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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Packet 2018-08-06 Special Meeting of the Ithaca Town Board Tuesday, August 6, 2018 4:00 P.m. TB Resolution 2018 -: Authorization for the Town Supervisor to sign Stormwater Operation and Management Agreement and associated easements for the Wedemeyer Farm project. Resolvedthat the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to sign the Stormwater Operation and Maintenance Agreement and any associated easements subject to the approval of the Attorney for the Town. Moved:Seconded: Vote: PERMANENT STORMWATER AND ACCESS EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY THIS INDENTURE is made this ____ day of August, 2018 by and between Robert Wedemeyer and Paula J. Wedemeyer, 1458 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 (collectively, “Grantor”), and the Town of Ithaca, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, with offices at 215 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York 14850 (“Grantee” or the “Town”). The Grantor is the owner of a certain parcel of land of 72.06 total acres, identified as tax parcel number 24.-1-19.12, located in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, commonly known as 1458 Trumansburg Road(the “Premises”). NOW WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, in consideration of One and 00/100 Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration paid by the Town, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by the Grantor and the Town, does hereby grant, remise, relinquish and release unto the Town, its successors and assigns forever, an EASEMENT and RIGHT-OF-WAY to excavate, install, lay, construct, operate, make observations of, inspect, maintain, alter, improve, repair, remove, replace or change the size of stormwater, drainage and/or sediment control facilities, including ditches, ponds, together with any and all necessary or desirable related appurtenances and devices, together with the rights of free ingress and egress in, over, across, upon, and under the below-described parcels of land, such parcels being the areas of the permanent easement and right-of-way herein granted, and including the right to trim and/or remove trees, shrubs and other obstructions upon said parcels of land situate in the Town of Ithaca, County of Tompkins and State of New York, all as more particularly bounded and described as follows: The portions of the Premises containing the various stormwater facilities depicted on the drawing entitled “Site Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Robert & Paula Wedemeyer, 1458 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca, New York 14850,” dated 6-26-2018 prepared by Timothy C. Buhl, P.E., (the “Drawing”), which Drawing is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof, plus 10 feet around each such stormwater facility. These facilities include the two (2) forebays, the holding pond in between the two forebays, the weir and level spreader at the outflow to the north end of the holding pond, the bioretention area, and the dry swale, all located southerly of the northeasterly corner of the Premises. Being a portion of lands conveyed by Bruce M Babcock and Dorothy D. Babcock to Robert Wedemeyer and Paula J. Wedemeyer by Deed dated December 30, 2005 and recorded in the Tompkins County Clerk’s Office as Instrument Number 484041-004. 1 Reserving unto the Grantor (1) the right to cross, recross, or otherwise use said easement and right of way consistent with Grantor’s covenants herein, provided that Grantor’s actions do not interfere with or otherwise affect the functioning of the stormwater, drainage, and/or sediment control facilities, and (2), the right to relocate said easement andright of way and the facilities located thereon, in whole or in part, at Grantor’s sole expense, in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Town. FURTHER WITNESSETH:That the Grantor further hereby grants and releases unto the Town, its successors and assigns forever,an EASEMENT and RIGHT-OF- WAY for access by vehicles, persons and equipment over (1) the easterly portion of the driveway on the Premises, from Trumansburg Road westerly to the westerly side of the dry swale identified on the Drawing as a 6’W x 350’L