HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Packet 2019-03-25Study Sessian of the Ithaca Town Board Monday, March 25, 2019 � 4:30 p.m. Public Hearing regarding a proposed Water Improvement for the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, pursuant to Article 12-C of the Town Law, ta be known as the Tawn of Ithaca Muriel Street Water Main Water Improvement, and estabiishing the Town of Ithaca Muriel Street Water Main Water Improvement Area a. Cansider SEQR b. Consider adoption 2. Town-wide Sanitary Sewer Study Presentation and Discussion 3. Discuss and consider setting public hearings for two naise permits far Ithaca Beer's weekly music series and special events 4. Discuss and consider setting a Pubiic Hearing Regarding a Proposed Water Improvement for the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New Yark, pursuant to Article 12-C of the Town Law, to be known as the Town of Ithaca Winston-Salem Water Main Water Improvement, and establishing the Town af Ithaca Winston- Salem Water Main Water Improvement Area Subject to Permissive Referendum 5. Discuss and consider draft lease agreement with the Tompkins County Consartium for space at Tawn Hall and authorize Town Supervisar to sign same 6. Discuss and consider authorizatian for the Supervisor to sign a Stormwater Management and Operation agreement and associated easements for the Amabel project 7. Discuss and consider autharization for the Supervisor to sign a supplemental agreement with Fisher Associates for additionai services associated with the Gateway Traii 8. Discuss and cansider setting a public hearing regarding the Purchase of an Agricultural Conservation Easement on Approximately 52 Acres at 471 Bostwick Road {Tax Parcel No. 32.-2-2.2) PULLED 9. Discuss and consider resolution of concurrence for NYS Parks to acquire land near Treman Park entrance 10. Committee Reports a. P&O b. COC c. Planning d. Public Warks e. Budget f. Ad Hoc Committees g. AOT report(s) 11. Consent Agenda a. Approval of Town Board Minutes b. Town of Ithaca Abstract c. Appointment af Ethics Baard Members 12. Review of Carrespandence 13, Adjournment �M����� ..���� ��� µ� ... �:���� �� ..�u .. . �:����� . . � � . , �. . � ;,.., , � TB Resolution 2019 -: SEQR — Muriel Street Water Main Wnter Improvement Prolect• Whereas this acti�r� is the replacez7�ent of sections and relocation af' the, existing l-oute t� increase efficicncy known as the Muriel Street Water Main Watel- Impraver7lent Project and W�hereas tl�is is 1n unlisted action for wl�ich the Town of Ithaca Town Board is acting ir� an �uncoorclinated cnvironmental review with re.spect to the project and Whereas the Town Bc�arcl, at a public hearing 17e1d on Marc17 25, 2019, reviewed and accepted as adequate the Environn�ental Asscssment Form (EAF), Par�Cs 1, 2 alld 3 for this action subtx7itt�d by tile Town Enginee�r, alon� with other ap�licatioil materials; now therefore be it Resolved tlzat the Town of Ithaca Town Boarc� hereby makes a ne�;ative determinatian of environmental si�;nificance, in this uncoorc�inated environ.mental review, ii� accordance with tlie New York St�te Enviroivl7ental Quality Review Act for thc� above referenced action as prapased based on the infot-�nation in fhe EAF Part 1 and for the reasons set forth in Parts 2 1n� 3. Moved: Seconded: Vote: MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOARD 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY, Tompkins Caunty March 25, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. prevailing time TB Resolution 2019 -; PUBLIC INTEREST ORDER In the Matter of a Proaosed Water Impravement in the Tawn of Ithaca, Tompkins Cauntv, New York, qursuant to Article 12-C af the Town Law. to be known as the Town of Ithaca Muriel Street Water Main Replacement Water Imuravement, and establishin� the Muriei Street Water Main Ret�lacement Water Improvement Area Present: Moved: Seconded: WHEREAS, a plan, report and map, including an estimate of cost, have been duly prepared in such manner and in such detail as has heretofare been determined by the Town Board af the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New �ork, relating to the establishment and construction, pursuant ta Article 12-C of the Town Law, of water system improvements to be known and identified as the Town of Ithaca Muriel Street Water Main Replacement Water Improvement, and hereinafter also referred to as the "Improvement," ta provide such water Improvement including extensions, to the present Town water impravement, such water system Impravement to be constructed and owned by the Tawn of Ithaca; to serve a benefitted area in said Town ta be known as the Town of Ithaca Muriel Street Water Main Replacement Water Improvement Area, and hereinafter also referred to as the "Water Improvement Area"; and VTHEREAS, a$er said plan, report and map, inciuding estimate of cast, were prepared by a campetent engineer, duly licensed by the state af New York, and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, the said Town Board did, on March 11, 2019, duly adopt an Order reciting the proposed Impravement, a description of the boundaries of the proposed benefited area, the maa�imum amount proposed to be expended for the Improvement, the proposed method of apportioning the costs of such Imprvvement, the proposed method of financing to be ernployed, the fact that a plan, map and report describing the same are an file in the Tawn Clerk's affice far public inspection, and specifying that said Tawn Board shall meet at the Toum Hall, 215 Narth Tioga Street, in Ithaca, New York, in said Town, on the 25t�' day of March, 2019 at 4:30 PM Prevailing Tirne, for the purpases af canducting a pubiic hearing on such prapasal to provide said Improvement, and ta hear all persans interested in the subjeet thereof concerning the same, and WHEREAS, copies of said Cirder were duly published and posted accarding to 1aw, and said Town Board did, at the time and place specified in said �rder, duly meet and consider such proposal and held a public hearing in which it heard all persons interested in the subject thereof, wha appeared at such time and place, concerning the same, and WHEREAS, the Town Board naw desires to authorize the Improvement based on the evidence offered at such time and place, and 1 V'►THEREAS, at its Study Sessian meeting on March 25, 2019, the Town Board determined appraval, construction and implementatian of the Improvement, which is an Unlisted Action pursuant to the regulatians of the New Yark State Deparhnent of Environmentai Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Enviranmental Quality Review Act, will nat result in any significant adverse environmental effects; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board that it be and hereby is determined as follows: (1) The notice of hearing was published and posted as required by law and is atherwise sufficient. (2) That all of the property within the proposed benefited area is benefited by the proposed Improvement. {3) That all of the property benefited is included within the proposed benefited area. {4) That the proposed method of apportioning the costs af the Impravement should not be changed. (5) It is in the public interest to authorize, establish, and make the Town of Ithaca Muriel Street Water Main Replacement Water Improvernent as hereinafter described, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Baard does hereby approve, authorize and establish the Town af Ithaca Muriel Street Water Main Replacement �Vater Impravement in the area of the Town described as fallows and as more particularly shown and described in said plan, repart and map presently on file in the office af the Town Clerk: The Improvement proposed in connectian with the establishment of the Water Improvement Area consists of the replacement of approximately 3,OOQ LF of existing 6" and 8" water main with new 8" water main under Muriel Street from the intersection of Hanshaw Road ta the end of the cui-du-sac, and other related ancillary facilities, at an initially determined m�imum estimated cost ta said Water Improvement Area of $675,aao; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the area hereby determined to be benefited by said Town of Ithaca Muriel Street Water Main Replacement Water Impravement is all af that partion of the Town outside of the Village of Cayuga Heights, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a11 af the allocable costs of said Improvement shall be borne whoily by praperty within the Tawn of Ithaca Muriel Street Water Main Replacement Water Improvement Area, being the entire area of the Town outside of the Village of Cayuga Heights, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the m�imum proposed ta be expended by the Town of Ithaca for the Improvement, inciuding casts of rights of way, constructian casts, 1ega1 fees and other expenses, is $675,000,000, which shall be financed as follows: at the option of the Town, by temporary financing under use of available reserves ar a band anticipation note, and upon maturity of the bond anticipation note, the issuance af serial F? bonds of said Town of Ithaca to mature in annual installments over a period not ta exceed 40 years, such bonds to be paid fram assessments levied upon and collected from the several lots and parcels