �a�� �m��,� ci�y l�a�;���r� �:t�(:) K�,r�r. 1c,��1 �ir���. � 1�'4-"�. �""�arti��,, cven�:s c�ar ��tN��ym�in�,'�,. �.. 1� �»kat�ll k�c �r�l�a�,���'c�i fia�� �tr�v pa�,r��rq �n �l��r�� ���` �a ���a�°�v, �:�����at c�r� �;�t���rir�� �6���at �a��u�r� �:ac�a �a��y g�ritr���e c�r �au��1i� ���°��q��rt�� t�� �11���� t���� �astrt}�, �r��nt ��a�' ���tk��������; t,r.� �ir�:'rc��t��: ��r�r��.��at7a�6�1� rr�aise ��itl�i�� ��r��r lrr���lc�ir��> c�r ��t�d�i��� c�f` � k���iltiwrt� ��t: � c�i��w�a:���,� cs�" �� ff�:;�t �ar• oa�ui•� f'x�aat�� �h� �t��a��c� c�d" ���c�� ���ur�c�. It: :�}r<�l1 <�l��a t�� t�t�la�r�irl f�,sa` <�u���! �a<��'�u�;�pa�ai ���u t���ui ���s'�y, �v��tt crr ���tl��^r���� t�� �;c�nt��j�ti�fi� tc� �aac�ti �an��� ���-,n��le rt��i�,�, 1 ��:� ����, at�, .au�� ��w�� § 184-9 NOISE § 184-12 B. Far the purposes of this section, a"person in charge of a party or other event or gathering": (I} That occurs on any public property shall include tize person or persons who obtained permission to utilize that property for that party, e�ent or gathering. (2) That occurs on private property shall include the person who owns the premises involved and any adult person who lives in or on the premises invoIved in such party, event or gathering. (3) Shall incIude the person who is listed on a permit granted pursuant to Article IIT of this chapter with respect to such party, event or gathering. § 184-10. Dogs. Any person who owns, harbors, or is the custodian of a dog in the Town of Ithaca is subject to the noise and other requirements in Chapter 112 of the Town of Ithaca Cade, titIed "Animals," and upon �iolation thereof shall be subject to the penalties set forth in that chapter. ARTICLE IlI Permits § 184-11. Authorization for permit. The Town Board, in its discretion, is authorized to grant a permit for a sgecific waiver from the requirements of this cha}�ter. Such waivers may be granted in those circumstances where the applicant demonstrates that on balance the need for and henefits oF the waiver outweigh ti�e needs and rights of the surrounding neighbors to a peaceable and quiet environment. In determining whether to grant a permit, the Town Boaxd shall consider factors including but not limited to the volume of the noise, the proximity of the noise to sleeping facilities, the time of day or night the noise occurs, the time duration of the noise, and the impact of the noise on persons living or working in difFerent places or premises who are affected by the noise § 184-12. Permit procedure; fee. A. An application for such a permit shaIl be filed with the Town Clerk no less than 21 days before the anticipated need and shall provide the following information: (1) The name of the applicant. {2) The adult person responsible for compliance with the permit, if different from the applicant, which adult person shall also sign the application and agree to be responsible for compliance with the permit terms and any conditions attached to the permit. (3) The reasons for such usage. {4) Plans and specifications of the use. 184:5 Supp 4$, Jul 2019 � l��-I? 1"i"f��,(.°r� �."���1�:; � ���-6� G��� 1'�ui�e �h�t�rxz�ra� �m�aci �car�C�°c�1 ����:,t:���rc�� rt�� �5�, i,��;��. {�� °T`irne �cl��:c�c�1'e:, �'�) ���n�ca�u�t�-aticari ��}av t}�c: ;���p�'1"rct�rtt c°,��rt�tr�� s��,a�f������ tc� t���; ���a}aC�r. ��� "����;,tt ��l�es- inf':c�r����t�ca7� c�:� it�c '1"�a���ra (`I��-� �N�cilc�� "��"�av�r�� �3ca��•c� �t���y �°�«��i�o�t�.l�l�! ���c��irc tc� ��e�uately cc����ic��r tl�� ��s•�r�it ���c��ac��t. L3. 'I`1ra: '�"��w�a �c�arc� ����1 in i�.s �»��I� cii��c�ti�a�a ��air�u d�a� �����lic�tic�n fil�n� r�c��wo��err����t c�rf. "�I �.���'� t�¢��an �;aac�c� cs�t��;� �,i�t�wvr� ��� 1i:�r�. ��t,l'��t- �wr����u�, �,���ial a�r° �xt���u���drt�� �: �¢��t��'�t�t.an�� s. �.", ,�t i(�s� ti���� r�f tl�e �i1is�� c�t` ti�c ��ti:rr�tot w�����lic���ti��n� c�r a�����ic�ti�ar:�s, t17� ���g�lier�l�i �;I°7r�11 ���tw' tfte 'i'c�r�r� a��c.a�r��`t;��d�l�l� f"�� �� �;ct f����r�°r tam�; tt:� t�a��� bwr '��a�t� I:��,ae•c� r�,���l�.�ti��r7, f.:). e��a���i�;��w��t��; �ri��� ��� �tak�t�:�itt��:l �sirt��l�x�.���z��r�l�� f��d �� �i���1� cr�ta:���, r��a��;��m�t;�t��� a~�r a��ttt i6t��-�ca�" t��r �v���t� �:��c:�r�°t•ui7� �� �r �itt�„l� a�3���`�:�� �vi�l�ia� � ccatz��c�u��v� ���-r7�c��t�.1� ��c�-i�a�i. �:r���c��t;; c�t a ��r�xag�:�r �c,���e �ri�� ���� ����}x I�� 6ist�c� ��s� �z��: �����al��:;��tiaap�. <<��]. �a�a�a�ic;;�tica��as sl��ll ��� r�evre��r�ci, ���,c9 c�ct�rr��i����tia�s�s ���ap� k�� �-�:nc�cr��� °:��� �����5 ��}�I���tic�a�. "I`�� 'l"c�w�� E�c��rr� ��vs�y ���w�l��, ��1�far�aa� ���cis�c���s �.�1� irza�c�:�� a�li�1°�:�-�m�t. �;c����iti�r�� c�i� im�iivici�a� �tifc�rrt� c-t�r��<�in�c'{ �,�itkt�rt ��� a���li�atican fcar ra�tt8ti}�1� �v���t�. ��,. .� ���b��9i�. I�����'i��� 'b��'i�r� t��� Y'����rG� f����r,�r�� ��l�rK��ll ���r�� ���I�i ���tw e.c.��n����:1ic'�r� ������tl°r th���� ���a�rli���ic��� rrra l�s� t.���rr fi�re� c���}�� ��ffi�r• �����ry8i��tiz��� c�i' ��c�ti�;� �t s�i�:,9i h�4��•i�-�� 'rm� tk�� °l c��w�r�"� ���f�ci�l r��;�v������;�� `I"l�� i:��;a����7�� c��' �rerrr�il� ������ �r� discr�tic����a►�F. "1"I�� ,q,ab�n��t, ���a�tMci r���y �r��c��� �rayF c:,��r�clitic:�i�s de��c7��a� �l��;c�sa�r~�� �y �ueh �:3����,t•�d tc� ��ui���zni;�� ����° iattt°�t�A��sr� nf" �c�tai�d ��rr�t �rri�,n�t c�c��tr° hy t17� �:,x�rci�c a��' tB��: ��c`ivi1����: �;r�a.��t��1 ��;�� tl��:. }��rt�tat. �.a�y }a�:r-��i� i�:�ta��� �Br�l� �6�a�c� ����� tl��; ��t�rrrt�t �a��ly �����a�i�;� �ti �I�i�; ���������r, �r�� 1:���� � ��().�()„ '��tk�+��va�;i���� "�, ��1' t��� 6'�;rr�l �..,�� ��t' tl�t, `atatr: o�" �t�,�,� "�'c�r`�, ����c:a�"��t�r�11� �;;��nc���ct, �ar�rvuc���, ����t "".� ��e:,r�c�ia i,� ���a�tg� c�i' ci'na���-c�c;ri� �c�r��3t�c� �u���c�, �,�i�t� i��t��z� ��s ���m�� ��ta�Nuc� inc��an��eni�a���, ��na��:�y����a:� i��M ��;:t�rr��, a�r �•e��l�;��pv ct'e�t�a�� �� u�is,k Ri��r-�s�t": ... 1�� rca��.9��� �ar��-�a�ca�7a�a9� rzc,i��;." Cf` ;.i �a�:����il i� i��u��;i�, �� �°r>�� 4�a�" �i�� p�r���i� �ti���aG���i�r� ����w�r �ar�� �Il ��are�ciit'acar�s icr���ca���i �ry- �1�r�, .l„i��r��n 13�.rd�r-�3 �8��s11 k��: fiar��i�h�-c� �c� �Q�e �ar�a:�c��i��� �.°c�aat�t�� �+l�rer�f'�'s T���a��tr�����t 1,�� ih� V��ar��sa i:.�l�rr�k, �;ia�-���[t��ncca���fl�r ����e�rtt E���.z ���m��t.r��;� ��%' �&t� }��;r�a�it t�a th�: �p�l���nt. �µ'. IT��� "I�a���arr� �c��r�.i c����v, �t7 �t.s �;�1�: a�i�Lrcrt:i��r�„ w�i�� tht� k���l�it�� ��af" � ��a�ali�~ tt��r�iw�� �����aw;1 ��c�c� c���s� sl���a�«vn c�ar t��r c�t1��a� u��ic����, �pc�i��l c:�r~ �:;�:i�r�a�dtti�7� �ir�ua7��t�nc��. Q:�. I���s�.�t,�tia�a� crf` r�n�s�, �€�r��t�.i��. T�1�>i�� }��r�tnifi� ����y la� �u�:�p�n�ed ���- r��-�k�rl ��17e�� id �� c��t�r��r��i�t,� dla�t th�rc i�; �r �ic�lx�ti��r� c�t° � s���w��litit�r7 t�r���r• r�rh�c;l� t��a; �r�t-i��it �e��; i�:�u��, car i�� i���ic.rr�a�atic�r�� �;uk��aaot�e��i i�� �c�r�a���ti��ati �viil� th� ��rta�ut �g��rl�r'c;�%.�t��� c�r �»�i�lt <� c<a��r���ic�r� r�1'the }��;n�rit u�a:� �r7c:��rc°��:t, irr�c�ur���e:X, c�a• �c�uc�tr��alei�. 1 `���:�� ti��pp ��i,,,Nr�1 �4�iC°w � § 184-13 N4ISE § 184-15 i ARTICLE N - , , Violation and Penalty § 184-13. Enforcement of violations. Enforcement may be facilitated by, but shall not be dependent upan, complaint by a resident of the Town to a Town Code Enforcement O�cer or county or other law enforcement officer. Any police officer or peace officer or any person wi�o may be lawfuIly designated by the Town Board shalI have the authority to issue appearance tickets in connection with any violation of ti�is chapter. § 184-14. Penalties for violations. A. A violation of this chapter is her�by declared to be an offense, with convic�ion of a first offense punishable by a fine of up to $S00 or imprisonment not to exceed 15 days, or both. For can�ictian oF a second or subsequent offense which was committed within a period of five years from the commission of the prior offense, a violator shall be subject to a fine of up to $1,000 or imprisonment not to exceed 15 days, or both. With respect to continuous emissions of sound, each day of such emission shall constitute a separate violation. B. In addition, persons who violate this chapter shaIl he liable for a civil penalty of $500 for a firsi violation and $1,000 for a second or subsequent violation which was committed within a period of five years from the commissian of the prior violation. _ With respect to continuous emissions of sound, each day of such emission shall `�, constitute a separate vialation. The Attorney for the Town or his or her designee may � commence an actian or special proceed'eng against the �iolator in a court of competent jurisdiction to collect these penalties, together with cos#s, disbarsements and reco�erable attorneys' fees, and/or to compel compliance with this chapter or restrain by injunction any such violation. § 184-I5. Liability of owner. The owner of any real property {except public highways, and other publicly owned facilities) from which sounds prohibiteci by this chapter emanate shall be guilty of a violation oF this chapter, whether ar not such owner was on the premises ar occupied the premises when the proscribed sounds emanated from same. 184:7 5upp 48, JuI 2019 �`f?! ldC`LW��� r��C7 ,C.@��hC"}t"�C.` �5�� .��tcrclar�ai�a�# 1 '��}���!u�1� .�, �it�p [nk��r��c;t�ti�a�u;� ���►c���t�� �-1 �-� ����� N M iJ�� �"����g���; ��'I���;�a�i��� �..�r�� ��t it:� i»�,�;�'�,ec�.t��rr �m�ith �'��������rt�•�� ��,�.��� �A�d��� �-�-��!��J ��u �hb��,�x�� ��l�a�iv�: �t� �S��s�ro����° `�tr�,�� iat��t���cti4�t� [.��i��� ��ll�-��,(1�1� ��� I�.F,L.'I'�+��.�. l�-2�(D�� C:)�� r"trr�iaa�r� t.,�nc �t: ��� t�tt��i�°��.�c�iic;���� ��itf� `���rcra ��til� �.��'iv��:^ ��t�e����l �-�-2t1��� C�ru ��im°���r��:���c� Z���a�� �t �a�6cn� ��r-�v� (�n �iu��l��✓�r��c� ��7riv�: [*1�r�'il� �t `tidd�c�� G.)riv� f7n k�lw��4��t��aa� e'��Fcn�e ��� �:.`l��-i�tr.r�rl�cr• l..s���t�; ��r� ��1<��;�stc:����; ,�:vc;rl�� �3� ��r��at �tr��t, ��c�t�9�a�c-��.tnd ca��a��r�a�c;�� C�n I�1���;q��ta>�ta� r-"�v�:c7aae a� 6����� ��r��t, �c>tat��k��t��t�'� ��}����~����hi �a7 }�rt���t�,�w,�i��� 1:)�i��e ��t''�'i��tl�r�c�a�� f���iw°�; NAa��I�,�N 1-��)-�C��)� i�,� l:..i,. TV�. �-�C1��] ()�� �3g���s�c�yrvir�� C�)�i�r� �t ti:"17r•��,ic:r�ak��;a� [.,{�rry� C7�� ��,ru��r`���a.�caci L:�riv� s�t f3%r��;���v��r.w�� I�ia�ive (.1�� ����.���r��a��� l�a�i�� �t ��3m���,h�����a�e� ��)�•�rr�� T�S��r�t�� �:�n f��a�°1c�i�,h'� I��°i��� �t �I}��k:��,�n l�c.,��� �,�ilc��;a1 1-1�-��Cl�� �ro�° 1.,.1„ �vr�. �-�0��� C��a ��,��-�'�s "'���v G�i ut� ���t��l����.���ric� a�}�r�t�ca�c�� tc� t.h� ia�C�►���;a�t�a�x� �v�t�� �aui-r7� k����ci p��►r��n�l,�� l_ ��-�(I�G�� M��� t.�.l:�. ��. �.�r�N��l ()�� (:"a�al�v�lp �'c���c� at i�s t�+�rtl� iarot+�r��c;tucs�� w;�rat�� C:.."��rr7�a�s f�,e��a�� Qr#���t�c� 1��4�149�,i] ()�� C"���ci��°�ll ���r�� at i��; �cautli 6n,i:��x;��:,+�4i�an� �+✓it�l �`<�r���7���; ��.ca�c�' �r"�a�c��t3 1�-�-i'��J'�J 4:7�� �: r�t�4iw��1� ��,c:���ci �t� Fear��'t t ����°���: ���r-or���:. [.�,d�+�� �(�-�-�'��9� C��� C ����r��-����.�1 �a�����u� �t �r����kii�:l�� 1����ztd ���c�+�� ��1.�GV-�11��4��5 �a,y^ f�.l�. �v'ra�. 1-�CN�V)5� ���� �"a����N�t>�11 ,�vcn�u�; �t i�� ia�t��°���t%���� �s�i��� H�a�sk�m�� �'I�a�c; �,�,c�a���.� �-�.�-��)14 ���� f.�.l�.., ?�c�. ��. 2di1144� (,��� �`��ui�i�tc���l7a�t` (�u�'�,��; Q�a�� e�roc6) a�t {'l�r�i,�t��h�r L,�a�a� C�t� C:.;"�uri�tca��l���- �'�rc1� Qr���t c�r��i� «at C'.�t��i�tc��a1'�e:i° I.r��r,� �`qn C�i;7���,�rr°d �'1�c� �mt C�zu�°tl�;,a�,9� �.?ri�c CCwb�� C°��,���t�r° C.°ir�l�^ �� irit�r���:iica�t ����i0� C`°�nit`c�° l:)�ir�r�; [.+�c��1e.t� :��1(�W���il� ��° �..�.�» �ir�. �n_2N�()$] (�t� �"c�r� �al�r� 6�c�ad �t �:8��� ��a���1 1:,,�.t�n�;i�r�a ° F",�iut�r-'�; �c�tc: �titu�a inte�s�:�iirrr�w �e-c:r� �encave�i c�n tt�e fr►IBar�vrw�� �1�ates: �-�-2llll4, 1-1(M-�CMi�� by° I.�.L. C���. 1-�CYfN�. ���:`��� �^+�$'�eil¢��1tl11C��1�� � : �� �a�paqr 4�, Jrn1 �i'Mi�r7 ITHACA CODE On Culver Road at Poole Road On Deerfield Place at Salem Drive On Deer�eld Place at Winston Drive ' ` % On Dove Drive at its easterly intersection with Snyder HiII Road On Dove Drive at its westeriy intersection with Snyder Hi12 Road On Drew Road at Woodgate Lane On Eastern Heights Drive at Sharlene Drive, eastbound approach On Eastern Heights Drive at Sharlene Drive, westbound approach On Eastern Heights Park drzveway at its intersection with Skyvue Road [Added 3-10-2008 by L.L. No. 6-2008] On Eldridge Circle a� its intersection with Southwoods Drive [Added 3-8-2004] On Elm Street Extension at Culver Road [Added 3-10-2008 by L.L. No. 6-2008] On Elm Street Extension at Poole Road On Forest Home Drive at Caldwell Road On Forest Home Drive at Judd Falls Road, eastbound approach On Forest Home Drive at Judd Falls Road, westbound approach On Forest Home Dri�e at intersection with Pleasant Grove Road [Added 3-10-z008 by L.L. No. 6-2008] On Forest Home Drive at intersection with Warren Road, northbound approach [Added 3-10- 2008 by L.L. No. 6-2008] On Forest Home Drive at intersection with Warren Road, southbound approach [Added 3-10- 2008 by L.L. No. 6-2008] On GIenside Road at Coy Glen Road On Grove Road at Woolf Lane On Hackberry Lane at Coy GIen Road On Haller BouIevard at E1m Street Extension On Harris B. Dates Dri�e at its intersection with the entrance road to Cayuga Medical Center [Amended 7-12-2004 by L.L. No. 7-2004] On Harris B. Dates Drive at its intersection with Indian Creek Road On the westerly ex�ensian of Harris B. Da#es Drive (extending westerly to the Professional Building Drive) at its intersection with the north-south portion of Harris B. Dates Drive On Harwick Road at Honness Lar�e On Harwick Road at Strawberry Hill Circle [Added 1-IO-2005 by L.L. No.1-2005] On Harwick Road at Wildflower Drive 250 Attachment 1:2 Supp 48, a� zois VEHICLES AND TRAF�'IC ��` � On Homestead Road at Homestead CircIe, eastbound approach [Added 7-8-2019 by L.L. No. �� F" 4-2019] On Hopkins Road at intersection with Bundy Road [Added 3-14-2008 by L.L. No. 6-20U8] On John Street at Park Lane On Judd Falls Road at Arboretum Road On Judd Falls Road at Campus Road, northbound approach On Judd Falls Road at Campus Road, southbound approach On Judd Falls Road (north end) atForest Home Drive [Added ].-10-2005 by L.L. No. 1-2005J On Judd Falls Road at Tower Road, narthbound approach On Judd Falls Road at Tower Road, southbound approach On Kendall Avenue at intersection with PennsyIvania Avenue [Added 11-1.0-200$ by L.L. No. 17-2008j On LaGrand Court at Chase Lane On Laradmark Drive at Paric Lane On Larissa Lane at Schickel Road intersection [Added 3-10-2008 by L.L. No. 6-2008] On Lexington Drive East at Burleigh Drive On Lexington Drive West at Burleigh Drive � �. On Lisa Place at Lisa Lane l � On Lisa Lana at Texas Lane On Longview Drive at Poole Road On Maplewood Drive at Pinewood Drive On Maplewood Drive at Salem Drive �n Marcy Court at Whitetail Drive On McIntyre Place at Forest Horne Drive On McIntyre Place at Judd FalIs Road On OId Gorge Road at intersection with Southwoads Drive [Added 3-10-20U8 by L.L. No. 6- zoasa On Orchard Street at Roat Street On park Lane at Tudor Raad, both approaches On Peachtree Lane a� Seven Mile Drive jAdded 3-&2004] On Pennsylvania Avenue at intersection with Kendall A�enue, northwest-bound approach [Added 11-10-2008 by L.L. No. 17-200$j On Pennsylvania Avenue at intersection with Kendall Avenue, southeast-bound approach [Added 11-10-2008 by L.L. No. 1.7-20087 On Penny Lane at Lois Lane, eastbound approach [Amended 1-14-2005 by L.L. No. 1-2005] On Penny Lane at Lois Lane, westbound approach IAdded 7-13-2009 by L.L. No. 9-2009] 254 Attachment 1:3 Supp 48, a�i zoi9 �Ti �A�C.'� (."t:��:)� (.�n �'�rc�� C�.���c�e �t i�t�r��ctic>wa r;���t�� I��.ui�ciy E�a��l ��tl�3�c� :3�1.#)-2��� I�V �.,.�.. �"+1+�. Cr-2����3� G"�d� &�}r���;����� J.������ at l��a��� [)�•i�,�;, �<��;i�cr�i�r� �}����°�aM��l� Cw��� }�C�c<���r�t I,�t�� K�t �c�ve ]�r°i�re:, rvta�tkac.�a�rrd ��S��µ����a�l� C�a� �''i���������a�� I''l'��c� a1 �t;; i��i�r,��c�ic�rr7 �a;w�itl� �i�°�la�v�:.�c��1 ��ri�f� "w,c�ttth [,r��ic�+��l 3-�-�i)()�� �)r�. fi'���.�1� F�.�ar�c� �� �9� itrc��t ���;:ta����i<�r� ��"4cir�+�a�1 ��1()-21)i�� i�;� M;,.i.,. �r�. 1-2C�(l�] �:�t't F�es;�r����� 0.��tn� �t Sra,}r�ict� �-�ill ��c���t� C�n �c:�t��v��k: 6�er�,��ts F�.�-�a�i ;a� ��c:��'u��vick ��t-��°� C�t� �i�.a�� `�taM�;�:� ��t i�at�s���c�i���� ����u:l� ff'#l��q�,�tc���� ,��,���n��a �,ArM�l�m1 �_:t�9�4�1:M4�'� �,�r 1�.[,.» S�a�w �r�2i���3j1 (.)r� k�.Po.�;�d "�t:r°�:e� �t i��t�r��.c�tira¢w ��r%t�� Q)c'� kt��re� ��r��t.> ���;tk���tdx��l �p�:r�`��ci� C�,��ti,��c! �-1C.�-�4��D�� ka� �..s.i.,. C�i,�. (�-2(l��j C�t� �c��t �tit�°�,�i �t i�tG1���cti�rt �vftl� C.,)�~����rd tit���et; �v�;��l�rc��.ur�c;i ��r�ra.����;h NAu�cle�t� 3-1f�-2fi�(�� k�y I�.�. N�►. (r-2�a�l�� Cti�a I��r�,�lti]'8 l���ci �t t�9�r�"��:� ��a���� ()oa T��s�l�ilf ��cr�c� �t'�v'it��taaa-� LJr°i���; (��� �;�. C;r�t��u�c��ir�� Cw��a,l� �� ��1�c��.�;t��rro�: �v�r��a� ��r� '�t. �:�����^ri��� C'irc�� �t `�i�rr�� l�c°�ve CJr� ��r��;,��a;��•y t�rnv� ai ���r�r��;k�;c• W�ac:>��s �c.��c� C;��� ���c�'���� �'l��cc �tt �'irrt.l�rr��� U��°u�fc� �➢�a ��aa`4����� 'W���f �at i�ti �a��r��a ���t,�r,�;a:c:ti���:� �ti it17 "���t�t�t�al f::��°iv� <:')�� "���������: "w4'��_y dvt it� �can�i�t ir�i�r���°,t�c��� +���ith �r'�"I�i1.a�i�z�� 17��i���; �J�-m `���d�r����:7� &�ea�t� r�t �r�y����r I��II ��c���r� �Ae�c���i "?_�?-�fl(8��3 ���� �.�.. �a�. �2.���t�t�� {��irt �1:�$����ai7� E�k�a�� af �f�t���ar ���d�t� ���,ci'��;�1'�2a-2(�f.11� 6�y 1.�.1:.�. ��rF il'�-2�1��3� (�r� �ourH:�t�r���-y TJ� ive at �3�•���c��'e���r��: ��riv� C�x7 �ik�-�'t.r� F�ca�Xd �t �a��y��3�;r �-�ipq C�����I C)n �;t�>a�r� t�t�H��-�-�y� F����c� �t I�ir�� ��c�ar� "'�VV��t ti�.)o� �ti�r�t���k�a�rr� l�il� �c�a� �t "+�i��d�aa��ea� 1��°��r� (��� �u,G���°������� �.,�ut�� r�t ���yc1�r �li�l Rca<�� C?a� `�L,w77��yvi�r�,r p.,�t:rt� a,t �I"tr�r�a���r'r��,�� f)r�v� �)i� �yc:4s�m�ar� I:�rive ai Pin���r��c�c8 C:�r-iv�, �)�� ��`c�������� [�t°��r� a� 4��1e��� Gw)ru��� (;�rt ��"��r��t�ar� ��r•��r� ati 1���^��:���ll �a��ti. �7c7�����-r��ar�� ���:���rt����l� �)�� �"�a���a'ia,�� ��r��r� �k �c���;}�ala �,�:�aa1, �4:r��1h��rkxnd �����r°c����l� C`)t� .1,��-¢�a�r��efi�� ��r�+✓� a� 9.:3t�u�t��;�:� I.,t�n�: �.�s� `��,�r•�`�a���i�w l�r�a��� �f ..�"a�v�,�c:��r't��n� ��rir��, ��7�.�2hr.;d��t:l����ur�ci M��a��-c�a�,l� ��mu �].•��cr�� 4�:`"��t��•t ���t �7v"hit�t.r��i� I�u•kvc� ��C� .��it�cl�aa,���t 1:f� ��,��:a�„1�n v����z VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC � On Tudor Road at Park Lane � On The Byway at its easterly intersection with Forest Home Drive On The Byway ai its westerly intersection with Forest Home Drive On Townline Road at Sandbank Road On Valley View Road at Elm Street Extension On Vera Circle at its northeriy intersection with Waodgate Lane On Vera Circle at its southerIy intersection with Waodgate Lane On West Haven Road at Elm Street Extensian On West Hill Circle at intersection with West Hill Drive (both intersec�ions) [Added 3-1Q-200$ by L.L. No. G-2008] On West Hill CircIe on the westerly exii of the bus turnaround [Added 3-10-2008 by L.L. No. 6-2008] On Westview Road at Towerview Drive, northwestbound approach On Wildflower Drive at Honness Lane On Wildflower Drive (north end) at intersection with Strawberry Hill Circle [Added 3-10-2008 by L.L. No. 6-2008] On Winston Court at SaIem Drive On VVinston Court where the easterly end of the southerly portion of Winston Court running � � east and west intersects the easterly portion of Winston Court running north and south On Winston Court where the southerly portion of Winston Court running east and west intersects the westerly portion of Winston Court running north and south On Winston Court at the northerly end of the middle portion of Winston Court which runs north and south On Winston Covrt at the southerly end of the middle portion of Winston Covrt which runs north and south On Winston Court at Winston Drive On Winston Drive at Salem Drive On Whitetail Drive at its northerly intersection with Saranac Way, eastbound approach [Added 10-4-1999] On WhitetaiI Drive at Teton Court, westbound approach [Added 10-4-1999] On Waodgate Lane at Pooie Road On Wyckoff lZoad at Renwick Drive 250 Attachment 1:5 Supp 48, Ju12019 § ��a�-�� �c:����� � ��a-�� ac;ce����F ��tui�di���;s s�all �la� ��ce�d l5 �'ee� irr la�i�ht. "I'l�e f�re����� a�ci�ht l�t�itat��i�� sha11 zfc�t �}��ly t� �i�ailc��rr�s ar�rd str��ctur�s u�e�i �'ca� a�d�i��.��t�aral }�ur�c�s�� c�n lands t���e ��rir�cip�� us� ��rf`���I�ic�17 �s au� a fa�'n� ��zd eRa�ir�l� �r�; Vc�c���� ���i�3�i�3 a c�r��r��y� a�.;ri��.iltaa�al �'rsiroct cr����;d u��der tl�� �r���a�icans c�f �,rticle �5-A�1 c�f i�� %Iew �"c�rk '�tat� t1�ri���ltast°� ar�c� Mark�t� L�e�. ����}7 ���ic�l�ut-al lauilt�dn�s an� ��ru�t�rres �� l��c�tcd cm�y k�e �;�anstr�G�ct�c� vvitl�c��:�t I����it�tic�n� �s ��r h�i��ar:s. � �79�-6�. Yar�1 �-e��l�t"rc�n�. �n �.,�r�v I)�:nsity I�esider�ti�l Zc�,��.s ya�°�;� �i' ��t ➢ea:;t tla� �cr�l�u���n� �irlti��isic�r�� a�w� r�q�ac�cl: .�. ����ar�t ��t'c�; ?�1�t ��s�; t���an �}ae av�;r��� ���a��� caf the, frc�nt �°ards �af` lau►lcjix��s �a�t l��ts 't�n�ne�3i��ely adj��ed�t. l.�cav�revur, the ftw�ar�t y-�.�x�� cl��t}i ��u��1 ���t �e- less ���aR� 3�1 f��t �ir 1]e�� at �rc �r�^ater tl�arr �aC� %efi. �. F�.car yard; 1�l�at le�� �han 5� fe�� in c3e�tlx. C", �Sa+��le ya�~�s: ��c;Y� rrr�t 1�s� t➢�a.n 4f} ��e� ir� w�ic�tfl�. [,�traM�t�ded �-13-�{112 by L.�... I'�c�. 11- �f�12] C�. Car��t�r ya:�°ds: I'��fi�rifitlst�nc�ir�� tE�� far°��c�i���, �ny �p�cial yard reql�nr�en�a�ts fic�r �pec��c ��ses �ar �����c����� �et tK-ar��� �ls��,v��e�-e �r� ll�is �l-���tc,r sk�a�l�, if ���c�r� �°estri�,�i��e, supers�c�''e th� al�ov� �,��t'�l �t•�vis�c�r��. �. r�e:�;�s�c�ry bizildir���. (�me�ndecl �-1���(�1� ��' �..�, C�io. 11-2{�1�; 12�11-2Q�7 ���° L.i�. �aa, 2Q-2017] � 1) ��aildi�d�s 4�c�u�7ie�' by a c��k�ckteci �eccs�crpy ti�w��IlaC�� ����it, ,�rty ���11 �uil�3ia��s m�st be �t�c�tcd iQ� a��e�r �,�arc�, �� �t 1�:�.s� S() �`eet f'c���n �n�� si�� Gc�� lia��, ar�d b� atr 1���� �5 t�,et %'i5r���7 a mear l�t li���. ('.�) �11 c�tl7e� ������c���y �auildi��� (e;>:ce�t ��r���s, a�tci ���;�:}at ���ca�atiisl�Lc9s rr���tin� tl7e r�;q�ic��mea�t� r�� �au�isactic>z� Ca hel¢��r�) d���y iic�i crc���p�,� ���y c�}aerr �p��e crt�7e� t1��n � rear yard, �?a� A�c�es�c�sa-y �uildi���s (it�clu�iry�; �;�r��e�, w��rc�c��l�e��, �r�d la�ild;��s u��,���i�d byt a dei�c���� �c�es�c��y dwellin� �an��;), i�y t�a� ���r��at�, ����y �ccti�py i��t tll�+s�e ttian i5°la c�f th� tif�yF-�°e�c�t rFeax° yar� ��:�k�ac� r�r�u�red �,y S���a:;�cti�n � a��ive. C�#� �c��;e��c�r}= bzaiCdi���s (e�c�pt tc�r �<������ a�d kauildia7�s ��c�ap��°d ��p � ���ac}7cd a�,�;�s��a�y cl�wv�llun� �i7it) s1�a��1 �� r�rrt l�.z�s tl�atl th�cv f��t fg��,Y�1 a�xy si�� �.a�- r��r l�� ]ir7e. ,�,a�y ac��sscr�-v 1�uildin�» c�C1��r t�t�a� � ��ra�� ��' a �iuidc�itl� �c�up�at;�1 �� a� d�tach�d ���c�e��;c�r-y� dti��lli��� s�t�it, +ar� a carxier lc�� sh�l� k��, a�c�t le:�;� th�t� �v� f�t;t fr�z� tl�e r��r 1�� lir3e. lp'. C��r•a��s: fi.r' ��t�ch�� �r de��ck�e�l ��r��,c i�c���� �ac����y a�7�� y��r� }�a4t�vi�i�d t:��t �t s}x�ll h�� n�m Be�s t17a�1 30 feet �ra:��� tl��: f�°t��i �art��aa�r�F lii��, nc� l�ss t1ia� �� �'�e� �`r�,rr� � side 1cr�e, z�z�d ��c, ��ss t����� 5C� �'��� frc�rn a a°�a�� lic��:. "��l d����;lae� �,�t-z��s iix �1�� ����-��at� �l���lN mc�rt ��s��c:c� � tcala9 c�i' C�Ch� �q�a��r� ieei 9�� �izc, I��;�a���c� �ar•��c� sl»11 ta� i�7c1��1�c8 iflro t:l�e c;�l�ul�t3ca�4 c�i' �c���sc�c�y �ualc�i���s C13art, irx t&ue a��r���,ta;, t��a� a�c�t �ccug�y n��a�-� tl�uaa� Y 5°/"0 �f arq�r r�+�t.�i�et� e`��r` var�l, filcat��ik�:;iKac�diaa� t�pe 1��r��caf���;, tlae fi�llc�evin�; �1��1� �}���1:,�: [Addcd �3,13-�f}1� by �i.�.�m�. I'��» 11-2�D12] �7�:5� ��,�� �t�,.rwr zar� � ���-��r 1°r�-��c�. cMc�ra:� � ��o-�� �( �) In c�c�e of t���; �ic�e ya:rd�, � c���c-s�c�r�v �ar��;e, �itl�er att��ka�t� ta� �1�� �ar�ir�ci��� laaaildin� c�r s��d��-at� tEtiereirc�tn, tr�a� �� �c� l��s thar� 1� f��;t frcam ��%d� lint, ��hi�k� i�� w�c�t a�tr�e� lirre. 1�� tf�e r��� yard, � c�ra�e-str�ry �I�t�,�k��d ���•�g� �r��y b�: ��t� l��s tl���� fivc �'�e� frc�r�7 �ci�� sp�l� �:�r r��r ]cb� lir�e. (�) A �r�e-a;tc>r�� deta+�6��� �;ara��, �h�t �e�v�s �Iwel�nxi�s a�� iwrc� ��p��r�t� 1c�Es �7�ay- ��� b��ilt ��rta�� a�,c,rn�n���7 Icr� l'ic�� �+�uit�� ����r�ty w�ll �i�r tnu�ual a�re���a�nt �,e��w�e�a� �djc�ir�ir�� }���c��a�rt�i �a�v���rs., �ar�v�cl�� �1��� tliec� is �t ]e��sC �an� �����;� h���y �a�� c��la l�t, aaa� fi�rkBler pr�vac��:,�1 �l��t ti�e �a����c ccu�ets t��c f'rc3x�� �a�cr��e�-ty lan� ��tt��cl� r�;-qu�►t'ettler�t al���w°e, �, �p VV�"l�e�-� tl�� avera�e �7,�tvt°�1 �ta�.�e cafi' �� lcat ex�e�ds �°�'�, t4�s�,x c�r ial� dzr�c,�I;� ii��.�vc�7 th�e sfi3�ee� line, ��arre-���uy d�:���hed ��:r���� �a�a�l�9c �# i��u�i�� nc�t in �xc;�ss a�i t�vc� �;�a�s �r��y b� Ica�;�t�d i� t.l�c frc�xa� c��- �id� y�rc� nc�t Ics� xl�a��� �iv� t��t 1m�c�n� s�id st���t linc �z�r�n �•e�,���=i�7� � s�i��;i�l ���,rc�v�l frcar�� �6�� �c��r� �t' A}�pe�.l�. �. ''�'���ds��e�9s: .r� �rc�+�d�E��:ci i�t�icYa &�a� na mcr�� �han 1�DC� s��xaxe f��t i�a �7�c�r ar�a anc� th� I�i��rest ��c�i��i a�f �whrcl� �s r�c� o�ur�r� tla�n iC� freet ab�v� �;r�uct� le�°�[ c���y c�c�:�a��F ��id� �%��°d, pr�.�vi�e�i t�1�t t67e ���al st�ra�� s���c� �f al� �n�c��ds��eds ir� a side �rar� �9���1 r��t �ae mr.�re thaz7 l,�ld� �;�tbic %et. A w�uc�s��-c9 i.n � si�� y�ard s�7�1� ��� taat 1�;�;� t1�an three teet fr��n� r�r7y �xc3e d�t l���c., ��d�iec� 8-:13-2(�Il'� t��� :L.L. Nc�» � 1-��12� � 274)-b�.. �3ui��cii�� area. �"��� a����umu�n bui�d�c�� ar�a s���ll a�r�t e�ce�c3 1C�°,�� ��" t��� Nc�t �r��. �'r�g�.ct°r�n5 �e�cd��rbe,� i� �?"��1�-�?4 �r� a�can tc� b� u���lu�ec� n�� ccai�7}�u�tia��; i8�� �aerc;es�ta�;�. � �?p-(i2. ��r.e and �re� c��' 1��i� ��c�ts in i..r.�ww� llet��ity R�sidea�ti�1 "�,"carae� �t��ll ��l��t nl�� f�lfl��wii��; n�inimaa�� ����uzir�a�7e��ts. ,A. i'����i�nu�� lat area sl��ll ��� at [c��� :��,(��1�� s�uare feet, �r�cC I3. �'qit�t�an�zary� wicitl� �t th� s;fc�e�t Niz��� s���l� ��; i(��t fi��try �nci C�. �Bi��i�nu�tt r�uidt�u �t t�� rn��i,num rc�.�u�re� �"r���t y�rd :�e�l���„1� lwrxe ��(.) 1'��� Craar� rt:��� �tceet Bir�e) �1���� b� ] SC� f�et; �nd f�. 1'�ii.r�i�x��r�� �9�pth ti'c�an tl�c hf�hway ru�l�t-+�f-r��y� s)��[l be ?�� f��t. � �7p-�i,�. ��ecia! �r�r�►�r-tie�. � �me�tdec� �-1�-20:1'� b�yr L.L. �+f c►. �-2�M 19� 1�� �1��; ��se eaf p�ublicyly c���r��d �ar���er�i�s ���d �arc,��a�1�s t�#' ur7ivcrsGtics, �c�#le���, ��r���x�ries, �ar �t}�ec pri�u�,t�e a��stitu�ia�ns ]r��at�r� ir� �:,a��v-L3�n�,�iy R�±;�r��n�i�1 ;�ca���s, w�i�h cc���t�aros� d�t. 9east s�� �tcre� ia� Kx�-e� �n� a;r� t�°ave�°s�cl by� �r�t�t°�c�r ��»ds c�r �r�w���w�v�, tti� �"rc���ut, s�d�, ��d r��r y���� �°�c�u1���r�a�a�t� s�t �"�ar�ix a�csve s8y�ld ���a1y c���ly r�M�n� �he �:�teJ•"rc�r �u�,li� �tr�et d"raa��ta�e� aa�d ai+�r�� lac�u��7d�rie:� ti�ikl� adjac�;��fi ��ra���M°ti�� wla���� dc�t c7urr������i� is �l�t ided�tacal. Nc��with�t�i�d�n�, t1�c �rcavisi�r��� i�� „��` �70-�26, �au�licly c�wner� �,r�r��rti�s a�ld prz�p��ies ��, �aa��v�r�ifii�=;, c�rlle�cs, a;���t��€;�i�s, car catfl�� �rrarr�tc ir�stituk�ca�ts �a�c��ed in ��ae�-�er7sit}, Ei�sit��r�ti�� 1'�rr�e� �nay° l��v� �t��a°t� tE���� �r�� ��rin�ix��1 buildir��; ca�a � lc�i. 27(�:�� �ar�,�, ��, aG�� z�a�� § 270-64 ZONING § 270-b6 § 270-G4. Parking. �' ~! Parking requirements sha�l be as set forth in Article XXVII. ARTICLE IX Medium Density Residential ZoQes § 270-65. Purpose. The purpose of the Medium Density Residential Zone is to create areas that are almost exclusively residential in nature where there is minimal intrusion of commercial, farming, or other activities that could be detrimentaI to residential development and occupancy. § 27U-66. Permitted principal uses. Only the following buildings or uses are permitted as a matCer of right in a Medium Density Residential Zone: A. A one-family dweIling to be occupied by no more than: (1) One family, or {2) One family plus no more than one boarder, roomer, lodger, or other occupant. B. A twa-family dwelling consisting of a principal dwelling unit and an internal or ,� attached accessory dwelling unit, provided that: [Amended 12-11-2017 by L.L. No. i 20-2017] (1) The principal dwelIing unit is occupied by no more than one family plus no more than one boarder, roomer, lodger or other accupant; (2) The accessory dwelling unit is accupied by no more than one family; and (3) The applicable requirements of § 270-219.6 (Accessory dwelling units) are met. C. Publicly owned park or playground including accessory buildings and improvements. D. Any municipal or public utiIity purpose necessary to the maintenance of utility services except that substations and similar structures shall be subject to the same setbacEc requirements as apply to residences in the district in which the substations or similar structures are constructed. E. Day-care homes, family day-care homes and group family day-care homes. F. Community residence. G. SmalI wind energy faciIities, subject to the limitations on small wind energy faci�ities set forth in § 27�-219.4. [Added 8-11 2fl08 by L.L. No. 13-2008] 2']Q:5$ Supp 48, 3ul 2019 § 270-67 ITHACA CODE § 270-G7. Priucipal uses a�thorized by special permit only. § 27'0-68 The following uses are permitted in a Medium Density Residential Zone, but anly upon receipt of a special permit for same from the Planning Board in accordance with the procedures set forth in this chapter: A. : Church or ofher places oi worship, convent and parish house. Cemetery and the buildings and structures incident thereto. C. Public, parochial and private schools, public library, public museum, day-care center, nursery school, and any institution of higher Iearning including dormitory accommodations. I� E. Fire station or other ptibIic building necessary to the protection of or the servicing of a neighborhood. Golf coUrse, driving range or miniature golf course. F. Bed-anci-breakfast facilities providing no mare than two bedrooms for transients, unless the size of the Iot on which the facility is located is at least 30,000 square feet, in which event up to four bedrooms may be used for transients. § 270-68. Permitted accessory buiIdings and uses. The following accessory buildings or uses are permitted as of right in a Medium Density Residential Zone: A. Off-street garage or parking space for the accupants, users and employees in connection with uses perznitted in this article, but subject to provisions of § 270-227. B. Where the principaI use is as a one- or two-family dwelling, private swimming paol, tennis courts, and other simiIar recreational facilities for the principal private use of fhe occupants of the dwelIing. C. Up to three accessory buildings other than a garage or a building accupied by a detached accessory dwelling unit, alZ such accessory buildings in the aggregate not to exceed a tofal of 600 square feet in size unless the lot is three acres or larger, in which event the aggregate area of the accessory buildings may not exceed 2,000 square feet. [Amended 12-11-2017 by L.L. No. 2U-2017] D. A temparary building for commerce or industry, where such building is necessary or incidental to the development of a residential area. Such buildings may not be continued for more than one year except upon receipt of a special approval from tiie Board af AppeaIs. E. The keeping of household pets in a dwelling unit or other location adjacent to or accessory to a dwelling unit (e.g., outside doghouse, etc.) provided that no more than three household pets shall be kept outside of dwelling units unless a greater number is authorized by special approval of the Zoning Board of Appeals. 270:$6 5app 48, Ju12019 § a7a-7 i zorr�rrG § Z�a-�3 {3) Accessory buildings {including garages, woodsheds, and buildings occupied by a r' �'� detached accessory dwelling unit), in tiie aggregate, may occupy not more than , �0% of the thirty-foot rear yard setback required by Svbsection B aho�e. (4) Accessory buildings (except for garages and buildings occupied by a detached accessory dwelling unit) shall be not less than three feet from any side or rear lot line. Any accessary build'rng, other than a garage or a buiIding occupied by a detachec� accessory dwelling unit, on a corner lot shalI be not less than five feet from the rear lot line. F. Garages: An attached or detac}�ed garage may occupy any yard provided that it shall be no less than 25 feet from the front property line, no Iess than 15 feet from a side line, and no less than 30 feet from a rear line. All detached garages in the aggregate shall not exceed a total of 600 square feet in size. Detached garages shalI be inc�uded in the calculations of accessory buildings that, in the aggregate, may not occupy more tiian 40% of any required rear yard. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following shall app�y: IAdded 8-13-2012 by L.L. No. 11-2012] (1) In one of tiie side yards, a one-story garage, either attached to the principal building or separate therefrom, may be no less than 10 feet from a side line which is not a street line. In the rear yard, a one-story detached garage may be no less than five feet from any side or rear lot line. {2) A one-story detached gara�e that serves dwellings on two separate Iots may be built across a common lot line with a party wall by mutuaI agreement between adjoining property owners, provided that there is at Ieast one garage bay on each �, �ot, and further provided that the garage meets the front property line setback , reqairement above. (3) Where the average natural slope of a lot exceeds 8% rise or fa11 directly from ttae streei 1ine, a one-story detached garage capable of housing not in excess of two cars may be located in the front or side yard not less than five feet from said street line upon receiving a special approval &om the Board of Appeals. G. Woodsheds: A woodshed which has no more than 100 square feet in floor area and the highest point of which is no more than 10 feet above ground 1e�eI may occupy a side yard, provided that the total storage space of aIl woodsheds in a side yard shall not be mare than 1,000 cubic feet. A woodshed in a side yard shall be not less than three feet from any side lot line. IAdded 8-13-201z by L.L. No. l.1.-2012] § 270-72. Building area. The maacimum building area shall not exceed 20% of tlte lot area. Projections described in § 270-224 are not to be included in computing tha percentage. § 270-73. Size and area of lo� Lots in Medium Density Residential Zones shall meet the fallowing minimum requirements: A. Minimum lot area shalI be at least 15,000 square feet; and � �� 270:59 S�pp 48, J�el 2619 � �"���-7� i�`�-#�C� C'f:�[�L; � �'7�M-�'7 F�. C�Cirai��r�zz� �vici�l� aT th� �t�°��,t liric �;[��all �r� (,i� ":�:;��; �r�c� �:". ?�1im��rr�t���c� v�ii�li}� �t ����: r77��irt�tr,�ar s°��,urr��:+�1 �t°a�a�� �y�rti ��il��c� lia�� ���1� t`��:t ��`c�rta t�ac� �t�•�et I�r��;} �;l���ll E�,� 1�.)� t'e;et; ��7�� M��l. l�i�ni�r7��fl�� �c���rt}� ta°t���� t���: ����la�v��y a-i��tit-�:�1=a�r��� aYi�Cl 1��: I:�() f"�.�t. � 2?QI-74» ��cci;�l ��r+��a��ti��w. �r�,mc����ictl! �-13-��►1"� k��r I...I.J. N��. �-,��1'�� ➢n t�z� �:��e �a�� �;rt�l�li�l}� i�r�m��c� �Srca�,ca-ta�,� �.�d ��r°c����rt��s �,�" t,���i���t`��t��z�., ��,c:a�ia����;, ����7�i�r���, ���- c�1}��r �ar�v�t� it��Rat�ti�a��� �caw��t�� irt� P���:�ii�t����-��� i��it�' f���ic����ti�l le�r���, �v�ticl� ��a�p������s� ��t 6����,t �;'rx �cr�� i�� <�re� z��a�� ���°�.� tra�7cs��;a^.r� ��y i��:��ric>r rr��c�s 4��• �Mr°��£��u����, �I�� frcaa�t, �i�3�, ar�c� re��i� ;�+�i��� �`�c�t�it°c;art�:�t� �a,t ��:7ri.� �k�c:rv� «�l�all �����ly a�r�N;y �ic�rr� tlac a��t�uruc�r �r��1�li� �»tt���k �1°�a��t�°��t� �tar1 K�9��i�� �a�au�r��%;�ric� a��mtN� ��ij�c�:r7� �r•�a��a��wti�.� ��r�'u�:,r�; li�t c���rrsm�a-�;l�iT� i� �acat st��,t�:qic��1,. T�icyt�;a�����;t<�t��3i��� t��a� �ar�wv��i��r�� �a� � ?7C)-?'��r, ���l�li�l�r crr�vrr�;� �r������rtsc�,� ,�tac� �:r�°i��c,c�tw�s �a�, u��iva;r�;�t���, c;cal➢���;�, ��,rrl�t�rHc,�;, ��� r>tlz�r }��•�'�r���; i��stit�rti��Mr:� l�c�C�� i�� Mec%a�zra7-[��cti�ity ���,b�l�:��ti<�l �c�r�ch� nx��� 1��rl� r�7c�re tN7�r� car�� }���i:rr�i���1 �,Lu��iN��; ���� � l�ai. � �7t��7�. :E'�r�in�,. }'����iw�� �-�q��r°�.Nt��rr�� sYr��� k�c; �s :;�t ��,�-��a i« ;�r��c�6� �:�"Vpp. � I�'T":i �" 1.,f=� �. ��':i��� T��rta�twr f2��iai��t:i�l C�,�u�,±; � �""�-"A"�E�. ��urla��^���. '1'h� �a��;i-��s�;, c�t�td��, }fli�w� 0:�)����r�v ����;it��,i�ti�� l��x'r�;� iti ti� t��w�ia�t4air� tll� r���»�t�'�rr�i�1 �1�4�.c�t��t�:r t�f. �;cri��ar� �rck�� c.�!" 1.17� "�"a�em��t, 1�:� prc�vic��� �����'��r• �.��° t�������iticat� t��'cdtt:7 tl�� It;�� +��t�M;e; ���;i���r����1 ara;�,� ��" �1�� °�"c������ �c� ��°���� �rl7e��; a���n.al�i�rlc: c°��i+������,c��, c�t' c��rr��tra�t�;r�,°�w�� ���:�iviG,ic:s at�a�y ��: }�c'��ra�i'ti�ct, tt� �-at-c�vi�c:lc Eirt° �77car�. �3��c���cds�l�1� #���a���ir��, Ms�� t�a �o��c��t�-���� ���►c�r�, ir�t�n�� t�l�����c��a����r�t �v1u���� Il��r� u�; iN�fra�.starua�ttd�"s: �1r�;����� i�'� }�1��� ��a �;����:�e��-t �tac,�u c1�ve1�}�i���t�t. � 2"iC��'77, �"�r~���i:t��� �a�~ir�ei��l u�c�, (:��tly t�� f�r�Nc�wo��� k�uilcia:t��� a��� u:���, «��•� �.��r��7ittcci �s� ���rd�tr�r c�f r°i�k�t i�r a I I���� I��fi�;�i�Y �i�:�i�]���ti��� lcbc��: .�. �"� �ar��_ti���t�ul� d�wrell'���, ic� t�� c�m���uy�ii�� �� r�c� r�i���-� 1�y�r�; � 1 � C)��� fa�rr�il}r, car (�� �'1���^ 1���1�ily ��Mta� ��cr t�ri�r� th��.rY +��r1� ��r<,��r-��;u°, 7Ma+�7r7ic�r� Ic>ci�,c��, c:sr t�tl�c�• �s�s:.wa�;an�t. f�, � �'a�vc�-k�rrtaly 'lti��lla���; ��-,r��,i�t��a�; �ai" �a �ra°�s��i�szl c�w��lni�b�; t���i1 �o��J �art i��t���r��l c:aT° ��t��i�e+� �c;�:����,r�° c�w�cll�ra� �u��it:„ ��r��v���l�a� �h��t: [.�mt*�rc��� 1�-i�-��117 1��� �.J.L,. T+��r. � ��-�E�I'��� "?��):f�(w� �G��r« a�, ,�,�r �a�a�s� � 2��a-�� z�r��r�� § ���-7s (1 � "T'6�e }��rin��pal c3�v�ll�cu� �M��it �s �ccu����i by r�c� i�t�,r� t9��n �r�e fa�nidy plu� ��r+ �t��r� t9��n �an� br��r�der, c•r,��a��er, lc�r���r a:7� c�th��� �tcc�u�ani� ('�) T`I�e �c�,��sc�r�� �9rw��llun� urrat i� aac��a��i�,�c� }�y ���a �ra�r�, t���an c�oa� f�rnily; ���d (:3� Tl�� a��a��cal�l� r�c�uir��nert%s �f � 2'��l-�1�.C� (.Acce�<;�a��y d�v�,l(in� ti�ati�t:�) ���-e n�e�. C�. �'u�iQi�:l�= c���v��ct� p�rl� t�r x71�ay�;r��ttt�d incl���lia�� acce:�sc�ry bui�t�'at��s and ir���rav�rr��a�ts. �). �.�tiy �r�rr�ici��r� �r �ui�lic utiln�v pwc-�a���sc n�c;�s�acy t� t9�� ��L�er�t�n�nc� r��' w��lity �c�r��dc�,�s ��c��� t8ro�t sarbs���i��a:� �r�c� �i�t�ilar stru���u�-es ���al� �� su�a�ec,t �c� th� s���tc ��ib�ck r�;�u��rcrrr�e��ts ��; ���l;�ar ta� re�i��nc�s in tkti� cii�trict i�� w��ic�� tl�� sub�ta��cari� �ar �i���i��r str�ic;kt�r�;� �r� �c,r7s�c�.act�c9. E. �ay�-c:arc� l�tarn�,s, fa��aily� �ay-care ht�l�les �a�� �r�a�r� f�nlil�� ci��-�ar� hca����;�;. F'. �C�r�n,��ur�i�� r��icl��u�:e, �. �s�u��l wu�ld ��i���;y� f�cilfti�s, su�i�e�t tc7 t��� l��t��tatic�c�ts ��,n s�na1V wirld ����r��r ��zeilntie� �ci �`c�u�t8� Gn � 2i(�-�1�.�. [A�d+�e� 8m11-�t�0f3 by L.L. 1�'0, �3-��0$� � 27�-7�, �'�i�cip�l ��+�s autl�ari�:�ci �►y �pecia� g�er�a�i� c���ly. "�'t��, f�rlfla�+��r���� ����� a�re ��enrri���d ia� a T-�i�,h I�c��sit}� ��sr�ie�ti�l Ic�r��, tarat c�r�1y �i��c�az r���i}�� �� � sp��ial }�erc��it f�r� s���n� frc�r�� thc F'1a��bnin� I3aar�1 ic� ���;�ardance r�a��l�u tl�e ��r�ac��ures se� �'a�rth ��� tl�i;� c6-ua�t�r; �,. �'8�ur-cll c�r ��iq�t� �l��cs �f �vc�r;�l�i�a, �c���vent «����i y�a�-��sh hc�us�.. �. �.en�uet�ry �a��i' ih� �ui�ldia��:� and strr.act��re� aa�c,ic�er�t tttcrttc�. C'. �'ublic, �aad`cacl�ial �C7c� }ar�iva�� �cl�u��1s, }��rl�lic Ci�rr°�a'y, }��i��uc r���;user�zn, �a�-��r� �et7tei-, �7�Ars�ry scNac�al, ���+� aa�y ia��tiiu�i�an c3f l�i�her lea��rlin� ����luc6in� c�c����nit�r� �cc�mrnc�ti�tic��ns. �. E�'i�� st�tic�r7 c�r �at�ltr pca�li� ��u�9a�in� r�ec����ry tc� �t�e pr�teet�<�t� c�f c7t• th� �ervy�an� c�f � nei�,➢�ubcar]��+��i. 1�. �C�c�if ca�Arser �ir�ev�ir�� tw��1�;� �ir a�ainia���u�e �,�lf cc�urse. F. �li�ic a�a� ���ar�ir�� r�r carlv�Descent l�cr��r�, ��r�°+avic�ec� tl�at nti�a btaildi7b� so us�d s�al� l�c; ��i�3�i�� � OCd f��t �`�c���u �.i�y� �treet �r �a7i�hir� 150 �'eek aaf �he l�� tl3��e c��' ���tiy adj�ir�i�a� aw�n��a-. ��. C`l�wtak�c��s� c�r l�d�c�, �rrc�vided t�a�t ���� k�u�ldicu� sc� use�l ��q�ll �r� wit��%z� q���) �e�� t'r�rrxr �az�w sts���� c�r �i�l�ia� 15� f��� c�f �hc lcr� 1i���, �f a��y^ �clj�inirl� c����ec. EC. ��d-ai�ci-�reakf�st f`a�i�it��� }�rc�vudin�; ���-� r����a�e t��aH� twca �a��r��r�r�� fca� tr�ns��:t�ts, aari��s� tl�e su�e c�d' the; lat r,r� �fttiel�r t�a� ��cility= i�; l'crc;��e�i is �t le�.�t �f},(��Q� s�u�d•� feet, �n w��a�ch �,x�«����t ���a �c� fc�a��r° ��dr•c�c�eYys ma}Y k�� us�,� t�r t�a�s���ts. I. �.dtrlt �ar� f��ia���. ;l. Cl�ild day-�;��re �ent�.r. 27t}:�r(i.l s��� a�, tia�,n �cr��a � 2i4-?�� 1"1��-�.��°�?. C'�H�F: � ?7CG-i9 � 27�-79, P'crr�it�;eti ac�ces�o� la�ilclin�s ac�� �ses. r{~l�� fcrolic�w�ir��* ��:c�;��cary biaildi���;s c�r �x��s �r�, wrer��ii��c� �� c�f` ��i��i� dn � 1#i�;h �`:►�at�i��, �.e��c���t�i�a.� �r���e: �. �i�t-street ��r��� c�r �rar�ia7� �pac�� fi�r �9�� c�cc�r}��tat�, ��s�r� ���cd �3��g�dc.�yee� irb c�r77��ct6�r� ��a�t9� u�t�� ��r���itt�d il� this ����tic��, �aut �ul�ject �c� }�rovisic�n� ca�" � Z7t�-�27 crf il�is �;l���t�r. �. "t�1��rc �l�e ��r�t�cip�1 usc is as a ca��- ur �u��a-t`�x��ly �w�l➢i���;, pa-iv���, �ti�i�►��t�i��; �a�.-r�al, �en�n�� ce�a�rt�, aa�d eakh�r si�uvil�r re�:r�atc�ar�al �a�iliti�;� �'�r ���, �rinci���� }sr%v�t� u�� c��" ttrc t�ccu��»ts +�i'th� �c��ellir7�. C'. ���r ta� �la:r�� �r�c�5s�rrv� l,�u�ldn�ti�s c,tB��.�• tia�i� ��au-a��, all ;����:1r ac;c,����rry b�uo]di���s ir� t��� �����e���� ����t t+� �����c� a tc�tal caf ��1�9 �q�z�r�c �`��,t i�� 4ax� u���s� tk�c Ic�t is thr�� ��res �;r l�r��r, ir� w�ric�� �vc�t th� ���r��;a�� ar�c� c�t ttle a�ces�ur,�� �uildirr�; �ax�}f ncat e�c��;�i 2,C)C�0 squaa`e te�t, .A buildia��* c��c�a}aied b�j � detach�d aG��,;��t�r;v� �Iw�l�i.n� �anit s�lall! c��r�t �tt��arc�s �the: �q�u�,r-� 1`��ta�e le�ziits crf t17i� :�ta�,sectic�r� �. ���rren�'c� 1ZW11��017 try L,1�, Na. ��D-2017] I�. .�„ t�i�n��ra�ry buildir�� fc�r cc�nlrl���•�e �7r ft��tu�iu�, �h�:rc; s�actl l�uii�i»� is ��ece�sary �ar in�ic�e��t<�I tc� il7e ti�velc��a�r�e�tit t�f a r�si�c���ti�l a.re.�. �41�1� k��.iil�it7�� ar��y ��t�t iat; c��nt�nu��l fi�ar rnc�r�: th��� c�n� v��:r e:�c��r� u���� �r�cei}�� a�iG �� ��a�:��aJ appraval ii-c�r�� th� f�t����� c�f Appe��'s. k�. T�a�.� ��ep�r��* ���' l��a���;�i�c��+�' p�ts ��� � d��7�;Ilit�� ux�ii c�r +�t����- 1c�c.��tica�� �cNpa��mt t+� aa� ��;c�ssai� ta a du��91i7�� uaai�t (�,�;., �aut��cl� c�c��l�r�tas�:, �:t�,.) �rca��i�ed i���t ���� n�mre t�i��ro ���r�� ��e��.asel��lc9 ��t� �h�81 be k�;�t c�uts�+�e t��` d'ww�l��n� un�t� ���l��s ��,r�ater ��a�rr��a- i� �uth��rized k�v �p�cial �pp�.c7val caf't1�e Tc���ir�� F3c�a�cc� crf .r������ls. �. (F���;�:r���j,., C�. E-���a��� caccupatia�ns, yt�haject ta tl�u�: lin�it�ta�ns c��7 �la�����, c�cca��a��ic���s �;�t f`c���t1� i�� ,��" �7C�- � z�.z. ��.��a�a �-�2-zc�ia� ��r r�,,�.�. �r�. �-z�a°�� 1�. A�u�atet��- u-a�dit� fa�;iluties, :;ub�a�ct t� t��. li���atati�a�ls c�a7 aa7�a���ar �m��c�ia t�ci�itiws ��et f'�rr�k� ia� � �?�1-�1�.3. [Ad���i 8-13-20�7 by i..�. �+ficr. 7-�[�(17J 1. �i���all ���uri� e�m�r�y` fa�,i�i�`ues, sezbjc�ct t� the larni�aticyrr�5 �r�� ��nall �vur�+� �nur��y f�cilii��� �et f�art�u i�a � 27a-219.4. [Aa�c�c�i l3�11W�(��)� !�y L.�., Nc�. 13-�04�� J. �. �i�tac��ed �cc.es�c�ry c�'weYliry� ��r7it, �rcavdcl�s� tf�at: [,�,clde�3 1"�-ll.-�f�17 by ��.�.�. 1'�t�. 2[�-2�l'7'� �l) '[➢�� �cc��scaxwv r�r�r�;llir�� u��it as c��cupie� �i� fltia� �1����� t�a,rr c�rre� #����il}�, an� (�) "��ae ap�l��ab1� r����o��e�ti�n�:� «� ,��" Z��-? 1�.G �Ac�ess�aa•,y� dwvcll�n� u��i�s;) ��°� o���t. 13. Eciotryr's �+1crf�e: Fcretraert' :�wkr�ectitrt� �,, wl�ieh s�t foM°t9t �i�ns �s u�acrrnitteti sieLe��;c�rw� u�c. �a�s rt„�ea�l�a� 8-7-�1i17 iav I�.�.,. ?�Ka. ��-2�1'7. �7�D.6(�.� 5��� ��, aw� zo�� § z�o-go zoNnvG § 27o-s2 � § 270-8U. (Reserved)'° '� , , � 270-51. Height limitations. [Amended 12-11-2017 by L.L. No. 20-2017] In High Density Residential Zones, no buiIding shall be erected, altered, or extended to exceed 38 feet in height from the lowest interior grade or 3G feet in height from the lowest ex�erior grade, whichever is lower. Na stn�cture other than a building shalI be erected, altered, or extended to exceed 3Q fee� in height. A building occUpied by a detached accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed one story and 20 feet in height, except buildings constr�cted prior to the effective date of Local Law No. 20 of the Year 2017 may exceed these two parameters as long as the building height is not subsequently increased beyond that e�sting on the effective date of said local law. Other accessory buildings shall not exceed 15 feet in height. § 270-82. Yard regulations. In High Density ResidentiaZ Zones yards of at Ieas� the following dimensions are required: A. Front yard: Not less than the average depth of the &ont yards of buiIdings on lots immedia�ely adjacent. However, the front yard depti� shaIl no� be less than 25 feet or need it be greater than 50 �eet. B. Rear yard: No� less than 30 feet in depth. C. Side yards: Each not less than 10 feet in width. EAmended 8-13-2012 by L.L. No. 11- � 2012] D. Greater yards: Notwithstanding the foregoing, any special yard requirernents for speci�c uses or buildings set forth elsewhere in this chapter shall, if more restricti�e, supersede the above yard provisions. E. Accessory buildings. �Amended 8-13-2012 by L.L. No. �1-2012; 12-11-2017 by L.L. No. 20-�017] (1) Bvildings occupied by a detached accessory dwelling unit. Such buildings must be located in a rear yard, be at leas� 20 feet from any side lot line, and be at least 15 feet from a rear lot line. (2) AlI other accessory buildings (except garages, and except woodsheds meeting the requirements of Subsection G below) may not occupy any open space other than a rear yard. ' {3} Accessory buildings (including garages, woodsheds, and buildings occupied by a detached accessory dwelling unit}, in the aggregate, may occupy not more than � 40% of the thirty-foot rear yard setback required by Suhsection B above. I(4) Accessory buildings (except for garages and buildings accupied by a detached accessory dwelling unit} shall be not less than three feet from any side or rear lot � 14. Editor's Note: Farmer § 270-80, Accessory buildings and uses authorized by special approval only, as amended 2-12- -, 2007 by L.L. No. 1-2a07, was repealed 1�11-2017 by L.L. No. 20-2017. ; 2%0:60.3 Supp 48, Ju12019 � �°��1�,�a I"q"63.��:.°� C`(:i1��� � �'�c���� 9r���. ��3y ac����s-�r°�r° la�p,ilc��w��,» ��at}��r tlt<r.t� � ��r��;� car � k�tail��ir�� �t;�:tk�aic,�c',� �,y � ��:��az:}�cd �c-r:c��,c�r�� �v��lli��� w����ft, ta�� �� ��'s�-�-r�,t° �c:at :sl���l k�e rt�at q�:,sc:, tk�A�r�i Pi�ar� i�ert �i•����� t��� e��r �ut ln�t�. �µ. �,ryp�a�-��,��s: �.r7 �tt�~]z�-��i ��� c�c,t;��6a�� ��r��„� r�7�,y� �aectt�a�` a��;y° y��r�l �ar�aeride��6 tl7�t i� ������� k��;, ��c� 1�:��; tl��n �� f�-�t �i-��� th� �"r�:�r�� ����c��a�°rty li���, n�c.� 1�;�,� �li��-� 1� fa:-tt f�°r��tt �� �»ic'i� lwi��4 ��r��3 ���� l��s t.han 3�� 1"c�;t f"r��n7 �� a��°���° lit��. a'�ll ��t;:��1l�,ei ��r���s arz i}�� a��;;a-���t� �;h��l� r���� �:«;���ec� �� ira�al �.7� ��)�� :�;c�tr�rc i�c;�, i�r� �ira�. ��>ct�cl��:;d �;�r��cs �l�all b�. i��cp�����;;c� i�� tPu� ��.�lcul��i����s ��f' ac�:�ss�ar�' l�ualc9i���� t}�<��, i�u 11a� ��,�;r����te, a�7a�, �7,��d �-ac:c;���a,� M��c�r� �No�:tw� ���)'�"�, c�$� a��� r�c��ir�d ���r �a►•c�. P�9�a9�w��t,l�������1i��}� l�ti� �'��°e��aitti�, ���t� fi�l�tstti�i�r�� :�i��tll a�����y: C�1r���c1 €�-13-�01� ��y �.J,��. 1��:►. 1�-��M1�1 � I� Ir� ����e a:�� th�; �ir��: y��t�-t��;, �� ��n�-stcsryr t�r`����, �itkt��� �k�,w��°,1��� tc� R.laa� }�r�x�c:i��;�l ��ui8clir�� c>r ��:�r�ar�t� tN���°�fr°s.����> r��t�}' h� ��ca 1c�� �l�ari ������ro f��t fcw��x�� �� �i�3� I�r�c� ��f���lt i� c�c�t � ��r•�t�t li��t;. Art t��� �°���u� ���a-�iW a car��,-st��ry ���tac����i ��rw��� ��a�}� ��� ��ca 1��� t:17�� itv� f'r;�C ti'r'�xa� �.t�y «�ic�� c:��. �•t;��r 91��1 1ir��. (�� r'� c�r��:;-�tc���' �a,t��k7r�,ci ���c���� tl7�n ��r�r�� �3��v�;]lin�� c�r� t��;��a s�����°a�e le�ak� r��w�'�' �a� �aa�ilt G��;r��ass a �ar����a�c�i� �c,t li��a� �a�r��f� <� �������� +���11 �y� a�u�t�a�l ��r���n�¢�C ��:.t����r�. �c3yjtai������; �r��-��;r�ky c:�v�✓arc��;, ��tw��vi�3�;°��� �las�G �l��rc� i:� uz� 8����t �sn� �ac��;�, k�ua� ���t ��a:(� �c�t, s�r°rci fu�t-t�7ec• ��r°r�vicic��l t,k���� 1k7� ���r����:, rzze�t� tlz� ����u��i �r�a�ac;r°��r tli��� ��t�rac,�;. r-��uvr�nae��t a���,f�.. q::�',p "��'17�r•e t:k�� av��z��� r������r���l �br.���rc a:x�` 4� qc�t �rc�,�;��� �3�''� ris� car• f;�l� �ir��t6�r trc��a� tl:r� ��rce� li�a�, a aa�7�-�;tc�r�,� c��1:��;h��1 ��r��;�� ��,�rK��al� c�i hc��a:�at�� ��c�t ir� �x�c�;�; c,i` c���� ��►�`� ra��y �� lc�c��tc:c� ��� i'��, `i`c`r��t c:�r �;i��� va�t�ci t�c�t @ess �����y �iv� lua:,t Gi°c'�a�� ��i�l �t��et lia�� �����a r�c,civi�a�, �� �}��'ial ������°�wv4�i f'�'z�t�a ��ae ��7��.rc� �aC �,p��,��:�. Cr. '+����c�ci�;N��ci�: ,� r�ra�a�is�lt��.� v��l�i�9� 17�� a��:a ��r�.��°� �h:�r� 1 fb�� �r�t��u'� t�ct ir� �1�r�r ��r�,<� �a�a� t,lt�� �7��he�� �c�i��t �rf `vhi�:h i� i°t�r �7�c��°c: tl:z4�a� �() �'���, «�l.�a�vc �rc�rrar�d ������ �n�y �>a;�r��.�y� �m si�� �,��rd, �tc,vi��� t�at i��� t�at��l ����R��;� �}aa�� ��t' H�lfl e��'r�>ri�l��c�� i.rr � �»�d�. y�r�i �,k��ln ���-�t ��� r�t��f�c: tl��ct l,f)�)�) �:uk�"uc f��t:. ;� ���c��oc��,lr�:c� ar� �� �i�� ,���`t� �d�al� bw: rx�at ����; 1h�tr� �h��r C��t. i�r°��r�� �t��y �ic�e l+.�rt lg��. [�rl��xcl �3-�.�-2(���2 i��r �..�.1:�. k��a. ti1�2d�129 ?� �7�-��. }3u�1�1��a� ������u,. "1�}�� r���aria��ant b2oildi��� �c�:,<� ����I,N ���:�t ���;���3 ?�'�'�� c:��' t�a�,' lr�t �r��. Prc�j�c;di����w de°�c:��ik:��;r� ��� � 2�'(�-��� ���:; ����t t� �a� tttcl��ci�t� �r� a,un�g���iaii� t�t�;, ���rc�r�da��. � 2?ll-�� ��r� ����1 ��~+�a a�" ��xt. I��yts in 13r�;1� �7c7�sit�� F�.��i�c�a#��a�l :�c7n�� s�r��� �s���t �1��: ���lis�r��ri���, ���it�ifl��u��a ���.�t�t�a►'��r�c.�:�ts� ,�. C�lin�ntu�t� leat �r�� sh�ll k�� �t C��sk �),Q�G�) �„�,tr<���� I'e�R, ��rt�:i 1�'. h�i�ti�r�ta��� wvic���� a� t}ic �Ce���t ��r�� �I'���Ill h� %�� ���fiw �nc�. �". l'�✓9�ni��r�t�rtY w�dtl� at �8�a rt��a�:ia���a��� r�,c����E��c� f��c:rr:�t ;ar�c�6 ��tb�c�]'� litte �"sC9 �'�;,�t �'r'����� tl��; �tm-��t �as��� sli�ll �e 7°� ���t, ����,i ��. P��i��ips�a��t� ri��rtl� �"rc�r7� �1�� �ii�E1�,�����r r�a�h�-ca�=�wr�y� �»it��ll ��� N"�4:i �`���. 2�C�:�"���.=� �e���� ar�..�u� �a��<� § 270-85 ZONIlIG § 270-89 § 270-85. Speciai properties. [Amended 5-13-2014 by L.L. No. 3-2019] �9 , In the case of publicly owned properties at�d properties of universities, coljeges, cemeteries, or other private institutions located in High-Density Residential Zones, which comprise at � ]easf six acres in area and are traversed by interior roads or driveways, tiie front, side, and rear yard requirements set forth above shaIl apply only along the exterior public street � frontages and aIong boundaries with adjacent properties where lot ownership is not identical. Notwithstanding the provisions in § 270-226, publicly owned properties and properties of universities, colleges, cemeter�es, or ofher private institu�ions located in High-Density Aesidential Zones may have more than one principal building on a lot. § 270-8G. Parking. Parking requirements shall be as set forth in Article XXVII. ARTICLE XI Mobile Hame Park Zones § 270-87. Purpose. The purpose of the Mobile Home Park Zone is to provide an area in which concentrated development utilizing mobile homes may occur to encourage alterna�ive and less costly housing accommodations in the Town. ' § 270-88. Minimum area. A minimum tract of at least five acres is required for a mobile home �ark. § 270-89. Permitted principal uses. Only the foIlowing buildings or uses are pertnitted as a matter o� right in a Mobile Home Park Zone: - � 270:60.5 Supp 48, �u� zox9 � § DL-1 Local Adoption ; `� Law No. Date _ . 12-2017 8-7-2017 13-2017 8-7-2017 14-2017 8-7-2017 r '• ; 15-2017 8-7-2017 16-2017 8-7-2017 I7-2017 10-16-2017 18-2017 12-11-2017 19-2Q17 I2-11-2017 20-2017 1-2018 2-2018 3-2018 4-2018 5-2018 1-2019 12-I1-2017 2-12-2018 4-9-2418 7-9-201 S 7-9-20I8 I 0-29-2018 1-7-2019 2-20I9 2�11-2019 3-2019 5-13-2019 4-2019 7-$-2019 5-2019 7-5-2019 6-2019 7-8-2019 DISPOSITION LIST § DL-1 Subject Disposition Signs repealer; zoning Ch. 221, reference onIy; amendment; zoning: special land Ch. 270; Ch. 271 use disfricts amenc�ment Zoning amendrnent Ch 270 Building construction and fire Ch. 125; Ch. 173 prevention amendment; outdoor lighting amendment Numbering of buildings repealer Ch. 192, reference only Tax levy Iimit override 2017 NCM Mora�orium extension NCM Rental property: operating Ch. 207, Art. I permits for certain residential rental units BuiIding construction and �re Ch. 125 prevention acnendment Zoning amendment Ch. 270 Monetary Gift to Support Cass NCM Park and 3tewart Par1c Recreational Facilities Zoning Amendment Ch. 270 Tax Levy Limit Override 2019 NCM Zoning Map Amendrnent NCM Zoning Amendment Ch. 270 Animals: Dog Control and Ch. 1 I2, Art. I Licensing Amendment Monetary Gift to Support Cass NCM Park and Stewart Park Recreational Facilities Zoning Amendment Ch. 27Q Vehic�es and Traffic: Parking; Ch. 250, Art. III Stop and Yield Tntersections Amendment T� Levy Limit Override 2020 NCM Noise Amendment Ch. 18� DL:9 Supp 48, Ju12UI9 ITHACA INDEX � � DEFINITIONS NOTE: For the con�enience of the Code user, a!1 terms defined in this Code xre ineluded fn the Index nnder the � � heading "Definitions and Abbrevfations." I ' Noncanforming Uses GEIVERAL PROVISIONS Exemptions 100-20 _ , �#_ 270-203; 270-208 1-111-13 Expiration of Gcense 100-8 � , SPRINKLER 3YSTE1Vj5 Gr'ades and grading 1-4 Fees 100-2; I00-4; 100-5; 911 225-3 Improvements 1-4 100-6 RENTAL PROPERTI' SUBDMSI4N OF LAND Incorporation of provisions Fingerprinting I00� 207_2 234-34 mto Code 1-12 Fire Department 100-5; STORM SEWER SYSTEM ZONI3+iG 270-5; 270-219; Liabiliry 1-4 100-7 AND SURFACE 270-219.2; 270-214.3; Lieeeses and permits 1� Gambling 100-2 WATERS 270-2I4.a; 270-223 Penaldes for tampering with Hearings ]00-1 PROTECI'I4N 227-13 Z03dIlVG: SPECIAI. LAND Code 1-10 Height regulatioas IOU-4 ZONING 270-219.6 USE DISTRICTS Pensions 1-4 Hepatitis B 100-1 271-3; 271-8; 271-9; Property maintenance 1-11 HIV 100-1 � A_ 271-10; 271-11; Repeal of enaclments not HIV-AIDS 100-1 271-12; 271-14; includedinGade 1-3 Hotels lOQ-2;100-13 ABANDONED PROPERTY 271-15; 271-16 5alaries and compensation Hours of operauan I00-19 PARKS AND ACCESSORY USES AND 1-4 Human Lnmunodeficiency RECREATIOi1 STRUCTCTRES 5ale of Code book; Virus i 00-1 AREAS 200-5 Commercial Zones supplementation 1-9 InjUnetion; peaalties for ABAN➢ONME�TT General1y270-114 Sales 1-4; 1-9 offenses LOD-21 FEES 153-2 Industrial Zones 270-159 5everability 1-5 Inspection 100-7 PROPERTY I.akefrontCommereial Town Board 1-1; 1-2; 1�; Inspections IOD-7; 100-9 MAiN7ENAj+ICE Zones 270-142 1-7; 1-8; 1-9; 1-11 Investigations 1U0-5; 100-6 2d5_2 Lakefront Residential Zones Town Clerk 1-6; 1-8; 1-9; Issuance of license 100-5 SEWER USE: RULES, z7p-43 1-10 Licease required 100-4 REGS. & PENAL'I'IES Limited Sistoric Vialations aud penalties 1�; Licenses and permits 100-1; OF BOARD OF ����al Zoaes 1-10 iO4-2; lOD-4; 100-5; PUBLIC WORKS, 270-1�}2.6 Whan effective 1-13 100-6; 100-7; L00-8; CITY OF TI'HACA, Mobile Home Park Zones Zoning Board of Appeals 100-4; lU0-I0; 100-11; NY, RE: WATER 270-91 I-I1 100-13; 100-14; 100-21 SUPPLY, SEWAGE Office Park Commercial Zoning Maps 1-4 Ligbting ]00-1; 140-i4 DISPOSAL & AIFt Zones 270-132 ADULT CARE FACII.TTIES Location of aduit CONDTFIOMNG Pl�� Development High pensity Residential entertainment 215-30 Zones 270-174 Zoaes 270-78 businesses lOp-12 VEHICLES AND 5igns 270-254; 270-255; Multiple Residence Zones Magazines ]00-2 TRAFFIC 250-21 27D-256 270-102 Minors 100-1 Water215-18 ZONIlVG 270-219.1; ZON3NG 270-5 Motels ]00-2; 1U0-3; 100-4; WATEft PROTECTION 270-219.3; 270-219.4 ADULT ENTERTAIIQR�NT 100-10; 100-I3; ' 25611; 256-22 ZONIlVG: SPECLAI„ LAND ADUI.T USES I Otl-l; 100-14; 100-I9 ZONING 270-219.1; USE DISTR]CTS 100-2; ]00-3; ]00�; Nudity lOQ-2; I00-16; Z�0_2Zy 271-5; 271-6; 271-7; 100-5; 100-6; ]00-7; 100-17; 100-20 ACCESSO�Y BCTILDINGS 271-8; 271-9; 271-10; 100-9; 10U-10; 100-11; Obscenities 10p-2 AND STRUCTURES 271-12; 271-13; 271-16 1�0-12; lOQ-13; Police Department 100-4 Agriculhual Zones 2'70-26; ACCIDEN'I' iiEPORTS 100-1a; 100-17; Pornography 100-2 2�a29 See REPORTS 100-18; 100-19; LOD-21 Prolubition against children Art Murals 270-265 ACCIDER'TAL Industrial Zones 270-159 in adujt entertainment ' BUII.DI33G DISCHAI2GES Light Industrial Zones business 100-18 CONSTRUCTION Fees 216-45 270-145 Prostitutian 100-2; 100-10 ! p�� F� SEWER USE: 20NING 270-5 P�rpose and Gndings 100-1 � PR�VENTIpN 125-4 1�Q��MEI�iTS ZO]+IING: SPECIAL LAND Qnalifccations 100-4 Conservation 7,ones 270-11; FOR USE DISTRICTS Recreation areas 100-4 270-12; 270-14; CON'I'RIBUTORS 271-13 Registrauon ]00-4 270-16; 270-17 INTO JOINT POTW ADULT 135ES Regulations For viewing FLOOD DAMAGE 216-14; 216-22 Additional regulations rooms ]00-I4 PREVEN"1'FON 157� STORM SEWER SYS7"EM conceming public Reparts 100-1 High Density Residential AND SURFACE nudiry 1 �U-17 RestauranEs 100-2 Zones 270-77; 270-79; WATERS Additianal regularions for Revocation 100-10 z�g_8� � 2��_82 PROTECTION 227-9 adult matels 140-13 Safety standards I00-1 Tndustria] Zones 270-160; Wastewater Discharge Additiona[ regulations for Salaries and compensafion 270-161 Permits2l6-17 escortagencies100-IS 100-2 Lakefront Commercial �O�pN OF CODE Additional regulations for Sales 100-2; 100-1 D Zones 270-142.1 Adoprioa of Code I-1 nude mode� studios Sehao[s 100-2; 500-4; , Lakefront Residential Zones Amendments to Code 1-7 100-16 100-20 270�1; 270-43; BoardofAppeals 1-] I Adultentertainment ]00-1; Signs 10U-2; lOD-20 270-04; 270-45; 270�6 Boazd oFZomng Appeals 100-2; I04-3; lOD-4; Soc�al Security 100-0 LightIndustrialZones �-11 ]00-5; Z00-6; ]00-7; Suspension I00-9 � 270-146 BaA� 1� 100-9; ]00-10; 100-11; Tenants lOD-2 � Limited Historic ��g� tn Previously 100-12; 100-13; Tests I00-1 � Commercial Zones adopted tegislauon; lOD-14; 100.17; Town Soard 100-6 , 270-142.4; 270-142.6; new provistons 1-I 1 100-18; 100-19; 100-21 Town Clerk I00-6 270-142.7 Charges 1-4 ADULT LTSES 100-1 Transfer of iicense 100-11 � Law Densiry Residential Code book to be kept up-to- Advertising 100-2; I00-20 Violations and penalties Zones 270-54; 270-56; �� 1-8 AIDS 100-1 10U-2; IUO-5; ]00-15; � 270-58; 270-59; 270-60 �ntinuation of existing Appeals 100-5 l0U-l6; 100.21 ' Medium Density Residential provisions 1-2 Bathing 100-2 Waivers 100-14 Zones 270-b6; 270-68; �PY of Code on file 1-6 Building Official lOD-5 Wa!]s 100-14 � 270-69; 270-70; 270-71 ��ments i-4 Classification 100-3 Zoning districts 100-12 Mobile Home Pazk Zones Enactments saved Crom Communicable diseases ADVERTISING 270-89; 270-91; 270-94 rePeal; matters not 100-1 ADULT US�S 100-2; Multiple Residence Zones affected 1-4 CompensaHon 100-2 100-20 270-101 Fees 1-4; 1-9 Defiaitioas 100 2 I,IGHTING, OLITDOOR Disclosure 100-1 173-12 5upp 48, 7u12019 ��v���i:srr�e,... �.���s �ra� Ftk�(`�L.�"l"[�)1� �i}tl;l�.`a 2�G(1-`� �i��as �7U-�49 SUI3L)I�1SIC,�N 4:7F 1.,,A?*�L7 �34-� 1C7N[NCi 3�r(J-S; 27'(G_�I�;. ���-;21�D.� A�V�tiuC�►�Y 1�ti.hR:D C:I'�'@ZFN .P4NI) S"T`ti1�1� �1U��1�aUlt`s' �,{:7�«1Tw�l l I �F>"S 1 t�-� �'O�"a�R`J.�"f�Q.1N k��r'4 t�T) ��-� r�r�rrc��, �:ca���: ��r :�z-i � A�°I�"lh'.Mr�"i"V�`E: e�C""a"IC}N 't�C)s���u'(;:� i7f1-;2'37 .A:E�F"C7i}��}r4T3L.�; H�11J"�11tiC; l@i�h f�t�ri�ity ��:�i�lentia,l z�„�� ���a-��, ,����acu��r����►. AI.'%9 4� S�'i ih^9 �{a Pti "I' :a .4�;ricG�9texr��:l clasi�ur��� l(Y4-�"?�, iG�-3 /�,pg�6¢cabii.i;a}� IU�G-� AStie;�sa�a�ntw �tl�-]; 1�4-�2„ I N14,3; 1 �i�-�; l ('Y�-:5 C'cs�ts a��u�i exper�s�� 144-1. l:'f��ct�v��, ��l�at� 1C14-� Fa°�mns aa�d fan,�aaa� 1974-I Find�n�;s; �aear���� i()4-I �°ire pr�i�et��7 Id,7A-t; 1(Y��� �, l (�4-:3 '�"crwra �crar�I 1�)4-I lJ'��; �f��p�rocuEt�ur�l �sse�;�rrrea�t a�ra laaacic r�itkti�o a�;ri�^�a'fl�a�r�1 d�s��ict 1��4-< 0.Jsr� c�f ss�rrc�ul�aar�a➢ as;��s�mv��ria� �raz lanrl� �rt7tsid� uE;��rvc,ultur�k ctiti�rnc�t %(1�-e"� A � 1�1 +�, � �.1' 9� 9�r^� �, I�hi;�`T'iEI�"T:ti A(il�li'[.I[..1f°I.JR�.I. �S�G"5'S�a�I:N.C. i 1�74-�; �G��-3 C'e�rtiscrv�tics�a e �n�:s 27�1-22 1;N4'IRi�C�iNi1?Ywl"i"F�.L QLlr�1. 1°��S" �'1,:',V]tMWV 1 � 8-� }�°I I�C(�';. (:.(7I.7F ()F :��'-� �CkW T}�li�Zl'9'� �L";i�I��C7t:l��. Zcanes �7(�-��; 27f)-S� N(.9i5i? P��-'i3 �a�r�s 27(3-G�7 ST(7I�N�w��'� I'ff;[i M �1.I�IA(iF C'w9�'N';I" AS*11:7 C;�C)�;li)I*� A1�17 ��urn,�� ��r �'(aNTR��. 2�R-7 L471w11°JC� � 7CY 23Q Ld.)NII`�d"i: "aC'�C"lt'ti:L 1�A2�S97 U `; hi ➢�Q 5"1'FC iC`"I"S 2�1-'�;� 2'7���5� <'�1-��5 t4C.�R��t`UTW`1"UF2.All, ':�(;)N�:°.�" f4cccss+�ry ku�ildirr�s �aid strii�sur� �7�4�?t�, �7(}_�+� A�idiiiona� s�z�cial r��c�ir�¢n�rr�s �7{1-37' r"�t�i�7tals 27ik-��; �7f)-2fi, 2?ii-2"� I�ec3 ancl Y�re,as9t�'a,�;t 2?4;1-'�� �3��arc� ui'r'��r�a�e<�l� 27()-2f�� 27�7-��i F3cat�"ers �7�-"�S; 27f1-27; 27()-�£�; � 7(l-�Z; ?7(b-37 �u�t�;�,� �T�;� ��e�-� � E�uildin�, �rc,asro.ii�r 27U_'a�{ �`emcteri�� "�Z(�-ry7 �'ht�rch�s ��f6-27 Q �CIYY]�'a�}SlllP1,L*; ��i C�-;7,,� I'THACA S�L��� C;��nsCruct�,c�i� ?7C)-i 1 1)�y«eearc� f�cilsties ?,7U-27 I)��aaity larr�oC�tian;� aca+� lirais,�tit�rt±; �rw� �uft�di��p�;l�sr c>f�.�����k tw�acks 21(i-��:� L7raaii���c �7(�-�S C)riac�vayw �?()-?'7 I,itt�;t 27f.1-�5 (;a��nq�nts W7[)-35 I'�at�i l;�` day-c� rc '� 70-?(y }�'arnrs aracl iarar7tin� �7t�«25; 2 "^f�-��i; 27�7-27; 2�?�1-2�; 27G-'37; 2,i(1-�35 ���n��� ���-z�: ���>-z�� �7�)-:�'1; 27(7�-37 B�ill 2 7�)-2fa FctresCrv �'7(7-2fr i%�rap„�� �7i1-?9; 27()-32 �stsl' ccr�rr±;�,� 27�M2']' C]r��l�� a�d �a�c�en� 27iJ-31 r�r;�u�a,��,� `� 111-3� Hei�C Guanni�t��t�,o;ur�� �.747-�;31 13ti��nt re�ul�ti�araw 27(i-31 }�crl''rt�ays �7T)-"?�t Haa�a�e c,c;cup�tic�ns 2'?f3-?� 1l�as�a�k�lls ??Q1-27 6iui�:tin� �7�f-27 Ilrna���-urM�esa��n�a '�'i�-��a �Cc,xar��8s 2'70-��; �.sne9�ca�zirr�, �7f1-�7 Lt�rr��y �7�)-�7 I,.,aLa ���� s �sn�fl �ren��rt.� �"r(1-?�; 27f)-:31 Lcs�;� ? ;��;N- � 2; 2 7(&-34; 27'U-�� I�F]ir7ar�� �,7�1-2k� M�n.�eaxrr�� 27fi-'�i Nattap°�a4 r�+,a���.r4 �s 27�J-"%5„ ?'74.➢-:�5 �vsa�;�� �;"t?-�5 Nizo*�sires �7i�-27; 27(7-�C} C7��ar3 ?7C1-�5 C7�a�-��a���,fl;��� �i�wL09�ii�s 27CJ-mFi; �7f�-�?i �}g��xa �ta«�ue 27�1-3'S �"�rkire� "��&1-2(i; 7?CD-27, ,�.7(i!-M�; 2?�-;�� 1''ew�r���1te�1 ac.���sctii'Y �xail��a�a�s K�nc� us<°;� 27�b-�9 f'a rraiici�cl �aris�ci�7�1 uaa,� � ��.y—i i}. k'G��cc� �af.M1�tarsl�ip 27�-�7 AB�at��xzii�� i3c��rd �TfV-2,7; � ��i-1 �; 27[�-31; �7t�-��; �7a-35; 2?C)-37 �'lay�rc��.�ncis z7C5-26 F'rnsaci�aal u�»es aucl�crri7e�i l�y �p�cc�b�Y� ap�,ra)val crraly �?Ci-?€� F"ra,otcq��9 aeses a�riht�a°pa�c� &�y w�ac�:�aI Cier�a,ait c���ly �"�{)-2�a C'rarya�ss� 2?'ft_�� Itc,�rc�C�crrr �r��� 270-35 Rc�t<ar�s�ert:� 27d)-?7 ���l�r ias ��ra�z 2��7-:39 ftv�a��i��de �a�,r�ct:� � 7()�2ki; � r��-��. Sa1'e� �74i-'%�i, 27�1-27 Sch��al� �?'%F-27 S�re� s�ti r�n�i scrceni¢�,�, 27(9-�"�, �"7C1-�t�; �",7£)-:� B ; �7tY-3 "7 "�c�rka� sy�stc�v�� z7f)-�7; �7�1��� Se<t�tr�c➢�� 2'7C)-2�i; �"7f�-��7; 27i�-;i t; 2?t�-3�4 `se�rucr� 27Cl-'�� �at�r ���n �t�r�r���rl ??(�-3fS `sat� �Bsa�S 2�eviti�,v �n€� r'��'}�}S"49�V��� t%�.�—.�5 ,� �a�u pl�zns 27f8_2£�; �,7(1-�� Si�e a�r�rJ a�e�a �a1"l�a� 2?CD-?��k ����,�k�; �",7�-25 S�e�e��i �re�aa�,ics 27(:�=;'�7; Z7�1-31 „ 27G-� � Staa¢�a�� 27[1-27 ti�w'rmoaa"ra-�� }7aa9a ?'7�N-2"� ➢I��awe�rs 27O-31. "l��r✓�r-ttat��ily d`uel9ira�s �7C?-2f'r, m7(d-2�i Utilarcbe:� �7f)-2(i V'ubr�ticr��s �7C)_�S 1WzsCer' 27J-25; 27f4-3� 1��c1➢� ��7O-27' ����,��Ar� z��r-z�� "i'�r�fl re�is�aticai�s <"7U-:�� "�'�ar�ts ?7C1-2£�; �T�B-3�; 2,�t?-�� Zf�h,�l!'vCi 27�7«�S`�2?�-.'a�) �c�rrrra� �:3��rc� of' "�p�7��als z�u•z�; z���-2� �4IT9� ��)�.IS..I"U�;[�S 1Q'�7-1. ,��� ct�rvnrr��i��t��r� FLa�C9T} 1)a�14�ACsl:' f�FtI:VI:TM�"t�l()h° 1S7-I � S4:°�V1�� LJ51u: R� �11.11 R �;wh�91uN�'S F�.�R C"�3 tV 7°I� I E� �J"f"C.� E2 � fh'l"C1 JC)�N'1' 1'�"J`3�1�' 2 9 �-;� �L:"�'�:;f� U'��U: 1tlJ�.F�',`a, 1iT�;C:S. �'e PL7+1,�L"d'iE'� (:7i� �3C1e�,KE� (;1F YY1JI�LI�' '�J6,?FCi �, C"]°��' 47�H� L7"R��G:"�, t�5', RI:: UW�'14�R �4J�'6'I.Y, "�l W,�Ci�:: I�C4►'(��St1,�.. � Ps.�R C;C)N 13l'Cl(JNl hl�; �15-33„ 215-�4i; � � 5-41; � 15-5? �E'v�^'��;f� IJSTr.: lJ��: (:)I� I��1L31�IC;'sf:4;��>�� �a4-2S 57't7RNS �ati'�'l,:lt �`r � 1""E;"�,^1 r��ll) Si,l�iPfi,lm I�; 4h�J4 f I �t`a t'�.Q)1 i:t."`1"lC7�t 2�7.(� �x� F'(�I..I.�.ITId?IV .�a'e�r= I'<7LLCI"i'T(7r�i 1%.,�`l.Fi.Sl�l 5Y5�� �.1�'9'� �.t1R"3: Ri()X[:.`"s �'i1-l„ B,, 75-2; 17�+-4 NC)6SF; 1�4-4; llY�4-12 St'�tCN'I�I,];R 5i'���TshS 425.i� �I.,C'()IIf]M�iC' ��V�:It.�4�;r&.W'ro �<r8rtrsaue�ity C°c>mme�cin9, �',Qi7es 2?4�- l 35 L.r�tl�cf'r�nt t'orn�rn�aercral L.t>n�s 27[)-1�1 I'�.fE.�:S .�''�N[D ftF � "I� f"�I�.I.I�,�:'1'�„ A,}ih;A�i �f.ltl-�i LC)t*a1T�1C.; 27d-5 ClSN"�'l�d,: SFpf�C'�PsL l.rll�i[� �ISF�" U�4'I'�t9�" f S hil-1(i A1.,"C'� ��vA"1'1`��k; '✓k�"°I"b:�A.i1S k;�;�1't�F'T'1dpi� 1�4a.xi�t�tarn vxecn�iai���i �;raa�Ced 2�!�-7 Pta,�ca:1 c�d'�pQ-c�u�'�'��ti "Ir"�X,��"'I"IC�1V 2�9-��\��9-7 1'�,���� 13cr�rd 2;�9-�; � M k: f�.l{:"r� E`4';� 'W i"1"F� I)lti.A�t1i.I"C'���;� A�°�' .`.+ci� A'lsr� 17151?�k311.1"7„`�. .�ta; �l,sra ]71�A.13L[3�:P 4�'I :It S{:DP�ti 5 '1'AJ{r"�"I"t�hC ���P-17 ��N���C)�tTf�'G F'�,l}( WL7 I7ANf t�(� Iry. I"[t,}� V �;Rv�T' [t:)N � 5"7- �,, �: 157-fl3 �l^:WE:Ti IJS�': R�JI,.,�S, }�.F.,'(';;�. �5: E'�NaALTIE'�; (.J�'� N3(1 �I�P7 C3EW 9'l;f��,IC" "�"t7�k�;, CfT�°�" 47�E° t�Fi.�f:,�, �+9Y, T�F:,: 44`r� l"F;IZ. 5C1B'T"L"�, 5���,rFkCiF'� C:}l�C'C�S,4.L X:.M1F�: �CbN C)("]"t(Jt�fIN(i 2i5-54 WA"1'��"ItC"Rrl�� I' ?�4-2 �C)t�I:�G �7d�-�fl� ZC)1'�rE4(�. S�'1:C;(A�. 1...hCvT7 l;l'SC�; �)1�'[`R1� &.`� zTr-�� ����an�� r�v��.��r� �See }"E'�`!^�1. tv9f1'C7 L'fZ .�'ce T'1=,"T''Jk'hS"�'L: A�«1'.��1.A,T.aS �6e��cu�liu�nB Z+ai��;�s 27�-�5; 270-��,, .�".7t�-�7 ANIMr'�L'� S� 12-2. ,���aearan�c¢ocl�e�C.s 11�-3 �.�sL�;srr�cP�,ts � I �?-4 fiic,ycl�� 1 I �-2' Sct: r�F.s°c� C,�hT� �"�c7�nr��l�iar[� 1 ��-4 �`��aser����v��ri Lar�e� �7t)-t2� 27�1-14�; �3R)-�� [:>c+� C:'�t�4rr�9 �aa�cl I_�ccrtsin��„ 112-11 H 12-] (i 17�ags i 12-1; ll 1��-�; � 1�-�`� � 12-�; 11 �?-:�. 1 � �•�?; I�l�-7; It�-9; Il!�,-]� ��,nfcr�cen7e �t � 1 �-:i Fec:� i 17-�; I fl2-��) 1'i�ii7�;<�f'ca�rtv�laints t1�-4 F�t�rsc�s 11�?-� Isaa��uas�n�errt, 13�-C�l [an�pt7u�daro7n:ntFees 11'�-I('! I,�k�;frcr3�t Et�w'rc�acrlr�al L�xaa�s �,7f:1-�F� 1�4.�ts}tin�; � 1?�2 L��ei�s�s �arrd �cn�ru�s 11Z-m, 1 I'�-�? 1_➢ccrrSin�! ���d 9is'�rts� �"uas 11 �-�J Li�;Oat I�ad�usir°y�ll Zvaacs 27�_15S LlCH.B.I'Pvd�, ��[:I'1�1�4)(7� l? �-� ➢,,�aw V.?�n�,i1y )te5odc�ta�1 "T_,+ai7e� 27Ct-5�� �7Q-�5; Z7()-5fa M�c�3ru��� C>�nsitv F��:�ide�ati�l Z�rnt�;; ? �f�-(i� IV�ia�ur �w1r�r; re�pcaa�si�3lity v c�d`�a<<rd cr�`pac��c�»et�a,r1'�3 1�2-5 I�t�1�S�; t k��1-��; 1 £s4-� ��t IVcrtice� � 12.? t�ful�ai7ces 1 1 u-� k' A Ii:NC� .�. C� [:D �l�;'C°�L A1`[U�d ;��.I:�:�t�; �f.l�k-,3 I}enalti�;�Bc�rr�f"��r�s�� Illd-�': C'r�su�n�trcrai � 1 "�-Ei Pral7ilrit���;a�t� 11�-� 9"� �7f't ft.I,Y. tr�e'�Ch!"i"}:'N��C'Iw' �U5_� �u��rc ��acr�aer<�kicrr� i 1''�-7 �G����� r�z-�� �aL�r"es cc��alraal 1 I �-9 ftukri�s vacczndti�rcns 11:�•�) Sa�e�Y,stanciarel� tl<-1 �eixurr: t1?-?; 112-fl(I �J LB�.Y�.i '���, ,�ll.�. i �.