HomeMy WebLinkAboutPWC Minutes 2016-05-17
May 17, 2016 9:00 a.m.
Public Works Facility
Board and Staff Present: Rod Howe, Rich DePaolo, TeeAnn Hunter, Jim Weber, Mike Smith,
Bill Goodman, Mike Solvig
Guest: Dave Mountin
1. Approval of Minutes:
Minutes from April 17, 2016 were approved with a minor change to item #4 for clarification.
Motion to approve by Ms. Hunter, seconded by Mr. DePaolo.
2. Member Comments / Concerns: None
a. Modifications to Agenda – None
3. 2017 Fleet Replacement Program and CIP Review:
The purpose of the fleet replacement item is to provide information requested at the last
meeting by Ms. Hunter relative to the decision-making process for replacement of equipment.
Mr. Weber provided information on the Fleet Policy rating system and costs associated with
maintenance and repairs. Discussion was held regarding warranties on used equipment and
whether or not they are cost effective or offered. Mr. DePaolo asked how much subjectivity
there is in using the ratings and making decisions to replace. Mr. Weber said there was some
subjectivity, but that decisions are also made based on conversations with mechanics and
operators. Adjustments and alternative actions are implemented whenever possible. Mr.
DePaolo suggested continuing to refine the process. Ms. Hunter asked about having some
sort of guideline as baseline information for a useful life/depreciation schedule. Mr. DePaolo
agreed that some official guideline, outside of the PW environment, would be best for
referencing. Mr. Goodman suggested looking into NYSDOT for something official.
Regarding the CIP, Mr. Weber explained that due to staff changes and project assessment,
the project schedule has been adjusted. Discussion was held regarding the Northeast Water
Study and the potential for modifications to the distribution system and Mr. Goodman’s
meeting with Cornell this afternoon.
4. Sidewalk Maintenance Referral from Town Board:
Mr. Goodman reported that an ad-hoc committee will be created to take on the issue of
sidewalk maintenance. Decisions will continue to pass through the PW Committee, then onto
the Town Board. Mr. Weber reminded the Committee to keep the cost of Complete Streets in
5. Elm Street Sewer Variance Referral from Town Board:
Mr. Mountin presented his ideas for development of his land into a zero energy neighborhood
by subdividing his parcel. He is requesting a variance to install septic systems due to the cost
associated with a pump station sewer system. Since sanitary sewer and water are available
nearby, Mr. Goodman made suggestions for tying into the existing systems. Discussion was
held regarding potential investigations of sanitary sewer easements on adjacent parcels,
public street access, private road construction to Town standards, potential trail connections,
and what is best for the customer. Mr. Goodman said he was willing to meet with Mr. Mountin
to discuss further.
6. Project Status:
Trumansburg Water Tank Replacement – Not Discussed
Park Lane, Christopher and Sapsucker Water Mains - The preconstruction meeting has
been held. The order of the projects has been reversed. Park/Sapsucker/Christopher is the
Paving is taking place today on Bundy Road. Paving on Kay/Woolf/Grove/Grove Pl will be
done by the end of the month with the assistance of the Town of Lansing inter-municipal
services agreement.
2015 Sewer Rehabilitation is complete.
PWD has taken delivery of the Gradall.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:37 a.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for:
June 21, at 9:00 at the Public Works Facility