af land in said Water Improvement Area which are deemed benefited by said Impravement, so much upon and from each as shall be in just proportion to the amount af the benefit which the Improvement shall confer upon the same, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Order is subject to a permissive referendum in the manner provided in Town Law Article 7 and Town Law Sectian 209-q, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, it is hereby determined that the estimated expense of the aforesaid Improvement does not exceed one-tenth af ane per cent of the full valuation of the taxable real praperty in the area of said Town autside of villages and, therefore, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 13{a} of Section 209-q af the Tawn Law, the permission of the State Comptroller is not required for such Improvement, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant ta subdivision 6{d) of Section 209-q of the Tawn Law, the Town Cierk is hereby directed and ardered to cause a certified copy of this 4rder to be duly recorded in the (Jffice of the Cierk of the Caunty of Tompkins within ten days of the date this Order becames effective pursuant to Town Law Section 91, which when so recorded, shall be presumptive evidence af the regularity of the proceedings and action taken by the Town Baard in relatian to the aforesaid Improvement. The questian of the adoption of the foregoing Qrder was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows: The Order was thereupon declared . 3 ti /� i � PI� "l ; � ,� r"�j' �' Inst�-uctimc�s far �om�leti��� l�art 1—}'roject I►�formation. The a��plie:t»t ot� po�oject spoo�sor is respoaasikalc 9'�>r tt�e c��naE>Ictior� of Part 1. ResE�o��ses beci>me pt�ii of tlie ����licatic�n fc�r a�px•�val c�r funcling, are subject t�� pul7lic �-eview, ar�d nily L�e subjcct tv fiu-ther ver-ificati�n. C:'c�m�7let� 1�'art 1 l�nsed on inform���tic7n currently available. If aciditinn2il r�;search c�r investigatic�t� waulc�l 1��; ��eeded to fWly respc�ncl to ai�y itc;m, please answer as thcrroubhl,y as possibl� based �r1 cun�ent� in�fi>rtrraYion. C'o�7�plet�e al) iterr�s u� P�rt 1. �r'o�a may �Iso pra��ic(e any additic�nal infor����tic�n which you believe will be nee�cieci tiy ar use ful tc� the l�a�i a��ci�cy; at°tach aclditional pages as i�ecessaiy t�� supplerYlent any itei�i. �"a��� 1 -... ��g•r�.ic�ct :�nd �per�a:;�sr �Bai4ara�b�sta�s�a�---------._�..._ Town of Ithaca Name c�t",Actio�� or Project: Muriel Street Watermain Replacement Project I'roject l,c�cal�ic�n (describe, ancl w�ttach a loc��ti�m tnap): Muriel StreetlHanshaw Road intersectian, narth 2750 LF to end of cul-de-sac on Muriel Street E3ri�:�f t7escrix�tion of Prc�posecl Acti�7n: The Muriei 5treet Water Main Repiacement Project will begin at the existing water valve cannection at the Hanshaw Rd.-Muriel Street intersection and run north approximately 2750 LF to the northern boundary of the Muriel Street cul-de-sac. The praposed water main will replace approximately 2400 LF of existing 8-inch casf iron wafer main and 350 LF of existing 6-inch cast iron water main. The new main will be 8" ductile iron. The increase in size will facilitaie future connections to the existing water m�ins #o create a redundant, gridded/looped system in that area. The new main will be placed in close proximity to the existing main, centered in the north bound drive lane to facilitate the required separation distance fram the sariitary sewer. IVew services and curb boxes will be installed up to the existing curb boxes. Nt�mc c>f AE�plicar�t or Spc�nsor: "I"e(e 7hone: I 607-273-1656 Town of Ithaca �:-Mail: jweber@town.ithaca.ny.us Acicir�ss: 215 North Tioga Street C'`ity/PC�: Strstc; IiE� C�'��c1e; Ithaca NY 14850 ]. I,7��es t(�e prc>p��sed action c>nly ir�vC>lve C�ir� le�islative adc��ti��n <>f 4� plan, Ic�cal la�v, or�in��nce, 7,,1�� yE� �cin�ialistralive rule, or regul��ti��n? 1�1'� i.� ��t�acl7 a �a��rr�ative desc�-ipti��n �'.>�f �h� inCc��t �f'the pr��7��osecl actioi7 t���d tl�� � ��vic�7na�le;ntal resc��xrces Chcat � � may be af'Ecctecl in the i7lunicip�ality �rr�cl E�ro�;ee<i to F'art 2. lf� n�, cox�tin�ie tc� questic>n 2. 2. D�a�s �th� ��ra��osed aetion rec�uir� a��crmit, ap��roval or �funciiilg� fi•om any oth�r �c�vernment A�ency`7 t�It) YES if Y�es, list a�,ency(s) nan�e and permit or �pproval: pERMiT from the Tompkins County Heaith Department � � .��. a. �I�ot�l acreage af the site <�f� tl�e prcr��osed actic�n`? _------- 3.18 acres b. 'I"otal acreage to be physically clisturbed7 38 acres c. '1'c�ta1 acrtage (project site �t74� an}r cc7�7t�i�uo�is pr�>perties) c�wned c�r ccantrc7lled by the: a�plicant ar project sponsor`? ___ __ �.2� acres 4. C'heck �ll I�nci ��ses that oecur on, arE adjoir�ing c�r near the prc�p<>sed ��cti<�n: 5. ❑ L.irban ❑ Rural (non-�agric��ilture) ❑ Iridustri�l ❑ C'���77n�ierci�l � FY,�sid�ntial (sub�u�ban} ❑ Pc>rest ❑ Agi-iculture �] Ac�uatie ❑ C)ther('S��eeify): ❑ Parklar�d ����.<�e; 1 ��&,:3 5. Is the p�-��past.�i <<ction, -- —�� _ ___._.� ___ NC7 YI;S N/A �. A p�rr�7itCed us� uncler fhc zc�nii�� regulations? ❑ ��.. ❑ b. C�r�sisCEut� �vith ti�e adc7pt�c1 cut7lprel7ensive �714in? ❑ � ❑ -- ---- — N C7 �'F S 6. Is the �>r�r��}�c�scd acTiorl c�>r�sistent wiCh th� }�r��1�.7minant charact��r c��f't}�e existing L�uilf �7r �7atural (Eaa�dsca�7e? ❑ � 7. Is the si1�e� c�f the pcopos�.e� a�Yi��n Ic�cateci ira, or cl��s i�C adj�7in, a sCate listec� C'ritic��l f;r�vir�nmental tlrea'? j,,J�„a �f�S 1�f `{es, id�;ntify: � � ❑ NC� i'13S 8. a. Wi{1 1�I�E l�ropos�t3 acti�r� r�sGait in a subsYantial increase in trat"fic abc7ve pre:s�nt� levcls7 � ❑ 1 p C�a�u-�� � �a. �� a��r�.�:a�� � ��� �rr� �. �ro��? . ��,'� ❑ � . ,,. , }� � �r ofYti�,4�rv�o c�s�d.t� ��, itl li. 1re 7ubli ` Itestn�nraccct nux� clatians a'r(l�icvcic, r<utes avail,<�ble c>n or i ear th� site ��. c. , ctian�Y I� , `���a������ra���c ��.�ro�rGr � ��u:�:>�°up��� Zi*a��� ❑ � �). Docs Che; �7rc7p��asecl acti��n r��eet c>r txcEed tl�e st�itc energY cc7dc r�c�uir�ments? NO 1'I�,S If"the pro��se,d acCioi7 ���ill txceed re��uirc�7�enYs. describe clesign �feaCures �r�ci te�chnol�bies: — - ` ��� ❑ ❑ 10. Will th� Ear��p�s�:�l actian c��7r�a��ct to an exisCiri��r public/privat�c wal�er supply? NC) YES IfNc�, d�scriV�e iu�t�f�ad �f�r pr«vi�iin�; �7���fablr w�ter: __ _-- --- - _..... . ------- -- -.------ ❑ � 1 L ��'ill th� E�r�7pr�s�c1 actic�n c�c�nnect t�7 existin�� ���asCew�ter utilitics`7 1�C:) YES If N�<7, c����ril�e mctl�oci fi,>r E7rc���iclii7g w��stewaC�r treatmer�t: N/� _ _._. -- ._. _ - - -- — -- - ❑ ❑ 12. a. I7oes th� ��rc>ject site c��nCair7, or is it subst��r�tialfy ci�i�ti�;u�a�is to, a builclii�g, arcl��e<��lagical site, or district �O yf?� wh��:h is listecl c,r� th� Nation+l or S1ate Regiytcr crf'1�IisCoric Placts, �rr tl�at hzs t>eet� cictwrt7�in�d l�y Yh�: ❑ � Co��nmissicrn�r c7f the I�I`t'S Oif�ice o1� 1�'arks, Rccr•�:atic�n and t �ist�<rric I'r�s4ivation t��7 h� � li��ib(e fc�r listin� G�n thr� • x � • . > . , . �x � � °� _.___— Siatetie�ist�rc�#'i3istor�tc.I I�c�es. � ��"����� ���"�� ��,�G'�:.� b. Is th�: pr�je�t site, c�r any p�7rtion of it, Ic>catecl in c,r acljacent� t��7 an area designatecl as s� r�sitive fur• ���� � ❑ 4�ir•cllr�zeolcrbic�l sites o�1 t}1e NY 5�t��t�e f�ist�ric Preserv�ti��n Oitice; (5��1�'C)) areh�zeolo�ica��l site ii�ventc�r} `? l:s. a. I7c�es �x�7y �7��>rtior� c��E'tt�� site of th�; pr���osed Eactic7��, or lar�c�is acijc�irling Yhe pr���c��;ec�i actinn, cc�r�lt�zirl NC> YES we tlancls ��r afhe.r waterbc7ciies regulated by a 9��cderal, sCate or lc�cal agcney7 �, ,, ,.,x �� � ❑ --�� ���� .:� I� � ' � P Y y � . � . . �� �:,���� ��,� �,,� b. Would C�he ro os�ci actx�n h sic111 � alYcr, c>r �ncrc��ch u�tca, an � existin�; w�:tl�rnd or waterb�7cl � ❑ If`'�'es, ide���tify tl��e wetland crr w�terlac�cly and extent c�f �lteratic�ns ir1 sy�iare fe;et ar �zcces: -- -.----.– Fk��q;�M� "? ��i` v� 14. tdentify tl�e rypic�l l7abitat tY��s that c�cc�ir oi�, c�r are like(y �E�� tae found �n thc praject site. C'heck all Chat apply: ❑Shareline ❑ FTc�rest ❑ A;ricultural/�rasslancls � F,�rly micl-s�rcce�ssi���n�rl ❑ Wet�land ❑ tJrban � S�il���rbai�� 15. 'Dc��s tl�c sitt; c�f th� pz�oposed actia�� cc�ntain any specie�s of' �i�imal, or asse,ciated h���bitais, listeci by thc State or �p yT,c; F'e�leral gc�vernrrlenC ��s tY�reater�ed o�� ea�clan�ere�d? � � ❑ 16. Is tlle praj�ct site lc�c<ited in the 1f)O-y���r i7oad plan? NO YES � ❑ – ----- ---_._.......-- --- -- ---- – 17. �Vill the propac�stcl action creat� st�rm �uater dischar�e, eitllcr ti-�n7 point or n��n-p�i�aY sc�ur�ces? NC) YI�:S IfYes, � ❑ a. Will st�7rrn �vater discharges f�7�w C�� acljacent prc��acrdes°7 L�° I � b. Will stc�rm w�iter dischar�es (�e directed t<> establisf7ed conveyance sysYems (riu�off and Storm clrains)? � � IfY�;s, briefly describe;: 18. I)aes tll� �r�U�7��sec1 4zct�ir�n inch�d� co��strti�ctian or other activiti�s Yhat w�ult� r�sult in the iit�pounc�i7�enl c�l�wat�r ]�I�Q YF.",S or ot(�er lic�uids (e.�., rctention p�ncl, w�ist�e I��<�on, clam)`� If"Yes, expiain th� �urpose anci size crfth�: in�pc�undment: � � ----- —...._..... ---� _. .._.. _._. :�.�). Has thr: site �a{'E�h� prc�posed acf�ioi7 ar an 43c1joiiYing �cc�}ar.rt}� l�e�n t{1e (�eaticrn of"an active �r cic7:;ed s�alicl ��aste N(7 �'ES managerr�ent �facilit}�? If�`�'es, descrila�: �__.