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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB Packet 2018-10-15 Meeting of the Ithaca Town Board
Monday, October 15,2018 at 5:30 p.m.
1. Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Persons to be heard and board comments
3. 5:30 p.m. Public Hearings:
a. Proposed increase to the Town of Ithaca sewer rents effective January 1, 2019
i. Consider Approval
b. Town of Ithaca 2019 Preliminary Budget
4. Discuss and consider the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission's
increase of the Water Rate Charges Effective January 1,2019
5. Discuss and consider amendments to the Town of Ithaca 2019 Budget
a. Consider adoption of the 2019 Town of Ithaca Budget
6. Discuss and consider a request from Cornell Botanical Garden for a variance from Town of
Ithaca Code Chapter 200, 3-A"Regulations" and 5-E "Prohibited Activities"to allow for
access to their property through the Culver Rd Preserve by program hunters
7. Discuss and consider Town acceptance of Aster Lane
8. Acknowledge receipt of inspection reports of the Ferguson (Laughing Goat) and
Cummins (Indian Creek Farm) Agricultural Easements
9. Consider Consent Agenda Items
a. Approval of Town Board Minutes
b. Town of Ithaca Abstract
c. Bolton Point Abstract
d. Ratify appointment of Laborer—Public Works
e. Recommendation to the Tompkins County Legislature -- Environmental
Management Council Member
10. Report of Town Officials
11. Report of Town Committees/Intermunicipal Organizations
12. Review of Correspondence
13. Consider Adjournment
1 A 1"`11
Monday, October 15, 2018
TB Resolution 2018- : Increasing Sewer Rents in the Town of Ithaca Sewer Improvement
Area Effective JanuarLI, 2019
Whereas, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca wishes to revise the sewer rent
schedules for the Town of Ithaca Sewer Improvement Area;and
Whereas, a public hearing, duly advertised and posted as required by law, was held at
215 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York on the 15th day of October 2018, and the public was
permitted an opportunity to be heard on the proposed increase; and
Whereas, pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act
("SEQRA") and its implementing regulations at 6 NYCRR Part 617, it has been determined by
the Town Board that adoption of the proposed resolution is a Type 11 action because it
constitutes "routine or continuing agency administration and management, not including new
programs or major reordering of priorities that may affect the environment," and thus this
action is not subject to review under SEQRA; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby establishes and
imposes the following:
(1) Effective January 1, 2019 there is hereby imposed a sewer rent payable by all
users connected to the Town-wide sewer system at a rate of $4.91 per 1,000
gallons of water consumed.
(2) In addition, and notwithstanding the foregoing rate structure, there shall be a
minimum base charge for regular quarterly bills sent on or after January 1, 2019
in the amount of $24.55, which minimum charge is based on 5,000 gallons of
usage,regardless of whether that amount is actually used.
(3) Multiple housing and mobile home parks of over two dwelling units, using a
master water meter, will be computed as follows: The quarterly master water
meter reading will be divided by the number of dwelling units and the sewer rent
charge will be figured on this number as if the unit was individually metered. The
sewer rent will then be multiplied by the number of units on the master water
meter and this will be the billing rendered and the amount payable. If the
calculation of the water consumed per dwelling unit is less than the amount that
would be permitted before exceeding the minimum sewer rent set forth above,
then the billing will be calculated by multiplying the number of units served by
the master water meter times the minimum sewer rent set forth above.
(4) The charges set forth above shall be effective with respect to bills rendered on or
after the effective dates set forth above, even if the measurement is for
consumption prior to the above effective dates (i.e., any bill rendered on or after
January 1, 2019, shall be calculated at the 2019 rate even if the sewer use
occurred prior to January 1 ,2019).
(5) In the event a property is connected to public sewer, but is not connected to a
water meter, the sewer rent shall be based upon estimated water consumption as
reasonably determined by the Director of Public Works based upon recognized
methods of estimating typical consumption for the type of facility involved (e.g.,
gallons per day per bedroom).