� �'� � nzvn►znr.s.. � SEWERUSE: REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRISUTORS IiSTO JOINT POTW 216-5;216-14;216-43 9EWER USE: USE OF PUBLIC SEWERS 214-2;214-25 STORM SEWER SYSTEM AND SURFACE WATTcRS PROTECTION 227-2; 227-8 ' 5TORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND ER03ION AND SEDIlI�NT CO]VTROL 228-5 5urcharges 112-9 Town Baard 112-9 Town Clerk ! 12-9 Vaccinations 112-9 Velucles I12-2 Violatioas and peualries 112-2;112-3;112-4; I12-5; 112-6;112-8 Wanants I12-4 ZONI3�TG 270-5; 270-189; 270-219.5; 270-223 ZONING: 3PECIAL LAND USE DISTRICTS 271-9; 271-10; 271-12 ANTENNAS See Also SATELLITE J�TSH ANTEAfNAS SUBDMSION OF LAND 234-20 ZONIl�SG 274-5; 270-219; 270-2193; 270-2I9.4 ZONIMG: SPECIAL LAND USE DISTRICTS 271-10; 271-12 APAR'TMENTS ZOAfiNG: SPECIAL LAI3p USE DISTRICTS 271-3;27i-14;271-16 APPEAIS ADLTLT USES 100-5 See ttlso BOARD OF APPEALS BUILDING CONSTRUCTiON ATID FIRE PAEVENTION 125-12; 125-16 DEFENSE AND INDEMNIFICATION 28-3 FEES 153-2 FLDOD DAMAG� PREVEN'ITON 157-4; 157-16 ' LIGHTING, OLf'i'DOOR 173-18 Nonconfornvng Uses 270-212 PAAKS AND RECREATION � AREAS 200-7 PROPERTY ' MAINTENANCE 205�; 205-5 1 Road Preservation 230-14 SEWER USE: USE OF , PUBLIG S&WERS 214-6 ' Signs 270-259 STORM SEWER SYSTEM AMDSURFACE WATERS PROTECTIOI�i 227-11; 227-14 ITHACA INDEX STREETSAND SmEWALKS 230-4.13; 230-4.14 SUSDIVi5I0N OF LAND 234-3; 234-10 ZONIIVG 270-2I9.1; 270-219.�; 270-235; 270-237 See.4lso ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPEALS BOARD See BOARD OF APPEALS See ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPEALfi, ZONING soa,Rn a� See BOARD O� ZONING APPEALS APPEARANCE TICKETS ANIMALS 112-3 APPEARANCE TIGKETS 9-1; 9-2 Authorizarion to serve appearance tickets 9-2 BUILDIDiG CONSTRUCTIflN ANI? FIItE PR�VENTION 125-2; 125-13 Coda Enforcement Ofticer 9-2 Construction 9-2 Dogs 9-2 Environmental control9-2 Fees 9-2 Fire preventian 9-2 Licenses and permits 9-2 LIGfiT�ING, OUTDOOR 173-17 NOISE 184-13 Pazking 9-2 PARKS ANI7 RECREATION AREAS 200-11 Purpase 9-1 Road Preservation 230-15 Safety standards 9-2 Sanitatioa 9-2 Sewers 9-2 SPRIlVKLER SYSTEMS 225-7 STORM SEWER SYSTEM ANDSURFACE WATERS PROTECTION 227-i4 STOi2MWATER MANAGEMENT AND �ROSIOTT AND SEDIMENT CONTROI. 22$-15 Town Clerk 9-2 Town Engineer 9-2 Violations and penalties 9-1 Water 9-2 APPOIIQ'TIVIENTS BAAiKiNG TRANSACTIONS I4-1 CITIZEN AIJD STAFF ADVISORY CONIlVIITTEES I8-3; 18-9 CONSERVATION BOARD 23-4 DEFENSE AND INDEMNIFICATION 28-1 ETHICS, CODE OF 32-3; 32-11 RE3IDENCY REQUIREMENTS 73-I 3TREETS AND SIDEWALKS 230-2 AREA, YARD AND BULK REGUT.ATIONS See LOTS See YARDS ARREST WARRANTS 5ee SEARCH WARRANTS 5ee WARRANIS ART MURALS Accessory buildings and struciures 270-265 Allowed art murals 274-265 Altemate requirements and procedures 270-268 Art mural permit 270-267 Certificates of compliance 270-267 Code Enforeement Ot�cer 270-267 Compensation 270-266 Fees 270-267 Giaffiti 270-265 Height regulatious 27Q 265; 270-267 Historic presen+afion 270-266 Licenses and permits 270-2G7 Lighdng 270-267 Mobile home pazks 270-265 Pedestriaas 270-264 Planning Saard 270-266; 270-267 Prohibited art murals 270-266 Purpose 270-264 Signs 270-264; 270-268 Town Board 270-2b7 Vandalism 270-265 Variances 270-267 Walls 27D-265; 270-266; 270-268 ZOhING 270-264127D-268 Zoning Board of Appea3s 270-266; 270-267 Zoniag districts 270-265 ASBESTOS SEWER USE: RULES, REGS. & PEIYALTIES OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, C�TY OF ITHACA, NY, RE: WA7'ER SUPPLY, SEWAGE AISPOSAL & AIIt CONIDTTIONIlVG 215-29; 215-31; 215-38; 215-54 ASHES See Alsa FLY ASH PROPERTY MAIIA7'ENANCE 205-2 SEWER USE: REQUIREMENTS FOR CON'I"RTBUTORS IN'I'O JOII�IT POTW 216-5 SEWER USE: RULES, REGS. & PENALTIES OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, C[TY OF 1THACA, NY, RE: WA1�R SUPPLY, SEWAGE nISPpSAL & AIR CONDITIONIlVG 215-33; 215-54 ASSEMBLIES, PUBLIC See PUSLIC ASSEMBLIES ASSESSMENTS AGRICULTURAL ASSESSMENTS 104-1; 144-2; 104-3; 104-4; 104-5 ANIIvIALS l I2-9 BUII.DING CONSTRUCI'ION AND FIItE PREVENTION 125-15 �NVIRONMENTAL QUAI.ITY REVIEW 148-2 FEES 153-3 Historic Bam Exemption 239-21;239-22;239-23 Hausing Trust Exemption 239-26; 239-27 LIGHTING, OUTDOOR 173-17 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 205-4 RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS 73-4 Senior Cidzens Exemptian 239-3;239-5 SEWER RErI'FS 210-2; 210-6 SEWER USE: REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRiBUTORS IN'FO 70INT POTW 216�1 Signs 270-259 3TORM SEWER SYSTENi ANDSURFACE WATERS FROTEGTION 227-14 STORMWATER MANAGEMENTAND ER05ION ArID SEDYMENT CON7ROL 228-15 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 230-4.1; 23D-4.8; 230-8 Si1BDIVISiON OF LAND 234-6;234-14;234-15; 234-36; 234-37 TAXATION 239-13; 239-15; 239-18; 239-19 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC 250-2A ZONTNG 270-181; 270-185;270-198; 270-219; 270-214.1; 270-219.4;270-219.6 ZOATING: SPECLAL. LAND USE DISTRTCI'S 271-9;271-10 ATTORNEXS FEES BUII.DITIG COMSTRUCTION AND FIRE PREVENITON I25-15 DEFENSE AND INDEMNIFICATION z$-z FEES 153-2 LIGHTING, OUTDOOR 173-17 NOISE 184-14 PROPERTY MA1N'1"�IdANCE 205-3 Road Preservation 230-15 Supp 46, 7u12029 � �_ �,����� ���v�;� � � a�.x:s... �F,w�:� �.r��: � [:�1 LJIP�M �:" CkC' I°5 Ft".11� C;�)T�!"I`f� i E�f, x.�"CJ� S �e��r�y �c�¢t�_�. t�t�`��� 21 f�-� � Sr��rs ���)-2�i<7 S"C()fftl�vl �T��M^`k,Et S1'S'l"�:IVi ��"[� S�i�F,�,C"E '�'J,�."I`F � � ����r���°��c::r ���r� ��a-z� s7 c��m��u,� d-�-�r �nt�no��,c�t��r.�v-r ,ara� f:K�1,�"r��"!1'ai A�1fl� p`,i �C'I�I;P�1�:T�["B° C'���V..C..k�G�?�. ��2�-] S LC7NIN�i 2,�C7-�I�.V; 27()-� 1 ��. � AUJ;"�;11:�A�,"Y ��JLi�"� .5��> Pi�I..IC;:1, CFE° FiC E'C�,S i� f3AC; F:I�`��yl.(1�C: C3uilc�ieo� �;c�w���s a��d �;arar��c4i�,uas 2�A-17 �5��,�lxt� f���"�1Vr� 1�[C?NS ,S'�� ,�Cs� F 1 &, 0., SE'�hf'Z:}� lm;f!��-: Ftl![u1;S, h"d f�i',S. h`c f�I::,Nl�l_"1"II;aS ()F I;C)r^e�dC� (7f� �>���c.rc' e��ca�zr�s„ t�i���r�r bz�F��c:�, NY. �t�.. \�rr"�T"(:�1Z �tr�>�r[��`, 5�.���.t��y �:)➢S1?(��,�L �4 ,'�CT� G,fitwlUl'i`�(Jt�tP��i 21�-54 `�"l �21�.1°7".�'s Af�l7 �till;)F��lt�„I�S 23(i-4.fi liAf:', K�Ps`t: '1'Ft�'4N�,�C"!"fC)�«'S� F.p}�crobe�tn��a�t:; 14-1. /'s:ukhtn�-zhy 1 ��-� A;ul1��a�iz�iacan r��;�arcii�a� txaa�s�`es ut" 1"iea�ds 14-5 !#uthvrir,�cata7r r��ar�ciirr� wvr"tt�r�r�a�,��zl �r�f f,'ezr��'e 1 �4-�Q I�an�i� 14-7 l��nd�„ct ll4-� Irn�ao sats;crrt ¢a i' � eancl� 2ic�r�;� l�-7 P'a+uc�ci4oe�4 re�uiremc�ats crf° rewc�9�¢Cnc�n� �4-ta I'ur�e�se l�-1 Szx��ce�sc�sit�aa �r�f�"�a��n �.aw,� 14-:3 "C"a���n ��r�c^d 1�-�F: 14-5; l �1-7 ,l,c.�wn C"cs�Aneil 1 �-4 I"r��n+r7 S�s���w�¢�<.rr ��-15 I �-=�, G 4-f, �Af+CEtiC:,4:ID�S E#uil�iin�, Scxv�;�a ���d �esnliccsra�sm„�; 2, b 4_2?. ."a&:4'�RIsEi �,1S1-: �t111,.,1;,;5, h'�"Ci�i. a�z �'h:Na11.�''k:LS C)f� N. �;M*� �.17 f}[^ YUk3LflC° �h�f7�IC,S, C:I7"�" C�� J'�"Ht'k(;e�, 1^JY', ��; "�,'�TF:IL ;iI,N�C'fl..�f, `:,1. WACai 1"715�'C7"�F�1. � r�.1R (' 471"J CD l T"1 �]`J I i�l' (�i 215.5.9 a"➢"it.�ETS r'�%iti;i SIL7t:s"aV�,l_KS 23f7-4.t} r���o-��r��, .n�to�,�rt.�^ti;r.s �c�c�_z rc�r�rr�c�: �rp�:c�«i... ��,r��� �l�z� L�l�;"f121C'"T',�� 2�P-1�; 1T�ic�CA. ��JT��X �.����u,�;�ac�:,� "�)�k�[NI�P,E:f� Si"�7"E'h!I�; i.�r5_�a 2G}2�;lf�ii:� ?7(1-S; 27f7-21 �.l ��:,ac�� ��r��,� .Scc� }�'I��i;,� 13�:T),,�1tiC9 EiFtF:rAfti4�"e#S'1" ,� � a�r.°aa I! �a¢-�ti �'trn�s '� 7U. � 7 C:'�n:��°r�-�tiuma G�>rret; ?7{i-12 l�i��� L7ta'�iiy 92e�;ici�nCia�' c�,�,�� 2�0-�� 1,�;eB"rcrnt 92.c;sielcntr"�t �';c�re�es z�r�a-��. &..itaqotc�3 �la�lcr�c C"�.r�anrercz��t Lcanea ?7U-(��.5 L��� Uec�sxt�= k�e�ictent,i�J. /:a�xtwti 27Cb-SS �v9c ��a��b� �7c;ma,si�-y CLesaei�riii�l /�,-,r��,� '?7fl-fa7 �1�u➢tl�alr: �e,si�en�cGcrnes ""�C�-i�12 Si��C�wltiL,ts}� �'r Se"��MS �25-3 :f()1'wtNC.'r �7�i.�i„ 270-2'27 L()i�I�IC;: SP1�C'lA]_ LATM�II� U5E I71�T`Ftlf;`B"S 271-��; 27'I-9 1�IC'h'C'�.F�;S �.NIi��rsl� 11t-2 t"�'e��l�tx�rEa�c,d C�inrr��rc��l �a,��� <7c�-r �� �f�.��s r�:r�z� ttf;c'tz��.��r�c�rr �r�� t:,��, ztrtr-�„ z���_5 �;LJP�L)f V1S1�)?+! f7F` l.r�,l`Jl� "�3�I-2; �3�-2� ��.)i�S�NE, 27�i-I�i�;,, �7�-1 ��4�; 274'�-2f��Cl !(.)1�I,�1C�: `�F'lry,�'I.h:LL�,Tti�:} G. i S k: I715'H"ttl �.l. � 2�V-�(1, 271-]2; z��-�q�,���-�s� 131�v(R(i fl��P«�C:) 121-I; 121-2; 1�1-3y 121-� C°�saa�ua C c�l.hiam�t} �a�b�e,� .�utl�nri z��, r�,stricti,��xas 12'I«_3 f::c�rr:t�°�i �n� �u�aerui�isri� 121-,5 l:aefi��u���r��s �2�.`.,' k�,��'e,ctv�� ci�tc t2�-� �e=e� f7(sck �.�ih�9131_I6`��C Sc°e ��! Pv,�r �s.� h� I:S C71;. cmi�r�c�t: 1.i��^n:;w:���d�rcrrrMiks 12&-3 PVlaa7�tii�rry r���"er�en�3�u�r7a l 2 Y -f> P��,�cu-s ��7� c1�ltres I�]-5 S�ver�zkailit�,� 121-7 it�hrflti�p~y au:ti��r�'ii'y�, f,itic 9�p-1 Suaact�y�am��c� �26-�6 'r��v°n G'��r� t2u-s °l'ca�a-n ��a�x�w�i��:rvr 121-5 EiL.r^�u"1"3�(; S'ei',�Vi.St� �;:�iq'1..f9`a](?1�J FG.�.J.�l�.i)5 5��cs,,�f�.�rr L:�:F'LCD`�"IVL:S 5}:?�4rE.1� [JSIw: (ff,S�[;'�i, Ftff�'�s'�i. c4� }'@~:hd/w,:[„'I"Il:;�r �)h` �4':)f�.k"Cl7l)� F'1JE��..[C 1�d(D32K�, C["�"4' f�� �7'}��C:�, 'v�', N'2�`.: Wf�'a'�wi� S1.11}C,L�', :tiF:WA(iE? I:�IS�'C?`�f41... �r. Alfi c��ra�r����r��ra�; ;215-5.� �r,tc,�-a l�lw(�tJ�r LY�MC�ili�.;E ]�1�::E,\�"F�'NT�i1N 157-3 ��.c�� t�;s '�k�'�'f.�l� LU��: Cii1Lt:S, ��lµ;t;4. � k'�:NAL."D"I� S (�I' L3{)"�1Z�) ci� �a�rl��.lc �vc���s, C;17"Y ��` ['�FIA�°%"�, NY� E�1�:: Wfa"�"kalZ, xa'LMl'f'lwY, "�k^°11/��(':a1� f)IS�'C75r1.L �u :?+.1� C�iI'�171"]"@4)M�E It�iiG ��s-y�a ��..rr�u��vw���:r� c�r [.,�r:r�� z����c�; z��-��; 234-2�5; 23�-3fi; 234_:37 it�I�EN� �'"�tl-2'f� :�C9N�1'�4a. 59�'T�,"���:1r�,1.. I,.�"�.�1T� �.1SL' T�1S"1'I�1t:`"6'i '?71-1ti`i 1����4F�[� �F A�'k'T+;�1;4 .��%',r��a�'r¢roa� a�fi. cre1� 1-1 ➢ A�r��c�il,nra�aP Z�ae��s 27�-�R; 2'7�-24 �Si^e^ rP1.�tr I4T�f'I:�.�,�5 C°�N�T?It`J�7'1()N' �3[)t�RI) 2 �-2 C'casasr,z�.F�tion, �c��ie;s ?747-17 Fl a�,f7 1�ens'rfiy R�;sicic nti�,l L c�ncs ??�-7��; ? 7()-'�$'� Lak�l"r�rr�t ��aiclenti�al l���ac+� �7C)-43; �7f)-��; �7(.l-�fi f.i���f ��5du�trit�l ✓cri7es ���a-r a:� �.BC�N�"���?�JU, �iJTC3��C��l'�t �����i� C.,icr�H�cal H��ttyci�c 4::'c�rtaa�nerc�atW c°,«ne� 27(1• 1 �t,.3 1,1:�sn� f}ensity Itc��alerr�ti�H l���es 27L1-��a, 2,7Ct-�f� ri�4e�ii��r�7 L7cr-,�dty �csvr�cnt��➢ lcrrr�� ;?7(1-taE�; �7f�-64; ?7ix-�! i*Ir�ncc>iaii�rn7rea� I1��� ?7(1-24):i; 2�fi-'�f)�; �'711-211„ 2,7d7-212; �71D�� l3; �7C�_? 14; 27()��1�#,1 it�;S1�;7}aPv�C'�' 6t [��1U I12f; � I;1�'�"� 7�_q Z9�itiIT�C� 274?-�; ?7�1-:.' 1 S; 2��0-21!7; 27�-21 �1,��; �7'(1-22:i; ?'�(�-'��7; �?{i-2:�3 ,S'a>c���l.sU'Z,t_11WI?�!G E3d�,�.; "� (3F A3'P�,�LS ZC7TvfN�: SF"k:'�:��L 1...�1.1�1) tr�� [����rrz��:°�.s �'7I.c) I��A.f�L) �F �:1)l1C'A"�°1(Jtti Jf.71k!CN�i: ,�hPEC°Nr�lw 1./4.N"�7 (..IS}W I}I',S7'FtIC"(,�a 2,71-1�,271-t? FTC�,�:k�l":fi C7F� 9�Ee�l„'Q'Ili� .4c�c> 16I�ti�T1{ ��FICl:(t k3tlrtiFt:l) QF R�;i'lE'V�" Ci 11 BLC7�:I�N(:i C4)N:�"�"i2Ll� `["1(:)Pv .�l�I� F°fltl: i'RL�J �N"T It)?�k i �S-'I � k3�.h.RTi Qk '�"�t�3S"1"��:"� Cp"t�!1I�`4 ()}� ('t-Ot'�N4;1:°, l �afi-t� �C}ti�f2t7 f)}�" i+d3NIFtiC; ,Ak'T"E,11,�a '�t�u�tic7z� ak'C°c�d� 1-� 1 �4'���*Ad�s'c� �f:)t�I'�I(313C7r�R:G C)� ."1Pf'EF4:LS �ti bP�[N(i: SPI:?(:lAl. f r+.1Uf� �1�;F 1715'I"B�1C°"fl"5 ���r-a� �cr����� �ram �c�,�y�°� � � I.,�k�fi°on1 �canirrrerci�l Za�nes '� 7�-1 �Hl; �7@-1 ��?.1 l.,akr��'rc317� Ra��i�ic,rr�6aV loascs 7?4)-4:�;'?7iJ-45; i��1-�f; PEtC}Pi:;3t:'r�r" N➢, � 1 h�f "l"I�"I�'AN �'L-". 2{D5,_2 �,!� 1'C:w� �CR:Al�'E" � ��,_ � ; z�a-a z��rrrr�c� 2�r�-� �rar��r�tt�: ��y�:t:t.�t t.nr��.a �I�F: C�TS"fd21C"'g"� 27]-12 1�C:)�V US Aalcrptican ca1�C'c�cie 1-� £��1�^,1IC IJ�1<:i 'T"I�ATvSr�C'71t)NS 14-7 �3f d7L.1�Iiv(,.� f.'f�Tr1�T� �,PC"T ��JN i"�1�C1:7 FIFiE PT���/��.N'C"p�)�d 12'_5-4v 125-7 13uilc�i�a�; Se�vers �n�i C'crivarctivaa;s � I �-1 � C"on�er��ac�t,rr Zc��ra:; �""7�-2,W i'Hannecl C]�m�r�lc,��gxve�r7t� G��a��, ?7�- � 75 �c�aci t'r�!�erwralicbr� �3G)-�3; 2��.��a SI;VJ1�&211SF; T��J�.1-;5„ ft1=(3�i, �'� �EN,�eLT�E'� 4�F l�(�)�1.RB.� ���� PLGE�LHC' �rC9FtJ�,�, C'�']"t' CJ�1�' 4"�'&#t�t"r�., NY„ �I,;:'a�1�TF�(�. SUE'F'�."s'. S�:'i�/1(:i�: Gl `� �'C) 4,=� L., ka, �� R C`.��N�)�7 iC7i^JIN(.3 z���a s�� caa�;r� w.� o�� � M'a7�J,+�Cir',�i[F�N"I" .4T�1L) 1�.�.C7Sl(;)� �4:�'[) �ii;i)I�+�[�1W.1. C: �7N�"��.4 �'1,.� ?� �- � 4 S � � f:l:�:`C"� i0Y'*lLi S]�D�;VJda��K�; i?�t')-2;, ���-�I. I 5 �v��rt,� �.��r�.s ���-� Z�l`�INt; �I[b-217; �7(l-"�19 Z()1WT?dG� SF'T::;C°Ir`�9., I.P�N�� ��5�: iss�� r���° r�°� 27 � -cr �t�nr•��z�� ScL E3�JItt�CivG ,Sc � F�I�.�S Ei�WLIitiC; AL�LE;"�';5 G:amttaaumbity �'c>nr�aa�rc�i�1 L,a�7c^h 271�-i35 S��tlh19<:.�,�:C� SY�"�"k;M4 �25_� :�!.(J�*,fl➢"�G ���'1-�"�7 ��a���H,� l�l.�[7L) T�ACv�t'�C�F; I'1�F'vE;PS'i'[t;)]'� 157.3; 15�-1 fs P*Jt��f'7F�C`:�"1�Bt)1v' C7t� IdL�wLC:"I.S If;E�-d I'l.�LiI�SC' k�'d VIF�K`is @�k:"�'/\9�i"lv'6L�.�I"� S�i.�� 1��,��d Pc�.��a°v�atfl;c�m 23f3-13„ 2�i�9- I � SI:V6rL;F: LISL: f��:l'L��,;, ���;c�. � r��ra,ac_rr,.�. Cb�� SC.itI�;.C:? C)&� E'�..163L,1�' tiilC)fiY�;, (.�l"�`i' 8JE' 1T"I-�AC°.+�, idY, [��:,: '�+',�"I':t_;d� 4�.1�'}'LY, `if.Nti�r'.�iC;f:; ��q�a� ��, Jt�k �Cl ] 9 � i ' ITHACA INDEX � BRIDGES... DTSP4SAL & AIR BUII.DING ' COI*IDITTOMNG CONSTRUCTION 215-54 See�llso CONSTRUCTIOH Sigas 270-252 NonconCorming Uses STREETS AND 270-209 SIDEWALKS 230-2 RENTAL PROPERTY SUBBIVISION OF LAND 207-1; 207-2; 207-3 23436 See Also ItESIDEN"I'IAL TAXICABS 243-2 CONSTRUCTION Vehicle Weight Limits SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 250-7 225-9 VEHICLES AND Water 215-2,8 TRAFFIC 250-16 ZONING 270-219.3; Water215-15 270-219.4; 270-214.6 ZONIIQG 270-219.5 ZO]�iING: SP�CL4I. LAND B1iUSH, GRASS AND USE DISTRICTS VVEEDS 271-I4; 271-15 SeesilsoGRA3S BUILDING CLIPPINGS CONSTRUCTION ARi1 See Also LAWNS FIRE PREVENTIDI�' pARKS AND Accessory buildings and RECREATION structures 125-4 AREAS 20D-5 Administration 125-2 STORMWATER Appeals 125-12; 125-16 MANAGEMEI�iT AND Appearance tickets I25-2; EROSIOI� AND 125-13 SEDIMENT Assessments 125-IS CdNTROL 228-6 Attomeys fees 125-15 3eeRlso YARD WA57`E Board af Review 125-16 ZO]dING 270-5; 270-227 Bonds 125�; 125-7 ZONING: SPECIAL LAND Bwlding permits I25-2; USE DiSTRICTS 125�; 125-5; 125-6; 271-T0; 271-1fi 125-7; 125-16 BUDGET �uming 125-4; 125-5; BANKING 125-10 TRANSACTI013S Certificates of compliance 14� 125�; 125-7 P[lSLIC WOitKS Certificates of occupancy DEPARTMENT 54-6 125-4; 125-7 Wastewater Discharge Certificates of occnpancy or Permiu 216-I6 certificates of BUFF'ERS compliance 125-7 Agricultural Zones 270-25; Chimneys 125-4; 125-5; 270-27; 270-28; 125-10 274-32; 270-37 Code EnForcement Officer Commercial Zones 125-2; 125-4; 125-5; Generally 270-117; 125-6; ]25-7; 125-8; 270-122 125-9;125-i0;125-11; Canservation Zones 270-10; 125-12; 125-13; 270-12; 270-17; 270-22 125-15; 125-16 High Density Residential Cambustibles 125-8 , Zones 270-76 Complaints 125-1 I; 125-14 Industrial Zones 270-161; Consiruction 125-4; 125-5; 270-164;270-169 125-6;125-7;125-1i; Light Indush-ial Zones 125-16 i 270-149; 270-154 Construction inspections Low Densiry Residential 125-5 Zones 270-55; 270-58 Costs and expenses I25-4; Multiple Res[dence Zones 125-7; 125-8; 125-15 270-i06; 270-1I1 Dangerousbuildings 125-IS 5ee�11so 3CREENS AND l7emolition 125-4; 125-15 sc�Avu�rG n�r ias-s 3TORMWA'I'ER Excava6ons 125-4 MANAGEMENTAND Fees i25-4; 125-7; 125-9; EROSION AND 125-14 SEDIIV�EIVT Fences 125-4 COATPROL 228-9 Fire Departtaent 125-10 STJ"BDMSION OF LAND FSre prevenHon 125-1 ' 234-20; 234-33; 234-34 Fire protection 125-4; 125-7 ZONING 270-186; Fizesafety 125-9 , 270-188; 270-l91; FiresaFely and property i 270-219;270-219.1; maiutenauce 27U-2193;270-219.4; inspec6ons125-9 � 270-219.5; 270-223; Fuel 125-4; 125-5; 125-IO i 270-227;270-230.2 Gas L25-5;125-f0 ZONIIVG: SYECIAL LAND Grades and grading 125-4 � U5E DISTRICTS Ha7ardous materials and 271-9;271-10;27I-12; substances 125-8 271-13; 271-16 Heanings 125-7 BUFFERYARDS Heating 125-4; I25-5 Mobile Home Park Zones Heighk regulations 125-4 270-97 Fiospitals 125-8; 125-9 Hotels 125-8 Impoundment 125-4 Improvements 125�; 125-7 Inspections 125-4; i25-5; 125-7; 125-8; I25-9; 125-11; 125-15 Letters af credit 125�; 125-7 Liability 125-13 Licenses and permiu 125-4; 125-8;125-9;125-54 Liens 125-15 Motcls 125-$ Na6ces 125-7; 125-I0; 125-11; 125-12 Notices of violatians 125-12 NoHfication regarding fire or explasion 125-10 Nuisances 125-IS Nursing homes 125-8; 125-9 Operating perniits 125-8 Parking 125-4 Penalties foroffenses 125-13 Playgrounds 125-4 Plumbing 125� Public assemblies 125-8; 125-9 Qualifications 125-2 Records 125-12; 125-14 Removal of dangerous buildings or struchues I25-IS Rental units 125-8; 125-9 Reports 125-7; 125-8; 125-1I Residenrial districLs I25-4 Retaining walls 125-4 Right of entry 125-5 Rules and regula6ons 125-3 Safety standards 125-4; 125-7; 125-8; 125-9; 125-15 5anitariums 125-8; 125-9 Scope 125-1 5epric systems I25-4 Sheds 125-4 Signs 125-4 5ingl�family dwellings 125-4 Site plan approval 125� Site plans I25-4 Smoke 125-7 Sprinklar systems 125-7 5top-work orders 125-6; 125-11 Storage 125-4 Surcharges 125-4 5wirr�ning pools 125-4 Tenants 125-6 Tests 125-8 Town Board 125-2; 125-3; 125-4; 125-5;125-7 Town C1erk 125-14 Two-family dweliings 125-4 Variance and review 125-16 Variances 125-7; 125-16 Ventilation 125-4 Violations 125-I2 Viofations and penalties 125-4; 125-5; 125-6; 125-7; 125-8; 125-4; 125-11; 125-12; 125-13; 125-14; 125-I5; 125-I6 Waivers 125-7 wa��s i 2s-a Warrants 125-9 Wate� 125-4; 125-5 BUILDING INSP�CTOR BUILDINGS, UNSAFE 129-2 See �lso COD� ENFORCEMEAIT OFFICER FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION 157-8; 157-10; 157-11; 157-12;157-14;157-16 See Also IIVSPECTIONS SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 225-2; 225-5; 225-7; 225-9 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 234-3;234-10;234-20 ZONING 27�-I93; 270-237 BUILbING OFFICiAL ADULT USES 100-5 BUILDING PERNATS Agricultural Zones 270-38 BUILDBQG CONSiRUCT10N AND FIRE PREVENTION 125-2; 125�; 125-5; 125-6; 125-7; 125-16 Business Investment Exemption 239-9 Commercial Zones Generally 270-124 Conservation Zones 270-11; 270-13; 270-22; 27D-24 ETHICS, CODE OF 32-1 ! FEES I53-3 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION 157-8 Industrial 2ones 274-171 Lakefront Residential Zones 270-43; 270-51 See �tlso LICENSES AAiD PERMIT3 LightIndvstrial Zones 270-156 LIGHTING, OUTDOOR 173-16 Low 1]ensity Residentia] Zanes 270-54 Mobile Home Park Zanes 274-97; 270-98 Multiple Residence Zanes 270-112 Planned Development Zoaes 270-i78 SEWEIi U3E: USE OF PUHLIC 3EWERS 2I4-7 See rllso SPECIAL QERNIITS SPRINKLEit SYSTEMS 225-4; 225-9 STORM SEWER SYSTEM AND SURFACE WATERS PROTECTION 227-14 STOTtMWA'I'ER MANAGEMF•N'T AND EROSION AND SEDIMEN'T CONTROL 228-11; 228-IS Si3BDIVISION OF LAND 234-3; 23439 WATER RA'Tfi5 261-8 ZONiNG 270-181; 270-183;270-1$5; 27D-I91; 270-192; 270-I94;270-196; z�o-zoa; Z�azi�; 270-219; 270-219.1; 270-219.3;270-219.4; 270.219.5; 270-219.6; 270-223;270-228; 270-230;270-233; 270-235;270-236; 270-243;270-245 Supp 48, Jn12019 1 � �[a�a.,r��nc r��.��1��... z�ar�rt�t�r: ��rc��,�. ��nr�ra II�E; L)IS'Ckt,IC"I,� 271-3; �i'1-�; 2',"?I-5; 271-�i; ,�? i -'7� 2 � 1-t3; 271-�;"?;a9-]�J;271-11; 27'I-1�;2,71-13; 271-1�t; �"�1-IS; 271-1� I3�.1I�,L11P'��C"i S�:°'W�' E;IiS .hl'� t) C t� P+1 C� d�:: �'" C l�)1ti S f3d�k�ll�in� ��4-17 l�arric°a�e� �1�-?� �3(717f�4 � ��� �4^ i � �iu�aflr3dnp� �cu�cr ��a�rt�rits Z��-13 C'�rn¢�ecthtrn sp�a;i�ac�tnctn�: �14-1� C.'onstr�a�kic�a� �14-17 C;ansCi'utkiui� requirta���r7c� 214-]� t."c��t,s ai7ci �xp�rt�e;s 2'14-��i C;saSis aR��i ��„�senses t�a b� kzcar�tc t�y� aara�nc� ? 14-14 17ri v�:w��ys � P�f- G 5 FFBc^+rati��a 2 I �« li � F:'a��a��ataurqs Z i4-17; 21A_2? CTrc7rarrda✓a�t�r � 14-�(i C�u;�rrYin� asY L�;c�v��ic�n;s "� 14-�� [ma�tu�rri�l w�si�cs � 14-� � 3 In�rre+:Ca rrns 2��- I�; '2 � 4-21 I�rs��z•��nc� �21�4- �1 � Ln�k�ils�;� 214-63, �14-]�& I �cens�s �d p��-sa�rt,� 214-13 Not��;4s z C �- � � P�rs���ak r��uirec� fi�r �r�enin� ur c�ar�ectwc�x� ? I�-1 � I'll u�77kqim�� Cm a�d� � l��� C 7; zza-t�s 9'rer�t�3aa;ta�l cr�ryrotis tiie�ns 2 4 �4-?�C'& Ftc�t7i°s �, � �-Z(� Sc��st�aC� bui��oei� �evvcr rey�¢ire��' �14-�5 SF;1�"1:It �.PSd , t.l�k; (.1F F'i.ff3[,1( St';W1aRS 214-12;?Y4-22 sewcr� ? ��4-1 z; ? � 4- t 3„ 21�4-]�„ ,�„ l��-'15; ���-��;,�t�-r�, zz.�-a�;��a-1��� : ���z�, �aa-z � � z i�-az Ss�ew�lk� E 1 �-22 Sto�ervi;»icroa� �i�r3 on��iectbc�n s7" ccrr,�7� tir.rmt ? 14-"� 1 �r�st� � aa-bc�, z i�-� a; 21�4-1� "1'rcG�ci��s ? � �P,- � 7' Utie caf`�alci b�ilcflir7� cce,�cr� 2 I �-Y t� '1'ar�;s 214-] 5 F3�I1k.lilPr'ts`�, 0.�1�+i��1,�E+ 1�:3n�ilciirr�Z, li�r:4��:�tcra• 12�i-2 C;r�sn�aen�;a9,itro� 1��•� (:s,st�� <�nci a��.p�srs�� 1���'� C;�tant,y C:'1��&: 1��-2 F�ire pra;������fti�m� ] �"�-1 C:arra�lcs �rrei �r��iaea,�; ] "?cJ-1. ]i��p�ctiRarr� fl��-� hlcztice� i "��Y-� IJulsazrccs E,?9-Z �'rcacedures l�°�-" @teccPr�1s 1"��-� Et�ro-s�rr�1 rsr r��aair reqtaic�d l?'9- I F�L�ScarCs 12�-2 .I"c��un I.�asa�d, 12�-2 f31��'ttilP+;� k3U�l.i3�hd� ( "�C)�PJ�"V"�tt�l�C'TI(JN' r1ND 1�[�� 1'l�.T��'�;Yv'1"CC�hJ �'S-4; 125'_5, 125-�Plb S�ye� �(.s�cr FI�tCWS IT�-I.AC'.� �I`�Y:��� C„i�hi fsad��.�;tcroal lcrrl�ti 27f9-� �5 Sera:�.4�tiea C'JP1:.1V F�1�@°:'� F'r�.FE�.� A1�8:7 kE4'Etl�.hT'IC�PJ dtid:E:,�S 2CI(�-5 ZC6i`�I�T�S(.;: 5���:iC'�AL d�.ANC:7 �7�k: C7H'S'I'Ri�"1"� 2'7'1-]b;271-12 [3 U 1�� [ ftiCr, +�F"k;l� ac;tr F1f�k:�+ � �,� �.k"'� � I'�ti �.w r �..������M��'i% h5�� C��I�x,S� �3LlSll���"r"� �)1:57"F�I�""1"S 1:(�NiTwC:;: 4�'G�'1,�L Lr��vL7 � �`iE�; 1?]`��1'K@C;"1"S 271•2; �7�1-5; 271-°� IiUSI[�iE"�u"4 lC`�+k'F'�`I�M�fti,9" �::��.� ��r ocatv 13ui1clis�� �c,rntit� 23"�-� C'cairstruct�crx� �39Mc7 l;k"I�s;l caAro c�uat�•c�nt �ar�je,cts ? ���_y f��dzuaYu�tr �n exe�fnE�ii��a� ?��7.� °1�r1:�:Aii 1�7N ?:�9-£�12"��)-I (b Wl�eca e('i�etive 2 �9-14) Fl�JS[iti`1�;�4 d,d4'k^;NS0.�;� ,5'�e LB("1="h�"��'�`s".�i.1�iU �'k4t�ilTS �� (',i13f,k; "1"�Ll^:'�'i�±l()N �iGJF�1714r15�('1?ti C?Iw 1.,.�i�Y"C3 2�t�Rn,�c� Z(JNI1�Cr: �;1'1..C'IAT. [,A�v"L7 �r�� car�r��c..4,.,� 271-�4 C,A.1�iP"�ti(; C'lkl��.S A1��:D f� E. �"1� l� A I"I ()N ✓°�i�I;CiS udi(�-5 C.tD�"v��l�� 27f.)-5 a C::wIVa1�lc..;: ;�PFiC"��hT� ��ANI7 ���� r��:��rf�i�:r� 2? t -� cn�irr �zs r�w���r�c�vrwn�F�r� �. ���.�a�cA°� � �`��� ��F��c�v�:r��r;����� C;,A�d,13(.�C+i M1�t4:��'()?�11)k 1� F;'1' k'<+�""I'tJ t� S C2ff;A�l � r%I.. �'It�I*CR'1"'1r ��tl7-2 LCl�1T?�CC'a �7'{N-219.� �.4'T"S �S'�,c ,9lsn A%! 1 hR A1,. S Zf.)�+;�P'��i �7C1-5 C'N�1��Ik�'C���G�^',� /4�az�azBturall 2ur¢es 2"�(D-27 }�o�l� IG��n�ity Rc�:�ia�c�taal ��taa��; 27'Cl-7i�; 27(1-'F's5 L,cr� I:�et�sa[y I�.c�id�a�ti,�➢ L�roac� 27(I-�5„ 27CI_�a3 M��au�r�i Lleca�at,y Rc:;itie�at9ap �L,�n� �� '�7�)-Fi7; 27(',1-7� �;TC'1Ft�+'tWA7��;� T��At�rh�aF^:M I:�f7' J�.E�L) F�I��S�Q�F+I AI�I) S f� [)11�� i�F�1" C"�➢N"I�k�C)I� 22t�-7 V[?1-l1C�LT:�.�� .��➢I} �"Tt�AF'"F°�� ?5()-1 ti s'C3Pv'1i�3<i: "�R''1';:rC`IA9L.Lr11*d� L. �T.. [71STE���'.C. S 27 I -Q� C;IsI�"Ti I�1�.4'I'��S �)F ,�f�Y1�tQA�'J#�.. Z!',4E`�CTwi;i 274)-^+ f' E� ft'1"� k 1�'A,'�"�:S (7F (°C3i�1f1'LG,A NsC�; Art N@ural4 ?7(1-��i7 I3C1[LB�I]V(a C:'C) h��;'I I�U� ° 1"i4� N A t� l'� F� CC� �,,, �'�2i:VLN"f"IC?� 1?'�s-�; 4�"5-7 C'raeiy��J'��ati¢m 2'.u�rr�� 2��7C�-�� 1 �:"t"(i'1CS, �'UC)1; d�IF 3,�-P� 1 I�d.�Q:)f� 1)AIv1AC'r[^; f�Jt�;V1-hJ"t1�N �57.1� Laaw� t'�7�t��sity �e�acPe�n���l i'rwta�� �71�-54 �B�"ri:i .��r � ,�fY� �Pf�&T�IKI.k,Pt �1'�1`f:tv1S ���-:5 SC(�E�'M 5�;'�W(:Et 5YK;7"l:;",��! r"m iJ1) `i UItF,"h C' a: L'wf.+�"C'I;T�S rPrt�a u'�:,� rac�r� ���-aa �'r c�rtn�w,�����.�t �c�ra��g�:'�t��,r�.t_ ,��� I;}�C)SICiI�' t�.N"L7 SI I?1ML�F,!"M" t'f)N'1"lif>[,. � ��-@, ]; ?2ki 15 "�'�"�TI:� Tta17l:S 2di1-� �"�1vpl�G 27()-I �:�; 2lQ-1 £iS; '?7�D-1 F�fs, �'7(�- i �:�; ?7iJ-1 ��a, 27(N-2 I �J; 27C)- � 1 �3.1;. 27Ca-227; 27(7-�2,$; �7a1-2�4; 27C�-2:"i:5; '�7ii �3� Z�`1T�I:N<r. :a9'I:aC 11� L LA;P'�"r1� U S C;1�I S"1"� !�"� � 77I-1C3;'�71-44;; y71-15;�71-li�r c��.��ra��c��r��;� r�� l�l:� lJ ftaA �'C:I�: .5c�� ii�!��JI2l�.T�?("E? �'�:It'T1 F'1C A'f.� .r+", (b [;. dJf:'�'lJi"shTti°C"Y &�t J II 1�� hd(.� C�tiNST"Ft:CJC"I I���t :'�NNI7 FIIt1:; �k"tl: V&�1�d"I"1 C) i�l 1? S-�; 1z5-7 T"���1105, C,'C)f)V': ���� �2-� ] F L47�F17 [),AM.�(,gl� y� pyE����yz� evf:{�y:p.,a�.yt,c.�r1�y����y��/���va 2 .1EbR�.dY�L��A\. +] 0. � 1 1,:,[�"A�3 �?5-S 4'l�Ukt:l� Slu\'4'f:Tt �"Y� 1 [�;fw& r1;'�117 S�J�F,�i`5,:. `�N�1 1`�1���t:S NR4�II:C"�"If)t� 2�,7-1�� Sl,"t��tM iA�/^y7"�=:�2 C�✓1!`siJ f+�Ci� 24�& GN T,"�.NC) i:Ed.C5S1(:1N .�%t[� � GC.bi�,�1[�N.f. C;CJ�J B"C�[�I.. 2? �-1 � �, 2��5-] `r V',A'�I�k� FtA"�"1=>42�;P,-;h l�t�dl�^JCj �7�-1 f�:3; 2'7�7-���5; �70-��E„ 27k)-1�:3; 2747-G{;��„ 2��)-?]�9; 2"�Ci-21S�,t5�, 2,?()-�27; 2'7('9-22�'„ 27�)-23�; ?7CY-2:�5; '2'Fi)-23K 1rJ1wf1T�4a SE'1�(:']!'��.1.t1.Nt7 1i51: �!S"T'�3�'."E,S 271-3„ �79-�; ?7B-A➢; �?I-1fJ; 2'�1-�3, 271-1�; 271-➢5„ �7➢-tifi L:�;T:,'P'lE^'1C.,�"9'Ey'i �F' 1�iN;�1S'C�%r17'[Cl1ti' 5'cc }�:F.;CiI:�°I"Nt.i!"f1C}�: t�'�^;SSPC)(?I�S Sk°;1lw'EF� U��: V2:t;(,�8�7 �. E�,I P-:�J° f';� F�)�. C"f3tM!'d"@�:[IiL1i�(:7� ri i'1'�E"T'�J!,&C�11*�'"1" F�G�"I`"�' � 1 t�-3 '��:Wl�f� ��rk:: f�LJL�S, ItF".(.iS. � PF�;C+��I.,TII;�:�s C)F E��?,A�9:7 C��" PG.TfiiL1C` A�JC9N�KS, ����i �%�' ��1�/���e�l.y lVY, RL: We�1C�:Et, SLTPPLS�", Sk:;�a�r',�1,(3E [�B�E'C)��1L �c ��1R C'.l7Cw"I.>l'I.�Q)PJI°J(i 21 i-3� srvr�;�t ���r: �a�E� ��r� ��c�t���' �s=:�r��ts 214-� � li � kt(:: k;� Adop�t�an csl"C"c�ai� I-4 S�ca Ats� ("C)�7 � �hII) F�;Y�"1;1"�!�„:f'�; l7F`.�'.L'N�E .AT�7� 1N C3E!ti+�N f}�'1C,^. `�'��?�t 2�3'-6 � Iri3� 15"�-�;'11P.>-�5; 21 �-�Fi .tic=� .�1s'ra FF k;;S C' �.J �JI.,IC' '�VC;) EC[� S C}f�P�k2TMF�"tiC"�' S'3-f ��.wr.��t ��r..�,���; x�i���; �'I�lwG; 21C)-7; �1�E_� 5��,��,� usz: �t.��,�:�, ftF;Qi:`a. �Z P�;I�dr'4L�"II�S cs� L�a�.��� c�� rju��sc� �,r�r����, (;I"8`Y iD�. �.t.f-'f�C';�, NY, lZl.a: °w�'.�"I'k„Ft SI.JT'I'l.5', SI�;'�✓AC�F �7351'(�"at11� '� .�I.Ft. f:'(.? �4 C717'kC')hl l hrC"� 215-"'; 21����, 2�5-�; ? i S-€�; 2',l �_ 3�, '� 1:�-�t9 �T:W"I�^;92 Ll"�i.: �;'SI; (�F F'�1F3l..TC' SL"�h'�}aS z��-W� s � r��.�.;-�"�; ����a ��r7��.^��,���� ��t�-w; 234�-4.�1; 2i3�.�-?, �'��t)-�; s«t���v�stc�r� ��r �n.r�r� ?,34-� 7'f4X1C°AL�S 7��-:s, 2� �-ti» 2�43-�3; 2��-��; ?��-1fJ; �43-N] V`k�:l-t1C1L� �i .�N�L7� I'BtAl=1^1�' �;50.�? W":�stcw��tcr l�u�cl��r�� Pen�7 t�s 216-1 ? �?r"at�;� �21 �-1 �%, 2 l 5�-1 ��; 21 �-'� 1; '2l 5-��; 215-26; 215-�£� W'fi."9"TaR �t,'hT'i':."°� �fi1-1; 2fi ll-3; ?h l-�; 2fa I-5 G43N11�1C'a 27C�-°r��� �"[�1 C"K k.,N� Ni�tiiu��� C�s:nsity 1Za��;idei�ciaH L<n7�, 27i�-4�� LC)I�INi� ?"r1:4-5 �i9 i P1� tlV �;"h"S C3C9il�f)(NC'a �"C3l� �"l"R � TC:'.i.ICJ�+ h1�L� I"f�tE; I'I��:VE�I'�"1"IC�?'�! 925-�1, 1'�5-5; 1?�-tfp 1_zaa�itcd livsi�a¢i� ( rasr�me�-a�,a�9 ��.�n�� 2Tf7-1-��.:� S4.1L31��'V'1S1C�N G„)F 1,��T�dA) 2:��-�(i LC�NIN� �7�)-5; 2iCl-?'�'9.�:. 27(Y-�2� .�.�t��aga �$, Jcafl �019 � ITHACA INDEX , CHRISTMAS TREES , Conservadoa Zones 270-22 CHURCHES Agricultural Zones 270-27 Commuuity Commercial ' Zones 270-135 Conservation Zones 270-12 High Densiry Residential Zones 270-78 Lakefrant Commercial Zoaes 274-141 Lakefront Residentia] Zones 27Q-42 Light Industrial Zones 270-145 Limited Historic Commerciai Zones 270-142.5 Low Deusiry Residential Zones 270-55 Medium Density Residential Zones 27D-67 See Also PLACES OP WORSHIP SPRIIVKLER SYSTEMS 225-3 ZONING 27U-227 ZONIlVG: SPECIAL LAND USE DI37'RICTS 271-9 CIGARETFES PARKS AND RECREATION AREAS 200-5 C1TlZEN AND STAFF A1�VISORY COMMITTEE5 Advisory �oard 18-9 Appoinmzenks 1$-3; 1$-9 Authoriry of cirizen advisory committees 18-6 Campensation 18-7; 18-8 Canservation Board 18-9 Costs and expenses 18-7 Creation and appointment of citizen advisory committees 1&-3 Inappiicabiliry of chapter to other commiltees, boards and appointments 18-9 Legislative aathority 18-1 Members oFcitizen advisory cammittees 18-4 Planning Board 18-9 Records 1 S-9 5taffadvisory committees 1$-8 Supercession of Town Law 182 Ternes of citizen advisory committee members; remo�al I S-5 Tawn Boazd 18-3; 18-�1; 18-5; 18-6; 18-7; 18-8; 18-4 Town Supervisor 18-8; 18-9 Water 18-9 Zaning Soard of Appeals 18-9 CITY ATTORNEY SEWER USE: REQUIitEMENT5 FOR CONTRIBUTORS INTO JOII�T POTW 216-42 C1TY CLERK SEWER USB: RULES, REGS. & PETiAL'I'IE5 OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, CiTY OF ITHACA, NY, RE: WATER SUPPLY, SEWAGE DI3POSAL & AIR CONDTTIONING 215-I3 CLERK See COLJN'11 CLERK CODE ENFDRCEMENT OFF'IC�R APPEARANCE TICKETS 9-2 Art Murals 270-267 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND FIRE PREVENTION 125-2; 125-4; 125-5; 125-6; 125-7; 125-8; 125-9; ias-ia; izs-i�; 125-12; 125-13; I25-15;125-16 SeeAlso BUILDING INSPECTOR Conservadon Zaaes 27Q-22 FEES 153-1; 153-2 Lake&ont Residential Zones 270-43;270-51 Mobile Home Park zones 270-97 NflISE 184-13 Noncnnforming LTses 270-212 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 205-4;205-5 RENTALPROPERTY 207-2 Road Preservarion 23Q-14; 230-15 5igns 270-259;270-262 SPRINKLER 5YS'I"EMS 225-2; 225-6 STORM SEWER SYSTEM AND SURFACE WA'i�RS PRO'I`ECTrON 227-14 STORMWATER MANAGEMEPfT AND ER03ION AND SEDaViEEAT'P CONTROL 228-6; 228-15 ZONI3�IG 270-219.1; 270-219.4; 270-219.6; 270-231;270-233; 270-235;270-237; 270-238 ZONING: SPEC[AL LAND USE DISTRICTS 271-14;271-I5;271-16 CODE OF CONDUCT See OFFTCERS AND EMPLOYEES CODE OFFICIAL See BUILDII�IG INSPECTOR COMBUSTIBLES BUILDTNG CONSTRUCTION AHD FIItE PREVENTIOI�f 125-8 See �lso EXPLOSION IiAZARDS See.4lso EXPLOSIVES See.4Cso FLAMIvIABLES PROPERTY MAI1dTENANCE 205-2 COMMERCIAL VESICLES Vehicle Weigl�t Limits 250-8 SeeRlso VEI3ICT.ES ZO�+IING 270-219.Z COMMERCIAL ZONES GENERALLY Accessary uses and structures 270-114 Addirional special requirements 270-122 Buffers 270-117; 270-122 Building area 270-! I8 Building permits 270-124 Conslrucrion 270-122 Drive-through operations 270-123 Driveways 27Q-119; 270-122 Fences 270-122 Grades and grading 270-116 �Teight limitations 270-116 Height regulations 270-I 16 Home occ�pations 270-114 I,andscaping 270-119; z�o-�z2 Lighting 270-322 Lots 270-120 Minimum area for commercial zone 270-115 Minimum usable open space 270-119 Noise 270-122 Odors 270-122 Off-sireet ]oading 270-1 I4; 270-I22 Open spaca 270-119 Parking 270-114; 27D-121 Pernutted accessozy uses 270-114 Planning Board 27Q-114; 270-122 Purpose 270-113 Screens and scceening 270-122 Setbacks 270-I20 Sewers 270-120 5idewalks 270-122 Site plan approva1270-124 5ite plan rev�ew and approval 274-122 Site plans 270-124 Size and area of lot 270-120 Smoke 270-122 Special pemiits 270-114 Storage 270-114 Town Board 27U-122 Vehicles 270-115; 270-122 Vibra6ons270-122 Yard regulations 27D-117 Yazds 270-117; 270-120 ZONING 270-1131270-124 zoning districLs 270-120 COMM[INICABLE DISEASE5 ADULT USES 100-1 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL ZOWES Alcoholic beverages 270-135 Bowling alleys 27D-135 Churches270-135 Dance halls 270-135 Driveways 270-135 Financial institutians 270-134;270-135 Garages 270-I35 Glass 270-134 Heating 270-134 Hotels 270-134; 270-135 Library 270-135 Monuments 270-134 Motels 270-134; 27D-135 Noise 270-135 Parking 27Q-i35 Pedestrians 270-I35 Permitted principal uses 270-134 Pet shops 270-134 Planning Baard 270-135 Pltimhing 270-134 Principal uses authorized by special permit only 27U-135 Purpose 270-133 RestauranEs 270-135 3ales 270-134 Schools 270-I35 5pecial permiu 270-134; 270-135 5torage 270-135 Velucles 270-135 ZOI�fING 27D-133127Q-135 Zoning Boazd of Appeals 270-135 COMPENSATIUN ADULT USES 100-2 Art Murals 270-266 BUII,DINCS, TJ3�I5AFE 129-2 CITIZEN AND STAFF ADVI50RY COMMTITEES 18-7; 18-8 COA'SERVATIO� BOARD 23-7 DEFENSE AND IlVDEMNIFICATION as� Planniug Board and Zorung Board ofAppeals 20-2; 20-3; 20�} See Planning Board and Zoaing Boazd of Appeals 20-1120-�F PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 205� See Also SALARIES ANA COMPENSATION STORM SEWER SYSi'EM AI�fD SURFACE WAT�RS FROTECI70N 227-2 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 230-4.3 TAJQCABS 243-2 ZOTTING 270-5 COMPLAINTS ANIIvIALS 1 I2-4 BUILDIAiG CONSTRUCTION AND F1RE PREVEN"i'ION 125-11; 125-14 DEFENSE AND INpF,MNIFICATION 28-2; 28-3 ETIiICS, CODE OF 32-11 NO1SE 184-5; 184-i3 PROPERTY MAINTBNANCE 205-4 STORMWATER MANAGENIENT AND ER03ION AND SEDQ�EN'T CONTROL 228-13 Water 2I5-2b COMi'OSTING Agricn�cura] Zones 270-27 ZOI�fING 270-5; 270-219.5 COMPREIIENSIVE PLAN Conservation Zones 270-10 FLOOD DAMAGE PIZEVENTIOH 157-16 See �tlso MAS'I'ER PLAN 3upp 48, 7ul 2019 � ct�;�r��:��ar������ �a.n,�a... Yla��r��il ]�cw elc�prfi7erat lta��e� �7�-��2; �74�-m 7� Sl1t3I71V�:�9Q�71� �f LAN4;� 2',�4-'�;'��1-?'(f; 2�4-23; 2�'�-24 lC1�I�tii ."�.74:1-� ��;; 2741-2'��, 27�J-21 �. � ; 27�7-�,1'�) h; 27J.'�3{� �?{.)N[P��i `�F'��,�'IF�.�, Lr�N�7 a���. ra��rr��c°�� ���-�; z��-�; ���-��; �71-1 �, 271�1 �; z���-r�;z��•�� C:�NTIIT'FC)�w".�"�1, IJSF:4 �.S'r.•r� N(��C:f:)?v}WQ.�FLCvldhl(; L� �� S Sec I�I;C�h1� 1 �'l";I7 U''iI?S C,'(}l� C)dJ"�11 N I CI;^�iS ;����917�lG ��'1��'IF�:I., l,.�2�iI7 ���;�: :►�a�r�i� �s 271-�i CC)IVFial+:l�7"a,� [sl'C'`d ��'I'1�14'�, C:t)��L �:)F 32.5 T�6C7'I'l�°IDC;Pti"7 i�dM1J �H CTJ F C� it t�� d^� "� 1���tif .��i:�'[:)Ii�T'�� k31���.��C'��kS 51«1 ��;Wlµ1�: Ll*�9:;: It �(;��J 1 � F 1��I:;Cti"T`S F.f�fft C't7N"0'6i I I3 CI"T"(7f2S I1�d"ft�),PC�1]'�l.i" 1'f).f1�J � 16-2�� G[)CV�"1�IiC�"'1"� �Y%" 6NTERE�'I" I?] � F t�:SE:". AT��I INI:)k "�1 T� 9 E� �(".�s TICiN 2t�-' f.�.Tf�i�'S, t"t�17i: C}9" :32-1; ��-f; 7C?NING 2'��p-���; �'��1-23t� ���]�t'���.�r�.,$m�'�(.�� a��.)l�k.k.�) .�,ti1ux�Krry liiea�a��d 23-R A�pcainlmcmar,� �:�-4 �3t�ar�i ��� A�s����1�, �3_7 C;ITI:I.F'N r11vTJ S"�f�Fl� .�4 L)'v'1S(7Ii �f (;"�71�✓'9R�tl'C"1`��S 1�-9 ('crn��aen�:ati,trar ?.3-7 ('nm��rk�;�ti`,c>n :ui�� exg�enwes 2:�-� �:'C5N5[�};VA'T➢�7Tv f3iJATtfl� �3-9,; v?�-4, 2,�-�s: 2:�-R �'�ns'rv�tac�rr Za��mes 27(1-22 �ra;,ts anai uxpaca7�es ��-7 C:�avr�Ernm�aal,�l r�cHality a�cwoc�� ��-2 1�¢apr�veraae;ni� ?�-4 Le�,isl�ii�;� int���rt �3-5 L�nc��7�es �tro�i �r�r�ro¢ts ":3-?; 23-3 I:.�at� 23-� M�etin�� 2 �-:�, �3��„ <3-5 Mcrar�w�r�l��g> 2�-4, ?%-5 i\"�kt11aC�� �.�>•:� (JI'fic�r� 23-� Cagaen ��r�ce ��—k'�; �3-� (Ja��s�,r }7a r.rc � �D �u�� �x�� reg�ortw '����s }'la��na,i�� E�+ary�r�9 23-2 I'a7w�er:� �s�d+�e�ties i�-2 Pracrd�aa�� ag��lie�h�� ua� r� ��i�:w r�1' �pP�li���iiox�s 2:�-:3 @tec�rrais � �-� ��d��igrz�ti��7 vf /t�visory Cc��i:i�cb9 �� �;crn�;�n��i�7n 13�ard �3-Y l`�,cp�rrrcs 2'3-2; t3-3,; <3-fi 4it�^ pdan ap�rcr���ad ?�-2 Site p�lans ? �•3 7`er���w �af'c��tncc �:�-4 �TI�AC� T�I:��� "i.�,rw�°n ];ir�.la�ci'��-2„ 2.�i-:3; �'c3-4; 2;�-5; �3-(i; �,3.�5 'I"cau�r� Fca,�;���er 2?-2 V4�caru�a�s 2:�-�4 V��raar��;�s 23-?; �:�_� Ve�m's�8e�s � �-� e:canix�� 13��ra1 crEA�peali�. r3�a CC➢!ti S'E}CV Ik'I`� �Cv C t)1S"�"b2L�„.�,� Z(��7iC�dCi �'�4)-21�7.5 t;�r�r� ��: �vn'r� cai� k��lSi:?��EN,1' a ,S'c�e: [ ,�51=P✓1�,;M1E"1"S C'C.}NuS�:C�'kF,^�'1`L�N i!C?1^+]I::4 A�cus�c�ry t��a�di���s �a+� str�icttrzre� �7f1-] I ; 27a6-1�2�, 27(�-]���r 2',79�-1 Ei; 2'7 C3�-'17 /tsir�itocrr��aB r�+�u�r�m�rr�;� ���d, rr��,trickic�n5 27fN-2? ,4difti�rsrral re�uir�¢n�a��n�� tc��� ��cca�� �a�rrn�t �70-1 � �1u�?r�c�ulrt�ar�l dia�r�c:��; 27�)-�2. FirAirr�a9� 27CR• I2; ?7(i� N 4, ��(�-y� R�� Qan� &arc.�ktaFt 2"7U-12 k��arai �a�'A�ape�%ti 27{)-l7 ��r���s�s °?'�G-��2.? 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Pv9��roal� 17eamea 27i)-P 1 Pr�ar;eakn�a� 2711_,.�. 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"?7i.1-2'2 �„�,t�Mr'r1���r�Ccm� rrrr��as���ai���n� 27�1-22 `wtrcrCs �ns3 siti�w,�Iky 27Ci-2� P�g�il>��r l�arvesti�a�! 279�- H l v w7(7-1�4. �,7i1-�2, I c,a�w�u F�c>�t�ti �?4:�H�� „N..(:otx�'g1� �:,t`k�'It1CCC � �'�)•���.� k r�es 27(.y�22 i swea-PairSi]y c1weCGat��*+ 2?�b-] ll G. t�Artvcs 77()-2? �T���tl:� �70-d 7, t7(�-�2 '�h'�d�r 2i�.�� ",�'at�;c' �aaal ity 27i�- B U; �7CV-�� °�W":s�er su�ply 27�?-ll�; 27(&-1 & Y�,�����rce�aai'sc;s 2"�f&..v� Rhlc��la��ci� 2i�-�llG); "�"FO-2� Wi➢d1�fc.27�J-�U� �7'fS-i�; 2Td_2; 5'�r� �r�p�ulaaic�r��,�� 2''i�-17 `r'4arc�� ?"T(�� ] 2; '�,7tM- & 7; �7(D� 1 �i %Q'::�T�JI?�i(�n ?7ff-1 tD'�27E�_�4 �a�xtii�� P3oar� s�f F�gr�eal's Z7�-14 C't3N,S"TR�fC"C'1fDi� �.�;ricas,ll,ue�E lcan�� ?7G1-31 Ab'PEA.��� 1�C"k .I.TC �.H:"�'� q_� S�zr �9Is•rt L;G�ld71?^��i �'C7f,f� i'�l:fC'"!°1(.3N fit11�,T7CA�C�d G:;G3NS'1�}'�[.f(� ��"�I�47'td �,.nl� �� i:��:�° I'l�t��!;'J l: �J"➢ IC'�TwY 1�' t-4;� 1�5-5, ll?�5�-�r; 1�5�-?, 12ti_11; 12:�_i� Ciuil�a���; S�ra-c;r� ts�ail �arr�trcut�cr,t�� 21 �-17 k�tr�;izscss ]nv�tiRarr���a I�ae�vtipiis�n 23�-�J ('ciss'mer�a�al ��+neti �;����reaall�y� 27i,�-1�2�, G"timti�rvati�r� �Tc�a�t�^� �7Pb-1�, 27CB-�� 1�.:�+9 Vl fif)�i MF'�tif'�"�,L (�[.Iri�lC`�' �.�;V�kMw% I��.i ���cs �5�-2, 1�3.3;21(r-�5 Ea1.iJ�'C;)' C)�fv1,A,Crl:a 1'}�t^:'✓��Pv"T1C�N 9 �7'-2; 1�7-�; 1�7-�'; 157-E�; 157-� 1; �„��-72,, 157-d3; I�7-1�, 15i-Q5; 15�i-�7 I_�lacfi��r�t l:�arnra��rciaq �'rancs �7t�-I�l] I,�a�efr�raat �esu��t�tv�ll Zar�e.s 27�1-43: 2 �Ci-5 a Li�;liC Inclu�:ta-ia➢ �'crout�y 27()-1 �ti� LI�iH"I��IPJC�, C,1G.J�1)C:)<'Y�� 17:��-15 L.cbw I���nsoly ffir�s�a�cx�r,xal L;C1&5�(°'� �;��-„�� �I�altip�e �tcse�ica�cc Z�c�e� 27f,;t-<&+� Naa`���l�c>t'Igu��� �,�avaa�a�:rC��l �4)9'7G�i .�'.�i'�- �I �1.��, ����-1 .��a NQiS�;i 1ia�.� Nc>escora9��rr»r�� U��� 27�-2%i�� (bCTi�G F"ark ( caQr�s�jcrcu�l �'��rXt s ? 7V�- P � ➢ 8'��C71�I3it a.Y N9 A1N C"��N.�N4."�. 2(Y5-� i'lSL3I.,D4' WC71�:KS I)l;P.�,RT1�LN"C 54-4 .Scc Al.st� 125;�1�)FN"f'I,P�L Q;' CS �!'� °T"1� G J�' �' 1�fi�f I���,�� F"r��erv�rti<.�a �3f�-13; 2:��-9� SI;VUI�,T� 1t5�:�: R:E:;� U t�.[:1�9;L:""vT'S F(:)It. ��Q..)'kti �1�.�C�i�1",�'�,)E%.u4 li�"I"ik Jl �[i'� � �'G �'F"�" �'9,(i-�„ �."ICa-13, 21c's-��, 2l f7«2�r 5L:1�rk:l� l)SF: }�:IJLI:.S'> It�;t��;. �� pE�:N�.I_t"fI?ti (:iF a��C)h12C� �)1�> �'lff.�fl 1� 'w�k 71��.5„ t�:l"6"Y C3E 1"@"H�C'.a, rJY, F�I,:'wV'.A"'["F Ft. 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SE'k^,4:1A'+L LF1NG) [JS� 17IS'["�i.��'.[.S ?"P � -!� +�°€9 Cr V Ei� lfl:�w C,�: ;�T� FC:Eti �cl�icle I�u�iia�� aa7�1 �t�aaar C'ca��rii�erc titak �:��ca�s ���a-r�� (:C)S"i'S AND �;X�'I+�iV���� �'�(:nR1CTJLTURla �.. ����s��r�r�-r� ��sa-a li l 1 f LL�1 PdfCro t"47 h: S�["�21�C°"T'I�S� ,hTJ(7 F°II�k: PIt1:;Vk'�1'i`IC7N' 1��_�; 125»7; 124_�a ]?:;-I� I�u�Gd�i��; Sewu�°s aaaici (�ca�riec2rer�`s 21 �- ] � f3t.fSL1�I�IC,;S, �JNSr�Ff� 12�1-� 5aa ,21crx �E��itltti�E."� C. � I"IZ�:N Al`�GC� S'C"�1=F� R�,t;)�'95L�EtY �,(Y�!s[NI1'I 1"I�;t:S 1'k;-� C'C�f�dS1:Ft"JA'I'IC��J S3C,1f�FC�7 23-7 L7f;F�[�:N�a� r'�NC7 [i`�IlE�N61`�I}� IC'A"11[P:N 2�-2, .��-12 �:.i�I V IRC7N M�'I�J7`�.C. i�L1Al.�'I "s' I�F:"�'IFv�r, � 4f�-15 �"1"1{1f`-�, C°C)➢�l? 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I �, ?�Cl-7; ?�fiCi-�t tiC.IIiI�IV1�9(�FJ (��;F �t„��d��] 2:34-2; 234-:5; �3�-�i; 2.��-�3G, �"3�-�� ��r�lrc�.�s �TM�� TFte�F'F(C, : Slb-2�; 25�7-24 VPuber 2,15-IR;"�15-1�; z��-�z; � a s-2�; ? t s-�a �v�ti�t::t� Fz,� rE� z��-�; z�u-�; i��a-� Z{)NINCa27�-5; �7(i_l�tl; 27�-] �5; �i'fG-1 ��, �7'()-1 � 9 : �7fi-2 � �k; 27@-� I �. l ; �7�8-2� I ^�.�; 27(�-ZI�i�S, Z7(1-?1�I,�; 27(l-'���t R'';C9�S�1`�Ci: y�'}�('IE"s��. 1_?,1V[7 �JSIv L�l�;'t`�d��'"C�S 27]-�; 271-�; i7�-]'Y, �'71-1�;"�78-15 4:'[?l�C«i"�'"�' CLEFtIti 13UIL,47IhSfaS, C,€7�{!�,�,�� I "�'�-?, ST(J}� NE W/t�i'F:�t M,�.NFsCrEM�aTtil r'�NI7 I:}::C��;7tJP� �N17 :�1�DI�IwNT c�<��a.�.��c.��. z��-� a tilJlii71'�°[�Zi�7� Qlw L�1]'d�7 234-17, ���1-2C➢; 234-�q; a34-3�1 Lt�T+�1N(i: S��:C;&,�I.. �.,FVS�EI"? U.`^��' I)i�7'Rl,f�"'f� �71-4; �7 � -�S C' 1� 4):ti:� W A T� k+:,,S Ni.�T"II-(C'.a`1`If�T� (.7F L��.��`�;"t'� ]�4'�-I �s'r�G,�rs« rEy��rs-r�t�r� 1M'ALK�R+"A�,'��" .See iCs�� S'I`I�:1:1.']"`� r�NC} S1C>F;V4'r�:LKS 4�1a&-li�`LI:S Aiw�? 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C�F �.,��1� ���-�(i; 2':�A-�f� CtJRL3S SI�Wt R IIS�: R�i1.L�S, h`14x�.5c' �"��.T�'A,�TII:S (�fi [3C>f�.�C[) �ll' F'11Y3�.IC° Oh'C�1tK:�„ C°t'�'4"� CiF' 1 �l"f3AC;,4, N'�" bt.E;: i�"�i�E�� `�11T�t'L�', `a�.W,�i(.aL� I)1�1't':��;P.1� �+t A1� C;l.)fi« Ci�"i"aCJik' It�SC� '�45 3�.�15 �4 S'I'�I�N1 SF�;4�Wh�t 57"�Tt�NI A�L7 �;1,1�F`.�.�'&' W,A I`E.f�"� F�[�CY C� �,"T 1C�2�� 2�>i-2 '�"T[�� �a`i'S Iy.NI) �HL�E�,�rA1�kC � � 3�&_2,, ���-�.l ��JI�C�IViS1'�)l� CAF �.�1tii[} z.i�-z�;, z�a-�� Wv`;�C�r?'15-1�; 215-%�3; � � �-�� z�r��r�;c: sr�rci.��_ i.rtrai� ti��,�= ��a��T��lc:�s 271-I6 C;N:I4tF"F�iV Sc�ez M 11V(�l� S — � � IIA,.Cti"CF, 1�AI,:I,:� C�a�rn�srr.itv C;c�r�am�aerca�l �crnes�2��1-1 �s 5 Si'��1c�i��.EuR S�"�T'CM� �25-3 c`CJa�'ll�(; 2'7'�Y-�?7' [��a�a+��:a�e�u� ��,rr�,u�rvt;� F3�J Td� [71 r'VC� �"(JN S"�it�1�"'�' It�3`v ,�i�iU F[E�.1�. ���:�v����r��r� �2���s 13AY-�Alii<: F".4C"1�N'1"I�'� A�?ric��CtiLerdl Lar�y�s 27U��7 �°�ai�.s�a�,��ti���� l�s�aes �i(f-14 5'et ,��ser f'I�:M�1,..i" 'd)A'�`- �"r�.R::[�. �akefrc�nt ��;si�le��ti�l :f�,snes �7i�-=�3' "�a�p�a �E�, .Itil 2i119 C1AY-CA,[t� �",�rC;l'1..T771�:5... 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I..wr�tt,ukr�'y' ���4; 243-�; 2��£S_1 � `�"ct� .�l.ti�o- LIt"r.�9�.1`IS' �.ainakxttrr�n «�`�O�ug�l,,yc�l���i4y ��C-� {�c7cices ?�-;�; ?�-� Paymm�r�k� 2�S-f> C�r+�wisivau Eay "�nu��� fc�r Ic�al. r�eft,�a�c caf a�cticraas a�:�in�a err��a8cayce� 2�-2 lti�k�ts �nd cr�alr��a�ons csf in5u:rers �i�-��' s�vt����i;� ��-� � 'l"c�w�r�u �tt�aa°n�y ��-2; 2�-3 'fuw¢n Ld�a��l ?i�-1;, 2'�_"� Vtol�ztiudas zt�7c� �rn�ltiev ��-2 llk:l�'Ih &"�`1,C7NS �hCw"[i �1 F?��3l�tir B Pt.�° 1 ��N:s 3'fi.3(d) k��5'�' 22?-� FsC4�'I:�a��1�fi`�' fi1��,/T�.�..L@:NCi 11Ni"f 2?U-S f�C'"C 21(i-? n��u��r,��t'-0�a�t� ��x�-°� nc�ui_Fc �c����s�ct:>�a.�:, a,r���t, r� ra��vL��r v s�a-c7xL c>�.�.���a�.�► V1�1�:�')fi"fG.1FtF llflU-� r����c.�r �'.���� ���'�� t���� �r��s�.�r� €�,���t-. �,�ctLr•.�.�,. z�e�-s ,�r�t����� ��a°��-�:�:rz�; N~ A�" fL 6 t""4" "7(I-S Al>9Jl.T �, ra �r-� � at r� zr�r r� �� r s��r��r��..�� r��-z; � �{�_ y A[)U�„7";'�1CsT'EL 1�J�P-� r'1.I.)l.1LT Cv1Cu"I°IG7r'+f- P1C`T"C11��; '1"H I�A"I'I'�R N (k�i-? 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AC: f"[VI'l"4' 27f�.�g� ,�rrt t;,�a �rw�n�,�'7'�car� "� Ea_3 ��s�lt-C`t)N I)I"1"C�i� f?�1(} �a"w° �'�"1':hr] �� 1 �_4f� � Ih' •C"ON I51"'rl �1�,f 1�VCx �"�``s 1"��:.M ANI) ��� FItI(�lBt,h�'C"l�:?I'J s���r�:� �r�-d�� ,�:[�.��tr� s��'s�r:n� r�s-� ��,���.�' �:��-zu ;� L"I � tt,A'T �(J N 27C1.5 la�rl�`l"�;[�IFt, R�tIIIC➢ h',�C"�L171I;`� 27l"�-5 ,�.���a.��-r�ar���w r�����r�c�rc; (���!1�C.7I�fti °T'Y6''I� IN Sec. 271-�f,�;) �71-16 t"il,ro�,rl;r�w.� (57-4 r`�C'F'I.d�",A:N"1' �''i� 5 a�.l'I'�tG)Ve�J A1J`C`��C7FdI'C'4_ �,�(a-3 /Slr'S'Rf7'a�'l.Cd C;}31�Ck; w'f1Ll/I �S(i-3 �YP�")`vF"�:fy l�C1U�1.�; C"Ii�:�'e� VALVE' �"i�;F;C'vTI�I„Y 2�fa-3 t�.�'PI�C7�,�LC➢ R�ll4Jt;,la'C� C'I�F �'�[II�T; �'�:1 hJ(:"f l'l.F° �3AC"K.f° E�i:?'�U P�1 �"l::;t�1I"�C7hl CD&�,�FN�.`�: �5(s-:i x1.(�f't2Q)'�'I:;L7 SPi�[MNKL.EB�. ���s�r�:n� zzs-z s1P'1'�t4:a��F.'s17 4�1�.`�"1?Ft SUE'�L.;Y 25Cs-:3 !1�'S°l.lkt`� keikYAC�i t. 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E; N"1. `Y�,L�'12Ed, i_I�rF: �:Cr�.f.:;S„ T{1:;4'��. �+c �'�N,�l, l qlw�i t�F� «t�,��[:� r�t= r�ir�a.��: °���z��y 4,'�';I'1' (.1}� 1TH,�C`,�1 T� 1`, 1�3i'. '�F�4 "I"�sl� St1F'I'�.�", SY�°;�,IFa(iI:? �71Si(75t"4l. c�r ,41�' C"(� C�1L�&"TT<.;�1'w' 1Ad (;i 215-2�; � �l �-:3(D �ater 2 I�-15; �� S- l k� 1>�:SdGN S`E'AtiL7rM��2�� s�.�az�� c��:��r��a.:n��rac:� �����,.r.r����c�s 1�r��d Prescawr��ian 23@_1�: ST�'i{ZMVYJe'� t"1=.kt 6't!I A;N /1Ci k:�i"wi E,N"C ANI) �;F� C)�IC)N .h:!�C) SI�L��i"�flE'�l.l" CC)�J"�'�2f�)1_ `�"�w-� 1 J41NCP�IC'n 27fF-� D�i.l G��V�;C�Q➢N'M�:�r"C 8^I�.I�:S 5cc E'��S I�IG�1M1'C� 1^"AC'l�.[T'1E.5 5f��a ftl:�;T � U�k�T:� S�1R�.C'�' S�;LL�R���'r �s°� �; s��r��s �rr�.�c, s��� ,�r.«, i xc��,��r� r��ar�� s� t�,�t.,,�, ��:� � L,i�,h� 1�74['iatifria,l Zta¢�ew � �(1- l �S �k:4"�"FFt, tJ�9,3: IiE �ll!}�F:f+�Eh�'T"� 1°(7K C;�) PJ'["ft � f %&�.I.C71tti 1TM97.C) Jf�CP�i'1' 1"(��"I"'�� 21 �,-� 51;;�"k;lt 1J5�:: R;ULE�, �zi �::r�. ��: �Er�,��rrr� (�� �(7AR�a �'1i� PLf[��,1C' 'a;�'�PT:KS, �u���v �#s', .Cul �{� 19 �' , nrR�r.. �CT'�'1' OF 1THACA, NY, RE: WATER SUPPLY, SEWAGE DiSPOSAL & A1R CONDITIONING 215-54 STREET'S AND SIDEWALKS 230-7 ZOTTINCs: SPECIALLAND USE AISTRICTS 271-10;271-12;271-16 D15ABILITY See Also AMERICAAIS W1TH DISABILI'TIES ACT LIGHTII�[G, OUI'DpOR 173�; 173-14 PARK3 AND RECREATION AREAS 200� TAXATlON 239-12; 239-17 Z03�ING 270-5 DISABLED PERSONS See �llso AIvIERICANS WITH DISABILIT�S ACT See Also HANDICAPPED PERSONS DISCLOSURE ADiJLT USES 100-1 ETHICS, CODE OF 32-1; 32-3; 32-11 NO'TIFICATION OF INFORMATION SECCJRITX BREACHES 5t-1; S 1-2 RENTAL PROPERTY 207-5 ZONIIQG 270-219.6 DI30RDERLY CONDUCT NOISE 18412 See rilso NOISE SEWER USE: USE OF PUBLiC SEWERS 214-31 T]ISTURBING THE PEACE See NOISE D�CHING ANA MOORING 5ee MOORIidG I7�G WASTE See FECAL MATTER See YET WAS'fE DOGS A�iII1�1ALS 112-1; 112-2; 112-3; I 12�; i 12-5; 112-G;I12-7;112-4; 112-10 APPEARANCE TECKETS 9-2 Conservation Zanes 270-14 Lake�ont Residential Zones 270-44 Low Density Residential Zones 270-56 Medium Density Residential Zanes 270-69 NOISE I84-10 ZOPIAVG 270-5 ZOrIING: SPECI,AL LAriD USE DlS7RICTS 271-9;271-14 ll12AINAGE Agricultural Zones 27U-35 Coaservation Zones 270-10; 270-22 FEES 153-2 FLOOII pAMAGE PREVENTION 157-11; 157-13 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 59-4 ITHACA INDEX SEWER USE: REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRIBUTOR3 IIVTO JDIMT POTW 216-3;216-5 SEWER USE: RULES, REGS. & PENALTIES OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, CITY OF 1TIiACA, NY, RE: WATER SUPPLY, SEWAGE DiSPOS.4L & AIR CONDITIOZdTNG 2i5-SA SEWER Z]SE: USE OF PUBLIC S�WERS 214-1; 214-23; 214-24; 21425 STORM SEWER SYSTEM ANDSURFACE WATERS FROTECTION 227-2 STORMWATER MANAGEMENTAND EROSION AND SEAIMENT COT17'ROL 228-2; 228-5; 228-6; 22B-7; 228-]0;228-13 57REE'iS AND SIDEWALKS 230-2 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 234-2;234-21;234-23; 234-26; 234-32; 234-36; 234-37; 234-38; 234-39 ZOTiING 270-186; 270-188;270-217; 270-219.5 ZONING: SPECIAL LAHD U3H DIS7RICTS 271-I6 DRAINAGE PLAN ZONING 270-186 DIZIVEWAYS Agricultural Zones 270-27 Building Sewers and Connections 2I4-IS Commercial Zones Generaily 270-119; 270-122 Community Commercial Zones270-135 Conservarion Zones 27D-18; 27U-22 High Density Residential Zones 270-85 Industrial Zones 270-166 I.akefront Residential Zanes 270�9 Ligt�t industrial Zones 270-145;Z70-ISS Low Densiry Resideatial Zones 270-63 Medium Density Residential Zones270-74 Mobile Home Park ZoQes 270-97 Muitiple Residence Zones 2T0-I08; 270-I 1 ! Road Preservation 23U-13 SEW�R USE: RULES, REGS. 8c PENALTIES OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, ClTY OF ITHACA, NY, TiE: WATER SiTPPI.Y, SEWAGE DISPOSAL 8c ATR CONDTTIONIIVG 215-54 13 STORMWATER MANAGEMIENT AND EROSION AND SEDIMENT CON7ROL 228-5 STREE7S AND SIDEWALKS 230-2; 230-3; 230�.1 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 234-20; 234-23 ZONING 270-5; 27Q-219; 270-219.5; 270-223; 270-227 ZONIlVG: SPECiAL, LAND USE bISTRICTS 271-3; 271-4;271-5; 27]-13;271-15;271-16 D[]MPS Ai�TD DUMPIIVG Conservadoo Zones 270-22 SEWER USE: REQUIREMF.NTS FOR COh'7'RIBUiORS INTO )OINT POTW 216-32; 216-33; 2l6-34 ZONING 270-219.5 llUST Agricultural Zones 270-25 BUILDING CON3TRUCIION ANI) FIRE PREVEIV'TION 125-8 Conservafion Zones 270-I4 LigErt Industrial Zoaes 270-155 LiGHTING, OUTDOOR 173-4 3EWER USE: REQUIREMENTS FOR corrTTus�roxs INTO JOINT POTW 2I6-5 STREETS AND SI�EWALKS 234-4.2 ZOMNG 270-219.2; 270-227 ZOTiING: SPECIAL LAND USE DISTRICTS 271-4;271-10;271-12 - E - EASEMENTS Adaption of Code l�k Agricultwal Zoaes 2T0-35 ConservaGan Zoaes 270-10; 270-22 Road Preservariaa 23Q-13 SEWER USE: RULES, REGS. 8c PENAL'TIES OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, CIi'Y OF ITHACA, NY, RE: WAT�R SUPPLY, SEWAGE DISPQSAL & AIIi COhDITIOAiING 215-13 SEWER USE: USE OF PUBLIC SEW'ERS 214-32 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AN� EROSTON AND SEDaV1ENT COIVTROL z28-i 1 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 230�.8 SUBbIVTSI0A1 OF LAND 234-20; 234-21; 23436; 234-37 WATER RATES 261-4 ZONING 270-186; 270-219; 270-219.1; 270-219.3; 270-219.4 ZONING: SPECIAL LAND USE DISTRICTS 271-S;Z71-8;27I-9; 271-14;271-I6 ELEGTRICAT. CODE Signs 270-258 ELECTROMAGNETIC INT'ERFER�NCE Light Industrial Zones 270-155 ZONING 270-219 ZOIVING: SPECIAL LAND USE DISTRICI'5 z�i-io; z7i-ia �MAIL NOTIFICA'ITON OF INFORMATFON SECURITX BREACHES 51-5 EMERGENCIES LIGHTING, OLiTDQOR ] 73-7 LOCKBOXES i7S-I; 175-2 Neighborhood Commercial Zones 270-126 NOISE 184-4; 184-8 Nanconfarming Uses 270-207 PARICS AND RECREATION AR�AS 200-3 5EWER USE: REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRISUT'ORS INTO JOQ�T POTW 216-14 SEWER USE: RiJLES, REGS. & PENAL'I7ES OF BOARD OF PUBLiC WdRKS, CIIY OF ITHACA, T1Y, RE: WATER SUPPLY, SEWAGE DISPOSAL 8c AIIt CONDTTIQNING 215�8 s�� Z�o-zso STORM SEWER SYSTEM ANDSURFACE WATERS PKOTECTION 227-11; 227-13 STORMWATER MAMAGEMIIdT AND ER4SION AND SEDIMENT CON'1'ROL 228-7 57REEI'S AND SIDEWALICS 230-3; 230-0.2; 230-4.7 SUBI�MSION OF LAND 234-2;234-26 Vehicle Fueling and Repair Commercial Zones 270-137 Vehicle Weight Limits 250-11 Water 2I5-19 WATER PROTECTION 255-8 ZOMNG 270-5; 270-186; 270-188;270-219.1; 270-219.4; 27D-219.5 ZONING: SPECIAL LAND USE DISTRICTS 271-9;271-14 3upp 48, !ul 2014 �^..,�i'�.� i9�,�,a'�W�'v�.�.•.�,� N{�(�, Prlpry'�1y,r�"C:�q�� � °'�f�;N,�„ lXYJ��11k.,. A: Cc�n��a�✓�ataa7ca s?�r�pt:� 274d�,�2' F�fJ�:JL"� I)�11�9�.�'r�: PI��V'N:I`�I�G:;)I�' i57-��; 15 1_��, � `�7-�'� � �'7_�;y, 1�+!-]�'� �!'�:�;F�2�:k:�«'(:"�" �'�TIT(`�;.F'� k'1.C)(�R�9 �:?!�P.fi�Ci�"�, �'�tf;'�+"R:hv�1"If�PJ' 15"F-b't� h9«kail� l�a,�a�nc F':ark 1s�rrc� "�7�-°�l� hJf11�I° �k#d� � �rce �ffFs�� �d� Ni�t,1..IS,� ✓C71+,"r�N(;� 2Thpr%1q8.� Z(.)�1i�tlr; �ak'��'l.F�l_ G,,��C) l_��{w ��i�,�D�IC:;'�"� ?"19-!�; 2��-1�;;?7l-1fr & A�(]i"+�"�^;P�"�. 1)+G�"w"M,hl',i� ICDh�?V�:s` 17t��_� Ff4C;I2(��44:�#"a^I� P� lf'S F'L�Dd3C:) f.7,4�sB/�w�r�; I'P�1'>�"�~,hM"I14�)'�J 15'7-l?�> I:S7-R:�, P:�'7-(� C.,a1c�B��exr� �c�acN�s�ts���1 lsni�ie��� 77�M-+�� ((7?'*;(�i:i �TR.N-�, "1'CR-'�I�.S �;[`�1 �� �1�.CF:�P4�I F 1� "1 4 Bi'�"C� 1��;f2 fict �Cf�9�:b�; 1^1'��^�f;��C �;C���'a��..�. C1�� F E C` N. &�. F: M1 �'1 Ptf ��,' "w9 �!�r'1".ti.I., f:GiP�'i"1t�)p,, ,M�'�'l�r�ff�a�«�v�"l„ I";I(:"KIz'��; �7-� ti�'��Mte�mr;�ccr I �a�� �u�a�°�nc^ F'�r�r��sptw ? fl �i�• 17 �'M1"�'1 R�Pti?1����;"N"A �., i"�'�1',�4('..�.. � 1".�"1"�w"�flN:C� I,� 1:: N'v' 1�d C J�v;�� 8: a"�"�",�5 L C„) [ i,� �. d l '�" �t � �','v'1 l� "v4' V ���_���, ll &k%-�� F°'f f 4 1 +.'v-� 2:C�N4P�¢':�; "�1�1 �.1�1..,1.,�'ahMf:i �r�;aw �as�;r�swc::�:� 27r-1��7 ��Pk-����. �:�'4' I I2Q9�r "Wi➢^.i4 `I'A 1. C�I1,11�0.,M"1t` Bd1�W"[N `��,' FMaki+a�s dir�,��rl^��are, &i:����'�rs�rl �ap;e�7c�;�� 14'fk-1'7 �drazuno�.trt�sdda�sA 1a�ri-�4 ,�,�{r�a���➢�atr�J x�uo-,9rti�^C� E�4��-� A�,;;��,�,auuc.t�:t� �•4�'.� ��'pa�sufia~�atifz� c�fl ,-t�°ao+�ra� r-���,� �'aa��ei�tqaan�u�' t�c°�^xkau�aa c9�:�„V�t�<aRua�¢� ��7 cwtvsr��atsaorn��euasd ±�v�ui�"uc,;��r�� ���-1 k C��NSL�.T�:�'.�'1'I(APJ Li{)�9�xI7 ,�;..�, C�,n^�tr�iuc•tt`co�� � 18�•,"s Cc�sa� :�rrzl c,���°n��s l ��'..i 5 (`r�Ga�;rs9 et���M�,��r�x�:r�a�l ai°��:� ���-�� R7�Snut�ita�.�z�� l�k�-� [?�i7��aA¢tAeaaa ��W�.:S CAetersnorr�a�acarr co1" t.'tiv1T{xae.u"4"ul r1W�k �a¢���fu��as�c� 1�1�-a� F'nv�rr�'�a�zr°s�rtA�➢ urn�snrec l �;��i�ra���ut�+ 1�4'_:°, C 4�-.� I�;N�' I� t"�f��,� I;�'�'t11.. �IJA,I:.�"I�'� 6�T�>�,����'�'W 14�-1'� �'�1�.� �°���s 1�F��-'15 ��Ie�arin�� P���f�-l�i- �rv�g��iri�a���s�a�a 'D����� y'..,"iSk�$;^`,C�.�aV&b�" pr�,$ti•�t�.r t,�;ac����rr�)r ���µw� �"i'�tAC'r� l'h1i�i;;�' �M'��6:�V0Y�.� ���'-�; �^'��'-,% N�.tiaaaa��„ '���-.`+ �t�,d�i��� �it^a;I;ra,�t�raNa ��t' c r uera r�r��r�sa� nt��t�k �u�nbr����:�up��n I4�'..I�N ,"VQp�Vk'��5 Q��a`�a-�� �. ��ii-��� E'�ar� rtcnkr 1 w��- 5 k"ar•,sutnw� ��e�,l��r��i���r taf' �w���rzw�ia��c��ita�,l wnp.,rraio�.arr�^� 1�9�%-�2. fi'wL�4i�°,l7c�r�r��?,� 1�4�-14 9:�r'r��r�r�.��a� �=q��3�-1 k�y��ai�;� �i,�i•r�r�,; iz�acv<�I aa �e�� va 'I �ki•"7 "�al�acgr,� nd,trt� ti�trappTrr.�rati�alica�a D���15 4��:� d't� ��craav�aw C4�t�_� `�"I k2.� �;"I � y�i:hJt) ���7I',�A,!�i�F��; 2:3C�9-�a,& �a4.J��'�I"�I"V�56C:'x�d ��E°` �1�,��"�h,t�� " Ry&_'7; '2:��-w.t"� �1`usr�c� lartt���; d��rt-I:4 .i"�a�.�r �;3�r,aa�a^� I�k�-<�, I��i-I�+ fir�s:� p��-�i T°rkrck� I�%i#-"� 'I�s-�:�w� � �a�tac>r�� I�Rk�-.°� .�..�"�,7k" QM dq�"1:I47fi�°; ���4..�r l,�t���titi�^�, 1�������' 'v`��r`i,aa�i:aws 1�4'�.*; "k!'�huti��°a I��'-S �u'a�6k r B ��-5 `�'�i�r ��nuazlit}+ l�'�.5 ',��:�ltxdpc�� 1������Z, i4�s,� �G'k[c�VHk`C" I-��S'-? h'"atc�i^� 0���,.y Ic�nrcm�! �di�,¢rfc�ts t�l�i-5 �:�r'4ra}�C)Cr 1�# f„;Tv'G`r� 1,,M.,s4" �4t�M1'�l'T1i'"�.A �,Itk;,hti `�l.l'F3lk�"�!I`�IC:�N �')���" 1.,h,.N�1:) ':�'���:���' ��.��I'�±�I'��Ci .��%�M �'��`,; .���'�)-7 °�<�.. 1�;�2(:)�Slt)�, hC�wQ)ti�C�U11�[I:?`ti.l c°�:a^� r�%al., �:"c��ara,��w�rnia�r��o�n i'dnra � �'7U-t?,'; � % ���w+.� �' L,+�Ik�t�,�nt Ita�.sdai���l�sr1 i,war��:� � �a��.� w ,4w°��,��ua� "�&:711� �:I�('�41C)Tv �ANI) °�]:;:I�IP+14:;hd"I; t'"(AN"N'FC()I� y'r��r�r�wn � ��:r�. netl a1N,�S�L�d�'1�"I" ii�+dl.7 L;idR�'�d6�1h�1 �,;C�1�> �;I:l�l➢���;�f"1. 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'a�''GN�:I�.�', �°a r� c��- c��x�����„ �i�', l��`: "�A�+^�"��=,�t tiC.d"f���L �", � �';'4'� AGi:; C)C�I'�74.✓i:l,,,°u �,1� 4:tDN�)� l'�� I�,IIN�',, �f';��"4 ti�.�'d:,l�,lt"�� l."�«I_;l;bF f'I..,IC�f Y�' �¢,�«-"J�Ftti �"��_�*s �"t.7Nf1`vt';i. "��'F.�°'���Il_ a_FM�C�l7 I.1"al�. 95➢5"9 b�l�""I'`.a ,� �1-VG; 2.7'I-12; �71-1:� � � � N"�#Iid ��(:)41'�ll�f.� 5a�' �h1�I^l3C���,�4T3�,��. N~I t:��_! 4 & Jti�:� F'�,1,�F; A.I.,�,�i,M1rl+� .","esr �'t[,�'+.U�h9 "�"c'°�"1"1-,"vV',�a F`�h,"�1Y.,.5'' �)',r�"�''-d.:°AN.E, A,��ac�a9t�daatil �".;�rrr�'�7tb-2�Z "��s�b� 42�, Jcull 2t`! i �J /J FAMILY DAY-CARE... Couservation Zones 270-14 See Also DAY-CARE FACILITIES High Density Residential Zoaes 270-?7 Lakefront Residen6al Zones 270� I Low Deasity Residential Zanes 270-54 Medium Density Residential Zones 270-66 Mahi]e Same Park Zones 270-89 Multiple Residence Zones 270-1U0 ZOMNG 270-5 ZONTNG: SPECIAL LAND USE DISTRICTS 271-9 FARM3 ANfl FARNQNG AGRICULNRAL ASSESSMEM'S 1Q4-1 Agricultural Zonas 270-25; 270-26; 270-27; 270-29; 270-31; 270-35 Canservation Zones 270-11; z�aiz; z�o-zz Iiiswric Bazn Exemption 239-21 Light Ind�s�ial Zones 270-I46 Low Deusiry Residential Zones 270-54; 270-55; 270-56; 270-59 Medium Density Residential Zones 270-65 310ISE 184-$ Pionconforming Uses 270-214.1 PARKS A]Vi) RECREATION AREAS 200-5 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 205-2 See Also R]GHT TO FARM Road Preservation 230-13 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 228-5; 228-7 ZONING 27D-5; 270-219.5; 270-223;270-230 ZONING: SPECIAL LAND USE D1S7RICTS 271-9;271-10;271-15; 271-16 FAST-FOOD RESTAURANTS See RESTALTRAIYTS FECAL MAITER PARKS AND EtECREATION AREAS 200-3 See.4lso PEi' WASTE FEES Abandonment 153-2 Accidenta] discharges 216-45 Adoption oFCode 1-4; 1-9 ADUL7USE8 Z00-2; ]00�; lOd-5; 100-6 ANIMALS 112-9; 112-10 Appeals I53-2 APPEARANCE TICKETS 9-2 Art Murals 27D-267 Assessment of charges and fees 216�6 Assessmenu 153-3 Attoraeys fees 153-2 ITHACA INDEX BUILDING CONSTRUCTIOA' ATiD FIRE PREVENTiON 125�; 125-7;125-9;125-I4 Bwlding pertnits 153-3 Charges 153-2; 2i6-45; 216�6 SeeRlso CHARGES C6arges and fees 216-45 Code Enforcement Officer Z53-1;153-2 Conservarion Zanes 270-22; 270-23 Construation 153-2; 153-3; 216�5 Casts and expenses 153-2; 216-45; 216�7 SeeAlso COS7S AND �JCPENSES DEFENSE ANA iNDEA9�TIFICATION 28-2 Drainage 153-2 Environmental impact statements 153-2 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AEVIEW 148-15 Estabiist►ment and revisiaa of fees 153-1 Fees 153-1; 153-2; 153-3; 216�5 Fees in lieu of recmztional ]and reservallon 153-3 Final plats 153-2 Grades and grading I53-2 Hearings 153-2 Improvements 153-2 iadustrial user 216�7 inspectians 153-2; 216�5 Liability 153-2 Licenses and permils 153-1 LIGI3TWG, OUTBOaR 173-IS Lots 153-3 Meetings 153-2 Mobile Home Park Zanes 274-97 NO1SE 184-12 Natices 153-2 NO'I'IFICATION OF INFORMAT�ON SECURITY BREACHES 51-1 Parks and recreation 153-2 PARKS AND RECREATION a�s aooa; aoas Plan,ning Board 153-2; 153-3 Pre[iminary plats 153-2 PItOPERTY MAIN'T�AiANCE 205-5 Record5 153-2 Road Preservation 230-13; 230-14 Salaries and compensation 153-2 Sales 153-3 SEWER USE: REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRBUTOR3 BZTO JOINT PO'I'4V 216-34;216-43; 216-451216-47 SEWER USE: RULES, REGS. & PENAL'1�S dF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, CITY OF ITHACA, 1S NY� RE: WATER SUPPLY, SEWAGE DISPOSAL �& AIR CONDITIONING 215-5;215-8;215-10; Z15-30; 215-33; 215-43 Sewe�s 153-2 5igns 270-262 5ite plan approval 153-2; 153-3 Site plan review and appravalI53-2 Site plans 153-2; 153-3 Special permits 153-2 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 230-2; 230�; 230�.1; 230�.3; 230-4.8; 230-0.4; 230-4.15 SUBDTVISION OF LA3dD 234-8; 234-1�}; 234-36; 234-37 Surcharges 216�7 Surcharges For certain conventional pollntants 216-47 Town Boazd 153-1; 153-2; 153-3 Town Clerk 153-1; 153-2 Toxm Supervisor 153-2 Variances 153-1 Violations and penalties 216�7 Waivers 153-2; 216-47 Warcants 153-3 Wastewater Discharge Permits 216-16 Water 215-18; 215-19; 2i5-26; 215-28;153-2 Water conservation 216�7 WATER PROTECTTON 255-20 WATER RATES 26Z� ZO]�fING 270-5; 270-1$l; 270-185; 270-198; 270-219;270-219.5; 270-237; 270-243; 270-245 Zoning Hoard of Appeals 153-2 Zoning, subdivision, SEQRA, Zaning Baard of Appeals, and development application fees 153-2 ZONIT'G: SPECIALI.AND USE AISTRICTS 271-4; 271-I0; 271-12 FENCES Agricultural Zones 27Q-27; 270-28; 270-31; 270.37 BUILDDVG COTI5TRUCITON AND FIRE PREVENTION 125� Commercial Zones Generally 270-122 Conservation Zanes 270-22 See Also HEDGES See Also HEIGfiT REGULATIONS Mobile Home Pazk Zones 270-97 Multiple Residence Zones 270-1 f 1 SEWER USE: RULES, REGS. & PENALI'IE8 OF 80ARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, CITY OF TCHACA, NY, IiE: WATER SUPPLY, SEWAGE bISPOSAL & AIR CONDITION]NG 215-54 S70RMWATER MANAGENIDVT AND ER0510N AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 228-7; 228-9 STREETS AAiD 3IDEWALKS 230-2 ZONf[1G 270-5; 270-186; 270-214;270-219.1; 270-219.5; 270-223 ZONING: SPECIAL LAI�D USE DISTRICTS 271-10; 271-13; 271-16 FERAL CATS See CATS FILL Agric�eltural Zones 270-28 See Also BACKFILLII�iCi Conservation Zanes 270-I2 See Also DIRT See Also EXCAVATIONS FLOOD DAMAG� PREVENTION ] 57-11 Lakefront R�sidentia� Zones 270-51 SEWER USE: RUI.ES, REGS. & PEAIALTIES OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, CFTY OF ITIiACA, NY, RE: WATER SUPPLY, SEWAGE DISPOSAL & AIR CONDITIOMNG 215-54 STORMWATER MANAGE3�4E1VT AND EROSION AND SEDIMEI+lT COIV'TROL 228-5; 228-6 ZOND�iG 270-5; 270-186; 270.2I7; 270-2l9.5 FILLING STATIONS See GAS STATIONS See SERVICE STATIONS FINAI. P�,A3�iS SUBDIVISION OF I,AND 234-6 Wastewater Discharge Permits 216-I6 ZONING 270-185 FINAL PLAT3 FEES 153-2 LIGHTIPiG, OUTDOOR ]73-15 SUSbMSION OF LAND 234-16; 234-17; 23420; 234-22; 234-28; 234-31; 23�334; 23437 ZONING: 3PECIAT.. I,AND USE flISTRICT5 27I-b FA�TA1�iCIAL DI5CLOSURES See DI5CLOSURE FINANCIAL INSTTTUTIONS Community Commercial Zones 270-134; 270-135 Limited Historic Commerciai Zones z�aiaz.s Nei�hborhood Commercial Zones 270-I26; 270-127 Supp 48, Ju12019 F �l�.nr«e���,��.�., ur��°�°���°w� ��i�ra��r��s,.. �)fiic� P�rk l"�.�ra�a��crcr�� fn.>¢aw°,� �"7P1- R 341 `�'C'{.)�ta�'�,I'A"N &'.[� P�7ChiJtllwC`S�✓%CMN`l "�1�1;7 ���)"sl(.1N ,�a��7 Sa: [:e��v'91°,i�.�" �"(��N"�'S�tl��� 2�:�w1� Z�TJ[iti�':�; ;�i'�;�.`��'�C., L.,�ihJi� C,'�i9�', 1:i9�, �`I��1G."TS ��t�-�.:�� F"I�FS ��c�c 'w�li;)I.,�t [ %4 }�4 �tl�f7 u�r.�.,�� ���:,� F"TTw'��;�21'6�'�Iti"�'� CtiCw AQ�IJI.I'11�,� � I(��:k-�p F"D ii �. �M [.h �2 �11�+ ,Secw ,� [...h &t f� & S `r �:';i"f:Cv9 ti' #�"I�k, C'111F;:�°' ��th�CINC,� �I�B �G��.;V F IFC.� �� F`A�'�'.'WT�,�r'[° .�"aL7Ul W 1i,�&,� ���Y°P-5; tlfYl`1•� G��l)D! ]�1hw6:;m C Q)"vI';'➢ �t 1,1C."f`IC�N ��II1I Cxt�`. �'IiF:V� �"11(�� ➢�5_lf8 �,C�C'�; ��(:5�� 4 175-1; i �7:;'.�; 6 7:5-.5 L�l�T1�1�JQ�� i�"7V.1- �" t �R.l F1Ft,�: Fl�^hl,�.i$1),"wu &'R�'� P3:1� "�""w' h�9Fi➢"w f d'°"w,1,"v"�'�'; "1�:5-� ����fl:F� �'�;p:::; dZBwQN�V:i�9 �� I. P�f l:i� 1'ti F �C�1 Ft �"�.w�r"N��t1�Sl � ��C:�}t`� lN [i7 Jlklh7l I"1:11.k� z�n•�; F'�Fi:E 1�1"�7�,.��w'll';ti :5E'uV&:}t hJ`�I. �dl.11.Pw�;„ }tE:t'r�a. a�+: I���Tw�r"�L.'CIY:S �9� t�4"brk�U 4?%. d>�„f3i.N��" WC���+, t"I E.�1' Ct�� N 1 f�����w'�, h"r', �t ��°lf:�{ ��16"P�..Y, �41:�4',��4�,F�; �SI�'F't:Jti�ik. �,�'�l�i C G 1TMvi�'Dl � 6d P�G'!�d� � I 5-„��; � I �•?, �'N 5-�5�� S7 N�L�,I'� r�C�T:D �� ()�:.ti'� r� I. � ti '�,��:1-� S�l��i)I�r1�9C?N �"��� 1..�1hdl;:� 2.i�-i� '�'"titct" 2 � m`+.�' � 'u'�;4T'�',E� �'�.��'f i�C' 1'9(`bi� �5�-��, ��ti-➢�C, 2:�h-�v� Z'�)�vl',!(m�7Ga 1�rt'� F"llld.� �P��N.'i�P��� �i�: .Se�ar 1N�1.,1�.��"�"�C'"�? W'CId.� I�v�s�II�APaC;"�". �`L�� I �«7:'� .Scrc 11vS�,llfi,M�«1(."I; ��IFC:�; I.AfedF.:4 ��C71`�9NC:i E�iID-1�`k+ Z�Ji�Y�'�'i' '?aC"I'C"I fi.�. I..tI..T+IL7 �""^��: I�]'� 1 bfi BC; �,'� ^���.�, FiRk�: &�BiN;k'�;�, �"IQ..$"+� A�'i�l:."��EJ%Nd,'� fll:lwl:"�"� �1-� �L I�.E7VhJf.r f'G � h*f ti"1't� l 1(.""V 1�;1'� �r�i� ��s��r E'Ntl:h'f�hT'�"1Q�1� 1'�5-1 r���ii,rat��:��, ��r���.�r�: 1"?aJ•I l:.adr�e%rb�at f��^��cl�aat��Y 0°,c>i�es 27U-��I%� P2�t ��'l� �i1"'1' MrM,(�.� 9_?�.�"1C`]':"s r V):�-➢ �.�wN � ��:L., l��r�l�i"�&'�.&�,��,,�� :��:N'P.,11; :"'��i"_"; '�� ��-:i 1T'�-I.��� I�"CJ�k;� °aip?��s ;.`"���-���i; �'7f)-25ki SI'�iI'+NI�.1,I,Ce, S"� �'�"B;h�3ti �<�m,�; ��a5 �; :?:.5-t'b; Z2�_�, �",(7;"Jditiia'�"1C1 ;�. Z7�i..„"l,�.q, 2"Fti7-�� I 5�.�, 278'7-;� 1�.4; �T�:l�� la7.fr, �"f() ;:�3 �d;�iv�1ti��: ti�'F("I,��.. 1�,J^til�Jl� RiSf°. l:7N„� M kCif"'I°�;� "� T I�k,�; :�,"� 1� 9; �� 71-1 ��; a71.,N"r N°'IR�: I�fdt) G C^:4:;"l'dt)N ,�a����� ta[ r'��qx����t.. 4'�"� k��«�M Y;%�!"f"`� )i)�4•�a 1('�I�2; 9�:N��'-�� �f3LJ�b'I p)D�iC"a t, il,"�S �'°�1't.' IIt�.�J t��11,1 I°"11�1w ��i��;�r�'��! I(:�'N n25-4;� ���-�" �B.M'� } C� lrS�: C�ila C'�, I�t.Cx'�� c�C 1'M..hJJ4;C,.'1IT�5 a �f� 1�� )��idk"M (:1C� 1'11f3A 1t���'v�'4)k�,N<"i„ �'���'�' (:�t'^ i l"p-I�',�;,h, hJM' It�; '�47t�`I"L�:12. til.'T'f"I..'"r'`, ��;t�+t�C'�h� [)� �!'l h�^aB, �a AA'f6 C'"d �"„�ll1d`T't(7!"J1%tCi 2p ��"J "iN1�VNI�LflMI� `�4'"�IF.`?v➢'� �" � �"; 22 �, _�6 [.C:�;�i^�ia � �'d) ��'� :�C�S�+�,�'Ci: �V'I�d'I�"M,�.� L,1i1^Sll 4�wi' I�Iti1"�tl�''f""� �7 �.�� �"I �t E;�1 �'� 6�,"� .�'ur�: �,a �.b �� � � G�_r�r� � I":"ti�k�+ ��1�7[;) i� �-`� "1�1;.�1"17 d � �l IA1�[:�1,5 �%It�-5 S�,�r�4a�srs ��f:��'��)�!'� hlt�H:ti :�c�r.�ql�,a f��4.�i���C+11C�IC;�� .�i� �� ✓t�wdA e tV'4`i1^� 1• Iqt f ti f'�:I�,�°� 1N1�7 I� dw t"' I�. qi:r� l"'I C���i*1 �Itl°,�"� 2(11;I-5 l���{ y'�^�"VY���afla.qr� p"I^iw�y��i 4 #f�A�l:.�,.a"AX �.•��•Ilf 93LCI1.I)11�v'4:� f "�,��d'� CV'� I �t"� I���M /��Il; 11�t1M F`�t@ °v�.�"i'IC➢iS I�S-�° N"� � k;i'�4"l MId F� �a .i'aue^ „-���rs �.�;N�G.d"�SBC)`v Fi h1,^��t.�"�� �xre',°,-���ra E:�T�"�4�IS9WC��w� 6�A.F�1�� �.?�1l) 4i�:�"CiL,�§ 1l�)�l �.It 1� �� � :?�){b-ti F�S9���wQ,A ZCiNt�l4:� �"7f�-ti M^" G,.A.�'ll'�1 �� [31 ��":ti ,4d�c.' ,,4t sak Q"<bh113�J`a i I[bl.� S .4c���x A�.s•aa ��.Xl"�r�i_11S�fC.Dfi^S i i�'t� � F� C;�`� .�5� a �Bl�ar I.:'�F�"I G l�l�r'�� �'� Bi7+��r�;tlr���1 1��cti,�� �"?#1..1 ��d I.i��,r,�urc Hortwiansd�d���tl �'a�ri�:� ? f G p- � S,'� "a E::"�T� � C� �!`�1 : Id t � L�w�;, t�k;��°��. �� ���:r�.�r��r�i��� f�� (31'�l'i��l) f,7�� wu ����_a�;• ev� �i���, ( 11'r C�i� a J°I-NAGw'r�, i'�°', �tC°::: W/t11,rEt '��II"P°Bw"�, "tif.�h���iL &31ti1'l?ti��.l.. M'k. J+,f�t �'(M1�C"u6"T"I(�I"v1h�C:i "� �_:�r� 1 f� `�8,1�1�;,1d l I'�1�: LIS�: �J�:. I'l.J[3�.IR `���"w�1,1&?�� � ! �-2, ti; � 1 �-2? 1�)�fhd4a: Sl'�;�'"l��W L�1"+AT7 t'..J�1- [�@�^aT`C��d��,l.`� J7'�_1'� F"f,(?�C}Ml �)�h.."�fA�'�> k' �.F^;'�� 1M� l�'T°V ( � C�i �e�„��°�:Mwa�ry�'9a���ildory�,� s���a3 s�tr�ca��IkGi°�,;� I�7-� Au�°�;ra�aaKt�ti�ro��dG��� �57-1�� t�n��O�,rrm�;� �:i"�-12„ 1�i7-k��e s�a,�,�<�a� a��-�; ��a-��, �x�rpad'uc:a�ai9aCy 1:�7.5 C3;a„�;i� �'srr �stMa��isiraa7�; ��rc�s �u[ «��,�c;'r<ad ������c9 h�rar•+� � 5 7 tr F3Eu�B�t 1 "�"l ;'� F�rat�y��s�, i h'p.;:i, ll ^;'°7-1 �e k',�ru�r�au�� l��;pcuCa�r 157-Es, 1;� � �4My ll�5�-1 9; 1.�� d?, P�57-1��; 1Si-ll�� �3ts�[���ir(.� �.��i-srorat� 1.�i'1-�k �`c�ta��C"uc��t��� r:y�°cAar�i�lti��n�c, q5"7-12 Car�uli,�,�t��; c�& �au�`ur��nu}r N 5 ��- i? �"�����p,�a�ir�r�,�yvk; F'V�arr ]57-5�7 �"asA�ci��uua7„ ftarr�w¢��i�z��rct 1,5`�..17 �."r.or�w8,r'tutlztrr� ,�"+�"F-�, ll +'1'-.�w IS" k� Ih"r"-lit 95r-10; 1� 1 11, 15 l f�; 1�7-l�; 1�°F-I�, 1w7-17 t a��,t�.�i�+lcxp�c;t��w�; d*-r�},, I'.1��•-�; 1S7'._�4, 15"�...���� a:5�r-� a �)r�rrtr;���c 957-1 N; 1`�7.1;1 �.J���ii�°�; a�r�d ���c�;�un�.i�ril�a�u���� t���l�uu9�der��, �tir�p>����r ��;1.,�;r ��arv�cka�K�r�y Cwfi«�r�a��;cua�e��t A�E��rcy l�"�-<�; 15"7-�; 4�'P-k�, 1, �'7-�), 1 ti'�- I k� �.�mn�c��ena•y v�°hru�wV�� 157-IF� fl-v�c:r�a<�c�ur���r�t� p57«p<„ I'�7�1'�; I,i�-lS C xa����va�Aiaan,s �S"7��4� 1 wB9 I5'7-1 t � lf7t�t1��?'� M°�"�..�. f��l�r���a�3 �u�azu�°r1 ��f��G;� l5"��-12 k q�'�aroc�paC�air,w N*�7->, ! ti r-��, 1�� N�".6"�"7-1C'r T�tia�a:at��vay��; 5�5�7-�; 1�7-i�; 1'i"�-Bl; Q57.,1�; 6�7~9"�„ 9��'�9�; V:�?•�7 �, � r�i � @:ac °�; l � Z_,,,� �,�,�, 6��'X-�„ I,�i�-�, V�7-1���;, Qti7-lls (;a�r�� rra�D ;+�w+r�el���&.� �� 57• G � ("ix��c�c� uaM�<i �,r,ii�ar�� b5'�_?; BS'"FW� C"�riew�at�nLt�;� 6'S"Fw]G� k�c�ifixr� i�7_1,� k3ci�„9�trm„�;ulart.r��xr� I�i-�ti @r��a���r��v��pM�w��4�s �ti"�,.q, 6S7•1.4; 15�'T��N�; I57• 15, 157.17 l¢n^;�vr,c';:Cora�lti i 5'�v. I:' Iou�a�r�ra,re� a.5�-2; 1.�7-�; I�5�" P�; I �7"-'7. 8 �'7'-'1�2'„ I.*7-�"� Ir�utarry��mct¢�Iicrowa; ����'�rm�til2cl ��ra��a �t�'�c^r ���•����i�i�ruti 15�-7 i. Stiu��Cc���� r s'r_sa t.a�°a:��tis:^s �ei}c3 �er��uuxits 1.°i7-1,'� l..a�t�„ a�? •9; I,"�!-1:�; 1:�7-17 I'�f���tral:";�c I�irr�til �i��vietc �a rrks 15? �, 1�"_f3, I:ti�-I � T^y�N�r�rG�f�eiura�al k��a�o�c� 15�-4; I"a"r-!"fi; I�a`7-�.5 �wl�a�znp; 1°��,_,� TJt�ti�c�,�, d 57-;�; 157�] 7; 157-17 iva�i�ra�rr�^��; I.S�-�'7� C:1i�gc��s�v��� I��'7�-�r 6.11�"�ra�<�� ��ga �S7'-� f�u�rr�u��'u�.s t«ar �3�7'�,ro�o�;� I � r"�� 1'��cav��C:��p��Go�ra�ac��k�a, d�ssi��� �.�f rM��`s's�.°r � i7-1 ll �'�4d11'1i�7'd0"N;� A„��'�.f.� ��1lt"�Y<7tit", d S J�.�;�. ��c^ucrr�€1�,� I:�7-E�„ 1:�7-1�; I .`i"?- I f"r ICc��rrr�a•t.� � rT_a��; �I,��7-fr, �i7..��r I��c�ra��a°r�m�au� W�r el�vk°pa.ro�ruroa��uk �a��at�i� p�7-1G� k���,q�k�°r��iasN �^�f��tr�r�°.Co�pt�A I"r�mll� S�Icty 4�f��a�ti���rsi�»'1:"r� .�: t5i-� 1„�1-�"7;, 847-rt4�; 15"�m q ;� S��Gaa:+ 1'S"f��? "�ruut;�r}� 9acilititi,s ��'T-�'d; 15?'-1 ��l "�a�titi��i.� �'S7-i; iS7-li:�; D57-1�� S}tcc9�; 157•� �psce,flY'��e: �s�.a�or9,�md�,�+� d',>'?-1�; �;�ti�g� �n�'e,��s'�. �,ira��^� 1 u 7«� �l ; p�7..N� �t�,Cta�c 15 � '� 9 5'7-11 �tta����rcz �:wa�k«� t;�"�-�9� �f Guww�i� 1��"�����rr4 1�'�-3, � 57-1d,S I r a i d e�i es �°� ���4 �Uliailr�� � 57-:�; 'fl:�7-�9�„ 1������i, a��r-��, I"��-9�1, IS�-b� wl.�ris��,r��c �a��a�cc9���r�� �5��7-1�i ���M�i<arM�.us� 157���; I:�r�-�7; Ifi�-�� 1�7-1��, 15'�����, t`�"Isl � "V�a�f�lfi�taa�ps� 1 � 1�;R;3 '�/��alaztie�a�:� r�n�� ��o���auk�� V5?��, V5"7��� "�JnIG, 1:5'7 s�, 151-�� V"Via,naa���� ersxa9 ��a�:°�x�au�vc��r ��9�, li�1a'r��tyr 157-� 1ht��tcr' l'�7 � !S�-�� 157���; �:,7��°�,�y ��3�'—���„ �'r�—���"� i�J�I�r��Ga��p�B� V�S7-I�� Wcrtic�r�c°x]�rr��°� 157-�; 1�7-1 I„ �57-�2 ''M�����d kss���� ;�cad drComitaa�a�,� 15"am-� ��r¢�tia¢� I3m�sral r.r�"A'a,p�p���v����� I�'�.,akw 1� [1Q�4'JL1 V9A`r",�.�1°i ,�62�;:^�4 �, �..C�(.�T°b tl_���.h1d1<':;i'�: �"1�E�'Vd:°^�&'�t�� a�;�r_�" �"I �Q.kt)�1�'G.,�� i�";� 1'�(7l�!i7 G:P+"�.I"w9e?iW;iP �'1�.M��w4 t;"f��!"�CbF�1' 'Y 57-�; 95"�•�q; � r�-1�; 1�7-4G /f1�+YIt�"4i??4i_I�E�; �7dN-Y'"r� M�"Tl..u()t)�1'�' �h �r �, t I 4:�C��:� 1: �:� ��9r"�t rE~: 1��tt=:w%]."�"C"B�:7Iti f:w7�; p,�i7-P3; li7-k1; �57'«d'?; I`�7�w1�, ��'���i; VS����"7 �"I..,�' �S�i S�sr��/,aru t"�"�1-llC::� 1.c+�lat ti��r:�i�a�,�rcps�� a�crtr���� z�a�r-u � � :{.f��CNC:i !