� � � 2O.tiu�s the site c�ft�he prc�posed actiar� or an a<ij<�ining pro�7erty been td�e subj�ct �af rc�7�eciit�ltion (�algoing c��� NC7 `�'t;S c<�mpleted') for hazarcic���s ��aste? i�PYes, describe: _ _------- --._.._._.__...._ .............----------------._._ _. ------.._.__------------- � ❑ I�Ei2T'IF`5"i'F��'i"'i'il�: INFC���,1VI�i'I"i(1Pd 1'�2.fid'I��;I) .��3C�VI, i�'�'I�UT'. �rd1Ci �(;�LJ�1'�'.'�["i)'fl'g�IE I3E�a"'i' Of�' ���� �;r���vi,ra�c,� .���plicaro7t's���7n�;u���-'n����7e: _ I:i�atw .___ _ SignaCuce: -- ---. ---- __--------Titic:___ �RIN1' FC1�t�� ����a;a:;� :� �i":> ��' r ��- ���� r �;.���,�r. � ;�.,# o, 4 e �.r6+ .. .. . �. ��; , N.,- �; z�r r��+elk����R ' . .. — % � rm w, ,a ' � i a �'y. i', � � �, ��� �, �',- � KA Y.- w� wu � f.'.,rf�i�s �Pt � L� � � �;� � � � ° � �„ � � , ,t,��. ` ;' .. . �4d ���.✓� .,;i I. � n rre �', e �7t, . , wf d. �. Sm����. �.>�i, i��E,RE.r�'���rmin.l�'S-0.�a . _ �� Irut���re��W�, lt��PR��V`w��.��'6` i?� ��dF����e�, E��i � F� ,f���n� t�t�Tl ��sxi e'F.ur�,e. Q��r��� W;�r���w �r �+���a, �r�iTh�ii�nSg, PCrC�,�' �Y �`✓��n �tn��atP���� c�rr�t�it,ut�_, �r�& kh� �t�: !�"s � � c�o-^ cr�a>s it� Park 1/ Gtuestion 7[Critical Environmental Area] Part 1 1 Question 12a [Natianal ar State Register af Historic Plar.,es ar State Eligible Sites] Part 1/ Question 12b [Archealogical Sites] Part 1/ Questian 13a [Wetlands or Other Regulated Waterbodies] Part 1/ Question 15 [Threatened or Endangered Animal] Par-t 1/ Question 16 [100 Year Flood Plain] Part 1/ Question 20 [Remediation Site] � Yes Tuesday, March 05, 2019 12:58 PM DiScl2imet': 7he EAF Mapper is a screeniny taoi intc-:nded to assist project sponsors and reviewing agencies in pr�paring an environmental assessment form (EAF). Not ail questions asked in the EAF are answeretl by the EAF Mapper. Additional inform�tion on any E�F question can bE ohtained by cansulting the EAF Workbooks. AYthough the EAF Mepper prc7vid�s the most up-to-date digital data aueilable to DEC, you may aisa need to contact local or ather data saurces in order to obtain data nat pravicied by the Mapper. Digital data is not a substitute for agerrcy dr ternvnations. r _ � � .,, ���w�r� �����'�� �,,�r - � �'i� � � �" � , �. �s �. ,, �� � � . , . -,,.. 3 � � ''��','���dV��C�& �� � i " � ` ; . ' ¢ dAf� �f;�91 � �'�t�., ' f rV�� �R$�^ 6�.�i� , a � ;���G�%�,� . ��,r�� ,r,rB'� ��^,wr�� G�a� � {7�,��l,a�r�;� �,�r'��m��°��,��,�n,� �t � r C� ,' .,t.i�;�au�r�.;� ����6��.�, ����r��ir�, a, (��Y� ��PoA� �j66� f r�;;�l���,i�a��� C,��'�ai�¢r�'�a�y��, � {id�"'#�dm��.fi�NT � �4'F4C"�:tram ���i w�s�aa��Rr �'�i�s��?���a?"µp���ipe �sr�6�"��rira� ¢,� No Yes - Digitai mapping information an local and federal wetlands and waterbodies is known to be incamplete. Refer ta EAF Warkbaok. No Digital mapping data are not available or �re incomplete. Refer ta EAF Workbook. Na Shart Environmental Assessment Form - EAF Mapper Summary Report ■ A�encyr Use Cinly [If� ap�pLicable] ISre�jecY: �luriel Street Gy'atcr i�-lain Keplacement Lis��Ce: �arch 25, 2019 � %� 1' ., �, �i �jr r ' ♦ I'� �, . F'c>r e�,�ery q�iesti�n in F'ar�t 2 il�iaC was a��s�verecl "mc�c�erate ta I�r�e iiripact may �ccur", oa� if tl7cre is a neecl to expl�zin wl�y a �7artic.ular ele���� i�t of t�i��� pr-c�pose�d acti�an n�»y ar will not result in <� �ignificant aclvers� envirc�nil�� ntal impac�t, ple�wc c�c�rnple�te� Part 3. I'ar-t 3 shoiild, in suff�rcicnt cltiail, iclentif'y the impact, ir�cludin� any measur-cs c�r clesign eleme��ty ti�iat (��ave been incl�uicci by tl��� project spor�sor to avoid or reduce ir����acts. Part 3 shoul�i also �x�a1ain hc�w the leaci a�ency dtt�i�mined that the imp�ct may or will n<7t be sigr�liflcant. Each p<aC�ntial imX�act shoulci k�e awsessecl considerin� iCs settirlg, ��rc�Vaability of c�cculxin�, cluration; irr�v�rsiV��ility, �e�ographi� sc.ol�� anc�l tn��gnitude,. A(�o c,orXsicl�r tile pc�tenti�l fc�r short- ier-m, long-ter-rn ancl �un��ulati��e �imp��cts. M �«. « -r r . �r « • � ` 1 s. � s � • « s r' •�' .s • * � Mr .♦ M . .. � � :t �' i ,:t � W . . 1� r ' � N 4 .. � ;. . .., : ... . . - ...; A� � . ;. . .�. � :. M » . �p .. �. M `� i� M .. i • i: �` • ! 4 :w ` y ' II .: i�. 1 ��� � N: � t�: +� � 4 '• M M�, w:. ,IM. �. • • ..�: • . . .:! . . E :. . . ., -�,. w ... .s � . i: 11 . � f� � �� s ` • .. �:.. • ., : .. ... - .!. . �:Ik ' 11 ` � :1 ,. " M';' NG dk, ' ��.. • , .d 1 ,;,« • *u.��. .,� � -,* w ` ': „ r. .� .,. . �r M •-a '-., r r •Y � ,,� � . , ,;» ♦ • , r . « -. • . . , , . s r � . � r..� . ���„' �'......a. � ��.: .�.:... •. � .�y :,�, .. ..�., . .. :«�� s •� :' -Ir. • . *,.�. .4 :�.;. t` .• �1:. .t�;!" •' ,� � �i Y t ��" . f � 7ti I/ ' :li M ' IM t #4 �� { i f �� i " Y'M ' .i ` ' ! :• ' •� ` • �1 • ` •. � • ' • :• �, 4. ��. • • • .l. 'M ` • R •� .. • . . .MI�' • �M �� � �! � i - ! • ! ` 1 a. i� � Xu �� .� M i! �IV ' . �M� . :i� 4 • f �� . ! • ��.. { ' •�� . 4 ! ' , Y.� �. �# . k .. M �./k ♦ M • ��� ' � 1�:' � 4 �' • �.. •�, • .11�' ��.., M IY " •; �� ' 11 .� •� " �1� 1! ♦ �� ` ��/ •� ' �:f A • M i �:'. . M .. �� .. �:M - If � . k ` # fr: 1� �. r • • ^ M * 4 �C"he�:k tlii�s br,x �if'yc��a have det�r.rnincd, l�aset�i �n Yhe i��lfort��4�ti�7n �nd analy�is nba�� ���r�ci any stappartin�, clocum�^r�tation, that tht pr4��roseci acticm may result in c7ne c�r nlore p�atentially large c�r signif cant a��lverye in�pacts and �n environr7ler�tal impact stateme��t is rec�uired. �C'h�ck this t�c7x if yau have detcrnuzle�<i, k�a,�;ed cm the infc�rtY�aCic�n t�nd analysis abovc, �nci any supporCirl� ci��cui���e:ntation, that the pr�a���seci action will ncrt reslil�t� in ar�y significant �civcrse � nvir-��7��ziental im�7acC�s. Town of Ithaca Town Board Na»�e �f Lead A�ency William Goodman Print ��r Type Nan7e ��E ltespansible C)fficer in I_.ead ��ency Si�natiar-e of FZ�s�poi�siiile Officer- in L.ead A�ency Dtate Town Supervisor � Title.,�;z1`:I2esp�ata,�ble Ufficei ,.; �� a � W,���. - - _ .. ... 5i�?natur� of reparer (if �iiFPerent f�rc7m R�:,}�c�nsibl� rJfticcr) Page 2 of`2 m Agency Use Only [If applicabfe] � Project: Muriel Street Water Main Replacement Date: March 25, 2019 � S1inr�t EnviYonmental Assessment Form Part 2 - Imperct Assessme�rt Part 2 is to be completed by the Lead Agency. Answer ail af the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part 1 and other materiais submitted by the project sponsar or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the cancept "Have my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" Na, or Moderate small to large impact impact �Y �Y occur occur 1. Will the proposed actian create a rnaterial conflict with an adapted land use plan or zoning � � regulations. 2. Witl the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land? � � 3. Witl the proposed action irnpair the character or quality of the existing community? � � 4. Will the proposed action have an impact on the enviranmental characteristics that caused the Q ❑ establishment of a Critical Environmental Area (CEA}? 5. Witl the proposed action result in an adverse change in the existing level of traffic or � ❑ affect existing infrastructure for mass transit, biking or walkway? 6. Will the proposed action cause an increase in the use of energy and it fails to incorparate Q � reasanably available energy conservation or renewable energy opportunities? 7. Will the proposed action impact existing: Q � a. public / private water supplies? b. public 1 private wastewater treatment utilities? a � 8. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of important histaric, archaeolagical, � Q architecturat or aesthetic resources? 9. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change ta natural resources (e.g., wetlands, � ❑ waterbadies, groundwater, air quality, flora and fauna)? 14. Wiil the proposed actian resuit in an increase in the potential for erosion, floading or drainage � ❑ proble►ns? 11. Wiil the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources or human health? � � Page 1 of 2 � .. , ,. ', . . .. �. . . ��..� � . , � , �� °�......w� � . ., � � ;� . � � � r t TS Resolrition 2019 -: Settin� a public hearin� far Ithaca Beer's weekly music series nnd special events schedule Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby sets a public hearing regarding two noise per7nit applications subinittecl by Ithaca Beer for their weekly outdaor dinner music ser�ies and tli�;ir speeial events schedule. Said public hea�rin� will be �helcl on Monday, April 8, 2019 at the �-e�ular meeting �t 5:30 p.in. 215 N. Tioga Strcet, Ithaca. Moved: Secondecl: Vote: TOWN OF ITHACA 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 www.town.ithaca.ny.us Paulette Rosa, Town Glerk Phone: (607) 273-1721 Debra DeAugistine, Deputy 7awn Clerk prosa(a�,tawn.ithaca.ny.us Fax: (607) 273-5854 ddeaugistine@town.ithaca.ny.us � r . O � R • � � � S�a��~� �x��a:�� b� �a�b�a���� �r� ��� '�"�w�r�ro � ��^���'� ��°�g�;�, rrwr���a ��47 ���.�y�ra���, �� ������: �'� ��i��� �� ���r������ r�� ���� �aa���. NAME/ORGANIZATION: ���"�"0�"�� ��������� �'� PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE FOR EVENT: �`� d�",� `�a.i` b t.�a;�� �i"� ,��,����i cn�✓t ,� `=� �°�� ADDRESS i�,:� l�1"�k��C.�.�� .���.�:�s", i�;,�,, ��°��_�-�;�C�� 1`� ��� 1�1����`��� PHONE NUMBER: (��� ��?"r'�a���;>'���r�C��.� ALTERNATE PHONE 1'��-���i���-"������ EMAI L: ��, v,� d � ��:� �(� ����. �..,�r�� A �, �:.�:wr�. �°�����.