Moved: Seconded:
Vote: Aye—
Monday, October 16, 2018
TB Resolution 2018- : Increasing Water Dates Chargeable to Consumers of Water in
the Town of Ithaca Effective,January 1, 2019
Whereas, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca wishes to revise the sewer rent and
water rate schedules for the Town of Ithaca Sewer Improvement Area and the Town of
Ithaca Water Improvement Area;and
Whereas, pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act
("SEQRA") and its implementing regulations at 6 NYCRR Part 617, it has been determined by
the Town Board that adoption of the proposed resolution is a Type I1 action because it
constitutes "routine or continuing agency administration and management, not including new
programs or major reordering of priorities that may affect the environment," and thus this
action is not subject to review under SEQRA; Now, therefore,be it
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby establishes a water rate of
$7.59 per 1,000 gallons of water consumed with the following water rate schedule:
Effective January 1,2019
The rate charged for water consumption shall be $7.59 per 1,000 gallons of water
consumed. The foregoing rate will be the rate charged for all regular quarterly bills sent
on or after January 1, 2019. Actual or base consumption may occur prior to January 1,
Notwithstanding the foregoing rates, the following minimum base charges shall
be applicable to the meter size indicated below for regular quarterly bills issued on or
after January 1,2019. The table below also shows the amount of water consumption that
is permitted before the minimum base charge would be exceeded:
(in Gallons)
3/4 .5,000 $ 37.95
1 15,000 $ 1.13.85
1-1/2 22,500 $ 170.78
2 45,000 $ 341.55
3 70,000 $ 531.30
4 100,000 $ 759.00
6 175,000 $ 1,328.25
Multiple Housing and mobile home parks of over 2 dwelling units, using a master
meter, will be computed as follows: The quarterly master meter reading will be divided
by the number of dwelling units and the water charge will be figured on this number as if
the unit was individually metered. The water charge will then be multiplied by the
number of units on the master meter and this will be the billing rendered. If the
calculation of the water consumed per dwelling unit is less than the allowable
consumption for a three-quarter inch meter, then the billing will be calculated by
multiplying the number of units on the master meter times the minimum charge for a
three-quarter inch meter.
The water application fee for each new application for water service shall be the
charges for new water connections charged by the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal
Water Commission including application fees, meter charges, service tap fees, inspection
fees, accessory materials, installation costs, and any other fee or cost charged by the
Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission for connecting new water
An annual charge for each fire protection main serving a fire suppression system
will be billed along with the first quarterly water bill of the calendar year. The annual
charge for this service shall be $20.00 per diameter inch of the pipe supplying the fire
suppression system or such other amount as is charged by the Southern Cayuga Lake
Intermunicipal Water Commission for such systems. The pipe supplying the fire
suppression system is the pipe needed to supply the fire suppression system, installed
downstream of the system control valve.
In addition to any other charges due to the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal
Water Commission or the Town, there shall also be due to the Town a charge of$68.50
for disconnecting and a charge of $68.50 for reconnecting water service where water
service has been disconnected pursuant to Town Code § 261-4 for failure to pay water
rates or other charges.
Moved: Seconded:
Vote: Aye —
b ..1.
OF 17,
18 21 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, N.Y. 14850
FINANCE AND BUDGET - (607) 273-1721 FAX - (607) 273-1704
Date: October 12, 2018
Memo to: Bill Goodman,Town Supervisor, and Members of the Town Board
From: Michael T. Solvig, Finance Officer
Subject: Comparison of Ithaca Town Budget Expenditures, Assessed Evaluations, and Property Tax
Levies/Property Tax Rates for Fiscal Years 2012-2019.
At the Town Board Budget meeting on October 4, Board Member Rich De Paolo submitted the following
Our budgeted expenditures including capital projects have increased 37% in nine years (including
2019). That does not seem sustainable, given that our tax base has not expanded proportionally.
Since we rely on increasing assessments to meet the bulk of our revenue needs, we are simply
asking people to pay more to finance our spending, even though their ability to do so has not kept
pace. It would be helpful to try to understand what our projected budget will be for the next
several years in order to determine whether some of the staffing increases that are being
requested going forward are feasible.
On the attached spreadsheets, we took a closer look at the Ithaca Town Budgets for Fiscal Years 2012-
2019 to establish a historical basis as a first step in determining whether future budget growth on a similar
scale is sustainable. I have shown only the past eight years as opposed to the nine years Mr. De Paolo
looked at as the 2011 budget was not broken down the way we have done since 2012. On page 2, the
total budget expenditures are shown broken down by function, and then by class. Please note the totals
shown were also adjusted as follows:
- Capital projects to be financed with new long-term debt were subtracted from the totals as the debt
service payments for these projects will be included in future years operating budgets.
- Debt service totals were shown in both the debt service and interfund transfer lines, effectively
being counted twice. For this exercise, they were subtracted from the interfund transfer lines.
On the bottom of page 3 is a breakdown of employee benefits for the past eight years. Page 4 shows the
information for property tax levies, assessed valuations, property tax rates, and calculation of the Town
portion of the annual property tax bill for atypical property for the years 2012 -2019. Please note that the
amounts shown for the two Highway Funds in 2018 and 2019 were combined when calculating the
percentage increases to allow for a comparison to the single Highway Fund in the years prior to 2018.
• BUDGETED EXPENDITURES - Total budgeted expenditures increased from $16,850,364 in 2012 to
$22,177,665 in 2019. This is an increase of 31.62% over this period, or an average increase of
4.00% per year. The largest increase has been in debt service, increasing from $694,207 in 2012
to$1,682,693 in 2019, a 142.39% increase over this period.
• EMPLOYEE BENEFITS — Employee benefits have ranged from a low of $1,633,510 in 2012 to a high
of $2,267,570 in 2018, the amount budgeted for 2019 is $2,203,425. The increase from 2012 to
2019 is 34.89%, or an average increase of 4.37% per year. Employee benefits have been
increasing at a slightly faster pace than total expenditures.