�1'f,lm'IAL 1..�1`Jl:b t��;t�a, ra��� ��r�°�r��. 2�1-�d�,: ����'1? k�"fDtl9) � S 1"AN�I.]�Ig"�1�P+f"t':ti �r� � 1��,�7 AIJFZr�N'�`a F°tl;JE� FiS`�'1�'Y' �a�xucui'a.a�r��l l.�ra��� �7CPw��? ��",aR"il'Nf.i � 7dP..5' "�����y� ��, J�ul �,kf 1 �J � TTHACA INDEX � FOWL Summary applicatian for ZONING 270-219.5; LIGI�IING, OUTDOOR i'" ' ZONDVG: SPECIAL LAhD license 166-6 270-219.6 173-2; 173-3; 173-4; USE DISTRICTS Sunday games 166-4 ZONING: SPECIAL LAND 173-6; 173-7; 173-14 i 27j_g Town Clerk 166-5 U3E DISTRIGTS ZONiNG 270-188; i FRESHWA'I'�lt Town Supervisar 166-5 271-9 270-219.1; 270-219.2 WETLAIQDS GA11�1VG GARllE1V APARTMENTS ZONII+TG: SPECL4L LANf� � itegulatory authority 16I-1 See BINGO See APARTMEN'I'S USE DISIRICTS , Weilands 161-1; 161-2 GAI2AGE SALES GAS 271-5; 27I-6; 271-7; When effecdve 161-2 See SAI.ES HUII.DING 271-10; 271-12 � FUEL GARAGE3 CONSTRUCTION GLASS , BUII..DING Agricultural ,Zones 270-29; AND FTRE Community Commercial � CONSTRUCTION 270-32 P[tEVENTION 125-5; Zones 270-134 APID FiRE Communiry Commercial l25-10 LIGHTQdG, OUTDOOR PREVENTION 125-4; Zones 274-135 FLOOD DAMACE 173fi I25-5; L25-10 Conservation Zoaes 270-17 PREVEIV'I'IOI�i 157-3; PROPERTY LIGHTING, OUTDOOR FLOOD DAMAGE 157�; 157-i3; 157-16 MAINTENANCE �73_7 PREVENTION 157� See.4lso FCTMES 205-2 SEWER U3E: High I7ensity Residentiai Industrial Zoues 270-159 SEWER USE: REQUIRENI�NT3 Zones 270-79; 270-82 LIGHTING, OUTDOOR REQUIREMETiTS FOR Lalcefront Residendal Zones 173-7 FOR COAfTRIBlITORS 270-43; 270�45; 270�6 See�llso ODOR3 CONTRIB[lTORS INTO JOINT PQTW Limited I-Tistoric PARKS ANA INTO JOIIVT POTW 216-5 Commercia] Zones RECREATION 2I6-5 SEWER USE: RULES, 270-142.5; 270-1�42.6; AREAS 204-5 SEWER USE: RUI.ES, � REGS. & PEI�ALTIES 270-142.7 Road Preservation 230-13 REGS. & PENALTI�S Of' BOAfZD OF Low Density Residential SEWER LTSE: RLTLE5, OF SOA1iD OF PUBLIC WOR]CS, Zones 270-56; 270-60 REGS. & PENALTIES PLTBLIC WORKS, CITY OF ITHACA, Medium Density Resideatial OF BOARD OF CITY OF ITHACA, NY, RE: WATER Zones 270-68; 270-71 PUBLIC WORKS, NI', RE: WATER SUPPLY, SEWAGE Mobile Home Park Zones CITY OF TI`HACA, SUPPLY, SEWAGE ' DISPOSAL & AIR 270-91 NY, RE: WATER DISPOSAL & AIR CONDTTIONIlVG Mu�tiple Residence Zones SLIPPLY, SEWAGE COi�IDiTIONIlVG 215-33 270-101; 270-1 i 1 DI5POSAL &.AIR 215-33 SEWER USE: U5E OF 5PRlNKLER SYSTEMS CONAITIOS+iING ZONDVG 270-5 PUBLIC SEWERS 2253 215-33; 215-54 ZONDVG: SP�C�AL LAND 214-25 TA3QCABS 243-2 SEWER USE: US� OF USE DISTRICTS Vekvcle Fueling and Repair Vetvcle Fueling and Repair PUSLIC SEWERS 271-16 Cammercial Zones Commercial Zones 214-25 GOLF COURSES 270-I37 270-137; 270-138 SUBDIVISION OF LArID Agricultural Zones 270-27 ,� ZONWG 270-5; 270-219.4 ZONIIVG 270-5; 270-218; 234-21 High Density Residential FUMES 270-219.3; 270-227 ZONIIdG 270-5; 270-2i9.A; Zones 270-78 See Also GA3 ZONIlVG: SPECIAL LAND 270-219.5 Low i7ensity Residenrial See Also GASES USE DI3TRICTS ZO]vING: SPECIAL LAND Zones 270-SS See Also ODORS 271�; 271-8; 271-9; US� pISTRICTS Niedium Aensity Resideutial SEWER USE: 271-10; 271-1 I; 27I-5; 271-10; 271-13; Zanes 270-67 REQUIREMENTS 271-12; 271-14; 271-16 271-14; 271-16 ZOAIING 270-2L9.5 FOR GARBAGE, RUBBISH AND GA5 STATIONS GRADES AND GRADING CONT'RIBUTORS REFUSE See Also SERVICE Adoption of Code 1-4 ' INTO JOINT POTW NOI$E Z84-8 STAT[pNS Agricu3tutal Zones 27D-31 � 216-5 PARKS AND SEViBR LfSE: RULES, BUII..DI3VG See Also VAPORS R�CREATION REGS. & PENALTIES COI�[STRUCTION , ZONWG 270-2Q0 AREAS 200-5 OF BOARD O� AND FIRE ZONING: SPECIAL LAND PROPERTY PT}BLIC WOLZKS, PREVENTION 125-4 � USE DISTRTCTS MAINTENANCE CITY OF TTfiACA, BUII.DINGS, LJNSAFE ' 271-5; 271-6 205-2 I�iY, RE: WATER 129-I � RENTAL PROPERTY SUPPLY, SEWAGE Commercial ZoQes _ G^ 207-2 DISP05AL & AIR Generally 274-116 SEWER USE: CONDITIONING Conservation Zones 270-16; � GAMBLING REQUIIiEMENTS 215-31 270-20 ' ADULT USES l OQ-2 FOR GASES FEES 153-2 See Also BIlVGO CONTRIBUTORS 5ee �11so FL1MES FLOOD DAMAGE GAMES OF CHANCE INTO JOINT POTW Light Industrial Zones PREVENTION 157-2; Applicabiliry in Vi3lage of 216-3; 216-5 270-I55 157-�i Cay�ega Heights 166-& S�VJER USE: RULES, See �llso ODORS High Density Resideatial See Also BINGO 12�G8. & PENAL3'IE3 SEWER US�: Zones 270-81 Board of Trustees 166-8 OF BOARD OF REQUIREIviENTS Industrial Zones 270-163 � Conduct of games of chance PUBLIC WORKS, FOR Lakefront Residential Zones i authorized; restrictions CITY dF ITHACA, COI+iTRIBLTTORS 270s[3; 270�5; 270-51 ; i6b-3 NY, RE: WATER INTO 70INT POTW Light Industrial Zones , Control and supervision SUPPLY, SEWAGE 216-5 270.148 ' 166-5 DISPOSAL & AIR ZONING: SP�CIAL LAND Low Density ResidenHal , Definitians 166-2 CONI�IT14NII�[G USE DISTRICTS Zones 270-59 Effecfive date 166-9 215-33; 215-54 271-10; 271-12 Medium Densiry Residential GAMES OF CHANCE SEWER USE: USE OF GEIVERAL PROVISIONS Zo�es 270-70 i 166-1; Z6b-2; 166-3; PUBLIC SEW�RS See Adoption of Code 1-11 Mobile Home Park Zones , 166�; 166-8 214-1; 214-2 1-13 27fl-93 Licenses and pemvks 1663; See.4lso SOLID WASTE GLARE Multiple Resideace 7.ones �-- 166-6; 166-8 5TORM SEWER SYSTEM Lakefront Residential Zoaes 270.105 �� Mandatory referendum AND Si3RFACE 270-43 SEWER USE: RIJI.ES, 16fi-7 WATERS Light Industrial Zaues REGS. & PENALTiES � Powers and duties 16fi-5 PROTECTION 227-2 270-I55 OF BOARD OF $tatutory authoriry; title SeeAlso TRASH PUBLIC WORKS, 166-� CITY OF ITHACA, 17 5upp 48, Jul 2p19 I +��,a���::� �+�:n��u �:a��nazve... av^r, �.:. �v.�T�� SU(�F°&.'�', S�:'�JhCiT? []ISI'�4r"�1� �a A1F�, t��")�li}1"i"I(7�v'INt�i 21ti,3].2��-;;<� Si�,n� 27d1-2E�1 S"�'f7ki�� �E�+�4�f=,f� �;YS'�"�M .AT+1�7 5�7���/�C'l:� i�"f��1,��'�5 E'&t�JTEC "� I(��l 227-2 �'iC7 F31�14t� � "i"i� Ft Ii�9.4:���iENYk?^�"f" A:a'�;I.) Eft475�C)T�d �"s �� 4E�I:71:1!v1��h1`f C"ti� l�„i"f�.f)l.. 2 � �-?; 22R-;°i, �2'�3-6; �.�2��-l(3 5"T I�.F:�;'I"� .�NG� 51�71:�,'€�L.hS d'�U-�.�, �3�-4. d'�: 2:�C1-�r ������r���rsir��r� c��r� �r �,ra� ���_�; �r�a.2ra; ��a-�:�; 23�-2dr. �:�4-:�fS "a�'ater 215-1 �' �r�.�w �;�� ���xz���:�rie�r� 2iG.�� Zt7NINC� �7�-�, �71�-l�fs; ??�-21 °7; 2 "(�-24 �.1: 27€�-21r1 �, 2"�fl-?2�; �70-2'?'� 1; 27tk-2�7„ T7(1 �24 JC)NICi(i: S�'1:�'Il�I..1,t�.hll� I.;SE: ��151"k�1C;TS 27'I-�; 27'�-�, 271-�; �71-1C�; �?'!-1�� ��1-�:�;��N•wa; �a�-��; 7;r_7� C:RA�^"FI"I'i rlrt Fv4rsral� �?Q-?'�r� (:KA�ti S�� 131�C1S�-'I, C��E���S`,s' AI�dL�� L7 '�u'lv`I ;C�� C;R.�,4S �'1..��P�h"C�S Se�.�lsc� E3ft1JS1�1, C,iR.�S`a �sNl;7 4�,I�•,���75 .s�:� ,�r.,�p ��,��✓r�� �5��'1.�:I2 I�Sf:'. 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Yar�Cin� � ��-7'�, 27'Q-�fi Pcr��zztteci �cces:scrry h�a36�tar��s ��aad uscs 2i1R-79 f'�n��➢tte�Y �rox°i,nc��al u�;ec 27'C�-� 7 �TH�C'� l:�i.]�E� P➢�c�,� +af v,��ryMip 27Q�-7�' �"➢�aa��7a�a� 13a:�arcl �;°�+�-7�s �"Bay�riruaffic1s 2"�f7-?'F �'�aa��i}�ab u:�cs �utl7c�rr�cd �y �,�e,c��a➢ �enroat rr�fly L���-a� S"Lur�3use 27(J�76 ��;i7au1� 2,7()-7� �ett,a�ks �7f1-77; �7t7-8'�; E"�0-�4 �Az� �aa7ci asc� a1'A,�st 27Rb..i�,4 S}�eco�rl �errnits �'�d7�7fs S�r�� ial �ra�7cr�Y�ic�� 2"�C�-E�5 SRc�r���� �7�1-i�� S�weflaro�t�ita� p�«l� �7fi-"T'� �'wr��-�f��raa:il�^ �4wellin��s �7G�-"7�, 271:)-7"� aaaaor'a;cs �"�tir-77 �';all� 27f�-�� `r'�a�r1 ����la¢i�arts 27�7-�� i'�r�i.�,:Z��7-£�?; �,7f7-��; �?�i-�5 Z�h71NC""r �.7f)-7'�i�A27�1-�6 L<,rrtin�? 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I �.2 e''�JNIlW(:i: "il'EC'd.�4t..1./1N'I7 usr �a�r������rc°�r•� �'71-�;271-�4;�'�1-�C,� Fit)�t�il�5 rlN[Cv1,4LS 1 i2_� S"� �° ,41,�°ra I.1'+JG��"�(r�. ��A9tk:S r�C�fG�b �}:c'�L1i�C'I�.�r� r"�6ik„AS �qC)-4; Zl1(t-5� ./_(lCJl3��; 2'7d)-5 L,C.)P��rid4�: "��'�?C°lr�� �,ANI.7 CJtiH I)1S1'}�1� "E� �r7 � .9 a��s��c°�;s L()N1�IU 27f1-� ��(75�?'1"f A�.S ��rrcuBtuc�tl Z��xe;s �rCi-�7 F3[.➢1L1)IN4:3 �'()N5"1 �tt7C"TI�C➢t�i .hNL� f�AFC.&; PEtI";"�'� N1�i(;�A�i 4 � r-�; l2 �-9 C'ca��serv�t�un 7sacacs �?t)-92 iD���e R'�r9e C'c�aasn7c,r�aal .�<,�,�� �Tt�-i.�r `�i'IZ�I`+9KLER ���5"��:h�flS 225-3 "1�'�TI36� FE2f�I'��C.°CI�T�i 25Ca-4; �SC�-1� Z;()Nlhlf� 2"�l�-5; 2,?U-?�7 1()NINCr: �C�1�C"1.�L L�:iv�7 1JSEs [ii ^,°l 927�'"T'� 271-5; ��1-13 klC�'TELS ,h:17U1.,['�J�I:� �()CD-2; 1(lCl-13 1�GJ1LI)IT�I�a d'f7i��'TR UC:�'1"�C'�N �aNC7 M'�FtF�, 1'Rl3'JI:hJ"C�C)hZ 925-�; 4.:;a��aa�urai�y C`carnrrt�eFs:oz�� fc�r�es �7(�-1 ��;, ?7C1-13� Srrt�u�;triat Zc��7rs �?i�-1 ��) �69�£Y:iT(711k �(5117t4llC.l"C4ltr� °f117.f4� <.7��- �.tk � �r�C'C' Pi�.ti'O M�..� � {:L,.� ?vci,�hi�ar�ao�rd f.'c�rci����crcr�l :��o��es '??(�-'! �? :�}'RINKI.�:f� �'u'"�f'F,Pv�� �;5-3 /._(.)N CN� ?70-5; ?'76�.�,�7 Z4)�Jlt�(:"s: SM�I;C:ir�L L€+1�T� C.PSE� I.71"�"n��.It'`CS 271-3; 271-�3 H()1i4i5 �F'�V�b��1H�}' ,S'ce C FTiJF.'C't�E:S ,ti'c^r �"� �At'I:;S (7�° W�1FC,�;B-►1ks k�C)L1S16VC�'fl�[J'�"1" �*!�&;f41T'TId�F+a �}��alacabiQi,ry 239-27 ,A}�ga&acakion t'r�r e��ea�i�tics� 239«�?fa ��;5cssn7�w�t� 23�1-'#C�, 234'-27 (drar�t �rf�exes��y�tic�n :� �"�-�S ����t�t�ry �aui}sraii�2y 2:i�-�� �If'�„�,�.'Ci(�'I� �23�-�41��'�?�i•�2'� aI �J �v6�1� I�w�M1:T�+;C�I�1^:F 1�"1&;t�C"4' lr1R174 �+.I)lJl "'tl" [J`�LS 1&�p-� }�UT�'Clltif; r��ricu➢B:u��� `�crn��s 2,7fJ���'F Z(�NLNCi 27�7-21�7.� D9 � II7EIti1'I°tX '1"1i�:.�'T" N�`l��H=1�r'�"I"I4�N C)F� i r��rr��.�n�r�c�ra ti F C"Ul�.��"Y 164tP:t��"�i� 5 �i-1 16�I.dC�"1 CUM1N�,C;"['I(�Y�'��u" Sc:e ��3lt�a SIaVv',ACsf3 I�a5Pf3�r1.L„ zr����✓�r�u�+��� 5�����Iccr "�}�"V+r'A.Ca� �Yl�k'i)ti,�L� Pf��VA°I"l: S"a�:e���+iF.s�� S1iWki�S .�','Y`C)�Yul S�"v"JE.Fk SY�`l";l:f�ri ,�N[) tiUl'f�"��'�� w���c��� I'RC��"�:C°"i"��}1ti �2'�-2; 227-7; 2z"7'-��� 1L1.,1�'�'N" �D�(."ki��,R�a�;S ,See^'�� W!14aF: 6)Z5f'C.)SAI.,,, F�FtiV�t`& b: INYPAC""� �"�:E.:� Sc�e F �.l::�a C�'�]'p(7�L,i1� i➢fw1&:'�"1, .A �f l'.f�� �A C. 5 112 -11) E�iJI�. C�l NC; � c�r��-r��ac`�`t��, ANT)1�1�L- ��E:Vk?�I'TI�T� 125�4 �: C��+' p K(.11u Nd lwlv'T �+a]w �C1��l�I`1'"s' t�@L:'w�l�'"41/ 1�N��� 5'1"(?RM S��hrk�Ft S'��"("E:M 1�.N1� SUI�FAC,I: W Aw"�"�� I2S A f'}t�TT.:;C;"9"1C�T�f � �7-2 5"1'lJ 1�1�1 �'�"f"I�R. ��A C�4,A;(`s4W T��SFN"1" r'�t'*['L7 F'�(J�:�I('�TJ r"1,ItiIl) �&�.0.�kA�9k'ST�d.�. C C)NT[��1., ���-S; 2?�-�,� V la'h9(�"L�s`�a ,A�kl7 �rr��r� rrc�� �sr�-��� ��7A"�"F,� RA'i'[; i 2(��-I 1 M P 6k C1 V l�."Vl''F: iti °Y'"� Adt��ti�vr7 ut"Cc+d� G-� r��r7c�uUt�zral Zarycs �7f➢-2d� i�1J1L,fl)I.1wIC� t'C �N�"l�Yt f�C.;°�,9477V �PJL? F°'lH�-: P�}�:�J���i�"T1fIN 12.5'-4; 12ti«7 CC1t�SLRV,�°;I'[f�AJ HC1A�I) 2,;-� (:;o���c��w��tar�r� I�an�M �7a-12 HEES N 5�-�.' C^C.�)C7�7 C3.A,.Pv9.�Ca1=: PRl �»jt:;�J�'HCiN' Y �7-4;, fl.��7-13; 157-14; & `7'-15; I�7-]'� E3i�� I�esgsaty 1��S�dCnti�l Icrnes '�"7Ci-7"� 9.akc1'rt>nt ���ic�e�ratia.l Zo€aes � 7C7-4 t I,ilnit�d F�i�fcna-tc (: s�antsv�:rti�� l,c�nes ?717.a�;".�; �7(1-8;42.4 I..csv�� (�vn�ity 1'�e^�'r��;t7tiial G�aat�� 2�C1-5� M'cr�iun7 [7�c�aresa¢y �c;sidcntial Za7ml�s m',7'{)W(v(a fl'�rihil� H:aaaa�e 1'ark I�aa�ses �?7l�•k�� [�lana�ed f7���e[cr�r��ez�t� Zurae � �7(A-172' C'�t(?Y�:C�T�' M.+iI2"�VTI�I�I,�NC.F 2(M5-� ��a�ega ��i, Yul 2d19 � �a ��� �r°� r��r� ���.., rr���l�c ���a���c� �3��:�F��r��?�9l�R�'T S�-4; 5S>-(> ft�iad �re��rr�c�tacxrr 23�-1 I; 2��G-11�3; 2�f��-14 �;cv�t:� ����� z�t�-z; 21Qi-�; Z9("t-1" �;r�w�:� tr��: t�����_�:�, R:k �:a�. �s P��N.41.'�'1�� Ca�� I:�t:)A[�,�7 C3F I'U fi L 1 C' �4^'476t.�C S, C'J"1 V C�� f�Hfi�'.dq�, N5', EP��: 'J�.�'Ck:k�, ��16"#'L.`r`> �1';W.Rk(aE I)1��F��'�1�;AL 8c f�� c°cara���'r ����a�wc� � I �-�d 5 �"Ci �, M �L' ,�'�; '�"p� � Iti,1rh N fi.Cv 1 e1,f1I:N"f" t�N1:; ti 1:Ttfi�;Ili�l �:NiI7 �afNl)IMFT�.1 �'!)P�i"1'�iCV� ?��,-5 ��> >� �.t�:��� ���ry 51[��:�rB+,,�..,BC�a "��fiMg alPk�111,'��I��CBN �?� I.A"�T) 2��w�; 2��-�; 234-65; 234-1Ga; 2�4-�Cs; ���,-�.���, �y.�r�-�G. �34-2�r� ?;�Q-3CD; 234-��; 2����fz� ?34-.3E� .I'AXA'0';[C_�I"+] 2.:34-�i "Jw'�'!'LH Fk.�Tf:S 2'61-2 :�C)hdll"JCi ?'7�M-� i35; w�t�-l�d�, 2?i"b-I�)3; 27�-':�� ZC�NCI�d(:;: �F'�:�'I:AL C.AN17 I,I�I 1}ff�;'1 t���"']'S �71-�; � � �-t5; 2''1-�i; �7l-'�; ; 71.11 � "�?1-1 "�; �71-1 �,: �71-1�i: 27�-I�; �71-Ib I�r"1>�;Ml�w' I H IC'A.T`l C)C� �Sce LC,��k3CTutl'1"�m' an[@US'1 F�.I.Mi� �l�Z'PFi1(;"i:S Ws' l,�i�;ht li�dai:*�to�a�l �'�7nc:� "?7�')-k 4� Sa�ts 2?t�-�S'7' L(}1�41�1C�: �a3'l:C'Ie�1,,:1..A1'�[� [1'�1;' �)9�i'��RJ�'G'S �71-1� IN�l�7S'I'[ti�,.4� CIS�;i� l� c�� 2 d 6-47 S�,WE.� C.IS�': RL C��� l�t [:I�'Si;7�V`I`4 F`C7�t � (7Fv"���tl di [.1'I ()Ft S 1N`1 Ct ;CG.)I"J'C' F'd:)"C4'J ? 1 Er-:�> 7 7�;_�e�; 2]�-7; 21E�-�;; "�i�-��� �i�-11, �1(a-��v �1��-l�&; 216-�2, � 1 ��2 �; Z1a�-��t„ ��1(��-�5, 2 � �-2C�„ ��'I fi-� �; 2 � 6-��3„ � 1 Er-3Ci,; 2d'�-37'; 21Cr.3�+; 2 k (�-%�; 216-�fdr � @ fa-41: ? 1 �,_42 Si..l�r6�:R IJ";�- I1°i� (�F I'Ufi�..l(:' �E�1ti�F<S 214-I +J��s�cw�at�,r lla�c�iatar�e P�ra7�:its :� 1 �-1:�; 21G-1�, ���i ��„ 2 I(�� 1�r ? 1 d�-�t1; � 1�-� 1. 1N[)l.k'a"�"F�9 P�:G,'Nr'AS"fE� f:3url�an� S�w��; �nd C'r�nrtc��i�aa�s �14-13 P�(7PLR7"4" "v9silN"f`�: PkfF.i*G(.'F, �f�5�_2 iT�AC;A T�PJ��;:�. s�:�r��� �r�r:�::: f� E��S i�,l l ft l;i�^( h:N'l'S 3� (:71�C C'4:1 N'iTx.pH lJ'7"Q?'1'�,� �r����:;� ac��tv�' ��� rw �a�r� ;5,�'+�'l`6t USL. i1Sl�. {lF� ����.r�` s�'�'��.�� �14-1; 28A�-Z<Y 5`I f�)tiP�7 �E�'w�'�"Ci �YS"R.��IVC .��N[� tilJl�F"A,�'t: '�!�'i`F;RS I�f�fA"Cf::C'"1"IC)N �27-2 �N�Dll�i"�'1� � � I,1+Ck�VES .hccessrary' Baubl�in�s and �;�a�u� t�or�s ? 7�� ] C;(7; ??Gp-1C�1 <hcc�saui�^ u�ey anci �truc��r�s 2�(')-I5� Ad�it�ram7�d s�arcis�l rcqrsv'ee,r��ents ?7[�-lE�� A{�L114 �t1kG'I'tdf.I17tS7�17! ���r-��� G�ibti� r� 27(1-&' �aN; 27f1• l(;�R; �7Ct- I �S� k3r��➢r�an� �r�� 27(!-1 Cs,:� �3t���dii�� �ern�it.s 27�-] 71 C�)Clweww'�sy� i 7�P-7 �ifM F ip8��i��e� �7�-9 �r� F1�ann�ta�le�; �?t7-159 Ci��; 27t;?-1:�4 (:ir^�c�as �a�7d �;s�c3irr�; 27C)-➢ fa� Nei�,&�t limit�ti��ns �7(b-1�a3 H�i�kxt r��;ttltirtiC�n;� 27fD-��a3 ��iva��� +��ar���r�at�twr,s ��'7t�-I ���1 &��ta��� �'�ti-15�1 �,�ns���;��a;i7�„ �'7f1-1(it`i �.�ts �7C�-1Ci� h�wasacr!'EaN� 27�1-IS7 Maoitni�:ra� �ra.a f��r z�n irae�tisa�ro�l xar�e �74�« ➢I fi� Nlanrn���rr� ��sal>I� c�Jacm� �,p�ce G �l)- ] t4Ci C�1v�:�E:� 27(�-l5c} C7�'f �Cau��t Vrsiac�uuq 27�b�.�'I�fY, 7.7 C�-1 tr�? C3pen ��S�t;e 27Cb-1(ifi 1'�rY�ra��, �7t�-I fiCM, '�7�1- I �i I ; 27�W-167£3 I�crf+�run�a��7c°e ;;i��rrotla�d:; 27�)-17t� �acrzs��t�k4c9' �ccc5�r�ry �tiilaioaag;; arrd aases 2?C�- � 6t9 k'er�taotto:,d �ri��ci�al usts 27C�- [ 5 F; F'ea��aittcr3 aAs��, 27()-1�riiJ ['lac�:rn�n� ���acc�ssary ��rr��t�a�es 27C1-] G I f'B;a¢rnisa� I�c��rc� 27U-I �is; 27Ci-1 Ci�Y", �7@-'I �a 1 1?r�r9ualiit�<i us�.;�, ?�(B-1 �� F'ur�cr*„c ? 7f)- ] 5! R��i� curran¢�; 2?ti- N S�7 �a1cs 'r7C�-15�i `a�nraar-y� �ac��iBics 2'?�-157 ��r�e�2�s sn�i scrc:t�nrr��; 27(k-If�� ti�tiro�r,k�; v7Cd�-lfi? Sdd��w�c�V'Prs �7f��16fJ "ii�� : 7C)-I (i I Siee ��➢�a� �ppru+reay 27t�-1 "� 1 `�it� �Sl�t�s �7(3-Ifrl; 27k�-t 1 � �ire ;�a�ci ��r��t c7i" l�rt �'7C1-1 a�"� Slau�„}r�c�f��au4c:; 27d)-] S9 `�pa:c�a& �e�aA7:its 27f1-15�; � 7��-1(aCl Stcrra�� �7C�.1S�; 270-1t�(� S�uv�as�aa�rovia�� �p�at�i� 2"7�1-� �iCl 'Cr�rwr7 1[i�7;ar�3 2°�()-1 �7 "�'�ter �ifb.157 �'�r�l M�� ��l�t�i;c�ns 27U-1 �e4 ?,� v���.� z�G�r-���; ����-���a�� �7(b-1 ti? d,f.Bi"v`�]'��i 2�Q-15i"\27C�-179' ITM«SN�,C'�1C71\S �.ea���r u.a��t���� ��a+�-�; fl��r�_�� r�t.ra�..ratrrc Q:';(.)N'�'V��tL f �"'I'IC�1V .�r�r� �trtr. C'R��V��'Pd"T'1C7�I k,?5-�, 125,�; 12'M5 7 I, �5-�i; 125-�'; 12�-1�; 1?�-1� .5'er�r �9T�rr �3U]Ll�qitdt:..i IC�i�S@'1�(:.6 CDkt I��a�9�fiirr�, 5a�w�r� ua��i C'�x���a�^ciitarus �t�M1-1?�; �N�-?I C�%i[�.,T)Il�fiS, �:JNS�hFF�` 1 � �-2 C`c�i7rerv�tiarn lca�7e;5 v7�:�-2� TW��a 153-2; 2Gfi-45 I� C,��Y�)17 1�r'�M�i.x'k: �['}d�'v'I'',�VE�ICb'i�i ll�'�-12� ft9artaiVc 6-Irrome I��rk ;��aaa�� 27�i-��� PFt�['I;�ki�"f "m' ?tira A �N'1`[:l�f A;^JC: �:' z�a�-z; z��-a 6tE;1�!"1`A�_ I'C�C7d'E�d�6'l' 2�7-2 E��s��i e'res�rv�ti�r�� �3U-l� 5�:,'��'I�R U�Ia: �.1:(�LlI R�1'a^1 }?i+!'"@"� FC)R d�'tDi�i I'ECt��i7'{��� ]N'I (� JC�1:N I f'C17"4hJ 2�fi-2;5; 2i�;-=�a, 21fi-�7; 2i�,-2�; 21 fi-3:�; � � �i-;�� 51.1�'I::It l,�`ik;': t�lil,.l,::�;, I2t^.(rS. is"c F'I�C^�,�1."I'"9F.�:�S C)P� 94()/�Ftf7 �F°. �''iJ � Llt; 'J�'CJ k�� �, (�I1,.'4,�7F [.1_�-fr1C'r1, T�li', I�fi.'vU.�,'.I.��t SC7���'LY, ��?W+"+.Ci�� C)IS(�()5�+�, � ,�IE�. C"!)Nd)I`I"I(7T�J l�G'�i 215 �2;�1�-"�; 21S-i1;,215-=��� 2��_4�;�1� ti5; 2l' S-47; Z I 5-54 �al:Wp�l� US9�,: U�,�� C�I' �k''Cm1C��I� S�E..'v�J�FtS' ' 9 4-32 `iu��t� �7CM-�SE� S°�"fi]tivE 4�';'�1rLR !i`�STFh9 r1NS? S�J6tk�A4.�7� \Ne� l'I�;ft� F''1'x�711.;C:'G'f{3N� �:Z?-1; ��7-12 '�'C C")�ti`v[tiv'�"f E?Ti F�7r'1N.+1Cit:3@r1P,�:"6 ril�d'� &�FtC,��til(7"v° r'�IJL) SF�C7IMI;N"1" �:'t�N'I'�t,C)L 2��-�; �2h-� l„ 22�-1:3; 2',:�' f�- ��; 2��%- Y 5 5TRL4;TS AhTIJ �CC�kaW�r,[.KS �:i��-�.�"; ��i4)-�.:�; 23Ci-4.'7; 23�)-4.9 �w�a�ster���tcr t7i;�ct�a��c. i'�rs��its 21 �r-17 '� �tc�- ? � :5-'I 5 44r,�"("}:f� f'Id,Cy7��C'T°Td?]^J 25�i-(�, ? 4�a-�}, ' Sta- �ti) LC)]�1t°36Ci 27�f1-�1�„ 27[Y � 1 �i � �7 �7�)-? 1'�.�; «�7(i 21� 5; ?7C�-u1�.�a�; �7(d �3E�; �7CI-a�43 I1�;�t.1Ed,�N�'E 9��a�lclin� Sewcrs �taad C;csnr�eccicsn� 2 �A-1:3 Cc�ai�c;rvakic�r� i:��ac� 27(�-22 I)l:w`F`,3v4k�: �:h�ECJ 1:M1I[>E�✓1N'Iff�"7C:A"i"�C�N 2�-�a�, 2R'-"� o-�L���;� ra:��o-..��r� ���a.v�.rr�rtc.�r� �;���; 157-4; l:�i-�S, 9 57-7y t��-��: e��-�a f 9 C:,ML.'C"�-1 I iv �l.f �.r"�T*�C;F 4b-l; 41-3: �� I-S: 41-7 i"AF�9� � r^aN�Y I2I:;CRli.�;'7"1 C)]'� r�Itl_.��ti 24�1t2.�, f�c7ad I'r��emv;��iurr 2:��7-14 ����:l��rs �,r�u SI[?k;'�r1�1�� �3U-�.3; 2�ff-�,�, �{}NTNCu 27�-5 I.l`'r"T();KTC"A7"�+:� 6'i�:Q2:�(bT+i:�a .5er r�'E..C;`���-�0..b�.I�: 13��Vh'Eit`�{i�S ��v ��c�xac',�.�.[r�c; 1���J�: �kl� �C' �:'� Sr.�c AI..� 47(��?LIC; I�LVF��:���F S aN"T()XI�A°T [()hr' S� c> /� t.C"iy HC)LIC �3F'v };�,�CQIa� i �d V ES'Tl��,i'N"I�9 ��S ,��7�J"i�:`f LJ5�5 i�7tB-�; lt��k-� I�IF�;NS@�, �+.�"U C Iti' [7T; h+1 �' I F`➢��"r`a TICI�I ?�-2, �."1`W7C;5, f'C)f"tk; ��F :�?-� I 9Vt1"1`i�"IC",�"�'IG:}'hY 47I I1*!1� ( 7 kd�^9�iTICJN �L�"LC£t["f""c�. f3�tf"AClilw"i S1-� S"1C)Itl'� �1�;�'�:�t S�'S"T'�''f'� r�.1�I7� 5�.litE,��:'1:' 14'.A°l ��i�� �'1i�711:C�"I l���l 2 "��-14 �. � � ;IUNK i}�C)C"k;�;C�. T�'�` M!# l�! �Zl^*�.At�4:P:, 2C)5 i ,N E ) V �:R 11,�:'n aSee: MIP�IUI�.� �r�YrlK� 1�x�'I'F:;I�:C'�.�iF7 �54-1 KE;Pdf�dE[���r A�;riculkur�9 �'�zuc;� "�7t�=2Er C"c�c�servati�rn �',cras�� 27�i- C 4 L.akef'rc�e�t F��si�t�r,raz�ll ������s 27(i-�� I.�avv 17���tiuty CL��„''s����ti[�9 Lun�s 274➢-"��i 7�/ledraim 1)cn��4y KrsHdvrrt��l :�t2ne� "7�9-Ca� %C7h11"�lCi: aPEC'9AL �ds,N�� L& ��v C)1 �'� 12I�" 1.S 27�M� 9.A��ti1`s�"1i�1"v.t, i�"(7h9Ch�1 �:�fw Ihl;.. IC3Nk���S A�cc�ss�ry builei�zn�5 <�ru� wtr�i�ture�� 2"���-1 ��'.l r'��ce4sv¢y az�e� ��rt�i st�rzukuse� 27iY-14� Acc�s�c�a�y ��es a��th�rrire� ftsy ��ae�:a�0 pe;rrr7it �a��9y 2,7t7-142 S�a�s�s 4�, Jrai w(71� �� ITHACA INDEX ' i.�►rc��oiv�r con�ERciai. zarr�s... � Additional yard regulations Kennels 27�-44 ' 270-142.1 Library 270-02 Alcoholic beverages Licenses and pemvts 27{I-43 270-I41 Lightins 27U�3 Boats and Boating 270-14D; Lats 270-06; 270�8 2T0-142.I Mazkers 270�3 Churches 270-141 Monuments 270�3 Construcrion 270-141 Museums 270-42 Hotels 270-t41 One-family dwellings Marinas 274-140 27U-4t Motels Z70-141 Pazking 270-43; 270�6, Parking 270-142.1 270-50 Permitted principal uses Permitted accessory 27Q-140 structures and uses Planning Board 270-141; 270�3 270.] 42; 270-142.1 Permitted principal uses Principal uses authorized by 270-41 special permit only Places ofworship 270-42 270-141 Planning Board 270�2; Purpase 270-139 Z70-46 Restauranis 270-141 Playgrounds 270�1 Sales 270-142 Principal uses authorized by Schools 270-141 special permit aniy Setbacks 270-]41; 270�2 270-142.1 Purpase 27D-40 Site plan approval Residential districts 270-43 270-14z.1 Roofs 270-43 Site plan review and 5afery standards 270-43 approvai 270-142.1 Schools 270-42 5ite plans 270-142.1 Seibacks 270�1; 270-43; Special permics 270-1A1; 270-46; 270�8; 270�9 270-142 Site plan approva1270-46 Urilities 270-14I Site plan review and Walls 270-142.1 approval 270�6 Water 270-541; 270-142.1 5ite plans 270�6 Yards 270-142.1 Size and area of lot 270-48 ZONING 270-1391 Special pemv�s 270-42 270-142.I Special pmperties 270�9 LAI��RONT Special requirements 270-SI RESII}�NTIAL ZORES 5teep slopes 270�3 Accessary builclings and Storage 270-46 s�uctures 274-4I ; Swimmmg pools 270-43 270-43; 270�4; 7wo-tamily dwellings 270-45; 270�6 270-41; 270�3 Accessory buildings and Uti[ities Z70-41 uses authorized by Vehicles 270-43 special approval only Walls 270-43; 270-45; 270-44 270-46 Accessory uses and Water 270-43; 270-44; structures 270-43 270-46; 270-48; 270-51 Ania►als 270-44 Water qualiry 270-43 Sed and breakfast 270-42 Yard regulations 270-46 Board ofAppeals 270-43; Yards 270-46; 270-48; 270-04; 270�6 270�9 Boats aad Boating 270-43; ZONING 270-401270-51 270-45; 270�6 Zoning Baard of Appeals Building area 270�7 270�3 Building periniu 27Q�3; LANDLORDS 27Q-51 RENTAL PROP&RTY Chu�bes 270-42 207-2 Code Enforcement Officer See Also RE]VTAL 270-43; 270-51 PROPERTY Construction 270-43; ZONING 270-219.6 270-51 I,ANDSCAPING Day-caze facilities 27U-43 Agricultural Zones 274-37 Dogs 270-44 Commercia] Zones Driveways 270-49 Generally 270-114; Encroachmeuts Z70-43 270-122 Erosion and sediment Conservatioo Zones 270-22 contro! 270-51 EIZVIitOAME1VTAL Family day-care 270-01 QLIALITY REVIEW Fill 270-51 148-6 Fire prevention 270�6 Industrial Zones 27Q-] 66 Garages 270-43; 274-05; Light Indusdial Zoaes 270�6 270-151 Glare 270-43 Ma6ile Home Park Zones Grades and grading 270-43; 270-97 270-45; 270-5 I Multiple Residence Zones Height iimitations 276-45 270-I08; 270-111 Height regulations 270-43; See �flsa SCREENS AND 270-4i SCREENIAG Home occ�patians 270�3 Signs 270-26U Improvements 270�1 21 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND ERdSION AND SEDIMENT COPiTROL 228-5; 228-7;228-10;22$-13; 228-14 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 234-20; 234-32; 234-33 ZONING 27U-] 86; 27D-188; 270-200; 270-219; 270-219.1; 270-219.5 ZOMNG: SPECIAL LAND US� UISTRICTS 271-9;271-10;271-15; 271-16 LAWNS See �llso BRUSH, GRASS ANA 4VEEDS SeeRlso GItASS CLIPPINGS NOISE 184-8 SEWER i1SE: RULES, REGS. & PEl�'ALTIES OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, CITY OF I'I"HACA, NY, RE: WATER SUPPLY, SEWAGE DISP05AL & AIIZ CONDITIONING 215-54 STORM SEWER SYSTEM AND SURFACE WATEAS PROTECTIOI+i 227-1; 227-6 STORMWATER M.4AAGEMEN'i' AND EROSION AND SEDTMEN"I' CONTROL 228-7 WA'CER PROTECiTON 256-22; 256-23 See Also YARD WASTE ZONTNG 270-2i9.5 ZONING: SPECIAL LAND T�SE DIS'1'RiCTS 271-16 LEAF WAST� See YARD WASTE LEASHING A]+IIMALS 112-2 PARKS AND RECLtEATION AREAS 20Q-3 LETTERS O�' CREbT'T BUILDWG CONSTRUCTION AND FI1tE PREVENTION 125�; 125-7 STOItMWATER MANAG�MENT A71D EROSION AND SEAIMEATT CONTROL 228-14 STREBTS AND SII7EWALKS 230-2 ZONING 270.I92; 270-193 ZONII+fG: SPECIALLAND USE D[STRiC"iS 271-9 LiABILITY Adoption of Code 1-4 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND FIRE PREVENTION 125-13 Building Sewers and Connections 21M13; 214I4 DEFENfSE AND INDEMNIFICA'TION 28-2; 28-9; 28-12 See Also DEFENSE ANA II�f�EMNIFICA'IION FEES 153-2 FLOOD DAMAGE PR�VENTION 157-9 Hanshaw Road Wallnvay 230-10 LIGHTING, OLiTDOOR 173-17 NOISE 1$4-14; 1$415 PARKS AIdP RECREATION axEAs zoas PROPERTY MAINT'ENANCE ZOS-3 Road Preservation 230-14; 234-LS SEWER RENTS 210-b SEWER L[SE: REQLJIREMEN'I'S FOR CONTRIBVfORS W'T'0 JOIIVT POTW 216-14; 2I6-38; 216�Q; 2I5113 SEWEK USE: RLFLFS, REGS. & PENAI.T[ES OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, CITY OF II"HACA, NY� RE: WATEK SUPPI.X, SEWAGE DI5P05AL & AIR CONDITIONING 215-2;215-8 SEWER USE: U5E OF PUBLIC SEWEgS 214-35 Signs 27U-259 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 225-7 STORM SEWER SYSTEM ANDSURFACE WA1�RS PROTEGTION 227-2; 227-14 STORMWA'I'ER MANAGEMENT ANU ER0510N AND SEDIMENT COi�TROL 22&-I4; 228-15 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 230�.1; 230-4.2;230-4.3; 23Q�.15 TAXICABS 243-13 VEH[CLES AND TRAFFIC 250-24 Water 215-27 WATER RATES 261-4 LIABILITY INSURANCE STRE�TS ANU SIDEWALKS 230-4.3 LIBRARY Agricultural Zones 270-27 Commtulity Commercial Zones 270-135 Conservation Zones 270-12 High Density Residential Zanes 270-78 Lake&nnt Residential Zones 270-42 Limited Historic Commercial Zones 270-142.5 Low Density Residential Zones 274-55 Supp 4B, 7u12419 L �s�a���.��r... ]`vTea%iic��a �:b�ix�,ity� 1����i��r�A�t�i�ul Lti�ne� "2,7�..d�� �PFC�i�d�D..,�,1� "aY`�"C"F:C��."a �^��.� lf�DY�IP�i�:i: ��'d�1' IF�p.,. I.��1�:➢ d.JSk•: ti�49a I I�i�:'("S ""7V ��, �7P I� �.,fC'l�,�w�6;"�s` �"4Cr"ll 1'�;1�"19d`I"ti ��t�ca�tl�rom�u a��f"G�'+.�8�° �-�^� ��.L)GJ�,"I�`i.JSf•."� I4'1f)-1; 9[)q;➢�-�' a G t�fi)���, '1 d')1b��5, il',)d��wC�; 11p91�'S; 'I('N1;�-��, I(Ptll-r7; If14) I�'�8; 111f1• I]; If��N�%:�„ ti��d4 �G�, k(i(S•.�'I. A�ro�:u➢P�atw�l t:aorr�� 2"7(;'!-"? l; z��-� � t�,N��1"��,"� p p�.: 1 0�.°_�) .���r.:�������,;w�°� �r«.°�.r.��� �-� .h,rt �r�a,V,� ?!(�-�d�a7' �11Via() Bµ:'➢-3 E�4.1 f 5,��1 ��::� C'i��*�'l l�l.lt' I'p',4:)�4 Aa�q) k~Gldl'°; P�1-a"�'L�'1 aC)!J I u5-4; @2,5��;y �'7��..r�; 125-�ti'd .5't�c� r3"sre ISN:.IiC 1J!d�*1C,"r P�;[��1i°C"'' ���u����su� �re�v��r�w ������� ( �rm������uuaa� �',1��-ll;� t`(�N`�B:k�V'��'�'�ti�S� }��t��"��d�7 � �, 2. 2 �-:� ��"CI�C(. �, G�'C�b�� �FR��'' �i2-13 �LS"� ��:�_p fl�Llki)Li �::'),�Pr�/�,f e�:°: �'F��-.V��h���l(�i� 1„�?-l� (iAMI'."� (.D}'� tw"(ihNf:'I°; lf���:§;, bt,�r��'�; IC'61i.� I.,���d"ra^�rst k�u�v��a°����qa��y �"a�e�x�� �7t3-� � Cu'aaik�ile, h1ua��na° 9'�s�c lrwzie� 7'�(��..c;r°I ]"1�7(5H; I��@,�Q� �N�J� [f�l�`.�'11f.)'W l„VIX� IT�F'(���'�.h%e�� l'at,��� `ai� �:'�k'��"91_'r,. E�3�.F;�r�,�'FiG.� 5b-�a �,l-�'„ �C.;1 }'��1��� t1,1'»Il) }£�,d'[tl `� � 1(;�i� �'Alti�r�'s ,��t�-"d 1t.�N"1"A.C. ��"Si��11'B.(�"C'"�'' ��p"7-�� �uaal f"re�c,��sa��u �w�61-�<�� S}��a'�,k l.1SB . � ��'� 9�11 Pi. B `av8 9.7"�ml"'�+ ���.:lh C C��"l��I�flt�QJ IC�C��« C?�"19�J��11�11 f'�.�M"�'�" 2 ���-�,y �� I�� � a�; � I Y�i-� 5; "� 0. �r :�'�� "" 1' P�- �� �� °�'L4WVl,'� U�d: N�i.N�lr;�„ F��;,d.��. �'t }'k N,��11. I"I,L;�; N �"7�-' I��:i�"�F��� C7Fa F'lJl���...[f��" "�ft�:)��:��5„ t'l�""�� �:;D�" q"[l����f��'h, hd1`,C��' "���I'�1� °a�1b�f'�I,P'i . �Zi�bL"x�`�(����,�a 1��`ik�f:�'� hl. �, /�,;Cl�� �'O�17T� GQ.,�P�dI?'�k»u� � I ti_ � �.�, � N 5�-:'����; ? t � �4�1„ � � �i-���; � I 5_<�+�; : d 5-iC� �ai�rt�s ��rRi-?� 10 %'']f�-:?S�I; �7(D.w�fr��, ? P9Y� �(7L Sec Al.�cr "�T$Ps"�`8��� P�r l� �ti/1d'I � STC�RC�9��";�7 (:�2, MI.hN,�ti.¢";i:Ml'�M1!"t A?w�I) �Rd�°�1�}� �"��II7 � L-1.) C;�✓1 k:Cµi"l. �C':�?'�'TP�2�1E P.��'-� �'f".��.��;,r� I�*Ji�!E��. 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L.�+T�NI� �J��' C7fy']�RI�' ��� ze1-� 1,<fDC'l< i3�XN � �&ar�n sy�ieans ]°'�-�; 17�ti-?,„ 1i5-4 A�a�r9rc��ilutg= 17.+_3 �t�a� k�me�ut c�f l�ac3t kr�aa�. 1Ti-4 LL��ti��iti�rmros 175-2 k�cn�r�cncies 175-a, 475-d &�it7c�ings I'�5«l �'ir� IJe�ar��nent 17ti«I; 17���; 17,5,-� I,r��;;�tiaa� �a�d att�chstrent i��" I�rck bcaxcs 175M� N�zs� 175-1 ?��tn4cs 1�5_2 f'en�lltie� fc�r c�d"f�,rases I7�-7 �i�c<rords 17�5-2 �.ecrta[i4 req��ir�n�e.r7t 1?�-(> "�°ca^�w¢a �KaarK% 175-�; 97�-7 "fx�aa-�aai�ily s�w�l➢'r���s 17:�-,� Varal:af,iostia :�nc� pe��a9Ri�� i 7:"a-7 1.,f)1 I�"k�I'21C��; PAItC��;.ANLD R E (`I� L:A CI�JN Afi&;:e'4S 2C�(�-4 L,(>'"1�4 ,��„r��ud�uarbl tc�rr��re� 27C}-'�'�; '?7C1-3a,„ 27CJ-35 �' � C'crr��r��er�'r�l "l,rsa�es C3ci7erally m7Q-i'��! �,4�NtiF�.12VA"1 I�bN �3()�1RC) �3_� C'txn�crvs�facrr�:i';ari�� 27'(D•1 P; 27ti-]?; 27f�-'I!�; �7G�-z=� E�F�L�S �5:�-3 F�I,f)ClI) ��,�I�/1����� f'I{F�VI:�I"I�I�)C`� N 5'�-4; 157-1 �; 15i-1'� �-�i�;h t)cn.�;ity 12esid�rskia� �a��e�; �7C9-�2; '27Ca-�t�� l�deastrial l�rne� �74)-l{�7 La�:cP�ua�t R�,c�u�ien�ia�] Ic�i�es �7U-4(�; '�74�-��� I,i�,l7t IndtGstnal "l_.K�n�� t70-�5� L�CiI�"Y"I�NCi, C��1•("L7f7�)�� �7;�-]4 f..ar�7iiecd F9istunc �;crrn���u�r����all ;Lpno�,s Z'7t➢�.. ] 4��.'7 I.,csr,v 17cn.yi:hy Rr:;iJertt�t�l %o¢aes �7Q�-S3; "?T�-�4; 270-�CiQ; �7ti�-Eam. P+�e�t�ueai L7�ans�ty l�csr"denCnal C.c>ne�; 27Q-71; �7()_�� �&�bil� O-lcarsroc Pdbk Z�ea,�^s <? 7(1-�fr ]k�ua@ti��de I�:�widc�t�e �csne� 2,7U-105� s�r�����r[�:�t [r�r°h:N AC'aI^N9 fw"�f"1` ,h I�i 17 Iw}2CJ`al(7h� f#t�C7 `�4,[71M� Cd"C C'fYN"C.F�G7L 2�kr"-5 �'TE2.��TS �h:�"&:7 �s��Lw,��..�s a���-� SLJ(31)CV"1SC�71�t �F Lr�l"��) 234-d: 2 3A-5; ':34_{�; 234-1�4, ?.'a4-'L,C?; 2�i�-� �, 7 i�-2�; 234-��, ?3�-3:�; `�34-3:� ��4 ;�r; Z3q-:37 ""3� 34 lC)N1N(.; 2�i? S, ?7�-�Y�)y 27(i-"� Y 9. @ ; � �il-"� 1 �d.4; 2'�d-� I �.5, ? 7��-�� �; 2"7i1-?3i). � 'LC)hf19�J{.a:'�Wk.;�"C�A� L,B�NI� CJS�f�" �1�"I t�GC;'p� �71-3; 2"76 4�, 2"Fi-�', �71-tl�), �71 1?, 2'�1-'I� t.,t:)t� �rt�4i�rti, 12.k;;;f1)k:fv'1'IAL ZUP,`�'� Aa�ecsvc�r�� build�n�;s .is7d stru�cures 27(1-5�; 27U-i(�, 27i)-5�6; 2?{)-S�; 27�1-fa(b .�.cc�ss�ry ��ilclbz7�;� �rrd u�+e � authar°i:zed �ay ��,eci�l �auratv4 trrmV�, 27(p-5� A�ricazltue�9 di�txrwGs 27t1-54; 27Cb-5� ,�a'imals ��U-��, ��'0-55, � 7(7-S 6 L�c,r3 ;anci �irc�ki��wt �"itS_55 k3s7ard c>t ���r�o:��s ?7f}-5fs;. 27�-fi(9 E�ufTer;� 2?�7-5i; �'�'C7-;�$� Eiiiildii�� ar��a'�70-(�1 Eliiil�3in� ��sa��its �7Ck-�4 C;�n»teai,rs ""716-55. ��d)-C�3 (."c'rli�c;�a��, uE"c�rrr�prllba���i:e: ?7()-54 d:'Fxuaches 27�7-5� C':�»s�rre�p,riaae� � ��M-S�# (.'r��7ual�sccnk h�,ra�~+es �"�C�-�S �7ay-c:�rc �fts�ilit¢�s �7i7-�SE� �atr�s Z7C3-5�; I7r�v�,��ays 27�1-�� Fatta.ily day-�ar� �7�-5� �a�-n7� �aaad ("��ro�%crg 274)-54� ?7�t-55; �7t�-5(i? `"7�i-59 S?at'a�!cs 27f)-5�a; �"�(&-faq U�lf'cca�r�ses 2��-�� C`s�ra�cles an�i �radis�� 2�()-59 �4ee�h� lanbit�t�c��as 2�C�-'S?� I����;hC rc��o7�atocar�s 27'C.1-5� H'urrre c�2s����8is�ns 27CJ-5Cr Intg�e�ave�7remats �'PQ)-54 Kenr7etl� ?,?�)_5Ei Lalar�r� �?�-5� l..�st;*� �?I"b-S?�;'7()-5'; �7C>-�aG�; 27CN-��� �rfian��s�e �7(l_5�; i7iA-SS N�a�s�tents �7i�-55 Nui�a�c.e:,s ?"�1�b 5�; 27t)-�S C?ne-�;st�v�ly ci�ue11ir7�s 27{p-S� C)pera �p�ce ?;�"[-(�C� F'�rki�o�? "�7U-Sfr; 27�-Ci4 Pen�7i�t�+� �u�ccsscavy ha�aYciing� arid u�seti zac�-sc, h'trta�ttte� xroa�L�tipr�al an5es ���7.��. I'laces ut'�,��rs}�:�p 27d1-5,5 Pld��niza� S���c�c] s:a-f5; ? ���-��1. �{. k'lay�rc��cad� r7U_Mti Pria�ei@�➢ us�s a4atla�z°A,rr�t� hy �p�c'c�s� �roe¢-ra7iR c�nly z�c�-ss F'ta�asrse "'7(r-�i � Roac��sc�� �t,rar�a�� �'7{7-5�; Sal�:; �ZO.SG,; �7G�-:�� 5chae�l� 27CN-S:� s�tta���� 2����-�a; ���a-�a�; ��a�c;� �,������ ���_�� �S�a� �ne� are� e�f ➢�t �"7t�-�? �i�a�coa9 ���rcr��c��, 2i(�-�5; � �'(8�- � � Speci�l �,r�r�,�rtr�::� �7d1-fi3 `.3tc�r��� 2�'9�-�+�) Swir�����M�7� �rt�bs �7Q�-S��G '��wu-f�ntil}� d�veVG�n�s .27C1-:�4; ��79)-Sfr LCCilit�e,� ?70-54� 'NalBw �7CY-1,w(i 5''a�-ti c��s;�zfla�t�o�7� �i(b-6{7 Y��r�� � "(D-S�; "�7G)�Eit'.7, ��d�-�r2;, �717-a,i.�r "f_�tw11vC'r 27(J 5:3,27(�-fi4 lararru�; [3er aa��l, �t" h:ppea4s 274:�-5Ci �. �'"� — MA(il4f C I"w l��s+ !"a.�.�U6M'1' I.J�F� 1C)C1-� 9'Rf)I'EILT'% iv1�1,�f�T� ]�;,�4N�"k 2��5-�� 'L();NYP�tCi 27G�-."r i"�F�,�[F� 1)E.`�'k:1,47P";1�k�M11'� ]t�rad k'r��;erv�1ian 23U-I 1 MAItiHIC1L.E�'�a' SI:Wg_f� U�a�-:: ft�� � ll C I� F P,�i �;l�d'(`S F�)K �;G�T�'T f�.ik$IJ I C71t�; 1N°,[��C1 D'C71h?"�"'�f�(:).1.�w' � � 19�i'� �1,;,Wt � VJS'L �k�71.�.;�s, EdL(.s�a. c� P&:Nf§LTI�:� i)�� E:#C);1�i.1� C�� E'�J�L.1C° ��JC��tK�, C 1"T�' �7I- 11 1-q�.�:�.� , hJY, f£�: 1�1%.4TT�:&t. St:fPPLl', 5t �M`a^�,d'�il: E: ������cas�[. � �1�:. t "C)N [)1 "4'�()N 1TVC; ���-3�;�Y5-�5„215-54 �u���i �ki, �aal 2019 � �� r�rn�at�c��c.�.s... �;r�.w�:� �rs�;: ���� �� F'tJ[3�fC �,1:W]:::�tS �&�.�� �'i'F�}�E'�� �hN� S I���; s�r,� LK S? 3(�-? �1Ch31�r'w'1S1C1N C�� �.r�.N13 234-3R 4�r'ater 215-1?� ���r�er�r �a�,- i ��, M[hPtil��,�C:'N"lJl�&�L� �C)1w�T�l+: P�� }d K:�� F'lµ()UC') �Al`r'1.'�C.a� PFtT�:�£:�1'T"I()�+C �57-�; 1;�7-��; Y57-15 5'a,rc 9d.c�� 1V[(Y�31L.4: F��)14�4'1� �"��.�� �.11�1�'�`k/4.�:.'"8.�1�2�� l�(7rl'k'i&�',�' �"�r�'{�� ��)fh�/i�.i� E'�LC�V[7J'1�1C7N 6S?-4; 957-1?�, I�7-ll� Scc,�ls�a I'�4.�}�ILf� Hf)1��F`S P1Ir?w,.PwUI�C,� C�'<7n�cn���tscraa leea�a:s �7U•1?; 27f'�-�� Lc,w UeT�r�oty F;e.s��ca�ti�] 2a�n���s �"�7-5��; 27b-55 S � 'w�11..�. 8J �a E- f�l�>(��.I � � k� �v1 �.�d"1�5 r�c�� tc�rar�i:��u�cy�� rrw��r�r xc��;�°t` ��� r`� �16-5 �ti;1�r�t:lt I.xSL: E�l�llaf:ti, 6t�:4i?�. � 1'I°Cmti,+��,7"II;S (�I�' fiti,�.�Ii C7F �'UI3��1�" '�t:?1�hti, C'I'�'Y d)6� �°f}�.�('F�, &NY, ��:Fu. �'r'.,i"rf:9i S11P1'L �", `.a"I:�'4'e�Qals f)1`a'd'(i�t�.L �: Alft ("�;7tvi�l il(7Tv1'T�1� 21�-�3 7d7N1N� 27C1-��I�.�S l�)NCN4�: �F'B C'[A�, [�A�1G:) �i�F'� ���� 1 �tliC"['� 27 I-'� PI^�AFZiIA'�4,5 La➢�wfrcar�2 ��a7�a�a��e^rcy�ll Lcancs ?�'G-1��N �T(7Rhr1'�4F,<a"1"t; ft M,�t�J,�aC,��C�4[^N"� Ah1L) f�:ft�7S1�.�iJ .4 Pti�C) � �:[�I M I� N-T. C'C}Iti'.C"CdC11W 2��-5 �Cb1V�NCJ L7f�-5 "vil4l�h:&:�t� L��kefi°unt �e,iu��r�tial "I...c�tic� 27�i-� � SCI�t)IV9'S1�)T�d f)F' LAS�N:) 2,34-2� ;�1.r#�'�"}^;� Pt.�l3ti .5'ee s�dsr� c•��n�.�����.rra�lv� �t n,.r� t��t������t ��«�� ���-rs�� d.,i};ht In�u;�trial LcrneS. "�?f)- l � � Mu]ti�ale 1i��sc9�r�cc L�����s � 7�}-�� ['&anr�ea� I��vell�a�Oarse,nt �uszc� 2i(d-17�� a�;�L'��VISIC��J (7F �.AN[) ��3�d-aCb C�T�,�AIlICw1 �il!AI��u"flT"Y 1dk:41ILiE1ti'1"1A�� ;,!,t�P4!^:S ,F1c��sscary faaazRdank;s �nil :;tcuc�bures "�7t:8-C;�a, .27iD-�f�„ �7f)-fi9; ?7O-70; 2�i�1-71 ,^�cc;a:;;s��ry t�ii7lriir7�;s ��tc3 use� ar�t�u��-�z�d &�r� s�r�c��s9 a�sqrrcavdl can�y 274�-G'�� I"I"i�AC"� I�i.)1�:?� ��,�g�y�a� ��t�-�� t�cGi aaaa3 nvre �k%s�t 27{�-G7 ���rci ai`F�.�a���ls 27(:1-��3; �7dl�iro9; �7�b-7@ 9�crilc�yr�g �sr�.�, �7U-7? C'crr7ca�r�c,s 27G)-f;7; 27U-�4 (;l�ir�kcat� �7f7-tr�f C"haaa•c;�a�s 270-6? f)��y �;��� f�sculli�i�:� �7f)-(r!� I��r�s �7CN-C�9 1)riv��+v�ayS i�l)-74 F'��are�iRy ��y�_car� 27f7��6 F°r�m7�; �a�d f:�rnlitt� "�74�-Ei5 ds�r��ek �7C7-f��%, 2,7(i-71 �s�;V�P�e�c�r�e� �7�Y-�ti7 d:;r��tti �nr� g�rading� 27€lµ7!1 Nei�krot IiM��iYaiic�rxs "�7U-7�) li�i�k�t,°e��al�cei�rn� �70-7CM }�t�a�c czc,�u�aat�on� �7�?-�aka Cxnp�ca� e���crrt:� �'.7�1-(if; 94ra���eB:� "`7f1-�i� �v�r�rv ��C)-l�7 �.c.�t� ."�, � IJ�-7 � , 27C�-73 Maascu�i��; 2,?(1-C,7 t.)t�<7rs 2�(?-(;� (:�rac-fa���ailv d�uellin�;s 27f1-E;� Clg�et� a�ac;c ?,7U-71 �g���a�� 2-�c�-��, ?a��-as N�:,�r77ittca� ac��s�;�ry t�uz�➢��ir��s �nr3 �as�;� ?7()-�;� Pern�➢itea� }�riru�;i�ak use�s :� � [b-fafs P�a�cs cwt`tin�asrslrl�a 27f)-�i"i P0�»�°�in�, E3raard 2i(}-[�7 I'B�}��rakr.��r��s `�it�-tifi i'rirrc,�ro�I taac;s <tastl7t�riac~t3 r�y s�-�ec��� �.>�rarsit a�m4y �'7�-'�� 6'�aa���c��;L 27f)-�>� ti�krc,x�Vs ?'?O-(a7 SG t���e;k a'� 7i7-�fi; 27Q-7 �; � 7rY-'73 5ix� an�l �r�u a�"]c�t 27�P-7w� ��,a��osal �craatata 27[f-6? S�+�e�o�tl pa�ca��criies 27�r-74 Sfl�ar��r ?7Cb-7➢ ���aru��roir"�r� pa�tal� 27�1-f�2� Tw�-4��r�7iiy clxwcllirr�;� ,�i ! �-i��„r; ��Q�-�l�" �JtsVatu+�s 77�)��+�i UJa91s '� :4)-7fl 1'ar� r��ul�acian�, �7(a-7i Ywar�ls 27()µ�;�; 27Q-71; "�7�('9-'��3; 27('1-74 � l�Di"�H��i '27f;i-�,."a'`,27C-`a5 �;c��a.i�r� E�u;ar°�I ol'ApF��al� �7'U.Ci$, �"71i-69 M19EE7'IPw'�4 C;C7"!v'�t:ttG',�TI(.)N 63(7Af�l� 23 :�, �3-�4; 23-5 l::N "�'d R�`D!`�i M91�,TJ7',�t l ��u�.������ ��r�vr�:.w A��s-�u; i ��-a r rT�tc.':�, c:��r��, car� ��-�; �2-7 I�f;f;� I ��-? 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F3u('feryarci:� 27d1-97 F3uilciia�� area Z7()-�15 f�'�ri,l�li�� �sci�anitw'�"TWJ•��7, ?"P(7-9� C'�a�le �;nlurc�r��ec�c C9f�c,ea 27C1-�77 G:Trtiwcrn+;�y:� `?,'74)-�i k�;a�a��r,�eG�c�y �cs�aec9es �7�-�#�i k�ittal}� �ny-c:ar� 2'7(D-�K�7 Fw,�� 27(D-�7 Fcnccs ?7(k-'�"� d.:id�r��es 21(1-�� 1 4irac�es �ncl g�r�clirn� :27i�-�� tEea�4�t lirni��ti+��r:� 27Ck-�3 FIlci�*,17t re�uiaticrr�* 2'7�J-rd � F�c7rne ciccia�atic7m�� 27�9-�+1 Ira,ag��vwea��u���nt;s �i7i�1-��k l��s���ct;ic�ns 2?fd-�7 l.�nr��r��ain� '�"7(.)-� � l,rcenses �arr� }v�ea�saait„s 2?�'.Y-47 1_�t ar��s 2?t�-%�(; E.�atS <��_'Jfi l�di,r7xn�uasv �rc�a �7(�-�� Mcalrile: fl�rarv�� p�arks �7�i-Y�7; ��tr-��, �aa�-��, z��a-��a: ����-q � ; 2:7�'7-h?,'n; �?�1-��, 27G,t-��5, �7t1-��i; "��7C9�-��$ Ct�rahiNe Na�rr*Ac•.� G74�-�7;, �7(l-kS�l; '���i-�3; 27C9_a��; ?7(i-�J�z; �7(�_�?7 f �a��-F`�xu I �� cI���E��i�m�',;� Z7Ch-8'), Zi�-��; '2�G1-�?4 C7j?�'17 tijY�1C4', Zi(�-�7"�: s"Pi �.1-Ka"�a �'iiI'�{1L1�,. �i���-��; c.�4�_4�? �'crmi�ce� ��ce�;�csry tasas� 27�-c) � 6'erMa�rt��c[ �rincig�srl u�cs 270-�5 � F'9a�7r�a�7� �R�<rr� �7C!•.�dt), ?74)-9?� 2'��i-�� PC�y�cc�tanclt; �7R7-�� [",�inca��l �¢sc s �auth�a�z�c� by �pecsa9 gr�:a�n�t 4�n1y� 2,7i7-�3(� �������� ��r�-��r ft�:cre�tt��n ;ar��a4 ���N-�� it,c�ycl���l�rs 27J-�� �c;h�c�fls Z"�N7_�r"� �5crecn,� �a�ar! �;crc,crr§o-�� 27t?-c?7 Seskaack� i"�1°�-�c) �rsl�walks ?7�0-�'7 �;tt� �vl�n ����;rnv�r4 �?fe-�3 �re't� pla:n �a��r�`v�V:� :�'�f1-�t� �a��e �alars�; �7Cs-��; �7�e.�1R Speci�l �r�rsnat,s'�7(�-�(p S�a;cr"�1 rcyt�ircazyct7¢s �%°Cb-!�? �tc7rt��e�7Cl-�I; �7CI �1�F �t��awGa L�rer��rd Z7tb-�"�,'?767-��f� [Jta9�ti�^s �7Ci �4 Ydre� ras�;ia��ab�ar�r� ;27C1-�7� Y�r�s 2'7Cb-�l� :?C)1�1�'CN'C 271`b-��+:2�rt1-�7F�' Zui�'rn� f3r�<gr�i c�f"A,a��r�rB�; �'7G)-91 PviC)8311.N; B�C�Ar1�: Nt'��2�4 /iik Mus345 27i�-�(a:'� ,',°c �� ,� lsr:� �VIA.1'�UFs"�C7UR:GL"� }-VC7ML k��.k��5 Msrl�rle �irrn�c �'�r➢s Aa�c��s �,7C�•�4'7; `�'�Q7-�'�, 27fi-�i9; 27�7-�9d; �7�i-41; 27i�µ13, �,�fY-��; ���1��15; 27f7-���; 2"��1 :�'� t�4�C5� 1 £��-� AJcmcuntiam�ii�t [Jvcs z��-� � �a �c�r��r�c ���a-�; ����-e,; z�t�-i-�sa; ��a�-Lls; �'?Cf-�%�.1; 27f.�-22.� :4l��31L�; ki(➢�4^t�S C"crn:��rvatorsau ��rae� � �"�l-1 f. ,Sc�e A1;��r tw1FaN l l NAC'.l"� i62 E�;�) �-lf�MfluS 3�9c�bile F9a7ane l��r�9� C�arac� 27(�-�k7, 2�t��-ES�; �7()_c�?�, i7D-�*�, �"�{')-�(,, 2�'f.4-!�� LC)l�ll�v(� "?7f9-5; �741-215„ 271�-v27; �?&;M-2�f7 'W�C)N�114'�I;,N'TS C'�}mn�ur��ty C"�psr�rnezc��abi �aatte� ?�CI- � 3�& ➢,ake8rcro�d }Z�sadec�ti�al T�aaae� 27C1-4:� 4�g�ns .�.7Ci �5:�; 2�G'e-s�(� S u��r ��+'„ :f u:E 2� � 9 :�������T�... 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E:.a�,"..� c.���_,�j� k'IF(3�}6:,fi`6"s" h��� I�d.I,t=;T�AI��,i� L�NS•2 Sr�ra� �7(�_��� Vc�a�e:�c "w�rc��hrt 1.drriit�; 2,_5¢�-�a .�}Gt�' .���'.SC� '"{�",�'���„�..�"'�A VI�F{I�"LI�� r"�N�� �r���r��r�:. �s��-� �; �5�-37 J�'M1�'TTvf:.a �7f,b-5� 2"��f?-Z'1�.5 ZC)�I(]VC5 SPf�('�l�:L �uA:NI� L)5�. C)[S"T`F�1CTS 27�-]Gi ^�u���u,�>�� :!u�r�rrv�x z�rt7-s ,"'� U L�; N-�:fl iti�a ti"1't3 � NI'ai7 Fa 7' [ � k �'lAh4Afi13N91;i`�"t" .+4N� �".�..�'����)� .4 �� SE �TT�� k'.Tw�1� �i7N7'R(:3�„ 22�-� d{Si�IN�: SE�G�"I.AL L�N1� iL!`:al: �71�'Tftl{;"I"�, 2?1-l�a �ua.r��'�;�tt.�r �ti4'�.0..��1@ti'f:� �41�]AdC� "�?i) 2"�7 ?t:��l!''�la. �k'LCJh(_� T..l�'I�d�CJ lJ°al: T7f�'T'BtIC"I'S '?,�I-�; 2i1-� Nf4J1�,"�CP"�,�: f��1�7➢.LY" �rvr,r,r,�rvcx5 1'�aalt�plc C$��id,ei�ce 7t�t��,s �7Ek-1fJl'�; �?i1-ll01 I��;PJ'f �L F'6ttDE'�:Et'T'"v' '',(7?-� '�P�IC`JF�:LN;E� 5Y�`�laM`� Yl 2� �-3 L,i�l'�l'hw(� 27(1-S "t"i��dL�!C�. Sf�Ia,C;&:ML, L,�.➢�C� lt�& UdS'7 RIC;.I.*�. 2?t—e,; z��-�s; z��—t i r�r���� r�r��x "v[LILNTIPLE Rk:Sll)�:h�C�: ��C)NF � r���ces:serag° kruil��an�s e�nd ;�trrrctur�cs �7O-ifPl ����iitdcarr�I ;�}rcc�i�a� r��uirei77ents 2718-I � I �a�udt c��rre daci1itic� 27G1-1f7? k�� ei �mci t�re�kf�st �7t.)-1 (:&t k3eaEf�r�s "?7f�-1�J�; 27i)-41 l �aaa0dar��; �rc� 37U-1'i)7 �ana➢dia�� p��i°tn�ts �7tJ-1 12 4."r�r�stiruct��r7 2"90��.�� ➢�nvevv�,y� 2'7�)-]4lfi; 27G�- I y 1 i�'a�mi3y cday-�arc 27�a-If�CI k�c��ces ���-111 (�a�°��c� 27(1-1(b1� ?7M�-1 l l t��4�dcs a�ad �;rac�3r�g; '�7i7-1 �:5 l��i�i�t irrn}t�iar�rrs?7fi-lC�> r��a�ta9�. ����ci9u���ir�ns 27�- I Cb�, � 7@)« I tJ(a E�arca�oe er�~.�^upati�ns ?if}-1�7I I..ssm�cL�c�gr3n� �7CP-1�1'Fi; i1()-1I1 d,�;rt� �7(�-I(663 Aiaster I'1;�s5 27�7-�19 "V9irra���un7 xr�� fur �mtzlfa�ale r��iti�rac�: a�ne 27(b.ldl�1 iv1irriaa7u:rn usable csg�cn s�r�ae,� �7Cb-1 Cl�i �+lultip�� ta���ily cti+�-c idan�s �7Cb�• 1(}C�s �2"Fd�- l�Y 1 11n��-fsamily �i�veltliaa��;� ����� � ��� c-����� ����� z�u-� �ss�� 27�1-11"� }�r6YiK117'�* r�.��{)-I.��', ��(j...�. �� I':as�r� �nci rrcre;a�imai�. �7�1-I 11„ �7(�-192. I'crrnotic,d a�c.e°sy4�ry �iGiil�lun�s an�i aAsc:,s ?7�1-1�7& Pco���i,t4�d �rincr�r�] ua��s �? 7�1_ 6 ()[l i�l�n¢aart�; �Sr�r�tri �7G)-G(7?, �7fM-� I 1; 27�}-1 I �? F�O�'Y�r�a���ad��� 27(�-�1 I l; �7fS-1 I� l'rincup�l wses authc'�rir��a &�v a��c'ral Fae,rra�it u��,y 77CP�- ] Q2 k"t�r�r��e 27�-�)�3 I�ccr�aticar� are�ti �??�i-I 1 I `�afcl� st��aelasds 27�1-�� 1ll S�d�itar}� �acliiiiL:s �'�k!-J�) `�cc�ens ai��1 scre:enisn� 27(1.111 .rs�sbaM;kw �7ti-I�&9 :�etiveas 27d-IU�A Si�icwva�ka ?7�1-6 ] 9 �irt7gle-1'aa�xily ciwcG�ir���; 27t1-�7� Sa1� p1�sn �}�g�ro�<ial 27()-W 12 .�"aite ��1'a�x re;v✓i��r an�i ��r}�oru�,��� 2�7()-1 l I Ssl�, �V�n�; �7�-� I1; �7(i-11� Siz� ��a� �re,a af➢c�t 27(1-1t;1<� �q�e�x�ak }reraaaics �7t7.1�1"a ?itctir��� �"��-It41 ',�"�w¢na�rnic¢�+,l�crcrls 27Cf-I�1 T°c>rrr�i E9�e��rcl 27C�-���; 27��-1 'l � "l �r�u-��r7n�ly ��velfl�i7�,s 27'�D-1 dlt} Vw'2asvers 27O-ll'I i wh+"a�ea 2711-<e� 'r'ard re�,n�l�tic�ns 27CI-l��r �'ar�ls �7�J- I GA'l ; �'Ff�-1 {1�, z�r�-�cr�, z��—� t r zc�r��r��; ���-�����a�a-� iz Lc�r�bn� �i�at�rc� nf Ap�c�l� �?tl-1(VI n�a�s�,ur�:� t\gr��ultiaral lc7rr� s °_'7U-27 C�crn�crvatiaes Lcat7es 2,?()-�? Hi�1�r e3�n:�itw }��,:�i�3ctatial lc�nc:.s 27Q-7�S l.�akefrcant f�esici�mac�ai 1 a�Q�� s �7C�-�� L�nvled ��iy�cari' C'€��a�rna��;A.;�d Lc�ne� 27l�• I A2 � Lcrw [����w�C�y I�e�ud��rr�i;�ll i',cnc� 27�«55 I��IIcciivar� 1:3e�r;�oty t��s�ci�nti�1 Zc4ncs 27t?-�,? SE'�2tT�9CL�R SY"�7`Fi��kS 2'�2 �-?� ��N1t�1Cr: `,ti�"f:�"I,�l. L,ha'v'I:) 11Si:� [�15"��6�.1C`"�S 27fi1µ9 �� � � � �,����u�t�.�� r��,�,�u�u�a�� �canse:rv;ataa�� "l.,r7neti z7Ql-�() Sl)L3[71V1SIC�N �k� 1..,�?�ll� 234-3fi "ti A �7111xA l., ����5(7� 142�C`�S tt�,ricult�eral Ir�a2cw 2?'t9-�5; ? 7C)-�i 5 �gy�senrat�rc�» Caa�vw5 4'�(P«;IO S�'�'��3t US�: I� E�[.J[}� L N➢ l�N I.S I?�I�, � �t:rr��T� � ��'rt���z s �ra���� �t��r��r ���•�r� 216-3„ 2Gt`i-1��; ?�(i-9� S, C'()it�+r1'4w'A1�L' �� MANt� C �EM 1:,1�' 1" .�,1V [) L I�C�Dwii"1hi AI�D `ik�t;}CM[_?'v i C;(7�'�"F�C�L 2�,�-�, 2"�t{-7 ^rk;1�Gr[1ShA(7*hF2T��r'C���gIy) l.y�lYPl�S��.G91�� LL!'Y�,� :C,G)N1^.� C3ic�ycic:s 27()-];?C, C`s�n�tructir�n 27t�-1 �(�; �7O-1�� l o��er�,�n��,aew 27C1-1��a f°at�ai��'ral a¢fl:;t�rtuaCa�ats ?"7Q-i ��i; �7CuM 12� f�trte,ls ZTCb-1�? Nd<�xinivam �r�ail��a��, sgsc 2?Cl-t C8 ?'�«te@s 270�-1�7 Nqi�;e 27(Y-1 �' 7 �,�C�4�.B41�, 6���-� � i�� I"cra���t6cd q�rinct���l uw+�,� 27�i-a?'(a C�Qannin� [�u�ai°�i 274p-�'�7; �7{)-1'� F� F�ri�7ci���1 �aM�;� auth�rr'�cc� try ��e°ia:l �a;rra�it c���lY 2'7()-1 �"� ll�urpas� 2,7C1-125 �test�rut�itt�, �7�'1-12d"a S«�8�s �7C�- I ��. �7t�_ I?7 Se�b�icks27�1-12t"y, �7f�-1m7 ��c�ial }Y�rmi4s 77('1-� �7; z�a�-1z� Sir�r��;c, 2 71�-1?�i l➢�ilitie� 27f�-l�fi; �7��-Y?7 /.,,C)1�JIT'+d{,i 27d7-� 2'Sr ��ifC-3 �,� t°or��ng Ei<is�rai uf f��}���:�t� 27t)-1 ? 7 N�4)ISE: .��?ricul4ur�tl �iaxtric�s 1 ��-i� �i�rHCLil9ur�l Lcan�� 27O-�� ,^rlarr��s}��ta;srr� bk�&-�ti; t ��a-i z A��ir7tals 1&�4-�� kE�4-19i r1,�r�Uarance ticke4s 1 iC�-� � .��7�Slic�itrility 1�t�-2 ,��s�„��y� r��� ��a-�a �Aaakl�ori�.atiaaes Cc�r �Scmrik 1�34-1] ��c�c I:¢a�°crr���aa�nt �f�icer 1 £;4-1 � C`cxn�r��crc�vay ,'�a�aue� t,�a��r711y �7'(�-122 C;uirrzasuz��ty C;��ti�7r�rcaa2 �(7f74� ����-��� C:c�mpGairat,� I ��-S; 1 &�4-13 Ccrn!;�rv.�4i:a�r lcar7cs 27di-13; ?7@-14 ('ua�:;Inti�;tzcin l ��-�+ C;u�asrrr�utu�xn ar�z� e�tk��;r rnac�'sner;y� I��-i� C�as�:� �sa�ai ex�cu��:� 1�;4-14 fJ�c,fin�Cic�i7s ���-�i 17'ast7r�i�.cYy �ranr�ue� 1 �4-12 �c�� �11��+ I'}��47ki➢)T-EdL.'r` i'tJNC1�C)�'1" I)�ags 1�4-1+;) Ea���rg�t�c��s t ��4-4; 1 ���-S C;�n�cr��cn�y �rehacle� ��4-� 1`°:��'c�r�:�q�u�.�tt �ai"w�a�l�zt:ia�as 1 ki4-� 3 �'ar�sv� an� ��z��ai7��, &��-2� Fces ��4-12 Garb��;c, r�il7�,tis�� �nci r�f"us� 1 t3�-k� (is;neral �re>hakzitrc�cs, c�n �ass�°��s�aa��9al� r�c���e a �=ti.-S G�i����l �rqti��ica��� It��-11 ���-� �������,�� ���-i� �.���,�r,� � �a-a I.Fldalzi9it� 7�'.�9_1�; 1�'i4-�5 I .o ab'rl ity� r�f" �>awr7er � �4-15 Li�u��s�s�xwsf�era77it�� 1�4-1� 1„3�;�,� Inclu�t,a-i�1 Zurae� �7d�-1�5 Li�a�,sl�ci Nust�rac t`��Mp�}nyi��,q�;�`G�ial �?;a�'acs i� f h.A-1.'Y'� r �� L,C)�K k3�)�.�.,5 1"F`J-1 Jv�r�t�ilc her�u�e �ra¢k� ti#4-4 Iv�cxccrorv���o,ci,e� 1�4-� N+ei�h�roarl�xxa� C"crstsai��;rcial Zran�s �i��-�i7 hS�3ISE 1��-I� 3���-�#;, l$4-5, G �4-7; I �4-F�; 1 ti4-�; ����r141, �1�4-11; �1�4-�2 �Jorc�cc� I ��« Y � P��K"� ��'�S�C7 R.LCRI',.�'I'iC�i� Ps�.Et�S 2C�1-� PariAe�, eve¢�t+, crr �ath�rings 1 iS4-� f'e�aaltie� �"tar r a�r��at'scra�s 1�4-1� Pcarr�it p�rcasedua��, %e 1&�A_g2 1'e:a�a�it� I�'�-t1,E��-i2 �ati�ecrf�ac�r,� d�i�-P� Purt��ase Ct4'4-3 Pur�asc ui�A�ac9� �1 1 K4-�h l�ac�i�r�, t�dc� i�icri7 ���s as�d a�t�u�r �;rs�aa�td-gard"xi'a�ci�n;� �r -a�ay�lid�rzn� cicv�ces � �3��7 �t��y���M,� ���-� �a1�ty stl��tial<�s�ci, 1 �'�-3; ��4-� 5'�T31311JtSIC7N �YF �,f+.Nl� ?.34-3� T"sfl� ��'��-1 �U'W0.'�1%�'(},7�?�' ��+�-7 �., I�,'�1�; 1�4-l.'a `�'�tivrr C'➢�rek 1334�-1� °�`�uc�� ���-a l.lruls�viul NG��:.� �c��ur�:es 1 �R�-C�\1 ��1-I [� V�hucic s 1 ��-�; � 8�-i� �cr�p G��, 1u1 2(I l9 NttiiS�,.. Vacal�ti��n art�i �'cza�lt,y i f��-1:�' 9#�'�- I S � in1adicrr�s a�¢1cf }��nafltres l ��4-tr; � ��-7'; l ��- I C:i; 1��-r"�; i��-13; 1£�4-�4; 1�4-15 L�i�aiw��°s 1R�4-Il; ]%4-l� �r,�. r�°r�c,;�r.��-� ���_� C(�1�1I'��'i ?�fb-1 ��; ??�-1 �i I ; 2�(1-2�ii�; �?f�-'21��.�; �,""fi-2T�}.4 Lo���in� ala�kr�+��.�; 1 �4-� I(�C�VI�!C.x: �t'I:("IA1. LA3rrl� C�Si:�: [.)151_�dl�'°�".�"s ?a�-��; ��a-y; z��-�, 27[-7; �7't-9; 2',7l-]U� ?71-Il� r��r�car�����a��+�cY �c��a•s Nc�nc�anl"�srm�iN�� li�;�s 27�1-��.�; �"�Q-2�� �JC)TtiC'C>�df�'�:7'd�n,hIh'�G ��C;IVS LI�iF�T'lh?<:o, (JlJ'�i7�Yt7R ���-t,� S'r�ns �79:)�2;�, ?7U-�fi2 ,5'�t Afwn 58��� Z()N��a�a 27�5-� 1�`�C?N� fI�NE(b�'.W1�a�"CA aTltU�'�"fl�B� k�S 6�dca�acarau�u¢m�z7� LI±;e� 27�-w�15 ItiC)�1CC�1�`F"�)FE'�vTIP+i�C; �JS�:�� Accti�Sc�r,y bu��l�irr�s and strr�ctua�e� 27d'b-2Q3;, 27C')-2�i%' �,.lt�r�t��i7;;� �r� ��;e� 27�-2[� f4.aa1trrtre;�':CiCY�'t <if C��L'�i'4aP�tia �a�r�a�a�¢rtf[arc�vic7� t��t'a �e�at�rt� rur qar�-l9"�'1 &"�:SY1��".'IYlfl�.ni� (YCCl1�S11'f(".�If;',S z�rr:�.� � � ���,�;��:� ?��p��q z 13t��rd crf F������C� ?7(1-�(1:�; ?7l)-�fbh; �7[D-�11; 271V-���; �?G-213; �7@�-� � �; "�'�ti-�"� 14. � �3u<xrci' �rf' /��ya�°;�N� cletz�,rn7in�iicrn �7�-?12 E3uildnma�, c,�arastru��ic�n 27�1-2�'� C`ac�le E;nf�¢¢�enz�i7t ()f��er 27�-� 1 � 4.�nns¢�ut cio�n :??l�-2GP�Y �"rsrativi�u��,i�rr c,t'�ran�tnactror� �'1f1,2t�� C°s�at� �a�cd �xp�r7�cs �"�(I-2 �4 �weibysa�t; car� racrra��a�,f�srr��.�n� &c>��s 27t�-=f�� E�;cnc��eaacacs 2�{?-2�J7 Farm� 4raad f��auain'� ? 7C6-? 1' �. ] i�i'�i���t ���za:9a���n:� 2�'7�.�-�i25; 2'J(:p-?��% In�ercri�pl,i�am�, ca,t it�.7tacu»��a�i�7:in,� ��e 27f�-tk17 �iir�rtec! [��G��isi�ris� �'or��sx��r��a� "Lc�n�;„ 27�7-1��.� tr��7��1� i�cxi��� ��rk,s 2'��J-'� 1�1 Nt�ne:�rrfrarn�an� C"aan�,s u7 1'�9c�aurva f�c�vs�my N�e��dcnli�l Gs�r7�;� .� �47-� 14. � hl��t��c+�wu:f'�aramnin� l�t�� 27�-�2��;�, �"7�N-�kl� �ancra�rfiansaan� 9cxts cr�' cr��t�a9 �7�P-2i�3 N�sne�aiatrars��i�� 5ttucture� 27t�-?Cm5 TTHAC� I��J�X Nc�n��r�ttarrnitt� Lls�s 2�f1-2f1�; 27�1«2�)tn; �7C)-?CI7; 2'�0-2C1R; �7Q=2'l(); 274�-21�; 27&i-21:�; 27t)-� 1 � Nco-�7c+ani"cs�xr.ias� u�es �rot'Gsan�' 27t�-�(�A ivcie�ciarrfcr�ra�in� ii�c� tsf. saru��tvr�:; 27f�-?'(�6 ��c�e�r���a���it�es 27�7-2C�3, �7(}-���; 77U-?{7f�; �7�k•� 1 � ��ae-tar��aay �]�a��llin�w ? 7 C).<(1 �: 27t)-2 i1 iS f'�^�'ev�;�t�d u�es 2�t1-2t7E�; Z7f;7-,"�' 14 .�"�a, .�fs�, @�L;&2.MC'f l"�wl:) ��sz-;� .�S°c��,��Fs� F'A2C)V-I�I�I"1';E��) �J';1�:°« l�e��ar��s �7U-��3. 27C1-�fi�a F2,�sa��r�ti�at� ��0-2'1 I. Sa�7�ie-�ti°��avil� dr�ellin�s 27�)--� 4)� �iica g�B�uaa a�a�aruv�,l 27i�-2(lfi; 27�1-21 t9 4y��caa6 p��rni�s �7i1-'� 14 "�'aMcr-C��naily �w�bHi�'a�� �7�1-���; �7fi�-�()k� '�✓�r�;����c cricerua �7(1-213 '�'�ri�ai�ces <7a�-"2{�3; 2 i�'i-21 P� �7&1-21:;; �7G�,Y.� 1 �I ��7�1-214. i Vr,hicle� ��fJ-2itl '�'➢�laari�s¢:; an�3 grrrr��tics � f G�- � �b'.�' Y�rd.w ��C1-�?�I:&,�„ ;�7�?-".,+(l5; 27#k-2G�> �7t�-21 � %�i�'�uC..��i.b i���-��; ����'i'���':3���� ���w-��a.a; z7c�-zi��.s; z�r�r-��� I�I�INC"u: SPI.�C;1.AL L,�PvC7 US�: C�IS`t"1�@�'1"S ?"Tl-�'4 1� ()7ti'C i �P`v �"Ca �'W1 �'�'� k:�5 Nr�nc�crfG,,rn�sr��; ll4c,s 27C1-2()�, 27()-2t75; 2�'�-�fif�; 279")-�'14 �vi�`t'1� H:� Ah�IC�"IA�M�% 11�•2 ��,1_lI,C,B�Ii�4{a c��r� sµr°� uc��rr�ar� .�NT.? �°l�t[? &'iX�L�FLN7�l�3N @�S-7; 1?.�_1(D; 'I25-i 1; 125-]< Eisiilrlira� Se�eers �nd t'���tca�:tian:, 214-43 C��Tl�l)QhIQ',;5, UNSA�°i:?. l 2�-:2 f�E;F`E:1�I5� r�TVC7 Ii�I�l:a�^l?�Ik 1(:',^6'T`1C)N ?�-3; `��;'-S IP�tV l l�tli� tv�I�,N' I';A 1.,. �"�ll.�+,L['["1" �I:V'].F�wh' 14i�-� 1; �4�6�-1? ��,'I"�{iC"S, C;(�I.)k?, fJF 32-3; ���7 F1?F.�� � �3-"? i�"L%)�I.) I7�,,M/#(�i1: k'l�t��l,�k�;hdT'�C)�8 1 �7_�: 157�1�,„ 157-17 1-{a���l�:aw�= Ir�r�d �Nalkway 2:�U-C�a L ��;F�"1 INCr, C1U "f"i)()(:��. 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LiC:1 iUI�T .AT�tL) T f 6t t~, r7�t�:�,F�:,r���1��rr �:��_r2 r��;r������.�, ��ca���E��-��� 2�7�� �,I;WI:;f� C:f�;F:; �t:�;r���t[tr�s� rr�rs F'+JR. �',�)N"V�� I@3 La'1'�IFk � fIV"t"C) � C � ["�17' �'( �.�_�, 2 ] �-��) s�wwr� �,���.. tr��: t�� T'C.Pk31,B�` ��m`��lR� 21�-33 S"I"C)Itl'� 5f-,V"U6;:12 Si`S'F"L'Ivl l4N17 �l�'kt.FAC'Ei 'r��t'�.'[ �;R�S 17F�� T'�('"f"1�?�J L?'7-l� �'7�O}X:Cw�' W,�"s "C' l:l� MrA,PV11Ci�;l'w�9Et"31" ANi? 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"dc�ta�i�°�dacami Itia ti'sw��t1�rs �catii. Vo�'ti^crs��•ti K�Y, ucafl�rrrorna�ar�,n� � l- � Ncat's9�:OG�B�dL�a.gtV tAV ti�CrSk4^ dJTk�,i, 'irarwauzr��r �����artb��� ����ca��ua�,� 5�..'T ��c�;�rma1.M �i9•I sy #tc�wrtz; .? 1- tl S�aix�-oc} �ta�ncd,arci��1„I, �Y 2, 51-:3; �;y,.,� �<a,�n«�V "^;u��e:roty 5 9 • I Wcl��sf���+ 5 ¢..5 r����r�r�� AIDt19.'I i I";1;� If#dl-2.; tl t�4p- Q d'�; 14:NCa� ��; 1 f:1db-�{7 ik? 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S'�:'�Vhl.nB; N��1�1'� )ti1�.. �� ,�11&d (:"4D?�m)V 1'"[f;:1Nll�t:x � I :+ �;� ,�`al 4��1d �1"��"l,�. t.J"�fI ��N" I''l ff3t.Ct." �Tn"V4'l:C�'� ?��-�`w; �1�-'2i:i ti��;�p;z 2r49 ?�^i S"I (:)]�.P�� � �• k�i'1,:l�. �,'af "�°;� J ;'Cui .A t*dl) '.�^�`1,.I1� � ��'k:i �+i�'/h C �;t�"� �''Fit.�"����C"I'�Ubl� 327,.,��� ST"CF�;L;"Yf "; ^`�:�"l:x S417f:0�Aq'..h�`ti ��19.� 7 G�J�r��� u : ii9_211d); l"T�M �4'�; �.''f9-"k��.� ir�iF4�9Cr[: 1!C)'V��a:� t341I &., I;) I PJC:� �:"(:� N ��", V'"9'� l�J(;.p"'�I��1V s�l�l) i°9}t.&a;; t'F�9.�'d;Pa.1,Iti.1kTMJ 125-ka; l� 5.¢� .�'c°c' ���sa:u Q.'f�Pw Vrh1,�:tif'6� Cv'1 ( �G "N �*v'� P i"^� "�F'�tl'�v'&��. 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J C'�?wl � N4:i ;?'Cb-Z $ �.2' �"I"�T�LP+dt,:'i. �C'L(:I�A1, N��.t�dl� l!�}-i: 6 71 S I"9'd:f t�".I."� 1°71 _�, L71 -�i; 2'T ]-�„ �.'�1-�?; ?71w�1f.)„ �71-�2 G)'E I'�;Cv�fy, a�,m^�°''lt)I. /+,"�14.6��, 11k�JT� 1'C��:�hk� L`t"Ih�;� (:Y'k'F�Q'�^: �'"A121^G �"(.};"rT� "N i�:Ft� `IA I, T<N�, k;.4 ��`tc�;a�r�a a��,�� «rs��i �,Pr�e`iL�a� �: ;W7C�-p 32 �c�a�a9�a�����;�1 p����aaalt�t¢,�9 �uw��`r�s�s�ry �e.�c:�� � 7C)-13:2, � tirz�:,�a�c�Gc,ti�wKr �?C�-'I:31 f°iirc�n�i��a,l �r��.i.i[ut��aara� �°,��. A ;iCi f����,�^,pt�N:� �?7(w-Su;t }'a�r�a�itt'a°�1 y�+iiar�,aqaA�l tk�t�:� 2"tG�-p, �f� F'P;�trcaarr�; I_Xsxe�rci x'"�t�-131. d'c��sag�re�� aa:,�^a� xa��th�r�rzc�9l�y ��ut:c��ul �u:rasatiC a�eu➢w :T ��;N., � :,� 1 1'au�,�,��� 27(7« k la� C�cwt�aa:r,��at�:�7C1 V;�t Sa�l��, �7CN I'a); �"7�Y-13`� �wq�a°cad�e� ����.°a�Ga�a�r�;2',"�d,'�-ll3� tJ(�Ifiro�,s�"7t)-1w�1 �'� ��llt+d�(�e � %�-�I ��',27d�1-83� uC�)��} OC"��Id�ti,�;ti�.� �:!�%IN��.,� )Y N. 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C�' `r�1C �1��� � 1>};k"�wF� �h^dt::N_C *�_�, ".�,r�aicu� (,`rt¢r�sb:� 1°;.x.rc��p��aaoar �,3r)��, �'1'��.�,,w.G��A� �3�7-1"t; i,��}-p j � AM.AAUYI.9n� k..0.J� A�IA�F..R�;Le IANIS��a.�Z 1�"�.'-� rar�������� �r��:���n�a�� ►+c�r�,� Ah7111r1.i„� 9 4 �-� I�.h1Alal'p'CC��,i ���r��r��:s ��t� �, z���-���� c".�.1�VCwiC„w `�d'k';�"�e��_ L�?4"�C.� � r��: t.a�� r ��t �s �?7I WS; ?7I��i �wN �lt ��, i.,,,1"i � `�` 'VV �k:�'tl � 41: "��1 C:; � 2 1,.14 H" : ��� ��trM�.t�r��:.::�r� �r�� �;crr� i r�t ���� i��-c��� � r�°�.r � w� �d;°�'�' f�f�T'�i' 21 �r-5 �;a:'��"d�y,F� I I`���„ t�'�!L&i��"3� tB�:C:r4 � 1'&:r,G�:�."I7F.°'� i:11' �t4���k(:7 C;,IF' i'IJ6�1...�t' i�r(��i.I;:�, �'C'l"h" �iF. �..�..!'�.�'��:;A, r�v, ��. w�.�°�rv�� �l,lf"�'9 �","��:�JFtf�k:, L�'C�1'a.;�,���G... �s �i�t (,'()��79°I'I�Nf?k]�� � 1 ""d-:�:� �AF� T �w� ,S�-�^ G � ��R(3a.E!�Sf:�� NRH A1 H;�'I.i� 1't�, �rN�:"ti`S '�°krc° �IC'rh��a ��%,C"(�N�p)ti @�FJII..(7C!`�� i �.I;bN�; I 1%Rli,.""14CJ"� �1��:7 p���N;'; I'I��::'�,!fl:1`v T �(�I�, V z5-f "?; t:��,��.� 13�JI1 C)Ihd�;4, �,Ilti�a��"9:: I 2��-� 4� 11;' l°�1.�, C� C:i ,4' I'F+, �� �ht)V 1 � �:)C�'4' C`{�h1t�1�'t""�"%:€-"�i f �4'-� (,"4:�N�fW�s1�.W'�4"S��(:�� E�tiJt��.� �3,..3 ]w,l`I�l{.'�,l'�1L7'Ia���Yf° ��2-���, ��.,;r Fk A,"� 95;�_�" f I,l)(��} 1�yh�Cnf"�C:`w� B'l�,f,"J�•N7"9l�"v C>�-1��, �5"P..tl=G �'�7-3Ca 1 l�('� �!9�Dh.@-�a I?5-2 ,Sc a^ J91.�cM hr1 C h� L..I"11M`� �;Kroa�c,�rnf'ryraru�o�� U�a;s 2�"�lDw"(k � t � �(7�•2R)� P�iCD"N�I�f��[C"�hl"i�7;C�«' ��&'; N Nlwl:1l2.TMa�,h�.l�i".MIV ��:�°�;���r�� l��2l.i/�4 ��1 °ti "iq-1 S},"a�l°.� �I�� �I1`� 1aC��-�a `.^y� "v�3°I�ll`�a It�i�;)l 11�t1�:�w"f&'�hl� `a Fp.kl�. 4�`f::b�"d �9f�C�r��"�"�F�� IN 6.d'� ).14�) I h�I'"l` F"C7�7 'tiN � 1 �i-"��; ? 1 �ro-:�5'; > 1 ia-�7; �" I Ca-� a�„ �If�-�+�; �I�_a�V; �'tb-+�� �;M:�r�.aa ��E��., ��:�r.�:���� 1��.4a� rS"�:i'[�TM�1:"�➢�itF;�r G.)! ��4 ),�l�.l:) fJ� N'f 1E�1 B!,' �«%w`k�Kh:�;, � 9"9"�' (�C� I t���C::�., t�"4", f��.. 'w�/'.�h"IE'� �tt��a ��, Ju:9 2'G N �J' ; xEcoRns... � SUPPLY, SEWAGE DISP05AL & AIR CONDITIOAIING 2i5-12 STpRM SEWER SYS X'EM ANDSURFACE WATERS PROTECTION 227-12; 227-13 STORMWATER IvIANAGEMENT ?.ilD EROSIOI�T AND SEDQ4iENT CONfROL 228-5; 228-11; 228-13; 228-14 STREEI'S AND SIDEWALKS 230-4.11 SUBDIVISION OF LP.I�'D 234-b;234-20;234-?A; 234-36; 234-37; 234-39 Wastewater Discharge Permits 216-17 WATER PROTECTION 256-9 WATERRATES 261-4 ZOT+TIlVG 270-8; 270-IS$; 270-215;270-219; 270-219.6; 270-227; 270-235; 270-236 ZONING: SPECTAL LAND USE llISTRICTS 271-3; 271 �; 271-6; 271-8; 271-4; 2'11-10; 271-I2;271-15;271-14 RECREATIOPIAREAS ADULT USES 100-4 Agriculhiral Zones 270-35 Mobile Home Park Zones 270-97 Multiple Residence Zones z�o- � � i See Also PARKS AND R�CREA'f'ION Planned Development Zoues 270-175 See Also PLAYGROUNDS SUBDIVISION OP LAND 234-22 ' ZOMNG 270-219 ' ZOI�fiNG: SPECIAL E.AND , USE DISTRICTS 271-8;27I-10;271-1I; 271-12; 2i 1-13; 27I-15; 271-16 RECREATTOI�IAL FiRES � See FIItES , RECREATIONAI. VEHICi.E5 See VEHICLES ; RECYCLABLE MAT'EE2If�LS ZONIlVG 270-219.5 ' �CYCLABLES Mabile Home Park Zones 270-97 ZONING 270-219.5 � RECYCLING 3�OI5E 184-8 SEWER U3E: REQUIREMENTS � FOR COri1TRIBUTORS IIQTO 70I3�T POTW 216-i;216-3;216-4$ � 5ee Also SOLID WASTE l�F[TSE See GARSAGE, RUBBISH AND REFLISE REGISTRATION ADLTLT USES 100-4 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 205-2 ITHACA INDEX Vehicle Weight Limits 250-9 zoxnv� z�a-s RELf}CATION EXPENSES Conditions 69-4 Costs and expenses 69-2; 69-4; 69-5; 69-6 Effect on income taxes 69-5 Legislative authority 69-1 Maximum reimbursement 69-3 Paymeuts 69-5 Reunbursement authorized 69-2 Town Board 69-2; 69-3; 69-4 RENTAL PROPERTY 411 207-2 Applicability 207-1 Building constr�crion 207-1;207-2;2d7-3 Carhon monaxede detectors 207-2 Code Enforcement Officer 207-2 Callection ofpersonal information 207-5 pecks 207-2 Disclosure 207-5 Fire prevention 207-1; 207-2; 207-3 Garbage, rubbish and refuse 207-2 Heating 207-2 Inspections 207-2 Landlords 207-2 See rilso LANDLORDS Licenses aod pezmits 207-2 MuZtiple family dwellings 2fl7-1 Notices of violations 207-2 Off-street parking 207-2 Operating pernut required; inspections; violations 2D7-2 Operating Permits for Certaia Residentiat Renta] Units 207-11 207-5 Parking 207-2 Penal6es for offenses 207� Plumbing 207-2 Property maintenance 207-2 RENTALPROPERTY 207-3 Rental properly informauon 2D7-3 Rental units 207-2 3eazch warrants 207-2 Smoke 207-2 5tomge 207-2 Tenants 207-5 See Also TENANTS Ventilation 2D7-2 Violaiions aed penaities 207-2; 207-4 Zoning districts 207-2 RENTAL LINITS BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND FIILE PR�VENTION 125-8; 125-9 RENTAL PROPERTY 207-2 REPO1tT5 ADULT USES lOD-1 BIIILDTNG CONSTRUCTIOAi AND FIRE PREVENTION 125-7; 125-8; 125-11 3i BUILDINGS, UNSAFE 124-2 CONSERVATION BOARD 23-2; 23-3; 23-6 FLOOD DAMAGE PIZEVENTI03d 157-4; 157-6; 157-16 LICIHTING, OUTDOOR 173-15 Limited I-iistaric Commercial Zones 270-142.3 NOTIFICATION OF INFORMATION SECURITY BREACHES 51-1 SEWER USE: REQLfiREM�'NTS FOR CONTfLTBLiTORS INl'O JOINT PdTW 216-13; 216-14; 21G-22;216-23; 216-24;216-25; 21G-29; 2I6-39; 216-01; 2Sfi�4 STORM SEWER SYSTEM AND SURFACE WATERS PROTECTIOI�T 227-8 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 228-11; 228-13 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 230-4.3 SUSDIVISION OF LAI�TD 234-7; 234-17; 234-20 VEHICLES AND '1`RAFFIC 250-23 Wastewater Discharge Permits 216-16; 216-17 ZONTNG 270-219 RESIDENCX x�Qu�n�rv�rs Appointments 73-1 Assessments 73� Board of Appeals 73-4 Enumeration of posirions 73-4 Legislafive autfiority 73-2 Planning Board 73� Purpose 73-I Supersession ofTown Law and Public Officers Law 73-3 Town Hoazd 73-1 Town Clerk 73-4 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCI'ION See Also BLTILDING CONSTRUCTION See A lso CONSTRUCITON FLOOD DAMAGE PiZEVENTION 157-14 RESTDENTIAL DISTRICTS SUILDINCr GONSTRUCTION AND FIRE PREVENTION 125-4 Lakefront Residential Zones 270-43 RESTAURANTS AIaULT USES 100-2 Agricultural7anes 270-27 Community Commercial Zones 270-135 Industria] Zones 270-159 Lakefront Commercial Zones 270-141 Limited xiswrie Commercial Zones 270-142.5 Neighborhood Commercial Zones270-126 Office Park Commercial Zooes 270-131 SPRINKLER 3YSTEMS 225-3 ZONING 270-5; 270-184; 270-227 ZONING: SPECIAL LAND U5E DISTEZICTS 271-3; 271-5; 271-9; 271-10;271-13; 271-15; 271-16 RETAIL FODD ESTABLISHD'IENTS See RESTAURANTS RETATNllVG WAI,LS BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND FIRE PREVENTION 12514 SeeAlso WALLS ZONiNG 270-5; 270-186; 270-223 RETIREMEIVT See rllso PEIVSIONS ZOd+fII�IG 270-5 ZONII�IG: SPECiAL LATD LTSE DFSTRICT5 271-6 REVIEW, BOARD OF See BOARI� OF REVIEW RIGftT OF ENTRY BUILDING CONSTRUCCION AND FIRE PREVEIVI'IOi� 125-5 SEWER USE: LTSE OF PUBLIC SEWERS 214-32 STORMWATER MANAGEA�IT AND EROS[pN AND SED1MEiV'i' CONTROL 228-13 WATER RATES 261-6 RIGHT TO FARM Agricultural Zoues 270-39 See Also PARMS AND FARMING 1tO.AD PRESERVATiON Appeals 230-14 Appearance tickets 230-15 Attorneys fees 230-15 Bands 230-13; 230-14 Bridges 234-13; 230-14 Code Enforcement Qt�cer 230-14; 230-15 Constnection 23Q-13; 23Q-14 Costs and expenses 230-14; 23Q-15 G�lverts 230-13; 23Q-14 DeFmitions 230-13 Desigu standards 230-14 Driveways 230-13 Easements 230-13 Farms and Farming 230-13 Fees 230-13;230-14 FiQdings; purpose 230-11 Gas 230-l3 General provisians 230-14 Grievances 230-14 Guaraotees 230-13 Hearings 230-14 Improvements 230-11; 23Q-13; 230-14 Inspectians 230-14 Insurance 230-14 Legislative authority 230-12 Supp 48, Ju120I9 � ett��.t� ��t�:�,�.�r'n-�'t��t,.. L.i�bitaty 23t&- I �, �3�-1 � Lackrr:»cs arxd �Scrrnit�; �"3C1-I'A Pvl�jcsr� �i,cvela>�rancr�tw 23�Y-1 � Mimain�; 23Q�� 13 ���lMce� ����i-34 C�f�i�i�l h�a� 2i0-13 1'csraltic� £+�A c�fiens�:, ?�ca•rs �'c�li�e c�&'fuccs�, 2�U-g4; 2�fi('D-1 i Sa6"r;ty° sR�raci�rt�,s ��(D-1 1 `�"chtaw�ls �3'l°P• 1 � Sis3�waiks ��ti-9,3 Si�,�r�� 2��D-1�; �3�)��,r�. s x �tt-; �:°� � .�rar.� SI4�N~;�'w,�fl.fS:� �??�t7-P 11 Z3(,Y-15 .f.�aw�a F3�sard ?3t8-11'; 2:�19-]:�; 23CN-14, ?3(9-] � "J.�au�n CO�rNc 2?�f�-�G "1`r��s 23(�-l:i T'ruarks 2�f�-i �; 23(,1-'14 CJtilitia�5 �3l'!-Y3 Wchdcics �3�p-1�, ��0-13; 2 ���84; 23�7-15 Vi�latur�n� an� g��nala�i�;s �3�b-14; �3���-15 w��,w�rs ����-sa R�iA,13S 5°�:c S�'ktk;}���'S.hND �]L7E'r�r�L�:� ��C1�1,�+,s"III�E 5`�'IA.�C)S h.geiuult�iea9 i;c�ne�s 27�?-2(; ?7�7-�� G"�ans�av�'�dia�a� e`csa�c�5 �"1C1-11; 27�M-�2: i�()-17 I...c�w L��9��ity F�� ��a�a�i���l, :G�anes ' ?�1-�G !�)h�IN<�i 2iC)-."�; "71i-2�� IC)1",f16�Ci; SI'f''.C"���:L. ➢�A:Nf) I�SE 13��'E�ft:[C'TS ��1-���7I-15 ��r���,�t ��..��r.-.� .�r�� 13T�`�'�"1 [ S 6�C}�..C.�,Y2 4�r� 1'F;� Sic^ k3IC'"a'C;1.k�4 R()f3FS �3�ailciia�� 5��°cr,s ax�d C:n���r�c,Ciaaat� ��4-2t� C,<�k��icrrtrt �,a,sit�a�'�tii�t➢ `�taeszs 27�-�3 L,IGN f �'h'�d�, G�)TJ7�D�C)Ii: 173_6(J; 17:�-t4 I'.,�dsa�itcd 1�Ia���ar6� �`�ra��r7�r�i�l ZtaT7es 27f�-t �2.3 SE4i�`�Fk �JSt • IZF�,f� �J'l i� 9:M E' iv'�'S I�'t�!k C: �.1 N`l "i i l�3 6.1 ' I"C )�t. S 1�7"€a .9C71Pv'T I*�T\Ar <1tS-5 5(�Wt;i� l,:f*�E�,: IJS�%tT' C'R.J8�1.,1d' S��`���f�S 21�-�3, �14-2� �a�ns �,7C��2�� S7"CiFtNl �7a'�a'T &:;kt. MdA t� o� ( m F,ivi�N"T ,� N1L1 F f��:DSI'47�.� �,;NC7 �d;C111w1E:lv l �"CPNT��.d;.t�, 27�_S SCfk31�IV�'�C�)�I (!F° L.A]vL? t34,2� Wr�.1"E'I� F'F2lb"f�C;T"IC)N 2SC�-1 I !C7!Nl��r ?'"��-�; �7'(�-21�.1; 2i���1�J.3; �7t�-21�A.4; 27�-� � 4 �a; 27'0-Z3 � lG��+i@NC;: ;SPI:C"L�,1, �,,�t*tL] UST.`, f�C�"Cnt1�"`�'S' %'7' 7-:�; �� 1- I Cp�, 27I -12„ 2"�l-1 �; 2'7�-1� ��I-i�.C� �N�FX CLL�� C�r!��i �S�rctCir'1I�f3.A�.i1;„ ktCJ[3fl�IS}C ,hh� [.7 1Z:E� &.ISE ..�,� ,� — �;:4��'E"i'k' S'1'��NIA.h:EtC1e5 �����I�.'f LDSE� 1(10-� 11h�1l�wdr'4LS 11�-1 A l�m'i F� �2.�.h7,C,L" '1`i C'K F:'�'� c�_'� I��II�L)lT�i.a � "C 4N�;"}'Rl.{�°.�..�C);�9 �I�[� F{fK1� I'f�k=,"�'F�:N'1'[C11V ]Zti-�� 12�,_7; 1��-�; ]��-�, 125-15 C'c�r7�e�r�r�ti:crn 7.c�ir�s 2?�i-�'2 �'�„Ut��J C3.�.Mr^�tala F��L'VI:�d"i'1C)�G l�7-�; 0�7-�; l�57-'7'. 1'S7-1�7; lS7-i7 l.,Grhe$'cun� I�e;»i�ci�ci�l 1;cr�zcs ?7��-��i l.i�l7� (rrc3uatk�i�1 lom�c,s �7C)-855 �.ac��-r�r�r��, c�u°rn���z 1;3-i, 17�-3, ]73-1:3; 1i�3-I� t�9ultip�Ga; &�:v�idence 1;���es �7(,k-I 11 a�aca��� C��-:�; w���� 8'/1�tY�!w t�hlL1 EtT; C'�I� ���.A'f'C4:?l�+! t�C�l;'f�� 2,f�()-2; ZG)t�-3 Ep�+":1PI:::K7'Y 1"v��1N'9"�;NAI�C'I: �U5_�; "L(15-2; �f➢5-5 t��ca��i �'r��erv��lt�x� 23f�-I 1 SE;"��F (� �Sl:: R�'4�U[ftl C�JII�N"1"ti 1�(it� C'(7 P�`1";R.@;&3U'E't�9tS fi�'C(1 J(:dl�l f 1'(;;�"'I"i� zl�r-1;?I6-5;21%-Ca; �t�-4� �k�;'ti�'t=,� USF: RN�1L�:S, &i�GS. c� C'��CJr�I,."�'lE:`.i CD� �3(J�EZi7 i�F' C'�1931..IC; A��t}921C�;, (.'I"i�"� C.�F� k'1'I�flaC���A�, �p'��'�,y pafi.l�:: '�JA�C"�.12/. �A.A4� B��.Yy SEWA`�„H���, L7l�;f'�'J�At.�t �1flt, C°C)^�t)17 tQ)N1N(P '� k �WSq 'tii�ra.� �7fJ�-��7, �?7(i-2��,'„ M'.7C�-2:�G; �7�1-252; �7()-2�� S`d�C)Ix..h� SG'lA'L[Z Sl``�"�']'°.MI r�,1�17 �r'Uh"7^AC'E 1N.�7"�;12� r�r�������r�c�.r��r�r� <z��-��i; W��.�, ���-i�; zz�-�s STC�� N[W1!!�"t"�;F� �nFi^�,�cal�d��k�N`T` �N'[7 E12(.)�;It�N ,Altil17 S � k���t E�>N,� C'l)S�d"�"fftC➢�, 2,2k�,-2: �Z�-�; 2',2�-5, 2�t�-1:§� �2�-1 � S"f'h�.��"T �a Aiti`f.7 "ro�[71'�.'+�'l�:I..ky,S 2.3O.�G,Ca; 2.3�-4.'� .�'rl.,r1�1)f'�'1ti[C)N �)F� I.,ANf� 2�i4-:�; 234-5; 2:�A-2U; �.a�-2�, 234--�2 Ve&aiele '�J�i�Irt l�u¢a�it� �5C1-7, ?�C:)-9 'N�^�Cew���tar C7i�char�;� Pcrn�ri,s 21(a-9� iA�e"4'"J�J=.kL P�fJ"I t�:C"I`IC3�d � 5 F+-4 � Z()Ttif1NG �7't)-'�; 27'0-5; 77Q-I k�C; 2'�ti�-�19a �7Cd-'�]�7.tl; ��19-'�1�D.4� � 7U-2, ] 4.5 Z,[)N9N4,. SPE:C"ir"�R� Lo1N1:7 N?�L �D1S'1"�1C,"m`'� 2'71-1(7;:2f1-�� �.��.�:rzz�;� .�,�vd� �,"C�M19FEE"atir#'G°tf}Pw .^�d�}��ac7�� c�@'C`taci� H-4 t�l?t,.11..l" l�`�rS lf)U-2 ,Sc^c�.�l.cca ('-�h'dC'f,1V5A1'6�)]+G � r,r�ra�z�m�r�Lr��r,�L 1�& (�1Ur1L1'l"Y ktl; ViF:'�,� ]4t�-15 k= l`kilC S, ("(�L�t� 4y�' �W-G �J:�;,4 k�3.� &'Li"13I.1 C' 'vVC ) I� G�:S C➢�;IT,+�EZT"M1:NITI" Sc9-� �AI� �:,� ��i�r�7�irar� �r6C�acic* �-p; I_c� r'�l7�,IT.,1" U`�E"4 1 C40-2; � t��- r �� .h��rmrail���r;�l "/.,cvnes 27d-2�, 27U.�7 (�'t�aaaant�criiy C�rc�srcic,�r� vall 2rtraeti �7�b-]I �4 �"�r.:�sc,rwaticrn fcra�es'�2�,����9 ]; �7t)-i? � rr.s ts:�-� �'I...C)C)B7 ]�AMAG1::" ��r�vLr�•ca�� i:��-� ��ra7tns�ri;�� i:c�ra�s ?7fi-fl �4) �,a�����sc�i�R C;c�n�����a:r�:�roa'V J�a�ics'�7U-I�� L o�,ht 1nc�u�tri�1 Gass�es �,7�1-[44�; Z7'1;�-14�i Lu'rt�➢Cc:a1 Histit'iraa C:�,�aaa���e�c.i;�al �ane� �7�J-142.5 I.�w L7en�vcy fie�i��rnNial I;nne� �7f1.54; 2"�QI-5� 1�'e.��hR7¢arl��ib'� C:"aaimzrr���caa��, L u��� s 27CI- l:�;; �'7(�9- I 2"� f7dT"ic�e i';�rk i'c�r��rmer�zal 7c�n�s �7d7-12�, �70-i3i k"�d.(}P[° !t7"Y 1'�.� tN'll'�%Nrll"�C'F; 2,fD5d� SF;WI,w,� C➢SI�: lt.kwff;l UI F�I�A�9 P: N"I'� F�Clki, (;�)1�9 i'f��i�U•�„(;�R`� 1N'TCY ,ICbCIV"1" �"��b'C"`�` � � h-3 �k�;WER US�: US�; �1F ['LJf3@_,I� tiEVJ[;12�r 'l�-I S 6"C7i� Nf'�A"i"tw}� 1'�'1.ANraG.i6;Ml:P�I'C ,4'hJI7 � �ac>�;���� ,a�tl� S1a6�IDNal�i�I'I" C'(J�1"E'�t�Ji, �2£#-�i �Z`I"6tI:'lw'I""� Afi�l7 S'1I�k�;'v�'AH�.K� Z�t�-� S�JC�(7IVIS�(xN t��' �..�NL� �?��-i4) 'Jchictl� 6�'u� lin� ���c9 6te�G�ir (_`anrzaaercral �°��ri� � �7C7- 6 3(7, '"��i (�-1 �37;� �'F4)-m ��f3 �C.�T�l1S�Ci ��'(J-�� ."�.7G�-2 fi 1'; �7(1-2I�,�, 271;1-�'„?7 I�JPM"I1`�fa� "�P'1?C;���1.. L.A:hdC) 11.�°,k �aIS`I Ftl(�"I",� 271•3, 271-9; 271-1Ck; 2'F I«I:�; 271-1�; '�"FI-N5; ��71-1Cr� SActiI'1":A�ICJ'v9� �3 G 11 �,�;)1�5�, C"C�N:�;'CIYLYC:TI(�N c��CG3 F'➢R� 6'Ht1.:1�L.N"["�(7t�1 I 2,5-f�; 125-�1 Z�)'NI�;N(� 27f��-227 sa��va�Ya,��s° wnc�t;�'���.� �� �,��.� C5 I:)t� h1r�f aE [�T�.6��u'Ei�l7'C,f.7t� l�"�-�; 157-1� In�lustrial lcrnes �7C�_l�' I�i�ht 1ndu�Irix�1 Crai7e� 7'��. � ,� � M�alii�ale �e�i�leri��: �'a�r7�;� �7t1��i9 .�Cye ��s<� `l'OI�,�"7. E�.��ll�➢ I 11:�5 rA�wl"�A'C"1',(3Cti ,^�1'�'}:r�,E�t�ivCE "f"It."Kk `�'�^; a-V L(7k�GINti:i. `�PF'',�"IriL �,�'if�dC) lP�;l;; 1�iS"I'RiC:I,� 271-9b SA t'k:,6.[,T'�'�.13IS�i AN'CIE�ti�w�S .���� �r��1,�r� �rvr:�r���,s LC9N�N� tiY�>C'IA�. [.�aN17 �I�t.; C)�'s I12Qi�'7""� �71-1�N;??1-1� tif,'HtDi)I.,�i �����a;����r�t�w�; �����-�z, 1tb�-4; 1f�4i-?C� �"s�;s�cultur�l I�i��s 27�&-2? C'raxnr��uaaaty C"�,r�vtit�rci�l z Zuni:� �7tJ-a �5 C;aa��serv��i�n !'una��„ y 7CB- � � t-�i�;h 1:7ec�sit�r �s^�yd�patm�l "Lc�nc� '7i')-7� C..�k�I`rcaa�t C;tar7tzne PcaaaG Leana�:, bifa-14t' l.,akcfr�nt k����denti�l %��N��s 27f�b-G� L.rg}zt �nci�astrir�V �a�n�� 2?C�-1 �5 Li��r:i6� kiisCcarie C"�inbroa�rci�l Z�a�ccs 27(1-] �?.5 P,t�w �ensity k��ea�cr�fia�s� La�nea 77Q)-5S I��eciiurn 9�cn�ity Ctc�vr�entual L,c)r9r; 5 27()-ki � N9c�t�'rlr H�n�s: t'a�k, 7u��c� 27C?-� 7 Rc���l [rre;»�rvaCac�ar � ��7-I � ."aF'E�I7v�K�h'J� �i"n'�'�`l-;P��9S 225�:� VI�.W1C'L�;� A,P�fC'�1 "�"1�AFF"1d' 2;��b-1 Cro �?tJ�1V1N(i 27d�.�� �7GJ,5; 27ti•?C9fiM, 2"��i_,2'�"� Iti�l�N�i. if"��'L��L LiAh�C7 ¢.j��: r����rr�pc �� 271-(a; '�7 �', -�; � 7 � -1 &7; `�71-12; 271-14; �71-1 � 'iCC.?L1'T�R:S �'C7NI Ctl�::a :����-� 1 ��.5 �(�i�k:1�1ti,� A.NI) �;C.F4E�h«ICwG� .��riGull,uraB lc7n�s 2 rtd-�"7; 2�{�-2�, ��CY-�1;'7�N-:37 5't� rfid.sca I�iCJE^a^I�:EtS C'arnr��+:;rc i �a I 7s,rrr�� (�,���er�lly ��f%-l�2 C"csn�eevatic�r7 C«ne� 27()-?'� lair�e��;t�tial,l�ar�� �7CN-Ifaw7 5'cc �tida•n L�41W�.7tiC'�,PITtita I.i�ht li��'u�iri,�( �c�m�e:� 27�1-1 ti4 I'�c�t�ile Iluru� I';�ck G�,�ir�t; t7fY-97 14^iktlt��ales l�e;,aei�asce leaa��;� �?