� � �T� a"���`� � t"�"�.'��_C�:e� �"�"c r" rw�:� � � �a ��. LOCATION OF EVENT: 6-����-���c�� `t��'��" �'..c> �` I c��tr'-' ���:'�=�"�'� ��cr� v�-��t „ � �d..y . DATE/TIME/DURATION OF EVENT: �'�er��oi �����'G�t`1,�,:�'�.e,��,� ��e�,a�,� �' ����r�u� �;"�������� ���. %e"����' ���:a-c�"�, � ESTIMATED ATTENDANCE: " i�>��"�!������„-��N "� REASON/DESCRIPTION OF EVENT: � _. ��-�y� �o:�i� "_ �.� 1J���v.�r�� <� ����,,:.5 �i t �-�-�� r��c�.�,«;��F��I�t ce,�,�::� �;�€=�;��" .,.-�-- / , ,�x� _ l j�� ��C P7�"v a�., b��w �,., cz t�' N� -k"�;,. ", ', �^t C:', 1"�,1 �"� �._, ,. PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS OF THE USE/DESCRIPTION OF NOISE EXPECTED (for exampie — arnplified music or speakers, cheering, nan-amplified instruments) i r , g�,�� e',� I ��- i C� � �.,. C�c''.��t�` `�� � a�— � y wm,,, ���' �^. NOISE ABATEMENT & CON i-RUL METNODS i 0 BE USED (Example: speakers will be faced a certain way): ,r^yy' , �rv�.�� � � �,,, �, .�, _ �''� /� ' �'`„�,, y^i l/ ��y'1 V�'� M�^ � C 'i' I t�C� �,„,� �!.. P�� t', P^'^_S' c�e.a� C7"C�.1 C�a� c�s, _�"'_ %° ��� �' i �-�G°"�tt i�'�l' �" �� �c."�� e' ;Y "r (d i�" ��._ � ..� ,_. _,, `� DEMONSTRATION WHY APPLICANT CANNOT CONFORM TO NOISE ORDINANCE (Example: Band uses amplification and cannot be heard suffiicientlywithout it) ��,�.,p�;,���'� ��-a��, �����.�d�`,t-�d��,;� ������'��� �-�� ���x��..��:�_ �.. u V1 �� �-�- d" � '�.� 4,.-1� ��. ,�^� ��" ���.Cri ,�� c'� �, r ��,':; ��c� ��� � i� u' �"� G �) ���-� SUCH OTHER INFORMATION REQUF_STED BY TOWN OFFICIALS: Rev Apri12017 OTHER COMMENTS THAT SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DURING REVIEW OF APPLICATION: ����� n ,°��^�a '� F,� _�w.�t,�,✓ti. ��'��,' � d� �_ �-�C� � i� IF USE OF A TENT IS ANTICIPATED, ����� � PLEASE �IST NUMBER AND SIZE(S): r (a separate permit may be required) Notification of the Public Hearing �� � d �'� �-�� ��� � ����� The Town will notify neighbors within a 500 foot radius of the event that a public hearing will be held. The Town Board may impose any conditions deemed necessary by such Board to minimize the intrusion of sound that might occur by the exercise of the privileges granted by the permit. (Town Code, Chapter 184, Section 12, D) The undersigned applicant affirms that the foregoing information is true, complete and correct: Signature of Applicant: Date of public hearing: Permit issued on: Rev Apri120 ] 7 Sheriff Notified: Special conditions: TOWN OF ITHACA 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 www.town.ithaca.ny.us Paulette Rosa, Town Clerk Phone: (607) 273-1721 Debra DeAugistine, Deputy Town Clerk prosa .town.ithaca.ny.us Fax: (607) 273-5854 ddeaugistine@tawn.ithaca.ny.us NOISE PERMIT APPLICATION C��a��rr� ��w�a�� kr� ����ar��t��� tr� kfl�� T'�a�ra ���:rk'� �����.�, �atF� ��� p��rrs���, �� I���� �1 d��� i� �����a�� �� �h� ���r�t. �� C�.��� �� NAME/ORGANIZATION: (���� �-� � ' _ �°�����"���,� �.�� � �, � �,r�_..� PERSON(S) RESPONSIBL� FOR EVENT: �-�� ��:p:. �i� J�(_��" ��� i o�� C4.� ��� ��,� < ADDRESS: ��.`.,� ��-���.�.c�.c�. 1��:� � 4 i��.n P�--d�� cac;� : l�.� �-f l(.��°�-���ffi PHaNE NUMBER: ����������;��,�.�-�-C���r��°�:� ALTERNATE PHONE l��`����;��"��� -��'����-� EMAIL: �n u� � L t�°� ��"�',� 1�y�,.%P��4��t�"i�,t�::'i�,�� C"�%r��. �r��,<:�°��`���� t,.�..���f'���%��",,...�,�� �-,"�,��..� .�,� _ LO CAT I O N O F EVENT: I`��� G��� c�, ���^r" � ""�"'c���� ��C:;,,G.�fa (°. c:� d.� ,� � DATEITIME/DURATION OF EVENT: ��� k> �"� ��"���" �1�'�� ESTIMATED ATTENDANCE: '�`�" ���.��' ._,. REASONIDESCRIPTION OF EVENT: � �.,�r>�' .°��7 �,�' �W."�'� �:�:rt t-.�> ca ��-�` c��a.,� �� ��n �,��,�_�;...���.. .� c,°�°����� ...�.�� 4�;' � a;� v�." �°"i c�� C�^i CJa J�-"� tr �' o� a".� ,v�,._„� �,..� ,�r ��,�:.a F F"� 6�, ��.�m-�t C' �' PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS OF THE USE/DESCRIPTION OF NOISE EXPECTED (for example — amplified music ar speakers, cheering, non-amplified instruments) , , J, , _�-,� �r � , � C1.�;� r t", €,�l.s i'i� " �:x yi..��,� (-+� i C�'t��� C:,Fr,� �f C,/ � �'`.,>�'&�"'��^ ..�� �" 9'e''ry t,.�w.�' 9"� C7f S" �:"" _ � 8 NOISE ABATEMENT & CONTROL METNODS TO BE USED (Example: speakers will be faced a certain way): � ` � " " �' ,r�' ( acn�et"��_P.i' e;� w� ��) � b �- ` �'�� >�.rc�'�� � �'°�� U'^�F d - � �"�. � '� �w5 �,. s�..,� ¢;'°P� �., � C f � � � � DEMONSTRATION WHY APPLICANT CANNOT CONFORM TO NOISE ORDINANCE (Example: Band uses amplification and cannot be heard sufficiently withaut it} G�.a� G"�lu �� P..�.r���'., e�1�f�-'�t.,��a �"''d�,,�,E,.y�i a�%�a��1 _�c:� l�°��.^�i1 �," ,'�.. ,,r���L�%�)F8�' _..l�a.� C,"_"`e, �C'Yd����4..A��+�'( SUCH OTHER INFORMATION REQUESTED E3Y TOWN OFFICIALS: Rev April 2017 • • • � • r: • r - �r • • � ••• , �� IF USE OF A TENT IS ANTICIPATED, PLEASE LIST NUMBER AND SIZE(S) (a separate permit may be required) Notification af the Pubiic Hearing � .�,_C, � _.�.. � � ,� ( C� _�..�� E:�'C� � �`��� The Town will notify neighbors within a 500 foot radius of the event that a public hearing wili be held. The Town Board may impose any conditions deemed necessary by such Board to minirnize the intrusion of sound that might occur by the exercise of the privileges granted by the permit. (Tawn Code, Chapter 184, Sectian 12, D) The undersigned applicant affirms that the foregoing informatian is true, complete and correct: Signature af Applicant: Date of public hearing: Permit issued an: I2ev Apr�il 2017 5heriff Notified: Special conditions: Lawnch May 3rd A local band affiliated with Ithaca Festival. The event will have a fundraising aspect for the festival. At most it would be a five piece rock band and we can request someone not heavy an drums. FYAH Release lune 8th Is in conjunction with Reggaefest. We will be having a reggae band similar ta the Reggaefest event we held last year just smaller scale. Grassroots Release June 15th This will be another collaboration with Grassroots Festival. �ast year we did this as one of our Wednesday shows. We are haping to have three bands play this year instead. The breaks will be between acts so music will nat be continuous thraughaut the period. Musically they will be acts who perform at Grassraots who fall in the folk/indie style of music. Stage size is going to force the bands to be in a 5 piece range at most. Our September Event doesn't have a name yet but will be similar to the Grassroots Release. We are looking to have three folk/indie music acts perform that are no bigger than a 5 piece. The breaks will be between acts. Hoptoberfest October 12th Hoptoberfest will have the same setup and feel as last year. It will have hapefully three bands and will be folk/indie/rock in style. Bands far this event I could see getting up to maybe 6 people in size. There will be breaks between sets as well as breaks for awards and games with attendees. IBC Anniversary Party December 4th Will be tented and dependent on weather. The past few years we have used the Notorious String Busters as the perFormer and would hope to book them again. The music would be braken up by an MC to talk about IBC for some of the time. �� .. �w , w„ .� ' .... ,��. MEETING OF THE ITI�ACA TOWN BOA � W4°��� W W�� �� �,, 215 N. Tioga St., It�►aca, NY Tampkins County March 25, 201.9 at 5:30 p.m. T� Resalution 2Q19-xxx: Order Setting a Public Hearing Regarding a Praposed Water Itnprovement far the Tawn of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New Yarl�, pursuant to Article 12-C of the Town Law, to be known as the Tawn of Ithaca Winstan-Salem Water 1Vlain Watei� Improvement, and establishing the Town of lthaca Winston-Salem Water Main Water Improvement Area Present: M�ved: Secollded: Wliereas, a ma�, plan and repart, il�cluding an estimate of cost, have been duly prepared in such inanner and in such det�il as 11as heretofore been deter�nined by tl�e Town B�a:rd of the Town of Iihaea, T�nlpkil7s County, New York, relating to the establishl�lent and construction, pursuant to Article 12-C of the Town Law, of wat�r syste�m i�mprovements to be lcnown 1nd icleiztified as the Town of Itliaca Mu�riel Strect Water Nlain Water Improvernent, (tlle "I���7lprovemenY'), to provide suc17 water I1z���1•ovement to the present Town water Systenl, suc�� water system Improve����nt t� �ie constructed and owned by the Town of Ithaca; to serve a benefitted area in saici Town to be known as the Town of Ithaca Winstc�n-Salem Water Main Water I�Yzprovement Area (the "Water I7nproven�ent Area"); and W11ei-eas, said map, plan aud repc�i�t, includit�g estimate of cost, were preparec� by a com��etent engineer, duly licensed by the State of New York and llave been filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town, where tlle same are available durin� r��,nclar of'�ice hours for exa�lnination by ai�y persa�7 or persons i��terested in the s�ibject inaitel- il�ereof; ancl Wliereas, tlle area of said Tawn determined to be benefited by said Towii of Ithaca Wi��ston-�alem Water Maizi Water Improve171ei1t Area consists of the entire area of sa�id Town excepting therefrom the area co�ltail�ied witl7in tlle Village of Gayuga Heights; and Whereas, the Improvement propased in cannectiorl with the establishment of the Water Ilnproveizlent Area consists of tlie rcplacement c�f approximately 4,400 LF of existilag 6" and 8" water main with new 8" water main under Wiilston Drive, Winsta�� Court and Sa1em Drive, from Wiizston CoL�rt to