dry swale, (2) a 20-foot wide area extending northerly from the driveway along the entire western edge of said dry swale, and (3) a 20-foot wide area extending northerly from the driveway along the western edges of forebay 2, the holding pond between the two (2) forebays, and forebay 1, as necessary for the purpose of accessing the aforementioned stormwater easement. FURTHER WITNESSETH: That the Grantor covenants and agrees that no buildings or structures (except for roads, buildings and other structures to be constructed, used and maintained on or beneath the surface of the Premises in accordance with permits and approvals issued by Grantee that explicitly reference the aforesaid permanent easements) shall be constructed within the aforesaid permanent easementsand rights-of-way which will in any way interfere with complete access by the Town, its successors, assigns, employees and agents to excavate, install, lay, construct, operate, make observations of, inspect, maintain, alter, improve, repair, remove, replace or change the size of any stormwater, drainage and/or sediment control facilities, including ditches, ponds, and other and related appurtenances and devices. AND, 1. Grantor, for itself and all of its successors and assigns, covenants and agrees that, except for trees or other plants to be installed and maintained on or beneath the surface of the Premises in accordance with permits and approvals issued by Granteethat explicitly reference the aforesaid permanent easements, no trees or other plants will be planted or cultivated that may interfere with the said easements and rights-of-way. 2. Grantor, for itself and all of its successors and assigns, covenants and agrees that, except to the extent necessary for the construction, use and maintenance of buildings and other improvements on the Premises in accordance with permits and approvals issued by Grantee that explicitly reference the aforesaid permanent easements, it will not permit or 2 conduct any mining, excavation, construction or blasting within said easementsand rights-of-way. 3. Grantor, for itself and all of its successors and assigns, covenants and agrees that, except during the construction or maintenance of buildings, foundations and other improvements to be constructed, used and maintained on or beneath the surface of the Premises in accordance with permits and approvals issued by the Granteethat explicitly reference the aforesaid permanent easements, it will not engage in any conduct, directly or indirectly, that blocks, obstructs, or interferes with the ingress and egress rightsset forth in this instrumentof the Town, its successors, assigns, employees and agents. 4. Grantor, for itself and all of its successors and assigns, covenants and agrees that it will place the following provision in all conveyances of the property or portions thereof covered by these easements, or any rights therein: “Being the purpose of the said stormwater and access easement s and right s-of way to convey rights to the Town of Ithaca for stormwater, drainage, sediment control and stormwater management purposes, including the conveyance of rights to said Town to excavate, install, lay, construct, operate, make observations of, inspect, maintain, alter, improve, repair, remove, replace or change the size of stormwater, drainage and/or sediment control facilities, including ditches, ponds, and other and related appurtenances and devices, together with the rights of free ingress and egress in, over, across, upon and under the below-described permanent easementsand rights-of-way, and including the right to trim and/or remove trees, shrubs and other obstructions, all of which rights are (1) set forth in permanent easements and right\[s\]- of-way granted to the Town, the terms, obligations and conditions of which are expressly incorporated herein, and (2) assignable by the said Town to any successor or assign, or to any improvement district(s) now existing or hereafter to be formed.” AND FURTHER, Grantor and the Town acknowledge that the easements and rights-of- way hereby granted are fully assignable by the Town to any successor or assign, or to any existing or future improvement district(s), without prejudice or recourse. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said rights-of-way and easements unto the Town, its successors and assigns forever, it being the intent of the Grantor to have these easements and all related rights-of-way herein expressed run with the land forever, and be permanent and perpetual. AND THE TOWN DOES COVENANT that 1. Grantee will at all times, when it enters the Premises for any purpose related to the permanent easements as granted by this instrument, leave the Premises in a neat and presentable condition, returning the Premises as nearly as practicable to its condition before such entry. 3 2.Granteeacknowledges that at the time of executionof this instrument,the Premisesare used as an equestrian center. In exercising its rights under thisinstrument, Grantee and its representatives shall not approach or come into contact with any horse on the Premises, whether or not the horse is being ridden or otherwise is accompanied by a person. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor and Grantee have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. By: __________________________ By: __________________________ Robert Wedemeyer William D. Goodman Grantor Town of Ithaca Supervisor ___________________________ Paula J. Wedemeyer Grantor State of New York ) County of Tompkins ) ss.: On the ______ day of August in the year 2018 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared William D. Goodman, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. _______________________________________ Notary Public State of New York ) County of Tompkins ) ss.: On the ______ day of August_ in the year 2018 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Robert Wedemeyer and Paula J. Wedemeyer personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. _______________________________________ Notary Public 4 1458 TRUMANSBURG ROAD 35 FIRE LANE 24, AUBURN, NY 13021 607 423-1919 ROBERT & PAULA WEDEMEYER 108-16 SP 1" = 80' 6-26-2018 Description SYM.DateNo. R E V I S I O N S DATE:SCALE:DRAWN:JOB:SHEET: 1458 TRUMANSBURG ROAD 35 FIRE LANE 24, AUBURN, NY 13021 607 423-1919 ROBERT & PAULA WEDEMEYER 108-16 ST-1 1" = 80' 6-26-2018 Description SYM.DateNo. R E V I S I O N S DATE:SCALE:DRAWN:JOB:SHEET: THE METHOD DEEP-RIPPING DISTURBED.ANTICIPATED CONCRETE WASHOUT.TO EACH INDIVIDUAL CONSTRUCTION AREA.RUNOFF INTO POND. ESTABLISH AT LEAST 80% GERMINATION AROUND POND AND DRAINAGE SWALES BEFORE MOVING ON TO MAIN CONSTRUCTION.FOOTPRINT.AND DECOMPACTION, APRIL 2008 PROCEDURE.HELPS TO RESTORE SOIL PORE SPACE AND PROMOTES FILTRATION.SEE SW-2 FOR DETAILS. ON LINE UTILITY POLE 2) PLACEMENT OF SILT FENCING DOWNSLOPE OF ALL AREAS TO BE3) ESTABLISH AREAS FOR MATERIAL STOCKPILE, STORAGE AND 4) CONSTRUCTION OF DEVELOPMENT ROADWAY TO GAIN ACCESS 2) CLEAR AND GRADE SITE FOR CORRAL FOOTPRINT.3) RUN ANY UTILITIES PLANNED FOR AREA.4) INSTALL FENCING AND OTHER MATERIALS TO FINISH CORRAL5) PROVIDE LANDSCAPING, SEED, AND MULCH.6) BRING SITE TO FINAL LINES AND GRADES.7) FULLY STABILIZE AREA WITH SEED AND MULCH AND ALLOW GERMINATION TO AT LEAST 80% BEFORE MOVING ON TO PHASE 2.AREAS:2) CONSTRUCT BUILDING3) BRING ALL UTILITIES TO BUILDING4) BRING SITE FINAL LINES AND GRADES5) PROVIDE LANDSCAPING, SEED AND MULCH.6) ALLOW SITE TO GERMINATE TO 80% BEFORE MOVING ON TO PHASE 3.2) SEED AND MULCH AND ALLOW TO GERMINATE TO AT LEAST 80%.AND DRY POND.2) ALL SOILS SHALL BE RESTORED BY USING NYSDEC'S 3) REMOVE SILT FENCING. 1) CONSTRUCT POND AND CORRESPONDING DRAINAGE SWALES TO LEAD1) BEGIN CONSTRUCTION OF DRIVEWAY, PARKING, AND BUILDING 1) PERFORM GRADING FOR AREA EXPANSION.1) REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT FROM POND FOREBAYS, SWALES, THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCING PLAN SHALL BE PERFORMED OVER THREECONSTRUCTION PHASES. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THIS PROJECTA. INITIAL SEQUENCING: 1) CONSTRUCTION OF STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE(S)C. GENERAL SEQUENCING - PHASE 2, CONSTRUCTION OF BARN AND PARKING 1. PHASING AND SEQUENCING PLAN:DISTURB GREATER THAN 5.0-AC AT ANY ONE TIME.B. GENERAL SEQUENCING - PHASE 1, CONSTRUCTION OF CORRAL/ARENAD. GENERAL SEQUENCING - PHASE 3, LEVEL AREA FOR BUILDING EXPANSIONE. FINAL GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SQUENCING: (SCE) SILT FENCE CHECK DAM ENTRANCE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION (FINE AMORING) KEY ROCK LINED CHANNEL to SUBMITTED WITH THESE DRAWINGS Pond Forebay 2 Converted ' 5 7 . 