(1-I I 1 ,���}�p 4�5, ��al '�419 j �, \ ,' � SCREENS AND SCREENING... i ZONING 270-5; 270-186; , 270-219;270-219.1 ZONING: SY�CIAL LAND USE DISTRICTS 271-10; 27I-12; 271-13;27I-16 SEARCH WARRAI�TS RENTAL PRdPER7Y 207-2 See.4lso WARRANTS ' ZONIIQG 270-2I9.6 $ECURITY STANDARDS LIGHTING, OUTDQOR 173-2 I+IOI'IF'ICA7ION OF INFORM.ATION SECURITY BREACHES 51-1; 51-2; 51-3; 51-7 SEWER USE: REQUIREMEI+fTS FOR CONTRIBUfORS INTO JOIN'I' POTW 216-27 STORM SE'WER SYSTEM AND SURFACE ' WATERS PROTEGTION 227-12 STREETS AND SmEWALKS 230-4.6 ZONING 270-219; 270-219.1 SEIZURE ANIMALS 112-2; I12-]0 SENIOR CITIZENS TAXATION 239-12 TAXICABS 243-10 SENIOR C1TIZENS EXEMPTION Application For exemption 239-3 Assessments 239-3; 239-5 Grant oFexemption 239-2 Penalties for offenses 239� Qualificadons 239-2 Statutory authoriry 239-I TAXATlON 234-11239-5 Violations and penalries � 239-4 , When effective 239-5 I SEPTIC SYSTEM5 Agricultural Zones 27U-27; 270-34 i $iTILDING CONSTRUCTION AND FIRE PREVENTION 125-4 ZOI�IING 270-217; 270-23D SEPTIC TANKS SEWER USE: REQLTIREMENTS �ax � corrrx�vTaxs ' IIQTO JOINT POTW 216-3 SEWER USE: USE OF PUBLIC SEI�VERS 214� � ZONiNG 270-219.5 SERVICE STATIONS SeeRlso GAS STATIOAiS ZONi�1G 27D-218 ' SETBACKS ; Agricultural Zones 270-26; 270-27; 27U-31; 270-34 Commercia] Zanes Generally 270-120 Conservation Zones 27D-17; 270.19; 27U-22 High Densiry Resideatial Zones 270-77; 270-82; 270-64 ITHACA INDEX Industrial Zones 270-167 I.akefront Cozttmercia! Zones 270-141; Z70-142.1 Lakefrant Residendal Zones 270-4I; 270-43; 27U-46; 270-48; 27Q-49 Light Indastria[ Zones 270-152 Low 17ensity Residential Zanes 270-54; 270-b0; 270-62 Medium Density Residential Zoaes 270-66; 270-71; 270-73 Mobile Home Park Zones 270-89 Multiple Residence Zones 270-109 Neighborhoad Commercial Zaaes 270-126; 270-127 Signs 270-254; 270-255 SUBDIVISI03�f OF LAND 234-20; 234-24; 234-34; 234-36; 23437 Vehicle Fueling and Repair Commeroial Zones 270-I38 ZONING 270-5; 270-191; 270-219; 270-219.1; 270-219.3; 270-219.4; 270-219.5;270-223; 270-230;270-230.2 ZONING: SPECfAL LAND IQ N USE DISTRICTS 27I-5; 271-6; 271-7; 27I-B;271-10;271-1I; 27I-1�3; 271-15; 271-I6 SEWAGE DISPOSAI., INDIVIDUAL SeeAlso II.LICTT COi�iIHECTIOI�IS SiJBDNISION OF LAND 234-24 SEWAGE �iSPOSAL, PRIVATE SeeAlso TLLICIT COM�fECTIONS Private Sewage Aisposai 214-8;214-9;214-10; 214-II SEWER T1SE: USE pF PUBLIC S�WERS 214-5 SEWER DISTItIGTS SEWER USE: US� 0� FUBLIC SEWERS 214-5 SEWER RER"TS Applicability 210-10 Assessments 210-2; 210-6 Charges 210-4; 2I0-6; aioa; ��o•s Collection of other costs 210-7 Cooperadon by owner aF rca] properry 210-5 Correction oFerrars 210-8 Costs and expenses 21D-2; 210-7;210-9 DeSnitions 210-3 Grievances 2 ] 0-8 HeariAgs 210-4 Improvemenu 210-2; 2f0-9; 210-12 Liability 2I0-6 I.ieas 210-6; 210-7 Meters 210-5 Notices 210-4; 210-fi Payment asd collection; liens Cor unpaid sewer rents 210-6 33 Purpose and intent 210-2 Records 210-6 Severability 210-11 Sewer Rent Fund 210-9 Sewer rents 230-4 Sewers 210-1; 210-2; 210-�i; 2] 0-5; 21 D-6; 2] 0.7; 210-8;21D-9;210-10; 210-12 5uperseding and amending of prior legislation 21U-12 Surcharges 21U-6; 210-9 Title 210-1 Towp Board 21Q�; 210-6; 210-$;210-9;210-12 Town Clerk 210-6 Town Engiaeer 210-5 Town Supervisor 210-6 Vioiations and peaalties 210-6;210-9 Waivers 210-6 Weter 210-2; 210-5; 210-6 SEWER USE: ADMINISTRATION AND AMENDMENTS Contlict with other �rovisians 217-1 Heanngs217-2 Madification procedures 217-2 Notices 217-2 Severability 217-3 Sewers 217-1; 217-2; 217-3; 217-4 Superintendent ofPublic Works 217-2 Waivers 217-2 When effecrive 217� SEWER USE: REQUIREMENTS FOR co�uB[rroRs INTO dOINT POTW Accidental discharges 216-14; 216-22 Administratioa 216-2 Air conditioning 216-3 Alternative discharge limits 216-12 Animals 216-5; 216-14; 216-43 Applicahility of other requirements and prohibitions 216-51 Ashes 216-5 Assessments 2T6�1 Attorteys fees 216-43 Categorical P:eheamnent Standards 216-7 Cesspools 216-3 City Attomey 216�2 Civil penalties 216�3 Compliance ardec� 216-38 Confidentia[ information 216-29 Confidaaaaliry 226-29 Construction 216-3; 216-13; 216-i4; 216-26 Costs and expenses 2I6-1; 216-5;216-13;216-I4; 216-26; 216-33; 216-3a; 2I6-43 Crimina! fines and im�risonment 216-44 Definit�ans 216�9 Aefinitions and word usage 216-3 Dilutioa prahibited ifl absence of Ireatment 216-11 Dirt 216-3 Ihaiaage 216-3; 216-5 Dumping fees 216-34 Dumpin� location and dmmg 2I6-32 Dumps and dumping 216-32; 216-33; 216-34 bust 216-5 Emergencies 216-14 Enforcement 21Cr351216�2 Exp]osioa harands 216-5 Explosives 2I6-5 Fees 216-34; 216�3 See Fees 216-45121C�7 Fire hazards 216-5 Fuel 216-5 Fumes ZI6-5 Garbage,rubbish aad refuse 216-3; 216-5 Gases 2I6-5 General discharge prolu'bitions 216-0 Geeeral Provisions 216-11 216-3 G1ass 216-5 Grass ciippings 216-5 Groundwater 216-3; 216-5 Hazardous rrtaterials and su6staaces 216-22 Ha�ardous wastes 216-14; 216-22; 216-3I Hearings 216-39; 216-40; 216� 1 Heating 216-3; 216-5 Holdiog tanks 216-3 Immineut endangerment 2I6-35 Industrial user 2I6-3; 216-4; 2i6-7; 216-8; 2I6-1Q; 216-1 l; 216-13; 216-14;216-22; 216-23;216-24; 216-25; 216-26; 216-27: 21 Cr28; 21636; 216-37; 216-38; 216-39; 216�0: 216-41; 216-42 Industrial wastes 216-3 [�spection and sampling 216-27 Inspec4ons 216-25; 216-26; 216-27: 2i6-29; 216-33;216-39 Legal activn 216�2 Liability 216-I4; 216-38; 21fr�0; 216�3 Licenses and permits 216-3; 216-29; Z15-35; 216-38; 216-43 Local Limits 216-481216-51 Manholes 2I6-26 Manure 216-5 Modification of Categorical Prelreatment Standards 216-8 Monitoring and analysis z��-za Monitoring faciGties 216-26 Namral resoeuces 216-3; 216-14;216-43 Notice afviolation 2I6-40 Notices 216-14; 216-22; 216-26; 2I6-27; 216-26; 2I6-29; 216-33; 2I6-35; 216-36; 216-40; 216-41 Notices of violations 216-40 Notiflcation of dumping 216-33 Nuisances 216-5 Obstructions 216-5 Other harmficl discharges 216-36 Paper216-5 Penalties aad Costs 216-431 216-44 Supp 48, Ju12019 S p�T��.:l��:� �i�V"I7�;;� �;�w�;�a [r�;�:: ���.�rrta��t�;n���.rw�c•� �°�� �C:C)CV°i'FtI�B�1'Cd�I�ti 1�'"1"(? J(�T�!"�" 1'U"�V�w"... P`la�t�cs 2�C,..S 1"U1k�1,�1',�f;" ��'(�kiN��, t"�'Ck. 1'��t�� ? I li.,?� (.)}�' I°1 �t,"�G'A„ NY, F2:�?: Pr�tr� �krcb��akm ? a ��-1:� '�V,�'� � ��C �1 � i'i"�,"k`> Puab9ucaattt�:bav ar9" pz�,� �aS` �a�;�r^✓e�f��: 1)�tiB�'C:1S,M�, �4. vrt� 9�'t�u:ts �� 0 Rw-;3�7 I� p C� t"�" k�ti"%'�X"I"lf)'NiiYC I'u;r�wra�.a aan<� u�g7�Vac��ru�iC}r "°"a'°' ca�w�r�rss�:�; lasc•�rtias�c� 2ll �,--�f� � I ti_:3i �'�sr�sar�sa", ��,n��;�4atiN�,y, ?a�,�«t �aclirP�� Ii�re, wn ,�;,�c :2 ��r• 5 Bt�4:c�rt1�����p�rcv� P���a�uan��r�r�,rrt� ? 1 �a-< � Fi��,�av�i:s '2 8 l� �: ; ;?,1 d7-�.5„ � 1 fi-J. ;', ? 4 (w,">"); 2 I�i..:� d�; ?! ki-41; ? 1 d'r-��ti �ec}fc9ira� 2' a t`i-1; 2] Cb-3„ 21 �c.f�4� Ii�;�,u1�4'ti���a�r ���`'��JW��rCa°w�sa¢t°r I�i�al��d�r��� ��q�e-�', �l�-#<� F�:��arorYia�� r�•a�puucaar�e^ryrt� � � �,_,�r� Re���rirrr�; ��u�u�i�^�rrnctaal��; �4�rpti9�>p^tirt�;, 4ayt,b�o:c:Guur7a � � �i-���`� I (a-"�f�� m'�e�r�t'1� 21 �`r q 1,; � I l�r-i ��; � � Ra-2'��?. :� 1 Ira-7 ��3; 2 � fa-;��,�, � I d7 � `Y�. 29 Ca. ��;�; "� � F��� ��;��� 21 �-411; "� � (r��4 l�i�,la� +a8' ���we:��c�rr �' a�w- d C� Lt�a�f"s 2 fl 4a,� S�f�t�� cE�,rr;isxc�6;� � I',s- I ; 21�4 �M:?'➢�n-t"�,2�'6C"�-�'€k Sa�le� m 0 �5 ;i ��curua� �r7��s,a��.���rel� �'1 t�-?�7 ���rt��� c�m��,l�«a¢�a; e�quir�^ata�ra�� ��Qi-w�1 ���at��c 1}s��.°Faaar�gcti �1Ca-��11 21 fa-3�& S�g�tzd�,c tr;�Gr9r;r r�s��arc:rrr�i�is 2 I fro_;i�� 4��t�a h;uti�k,� 2p4`r-wt ��wttu�� 11 ��- n ; � � �p :�,e � R Cr-5; �Itro� w",, �' Itu.�� i6:bcar�r �^ aaa�^ aa� �ruaa� �6G»-4➢ S�i�^���t�r�° r�r�abaaao��ac����a�.w � I (x-���, Slt�� Cta�sti-srl �Slaerr� "�.0 f�-ii; »�rlac3 w�.�t�:, ? 1 fa-3; � 1 ia-5 `ip7rcidic cia�c�yra�°C�� ��r�l�ila���ia�mtt�5 �1f�-5 5��a°'rire° p�+:,11a�t�nro�t adaru��a�a�w,��� � I t����; 2 fl �r-;�t� ���tc rc��uraN°� uuuamwt� � 9 Ri.� :�anruu�� � I �;..,� �d�ai�z� �+:�.r�°�«���;..5, 5z�rrz�w���t�z � I �r4�� iu.��c�r��u<:��a <aA�d �a�a-a��,�terv�� a�tl� g��^r�avrAin � � ��a-:�°�� ,�,.��t� 21 �+-��"�; 2 � ��-2�� 7.s�alet f��iPi,tu�^�; ?I!a-� 'N"r°c�suas u„�° �.ro, 8 h..:4 Vsi}�cars 21Ni�-�S 4°a�iacrcc.� �94ry-�, "�8iw-tll �"icro8aqi�s�a� �srac3 ���rrraaCi�s 2 I�-;3; � f tz-�a; '� 1�-� I�; � [ "a-�:?; 2 � 4i,2 �; � � �i-'<?�; � � Er-�;�. 21(,-��; s��-.fik�; 21 �w_:��sW; 2 91ro-�&����; 2 I 4a-� 1 v? B�r-�� �'; �i��-<�:�'; „ll(;•��, �1�;-�;C) 5'ec^'a�'a:�t�:�°aat�rr 17a�a,1°xwar���. 1'en��a�.� .".1 Ca-1 �`�? � (r-2.1 k�/�ter�l�k-I, ll�r :3; 2ICi-�, 21 f�--1 k W�at�r q�i��9taa���� 21 f,b-3 �'"�rt� rc�r�ar,sa ^� 2 � (;- � '�'cl Is .� 1 ��-:� "�"1":tiV�,FC [J"�F:: ��.�i b�;�"�, �+i�,�n�"n. �'. i"��°.�r:"�.�..'.����.�� [7�" �C)�w,ll��"1 Q�F' �ifr�au�i��oanrc�t 215 ii'1 ,�ar �°�nu3r�urar�rir��W ?! 5-;i�:%, �I.4-✓�£?„��I�s�11,'?Y�-�3 Aprc�k�a���dtC-; � l5, 5� �".�pdi�°�als;r'ar� f�o' p��rir�at � I 5-�� ���a�lic��tMe��a� e��l' ��4^�crr��c,�» � � :�,,.� A�a�rNw� ��iea��4�w ��aa ���ai�r s�rs� �t°ww�wr, a°���,�a�aro�i�a�il6ty dr.o-r ��°r� i��r �scvci ��r�sdus��a�a�4im�w� �"�a«t�r"��S' '. G S- 7', Fs�ijc'��r�� �tl,:i-���; 2�5.�7; ."�N5•:��; 2f;�..�ea. Miw�a,c� � [ �_?:3, �° k �-5� k���,��i➢I�N�� �IS-5� L��a'ric•�t�1�; s � � � .,� � L�1��:9ia7�.a � I `�.."�4 l�l�a�°k:� 21 `>-5�t T�a3n��ti � 1;°r_� 13rucf�,a�, 2 4 S-S+� C'a,��qw.�r�ti, ;�' 1 `�-�� � CI��u��;xoq�, r�a�a�:� ai7ci r,��e,� � B �%-.d� C°k�xu�a�>aG��r, �sp��, �a:n� rc �?zcV�tki4:rt"t�, "? � 5_�;�. C"hz;em'� ��: �? 1 �i..',t", "� 15_:5;. � �'v• 7; "��� 5• ��: �� I 5-1�1; � � �-�Cl C'iiy ['I�r� �15..1� C'�rs��Rru�9is.roa?I.i ��e; � 8 ��,5,4 �.°�ao:�stns+��osss� ���ryx�a �'.,15• ti�� �w cw,�fl� �ta��� �:;� ����aa�,�^ti '' 9 5-�; 14�_IC�� �1;��.�"t; ?95�:a1; �����q �:;'4tiv�fl�a�, ?�.ti� St�::"I;a..54 t.�a�9prraar��q�s wl:�•��ti1 I�r:�a:aaar�a�:��t �,d' I'z�l�slic �V��c&:s � m1^, Z��;�.US,..�fi��7 I:)grt :� a 5,.,,�,,� �"�a��c�+����a�rtiur� a�f ;,�rr�i�;�;. �? 1:� M:3 "P �rs,iastw�;s; � i �..�� L�rov�: w, .�:w�� ;i � '�_ �R�, l;aa,°�r7���zt il���vi.x�h ��rav��at� �r¢rv�rc��y "�65-1� f�K�s�sr�a.°o�tw � B'i'..l � �?�'{�;� &wr��• d�A,attr � i �;,..;y�� Lnav�,a��¢ni,utirti i' 15_�i4 F:,xa�sa�.�rcaana� :.' 1 �-w,��; 11'�-��& l:�x�a➢cr�ae �M 2 � 4-:i�i �r� fi�r pa�rru�xC 71 �-:�:� �°��s 715-�,; '215��„ ��;�-11�; 215-3QIw :? 15 •:i:�; "�" l 5-u�� 8-��:� dr:,r �c,r-w�dc�° s��ac� �~��ui��s���,x�� r°c����'9 `� t �_ �I ��7 � � �rra c;r, Z q �+. "r� 6°idV %1 �_'+�4 ��rre hy��r,��t� 7 � 5�5; �1 S•"�°, �p5,.5�y ��"i�r�� pa��rGaraY����a�u �"1.���"7 ��l,�ru�sraa�8auc � ?, � `�..w�;� Ee��,@ �Iw�r..�'3 t��r�t���a:�, uuu9xtra�,�w <+aa�t rc°f"ia �a: 2G5.��; � 15.�;��, C'r�s 21:�«.4 fi; � I :5--_`i4 t���ti �t�t�u.rsu�; � N �r..31 �;��r�r�[ � & 5� 1' 2I �- I� �ac�rM�. ? 3 ti..,3 i �u��,a�.^� �u��al �n����i�M� �15'�-�k; 7 d 5..��� �.ihV1;G.k:"T"4 � � �--�."'�'�� F1+�..aCurs�,'�T��i--�(8; P1i..;��. }ica��I�M� rt��tila�ali�l��as � I �-S�� 9rr¢p�re�r�a��r ti�w �r'�"��*w, �r,�� �r I �-;� � ➢s���wr�a^va: ua�cr��.�; :� 1 �� Vru��pse,rM�lc�rrt �.crvaca g�ap�es ��s.:� Dta"��"�d��4:rklrrr7 MY'r9f� �R��'�per�vY�,�„ T�i"lYl"�4.[1�'. � � .`.h- � �' tz���,�c�tix�sa� "� 1 `.a-1 "; .2 � .''r-29; �1�.�I�,�15-�43�, � �l 5-�r4; �'15'..r����ry ?15 �.�i,'�IS.S�� Ira��ro��'�9ari° :? fl 4-t 1 ln�»N�adl:a�n�r�a d�c��ti arrx�z¢at�°rM�as�c��, �a�';`+;�tsMdt;at��,° scvu�,� �;rc;�e�w�c'�� � I �,.,?��1 9er�ual0�ticara ;�rY�i b�u�a��rot�:at�a�c� �,:,�.����,i�,c �i9a�� ?Y 5-� l I ���,rtdal a�dharmre ���I'" ��� u�o�r �B3mtiax�� �'C�.2c) O.w�vn�< 21.5_5:� d, oadhuVti�y .' 15,.,aa � N �_� �.¢s�a�ats�,�, n�ic1 �a�ras�o��; �1�-i�; �15_:��; � � � �<, � r �._���; �* A 5_�5�, "� 1'w,.S4) U.�cr�� �15-� C�9���lrcal�^; ? C`*. 34; '1 k S-�r�; 2�5.5�. Ca9�ca�arc 21 �_�;'� ➢v�ct�s� ;� I.�_""; 21 �-3 f��rtx�����, � I�- I: 2', I,�i-f�, 21� ��! 2,��5-<���; 2� �-�}�, �b �e��Y �J��n:�<u°re°�,.� �1:�-:4:� t)�r�„tl'.�tac ¢�tWirs ;a: I *�•si�. '' I � -5-4 l�)wu�t�a:�a� �vf��aru�cffwy ii�a���e #r�r a„It���;a��'?' I S-� lyc,<l�wtr°��a7rv � 15-"'v� k7�moa�Jtiw�� �s7r�r�"�i:�^�c,� � 1 ti_ �17 9�����r�u� ���a�budr��0.� 7i�-��#� �yto�qt7u� d�� �rr��.aVl �° N S_��� b'ca��i� a�� a���a;rt��a� �1 "��.�p5� �'1�a;9u�� .�.15..�3 8'i�br7a�+��� � 1;� ���, � 9 �-„��, �1� �9;�1�`�•-:3�"; �m1i �<;�t"i_�.1,?(S_."M,� B'1 a� r�ak,ia��, �' 1�..el; 2 8"� _�:� y 21 �-��; "� I `�_,'i7 �'BGn:¢n�ft�ii�� ["��at��� ��15..�; � I 5-� �; s 1:5-��'„ �'I� �"7„�,15-ti�& P�tlzk��v4�fr�� iaz � �x���furb�r b:Yticila3u�u� ��i-� F�afirtroai� 2''15-�C„� f"urv;�a��t �c�wr��°i°'ll�u���, wd5�-.3fe f�ari�«^y �w�ta��,w � 1 �'��;�;� ����a���ac�u��c w�,n;m�, 215-3� Xi»ai',�5 t�"rr �Lrt�d.C�� a�aatE�bC�� G:`iiy a'rr�vafs �?a�.7 G� �+�;a:r�r��� '7 N � � P� �� ftr�����alc,r 1 I ti.51 12a;a�GA¢^�aY�aart �rf��^wc��a�,o� � � 5..,�,� i�aaA�� C.i�r+.a�����isa�„ C�ta1��IG:ttd4r��v 'wMrt� d:;)��r.ato�arr ca�`.��xa_ ('�xcsa3a�ro�snsr¢� �aaal. I�: �: (a a �;c°rt�t zo: rrr k�a�zuaq�r7r����Y � S 5-���'I! �b5��;-� fd�u�e� �zar� �s�"c;�,ar�sr7ae°t 2.15-1 �,.-ofa;+ty :,taaarcltxrcl� � 9 5-�4 �,�zaataa'Y Iarc�ie � Cr`c7r� � I S-� 7 ��^;r+��i�� ari�3 c�sm���rn}�d��rrr o^ret�� aari�I �rz�yto�� c�,cs'q ���ac°���I 1"�r:� ��ro,�i c�tMa�s,aw: P'ryelrarrt ��xvrce� :' 1 �.� �m�a�i�rm�alaiy ?;I 5.5:? 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N ����,�� .� ���w 7 ��� �..��a��°��rn�ca. �;:���'� ��c���:��z ➢7���I�'��� ri7a:��,�➢� p (����°�ae k"�r� 7,�ra�;� µ �C;t.��7 �� h�9;ta11,i�1a; �t4;,is7eroc� %usa�:� ?7t�-I �? �Jrbxi�a°r.as�t;xu�trit��; C���;� ;t?I�-�d)�; �74�2�t� �'tus�r���^a11)� varl�ar�p�on,e�s�z i'��ir�� f767..�7� �`�G � h�d fs`TC u?�'f�• i� 1, 7�,"'d1 6 %a�; �7�N� 1 �'�; 2',7&I�-C�ti; 27�)-l��n; 2:"�dr �+#�y�"/`l-0����; �"1&) I �iki� �"7'1-217� 2"7C)-2I!�; :',7t:1-T 1 ��, � ; `?7(l..�r 1 �1.3; ? °7()-�? 1 �.�; v"7f)-"�.°,I').�, 2147-22:�; Z'7%Y-:!��„ :"?l� ��.�d�„ ?7(d.. �:�h� �7C1- �:"s7;, 27�-�' RSY;, :.'71�,..����5 r/C��kP�N�:d: �1°B���C:"�/hC.'�9.�:�'w��� QJ `�k, l�l*�,1,1� P'`T"� �?7i,?; �°rN,.�, 271-�C; �''7 � -�D; �?� � t - � ��; �� � �-'10� ; �"P�-1µ�'?�?I-l�3; :Y.'7�w1�;�"�I��1.ti '^'r➢'�`E; P1,�A@�' M�I!;�"I�:"IA�' ��l"wf) c'41'1"�t�)'VA,4, r��;ra�ulCu�•��I ,+canc�; 7_7�M-3 r 4 °ar c7roatia� r� �;�� ;✓�,rqt�e � �:��tac�M°��11� 27t�.12� I1.1��i' IS�..;r C at6��lse�avt l"�ariiaa�v�ru i�rd l,r:�ita°ti "v°7i�-l�i.fl d�dy�.tfrarral t�c�sys�c�ntgW�d G�n�:� 2�Gi-��t`v tl�➢f"ak�"1 INCo, 4 �C..0 1 [7���f� I"dfi-It3 hwiul2ipaUt gt�;�i€,9�r�M�•� �;���e�� �?7(�•1 I 1 ll:'p�lQh�!(� �7(l� I ��; ;���`a�.r � t�a�, �`�ap-� �;; „"?Nd-1 �J�;; ;',"7(P-2°.)(i; �� �I�-� G �k; ,�";7h�.."� I �.1; �r �Cl ;� � ��. �, �i"l�-"�" V ��.'4; ��7(.7- � fl'➢. �;, :c il"&-�2��'� ."�°olp �".27, ;2:'i(k-�:?�� �*�a1�l�iv tii�l;t;l �9. �„��11� LI �a� 171 "�a � 1� iC".1 "� i'�1 !;1;s?"T1-15 ti� ➢"6^; 1'I,Atti'."�" r���chew�ili�a��l %,�rMa��; � �4)-��. �Id)« 9i� 13k.,C1]',.,1)MNCi C':�( Di�d�'C(���,�Jd:"'1 It7T'� ��I� I`IQ�L: C"It�"�'1,:1ti'�`1<')T�1' ��^"+-� � "au�v�:aa�rczAal Caam��:�; !_�pe�n� rr�➢�y �" FC9�-1 � �4 %'��N"�Y.:id"✓hl"84�b:wd f�t`b,�,$�:C� �:��-w� Cw;s.,r��cn�u�0.v`s�n'.✓.�.aary�w �7(7-➢;ro; �,',?(1-:�2, �'��!-Myd I l:l�"� �5� ,; t5�3-� lrr��tiis��,ritrl l�a�r�.�� � l��}. � �r � ; � 7t)- 9 7 I 1 ��k�1'i•ars�l C �������r�ere°;i�al �r'�rvaa�,� 2"7C�.,��+�.4 I.�ak �+l"reraat f^� c.sii6'€^s7tl e<i� Geronc s �"T���1��5 I,���st BraiJrn;;tlrti�uV �".�a��es �? ;I(;8-1 �rtr ��a��'s1r� kia�bt�� F'�ar� L�rn��;w �?'Ck_tJ',r; �';rd�,..y�; �wtx�lti�a�c pte:,a�lc:r�a-�: �:carre« 17'�-1 1 1 „ � �I�- � � �. �'iabr�s�c�rl I.)e°v� N r��awa�r:nt CaMa�t^s J"1(�. b "ltS `�i�rr;a ;�'7(Y 2;5 �; 'A'.7i1-�"�r17 ��,1't:�I:7�1 V I �;I�:���N d.)k� L.,���N�C) 2:�a-�e;� 2w��r-��� M'�m�lta�r�tt��� �?awc°�2;ar,P�e �'a+0°ir�art� b',l�i-1�i �"���,'��iCn �'F(�-I�G; ���7I�W-1 k� �; �2�,74"�-1 &��R�; u�,��d- t �C�; ';� 7Q:p_ 1 �'fw;. a'7R)-���'; 27�-I�&k� "l., �"�l- q ��J; ;2?U- t ����; � 7''1- l �1 a„ � 7f�-1 ��2'W � 7(�- I'�.1„ '� �"I;�-1 �t� u ���7-1189„ ���'9�-2�7'a, �'� I��- "� � �� � �£P-2 � ��, V ; "" IC�-� ➢ �l u. �']l� � 11 �,��; �� J'C�-�° 11'� �; �7(i ��„�'; ?'�(�_2�i; 2TG�.��4,C7, �!?(p,.1,:�fr: ���M-.�.��ti; :?'1C�,..:2:�65 .�(1�JX�(,n. "�I'Iti`C�4L Lfx��) l l`� P:!; I)!'�"�"�Z I l;"f'� ?'7d•�, �?I-:C, y"rE-�; 2,11_"�; �i"1at;, �7�-�"w �'JI-1�; �"71•���,�7'U-4(�; "l71•q 1, 27�-1�„ �"� I-tl �. ^7b-l;�&, :>'71-15; �7➢,-U� '�al±: � °I`N;Cit).�, ��.If �ti Se°m' C�Gd':""z! G 1::`a S1�F.^,'�"(.'1M k'[,�Te"��' �S111�E)gVl�al(:71'� f.3��' �.�t1�[� 1;��9-1 � GC�9�1PN�; �"1(1-lRa,; :?'7C6� 1 �; �; ?"�ID,m � ��, 2�IY-1 �7k� �ti�tiM:"Cf'1� �'q,�"1°�w �vU.11�1?I��1°+Sd?� (;MF' Lr�^vt� �'a4-�"r, �34-�'�N; �3��S9,D; ?���,32� 1,��-36 ��w'1.,�� t1��Ii'M"�^�6i,B�C�LCS�S Psailr�r,m�usa'I �arUae�'�?�5-1:5� :✓tJh�Nl'�lt,":a "�i'C;�"1AL Ltkh1C) C1"�&!4 �714�"�1�"�S ;"_7C..&�� tiiwiC)��+: Ap�riru�lurs�l !<�A7e� ti7(9-2.5 (al��1.,17fM1iip t"C)�J �"l"wt V J i:.,ll ICSi�➢ Ah�l) 1°'l�l�: f'�k�VF h+il4:;ti?� 1�5-7 C'�Ms�a���ie�e°sal �a�r��� � �cate��l lly �,7G.M• i �.2 1 a�i7ti Ix'ualiw��ci,xV l",i;naa�°ti .�!7C�- l 5'� itT;P�"0'°�'�i., 1"F��1k�M�::�.'1�"Y „��,M°i��:2 :1C7N1PJq:a � ���1-21 "�.'.�.; �7f�-2,1�3.�ro 1;C.d1ti8�N�.a. `zl'F.�",.1AL. ZAhJ'�J 4 J'�T': ���'�"T f� �(° ��.,� �71-5, ��fl-�a„ �?t-RCY; ��"I � � ,� �a A1G.)�ti,i�: N'�k:1 i�:f:"�"4,:i�S �}�129hJk;:t.,I;l�, "�Y"'S"��;5�'�ti ���..,�r..) �;�j��_� :"il'r�G)�F';M,I"w� 8�"�r �,?A�11^:��C n k; �"w C" I kw,� ,��� 1,�,�1i"r�(El"��w,�� `��:C"� S*vl�Wi�1,(��6�Ia�:"� G'h�9t�".� hk�C1 � I:i:"1: � �°1 IC�",w" Al2t"'.r��i 2�l(.h-"� �&tf)I'N:l�'C`1' P+x�E r� l'J @"7.,1�a�`� P� Qw' �: �?'(�5_�r �+G:)("M,Aq, 5�'�,�°"lil�.l'I`'�r ,�'� l �l�llw'7' � I �1�5 � ��.��-� N4:}1 rt�1t;:'.F4 i 9C1.�;' �)F IS�,rk�"�C�i� h+�Fa"C'I�)N ����:'6. �C'T""a' 138t:C;��C ��1::,� 50-1 '�4�tI., k:��i::)S1Cl�, .�4.Pti'T� �1%a.Y��U�PVI��;�""V"' �°�C'�",4"I �td'dC,� C.axr�5:�e�s•�v�4i��r� t`,a:a��c� "�7�-��"� �°���� �d.rr� l �t()"aI(:J;'�4 AN[.) �,F.r.�lr��vr�°r c��a�v r r�r �r:.. ;�aa[�p� ��, ita4 �17fl�' r �\ ; � ITHACA INDEX SOII. EROSION AND SEAIMENT , CONTROI,... STORMWA'iER Office Park Commercial MANAGEMENT AND Zanes 270-131 EROSION A7VD SEWER USE: RULES, SEDIIviENT REGS. 8c PENAL'I"I�S CONiROL 226-2; OF BOARD OF 228-3 PLTBLIC WORKS, SUBDIVISION OF LAND C1TY OF ITHACA, 23426 NY, RE: WATER ZOND+IG 270-219 SUPPLY, SEWAGE SOIL REMOVAL DISP05AL & AIIt See DIRT COTi�ITIONING SOLAR COLLECTORS 215-33 � ZONIlVG 270-5 Signs 270-260 ZOMNG: SPECiAL LAND Vehicle Fueling and Repair USE DISTRICTS Commercial Zones 271-9;27]-11;271-1A; 270-138 27I-15 ZONII+IG 270-146; SOLAR �NERGY 270-197; 270-198; ZONII�IG 27D-5; 270-219.1 270-201; 27U-202; SOLAR ENERGY 270-217; 270-219; SYS'I`EMS 270-219.3; 270-219.4; ZONWG 270-5;270-219.1 270-219.5;27Q-223; SOLID WASTE 270-227; 270-228; SeeAlso GAitBAGE, Z70-235; 270-236; RUBBISH AND 270-237; 270-239; REFCISE 270-243; 270-245 SeeAlsoRECYCLING ZdNWG:SPECIALLAND SEWER USE: USE DISTRICTS REQUIRENiEN'I'S 271-3; 271-9; 27I-13 FOR SPEED LIMITS CONTRIBUTORS Sigu 270-256 Q�TO IOINT POTW SPRIPIKLER SYSTEMS 216-3; 216-5 Accessory buildiags and STORM SEWER SYSTEM shuctures 225-3 AAfD SURFACE Administratian 225-9 WATE4tS Alatm systems 225-8 PROI'ECTI03� 227-2 Appearance tickets 225-7 SeeRlso TRASH Applicahility 225-I SPECIAL PERNIITS Batteries 225-2 Agricultural Zones 270-27; Bed and breakfast 225-3 270-31; 270-38 Bowling alleys 225-3 See�llso BUILDWG Building construction 225-4 PERMITS BUII.DING Commeroial Zons CONSTRUCfION Generally 270-114 ATID FIRE Community Commercial PI�VENTION 125-7 Zones 270-134; Building faspector 225-2; 270-135 225-5;225-7;225-9 � Conservadon Zones 274-12; Building permit 225� 270-13; 270-22; 270-24 Building permits 225-0; ENVIRONMENTAL 225-9 QUALITY REVIEW Certificate of occupancy or 148-5 certificate of FEES 153-2 compliance 225-5 Higti Density Residential Certi�icates of compliance Zones Z70-78 225-5 Iadustrial Zones 270-L58; Certificates of occugancy 270-160 225-5 Lakefroat Commercial Churches 225-3 Zones 270-141; Code Enforcement Officer 270-142 225-2;225-6 LaEce&oat Residen6al Zones Construction 225-4 270�2 Costs and expenses 225-4 , See.4lso LICETTSES AND Dance fialls 225-3 , PERMITS Definitions and word usage , Light Industrial Zanes 225-2 � 270-i45; 270-146 Exception 225-6 Limited fiistorie Fire prevention 225-2; Commeroial Zoues 225-4; 225-6; 225-9 270-142.3; 270-142.5 Fire protection 225-2; 225-6 Low Densiry Residential Garages 225-3 Zones 270-55; 270-58 Group homes 225-3 Medium Density Residen6al Hospitals 225-3 Zones 270-67 Hotels 225-3 Mobile Home Park Zones Liabiliry 225-7 ' 270-90 Library 225-3 Multiple Residence Zones Mixed iese huildings 225-IO 276-102 Motels 225-3 Neighborhaad Commercial Muldple family dwellings Zones 270-127; 225-3 27U-128 Museums 225-3 Nonwnforming Uses 270-214 37 New buildings require� to have sprinkler systems 225-3 Nursing homes 225-3 Penalries for of%nses 225-7 Places ofworship 225-3 Restaurants 225-3 Schnols 225-3 Smoke delecWrs 225 2; 225-3 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 225-2;225-3;225-4; 225-5; 225-6; 225-8; 225-9; 225-10 Stora�e 225-3 Two-family dwellings 225-3 Variances 225-8 Violations and penalties 225-7 Water 225-6; 2I5-21 WATER PROTECTION 256-22 Zoning Board of Appeals z2s-a STEEP SLOPES Conservation Zones 270-10; 270-22 Lakefront Residential Zones 270�3 STORMWATER MATiAGEMIIdT AND EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 228-2; 228-6 ZONING 270-5; 27D-186; 270-188;270-189; 270-219.5 STOPINTERSEGTIONS VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC 250-18 STOP-WORK 0[iDERS �UILDiNG CONSTRUCTION AND FfRE PREVENTION I25-6; 125-11 Conservation Zones 270-22 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVEA'TIOIr[ 157-I1; 157-12 STORM WA'I�R MAA'AGEMENT AND EROSION AND SEDIMENC CONTROL 228-5; azs-is STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 230-4.7 STOItAGE Agricultural Zones 270-27 BUiLDING COI�STRUCTION AND FIRE PREVEN'1'ION 125-4 Commercial Zones Generally 270-114 Community Commercial Zones 270-135 Conservauon Zooes 270-17; 270-22 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVEIV'TIOA1 157�; 157-11 High Density Residential Zones27�-82 Industrial Zones 270-159; 270-I6fl Lakefront Residential Zaoes 270�6 Light Industrial Zones 270-144; 270.145; 270-146; 270.155 Low Densiry Residentiaf Zones 270-60 Medium Densiry Residential Zones 270-71 Mobile Home Park Zones 270-91; 270.97 MulUple Residence Zones 270-10! Neighborhood Commercial Zones 270-128 PROPERTY MAIIVTENANCE 205-2 RENTALPROPERTY 207-2 SEWER USE: REQUIREMENTS FO[L CONTRIBilTORS INTO JOINT POTW 216-3 SEWER USE: USE OF PUBLIC 3EWERS 214-I 5PRINKLER SYS'i&M5 225-3 STORM SEWER SYSTEM AND SURFACB WATERS PROTECI'IOAi 227-2; 227-8;227-9 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Ai+iD EItOS[ON AND SEDIMEN'T CON7'ROI.. 228-5; 228-9; 22B-10 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC 25Q-22; 250-24 ZOPIING 270-5; 270-219.Z; 270-2 ] 92; 270-219.4; 270-219.5; 27U-219.6; z�o-Zz� ZONING: SPECIAT. LAND USE DISTRICTS 271-8; 271-4; 271-10; 271-11;271-12, 271-13;271-14; 271-15; 271-16 STORAGE TANKS FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION Z57-4 WATER RATES 261-1 ZONDVG: SPECiAL LAND USE DISTRICTS a�i-ia 5TOI7M SEWER SYSTEM r1NA SURFACE WATERS PROiECI'ION 911 22T-13 Access to premises; monitoring of discharges 227-12 Accidenta! dischazges 227-9 A.ir wndidoning 227-6 Animals 227-2; 227-8 Appeals 227-1 I; 227-14 Appearance tickets 227-14 Applicabiliry 227-3 Assessments 227-14 Attarneys fees 227-14 Autharized discharges 227-6 Building permits 227-14 Certificates of campliance 227-14 Certificates of occugancy 227-14 Code Enforcement Officer 227-14 Compensation 227-2 Supp 48, 7u12019 �I� l�r�-���.,� .�r�t���°� s�r��a�ar� ��,r��r�a:� ��r�;���:�,�r�u� su��n,�.� rrv.a�ra�;�s �����r�:c,A°�°u��r�... C;�>2��Yrt��C'4i���tt �",�7-�; 2��?7-�1�! �t�'��rbrovww.¢f�;�r �w�l�-1; ��7-�?, C;u�ta.��acic°xqw�au����°a�w,c} �"7" �,'.�7-h; �27_��; 2�7�1 �, �lT-���; ��,"i-IS ��'l�'�ti; �""i-9'�; ���'7-'I� �Culv���.�„ r � ".7 ";�n,aa�b���,-aawcs aan�n��en7�t,s�t �'xar�, ��'.'.7-� 221 .�.; �:? �"-�; �"27r�; U��ia��tv��rr�k�� 7,�?-� .��"7'we'�� i7��rva�Udt�l�ra �� "T.,�, `au�aq�p� grwoy���+,� ��"P-i� [)��c�l����� �r�a�a�'�utar�s�� 2� 7�-�' �wz�^��ru�a��*�ia��,m r�f`�a��sr.s� te�� 1�+r�uProa��„c� ;�?7-� at�uxauc���7<Gd wt�roa�raa ae,rwer kx��ar�aa��°��ws1?"t 1�: �.y�,ma�xr'�"�i 1b 2"�3-�:� Su,�uz�7mir�p; ���c��rl� 2"��7-��a Ln�irrr:�erou�c����; ����bupta��, f��rw� 7"ea.�t� 217-�� �apl�u�c� ��7-��4 C"s�w�ra livar�227�.�„�; �,�`%-4; IF'.;x��w�tr«�r��'�� 7 �1�'-'II;l�7•I�� ���u�r�1��u���, �x�,Nwn�kr �:M�t�i s-�1"G�a��� 1���:rah�� �`V¢sr�� �.�'1'..Ne�. ��7-2 .1"�a��77 h�u,�;ir���a�r2�T-� �ir��a�, �irc9 �r.r���l€n� ���r..:' I r�an,4u �:?�,., � �aru�a¢�ai�wKa,Vao �"<";r,*�; ��r7'-�, V���!aGi�rrw� �b�°acip��°'r,il9�i°� C�uartt�a�� .�,;2'?'-2' �? l '�; '�r'�7-f�; ��'i-'7; 1itt�:�ca���aa;� aG�;ur��a��l� �:r7ai y�„7 �: 2� p_LLJ; ;?�',r.,� ➢:. �u������t��� �2''F.. � ; �"�7• 1 ">; 2;� ;�. ] �: �2 T_15 2���-2: ^r; ?�.�k; '�� � 6 � '�r��;wG.�tda.a��� c9e°�w���:��� � �cak�&i� Fi�ar�ura�c�cr,��a�t�1a��;��-;.? o�u���u�br���^':?'2"P-i� �c;�rin�; „��'. 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ITHACA INDEX i STORMWATER MARAGEMENT AND � EROSION A1�D SEDIMENT COI�TROL... � Ylanning Board 228-8; S'I`REET TREES �"-'� 228-I1; 226-14 ZO]�ING: SPECIAL LAND �` I , Police officers 228-15 USE biSTRICTS Pollution 228-Z; 228-5; 271-I6 228-8; 228-1U S'TREETLIGHTING Ponds 228-5; 228-9; 228-11 5ee Rlso LIGHTING Poultry 228-5 SUBDNISION dF LANfl Purpose; ohjectives 228-3 234-29 Records228-5;228-I1; ZONWG:SPECIALLAND 228-13; 228-14 USE DISTRICTS Reporls 228-11; 228-13 271-10 Right ofentry 228-13 STREETS AIVD Roofs 228-5 SIAEWALKS Safety standards 226-2; Appeals 230-0.13; 230�.14 228-3; 228-5; 228-13; AppEicability 230-9 228-15 Application; fmdings 230-1 SaleS 226-6 Appoinhnents 230-2 Sewers 228-3; 228-5 Assessments 230-4.1; Sidewalks 228-5 230�.$; 230-8 Sigas 228-7 Backfilling 230-4.6 Soi] erosion and sediment Barricades 230-4.6 contra1228-2; 228-3 Bonds 230-2; 230-4.15 Statutory authority 228-4 Bridges 230-2 3teep slopes 228-2; 228-b Charges 230-2; 230�.9; Stop-wark orders 228-5; 230-7; 230-8 228-15 Compensation 230�3.3 Storage 228-5; 226-4; Conflict with other laws 228-10 230�.16 Starm sawers 228-5 Conservation Zones 270-22 Starmwater 228 2; 228-3; CoastrucGon 230-2; 230-3; 228-5; 228-6; 228-B; 230�; 230-4.1; 228-9; 228-10; 22$-11; 23d�3; 230-4.4; 228-13; 228-15 230�.6; 23D-0.7; Stormwater contro1228-3; 230-4.8; 230-4.9; 228-5; 228-6 230-4.I0; 230-4.15; 5tormwater management 230-6 228-I; 228-2; 228-3; ConstrucGon ar►d Repair of 228-5; 228-6; 228-7; 5idewalks 230-51230-9 228-8; 228-9; 228-10; Construction of sidewalks , � 228-I1;226-13; 230-6 r �� 228-I4; 226-IS Costs a�d expenses 230-2; �, �,' 5tormwaterpollution 230�.2; 230-4.3; prevention plans and 230-4.7; 230�.15; emsion and Z30-7; 230-6 sedimentation contro] SeeRLso CR055WALKS plans 228-] 0 CY�lverts 230-2; 23U-3; Technical standards 228-9 230-4.1 Tenants 228-15 G�rbs 230-2; 230-4.1 i Tesu 228-10 De6niuons 230-2 Timber harvesting 228-7 Dirt 230-7 � Tit[e 228-1 Drainage 23U-2 Tawn Board 228-2; 228-5; Friveways 230-2; 230-3; 228-8; 228-I4; 22B-15 230-4.1 � Town Eagineer 228-6; Dust 230-4.2 228-8 Dury to conshuct and Twafamily dwellings maiatain sidewalks 228-6; 228-7 230-8 LTtilities 228-5; 228-14 EaSements 230-4.8 Violations and penalties Emergencies 230-3; 228-6; 228-20; 228-I1; 230-4.2; 234-4.7 228-13; 228-15 Enforcement officer230-4.5 Walls 228-5 Enforcement; penalties for Water 228-2; 228-3; 228-5; offenses 230-4.12 , 228-6; 22$-9; 22$-10; Environmental quality 228-13 review 230-4.1 Water canservation 228-5 Erosioa and sedimeut Water yualiry 228-3; 228-5; con�ol 230-4.1; 228-6; 228-7; 228-9; 230-0.3; 230-4.6 228-10; 228-11 Escrow accounts 230�3 Water supply 228-9 Escrow deposits 230-4.3 Watercotu5es 228-5 Excavation and Wells 228-5 Coastruction in Wetlauds 228-3; 228-5; Municipa] Raadways 228-6; 228-9; 228-1D and Highway Rights- Yards 22$-5; 22B-6 of-Way 230-11230-4.16 Zoning Boazd of Appeals Excavations 230-2; 234-3; 22$-8 230�; 230-4.1; STREET EXCAVATIONS 230�.2; 230-4.3; f 1�`. See EXCAVATIpN3 230-4.4; 230-4.b; , STREET OPERINGS 230-4.7; 230-4.9; --- See EXCAVATIONS 230-4.14; 23U-4.15 34 Fees 230-2; 230-4; 230�.1; 230�.3; 230�.8; 230-4.9;230-4.I5 FeRces230-2 Final determinations 230�.14 Fire hydrants 230-2 Grades and gcading 230-0.2; 230�.10; 230-6 Grievances 230�.13 Guarantees 230-2 See Hanshaw Road Walkway 23U-10 Searings 230-4.13 Improvements 230-8 Inspecrions 230-4.2; 230-4.3; 230-4.7; 230�.9 Insurance 230-4.3;230-4.6 Letters af credit 230.2 Liability 230�.1; 230-4.2; 230-4.3; 230-4.15 Lia6iliry and indemnity 230-4.15 Liability insurance 230-4.3 Licenses and pemuts 230-4; 230�.1; 230-4.2; 230-0.3 LieAs 230-7; 230-8 Lighting 230�.6 Lots 230-8 Maintenance af sidawalla 230-7 Manholes 230-2 Notices 23U-4.2; 230�.6; 230�.7; 230-8 Nuisances 230-4.7 Obstructions 230-4.6; 230-7 Paper 230-8 Perfarmance 230�.6 Permit issuance 230-4.4 Permit process 230�.1 Permit rec;uired 23(1� Pollution 230-4.1; 230�.6 Prohibitians 230-3 Records 230-4.1 I Rent or highway use and Occupancy fee; permanent use or occupation of roadway 230-4.8 Reports 230-4.3 Restoration 230-4.10 Review of app[ication; fees, eserow deposits, security and ins¢raoce 230�3 Revocation ofpermit- defaults 230�.7 � See Road Preservafion 230-111230-15 Safety standards 230-4.6; 230-4.9 Sales 230-8 Security standards 230�4.6 Sidewalks 230-2; 2303; 230-5; 230-6; 230-7; 230-8 See Rlso SIDEWALKS Signs 230-2; 230�.6 5top-work orders 230-4.7 Storrnwater 230�.1; 230�.3; 230-4.6 Stormwater management 230-0.1; 230�.6 Title; statutory authority 230-5 Town Board 230-2; 230-4; 230-4.1;230-4.3; 230-4.$; 230-4.4; 230�.13; 230�; 230-8 Tawn Clerk 230.8 Tawn Engineer 230-7 lltiliGes 230-2; 230-3; 23U-4.6; 230�.8 Variances 230-4.8; 230�4.15; 230-4.16 Vehicles 230.1 Violations and penalties 230-2; 230�.7; 230�.12 Waivers 230�.3; 230-4.8; 230-4.1 I Water 23U-4.6 Winter work 230-4.2 SUBDIVi5ION OF Le111TI1 Accessary buildiugs and siructures 234-34 Advertising 234-4 Amendments and ru3es 234-11 Antennas 234-20 Appeals 234-3; 234-IO Appeals and waivers 234-10 Assessments 234-6; 234-14; 234-15; 23436; 234-37 Authorization and adoption 234-1 Bicycles 234-2; 234-23 Blocks 23M20; 234-24; 234-28; 234-3b; 234-37 Blacks and lots 234-24 Bridges 234-36 Buffer wne req�irement 23433 Buffers 234-20; 234-33; 234-34 Building inspecwr 234-3; 234-]0; 234-2D Building permits 234-3; 234-39 Building placement and design 234-34 Cable television 234-29 Charges 234-8 Chimneys 23420 Comprehensive Plan 234-2; 234-20; 23423; 234-24 CoAditioas; procedures 23439 Consrruction 234-3; 234-19; 234-32; 23434; 234-38; 234-39 Costs and racpenses 234-2; 234-3; 234-6; 234-36; 234-38 Couaty Clerk 234-17; 234-20; 234-24; 234-39 Culverts 234-36; 234-38 Gtiubs 234-23; 234-38 Definitions 234 20 Drainage 2342; 234-21; 234-23; 234-26; 234-32; 234-36; 234-37; 234-38; 234-39 Driveways 234-20; 234-23 Easemenu 234-20; 234-21; 234-36; 234-37 Emergencies 2342; 234-26 Enforeement and adminisuation 234-3 Environmental quality �eview 234-7; 234-20 Environmental review 2347 Env+iranmentally sensitive areas 234-34 Escrow depasits 234-8 Expiratian vf 5ubdivision Approva123439 Fees 234-8; 234-14; 234-36; 234-37 Finat plaas 234-6 Final glat checklist 234-37 Supp 48, Ju12019 S �u��az�����tarr r.�r° i„��wa��,.. ��;,�r�m a,���d���s� a ��.�t,� �a�a�-��, Z��-"�(1 �?.��.7,�r �%F�,.��, ���-.�I,; 23�?a� ,�i� �"� Fu�,tf �Gok�aluvw�„a�aaxr°i�w%'sa�v �3 �I• & dri �z¢� ��yc�r;r��i�, �" ��-�S� C;as 2,��..2 & ��:s"�rrcr�uJ �araaa°��au:r�� ,2����C� �'ire;rrer�9 }'���r��<I�ue�e;;� �s��r� �t,uhciu��u�isaa� Ra:^vdc,�v 2,�4-1�142?��-P�i ��i��ul�� r�,��a�� �,¢�.ciiA�p� �3'�-?�; �3��-�C&; � ��b..;2 �; i„7�.,',��7, ��s�-�a"K ("r"rievcbatce'� �5� "4; "�?:i�-Id) C:'rtl9ka:c*, � i�t. ��4 ��Ir�7-uax�� ;2:�� 6 :".3�'_h; k.�y`�-��Y�; i.��-�,�» .��rv��»��.�:: � fi �4-.� y� H�i�ht r�;�,�w�a9u�tAa�e�� �3��.rf�; ��a_�.�. Z�3i�hway urNnp�rK�^����c�°ry,� �r;��,w2 � 1�ttprKo-vG,ot�e�i� �x[arr; s�s�� ¢��&�t�a'�1 u�1"w�rrr��,lic'rs� v�fi�7-�� Tin��r¢a�crrr�;ro�� *.��-�; ry��N-�; 2.��-��, � %�-1fi�: �.���-�1,d1 � �<3-2 ��; ���4-�;5, 2w%�-�t�,; 23�-"�QN, %.��t-:��, 23�-:i'��, �,��-�;�„' InrtenraG rc1'�r�^�rs�c�+ 7 ��- I � i'7mev��x�l�to�aua �r,nci C��tn�ttxtp<M�r� ���w1�S1 „";R�,M?4w1 �i�Cr<a�u����Y��r ��xtd A�c3����ni�kr�aMor�ar "l,�'aw�-I\. ���-H�f 9..a¢aa��u�anc'i,� 4�4,2�); 2.�4,w���; �.��-i� I_ti��cr7�c� �o��i qa�r�ror;uCs �.���•7 L..u�hcll�ug� � �.:;..;;?h;Y �� l.Cst4 �?�$.�, �1��.5; �"' #�4,..pa: ��.�-1=9, �3�..�6�: ,7.34-;�:i', �m��-�"^�: ���M?�;; �",�•�-;i�� �; 2;��'-�'�„ ����-.�fa; Z:3�k-� 7; : i�-?;<? 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G,Wr� �+"�) � N � 9: I� I �i"T.&tIl �'l�"S �h.c��� ��,a>ry kruzl�&in�s and. strm�clK�m��, �71-�; 271-�; �f�^����t�^^�'{�;���^��� ��°ri-i�, ����-��; :���ra���: �^��-art, s"��;�;�: ��,aaa�wa u�v� �r�+� naus�a�� Cu��ra�c � P 9-:�, 271-�fi; � y� w�. ��s-�: �e�a..�,n �7N�dt'J;�7�-��ry 27t�tl �„ i7�-llds s�zi�la a�afiic����isrrr�cra� �79-1:3 ,��;rica�Vtazr<tl�isrera�r.s 77�w'?.„ �7I-:�; 271-15 �1E,G*ca��a[uc• hew�;rd�}�rw 2?l-%G �.aa��2a��rits�; 2 � 1-& f+ 1lnsroa«wfl�'7p,.�,?�1-ld): ���r �a�p.p � hor�,d7ma�a�, 2 x �t� �G�, �71-1'� �,&rKr;r�Cama:,rat� �7 u -3: ? "� 1 _ l 4; ''Ak.VE� :�u�g� ��, Jttl `?tb l4 z��ar�c�; ��r,�:�r��., a.�r�u ��;� m��°r�z�c.°a°��.. A4:s�;c ��ib�� �a�s � 7 I W�: �'� ➢i � i Ci �atMin�*, 2'�k'-145 �3�d ��aaai Rar���Yaf�M�i �71-��;, �? Y-?� �aa�,�;l��,�'�"�1 �tit;���l-�2; ?'��-11�,2"�N�-�f� �k9c,c�ks �7�-106 �ici��d cw�" .r'4�ya���� ;�? 7'a ,.,�y [3t�u��i �ro���}:"��n+��t�r��� ,�71-�U,� �71-I"? E3cmar�i cml':/,srrrir�� /��pt��r�� �7I-� E3o��ts �an�3 13�,xzturg; �'71-12 F.iot�ds 271-�i E3a u�fa, �r�.�� �a�rcl ���r 4;r� � 2�71•�'19�; 2,71-i�ti �t�f't°er� 21' 11 ��; ,c,'"i f- I fb; ��'"�'9-�i�, %7I-�;«; �'7�$_1@i k��sileioco�; c+,�pa„;t�ui�w�a��rs 27p-�A„;7'�-�5 k3r�Mlc�ti�a� ��crrr7rrta �."7a.:�; 2i C-�b� 2� I-��; �2:7 t-fa; � I { _ �"; �'7I • �, 271.e�; ��l-�C'H, �'Y9-I'I; �?1-12, '""1ll-13; ��ra-tia, z�r�-��; ��t-tt> h3�t¢��i itp� ?"t 1- 9&i„ ��'I - l� T�u�irr��;^��� ���s����i�.�a,� :�Z � •��; �"71 w.``i;; �7 �I .� C;��1�0� t�9Rs^rr��o�Ku�ab ��'� 1-1 � �°�r�o�asea� ;C � � -;'S �.ira�la"rv`re����� i 1 � •��� C;�rtafica�fl�� arf ear�tr�?ii��rc� a�i-I��..?�1-D��„ 27➢-1�, �"71-�i"i ["�rlrFis;�,lm�,� �,i �rc��iaps�r�c�y z��-�; ��i-a, �-�m-�; 2""0-1d�r, �r7 t-V;1�. 27�-1���f:71-k5;��7��-1� (:;htiira°,hcti �i1..aJ C`a�de �.:rr9i�s�c�c���:a�i C)f1'i��r 27G-�� '<�?I-���„�7&-�H� C'c�aro�,r���r�e�r�,���� �,»'I���t:71•:;; 27Q-�b; �71-G1`N„?'�1-1�: 278-��� ���q �5;'�"�I-��6 �;c�rr�,��aaarr;uux�uu*� "c� � -4� t�,t�rrr���r���^�ti�sr� �"' � •,��; � "1 a ��5; u7 I •�;; ,�'P i _.i; ?7 I -k, �"� 9-"�; ��t l-1f'N� ���ll-] 1; �71-L?., �7a-1:3; �"F'i-t�; �bk-I5;'�"7l-IG (:crnv;�l��s�ti�u�t I�urr��� �7l-�� C;c�st:� ���d �xg��av�,��; ;.?7 �'-�; �71-�: �7kw1�'�„ �71-���; ��1-I� C"�t�t�Iy� 4 8���� 2'7�-�&, ;�7�1-;� �'ur@�w; �7I-I�+ f)�y-c,�r� 1"���AVuriias��1-9 I?ernr�l�rcu��a�� 271-�s C�att��9-��'�, 271•1'�;.� 7�-��� L�cr�,� ��1-M1�� �i'I-{� t)rain�}!� �71-aC� 1'.7rnwew�uy�� �'1 Y -:�; �r' 1-�#;, ?71-,�; .r 1 G� l�'; �71- E 5„ �� l .;lf+ Dtxst �7tl-�; ?7l-tlfN; �"]1-1� E;�.��me�at�„ '."", 71- �; 2 71-�; 2"�8 ��;�1p-��;J.""?]-lG �CVe� �r��i�7�m.�i�r� �i:N�� da�t�ri�r��oa � 'Z`� 1 � 1 i;d; � �"T��12� Gs2�er�e;aa��o,�:� �7l-�Y, :!71-1� �mc r�;ecau�v' '�� �r�c� 6ew.� i "r V -�➢; �7�-1�&,.""71-N�t I;nvirrri�nr�,tr1a�l b�b�g�;M�t �t�C�����°r�ts �"� 1-'I (); 27�_6� �scr�rw G�c����,�ai�t�,'�7i-!� ��� 1°:�cav �ta�arr� �7� •9;, �71 "�71-15� i�x�r➢��t,wr.ar� ���araa.r��.w �"�tl,. ��1�E,"" � � lT'�-�A�`�4 I�v"1��� ���al�a�»i�,r�;,:y :2�,7 I- I d�Y, �?� k�w i 2; c7G-1,:i' FT����7a➢y ���r-u��r� �71-�,� �^�a�ra� �ra� M�ra��wrt� 2'�I-�9,'; 7�I IGp; � 7Iw1S; �71•�a� F'��:� �71.ai; 2:71 t�i, ?�'7�-l'a Fe^�na.� � �"Y J -Lf �, ;.°'� 1- R „%; ?"71-1ki �`ii�tad q-�ll;���?,7]-�; f iaa<crrc°��l on�;�itiat�i���� '�'71- I;� �tH'� �i�]t�'ti L,��i�-,�,�r ��ar�� �rm:va;nt�ryrt �7'I -b; ��b_!�„�71•I�;'?71-N5 E-ux� �r�sl� c;ti�aa� '.7.71..5� FVartra�ua�kpl�ti 2"7I-I:� F i� ���� �'7 I- I t�, 271 � 0 2 F'�:M�rT � �'N �a� 1�ia�sur^� 2' 7��..'S, 2 J'l �-Fa �`�����e, �Z1-�a;�7P-�#',' ?71-�'��;:c',�I-111, 2''�-�11; ?71-8�; �'7l-I��;?7l•�k� t.ar�s�Ox��a, r't�f.��7aci1 r�a7d,,r�9`tti�»� � 7 � _a:� C�a^��71.5,°;�'iI-Itb;:?7I-P�; 271-1�; 27G.1�r ���;;�� ��� ���; ��1-�az {.al,�rc ?71 '�; `�71 fi; J'71-7; d7�-1d�; ?',7P-N2 tr�s's�� 27'1-1��i (arw�,a�a�� �MAei �M.M�cdar��!, :7i-3; 2� � -�; � 71 •��; �.7 V - � 49; � 7 9•� ��; L'� t--9 .�; �".��,.11��', A?I•f:*, 27fl•lfa Ci �uaescn�e�"+ �7 !' -�' F1d�r��cl�r�a�. gr:��rleraals xr�c,l. �u�a��z:a��cc � ' 7 ] -13 E����s��� �a�-a; z� �.�; < 7 I -"b„ 2? 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I "� ([.aaa��¢�w{ a�✓1:iaecfl C�.J�rv, �Tala�9cnw���e��� �il-li� P'Aranncci C)cvcrla��,Mr�c^�5t l+rn� �3�u. ti �L�i���St��l �1�x��.� �_'I�,cM. ti'Ir;��a�la�r� cat' f�`c�ir'ist��^i°c:,cj �71-7 F�lapitrt��i fJ�wt^Iti'r�rorir�rr� ��rr� N�r. 7 (�,iad�v�cc1 �9un�rc� �.J�c, lt����c,��rc� "71-� k"f��a�rb�us�a� I�ti��r���� � �N-2,� 771��; 17C��&, �7fl-'i; �:"�i-�>; �7l-1, ��G-�; �iFl-rl;�"�1-9fdn2"�'I-(1; � P'�-1 2�, �"�1-13; �'�t-1�4; �'''1-15;7'7�-l�a Exl�ry�"w7tai�C�� ��'9-��; i77-14; ��C-l�� C"lzoAa74zai7�, 271-�7; �7�-I�; 7 �"� � �'r E'rr�7al��� "c' 1 I,�, �"F 1-tiN k'�a�ul3,,� ;a;��;�aa�l�llu�� 2Z7 -:i 6k�s�ia���ric,rrw 271-�: � r 4-�Ci� 1� raarrG,i:� :� "� 1- 9; "�7 �' -�; "�7I -d,, �"l,-�C; 2?1-�; 27I• ���; ?"�1-12; ."""il-A �; �"�1-14 �r:�:r��u��roa�r� rrc�a� ��D-�y �71-1��,„�I-'�k�; �7I-I?; �'P1•'G3; �"�I-N�r: �;��-Y4;i Idc°�t�tr�aaar�^� �71-�; 27�'-:�; ?7'I-��; ��1•t�l, 2�'1-1:9, �?1«15, 279•ti�i N����ia��^rn�r�t "�""�l-�i°� �2c�uci�„idc� �,�ca:i�+���'76-�; 2"7 ti _'I :� �t��a7f"s �7 B -;�; ?7'I-1l�, �'i p�-� �', l.7'1-1 �; ���1-1=� �+d&k,�y ^�tnn�L����;� Z'� b -� V �7w �79,..t� "^�aalam�s ��7�i w�v �i�-��; ��T�CCN; �,?[«a.�, 2"7'1.,��; � 1 l - � �+; "�7"I -'1 Ea �v;sndlu�Cxc�rr �""t9-dl'a "���t�llala, �a�IM �n�����xa,� �"71-ItY;d7'�-1� �»�:Ib��trd,s 'yr I-ta; 271-�> �?a-�u, aa�-��; A''F1•1�„?791-�� ��. 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( G �C,uu�sdt�ai �,1'a���� G.J��, C"aarrnc;Yl C'�rbl1�� WWst,ts:r }�d�r�t� ?7ll-1 ",?' Spr��Bt�C ll.sarra� 4J��:.t]i�.Cru�C f�cx. ;� (Sr��a;�ar9s�r "v�'rac�a9.�� � � 0 -� 'ti���c"rsa) �,�w�a� k.t�;e I�istri�d �?c;�, :i �l,Mr7�u��,td h�rxeci 1���, 13i��� C.'�d���lex,j �'11-� ��cciral ���u�a� �,��� �;)rstri��t� P���. �7 6 L.ua��rt��i Fw�n+�m:;sl, l 1�,��, ti�s�t�c r lRr� �tg �?? 1 �� �t�g��a ��;, J`aaN ?(D1 � zt�r�ir�r�: ���;e:�,��� �c.���rv�a �s� ��5�°�rt:�°i�;�... S��<r���l, �rrcl C.���r �7ista�i<.� Na�. ffi� f,�_,rbraitt,�;1 P+✓i'sxuci G�I „�, k;+,��r"�rv�%zu�,� ) 27 Y-5� :�g�rc�u���a'll B �ar��i UFl;�� t:7u;���r�ict ;^�a.i. aJ (9.drrrot�ai 1��Cixettd N.'f+;c � � i�rar�°,➢9 8'r��.°�a»c.t 7�?7i��(Y �y���iaB L��r��i �.1�,s��c f����a-icrt�: l.,.uNrrti�et� C�9uxc:�i t.'�tie �'� I -� S���iail g���°k��i�s �71-:�; 2�t-�7, �.71..k:� S�a�cea�l r��,xcd8�:�ta�;oz3:� �-a�x�Cbos �rl�tla, tr� :�Ca�,t�^e# °�p��:c;�t�l tl�i�ci h¢w� c�i:��a'ia'G;� � 7 I - I S�cnaE��,�^ 21I �t�', 2 �" I -��'; 2',�d.��;l; i'.i"1-11, �'7a-�'?;;�r7f tl:a; �I']�-11�1�, �71�-8�5;;�'7�'-1f� ��a7ras:� ��a�l�.�L71-1(➢ �ai��o�aa;a�✓�ukc� r "?,"7' a ..1 � ; :?'71 « I a'a �tmar�t�TM�v�t��° sa�n�u�����cra�at;��re, 27'1m14#; x7fl.�,�"i,?71-�(i �tr�et ir�c� � 7 �' - t � Str�t tla�h�isap� :.�i I -1 C1 ��a�xrrz�r�rrr�; pxur:rl�'27�-�; :��a-I:�» i��-1 � r�n����� z�������: ������-rz; ��r-i:� ����.� ��a-a � ,�.�ti���� ��N.x:�: z�i-as r�,��7 ����.�r� ��w �e M�7-;�; ���-�: �µr�M,; ��a.�a; z��-a�b:z�s.�r; z��-a�, ���-�.�; ��rr•�� 7'ci*�rx�s 1�axp�oi���r''��,'�''I,wr�; �x�-�6�� E"r;�s�t :? 7 @ -1 d'i '�'rc,�,��I-�:,?11-t� "Awa�-�":z�a��Bg�� �3vueVVin�t;� ��71-� L;totl,u�sarti �?'T 1-`r; ,2� l-S�; 2;;rp.aY; ?"1'V-1tip; 7.71-I l; s�p..9�,;;�79.g,�, y1;V�-'n��; 2i9-�;5� 2�'P1��4�� ��wtiri��tc,�:� �7"G-uJ; 271-I��' `�/�its�Vc+:, Z71-(i; „7�g„y; ��`'[-1C�; 2'7A..��y °�7 �.].r�; <!"f1-1,"�� i"�1-��; 4`� rnr:i�n :,'.T t-115; t'71 m V�, 'v'i�,r.�ti�r�a� c � I ...`a, 2`7 ] �la;, a�1-l(�; �,71-1� Gic�tl�a,Cwr�et� �or�i �a�,�«9��t� �?'1-�ti �?71-i�;'L";1-1G7'; �'71-d l: �7'!-�1 �, ,�.i"!«➢�. �71-15; 271-If� "t"w" p� i��'�Mc 7 7' 1-�; .`'.7 I-�?; �iN.92 �1rna&Bs �?➢•7; 27I-�fb; 27fl-V2.771M1fi; �"Il-a4; 2"71 �C�; 271-1E� W�ta�r 2"I i-:�; '�'� g', _5; 2? 1-�; ��9-"J; 2,7��-1�; �71-1��, 27k-�4;Z."71-15,�2�@-l�i 'r�aCcr aa��C�r�+ �? 1 • q 4;, „,,,� �,, -;V .''v �'«s�k�,t' tila�aq7;�}r '7•? L _��; �'7a�-llr�, s'","I_�,ti "�«'�BVs?71-7; �,7E-]R� "�V�¢:U�.sn�1� �°�s,wa� `r'"�+r¢'Y^� ?? ➢ ..4„ ?71-4, 2 r 1-5; :�"F�-da; �''7'I-r;'�7'll-�; z'�� �c1'. �."fil-14b; ?71-1 �; �"�l-I."�.;?7�-��, ;i�'I..1�&: �7�-1.5;?71-V+5 Icas�dc�a�� ����;�rci cr° h�p��ls �7I-�� Icna�ti�a,� �lo�tr��t� ""�i-1 I Zerr�i��ti,� [tiwt�(t�� �'�'9 �.�; ">71-5�; 271nC�; 2'r1_7; �71-i4; ;��9-���, �'�1-1�); �7'&�-1 I, �7q-qr;:?'Tf-i��; �',7�..��#; 2�'71-I�;'�71-'If� f"1^�1�.��. �i�b��X. �� Sis���a �ik, :Iul "�JIaJ GENERAL CODE INSTRUCTIONS Town of Ithaca Code Supplement No.49 The enclosed new and/or replacement pages should be placed in your Code volume immediately! The dateline,on the bottom of the page, shows the supplement number and the month and year in which the last piece of legislation reviewed for this supplement was adopted. This instruction page should be placed in the front of your Code volume. REMOVE INSERT 270:91 —270:92 270:91 —270:92 270:99—270:102 270:99—270:102 DL:9 DL:9 Index Pages 1 —51 Index Pages 1 —51 Legislation,by number or date of adoption, included in this supplement: L.L.No. 7-2019. Sopp 49,Sep 2019 § 270-181 ZONING § 270-182 F. Upon review of the matter by the Planning Board after such referral, the Planning Board may require such changes in the general site plan as are necessary to meet the requirements of this chapter and may make any other recommendations which it deems necessary to promote the general health, safety, morals, and welfare of the community. The Planning Board shall then adopt a resolution recommending a) a finding regarding environmental significance of the proposal, and b) either approval, approval with modifications, or disapproval of the proposed plan. Before any such resolution is adopted, the Planning Board shall hold a public hearing which shall be heard by the Planning Board within 45 days of the filing of the general site plan and all related materials with the Planning Board, and such hearing shall be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Ithaca at least five days before such hearing. The Planning Board shall make its recommendation within the 45 days after the hearing and forward the same to the Town Clerk. G. The Town Board shall comply with applicable provisions of SEQR. H. The Town Board shall hold a public hearing on the proposed zone with the same notice required by law in the case of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, which public hearing may include any public hearings required by SEQR. If the Town Board establishes such zone after such hearing, it shall define the boundaries thereof, approve the general site plan and impose any modifications and additional requirements as it may determine. Before finally establishing any such zone, the Town Board may refer the application to the Town Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Appeals for such further consideration as the Town Board may require. No building permit shall, in any case, be issued on the basis of a general site plan. I. Whenever a zone other than a Planned Development Zone is created pursuant to the provisions of this article, the owner shall be bound by the general site plan as approved and adopted by the Town Board, except that the Planning Board shall have authority to authorize minor changes or additions to the general site plan provided the same do not materially alter the intensity of use or other significant characteristics of the general site plan, and provided the same do not violate any express conditions imposed by the Town Board in creating the zone. In the case of zones other than Planned Development Zones, the Planning Board may authorize changes or additions provided the same do not violate any express conditions imposed by the Town Board in creating the zone. J. Upon the creation of the zone, unless the general site plan was of sufficient detail and contained sufficient information as to constitute, in the Town Board's discretion, a final site plan, the matter shall be referred to the Planning Board for final site plan approval in accordance with the site plan approval process set forth below. ARTICLE XXI II Site Plan Review and Approval Procedures §270-182. Purpose. The purpose of site plan review is to provide for the review and approval of development plans to ensure that land development occurs in harmony with surrounding uses, without 270;91 Sapp 49,Sep 2019 § 270-182 ITHACA CODE § 270-184 adversely impacting neighboring parcels, property values, public facilities, infrastructure or the natural environment. § 270-183. Site plan required prior to building permit or certificate of occupancy or certificate of compliance. [Amended 5-12-2014 by L.L. No. 9-2014] Before a building permit or certificate of occupancy or certificate of compliance can be issued for any of the activities for which site plan approval is required, a site plan must be approved by the Planning Board in accordance with these and other applicable provisions. § 270-184. Applicability. The requirements set forth in this article shall apply to all activities or developments that are referred to elsewhere in this chapter as requiring a site plan approval. In addition, and supplementing such provisions, the requirements of this article shall also apply to the following actions except as to those actions specifically exempted, or for which alternative specific site plan review and approval requirements are established, elsewhere in this chapter: A. All new commercial, industrial or institutional development. B. All new multifamily housing. C. Any modification of existing commercial, industrial, institutional or multifamily buildings, for which no previous site plan exists. D. Any conversion of an existing residential structure to a nonresidential use (except as may have occurred in connection with a home occupation established in conformity with the provisions of this chapter)24 E. Any conversion of an existing nonresidential structure into a residential structure containing three or more dwelling units. F. Any modification to an existing residential structure which increases the number of dwelling units in the building to three or more dwelling units. G. Any change of an existing nonresidential building from one type of use specified in this chapter to another(e.g., conversion of a commercial structure to an industrial facility or conversion from a warehouse to a restaurant). H. Any other modification to any facility or structure not set forth in the preceding subsections, for which final site plan approval was or is presently required by the terms of this chapter or any modification to any previously approved site plan, except as otherwise authorized below. 24. Editor's Note:Former Subsection D,regarding expansion,was repealed 9-9-2019 by L.L.No.7-2019.This local law also redesignated former Subsections E through I as Subsections D through H. 270:92 Supp 49,Sep 2019 § 270-188 ZONING § 270-191 viewsheds, unique natural habitats, and on other open space areas of importance to the neighborhood or community. J. The effect of the proposed development on any historic structures listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. K. The need for, and the adequacy of, any natural or man-made buffers. L. Whether the design of the project minimizes the increase of impervious surfaces on the site. M. Compliance with the Town's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, Water Resources Ordinances, if applicable, Outdoor Lighting Law,u Complete Streets Policy, and any other applicable laws, rules, requirements, or policies. [Amended 10-16-2006 by L.L. No. 12-2006; 5-11-2015 by L.L. No. 3-20151 §270-189. Limitations on construction. No site plan shall be approved which provides for construction or other disturbance of land in environmentally sensitive areas, including but not limited to, wetlands, watercourses, steep slopes, unique natural areas, or rare plant or animal habitats, unless the applicant demonstrates with professional evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Planning Board that such construction may occur without adverse environmental effects upon such areas. Nothing in this subsection is intended to permit construction or other activities in areas where the same are prohibited or regulated by other laws or regulations of the federal, state, county, or local government. § 270-190. Reservation of parkland on site plans containing residential units` If the proposed project includes dwelling units, the Planning Board may, in accordance with the provisions and requirements of Town Law § 274-a or any similar or successor law, require a park or parks to be shown on the site plan, or, to the extent permitted by § 274-a, monies in lieu of parkland. §270-191. Modifications of site plans. [Amended 9-9-2019 by L.L. No. 7-2019] A. A site plan that has received final site plan approval may be modified upon submission of an application for such modification. The application must comply with the provisions of this article. The procedures are the same as for an initial application for site plan approval. B. Planning Board approval of a modification is required if the modification involves or includes any of the following: (1) Enlarging the square footage of an existing or previously approved building by more than 20% or 2,000 square feet gross floor area, whichever is less. 25. Editor's Note:See Ch.173,Outdoor Lighting. 270:99 Supp 49,Sep 2019 § 270-191 ITHACA CODE § 270-191 Enlargements that do not meet this threshold remain subject to the determination in Subsection B(9)below; (2) Adding five or more parking spaces; (3) Construction, alteration, or renovation of the interior of a building involving a change in use; (4) Alteration of traffic flows and access, or a significant (in the judgment of the Director of Planning) increase in the volume of traffic; (5) A significant(in the judgment of the Director of Planning) change in the aesthetic appearance of any structure or site plan element, including landscape and lighting details, from the last approved site plan; (6) A change in the impacts of the project on surrounding properties, such as an increase in noise, stormwater runoff, light illumination, or obstructions to views; (7) Demolition, or a proposed demolition, of an existing previously approved building with a footprint larger than 3,000 square feet; (8) Violation of any express conditions (including, without limitation, buffer zones, setbacks, and similar restrictions) last imposed by the Planning Board for site plan approval; or (9) A determination by the Director of Planning that a movement or shift of a location of one or more structures laterally or vertically from the location or elevation shown on the final site plan: (a) Materially affects the overall site layout or specific elements of the site, including roads, traffic movements, sidewalks, parking areas, viewshed, drainage, and buffer areas; or (b) Violates any express conditions (including, without limitation, buffer zones, setbacks, etc.) imposed by the Planning Board for site plan approval. C. Numerical criteria in Subsection B(l) and (2) are an aggregate maximum (e.g., if a 700-square-feet addition is constructed on an existing 5,000 square feet building without obtaining Planning Board approval, construction of a second addition larger than 300 square feet would require Planning Board approval of a modified site plan, and if three additional parking spaces are constructed without obtaining Planning Board approval, construction of more than two additional parking spaces would require Planning Board approval of a modified site plan). D. The fact that Planning Board approval is not required for some modifications shall not be construed to allow: (1) Construction that violates any other provision of Town Code Chapter 270 (Zoning); or (2) The requirement to obtain a building permit in those circumstances when otherwise required by the terms of Town Code Chapter 270 (Zoning) or the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. 270:100 Sapp 49,Sep 2019 § 270-192 ZONING § 270-194 § 270-192. Letter of credit. If the Planning Board determines it is necessary to ensure that all items on the site plan that are needed to provide for adequate traffic flow, utilities, and other similar infrastructure items, are constructed in accordance with the approved final site plan and any other pertinent specifications and requirements, no building permit shall be issued for a project with an approved final site plan until the applicant has finished to the Town Engineer an irrevocable letter of credit in an amount to be recommended by the Town Engineer and approved by the Planning Board to ensure such construction. In determining whether to require such a letter, the Planning Board shall find that such infrastructure is so integral to the project that its construction must occur in order to provide for a safe and useful environment for the community and the occupants and users of the project. The Planning Board may, in its discretion, accept in lieu of a letter of credit other evidence or promise of completion of required facilities for the site if it determines that such other evidence adequately ensures such completion. Nothing in this section shall alter any other requirement for letters of credit related to construction of facilities intended to be dedicated to the Town. § 270-193. Completion of improvements. [Amended 5-12-2014 by L.L. No. 9-20141 No final certificate of occupancy or certificate of compliance shall be issued until all improvements shown on the final site plan as approved by the Planning Board, reasonably necessary to the proper and safe operation and occupancy of any completed facilities, are installed or until a sufficient performance guarantee, such as a letter of credit, has been provided to the Town for improvements not yet completed. The need for, and sufficiency of, such performance guarantee shall be determined by the Town Engineer after consultation with the Building Inspector or other persons designated by the Planning Board. The Planning Board may waive the requirement for such performance guarantee if, in its discretion, it determines that the guarantee is not needed. § 270-194. Expiration of site plan approval. A. Except when a rezoning has occurred based upon a preliminary or general site plan any approval of a preliminary site plan may be revoked by the Planning Board, after a public hearing and upon written notice in person or by mail to the applicant: (1) If a fully complete application for final site plan approval has not been submitted to the Planning Board within 18 months of the date preliminary approval was granted, or (2) If an application is submitted within such eighteen-month period, such application is not diligently prosecuted by the owner to enable the Planning Board to grant final site plan approval within 24 months of the date preliminary approval was granted. B. The Planning Board may, when compliance with the foregoing time periods would create a significant hardship for the owner, extend the time periods for such periods and upon such conditions as the Planning Board may reasonably determine. C. Unless work has materially commenced in accordance with the final site plan within one year from the issuance of the building permit authorizing such work, or within 36 270:101 Sapp 49,Sep 2019 § 270-194 ITHACA CODE § 270-196 months of the date the Planning Board gave final site plan approval, whichever is earlier, not only the building permit but the site plan approval (both final and preliminary) shall expire and the permissible uses and construction on the property shall revert to those in effect prior to the granting of any site plan approval. The Planning Board, upon request of the applicant, after a public hearing, and upon a finding that the imposition of the time limits set forth above would create an undue hardship on the applicant, may extend the time limits for such additional periods as the Planning Board may reasonably determine. An application for such extension may be made at the time of filing of the original application or at any time thereafter up to, but no later than, six months after the expiration of the time limits set forth above. (1) For the purposes of this section, work will not have "materially commenced" unless, at a minimum: (a) A building permit, if required, has been obtained; (b) Construction equipment and tools consistent with the size of the proposed work have been brought to and been used on the site; and (c) Substantial excavation (where excavation is required) or significant framing, erection, or construction (where excavation is not required) has been started and is being diligently pursued. ARTICLE XXIV Special Permits and Special Approvals § 270-195. Purpose. The purpose of this article is to set forth regulations, procedures, and conditions that apply to certain permitted uses which, because of size, intensity, or other special factors, warrant special evaluation of each individual case by either the Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Appeals. § 270-196. Requirement preceding issuance of building permit or certificate of occupancy or certificate of compliance. [Amended 5-12-2014 by L.L. No. 9-20141 Before a building permit or certificate of occupancy or certificate of compliance can be issued for any of the structures or activities for which either a special permit or a special approval is required, such a permit or approval shall be obtained in accordance with these and other applicable provisions. 270:102 Sapp 49,Sep 2019 § DL-1 DISPOSITION LIST § DL-1 Local Adoption Law No. Date Subject Disposition 12-2017 8-7-2017 Signs repealer; zoning Ch. 221, reference only; amendment; zoning: special land Ch. 270; Ch. 271 use districts amendment 13-2017 8-7-2017 Zoning amendment Ch 270 14-2017 8-7-2017 Building construction and fire Ch. 125; Ch. 173 prevention amendment; outdoor lighting amendment 15-2017 8-7-2017 Numbering of buildings repealer Ch. 192, reference only 16-2017 8-7-2017 Tax levy limit override 2017 NCM 17-2017 10-16-2017 Moratorium extension NCM 18-2017 12-11-2017 Rental property: operating Ch. 207, Art. I permits for certain residential rental units 19-2017 12-11-2017 Building construction and fire Ch. 125 prevention amendment 20-2017 12-11-2017 Zoning amendment Ch. 270 1-2018 2-12-2018 Monetary Gift to Support Cass NCM Park and Stewart Park Recreational Facilities 2-2018 4-9-2018 Zoning Amendment Ch. 270 3-2018 7-9-2018 Tax Levy Limit Override 2019 NCM 4-2018 7-9-2018 Zoning Map Amendment NCM 5-2018 10-29-2018 Zoning Amendment Ch. 270 1-2019 1-7-2019 Animals: Dog Control and Ch. 112, Art. I Licensing Amendment 2-2019 2-11-2019 Monetary Gift to Support Cass NCM Park and Stewart Park Recreational Facilities 3-2019 5-13-2019 Zoning Amendment Ch. 270 4-2019 7-8-2019 Vehicles and Traffic: Parking; Ch. 250, Art. III Stop and Yield Intersections Amendment 5-2019 7-8-2019 Tax Levy Limit Override 2020 NCM 6-2019 7-8-2019 Noise Amendment Ch. 184 W 0 117-2019 9-9-2019g Zoning Amendment CCh. 270 1 49 W DL:9 Sapp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX DEFINITIONS NOTE:For the convenience of the Code user,all terms defined in this Code are included in tie Index ander the heading"Definitions and Abbreviations." Nonconforming Uses GENERAL PROVISIONS Exemptions 100-20 # _ 270-203;270-208 1-1\1-13 Expiration of license 100-8 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Grades and grading 1-4 Fees 100-2;100-4;100-5; 911 225-3 Improvements 1-4 100-6 RENTAL PROPERTY SUBDIVISION OF LAND Incorporation of provisions Fingerprinting 100.4 207-2 234-34 into Code 1-12 Fire Department 100-5; STORM SEWER SYSTEM ZONING 270-5;270-219; Liability 1-4 100-7 AND SURFACE 270-219.2;270-219.3; Licenses and permits 1-4 Gambling 100-2 WATERS 270-219.4;270-223 Penalties for tampering with Hearings 100-1 PROTECTION 227-13 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Code 1-10 Height regulations 100-4 ZONING 270-219.6 USE DISTRICTS Pensions 1-4 Hepatitis B 100-1 271-3;271-8;271-9; Property maintenance 1-11 HIV 100-1 — A 271-10;271-11; Repeal of enactments not HIV-AIDS 100-1 271-12;271-14; included in Code 1-3 Hotels 100-2;100-13 ABANDONED PROPERTY 271-15;271-16 Salaries and compensation Hours of operation 100-19 PARKS AND ACCESSORY USES AND 14 Human Immunodeficiency RECREATION STRUCTURES Sale of Code book; Vims 100-1 AREAS 200-5 Commercial Zones supplementation 1-9 Injunction;penalties for ABANDONMENT Generally 270-114 Sales 1-4;1-9 offenses 100-21 FEES 153-2 Industrial Zones 270-159 Severability 1-5 Inspection 100-7 PROPERTY Lakefront Commercial Town Board 1-1;1-2;14; Inspections 100-7;100-9 MAINTENANCE Zones 270-142 1-7;1-8;1-9;1-11 Investigations 100-5.100-6 205-2 Lakefront Residential Zones Town Clerk 1-6;1-8;1-9; Issuance of license 100-5 SEWER USE:RULES, 27043 1-10 License required 1004 REGS.&PENALTIES Limited Historic Violations and penalties 14; Licenses and permits 100-1; OF BOARD OF Commercial Zones 1-10 100-2;100-4;100-5; PUBLIC WORKS, 270-142.6 When effective 1-13 100-6;100-7;100-8; CITY OF ITHACA, Mobile Home Park Zones Zoning Board of Appeals 100-9;100-10;100-11; NY,RE:WATER 270-91 1-11 100-13;100-14;100-21 SUPPLY,SEWAGE Office Park Commercial Zoning Maps 14 Lighting 100-1;100-14 DISPOSAL&AIR Zones 270-132 ADULT CARE FACILITIES Location of adult CONDITIONING Planned Development High Density Residential entertainment 215-30 Zones 270-174 Zones 270-78 businesses 100-12 VEHICLES AND Signs 270-254;270-255; Multiple Residence Zones Magazines 100-2 TRAFFIC 250-21 270-256 270-102 Minors 100-1 Water 215-18 ZONING 270-219.1; ZONING 270-5 Motels 100-2;100-3;1004; WATER PROTECTION 270-219.3;270-219.4 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 100-10;100-13; 256-4;256-22 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND ADULT USES 100-1; 100-14;100-19 ZONING 270-219.1; USE DISTRICTS 100-2;100-3;100-4; Nudity 100-2;100-16; 270-229 271-5;271-6;271-7; 100-5;100-6;100-7; 100-17;100-20 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS 271-8;271-9;271-10; 100-9;100-10;100-11; Obscenities 100-2 AND STRUCTURES 271-12;271-13;271-16 100-12;100-13; Police Department 1004 Agricultural Zones 270-26; ACCIDENT REPORTS 100-14;100-17; Pornography 100-2 270-29 See REPORTS 100-18;100-19;100-21 Prohibition against children Art Murals 270-265 ACCIDENTAL Industrial Zones 270-159 in adult entertainment BUILDING DISCHARGES Light Industrial Zones business 100-18 CONSTRUCTION Fees 216-45 270-145 Prostitution 100-2;100-10 AND FIRE SEWER USE: ZONING 270-5 Purpose and findings 100-1 PREVENTION 125-4 REQUIREMENTS ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Qualifications 100-4 Conservation Zones 270-11; FOR USE DISTRICTS Recreation areas 100-4 270-12;270-14; CONTRIBUTORS 271-13 Registration 1004 270-16;270-17 INTO JOINT POTW ADULT USES Regulations for viewing FLOOD DAMAGE 216-14;216-22 Additional regulations rooms 100-14 PREVENTION 1574 STORM SEWER SYSTEM concerning public Reports 100-1 High Density Residential AND SURFACE nudity 100-17 Restaurants 100-2 Zones 270-77;270-79; WATERS Additional regulations for Revocation 100-10 270.81;270-82 PROTECTION 227-9 adult motels 100-13 Safety standards 100-1 Industrial Zones 270-160; Wastewater Discharge Additional regulations for Salaries and compensation 270-161 Permits 216-17 escort agencies 100-15 100-2 Lakefront Commercial ADOPTION OF CODE Additional regulations for Sales 100-2;100-10 Zones 270-142.1 Adoption of Code 1-1 nude model studios Schools 100-2;100-4; Lakefront Residential Zones Amendments to Code 1-7 100-16 100-20 270-41;270-43; Board of Appeals 1-11 Adult entertainment 100-1; Signs 100-2;100-20 270-44;270-45;270-46 Board of Zoning Appeals 100-2;100-3;100-4; Social Security 100-4 Light Industrial Zones 1-11 100-5;100-6;100-7; Suspension 100-9 270-146 Bonds 14 100-9;100-10;100-11; Tenants 100-2 Limited Historic Changes in previously 100-12;100-13; Tests 100-1 Commercial Zones adopted legislation; 100-14;100-17; Town Board 100-6 270-142.4;270-142.6; new provisions 1-11 100-18;100-19;100-21 Town Clerk 100-6 270-142.7 Charges 1-4 ADULT USES 100-1 Transfer of license 100-11 Low Density Residential Code book to be kept up-to- Advertising 100-2;100-20 Violations and penalties Zones 270-54;270-56; date 1-8 AIDS 100-1 100-2;100-5;100-15; 270-58;270-59;270-60 Continuation of existing Appeals 100-5 100-16;100-21 Medium Density Residential provisions 1-2 Bathing 100-2 Waivers 100-14 Zones 270-66;270-68; Copy of Code on file 1-6 Building Official 100-5 Walls 100-14 270-69;270-70;270-71 Easements 1-4 Classification 100-3 Zoning districts 100-12 Mobile Home Park Zones Enactments saved from Communicable diseases ADVERTISING 270-89;270-91;270-94 repeal;matters not 100-1 ADULT USES 100-2; Multiple Residence Zones affected 14 Compensation 100-2 100-20 270.101 Fees 14;1-9 Definitions 100-2 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Disclosure 100-1 173-12 1 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX ADVERTISING... PARKS AND Construction 270-31 Site plans 270-28;270-38 Exemption for RECREATION Day-care facilities 270-27 Size and area of lot 270-34 Improvements to AREAS 200-5 Density limitations and Smoke 270-25 Property Made A Signs 270-249 limitations on Special permits 270-27; Pursuant to Americans SUBDIVISION OF LAND subdivision of parent 270-31;270-38 with Disabilities Act 234-4 tracts 270-35 Storage 270-27 239-17 ZONING 270-5;270-219; Drainage 270-35 Swimming pools 270-29 ANCHORING 270-219.4 Driveways 270-27 Towers 270-31 FLOOD DAMAGE ADVISORY BOARD Dust 270-25 Two-family dwellings PREVENTION 157-12; CITIZEN AND STAFF Easements 270-35 270-26;270-29 157-13 ADVISORY Family day-care 270-26 Utilities 270-26 SEWER USE:RULES, COMMITTEES 18-9 Farms and fanning 270-25; Vibrations 270-25 REGS.&PENALTIES CONSERVATION BOARD 270-26;270-27; Water 270-25;270-34 OF BOARD OF 23-8 270-29;270-31;270-35 Wells 270-27 PUBLIC WORKS, ETHICS,CODE OF 32-11 Fences 270-27;270-28; Wildlife 270-26 CITY OF ITHACA, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION 270-31;270-37 Yard regulations 270-32 NY,RE:WATER ZONING 270-237 Fill 270-28 Yards 270-28;270-32; SUPPLY,SEWAGE AFFORDABLE HOUSING Forestry 270-26 270-34 DISPOSAL&AIR High Density Residential Garages 270-29;270-32 ZONING 270-25\270-39 CONDITIONING Zones 270-76 Golf courses 270-27 Zoning Board of Appeals 215-54 AGRICULTURAL Grades and grading 270-31 270-28;270-29 WATERCRAFT 254-2 ASSESSMENTS Grievances 270-39 AIDS ZONING 270-219 Agricultural districts 104-2; Height limitations 270-31 ADULT USES 100-1 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 104-3 Height regulations 270-31 AIR CONDITIONING USE DISTRICTS Applicability 104-4 Holidays 270-28 FLOOD DAMAGE 271-16 Assessments 104-1;1042; Home occupations 270-29 PREVENTION 157-13 ANIMAL WASTE 104-3;1044;104-5 Hospitals 270-27 SEWER USE: See FECAL MATTER Costs and expenses 104-1 Hunting 270-27 REQUIREMENTS See PET WASTE Effective date 104-5 Improvements 270-26 FOR ANIMALS Farms and farming 104-1 Kennels 270-26 CONTRIBUTORS Agricultural Zones 270-25; Findings;purpose 1041 Landscaping 270-37 INTO JOINT POTW 270-26;270-27 Fire protection 104-1; Library 270-27 216-3 See Also CATS 104-2;104-3 Licenses and permits SEWER USE:RULES, Conservation Zones 270-12; Town Board 104-1 270-27;270-31 REGS.