the intersection of Winston Drive, ai7ci other relatecl ancillary facilities, at an initially deterniiiZed maximuin estilnated cost t� said Water Improvement Area of $875,000; and Whereas, said $875,000 maxiinL�m csti�nated cost, which is the cost of tl�e project, shall be authorized to be financed, at thc option of the Tow1�, by temporary financing 0 under use of available reserves or a bond anticipation note, and upan maturity of a bond anticipation note, the issuance of serial bonds with a maximum maturity not in excess of the forty {40} year period prescribed by the Local Finance Law, or directly by the issuance of such bonds; and Whereas, it is proposed that the cost of the aforesaid improvements sha11 be barne by the real praperty in said Water Impravement Area by assessing, levying upon and collecting from the several lots and parcels of land within such Water Improvement Area, autside of any village, which the Town Board shall determine and specify to be especially benefited by the improvements, an amount sufficient ta pay the principal and interest on serial bonds and bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of the issuance af serial bonds, as the same became due and payable; and Whereas, it is naw desired to call a public hearing for the purpose of considering said map, plan and report, including estimate of cost, and the providing af the Improvement, and to hear a11 persons interested in the subject thereof cancerning the same, all in accordance with the pravisions of Section 209-q of the Town Law; Now, therefore, it is hereby ardered, by the Town Board of the Town af Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, as fol�ows: Section l. A public hearing shall be held by the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York, at the Town Hall, 215 North Tioga Street, in Ithaca, New York, in said Town, on the 8th day af April, 2019, at 5:30 a'clock P.M., Prevailing Time, ta consider the aforesaid plan, report and map, including estimate of cost, and the question of providing the Improvement, and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same and to take such actian thereon as is required by law. Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to pubiish a Natice of Public Hearing regarding the aforesaid Improvement to be published once in the official newspaper, and also to post a copy thereof on the town signbaard maintained by the Town Clerk, not less than ten {10) nor more than twenty (20) days befare the day designated for the hearing as afaresaid, all in accordance with the provisions of Section 209-q of the Town Law. Section 3. This Order shall take eff'ect immediately. The question af the adoptian of the foregoing 4rder was duly put ta a vote on roll cal1, which resulted as foliows: The Order was thereupon declared duly adopted. F� .o . ,.. . ... . ° �� �. �. .. . ..�� , �.... .. . ��°� ���r li�]EFTII°�G ��' 'THE �THACA T'ClWP�d �OAI�Ti i�I���ch 25, 2019 TB Resolution 2019 -: Authorization for 5upervisor to si�n the Stormwater Operation, Maintenance, and Repo��tin� A�reement and stormwater related easements associated with the Amabel Subdivision Whe�-eas th�; An7abel Subdivisioil project includes stormwater �Yzanagement and treatrnent facilities which necessitates entering� inta an Stc�rtz�water Operation, Nlairztenance, and Reporting� Agreement, along with stonnwater easement agz-eements, between New Earth Living, LLC and t1�e Town of Ithaca, for the property located at 6l 9 Five Mile Drive, tax parcel no. 31.-2-28, arld t�he portioii c,f 617 Five Mile Drive, t�x pa��cel no. 31.-2-6, located on the west side of the Norfbl.k Soufllern Railroad, iiow therefore be it Resolved that the Town Board does hereby authorize the Town Supervisar to sign the Stormwater Operation, Maintenance, and Reporting Agreement and stormwater easements associated with tlze Amabel Subdivision project, subject to proof af sale af the portion of 617 Five Mile intended far use by the Amabel Subdivisio7i, from the City of Ithaca to New Eartli Living LLC a.nd appr�val of the agreemet�ts by the attorney for the tc�wi�. Moved: Seconded: Vote: PERMANENT STQRI��IYVATER [AND ACCESS] � EASEMENT[S] AND RIGHT[Sj-OF-WAY THIS INDENTURE is made this 31St day of July, 2Q18 by and between Amabel Home Owner's Assaciation,located at 619 Five Mile Dr. Ithaca ("Grantor"}, and the Tawn of Ithaca, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, with offices at 215 Narth Tiaga Street, Ithaca, New York 14850 {"Grantee" ar the "Town"}. The Grantor is the owner of a certain parcel of land c�f 11 acres, identified as tax parcel number's 31-2-28 and 31-2-b {partion thereof}, located in the Town af Ithaca, Tompkins Caunty, New York, commoniy known as Amabel (the "Premises"). NOW WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, in consideration of Qne and OOJ100 Dollar {$1.QQ) and other good and valuable consideratian paid by the Town, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowiedged by Ehe Grantor and the Town, does hereby grant, remise, relinquish and release unto the Town, its successors and assigns farever, an EASEMENT and RIGHT-OF-WAY to excavate, install, lay, construct, operate, make observatians of, inspect, maintain, alter, improve, repair, remove, replace or change the size of stormwater, drainage and�or sediment control facilities, including ditches, ponds, together with any and all necessary or desirable related appurtenances and devices, together with the rights af free ingress and egress in, over, across, upon, and under the below-described parcels of land, such parcels being the areas of the permanent easement and right-of-way herein granted, and including the right to trim and�ar remove trees, shrubs and other obstructions upon said parcels of land situate irt fhe Town of Ithaca, County of Tompkins and State of New Yark, all as more particularly described as follaws: Tax parcels 31-2-28 and 31-2-6 (portion thereo�, inclusive of Infiltratian Basins #1-#4 as shown on atfiached Sheet C10b, Grading and Drainage Plan prepared by T.G. Miller, P.C. FURTHER WITNESSETH: That the Grantor furiher hereby grants and releases unto the Town, its successars and assigns forever, an EASEMENT and RIGHT- OF-WAY for access by vehicies, persans and equipment over the 20' Gravel Driveway and lands af the "Cammuniiy Green" as necessary, for the purpose af accessing the aforementioned stormwater easement. FURTHER WITNESSETH: That the Grantor covenants and agrees that no buildings or structures {excepi for roads, buildings and other structures to be constructed, used and maintained on or beneath the surface of the Premises in accordance with permits and approvals issued by Granfiee that explicitly reference 0 � the aforesaid permanent easement[s]) shail be constructed within the aforesaid permanent easement[s] and right[s]-of-way which will in any way interfere with complete access by the Town, its successors, assigns, empiayees and agents ta excavate, install, iay, construct, operate, make observatians of, inspect, maintain, alter, imprave, repair, remove, replace or chartge the size of any stormwater, drainage andJor sediment control facilities, ineluding ditches, ponds, and other and r�lated appurtenances and devices. AND, Grantor further covenants and agrees: 1. Grantor, for itself and all of its successars and assigns, covenants and agrees that na building or structures (except for roads, buildings and ather structures to be constructed, used and maintained on ar beneath the surface of the Premises in accordance with permits and approvals issued by Grantee that explicitly reference the aforesaid permanent easement[s]} shall be constructed or placed within the aforesaid permanen# easernent[s] and right[s]-of-way which will in any way inferfere with complete access by the Town, its successors, assigns, emplayees and agents to excavate, install, lay, construct, operate, make observations of, inspect, maintairr, aiter, improve, repair, remove, replace or change the size of any stormwater, drainage and f or sediment control facilities, including ditches, ponds, and other and related appurtenances and devices. 2. Grantor, for itself and all of its successors and assigns, covenants and agrees that, except far trees or other plants ta be installed and maintained on or beneath the surface of the Premises in accardance with permits and approvals issued by Grantee that explicitly reference the aforesaid permanent easemertt[s�, no trees or other plants wi1l be planted or cultivated that may interfere with the said easement[s] and right[s]-of-way. 3. Grantor, for itself and all of its successors and assigns, covenants and agrees that, except to the extent necessary for the construction, use and maintenance of buildings and other impravements on the Premises in accordance with permits and appravals issued by �rantee that explicitly reference the aforesaid permanent easement[s], it will not permit or canduct any mining, excavation, canstruction or blasting within said easement[s] and right[s]-of-way. 4. Grantor, for itself and all of its successors and assigns, covenants artd agrees that, except during the construction ar maintenance of buildings, foundations and other improvements to be cartstructed, used and maintained on or beneath the surface of the Premises in accordance with permits and appravals issued by the Grantee that explicitly reference the aforesaid permanent easement[s], it will not engage in any conduct, directly or indirectly, that blacks, 0 obstructs, or interferes with the ingress and egress rights of the Town, its successors, assigns, employees and agents. 