2 8 0 1 X REFERENCE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) 1 5 0 1 Material Stockpile Area Culvert DInv. El. 1080.0039-LF @ S = 5.1% 18" Diameter cPeP e l a w S r o t p g e n ci r r eo t nm I a D p 'a r 2 - Approach toArena Grassed 30-W, p x i r w t ' h 8 g i L 1 07 0 5 7 0 1 6'W x 350'L STORMWATER CONVEYANCE DETAILS Dry Swale 45-LF @ S = 1.1% Culvert F15" Diameter cPePInv. El. 1064.00' 5 2 0 8. 0 1 3 8 0 1 X e 0 p 0 o . l 3 S 8 5 0 8 0 1 1 X 0 9 0 1 5 9 0 1 5 8 0 1 0 9 0 1 5 9 0 1 Culvert CInv. El. 1082.0075-LF @ S = 1.3% 15" Diameter cPeP Culvert AInv. El. 1082.75 18" Diameter cPeP18-LF @ S = 1.4% 1458 TRUMANSBURG ROAD 35 FIRE LANE 24, AUBURN, NY 13021 607 423-1919 ROBERT & PAULA WEDEMEYER 108-16 ST-2 N.T.S. 6-26-2018 Description SYM.DateNo. R E V I S I O N S DATE:SCALE:DRAWN:JOB:SHEET: 24" MAX@ CENTER SYMBOL CREST 24" MAX@ CENTER 1 1 E C 1 N A R 2 NT O IN E H T C U R T S D EN ZO IC L I B A H (Ft)SLOPE (FT/FT) T S AA 1 E C N X = 2 E F SECTION B-B T 1 L I 1NOT TO SCALE S E C N E F T L I S N O I T A Y V T I A LC I E ETX LE U I P P R X K O C O O T S L N.T.S.PROFILE S N N O IO NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL I SS SPACING VARIESCHANNEL SLOPE RR DEPENDING ON E E SAME ELEVATION V VI ID MIN. D CUTOFF TRENCHDESIGN BOTTOM E P O L S FILTER FABRIC TOE B B ACCOMPANYING THIS PLAN SET. FOR RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ONE SPECIFIC AREA ONEACH LOT SHALL BE DESIGNATED FOR TEMPORARYSTOCKPILING OF TOPSOIL AND ALL OTHER CONSTRUCTIONMATERIALS CONTAINING FINES THAT CAN BE MOVED BYRAIN WATER. THIS AREA SHALL BE AS SMALL AS ISPRACTICABLE.STOCK PILES WILL HAVE DOWN HILL SIDE PERIMETER SILTFENCE. REFERENCE SILT FENCE DETAILS THESE PLANS.STOCK PILES WILL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED WHEN TO BELEFT IN PLACE 7 OR MORE DAYS. REFERENCE DETAIL SHEETNOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS THIS PLAN SET ANDSTORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP)SILT FENCE & PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENTFACILITIES TO BE IN PLACE BEFORE STOCKPILING OFMATERIALS. SECTION A-A Topsoil & Material Stockpiling 4. 1.2.3. NOT TO SCALE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS DEEP RIPPING AND DE-COMPACTION AGRESSIVELY FRACTURING IT BEFORE THE PROTECTED TOPSOIL ISTOPSOIL LAYER AND THE UPPER HALF OF THE AFFECTED SUBSOIL.AFTERWARD, MITIGATE THE PARTIAL RECOMPACTION WHICH COULD OCCURAND TRAFFIC SHOULD BE FINISHED AND THE SITE CLOSED OFF FROMTO SCARIFY THE UPPER SURFACE AND/OR AN AGRICULTURAL GRADE DEEP INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL STORAGE, CLEANUP,SEE THE PUBLICATION NYSDEC DEEP-RIPPING AND DECOMPACTION, APRIL2008 FOR MORE INFORMATION. DEEP RIP THE AFFECTED THICKNESS OF EXPOSED SUBSOIL MATERIAL,REAPPLIED TO THE SITE.DECOMPACT (DEEP SUBSOIL), SIMULTANEOUSLY THROUGH THE RESTOREDDURING THE PROCESS OF TOPSOIL SPREADING/GRADING. PRIOR TO DEEPRIPPING AND DECOMPACTING THE SITE, ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY,FURTHER DISTURBANCE.RIPPING CAN BE PERORMED USING SMALL-TO-MEDIUM, LIGHT DUTY TOOLSRIPPER FOR DEEPER SOIL. 4. 2.3. 1. CHECK DAM MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA 2 ACRES. CUTOFF TRENCH6" DEEP 18" WIDE SEDIMENT & EROSION CONTROL MEASURES FILTERFABRIC1. STONE WILL BE PLACED ON A FILTER FABRIC FOUNDATION TO THE LINES, 4. PROTECT THE CHANNEL DOWNSTREAM OF THE LOWEST CHECK DAM FROM SCOUR5. ENSURE THAT CHANNEL APPURTENANCES SUCH AS CULVERT ENTRANCES BELOW 2. SET SPACING OF CHECK DAMS TO ASSUME THAT THE ELEVATIONS OF THE CREST3. EXTEND THE STONE A MINIMUM OF 1.5 FEET BEYOND THE DITCH BANKS TO AND EROSION WITH STONE OR LINER AS APPROPRIATE. CHECK DAMS ARE NOT SUBJECT TO DAMAGE OR BLOCKAGE FROM DISPLACED STONE. GRADES AND LOCATIONS SHOWN IN THE PLAN. OF THE DOWNSTREAM DAM IS AT THE SAME ELEVATION OF THE TOE OF THE UPSTREAM DAM. PREVENT CUTTING AROUND THE DAM. D SYMBOL W O L SYMBOL F 9"MIN. UNDISTURBED GROUND 36" MIN. LENGTH FENCEPOSTS DRIVEN MIN. 16"INTO GROUND. HEIGHT OF FILTER= 16" MIN. 2'MIN. SUFFICIENT GRADE TO DRAIN WOVEN WIRE FENCE(MIN. 14 1/2 GAUGEW/ MAX. 6" MESHSPACING) SECTION VIEW FLOW PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE CROSS SECTION W O L F COMPACTED SOIL 36" MIN. FENCE POST 2'MIN. PERSPECTIVE VIEW A MIN. OF 6" IN GROUND. EMBED FILTER CLOTH CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS W POSITIVE DRAINAGE O L WOVEN WIRE FENCE (MIN. 14 1/2 GAUGE W/ MAX. 6" MESHSPACING) WITH FILTER CLOTH F 9"MIN. SILT FENCE SWALE PERIMETER 1. WOVEN WIRE FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE POSTS WITH WIRE TIES 2. FILTER CLOTH TO BE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO WOVEN WIRE3. WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER THEY SHALL BE OVER-4. PREFABRICATED UNITS SHALL BE GEOFAB, ENVIROFENCE, OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT.5. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN MIRAFI 100X, STABILINKA T140N, OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. OR STAPLES. POSTS SHALL BE STEEL EITHER "T" OR "U" TYPE OR HARDWOOD. FENCE WITH TIES SPACED EVERY 24" AT TOP AND MID SECTION. FENCE SHALL BE WOVEN WIRE, 12 1/2 GAUGE, 6" MAXIMUM MESH OPENING. LAPPED BY SIX INCHES AND FOLDED. FILTER CLOTH SHALL BE EITHER FILTER X, "BULGES" DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE. MAX. DRAINAGE AREA LIMIT: 2 ACRES NEED NOT BE COMPACTED GROUND EXISTING DIVERSION DIKE OR1. ALL PERIMETER/DIVERSION DIKE/SWALE SHALL HAVE UNINTERRUPTED POSITIVE GRADE TO AN 2. DIVERTED RUNOFF FROM A DISTURBED AREA SHALL BE CONVEYED TO A SEDIMENT3. DIVERTED RUNOFF FROM AN UNDISTURBED AREA SHALL OUTLET INTO AN UNDISTURBED4. THE SWALE SHALL BE EXCAVATED OR SHAPED TO LINE GRADE, AND CROSS SECTION5. STABILIZATION OF THE AREA DISTURBED BY THE DIKE AND SWALE SHALL BE DONE6. PERIODIC INSPECTION AND REQUIRED MAINTENANCE MUST BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH TRAPPING DEVICE. STABILIZED AREA AT NON-EROSION VELOCITY. AS REQUIRED TO MEET THE CRITERIA SPECIFIED IN THE STANDARD. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TEMPORARY SEEDING AND MULCHING, AND SHALL BE DONE WITHIN 10 DAYS. RAIN EVENT. OUTLET. SCE SYMBOL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS LANDGRADING SPECIFICATIONS 1. ALL GRADED OR DISTURBED AREAS INCLUDING SLOPES SHALL BE PROTECTED DURING 2. ALL SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES AND MEASURES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED,3. TOPSOIL REQUIRED FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF VEGETATION SHALL BE STOCKPILED4. AREAS TO BE FILLED SHALL BE CLEARED, GRUBBED, AND STRIPPED OF TOPSOIL TO5. AREAS WHICH ARE TO BE TOPSOILED SHALL BE SCARIFIED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF6. ALL FILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED AS REQUIRED TO REDUCE EROSION, SLIPPAGE, 7. ALL FILL TO BE PLACED AND COMPACTED IN LAYERS NOT TO EXCEED 9 INCHES8. EXCEPT FOR APPROVED LANDFILLS, FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE FREE OF FROZEN 9. FROZEN MATERIALS OR SOFT, MUCKY OR HIGHLY COMPRESSIBLE MATERIALS SHALL 1. STONE SIZE - USE 2" STONE OR RECLAIMED OR RECYCLED CONCRETE EQUIVALENT.2. LENGTH - NOT LESS THAN 50 FEET (EXCEPT ON A SINGLE RESIDENCE LOT WHERE A 30 FOOT MIN. LENGTH WOULD APPLY).3. THICKNESS - NOT LESS THAN SIX (6) INCHES.4. WIDTH - TWELVE (12) FOOT MIN. BUT NOT LESS THAN THE FULL WIDTH AT POINTS WHERE INGRESS OR EGRESS OCCURS. TWENTY-FOUR (24) FOOT IF SINGLE ENTRANCE TO SITE.5. FILTER CLOTH - WILL BE PLACED OVER THE ENTIRE AREA PRIOR TO PLACING OF STONE.6. SURFACE WATER - ALL SURFACE WATER FLOWING OR DIVERTED TOWARD CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE PIPED ACROSS THE ENTRANCE. IF PIPING IS IMPRACTICAL, A MOUNTABLE BERM WITH 5:1 SLOPES WILL BE PERMITTED.7. MAINTENANCE - THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY. ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED OR TRACTED ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY.8. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH STONE AND WHICH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPINGS DEVICE.9. PERIODIC INSPECTION AND NEEDED MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH RAIN.10. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES, EXITS AND TEMPORARY ACCESS SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE APPROPRIATE AUTHORITIES. 