HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Minutes 2019-05-30Special Meeting of the Ithaca Town Board
May 30, 2019 4:00 p.m.
1. Discuss and consider authorizing the Supervisor to sign the Behind the Meter Battery
Storage System agreement between NYSEG and Ithaca Area Waste WaterTreatment
2. Discuss and consider amendment to the Joint Sewer Agreement — Chair term limits
3. Discuss and consider award of contract for the Bundy Rd Intersection Reconstruction
4. Discuss and consider amendment to the Gateway Trail Agreement
5. Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract
6. Executive session to discuss the possible acquisition of real property
7. Adjourn
Special Meeting of the Ithaca Town Board
May 30, 2019 4:00 p.m.
Present: Board Members Bill Goodman, Pamela Bleiwas, Rich DePaolo and Tee-Ann Hunter
Paulette Rosa, Bruce Bates, Jim Weber, Sue Ritter and Mike Solvig
Mr. Goodman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
1. Discuss and consider authorizing the Supervisor to sign the Behind the Meter Battery
Storage System agreement between NYSEG and Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment
There were no comments on this action.
TB Resolution 2019-075: Authorizin� the Supervisor to si�n the Behind the Meter Batterv
Stora�e Svstem a�reement between NYSEG and Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment
Whereas, New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) is sponsoring a Behind the
Meter (BTM) Battery Storage System Demonstration Program through May l, 2021, and
Whereas, NYSEG is seeking to conduct this demonstration program at various Commercial and
Industrial sites meeting specific power usage and site location requirements in NYSEG's "Energy
Smart Community," and
Whereas, eligible Customers who participate in the program will help NYSEG test new ways to
make the electric grid more flexible and to include more renewable energy sources into the
existing system, and
Whereas, the Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment Facility (IAWWTF) was determined to be an
eligible Customer after a preliminary review which included an inspection of the premises and a
review of historical electricity usage data by NYSEG, and
Whereas, NYSEG desires to enter into an agreement with the IAWWTF for a BTM program,
Whereas, the conditions of the agreement provide a no-cost-to-Customer BTM on the premises,
Whereas, the agreement provides the IAWWTF with guaranteed electricity bill savings,
increased control over energy usage, and increased sustainability, and
Whereas, the agreement projects a net electrical savings to the IAWWTF of $459.56 per month
with a guaranteed net savings of at least 7%, and
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Whereas, after a two-year trial period, the IAWWTF will have the opportunity to purchase the
battery from NYSEG, renewing the subscription agreement, or discontinuing the participation in
the program, now therefore be it
Resolved, the Special Joint Committee (SJC) authorizes a no-cost BTM Demonstration
Agreement between the IAWWTF and NYSEG substantially in the form attached, and be it
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign the
agreement between the IAWWTF and NYSEG on behalf of the Town of Ithaca, and be it further
Resolved, that the terms of the agreement will be from the effective date of signature through
May l, 2021.
Moved: Tee-Ann Hunter Seconded: Rich DePaolo
Vote: ayes — Hunter, DePaolo, Bleiwas and Goodman
2. Discuss and consider amendment to the Joint Sewer Agreement — Chair term limits
Mr. Goodman explained that the Committee would like the ability to have the Chair remain,
especially since it takes a bit of time to learn the issues. The proposal is for the Chair to be
nominated and elected each year.
TB Resolution 2019 -076: Approval of an amendment to the Joint Sewer A�reement to
Eliminate the Chairperson term limit and authorize the Town Supervisor to si�n on behalf
of the Town
Whereas, the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility ("IAWWTF") is owned and operated by
the City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, and Town of Dryden ("Municipal Owners"), with oversight
provided through this Special Joint Committee ("SJC") composed of representatives from the three
Municipal Owners,
Whereas, the Municipal Owners entered into a December 31, 2003 Joint Sewer Agreement that
governs IAWWTF administration and operations,
Whereas, Section 133 of the Joint Sewer Agreement provides as follows:
"13.3 The SJC will elect its own chairperson annually and shall establish scheduled monthly
meeting dates to provide for timely referrals to the Parties' respective boards or governing
bodies. No chairperson shall serve for more than two consecutive one-year terms but may be
re-elected after a minimum of a one-term period has elapsed since that person last served as
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Whereas, at its meeting on February 20, 2019, the SJC adopted a resolution recommending
elimination of the limit on a chairperson serving more than two consecutive terms, because it often
takes an SJC chairperson more than a year to develop enough understanding of the IAWWTF and
the chairperson role to function efficiently and effectively with the other SJC members and staff,
Whereas, Section 17.1 of the Joint Sewer Agreement provides that it may be amended as follows:
"17.1 This Agreement may be modified or amended by an instrument in writing, duly executed
and acknowledged by the duly authorized representatives of each Party, upon approval by
majority vote of the voting strength of the respective governing bodies of said Party."
Resolved, the Town of Ithaca approves and authorizes the Ithaca Town Supervisor to execute an
amendment to the Joint Sewer Agreement, subject to the approval of the Attorney for the Town,
that eliminates the chairperson term limit by deleting the second sentence in Section 13.3, so that
Section 13.3 reads as follows:
"13.3 The SJC will elect its own chairperson annually and shall establish scheduled monthly
meeting dates to provide for timely referrals to the Parties' respective boards or governing
Moved: Rich DePaolo Seconded: Pamela Bleiwas
Vote: ayes — DePaolo, Bleiwas, Hunter and Goodman
3. Discuss and consider award of contract for the Bundy Rd Intersection Reconstruction
Mr. Weber reported the results of the bid opening and that we have worked with this company
before and we are comfortable with their ability to complete the project.