5. Grantor, for itself and all of its successars and assigns, covenants and agrees that it will place the following provision in all conveyances o� the praperty ar portions thereaf covered by this easement [or: these easements], or any rights therein: "Being the purpase of the said stormwater [and access] easernent[s] and right[s]-of way to convey rights to the Town of Ithaca for stormwater, drainage, sedirnent cantrol and storrnwater management purposes, including the canveyance of rights to said Town to excavate, instali, lay, construct, operate, make observatians of, inspect, maintain, alter, improve, repair, remove, repiace or change the size of stormwater, drainage and jor sediment control facilities, including ditches, ponds, and other and related appurtenances and devices, together with the rights of free ingress and egress in, over, across, upon and under the below-described permanent easement[s] and right[s]-of- way, and including fhe right to trim and�or remove trees, shrubs and other abstructions, all o£ which rights are (1} set forth in [a] permanen:t easement[s] and right[s]-o£-way granted to the Town, the terms, obligations and conditions of which are expressly incarporated herein, and (2) assignable by the said Town to any successor or assign, ar to any improvement district(s} now existing or hereafter ta be formed." AND FURTHER, Grantor and the Town acknawledge that the easement[s] and right[s]-of-way hereby granfied are fully assignable by the Town to any successor or assign, or ta any existing ar future improvement district{s}, without prejudice or recourse. T(J HAVE AND TO HOLD said right[s]-of-way and easement[s] unto the Town, its successors and assigns forever, it being the intent of the Grantor to have this easement [or: these easements] and a11 related rights-of-way herein expressed run with the land forever, and be permanent and perpetual. AND THE TO�VN DOES COVENA,NT that Grantee will at aII times, when it enters the Premises for any purpose related to the perrnanent easement[s] as granted by this insErument, leave the Premises in a neat and presentable condition, returning the Premises as nearly as practicable to its candition before such entry. IN VYITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor and Grantee have hereurtta set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. 3 A.MASEL HOME �WNEP'S AS�OCIATION TOWN OF ITHACA :: [ra����) [Ti�le] State of New Yark ) �ounty of Tampkins ) ss.: By: 1Nilliam D. Good�man Supervisor On the day of in tlle year 20_ befare ine, the undersigz�ed, personally appeared personally known to me or praved to me an the basis of satisfactozy evidence to be the inc�ividual(s) whose na�ne(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrurnent and ackr�owledgecl to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by Ilis/her/their signature(s) on tlle instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. I�Totary Public State of New York ) County of Tarnpkins ) ss.: On the day of in the year 20_ before �ne, the undersigned, personally appeared Williain D. Gaodman personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the indiviclual(s) whase name(s) is (are) subscribed ta the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public 0 (Name of Entity) Storm4vater Maintenance Agreement —(dateJ OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPORTING AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is effective this day of , 2Q 1 S, by and between the TOWN OF iTFIACA, a municipal corporatian with offices at 215 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York 14850 (the "Town"}, and Amabel Hame Owner's Associatian (the "Owner"}. WTTNESSETH: V�iTHEREAS, the Owner received fnal subdivision approval far Amabel Packet Neighborhaod (the "Approvai") fram the Tawn's Planning $oard by resolution number Na. 2018- 005 March 6, 241$ an tax parcels 31-2-28 and 31-2-6 (portian thereaf} at 619 Five Mile Dr. in the Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York; and WHEREAS, such Appraval was granted conditianally upon the constructian, maintenance and implementatian of approved starmwater facilities andlor other starmwater management practices, submission of stormwater inspection reports, and an agreement with the Town regarding the same; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the granting af ihe Approval and in furtherance of the public purpases of praviding adequate starmwater retention and maintenance, the parties agree as follows: 1. Construction of Facilities and Irnplementation of Practices. (a} The Owner agrees to construct alI of the stormwater management facilities, erasion and sedimentation cantral facilities and storm drainage facilities (corlectively referred ta as the "Facilities") shown on the final plans which are part of the Approval, copies of which are on file in the Town of Ithaca offices. Without limiting the foregoing, the Owner agrees to canstnzct, at its expense: (i} The Infiltration Basins #1-#4, which shall be located substantially as shown an Sheet C106, Crading and Drainage Plan dated Qctaber 25, 2015 and revised February 2, 2Q18 (refened ta in this Agreement as the "Drawings"); and (ii) All other Facilit'res, including pipes, mains, drains, outlet and inlet structures, manhales, and all ather drainage-related facilities and structures, whether abave ar below grade, which shall be lacated substantially as shown on the Drawings; an.d (iii} Such future Facilities as may be required to be constructed by applicable laws, rules, or regulations. (b) The Owner further agrees to irnplement, at its expense, ali approved stormwater management practices ("Practices"}, in addition to the Facilities, that are required as part af the Approval, and such future Practices as may be required by applicable �aws, rules, or regulations. Page 1 of 7 o6�2arr r (Name of Entiry) Starmwater Maintenance Agreement —(date) (c) All of the Facilities and Practices in subparagraphs (a) and {b} above shall be canstructed and implemented as shown an the Drawings, in accordance with good engineering practice and applicable New Yark State standards and specifications, and to the reasanable satisfactian of the Town Engineer. 2. Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Facilities and Practices. The Owner agrees for itself, its legal representatives, successors and assigns and any other persons ar entities who obtain title to or an interest in any portion of the properties on which any of the Facilities or Practices are loeated, such agreement being expressly intended to run with the land and be binding forever, to operate, maintain and repair the Facilities and Practices to insure that they cantinue to function for their intended purpose and as designed. In furtherance of such abligatian, and without limiting the obligations set forth in the preceding sentence, the Owner agrees to follow the maintenance pian fox regular and recurring inspectians and maintenance of the Facilities and Practices which is part of the Approval and is set forth in the approved Stortnwater Pallution Prevention Plan dated August 8, 2018 and prepared by T.G. Miller, P.C. In addition, the Owner shall perform such ather inspections, maintenance and repair as may be reasonab�y required by the Town Engineer in arder to assure the continued operation of the Facilities and Practices as intended and designed. The Owner, at its own expense, shall perform all af the foregoing inspections, maintenance and repair and any other inspections, maintenance and repair reasonably necessary to keep all Facilities and Practices functioning in a good and warkmanlike manner. 