11. ALL BENCHES SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF SEDIMENT DURING ALL PHASES OF 10. FILL SHALL NOT BE PLACED ON SATURATED OR FROZEN SURFACES. IN THICKNESS. PARTICLES, BRUSH, ROOTS, SOD, OR OTHER FOREIGN OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIALS THAT WOULD INTERFERE WITH OR PREVENT CONSTRUCTION OF SATISFACTORY FILLS. NOT BE INCORPORATED IN FILLS. DEVELOPMENT.12. SEEPS OR SPRINGS ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE HANDLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD AND SPECIFICATION FOR SUBSURFACE DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED METHOD.14. STOCKPILES, BORROW AREAS AND SPOIL AREAS SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THIS STANDARD AND SPECIFICATION. CLEARING AND CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN UNTIL THEY ARE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. APPLIED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN AND THE "STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL IN DEVELOPING AREAS". IN AMOUNT NECESSARY TO COMPLETE FINISHED GRADING OF ALL EXPOSED AREAS. REMOVE TREES, VEGETATION, ROOTS OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL. FOUR INCHES PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF TOPSOIL. SETTLEMENT, SUBSIDENCE OR OTHER RELATED PROBLEMS. FILL INTENDED TO SUPPORT BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND CONDUITS, ETC. SHALL BE COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REQUIREMENTS OR CODES.13. ALL GRADED AREAS SHALL BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING FINISHED GRADING. TEMPORARILY DELAYED OR PAUSES FOR PERIODS OF THREE DAYS OR MORETHE FILL IS TRIMMED "OUT-OF-SEASON", CANNOT BE BROUGHT TOTRIMMED "OUT-OF-SEASON", CANNOT BE BROUGHT TO SUBGRADE, OR FINALTRIM CANNOT BE OBTAINED WITHIN A 7-DAY TIME PERIOD TEMPORARYTHE AREA DISTURBED AT ANY ONE TIME AS WELL AS THE TOTAL SITE AREATREES OF DESIREABLE SPECIES ARE TO BE PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE. ALLTO 7-DAYS. PERIMETER SILT FENCE CONTAINMENT SHALL BE ANCHORED AND AND REFLECTED IN STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN. ALLCOMPLETED PRIOR TO BEGINNING THE NEXT CONSTRUCTION PHASE. THESEASPHALT, PAVING, AND ESTABLISHING VEGITATIVE COVER ON ALL OTHERACTIVITIES. DURING TIME FRAMES OUTSIDE THE GROWING SEASON, OTHERJUTE MESH, EXCELSIOR MATTING) WILL BE USED UNTIL TIME WHENVEGETATIVE COVER CAN BE ESTABLISHED.2. IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIESIN ANY PORTION OF THE SITE, PERMANENT VEGETATION SHALL BEON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE ALL EXPOSED SOILS SHALL BE STABILIZEDWITH TEMPORARY MULCHED GRASS COVER (ANNUAL RYE GRASS) OR SEASONSOIL STABILIZATION METHOD APPROVED BY PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBLE3. IN SOME INSTANCES ESTABLISHING VEGETATIVE COVER WILL BEIS UNDERWAY. DURING THESE TIMES SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE4. THE SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES DETAILED ON THISSHEET SHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION START-UP FOR EACHCONSTRUCTION PHASE. THESE MEASURES CONSIST OF ROCK CHECK DAMS,SILT FENCES, DIVERSION/PERIMETER DIKE OR SWALES, AND STABILIZEDCONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES & PARKING AREAS. ONCE CONSTRUCTED, ALLSTRUCTURES AND PAVEMENT ARE IN PLACE.5. FOR FILL AREAS TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PROTECTION BY MULCHINGUNDER MUST BE CARRIED OUT AS FILL IS PROGRESSED TO PREVENTCONTAMINATION OF ON AND OFF SITE WATERS. PLACEMENT OF JUTE MESHOVER MULCH, CRIMPING IN MULCH, OR USE OF APPROVED TACKIFIER IS6. TRIMMED FILL SLOPES SHALL HAVE PERMANENT VEGITATIVE COVERSUBGRADE, OR FINAL TRIM CANNOT BE OBTAINED WITHIN A 7-DAY TIMECOMPLETE COVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED USING TACKED MULCH ORAPPROVED EROSION CONTROL METHOD WHICH COVERS ALL EXPOSED SOILSURFACES. PERMANENT VEGITATIVE COVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED AT THE7. WHEN 40' OF CUT SLOPE HAS BEEN COMPLETED, THAT PORTION OF THESLOPE SHALL BE TRIMMED AND PERMANENT VEGITATIVE COVER ESTABLISHEDVEGITATIVE COVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATEIN THE FOLLOWING SEEDING SEASON.8. WHEN TEMPORARY DITCH STABILIZATION WITH SEEDING & MULCHING ORSOD PLACEMENT CANNOT BE COMPLETED BECAUSE PAVING OR OTHERCONFLICTING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS, THE ESTABLISHMENT OFVEGITATIVE COVER SHALL BE COMPLETED