• PROPERTY TAx LEVY - The Town's property tax levy has increased from $6,633,100 in 2012 to a
proposed $8,401,650 in 2019. This is a 1.99% increase over the prior year, and a 26.66% increase
from 2012. The average annual increase over the past eight years is 3.43%. The largest increase
in the property tax levy has been for highway purposes, increasing from $743,000 in 2012 to a
combined $2,240,000 in 2019, an increase of 201.46%for this period.
• ASSESSED VALUATIONS - The taxable assessed valuation of the Town has increased from
$1,273,589,816 in 2012 to $1,549,688,565 in 2019. This is a 5.36% increase over the prior year,
and a 21.68% increase from 2012. The average annual increase over the past eight years is
• PROPERTY TAx RATES - The total property tax rate has ranged from a low of $6.3817 in 2012 to a
high of $6.8394 in 2016, with an average annual total rate of $6.5606. The 2019 proposed total
rate of $6.3922 is a 3.08%decrease from the 2018 total rate of$6.5951.The increase from 2012 to
2019, calculated the same as for the items above, is 0.16%. The largest increase in the property
tax rate has been for highway purposes, increasing from $0.8296 in 2012 to a combined total of
$1.8190 in 2019, an increase of 119.27%for this period.
• PROPERTY TAx BILLS - The property tax bill for a typical property*in the Town, which also includes
one each of water and sewer benefit assessment fees, has ranged from a low of$1,322.53 in 2012
to a high of $1,424.48 in 2016, with an average annual tax bill of $1,380.26 over the eight year
period 2012 - 2019. The 2019 property tax bill, calculated at $1,409.52, increases $6.45 or 0.46%
over the prior year. The increase from $1,322.53 in 2012 to $1,409.52 in 2019, calculated the
same as for the items above, is 6.58%. The average annual increase for the years 2012 - 2019 is
$12.43. The largest increase in the property tax bill over this period has been for highway
purposes, increasing from $157.62 in 2012 to a combined total of $345.60 in 2019, an increase of
119.27%for this period.
- Property tax portion of the annual property bill increased from $1,212.53 in 2012 to $1,214.52
in 2019. This is a total increase of $1.99 over the past eight years, or an average increase of
$0.28 per year.
- Benefit assessment fees portion of the annual property bill increased from $110.00 in 2012 to
$195.00 in 2019. This is a total increase of $85.00 over the past eight years, or an average
increase of$12.15 per year.
- Property taxes levied for fire protection accounted for 54.6% of the annual property tax bill in
2012. In 2019,this tax accounts for 35.8%of the annual property tax bill.
- Property taxes levied for highway purposes accounted for 11.9% of the annual property tax bill
in 2012. In 2019,taxes for highway purposes account for 24.5%of the annual property tax bill.
"A Typical Property in the Town of Ithaca is a Single-Family Residence with an Assessed Value of$190,000.
DESCRIPTION 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 %CHANGE
GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 2,076,495 $ 1,981,120 $ 2,001,360 $ 2,245,870 $ 1,929,481 $ 2,084,010 $ 2,120,566 $ 2,226,110 7.21%
PUBLIC SAFETY 3,545,450 3,390,934 3,509,334 3,474,484 3,485,834 3,617,534 3,470,384 3,503,034 -1.20%
HEALTH&WELLNESS 15,500 15,500 15,500 15,500 16,000 16,000 15,000 15,000 -3.23%
TRANSPORTATION 2,081,385 2,309,900 2,374,610 2,578,760 3,218,905 3,182,380 3,747,380 3,604,725 73.19%
CULTURE&RECREATION 926,252 996,071 955,101 1,082,064 1,028,790 1,158,679 1,138,673 1,440,698 55.54%
HOME&COMMUNITY SVC 5,302,000 5,962,200 6,174,240 6,958,025 6,916,940 6,890,500 7,473,950 6,818,930 28.61%
EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1,633,510 1,868,870 1,964,040 1,898,390 2,020,600 2,082,125 2,267,570 2,203,425 34.89%
DEBT SERVICE 694,207 748,229 989,450 1,230,900 1,412,344 1,403,012 1,335,644 1,682,693 142.39%
INTERFUND TRANSFERS 1 575,565 380,050 417,433 371,184 400,300 397,150 580,200 683,050 18.67%
TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $ 16,850,364 $ '17,652,1475 $ 18,401,068 $ 19,855,177 $ 20,429,195 $ 20,831,390 $ 22,149,367 $ 22,177,665 31.62%
PERSONAL SERVICES $ 3,153,445 $ 3,245,030 $ 3,325,090 $ 3,434,355 $ 3,449,706 $ 3,751,120 $ 4,099,945 $ 4,155,125 31.76%
EQUIPMENT/CAPITAL OUTLAY 680,25011 809,500 789,500 907,000 840,000 825,500 839,000 1,007,188 48.06%