&PENALTIES 270-14;270-22 Use of agricultural Lots 270-32;270-34; OF BOARD OF Dog Control and Licensing assessment on lands 270-35 PUBLIC WORKS, 112-2 within agricultural Mining 270-28 CITY OF ITHACA, See Dog Control and district 104-2 Museums 270-27 NY,RE:WATER Licensing 112-1\112-10 Use of agricultural Natural resources 270-25; SUPPLY,SEWAGE Lakefront Residential Zones assessments on lands 270-35 DISPOSAL&AIR 270-44 outside of agricultural Noise 270-25 CONDITIONING Light Industrial Zones district 104-3 Nuisances 270-27;270-39 215-33;215-40; 270-155 AGRICULTURAL Odors 270-25 215-41;215-53 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR DISTRICTS One-family dwellings SEWER USE:USE OF 173-2 AGRICULTURAL 270-26;270-29 PUBLIC SEWERS Low Density Residential ASSESSMENTS Open space 270-35 214-25 Zones 270-54;270-55; 104-2;104-3 Parking 270-26;270-27; STORM SEWER SYSTEM 270-56 Conservation Zones 270-22 270-29;270-36 AND SURFACE Medium Density Residential ENVIRONMENTAL Permitted accessory WATERS Zones 270-69 QUALITY REVIEW buildings and uses PROTECTION 227-6 NOISE 1844;184-10 148-5 270-29 AIR POLLUTION PARKS AND ETHICS,CODE OF 32-8 Permitted principal uses See POLLUTION RECREATION Low Density Residential 270-26 ALARM SYSTEMS AREAS 200-3 Zones 270-54;270-59 Places of worship 270-27 LOCK BOXES 175-1; PROPERTY NOISE 184-8 Planning Board 270-27; 175-2;175-4 MAINTENANCE Signs 270-257 270-28;270-31; NOISE 184-4;184-12 205-2 STORMWATER 270-34;270-35;270-37 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SEWER USE: MANAGEMENT AND Playgrounds 270-26 225-8 REQUIREMENTS EROSION AND Principal uses authorized by ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES FOR SEDIMENT special approval only Community Commercial CONTRIBUTORS CONTROL 228-7 270-28 Zones 270-135 INTO JOINT POTW ZONING 270-230 Principal uses authorized by Lakefront Commercial 216-5;216-14;21643 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND special permit only Zones 270-141 SEWER USE:USE OF USE DISTRICTS 270-27 PARKS AND PUBLIC SEWERS 271-2;271-5;271-15 Purpose 270-25 RECREATION 2142;214-25 AGRICULTURAL ZONES Recreation areas 270-35 AREAS 200-6 STORM SEWER SYSTEM Accessory buildings and Restaurants 270-27 ZONING 270-5 AND SURFACE structures 270-26; Right to farm 270-39 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND WATERS 270-29 Roadside stands 270-26; USE DISTRICTS PROTECTION 227-2; Additional special 270-32 271-16 227-8 requirements 270-37 Sales 270-26;270-27 ALTERNATIVE STORMWATER Animals 270-25;270-26; Schools 270-27 VETERANS MANAGEMENT AND 270-27 Screens and screening EXEMPTION EROSION AND Bed and breakfast 270-27 270-27;270-28; Maximum exemption SEDUVIENT Board of Appeals 270-28; 270-31;270-37 granted 239-7 CONTROL 228-5 270-29 Septic systems 270-27; Repeal of opt-out 239-6 ZONING 270-5;270-189; Buffers 270-25;270-27; 270-34 TAXATION 239-6\239-7 270-219.5;270-223 270-28;270-32;270-37 Setbacks 270-26;270-27; Town Board 239-6 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Building area 270-33 270-31;270-34 AMERICANS WITH USE DISTRICTS Building permits 270-38 Sewers 270-25 DISABILITIES ACT 271-9;271-10;271-12 Cemeteries 270-27 Site plan approval 270-38 See Also DISABILITY ANTENNAS Churches 270-27 Site plan review and See Also DISABLED See Also SATELLITE DISH Composting 270-27 approval 270-37 PERSONS ANTENNAS 2 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX ANTENNAS_ SUBDIVISION OF LAND Fire prevention 9-2 Purpose 270-264 RESIDENCY 234-20 Licenses and permits 9-2 Signs 270-264;270-268 REQUIREMENTS ZONING 270-5;270-219; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Town Board 270-267 73-4 270-219.3;270-219.4 173-17 Vandalism 270-265 Senior Citizens Exemption ZONING:SPECIAL LAND NOISE 184-13 Variances 270-267 239-3;239-5 USE DISTRICTS Parking 9-2 Walls 270-265;270-266; SEWER RENTS 210-2; 271-10;271-12 PARKS AND 270-268 210-6 APARTMENTS RECREATION ZONING 270-264\270-268 SEWER USE: ZONING:SPECIAL LAND AREAS 200-11 Zoning Board of Appeals REQUIREMENTS USE DISTRICTS Purpose 9-1 270-266;270-267 FOR 271-3;271-14;271-16 Road Preservation 230-15 Zoning districts 270-265 CONTRIBUTORS APPEALS Safety standards 9-2 ASBESTOS INTO JOINT POTW ADULT USES 100-5 Sanitation 9-2 SEWER USE:RULES, 216-41 See Also BOARD OF Sewers 9-2 REGS.&PENALTIES Signs 270-259 APPEALS SPRINKLER SYSTEMS OF BOARD OF STORM SEWER SYSTEM BUILDING 225-7 PUBLIC WORKS, AND SURFACE CONSTRUCTION STORM SEWER SYSTEM CITY OF ITHACA, WATERS AND FIRE AND SURFACE NY,RE:WATER PROTECTION 227-14 PREVENTION 125-12; WATERS SUPPLY,SEWAGE STORMWATER 125-16 PROTECTION 227-14 DISPOSAL&AIR MANAGEMENT AND DEFENSE AND STORMWATER CONDITIONING EROSION AND INDEMNIFICATION MANAGEMENT AND 215-29;215-31; SEDIMENT 28-3 EROSION AND 215-38;215-54 CONTROL 228-15 FEES 153-2 SEDIMENT ASHES STREETS AND FLOOD DAMAGE CONTROL 228-15 See Also FLY ASH SIDEWALKS 230-4.1; PREVENTION 157-4; Town Clerk 9-2 PROPERTY 230-4.8;230-8 157-16 Town Engineer 9-2 MAINTENANCE SUBDIVISION OF LAND LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Violations and penalties 9-1 205-2 234-6;234-14;234-15; 173-18 Water 9-2 SEWER USE: 234-36;234-37 Nonconforming Uses APPOINTMENTS REQUIREMENTS VEHICLES AND 270-212 BANKING FOR TRAFFIC 250-24 PARKS AND TRANSACTIONS CONTRIBUTORS ZONING 270-181; RECREATION 14-1 INTO JOINT POTW 270-185;270-198; AREAS 200-7 CITIZEN AND STAFF 216-5 270-219;270-219.1; PROPERTY ADVISORY SEWER USE:RULES, 270-219.4;270-219.6 MAINTENANCE COMMITTEES 18-3; REGS.&PENALTIES ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 205-4;205-5 18-9 OF BOARD OF USE DISTRICTS Road Preservation 230-14 CONSERVATION BOARD PUBLIC WORKS, 271-9;271-10 SEWER USE:USE OF 234 CITY OF ITHACA, ATTORNEYS FEES PUBLIC SEWERS DEFENSE AND NY,RE:WATER BUILDING 214-6 INDEMNIFICATION SUPPLY,SEWAGE CONSTRUCTION Signs 270-259 28-1 DISPOSAL&AIR AND FIRE STORM SEWER SYSTEM ETHICS,CODE OF 32-3; CONDITIONING PREVENTION 125-15 AND SURFACE 32-11 215-33;215-54 DEFENSE AND WATERS RESIDENCY ASSEMBLIES,PUBLIC INDEMNIFICATION PROTECTION 227-11; REQUIREMENTS See PUBLIC 28-2 227-14 73-1 ASSEMBLIES FEES 153-2 STREETS AND STREETS AND ASSESSMENTS LIGHTING,OUTDOOR SIDEWALKS SIDEWALKS 230-2 AGRICULTURAL 173-17 230-4.13;230-4.14 AREA,YARD AND BULK ASSESSMENTS NOISE 184-14 SUBDIVISION OF LAND REGULATIONS 104-1;104-2;104-3; PROPERTY 234-3;234-10 See LOTS 1044;104-5 MAINTENANCE ZONING 270-219.1; See YARDS BUILDING 205-3 270-219.4;270-235; ARREST WARRANTS CONSTRUCTION Road Preservation 230-15 270-237 See SEARCH WARRANTS AND FIRE SEWER USE: See Also ZONING BOARD See WARRANTS PREVENTION 125-15 REQUIREMENTS OF APPEALS ART MURALS Dog Control and Licensing FOR APPEALS BOARD Accessory buildings and 112-9 CONTRIBUTORS See BOARD OF APPEALS structures 270-265 ENVIRONMENTAL INTO JOINT POTW See ZONING BOARD OF Allowed art murals 270-265 QUALITY REVIEW 216-43 APPEALS Alternate requirements and 148-2 Signs 270-259 APPEALS,ZONING procedures 270-268 Exemption for Certain STORM SEWER SYSTEM BOARD OF Art mural permit 270-267 Disabled Persons With AND SURFACE See BOARD OF ZONING Certificates of compliance Limited Incomes WATERS APPEALS 270-267 239-13;239-15 PROTECTION 227-14 APPEARANCE TICKETS Code Enforcement Officer Exemption for STORMWATER APPEARANCE TICKETS 270-267 Improvements to MANAGEMENT AND 9-1;9-2 Compensation 270-266 Property Made EROSION AND Authorization to serve Fees 270-267 Pursuant to Americans SEDIMENT appearance tickets 9-2 Graffiti 270-265 with Disabilities Act CONTROL 228-15 BUILDING Height regulations 270-265; 239-18;239-19 ZONING 270-219.1; CONSTRUCTION 270-267 FEES 153-3 270-219.4 AND FIRE Historic preservation Historic Barn Exemption AUXILIARY POLICE PREVENTION 125-2; 270-266 239-21;239-22;239-23 See POLICE OFFICERS 125-13 Licenses and permits Housing Trust Exemption Code Enforcement Officer 270-267 239-26;239-27 _ B - 9-2 Lighting 270-267 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Construction 9-2 Mobile home parks 270-265 173-17 BACKFILLING Dog Control and Licensing Pedestrians 270-264 PROPERTY Building Sewers and 112-3 Planning Board 270-266; MAINTENANCE Connections 214-17 Dogs 9-2 270-267 2054 See Also EXCAVATIONS Environmental control 9-2 Prohibited art murals See Also FILL Fees 9-2 270-266 3 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX BACKFILLING-. SEWER USE:RULES, BICYCLES High Density Residential Planned Development REGS.&PENALTIES Dog Control and Licensing Zones 270-79;270-82 Zones 270-175 OF BOARD OF 112-2 Lakefront Residential Zones Road Preservation 230-13; PUBLIC WORKS, Neighborhood Commercial 270-43;270-44;270-46 230-14 CITY OF ITHACA, Zones 270-126 Light Industrial Zones SEWER USE:RULES, NY,RE:WATER PARKS AND 270-145 REGS.&PENALTIES SUPPLY,SEWAGE RECREATION LIGHTING,OUTDOOR OF BOARD OF B DISPOSAL&AIR AREAS 200-4;200-5 173-18 PUBLIC WORKS, CONDITIONING SUBDIVISION OF LAND Limited Historic CITY OF ITHACA, 215-54 234-2;234-23 Commercial Zones NY,RE:WATER STREETS AND ZONING 270-186; 270-142.3 SUPPLY,SEWAGE SIDEWALKS 230-4.6 270-188;270-200 Low Density Residential DISPOSAL&AIR BANKING ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Zones 270-56;270-60 CONDITIONING TRANSACTIONS USE DISTRICTS Medium Density Residential 215-4 Appointments 14-1 271-10;271-12; Zones 270-68;270-69; STORMWATER Authority 14-2 271-14;271-16 270-71 MANAGEMENT AND Authorization regarding BINGO Nonconforming Uses EROSION AND transfer of funds 14-5 BINGO 121-1;121-2; 270-203;270-208; SEDIMENT Authorization regarding 121-3;121-4 270-211;270-212; CONTROL 228-14 withdrawal of funds Conduct of bingo games 270-213;270-214; STREETS AND 14-4 authorized;restrictions 270-214.1 SIDEWALKS 230-2; Bonds 14-7 121-3 RESIDENCY 23013.15 Budget 14-4 Control and supervision REQUIREMENTS WATER RATES 261-2 Imposition of conditions 121-5 734 ZONING 270-217;270-219 14-7 Definitions 121-2 ZONING 270-5;270-215; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Procedural requirements of Effective date 121-8 270-219;270-219.4; USE DISTRICTS resolutions 14-6 See Also GAMBLING 270-223;270-227; 271-9 Purpose 14-1 See Also GAMES OF 270-233 BONFIRES Supersession of Town Law CHANCE See Also ZONING BOARD See BURNING 14-3 Licenses and permits 121-3 OF APPEALS See FIRES Town Board 14-4;14-5; Mandatory referendum ZONING:SPECIAL LAND BOWLING ALLEYS 14-7 121-6 USE DISTRICTS Community Commercial Town Council 14-4 Powers and duties 121-5 271-9 Zones 270-135 Town Supervisor 14-1; Severability 121-7 BOARD OF EDUCATION SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 144;14-6 Statutory authority;title ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 225-3 BARRICADES 121-1 USE DISTRICTS ZONING 270-227 Building Sewers and Sunday games 121-4 271-10;271-12 BRIDGES Connections 214-22 Town Clerk 121-5 BOARD OF HEALTH FLOOD DAMAGE SEWER USE:RULES, Town Supervisor 121-5 See HEALTH OFFICER PREVENTION 157-3; REGS.&PENALTIES BLASTING BOARD OF REVIEW 157-16 OF BOARD OF See Also EXPLOSION BUILDING NOTIFICATION OF PUBLIC WORKS, HAZARDS CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS 188-1 CITY OF ITHACA, See Also EXPLOSIVES AND FIRE PUBLIC WORKS NY,RE:WATER SEWER USE:RULES, PREVENTION 125-16 DEPARTMENT 59-4 SUPPLY,SEWAGE REGS.&PENALTIES BOARD OF TRUSTEES Road Preservation 230-13; DISPOSAL&AIR OF BOARD OF GAMES OF CHANCE 230-14 CONDITIONING PUBLIC WORKS, 166-8 SEWER USE:RULES, 215-54 CITY OF ITHACA, BOARD OF ZONING REGS.&PENALTIES STREETS AND NY,RE:WATER APPEALS OF BOARD OF SIDEWALKS 2304.6 SUPPLY,SEWAGE Adoption of Code I-11 PUBLIC WORKS, BATHING DISPOSAL&AIR See Also ZONING BOARD CITY OF ITHACA, ADULT USES 100-2 CONDITIONING OF APPEALS NY,RE:WATER ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 215-54 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND SUPPLY,SEWAGE USE DISTRICTS BLIGHT USE DISTRICTS DISPOSAL&AIR 271-16 FLOOD DAMAGE 271-9 CONDITIONING BATTERIES PREVENTION 157-3 BOATS AND BOATING 215-54 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS BLOCKS Lakefront Commercial Signs 270-252 225-2 SEWER USE:RULES, Zones 270-140; STREETS AND ZONING 270-5;270-219.1 REGS.&PENALTIES 270-142.1 SIDEWALKS 230-2 BEACH FIRES OF BOARD OF Lakefront Residential Zones SUBDIVISION OF LAND See FIRES PUBLIC WORKS, 270-43;270-45;270-46 234-36 BED AND BREAKFAST CITY OF ITHACA, PROPERTY TAXICABS 243-2 Agricultural Zones 270-27 NY,RE:WATER MAINTENANCE Vehicle Weight Limits Conservation Zones 270-12 SUPPLY,SEWAGE 205-2 250-7 High Density Residential DISPOSAL&AIR WATERCRAFT 254-1; VEHICLES AND Zones 270-78 CONDITIONING 254-4 TRAFFIC 250-16 Lakefront Residential Zones 215-54 ZONING 270-5 Water 215-15 27042 SUBDIVISION OF LAND ZONING:SPECIAL LAND ZONING 270-219.5 Limited Historic 234-20;234-24; USE DISTRICTS BRUSH,GRASS AND Commercial Zones 234-28;234-36;234-37 271-12 WEEDS 270-142.5 ZONING 270-217 BONDS See Also GRASS Low Density Residential ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Adoption of Code 14 CLIPPINGS Zones 270-55 USE DISTRICTS BANKING See Also LAWNS Medium Density Residential 271-16 TRANSACTIONS PARKS AND Zones 270-67 BOARD OF APPEALS 14-7 RECREATION Multiple Residence Zones Adoption of Code 1-I 1 BUILDING AREAS 200-5 270-102 Agricultural Zones 270-28; CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 270-29 AND FIRE MANAGEMENT AND 225-3 See Also APPEALS PREVENTION 125-4; EROSION AND ZONING 270-5;270-227 CONSERVATION BOARD 125-7 SEDIMENT ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 23-2 Building Sewers and CONTROL 228-6 USE DISTRICTS Conservation Zones 270-17 Connections 214-13 See Also YARD WASTE 271-3;271-9 Conservation Zones 270-22 ZONING 270-5;270-227 4 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX BRUSH,GRASS AND WEEDS.— ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Building permits 125-2; Removal of dangerous FEES 153-3 USE DISTRICTS 125-4;125-5;125-6; buildings or structures FLOOD DAMAGE 271-10;271-16 125-7;125-16 125-15 PREVENTION 157-8 BUDGET Burning 125-4;125-5; Rental units 125-8;125-9 Industrial Zones 270-171 BANKING 125-10 Reports 125-7;125-8; Lakefront Residential Zones TRANSACTIONS Certificates of compliance 125-11 270-43;270-51 14-4 125-4;125-7 Residential districts 125-4 See Also LICENSES AND PUBLIC WORKS Certificates of occupancy Retaining walls 125-4 PERMITS DEPARTMENT 59-6 125-4;125-7 Right of entry 125-5 Light Industrial Zones Wastewater Discharge Certificates of occupancy or Rules and regulations 125-3 270-156 Permits 216-16 certificates of Safety standards 125-4; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR BUFFERS compliance 125-7 125-7;125-8;125-9; 173-16 Agricultural Zones 270-25; Chimneys 125-4;125-5; 125-15 Low Density Residential 270-27;270-28; 125-10 Sanitariums 125-8;125-9 Zones 270-54 270-32;270-37 Code Enforcement Officer Scope 125-1 Mobile Home Park Zones Commercial Zones 125-2;1254;125-5; Septic systems 125-4 270-97;270-98 Generally 270-117; 125-6;125-7;125-8; Sheds 1254 Multiple Residence Zones 270-122 125-9;125-10;125-11; Signs 1254 270-112 Conservation Zones 270-10; 125-12;125-13; Single-family dwellings Planned Development 270-12;270-17;270-22 125-15;125-16 1254 Zones 270-178 High Density Residential Combustibles 125-8 Site plan approval 1254 SEWER USE:USE OF Zones 270-76 Complaints 125-11;125-14 Site plans 1254 PUBLIC SEWERS Industrial Zones 270-161; Construction 125-4;125-5; Smoke 125-7 214-7 270-164;270-169 125-6;125-7;125-11; Sprinkler systems 125-7 See Also SPECIAL Light Industrial Zones 125-16 Stop-work orders 125-6; PERMITS 270-149;270-154 Construction inspections 125-11 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Low Density Residential 125-5 Storage 1254 2254;225-9 Zones 270-55;270-58 Costs and expenses 1254; Surcharges 1254 STORM SEWER SYSTEM Multiple Residence Zones 125-7;125-8;125-15 Swimming pools 1254 AND SURFACE 270-106;270-111 Dangerous buildings 125-15 Tenants 125-6 WATERS See Also SCREENS AND Demolition 125-4;125-15 Tests 125-8 PROTECTION 227-14 SCREENING Dust 125-8 Town Board 125-2;125-3; STORMWATER STORMWATER Excavations 1254 125-4;125-5;125-7 MANAGEMENT AND MANAGEMENT AND Fees 125-4;125-7;125-9; Town Clerk 125-14 EROSION AND EROSION AND 125-14 Two-family dwellings 125-4 SEDIMENT SEDIMENT Fences 1254 Variance and review 125-16 CONTROL 228-11; CONTROL 228-9 Fire Department 125-10 Variances 125-7;125-16 228-15 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Fire prevention 125-1 Ventilation 1254 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 234-20;234-33;234-34 Fire protection 1254;125-7 Violations 125-12 234-3;234-39 ZONING 270-186; Firesafety 125-9 Violations and penalties WATER RATES 261-8 270-188;270-191; Firesafety and property 125-4;125-5;125-6; ZONING 270-181; 270-219;270-219.1; maintenance 125-7;125-8;125-9; 270-183;270-185; 270-219.3;270-219.4; inspections 125-9 125-11;125-12; 270-191;270-192; 270-219.5;270-223; Fuel 125-4;125-5;125-10 125-13;125-14; 270-194;270-196; 270-227;270-230.2 Gas 125-5;125-10 125-15;125-16 270-202;270-217; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Grades and grading 12514 Waivers 125-7 270-219;270-219.1; USE DISTRICTS Hazardous materials and Walls 1254 270-219.3;270-219.4; 271-9;271-10;271-12; substances 125-8 Warrants 125-9 270-219.5;270-219.6; 271-13;271-16 Hearings 125-7 Water 1254;125-5 270-223;270-228; BUFFERYARDS Heating 1254;125-5 BUILDING INSPECTOR 270-230;270-233; Mobile Home Park Zones Height regulations 125-4 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE 270-235;270-236; 270-97 Hospitals 125-8;125-9 129-2 270-243;270-245 BUILDING Hotels 125-8 See Also CODE ZONING:SPECIAL LAND CONSTRUCTION Impoundment 125-4 ENFORCEMENT USE DISTRICTS See Also CONSTRUCTION Improvements 125-4;125-7 OFFICER 271-3;2714;271-5; Nonconforming Uses Inspections 1254;125-5; FLOOD DAMAGE 271-6;271-7;271-8; 270-209 125-7;125-8;125-9; PREVENTION 157-8; 271-9;271-10;271-11; RENTAL PROPERTY 125-11;125-15 157-10;157-11; 271-12;271-13; 207-1;207-2;207-3 Letters of credit 125-4; 157-12;157-14;157-16 271-14;271-15;271-16 See Also RESIDENTIAL 125-7 See Also INSPECTIONS BUILDING SEWERS AND CONSTRUCTION Liability 125-13 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS CONNECTIONS SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Licenses and permits 125-4; 225-2;225-5;225-7; Backfilling 214-17 225-9 125-8;125-9;125-14 225-9 Barricades 214-22 Water 215-28 Liens 125-15 SUBDMSION OF LAND Bonds 214-13 ZONING 270-219.3; Motels 125-8 234-3;234-10;234-20 Building sewer permits 270-219.4;270-219.6 Notices 125-7;125-10; ZONING 270-193;270-237 214-13 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 125-11;125-12 BUILDING OFFICIAL Connection specifications USE DISTRICTS Notices of violations 125-12 ADULT USES 100-5 214-18 271-14;271-15 Notification regarding fire BUILDING PERMITS Construction 214-17 BUILDING or explosion 125-10 Agricultural Zones 270-38 Construction requirements CONSTRUCTION AND Nuisances 125-15 BUILDING 214-17 FIRE PREVENTION Nursing homes 125-8;125-9 CONSTRUCTION Costs and expenses 214-14 Accessory buildings and Operating permits 125-8 AND FIRE Costs and expenses to be structures 125-4 Parking 1254 PREVENTION 125-2; borne by owner 214-14 Administration 125-2 Penalties for offenses 1254;125-5;125-6; Driveways 214-15 Appeals 125-12;125-16 125-13 125-7;125-16 Elevation 214-19 Appearance tickets 125-2; Playgrounds 1254 Business Investment Excavations 214-17;214-22 125-13 Plumbing 1254 Exemption 239-9 Groundwater 214-20 Assessments 125-15 Public assemblies 125-8; Commercial Zones Guarding of excavations Attorneys fees 125-15 125-9 Generally 270-124 214-22 Board of Review 125-16 Qualifications 125-2 Conservation Zones 270-11; Industrial wastes 214-13 Bonds 1254;125-7 Records 125-12;125-14 270-13;270-22;270-24 Inspections 214-13;214-21 ETHICS,CODE OF 32-11 Insurance 214-13 5 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX BUILDING SEWERS AND CONNECTIONS— Liability 214-13;214-14 270-219;270-219.1; SEWER USE:RULES, Licenses and permits 214-13 _ C 270-227;270-228; REGS.&PENALTIES Notices 214-13 270-234;270-235; OF BOARD OF Permit required for opening CABLE TELEVISION 270-238 PUBLIC WORKS, or connection 214-12 SUBDIVISION OF LAND ZONING:SPECIAL LAND CITY OF ITHACA, Plumbing Code 214-17; 234-29 USE DISTRICTS NY,RE:WATER 214-18 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 271-10;271-14; SUPPLY,SEWAGE Prohibited connections USE DISTRICTS 271-15;271-16 DISPOSAL&AIR 214-20 271-14 CERTIFICATES OF CONDITIONING Roofs 214-20 CAMPING INSURANCE 215-2;215-5;215-7; C Separate building sewer PARKS AND See INSURANCE 215-8;21544;215-30 required 214-15 RECREATION CERTIFICATES OF SEWER USE:USE OF SEWER USE:USE OF AREAS 200-5 OCCUPANCY PUBLIC SEWERS PUBLIC SEWERS ZONING 270-5 BUILDING 214-26 214-12\214-22 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND CONSTRUCTION STREETS AND Sewers 214-12;214-13; USE DISTRICTS AND FIRE SIDEWALKS 230-2; 214-14;214-15; 271-3 PREVENTION 125-4; 230-4.9;230-7;230-8 214-16;214-17; CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 125-7 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 214-18;214-19; PROJECTS ETHICS,CODE OF 32-11 234-8 214-20;214-21;214-22 See IMPROVEMENTS FLOOD DAMAGE TAXICABS 243-5;243-6; Sidewalks 214-22 CARBON MONOXIDE PREVENTION 157-12 243-8;243-9;243-10; Supervision and inspection DETECTORS SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 243-11 of connection 214-21 RENTAL PROPERTY 225-5 VEHICLES AND Tests 214-16;214-17; 207-2 STORM SEWER SYSTEM TRAFFIC 250-22 214-18 ZONING 270-219.6 AND SURFACE Wastewater Discharge Trenches 214-17 CATS WATERS Permits 216-17 Use of old building sewers See Also ANIMALS PROTECTION 227-14 Water 215-18;215-19; 214-16 ZONING 270-5 STORMWATER 215-21;215-23; Yards 214-15 CEMETERIES MANAGEMENT AND 215-26;215-28 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE Agricultural Zones 270-27 EROSION AND WATER RATES 261-1; Building Inspector 129-2 High Density Residential SEDIMENT 261-3;261-4;261-5 Compensation 129-2 Zones 270-78;270-85 CONTROL 228-11; ZONING 270-219 Costs and expenses 129-2 Low Density Residential 228-15 CHICKENS County Clerk 129-2 Zones 270-55;270-63 WATER RATES 261-8 Medium Density Residential Fire prevention 129-1 Medium Density Residential ZONING 270-183; Zones 270-68 Grades and grading 129-1 Zones 270-67;270-74 270-185;270-186; ZONING 270-5 Inspections 129-2 STORMWATER 270-193;270-196; CHIMNEYS Notices 129-2 MANAGEMENT AND 270-219;270-219.6; BUILDING Nuisances 129-2 EROSION AND 270-227;270-228; CONSTRUCTION Procedures 129-2 SEDIMENT 270-234;270-235; AND FIRE Records 129-2 CONTROL 228-7 270-238 PREVENTION 1254; Removal or repair required VEHICLES AND ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 125-5;125-10 129-1 TRAFFIC 250-16 USE DISTRICTS Limited Historic Reports 129-2 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 271-3;271-4;271-9; Commercial Zones Town Board 129-2 USE DISTRICTS 271-10;271-13; 270-142.3 BURNING 271-9 271-14;271-15;271-16 SUBDIVISION OF LAND BUILDING CERTIFICATES OF CERTIFICATES OF 234-20 CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL REGISTRATION ZONING 270-5;270-219.4; AND FIRE ZONING 270-5 See REGISTRATION 270-224 PREVENTION 125-4; CERTIFICATES OF CESSPOOLS CHRISTMAS TREES 125-5;125-10 COMPLIANCE SEWER USE: Conservation Zones 270-22 See Also FIRES Art Murals 270-267 REQUIREMENTS CHURCHES Light Industrial Zones BUILDING FOR Agricultural Zones 270-27 270-155 CONSTRUCTION CONTRIBUTORS Community Commercial See Also OPEN FIRES AND FIRE INTO JOINT POTW Zones 270-135 PARKS AND PREVENTION 125-4; 216-3 Conservation Zones 270-12 RECREATION 125-7 SEWER USE:RULES, High Density Residential AREAS 200-5 Conservation Zones 270-11 REGS.&PENALTIES Zones 270-78 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND ETHICS,CODE OF 32-11 OF BOARD OF Lakefront Commercial USE DISTRICTS FLOOD DAMAGE PUBLIC WORKS, Zones 270-141 271-10;271-12 PREVENTION 157-12 CITY OF ITHACA, Lakefront Residential Zones BURNING,OPEN Low Density Residential NY,RE:WATER 27042 See FIRES Zones 270-54 SUPPLY,SEWAGE Light Industrial Zones BURNING,OUTDOOR Signs 270-262 DISPOSAL&AIR 270-145 See FIRES SPRINKLER SYSTEMS CONDITIONING Limited Historic BUSINESS DISTRICTS 225-5 215-33 Commercial Zones ZONING:SPECIAL LAND STORM SEWER SYSTEM SEWER USE:USE OF 270-142.5 USE DISTRICTS AND SURFACE PUBLIC SEWERS Low Density Residential 271-2;271-5;271-9 WATERS 214-4 Zones 270-55 BUSINESS INVESTMENT PROTECTION 227-14 CHARGES Medium Density Residential EXEMPTION STORMWATER Adoption of Code 14 Zones 270-67 Building permits 239-9 MANAGEMENT AND See Also COSTS AND See Also PLACES OF Construction 239-9 EROSION AND EXPENSES WORSHIP Effect on current projects SEDIMENT DEFENSE AND SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 239-9 CONTROL 228-11; INDEMNIFICATION 225-3 Reduction in exemption 228-15 28-6 ZONING 270-227 239-8 WATER RATES 261-8 FEES 153-2;21645; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND TAXATION 239-8\239-10 ZONING 270-183; 21646 USE DISTRICTS When effective 239-10 270-185.270-186• See Also FEES 271-9 BUSINESS LICENSES 270-193;270-196; PUBLIC WORKS CIGARETTES See LICENSES AND DEPARTMENT 59-6 PARKS AND PERMITS SEWER RENTS 210.4; RECREATION 210-6;210-7;210-8 AREAS 200-5 6 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX CITIZEN AND STAFF PROPERTY Open space 270-119 DEFENSE AND ADVISORY MAINTENANCE Parking 270-114;270-121 INDEMNIFICATION COMMITTEES 205-4;205-5 Permitted accessory uses 28-4 Advisory Board 18-9 RENTAL PROPERTY 270-114 Planning Board and Zoning Appointments 18-3;18-9 207-2 Planning Board 270-114; Board of Appeals 20-2; Authority of citizen Road Preservation 230-14; 270-122 20-3;20-4 advisory committees 230-15 Purpose 270-113 See Planning Board and 18-6 Signs 270-259;270-262 Screens and screening Zoning Board of Compensation 18-7;18-8 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 270-122 Appeals 20-1\20-4 Conservation Board 18-9 225-2;225-6 Setbacks 270-120 PROPERTY Costs and expenses 18-7 STORM SEWER SYSTEM Sewers 270-120 MAINTENANCE Creation and appointment of AND SURFACE Sidewalks 270-122 205-4 citizen advisory WATERS Site plan approval 270-124 See Also SALARIES AND committees 18-3 PROTECTION 227-14 Site plan review and COMPENSATION Inapplicability of chapter to STORMWATER approval 270-122 STORM SEWER SYSTEM other committees, MANAGEMENT AND Site plans 270-124 AND SURFACE boards and EROSION AND Size and area of lot 270-120 WATERS appointments 18-9 SEDIMENT Smoke 270-122 PROTECTION 227-2 Legislative authority 18-1 CONTROL 228-6; Special permits 270-114 STREETS AND Members of citizen advisory 228-15 Storage 270-114 SIDEWALKS 230-4.3 committees 18-4 ZONING 270-219.1; Town Board 270-122 TAXICABS 243-2 Planning Board 18-9 270-219.4;270-219.6; Vehicles 270-115;270-122 ZONING 270-5 Records 18-9 270-231;270-233; Vibrations 270-122 COMPLAINTS Staff advisory committees 270-235;270-237; Yard regulations 270-117 BUILDING 18-8 270-238 Yards 270-117;270-120 CONSTRUCTION Supercession of Town Law ZONING:SPECIAL LAND ZONING 270-113\270-124 AND FIRE 18-2 USE DISTRICTS Zoning districts 270-120 PREVENTION 125-11; Terms of citizen advisory 271-14;271-15;271-16 COMMUNICABLE 125-14 committee members; CODE OF CONDUCT DISEASES DEFENSE AND removal 18-5 See OFFICERS AND ADULT USES 100-1 INDEMNIFICATION Town Board 18-3;18-4; EMPLOYEES COMMUNITY 28-2;28-3 18-5;18.6;18-7;18-8; CODE OFFICIAL COMMERCIAL Dog Control and Licensing 18-9 See BUILDING ZONES 112-4 Town Supervisor 18-8;18-9 INSPECTOR Alcoholic beverages ETHICS,CODE OF 32-11 Water 18-9 COMBUSTIBLES 270-135 NOISE 184-5;184-13 Zoning Board of Appeals BUILDING Bowling alleys 270-135 PROPERTY 18-9 CONSTRUCTION Churches 270-135 MAINTENANCE CITY ATTORNEY AND FIRE Dance halls 270-135 205-4 SEWER USE: PREVENTION 125-8 Driveways 270-135 STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS See Also EXPLOSION Financial institutions MANAGEMENT AND FOR HAZARDS 270-134;270-135 EROSION AND CONTRIBUTORS See Also EXPLOSIVES Garages 270-135 SEDIMENT INTO JOINT POTW See Also FLAN04ABLES Glass 270-134 CONTROL 228-13 216-42 PROPERTY Heating 270-134 Water 215-26 CITY CLERK MAINTENANCE Hotels 270-134;270-135 COMPOSTING SEWER USE:RULES, 205-2 Library 270-135 Agricultural Zones 270-27 REGS.&PENALTIES COMMERCIAL VEHICLES Monuments 270-134 ZONING 270-5;270-219.5 OF BOARD OF Vehicle Weight Limits Motels 270-134;270-135 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PUBLIC WORKS, 250-8 Noise 270-135 Conservation Zones 270-10 CITY OF ITHACA, See Also VEHICLES Parking 270-135 FLOOD DAMAGE NY,RE:WATER ZONING 270-219.2 Pedestrians 270-135 PREVENTION 157-16 SUPPLY,SEWAGE COMMERCIAL ZONES Permitted principal uses See Also MASTER PLAN DISPOSAL&AIR GENERALLY 270-134 Planned Development CONDITIONING Accessory uses and Pet shops 270-134 Zones 270-172; 215-13 structures 270-114 Planning Board 270-135 270-175 CLERK Additional special Plumbing 270-134 SUBDIVISION OF LAND See COUNTY CLERK requirements 270-122 Principal uses authorized by 234-2;234-20;234-23; CODE ENFORCEMENT Buffers 270-117;270-122 special permit only 234-24 OFFICER Building area 270-118 270-135 ZONING 270-188; APPEARANCE TICKETS Building permits 270-124 Purpose 270-133 270-200;270-219.1; 9-2 Construction 270-122 Restaurants 270-135 270-219.6;270-236 Art Murals 270-267 Drive-through operations Sales 270-134 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND BUILDING 270-123 Schools 270-135 USE DISTRICTS CONSTRUCTION Driveways 270-119; Special permits 270-134; 271-3;271-9;271-10; AND FIRE 270-122 270-135 271-12;271-14; PREVENTION 125-2; Fences 270-122 Storage 270-135 271-15;271-16 125-4;125-5;125-6; Grades and grading 270-116 Vehicles 270-135 CONDITIONAL USES 125-7;125-8;125-9; Height limitations 270-116 ZONING 270-133\270-135 See NONCONFORMING 125-10;125-11; Height regulations 270-116 Zoning Board of Appeals USES 125-12;125-13; Home occupations 270-114 270-135 See PERMITTED USES 125-15;125-16 Landscaping 270-119; COMPENSATION CONDOMINIUMS See Also BUILDING 270-122 ADULT USES 100-2 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND INSPECTOR Lighting 270-122 Art Murals 270-266 USE DISTRICTS Conservation Zones 270-22 Lots 270-120 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE 271-9 FEES 153-1;153-2 Minimum area for 129-2 CONFIDENTIALITY Lakefront Residential Zones commercial zone CITIZEN AND STAFF ETHICS,CODE OF 32-5 270-43;270-51 270-115 ADVISORY NOTIFICATION OF Mobile Home Park Zones Minimum usable open space COMMITTEES 18-7; INFORMATION 270-97 270-119 18-8 SECURITY NOISE 184-13 Noise 270-122 CONSERVATION BOARD BREACHES 51-1 Nonconforming Uses Odors 270-122 23-7 270-212 Off-street loading 270-114; 270-122 7 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX CONFIDENTIALITY_ SEWER USE: Bonds 270-22 Pollution 270-13;270-22 FLOOD DAMAGE REQUIREMENTS Buffers 270-10;270-12; Principal uses authorized by PREVENTION 157-2; FOR 270-17;270-22 special permit only 157-4;157-8;157-10; CONTRIBUTORS Building permits 270-11; 270-12 157-11;157-12; INTO JOINT POTW 270-13;270-22;270-24 Purpose 270-10 157-13;157-14; 216-29 Certificates of compliance Roadside stands 27011; 157-15;157-17 CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 27011 270-12;27017 Lakefront Commercial DEFENSE AND Christmas trees 270-22 Safety standards 270-22 Zones 270-141 INDEMNIFICATION Churches 27012 Sales 27011;27012 Lakefront Residential Zones 28-2 Clustering 270-20 Schools 270-12 270-43;270-51 C ETHICS,CODE OF 32-1; Code Enforcement Officer Screens and screening Light Industrial Zones 32-6 270-22 270-22 270143 ZONING 270235;270-236 Comprehensive Plan 270-10 Setbacks 270-17;270-19; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR CONSERVATION BOARD Conservation Board 270-22 270-22 173-15 Advisory Board 23-8 Construction 27011; Sewers 270-12 Low Density Residential Appointments 23-4 27022 Site plan approval 270-22; Zones 270-54 Board of Appeals 23-2 Day-care facilities 27014 270-24 Multiple Residence Zones CITIZEN AND STAFF Department of Public Works Site plans 270-13;270-22; 27099 ADVISORY 270-22 270-24 Neighborhood Commercial COMMITTEES 18-9 Dogs 270-14 Size and area of lot 270-19 Zones 270-126; Compensation 23-7 Drainage 270-10;27022 Soil erosion and sediment 270-127 Compensation and expenses Driveways 270-18;27022 control 270-22 NOISE 184-8 23-7 Dumps and dumping 27022 Special permits 270-12; Nonconforming Uses CONSERVATION BOARD Dust 270-14 270-13;270-22;27024 270209 23-1;23-4;23-6;23-8 Easements 270-10;27022 Steep slopes 27010;27022 Office Park Commercial Conservation Zones 270-22 Emergency Management Stop-work orders 27022 Zones 270-131 Costs and expenses 23-7 Agency 27022 Storage 27017;270-22 PROPERTY Environmental quality Erosion and sediment Stormwater 270-10;270-13; MAINTENANCE review 23-2 control 270-13;270-22 270-22 205-2 Improvements 23-4 Excavations 27022 Stormwater management PUBLIC WORKS Legislative intent 23-8 Family day-care 270-14 270-22 DEPARTMENT 59-4 Licenses and permits 23-2; Farms and fanning 270-11; Streets and sidewalks See Also RESIDENTIAL 23-3 270-12;27022 270-22 CONSTRUCTION Lots 23-2 Fees 270-22;27023 Timber harvesting 270-11; Road Preservation 23013; Meetings 23-3;23-4;23-5 Fences 270-22 270-14;27022 230-14 Membership 23-4;23-5 Fill 270-12 Town Board 270-22 SEWER USE: Minutes 23-3 Garages 270-17 Town Engineer 27022 REQUIREMENTS Officers 23-5 Grades and grading 270-16; Trees 270-22 FOR Open space 23-1;23-3 270-20 Two-family dwellings CONTRIBUTORS Other procedures and Health hazards 270-22 270-11 INTO JOINT POTW reports 23-6 Height limitations 27016 Utilities 270-22 216-3;216-13;216-14; Planning Board 23-2 Height regulations 27016 Walls 270-17;270-22 216-26 Powers and duties 23-2 Home occupations 270-14 Water 27022 SEWER USE:RULES, Procedures applicable to Hospitals 270-12 Water quality 270-10; REGS.&PENALTIES review of applications Improvements 270-12 270-22 OF BOARD OF 23-3 Inspections 270-22 Water supply 270-10; PUBLIC WORKS, Records 23-3 Insurance 270-22 270-11 CITY OF ITHACA, Redesignation of Advisory Kennels 270-14 Watercourses 270-22 NY,RE:WATER Council as Landscaping 27022 Wetlands 270-10;27022 SUPPLY,SEWAGE Conservation Board Library 270-12 Wildlife 270-10;270-14; DISPOSAL&AIR 23-1 Lighting 270-22 27022 CONDITIONING Reports 23-2;23-3;23-6 Lot coverage 27018 Yard regulations 270-17 215-29;215-54 Site plan approval 23-2 Lots 27011;27017; Yards 270-12;27017; SEWER USE:USE OF Site plans 23-3 270-19;270-22 270-19 PUBLIC SEWERS Terms of office 23-4 Manure 270-12;27022 ZONING 270-10\270-24 214-5;214-7 Town Board 23-2;23-3; Mobile homes 27011 Zoning Board of Appeals Signs 270-247;270-258 23-4;23-5;23-6;23-8 Museums 27012 27014 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Town Engineer 23-2 Natural features 27010 CONSTRUCTION 225-4 Vacancies 23-4 Natural resources 270-10 Agricultural Zones 270-31 STORM SEWER SYSTEM Variances 23-2;23-3 Noise 270-13;27014 APPEARANCE TICKETS AND SURFACE Vehicles 23-2 Nuisances 270-12 9-2 WATERS Zoning Board of Appeals Odors 270-14 See Also BUILDING PROTECTION 227-2; 23-2 Off-street parking 27013 CONSTRUCTION 227-10 CONSERVATION Official Map 270-22 BUILDING STORMWATER DISTRICTS One-family dwellings CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND ZONING 270-219.5 27011 AND FIRE EROSION AND CONSERVATION Open space 270-10;270-17; PREVENTION 125-4; SEDIMENT EASEMENTS 27022;27023 125-5;125-6;125-7; CONTROL 228-2; See EASEMENTS Park and recreation 125-11;125-16 228-3;228-5;228-6; CONSERVATION ZONES setasides and fees in Building Sewers and 228-7;228-8;228-10; Accessory buildings and lieu thereof 270-23 Connections 214-17 228-11;228-13; structures 270-11; Parking 270-11;270-12; Business Investment 228-14;228-15 270-12;27014; 27018;270-21;270-22 Exemption 239-9 STREETS AND 270-16;27017 Permitted accessory Commercial Zones SIDEWALKS 230-2; Additional requirements and buildings or uses Generally 270122 2303;230-4;230-4.1; restrictions 270-22 27014 Conservation Zones 270-11; 2304.3;230-4.4; Additional requirements for Permitted principal uses 27022 230-4.6;2304.7; special permit 27013 27011 ENVIRONMENTAL 230-4.8;230-4.9; Agricultural districts 270-22 Permitted uses 27014 QUALITY REVIEW 230-4.10;230-4.15; Animals 270-12;270-14; Places of worship 270-12 148-5 230-6 270-22 Planning Board 27012; Fees 153-2;153-3;216-45 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Bed and breakfast 27012 27013;270-20;27022 234-3;234-19;234-32; Board of Appeals 27017 Playgrounds 27012 234-34;234-38;234-39 8 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX CONSTRUCTION... Wastewater Discharge BUILDING SEWER USE:USE OF STORMWATER Permits 216-16 CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC SEWERS MANAGEMENT AND Water 215-28 AND FIRE 214-5;214-26;214-35 EROSION AND WATER RATES 261-2; PREVENTION 125-4; Signs 270-259 SEDIMENT 261-4 125-7;125-8;125-15 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS CONTROL 228-10 ZONING 270-5;270-185; Building Sewers and 225-4 STREETS AND 270-186;270-189; Connections 214-14 STORM SEWER SYSTEM SIDEWALKS 230-2; 270-191;270-192; BUILDINGS,UNSAFE AND SURFACE 230-3;230-4.1 270-194;270-197; 129-2 WATERS SUBDIVISION OF LAND 270-202;270-215; See Also CHARGES PROTECTION 227-9; 234-36;234-38 270-217;270-219; CITIZEN AND STAFF 227-12;227-14;227-15 CURBS 270-219.1;270-219.5; ADVISORY STORMWATER SEWER USE:RULES, 270-227;270-233; COMMITTEES 18-7 MANAGEMENT AND REGS.&PENALTIES 270-235;270-236 CONSERVATION BOARD EROSION AND OF BOARD OF ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 23-7 SEDIMENT PUBLIC WORKS, USE DISTRICTS DEFENSE AND CONTROL 228-3; CITY OF ITHACA, 271-3;271-5;271-6; INDEMNIFICATION 228-9;228-14;228-15 NY,RE:WATER 271-7;271-8;271-9; 28-2;28-12 STREETS AND SUPPLY,SEWAGE 271-10;271-11; ENVIRONMENTAL SIDEWALKS 230-2; DISPOSAL&AIR 271-12;271-13; QUALITY REVIEW 230-4.2;230-4.3; CONDITIONING 271-14;271-15;271-16 148-15 2304.7;230-4.15; 215-30;215-54 CONSTRUCTION CODES ETHICS,CODE OF 32-2 230-7;230-8 STORM SEWER SYSTEM See BUILDING FEES 153-2;216-45; SUBDIVISION OF LAND AND SURFACE CONSTRUCTION 216-47 234-2;234-3;234-6; WATERS CONSTRUCTION CODES, See Also FEES 23436;234-38 PROTECTION 227-2 UNIFORM FLOOD DAMAGE VEHICLES AND STREETS AND See BUILDING PREVENTION 157-3; TRAFFIC 250-22; SIDEWALKS 230-2; CONSTRUCTION 1574;157-8;157-16; 250-24 230-4.1 See RESIDENTIAL 157-17 Water 215-18;215-19; SUBDIVISION OF LAND CONSTRUCTION HEALTH INSURANCE 215-22;215-23;215-24 23423;23438 CONSTRUCTION 41-1;41-3;41-5 WATER RATES 261-2; Water 215-18;215-19; OFFICIAL Historic Bam Exemption 261-1;261-5 215-24 See BUILDING 239-21 ZONING 270-5;270-181; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND INSPECTOR LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 270-185;270-186; USE DISTRICTS See CODE 173-2;173-3;173-17 270-219;270-219.1; 271-16 ENFORCEMENT Limited Historic 270-219.4;270-219.5; CURFEW OFFICER Commercial Zones 270-219.6;270-243 See MINORS CONSTRUCTION 270-142.3 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND PERMITS NOISE 18414 USE DISTRICTS — D — See BUILDING PERMITS Nonconforming Uses 271-8;271-9;271-10; See LICENSES AND 270-214 271-14;271-15 DANCE HALLS PERMITS NOTIFICATION OF COUNTY CLERK Community Commercial See SPECIAL PERMITS INFORMATION BUILDINGS,UNSAFE Zones 270-135 CONSTRUCTION SIGNS SECURITY 129-2 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SEWER USE:RULES, BREACHES 51-5 STORMWATER 225-3 REGS.&PENALTIES PARKS AND MANAGEMENT AND ZONING 270-227 OF BOARD OF RECREATION EROSION AND DANGEROUS BUILDINGS PUBLIC WORKS, AREAS 200-8 SEDIMENT BUILDING CITY OF ITHACA, Private Sewage Disposal CONTROL 228-11 CONSTRUCTION NY,RE:WATER 21411 SUBDIVISION OF LAND AND FIRE SUPPLY,SEWAGE PROCUREMENT 57-1; 234-17;23420; PREVENTION 125-15 DISPOSAL&AIR 574 234-24;23439 DAY-CARE FACILITIES CONDITIONING PROPERTY ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Agricultural Zones 270-27 215-54 MAINTENANCE USE DISTRICTS Conservation Zones 270-14 See Also SIGNS 205-3;205-4 2714;271-8 See Also FAMILY DAY- CONSTRUCTION RELOCATION CROSSWALKS CARE STANDARDS EXPENSES 69-2; NOTIFICATION OF Lakefront Residential Zones See BUILDING 694;69-5;69-6 DEFECTS 188-1 270.43 CONSTRUCTION Road Preservation 230-14; See Also PEDESTRIAN Limited Historic See RESIDENTIAL 230-15 WALKWAYS Commercial Zones CONSTRUCTION SEWER RENTS 210-2; See Also STREETS AND 270-142.6 CONTAGIOUS DISEASES 210-7;210-9 SIDEWALKS Low Density Residential See COMMUNICABLE SEWER USE: VEHICLES AND Zones 270-56 DISEASES REQUIREMENTS TRAFFIC 250-17 Medium Density Residential CONVALESCENT HOMES FOR CULTURAL HISTORIC Zones 270-68 High Density Residential CONTRIBUTORS PRESERVATION ZONING 270-5 Zones 270-78 INTO JOINT POTW See HISTORIC ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Low Density Residential 216-1;216-5;216-13; PRESERVATION USE DISTRICTS Zones 270-55 216-14;216-26; CULVERTS 271-9 See Also NURSING 216-33;216-34;216-43 NOTIFICATION OF DECKS HOMES SEWER USE:RULES, DEFECTS 188-1 RENTAL PROPERTY ZONING 270-5;270-227 REGS.&PENALTIES PUBLIC WORKS 207-2 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND OF BOARD OF DEPARTMENT 59-4 ZONING 270-219.6 USE DISTRICTS PUBLIC WORKS, Road Preservation 230-13; DEFENSE AND 271-9 CITY OF ITHACA, 230-14 INDEMNIFICATION CONVENIENCE STORES NY,RE:WATER STORM SEWER SYSTEM Appel 28-3 Vehicle Fueling and Repair SUPPLY,SEWAGE AND SURFACE Applicability 28-10 Commercial Zones DISPOSAL&AIR WATERS Appointments 28-1 270-138 CONDITIONING PROTECTION 227-2 Attorneys fees 28-2 COSTS AND EXPENSES 215-4;215-10;215-30; Charges 28-6 AGRICULTURAL 215-31;215-54 Compensation 28-4 ASSESSMENTS 104-1 Complaints 28-2;28-3 Conflicts of interest 28-2 9 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX DEFENSE AND INDEMNIFICATION... Costs and expenses 28-2; APPROVED DOUBLE BUILDING-MOUNTED DEVELOPER 228-5 28-12 CHECK VALVE SMALL WIND DEVELOPMENT 228-5; Definitions 28-1 ASSEMBLY 256-3 ENERGY FACILITY 1574 Effect on notice required by APPROVED REDUCED 270-5 DIAMETER AT BREAST other laws 28-5 PRESSURE BYPASS 216-3 HEIGHT 270-5 Effect on other rights and PRINCIPLE CANOPY 270-5 DIRECT DISCHARGE immunities 28-8 BACKFLOW CARPORT 270-5 216-3 Employee responsibilities PREVENTION CATEGORICAL DIRECT LIGHT 173-4 28-3 DEVICE 256-3 PRETREATMENT DISABILITY GLARE Fees 28-2 APPROVED SPRINKLER STANDARD 216-3 173-3 Insurance 28-6;28-7 SYSTEM 225-2 CATERER 270-5 DISCHARGE 216-3 Integration of provisions APPROVED WATER CAYUGA LAKE 254-1 DOCK 270-5 28-9 SUPPLY 256-3 CELLAR 234-20;1574; DOMESTIC ANIMALS D Investigations 28-2 APPURTENANT 270-5 270-5 Legislative authority and STRUCTURE 230-2 CERTIFIED BACKFLOW DOMESTIC SOURCE intent 28-12 AREA OF SHALLOW PREVENTION 216-3 Liability 28-2;28-9;28-12 FLOODING 1574 DEVICE TESTER DRAINAGE AREA 228-5 See Also LIABILITY AREA OF SPECIAL 256-3 DRIVE-THROUGH OR Limitation of applicability FLOOD HAZARD CFR 216-3 DRIVE-IN FACILITY 284 1574 CHANNEL 228-5 270-5 Notices 28-3;28-5 ART MURAL 270-5 CHARGE or CHARGES DRIVEWAY 234-20 Payments 28-6 ARTISAN(USE IN 261-1 DWELLING 270-5 Provision by Town for legal Sec.271-16C)271-16 CHIEF OPERATOR 216-3 DWELLING UNIT 261-1; defense of actions ATTACHED DWELLING CHILD DAY-CARE 234-20;270-5 against employees 28-2 UNITS 234-20 CENTER 270-5 DWELLING UNIT(USE Rights and obligations of AUTHORIZED CIVIC BUILDING IN Sec.271-16C) insurers 28-7 REPRESENTATIVE (BUILDING TYPE IN 271-16 Severability 28-11 216-3 Sec.271-16E)271-16 EAF 148-2 Town Attorney 28-2;28-3 AUXILIARY SUPPLY CLEAR-CUTTING 270-5 EASEMENT 234-20 Town Board 28-1;28-2 256-3 CLEARING 228-5 EDUCATIONAL Violations and penalties AWNING 270-5 CLINIC 270-5 INSTITUTION 271-10; 28-2 BACKLIT SIGN 270-5 CLUBHOUSE or LODGE 271-12 DEFINITIONS AND BANKFULL 270-5 270-5 EIS 148-2 ABBREVIATIONS BANNER 270-5 CLUSTER 234-20 ELDER COTTAGE 270-5 303(d)LIST 227-2 BASE FLOOD 1574 COMMERCIAL ELEVATED BUILDING ACCESSORY DWELLING BASEMENT 234-20; COMPOSTING 1574 UNIT 270-5 1574;270-5 FACILITY 270-5 EMERGENCY WORK ACT 216-3 BASIC STORMWATER COMMISSION 261-1; 1844 ADULT ARCADE 100-2 POLLUTION 256-3 EMPLOYEE 28-1;100-2; ADULT BOOKSTORE, PREVENTION PLAN COMMUNITY CENTER 41-7 ADULT NOVELTY (SWPPP)228-5 234-20 ENFORCEMENT STORE or ADULT BED-AND-BREAKFAST COMMUNITY OFFICIAL 1734 VIDEO STORE 100-2 270-5 RESIDENCE 270-5 ENGINEER 234-20 ADULT CABARET 100-2 BEST MANAGEMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN EPA 216-3 ADULT CARE FACILITY PRACTICES 227-2 234-20 EQUESTRIAN FACILITY 270-5 BIOLOGICAL CORRIDOR CONSTRUCTION 230-2 270-5 ADULT DAY-CARE 270-5 CONSTRUCTION EROSION CONTROL FACILITY 270-5 BLOCK 234-20 ACTIVITY 227-2 MANUAL 228-5 ADULT BLOCK(CONTEXT OF CONSUMER REPORTING ESCORT 100-2 ENTERTAINMENT ROADS OR AGENCY 51-1 ESCORT AGENCY 100-2 BUSINESS 100-2; THOROUGHFARES) CONTAMINATION 214-1 ESTABLISHMENT 100-2 270-5 271-16 CONTRACT 32-7 EXCAVATION 230-2 ADULT MOTEL 100-2 BOARD 234-20 CONTRACTING EXEMPT SIGN 270-5 ADULT MOTION- BOAT 270-5 MUNICIPALITY EXISTING PICTURE THEATER BOAT LAUNCH/RAMP 261-1;214-1 MANUFACTURED 100-2 270-5 CONTRACTOR 230-2 HOME PARK OR ADULT PERSON 184-4 BOAT LIFT/BOAT HOIST COOLING WATER 216-3 SUBDMSION 1574 ADULT THEATER 100-2 270-5 COPY-CHANGE SIGN EXISTING AGRICULTURAL BOND RELEASE 230-13 270-5 NONCONFORMING ACTIVITY 270-5 BREACH OF THE COURT(OPEN SPACE LUMINAIRES 1734 AIR GAP SEPARATION SECURITY OF THE TYPE IN FAMILY 270-5 256-3 SYSTEM 51-1 Sec.271-16D)271-16 FAMILY DAY-CARE AIR-CONDITIONING BUFFER AREA 234-20 CROSS-CONNECTIONS HOME 270-5 SYSTEM 21540 BUILDING 228-5;1574; 256-3 FAMILY-TYPE HOME AIR-CONDITIONING 270-5 CUL-DE-SAC 234-20 FOR ADULTS 270-5 SYSTEM AND BUILDING AREA 270-5 D/EIS 148-2 FARM 228-5;270-5 REFRIGERATION BUILDING CODE 270-5 DAY-CARE CENTER FARM RETREAT 270-5 SYSTEM 215-40 BUILDING DRAIN 214-1 (USE IN Sec.271-16C) FEE 230-2 ALARM SYSTEM 175-2 BUILDING FACE 270-5 271-16 FENCE or WALL 270-5 ALLEY 234-20 BUILDING FRONTAGE DAY-CARE HOME 270-5 FINAL PLAT 234-20 ALTERATION 270-5 270-5 DAYTIME 254-1 FINAL STABILIZATION AMATEUR RADIO BUILDING HEIGHT DAYTIME HOURS 184-4 228-5 FACILITIES 270-5 234-20 DEAD-END STREET FIVE-DAY APARTMENT BUILDING BUILDING INSPECTOR 234-20 BIOCHEMICAL (BUILDING TYPE IN 234-20 DEC 227-2;216-3 OXYGEN DEMAND Sec.271-16E)271-16 BUILDING LINE 270-5 DEER FENCE 270-5 ("BODS")216-3 APPEAL 1574 BUILDING LOT 234-20 DEFAULT 230-2 FIXTURE 1734 APPLICANT 228-5 BUILDING SEWER 214-1 DESIGN MANUAL 228-5 FLAG 270-5 APPROVAL AUTHORITY BUILDING,ACCESSORY DETACHED ACCESSORY FLAGPOLE 270-5 216-3 270-5 DWELLING UNIT FLASHING SIGN 270-5 APPROVED CHECK BUILDING,PRINCIPAL 270-5 FLOOD BOUNDARY - VALVE 256-3 270-5 DETACHED DWELLING AND FLOODWAY UNITS 234-20 MAP(FBFM)1574 10 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS... FLOOD HAZARD IMPERVIOUS SURFACE NATIONAL POLLUTANT OF BOUNDARY MAP 270-5 PRETREATMENT CONCERN 228-5 (FHBM)157-4 IMPROVEMENTS 234-20 STANDARD, POLLUTION 227-2;214-1 FLOOD INSURANCE IMPULSIVE SOUND PRETREATMENT POTW TREATMENT RATE MAP(FIRM) 184-4 STANDARD,or PLANT 216-3 15711 INDIRECT DISCHARGE STANDARD 216-3 PREMISES 227-2 FLOOD INSURANCE 216-3 NATURAL AREA 270-5 PRETREATMENT 214-1; STUDY 157-4 INDIRECT LIGHT 173-4 NATURAL OUTLET 214-1 216-3 FLOOD or FLOODING INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE NEW CONSTRUCTION PRETREATMENT 157-4 TREATMENT 157-4 REQUIREMENT FLOOD-OR SPOTLIGHT SYSTEM 227-2 NEW SOURCE 216-3 216-3 173-4 INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY NIGHTTIME 254-1 PRIMARY FLOODPROOFING 157-4 227-2 NIGHTTIME HOURS THOROUGHFARE FLOODWAY 157-4 INDUSTRIAL USER 216-3 184-4 234-20 FOREST RESOURCE INDUSTRIAL WASTE NON-MOTOR-POWERED PRINCIPALLY ABOVE 270-5 216-3 VESSEL 254-1 GROUND 157-4 FREESTANDING SIGN INDUSTRIAL WASTES NONCONFORMING SIGN PRIVATE INFORMATION 270-5 214-1 270-5 51-1 FRONTAGE 271-16 INFILTRATION 228-5 NONCONFORMING USE PROFESSIONAL OFFICE FRONTAGE BUILDOUT INTEREST 32-7 270-5 (USE IN Sec.271-16C) 271-16 INTERFERENCE 216-3 NONNATIVE INVASIVE 271-16 FULL STORMWATER INTERMITTENT SPECIES 270-5 PROJECT 228-5 POLLUTION STREAM 228-5 NONSTORMWATER PROJECTING SIGN 270-5 PREVENTION PLAN LAMP 173-4 DISCHARGE 227-2 PROPERLY SHREDDED (SWPPP)228-5 LAND DEVELOPMENT NUDE MODEL STUDIO GARBAGE 214-1 FULLY SHIELDED ACTIVITY 228-5 100-2 PUBLIC PARKING LUMINAIRE 173-4 LANDOWNER 228-5 NUDITY or A STATE OF GARAGE 270-5 FUNCTIONALLY LICENSEE 100-2 NUDITY 100-2 PUBLIC SEWER 214-1 DEPENDENT USE LIGHT TRESPASS 173-4 NURSERY 270-5 PUBLICLY OWNED 157-4 LOCK BOX 175-2 NURSING OR TREATMENT GARAGE 270-5 LOT 234-20;270-5 CONVALESCENT WORKS(POTW) GARBAGE 214-1;216-3 LOT AREA 234-20;270-5 HOME 270-5 214-1 GARDEN(OPEN SPACE LOT DEPTH 270-5 OFF-PREMISES SIGN PUBLICLY OWNED TYPE IN Sec. LOT LINE 234-20;270-5 270-5 TREATMENT 271-16D)271-16 LOWEST FLOOR 157-4 OFFICIAL MAP 234-20 WORKS or POTW GARDEN MARKET(USE LUMEN 173-4 ONE-FAMILY 216-3 IN Sec.271-16C) LUMINAIRE 173-4 DWELLING 270-5 QUALIFIED INSPECTOR 271-16 LUMINOUS TUBING OPERATOR 243-2 228-5 GLARE 1734 270-5 ORDINARY HIGH QUALIFIED LICENSED GRADE PLANE 270-5 MAINTENANCE WATER LEVEL 270-5 PROFESSIONAL GRADING 228-5 AGREEMENT 228-5 ORDINARY HIGH 228-5 GRAPHICS 270-5 MANUFACTURED HOME WATER LINE 270-5 QUALIFIED SOLAR GREEN(OPEN SPACE 157-4 OUTDOOR LIGHTING INSTALLER 270-5 TYPE IN MARINA 270-5 173-4 QUALIFIED WIND Sec.271-16D)271-16 MARQUEE 270-5 OWNED 271-10;271-12 ENERGY GROSS AREA 234-20 MASTER PLAN 234-20 OWNER 243-2 INSTALLER 270-5 GROUP FAMILY DAY- MAXIMUM REGISTERED PARK(OPEN SPACE RATED CAPACITY IN CARE HOME 270-5 GROSS VEHICLE TYPE IN TONS 215-40 HAZARDOUS WEIGHT 250-9 Sec.271-16D)271-16 RECHARGE 228-5 MATERIAL 227-2 MEAN SEA LEVEL 1574 PARKING SPACE 270-5 REDEVELOPMENT 228-5 HEALTH/WELLNESS MINING 270-5 PART 617 148-2 REDEVELOPMENT PRACTICE(USE IN MIXED USE 270-5 PASS-THROUGH 216-3 PROJECT 228-5 Sec.271-16C)271-16 MOBILE HOME 270-5 PAVEMENT,FIXED REFRIGERATION HEIGHT 270-5 MOBILE HOME LOT 271-16 SYSTEM 215-40 HEIGHT FROM LOWEST 270-5 PAVEMENT,POROUS REGULATORY EXTERIOR GRADE MOBILE HOME PARK 271-16 FLOODWAY 157-4 270-5 270-5 PERENNIAL STREAM RESIDENTIAL ZONE HEIGHT FROM LOWEST MOBILE HOME STAND 228-5 184-4 INTERIOR GRADE 270-5 PERMIT 230-2 RESTAURANT(USE IN 270-5 MONUMENT SIGN 270-5 PERMITTEE 230-13 §271-16C)271-16 HIGH-FREQUENCY, MOORING 270-5 PERSON 227-2;230-13; RESUBDIVISION 234-20 HIGH-IMPACT MOTOR VEHICLES 18411 214-1;215-40;216-3; RETAIL AND SERVICE- TRUCK TRAFFIC MULTI-USE OR MULTI- 100-2;184-4 GENERAL(USE IN 230-13 TENANT FACILITY PERSONAL Sec.271-16C)271-16 HIGHWAY 230-2;234-20 270-5 INFORMATION 51-1 RETAINING WALL 270-5 HIGHWAY MULTIPLE-FAMILY PERSONAL RIGHT-OF-WAY,PUBLIC SUPERINTENDENT DWELLING 270-5 WATERCRAFT OR 270-5 230-2;230-13 MULTISTORY PWC 254-1 RIPARIAN AREA 270-5 HOME OCCUPATION DWELLING UNITS pH 214-1;216-3 S/EAF 148-2 270-5 234-20 PHASING 228-5 SANITARY SEWAGE HOSPICE 270-5 MUNICIPAL BOARD PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR 216-3 HOSPITAL 270-5 214-1 ENERGY SYSTEM SANITARY SEWER HOTEL or MOTEL 270-5 MUNICIPAL STORM 270-5 214-1;216-3 HOTSPOT 228-5 SEWER SYSTEM PLACE OF ASSEMBLY SEA WALL 270-5 HOUSEHOLD PETS 270-5 227-2 (USE IN Sec.271-16C) SECURITY 230-2 ILLICIT CONNECTION MUNICIPAL WATER 271-16 SEDIMENT CONTROL 227-2 SYSTEM(also referred PLANNING BOARD 228-5 ILLICIT DISCHARGE to herein as 234-20 SELECTION TREE 227-2 "waterworks system"or PLAT 234-20 CUTTING 270-5 ILLUMINATED SIGN "water system")261-1 PLAZA(OPEN SPACE SEMIDETACHED 270-5 MUNICIPALITIES 216-3 TYPE IN DWELLING UNITS IMPERVIOUS COVER Sec.271-16D)271-16 234-20 228-5 POLLUTANT 227-2;216-3 11 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS... SEMINUDE or IN A STACKED FLAT TOTAL MAXIMUM ZONING:SPECIAL LAND SEMINUDE (BUILDING TYPE IN DAILY LOAD 227-2 USE DISTRICTS CONDITION 100-2 Sec.271-16E)271-16 TOTAL MAXIMUM 271-8 SEPTAGE 216-3 START OF DAILY LOAD DEPARTMENT OF PARKS SEQR 234-20;270-5 CONSTRUCTION (TMDL)228-5 AND RECREATION SEQRA 148-2 157-4 TOWN 243-2;28-1;227-2; See PARKS AND SETBACK LINE 234-20 STATE 227-2 148-2;51-1;184-4 RECREATION SETBACK,AVERAGE STOP-WORK ORDER TOWN ENGINEER 234-20 DEPARTMENT OF 271-16 228-5 TOWN HIGHWAY or PLANNING SEWAGE 214-1 STORAGE 270-5 TOWN ROAD 230-13 See PLANNING BOARD SEWAGE WORKS 214-1 STORE/ TOWN PLANNER 234-20 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SEWER 214-1;216-3 ESTABLISHMENT TOWNHOUSE- WORKS SEWER INSPECTOR or FRONTAGE 270-5 (BUILDING TYPE IN Conservation Zones 270-22 D SEWER STORMWATER 227-2; Sec.271-16E)271-16 PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT 228-5 TOXIC POLLUTANT DEPARTMENT 59-4; 214-1 STORMWATER 216-3 59-5 SEWERAGE SYSTEM MANAGEMENT TRANSFER OF See Also PUBLIC WORKS 216-3 228-5 OWNERSHIP OR DEPARTMENT SHORELINE 254-1;270-5 STORMWATER CONTROL 100.2 SEWER USE:RULES, SIGN 270-5 MANAGEMENT TRANSPARENCY, REGS.&PENALTIES SIGN SUPPORT 270-5 FACILITY 228-5 LINEAR 271-16 OF BOARD OF SIGN SYMBOL 270-5 STORMWATER TWO-FAMILY PUBLIC WORKS, SIGNIFICANT MANAGEMENT DWELLING 270-5 CITY OF ITHACA, INDUSTRIAL USER OFFICER 227-2;228-5 UNREASONABLE NOISE NY,RE:WATER 214-1;216-3 STORMWATER 184-4 SUPPLY,SEWAGE SIMPLE EROSION AND MANAGEMENT USER 216-3 DISPOSAL&AIR SEDIMENTATION PRACTICES 228-5 VACUUM BREAKER, CONDITIONING CONTROL PLAN STORMWATER NONPRESSURE- 215-29;215-30 228-5 POLLUTION TYPE 256-3 Water 215-15;215-18 SITE 271-10 PREVENTION PLAN VACUUM BREAKER, DESIGN STANDARDS SKETCH PLAT 234-20 (SWPPP)228-5 PRESSURE-TYPE See Also PERFORMANCE SKY GLOW 173-4 STORMWATER RUNOFF 256-3 STANDARDS SLOPE 270-5 228-5 VARIANCE 157-4 Road Preservation 230-14 SLUDGE 216-3 STORY 234-20 VEHICLE REPAIR STORMWATER SLUG 216-3 STORY ABOVE GRADE GARAGE 270-5 MANAGEMENT AND SMALL WIND ENERGY 270-5 VESSEL 254-1 EROSION AND FACILITY 270-5 STREAM 228-5;270-5 WALL 270-5 SEDIMENT SMO 227-2 STREAM BANK 270-5 WALL SIGN 270-5 CONTROL 228-11 SMOKE DETECTOR STREAM SETBACK 270-5 WASTEWATER 227-2; ZONING 270-219.1 225-2 STREAM SETBACK MAP 216-3 DEVELOPMENT FEES SOLAR COLLECTOR 270-5 WASTEWATER See FEES 270-5 STREAMSIDE WETLAND DISCHARGE PERMIT DINING FACILITIES SOLAR FACILITY 270-5 or PERMIT 216-3 See RESTAURANTS FOOTPRINT 270-5 STREET 243-2;234-20 WATER RATE 261-1 DIRECT SELLERS SOLAR STORAGE STREET LINE or WATER RIGHTS LINES See SALES BATTERY 270-5 HIGHWAY RIGHT- 270-5 DIRT SOLAR-THERMAL OF-WAY LINE 270-5 WATER SUPERVISOR See Also EXCAVATIONS ENERGY SYSTEMS STREET PAVEMENT 256-3 See Also FILL 270-5 234-20 WATERCOURSE 228-5 Light Industrial Zones SOUND-AMPLIFYING STREET WIDTH 234-20 WATERCRAFT 254-1 270-155 EQUIPMENT 184-4 STRUCTURE 157-4;270-5 WATERS OF THE STATE SEWER USE: SPDES GENERAL STUBOUT 227-2;216-3 REQUIREMENT'S PERMIT FOR THOROUGHFARE WATERSHED 228-5 FOR CONSTRUCTION 271-16 WATERSIDE 270-5 CONTRIBUTORS ACTIVITIES SUBDIVIDER 234-20 WETLAND 228-5;148-2; INTO JOINT POTW GP-02-01 228-5 SUBDIVISION 234-20 270-5 216-3 SPDES GENERAL SUBSTANTIAL WETLANDS 227-2 SEWER USE:RULES, PERMIT FOR ENLARGEMENT WIND ENERGY REGS.&PENALTIES STORMWATER 100-2 FACILITY 270-5 OF BOARD OF DISCHARGES FROM SUBSTANTIAL WINDOW SIGN 270-5 PUBLIC WORKS, MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT WOODSHED 270-5 CITY OF ITHACA, SEPARATE 157-4 YARD 270-5 NY,RE:WATER STORMWATER SURFACE WATERS 227-2 YARD,FRONT 270-5 SUPPLY,SEWAGE SEWER SYSTEMS SURFACE WATERS OF YARD,REAR 270-5 DISPOSAL&AIR GP-02-02 228-5 THE STATE OF NEW YARD,SIDE 270-5 CONDITIONING SPDES PERMIT 227-2; YORK 228-5 ZONING MAP 234-20 215-54 216-3 SURVEYOR 234-20 DEMOLITION STREETS AND SPECIAL JOINT SUSPENDED SOLIDS BUILDING SIDEWALKS 230-7 SUBCOMMITTEE 216-3 CONSTRUCTION ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 216-3 SYSTEM 215-40 AND FIRE USE DISTRICTS SPECIALTY PROP- TAXICAB 243-2 PREVENTION 125-4; 271-10;271-12;271-16 CRAFT 254-1 TAXICAB DRIVER or 125-15 DISABILITY SPECIFIED DRIVER 243-2 ENVIRONMENTAL See Also AMERICANS ANATOMICAL TELECOMMUNICATION QUALITY REVIEW WITH DISABILITIES AREAS 100-2;270-5 S FACILITY 270-5 148-5 ACT SPECIFIED CRIMINAL TEMPORARY OUTDOOR STORM SEWER SYSTEM Exemption for Certain ACTIVITY 100-2 LIGHTING 173-4 AND SURFACE Disabled Persons With SPECIFIED SEXUAL TEMPORARY PROJECT WATERS Limited Incomes ACTIVITIES 100-2; 230-13 PROTECTION 227-2 239-12 270-5 THOROUGHFARE 271-16 ZONING 270-191; STABILIZATION 228-5 TIMBER HARVESTING 270-219.5;270-229; — 270-5 270-233 TMDL 227-2 12 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX DISABILITY... Exemption for Warrants 112-4 Commercial Zones Improvements to DOG WASTE Generally 270-119; — E Property Made See FECAL MATTER 270-122 Pursuant to Americans See PET WASTE Community Commercial EASEMENTS with Disabilities Act DOGS Zones 270-135 Adoption of Code 1-4 239-17 APPEARANCE TICKETS Conservation Zones 270-18; Agricultural Zones 270-35 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 9-2 270-22 Conservation Zones 270-10; 173-4;173-14 Conservation Zones 270-14 High Density Residential 270-22 PARKS AND Dog Control and Licensing Zones 270-85 Road Preservation 230-13 RECREATION 112-1;112-2;112-3; Industrial Zones 270-166 SEWER USE:RULES, AREAS 200-4 112-4;112-5;112-6; Lakefront Residential Zones REGS.&PENALTIES ZONING 270-5 112-7;112-9;112-10 270-49 OF BOARD OF DISABLED PERSONS Lakefront Residential Zones Light Industrial Zones PUBLIC WORKS, See Also AMERICANS 270-44 270-145;270-151 CITY OF ITHACA, WITH DISABILITIES Low Density Residential Low Density Residential NY,RE:WATER ACT Zones 270-56 Zones 270-63 SUPPLY,SEWAGE See Also HANDICAPPED Medium Density Residential Medium Density Residential DISPOSAL&AIR PERSONS Zones 270-69 Zones 270-74 CONDITIONING DISCLOSURE NOISE 184-10 Mobile Home Park Zones 215-13 ADULT USES 100-1 ZONING 270-5 270-97 SEWER USE:USE OF ETHICS,CODE OF 32-1; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Multiple Residence Zones PUBLIC SEWERS 32-3;32-11 USE DISTRICTS 270-108;270-111 214-32 NOTIFICATION OF 271-9;271-14 Road Preservation 230-13 STORMWATER INFORMATION DRAINAGE SEWER USE:RULES, MANAGEMENT AND SECURITY Agricultural Zones 270-35 REGS.&PENALTIES EROSION AND BREACHES 51-1; Conservation Zones 270-10; OF BOARD OF SEDIMENT 51-2 270-22 PUBLIC WORKS, CONTROL 228-11 RENTAL PROPERTY FEES 153-2 CITY OF ITHACA, STREETS AND 207-5 FLOOD DAMAGE NY,RE:WATER SIDEWALKS 230-4.8 ZONING 270-219.6 PREVENTION 157-11; SUPPLY,SEWAGE SUBDIVISION OF LAND DISORDERLY CONDUCT 157-13 DISPOSAL&AIR 234-20;234-21; NOISE 184-12 PUBLIC WORKS CONDITIONING 234-36;234-37 See Also NOISE DEPARTMENT 59-4 215-54 WATER RATES 2614 SEWER USE:USE OF SEWER USE: STORMWATER ZONING 270-186; PUBLIC SEWERS REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT AND 270-219;270-219.1; 214-31 FOR EROSION AND 270-219.3;270-219.4 DISTURBING THE PEACE CONTRIBUTORS SEDIMENT ZONING:SPECIAL LAND See NOISE INTO JOINT POTW CONTROL 228-5 USE DISTRICTS DOCKING AND MOORING 216-3;216-5 STREETS AND 271-5;271-8;271-9; See MOORING SEWER USE:RULES, SIDEWALKS 230-2; 271-14;271-16 DOG CONTROL AND REGS.&PENALTIES 230-3;230-4.1 ELECTRICAL CODE LICENSING OF BOARD OF SUBDIVISION OF LAND Signs 270-258 ANIMALS 112-1\112-10 PUBLIC WORKS, 234-20;234-23 ELECTROMAGNETIC Appearance tickets 112-3 CITY OF ITHACA, ZONING 270-5;270-219; INTERFERENCE Assessments 112-9 NY,RE:WATER 270-219.5;270-223; Light Industrial Zones Bicycles 112-2 SUPPLY,SEWAGE 270-227 270-155 Complaints 1124 DISPOSAL&AIR ZONING:SPECIAL LAND ZONING 270-219 Dogs 112-1;112-2;112-3; CONDITIONING USE DISTRICTS ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 1124;112-5;112-6; 215-54 271-3;2714;271-5; USE DISTRICTS 112-7;112-9;112-10 SEWER USE:USE OF 271-13;271-15;271-16 271-10;271-12 Enforcement 112-3 PUBLIC SEWERS DUMPS AND DUMPING E-MAIL Fees 112-9;112-10 214-1;214-23;214-24; Conservation Zones 270-22 NOTIFICATION OF Filing of complaints 112-4 214-25 SEWER USE: INFORMATION Horses 112-2 STORM SEWER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS SECURITY Impoundment 112-10 AND SURFACE FOR BREACHES 51-5 Impoundment fees 112-10 WATERS CONTRIBUTORS EMERGENCIES Leashing 112-2 PROTECTION 227-2 INTO JOINT POTW LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Licenses and permits 112-2; STORMWATER 216-32;216-33;216-34 173-7 112-9 MANAGEMENT AND ZONING 270-219.5 LOCK BOXES 175-1; Licensing and license fees EROSION AND DUST 175-2 112-9 SEDIMENT Agricultural Zones 270-25 Neighborhood Commercial Minor owner;responsibility CONTROL 228-2; BUILDING Zones 270-126 of head of household 228-5;228-6;228-7; CONSTRUCTION NOISE 184-4;184-8 112-5 228-10;228-13 AND FIRE Nonconforming Uses Notices 112-2 STREETS AND PREVENTION 125-8 270-207 Nuisances 112-2 SIDEWALKS 230-2 Conservation Zones 270-14 PARKS AND Penalties for offenses 112-8 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Light Industrial Zones RECREATION Presumption 112-6 234-2;234-21;234-23; 270-155 AREAS 200-3 Prohibited acts 112-2 234-26;234-32; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR SEWER USE: Public cooperation 112-7 234-36;234-37; 173-4 REQUIREMENTS Purpose 112-1 234-38;234-39 SEWER USE: FOR Rabies control 112-9 ZONING 270-186; REQUIREMENTS CONTRIBUTORS Rabies vaccinations 112-9 270-188;270-191; FOR INTO JOINT POTW Safety standards 112-1 270-217;270-219.5 CONTRIBUTORS 216-14 Seizure 112-2;112-10 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND INTO JOINT POTW SEWER USE:RULES, Surcharges 112-9 USE DISTRICTS 216-5 REGS.&PENALTIES Town Board 112-9 271-16 STREETS AND OF BOARD OF Town Clerk 112-9 DRAINAGE PLAN SIDEWALKS 2304.2 PUBLIC WORKS, Vaccinations 112-9 ZONING 270-186 ZONING 270-219.2; CITY OF ITHACA, Vehicles 112-2 DRIVEWAYS 270-227 NY,RE:WATER Violations and penalties Agricultural Zones 270-27 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND SUPPLY,SEWAGE 112-2;112-3;112-4; Building Sewers and USE DISTRICTS 112-5;112-6;112-8 Connections 214-15 271-9;271-10;271-12 13 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX EMERGENCIES_. DISPOSAL&AIR ENVIRONMENTAL See Also SOIL EROSION Treasurer 32-11 CONDITIONING QUALITY REVIEW AND SEDIMENT Variances 32-6;32-7 215-48 Actions involving federal CONTROL Violations and penalties Signs 270-250 agencies 148-17 STORMWATER 32-8;32-9;32-12 STORM SEWER SYSTEM Administration 148-4 MANAGEMENT AND Zoning Board of Appeals AND SURFACE Agricultural districts 148-5 EROSION AND 32-8 WATERS Assessments 148-2 SEDIMENT EXCAVATIONS PROTECTION 227-11; Classification of actions CONTROL 228-1; See Also BACKFILLING 227-13 148-3 228-2;228-5;228-6; BUILDING STORMWATER Conditioned negative 228-7;228-8;228-9; CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND declaration of 228-10;228-11; AND FIRE EROSION AND environmental 228-13;228-14;228-15 PREVENTION 125-4 SEDIMENT significance 148-11 STREETS AND Building Sewers and CONTROL 228-7 CONSERVATION BOARD SIDEWALKS 230-4.1; Connections 214-17; STREETS AND 23-2 230-4.3;230-4.6 214-22 SIDEWALKS 230-3; Construction 148-5 ZONING 270-186; Conservation Zones 270-22 E 230-4.2;230-4.7 Costs and expenses 148-15 270-217;270-219.5 See Also DIRT SUBDIVISION OF LAND Critical environmental areas ESCROW ACCOUNTS See Also FILL 234-2;234-26 148-16 STREETS AND FLOOD DAMAGE Vehicle Fueling and Repair Definitions 148-2 SIDEWALKS 230-4.3 PREVENTION 157-4 Commercial Zones Demolition 148-5 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND PARKS AND 270-137 Determination of USE DISTRICTS RECREATION Vehicle Weight Limits environmental 271-9 AREAS 200-5 250-11 significance 148-9 ESCROW DEPOSITS SEWER USE:RULES, Water 215-19 Environmental impact STORMWATER REGS.&PENALTIES WATER PROTECTION statements 148-2; MANAGEMENT AND OF BOARD OF 256-8 148-3 EROSION AND PUBLIC WORKS, ZONING 270-5;270-186; ENVIRONMENTAL SEDIMENT CITY OF ITHACA, 270-188;270-219.1; QUALITY REVIEW CONTROL 228-14 NY,RE:WATER 270-219.4;270-219.5 148-1;148-2 STREETS AND SUPPLY,SEWAGE ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Fees 148-15 SIDEWALKS 230-4.3 DISPOSAL&AIR USE DISTRICTS Hearings 148-14 SUBDIVISION OF LAND CONDITIONING 271-9;271-14 Impoundment 148-2 234-8 215-39;215-54 EMERGENCY Landscaping 148-6 ZONING 270-219;270-243 STORM SEWER SYSTEM MANAGEMENT Lead agency 148-8 ETHICS,CODE OF AND SURFACE AGENCY Meetings 148-4;148-7 Advisory Board 32-11 WATERS Conservation Zones 270-22 Mining 148-5 Agricultural districts 32-8 PROTECTION 227-2 FLOOD DAMAGE Negative declaration of Annual disclosure 32-3 STORMWATER PREVENTION 157-4; environmental Applicability 32-2 MANAGEMENT AND 157-6;157-8;157-9; significance 148-10 Appointments 32-3;32-11 EROSION AND 157-16 Notices 148-11;148-12 Building permits 32-I1 SEDIMENT EMERGENCY VEHICLES Parking 148-5 Certificates of compliance CONTROL 228-5; FLOOD DAMAGE Positive declaration of 32-11 228-6;228-10 PREVENTION 157-16 environmental Certificates of occupancy STREETS AND Mobile Home Park Zones significance 148-12 32-11 SIDEWALKS 230-2; 270-96 Public hearings 148-14 Claims against Town 32-10 230-3;230-4;230-4.1; NOISE 184-4 Purpose 148-1 Complaints 32-11 230-4.2;230-4.3; See Also VEHICLES Required forms;initial Confidentiality 32-5 230-4.4;230-4.6; ZONING 270-200 review 148-7 Conflict of interest 230-4.7;230-4.9; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Salaries and compensation prohibited 32-6 230-4.10;230-4.15 USE DISTRICTS 148-15 Conflicts of interest 32-1; See Also TRENCHES 271-9;271-14;271-16 Special permits 148-5 32-6 ZONING 270-5;270-194; EMINENT DOMAIN STREETS AND Costs and expenses 32-2 270-217;270-219.5; ZONING 270-5 SIDEWALKS 230-4.1 Definitions;recusal from 270-229 ENCROACHMENTS SUBDIVISION OF LAND voting or other ZONING:SPECIAL LAND FLOOD DAMAGE 234-7;234-20 discretionary act 32-7 USE DISTRICTS PREVENTION 157-12; Time limits 148-13 Disclosure 32-1;32-3; 271-9;271-14;271-15 157-13;157-15 Town Board 148-4;148-16 32-11 EXEMPTION FOR Lakefront Residential Zones Trees 148-6 Gifts 32-4 CERTAIN DISABLED 270-43 Trucks 148-5 Inducement of violations PERSONS WITH ZONING 270-5;270-219.5 Type I actions 148-5 32-9 LIMITED INCOMES ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Type II actions 148-6 Investigations 32-11 Application for exemption See CODE Utilities 148-5 Land speculation 32-8 239-13 ENFORCEMENT Variances 148-5 Licenses and permits 32-11 Assessments 239-13; OFFICER Vehicles 148-5 Local Ethics Board 32-11 239-15 ENVIRONMENTAL Water 148-5 Meetings 32-3;32-7 Disability 239-12 CONTROL Water quality 148-5 Membership 32-11 Grant of exemption; APPEARANCE TICKETS Wetlands 148-2;148-5 Notices 32-3;32-7 conditions 239-12 9-2 Wildlife 148-2 Officers and employees Penalties for offenses Wastewater Discharge Yards 148-5 32-1 239-14 Permits 216-17 Zoning districts 148-5 Penalties for offenses 32-12 Qualifications 239-12 ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTALLY Planning Board 32-8 Senior citizens 239-12 IMPACT SENSITIVE AREAS Purpose;effect on statutory Statutory authority 239-11 STATEMENTS SUBDIVISION OF LAND provision 32-1 TAXATION 239-11\239-15 ENVIRONMENTAL 234-34 Qualifications 32-11 Violations and penalties QUALITY REVIEW ZONING 270-188;270-189 Records 32-3;32-7 239-14 148-2;148-3 EROSION AND SEDIMENT Salaries and compensation When effective 239-15 FEES 153-2 CONTROL 32-6 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Conservation Zones 270-13; Terms of office 32-6;32-8; USE DISTRICTS 270-22 32-11 271-10;271-12 Lakefront Residential Zones Town Board 32-3;32-8; 270-51 32-11 Town Clerk 32-3 14 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX EXEMPTION FOR High Density Residential BUILDING PUBLIC WORKS, IMPROVEMENTS TO Zones 270-77 CONSTRUCTION CITY OF ITHACA, PROPERTY MADE Lakefront Residential Zones AND FIRE NY,RE:WATER PURSUANT TO 270-41 PREVENTION 125-4; SUPPLY,SEWAGE AMERICANS WITH Low Density Residential 125-7;125-9;125-14 DISPOSAL&AIR DISABILITIES ACT Zones 270-54 Building permits 153-3 CONDITIONING Americans with Disabilities Medium Density Residential Charges 153-2;216-45; 215-5;215-8;215-10; Act 239-17 Zones 270-66 216-46 215-30;215-33;215-43 Applicability 239-19 Mobile Home Park Zones See Also CHARGES Sewers 153-2 Application for exemption 270-89 Charges and fees 216-45 Signs 270-262 239-18 Multiple Residence Zones Code Enforcement Officer Site plan approval 153-2; Assessments 239-18; 270-100 153-1;153-2 153-3 239-19 ZONING 270-5 Conservation Zones 270-22; Site plan review and Disability 239-17 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 270-23 approval 153-2 Grant of exemption; USE DISTRICTS Construction 153-2;153-3; Site plans 153-2;153-3 conditions 239-17 271-9 216-45 Special permits 153-2 Improvements 239-17 FARMS AND FARMING Costs and expenses 153-2; STREETS AND Qualifications 239-17 AGRICULTURAL 216-45;216-47 SIDEWALKS 230-2; Statutory authority 239-16 ASSESSMENTS 104-1 See Also COSTS AND 2304;230-4.1; TAXATION 239-16\239-19 Agricultural Zones 270-25; EXPENSES 2304.3;2304.8; EXPLOSION HAZARDS 270-26;270-27; DEFENSE AND 2304.9;2304.15 See Also BLASTING 270-29;270-31;270-35 INDEMNIFICATION SUBDIVISION OF LAND See Also COMBUSTIBLES Conservation Zones 270-11; 28-2 234-8;234-14;234-36; See Also FIREWORKS 270-12;270-22 Dog Control and Licensing 234-37 See Also FLAMMABLES Historic Barn Exemption 112-9;112-10 Surcharges 21647 Light Industrial Zones 239-21 Drainage 153-2 Surcharges for certain 270-155 Light Industrial Zones Environmental impact conventional pollutants SEWER USE: 270-146 statements 153-2 21647 REQUIREMENTS Low Density Residential ENVIRONMENTAL Town Board 153-1;153-2; FOR Zones 270-54;270-55; QUALITY REVIEW 153-3 CONTRIBUTORS 270-56;270-59 148-15 Town Clerk 153-1;153-2 INTO JOINT POTW Medium Density Residential Establishment and revision Town Supervisor 153-2 216-5 Zones 270-65 of fees 153-1 Variances 153-I ZONING:SPECIAL LAND NOISE 184-8 Fees 153-1;153-2;153-3; Violations and penalties USE DISTRICTS Nonconforming Uses 216-45 216-47 271-10;271-12 270-214.1 Fees in lieu of recreational Waivers 153-2;216-47 EXPLOSIVES PARKS AND land reservation 153-3 Wan-ants 153-3 See Also BLASTING RECREATION Final plats 153-2 Wastewater Discharge See Also COMBUSTIBLES AREAS 200-5 Grades and grading 153-2 Permits 216-16 See Also FIREWORKS PROPERTY Hearings 153-2 Water 215-18;215-19; See Also FLAMNIABLES MAINTENANCE Improvements 153-2 215-26;215-28;153-2 Industrial Zones 270-159 205-2 Industrial user 216-47 Water conservation 21647 Light Industrial Zones See Also RIGHT TO FARM Inspections 153-2;216115 WATER PROTECTION 270-155 Road Preservation 230-13 Liability 153-2 256-20 PARKS AND STORMWATER Licenses and permits 153-1 WATER RATES 2614 RECREATION MANAGEMENT AND LIGHTING,OUTDOOR ZONING 270-5;270-181; AREAS 200-5 EROSION AND 173-18 270-185;270-198; SEWER USE: SEDIMENT Lots 153-3 270-219;270-219.5; REQUIREMENTS CONTROL 228-5; Meetings 153-2 270-237;270-243; FOR 228-7 Mobile Home Park Zones 270-245 CONTRIBUTORS ZONING 270-5;270-219.5; 270-97 Zoning Board of Appeals INTO JOINT POTW 270-223;270-230 NOISE 184-12 153-2 216-5 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Notices 153-2 Zoning,subdivision, SEWER USE:RULES, USE DISTRICTS NOTIFICATION OF SEQRA,Zoning Board REGS.