TO THE TOP OF THE DITCHOF CONFLICTING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS.9. PLANNING AND PHASING OF CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS SHALL MINIMIZESEDIMENTATION SHALL BE PREVENTED BY STABILIZATION OF ALL DISTURBEDAREAS BY ESTABLISHING TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLUPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION WITHIN EACH SUBAREA OF SITE.SEDIMENTS FROM SITE SHALL BE REMOVED STORMWATER RUNOFF BEFOREOFFSITE DISCHARGE.SITE PREPARATION AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE PLANNED TOUNESSARY REMOVAL OF HEALTHY TREES AND NATIVE VEGITATION SHALL BEAVOIDED.OF CONVENIENCE" SHALL BE STRICTLY AVOIDED. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFICSHALL NOT CROSS STREAMS, DITCHES OR WATER COURSES EXCEPT ATSUITABLE OR PERMITTED CROSSING FACILITIES, AND SHALL NOT OPERATEUNESSARILY WITHIN DRAINAGE COVEYANCES OR WITHOUT PERMIT WITHINWATERWAYS.GREATER THAN 7-DAYS SHALL BE STABILIZED BY SEEDING AND MULCHING.GRADED TO FACILITATE CONVENTIONAL PRACTICES OF SEEDING, MULCHINGAND MULCH ANCHORING. IN NO CASE SHALL ERRODIBLE MATERIALS BESTOCKPILED WITHIN 25 FEET OF ANY STREAM, WATER COURSE, DITCH,WATER CONVEYANCE, OR OTHER SURFACE WATER.OF ALL STOCKPILES THAT ARE TO REMAIN EXPOSED FOR PERIODS OF 1-DAYSTOCKPILING AREAS ARE BROUGHT TO FINAL GRADE AND PERMANENTLYSTABLIZED. 1. CONSTRUCTION IS TO PROCEED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONSTRUCTIONPHASING SCHEDULE SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR OR SHOWN ON PLANSELEMENTS OF EASEMENTS AND RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION ARE TO BEELEMENTS INCLUDE ALL UTILITY INSTALLATION, THE BASE COURSE OFR.O.W. AREAS AND ANY OTHER AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTIONMETHODS OF SOIL STABILIZATION (SUCH AS CRIMPED IN STRAW MULCH,ESTABLISHED ON ALL EXPOSED SOILS. WHEN CONSTUCTION ACTIVITY ISNOT PERMITTING CRIMPED IN STRAW MULCH, JUTE MESH OR OTHER SUITABLEFOR PROJECTS STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN.NECESSARILY DELAYED OVER PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHILE CONSTRUCTIONEMPLOYEED TO PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM LEAVING SITE. VEGITATION IS TOBE ESTABLISHED AS SOON AS IT IS PRACTICAL IN THESE AREAS.MEASURES SHALL BE PROPERLY MAINTAINED AND/OR REPLACED ASNECESSARY. SILT FENCE TO BE REMOVED ONCE VEGITATION, PLANNEDNECESSARY TO PREVENT REDISTRIBUTION OF AND LOSS OF MULCH COVERDUE TO WIND.ESTABILSHED AS SOON AS SLOPE GRADING IS UP TO FINAL SUBGRADE. IFPERIOD TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL BY MULCHING MUST BE PLACED.EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE IN THE FOLLOWING SEEDING SEASON.BEFORE EARTHWORK PROGRESSES FURTHER ON SLOPE. IF THE FILL ISEROSION CONTROL BY MULCHING MUST BE PLACED. COMPLETE COVER SHALLBE ESTABLISHED USING TACKED MULCH OR APPROVED EROSION CONTROLMETHOD WHICH COVERS ALL EXPOSED SOIL SURFACES. PERMANENTBACKSLOPE. DITCH SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY STABILIZED UPON COMPLETIONDISTURBED.10. DAMAGE TO SURFACE WATERS RESULTING FROM EROSION ANDMEASURES THROUGHOUT THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION AND THEESTABLISMENT OF PERMANENT STABILIZATION FOR ALL DISTURBED AREAS11. INSOFAR AS PRACTICABLE, EXISTING VEGETATION SHALL BE PRESERVED.MINIMIZE THE AREA AND DURATION OF SOIL DISTURBANCE. ALL HEALTHY12. PERMANENT TRAFFIC CORRIDORS SHALL BE ESTABLISHED AND "ROUTES13. TOPSOIL AND FILL THAT IS TO REMAIN STOCKPILED ON-SITE FOR PERIODSPRIOR TO SEEDING AND MULCHING THE STOCKPILED MATERIAL SHALL BE14. SILT FENCE CONTAINMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AROUND PERIMETERMAINTAINED IN GOOD CONDITION UNTIL STOCKPILES ARE REMOVED AND GENERAL NOTES: 1458 TRUMANSBURG ROAD 35 FIRE LANE 24, AUBURN, NY 13021 607 423-1919 ROBERT & PAULA WEDEMEYER 108-16 ST-3 1" = 30' 6-26-2018 Description SYM.DateNo. R E V I S I O N S DATE:SCALE:DRAWN:JOB:SHEET: SYMBOL ) E CW E N ( A R H T T N D EI W STANDARD LEVEL SPREADER BURIED EDGE MATTING A-A NOT TO SCALE CROSS SECTION STAPLE IN PLACE 20-30 24 0.7 30 Q(cfs) E.W.(ft) D(ft) LENGTH(ft)10-20 16 0.6 20 0-10 10 0.5 10 10' W Maintenance Berm Level SpreaderSee Detail This Sheet ' 5 7 ' . 5 2 7 8 . 