3. Town Inspections, Repair and other Activities. The Owner shali grant to the Tawn the permanent easement and right-af-way which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A. The Owner agrees the Town may enter upon the property described in Exhibit A or any partian thereof for the purposes of observing and inspecting the Facilities and Practices at any time and from time ta time as may be deemed appropriate, neeessary or desirable by the Towu, the Town Engineer, or other afficers or employees of the Tawn, and ta make repairs to and undertake other actions regarding the Facilities and Practices as set forth below. If maintenance defciencies are faund as a result of such inspections, the Town Engineer will natify the Owner in writing, and the Owner shall cause needed repairs to be made andJor needed maintenance performed within the number of days set farth in such notice. If the Owner fails to complete the repairs andlor maintenance to the satisfaction of the Toum Engineer within the required periad, the Tawn reserves the right (but does not have the obligation) to have the repairs made and/or maintenance performed and will charge the Owner far the cost af such repairs and maintenance. The Owner agrees to pay for such repairs and maintenance within 1 Q days after demand for same. Notwithstanding the faregoing, if an emergency exists requiring immediate action, the Owner hereby authorizes the Tawn, its officers, agents, contractors and employees, to enter upon the praperty and effect emergency repairs to and perform emergency maintenance on, andlor to alter, remove, replace, or change the size of, any portion of the Facilities or Practices in the event of a threat to the safety af the Facilities, Practices or properties adjacent to ar downstream of any portion of the Facilities ar Practices, with the cost of such activities ta be reimbursed by the 4wner to the Town within 10 days of demand for same. When any portion of any Facility or Practice is located off-site ar an the property of a third party, the Owner, at its sole cost and expense, shall obtain easements and rights-of-way thereto acceptable to the Town. Page 2 of 7 06l24(I 1 (Name ofEntity) Starmtivater Maintenance Agr•eemenr — (date) 4. Contest of Bills. In the event the Town makes repairs or undertakes emergency activities as described in paragraph 3 abave and issues a demand for reimbursement, and the Owner disputes either the need for the repairslactivities or the cast of the repairslactivities, the Owner, in lieu of paying the amount demanded shali, within 10 days of receipt of the demand, deliver to the Town Cierk at the Town offices a Natice of Contest stating that the need for the repairslactivities, or cost, or both, is in dispute and concise�y stating the basis for the dispute. Failure ta serve such a Natice of Contest shal� be deemed a waiver af any claim ar defense that the amount demanded is not justified. If the Notice af Contest is timely filed, the Town shall, within forty-five days af the fling, arrange for a hearing before the Town Board which, based upon any relevant materials presented by the Tawn Engineer and the Owner, shall issue a resolutian determining the dispute within 10 days after the hearing. Such resolution sha11 be filed with the Town Clerk, who shall arrange for delivery of a copy of the resolutian to the Owner, within five days after such filing, at the address for such (3wner set farth at the outset af this Agreement c�r at such other address as the Qwner may designate in writing to the Town Clerk and Tawn Engineer. If the Qwner disagrees with the resolution, it may bring a proceeding pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules of the State of New York, provided such proceeding is commenced within 30 days of the filing with the Town Clerk of the decision of the Town Board. The Qwner agrees to the shortened statute af limitations of 30 days within which it must assert its claims in any Article 18 proceeding. Failure ta timely institute such a praceeding shall be deemed an agreement with the decision af the Board. 5. Addition to T�es. In the event the Tawn makes repairs or undertakes emergency activities as described in paragraph 3 above and the Owner fails to reirnburse the Town for the cast of said repairs/activities within 14 days after the demand for same, or, if contested by the proceedings set farth above, fails ta so reimburse within 30 days of the filing of the final decision an the cantest determining the amaunt due to the Tawn, then such unpaid costs, expenses and interest at the per annum rate of 9°10 incuned from the date af repairlactivity shall constitute a lien upon the land an which the Facilities or Practices are located. The Tawn may bring a legal actian or proceeding to collect such costs, expenses, interest, and recoverable attorney's fees, or to fareclose such lien. As an alternative to the maintenance af any such action, the Town may file a certificate with the Tompkins County Deparhnent af Assessment stating the costs and expenses incurred and interest accruing as aforesaid, together with a statement identifying the property and Owner so that the Tompkins County Department af Assessment shali in the preparation of the next assessment rall assess such unpaid costs, expenses and interest upon such property. Such amount shall be included as a special ad valorem levy {administered as a mave tax) against such property, shall canstitute a lien, and shall be collected and enfarced in the same manner, by the same praceedings, at the same time, and under the same penalties as are provided by law for collection and enfarcement of real property taxes in the Town of Tthaca. The Owner agrees that the assessment of such costs, expenses and interest shall be effective even if the property would otherwise be exempt from real estate taxation. In any action or proceeding brought hereunder, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recavery from the other party of its reasanable costs in prosecuting or defending any action, including reasonable attorneys' fees. The prevailing party shall be determined by the caurt determining the matter. "Prevailing part�' shall mean a party which is awarded a11 ar substantially all of the relief demanded by such party. 6. Ins�ection Reports. The Owner shall submit an annual stormwater inspectian report to Page 3 of 7 ab�aa�r i (Name of Entiry) Siormn�ater Marntenance Agreement —(date) the Town Engineer an or before the iirst day of October of each year, with the first repart being submitted the first October following the issuance of the Building Permit. Notwithstanding the foregaing; Owner shall submit storrnwater inspection reports on a more frequent basis or an a different timetabie where required by the Approva� ar by law, rule or regulation. Such reports shall, at a minimum, include the location of the property, 4wner's cantact information, a summary af cornpleted inspections and results of such inspections, and a summary of any maintenance acfiivities or corrective actions undertaken. Reports shall be signed by the Owner or other legally responsible party, and shall attest to the accuracy of the information provided in the report. Failure ta submit the reports, or the submission af inaccurate reports, shall constitute a condition of non-compliance with the 5ubdivision Approval and be subject to enforcement as autlined below. '7. Alterations and Discantinuation of Facilities and Practices. The Owner shall nat authorize, undertake or permit alteration, abandonment, modification flr discantinuation af the Facilities or Practices except in accordance with written approval af the Toum and pursuant to any applicable xequirements for modification of subdivision approvals. 8. Additional Requiremenfis. The Owner shall comply with all Town of Ithaca starmwater operation, maintenance or reparting local 1aws, ordinances and regulations as they now exist or are hereafter added or amended. The parties agree to amend this Agreement as necessary to incorparate the requirements of any new or amended laws, ordinances or regulations. 9. Recordin�. This Agreement shall be recorded in the affice of the Tampkins County C1erk and when recorded shall be referenced to the deeds fvr tax parce131.-2-2$. The costs of recording and referencing to affected deeds and parcels of land shall be the respansibility of the Qwner. 10. Bindin� Effect and Enforcement. {a) The Owner, its legal representatives, successors and assigns, and any other persons or entities wha obtain title to or an interest in any portion of the proparties on which any of the Faci�ities or Practices are located shall be bound by the terms of this Agreement. The Owner shali execute whatever documents are necessary ta make this Agreement binding on any persans ar entities who obtain title to, or an interest in, any portion of the properties on which any of the Facilities or Practices are lacaied. (b) Failure ta camply with any of the requirements of this Agreement shall, without limiting the remedies otherwise available to the Tawn, constitute a condition af nan- compliance with the Subdivision Approval, shall be deemed a violation of the Tawn's Zoning Ordinance, and shall be subject to enforcement as outlined in Section 270-239 ofthe Town of Ithaca Code and Section 268 of the Tawn Law. 11. Representation as to Authoritv. Each of the persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the parties represents that he or she has full authority to execute the same on behalf of his ar her party, and that by his or her execution, the party for which he or she is executing this Agreement is fully bound by its terms. Page 4 of 7 06124/l 1 (Name ofEntity) Siormivater Mainfenance.4greement — (date) 12. Limitation upon Town Liability an:d Indemuity. The Town shalt nat be liable or responsible far any injury to persons ar damage to praperty due to the Town's actions, or failures to act, under or pursuant to this Agreement, unless it is praven to a reasonable degree of certainiy that such injury ar damage was caused by a reckless or intentional wrongful act of the Town or, where the Owner is not in breach of this Agreement and no emergency situation exists, by the Town's negligence. The Owner agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town and its elected officials, employees, agents, subcontractors and consultants for ail damages, lasses and claims that arise aut of the Owner's and/or Town's actions or failures to act under or pursuant to this Agreement, except this indemnification shall not extend ta the proportion of damages, losses and claims caused by a reckless or intentional wrongful act of the Town or, where Qwner is not in breach of this Agreement and no emergency siivation exists, by the Tawn's negligence. Such indemnity shall include the costs af defending any action, including reasonable attorney fees, expert fees, and other litigation costs. 