&PENALTIES 271-9;271-10;271-15; INFORMATION of Appeals,and OF BOARD OF 271-16 SECURITY development PUBLIC WORKS, FAST-FOOD BREACHES 51-1 application fees 153-2 CITY OF ITHACA, RESTAURANTS Parks and recreation 153-2 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND NY,RE:WATER See RESTAURANTS PARKS AND USE DISTRICTS SUPPLY,SEWAGE FECAL MATTER RECREATION 271-9;271-10;271-12 DISPOSAL&AIR PARKS AND AREAS 200-7;200-8 FENCES CONDITIONING RECREATION Planning Board 153-2; Agricultural Zones 270-27; 215-33 AREAS 200-3 153-3 270-28;270-31;270-37 SEWER USE:USE OF See Also PET WASTE Preliminary plats 153-2 BUILDING PUBLIC SEWERS FEES PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION 214-25 Abandonment 153-2 MAINTENANCE AND FIRE ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Accidental discharges 205-5 PREVENTION 125-4 USE DISTRICTS 216-45 Records 153-2 Commercial Zones 271-10;271-12;271-13 Adoption of Code 14;1-9 Road Preservation 230-13; Generally 270-122 ADULT USES 100-2; 230-14 Conservation Zones 270-22 F — 1004;100-5;100-6 Salaries and compensation See Also HEDGES Appeals 153-2 153-2 See Also HEIGHT FAIR HOUSING APPEARANCE TICKETS Sales 153-3 REGULATIONS See AFFORDABLE 9-2 SEWER USE: Mobile Home Park Zones HOUSING Art Murals 270-267 REQUIREMENTS 270-97 FALSE ALARMS Assessment of charges and FOR Multiple Residence Zones See ALARM SYSTEMS fees 216-46 CONTRIBUTORS 270-111 FAMILY DAY-CARE Assessments 153-3 INTO JOINT POTW SEWER USE:RULES, Agricultural Zones 270-26 Attorneys fees 153-2 216-34;216-43; REGS.&PENALTIES Conservation Zones 270-14 21645\21647 OF BOARD OF See Also DAY-CARE SEWER USE:RULES, PUBLIC WORKS, FACILITIES REGS.&PENALTIES CITY OF ITHACA, OF BOARD OF NY,RE:WATER 15 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX FENCES... SUPPLY,SEWAGE Office Park Commercial Signs 270-256;270-258 SEWER USE:USE OF DISPOSAL&AIR Zones 270-130 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS PUBLIC SEWERS CONDITIONING STORMWATER 225-2;225-4;225-6; 214-25;214-27 215-54 MANAGEMENT AND 225-9 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND STORMWATER EROSION AND ZONING 270-5;270-191; USE DISTRICTS MANAGEMENT AND SEDIMENT 270-219.1;270-219.3; 271-13 EROSION AND CONTROL 228-14 270-219.4;270-219.6; FLOOD DAMAGE SEDIMENT ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 270-233 PREVENTION CONTROL 228-7; USE DISTRICTS ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Accessory buildings and 228-9 271-13 USE DISTRICTS structures 157-4 STREETS AND FINES 271-6;271-9;271-14; Air conditioning 157-13 SIDEWALKS 230-2 See VIOLATIONS AND 271-15 Anchoring 157-12;157-13 ZONING 270-5;270-186; PENALTIES FIRE PROTECTION Appeals 157-4;157-16 270-219;270-219.1; FINGERPRINTING AGRICULTURAL Applicability 157-5 270-219.5;270-223 ADULT USES 100-4 ASSESSMENTS Basis for establishing areas ZONING:SPECIAL LAND FIRE ALARMS 104-1;104-2;104-3 of special flood hazard USE DISTRICTS See ALARM SYSTEMS BUILDING 157-6 271-10;271-13;271-16 FIRE CHIEF CONSTRUCTION Blight 157-3 FERAL CATS ZONING 270-219.1 AND FIRE Bridges 157-3;157-16 See CATS FIRE DEPARTMENT PREVENTION 1254; Building Inspector 157-8; F FILL ADULT USES 100-5;100-7 125-7 157-10;157-11; Agricultural Zones 270-28 BUILDING SEWER USE:RULES, 157-12;157-14;157-16 See Also BACKFILLING CONSTRUCTION REGS.&PENALTIES Building permits 157-8 Conservation Zones 270-12 AND FIRE OF BOARD OF Certificates of compliance See Also DIRT PREVENTION 125-10 PUBLIC WORKS, 157-12 See Also EXCAVATIONS LOCK BOXES 175-1; CITY OF ITHACA, Certificates of occupancy FLOOD DAMAGE 175-2;175-5 NY,RE:WATER 157-12 PREVENTION 157-11 ZONING 270-219.1 SUPPLY,SEWAGE Comprehensive Plan 157-16 Lakefront Residential Zones FIRE HAZARDS DISPOSAL&AIR Conditions for variances 270-51 PROPERTY CONDITIONING 157-17 SEWER USE:RULES, MAINTENANCE 215-7 Construction 157-2;157-4; REGS.&PENALTIES 205-2 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 157-8;157-10;157-11; OF BOARD OF SEWER USE: 225-2;225-6 157-12;157-13; PUBLIC WORKS, REQUIREMENTS ZONING 270-227 157-14;157-15;157-17 CITY OF ITHACA, FOR ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Costs and expenses 157-3; NY,RE:WATER CONTRIBUTORS USE DISTRICTS 1574;157-8;157-16; SUPPLY,SEWAGE INTO JOINT POTW 271-9 157-17 DISPOSAL&AIR 216-5 FIREARMS Drainage 157-11;157-13 CONDITIONING FIRE HYDRANTS See Also GUNS Duties and responsibilities 215-54 SEWER USE:RULES, PARKS AND of Building Inspector STORMWATER REGS.&PENALTIES RECREATION 157-12 MANAGEMENT AND OF BOARD OF AREAS 200-5 Emergency Management EROSION AND PUBLIC WORKS, See Also WEAPONS Agency 1574;157-6; SEDIMENT CITY OF MIACA, FIRES 157-8;157-9;157-16 CONTROL 228-5; NY,RE:WATER See Also BURNING Emergency vehicles 157-16 228-6 SUPPLY,SEWAGE See Also OPEN FIRES Encroachments 157-12; ZONING 270-5;270-186; DISPOSAL&AIR PARKS AND 157-13;157-15 270-217;270-219.5 CONDITIONING RECREATION Excavations 1574 FILLING STATIONS 215-5;215-7;215-54 AREAS 200-5 Fill 157-11 See GAS STATIONS STREETS AND Water 215-21 Findings 157-1 See SERVICE STATIONS SIDEWALKS 230-2 FIRESAFETY Flood hazard areas 157-12 FINAL PLANS SUBDIVISION OF LAND BUILDING Floodplains 157-2;157-4; SUBDMSION OF LAND 234-38 CONSTRUCTION 157-12;157-16 234-6 Water 215-25 AND FIRE Floodways 1574;157-6; Wastewater Discharge WATER PROTECTION PREVENTION 125-9 157-11;157-12; Permits 216-16 256-12;256-18;256-23 FIREWORKS 157-13;157-15;157-17 ZONING 270-185 ZONING 270-186 See Also EXPLOSION Garages 1574 FINAL PLATS FIRE INSURANCE HAZARDS Gas 157-3;1574;157-13; FEES 153-2 See INSURANCE See Also EXPLOSIVES 157-16 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR FIRE INSURANCE PARKS AND General standards 157-13 173-15 CLAIMS RECREATION Grades and grading 157-2; SUBDIVISION OF LAND See INSURANCE AREAS 200-5 1574 234-16;234-17; FIRE LANES FISHING Grievances 157-16 234-20;234-22; ZONING 270-188 ZONING 270-5 Heating 157-13 234-28;234-31; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND FLAMMABLES Height regulations 1574 234-34;234-37 USE DISTRICTS See Also COMBUSTIBLES Improvements 157-4; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 271-3 See Also EXPLOSION 157-13;157-14; USE DISTRICTS FIRE PREVENTION HAZARDS 157-15;157-17 271-6 APPEARANCE TICKETS See Also EXPLOSIVES Inspections 157-12 FINANCIAL 9-2 Industrial Zones 270-159 Insurance 157-2;1574; DISCLOSURES BUILDING Light Industrial Zones 157-6;157-7;157-12; See DISCLOSURE CONSTRUCTION 270-155 157-17 FINANCIAL AND FIRE SEWER USE:RULES, Interpretation;conflict with INSTITUTIONS PREVENTION 125-1 REGS.&PENALTIES other provisions 157-7 Community Commercial BUILDINGS,UNSAFE OF BOARD OF Liability 157-9 Zones 270-134; 129-1 PUBLIC WORKS, Licenses and permits 157-12 270-135 Lakefront Residential Zones CITY OF ITHACA, Lots 1574;157-13;157-17 Limited Historic 270-46 NY,RE:WATER Manufactured home parks Commercial Zones PROPERTY SUPPLY,SEWAGE 1574;157-13;157-15 270-142.5 MAINTENANCE DISPOSAL&AIR Manufactured homes 157-4; Neighborhood Commercial 205-1 CONDITIONING 157-13;157-15 Zones 270-126; RENTAL PROPERTY 215-33 Mining 1574 270-127 207-1;207-2;207-3 16 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION_ Notices 157-8;157-12; FOWL Summary application for ZONING 270-219.5; 157-17 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND license 166-6 270-219.6 Nuisances 157-17 USE DISTRICTS Sunday games 1664 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Objectives 157-3 271-9 Town Clerk 166-5 USE DISTRICTS Official Map 157-4 FRESHWATER Town Supervisor 166-5 271-9 Penalties for offenses 157-8 WETLANDS GAMING GARDEN APARTMENTS Permit application;duties of Regulatory authority 161-1 See BINGO See APARTMENTS owner 157-11 Wetlands 161-1;161-2 GARAGE SALES GAS Plumbing 157-13 When effective 161-2 See SALES BUILDING Purpose 157-2 FUEL GARAGES CONSTRUCTION Records 157-12;157-14; BUILDING Agricultural Zones 270-29; AND FIRE 157-16 CONSTRUCTION 270-32 PREVENTION 125-5; Reports 157-4;157-6; AND FIRE Community Commercial 125-10 157-16 PREVENTION 125-4; Zones 270-135 FLOOD DAMAGE Requirement for 125-5;125-10 Conservation Zones 270-17 PREVENTION 157-3; development permit LIGHTING,OUTDOOR FLOOD DAMAGE 1574;157-13;157-16 157-10 173-7 PREVENTION 157-4 See Also FUMES Residential construction SEWER USE: High Density Residential Industrial Zones 270-159 157-14 REQUIREMENTS Zones 270-79;270-82 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Safety standards 157-2; FOR Lakefront Residential Zones 173-7 1574;157-7;157-16; CONTRIBUTORS 27043;270-45;27046 See Also ODORS 157-17 INTO JOINT POTW Limited Historic PARKS AND Sales 1574 216-5 Commercial Zones RECREATION Sanitary facilities 1574; SEWER USE:RULES, 270-142.5;270-142.6; AREAS 200-5 157-14 REGS.&PENALTIES 270-142.7 Road Preservation 230-13 Sewers 157-3;157-13; OF BOARD OF Low Density Residential SEWER USE:RULES, 157-16 PUBLIC WORKS, Zones 270-56;270-60 REGS.&PENALTIES Sheds 1574 CITY OF ITHACA, Medium Density Residential OF BOARD OF Specific standards 157-14 NY,RE:WATER Zones 270-68;270-71 PUBLIC WORKS, Stop-work orders 157-11; SUPPLY,SEWAGE Mobile Home Park Zones CITY OF ITHACA, 157-12 DISPOSAL&AIR 270-91 NY,RE:WATER Storage 157-4;157-11 CONDITIONING Multiple Residence Zones SUPPLY,SEWAGE Storage tanks 15713 215-33 270-101;270-111 DISPOSAL&AIR Town Board 157-1;157-16 SEWER USE:USE OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS CONDITIONING Trailers 157-4 PUBLIC SEWERS 225-3 215-33;215-54 Utilities 157-3;157-4; 214-25 TAXICABS 243-2 SEWER USE:USE OF 157-11;157-13; Vehicle Fueling and Repair Vehicle Fueling and Repair PUBLIC SEWERS 157-14;157-16 Commercial Zones Commercial Zones 214-25 Variance procedures 157-16 270-137 270-137;270-138 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Variances 15713;157-7; ZONING 270-5;270-219.4 ZONING 270-5;270-218; 234-21 157-8;157-12;157-16; FUMES 270-219.3;270-227 ZONING 270-5;270-219.4; 157-17 See Also GAS ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 270-219.5 Ventilation 157-13 See Also GASES USE DISTRICTS ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Violations and penalties See Also ODORS 271-4;271-8;271-9; USE DISTRICTS 157-8;157-12 SEWER USE: 271-10;271-11; 271-5;271-10;271-13; Walls 157-4;157-14 REQUIREMENTS 271-12;271-14;271-16 271-14;271-16 Warning and disclaimer of FOR GARBAGE,RUBBISH AND GAS STATIONS liability 157-9 CONTRIBUTORS REFUSE See Also SERVICE Water 157-2;157-3;157-4; INTO JOINT POTW NOISE 184-8 STATIONS 157-13;157-14;157-16 216-5 PARKS AND SEWER USE:RULES, Water supply 157-13 See Also VAPORS RECREATION REGS.&PENALTIES Watercourses 1574; ZONING 270-200 AREAS 200-5 OF BOARD OF 157-11;157-12 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND PROPERTY PUBLIC WORKS, Word usage and definitions USE DISTRICTS MAINTENANCE CITY OF ITHACA, 157-4 271-5;271-6 205-2 NY,RE:WATER Zoning Board of Appeals RENTAL PROPERTY SUPPLY,SEWAGE 157-16 _ G — 207-2 DISPOSAL&AIR FLOOD HAZARD AREAS SEWER USE: CONDITIONING FLOOD DAMAGE GAMBLING REQUIREMENTS 215-31 PREVENTION 157-12 ADULT USES 100-2 FOR GASES FLOODPLAINS See Also BINGO CONTRIBUTORS See Also FUMES FLOOD DAMAGE GAMES OF CHANCE INTO JOINT POTW Light Industrial Zones PREVENTION 157-2; Applicability in Village of 216-3;216-5 270-155 157-4;157-12;157-16 Cayuga Heights 166-8 SEWER USE:RULES, See Also ODORS ZONING 270-186;270-188 See Also BINGO REGS.&PENALTIES SEWER USE: FLOODWAYS Board of Trustees 166-8 OF BOARD OF REQUIREMENTS FLOOD DAMAGE Conduct of games of chance PUBLIC WORKS, FOR PREVENTION 1574; authorized,restrictions CITY OF ITHACA, CONTRIBUTORS 157-6;157-11;157-12; 166-3 NY,RE:WATER INTO JOINT POTW 157-13;157-15;157-17 Control and supervision SUPPLY,SEWAGE 216-5 FLY ASH 166-5 DISPOSAL&AIR ZONING:SPECIAL LAND See Also ASHES Definitions 166-2 CONDITIONING USE DISTRICTS Light Industrial Zones Effective date 166-9 215-33;215-54 271-10;271-12 270-155 GAMES OF CHANCE SEWER USE:USE OF GENERAL PROVISIONS ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 166-1;166-2;166-3; PUBLIC SEWERS See Adoption of Code 1-A USE DISTRICTS 166-4;166-8 214-1;214-2 1-13 271-10;271-12 Licenses and permits 166-3; See Also SOLID WASTE GLARE FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS 166-6;166-8 STORM SEWER SYSTEM Lakefront Residential Zones See RESTAURANTS Mandatory referendum AND SURFACE 270-43 FORESTRY 166-7 WATERS Light Industrial Zones Agricultural Zones 270-26 Powers and duties 166-5 PROTECTION 227-2 270-155 ZONING 270-5 Statutory authority;title See Also TRASH 166-1 17 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX GLARE... LIGHTING,OUTDOOR NY,RE:WATER STORM SEWER SYSTEM STORM SEWER SYSTEM 173-2;173-3;1734; SUPPLY,SEWAGE AND SURFACE AND SURFACE 173-6;173-7;173-14 DISPOSAL&AIR WATERS WATERS ZONING 270-188; CONDITIONING PROTECTION 227-5; PROTECTION 227-1; 270-219.1;270-219.2 215-31;215-54 227-6 227-2;227-9;227-13 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Signs 270-261 STORMWATER STORMWATER USE DISTRICTS STORM SEWER SYSTEM MANAGEMENT AND MANAGEMENT AND 271-5;271-6;271-7; AND SURFACE EROSION AND EROSION AND 271-10;271-12 WATERS SEDIMENT SEDIMENT GLASS PROTECTION 227-2 CONTROL 228-2; CONTROL 228-5 Community Commercial STORMWATER 228-3;228-5;228-9; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Zones 270-134 MANAGEMENT AND 228-13 USE DISTRICTS LIGHTING,OUTDOOR EROSION AND ZONING 270-5;270-219.5 271-13 173-6 SEDIMENT GROUP HOMES HAZARDOUS WASTES PROPERTY CONTROL 228-2; SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SEWER USE: MAINTENANCE 228-5;228-6;228-10 225-3 REQUIREMENT'S 205-2 STREETS AND GUARANTEES FOR SEWER USE: SIDEWALKS 2304.2; Road Preservation 230-13 CONTRIBUTORS REQUIREMENTS 2304.10;230-6 STORMWATER INTO JOINT POTW FOR SUBDIVISION OF LAND MANAGEMENT AND 216-14;216-22;216-31 CONTRIBUTORS 234-2;234-20;234-23; EROSION AND STORM SEWER SYSTEM INTO JOINT POTW 234-26;234-38 SEDIMENT AND SURFACE 216-5 Water 215-18 CONTROL 22&14 WATERS SEWER USE:RULES, WATER PROTECTION STREETS AND PROTECTION 227-2 REGS.&PENALTIES 256-22 SIDEWALKS 230-2 HEALTH HAZARDS OF BOARD OF ZONING 270-5;270-186; ZONING 270-186;270-193 Conservation Zones 270-22 H PUBLIC WORKS, 270-217;270-219.1; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND ZONING 270-219.5 CITY OF ITHACA, 270-219.4;270-223; USE DISTRICTS HEALTH INSURANCE NY,RE:WATER 270-223.1;270-227; 271-9 Cash payments for SUPPLY,SEWAGE 270-229 GUNS nonparticipants of plan DISPOSAL&AIR ZONING:SPECIAL LAND See Also FIREARMS 41-3 CONDITIONING USE DISTRICTS PARKS AND Conditions 41-5 215-33 271-3;271-8;271-9; RECREATION Costs and expenses 41-1; ZONING 270-5 271-10;271-12; AREAS 200-5 41-3;41-5 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 271-13;271-14; See Also WEAPONS Definitions 41-7 USE DISTRICTS 271-15;271-16 GUTTERS Effect on income tax 41-6 271-16 GRAFFITI SEWER USE:RULES, Insurance 41-1;41-3;41-5; GOLF COURSES Art Murals 270-265 REGS.&PENALTIES 41-7 Agricultural Zones 270-27 GRASS OF BOARD OF Legislative authority; High Density Residential See BRUSH,GRASS AND PUBLIC WORKS, supersession of statute Zones 270-78 WEEDS CITY OF ITHACA, 41-2 Low Density Residential GRASS CLIPPINGS NY,RE:WATER Legislative findings and Zones 270-55 See Also BRUSH,GRASS SUPPLY,SEWAGE intent 41-1 Medium Density Residential AND WEEDS DISPOSAL&AIR Town Board 41-3;411; Zones 270-67 See Also LAWNS CONDITIONING 41-5 ZONING 270-219.5 SEWER USE: 215-54 Town Board action 41-4 GRADES AND GRADING REQUIREMENTS STORM SEWER SYSTEM HEALTH OFFICER Adoption of Code 14 FOR AND SURFACE WATER PROTECTION Agricultural Zones 270-31 CONTRIBUTORS WATERS 256-13 BUILDING INTO JOINT POTW PROTECTION 227-2 HEARINGS CONSTRUCTION 216-5 SUBDIVISION OF LAND ADULT USES 100-1 AND FIRE See Also YARD WASTE 234-38 BUILDING PREVENTION 1254 GRIEVANCES CONSTRUCTION BUILDINGS,UNSAFE Agricultural Zones 270-39 — H _ AND FIRE 129-1 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION 125-7 Commercial Zones PREVENTION 157-16 HANDICAPPED PARKING ENVIRONMENTAL Generally 270-116 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR See PARKING QUALITY REVIEW Conservation Zones 270-16; 173-18 HANDICAPPED PERSONS 148-14 270-20 PROPERTY See Also DISABLED FEES 153-2 FEES 153-2 MAINTENANCE PERSONS LIGHTING,OUTDOOR FLOOD DAMAGE 2054 ZONING 270-188 173-18 PREVENTION 157-2; Road Preservation 230-14 HANSHAW ROAD Limited Historic 1574 SEWER RENTS 210-8 WALKWAY Commercial Zones High Density Residential STREETS AND Liability 230-10 270-142.3 Zones 270-81 SIDEWALKS 2304.13 Notices 230-10 NOISE 184-12 Industrial Zones 270-163 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Notification of defects PROPERTY Lakefront Residential Zones 234-3;234-10 230-10 MAINTENANCE 27043;270-45;270-51 ZONING 270-235 Ownership,maintenance 2054;205-5 Light Industrial Zones GROUNDWATER and liability 230-10 Road Preservation 230-14 270-148 Building Sewers and STREETS AND SEWER RENTS 210-4 Low Density Residential Connections 214-20 SIDEWALKS 230-10 SEWER USE: Zones 270-59 SEWER USE: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ADMINISTRATION Medium Density Residential REQUIREMENTS AND SUBSTANCES AND AMENDMENTS Zones 270-70 FOR BUILDING 217-2 Mobile Home Park Zones CONTRIBUTORS CONSTRUCTION SEWER USE: 270-93 INTO JOINT POTW AND FIRE REQUIREMENTS Multiple Residence Zones 216-3;216-5 PREVENTION 125-8 FOR 270-105 SEWER USE:USE OF SEWER USE: CONTRIBUTORS SEWER USE:RULES, PUBLIC SEWERS REQUIREMENTS INTO JOINT POTW REGS.&PENALTIES 214-1;214-23 FOR 216-39;216-40;216-41 OF BOARD OF CONTRIBUTORS Signs 270-259 PUBLIC WORKS, INTO JOINT POTW CITY OF ITHACA, 216-22 18 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX HEARINGS... STORM SEWER SYSTEM High Density Residential Places of worship 270-78 Multiple Residence Zones AND SURFACE Zones 270-81 Planning Board 270-78 270-101 WATERS Industrial Zones 270-163 Playgrounds 270-77 ZONING 270-5;270-184; PROTECTION 227-14 Lakefront Residential Zones Principal uses authorized by 270-219.2 STREETS AND 270-43;270-45 special permit only ZONING:SPECIAL LAND SIDEWALKS 230-4.13 Light Industrial Zones 270-78 USE DISTRICTS SUBDIVISION OF LAND 270-148 Purpose 270-76 271-9;271-14;271-16 234-4;234-6;234-8; Low Density Residential Schools 270-78 HORSES 234-15;234-31;234-39 Zones 270-59 Setbacks 270-77;270-82; Dog Control and Licensing VEHICLES AND Medium Density Residential 270-84 112-2 TRAFFIC 250-24 Zones 270-70 Size and area of lot 270-84 See Also LIVESTOCK ZONING 270-5;270-181; Mobile Home Park Zones Special permits 270-78 PARKS AND 270-185;270-194; 270-93 Special properties 270-85 RECREATION 270-198;270-202; Multiple Residence Zones Storage 270-82 AREAS 200-4;200-5 270-215;270-219; 270-105;270-106 Swimming pools 270-79 ZONING 270-5 270-219.1;270-219.4; Nonconforming Uses Two-family dwellings ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 270-219.5;270-237; 270-205;270-208 270-77;270-79 USE DISTRICTS 270-243;270-245 Planned Development Utilities 270-77 271-9 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Zones 270-177 Walls 270-82 HOSPICES USE DISTRICTS SEWER USE:RULES, Yard regulations 270-82 ZONING 270-5 271-2;271-3;271-9; REGS.&PENALTIES Yards 270-82;270-84; HOSPITALS 271-10;271-14;271-15 OF BOARD OF 270-85 Agricultural Zones 270-27 HEATING PUBLIC WORKS, ZONING 270-76\270-86 BUILDING BUILDING CITY OF ITHACA, Zoning Board of Appeals CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION NY,RE:WATER 270-79 AND FIRE AND FIRE SUPPLY,SEWAGE HISTORIC BARN PREVENTION 125-8; PREVENTION 125-4; DISPOSAL&AIR EXEMPTION 125-9 125-5 CONDITIONING Applicability 239-23 Conservation Zones 270-12 Community Commercial 215-54 Application for exemption Office Park Commercial Zones 270-134 Signs 270-250;270-254; 239-22 Zones 270-131 FLOOD DAMAGE 270-255;270-256; Assessments 239-21; SPRINKLER SYSTEMS PREVENTION 157-13 270-261;270-262 239-22;239-23 225-3 Light Industrial Zones SUBDIVISION OF LAND Costs and expenses 239-21 WATER PROTECTION 270-155 234-20;234-34 Fars and farming 239-21 256-4;256-11 RENTAL PROPERTY ZONING 270-5;270-186; Grant of exemption; ZONING 270-5;270-227 207-2 270-219;270-219.1; conditions 239-21 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND SEWER USE: 270-219.3;270-219.4; Livestock 239-21 USE DISTRICTS REQUIREMENTS 270-219.5;270-223; Qualifications 239-21 271-5;271-13 FOR 270-230.2 Statutory authority 239-20 HOTELS CONTRIBUTORS ZONING:SPECIAL LAND TAXATION 239-20\239-23 ADULT USES 100-2; INTO JOINT POTW USE DISTRICTS HISTORIC DISTRICTS 100-13 216-3;216-5 271-3;271-8;271-9; ZONING 270-219 BUILDING SEWER USE.RULES, 271-10;271-11; HISTORIC CONSTRUCTION REGS.&PENALTIES 271-12;271-13; PRESERVATION AND FIRE OF BOARD OF 271-14;271-15;271-16 Art Murals 270-266 PREVENTION 125-8 PUBLIC WORKS, HEPATITIS B HISTORIC RESOURCES Community Commercial CITY OF ITHACA, ADULT USES 100-1 Limited Historic Zones 270-134; NY,RE:WATER HIGH DENSITY Commercial Zones 270-135 SUPPLY,SEWAGE RESIDENTIAL ZONES 270-142.2;270-142.3 Industrial Zones 270-159 DISPOSAL&AIR Accessory buildings and HIV Lakefront Commercial CONDITIONING structures 270-77; ADULT USES 100-1 Zones 270-141 215-40;215-54 270-79;270-81;270-82 HIV-AIDS See Also MOTELS STORM SEWER SYSTEM Adult care facilities 270-78 ADULT USES 100-1 Neighborhood Commercial AND SURFACE Affordable housing 270-76 HOLDING TANKS Zones 270-127 WATERS Bed and breakfast 270-78 SEWER USE: SPRINKLER SYSTEMS PROTECTION 227-2 Board of Appeals 270-79; REQUIREMENTS 225-3 WATER PROTECTION 270-82 FOR ZONING 270-5;270-227 256-22 Buffers 270-76 CONTRIBUTORS ZONING:SPECIAL LAND ZONING 270-5;270-219.2; Building area 270-83 INTO JOINT POTW USE DISTRICTS 270-219.6;270-233 Cemeteries 270-78;270-85 216-3 271-3;271-13 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Churches 270-78 HOLIDAYS HOUSES OF WORSHIP USE DISTRICTS Convalescent homes 270-78 Agricultural Zones 270-28 See CHURCHES 271-10;271-12;271-16 Driveways 270-85 PARKS AND See PLACES OF HEDGES Family day-care 270-77 RECREATION WORSHIP See Also FENCES Garages 270-79;270-82 AREAS 200-7 HOUSING TRUST ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Golf courses 270-78 HOME OCCUPATIONS EXEMPTION USE DISTRICTS Grades and grading 270-81 Agricultural Zones 270-29 Applicability 239-27 271-16 Height limitations 270-81 Commercial Zones Application for exemption HEIGHT REGULATIONS Height regulations 270-81 Generally 270-114 239-26 ADULT USES 100-4 Home occupations 270-79 Conservation Zones 270-14 Assessments 239-26; Agricultural Zones 270-31 Improvements 270-77 High Density Residential 239-27 Art Murals 270-265; Library 270-78 Zones 270-79 Grant of exemption 239-25 270-267 Lots 270-82;270-84 Industrial Zones 270-160 Statutory authority 239-24 BUILDING Museums 270-78 Lakefront Residential Zones TAXATION 239-24\239-27 CONSTRUCTION One-family dwellings 270-43 HUMAN AND FIRE 270-77 Light Industrial Zones UWAUNODEFICIENCY PREVENTION 125-4 Open space 270-82 270-146 VIRUS Commercial Zones Parking 270-79;270-86 Low Density Residential ADULT USES 100-1 Generally 270-116 Permitted accessory Zones 270-56 HUNTING Conservation Zones 270-16 buildings and uses Medium Density Residential Agricultural Zones 270-27 See Also FENCES 270-79 Zones 270-68 ZONING 270-219.5 FLOOD DAMAGE Permitted principal uses Mobile Home Park Zones PREVENTION 157-4 270-77 270-91 19 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX Planned Development PROPERTY Water 270-157 — I — Zones 270-172 MAINTENANCE Yard regulations 270-164 PROPERTY 205-2 Yards 270-161;270-164; IDENTITY THEFT' MAINTENANCE SEWER USE: 270-167 NOTIFICATION OF 205-2 REQUIREMENTS ZONING 270-157\270-171 INFORMATION PUBLIC WORKS FOR INSPECTIONS SECURITY DEPARTMENT 59-4; CONTRIBUTORS ADULT USES 100-7;100-9 BREACHES 51-1 59-6 INTO JOINT POTW BUILDING ILLICIT CONNECTIONS Road Preservation 230-11; 216-3 CONSTRUCTION See Also SEWAGE 230-13;230-14 SEWER USE:USE OF AND FIRE DISPOSAL, SEWER RENTS 210-2; PUBLIC SEWERS PREVENTION 125-4; INDIVIDUAL 210-9;210-12 214-1;214-29 125-5;125-7;125-8; See Also SEWAGE SEWER USE:RULES, STORM SEWER SYSTEM 125-9;125-11;125-15 DISPOSAL,PRIVATE REGS.&PENALTIES AND SURFACE See Also BUILDING See Also SEWERS OF BOARD OF WATERS INSPECTOR STORM SEWER SYSTEM PUBLIC WORKS, PROTECTION 227-2 Building Sewers and AND SURFACE CITY OF ITHACA, INDUSTRIAL ZONES Connections 214-13; WATERS NY,RE:WATER Accessory buildings and 214-21 PROTECTION 227-2; SUPPLY,SEWAGE structures 270-160; BUILDINGS,UNSAFE 227-7;227-14 DISPOSAL&AIR 270-161 129-2 ILLICIT DISCHARGES CONDITIONING Accessory uses and Conservation Zones 270-22 See SEWAGE DISPOSAL, 215-4 structures 270-159 Fees 153-2;216-45 PRIVATE STORMWATER Additional special FLOOD DAMAGE IMPACT FEES MANAGEMENT AND requirements 270-169 PREVENTION 157-12 See FEES EROSION AND Adult entertainment Mobile Home Park Zones IMPOUNDMENT SEDIMENT 270-159 270-97 BUILDING CONTROL 228-5 Buffers 270-161;270-164; PROPERTY CONSTRUCTION STREETS AND 270-169 MAINTENANCE AND FIRE SIDEWALKS 230-8 Building area 270-165 205-2;205-4 I PREVENTION 125-4 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Building permits 270-171 RENTAL PROPERTY Dog Control and Licensing 234-2;234-6;234-15; Driveways 270-166 207-2 112-10 234-16;234-20; Explosives 270-159 Road Preservation 230-14 ENVIRONMENTAL 234-23;234-25; Flammables 270-159 SEWER USE: QUALITY REVIEW 234-26;234-30; Gas 270-159 REQUIREMENTS 148-2 234-34;234-36;234-38 Grades and grading 270-163 FOR STORM SEWER SYSTEM WATER RATES 261-2 Height limitations 270-163 CONTRIBUTORS AND SURFACE ZONING 270-185; Height regulations 270-163 INTO JOINT POTW WATERS 270-186;270-193; Home occupations 270-160 216-25;216-26; PROTECTION 227-2 270-233 Hotels 270-159 216-27;216-29; STORMWATER ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Landscaping 270-166 216-33;216-39 MANAGEMENT AND USE DISTRICTS Lots 270-167 SEWER USE:RULES, EROSION AND 271-5;271-6;271-8; Master Plan 270-157 REGS.&PENALTIES SEDIMENT 271-9;271-11;271-12; Minimum area for an OF BOARD OF CONTROL 228-5; 271-13;271-14; industrial zone 270-162 PUBLIC WORKS, 228-9 271-15;271-16 Minimum usable open space CITY OF ITHACA, VEHICLES AND INDEMNIFICATION 270-166 NY,RE:WATER TRAFFIC 250-21 See LIABILITY Motels 270-159 SUPPLY,SEWAGE WATER RATES 261-1 INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS Off-street loading 270-160; DISPOSAL&AIR IMPROVEMENTS Light Industrial Zones 270-169 CONDITIONING Adoption of Code 1-4 270-145 Open space 270-166 215-12;215-29; Agricultural Zones 270-26 Signs 270-257 Parking 270-160;270-161; 215-31;215-43; BUILDING ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 270-168 215-44;215-45; CONSTRUCTION USE DISTRICTS Performance standards 21547;215-54 AND FIRE 271-12 270-170 SEWER USE:USE OF PREVENTION 1254; INDUSTRIAL USER Permitted accessory PUBLIC SEWERS 125-7 Fees 216-47 buildings and uses 214-32 CONSERVATION BOARD SEWER USE: 270-160 Signs 270-258 23-4 REQUIREMENTS Permitted principal uses STORM SEWER SYSTEM Conservation Zones 270-12 FOR 270-158 AND SURFACE Exemption for CONTRIBUTORS Permitted uses 270-160 WATERS Improvements to INTO JOINT POTW Placement of accessory PROTECTION 227-1; Property Made 216-3;216-4;216-7; structures 270-161 227-12 Pursuant to Americans 216-8;216-10;216-11; Planning Board 270-158; STORMWATER with Disabilities Act 216-13;216-14; 270-160;270-161 MANAGEMENT AND 239-17 216-22;216-23; Prohibited uses 270-159 EROSION AND FEES 153-2 216-24;216-25; Purpose 270-157 SEDIMENT FLOOD DAMAGE 216-26;216-27; Restaurants 270-159 CONTROL 228-3; PREVENTION 157-4; 216-28;216-36; Sales 270-159 228-11;228-13; 157-13;157-14; 216-37;216-38; Sanitary facilities 270-157 228-14;228-15 157-15;157-17 216-39;216-40; Screens and screening STREETS AND High Density Residential 216-41;216-42 270-169 SIDEWALKS 230-4.2; Zones 270-77 SEWER USE:USE OF Setbacks 270-167 2304.3;2304.7; Lakefront Residential Zones PUBLIC SEWERS Sidewalks 270-169 2304.9 27041 214-1 Signs 270-161 Wastewater Discharge Limited Historic Wastewater Discharge Site plan approval 270-171 Permits 216-17 Commercial Zones Permits 216-15; Site plans 270-161;270-171 Water 215-15 270-142.3;270-142A 216-16;216-17; Size and area of lot 270-167 WATER PROTECTION Low Density Residential 216-19;216-20;216-21 Slaughterhouses 270-159 256-6;256-9;256-20 Zones 270-54 INDUSTRIAL WASTES Special permits 270-158; ZONING 270-219; Medium Density Residential Building Sewers and 270-160 270-219.1;270-219.4; Zones 270-66 Connections 214-13 Storage 270-159;270.160 270-219.5;270-219.6; Mobile Home Park Zones Swimming pools 270-160 270-238;270-243 270-89 Town Board 270-157 20 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX INSURANCE Accessory uses authorized Height regulations 270-43; See Also SCREENS AND Building Sewers and by special permit only 270-45 SCREENING Connections 214-13 270-142 Home occupations 270-43 Signs 270-260 Conservation Zones 270-22 Additional yard regulations Improvements 270-41 STORMWATER DEFENSE AND 270-142.1 Kennels 270-44 MANAGEMENT AND INDEMNIFICATION Alcoholic beverages Library 270-42 EROSION AND 28-6.28-7 270-141 Licenses and permits 270-43 SEDIMENT FLOOD DAMAGE Boats and Boating 270-140; Lighting 270-43 CONTROL 228-5; PREVENTION 157-2; 270-142.1 Lots 270-46;270-48 228-7;228-10;228-13; 157-4;157-6;157-7; Churches 270-141 Markers 270-43 228-14 157-12;157-17 Construction 270-141 Monuments 270-43 SUBDIVISION OF LAND HEALTH INSURANCE Hotels 270-141 Museums 270-42 234-20;234-32;234-33 41-1;41-3;41-5;41-7 Marinas 270-140 One-family dwellings ZONING 270-186; PARKS AND Motels 270-141 27041 270-188;270-200; RECREATION Parking 270-142.1 Parking 270-43;27046; 270-219;270-219.1; AREAS 200-8 Permitted principal uses 270-50 270-219.5 Road Preservation 230-14 270-140 Permitted accessory ZONING:SPECIAL LAND STREETS AND Planning Board 270-141; structures and uses USE DISTRICTS SIDEWALKS 2304.3; 270-142;270-142.1 27043 271-9;271-10;271-15; 2304.6 Principal uses authorized by Permitted principal uses 271-16 ZONING 270-5 special permit only 27041 LAWNS INTOXICATED PERSONS 270-141 Places of worship 27042 See Also BRUSH,GRASS See ALCOHOLIC Purpose 270-139 Planning Board 27042; AND WEEDS BEVERAGES Restaurants 270-141 27046 See Also GRASS INTOXICATING Sales 270-142 Playgrounds 270-41 CLIPPINGS BEVERAGES Schools 270-141 Principal uses authorized by NOISE 184-8 See ALCOHOLIC Setbacks 270-141; special permit only SEWER USE:RULES, BEVERAGES 270-142.1 27042 REGS.&PENALTIES INTOXICATION Site plan approval Purpose 27040 OF BOARD OF See ALCOHOLIC 270-142.1 Residential districts 27043 PUBLIC WORKS, BEVERAGES Site plan review and Roofs 270-43 CITY OF ITHACA, INVESTIGATIONS approval 270-142.1 Safety standards 270-43 NY,RE:WATER ADULT USES 100-5;100-6 Site plans 270-142.1 Schools 270-42 SUPPLY,SEWAGE DEFENSE AND Special permits 270-141; Setbacks 27041;270-43; DISPOSAL&AIR INDEMNIFICATION 270-142 27046;27048;27049 CONDITIONING 28-2 Utilities 270-141 Site plan approval 27046 215-54 ETHICS,CODE OF 32-11 Walls 270-142.1 Site plan review and STORM SEWER SYSTEM NOTIFICATION OF Water 270-141;270-142.1 approval 27046 AND SURFACE INFORMATION Yards 270-142.1 Site plans 27046 WATERS SECURITY ZONING 270-139\ Size and area of lot 27048 PROTECTION 227-1; BREACHES 514 270-142.1 Special permits 27042 227-6 STORM SEWER SYSTEM LAKEFRONT Special properties 27049 STORMWATER AND SURFACE RESIDENTIAL ZONES Special requirements 270-51 MANAGEMENT AND WATERS Accessory buildings and Steep slopes 270-43 EROSION AND PROTECTION 227-14 structures 270-41; Storage 270-46 SEDIMENT 27043;27044; Swimming pools 27043 CONTROL 228-7 _ J _ 270-45;27046 Two-family dwellings WATER PROTECTION Accessory buildings and 270-41;270-43 256-22;256-23 JUNK uses authorized by Utilities 270-41 See Also YARD WASTE PROPERTY special approval only Vehicles 27043 ZONING 270-219.5 MAINTENANCE 27044 Walls 27043;27045; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 205-2 Accessory uses and 27046 USE DISTRICTS JUVENILES structures 27043 Water 270-43;270-44; 271-16 See MINORS Animals 27044 27046;27048;270-51 LEAF WASTE Bed and breakfast 270-42 Water quality 27043 See YARD WASTE Board of Appeals 270-43; Yard regulations 270-46 LEASHING K— 27044;270-46 Yards 270-46;270-48; Dog Control and Licensing KAYAKS Boats and Boating 270-43; 27049 112-2 WATERCRAFT 254-1 270-45;27046 ZONING 27040\270-51 PARKS AND KENNELS Building area 27047 Zoning Board of Appeals RECREATION Agricultural Zones 270-26 Building permits 27043; 27043 AREAS 200-3 Conservation Zones 270-14 270-51 LANDLORDS LETTERS OF CREDIT Lakefront Residential Zones Churches 270-42 RENTAL PROPERTY BUILDING 270-44 Code Enforcement Officer 207-2 CONSTRUCTION Low Density Residential 27043;270-51 See Also RENTAL AND FIRE Zones 270-56 Construction 27043; PROPERTY PREVENTION 1254; Medium Density Residential 270-51 ZONING 270-219.6 125-7 Zones 270-69 Day-care facilities 27043 LANDSCAPING STORMWATER ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Dogs 27044 Agricultural Zones 270-37 MANAGEMENT AND USE DISTRICTS Driveways 27049 Commercial Zones EROSION AND 271-9 Encroachments 270-43 Generally 270-119; SEDIMENT Erosion and sediment 270-122 CONTROL 228-14 L _ control 270-51 Conservation Zones 270-22 STREETS AND Family day-care 27041 ENVIRONMENTAL SIDEWALKS 230-2 LAKEFRONT Fill 270-51 QUALITY REVIEW ZONING 270-192;270-193 COMMERCIAL Fire prevention 270-46 148-6 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND ZONES Garages 270-43;270-45; Industrial Zones 270-166 USE DISTRICTS Accessory buildings and 27046 Light Industrial Zones 271-9 structures 270-142.1 Glare 270-43 270-151 LIABILITY Accessory uses and Grades and grading 27043; Mobile Home Park Zones Adoption of Code 14 structures 270-142 27045;270-51 270-97 Height limitations 27045 Multiple Residence Zones 270-108;270-111 21 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX LIABILITY». BUILDING Lakefront Residential Zones See Also SPECIAL Buffers 270-149;270-154 CONSTRUCTION 270-42 PERMITS Building area 270-150 AND FIRE Limited Historic STORMWATER Building permits 270-156 PREVENTION 125-13 Commercial Zones MANAGEMENT AND Burning 270-155 Building Sewers and 270-142.5 EROSION AND Churches 270-145 Connections 214-13; Low Density Residential SEDIMENT Construction 270-143 214-14 Zones 270-55 CONTROL 228-9 Dirt 270-155 DEFENSE AND Medium Density Residential STREETS AND Driveways 270-145; INDEMNIFICATION Zones 270-67 SIDEWALKS 230-4; 270-151 28-2;28-9;28-12 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 2304.1;2304.2; Dust 270-155 See Also DEFENSE AND 225-3 2304.3 Electromagnetic INDEMNIFICATION ZONING:SPECIAL LAND SUBDMSION OF LAND interference 270-155 FEES 153-2 USE DISTRICTS 234-7 Explosion hazards 270-155 FLOOD DAMAGE 271-9;271-10 TAXICABS 243-2 Explosives 270-155 PREVENTION 157-9 LICENSES AND PERMITS Wastewater Discharge Farms and farming 270-146 Hanshaw Road Walkway Adoption of Code 14 Permits 216-15; Flammables 270-155 230-10 ADULT USES 100-1; 216-17;216-18; Fly ash 270-155 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 100-2;100-4;100-5; 216-19;216-20 Gases 270-155 173-17 100-6;100-7;100-8; WATERCRAFT 254-4 Glare 270-155 NOISE 184-14;184-15 100-9;100-10;100-11; ZONING 270-5;270-186; Grades and grading 270-148 PARKS AND 100-13;100-14;100-21 270-219;270-219.5; Heating 270-155 RECREATION Agricultural Zones 270-27; 270-219.6;270-238; Height limitations 270-148 AREAS 200.8 270-31 270-243 Height regulations 270-148 PROPERTY APPEARANCE TICKETS ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Home occupations 270-146 MAINTENANCE 9-2 USE DISTRICTS Industrial districts 270.145 205-3 Art Murals 270-267 271-5;271-6;271-7; Landscaping 270-151 Road Preservation 230-14; BINGO 121-3 271-8;271-9;271-11; Lighting 270-155 230-15 BUILDING 271-13;271-14;271-15 Lots 270-152 SEWER RENTS 210-6 CONSTRUCTION LIENS Master Plan 270-143 SEWER USE: AND FIRE BUILDING Minimum area for a light REQUIREMENTS PREVENTION 1254; CONSTRUCTION industrial zone 270.147 FOR 125-8;125-9;125-14 AND FIRE Minimum usable open space CONTRIBUTORS See Also BUILDING PREVENTION 125-15 270-151 INTO JOINT POTW PERMITS LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Noise 270-155 216-14;216-38; Building Sewers and 173-17 Odors 270-155 21640;216-43 Connections 214-13 PROPERTY Off-street loading 270.146; SEWER USE:RULES, CONSERVATION BOARD MAINTENANCE 270-154 REGS.&PENALTIES 23-2;23-3 2054 Open fines 270-155 OF BOARD OF Dog Control and Licensing SEWER RENTS 210-6; Open space 270-151 L PUBLIC WORKS, 112-2;112-9 210-7 Parking 270-145;270-146; CITY OF ITHACA, ETHICS,CODE OF 32-11 SEWER USE:RULES, 270.153 NY,RE:WATER FEES 153-1 REGS.&PENALTIES Performance standards SUPPLY,SEWAGE FLOOD DAMAGE OF BOARD OF 270.155 DISPOSAL&AIR PREVENTION 157-12 PUBLIC WORKS, Permitted accessory CONDITIONING GAMES OF CHANCE CITY OF ITHACA, buildings and uses 215-2;215-8 166-3;166-6;166-8 NY,RE:WATER 270-146 SEWER USE:USE OF Lakefront Residential Zones SUPPLY,SEWAGE Permitted principal uses PUBLIC SEWERS 270-43 DISPOSAL&AIR 270.144 214-35 Mobile Home Park Zones CONDITIONING Planning Board 270.145; Signs 270-259 270-97 215-8 270-146 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS NOISE 184-12 Signs 270-259 Purpose 270.143 225-7 NOTIFICATION OF STORM SEWER SYSTEM Safety standards 270.155 STORM SEWER SYSTEM INFORMATION AND SURFACE Sales 270.144;270-146 AND SURFACE SECURITY WATERS Sanitary facilities 270-143 WATERS BREACHES 51-1; PROTECTION 227-14 Schools 270-145 PROTECTION 227-2; 51-2;51-3 STORMWATER Screens and screening 227-14 PARKS AND MANAGEMENT AND 270.154 STORMWATER RECREATION EROSION AND Setbacks 270-152 MANAGEMENT AND AREAS 200.7 SEDIMENT Sidewalks 270-154 EROSION AND RENTAL PROPERTY CONTROL 228-15 Signs 270-146 SEDIMENT 207-2 STREETS AND Site plan approval 270-146; CONTROL 228-14; Road Preservation 230-14 SIDEWALKS 230-7; 270-156 228-15 SEWER USE: 230-8 Site plans 270-156 STREETS AND REQUIREMENTS WATER RATES 2614; Size and area of lot 270.152 SIDEWALKS 230-4.1; FOR 261-5 Smoke 270-155 2304.2;230-4.3; CONTRIBUTORS ZONING 270-219.1; Special permits 270-145; 230-4.15 INTO JOINT POTW 270.219.4 270.146 TAXICABS 243-13 216-3;216-29;216-35; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Storage 270-144;270-145; VEHICLES AND 216-38;216-43 USE DISTRICTS 270-146;270-155 TRAFFIC 250-24 SEWER USE:RULES, 2714 Swimming pools 270-146 Water 215-27 REGS.&PENALTIES LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Town Board 270-143 WATER RATES 2614 OF BOARD OF ZONES Vendors 270-146 LIABILITY INSURANCE PUBLIC WORKS, Accessory buildings and Vermin 270-155 STREETS AND CITY OF ITHACA, structures 270-146 Vibrations 270.155 SIDEWALKS 2304.3 NY,RE:WATER Additional special Water 270-143 LIBRARY SUPPLY,SEWAGE requirements 270-154 Yard regulations 270-149 Agricultural Zones 270-27 DISPOSAL&AIR Adult entertainment Yards 270-149;270.152 Community Commercial CONDITIONING 270.145 ZONING 270-143\270-156 Zones 270-135 215-14;215-38; Adult entertainment uses Zoning districts 270.145 Conservation Zones 270-12 21542;21544; authorized by special LIGHTING High Density Residential 21549;215-50 approval only 270-145 ADULT USES 100-1; Zones 270-78 Signs 270-251;270-259; Animals 270-155 100.14 270-260;270.262 Board of Appeals 270-145 Art Murals 270-267 22 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX LIGHTING.- Commercial Zones Lighting under roof Nonconforming uses LOITERING Generally 270-122 overhangs and canopies 270-142.3 PARKS AND Conservation Zones 270-22 173-10 One-family dwellings RECREATION Lakefront Residential Zones Lots 173-14 270-142.4 AREAS 200-4 270-43 New construction 173-15 Open space 270-142.7 LOTS Light Industrial Zones Nonconforming signs Parking 270-142.5 Agricultural Zones 270-32; 270-155 173-14 Permitted accessory uses 270-34;270-35 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Notices 173-14;173-16; and structures Commercial Zones 173-1;173-2;173-3; 173-17;173-18 270-142.6 Generally 270-120 1734;173-5;173-6; Notification requirements Permitted principal uses CONSERVATION BOARD 173-7;173-8;173-9; 173-16 270-142.4 23-2 173-10;173-12; Outdoor signs 173-8 Places of worship 270-142.5 Conservation Zones 270-11; 173-13;173-14; Parking 173-14 Planning Board 270-142.5 270-17;270-19;270-22 173-15;173-16 Pedestrians 173-14 Playgrounds 270-142.4 FEES 153-3 Signs 270-249;270-257; Planning Board 173-18 Principal uses authorized by FLOOD DAMAGE 270-258;270-259; Police officers 173-17 special permit only PREVENTION 1574; 270-260;270-262 Pollution 173-2 270-142.5 157-13;157-17 See Also Prohibitions 173-12 Purpose 270-142.2 High Density Residential STREETLIGHTING Purpose 173-3 Reports 270-142.3 Zones 270-82;270-84 STREETS AND Recreational facilities 173-9 Restaurants 270-142.5 Industrial Zones 270-167 SIDEWALKS 2304.6 Reports 173-15 Roofs 270-142.3 Lakefront Residential Zones SUBDIVISION OF LAND Roofs 173-10;173-14 Sales 270-142.5 270-46;270-48 234-20 Safety standards 173-2; Schools 270-142.5 Light Industrial Zones ZONING 270-5;270-186; 173-3;173-13;173-18 Signs 270-142.8 270-152 270-188;270-191; Security standards 173-2 Special permits 270-142.3; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 270-200;270-219; Signs 173-8 270-142.5 173-14 270-219.1;270-219.4 Site plan approval 173-16 Town Board 270-142.3 Limited Historic ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Site plan review and Two-family dwellings Commercial Zones USE DISTRICTS approval 173-18 270-142.4 270-142.7 271-5;271-6;271-7; Spotlights and floodlights Vehicles 270-142.5 Low Density Residential 271-8;271-9;271-10; 173-11 Walls 270-142.3 Zones 270-53;270-54; 271-11;271-12; Temporary outdoor lighting Yard regulations 270-142.7 270-60;270-62 271-13;271-14; 173-13 Yards 270-142.7 Medium Density Residential 271-15;271-16 Tests 173-15 ZONING 270-142.2\ Zones 270-71;270-73 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Title 173-1 270-142.8 Mobile Home Park Zones Advertising 173-12 Town Board 173-2;173-17; LITTER 270-96 Animals 173-2 173-18 STORMWATER Multiple Residence Zones Appeals 173-18 Town Clerk 173-16 MANAGEMENT AND 270-109 Appeals and variances Trespassing 173-2;173-3; EROSION AND STORMWATER 173-18 1734;173-14 SEDIMENT MANAGEMENT AND Appearance tickets 173-17 Utilities 173-16 CONTROL 228-10 EROSION AND Applicability of Vapors 173-12 ZONING 270-5 SEDIMENT requirements 173-5 Variances 173-18 LITTERING CONTROL 228-5 Assessments 173-17 Violations and penalties PARKS AND STREETS AND Attorneys fees 173-17 173-17;173-18 RECREATION SIDEWALKS 230-8 Board of Appeals 173-18 Water 173-4 AREAS 200-4;200-8 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Building permits 173-16 Zoning Board of Appeals LIVESTOCK 234-2;234-5;234-6; Construction 173-15 173-18 Historic Barn Exemption 234-14;234-20; Control of glare;shielding LE IITED HISTORIC 239-21 234-23;234-24; requirements 173-6 CONEHERCIAL See Also HORSES 234-28;234-32; Costs and expenses 173-2; ZONES STORMWATER 234-33;234-36; 173-3;173-17 Accessory buildings and MANAGEMENT AND 234-37;234-39 Definitions 1734 structures 270-142.4; EROSION AND ZONING 270-5;270-219; Disability 173-4;173-14 270-142.6;270-142.7 SEDIMENT 270-219.1;270-219.4; Dust 173-4 Accessory uses and CONTROL 228-5 270-219.5;270-228; Emergencies 173-7 structures 270-142.6 ZONING 270-5;270-219.5 270-230.1 Enforcement of violations; Additional special ZONING:SPECIAL LAND ZONING:SPECIAL LAND penalties for offenses requirements 270-142.8 USE DISTRICTS USE DISTRICTS 173-17 Bed and breakfast 271-9 271-3;271-4;271-9; Exemptions to control of 270-142.5 LOCK BOXES 271-10;271-12,271-14 glare 173-7 Board of Appeals 270-142.3 Alarm systems 175-1; LOW DENSITY Existing nonconforming Chimneys 270-142.3 175-2;175-4 RESIDENTIAL ZONES luminaires 173-14 Churches 270-142.5 Applicability 175-3 Accessory buildings and Fees 173-18 Costs and expenses Attachment of lock box structures 270-54; Final plats 173-15 270-142.3 175-4 270-56;270-58; Findings 173-2 Day-care facilities Definitions 175-2 270-59;270-60 Fuel 173-7 270-142.6 Emergencies 175-1;175-2 Accessory buildings and Gas 173-7 Eligibility and reversion Findings 175-1 uses authorized by Glare 173-2;173-3;1734; 270-142.3 Fire Department 175-1; special permit only 173-6;173-7;173-14 Financial institutions 175-2;175-5 270-58 Glass 173-6 270-142.5 Location and attachment of Agricultural districts Grievances 173-18 Garages 270-142.5; lock boxes 175-5 270-54;270-59 Hearings 173-18 270-142.6;270-142.7 Noise 175-1 Animals 270-54;270-55; Law governing conflicts Hearings 270-142.3 Notices 175-2 270-56 173-19 Historic resources Penalties for offenses 175-7 Bed and breakfast 270-55 Liability 173-17 270-142.2;270-142.3 Records 175-2 Board of Appeals 270-56; Liens 173-17 Improvements 270-142.3; Retrofit requirement 175-6 270-60 Lighting 173-1;173-2; 270-142.4 Town Board 175-1;175-7 Buffers 270-55;270-58 173-3;1734;173-5; Library 270-142.5 Two-family dwellings 1754 Building area 270-61 173-6;173-7;173-8; Lots 270-142.7 Violations and penalties Building permits 270-54 173-9;173-10;173-12; Museums 270-142.5 175-7 Cemeteries 270-55;270-63 173-13;173-14; Noise 270-142.5 Certificates of compliance 173-15;173-16 270-54 23 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONES.— Churches 270-55 PUBLIC WORKS, MEDIUM DENSITY PROPERTY Construction 270-54 CITY OF ITHACA, RESIDENTIAL ZONES MAINTENANCE Convalescent homes 270-55 NY,RE:WATER Accessory buildings and 205-2 Day-care facilities 270-56 SUPPLY,SEWAGE structures 270-66; SUBDIVISION OF LAND Dogs 270-56 DISPOSAL&AIR 270-68;270-69; 234-4;234-6;234-10; Driveways 270-63 CONDITIONING 270-70;270-71 234-15;234-16; Family day-care 270-54 215-34;215-35;215-54 Accessory buildings and 234-17;234-20; Farms and farming 270-54; SEWER USE:USE OF uses authorized by 234-36;234-37 270-55;270-56;270-59 PUBLIC SEWERS special approval only TOWN BOARD 89-9 Garages 270-56;270-60 214-28 270-69 ZONING 270-181; Golf courses 270-55 STREETS AND Animals 270-69 270-198;270-235; Grades and grading 270-59 SIDEWALKS 230-2 Bed and breakfast 270-67 270-236;270-237 Height limitations 270-59 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Board of Appeals 270-68; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Height regulations 270-59 234-38 270-69;270-71 USE DISTRICTS Home occupations 270-56 Water 215-19 Building area 270-72 271-9;271-10;271-16 Improvements 270-54 ZONING 270-186 Cemeteries 270-67;270-74 MEMBERSHIP Kennels 270-56 MANUFACTURED HOME Chickens 270-68 CONSERVATION BOARD Library 270-55 PARKS Churches 270-67 23-4;23-5 Lots 270-53;270-54; FLOOD DAMAGE Day-care facilities 270-68 ETHICS,CODE OF 32-11 270-60;270-62 PREVENTION 157-4; Dogs 270-69 ZONING 270-5;270-227; Manure 270-54;270-55 157-13;157-15 Driveways 270-74 270-235;270-236 Museums 270-55 See Also MOBILE HOME Family day-care 270-66 METERS Nuisances 270-55;270-58 PARKS Farms and farming 270-65 SEWER RENTS 210-5 One-family dwellings MANUFACTURED HOMES Garages 270-68;270-71 SEWER USE:RULES, 270-54 FLOOD DAMAGE Golf courses 270-67 REGS.&PENALTIES Open space 270-60 PREVENTION 157-4; Grades and grading 270-70 OF BOARD OF Parking 270-56;270-64 157-13;157-15 Height limitations 270-70 PUBLIC WORKS, Permitted accessory See Also MOBILE HOMES Height regulations 270-70 CITY OF ITHACA, buildings and uses MANURE Home occupations 270-68 NY,RE:WATER 270-56 Conservation Zones 270-12; Improvements 270-66 SUPPLY,SEWAGE Permitted principal uses 270-22 Kennels 270-69 DISPOSAL&AIR 270-54 Low Density Residential Library 270-67 CONDITIONING Places of worship 270-55 Zones 270-54;270-55 Lots 270-71;270-73 215-2;215-3 Planning Board 270-55; SEWER USE: Museums 270-67 Water 215-18;215-19; 270-58 REQUIREMENTS Odors 270-68 215-22;215-23; Playgrounds 270-54 FOR One-family dwellings 215-24;215-28 Principal uses authorized by CONTRIBUTORS 270-66 WATER RATES 261-6 special permit only INTO JOINT POTW Open space 270-71 ZONING 270-5 270-55 216-5 Parking 270-68;270-75 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Purpose 270-53 SEWER USE:RULES, Permitted accessory USE DISTRICTS Roadside stands 270-56 REGS.&PENALTIES buildings and uses 271-9 Sales 270-54;270-56 OF BOARD OF 270-68 MINING M Schools 270-55 PUBLIC WORKS, Permitted principal uses Agricultural Zones 270-28 Setbacks 270-54;270-60; CITY OF MIACA, 270-66 ENVIRONMENTAL 270-62 NY,RE:WATER Places of worship 270-67 QUALITY REVIEW Sewers 270-55 SUPPLY,SEWAGE Planning Board 270-67 148-5 Size and area of lot 270-62 DISPOSAL&AIR Playgrounds 270-66 FLOOD DAMAGE Special permits 270-55; CONDITIONING Principal uses authorized by PREVENTION 157-4 270-58 215-33 special permit only Road Preservation 230.13 Special properties 270-63 ZONING 270-219.5 270-67 STORMWATER Storage 270-60 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Purpose 270-65 MANAGEMENT AND Swimming pools 270-56 USE DISTRICTS Schools 270-67 EROSION AND Two-family dwellings 271-9 Setbacks 270-66;270-71; SEDIMENT 270-54;270-56 MARINAS 270-73 CONTROL 228-5 Utilities 270-54 Lakefront Commercial Size and area of lot 270-73 ZONING 270-5;270-219.5 Walls 270-60 Zones 270-140 Special permits 270-67 MINORS Yard regulations 270-60 STORMWATER Special properties 270-74 ADULT USES 100-1 Yards 270-54;270-60; MANAGEMENT AND Storage 270-71 PARKS AND 270-62;270-63 EROSION AND Swimming pools 270-68 RECREATION ZONING 270-53\270-64 SEDIMENT Two-family dwellings AREAS 200-3 Zoning Board of Appeals CONTROL 228-5 270-66;270-68 MINUTES 270-56 ZONING 270-5 Utilities 270-66 CONSERVATION BOARD MARKERS Walls 270-71 23-3 M _ Lakefront Residential Zones Yard regulations 270-71 PROPERTY 270-43 Yards 270-68;270-71; MAINTENANCE MAGAZINES SUBDIVISION OF LAND 270-73;270-74 205-5 ADULT USES 100-2 234-28 ZONING 270-65\270-75 See Also RECORDS PROPERTY MASTER PLAN Zoning Board of Appeals ZONING 270-235;270-236 MAINTENANCE See Also 270-68;270-69 MOBILE HOME PARK 205-2 COMPREHENSIVE MEETINGS ZONES ZONING 270-5 PLAN CONSERVATION BOARD Accessory buildings and MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS Industrial Zones 270-157 23-3;23-4;23-5 structures 270-89; Road Preservation 230-11 Light Industrial Zones ENVIRONMENTAL 270-91;270-94 MANHOLES 270-143 QUALITY REVIEW Accessory uses and SEWER USE: Multiple Residence Zones 148-4;148-7 structures 270-91 REQUIREMENTS 270-99 ETHICS,CODE OF 32-3; Bufferyards 270-97 FOR Planned Development 32-7 Building area 270-95 CONTRIBUTORS Zones 270-172 FEES 153-2 Building permits 270-97; INTO JOINT POTW SUBDIVISION OF LAND NOTIFICATION OF 270-98 216-26 234-20 DEFECTS 188-2 Code Enforcement Officer SEWER USE:RULES, Planning Board and Zoning 270-97 REGS.&PENALTIES Board of Appeals 20-2; Driveways 270-97 OF BOARD OF 20-3 Emergency vehicles 270-96 24 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX MOBILE HOME PARK ZONES... Family day-care 270-89 Mobile Home Park Zones MULTIPLE FAMILY Town Board 270-99; Fees 270-97 270-87;270-89; DWELLINGS 270-112 Fences 270-97 270-93;270-94; Multiple Residence Zones Two-family dwellings Garages 270-91 270-96;270-97 270-100;270-101 270-100 Grades and grading 270-93 ZONING 270-5;270-215; RENTAL PROPERTY Waivers 270-111 Height limitations 270-93 270-227;270-230 207-1 Water 270-99 Height regulations 270-93 MONUMENTS SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Yard regulations 270-106 Home occupations 270-91 Community Commercial 225-3 Yards 270-101;270-106; Improvements 270-89 Zones 270-134 ZONING 270-5 270-109;270-111 Inspections 270-97 Lakefront Residential Zones ZONING:SPECIAL LAND ZONING 270-991270-112 Landscaping 270.97 270-43 USE DISTRICTS Zoning Board of Appeals Licenses and permits 270-97 Signs 270-253;270-260 271-6;271-8;271-11 270-101 Lot area 270-96 SUBDIVISION OF LAND MULTIPLE RESIDENCE MUSEUMS Lots 270-96 234-20;234-28; ZONES Agricultural Zones 270-27 Minimum area 270-88 234-36;234-37 Accessory buildings and Conservation Zones 270-12 Mobile home parks 270-87; ZONING 270-5;270-186 structures 270-101 High Density Residential 270-88;270-89; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Additional special Zones 270-78 270-90;270-91; USE DISTRICTS requirements 270-111 Lakefront Residential Zones 270-93;270-94; 271-5;271-8;271-12 Adult care facilities 270-102 270-42 270-95;270-97;270-98 MOORING Bed and breakfast 270-102 Limited Historic Mobile homes 270-87; ZONING 270-5 Buffers 270-106;270-111 Commercial Zones 270-89;270-93; MOTELS Building area 270-107 270-142.5 270-94;270-96;270-97 ADULT USES 100-2; Building permits 270-112 Low Density Residential One-family dwellings 100-3;100-4;100-10; Construction 270-99 Zones 270-55 270-89;270-93;270-94 100-13;100.14;100-19 Driveways 270-108; Medium Density Residential Open space 270-94;270-97 BUILDING 270-111 Zones 270-67 Parking 270.91;270-97 CONSTRUCTION Family day-care 270-100 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Permitted accessory uses AND FIRE Fences 270-111 225-3 270-91 PREVENTION 125-8 Garages 270-101;270-111 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Permitted principal uses Community Commercial Grades and grading 270-105 USE DISTRICTS 270.89 Zones 270-134; Height limitations 270-105 271-9 Planning Board 270-90; 270-135 Height regulations 270-105; 270-97;270.98 See Also HOTELS 270.106 — N — Playgrounds 270-89 Industrial Zones 270-159 Home occupations 270-101 Principal uses authorized by Lakefront Commercial Landscaping 270.108; NATURAL FEATURES special permit only Zones 270-141 270-111 Conservation Zones 270-10 270-90 Neighborhood Commercial Lots 270-109 SUBDMSION OF LAND Purpose 270-87 Zones 270-127 Master Plan 270-99 234-36 Recreation areas 270-97 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Minimum area for multiple NATURAL RESOURCES Recyclables 270-97 225-3 residence zone 270-104 Agricultural Zones 270-25; Schools 270-97 ZONING 270-5;270-227 Minimum usable open space 270-35 Screens and screening ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 270-108 Conservation Zones 270-10 270-97 USE DISTRICTS Multiple family dwellings SEWER USE: Setbacks 270-89 271-3;271-13 270-100;270.101 REQUIREMENTS Sidewalks 270-97 MOTOR VEHICLES One-family dwellings FOR Site plan approval 270-97 NOISE 1844 270-100 CONTRIBUTORS Site plan approvals 270-98 PARKS AND Open space 270-108; INTO JOINT POTW �T Site plans 270-97;270-98 RECREATION 270-112 216-3;216-14;21643 11 Special permits 270-90 AREAS 200.5 Parking 270-101;270-110 STORMWATER Special requirements 270-97 PROPERTY Parks and recreation MANAGEMENT AND Storage 270.91;270-97 MAINTENANCE 270-111;270.112 EROSION AND Town Board 270-97;270-98 205-2 Permitted accessory SEDIMENT Utilities 270-89 Signs 270-259 buildings and uses CONTROL 228-5; Yard regulations 270-94 Vehicle Weight Limits 270-101 228-7 Yards 270-94 250-9 Permitted principal uses NEIGHBORHOOD ZONING 270-8'11270-98 See Also VEHICLES 270-100 COMMERCIAL Zoning Board of Appeals VEHICLES AND Planning Board 270-102; ZONES 270-91 TRAFFIC 250-16; 270-111;270-112 Bicycles 270.126 MOBILE HOME PARKS 250.17 Playgrounds 270.111; Construction 270-126; Art Murals 270-265 ZONING 270.5;270-219.5 270-112 270-127 See Also ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Principal uses authorized by Emergencies 270-126 MANUFACTURED USE DISTRICTS special permit only Financial institutions HOME PARKS 271-16 270-102 270-126;270-127 Mobile Home Park Zones MUFFLERS Purpose 270-99 Hotels 270-127 270-87;270-88; ZONING 270.5 Recreation areas 270-111 Maximum building size 270-89;270.90; MULCHING Safety standards 270-111 270.128 270-91;270-93; STORMWATER Sanitary facilities 270-99 Motels 270.127 270-94;270.95; MANAGEMENT AND Screens and screening Noise 270-127 270-97;270-98 EROSION AND 270.111 Parking 270-127 NOISE 184-4 SEDIMENT Setbacks 270-109 Permitted principal uses Nonconforming Uses CONTROL 228-5 Sewers 270-109 270-126 270-210 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Sidewalks 270-111 Planning Board 270-127; ZONING 270-5;270-6; USE DISTRICTS Single-family dwellings 270-128 270.179;270-215; 271-16 270-99 Principal uses authorized by 270-219.1;270-227 MULTIFAMILY Site plan approval 270-112 special permit only MOBILE HOMES DWELLINGS Site plan review and 270-127 Conservation Zones 270-11 ZONING 270.227 approval 270-111 Purpose 270.125 See Also ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Site plans 270-111;270-112 Restaurants 270-126 MANUFACTURED USE DISTRICTS Size and area of lot 270-109 Sales 270.126;270-127 HOMES 271-8;271-9 Special permits 270-102 Setbacks 270-126;270-127 Storage 270-101 Special permits 270-127; Swimming pools 270.101 270-128 Storage 270.128 25 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONES_ Utilities 270-126;270-127 Safety standards 184-3; Nonconforming farts in Hanshaw Road Walkway ZONING 270-125\270-128 184-4 Medium Density 230-10 Zoning Board of Appeals SUBDIVISION OF LAND Residential Zones LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 270-127 234-34 270-214.1 173-14;173-16; NOISE Title 184-1 Nonconforming lots 173-17;173-18 Agricultural districts 184-8 Town Board 184-11; 270-203;270-208 LOCK BOXES 175-2 Agricultural Zones 270-25 184-12;184-13 Nonconforming lots of NOISE 184-12 Alarm systems 184-4; Town Clerk 184-12 record 270-203 NOTIFICATION OF 184-12 Trucks 184-4 Nonconforming structures DEFECTS 188-1; Animals 1844;18410 Unlawful Noise Sources 270-205 188-2 Appearance tickets 184-13 184-6\18410 Nonconforming Uses NOTIFICATION OF Applicability 1842 Vehicles 1844;184-8 270-204;270-206; INFORMATION Attorneys fees 184-14 Violation and Penalty 270-207;270-208; SECURITY Authorization for permit 184-13\18415 270-210;270-212; BREACHES 51-1; 184-11 Violations and penalties 270-213;270-214 51-2;51-3;514;51-5; Code Enforcement Officer 184-6;184-7;184-10; Nonconforming uses of land 51-6;51-7 184-13 18412;184-13; 270-204 ORDINANCES, Commercial Zones 184-14;18415 Nonconforming uses of PUBLICATION OF Generally 270-122 Waivers 184-11;184-12 structures 270-206 54-1 Community Commercial WATERCRAFT 254-5 Nonconformities 270-203; PARKS AND Zones 270-135 ZONING 270-188; 270-205;270-208; RECREATION Complaints 184-5;184-13 270-191;270-200; 270-214 AREAS 200-3;200-8 Conservation Zones 270-13; 270-219.2;270-219.4 One-family dwellings PROPERTY 270-14 Zoning districts 1845 270-203;270-208 MAINTENANCE Construction 1848 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Permitted uses 270-206; 2054;205-5 Construction and other USE DISTRICTS 270-214 PUBLIC WORKS machinery 184-8 271-3;271-5;271-6; See Also PERMITTED DEPARTMENT 59-6 Costs and expenses 184-14 271-7;271-9;271-10; USES Road Preservation 230-14 Definitions 1844 271-12 See Also PROHIBITED SEWER RENTS 2104; Disorderly conduct 184-12 NONCONFORMING LOTS USES 210-6 See Also DISORDERLY Nonconforming Uses Records 270-203;270-208 SEWER USE: CONDUCT 270-203;270-208 Restoration 270-211 ADMINISTRATION Dogs 184-10 NONCONFORMING SIGNS Single-family dwellings AND AMENDMENTS Emergencies 1844;184-8 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 270-208 217-2 Emergency vehicles 1844 173-14 Site plan approval 270-206; SEWER USE: Enforcement of violations Signs 270-259;270-262 270-210 REQUIREMENTS 184-13 See Also SIGNS Special permits 270-214 FOR Farms and farming 184-8 ZONING 270-5 Two-family dwellings CONTRIBUTORS Fees 184-12 NONCONFORMING 270-203;270-208 INTO JOINT POTW Garbage,rubbish and refuse STRUCTURES Variance criteria 270-213 216-14;216-22; 184-8 Nonconforming Uses Variances 270-203; 216-26;216-27; General prohibition on 270-205 270-211;270-213; 216-28;216-29; unreasonable noise NONCONFORMING USES 270-214;270-214.1 216-33;216-35; 1845 Accessory buildings and Vehicles 270-210 216-36;216-40;216-41 General Provisions 184-1\ structures 270-203; Violations and penalties SEWER USE:RULES, 184-5 270-208 270-208 REGS.&PENALTIES N Hearings 184-12 Alterations in use 270-210 Yards 270-203;270-205; OF BOARD OF Lawns 184-8 Amortization of certain 270-208;270-213 PUBLIC WORKS, Liability 18414;18415 nonconforming uses ZONING 270-5;270-203\ CITY OF ITHACA, Liability of owner 184-15 relating to pre-1991 270-214.1;270-219.5; NY,RE:WATER Licenses and permits 18412 residential occupancies 270-242 SUPPLY,SEWAGE Light Industrial Zones 270-214 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND DISPOSAL&AIR 270-155 Appeals 270-212 USE DISTRICTS CONDITIONING Limited Historic Board of Appeals 270-203; 271-14 215-1;215-8;215-30; Commercial Zones 270-208;270-211; NONCONFORMITIES 215-44;215-48;215-50 270-142.5 270-212;270-213; Nonconforming Uses SEWER USE:USE OF LOCK BOXES 175-1 270-214;270-214.1 270-203;270-205; PUBLIC SEWERS Mobile home parks 184-4 Board of Appeals 270-208;270-214 2145;214-26;214-33 Motor vehicles 184-4 determination 270-212 NOTICES Signs 270-259 Neighborhood Commercial Building construction BUILDING STORM SEWER SYSTEM Zones 270-127 270-209 CONSTRUCTION AND SURFACE NOISE 184-1;184-4;1845; Code Enforcement Officer AND FIRE WATERS 184-7;184-8;184-9; 270-212 PREVENTION 125-7; PROTECTION 227-6; 184-10;184-11;184-12 Construction 270-209 125-10;125-11;125-12 227-8;227-11;227-13; Notices 184-12 Continuation of construction Building Sewers and 227-14 PARKS AND 270-209 Connections 214-13 STORMWATER RECREATION Costs and expenses 270-214 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE MANAGEMENT AND AREAS 200-5 Dwellings on 129-2 EROSION AND Parties,events or gatherings nonconforming lots DEFENSE AND SEDIMENT 184-9 270-208 INDEMNIFICATION CONTROL 228-8; Penalties for violations Emergencies 270-207 28-3;28-5 228-13 184-14 Fames and farmiing Dog Control and Licensing STREETS AND Permit procedure;fee 270-214.1 112-2 SIDEWALKS 2304.2; 184-12 Height regulations 270-205; ENVIRONMENTAL 230-4.6;2304.7;230-8 Permits 18411\184-12 270-208 QUALITY REVIEW SUBDIVISION OF LAND Police officers 184-13 Interruption of 148-11;148-12 234-4;234-13;234-15; Purpose 1843 nonconforming use ETHICS,CODE OF 32-3; 23439 Purpose of Article II 1846 270-207 32-7 TAXICABS 243-12;243-13 Radios,television sets and Limited Historic FEES 153-2 Vehicle Weight Limits other sound-producing Commercial Zones FLOOD DAMAGE 250-12 or-amplifying devices 270-142.3 PREVENTION 157-8; VEHICLES AND 184-7 Mobile home parks 270-210 157-12;157-17 TRAFFIC 250-23; Recycling 1848 250-24 26 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX NOTICES.- Wastewater Discharge Licenses and permits 51-1; OFFICERS AND Permits 216-15; 51-2;51-3 — 0 — EMPLOYEES 216-17;216-18;216-21 Notices 51-1;51-2;51-3; ETHICS,CODE OF 32-1 Water 215-18;215-19; 51-4;51-5;51-6;51-7 OBSCENITIES OFFICIAL MAP 215-23;215-24;215-26 Notification methods 51-5 ADULT USES 100-2 Conservation Zones 270-22 WATER PROTECTION Notification of breach 51-2 See Also PORNOGRAPHY FLOOD DAMAGE 256-20;256-21;256-24 Notification to owners and OBSTRUCTIONS PREVENTION 1574 WATER RATES 2614 licensees of NOTIFICATION OF Road Preservation 230-13 ZONING 270-5;270-181; information 51-3 DEFECTS 188-1 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 270-194;270-219; Notification to state and SEWER USE: 234-20 270-219.1;270-219.4; consumer reporting REQUIREMENTS ZONING 270-2195 270-237;270-238; agencies 51-7 FOR See Also ZONING MAPS 270-245 Records 51-1 CONTRIBUTORS OFFICIAL ZONING MAP ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Reports 51-1 INTO JOINT POTW See ZONING MAPS USE DISTRICTS Security standards 51-1; 216-5 OFF-STREET LOADING 271-3;271-10 51-2;51-3;51-7 SEWER USE:RULES, Commercial Zones NOTICES OF VIOLATIONS Social Security 51-1 REGS.&PENALTIES Generally 270-114; BUILDING Websites 51-5 OF BOARD OF 270-122 CONSTRUCTION NUDITY PUBLIC WORKS, Industrial Zones 270-160; AND FIRE ADULT USES 100-2; CITY OF ITHACA, 270-169 PREVENTION 125-12 100-16;100-17;100-20 NY,RE:WATER Light Industrial Zones RENTAL PROPERTY NUISANCES SUPPLY,SEWAGE 270-146;270-154 207-2 Agricultural Zones 270-27; DISPOSAL&AIR See Also PARKING SEWER USE: 270-39 CONDITIONING ZONING 270-186 REQUIREMENTS BUILDING 215-33;215-54 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND FOR CONSTRUCTION Signs 270-247 USE DISTRICTS CONTRIBUTORS AND FIRE STREETS AND 271-12;271-13 INTO JOINT POTW PREVENTION 125-15 SIDEWALKS 2304.6; OFF-STREET PARIUNG 216-40 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE 230-7 Conservation Zones 270-13 SEWER USE:USE OF 129-2 VEHICLES AND See Also PARKING PUBLIC SEWERS Conservation Zones 270-12 TRAFFIC 250-21 See Also PARKING OFF- 214-33 Dog Control and Licensing Water 215-25 STREET STORM SEWER SYSTEM 112-2 ZONING 270-191 RENTAL PROPERTY AND SURFACE FLOOD DAMAGE OCCUPANCY, 207-2 WATERS PREVENTION 157-17 CERTIFICATES OF SUBDIVISION OF LAND PROTECTION 227-14 Low Density Residential See CERTIFICATES OF 234-32 STORMWATER Zones 270-55;270-58 OCCUPANCY ZONING 270-188; MANAGEMENT AND PROPERTY OCCUPANCY PERMITS 270-219.6;270-227 EROSION AND MAINTENANCE See CERTIFICATES OF ZONING:SPECIAL LAND SEDIMENT 205-2 OCCUPANCY USE DISTRICTS CONTROL 228-13; SEWERUSE: ODORS 271-10;271-12;271-16 228-15 REQUIREMENTS Agricultural Zones 270-25 ONE-FAMILY See Also VIOLATIONS FOR Commercial Zones DWELLINGS AND PENALTIES CONTRIBUTORS Generally 270-122 Agricultural Zones 270-26; ZONING 270-219.4; INTO JOINT POTW Conservation Zones 270-14 270-29 270-219.6 216-5 See Also FUMES Conservation Zones 270-11 NOTIFICATION OF SEWER USE:RULES, See Also GAS High Density Residential DEFECTS REGS.