0 2 1 8 0 X 1 X 1458 TRUMANSBURG ROAD 35 FIRE LANE 24, AUBURN, NY 13021 607 423-1919 ROBERT & PAULA WEDEMEYER 108-16 ST-4 N.T.S. 6-26-2018 Description SYM.DateNo. R E V I S I O N S DATE:SCALE:DRAWN:JOB:SHEET: ' ' 9 2 ' 2 9 .6 . 20 3 . 5 5 1 0 0 5 1 1 0 1 = = . . = L . L EL E E , ,' , 29 ' 92 6 .. 0 21. 0 == = HH TT H PP T EE P E DD D KK K AA EEA PP E P ,, FF , F CC -- C 93- 91 8 66 1 ,, 7 06 51 = T N ==* .. E . LL V L OO E O VV ) V " KK ( K AA A R EE E Y PP - P 0 D1-YR (") EVENTD D 1 NN N OO 100-YR (") EVENT O PP P : : : v fp p Q Q C 1458 TRUMANSBURG ROAD 35 FIRE LANE 24, AUBURN, NY 13021 607 423-1919 ROBERT & PAULA WEDEMEYER 108-16 ST-4 N.T.S. 6-26-2018 Description SYM.DateNo. R E V I S I O N S DATE:SCALE:DRAWN:JOB:SHEET: MIRAFI 140NGEOTEXTILE PLANTING & TEMP. PONDING AREA 8" PERORATED PIPE 2" - 3" MULCH LAYER SOIL MEDIUM PLANTING SOIL#1 WASHED STONE Rip Rap Weir, 2-4" Stone 6' Long x 2' WideInv. El. 5.00'/5.50' Rip Rap Weir POROSITY = 0.20 POROSITY = 0.40 DEPTH DRAINAGE LAYER DRAINAGE LAYER PONDING Bioretention Area Underdrain Layers, TYP. 2'-6"1'-0" 0'-6" BIORETENTION AREA, Typ. EL. 4.50' EL. 4.00' EL. 3.50' EL. 1.00' EL. 0.00' Crest of Berm EL. 5.00' a Size 0.25 - 2mm0.1 - 0.25mm0.05 - 0.1mm0.002 - 0.05mm Minus - 0.002mm +2mm PLANTS Woolgrass Fox Sedge Switch Grass Red Milkweed Cinnamon Fern HERBACEOUS Wild Bergamot Lobelia siphatica Panicum virgatum Carex vulpinoidea Scirpus cyperinus Great Blue Lobelia Rudbeckia laciniata Cutleaf ConeflowerAscelpias incarnata New England AsterMondarda fistulos Aster novae-angliae Osmunda cinnamomeaEupatorium maculatum " sieve.Spotted Joe-Pye Weed 14 Less than 10% 60-75% 5-10% 0-5% 10-30% 5-10% USDA Zone 5A Approximate Particle Distribution SHRUBS Arrowwood Witch Hazel Winterberry Ilex verticillata Alnus serrulata Clethra alrifolia Brook-side Alder Cornus stolonifera Viburnum dentatumSweet Pepperbush Hamemelis viginiana Red-Osier Dogwood Bioretention Suggested Plantings - pH 5.5-7.4 Magnesium - min. 32 ppmPhosphorus as P2o5 - not to exceed 69ppmPotassium K2O - min. 78ppmSoluble salts - Not to exceed 500ppm ASTM D 5268, pH range of 5.5 to 7.0 organic material 4% min., free of sub-soi. earth Chemical characteristics of topsoil: clods, sticks, stumps, clay lumps, roots and stones 1" (25mm) or larger in any dimension,and other extraneous materials harmful to plant growth. Topsoil hsall also be free ofquack-grass rhizomes, argrpyron reptans, and the nut-like tubers or nutgrass, cyperusesculentus and all other primary noxious weeds.obtain from bogs or marshes. If topsoil cannot be found locally that complies with thespecifications, the contractor should be prepared to create a manufactured topsoil Imported topsoi.l shall be screened and shall conform to the following gradations.Imported topsoil source: Import topsoil from off-site sources. Obtain topsoil fromnaturally well-drained sitew where topsoil occurs at least 4 inches (100mm) deep' do notproduct using the available topsoil as a base and amending as directed by the engineer. 3.4. 50-% sand: ASTM C33 with effective size of 0.25mm to 1.0mm and uniformity coefficientless than or equal to 4. Al l sand to pass the 50% imported topsoil by volume.2. 1. A.B. Gravel Coarse to Medium Sand Fine Sand Very Fine Sand Silt Clay SPECIFICATIONS FOR BIORETENTION SYSTEMS Bioretention Planting Soil by volumeCompactionsoil in lifts 12" or great. Do not use heavy equipment within the bioretention area basin. Minimize compaction of both the base of the bioretention area and the required backfill. Place 1458 TRUMANSBURG ROAD 35 FIRE LANE 24, AUBURN, NY 13021 607 423-1919 ROBERT & PAULA WEDEMEYER 110-16 ST-6 N.T.S. 6-26-2018 Description SYM.DateNo. R E V I S I O N S DATE:SCALE:DRAWN:JOB:SHEET: REFERENCE HYDROCAD (HYDRAULIC & HYDROLOGIC) MODELING RESULTS PRESENTED WITH THESE PLANS 1458 TRUMANSBURG ROAD 35 FIRE LANE 24, AUBURN, NY 13021 607 423-1919 ROBERT & PAULA WEDEMEYER 110-16 ST-7 N.T.S. 6-26-2018 Description SYM.DateNo. R E V I S I O N S DATE:SCALE:DRAWN:JOB:SHEET: DP -1 ' 5 .2 5 6 0 1 ' 6 06 1 Culvert EInv. El. 1065.0038-LF @ S = 1.3% 18" Diameter cPeP ' 0 .0 3 08 1 X Culvert CInv. El. 1082.0075-LF @ S = 1.3% 15" Diameter cPeP C g B Culvert AInv. El. 1082.75 18" Diameter cPeP18-LF @ S = 1.4% h t a p w o l F t s e g n o L h t a p w o l PSC 1 F t s e g 3.44-AC n o L REFERENCE HYDROCAD (HYDRAULIC & HYDROLOGIC) MODELING RESULTS PRESENTED WITH THESE PLANS