TB Resolution 2019-077: Authorization to Award Contract for the Town of Ithaca Bundv
Road Reconstruction Proiect
Whereas, on May 23, 2019, the Director of Public Works/Highway Superintendent received bids
for the Town of Ithaca Bundy Road Reconstruction Project for the reconstruction of Bundy Road
from the intersection of State Route 96, to approximately 445 feet west of the intersection,
matching the existing length and width, and other related ancillary facilities, and
Whereas, the Director of Public Works has reviewed the bids and qualifications of the bidders and
has determined that the lowest responsive bid of $344,000.00 for the total project was made by the
lowest responsible bidder, Seneca Stone Corporation, 2747 Canoga Road, Seneca Falls, NY
13148, and
Whereas, at the October 15, 2018, Town Board meeting, the Town Board adopted a 2019 Ithaca
Town Budget, (TB Resolution 2018-133), which included monies for the reconstruction of Bundy
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Road, in the Highway Part-Town Fund, line DB5112.546, and identified the maximum amount of
$500,000.00 to be expended by the Town of Ithaca for this improvement, and
Whereas, at its special meeting on May 30, 2019, the Town Board has determined approval,
construction and implementation of the Improvement are a Type II Action pursuant to the
regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated
pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, because the Action constitutes "repaving
of existing highways not involving the addition of new travel lanes", "replacement, rehabilitation
or reconstruction of a structure or facility, in kind, on the same site," and thus approval,
construction and implementation of the Improvement are not subject to review under SEQRA;
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca authorizes the award of the contract for the
Town of Ithaca Bundy Road Reconstruction project to Seneca Stone Corporation, subject to final
approval of the contract documents by the Town Engineer and Attorney for the Town, and be it
Resolved, that the Town Supervisor is authorized to execute such contract upon such approval;
and be it further
Resolved, that the Director of Public Works is authorized to approve change orders to such contract
upon receipt of appropriate justification provided that the maximum amount of such change orders
(15%) shall not in the aggregate exceed $51,600.00 without prior authorization of this Board, and
provided further that the total project cost does not exceed the maximum authorized project cost
of $395,600.00.
Moved: Tee-Ann Hunter Seconded: Pamela Bleiwas
Vote: ayes- Hunter, Bleiwas, DePaolo and Goodman
4. Discuss and consider amendment to the Gateway Trail Agreement
Mr. Goodman explained this is a small change to the Agreement due to a shift in the design.
TB Resolution 2019 -078: Authorization for Supervisor to Si�n the Cooperative A�reement
Amendment with NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation for the
Gatewav Trail Proiect
Whereas, NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation owns the former railroad
property that the proposed Gateway Trail project would follow, and
Whereas, in June 2017 the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation and the
Town of Ithaca signed a cooperative agreement (Contract Number T100485) for the construction
and maintenance of the Gateway Trail; and
Whereas, the Town of Ithaca has requested that the agreement be extended to include additional
property in the area of the Home Depot building and Buttermilk Falls Road West; and
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Whereas, NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation has provided the Town an
amendment to the 2017 agreement; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby authorize the Town
Supervisor to sign the cooperative agreement amendment with NYS Office of Parks, Recreation
& Historic Preservation for the Gateway Trail project, subject to approval by the Attorney for the
Moved: Pamela Bleiwas Seconded: Rich DePaolo
Vote: ayes — Bleiwas, DePaolo, Hunter and Goodman
5. Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract
TB Resolution 2019-079: Town of Ithaca Abstract No. 10 for FY-2019
Whereas the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board for
approval of payment; and
Whereas the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board; now
therefore be it
Resolved that the governing Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said vouchers in
total for the amounts indicated.
VOUCHER NOS. 627 - 696
General Fund Town Wide 96,75326
General Fund Part-Town 17,665.89
Hi wa Fund Town Wide DA 36,082.69
Hi wa Fund Part Town DB 23,819.42
Water Fund 12,371.08
Sewer Fund 4,24321
Fire Protection Fund 266,481.00
Forest Home Li tin District 163.60
Glenside Li htin District 65.85
Renwick Hei hts Li htin District 76.66
Eastwood Commons Li htin District 168.34
Clover Lane Li htin District 19.36
Winner's Circle Li htin District 66.85
Burlei Drive Li htin District 65.75
West Haven Road Li htin District 195.64
Coddin ton Road Li tin District 116.82
Debt Service 470.00
TOTAL 458,825.42
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Moved: Rich DePaola Seconded: Tee-Ann Hunter
Vote: ayes — DePaolo, Hunter, Goodman, and Bleiwas
6. Exec�tive session to discuss the possible acquisition of reaI property
Mr. Goodman moved to enter closed session at 4: IS p.m.to discuss the possible disposition of
real property where publicity might affect the price, seconded by Ms. Bleiwas, unanimous.
Mr. Goodman moved to reenter open session at 4:30 p.m., seconded by Mr. DePaolo,
7. Adjaurn
Ms. Hunter moved to adjourn at 4:15 p.m, seconded by Mr. DePaolo, unanim�us.
Submi ed
Paulette Rosa, Town Clerk
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TB 2019-05-30