&PENALTIES See Also GASES Zones 270-77 Bridges 188-1 OF BOARD OF Light Industrial Zones Lakefront Residential Zones Crosswalks 188-1 PUBLIC WORKS, 270-155 270-41 O Culverts 188-1 CITY OF ITHACA, Medium Density Residential Limited Historic Hanshaw Road Walkway NY,RE:WATER Zones 270-68 Commercial Zones 230-10 SUPPLY,SEWAGE ZONING 270-219.2 270-142.4 Legislative authority; DISPOSAL&AIR ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Low Density Residential supersession of statute CONDITIONING USE DISTRICTS Zones 270-54 188-3 215-33 271-5;271-6;271-7; Medium Density Residential Meetings 188-2 SEWER USE:USE OF 271-9;271-10;271-12 Zones 270-66 Notices 188-1;188-2 PUBLIC SEWERS OFFENSES Mobile Home Park Zones Obstructions 188-1 214-25;214-26 See VIOLATIONS AND 270-89;270-93;270-94 Pedestrian walkways 188-1 Signs 270-259 PENALTIES Multiple Residence Zones Pedestrians 188-1 STORM SEWER SYSTEM OFFICE PARK 270-100 Prerequisites to certain suits AND SURFACE COMMERCIAL Nonconforming Uses 188-1 WATERS ZONES 270-203;270-208 Sidewalks 188-1 PROTECTION 227-15 Accessory uses and See Also SINGLE-FAMILY Town Board 188-2 STREETS AND structures 270-132 DWELLINGS Town Clerk 188-1;188-2 SIDEWALKS 230-4.7 Additional permitted ZONING 270-5 Transmission of notices ZONING 270-200; accessory uses 270-132 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 188-2 270-217;270-219.4 Construction 270-131 USE DISTRICTS NOTIFICATION OF NURSING HOMES Financial institutions 271-9;271-14 INFORMATION BUILDING 270-130 OPEN BURNING SECURITY CONSTRUCTION Hospitals 270-131 See BURNING BREACHES AND FIRE Permitted principal uses See FIRES Confidentiality 51-1 PREVENTION 125-8; 270-130 OPEN FIRES Contents of notice 51-6 125-9 Planning Board 270-131 See Also BURNING Costs and expenses 51-5 See Also Principal uses authorized by See Also FIRES Definitions 51-1 CONVALESCENT special permit only Light Industrial Zones Delay for law enforcement HOMES 270-131 270-155 purposes 514 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Purpose 270-129 ZONING 270-224 Disclosure 51-1;51-2 225-3 Restaurants 270-131 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND E-mail 51-5 ZONING 270-5 Sales 270-129;270-132 USE DISTRICTS Fees 51-1 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Special permits 270-131 271-10;271-12 Identity theft 51-1 USE DISTRICTS Utilities 270-131 OPEN SPACE Investigations 514 271-8 ZONING 270-129\270-132 Agricultural Zones 270-35 27 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX OPEN SPACE— Commercial Zones Lakefront Commercial SUBDIVISION OF LAND Violations and penalties Generally 270-119 Zones 270-142.1 234-2;234-20;234-22; 200-7;200-10;200-11 CONSERVATION BOARD Lakefront Residential Zones 234-36 Waivers 200-7 23-1;23-3 270-43;270-46;270-50 ZONING 270-2;270-190 Weapons 200-5 Conservation Zones 270-10; Light Industrial Zones ZONING:SPECIAL LAND PATIOS 270-17;270-22;270-23 270-145;270-146; USE DISTRICTS ZONING:SPECIAL LAND High Density Residential 270-153 271-8;271-10;271-11; USE DISTRICTS Zones 270-82 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 271-12;271-13 271-15;271-16 Industrial Zones 270-166 173-14 PARKS AND PEACE AND GOOD Light Industrial Zones Limited Historic RECREATION AREAS ORDER 270-151 Commercial Zones Abandoned property 200-5 See DISORDERLY Limited Historic 270-142.5 Activities requiring permit CONDUCT Commercial Zones Low Density Residential 200-6 See NOISE 270442.7 Zones 270-56;270-64 Advertising 200-5 PEDALCYCLES Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Alcoholic beverages 200-6 See BICYCLES Zones 270-60 Zones 270-68;270-75 Animals 200-3 PEDDLING AND Medium Density Residential Mobile Home Park Zones Appeals 200-7 SOLICITING Zones 270-71 270-91;270-97 Appearance tickets 200-11 See SALES Mobile Home Park Zones Multiple Residence Zones Bicycles 200-4;200-5 See VENDORS 270-94;270-97 270-101;270-110 Brush,grass and weeds PEDESTRIAN Multiple Residence Zones Neighborhood Commercial 200-5 WALKWAYS 270-108;270-112 Zones 270-127 Burning 200-5 See Also CROSSWALKS Planned Development See Also OFF-STREET Camping 200-5 NOTIFICATION OF Zones 270-175 LOADING Cigarettes 200-5 DEFECTS 188-1 SUBDIVISION OF LAND See Also OFF-STREET Construal of provisions PEDESTRIANS 234-2;234-20;234-22; PARKING 200-1 Art Murals 270-264 234-31;234-32;234-34 PARKS AND Costs and expenses 200-8 Community Commercial ZONING 270-2;270-5; RECREATION Disability 2004 Zones 270-135 270-188;270-219.1 AREAS 200-5;200-8 Emergencies 200-3 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR ZONING:SPECIAL LAND RENTAL PROPERTY Enforcement 200-11 173-14 USE DISTRICTS 207-2 Excavations 200-5 NOTIFICATION OF 271-9;271-10;271-13; STORM SEWER SYSTEM Explosives 200-5 DEFECTS 188-1 271-14;271-15;271-16 AND SURFACE Farms and farming 200-5 PARKS AND ORDINANCES, WATERS Fecal matter 200-3 RECREATION PUBLICATION OF PROTECTION 227-2 Fees 200-7;200-8 AREAS 200-4 Notices 54-1 STORMWATER Fees;security deposits; SEWER USE:RULES, Summary publication MANAGEMENT AND insurance;damages; REGS.&PENALTIES authorized 54-1 EROSION AND other requirements OF BOARD OF Town Clerk 54-1 SEDIMENT 200-8 PUBLIC WORKS, OUTDOOR BURNING CONTROL 228-5 Firearms 200-5 CITY OF ITHACA, See FIRES SUBDMSION OF LAND Fires 200-5 NY,RE:WATER 234-20;234-32;234-33 Fireworks 200-5 SUPPLY,SEWAGE P _ Vehicle Fueling and Repair Garbage,rubbish and refuse DISPOSAL&AIR Commercial Zones 200-5 CONDITIONING PAPER 270-138 Gas 200-5 215-54 PROPERTY VEHICLES AND General regulations 200-3 Signs 270-249;270-254; MAINTENANCE TRAFFIC 250-15; Guns 200-5 270-255;270-256; 205-2 250-16;250-21 Holidays 200-7 270-259 SEWER USE: ZONING 270-2;270-5; Horses 2004;200-5 SUBDIVISION OF LAND REQUIREMENTS 270-186;270-191; Insurance 200-8 234-2;234-23 FOR 270-200;270-219; Intent 200-2 ZONING 270-186; CONTRIBUTORS 270-219.2;270-219.5; Issuance of permit 200-7 270-188;270-200; P INTO JOINT POTW 270-219.6;270-227 Leashing 200-3 270-219.1;270-219.5 216-5 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Liability 200-8 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND STREETS AND USE DISTRICTS Licenses and permits 200-7 USE DISTRICTS SIDEWALKS 230-8 2714;271-5;271-6; Littering 2004;200-8 271-9;271-10;271-12; VEHICLES AND 271-7;271-8;271-9; Loitering 2004 271-16 TRAFFIC 250-16 271-10;271-11; Minors 200-3 PENALTIES FOR ZONING 270-186 271-12;271-13; Motor vehicles 200-5 OFFENSES PARKING 271-14;271-15;271-16 Noise 200-5 See VIOLATIONS AND Agricultural Zones 270-26; PARKING METERS Notices 200-3;200-8 PENALTIES 270-27;270-29;270-36 See METERS Parking 200-5;200-8 PENSIONS APPEARANCE TICKETS PARKING OFF-STREET Parks and recreation 200-2; Adoption of Code 14 9-2 See Also OFF-STREET 200-3;200-5;200-8 See Also RETIREMENT BUILDING PARKING Pedestrians 200-4 PERFORMANCE CONSTRUCTION ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Penalties for offenses GUARANTEES AND FIRE USE DISTRICTS 200-10 STORMWATER PREVENTION 1254 271-10;271-12;271-14 Police officers 200-11 MANAGEMENT AND Commercial Zones PARKS AND Prohibited activities 200-5 EROSION AND Generally 270-114; RECREATION Safety standards 200-2; SEDIMENT 270-121 FEES 153-2 200-3 CONTROL 228-14 Community Commercial Multiple Residence Zones Snowmobiles 200-5 PERFORMANCE Zones 270-135 270-111;270-112 Toilet facilities 200-8 STANDARDS Conservation Zones 270-11; PARKS AND Town Board 200-3;200-6; See Also DESIGN 270-12;270-18; RECREATION 200-7;200-8;200-9; STANDARDS 270-21;270-22 AREAS 200-2;200-3; 200-11 Industrial Zones 270-170 ENVIRONMENTAL 200-5;200-8 Town Clerk 200-7 Light Industrial Zones QUALITY REVIEW See Also PLAYGROUNDS Trail regulations 200.4 270-155 148-5 PUBLIC WORKS Traps 200-5 Planned Development High Density Residential DEPARTMENT 594 Trees 200-5 Zones 270-177 Zones 270-79;270-86 See Also RECREATION Trucks 200-5 Industrial Zones 270-160; AREAS Variance 200-9 270-161;270-168 Variances 200-9 28 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.» STORMWATER Minimum area for Planned STORMWATER BUILDING MANAGEMENT AND Development Zone MANAGEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION EROSION AND 270-176 EROSION AND AND FIRE SEDIMENT Open space 270-175 SEDIMENT PREVENTION 125-4 CONTROL 228-2 Performance standards CONTROL 228-8; Conservation Zones 270-12 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 270-177 228-11;228-14 High Density Residential USE DISTRICTS Permitted principal and SUBDIVISION OF LAND Zones 270-77 271-10;271-12;271-13 accessory uses 270-174 234-1;234-2;234-3; Lakefront Residential Zones PERMIT PARKING Permitted uses 270-175 2344;234-6;234-7; 27041 See PARKING Purpose 270-172 234-9;234-10;234-11; Limited Historic PERMITTED USES Recreation areas 270-175 234-13;234-14; Commercial Zones Conservation Zones 270-14 Site plan approval 270-178 234-15;234-16; 270-142.4 Industrial Zones 270-160 Site plans 270-178 234-17;234-20; Low Density Residential Nonconforming Uses Town Board 270-172; 234-21;234-22; Zones 270-54 270-206;270-214 270-173;270-174; 234-23;234-24; Medium Density Residential See Also 270-175 234-25;234-31; Zones 270-66 NONCONFORMING Yard and other regulations 234-32;234-33; Mobile Home Park Zones USES 270-177 234-34;234-36; 270-89 Planned Development Yards 270-177 234-37;234-39 Multiple Residence Zones Zones 270-175 ZONING 270-172\270-178 Vehicle Fueling and Repair 270-111;270-112 ZONING 270-7;270-9; PLANNING BOARD Commercial Zones See Also PARKS AND 270-195;270-200; Agricultural Zones 270-27; 270-138 RECREATION 270-219.1;270-219.5 270-28;270-31; ZONING 270-181; See Also RECREATION ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 270-34;270-35;270-37 270-183;270-185; AREAS USE DISTRICTS AR Murals 270-266; 270-186;270-187; SUBDIVISION OF LAND 271-9;271-10;271-12; 270-267 270-189;270-190; 234-2;234-22 271-16 CITIZEN AND STAFF 270-191;270-192; ZONING 270-188 PERSONNEL ADVISORY 270-193;270-194; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND See OFFICERS AND CONIlv1ITTEES 18-9 270-195;270-197; USE DISTRICTS EMPLOYEES Commercial Zones 270-217;270-219; 271-9;271-14;271-16 PERSONNEL POLICIES Generally 270-114; 270-219.1;270-219.3; PLUMBERS See OFFICERS AND 270-122 270-219.4;270-219.5; SEWER USE:RULES, EMPLOYEES Community Commercial 270-223;270-227; REGS.&PENALTIES PET SHOPS Zones 270-135 270-230;270-235; OF BOARD OF Community Commercial CONSERVATION BOARD 270-236;270-237; PUBLIC WORKS, Zones 270-134 23-2 270-239 CITY OF ITHACA, PET WASTE Conservation Zones 270-12; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND NY,RE:WATER See Also FECAL MATTER 270-13;270-20;270-22 USE DISTRICTS SUPPLY,SEWAGE STORM SEWER SYSTEM ETHICS,CODE OF 32-8 271-2;271-3;2714; DISPOSAL&AIR AND SURFACE FEES 153-2;153-3 271-5;271-6;271-7; CONDITIONING WATERS High Density Residential 271-8;271-9;271-10; 215-14;215-30; PROTECTION 227-1 Zones 270-78 271-11;271-12; 215-31;215-38; PET WASTE DISPOSAL Industrial Zones 270-158; 271-13;271-14; 21542;215-44;215-50 See FECAL MATTER 270-160;270-161 271-15;271-16 Water 215-18;215-22 PIGS Lakefront Commercial PLANNING BOARD AND ZONING 270-5 ZONING 270-5 Zones 270-141; ZONING BOARD OF PLUMBING PLACES OF WORSHIP 270-142;270-142.1 APPEALS BUILDING Agricultural Zones 270-27 Lakefront Residential Zones COMPENSATION 20-1\ CONSTRUCTION See Also CHURCHES 27042;270-46 2011 AND FIRE Conservation Zones 270-12 Light Industrial Zones Compensation per meeting PREVENTION 1254 High Density Residential 270-145;270-146 authorized 20-3 Community Commercial Zones 270-78 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Effect on other Zones 270-134 Lakefront Residential Zones 173-18 compensation methods FLOOD DAMAGE 270-42 Limited Historic 20-4 PREVENTION 157-13 Limited Historic Commercial Zones Legislative authority 20-1 RENTAL PROPERTY Commercial Zones 270-142.5 Meetings 20-2;20-3 207-2 270-142.5 Low Density Residential Planning Board 20-2;20-3 SEWER USE:RULES, Low Density Residential Zones 270-55;270-58 Supersession of Town Law BEGS.&PENALTIES Zones 270-55 Medium Density Residential 20-2 OF BOARD OF Medium Density Residential Zones 270-67 Town Board 20-3;20-4 PUBLIC WORKS, Zones 270-67 Mobile Home Park Zones Zoning Board of Appeals CITY OF ITHACA, SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 270-90;270-97;270-98 20-3 NY,RE:WATER 225-3 Multiple Residence Zones PLASTICS SUPPLY,SEWAGE ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 270-102;270-111; SEWER USE: DISPOSAL&AIR USE DISTRICTS 270-112 REQUIREMENTS CONDITIONING 271-9;271-13 Neighborhood Commercial FOR 215-9;21543;21544; PLANNED Zones 270-127; CONTRIBUTORS 21547 DEVELOPMENT 270-128 INTO JOINT POTW SEWER USE:USE OF ZONES Office Park Commercial 216-5 PUBLIC SEWERS Accessory uses and Zones 270-131 SEWER USE:RULES, 214-5 structures 270-174 Planning Board and Zoning REGS.&PENALTIES STORM SEWER SYSTEM Additional requirements Board of Appeals 20-2; OF BOARD OF AND SURFACE 270-175 20-3 PUBLIC WORKS, WATERS Bonds 270-175 RESIDENCY CITY OF ITHACA, PROTECTION 227-7 Building permits 270-178 REQUIREMENTS NY,RE:WATER Wastewater Discharge Comprehensive Plan 734 SUPPLY,SEWAGE Permits 216-16 270-172;270-175 Signs 270-251;270-260; DISPOSAL&AIR WATER PROTECTION Establishment and location 270-262 CONDITIONING 256-7;256-11 270-173 215-33 ZONING 270-219.6 Height regulations 270-177 PLAYGROUNDS ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Improvements 270-172 Agricultural Zones 270-26 USE DISTRICTS Master Plan 270-172 271-9;271-14;271-15 29 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX PLUMBING CODE DISPOSAL&AIR PRIVY VAULTS PROPERTY Building Sewers and CONDITIONING SEWER USE:RULES, MAINTENANCE Connections 214-17; 215-46 REGS.&PENALTIES 205-1;205-3;205-4 214-18 SEWER USE:USE OF OF BOARD OF Purpose and authority 205-1 SEWER USE:RULES, PUBLIC SEWERS PUBLIC WORKS, Registration 205-2 REGS.&PENALTIES 214-1 CITY OF ITHACA, RENTAL PROPERTY OF BOARD OF STORM SEWER SYSTEM NY,RE:WATER 207-2 PUBLIC WORKS, AND SURFACE SUPPLY,SEWAGE Safety standards 205-1; CITY OF ITHACA, WATERS DISPOSAL&AIR 205-2;205-5 NY,RE:WATER PROTECTION 227-2 CONDITIONING Sales 205-2 SUPPLY,SEWAGE STORMWATER 215-33 Snowmobiles 205-2 DISPOSAL&AIR MANAGEMENT AND SEWER USE:USE OF Storage 205-2 CONDITIONING EROSION AND PUBLIC SEWERS Surcharges 205-4 215-9;215-43;215-44; SEDIMENT 214-4 Town Board 205-4;205-5 215-47;215-54 CONTROL 228-5; PROCUREMENT Town Clerk 205-4 POLICE DEPARTMENT 228-9;228-11 Applicability 57-3 Trash 205-2 ADULT USES 100.4 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Authority and purpose 57-1 Trees 205-2 POLICE OFFICERS 234-26 Award based on best value Trucks 205-2 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR ZONING 270-186; 57-2 Variance procedures 205-5 173-17 270-219.5 Costs and expenses 57-1; Variances 205-4;205-5 NOISE 184-13 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 57-4 Vehicles 205-2 PARKS AND USE DISTRICTS Documentation 57-5 Violations and penalties RECREATION 271-3;271-9 Procurement policy 205-2;205-3;205-4; AREAS 200-11 PORCHES superseded where 205-5 Road Preservation 230-14; ZONING 270-5;270-219.1; inconsistent 57.6 Waivers 205-5 230-15 270-219.5;270-222; Standards for best value Yards 205-2 STORM SEWER SYSTEM 270-223.1 57-4 ZONING 270-219.6; AND SURFACE PORNOGRAPHY Town Board 57-2;57-4; 270-230.1 WATERS ADULT USES 100-2 57-6 Zoning Board of Appeals PROTECTION 227-14 See Also OBSCENITIES PROHIBITED 205-1;205-4;205-5 STORMWATER POULTRY DISCHARGES Zoning districts 205-5 MANAGEMENT AND STORMWATER SEWER USE:USE OF PROSTITUTION EROSION AND MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC SEWERS ADULT USES 100-2; SEDIMENT EROSION AND 214-25 100-10 CONTROL 228-15 SEDIMENT PROHIBITED USES PUBLIC ASSEMBLIES VEHICLES AND CONTROL 228-5 Industrial Zones 270-159 BUILDING TRAFFIC 250-17 ZONING 270-5 See Also CONSTRUCTION POLITICAL SIGNS POWERS AND DUTIES NONCONFORMING AND FIRE See SIGNS BINGO 121-5 USES PREVENTION 125-8; POLLUTION CONSERVATION BOARD ZONING 270-219.5 125-9 Conservation Zones 270-13; 23-2 PROPERTY WATER PROTECTION 270-22 GAMES OF CHANCE MAINTENANCE 256-12 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 166-5 Abandonment 205-2 ZONING 270-227 173-2 PUBLIC WORKS Adoption of Code 1-11 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND SEWER USE:USE OF DEPARTMENT 59-5 Animals 205-2 USE DISTRICTS PUBLIC SEWERS STORM SEWER SYSTEM Appeals 205-4;205-5 271-3 214-1 AND SURFACE Ashes 205-2 PUBLIC RECORDS, STORM SEWER SYSTEM WATERS Assessments 205-4 ACCESS TO AND SURFACE PROTECTION 2274 Attorneys fees 205-3 See RECORDS WATERS PRELIMINARY PLANS Boats and Boating 205-2 PUBLIC SAFETY PROTECTION 227-2; Wastewater Discharge Code Enforcement Officer See SAFETY 227-6;227-14 Permits 216-16 205-4;205-5 STANDARDS P STORMWATER ZONING 270-185 Combustibles 205-2 PUBLIC WORKS MANAGEMENT AND PRELEMNARY PLATS Compensation 2054 DEPARTMENT EROSION AND FEES 153-2 Complaints 205-4 Administrative head 59-5 SEDIMENT SUBDIVISION OF LAND Construction 205-2 Bridges 594 CONTROL 228-2; 234-6;234-15;234-16; Costs and expenses 205-3; Budget 59-6 228-5;228-8;228-10 234-20;234-21; 2054 Charges 59-6 STREETS AND 234-31;234-36;234-37 Enforcement 20513 Construction 59-4 SIDEWALKS 2304.1; PRIVACY PROTECTION Fars and farming 205-2 Creation of Public Works 230-4.6 See CONFIDENTIALITY Fees 205-5 Department 59-1 SUBDIVISION OF LAND PRIVATE SEWAGE Fire hazards 205-2 Culverts 594 234-15;234-16 DISPOSAL Fire prevention 205-1 Department of Public Works See Also WATER Application for connection Garbage,rubbish and refuse 59-4;59-5 POLLUTION 214-9 205-2 See Also DEPARTMENT WATER PROTECTION Conditions 214-8 Glass 205-2 OF PUBLIC WORKS 256-13 Connection to public sewer Grievances 205-4 Drainage 594 ZONING 270-186; required upon Hearings 2054;205-5 Improvements 59-4;59-6 270-219.5 availability 214-10 Improvements 205-2 Notices 59-6 PONDS Costs and expenses 214-11 Industrial wastes 205-2 Parks and recreation 59-4 SEWER USE: Responsibilities of owner Inspections 205-2;2054 Powers and duties 59-5 REQUIREMENTS 214-11 Junk 205-2 Qualifications 59-5 FOR Sewage disposal,private Liability 205-3 Responsibilities 59-4 CONTRIBUTORS 214-8;214-9;214-10; Liens 205-4 Salaries and compensation INTO JOINT POTW 214-11 Magazines 205-2 59-6 216-3 SEWER USE:USE OF Meetings 205-2 Salary of administrative SEWER USE:RULES, PUBLIC SEWERS Minutes 205-5 head 59-6 REGS.&PENALTIES 214-8\214-11 Motor vehicles 205-2 Sewers 594 OF BOARD OF Sewers 214-8;214-10 Notices 205-4;205-5 Sidewalks 594 PUBLIC WORKS, PRIVIES Nuisances 205-2 Storwater management CITY OF ITHACA, SEWER USE:USE OF Paper 205-2 594 NY,RE:WATER PUBLIC SEWERS Penalties for offenses 205-3 Town Board 594;59-6 SUPPLY,SEWAGE 2144 Prohibited acts 205-2 30 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT.- Transfer of Engineering ETHICS,CODE OF 32-3; RECREATIONAL FIRES RENTAL PROPERTY Department functions 32-7 See FIRES 207-3 59-3 FEES 153-2 RECREATIONAL Rental property information Transfer of Highway FLOOD DAMAGE VEHICLES 207-3 Department functions PREVENTION 157-12; See VEHICLES Rental units 207-2 59-2 157-14;157-16 RECYCLABLE Search warrants 207-2 Water 59-4 LOCK BOXES 175-2 MATERIALS Smoke 207-2 See Also MINUTES ZONING 270-219.5 Storage 207-2 (] _ Nonconforming Uses RECYCLABL.ES Tenants 207-5 �C 270-203;270-208 Mobile Home Park Zones See Also TENANTS QUALIFICATIONS NOTIFICATION OF 270-97 Ventilation 207-2 ADULT USES 100-4 INFORMATION ZONING 270-219.5 Violations and penalties BUILDING SECURITY RECYCLING 207-2;207-4 CONSTRUCTION BREACHES 51-1 NOISE 184-8 Zoning districts 207-2 AND FIRE SEWER RENTS 210-6 SEWER USE: RENTAL UNITS PREVENTION 125-2 SEWER USE: REQUIREMENTS BUILDING ETHICS,CODE OF 32-11 REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION Exemption for Certain FOR CONTRIBUTORS AND FIRE Disabled Persons With CONTRIBUTORS INTO JOINT POTW PREVENTION 125-8; Limited Incomes INTO JOINT POTW 216-1;216-3;216-48 125-9 239-12 216-22;216-25; See Also SOLID WASTE RENTAL PROPERTY Exemption for 216-27;216-29; REFUSE 207-2 Improvements to 216-39;216-41;216-44 See GARBAGE,RUBBISH REPORTS Property Made SEWER USE:RULES, AND REFUSE ADULT USES 100-1 Pursuant to Americans REGS.&PENALTIES REGISTRATION BUILDING with Disabilities Act OF BOARD OF ADULT USES 100-4 CONSTRUCTION 239-17 PUBLIC WORKS, PROPERTY AND FIRE Historic Barn Exemption CITY OF ITHACA, MAINTENANCE PREVENTION 125-7; 239-21 NY,RE:WATER 205-2 125-8;125-11 PUBLIC WORKS SUPPLY,SEWAGE Vehicle Weight Limits BUILDINGS,UNSAFE DEPARTMENT 59-5 DISPOSAL&AIR 250-9 129-2 Senior Citizens Exemption CONDITIONING ZONING 270-5 CONSERVATION BOARD 239-2 215-12 RELOCATION EXPENSES 23-2;23-3;23-6 STORM SEWER SYSTEM Conditions 69-1 FLOOD DAMAGE R_ AND SURFACE Costs and expenses 69-2; PREVENTION 157-4; WATERS 69-4;69-5;69-6 157-6;157-16 RABIES CONTROL PROTECTION 227-12; Effect on income taxes 69-6 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Dog Control and Licensing 227-13 Legislative authority 69-1 173-15 112-9 STORMWATER Maximum reimbursement Limited Historic RABIES VACCINATIONS MANAGEMENT AND 69-3 Commercial Zones Dog Control and Licensing EROSION AND Payments 69-5 270-142.3 112-9 SEDIMENT Reimbursement authorized NOTIFICATION OF RADIATION CONTROL 228-5; 69-2 INFORMATION ZONING 270-5;270-219 228-11;228-13;228-14 Town Board 69-2;69-3; SECURITY ZONING:SPECIAL LAND STREETS AND 69-4 BREACHES 51-1 USE DISTRICTS SIDEWALKS 230-4.11 RENTAL PROPERTY SEWER USE: 271-5;271-6 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 911207-2 REQUIREMENTS RADIOACTIVE WASTE 234-6;234-20;234-24; Applicability 207-1 FOR SEWER USE: 234-36;234-37;234-39 Building construction CONTRIBUTORS REQUIREMENTS Wastewater Discharge 207-1;207-2;207-3 INTO JOINT POTW FOR Permits 216-17 Carbon monoxide detectors 216-13;216-14; CONTRIBUTORS WATER PROTECTION 207-2 216-22;216-23; INTO JOINT POTW 256-9 Code Enforcement Officer 216-24;216-25; 216-5 WATER RATES 261-4 207-2 216-29;216-39; SEWER USE:RULES, ZONING 270-8;270-186; Collection of personal 216-41;216-44 REGS.&PENALTIES 270-215;270-219; information 207-5 STORM SEWER SYSTEM OF BOARD OF 270-219.6;270-227; Decks 207-2 AND SURFACE PUBLIC WORKS, 270-235;270-236 Disclosure 207-5 WATERS CITY OF ITHACA, ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Fire prevention 207-1; PROTECTION 227-8 NY,RE:WATER USE DISTRICTS 207-2;207-3 STORMWATER SUPPLY,SEWAGE 271-3;271-4;271-6; Garbage,rubbish and refuse MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL&AIR 271-8;271-9;271-10; 207-2 EROSION AND CONDITIONING 271-12;271-13;271-14 Heating 207-2 SEDIMENT 215-33 RECREATION AREAS Inspections 207-2 CONTROL 228-11; RAFFLES ADULT USES 1004 Landlords 207-2 228-13 See GAMBLING Agricultural Zones 270-35 See Also LANDLORDS STREETS AND REAL ESTATE SIGNS Mobile Home Park Zones Licenses and permits 207-2 SIDEWALKS 230-4.3 See SIGNS 270-97 Multiple family dwellings SUBDIVISION OF LAND RECORDS Multiple Residence Zones 207-1 234-7;234-17;234-20 BUILDING 270-111 Notices of violations 207-2 VEHICLES AND CONSTRUCTION See Also PARKS AND Off-street parking 207-2 TRAFFIC 250-23 AND FIRE RECREATION Operating permit required; Wastewater Discharge PREVENTION 125-12; Planned Development inspections;violations Permits 216-16;216-17 125-14 Zones 270-175 207-2 ZONING 270-219 BUILDINGS,UNSAFE See Also PLAYGROUNDS Operating Permits for RESIDENCY 129-2 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Certain Residential REQUIREMENTS CITIZEN AND STAFF 234-22 Rental Units 207-A Appointments 73-1 ADVISORY ZONING 270-219 207-5 Assessments 73-4 COMMITTEES 18-9 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Parking 207-2 Board of Appeals 73-4 CONSERVATION BOARD USE DISTRICTS Penalties for offenses 207-4 Enumeration of positions 23-3 271-8;271-10;271-11; Plumbing 207-2 734 271-12;271-13; Property maintenance 207-2 Legislative authority 73-2 271-15;271-16 Planning Board 734 31 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS— Purpose 73-1 Appearance tickets 230-15 Limited Historic DISPOSAL&AIR Supersession of Town Law Attorneys fees 230-15 Commercial Zones CONDITIONING and Public Officers Bonds 230-13;230-14 270-142.3 215-54 Law 73-3 Bridges 230-13;230-14 SEWER USE: Signs 270-247;270-248; Town Board 73-1 Code Enforcement Officer REQUIREMENTS 270-250;270-252; Town Clerk 73-4 230-14;230-15 FOR 270-259 RESIDENTIAL Construction 230-13; CONTRIBUTORS STORM SEWER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION 230-14 INTO JOINT POTW AND SURFACE See Also BUILDING Costs and expenses 230-14; 216-5 WATERS CONSTRUCTION 230-15 SEWER USE:USE OF PROTECTION 227-1; See Also CONSTRUCTION Culverts 230-13;230-14 PUBLIC SEWERS 227-2;227-14;227-15 FLOOD DAMAGE Definitions 230-13 214-23;214-25 STORMWATER PREVENTION 157-14 Design standards 230-14 Signs 270-249 MANAGEMENT AND RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Driveways 230-13 STORMWATER EROSION AND BUILDING Easements 230-13 MANAGEMENT AND SEDIMENT CONSTRUCTION Farms and farming 230-13 EROSION AND CONTROL 228-2; AND FIRE Fees 230-13;230-14 SEDIMENT 228-3;228-5;228-13; PREVENTION 125-4 Findings;purpose 230-11 CONTROL 228-5 228-15 Lakefront Residential Zones Gas 230-13 SUBDIVISION OF LAND STREETS AND 270-43 General provisions 230-14 234-20 SIDEWALKS 230-4.6; RESTAURANTS Grievances 230-14 WATER PROTECTION 2304.9 ADULT USES 100-2 Guarantees 230-13 256-11 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Agricultural Zones 270-27 Hearings 230-14 ZONING 270-5;270-219.1; 234-2;234-5;234-20; Community Commercial Improvements 230-11; 270-219.3;270-219.4; 234-24;234-32 Zones 270-135 230-13;230-14 270-219.6;270-233 Vehicle Weight Limits Industrial Zones 270-159 Inspections 230-14 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 250-7;250-9 Lakefront Commercial Insurance 230-14 USE DISTRICTS Wastewater Discharge Zones 270-141 Legislative authority 230-12 271-3;271-10;271-12; Permits 216-18 Limited Historic Liability 230-14;230-15 271-13;271-14 WATER PROTECTION Commercial Zones Licenses and permits 230-14 RUBBISH 256-4 270-142.5 Major developments 230-11 See GARBAGE,RUBBISH ZONING 270-2;270-5; Neighborhood Commercial Mining 230-13 AND REFUSE 270-181;270-219; Zones 270-126 Notices 230-14 270-219.1;270-219.4; Office Park Commercial Official Map 230-13 _ S 270-219.5 Zones 270-131 Penalties for offenses ZONING:SPECIAL LAND SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 230-15 SAFETY STANDARDS USE DISTRICTS 225-3 Police officers 230-14; ADULT USES 100.1 271-10;271-12 ZONING 270-5;270-184; 230-15 APPEARANCE TICKETS SALARIES AND 270-227 Safety standards 230-11 9-2 COMPENSATION ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Schools 230-13 BUILDING Adoption of Code 1-4 USE DISTRICTS Sidewalks 230-13 CONSTRUCTION ADULT USES 100.2 271-3;271-5;271-9; Signs 230-13;230.14 AND FIRE See Also COMPENSATION 271-10;271-13; STREETS AND PREVENTION 125-4; ENVIRONMENTAL 271-15;271-16 SIDEWALKS 230-11\ 125-7;125-8;125-9; QUALITY REVIEW RETAIL FOOD 230-15 125-15 148-15 ESTABLISHMENTS Town Board 230-11; Conservation Zones 270-22 ETHICS,CODE OF 32-6 See RESTAURANTS 230-13;230-14;230-15 Dog Control and Licensing FEES 153-2 RETAINING WALLS Town Clerk 230-14 112-1 PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING Trees 230-13 FLOOD DAMAGE DEPARTMENT 59-6 CONSTRUCTION Trucks 230-13;230-14 PREVENTION 157-2; SALES AND FIRE Utilities 230.13 157-4;157-7;157-16; Adoption of Code 1-4;1-9 PREVENTION 125-4 Vehicles 230.12;230-13; 157-17 ADULT USES 100.2; See Also WALLS 230-14;230-15 Lakefront Residential Zones 100-10 ZONING 270.5;270-186; Violations and penalties 270-43 Agricultural Zones 270-26; 270-223 230-14;230-15 Light Industrial Zones 270-27 RETIREMENT Waivers 230-14 270-155 Community Commercial See Also PENSIONS ROADS LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Zones 270-134 ZONING 270-5 See STREETS AND 173-2;173-3;173-13; Conservation Zones 270-11; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND SIDEWALKS 173-18 270.12 USE DISTRICTS ROADSIDE STANDS Multiple Residence Zones FEES 153-3 271-6 Agricultural Zones 270.26; 270-111 FLOOD DAMAGE REVIEW,BOARD OF 270-32 NOISE 184-3;184-4 PREVENTION 157-4 S See BOARD OF REVIEW Conservation Zones 270-11; PARKS AND Industrial Zones 270-159 RIGHT OF ENTRY 270-12;270-17 RECREATION Lakefront Commercial BUILDING Low Density Residential AREAS 200-2;200.3 Zones 270-142 CONSTRUCTION Zones 270-56 PROPERTY Light Industrial Zones AND FIRE ZONING 270-5;270-227 MAINTENANCE 270.144;270-146 PREVENTION 125-5 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 205-1;205-2;2015-5 Limited Historic SEWER USE:USE OF USE DISTRICTS Road Preservation 230-11 Commercial Zones PUBLIC SEWERS 271-9;271-15 SEWER USE: 270-142.5 214-32 ROLLER BLADES REQUIREMENTS Low Density Residential STORMWATER See BICYCLES FOR Zones 270-54;270-56 MANAGEMENT AND ROLLER SKATES CONTRIBUTORS Neighborhood Commercial EROSION AND See BICYCLES INTO JOINT POTW Zones 270-126; SEDIMENT ROOFS 216-1;216-5;216-6; 270.127 CONTROL 228-13 Building Sewers and 216-48 Office Park Commercial WATER RATES 261-6 Connections 214-20 SEWER USE:RULES, Zones 270-129; RIGHT TO FARM Lakefront Residential Zones REGS.&PENALTIES 270-132 Agricultural Zones 270-39 270-43 OF BOARD OF PROPERTY See Also FARMS AND LIGHTING,OUTDOOR PUBLIC WORKS, MAINTENANCE FARMING 173-10;173-14 CITY OF ITHACA, 205-2 ROAD PRESERVATION NY,RE:WATER Appeals 230.14 SUPPLY,SEWAGE 32 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX SALES... SEWER USE: Road Preservation 230-13 When effective 239-5 Private Sewage Disposal REQUIREMENTS SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SEPTIC SYSTEMS 214-8;214-9;214-10; FOR 225-3 Agricultural Zones 270-27; 214-11 CONTRIBUTORS VEHICLES AND 270-34 SEWER USE:USE OF INTO JOINT POTW TRAFFIC 250-16 BUILDING PUBLIC SEWERS 216-3 ZONING 270-2;270-5; CONSTRUCTION 214-5 SEWER USE:USE OF 270-200;270-227 AND FIRE SEWER DISTRICTS PUBLIC SEWERS ZONING:SPECIAL LAND PREVENTION 125-4 SEWER USE:USE OF 214-1 USE DISTRICTS ZONING 270-217;270-230 PUBLIC SEWERS STORMWATER 271-6;271-9;271-10; SEPTIC TANKS 214-5 MANAGEMENT AND 271-12;271-14;271-16 SEWER USE: SEWER RENTS EROSION AND SCOOTERS REQUIREMENTS Applicability 210-10 SEDIMENT ZONING 270-219.5 FOR Assessments 210-2;210-6 CONTROL 228-6 SCREENS AND CONTRIBUTORS Charges 210-4;210-6; STREETS AND SCREENING INTO JOINT POTW 210-7;210-8 SIDEWALKS 230-8 Agricultural Zones 270-27; 216-3 Collection of other costs SUBDIVISION OF LAND 270-28;270-31;270-37 SEWER USE:USE OF 210-7 234-20 See Also BUFFERS PUBLIC SEWERS Cooperation by owner of Vehicle Fueling and Repair Commercial Zones 214-4 real property 210-5 Commercial Zones Generally 270-122 ZONING 270-219.5 Correction of errors 210-8 270-136;270-137; Conservation Zones 270-22 SERVICE STATIONS Costs and expenses 210-2; 270-138 Industrial Zones 270-169 See Also GAS STATIONS 210-7;210-9 ZONING 270-5;270-218; See Also LANDSCAPING ZONING 270-218 Definitions 210-3 270-219.2;270-227 Light Industrial Zones SETBACKS Grievances 210-8 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 270-154 Agricultural Zones 270-26; Hearings 210-4 USE DISTRICTS Mobile Home Park Zones 270-27;270-31;270-34 Improvements 210-2;210-9; 271-3;271-9;271-10; 270-97 Commercial Zones 210-12 271-13;271-14; Multiple Residence Zones Generally 270-120 Liability 210-6 271-15;271-16 270-111 Conservation Zones 270-17; Liens 210-6;210-7 SANITARIUMS ZONING 270-5;270-186; 270-19;270-22 Meters 210-5 BUILDING 270-219;270-219.1 High Density Residential Notices 2104;210-6 CONSTRUCTION ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Zones 270-77;270-82; Payment and collection; AND FIRE USE DISTRICTS 270-84 liens for unpaid sewer PREVENTION 125-8; 271-10;271-12; Industrial Zones 270-167 rents 210-6 125-9 271-13;271-16 Lakefront Commercial Purpose and intent 210-2 ZONING 270-227 SEARCH WARRANTS Zones 270-141; Records 210-6 SANITARY FACILITIES RENTAL PROPERTY 270-142.1 Severability 210-11 FLOOD DAMAGE 207-2 Lakefront Residential Zones Sewer Rent Fund 210-9 PREVENTION 1574; See Also WARRANTS 27041;27043; Sewer rents 2104 157-14 ZONING 270-219.6 27046;27048;27019 Sewers 210-1;210-2;2104; Industrial Zones 270-157 SECURITY STANDARDS Light Industrial Zones 210-5;210-6;210-7• Light Industrial Zones LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 270-152 210-8;210-9;210-10; 270-143 173-2 Low Density Residential 210-12 Multiple Residence Zones NOTIFICATION OF Zones 270-54;270-60; Superseding and amending 270-99 INFORMATION 270-62 of prior legislation See Also TOILET SECURITY Medium Density Residential 210-12 FACILITIES BREACHES 51-1; Zones 270-66;270-71; Surcharges 210-6;210-9 SANITATION 51-2;51-3;51-7 270-73 Title 210-1 APPEARANCE TICKETS SEWER USE: Mobile Home Park Zones Town Board 210-4;210-6; 9-2 REQUIREMENTS 270-89 210-8;210-9;210-12 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND FOR Multiple Residence Zones Town Clerk 210-6 USE DISTRICTS CONTRIBUTORS 270-109 Town Engineer 210-5 271-16 INTO JOINT POTW Neighborhood Commercial Town Supervisor 210-6 SATELLITE DISH 216-27 Zones 270-126; Violations and penalties ANTENNAS STORM SEWER SYSTEM 270-127 210-6;210-9 See Also ANTENNAS AND SURFACE Signs 270-254;270-255 Waivers 210-6 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND WATERS SUBDIVISION OF LAND Water 210-2;210-5;210-6 USE DISTRICTS PROTECTION 227-12 234-20;234-24; SEWER USE: 271-10;271-12 STREETS AND 234-34;234-36;234-37 ADMINISTRATION SCHOOLS SIDEWALKS 230-4.6 Vehicle Fueling and Repair AND AMENDMENTS ADULT USES 100-2; ZONING 270-219; Commercial Zones Conflict with other 100-4;100-20 270-219.1 270-138 provisions 217-1 Agricultural Zones 270-27 SEIZURE ZONING 270-5;270-191; Hearings 217-2 Community Commercial Dog Control and Licensing 270-219;270-219.1; Modification procedures Zones 270-135 112-2;112-10 270-219.3;270-219.4; 217-2 Conservation Zones 270-12 SENIOR CITIZENS 270-219.5;270-223; Notices 217-2 High Density Residential Exemption for Certain 270-230;270-230.2 Severability 217-3 Zones 270-78 Disabled Persons With ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Sewers 217-1;217-2;217-3; Lakefront Commercial Limited Incomes USE DISTRICTS 2174 Zones 270-141 239-12 271-5;271-6;271-7; Superintendent of Public Lakefront Residential Zones TAXICABS 243-10 271-8;271-10;271-11; Works 217-2 270-42 SENIOR CITIZENS 271-14;271-15;271-16 Waivers 217-2 Light Industrial Zones EXEMPTION SEWAGE DISPOSAL, When effective 217-4 270-145 Application for exemption INDIVIDUAL SEWER USE: Limited Historic 239-3 See Also ILLICIT REQUIREMENTS FOR Commercial Zones Assessments 239-3;239-5 CONNECTIONS CONTRIBUTORS 270-142.5 Grant of exemption 239-2 SUBDIVISION OF LAND INTO JOINT POTW Low Density Residential Penalties for offenses 2394 234-24 Accidental discharges Zones 270-55 Qualifications 239-2 SEWAGE DISPOSAL, 216-14;216-22 Medium Density Residential Statutory authority 239-1 PRIVATE Administration 216-2 Zones 270-67 TAXATION 239-1\239-5 See Also ILLICIT Air conditioning 216-3 Mobile Home Park Zones Violations and penalties CONNECTIONS Alternative discharge limits 270-97 2391 216-12 33 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX SEWER USE:REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRIBUTORS INTO JOINT POTW.» Animals 216-5;216-14; Inspections 216-25;216-26; Slug control plans 216-28 Department of Public Works 216-43 216-27;216-29; Solid waste 216-3;216-5 215-29;215-30 Applicability of other 216-33;216-39 Specific discharge Dirt 215-54 requirements and Legal action 216-42 prohibitions 216-5 Disconnection of service prohibitions 216-51 Liability 216-14;216-38; Specific pollutant 215-37 Ashes 216-5 216-40;216-43 limitations 216-6; Drainage 215-54 Assessments 216-41 Licenses and permits 216-3; 216-50 Driveways 215-54 Attorneys fees 216-43 216-29;216-35; State requirements 216-9 Easement through private Categorical Pretreatment 216-38;216-43 Storage 216-3 property 215-13 Standards 216-7 Local Limits 216-48\216-51 Storm sewers 216-5 Easements 215-13 Cesspools 216-3 Manholes 216-26 Stormwater 216-3 Effective date 215-49 City Attorney 216-42 Manure 216-5 Suspension and revocation Emergencies 21548 Civil penalties 21643 Modification of Categorical of permit 216-39 Excavations 215-39;215-54 Compliance orders 216-38 Pretreatment Standards Tests 216-5;216-24 Explosives 215-33 Confidential information 216-8 Toilet facilities 216-3 Fee for permit 215-43 216-29 Monitoring and analysis Treasurer 216-3 Fees 215-5;215-8;215-10; Confidentiality 216-29 216-24 Vapors 216-5 215-30;215-33;21543 Construction 216-3;216-13; Monitoring facilities 216-26 Variances 216-8;216-10 Fees for service and 216-14;216-26 Natural resources 216-3; Violations and penalties equipment rental Costs and expenses 216-1; 216-14;216-43 216-3;216-6;216-14; 215-10 216-5;216-13;216-14; Notice of violation 21640 216-22;216-23; Fences 215-54 216-26;216-33; Notices 216-14;216-22; 216-24;216-28; Fill 215-54 216-34;216-43 216-26;216-27; 216-37;216-38; Fire hydrants 215-5;215-7; Criminal fines and 216-28;216-29; 216-39;216-40; 215-54 imprisonment 216-44 216-33;216-35; 216-41;216-42; Fire protection 215-7 Definitions 21649 216-36;216-40;216-41 216-43;216-44;216-50 Flammables 215-33 Definitions and word usage Notices of violations 21640 See Wastewater Discharge Fuel 215-33 216-3 Notification of dumping Permits 216-15\216-21 Garbage,rubbish and refuse Dilution prolub ted in 216-33 Water 216-1;216-3;216-5; 215-33;215-54 absence of treatment Nuisances 216-5 216-11 Gas 215-33;215-54 216-11 Obstructions 216-5 Water pollution 216-3 Gas stations 215-31 Dirt 216-3 Other harmful discharges Watercourses 216-3 General 215-1\215-14 Drainage 216-3;216-5 216-36 Wells 216-3 Glass 215-33 Dumping fees 216-34 Paper 216-5 SEWER USE:RULES, Grades and grading 215-31; Dumping location and Penalties and Costs 216-43\ REGS.&PENALTIES 215-54 timing 216-32 216-44 OF BOARD OF Gutters 215-54 Dumps and dumping Plastics 216-5 PUBLIC WORKS,CITY Heating 215-40;215-54 216-32;216-33;216-34 Ponds 216-3 OF ITHACA,NY,RE: Height regulations 215-54 Dust 216-5 Pretreatment 216-13 WATER SUPPLY, Improper use of sewers Emergencies 216-14 Publication of list of SEWAGE DISPOSAL& 215-33 Enforcement 216-35\21642 violators 216-37 AIR CONDITIONING Improvements 2154 Explosion hazards 216-5 Purpose and applicability "Y"openings;location Independent service pipes Explosives 216-5 216-48 215-32 215-3 Fees 216-34;21643 Purpose;applicability 216-1 Abandonment 215-30 Inspection and approval; See Fees 216-45\21647 Radioactive waste 216-5 Air conditioning 215-33; recording 215-12 Fire hazards 216-5 Recordkeeping requirements 21540;215-41;215-53 Inspections 215-12;215-29; Fuel 216-5 216-25 Anchoring 215-54 215-31;215113; Fumes 216-5 Records 216-22;216-25; Application for permit 215-44;21545; Garbage,rubbish and refuse 216-27;216-29; 215-42 21547;215-54 216-3;216-5 216-39;216-41;216-44 Application of revenues Inspector 215-11 Gases 216-5 Recycling 216-1;216-3; 2154 Installation and maintenance General discharge 216-48 Applications for water and of sanitary sewer prohibitions 216-4 Regulation of Wastewater sewer;responsibility services 215-30 General Provisions 216-1\ Discharges 2164\ for service and Installation and maintenance 216-3 216-14 consumption charges of service pipes 215-31 Glass 216-5 Reporting requirements 215-2 Installation of sewer mains Grass clippings 216-5 216-22 Asbestos 215-29;215-31; 215-29 Groundwater 216-3;216-5 Reporting Requirements; 215-38;215-54 Lawns 215-54 Hazardous materials and Monitoring;Inspections Ashes 215-33;215-54 Liability 215-2;215-8 substances 216-22 216-22\216-29 Backfilling 215-54 Licenses and permits Hazardous wastes 216-14; Reports 216-13;216-14; Barricades 215-54 215-14;215-38; 216-22;216-31 216-22;216-23; Blasting 215-54 215-42;215-44; S Hearings 216-39;21640; 216-24;216-25; Blocks 215-54 21549;215-50 21641 216-29;216-39; Bonds 2154 Liens 215-8 Heating 216-3;216-5 216-41;216-44 Bridges 215-54 Manholes 215-34;215-35; Holding tanks 216-3 Right of revision 216-10 Cesspools 215-33 215-54 Imminent endangerment Roofs 216-5 Changing rules and rates Manure 215-33 216-35 Safety standards 216-1; 215-6 Meters 215-2;215-3 Industrial user 216-3;216-4; 216-5;216-6;216-48 Changing rules and Notices 215-1;215-8; 216-7;216-8;216-10; Sales 216-3 regulations 215-53 215-30;215-44; 216-11;216-13; Security standards 216-27 Charges 215-2;215-5; 21548;215-50 216-14;216-22; Septage discharge 215-7;215-8;215-14; Nuisances 215-33 216-23;216-24; requirements 216-31 215-30 Obstructions 215-33; 216-25;216-26; Septage Discharges 216-30\ City Clerk 215-13 215-54 216-27;216-28; 216-34 Construction 215-29; Owner of property liable for 216-36;216-37; Septage hauler requirements 215-54 charges 215-8 216-38;216-39; 216-30 Construction signs 215-54 Pedestrians 215-54 21640;216-41;21642 Septic tanks 216-3 Costs and expenses 21511; Penalties for offenses Industrial wastes 216-3 Sewers 216-1;216-3;216-5; 215-10;215-30; 215-50 Inspection and sampling 216-35;216-51 215-31;215-54 Permit required 215-41 216-27 Show cause hearing 216-41 Curbs 215-30;215-54 Permit to install 215-44 Signatory requirements Definitions 215110 Permit to operate 215-45 216-23 Plastics 215-33 34 Supp 49,Sep 2019 SEWER USE:RULES,REGS.& ITHACA INDEX PENALTIES OF BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS,CITY OF ITHACA,NY,RE: WATER SUPPLY,SEWAGE DISPOSAL& AIR CONDITIONING... Plumbers 215-14;215-30; 215-29;215-30; Roofs 214-23;214-25 INTO JOINT POTW 215-31;215-38; 215-31;215-32; Sales 214-1 216-1;216-3;216-5; 215-42;215-44;215-50 215-33;215-40; Septic tanks 214-4 216-35;216-51 Plumbing 215-9;215-43; 215-41;215-42; Septic tanks prohibited SEWER USE:RULES, 215-44;215-47 215-44;215-45; 214-4 REGS.&PENALTIES Plumbing Code 215-9; 215-46;215-47; Sewage disposal,private OF BOARD OF 215-43;215-44; 215-48;215-49; 214-5 PUBLIC WORKS, 215137;215-54 215-50;215-54 Sewer districts 214-5 CITY OF ITHACA, Plumbing in existing See Water 215-15\215-28 Sewers 214-1;214-5;214-6; NY,RE:WATER building 215-9 Water conservation 215-42 214-7;214-23;214-24; SUPPLY,SEWAGE Ponds 215-46 Water supply 215-4;215-6; 214-25;214-26; DISPOSAL&AIR Private sewer lines 215-36 215-47;215-48;215-54 214-28;214-30;214-32 CONDITIONING Privy vaults 215-33 Water use and conservation Special agreements or 215-1;215-2;215-3; Radioactive waste 215-33 215-46 arrangements 214-29 215-4;215-5;215-6; Rates for service outside Wells 215-54 Storage 214-1 215-7;215-8;215-9; City limits 215-7 SEWER USE:USE OF Storm sewers 214-24 215-12;215-13; Records 215-12 PUBLIC SEWERS Stormwater 214-23;214-24 215-14;215-29; Repealer 215-51 Adoption of standards by Swimming pools 214-25 215-30;215-31; Revocation of permit reference 214-30 Tampering With Sewage 215-32;215-33; 215-48 Air conditioning 214-25 Works 214-31 215-34;215-35; Rules Governing Animals 214-2;214-25 Terminology 214-1 215-36;215-37; Installation and Appeals 214-6 Tests 214-28;214-32 215-38;215-41; Operation of Air- Building permit required Toilet facilities 214-5 215-42;215-44; Conditioning and 214-7 Town Board 214-1 215-45;215-47; Refrigeration Building permits 214-7 Unlawful deposits 214-2 215-48;215-49; Equipment 215-40\ See Building Sewers and Unlawful discharges 214-3 215-50;215-54 215-53 Connections 214-12\ Use of Public Sewers SEWER USE:USE OF Rules part of contract 215-1 214-22 Required 214-2\214-7 PUBLIC SEWERS Safety standards 215-54 Cesspools 214-4 Vehicles 214-25 214-1;214-5;214-6; Sanitary protection 215-47 Charges 214-26 Violations 214-33\214-35 214-7;214-23.214-24; Service and consumption Connection required 214-5 Violations and penalties 214-25;214-26; rates and payments; Construction 214-5;214-7 214-31;214-33; 214-28;214-30;214-32 special fees and Costs and expenses 214-5; 214-34;214-35 STORM SEWER SYSTEM charges;hydrant 214-26;214-35 Walls 214-1 AND SURFACE services 215-5 Definitions 214-1 Water 214-1;214-23; WATERS Severability 215-52 Disorderly conduct 214-31 214-24;214-25;214-28 PROTECTION 227-2 Sewer layer's license 215-38 Drainage 214-1;214-23; Watercourses 214-1 STORMWATER Sewer pipe deadends 215-34 214-24;214-25 Wells 214-25 MANAGEMENT AND Sewers 215-1;215-2;215-3; Easements 214-32 Written notice of violation EROSION AND 215-4;215-5;215-6; Exemptions 214-6 214-33 SEDIMENT 215-7;215-8;215-9; Explosives 214-25 SEWERS CONTROL 228-3; 215-12;215-13; Flammables 214-25;214-27 Agricultural Zones 270-25 228-5 215-14;215-29\215-39; Fuel 214-25 APPEARANCE TICKETS SUBDIVISION OF LAND 215-41;215-42; Garbage,rubbish and refuse 9-2 234-20;234-21; 215-44;215-45; 214-1;214-2 Building Sewers and 234-27;234-38;234-39 215-47;215-48; Gas 214-25 Connections 214-12; Wastewater Discharge 215-49;215-50;215-54 General prohibition 214-23 214-13;214-14; Permits 216-15;216-16 Sidewalks 215-54 Grease,oil and sand 214-15;214-16; Water 215-15;215-18; Signs 215-54 interceptors 214-27 214-17;214-18; 215-19;215-21; Single-family dwellings Groundwater 214-1;214-23 214-19;214-20; 215-23;215-25 215-14;215-30 Industrial user 214-1 214-21;214-22 WATER PROTECTION Special permits 215-33 Industrial wastes 214-1; Commercial Zones 256-11 Specifications 215-54 214-29 Generally 270-120 WATER RATES 261-4 Specifications for the Inspections 214-32 Conservation Zones 270-12 ZONING 270-186; Construction of Water Inspections and Monitoring FEES 153-2 270-200;270-219.5 and Sewer Mains 214-32 FLOOD DAMAGE ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Connecting to the Liability 214-35 PREVENTION 157-3; USE DISTRICTS Water and Sewer Liability for expenses,loss 157-13;157-16 271-5;271-9;271-10; Systems of the City of or damage 214-35 See Also ILLICIT 271-14;271-15;271-16 Ithaca,New York Manholes 214-28 CONNECTIONS SHADE TREES 215-54 Measurements,tests and Low Density Residential See TREES Storm sewers 215-54 analyses 214-28 Zones 270-55 SHEDS Superintendent of Public Notices 214-5;214-26; Multiple Residence Zones BUILDING Works 215-54 214-33 270-109 CONSTRUCTION Tenants 215-3;215-42; Notices of violations 214-33 Private Sewage Disposal AND FIRE 215-45 Nuisances 214-25;214-26 214-8;214-10 PREVENTION 125-4 Tests 215-54 Options for unacceptable PUBLIC WORKS FLOOD DAMAGE Toilet facilities 215-31 discharges 214-26 DEPARTMENT 59-4 PREVENTION 157-4 Towers 215-42;215-46 Penalties for offenses SEWER RENTS 210-1; ZONING 270-219 Trees 215-54 214-34 210-2;210-4;210-5; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Trenches 215-54 Plumbing 214-5 210-6;210-7;210-8; USE DISTRICTS Utilities 215-1;215-54 Pollution 214-1 210-9;210-10;210-12 271-8;271-9;271-10; Vapors 215-33 Ponds 214-1 SEWER USE: 271-11;271-12;271-14 Vehicles 215-54 See Private Sewage ADMINISTRATION SHOPPING CENTERS Violations and penalties Disposal 214-8\214-11 AND AMENDMENTS SUBDIVISION OF LAND 215-14;215-37; Privies 214-4 217-1;217-2;217-3; 234-23 215-40;215-50 Privy vaults 214-4 217-4 WATER PROTECTION Walls 215-54 Prohibited acts 214-31 SEWER USE: 256-24 Water 215-1;215-2;215-3; Prohibited discharges REQUIREMENTS SHRUBS 215-4;215-5;215-6; 214-25 FOR See Also TREES 215-7;215-8;215-9; Regulation of Discharges CONTRIBUTORS ZONING 270-5;270-188; 215-10;215-12; 214-23\214-30 270-219.5 215-13;215-14; Right of entry 214-32 35 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX SHRUBS_ ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Construction 270-247; Sign construction 270-258 See Also ONE-FAMILY USE DISTRICTS 270-258 Sign illumination 270-257 DWELLINGS 271-10;271-16 See Also CONSTRUCTION Sign maintenance and SEWER USE:RULES, SIDEWALKS SIGNS removal; REGS.&PENALTIES Building Sewers and Costs and expenses 270-259 nonconforming signs OF BOARD OF Connections 214-22 Criteria applying to signs in 270-259 PUBLIC WORKS, Commercial Zones all zones 270-252 Sign permit 270-262 CITY OF ITHACA, Generally 270-122 Design review 270-260 Sign types 270-253 NY,RE:WATER Industrial Zones 270-169 Electrical Code 270-258 Signs 270-246;270-247; SUPPLY,SEWAGE Light Industrial Zones Emergencies 270-250 270-249;270-250; DISPOSAL&AIR 270-154 Exempt signs;art murals 270-251;270-252; CONDITIONING Mobile Home Park Zones 270-250 270-253;270-254; 215-14;215-30 270-97 Fees 270-262 270-255;270-256; Water 215-18 Multiple Residence Zones Fire prevention 270-256; 270-257;270-258; SITE PLAN APPROVAL 270-111 270-258 270-259;270-260; Agricultural Zones 270-38 NOTIFICATION OF Grades and grading 270-261 270-261;270-262 BUILDING DEFECTS 188-1 Hearings 270-259 Signs requiring permits CONSTRUCTION PUBLIC WORKS Height regulations 270-250; 270-251 AND FIRE DEPARTMENT 59-4 270-254;270-255; Site plans 270-251;270-260 PREVENTION 1254 Road Preservation 230-13 270-256;270-261; Special permits 270-260 Commercial Zones SEWER USE:RULES, 270-262 Speed limits 270-256 Generally 270-124 REGS.&PENALTIES Industrial districts 270-257 STORMWATER CONSERVATION BOARD OF BOARD OF Industrial Zones 270-161 MANAGEMENT AND 23-2 PUBLIC WORKS, Inspections 270-258 EROSION AND Conservation Zones 270-22; CITY OF ITHACA, Interpretation 270-248 SEDIMENT 270-24 NY,RE:WATER Landscaping 270-260 CONTROL 228-7 FEES 153-2;153-3 SUPPLY,SEWAGE Liability 270-259 STREETS AND Industrial Zones 270-171 DISPOSAL&AIR Licenses and permits SIDEWALKS 230-2; Lakefront Commercial CONDITIONING 270-251;270-259; 230-4.6 Zones 270-142.1 215-54 270-260;270-262 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Lakefront Residential Zones Signs 270-254;270-255; Liens 270-259 2344;234-15;234-23 270-46 270-256 Light Industrial Zones Tenants 270-256;270-260 Light Industrial Zones STORM SEWER SYSTEM 270-146 Title 270-246 270-146;270-156 AND SURFACE Lighting 270-249;270-257; Town Board 270-259; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR WATERS 270-258;270-259; 270-262 173-16 PROTECTION 227-2 270-260;270-262 Town Clerk 270-259 Mobile Home Park Zones STORMWATER LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Trailers 270-252 270-97 MANAGEMENT AND 173-8 Utility poles 270-252 Multiple Residence Zones EROSION AND Limited Historic Variances 270-251; 270-112 SEDIMENT Commercial Zones 270-259;270-260; Nonconforming Uses CONTROL 228-5 270-142.8 270-262 270-206;270-210 STREETS AND Monuments 270-253; Vehicle Weight Limits Planned Development SIDEWALKS 230-2; 270-260 250-12 Zones 270-178 230-3;230-5;230-6; Motor vehicles 270-259 Vehicles 270-252 ZONING 270-181; 230-7;230-8 Nonconforming signs VEHICLES AND 270-183;270-184; See Also STREETS AND 270-259;270-262 TRAFFIC 250-17; 270-185;270-186; SIDEWALKS See Also 250-18;250-19;250-20 270-191;270-194; SUBDIVISION OF LAND NONCONFORMING Violations and penalties 270-198;270-217; 234-20;234-38 SIGNS 270-248;270-259 270-219;270-219.1; ZONING 270-5;270-186; Notices 270-259 Waivers 270-259 270-219.3;270-219.4; 270-191 Nuisances 270-259 Walls 270-253;270-254; 270-219.5;270-223; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Obstructions 270-247 270-255;270-256; 270-227;270-230; USE DISTRICTS Pedestrians 270-249; 270-259 270-236;270-237; 271-12;271-13; 270-254;270-255; Warrants 270-259 270-239;270-245 271-14;271-16 270-256;270-259 ZONING 270-2;270-5; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND SIGNS Planning Board 270-251; 270-186;270-188; USE DISTRICTS Accessory uses and 270-260;270-262 270-219;270-219.1; 271-2;271-3;271-8; structures 270-254; Prohibited signs and 270-219.2;270-219.4; 271-9;271-10;271-11; 270-255;270-256 displays 270-249 270-233;270-237; 271-12;271-13; ADULT USES 100-2; Purpose 270-247 270-246\270-263 271-14;271-15 100-20 Residential and Zoning Board of Appeals SITE PLAN REVIEW AND Advertising 270-249 Conservation Zones 270-251;270-259; APPROVAL S Agricultural districts 270-254 270-260;270-262 Agricultural Zones 270-37 270-257 Road Preservation 230-13; Zoning districts 270-249; Commercial Zones Agricultural Zones 270-255 230-14 270-261 Generally 270-122 Appeals 270-259 Roofs 270-249 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND FEES 153-2 Art Murals 270-264; Safety standards 270-247; USE DISTRICTS Lakefront Commercial 270-268 270-248;270-250; 271-3;271-5;271-6; Zones 270-142.1 Assessments 270-259 270-252;270-259 271-7;271-8;271-9; Lakefront Residential Zones Attorneys fees 270-259 Setbacks 270-254;270-255 271-10;271-11; 270-46 Bridges 270-252 Severability 270-263 271-12;271-13; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR BUILDING SEWER USE:RULES, 271-14;271-15;271-16 173-18 CONSTRUCTION REGS.&PENALTIES SINGLE-FAMILY Multiple Residence Zones AND FIRE OF BOARD OF DWELLINGS 270-111 PREVENTION 1254 PUBLIC WORKS, BUILDING ZONING 270-182; Certificates of compliance CITY OF ITHACA, CONSTRUCTION 270-184;270-185; 270-262 NY,RE:WATER AND FIRE 270-198;270-200; Code Enforcement Officer SUPPLY,SEWAGE PREVENTION 125-4 270-219;270-219.1; 270-259;270-262 DISPOSAL&AIR Multiple Residence Zones 270-219.3;270-219.4; Commercial and Industrial CONDMONING 270-99 270-219.5;270-223; Zones 270-256 215-54 Nonconforming Uses 270-227;270-230 Computation of sign area Sidewalks 270-254; 270-208 270-261 270-255;270-256 36 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX SITE PLAN REVIEW AND APPROVAL.— ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Light Industrial Zones Conservation Zones 270-12; Building permit 225-4 USE DISTRICTS 270-155 270-13;270-22;270-24 Building permits 2254; 271-9;271-15 RENTAL PROPERTY ENVIRONMENTAL 225-9 SITE PLANS 207-2 QUALITY REVIEW Certificate of occupancy or Agricultural Zones 270-28; ZONING 270-219.2; 148-5 certificate of 270-38 270-219.6 FEES 153-2 compliance 225-5 BUILDING ZONING:SPECIAL LAND High Density Residential Certificates of compliance CONSTRUCTION USE DISTRICTS Zones 270-78 225-5 AND FIRE 271-5;271-6;271-10; Industrial Zones 270-158; Certificates of occupancy PREVENTION 125-4 271-12 270-160 225-5 Commercial Zones SMOKE DETECTORS Lakefront Commercial Churches 225-3 Generally 270-124 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Zones 270-141; Code Enforcement Officer CONSERVATION BOARD 225-2;225-3 270-142 225-2;225-6 23-3 SNOW AND ICE Lakefront Residential Zones Construction 2254 Conservation Zones 270-13; EMERGENCIES 270112 Costs and expenses 225.4 270-22;270-24 See EMERGENCIES See Also LICENSES AND Dance halls 225-3 FEES 153-2;153-3 SNOWMOBILES PERMITS Definitions and word usage Industrial Zones 270-161; PARKS AND Light Industrial Zones 225-2 270-171 RECREATION 270-145;270-146 Exception 225-6 Lakefront Commercial AREAS 200-5 Limited Historic Fire prevention 225-2; Zones 270-142.1 PROPERTY Commercial Zones 2254;225-6;225-9 Lakefront Residential Zones MAINTENANCE 270-142.3;270-142.5 Fire protection 225-2;225-6 27046 205-2 Low Density Residential Garages 225-3 Light Industrial Zones SOCIAL SECURITY Zones 270-55;270-58 Group homes 225-3 270-156 ADULT USES 1004 Medium Density Residential Hospitals 225-3 Mobile Home Park Zones NOTIFICATION OF Zones 270-67 Hotels 225-3 270-97;270-98 INFORMATION Mobile Home Park Zones Liability 225-7 Multiple Residence Zones SECURITY 270-90 Library 225-3 270-111;270-112 BREACHES 51-1 Multiple Residence Zones Mixed use buildings 225-10 Planned Development SOIL EROSION AND 270-102 Motels 225-3 Zones 270-178 SEDIMENT CONTROL Neighborhood Commercial Multiple family dwellings Signs 270-251;270-260 Conservation Zones 270-22 Zones 270-127; 225-3 SUBDIVISION OF LAND See Also EROSION AND 270-128 Museums 225-3 234-4;234-25 SEDIMENT Nonconforming Uses New buildings required to Wastewater Discharge CONTROL 270-214 have sprinkler systems Permits 216-16 STORMWATER Office Park Commercial 225-3 ZONING 270-181; MANAGEMENT AND Zones 270-131 Nursing homes 225-3 270-183;270-184; EROSION AND SEWER USE:RULES, Penalties for offenses 225-7 270-185;270-186; SEDIMENT REGS.&PENALTIES Places of worship 225-3 270-187;270-188; CONTROL 228-2; OF BOARD OF Restaurants 225-3 270-189;270-190; 228-3 PUBLIC WORKS, Schools 225-3 270-191;270-192; SUBDIVISION OF LAND CITY OF ITHACA, Smoke detectors 225-2; 270-193;270-194; 234-26 NY,RE:WATER 225-3 270-201;270-217; ZONING 270-219 SUPPLY,SEWAGE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 270-219;270-219.1; SOIL REMOVAL DISPOSAL&AIR 225-2;225-3;2254; 270-219.3;270-219.4; See DIRT CONDITIONING 225-5;225-6;225-8; 270-219.5;270-223; SOLAR COLLECTORS 215-33 225-9;225-10 270-227;270-230; ZONING 270-5 Signs 270-260 Storage 225-3 270-236;270-243; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Vehicle Fueling and Repair Two-family dwellings 225-3 270-245 USE DISTRICTS Commercial Zones Variances 225-8 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 271-9;271-11;271-14; 270-138 Violations and penalties USE DISTRICTS 271-15 ZONING 270-196; 225-7 271-2;271-3;271-4; SOLAR ENERGY 270-197;270-198; Water 225-6;215-21 271-5;271-6;271-7; ZONING 270-5;270-219.1 270-201;270-202; WATER PROTECTION 271-8;271-9;271-10; SOLAR ENERGY 270-217;270-219; 256-22 271-11;271-12; SYSTEMS 270-219.3;270-219.4; Zoning Board of Appeals 271-13;271-14; ZONING 270-5;270-219.1 270-219.5;270-223; 225-8 271-15;271-16 SOLID WASTE 270-227;270-228; STEEP SLOPES SKATEBOARDS See Also GARBAGE, 270-235;270-236; Conservation Zones 270-10; See BICYCLES RUBBISH AND 270-237;270-239; 270-22 SKETCH PLANS REFUSE 270-243;270-245 Lakefront Residential Zones SUBDIVISION OF LAND See Also RECYCLING ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 27043 234-14 SEWER USE: USE DISTRICTS STORMWATER ZONING 270-181; REQUIREMENTS 271-3;271-9;271-13 MANAGEMENT AND 270-185;270-186; FOR SPEED LIMITS EROSION AND 270-198 CONTRIBUTORS Signs 270-256 SEDIMENT SKETCH PLATS INTO JOINT POTW SPRINKLER SYSTEMS CONTROL 228-2; SUBDIVISION OF LAND 216-3;216-5 Accessory buildings and 228-6 234-6;234-14;234-20; STORM SEWER SYSTEM structures 225-3 ZONING 270-5;270-186; 234-32;234-36 AND SURFACE Administration 225-9 270-188;270-189; SLAUGHTERHOUSES WATERS Alarm systems 225-8 270-219.5 Industrial Zones 270-159 PROTECTION 227-2 Appearance tickets 225-7 STOP INTERSECTIONS ZONING:SPECIAL LAND See Also TRASH Applicability 225-1 VEHICLES AND USE DISTRICTS SPECIAL PERMITS Batteries 225-2 TRAFFIC 250-18 271-13 Agricultural Zones 270-27; Bed and breakfast 225-3 STOP-WORK ORDERS SMOKE 270-31;270-38 Bowling alleys 225-3 BUILDING Agricultural Zones 270-25 See Also BUILDING Building construction 225-9 CONSTRUCTION BUILDING PERMITS BUILDING AND FIRE CONSTRUCTION Commercial Zones CONSTRUCTION PREVENTION 125-6; AND FIRE Generally 270-114 AND FIRE 125-11 PREVENTION 125-7 Community Commercial PREVENTION 125-7 Conservation Zones 270-22 Commercial Zones Zones 270-134; Building Inspector 225-2; Generally 270-122 270-135 225-5;225-7;225-9 37 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX STOP-WORK ORDERS... FLOOD DAMAGE ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Pet waste 227-1 DISPOSAL&AIR PREVENTION 157-11; USE DISTRICTS Plumbing 227-7 CONDITIONING 157-12 271-8;271-9;271-10; Police officers 227-14 215-54 STORMWATER 271-11;271-12; Pollution 227-2;227-6; SEWER USE:USE OF MANAGEMENT AND 271-13;271-14; 227-14 PUBLIC SEWERS EROSION AND 271-15;271-16 Ponds 227-2 214-24 SEDIMENT STORAGE TANKS Powers and duties 227-4 STORM SEWER SYSTEM CONTROL 228-5; FLOOD DAMAGE Prohibited connections AND SURFACE 228-15 PREVENTION 157-4 227-7 WATERS STREETS AND WATER RATES 261-1 Prohibition against activities PROTECTION 227-1; SIDEWALKS 230-4.7 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND contaminating 227-2;227-3;227-5; STORAGE USE DISTRICTS stormwater 227-8 227-6;227-7;227-8; Agricultural Zones 270-27 271-10 Purposes and objectives 227-9;227-10;227-11; BUILDING STORM SEWER SYSTEM 227-1 227-12;227-13;227-14 CONSTRUCTION AND SURFACE Records 227-12;227-13 See Also STORMWATER AND FIRE WATERS Remedies not exclusive MANAGEMENT PREVENTION 125-4 PROTECTION 227-16 STORMWATER Commercial Zones 911227-13 Reports 227-8 MANAGEMENT AND Generally 270-114 Access to premises; Requirement to use best EROSION AND Community Commercial monitoring of management practices SEDIMENT Zones 270-135 discharges 227-12 to prevent,control and CONTROL 228-5 Conservation Zones 270-17; Accidental discharges 227-9 reduce stormwater SUBDIVISION OF LAND 270-22 Air conditioning 227-6 pollutants 227-9 234-21 FLOOD DAMAGE Animals 227-2;227-8 Responsibility for ZONING 270-219.5 PREVENTION 157-4; Appeals 227-11;227-14 administration 22711 STORMWATER 157-11 Appearance tickets 227-14 Safety standards 227-1; Conservation Zones 270-10; High Density Residential Applicability 227-3 227-2;227-14;227-15 270-13;270-22 Zones 270-82 Assessments 227-14 Security standards 227-12 SEWER USE: Industrial Zones 270-159; Attorneys fees 227-14 Sewer;227-2 REQUIREMENTS 270-160 Authorized discharges Sidewalks 227-2 FOR Lakefront Residential Zones 227-6 Solid waste 227-2 CONTRIBUTORS 270-46 Building permits 227-14 Storage 227-2;227-8;227-9 INTO JOINT POTW Light Industrial Zones Certificates of compliance Storm sewers 227-1;227-2; 216-3 270-144;270-145; 227-14 227-3;227-5;227-6; SEWER USE:USE OF 270-146;270-155 Certificates of occupancy 227-7;227-8;227-9; PUBLIC SEWERS Low Density Residential 227-14 227-10;227-11; 214-23;214-24 Zones 270-60 Code Enforcement Officer 227-12;227-13;227-14 STORM SEWER SYSTEM Medium Density Residential 227-14 Stormwater 227-1;227-2; AND SURFACE Zones 270-71 Compensation 227-2 227-5;227-8;227-9; WATERS Mobile Home Park Zones Construction 227-2;227-10 227-10;227-12;227-14 PROTECTION 227-1; 270-91;270-97 Costs and expenses 227-9; Stormwater management 227-2;227-5;227-8; Multiple Residence Zones 227-12;227-14;227-15 227-2;227-4;227-8; 227-9;227-10;227-12; 270-101 Culverts 227-2 227-9 227-14 Neighborhood Commercial Curbs 227-2 Sump pumps 227-6 STORMWATER Zones 270-128 Definitions 227-2 Suspension of access to MANAGEMENT AND PROPERTY Demolition 227-2 municipal storm sewer EROSION AND MAINTENANCE Discharge prohibition 227-5 system 227-11 SEDIMENT 205-2 Drainage 227-2 Swimming pools 227-6 CONTROL 228-2; RENTAL PROPERTY Emergencies 227-11; Tests 227-6 228-3;228-5;228-6; 207-2 227-13 Town Board 227-2;227-4; 228-8;228-9;228-10; SEWER USE: Enforcement;penalties for 227-11;227-14 228-11;228-13;228-15 REQUIREMENTS offenses 227-14 Town Clerk 227-14 STREETS AND FOR Excavations 227-2 Town Engineer 227-2 SIDEWALKS 230-4.1; CONTRIBUTORS Garbage,rubbish and refuse Trash 227-1 230-4.3;230-4.6 INTO JOINT POTW 227-2 Violations and penalties SUBDIVISION OF LAND 216-3 Grades and grading 227-2 227-5;227-6;227-7; 234-15;234-16; SEWER USE:USE OF Groundwater 227-5;227-6 227-8;227-9;227-11; 234-21;234-26 PUBLIC SEWERS Gutters 227-2 227-12;227-14;227-15 ZONING 270-5;270-186; 214-1 Hazardous materials and Violations deemed a public 270-188;270-191; SPRINKLER SYSTEMS substances 227-1; nuisance 227-15 270-219.5 225-3 227-2;227-9;227-13 Waivers 227-6;227-14 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND STORM SEWER SYSTEM Hazardous wastes 227-2 Warrants 227-12;227-14 USE DISTRICT'S S AND SURFACE Hearings 227-14 Water 227-2;227-6;227-8 271-14;271-16 WATERS Heating 227-2 Water quality 227-2;227-6; STORMWATER CONTROL PROTECTION 227-2; Illicit connections 227-2; 227-8 STORMWATER 227-8;227-9 227-7;227-14 Water supply 227-6 MANAGEMENT AND STORMWATER Impoundment 227-2 Wells 227-2 EROSION AND MANAGEMENT AND Industrial or construction Wetlands 227-2;227-6 SEDIMENT EROSION AND activity discharges Yard waste 227-1 CONTROL 228-3; SEDIMENT 227-10 STORM SEWERS 228-5;228-6 CONTROL 228-5; Industrial wastes 227-2 SEWER USE: STORMWATER 228-9;228-10 Inspections 227-1;227-12 REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT VEHICLES AND Investigations 227-14 FOR Conservation Zones 270-22 TRAFFIC 250-22; Lawns 227-1;227-6 CONTRIBUTORS PUBLIC WORKS 250-24 Liability 227-2;227-14 INTO JOINT POTW DEPARTMENT 59-4 ZONING 270-5;270-219.1; Liens 227-14 216-5 STORM SEWER SYSTEM 270-219.2;270-219.4; Notices 227-6;227-8; SEWER USE:RULES, AND SURFACE 270-219.5;270-219.6; 227-11;227-13;227-14 REGS.