13. Waivers. Where the Town Board finds that, due to the special circumstances af a particular case, a waiver of certain requirements in this Agreement is justified, a waiver may be granted. In all cases, no waiver sha11 be granted unless the Town Board finds and records in its minutes that: (1) granting the waiver would be in keeping with the intent and spirit of this Agreement, and is in the best interests of the cornmunity; (2} there is no adverse effect upon the character, appearance, ar welfare ofthe neighborhood and any watercourses, watersheds, ar surface waters; (3) there are special circumstances involved in the particular case; (4} denying the waiver would result in undue hardship, pravided that such hardship has not been self-impased; and {5) the waiver is the minimum necessary degree of variation from the requirements of this Agreement. 14. Ass_i�;nment. The Tawn may assign this Agreement and any of its rights, duties and obligatians to any successor entity or governmental institution, or to any one ar rnore drainage or other districts hereafter created by the Town, 15. Severabilitv. In the event that any portion of this Agreement is declared invalid by a court of campetent jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining portions shall not be affected by such declaration of invalidity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement effective the day and year first abave written. Date Ob/24/11 TO�'VN OF ITHACA By: Williarn D. Goodman, Supervisor Page S of 7 (Name of Eniity) 8tormwater Maintenance Rgreement —{data) Data osna�r � ANIABEL HOME OWNER'S ASSOCIATION By: [Name and title of signatory] Page 6 of 7 (Name ofEntityJ Stormwater Maintenance.4greement — (date) STATE QF NEW YORK . COLTNTY OF TOMPKINS : ss.: On the day of in the year 20_ befare me, the undersigned, personally appeared persanally known ta me or proved ta me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name{s) is {are} subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshe/they executed the same in hislherltheir capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual{s}, or the person upon behalf of which the individual{s) acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK ; COUNTY OF TOMPKINS : ss.: On the day of in the year 20� before me, the undersigned, personally appeared personally known to me or praved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s} whose name(s} is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshe/they executed the same in hislherltheir capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individuai(s), or the persan upon behalf of which the individual{s) acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public Page 7 af 7 06/24/11 " a �� � °� ��� - ��..�. �..��:�,�' a..�::� �� �,� MEETING (7F TH� ITHACA TOWN BOARD Monday, March 25, 2019 TB Resolutian 2017- : Supplemental a�reement with Fisher Associates, PC, LS, LA, DPC for the Gatewav Trail project for additional desi�n services foi• the propased modified trail se�ment Whereas, in May 2007 the Ithaca Town Board authorizec� the Town of Ithaca to pay i�n the 1'irst instance 100% of tlle federal �1nd non-federal shares of the cost of the design work for the Gateway Trail project, and made $84,000.00 available to cover tlae cost oI' the design wort�k (TB Resolution No. 2007-080); and Whereas, in May 2013 the Ithaca Town Board authorized an additional $4,000.00 to inerease the funding for the design portion of the Gateway Trail project ($88,000.00 total design cost) (TB Resolution No. 2013-077); anci Whereas, following difficulties obtaining permission for an easement from Hame Depot for the trailhead connection into their parking 1ot an alterna�tive plan llas been pz•oposed to end the ti�ail approximately 700 feet further to a poi�it whei�e it will meet the lutui�•e �lack Diamo�zcl Trail that will require additional survey and design work; and Whereas, $15,000 (appi-oximate figure, actual cost to be providecl at meeting) is the amount reqlii�ed for the supplemental eonsultant services to accomplish the addit�ional work described above, now therefore be it Resolved, that the Town Board approves, authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute a supplemental agreement with Fisher Associates, PE, LS, LA, DPC, to include an adclitional amount not to exceed $ (allocated from A7110.526, Gateway Trail), said supplemental agreement subject to the approval foi• the Attorney for the Town. Moved: Seconded: Vote: �..� � .. .. . _ - i,,�� , �. .. , � �. ., �� ���.�. m � .. . ��� ���::�> � � MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BOA£�.D Manday,lVlarch 25, 2019 T� I�esolution 2019 -: Concur�•ence with tlie 1'Jew York State Park Recreation and Historic Preservation (State Parks) intent to acquire property near the ent►•ance to Treman State Park on the south side of Enfield Falls Road Resolved that the Town Board fally supports the State Parks efforts to purchase appraximately 46.17 acres on the south side of Enfield Fa11s I�oad in t11e Town of Ithaca as recammended by New York's C�pen Space Plan when E�zvirc����nental Protection Funds are usecl in t11e acquisition. Moved: Seconded: Vote: � � �, ' % � ' i ( '"w „+i,, � r, . r•��. ; „ , ", `�;, ,�j � , f �; � , ;�'r�' �,;; r � W;� �wu' ! ,� ,� „ ; s � � r ������ �. �+���� ����e �4,��..L.�a9�'� C�overnor Acting Cammissianer February 27, 2019 Mr. Bill Goadman Supervisor, Town of Ithaca Town Hall 215 North Tioga Street Ithaca, New York 14850 Dear Supervisor Goodman, The NYS Office of Parks Recreation and Histaric Preservation (State Parks) would like to acquire appraximately 46.17 acres of vacant land lacated an the south side of Enfield Falls Road in the Town of Ithaca. This property is presently owned by John F. Young and Susan M. Barnett, as husband and wife and James R. Young and Julie R. Young, as husband and wife. The subject is a portion of a 4(at sub-division of tax parcel 34-1-4.2 and is identified as Parcel A an the revised survey map prepared by T.G. Miller P.C. dated January 17, 2019 and filed at the Tompkins County Clerk's Office on February 13, 2019; Instrument 2019-01477 (enclosed). New York's Open Space Plan recommends that State Parks seek local government concurrence when the Enviranmental Protection Funds are used to fund an acquisition. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free contact me at (518) 408-1427 ar by email at Rabert.mccune@parks.nygov Sincerely, Co���_...�.___. Robert F. McCune Real Estate Specialist 1 OPRHP Rea) Property Section �i������ a��' �����°�������°�� ��°�w�����h�� ���� �����s���°�� �l�rn� 1'cark �iai� �ff��� �af i��rk�, ���r��@irr�a �r��J Fii���r�� I�w���rv�ti�r� Albany, N�w Yc�rk 12238 4(518) 474-0456 • parks.riy.gov �, <. < lJ�v U�v� Q4"'� Q,,�a > 3 �' �m � e � . _�.:��� . Z � ,� a . � �. o � ��}', �' � � � � . '�r ' � �� � � ' � - YJv . � .t � � � '� . . . � Yb18 it L ���0 . �� . � . �a �. �g � �� � ��� � � �� "� � �' �� �� � a �� ; �� � �� �� � � �� ��� � � , ��� � � � � �� ��� - � ,, � �� � � � � � �� � ; �� �', � � �, � � � � � � � � � ��� ! 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"�'� �' � MEETING OF THE ITHACA TOWN BCiARD Monda,y, March 11, 2019 TS Resolution 2019-041: Adopt Consent Agenda Resalved, that tlle Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the followin� Consent Agenda iteins: a. Town Board Minutes b. Town of Ithac� Abstract c. Appointmenti�lent of Eihics Board Members Maved: Seconded: Vote: ayes — TB Resolution 2019- a: Approval af Minutes of March 1l, 2019 Whereas, the draft Minutes of the Macch 11, 2019 �meeting of the Town Boal-d have l7een subinitted for review and approval, now therefore be it Resolved, that the Town Baard hereby approvcs the subrnitted i�ninutes as the final mitlutes of the rnaeting on Marc11 1 l, 2019 of the Town Board of the Town of Tthaca. T8 Resolution 2019 - b: Town of Ithaca Abstract No. 6 for FY-2019 Whereas tlie fallowing numbered voucllers lzave been presented to the Ithaca Town Baard for approval of payment; and Wllereas the said vouchers have been audited for paylnent by the said Town Baard; naw tllerefore be it Resc�lved that the governing Town Baa�rr� her�by authorizes the payrnent of tlxe said voucllers in total fc�r t1�te ai�7ounts indicated. VOUC�IER NOS. 337 — 404 G��neral Fund Town Wide 105,2�1.71 General Fund Part-Town 3,791.14 Hi rhwa Fund Town Wide DA 63,437.85 Hi 71�wa Fuiid Part Town DB 7,722.08 Water Fund 6,444.60 Sewer Fund 2,744.49 Fire Protection Fund 33F�,235.34 F�rest Hoine Li htin Distr�ict 170.19 Glensicle Li htin District 65.63 Renwick Hei hts Li htin I7istr�ict �6.28 Eastwood Cc�zn�7�ons Li rhtin 7 District 167.82 Clover Lane Li rhtil7 7 District 19.31 Winner's Circle Li 71�tin � Dist�-ict 66.76 Burlei � h Drive Li xhtiri r District 65.52 West Haven Road L;i 7htin = District 194.69 Cac�din rton Road Li rhtirl r District 11 G.27 TC7TAL 526,609.68 TS Resolutio�a 2019 - c: Ethics Board Members Ftesalved that tilz�; Town Board hereby reappoints Ellie Stewat�t az�1d ap��ac�il�ts F�ajindra Aneja to the Tow11 of Itlzaca Ethics Boarcl for a 2-year term expil•ing December 31, 2020.