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9,303,387 9,821,195 10,390,555 10,598,348 10,806,244 10,987,483 11,277,008 11,106,184 19.38%
CAPITAL PROJECTS 810,000 780,000 525,000 1,415,000 1,500,000 1,385,000 1,750,000 1,340,000 65.43%
EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1,633,510 1,868,870 1,964,040 1,898,390 2,020,600 2,082,125 2,267,570 2,203,425 34.89%
DEBT SERVICE 694,207 748,229 989,450 1,230,900 1,412,344 1,403,012 1,335,644 1,682,693 1 142.39%
INTERFUND TRANSFERS 575,565 380,050 417,433 371,184 400,300 397,150 580,200 683,050 18.67%
TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $ 16,850,364 $ 17,652,875 $ 18,401,068 $ 19,855,177 $ 20,429,195 $ 20,831,390 $ 22,149,367 $ 22,177,665 31.62%
%CHANGE FROM PRIOR YEAR: 2.17%1 4.76%1 4.24%� 7.90%� 2.89%1 1.97%i 6.33%j 0.13%j
NYS RETIREMENT $ 407,000 $ 552,500 $ 610,000 $ 575,700 $ 574,000 $ 600,300 $ 637,000 $ 551,000 35.38%
SOCIAL SECURITY 241,450 247,550 254,000 262,950 263,950 287,300 309,700 314,650 30.32%
WORKERS COMPENSATION 103,100 109,800 111,200 116,400 139,100 154,100 155,500 167,500 62.46%
LIFE INSURANCE 6,300 6,950 6,850 6,850 8,160 8,610 9,100 1 9,300 47.62%
UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 25,500 23,900 26,200 26,200 26,200 24,700 23,000 23,000 -9.80%
DISABILITY INSURANCE 18,810 2,820 2,840 2,840 2,840 2,765 3,045 3,900 -79.27%
GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 829,500 923,500 951,100 905,600 1,004,500 1,002,500 1,128,400 1,132,000 36.47%
FLEXIBLE SPENDING PLAN 1,850 1,850 1 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,825 2,075 12.16%
TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: i $ 1,633,510 $ 1,868,870 $ 1,964,040 $ 1,898,390 $ 2,020,600 2,082,125 2,267,570 $ 2,203,425 34.89%
%CHANGE FROM PRIOR YEAR: -0.92%� 14.41%1 5.09%I
.09 -3.34%� 6.44%� 3.04%� 8.91%� -2.83*
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 I 2018 2019 2012-2019
GENERAL TOWNWIDE FUND $ 2,231,555 $ 2,276,200 $ 2,520,000 $ 2,600,000 $ 2,600,000 $ 3,052,000 $ 2,750,000 $ 2,975,000 33.32%
HIGHWAYTOWNWIDEFUND - - - - - - I 800,000 800,000 201.48%
HIGHWAY PART-TOWN FUND 743,000 999,300 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 1,250,000 1,400,000 1,440,000
WATER FUND 7,500 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,500 8,600 9,000 8,750 16.67%
SEWER FUND 8,500 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,700 9,600 10,000 9,900 16.47%
FIRE PROTECTION FUND 3,630,600 3,465,500 3,500,000 3,580,000 3,550,000 3,500,000 ! 3,250,000 3,150,000 -13.24%
LIGHT DISTRICTS FUND 11,945 11,325 12,625 13,200 17,000 19,000 19,000 18,000 50.69°/°
TOTAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY $ 6,633,100 f $ 6,769,325 $ 7,049,625 $ 7,210,200 $ 7,685,200 $ 7,839,200 j $ 8,238,000 $ 8,401,650 ( 26.66%
%CHANG'E FROM PRIOR YEAR 5,80°/a " 2.05% 4.14%1 2.2$7/. 6.55%1 2.00%j 5.09%j 1.99%
GENERAL TOWNWIDE FUND 1,273,589,816 1,281,218,066 1,294,998,380 1,323,641,670 1,366,007,677 1,409,739,322 1,470,783,820 1,549,688,565 21.68%
HIGHWAY TOWNWIDE FUND -p28 974,757 1,470,7$3,8201 1;549,688,565 N/A
HIGHWAY PART-TOWN FUND 895,663,402 901;342,198 913,708,901 939,061, ,347 1,003,$83,5$1 1;061,231,644 1,105,371,520 23.41%
FIRE PROTECTION FUND 955,416,289 962,143,993 989,892,615 1,015,645,101 1,044,988,822 1,077,313,706 1,135,473,489 1,187,098,119 24.25%
GENERAL TOWNWIDE FUND $ 1.7522 $ 1.7766 $ 1.9459 $ 1.9643 $ 1.9034 $ 2.1649 $ 1.8698 $ 1.9197 9.56%
HIGHWAY TOWNWIDE FUND _ _ _ _ _ I I 0.5439 0.5162 119.27%'
HIGHWAY PART-TOWN FUND 0.8296 1.1087 1.0944 1.0649 1.5388 ( 1.2452 1.3192 1.3027
FIRE PROTECTION FUND 3.8000 3.6019 3.5357 3.5249 3.3972 3.2488 2.8622 2.6535 -30.17%
TOTAL PROPERTY TAX RATE $ 6.3817 ! $ 6.4871 $ 6.5761 $ 6,5540 $ 6.8394 $ 6.6589 I $ 6.5951 $ 6.3922 { 0.16%
DESCRIPTION 2012 2013 2014 2015 { 2016 2017 2018 f 2019 %CHANGE
GENERAL TOWNWIDE FUND $ 332.91 $ 337.55 $ 369.73 $ 373.21 $ 361.64 $ 411.34 $ 355.25 $ 364.75 9.56%
HIGHWAY TOWNWIDE FUND - _ - - - - 103.35 ; 98.08 119.27%'
HIGHWAY PART-TOWN FUND 1<57.62 210.65 207.94 202.33 292,38 236.58 250.65 247.52
FIRE PROTECTION FUND 722.00 684.35 671.79 669.72 645.46 617.28 543.83 504.17 -30.17%
WATER BENEFIT ASSESSMENT 90.00 95.00 95.00 95.00 100.00 110.00 125.00 150.00 66.67%
SEWER BENEFIT ASSESSMENT 20.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 45.00 125.00%
