HomeMy WebLinkAboutPWC Minutes 2014-06-17
June 17, 2014 9:00 a.m.
Public Works Facility
Board and Staff Present: Herb Engman, Rich DePaolo, Rod Howe, Jim Weber, Mike
Solvig, Mike Smith, Creig Hebdon
Guests: David Herrick from TG Miller, Scott Reynolds of Ithaca Neighborhood Housing
1. Approval of Minutes:
2. Member Comments / Concerns:
Mr. DePaolo would like an update on the Coddington Road Project which is listed on the
agenda under Project Updates.
a. Modifications to Agenda – Greenway Discussion moved to item #3, Brandywine
discussion moved to item #4.
3. Greenway Project – Water/Sewer Approval and Road Abandonment:
David Herrick from T. G. Miller Engineering group presented plans for water/sewer
alignment, ROW abandonment, and long term road maintenance. Mr. Weber explained
the background of the developed area. The Committee had no issues with road
abandonment and water/sewer alignment. Mr. Weber and Mr. Hebdon will work with Mr.
Herrick and Mr. Reynolds to settle on the best solution for snow removal.
4. Follow up on the Brandywine Drainage Issue:
Mr. Weber showed pictures and reported that property owners have had issues with back
yard drainage due to existing site grading and would like us to rectify the problem. A ditch
has been hand-dug by property owner(s) to alleviate the issue. It was agreed that the
issue is the responsibility of the property owners, but that the Town could offer technical
assistance and possibly provide grading data.
5. Update/Discussion on Kendall/Pennsylvania Pavement Issue:
Mr. Weber reported that the previous owner has sold the house and there is no indication
of a problem now. The Town did install “no parking” signs. No further action needed at
this time.
6. Discuss 5-Year CIP:
Mr. Weber reviewed the plan with the Committee. Questions arose regarding increases in
project costs which are attributed to changing pricing and/or approaches. Discussion was
held regarding pushing projects that are not critical out to the future and moving the
projects that consistently get moved forward into their own category to eliminate confusion
and a perceived escalated cost. Mr. Hebdon talked about the benefit of having borings on
the road done in order to more accurately determine the cost of road reconstruction.
7. Present Findings from Pavement Borings Project:
Mr. Hebdon presented a map of borings performed as part of the project. He presented
the results for Winner’s Circle which showed 2” of asphalt over weathered shale, which
does not meet established Town standards. This helps to determine why the road is
deteriorating. He explained that there is much more oversight now on projects than in the
1980s when the road was constructed. It was agreed that obtaining borings is a good
approach as it provides background information for future projects.
8. Discuss Potential of Stop Sign Installation at Intersection of Campbell and Hopkins
Mr. Weber explained the safety issues associated with the intersection. It was agreed
that a stop sign on Campbell Avenue at the intersection with Hopkins Place and some
striping would minimize speed and drivers crossing into the inside lane to round the
9. Winston Court ROW and Drainage Issues:
Mr. Weber presented a map and explained the drainage system. He explained that we
will take responsibility for public areas, but not for parking areas.
10. City of Ithaca Stormwater Fees – Due to time constraints, this item will be discussed at
our next meeting.
11. Town Board Bus Tour Site Location Requests and Ideas:
Mr. Weber asked for input for the tour in regard to ideas and timeframe. It was agreed
that the last half of August may be a good time and will bring the item up at the next Town
Board Study Session. He also listed the ideas for projects to include that he had so far.
Mr. Howe suggested adding a park.
12. Project Updates:
Elm Street Extension Slope Repair: The repair is complete. The property owner has
signed off on the work. There are a few issues that will be addressed in the future.
Sand Bank Road Reconstruction: The project is going well. By nature, water from the
rocks leaches under the pavement so, the depth of the ditch has been increased and the
rock will be hammered back as much as possible.
Winner’s Circle Culvert Repair: The project will begin the week of 6/30. Spin casting
will take approximately two weeks.
Route 79 Sewer Repair: The project is going out to bid by the end of the week.
Christopher Tank Replacement: The project is going to the Town Board for approval
and should begin mid-July.
Coddington Road Water Main: Contract has been sent to the lowest bidder.
Mobilization can potentially begin the week of 6/30 or 7/7. Easements are being obtained.
Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for:
July 15 at 9:00 at the Public Works Facility