&PENALTIES WATERS 270-227 Notices of violations 227-14 OF BOARD OF PROTECTION 227-2; Notification and records of PUBLIC WORKS, 227-4;227-8;227-9 spills 227-13 CITY OF ITHACA, See Also STORM SEWERS Nuisances 227-15 NY,RE:WATER Parking 227-2 SUPPLY,SEWAGE 38 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX STORMWATER MANAGEMENT.» STORMWATER Groundwater 228-2;228-3; Stormwater pollution Costs and expenses 230-2; MANAGEMENT AND 228-5;228-9;228-13 prevention plans and 2304.2;230-4.3; EROSION AND Guarantees 228-14 erosion and 2304.7;230-4.15; SEDIMENT Hazardous materials and sedimentation control 230-7;230-8 CONTROL 228-1; substances 228-5 plans 228-10 See Also CROSSWALKS 228-2;228-3;228-5; Impoundment 228-5;228-9 Technical standards 228-9 Culverts 230-2;230-3; 228-6;228-7;228-8; Improvements 228-5 Tenants 228-15 2304.1 228-9;228-10;228-11; Inspections 228-3;228-11; Tests 228-10 Curbs 230-2;230-4.1 228-13;228-14;228-15 228-13;228-14;228-15 Timber harvesting 228-7 Definitions 230-2 STREETS AND Landscaping 228-5;228-7; Title 228-1 Dirt 230-7 SIDEWALKS 2304.1; 228-10;228-13;228-14 Town Board 228-2;228-5; Drainage 230-2 2304.6 Lawns 228-7 228-8;228-14;228-15 Driveways 230-2;230-3; ZONING 270-5;270-217; Letters of credit 228-14 Town Engineer 228-6; 2304.1 270-219.5 Liability 228-14;228-15 228-8 Dust 2304.2 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Licenses and permits 228-9 Two-family dwellings Duty to construct and USE DISTRICTS Liens 228-15 228-6;228-7 maintain sidewalks 271-14;271-15;271-16 Litter 228-10 Utilities 228-5;228-10 230-8 STORMWATER Livestock 228-5 Violations and penalties Easements 2304.8 MANAGEMENT AND Lots 228-5 228-6;228-10;228-11; Emergencies 230-3; EROSION AND Maintenance,inspection, 228-13;228-15 230-4.2;2304.7 SEDPAENT CONTROL and repair of Walls 228-5 Enforcement officer 2304.5 Administration 228-8 stormwater Water 228-2;228-3;228-5; Enforcement;penalties for Administration and management practices 228-6;228-9;228-10; offenses 2304.12 enforcement 228-13 228-11 228-13 Environmental quality Agricultural districts 228-7 Marinas 228-5 Water conservation 228-5 review 2304.1 Animals 228-5 Mining 228-5 Water quality 228-3;228-5; Erosion and sediment Appearance tickets 228-15 Mulching 228-5 228-6;228-7;228-9; control 2301.1; Applicability 228-6 Natural resources 228-5; 228-10;228-11 2304.3;2304.6 Assessments 228-15 228-7 Water supply 228-9 Escrow accounts 2304.3 Attorneys fees 228-15 Notices 228-8;228-13 Watercourses 228-5 Escrow deposits 2304.3 Bonds 228-14 Notices of violations Wells 228-5 Excavation and Brush,grass and weeds 228-13;228-15 Wetlands 228-3;228-5; Construction in 228-6 Parking 228-5 228-6;228-9;228-10 Municipal Roadways Buffers 228-9 Performance and design Yards 228-5;228-6 and Highway Rights- Building permits 228-11; criteria 228-9 Zoning Board of Appeals of-Way 230-11230-4.16 228-15 Performance guarantee; 228-8 Excavations 230-2;230-3; Cemeteries 228-7 maintenance guarantee; STREET EXCAVATIONS 2304;2304.1; Certificates of compliance recordkeeping 228-14 See EXCAVATIONS 2304.2;2301.3; 228-11;228-15 Performance guarantees STREET OPENINGS 2304.4;2304.6; Certificates of occupancy 228-14 See EXCAVATIONS 230-4.7;230-4.9; 228-11;228-15 Performance standards STREET TREES 2304.10;2304.15 Code Enforcement Officer 228-2 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Fees 230-2;2304;2304.1; 228-6;228-15 Planning Board 228-8; USE DISTRICTS 2304.3;2304.8; Complaints 228-13 228-11;228-14 271-16 2304.9;230-4.15 Construction 228-2;228-3; Police officers 228-15 STREETLIGHTING Fences 230-2 228-5;228-6;228-7; Pollution 228-2;228-5; See Also LIGHTING Final determinations 228-8;228-10;228-11; 228-8;228-10 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 2304.14 228-13;228-14;228-15 Ponds 228-5;228-9;228-11 234-29 Fire hydrants 230-2 Costs and expenses 228-3; Poultry 228-5 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Grades and grading 2304.2; 228-9;228-14;228-15 Purpose;objectives 228-3 USE DISTRICTS 230-4.10;230-6 County Clerk 228-11 Records 228-5;228-11; 271-10 Grievances 2304.13 Culverts 228-10 228-13;228-14 STREETS AND Guarantees 230-2 Definitions 228-5 Reports 228-11;228-13 SIDEWALKS See Hanshaw Road Design standards 228-11 Right of entry 228-13 Appeals 2304.13;2304.14 Walkway 230.10 Drainage 228-2;228-5; Roofs 228-5 Applicability 230-9 Hearings 2304.13 228-6;228-7;228-10; Safety standards 228-2; Application;findings 230-1 Improvements 230-8 228-13 228-3;228-5;228-13; Appointments 230-2 Inspections 2304.2; Driveways 228-5 228-15 Assessments 230-4.1; 230-4.3;2304.7; Easements 228-11 Sales 228-6 2304.8;230-8 2304.9 Effect on other provisions Sewers 228-3;228-5 Backfilling 2304.6 Insurance 2304.3;2304.6 228-12 Sidewalks 228-5 Barricades 2304.6 Letters of credit 230-2 Emergencies 228-7 Signs 228-7 Bonds 230-2;2304.15 Liability 230-4.1;230-4.2; Enforcement;penalties for Soil erosion and sediment Bridges 230-2 230-4.3;2304.15 offenses 228-15 control 228-2;228-3 Charges 230-2;2304.9; Liability and indemnity Erosion and sediment Statutory authority 2284 230-7;230-8 2304.15 control 228-1;228-2; Steep slopes 228-2;228-6 Compensation 2304.3 Liability insurance 2304.3 228-5;228-6;228-7; Stop-work orders 228-5; Conflict with other laws Licenses and permits 2304; 228-8;228-9;228-10; 228-15 2304.16 230-4.1;2304.2; 228-11;228-13; Storage 228-5;228-9; Conservation Zones 270-22 2304.3 228-14;228-15 228-10 Construction 230-2;230-3; Liens 230-7;230-8 Escrow deposits 228-14 Storm sewers 228-5 2304;2304.1; Lighting 230-4.6 Excavations 228-5;228-6; Stormwater 228-2;228-3; 2304.3;230-4.4; Lots 230-8 228-10 228-5;228-6;228-8; 230-4.6;230-4.7; Maintenance of sidewalks Exemptions 228-7 228-9;228-10;228-11; 2304.8;2304.9; 230-7 Farms and fanning 228-5; 228-13;228-15 2304.10;2304.15; Manholes 230-2 228-7 Stormwater control 228-3; 230-6 Notices 2304.2;2304.6; Fences 228-7;228-9 228-5;228-6 Construction and Repair of 2304.7;230.8 Fill 228-5;228-6 Stormwater management Sidewalks 230-51230-9 Nuisances 2304.7 Financial institutions 228-14 228-1;228-2;228-3; Construction of sidewalks Obstructions 230-4.6;230-7 Findings 228-2 228-5;228-6;228-7; 230-6 Paper 230-8 Grades and grading 228-2; 228-8;228-9;228-10; Performance 230-4.6 228-5;228-6;228-10 228-11;228-13; Permit issuance 2304.4 228-14;228-15 Permit process 230-4.1 39 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX STREETS AND SIDEWALKS... Permit required 230-4 Chimneys 234-20 Lots 234-2;234-5;234-6; Roofs 234-20 Pollution 230-4.1;230-4.6 Comprehensive Plan 234-2; 234-14;234-20; Rules and Regulations for Prohibitions 230-3 234-20;234-23;234-24 234-23;234-24; Clustered Subdivisions Records 230-4.11 Conditions;procedures 234-28;234-32; 234-31\234-34 Rent or highway use and 234-39 234-33;234-36; Safety standards 234-2; occupancy fee; Construction 234-3;234-19; 234-37;234-39 234-5;234-20;234-24; permanent use or 234-32;234-34; Manholes 234-38 234-32 occupation of roadway 234-38;234-39 Markers 234-28 Sales 234-20 2304.8 Costs and expenses 234-2; Master Plan 234-20 Setbacks 234-20;234-24; Reports 230-4.3 234-3;234-6;234-36; Meetings 2344;234-6; 234-34;234-36;234-37 Restoration 230-4.10 234-38 234-10;234-15; Severability 234-12 Review of application;fees, County Clerk 234-17; 234-16;234-17; Sewage disposal,individual escrow deposits, 234-20;234-24;234-39 234-20;234-365 234-37 234-24 security and insurance Culverts 234-36;234-38 Minimum gross area 234-31 Sewers 234-20;234-21; 230-4.3 Curbs 234-23;234-38 Minimum requirements 234-27;234-38;234-39 Revocation of permit; Definitions 234-20 234-5 Shopping centers 234-23 defaults 2304.7 Drainage 234-2;234-21; Modifications of final plat Sidewalks 234-20;234-38 See Road Preservation 234-23;234-26; 234-17 Signs 234-4;234-15;234-23 230-11\230-15 234-32;234-36; Monuments 234-20;234-28; Site plans 234-4;234-25 Safety standards 230-4.6; 234-37;234-38;234-39 234-36;234-37 Sketch plans 234-14 230-4.9 Driveways 234-20;234-23 Natural features 234-36 Sketch plans and Sales 230-8 Easements 234-20;234-21; Noise 234-34 preapplication Security standards 230-4.6 234-36;234-37 Notices 234-4;234-13; information 234-14 Sidewalks 230-2;230-3; Emergencies 234-2;234-26 234-15;234-39 Sketch plats 234-6;234-14; 230-5;230-6;230-7; Enforcement and Number of dwelling units 234-20;234-32;234-36 230-8 administration 234-3 permitted 234-32 Soil erosion and sediment See Also SIDEWALKS Environmental quality Off-street parking 234-32 control 234-26 Signs 230-2;2304.6 review 234-7;234-20 Official Map 234-20 Solar access 234-25 Stop-work orders 230-4.7 Environmental review 234-7 Open space 234-2;234-20; Storm drainage 234-26 Stormwater 230-4.1; Environmentally sensitive 234-22;234-31; Storm sewers 234-21 230-4.3;2304.6 areas 234-34 234-32;234-34 Stormwater 234-15;234-16; Stormwater management Escrow deposits 234-8 Parking 234-20;234-32; 234-21;234-26 230-4.1;230-4.6 Expiration of Subdivision 234-33 Streetlighting 234-29 Title;statutory authority Approval 234-39 Parks and recreation 234-2; Survey monuments 234-28 230-5 Fees 234-8;234-14;234-36; 234-20;234-22;234-36 Tests 234-24 Town Board 230-2;230-4; 234-37 Pedestrians 234-2;234-23 Town Attorney 234-16; 230-4.1;230-4.3; Final plans 234-6 Phased developments 234-30 230-4.8;230-4.9; Final plat checklist 234-37 234-30 Town Board 234-1;234-4; 2304.13;230-6;230-8 Final plats 234-16;234-17; Planning Board 234-1; 234-8;234-10;234-11; Town Clerk 230-8 234-20;234-22; 234-2;234-3;234-4; 234-13;234-14; Town Engineer 230-7 234-28;234-31; 234-6;234-7;234-9; 234-16;234-20; Utilities 230-2;230-3; 234-34;234-37 234-10;234-11; 234-21;234-22 2304.6;2304.8 Final subdivision review 234-13;234-14; Town Clerk 234-1;234-10; Variances 230-4.8; 234-16 234-15;234-16; 234-11;234-39 2304.15;2304.16 Fire hydrants 234-38 234-17;234-20; Town Engineer 234-3; Vehicles 230-1 Gas 234-21 234-21;234-22; 234-10;234-17; Violations and penalties General procedure 234-6 234-23;234-24; 234-20;234-23; 230-2;230-4.7; General Procedures for 234-25;234-31; 234-26;234-27;234-30 2304.12 Subdivision Review 234-32;234-33; Underground wires and Waivers 2304.3;2304.8; 234-14\234-17 234-34;234-36; cables 234-29 230-4.11 Grades and grading 234-2; 234-37;234-39 Utilities 234-20;234-21; Water 2304.6 234-20;234-23; Playgrounds 234-2;234-22 234-29;234-30; Winter work 230-4.2 234-26;234-38 Policy 234-2 234-36;234-37;234-39 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Grievances 234-3;234-10 Pollution 234-15;234-16 Vehicles 234-31 Accessory buildings and Gutters 234-38 Ponds 234-26 Violations and penalties structures 234-34 Hearings 2344;234-6; Preliminary and Final 234-5;234-9 Advertising 234-4 234-8;234-15;234-31; Subdivision Plat Waivers 234-3;234-4; Amendments and rules 234-39 Requirements 234-36\ 234-10;234-15 234-11 Height regulations 234-20; 234-38 Warrants 234-32 Antennas 234-20 234-34 Preliminary plat checklist Water 234-20;234-21; Appeals 234-3;234-10 Highway improvements 234-36 234-26;234-27; Appeals and waivers 234-10 234-23 Preliminary plats 234-6; 234-32;234-36; S Assessments 234-6;234-14; Improvement plans and 234-15;234-16; 234-38;234-39 234-15;234-36;234-37 related information 234-20;234-21; Water supply 234-2; Authorization and adoption 234-38 234-31;234-36;234-37 234-27;234-37 234-1 Improvements 234-2;234-6; Preliminary subdivision Water supply and sanitary Bicycles 234-2;234-23 234-15;234-16; review 234-15 sewerage 234-27 Blocks 234-20;234-24; 234-20;234-23; Public hearings 2344 Watercourses 234-21; 234-28;234-36;234-37 234-25;234-26; Records 234-6;234-20; 234-26;234-36 Blocks and lots 234-24 234-30;234-34; 234-24;234-36; Wetlands 234-36 Bridges 234-36 234-36;234-38 234-37;234-39 When effective 234-13 Buffer zone requirement Internal references 234-18 Recreation areas 234-22 Zoning districts 234-31; 234-33 Interpretations and Reports 234-7;234-17; 234-33;234-34 Buffers 234-20;234-33; Definitions 234-18\ 234-20 Zoning Maps 234-1;234-20 234-34 234-20 Reservation of land for SUMP PUMPS Building Inspector 234-3; Introduction and public facilities 234-21 STORM SEWER SYSTEM 234-10;234-20 Administration 234-1\ Reservation Requirements AND SURFACE Building permits 234-3; 234-13 and Subdivision Design WATERS 234-39 Landscaping 234-20; Standards 234-21\ PROTECTION 227-6 Building placement and 234-32;234-33 234-30 design 234-34 Licenses and permits 234-7 Reservations of parks and Cable television 234-29 Lighting 234-20 recreational land Charges 234-8 234-22 40 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX SUPERINTENDENT OF See Business Investment DISPOSAL&AIR TIRES PUBLIC WORKS Exemption 239-8\ CONDITIONING ZONING 270-219.5 SEWER USE: 239-10 215-3;215-42;21545 TOILET FACILITIES ADMINISTRATION See Exemption for Certain Signs 270-256;270-260 PARKS AND AND AMENDMENTS Disabled Persons With STORMWATER RECREATION 217-2 Limited Incomes MANAGEMENT AND AREAS 200-8 SEWER USE:RULES, 239-11\239-15 EROSION AND See Also SANITARY REGS.&PENALTIES See Exemption for SEDIMENT FACILITIES OF BOARD OF Improvements to CONTROL 228-15 SEWER USE: PUBLIC WORKS, Property Made Water 215-17;215-23 REQUIREMENTS CITY OF ITHACA, Pursuant to Americans ZONING 270-5;270-186; FOR NY,RE:WATER with Disabilities Act 270-219.6 CONTRIBUTORS SUPPLY,SEWAGE 239-16\239-19 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND INTO JOINT POTW DISPOSAL&AIR See Historic Barn USE DISTRICTS 216-3 CONDITIONING Exemption 239-20\ 271-10;271-12;271-13 SEWER USE:RULES, 215-54 239-23 TERMS OF OFFICE REGS.&PENALTIES SUPERVISOR See Housing Trust CONSERVATION BOARD OF BOARD OF Effective date;applicability Exemption 239-24\ 234 PUBLIC WORKS, 84-3 239-27 ETHICS,CODE OF 32-6; CITY OF ITHACA, Four-year tern 84-2 See Senior Citizens 32-8;32-11 NY,RE:WATER Legislative authority 84-1 Exemption 239-1\239-5 Supervisor 842 SUPPLY,SEWAGE Mandatory referendum 84-5 TAXICABS See Supervisor 841\846 DISPOSAL&AIR Supersession of statute 84-4 Applicability 243-1 TOWN BOARD 89-1;89-2; CONDITIONING TERMS OF OFFICE 84-1\ Availability of rate law 89-3;89-4;89-5 215-31 84-6 243-12 TESTS SEWER USE:USE OF Town Supervisor 843 Baggage rates 243-8 ADULT USES 100-1 PUBLIC SEWERS When effective 846 Bridges 243-2 BUILDING 2145 SURCHARGES Charges 243-5;243-6; CONSTRUCTION WATER PROTECTION BUILDING 243-8;243-9;243-10; AND FIRE 256-11 CONSTRUCTION 243-11 PREVENTION 125-8 ZONING 270-5 AND FIRE Child rates 243-7 Building Sewers and TOPSOIL PROTECTION PREVENTION 1254 Compensation 243-2 Connections 21416; See DIRT Dog Control and Licensing Definitions 243-2 214-17;21418 See EXCAVATIONS 112-9 Discounted rates 243-10 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR See FILL Fees 216-47 Garages 243-2 173-15 TOPSOIL REMOVAL PROPERTY General provisions 243-11 SEWER USE: See DIRT MAINTENANCE Liability 243-13 REQUIREMENTS See EXCAVATIONS 205-4 Licenses and permits 243-2 FOR TOWERS SEWER RENTS 210-6; Multiple passenger rates CONTRIBUTORS Agricultural Zones 270-31 210-9 243-5 INTO JOINT POTW SEWER USE:RULES, Wastewater Discharge Notices 243-12;243-13 216-5;216-24 REGS.&PENALTIES Permits 216-15 Off-hour rates 243-6 SEWER USE:RULES, OF BOARD OF WATER RATES 261-1; Penalties for offenses REGS.&PENALTIES PUBLIC WORKS, 261-4 243-13 OF BOARD OF CITY OF ITHACA, SWIMMING POOLS Rate zones 243-3 PUBLIC WORKS, NY,RE:WATER Agricultural Zones 270-29 Senior citizens 243-10 CITY OF ITHACA, SUPPLY,SEWAGE BUILDING Single passenger rates 243-4 NY,RE:WATER DISPOSAL&AIR CONSTRUCTION TAXICABS 243-1;243-2; SUPPLY,SEWAGE CONDITIONING AND FIRE 243-4;243-5;243-6; DISPOSAL&AIR 215-42;215-46 PREVENTION 125-4 243-8;243-9;243-10; CONDITIONING VEHICLES AND High Density Residential 243-11;243-12 215-54 TRAFFIC 250-16 Zones 270-79 Trees 243-4 SEWER USE:USE OF ZONING 270-5;270-219; Industrial Zones 270-160 Vehicles 243-2 PUBLIC SEWERS 270-219.3;270-219.4 Lakefront Residential Zones Violations and penalties 214-28;21432 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 270-43 243-13 STORM SEWER SYSTEM USE DISTRICTS Light Industrial Zones Waiting time rates 243-9 AND SURFACE 271-9;271-15 270-146 TECHNICAL STANDARDS WATERS TOWING Low Density Residential STORMWATER PROTECTION 227-6 VEHICLES AND Zones 270-56 MANAGEMENT AND STORMWATER TRAFFIC 250-24 Medium Density Residential EROSION AND MANAGEMENT AND WATERCRAFT 254-1 Zones 270-68 SEDIMENT EROSION AND ZONING 270-5 Multiple Residence Zones CONTROL 228-9 SEDIMENT TOWN ATTORNEY 270-101 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONTROL 228-10 DEFENSE AND SEWER USE:USE OF FACILITIES SUBDIVISION OF LAND INDEMNIFICATION PUBLIC SEWERS ZONING 270-5;270-219; 234-24 28-2;28-3 21425 270-219.4 Wastewater Discharge SUBDIVISION OF LAND STORM SEWER SYSTEM TENANTS Permits 216-17 234-16;23430 AND SURFACE ADULT USES 100-2 WATER PROTECTION TOWN BOARD WATERS BUILDING 256-3;256-9;256-11; Adoption of Code 1-1;1-2; PROTECTION 227-6 CONSTRUCTION 256-18;256-20 14;1-7;1-8;1-9;1-11 WATER PROTECTION AND FIRE ZONING:SPECIAL LAND ADULT USES 100-6 256-22 PREVENTION 125-6 USE DISTRICTS AGRICULTURAL ZONING 270-5 RENTAL PROPERTY 271-13 ASSESSMENTS 104-1 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 207-5 TEVIBER HARVESTING Alternative Veterans USE DISTRICTS See Also RENTAL Conservation Zones 270-11; Exemption 239-6 271-3;271-13;271-14 PROPERTY 270-14;270-22 Art Murals 270-267 SEWER USE:RULES, STORMWATER BANKING T — REGS.&PENALTIES MANAGEMENT AND TRANSACTIONS OF BOARD OF EROSION AND 14-1;145;147 TAXATION PUBLIC WORKS, SEDDAENT BUILDING See Alternative Veterans CITY OF ITHACA, CONTROL 228-7 CONSTRUCTION Exemption 239-6\239-7 NY,RE:WATER ZONING 270-5 AND FIRE SUPPLY,SEWAGE 41 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX TOWN BOARD... PREVENTION 125-2; SEWER RENTS 2104; NOTIFICATION OF ZONING 270-245 125-3;1254;125-5; 210-6;210-8;210-9; DEFECTS 188-1; TOXIC SUBSTANCES 125-7 210-12 188-2 See HAZARDOUS BUILDINGS,UNSAFE SEWER USE:USE OF ORDINANCES, MATERIALS AND 129-2 PUBLIC SEWERS PUBLICATION OF SUBSTANCES CITIZEN AND STAFF 214-1 54-1 See HAZARDOUS ADVISORY Signs 270-259;270-262 PARKS AND WASTES COMMITTEES 18-3; STORM SEWER SYSTEM RECREATION TOXIC WASTES 184;18-5;18-6;18-7; AND SURFACE AREAS 200-7 See HAZARDOUS 18-8;18-9 WATERS PROPERTY MATERIALS AND Commercial Zones PROTECTION 227-2; MAINTENANCE SUBSTANCES Generally 270-122 2274;227-11;227-14 2054 See HAZARDOUS CONSERVATION BOARD STORMWATER RESIDENCY WASTES 23-2;23-3;234;23-5; MANAGEMENT AND REQUIREMENTS TRAILER CAMPS 23-6;23-8 EROSION AND 734 ZONING 270-215 Conservation Zones 270-22 SEDIMENT Road Preservation 230-14 TRAILERS DEFENSE AND CONTROL 228-2; SEWER RENTS 210-6 FLOOD DAMAGE INDEMNIFICATION 228-5;228-8;228-14; Signs 270-259 PREVENTION 1574 28-1;28-2 228-15 STORM SEWER SYSTEM Signs 270-252 Dog Control and Licensing STREETS AND AND SURFACE ZONING 270-5;270-215 112-9 SIDEWALKS 230-2; WATERS TRANSIENT VENDORS ENVIRONMENTAL 2304;230-4.1; PROTECTION 227-14 See SALES QUALITY REVIEW 230-4.3;2304.8; STREETS AND TRAPS 1481;148-16 2304.9;2304.13; SIDEWALKS 230-8 PARKS AND ETHICS,CODE OF 32-3; 230-6;230-8 SUBDIVISION OF LAND RECREATION 32-8;32-11 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 234-1;234-10;234-11; AREAS 200-5 Failure to designate term of 234-1;2344;234-8; 234-39 TRASH office at election 89-5 234-10;234-11; VEHICLES AND See Also GARBAGE, FEES 153-1;153-2;153-3 234-13;234-14; TRAFFIC 250-24 RUBBISH AND FLOOD DAMAGE 234-16;234-20; WATER RATES 2614; REFUSE PREVENTION 157-1; 234-21;234-22 261-8 PROPERTY 157-16 Supersession of statute 89-7 ZONING 270-6;270-181; MAINTENANCE HEALTH INSURANCE Term of office from 1975 270-219.1;270-219.4; 205-2 41-3;41-4;41-5 election 89-1 270-237;270-245 See Also SOLID WASTE Industrial Zones 270-157 Terms of office 89-1;89-2; TOWN COUNCIL STORM SEWER SYSTEM Light Industrial Zones 89-3;894;89-5 BANKING AND SURFACE 270-143 Terris of office from 1977 TRANSACTIONS WATERS LIGHTING,OUTDOOR election 89-2 14-4 PROTECTION 227-1 173-2;173-17;173-18 Terms of office from 1979 TOWN ENGINEER ZONING 270-219.5 Limited Historic election 89-3 APPEARANCE TICKETS ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Commercial Zones Terms of office from 1981 9-2 USE DISTRICTS 270-142.3 and subsequent CONSERVATION BOARD 271-16 LOCK BOXES 175-1; elections 894 23-2 TREASURER 175-7 TOWN BOARD 89-1;89-9 Conservation Zones 270-22 ETHICS,CODE OF 32-11 Mandatory referendum 89-9 Vacancies 89-1;89-5 SEWER RENTS 210-5 SEWER USE: Meetings 89-9 WATER RATES 261-3; STORM SEWER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Mobile Home Park Zones 2614;261-6;261-8; AND SURFACE FOR 270-97;270-98 261-9 WATERS CONTRIBUTORS Multiple Residence Zones When effective;retroactive PROTECTION 227-2 INTO JOINT POTW 270-99;270-112 applicability 89-8 STORMWATER 216-3 NOISE 184-11;184-12; ZONING 270-5;270-8; MANAGEMENT AND TREES 184-13 270-180;270-181; EROSION AND Conservation Zones 270-22 NOTIFICATION OF 270-187;270-219.1; SEDIMENT ENVIRONMENTAL DEFECTS 188-2 270-219.4;270-219.5; CONTROL 228-6; QUALITY REVIEW PARKS AND 270-231;270-235; 228-8 148-6 RECREATION 270-236;270-237; STREETS AND PARKS AND AREAS 200-3;200-6; 270-243;270-245 SIDEWALKS 230-7 RECREATION 200-7;200-8;200-9; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND SUBDIVISION OF LAND AREAS 200-5 200-11 USE DISTRICTS 234-3;234-10;234-17; PROPERTY Planned Development 271-2;271-3;2714; 234-20;234-23; MAINTENANCE Zones 270-172; 271-5;271-9;271-10; 234-26;234-27;234-30 205-2 270-173;270-174; 271-11;271-12; ZONING 270-192;270-193 Road Preservation 230-13 270-175 271-14;271-15 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND SEWER USE:RULES, Planning Board and Zoning TOWN CLERK USE DISTRICTS REGS.&PENALTIES Board of Appeals 20-3; Adoption of Code 1-6;1-8; 271-9;271-14 OF BOARD OF T20-4 1-9;1-10 TOWN SUPERVISOR PUBLIC WORKS, PROCUREMENT 57-2; ADULT USES 100-6 BANKING CITY OF ITHACA, 57-4;57-6 APPEARANCE TICKETS TRANSACTIONS NY,RE:WATER PROPERTY 9-2 14-1;14-4;14-6 SUPPLY,SEWAGE MAINTENANCE BINGO 121-5 BINGO 121-5 DISPOSAL&AIR 2054;205-5 BUILDING CITIZEN AND STAFF CONDITIONING PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION ADVISORY 215-54 DEPARTMENT 59-4; AND FIRE COMMITTEES 18-8; See Also SHRUBS 59-6 PREVENTION 125-14 18-9 TAXICABS 2434 RELOCATION Dog Control and Licensing FEES 153-2 VEHICLES AND EXPENSES 69-2; 112-9 GAMES OF CHANCE TRAFFIC 250-16 69-3;694 ETHICS,CODE OF 32-3 166-5 WATER PROTECTION RESIDENCY FEES 153-1;153-2 SEWER RENTS 210-6 256-23 REQUIREMENTS GAMES OF CHANCE Supervisor 843 ZONING 270-5;270-188; 73-1 166-5 VEHICLES AND 270-219;270-219.1; Road Preservation 230-11; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR TRAFFIC 250-24 270-219.5 230-13;230-14;230-15 173-16 WATER RATES 261-4; Severability 89-6 NOISE 18412 261-6;261-8 42 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX TREES... ZONING:SPECIAL LAND VACANT LOTS VEHICLE FUELING AND USE DISTRICTS — U — ZONING 270-215 REPAIR 271-4;271-16 VACCINATIONS COMMERCIAL TRENCHES UNDERGROUND Dog Control and Licensing ZONES Building Sewers and STORAGE TANKS 112-9 Convenience stores 270-138 Connections 214-17 See STORAGE TANKS VANDALISM Emergencies 270-137 See Also EXCAVATIONS UTILITIES Art Murals 270-265 Fuel 270-137 SEWER USE:RULES, Agricultural Zones 270-26 VAPORS Garages 270-137;270-138 REGS.&PENALTIES Conservation Zones 270-22 See Also FUMES Parking 270-138 OF BOARD OF ENVIRONMENTAL LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Permitted principal uses PUBLIC WORKS, QUALITY REVIEW 173-12 270-137 CITY OF ITHACA, 148-5 SEWER USE: Planning Board 270-138 NY,RE:WATER FLOOD DAMAGE REQUIREMENTS Principal use authorized by SUPPLY,SEWAGE PREVENTION 157-3; FOR special permit only DISPOSAL&AIR 157-4;157-11;157-13; CONTRIBUTORS 270-138 CONDITIONING 157-14;157-16 INTO JOINT POTW Purpose 270-136 215-54 High Density Residential 216-5 Sales 270-136;270-137; Water 215-19 Zones 270-77 SEWER USE:RULES, 270-138 TRESPASSING Lakefront Commercial REGS.&PENALTIES Setbacks 270-138 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR Zones 270-141 OF BOARD OF Special permits 270-138 173-2;173-3;173-4; Lakefront Residential Zones PUBLIC WORKS, Utilities 270-138 173-14 270-41 CITY OF ITHACA, Vehicles 270-136;270-137; TRUCK EXCLUSIONS LIGHTING,OUTDOOR NY,RE:WATER 270-138 See VEHICLE WEIGHT 173-16 SUPPLY,SEWAGE ZONING 270-136\270-138 LIMITS Low Density Residential DISPOSAL&AIR VEHICLE WEIGHT TRUCKS Zones 270-54 CONDITIONING LIMITS ENVIRONMENTAL Medium Density Residential 215-33 Bridges 250-7 QUALITY REVIEW Zones 270-66 VARIANCES Commercial vehicles 250-8 148-5 Mobile Home Park Zones Art Murals 270-267 Definitions 250-9 NOISE 184-4 270-89 BUILDING Emergencies 250-11 PARKS AND Neighborhood Commercial CONSTRUCTION Exclusions 250-11 RECREATION Zones 270-126; AND FIRE PREVENTION 125-7; Motor vehicles authorityative 250 -6 AREAS 200-5 270-127 PROPERTY Office Park Commercial 125-16 Notices 250-12 MAINTENANCE Zones 270-131 CONSERVATION BOARD Penalties for offenses 205-2 Road Preservation 230-13 23-2;23-3 250-10 Road Preservation 230-13; SEWER USE:RULES, ENVIRONMENTAL Purpose 250-7 230-14 REGS.&PENALTIES QUALITY REVIEW Registration 250-9 Vehicle Weight Limits OF BOARD OF 148-5 Restricted locations 250-8 250-8 PUBLIC WORKS, ETHICS,CODE OF 32-6; Safety standards 250-7; TWO-FAMILY CITY OF ITHACA, 32-7 250-9 DWELLINGS NY,RE:WATER FEES 153-1 Signage 250-12 Agricultural Zones 270-26; SUPPLY,SEWAGE FLOOD DAMAGE Signs 250-12 270-29 DISPOSAL&AIR PREVENTION 157-4; Trucks 250-8 BUILDING CONDITIONING 157-7;157-8;157-12; Vehicles 250-6;250-8; CONSTRUCTION 215-1;215-54 157-16;157-17 250-9;250-11;250-12 AND FIRE STORMWATER LIGHTING,OUTDOOR VEHICLES AND PREVENTION 125-4 MANAGEMENT AND 173-18 TRAFFIC 250-6 Conservation Zones 270-11 EROSION AND Nonconforming Uses 250-12 High Density Residential SEDIMENT 270-203;270-211; Violations and penalties Zones 270-77;270-79 CONTROL 228-5; 270-213;270-214; 250-10 Lakefront Residential Zones 228-10 270-214.1 VEHICLES 270-41;270-43 STREETS AND PARKS AND See Also COMMERCIAL Limited Historic SIDEWALKS 230-2; RECREATION VEHICLES Commercial Zones 230-3;230-4.6;230-4.8 AREAS 200-9 Commercial Zones 270-142.4 SUBDMSION OF LAND PROPERTY Generally 270-115; LOCK BOXES 175-4 234-20;234-21; MAINTENANCE 270-122 Low Density Residential 234-29;234-30; 205-4;205-5 Community Commercial Zones 270-54;270-56 234-36;234-37;234-39 SEWER USE: Zones 270-135 Medium Density Residential Vehicle Fueling and Repair REQUIREMENTS CONSERVATION BOARD Zones 270-66;270-68 Commercial Zones FOR 23-2 Multiple Residence Zones 270-138 CONTRIBUTORS Dog Control and Licensing 270-100 ZONING 270-5;270-186; INTO JOINT POTW 112-2 Nonconforming Uses 270-188;270-192; 216-8;216-10 See Also EMERGENCY 270-203;270-208 270-219;270-219.1; Signs 270-251;270-259; VEHICLES SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 270-219.4;270-219.5 270-260;270-262 ENVIRONMENTAL 225-3 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND SPRINKLER SYSTEMS QUALITY REVIEW STORMWATER USE DISTRICTS 225-8 148-5 MANAGEMENT AND 271-5;271-8;271-9; STREETS AND Lakefront Residential Zones EROSION AND 271-10;271-11; SIDEWALKS 230-4.8; 270-43 SEDIMENT 271-12;271-13; 230-4.15;230-4.16 Limited Historic CONTROL 228-6; 271-14;271-15;271-16 ZONING 270-5;270-219; Commercial Zones 228-7 UTILITY POLES 270-219.5;270-225; 270-142.5 ZONING 270-5;270-219.5; Signs 270-252 270-227;270-235; See Also MOTOR 270-227 270-237;270-243; VEHICLES ZONING:SPECIAL LAND _ `J _ 270-245 NOISE 184-4;184-8 USE DISTRICTS ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Nonconforming Uses 271-9 VACANCIES USE DISTRICTS 270-210 CONSERVATION BOARD 271-9;271-13 PROPERTY 23-4 MAINTENANCE TOWN BOARD 89-1;89-5 205-2 ZONING 270-235;270-236 Road Preservation 230-12; 230-13;230-14;230-15 43 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX VEHICLES... SEWER USE:RULES, Stopping of motor vehicles Dog Control and Licensing STREETS AND REGS.&PENALTIES 250-17 112-2;112-3;1124; SIDEWALKS 230-2; OF BOARD OF Storage 250-22;250-24 112-5;112-6;112-8 2304.7;2304.12 PUBLIC WORKS, Storage and charges 250-22 ETHICS,CODE OF 32-8; SUBDIVISION OF LAND CITY OF ITHACA, Towers 250-16 32-9;32-12 234-5;234-9 NY,RE:WATER Towing 250-24 Exemption for Certain TAXICABS 243-13 SUPPLY,SEWAGE Town Clerk 250-24 Disabled Persons With Vehicle Weight Limits DISPOSAL&AIR Town Supervisor 250-24 Limited Incomes 250-10 CONDITIONING Trees 250-16 239-14 VEHICLES AND 215-54 See Vehicle Weight Limits Fees 21647 TRAFFIC 250-20 SEWER USE:USE OF 250-6\250-12 FLOOD DAMAGE Wastewater Discharge PUBLIC SEWERS Vehicles 250-13;250-16; PREVENTION 157-8; Permits 216-17 214-25 250-17;250-20; 157-12 Water 215-16;215-26 Signs 270-252 250-21;250-22; LIGHTING,OUTDOOR WATER PROTECTION STREETS AND 250-23;250-24;250-25 173-17;173-18 256-20;256-21 SIDEWALKS 230-1 Violations and penalties LOCK BOXES 175-7 WATER RATES 261-2; SUBDIVISION OF LAND 250-20 NOISE 184-6;184-7; 2614;261-9 234-31 When effective 250-25 184-10;184-12; WATERCRAFT 254-7 TAXICABS 243-2 Yield intersections 250-19 184-13;184-14,184-15 ZONING 270-181; Vehicle Fueling and Repair Yield signs 250-19 Nonconforming Uses 270-191;270-219.1; Commercial Zones VEHICLES, 270-208 270-219.4;270-219.6; 270-136;270-137; COMMERCIAL See Also NOTICES OF 270-233;270-239; 270-138 See COMMERCIAL VIOLATIONS 270-242 Vehicle Weight Limits VEHICLES PARKS AND ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 250-6;250-8;250-9; VEHICLES, RECREATION USE DISTRICTS 250-11;250-12 IMPOUNDMENT OF AREAS 200-7;200-10; 2714;271-8;271-10; VEHICLES AND See IMPOUNDMENT 200-11 271-11;271-13; TRAFFIC 250-13; VEHICLES,TOWING OF PROPERTY 271-14;271-15;271-16 250-16;250-17; See TOWING MAINTENANCE VOLUNTEER FIRE 250-20;250-21; VENDORS 205-2;205-3;2054; DEPARTMENT 250-22;250-23; Light Industrial Zones 205-5 See FIRE DEPARTMENT 250-24;250-25 270-146 RENTAL PROPERTY VOLUNTEER FIRE WATERCRAFT 254-1 VENTILATION 207-2;207-4 FIGHTERS ZONING 270-5;270-6; BUILDING Road Preservation 230-14; See FIRE DEPARTMENT 270-218;270-219; CONSTRUCTION 230-15 270-219.5;270-223 AND FIRE Senior Citizens Exemption _ W ZONING:SPECIAL LAND PREVENTION 125-4 239-4 USE DISTRICTS FLOOD DAMAGE SEWER RENTS 210-6; WAIVERS 271-6;271-9;271-10; PREVENTION 157-13 210-9 ADULT USES 100-14 271-12;271-14; RENTAL PROPERTY SEWER USE: BUILDING 271-15;271-16 207-2 REQUIREMENTS CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES,ABANDONED ZONING 270-219.6 FOR AND FIRE See ABANDONMENT VERMIN CONTRIBUTORS PREVENTION 125-7 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Light Industrial Zones INTO JOINT POTW Fees 153-2;21647 Abandonment 250-21 270-155 216-3;216-6;216-14; Multiple Residence Zones Applicability 250-14 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 216-22;216-23; 270-111 Assessments 250-24 USE DISTRICTS 216-24;216-28; NOISE 184-11;184-12 Authority to impound 271-10;271-12 216-37;216-38; PARKS AND vehicles 250-21 VERNAL POOLS 216-39;216-40; RECREATION Bridges 250-16 ZONING 270-219.5 21641;21642; AREAS 200-7 Cemeteries 250-16 VIBRATIONS 21643;21644;216-50 PROPERTY Charges 250-22 Agricultural Zones 270-25 SEWER USE:RULES, MAINTENANCE Costs and expenses 250-22; Commercial Zones REGS.&PENALTIES 205-5 250-24 Generally 270-122 OF BOARD OF Road Preservation 230-14 Crosswalks 250-17 Light Industrial Zones PUBLIC WORKS, SEWER RENTS 210-6 Effect on other provisions 270-155 CITY OF ITHACA, SEWER USE: 250-15 ZONING 270-200; NY,RE:WATER ADMINISTRATION Hearings 250-24 270-219.2;270-219.4 SUPPLY,SEWAGE AND AMENDMENTS Impoundment 250-21 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND DISPOSAL&AIR 217-2 Legislative authority 250-13 USE DISTRICTS CONDITIONING Signs 270-259 Liability 250-24 271-5;271-6;271-10; 215-14;215-37; STORM SEWER SYSTEM Motor vehicles 250-16; 271-12 21540;215-50 AND SURFACE 250-17 VIOLATIONS AND SEWER USE:USE OF WATERS Notice of removal 250-23 PENALTIES PUBLIC SEWERS PROTECTION 227-6; Notices 250-23;250-24 Adoption of Code 14;1-10 214-31;214-33; 227-14 Obstructions 250-21 ADULT USES 100-2; 214-34;214-35 STREETS AND Paper 250-16 100-5;100-15;100-16; Signs 270-248;270-259 SIDEWALKS 2304.3; Parking 250-15;250-16; 100-21 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 2304.8;2304.11 250-21 APPEARANCE TICKETS 225-7 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Parking of vehicles 250-16 9-1 STORM SEWER SYSTEM 234-3;2344;23410; Parking;Stop and Yield BUILDING AND SURFACE 23415 Intersections 250-13\ CONSTRUCTION WATERS Wastewater Discharge 250-25 AND FIRE PROTECTION 227-5; Permits 216-21 Penalties for offenses PREVENTION 1254; 227-6;227-7;227-8; WATER PROTECTION 250-20 125-5;125-6;125-7; 227-9;227-11;227-12; 256-22;256-24 W Police officers 250-17 125-8;125-9;125-11; 227-14;227-15 WATER RATES 261-4 Reports 250-23 125-12;125-13; STORMWATER ZONING 270-187; Review 250-24 125-14;125-15;125-16 MANAGEMENT AND 270-193;270-199; Schools 250-16 DEFENSE AND EROSION AND 270-201;270-219; Signs 250-17;250-18; INDEMNIFICATION SEDIMENT 270-219.1;270-219.4; 250-19;250-20 28-2 CONTROL 228-6; 270-237 Stop intersections 250-18 228-10;228-11; Stop signs 250-18 228-13;228-15 44 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX WAIVERS... ZONING:SPECIAL LAND WASTEWATER ENVIRONMENTAL 215-45;215-46; USE DISTRICTS DISCHARGE PERMITS QUALITY REVIEW 215-47;215-48; 271-8;271-9;271-12 Accidental discharges 148-5 21549;215-50;215-54 WALLS 216-17 FEES 215-18;215-19; SEWER USE:USE OF ADULT USES 100-14 Budget 216-16 215-26;215-28;153-2 PUBLIC SEWERS Art Murals 270-265; Charges 216-17 Fire hydrants 215-25 214-1;214-23;214-24; 270-266;270-268 Construction 216-16 Fires 215-21 214-25;214-28 BUILDING Duration of permits 216-19 FLOOD DAMAGE Sewers 215-15;215-18; CONSTRUCTION Environmental control PREVENTION 157-2; 215-19;215-21; AND FIRE 216-17 157-3;1574;157-13; 215-23;215-25 PREVENTION 1254 Fees 216-16 157-14;157-16 Single-family dwellings Conservation Zones 270-17; Final plans 216-16 Fraud;misrepresentation; 215-18 270-22 Industrial user 216-15; waste and abuses; Specific rules for FLOOD DAMAGE 216-16;216-17; violations 215-26 installation and PREVENTION 1574; 216-19;216-20;216-21 Grades and grading 215-18 maintenance of service 157-14 Inspections 216-17 Hydrants 215-25 pipes,tapping trains, High Density Residential Licenses and permits Industrial Zones 270-157 connections,etc 215-19 Zones 270-82 216-15;216-17; Inspections 215-15 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Lakefront Commercial 216-18;216-19;216-20 Installation and maintenance 225-6;215-21 Zones 270-142.1 Notices 216-15;216-17; of water service pipes Standpipes and automatic Lakefront Residential Zones 216-18;216-21 215-18 sprinklers 215-21 270-43;270-45;270-46 Permit application Installations of water mains STORM SEWER SYSTEM Limited Historic requirements 216-16 215-15 AND SURFACE Commercial Zones Permit conditions 216-17 Lakefront Commercial WATERS 270-142.3 Permit decisions 216-21 Zones 270-141; PROTECTION 227-2; Low Density Residential Permit modifications 216-18 270-142.1 227-6;227-8 Zones 270-60 Permit required 216-15 Lakefront Residential Zones STORMWATER Medium Density Residential Permit transfer 216-20 270-43;270-44; MANAGEMENT AND Zones 270-71 Plumbing 216-16 270-46;27048;270-51 EROSION AND See Also RETAINING Preliminary plans 216-16 Liability 215-27 SEDIMENT WALLS Records 216-17 Light Industrial Zones CONTROL 228-2; SEWER USE:RULES, Reports 216-16;216-17 270-143 228-3;228-5;228-6; REGS.&PENALTIES Safety standards 216-18 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR 228-9;228-10;228-13 OF BOARD OF SEWER USE: 173-4 STREETS AND PUBLIC WORKS, REQUIREMENTS Manholes 215-19 SIDEWALKS 2304.6 CITY OF ITHACA, FOR Meters 215-18;215-19; SUBDIVISION OF LAND NY,RE:WATER CONTRIBUTORS 215-22;215-23; 234-20;234-21; SUPPLY,SEWAGE INTO JOINT POTW 215-24;215-28 234-26;234-27; DISPOSAL&AIR 216-15\216-21 Multiple Residence Zones 234-32;234-36; CONDITIONING Sewers 216-15;216-16 270-99 234-38;234-39 215-54 Site plans 216-16 Notices 215-18;215-19; Tenants 215-17;215-23 SEWER USE:USE OF Surcharges 216-15 215-23;215-24;215-26 Trenches 215-19 PUBLIC SEWERS Tests 216-17 Obstructions 215-25 Vacant premises 215-24 214-1 Violations and penalties Owner or tenant prohibited Violations and penalties Signs 270-253;270-254; 216-17 from supplying others 215-16;215-26 270-255;270-256; Waivers 216-21 215-17 Walls 215-19 270-259 Water 216-15 Plumbers 215-18;215-22 Wastewater Discharge STORMWATER WATER Protection from freezing Permits 216-15 MANAGEMENT AND Abandonment 215-18 215-22 Water 215-15;215-16; EROSION AND Agricultural Zones 270-25; PUBLIC WORKS 215-17;215-18; SEDIN[ENT 270-34 DEPARTMENT 594 215-19;215-20; CONTROL 228-5 APPEARANCE TICKETS Replacing service pipes 215-21;215-22; Water 215-19 9-2 215-20 215-23;215-24; WATER RATES 2614 Bridges 215-15 SEWER RENTS 210-2; 215-25;215-26; ZONING 270-5;270-219.5; Building construction 210-5;210-6 215-27;215-28 270-223;270-224 215-28 SEWER USE: Water for building ZONING:SPECIAL LAND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS construction 215-28 USE DISTRICTS CONSTRUCTION FOR WATER PROTECTION 271-7;271-10;271-12; AND FIRE CONTRIBUTORS 256-1;256-3;2564; 271-13;271-14; PREVENTION 1254; INTO JOINT POTW 256-5;256-7;256-8; 271-15;271-16 125-5 216-1;216-3;216-5; 256-9;256-10;256-11; WARRANTS Charges 215-18;215-19; 216-11 256-12;256-13; BUILDING 215-21;215-23; SEWER USE:RULES, 256-14;256-15; CONSTRUCTION 215-26;215-28 REGS.&PENALTIES 256-18;256-19; AND FIRE CITIZEN AND STAFF OF BOARD OF 256-20;256-21; PREVENTION 125-9 ADVISORY PUBLIC WORKS, 256-23;256-24 Dog Control and Licensing CON041TfEES 18-9 CITY OF ITHACA, WATER RATES 261-1; 1124 Complaints 215-26 NY,RE:WATER 261-2;261-3;2614; FEES 153-3 Conservation Zones 270-22 SUPPLY,SEWAGE 261-5;261-7;261-8 See Also SEARCH Construction 215-28 DISPOSAL&AIR Water supply 215-21; WARRANTS Costs and expenses 215-18; CONDITIONING 215-27 Signs 270-259 215-19;215-22; 215-1;215-2;215-3; WATERCRAFT 254-1; STORM SEWER SYSTEM 215-23;215-24 2154;215-5;215-6; 254-2 AND SURFACE Cross connections 215-7;215-8;215-9; ZONING 270-2;270-5; WATERS prohibited 215-16 215-10;215-12; 270-6;270-8;270-186; PROTECTION 227-12; Curbs 215-18;215-19; 215-13;215-14; 270-188;270-200; 227-14 215-24 215-151215-28;215-29; 270-219.4;270-219.5; SUBDIVISION OF LAND Deficient water supply 215-30;215-31; 270-230.2 234-32 215-27 215-32;215-33; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND ZONING 270-219.1; Department of Public Works 215-40;215-41; USE DISTRICTS 270-219.4;270-237 215-15;215-18 21542;21544; 271-3;271-5;271-8; Emergencies 215-19 271-9;271-10;271-12; 271-14;271-15;271-16 45 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX WATER CONSERVATION Prohibited connections Charges 261-1;261-3; FLOOD DAMAGE Fees 216-47 256-14 2614;261-5 PREVENTION 1574; SEWER USE:RULES, Protection of Potable Water Compliance required 261-7 157-11;157-12 REGS.&PENALTIES System Within Construction 261-2;2614 SEWER USE: OF BOARD OF Premises 256-7\256-13 Costs and expenses 261-2; REQUIREMENTS PUBLIC WORKS, Protection of Public Water 2614;261-5 FOR CITY OF ITHACA, System at Service Costs,expenses and other CONTRIBUTORS NY,RE:WATER Connection 2564\ charges 261-5 INTO JOINT POTW SUPPLY,SEWAGE 256-6 Definitions 261-1 216-3 DISPOSAL&AIR Public assemblies 256-12 Easements 2614 SEWER USE:USE OF CONDITIONING Purpose 256-1\256-2 Fees 261-4 PUBLIC SEWERS 21542 Records 256-9 Impoundment 261-1 214-1 STORMWATER Recourse for Improvements 261-2 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND Noncompliance Liability 2614 MANAGEMENT AND EROSION AND 256-14\256-15 Liens 261-4;261-5 EROSION AND SEDIMENT Residential users 256-22 Meters 261-6 SEDIMENT CONTROL 228-5 Roofs 256-11 Notices 2614 CONTROL 228-5 WATER METERS Safety standards 2564 Payment procedures 2614 SUBDIVISION OF LAND WATER PROTECTION Separate drinking water Penalties for offenses 261-9 234-21;234-26;234-36 256-5;256-24 systems 256-7 Permit required for ZONING 270-5;270-186; WATER RATES 261-8 Sewage treatment plants and connection or repair 270-188;270-189; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND pumping stations 261-8 270-217;270-219.5 USE DISTRICTS 256-10 Rates,rents and charges WATERCRAFT 271-14;271-15 Sewers 256-11 261-3 Anchoring 254-2 WATER POLLUTION Shopping centers 256-24 Records 261-4 Applicability 254-6 See Also POLLUTION Sprinkler systems 256-22 Repealer 261-10 Boats and Boating 254-1; SEWER USE: Supplementary Provisions Revenues 261-2 254-4 REQUIREMENTS to CCC Law 256-18\ Right of entry 261-6 Definitions 254-1 FOR 256-24 Sewers 261-4 Kayaks 254-1 CONTRIBUTORS Survey of users 256-19 Storage tanks 261-1 Licenses and permits 254-4 INTO JOINT POTW Swimming pools 256-22 Surcharges 261-1;2614 Limitations on noise levels 216-3 Terminology 256-3 Town Board 261-3;2614; 254-5 WATER PROTECTION Tests 256-3;256-9;256-11; 261-6;261-8;261-9 Limits on operations of Abandonment 2564; 256-18;256-20 Town Clerk 2614;261-8 PWCs and specialty 256-22 Toilet facilities 256-11 Town Supervisor 2614; prop-craft 254-3 Applicability of Part 1 Trees 256-23 261-6;261-8 Limits on operators under provisions 256-16 Type of protection 256-5 Violations and penalties sixteen years of age Certification of potentially Violations and penalties 261-2;2614;261-9 2544 hazardous users 256-20 256-20;256-21 Waivers 2614 Noise 254-5 Definitions 256-3 Waivers 256-22;256-24 Walls 2614 Penalties for offenses 254-7 Definitions;Interpretation; Water 256-1;256-3;2564; Water 261-1;261-2;261-3; Towing 254-1 Delegation of Authority 256-5;256-7;256-8; 2614;261-5;261-7; Vehicles 254-1 256-16\256-17 256-9;256-10;256-11; 261-8 Vessel regulation zone Delegation of municipality's 256-12;256-13; Water meters 261-8 254-2 authority 256-17 256-14;256-15; WATER SUPPLY Violations and penalties Discontinuance of service 256-18;256-19; Conservation Zones 270-10; 254-7 256-15 256-20;256-21; 270-11 Water 254-1;254-2 Emergencies 256-8 256-23;256-24 FLOOD DAMAGE WEAPONS Fees 256-20 Water meters 256-5;256-24 PREVENTION 157-13 See Also FIREARMS Fire hydrants 256-12; Water supply 256-3;256-4; SEWER USE:RULES, See Also GUNS 256-18;256-23 256-5;256-8;256-11; REGS.&PENALTIES PARKS AND Fire systems 256-8 256-14;256-18; OF BOARD OF RECREATION Frequency of inspection of 256-21;256-22 PUBLIC WORKS, AREAS 200-5 protective devices Wells 256-22 CITY OF ITHACA, WEBSITES 256-6 Where protection is required NY,RE:WATER NOTIFICATION OF Grades and grading 256-22 256-4 SUPPLY,SEWAGE INFORMATION Health Officer 256-13 WATER QUALITY DISPOSAL&AIR SECURITY Heating 256-22 Conservation Zones 270-10; CONDITIONING BREACHES 51-5 Hospitals 2564;256-11 270-22 215-4;215-6;215-47; ZONING 270-219.5 Inspections 256-6;256-9; ENVIRONMENTAL 215-48;215-54 WEEDS 256-20 QUALITY REVIEW STORM SEWER SYSTEM See BRUSH,GRASS AND Installation and servicing of 148-5 AND SURFACE WEEDS water distribution Lakefront Residential Zones WATERS WEIGHT LIMITS 256-18 27043 PROTECTION 227-6 See VEHICLE WEIGHT Interpretation 256-2 STORM SEWER SYSTEM STORMWATER LIMITS Lawns 256-22;256-23 AND SURFACE MANAGEMENT AND WELLS Marking safe and unsafe WATERS EROSION AND Agricultural Zones 270-27 water lines 256-13 PROTECTION 227-2; SEDIMENT SEWER USE: Multiple customer 227-6;227-8 CONTROL 228-9 REQUIREMENTS distribution systems STORMWATER SUBDIVISION OF LAND FOR 256-24 MANAGEMENT AND 234-2;234-27;234-37 CONTRIBUTORS Notices 256-20;256-21; EROSION AND Water 215-21;215-27 INTO JOINT POTW 256-24 SEDIMENT WATER PROTECTION 216-3 Penalties for offenses CONTROL 228-3; 256-3;2564;256-5; SEWER USE:RULES, 256-21 228-5;228-6;228-7; 256-8;256-11;256-14; REGS.&PENALTIES W Pier and dock hydrants 228-9;228-10;228-11 256-18;256-21;256-22 OF BOARD OF 256-12 WATER RATES ZONING 270-188 PUBLIC WORKS, Plumbing 256-7;256-11 Bonds 261-2 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND CITY OF ITHACA, Plumbing connections Building permits 261-8 USE DISTRICTS NY,RE:WATER 256-11 Certificates of compliance 271-9;271-14;271-15 SUPPLY,SEWAGE Pollution 256-13 261-8 WATERCOURSES DISPOSAL&AIR Private hydrants 256-23 Certificates of occupancy Conservation Zones 270-22 CONDITIONING Process waters 256-9 261-8 215-54 46 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX WELLS- SEWER USE:USE OF YARDS Accessory uses and 270-230;270-233; PUBLIC SEWERS Agricultural Zones 270-28; structures 270-219.1; 270-235;270-236; 214-25 270-32;270-34 270-219.3;270-219.4 270-243;270-245 STORM SEWER SYSTEM Building Sewers and Administration 270-231\ Camping 270-5 AND SURFACE Connections 214-15 270-245 Carbon monoxide detectors WATERS Commercial Zones Adult care facilities 270-5 270-219.6 PROTECTION 227-2 Generally 270-117; Adult entertainment 270-5 Cats 270-5 STORMWATER 270-120 Advertising 270-5;270-219; Certificate of occupancy or MANAGEMENT AND Conservation Zones 270-12; 270-219.4 certificate of EROSION AND 270-17;270-19 Affirmative action 270-237 compliance 270-234 SEDIMENT ENVIRONMENTAL Agricultural districts Certificates of approval CONTROL 228-5 QUALITY REVIEW 270-230 270-5 WATER PROTECTION 148-5 Agricultural lands in County Certificates of compliance 256-22 High Density Residential Agricultural Districts 270-183;270-185; ZONING 270-219.5 Zones 270-82;270-84; 270-230 270-186;270-193; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 270-85 See Agricultural Zones 270-196;270-219; USE DISTRICTS Industrial Zones 270-161; 270-25\270-39 270-219.1;270-227; 271-7;271-16 270-164;270-167 Alcoholic beverages 270-5 270-228;270-234; WETLANDS Lakefront Commercial Amateur radio facilities 270-235;270-238 Conservation Zones 270-10; Zones 270-142.1 270-219.3 Certificates of occupancy 270-22 Lakefront Residential Zones Amendments 270-240 270-183;270-185; ENVIRONMENTAL 270-46;270-48;270-49 Anchoring 270-219 270-186;270-193; QUALITY REVIEW Light Industrial Zones Animals 270-5;270-189; 270-196;270-219; 148-2;148-5 270-149;270-152 270-219.5;270-223 270-219.6;270-227; FRESHWATER Limited Historic Antennas 270-5;270-219; 270-228;270-234; WETLANDS 161-1; Commercial Zones 270-219.3;270-219.4 270-235;270-238 161-2 270-142.7 Appeals 270-219.1; Charges 270-219 STORM SEWER SYSTEM Low Density Residential 270-219.4;270-235; Chickens 270-5 AND SURFACE Zones 270-54;270-60; 270-237 Chimneys 270-5;270-219.4; WATERS 270-62;270-63 Applicability 270-184; 270-224 PROTECTION 227-2; Medium Density Residential 270-197 Churches 270-227 227-6 Zones 270-68;270-71; Applications for approvals, Code Enforcement Officer STORMWATER 270-73;270-74 remedies or relief 270-219.1;270-219.4; MANAGEMENT AND Mobile Home Park Zones 270-232 270-219.6;270-231; EROSION AND 270-94 Approval of County Health 270-233;270-235; SEDIMENT Multiple Residence Zones Department 270-228 270-237;270-238 CONTROL 228-3; 270-101;270-106; See Art Murals 270-264\ Commercial vehicles 228-5;228-6;228-9; 270-109;270-111 270-268 270-219.2 228-10 Nonconforming Uses Assessments 270-181; See Commercial Zones SUBDIVISION OF LAND 270-203;270-205; 270-185;270-198; Generally 270-113\ 234-36 270-208;270-213 270-219;270-219.1; 270-124 ZONING 270-5;270-186; Planned Development 270-219.4;270-219.6 See Community 270-188;270-189; Zones 270-177 Attorneys fees 270-219.1; Commercial Zones 270-217;270-219.5 PROPERTY 270-219.4 270-133\270-135 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND MAINTENANCE Batteries 270-5;270-219.1 Compensation 270-5 USE DISTRICTS 205-2 Bed and breakfast 270-5; Completion of 271-9 STORMWATER 270-227 improvements 270-193 WILD ANIMALS MANAGEMENT AND Bicycles 270-186;270-188; Compliance with property See ANIMALS EROSION AND 270-200 maintenance WILDLIFE SEDIMENT Blocks 270-217 requirements 270-230.1 Agricultural Zones 270-26 CONTROL 228-5; Board of Appeals 270-5; Composting 270-5; Conservation Zones 270-10; 228-6 270-215;270-219; 270-219.5 270-14;270-22 ZONING 270-2;270-5; 270-219.4;270-223; Comprehensive Plan ENVIRONMENTAL 270-217;270-218; 270-227;270-233 270-188;270-200; QUALITY REVIEW 270-219;270-219.1; Boats and Boating 270-5 270-219.1;270-219.6; 148-2 270-219.3;270-219.4; Bonds 270-217;270-219 270-236 ZONING 270-5;270-219; 270-221;270-222; Bowling alleys 270-227 Conflicts of interest 270-219.1;270-219.5 270-223;270-224; Bridges 270-219.5 270-235;270-236 WIND POWER 270-225;270-226; Brush,grass and weeds Conservation districts ZONING 270-219.4 270-227;270-230 270-5;270-227 270-219.5 WIRELESS ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Buffers 270-186;270-188; See Conservation Zones TELECOMMUNICATIONS USE DISTRICTS 270-191;270-219; 270-10\270-24 FACILITIES 271-3;2714;271-5; 270-219.1;270-219.3; Considerations for approval See 271-6;271-7;271-8; 270-219.4;270-219.5; 270-188;270-200 TELECOMMUNICAT 271-9;271-10;271-11; 270-223;270-227; Construction 270-5; IONS FACILITIES 271-12;271-13; 270-230.2 270-185;270-186; 271-14;271-15;271-16 Building construction 270-189;270-191; XYZ - YIELDCLAND 270-219.3;270-219.4; 270-192;270-194; 270-197;270-202; YARD SALES TRAFFIC 250-19 Building floor area 270-220 270-215;270-217; See SALES ZONING Building Inspector 270-193; 270-219;270-219.1; YARD WASTE 911270-219.6 270-237 270-219.5;270-227; See Also BRUSH,GRASS Abandoned cellar holes and Building permits 270-181; 270-233;270-235; AND WEEDS buildings 270-229 270-183;270-185; 270-236 See Also GRASS Abandonment 270-219.1; 270-191;270-192; Continuation of special land CLIPPINGS 270-229 270-194;270-196; use districts 270-7 See Also LAWNS Accessory buildings and 270-202;270-217; Controlling regulation 270-4 STORM SEWER SYSTEM structures 270-5; 270-219;270-219.1; Convalescent homes 270-5; AND SURFACE 270-219;270-219.2; 270-219.3;270-219.4; 270-227 ��� WATERS 270-219.3;270-219.4; 270-219.5;270-219.6; Costs and expenses 270-5; PROTECTION 227-1 270-223 270-223;270-228; 270-181;270-185; Accessory dwelling units 270-186;270-219; 270-219.6 47 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX ZONING... 270-219.1;270-219.4; Fire Chief 270-219.1 Landscaping 270-186; See Multiple Residence 270-219.5;270-219.6; Fire Department 270-219.1 270-188;270-200; Zones 270-99\270-112 270-243 Fire hydrants 270-186 270-219;270-219.1; See Neighborhood Dance halls 270-227 Fire lanes 270-188 270-219.5 Commercial Zones Day-care facilities 270-5 Fire prevention 270-5; Lawns 270-219.5 270-125\270-128 Decks 270-219.6 270-191;270-219.1• Letter of credit 270-192 Noise 270-188;270-191; Definitions 270-5 270-219.3;270-219.4; Letters of credit 270-192; 270-200;270-219.2; Demolition 270-191; 270-219.6;270-233 270-193 270-219.4 270-219.5;270-229; Fire protection 270-227 Licenses and permits 270-5; Nonconforming signs 270-5 270-233 Fishing 270-5 270-186;270-219; Nonconforming uses 270-5; Deposit or removal of fill Floodplains 270-186; 270-219.5;270-219.6; 270-219.5;270-242 and related products 270-188 270-238;270-243 See Nonconforming Uses 270-217 Forestry 270-5 Liens 270-219.1;270-219.4 270-203\270-214.1 Design standards 270-219.1 Fuel 270-5;270-219.4 See Light Industrial Zones Notices 270-5;270-181; Disability 270-5 Fumes 270-200 270-143\270-156 270-194;270-219; Disclosure 270-219.6 Garages 270-5;270-218; Lighting 270-5;270-186; 270-219.1;270-219.4; Dogs 270-5 270-219.3;270-227 270-188;270-191; 270-237;270-238; Drainage 270-186;270-188; Garbage,rubbish and refuse 270-200;270-219; 270-245 270-191;270-217; 270-219.5;270-219.6 270-219.1;270-219.4 Notices of violations 270-219.5 Gas 270-5;270-219.4; Limitations on construction 270-219.4;270-219.6 Drainage plan 270-186 270-219.5 270-189 Nuisances 270-200; Driveways 270-5;270-219; General provisions 270-180; Limitations on home 270-217;270-219.4 270-219.5;270-223; 270-220\270-230.2 occupations 270-219.2 Nursing homes 270-5 270-227 Glare 270-188;270-219.1; Limitations on vehicle Obstructions 270-191 Dumps and dumping 270-219.2 repair garages and Odors 270-219.2 270-219.5 Glass 270-5 gasoline sales stations Off-street loading 270-186 Dust 270-219.2;270-227 Golf courses 270-219.5 270-218 Off-street parking 270-188; Easements 270-186; Grades and grading 270-5; See Limited Historic 270-219.6;270-227 270-219;270-219.1; 270-186;270-217; Commercial Zones See Office Park Commercial 270-219.3;270-219.4 270-219.1;270-219.4; 270-142.2\270-142.8 Zones 270-129\270-132 Effective date 270-244 270-223;270-223.1; Litter 270-5 Official Map 270-219.5 Electromagnetic 270-227;270-229 Livestock 270-5;270-219.5 One-family dwellings 270-5 interference 270-219 Grievances 270-235 Lots 270-5;270-219; Open fires 270-224 Emergencies 270-5; Groundwater 270-5; 270-219.1;270-219.4; Open space 270-2;270-5; 270-186;270-188; 270-219.5 270-219.5;270-228; 270-188;270-219.1 270-219.1;270-219.4; Guarantees 270-186; 270-230.1 Paper 270-186 270-219.5 270-193 See Low Density Parking 270-2;270-5; Emergency vehicles Handicapped persons Residential Zones 270-186;270-191; 270-200 270-188 270-53\270-64 270-200;270-219; Eminent domain 270-5 Health hazards 270-219.5 Magazines 270-5 270-219.2;270-219.5; Encroachments 270-5; Hearings 270-5;270-181; Manholes 270-186 270-219.6;270-227 270-219.5 270-185;270-194; Manure 270-219.5 Parking facilities 270-227 Enforcement 270-231 270-198;270-202; Marinas 270-5 Parks and recreation 270-2; Entry and inspection 270-215;270-219; See Medium Density 270-190 270-238 270-219.1;270-219.4; Residential Zones Pedestrians 270-186; Enumeration of zones 270-6 270-219.5;270-237; 270-65\270-75 270-188;270-200; Environmentally sensitive 270-243;270-245 Meetings 270-181;270-198; 270-219.1;270-219.5 areas 270-188;270-189 Heating 270-5;270-219.2; 270-235;270-236; Permit to build 270-233 Erosion and sediment 270-219.6;270-233 270-237 Permitted uses 270-7; control 270-186; Height regulations 270-5; Membership 270-5; 270-9;270495; 270-217;270-219.5 270-186;270-219; 270-227;270-235; 270-200;270-219.1; Escrow deposits 270-219; 270-219.1;270-219.3; 270-236 270-219.5 270-243 270-219.4;270-219.5; Meters 270-5 Pigs 270-5 Establishment of Zones 270-223;270-230.2 Mining 270-5;270-219.5 See Planned Development 270-6\270-9 See High Density Minutes 270-235;270-236 Zones 270-172\270-178 Excavations 270-5; Residential Zones See Mobile Home Park Planning Board 270-181; 270-194;270-217; 270-76\270-86 Zones 270-87\270-98 270-183;270-185; 270-219.5;270-229 Historic districts 270-219 Mobile home parks 270-5; 270-186;270-187; Existing Zoning Ordinance Home occupations 270-5; 270-6;270-179; 270-189;270-190; amended,readopted 270-184;270-219.2 270-215;270-219.1; 270-191;270-192; and reenacted 270-242 Horses 270-5 270-227 270-193;270-194; Expiration of site plan Hospices 270-5 Mobile homes 270-5; 270-195;270-197; approval 270-194 Hospitals 270-5;270-227 270-215;270-227; 270-217;270-219; Expiration of special permit Hotels 270-5;270-227 270-230 270-219.1;270-219.3; or special approval Hunting 270-219.5 Mobile homes and trailers 270-219.4;270-219.5; 270-202 Improvements 270-185; 270-215 270-223;270-227; Family day-care 270-5 270-186;270-193; Modifications of site plans 270-230;270-235; Farms and farming 270-5; 270-233 270-191 270-236;270-237; 270-219.5;270-223; See Industrial Zones Modifications of special 270-239 270-230 270-157\270-171 permits or special Playgrounds 270-188 Fees 270-5;270-181; Inspections 270-219; approvals 270-201 Plumbers 270-5 270-185;270-198; 270-219.1;270-219.4; Monuments 270-5;270-186 Plumbing 270-219.6 270-219;270-219.5; 270-219.5;270-219.6; Mooring 270-5 Pollution 270-186; 270-237;270-243; 270-238;270-243 More than one building on a 270-219.5 270-245 Insurance 270-5 lot 270-226 Ponds 270-186;270-219.5 Fences 270-5;270-186; See Lakefront Commercial Motels 270-5;270-227 Porches 270-5;270-219.1; 270-219;270-219.1; Zones 270-139\ Motor vehicles 270-5; 270-219.5;270-222; 270-219.5;270-223 270-142.1 270-219.5 270-223.1 Xt T� Fences and walls;retaining See Lakefront Residential Mufflers 270-5 Porches and carports walls 270-223 Zones 270-40\270-51 Multifamily dwellings 270-222 Y Fill 270-5;270-186; Landlords 270-219.6 270-227 Posting of notices 270-237 270-217;270-219.5 Multiple family dwellings Poultry 270-5 Final plans 270-185 270-5 Preliminary plans 270-185 48 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX ZONING.. Procedure 270-185;270-198 Signs 270-2;270-5; Storage 270-5;270-219.1; Violations and penalties Procedures for creation of a 270-186;270-188; 270-219.2;270-219.4; 270-181;270-191; zone 270-181 270-219;270-219.1; 270-219.5;270-219.6; 270-219.1;270-219.4; Procedures for Creation of 270-219.2;270-219.4; 270-227 270-219.6;270-233; New Zones 270-179\ 270-233;270-237 Storm sewers 270-219.5 270-239;270-242 270-181 See Signs 270-246\270-263 Stormwater 270-5;270-186; Waiver of requirements Prohibited uses 270-219.5 Site plan approval 270-181; 270-188;270-191; 270-187;270-199 Prohibition of uses 270-9 270-183;270-184; 270-219.5 Waivers 270-187;270-193; Projections in yards 270-224 270-185;270-186; Stormwater management 270-199;270-201; Property maintenance 270-191;270-194; 270-5;270-217; 270-219;270-219.1; 270-219.6;270-230.1 270-198;270-217; 270-219.5 270-219.4;270-237 Public assemblies 270-227 270-219;270-219.1; Stream setback 270-219.5 Walls 270-5;270-219.5; Purpose 270-2;270-182; 270-219.3;270-219.4; Swimming pools 270-5 270-223;270-224 270-195 270-219.5;270-223; Telecommunications Warrants 270-219.1; Radiation 270-5;270-219 270-227;270-230; facilities 270-5; 270-219.4;270-237 Records 270-8;270-186; 270-236;270-237; 270-219;270-219.4 Water 270-2;270-5;270-6; 270-215;270-219; 270-239;270-245 Tenants 270-5;270-186; 270-8;270-186; 270-219.6;270-227; Site plan required prior to 270-219.6 270-188;270-200; 270-235;270-236 building permit or Terminology 270-3\270-5 270-219.4;270-219.5; Recreation areas 270-219 certificate of occupancy Ten-aces,steps,and 270-230.2 Recyclable materials or certificate of unroofed structures Water supply 270-188 270-219.5 compliance 270-183 270-223.1 Watercourses 270-5; Recyclables 270-219.5 Site plan requirements Timber harvesting 270-5 270-186;270-188; Reduction of lot area 270-186 Tires 270-219.5 270-189;270-217; 270-225 Site plan review and Title 270-1 270-219.5 Registration 270-5 approval 270-182; Toilet facilities 270-5 Websites 270-219.5 Reports 270-219 270-184;270-185; Towers 270-5;270-219; Wells 270-219.5 Requirement preceding 270-198;270-200; 270-219.3;270-219.4 Wetlands 270-5;270-186; issuance of building 270-219;270-219.1; Towing 270-5 270-188;270-189; permit or certificate of 270-219.3;270-219.4; Town Board 270-5;270-8; 270-217;270-219.5 occupancy or certificate 270-219.5;270-223; 270-180;270-181; Wildlife 270-5;270-219; of compliance 270-196 270-227;270-230 270-187;270-219.1; 270-219.1;270-219.5 Reservation of parkland on Site Plan Review and 270-219.4;270-219.5; Wind power 270-219.4 site plans containing Approval Procedures 270-231;270-235; Word usage 270-3 residential units 270-182\270-194 270-236;270-237; Yards 270-2;270-5; 270-190 Site plans 270-181; 270-243;270-245 270-217;270-218; Restaurants 270-5;270-184; 270-183;270-184; Town Clerk 270-6;270-181; 270-219;270-219.1; 270-227 270-185;270-186; 270-219.1;270-219.4; 270-219.3;270-219.4; Retaining walls 270-5; 270-187;270-188; 270-237;270-245 270-221;270-222; 270-186;270-223 270-189;270-190; Town Engineer 270-192; 270-223;270-224; Retirement 270-5 270-191;270-192; 270-193 270-225;270-226; Roadside stands 270-5; 270-193;270-194; Town Supervisor 270-245 270-227;270-230 270-227 270-201;270-217; Town-owned water Zone boundaries 270-8 Roofs 270-5;270-219.1; 270-219;270-219.1; infrastructure Zones to which applicable 270-219.3;270-219.4; 270-219.3;270-219.4; 270-230.2 270-179 270-219.6;270-233 270-219.5;270-223; Trailer camps 270-215 Zoning Board of Appeals Safety standards 270-2; 270-227;270-230; Trailers 270-5;270-215 270-5;270-181; 270-5;270-181; 270-236;270-243; Transition provisions 270-195;270-197; 270-219;270-219.1; 270-245 270-245 270-219.5;270-235; 270-219.4;270-219.5 Sketch plans 270-181; Trash 270-219.5 270-236;270-237; Sales 270-5;270-218; 270-185;270-186; Trees 270-5;270-188; 270-239 270-219.2;270-227 270-198 270-219;270-219.1; Zoning districts 270-5; Sanitariums 270-227 Small wind energy facilities 270-219.5 270-219;270-219.1; Schools 270-2;270-5; 270-219.4 Two-family dwellings 270-219.3;270-219.4; 270-200;270-227 Smoke 270-219.2; 270-5;270-219.5; 270-219.5;270-219.6 Scooters 270-219.5 270-219.6 270-227 Zoning Maps 270-6;270-8 Screens and screening Soil erosion and sediment Utilities 270-5;270-186; ZONING BOARD OF 270-5;270-186; control 270-219 270-188;270-192; APPEALS 270-219;270-219.1 Solar collectors 270-5 270-219;270-219.1; Adoption of Code 1-I 1 Search warrants 270-219.6 Solar energy 270-5; 270-219.4;270-219.5 Agricultural Zones 270-28; Security standards 270-219; 270-219.1 Vacancies 270-235; 270-29 270-219.1 Solar energy systems 270-5; 270-236 See Also APPEALS Septic systems 270-217; 270-219.1 Vacant lots 270-215 Art Murals 270-266; 270-230 Special permits 270-196; Validity 270-241 270-267 Septic tanks 270-219.5 270-197;270-198; Variances 270-5;270-219; See Also BOARD OF Service stations 270-218 270-201;270-202; 270-219.5;270-225; APPEALS Setbacks 270-5;270-191; 270-217;270-219; 270-227;270-235; See Also BOARD OF 270-219;270-219.1; 270-219.3;270-219.4; 270-237;270-243; ZONING APPEALS 270-219.3;270-219.4; 270-219.5;270-223; 270-245 CITIZEN AND STAFF 270-219.5;270-223; 270-227;270-228; See Vehicle Fueling and ADVISORY 270-230;270-230.2 270-235;270-236; Repair Commercial COMMITTEES 18-9 Sewers 270-186;270-200; 270-237;270-239; Zones 270-136\270-138 Community Commercial 270-2195 270-243;270-245 Vehicles 270-5;270-6; Zones 270-135 Sheds 270-219 Special Permits and Special 270-218;270-219; CONSERVATION BOARD Shrubs 270-5;270-188; Approvals 270-195\ 270-219.5;270-223 23-2 270-219.5 270-202 Ventilation 270-219.6 Conservation Zones 270-14 Side yard on comer lot Special Regulations Vernal pools 270-219.5 ETHICS,CODE OF 32-8 270-221 270-215\270-219.6 Vibrations 270-200; FEES 153-2 Sidewalks 270-5;270-186; Steep slopes 270-5; 270-219.2;270-219.4 FLOOD DAMAGE 270-191 270-186;270-188; PREVENTION 157-16 XYZ 270-189;270-219.5 High Density Residential Zones 270-79 49 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS_ Lakefront Residential Zones ZONING OFFICER Construction 271-3;271-5; Home occupations 271-9; 270-43 See BUILDING 271-6;271-7;271-8; 271-14;271-16 LIGHTING,OUTDOOR INSPECTOR 271-9;271-10;271-11; Horses 271-9 173-18 See CODE 271-12;271-13; Hospitals 271-5;271-13 Low Density Residential ENFORCEMENT 271-14;271-15;271-16 Hotels 271-3;271-13 Zones 270-56 OFFICER Convalescent homes 271-9 Improvements 271-5;271-6; Medium Density Residential ZONING PERMITS Costs and expenses 271-8; 271-8;271-9;271-11; Zones 270-68;270-69 See BUILDING PERMITS 271-9;271-10;271-14; 271-12;271-13; Mobile Home Park Zones See LICENSES AND 271-15 271-14;271-15;271-16 270-91 PERMITS County Clerk 271-4;271-8 Industrial districts 271-12 Multiple Residence Zones See SPECIAL PERMITS Curbs 271-16 Kennels 271-9 270-101 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Day-care facilities 271-9 Landscaping 271-9;271-10; Neighborhood Commercial USE DISTRICTS Demolition 271-8 271-15;271-16 Zones 270-127 Accessory buildings and Dirt 271-10;271-12;271-16 Lawns 271-16 Planning Board and Zoning structures 271-3;271-8; Dogs 271-9;271-14 Letters of credit 271-9 Board of Appeals 20-3 271-9;271-10;271-11; Drainage 271-16 Library 271-9;271-10 PROPERTY 271-12;271-14; Driveways 271-3;271-4; Licenses and permits 271-5; MAINTENANCE 271-15;271-16 271-5;271-13;271-15; 271-6;271-7;271-8; 205-1;2054;205-5 Accessory uses and 271-16 271-9;271-11;271-13; Signs 270-251;270-259; structures 271-5;271-6; Dust 271-9;271-10.271-12 271-14;271-15 270-260;270-262 271-7;271-8;271-9; Easements 271-5;271-8; Liens 271-4 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 271-10;271-12; 271-9;271-14;271-16 Lighting 271-5;271-6; 225-8 271-13;271-16 Electromagnetic 271-7;271-8;271-9; STORMWATER Adult entertainment 271-13 interference 271-10; 271-10;271-11; MANAGEMENT AND Agricultural districts 271-2; 271-12 271-12;271-13; EROSION AND 271-5;271-15 Emergencies 271-9;271-14 271-14;271-15;271-16 SEDIMENT Alcoholic beverages 271-16 Emergency vehicles 271-9; Livestock 271-9 CONTROL 228-8 Anchoring 271-16 271-14;271-16 Lots 271-3;2714;271-9; ZONING 270-5;270-181; Animals 271-9;271-10; Environmental impact 271-10;271-12;271-14 270-195;270-197; 271-12 statements 271-10; Manure 271-9 270-219.5;270-235; Antennas 271-10;271-12 271-12 Meetings 271-9;271-10; 270-236;270-237; Apartments 271-3;271-14; Escrow accounts 271-9 271-16 270-239 271-16 Excavations 271-9;271-14; Meters 271-9 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Assessments 271-9;271-10 271-15 Monuments 271-5;271-8; USE DISTRICTS Bathing 271-16 Explosion hazards 271-10; 271-12 271-9 Bed and breakfast 271-3; 271-12 Motels 271-3;271-13 ZONING DISTRICTS 271-9 Explosives 271-10;271-12; Motor vehicles 271-16 ADULT USES 100-12 Bicycles 271-10;271-12; 271-13 Mulching 271-16 Art Murals 270-265 271-14;271-16 Family day-care 271-9 Multifamily dwellings Commercial Zones Blocks 271-16 Fames and fanning 271-9; 271-8;271-9 Generally 270-120 Board of Appeals 271-9 271-10;271-15;271-16 Multiple family dwellings ENVIRONMENTAL Board of Education 271-10; Fees 271-9;271-10;271-12 271-6;271-8;271-11 QUALITY REVIEW 271-12 Fences 271-10;271-13; Museums 271-9 148-5 Board of Zoning Appeals 271-16 Noise 271-3;271-5;271-6; Light Industrial Zones 271-9 Final plats 271-6 271-7;271-9;271-10; 270-145 Boats and Boating 271-12 Financial institutions 271-13 271-12 NOISE 184-5 Bonds 271-9 Fire lanes 271-3 Nonconforming uses 271-14 PROPERTY Brush,grass and weeds Fire prevention 271-6; Notices 271-3;271-10 MAINTENANCE 271-10;271-16 271-9;271-14;271-15 Nursing homes 271-8 205-5 Buffers 271-9;271-10; Fire protection 271-9 Odors 271-5;271-6;271-7; RENTAL PROPERTY 271-12;271-13;271-16 Flammables 271-13 271-9;271-10;271-12 207-2 Building construction Fly ash 271-10;271-12 Off-street loading 271-12; Signs 270-249;270-261 271-14;271-15 Fowl 271-9 271-13 SUBDIVISION OF LAND Building permits 271-3; Fumes 271-5;271-6 Off-street parking 271-10; 234-31;234-33;234-34 271-4;271-5;271-6; Garages 271-4;271-8; 271-12;271-16 ZONING 270-5;270-219; 271-7;271-8;271-9; 271-9;271-10;271-11; One-family dwellings 270-219.1;270-219.3; 271-10;271-11; 271-12;271-14;271-16 271-9;271-14 270-219.4;270-219.5; 271-12;271-13; Garbage,rubbish and refuse Open fires 271-10;271-12 270-219.6 271-14;271-15;271-16 271-9 Open space 271-9;271-10; ZONING:SPECIAL LAND Burning 271-10;271-12 Gas 271-5;271-10;271-13; 271-13;271-14; USE DISTRICTS Business districts 271-2; 271-14;271-16 271-15;271-16 271-11 271-5;271-9 Gases 271-10;271-12 Parking 2714;271-5; ZONING ENFORCEMENT Cable television 271-14 Glare 271-5;271-6;271-7; 271-6;271-7;271-8; OFFICER Camping 271-3 271-10;271-12 271-9;271-10;271-11; See CODE Cemeteries 271-9 Glass 271-16 271-12;271-13; ENFORCEMENT Certificates of compliance Grades and grading 271-3; 271-14;271-15;271-16 OFFICER 271-10;271-14; 271-8;271-9;271-10; Parking off-street 271-10; ZONING HEARING 271-15;271-16 271-12;271-13; 271-12;271-14 BOARD Certificates of occupancy 271-14;271-15;271-16 Parks and recreation 271-8; See HEARINGS 271-3;2714;271-9; Guarantees 271-9 271-10;271-11; ZONING MAPS 271-10;271-13; Hazardous materials and 271-12;271-13 Adoption of Code 14 271-14;271-15;271-16 substances 271-13 Patios 271-15;271-16 See Also OFFICIAL MAP Churches 271-9 Hearings 271-2;271-3; Pedestrians 271-9;271-10; SUBDIVISION OF LAND Code Enforcement Officer 271-9;271-10;271-14; 271-12;271-16 234-1;234-20 271-14;271-15;271-16 271-15 Performance standards ZONING 270-6;270-8 Comprehensive Plan 271-3; Heating 271-10;271-12; 271-10;271-12;271-13 ZONING:SPECIAL LAND 271-9;271-10;271-12; 271-16 Permitted uses 271-9; USE DISTRICTS 271-14;271-15;271-16 Hedges 271-16 271-10;271-12;271-16 Xi T� 271-3;271-5;271-6; Condominiums 271-9 Height regulations 271-3; Places of worship 271-9; 271-7;271-8;271-9; 271-8;271-9;271-10; 271-13 Y 271-10;271-11; 271-11;271-12; 271-12;271-13; 271-13;271-14; 271-14;271-15;271-16 271-15;271-16 50 Supp 49,Sep 2019 ITHACA INDEX ZONING.SPECIAL LAND USE DISTRICTS... Planned Development Zone Signs 271-3;271-5;271-6; Utilities 271-5;271-8; No.10(Limited Mixed 271-7;271-8;271-9; 271-9;271-10;271-11; Use,Brookdale Senior 271-10;271-11; 271-12;271-13; Living)271-11 271-12;271-13; 271-14;271-15;271-16 Planned Development Zone 271-14;271-15;271-16 Variances 271-9;271-13 No.12(South Hill Site plan approval 271-2; Vehicles 271-6;271-9; Business Campus) 271-3;271-8;271-9; 271-10;271-12; 271-13 271-10;271-11; 271-14;271-15;271-16 PlannedDevelopment Zone 271-12;271-13; Vermin 271-10;271-12 No.13(Belle Sherman 271-14;271-15 Vibrations 271-5;271-6; Cottages)271-14 Site plan review and 271-10;271-12 Planned Development Zone approval 271-9;271-15 Violations and penalties No.14(Limited Mixed Site plans 271-2;271-3; 271-4;271-8;271-10; Use,Ithaca Beer 271-4;271-5;271-6; 271-11;271-13; Company)271-15 271-7;271-8;271-9; 271-14;271-15;271-16 Planned Development Zone 271-10;271-11; Waivers 271-8;271-9; No.15(Limited Mixed 271-12;271-13; 271-12 Use,Maplewood) 271-14;271-15;271-16 Walls 271-7;271-10; 271-16 Slaughterhouses 271-13 271-12;271-13; Planned Development Zone Smoke 271-5;271-6; 271-14;271-15;271-16 No.5(Limited Mixed 271-10;271-12 Water 271-3;271-5;271-8; Use,Chamber of Solar collectors 271-9; 271-9;271-10;271-12; Commerce)271-7 271-11;271-14;271-15 271-14;271-15;271-16 Planned Development Zone Special Land Use District Water meter;271-14; No.7(Limited Mixed No.1(Wiggins)271-3 271-15 Use,Ithacare)271-8 Special Land Use District Water supply 271-9; Planning Board 271-2; No.11(Limited Mixed 271-14;271-15 271-3;271-4;271-5; Use,Cornell Chilled Wells 271-7;271-16 271-6;271-7;271-8; Water Plant)271-12 Wetlands 271-9 271-9;271-10;271-11; Special Land Use District Yards 271-3;271-4;271-5; 271-12;271-13; No.2(Sapsucker 271-6;271-7;271-8; 271-14;271-15;271-16 Woods)271-4 271-9;271-10;271-11; Playgrounds 271-9;271-14; Special Land Use District 271-12;271-13; 271-16 No.3(Limited Mixed 271-14;271-15;271-16 Plumbing 271-9;271-14; Use,Biggs Complex) Zoning Board of Appeals 271-15 271-5 271-9 Ponds 271-3;271-9 Special Land Use District Zoning districts 271-11 Public assemblies 271-3 No.4(Limited Mixed Zoning Maps 271-3;271-5; Radiation 271-5;271-6 Use,Statler West) 271-6;271-7;271-8; Records 271-3;271-4; 271-6 271-9;271-10;271-11; 271-6;271-8;271-9; Special Land Use District 271-12;271-13; 271-10;271-12; No.8(Limited Mixed 271-14;271-15;271-16 271-13;271-14 Use,EcoVillage)271-9 Recreation areas 271-8; Special Land Use District 271-10;271-11; No.9(Limited Mixed 271-12;271-13; Use,Cornell Precinct 271-15;271-16 7)271-10 Restaurants 271-3;271-5; Special Land Use Districts: 271-9;271-10;271-13; Limited Mixed Use 271-15;271-16 271-2 Retirement 271-6 Special permits 271-3; Roadside stands 271-9; 271-9;271-13 271-15 Special regulations Roofs 271-3;271-10; applicable to stated 271-12;271-13;271-14 special land use Safety standards 271-10; districts 271-1 271-12 Storage 271-8;271-9; Sales 271-3;271-9;271-10; 271-10;271-11; 271-13;271-14; 271-12;271-13; 271-15;271-16 271-14;271-15;271-16 Sanitation 271-16 Storage tanks 271-10 Satellite dish antennas Stormwater 271-14;271-16 271-10;271-12 Stormwater management Schools 271-6;271-9; 271-14;271-15;271-16 271-10;271-12; Street trees 271-16 271-14;271-16 Streetlighting 271-10 Screens and screening Swimming pools 271-3; 271-10;271-12; 271-13;271-14 271-13;271-16 Tenants 271-10;271-12; Setbacks 271-5;271-6; 271-13 271-7;271-8;271-10; Tests 271-13 271-11;271-14; Towers 271-9;271-15 271-15;271-16 Town Board 271-2;271-3; Sewers 271-5;271-9; 2714;271-5;271-9; 271-10;271-14; 271-10;271-11; 271-15;271-16 271-12;271-14;271-15 Sheds 271-8;271-9;271-10; Town Engineer 271-9; 271-11;271-12;271-14 271-14 Shrubs 271-10;271-16 Trash 271-16 ��� Sidewalks 271-12;271-13; Trees 2714;271-16 271-14;271-16 Two-family dwellings 271-9 51 Supp 49,Sep 2019