TAX ON TYPICAL PROPERTY* $ 1,322.53 $ 1,347.55 f $ 1,369.46 $ 1,365.26 $ 1,424.48 $ 1,400.20 $ 1,403.08 ( $ 1,409.52 6.58%
CHANGE FROM PRIOR YEAR $ 27.00 $ 25.02 $ 62.29 $ (4.20)1 $ 59.22 $ (24.28); $ 2.88 $ 6.45
%CHANGE FROM PRIOR YEAR 2.30%' 1.89% 4.92%' -0.31%' 4.34°/a -1. 0 0.21%, 0.46%'
A Typical Property in the Town of Ithaca is a Single-Family Residence with an Assessed Value of$190,000.
VNJ'J�k 4114111
Monday, October 15, 2018
TB Resolution 2018 - : Adoption of the Town of Ithaca 2019 Budge
Whereas the Town Board held a public hearing on Monday, October 15, 2018 to hear
comments regarding the Preliminary Budget, and
Whereas the Town Board discussed the preliminary budget and made the following
Now therefore be it
Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca adopts the 2019 Budget with the
changes indicated above as the final 2019 Budget.
Moved: Seconded:
Vote: Ayes -
Monday, October 1.5, 2018
TB Resolution 2018 - : Granting a variance from the Town of Ithaca Code, Chapter 200
"Parks & Recreation Areas" to allow access to Cornell Botanical Gardens hunting
program garticipants
Whereas Cornell Botanical Garden has requested a variance from Chapter 200 to allow
the hunter participants of their Deer Management Program to access their property which lies
beyond the Culver Rd Preserve as a supplement to their permanent easement access point further
West, and
Whereas the Town Board has discussed the request and determined that that a time-
limited variance is possible, now therefore be it
Resolved that the Town Board grants a variance to Cornell Botanical Garden from Town
of Ithaca Code Chapter 200, 3-A "Regulations" and 5-E "Prohibited Activities" to allow for access to
their property through the Culver Rd Preserve by program hunters with unloaded firearms prior to
dawn and after dusk beginning October 16`' through February 1, 2019; said variance will be
reconsidered for extension in the future.
Moved: Seconded:
Monday, October 15, 2018
TB Resolution 2018 - : Acceptance of Aster Lane Parcel, Aster Lane and associated
stormwater facilities and related infrastructure
Whereas, Cornell University owns a parcel on which CV at Cayuga Meadows, LLC (the
"developer") has built a road known as Aster Lane as part of the Cayuga Meadows Senior
Housing Development located off of West Hill Drive, and
Whereas, Cornell University is offering for dedication and transfer to the Town of Ithaca
Aster Lane and the road parcel shown as "Proposed 60' Wide R.O.W. to be dedicated to the
Town of Ithaca" on a map entitled "Subdivision Map Cayuga Meadows Senior Housing
Development" prepared by Passero Associates, dated February 2016, which map was filed in the
Tompkins County Clerk's Office on March 4, 2016 as Instrument# 2016-02320 (the "Aster
Lane Parcel"), and
Whereas, the developer has constructed the road, stormwater facilities and related road
infrastructure within the Aster Lane Parcel to the Town of Ithaca's specifications, and
Whereas, the Town Superintendent of Highways and Town Engineer have advised the
Town Board that said road, stormwater facilities and related road infrastructure have been
constructed in accordance with the Town of Ithaca's Highway specifications and recommended
the acceptance in fee of said Aster Lane parcel and the roadway, stormwater facilities and related
road infrastructure thereon for dedication for highway, transportation and pedestrian purposes as
well as for other utility, water, sewer, stormwater and related purposes, and
Whereas, the Attorney for the Town has reviewed title and the proposed deed
transferring ownership of the Aster Lane parcel in fee to the Town of Ithaca, now therefore be it
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby accepts the Aster Lane
Parcel as fully described in the deed, accepts dedication of Aster Lane as a Town Road, and
accepts the stormwater facilities and related road infrastructure on the Aster Lane Parcel, subject
to the approval of the Attorney for the Town, and the full execution, of all documents required to
complete the transfer of the Aster Lane Parcel in fee to the Town of Ithaca, and to complete
dedication of Aster Lane as a Town Road, and be it further
Resolved, that the Supervisor of the Town of Ithaca and the Town Highway
Superintendent are authorized and shall attend to execution of all documents necessary to
effectuate the transfer and dedication to the Town.
Moved: Seconded:
Vote: Ayes -
Monday, October 15, 2018
TB Resolution 2018- : Adopt Consent Agenda
Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby approves and/or adopts the following
Consent Agenda items:
a) Approval of Town Board Minutes
b) Approval of Town of Ithaca Abstract
c) Approval of Bolton Point Abstract
d) Ratify appointment of Laborer—Public Works
e) Acknowledge SCLIWC Audited Financial Report for 2017
Moved: Seconded:
Vote: Ayes —
TB Resolution 2018 - a: Approval of Minutes of September 10 and 24, 2018
Whereas the draft Minutes of the September 10 & 24, 2018 meetings of the Town Board
have been submitted for review and approval, now therefore be it
Resolved that the Board approves the draft minutes, with changes, of the September 10 &
24, 2018 meetings of the Town Board.
TB Resolution 2018 - : Town of Ithaca Abstract No. 14 for FY-2018
Whereas the following numbered vouchers have been presented to the Ithaca Town Board
for approval of payment; and
Whereas the said vouchers have been audited for payment by the said Town Board; now
therefore be it
Resolved that the governing Town Board hereby authorizes the payment of the said
vouchers in total for the amounts indicated.
VOUCHER NOS. 1301 - 1390
General Fund Townwide 36,799.86
General Fund Part-Town 19,481.09
Highway Fund Town Wide DA 1,805.26
Highway Fund Part Town DB 26,269.19
Water Fund 16,413.26
Sewer Fund 310,442.23
Ellis Hollow Water Tank—H 10 18.49
Forest Home Lighting District 206.59
Glenside Lighting District 79.13
Renwick Heights Lighting District 98.78
Eastwood Commons Lighting District 199.37
Clover Lane Lighting District 23.52
Winner's Circle Lighting District 73.02
Burleigh Drive Lighting District 80.24
West Haven Road Lighting District 252.93
Coddington Road Lighting District 150.13
Debt Service 1,800.00
TOTAL 414,193.09
TB Resolution 2018— : Ratification of Highway Superintendent's Appointment of Laborer
Whereas, there is a vacancy in the full time position of Laborer for the Public Works
Department, due to a retirement; and
Whereas, the Interview Committee interviewed sixteen candidates from an open
recruitment; and
Whereas, the Committee has determined that Isaak Quick possesses the necessary
knowledge and skills to satisfactorily perform the duties of Laborer; and
Whereas, Jim Weber, Highway Superintendent/Director of Public Works, appointed Isaak
Quick as Laborer, effective September 30, 2018; now, therefore be it
Resolved, the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca does hereby ratify the appointment made
by the Highway Superintendent/Director of Public Works of Isaak Quick as Laborer, effective
September 30, 2018; and be it further
Resolved, this is a 40 hours a week positions, at the hourly wage of$19.28, which is an
estimated annual salary of$40,102 from Public Works account numbers, in Job Classification 'T',
with full time benefits; and be it further
Resolved, a mandatory twenty-six (26) week probationary period applies with no further
action by the Town Board if there is successful completion of the probationary period as determined
by the Highway Superintendent/Director of Public Works.
TB Resolution 2018 - : Recommendation to Tompkins County Legislature for Appointment
to the Environmental Management Council—Vladimir Micic
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby recommends and
requests that the Tompkins County Legislature appoint Vladimir Micic for the term January 1, 2019
through December 31, 2020 to serve as a Town of Ithaca Conservation Board Representative on the
Tompkins County Environmental Management Council.
Attached are copies of the completed Annual Monitoring &Inspection Reports for the Laughing
Goat Fiber Farm (Lisa & Gary Ferguson, Sheffield Road) and the Indian Creek Farm (Stephen
Cummins, Trumansburg Road). The Town's Policies and Procedures Manual for the Town of
Ithaca Agricultural Land Preservation Program and both easements require an annual inspection
to be completed by the Town, with the results reported to the Town Board. I conducted the site
inspection for Laughin�Goat Fiber Farm on September 7th
and the site visit for Indian Creek
Farm on September 14 and found both properties to be in compliance with the terms of the
easements. Along with the attached Annual Monitoring &Inspection Forms, there are several
photos of each property, and survey maps with notes added. I have also included the farm
brochure from Indian Creek Farm, since it easily shows where all of the crops are this year.
Copies of the reports were sent to both landowners. The Indian Creek Farm report was also
provided to NYS Department of Agriculture &Markets, as required by the easement.
Please contact me at 273-1747 or email me atci,,�townjt�jiaca.n�.tts if you have any
Annual Monitoring & Inspection Report
Agricultural Conservation Easement
Town of Ithaca
Date of Visit: September 7,2018
Easement Name: Current Landowner:
Ferguson Agricultural Conservation Easement Lisa&Gary Ferguson
Address/Location of Property: Address:
East Side of Sheffield Road 1485 Mecklenburg Road
285'South of Mecklenburg Road Ithaca, NY 14850
Tax Parcel No.(s): Phone#:
28-1-1.3 607-273-9212
Acres under CE: Other Contact Person:
42.35 acres n/a
Was the landowner contacted prior to visit? X Yes No
Has ownership changed since last inspection? Yes X No
Was landowner consulted during visit? X Yes No
Did landowner tour property also? Yes X No
Description of Current Land Uses: Agricultural- goat/alpaca/sheep farm
The easement property contains open fields,pastures, woods, hedgerows and brush areas.
Describe current Agricultural activities (and any changes since the last inspection): No changes
since last inspection. All open fields have been cut or are in pasture thisyear. Portable electric
animal fences/netting and small movable animal shelters are located in the field closest to
Sheffield Road.
List all man-made alterations made since the last inspection visit: None. Same types, sizes and
numbers of moveable fences and shelters as in the past, just in different locations.
Do all changes comply with the terms of the easement? X Yes No
Comments: This property is in compliance with the conservation easement.
List any observed natural alterations, or alterations beyond landowner's control: None.
Other observations, comments, and recommendations: None.
Describe any contact and discussions with landowner during visit: Spoke briefly with landowner
at end of inspection.
Reminders for next monitoring visit: None.
Attach as needed maps, photos, and illustrations.
Name of Inspector(s): Michael Smith ,Senior Planner
Town of Ithaca
215 North Tioga Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
18,21 (607) 273-1747
April 16,2013
l.'erguson :^g icultunal l"onservalioi Flasets)wyft 09/07/18 A4inu,,d 1nspection - Photos
1 —looking southeast from northwest corner of 2—looking south from northwest corner of property
property,including barn along Sheffield Rd
3—looking east from Sheffield Rd over open fields 4—looking southeast from Sheffield Rd at animal
shelters and pastures
5—looking northeast from Sheffield Rd at goats 6—looking southeast from Sheffield Rd over open
field to woods
Pholol i hN': M acka<red Smith. I'6MMCC' t Own of,ltlu a:'a
Ferguson A,)IJCUhLffr.(I (.'crul4;e9:vatimi l,Rlsei11em 091/07/18' A�N u,,:d Iiispt"olon - 1'hd los
7—looking north from southwest corner of property 8—looking west within the woods
along Sheffield Rd
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9—looking west at point where the hedgerow meets 10—looking east along the edge of the woods
the woods
I —looking south at end of the hedgerow and the open 12—looking east at fencing and pastures
1"hetlus'tlketr fav: 'lic acl Smith. Senior Nann";r, a own of €thac,"I
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Annual Monitoring & Inspection Report
Agricultural Conservation Easement
Town of Ithaca
Date of Visit: 09/14/18
Easement Name: Current Landowner:
Indian Creek Farm Conservation Easement Stephen T. Cummins
Address/Location of Property: Address:
1408 Trumansburg Road 1408 Trumansburg Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
Tax Parcel No.(s): Phone#:
24.-1-25.21 607-227-6147
Acres under CE: Other Contact Person:
41.658 acres n/a
Was the landowner contacted prior to visit? X Yes No
Has ownership changed since last inspection? Yes X No
Was landowner consulted during visit? Yes X No
Did landowner tour property also? Yes X No
Description of Current Land Uses:spick fruits and vegetables,farm stand, fruit tree nursery,
woods,two residences, several supporting barns and sheds,parking areas and access drives,
material and equipment storage, and a playground
Describe current Agricultural activities (and any changes since the last inspection): Orchards,
fruit and vegetable _fields, fruit tree nursery, farm stand
Some crops have been moved around the property, and additional ones moved to the adjacent
leased cemetery_property
List all man-made alterations made since the last inspection visit: An old hoop house located
between the pond and large storage building has been removed and a pad has been prepared for a
new pole barn A couple new access drives have been graded around the farm stand and
improvements are being made to a couple of the existing drives ,,grading/gravel, (see map)
Deer fence and gates have been installed along the propertyboundary by the Jackman farm to the north.
Do all changes comply with the terms of the easement? X Yes No
Comments: '
List any observed natural alterations, or alterations beyond landowner's control: None.
Other observations, comments, and recommendations: See the attached 2018 farm brochure,
which includes a map showing where the current crops and other parts of the farm are located
Describe any contact and discussions with landowner during visit: None.
Reminders for next monitoring visit: None.
Attach as needed maps, photos, and illustrations.
Name of Inspector(s): Michael Smith, Senior Planner
Town of Ithaca
215 North Tioga Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 273-1747
V .
April 16,2013
hidl,ao ()-eck Farm Agn-ICUIlUnd Consei-vase
kon F1'ai�eiil 01- 8 AmILIKII hiSf.)CC1,1011 - PIMtOS
I —looking west at main farm stand from Trumansburg 2—looking north at the new drive installed just above
Road the farm stand building
3—looking north from the southeast comer of property 4—looking west at the existing drive along the
at the existing drive with some new gravel surface property line with new gravel surface
5—looking west at the existing drive along the 6—looking north at the fire pit, swings and other
property line with new gravel surface playground items
Ii'ftt lwu ud"el� hv: MdlaeSndth. Senior Nunner, B mvn ot'Iffiaca
lrdiaii ('reek. Farnt A,oricultur..M t.'onservaion Ease4ncnt _09/W/18 Annual lrisp��:c im) _ Photo,"
7—looking north from Hayts Road at the existing drive 8—looking north at new gate along northern property
entrance with new gravel surface line(deer fence/netting is hard to see)
9—looking west along northern property line at new 10—looking north at new pad created for pole barn to
deer fence/netting(hard to see in photo) be constructed this fall (former hoop house location)
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11 —looking west at improved drive,just north of the
main farm stand building
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you and yours. r
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Time to meet the farm dogs. Indian Creek is home to herd ,✓ ���,y�,�,r,�1r�r, � ,�, , ,,,,, „�,, ,
,,,�,�,,, ✓,.n ¢I��il��;.�°r�i� ���. i,Qi�..�lrf���jfi�yl, 7l%i.�,,,;�, ;i� i��t'T���J��w
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of heroic.beasts. They are kind enough to let us live here and
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cater to their ever whim. The used to helpwith deer and �>�%r,
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rabbits,but anymore they just pretend. They often sing ���/ �,li����r����' ,+ � �, �fs�✓'+'r,� � �% �, ,�„
with distant sirens. Then they nap again. ''U(�'
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Their instinct is to protect the farm. They might trot up to
you and bark,but they will not chase you away. They areIM
�%r�,�'���� ”"� �" � � „a ✓�''�
getting old and the herd is down to Zorro and Katrina,the
most easygoing ones. Just ignore them if you are unsure. ' „'
1408 Truxnansbux
Please keep your dog on a leash. We do not expect any Ithaca,IVew or 14850 '
problems,but pleaseshare your concerns with us.
indian' eekithaca.cOM
When to pick. How to Pick.
WE GROW OVER wo CROPS-75 varieties of apples,pears, DO ask the stand worker which crops ate ready
and peaches,and tons of other goodies. They all ripen at There is variation even among varieties of the same fruits
different times from July to November. Some years are up, and vegetables. For example,yellow peaches versu;,white
some down. How can you keep track? What's ripe now? peaches,beefsteak tomatoes versus heirloom tomatoes
YOU CAN SIGNto a piece of frultthen toss it on the ground.
F 1 Ifxyou've picked before it is ripe,don't panic. A peach will
We'11 email you when crops be ripe in a few days and an apple will continue to sweeten.
are ready. You won't miss Take it home and eat it.,. or give it to your neighbor!'
i your favorite local foods.
DO ask for picking tools .
x IS THERE A B and return them when done. <<
Sure,see our web site. But, Some items are best picked 'F
remember: If you want to with clippers (eggplant),big
make Mother Nature laugh, loppers(sprouts), or those
tell her your plans. cool picking sticks(apples).
BETTER TO STAY HUMBLE. DO look t r these ribbonsin
T FRESH CROP ALERTS. the Vintage Orchard:
r They're free. They're fun. ORANGE McIntosh
And they are the best way to
keep up with reality. ''
t"LIF Rome/'Re-,d Delicious
RED = Northern Ovy
That's life on a small farm. DO ick with 2 hands.
The season is short and the
Before you pick an apple,
weather is weird. And that's whya whole mess of local
stead the branch and the
food lovers have alreadysubscribed to Fresh Crop Alerts. Y
p nearby apples with one hand,
then gently twist with your '
Sign up at the farm stand picking hand. Ifyou just grab
or the web site—i't's free. and yank,other apples will
fall and cause a chain reaction below. Imagine 500 people knocking a few apples off each time. Heartbreaking waste.
, IWw" r /rlr r r, rr rr r✓i+ r` /f Jr >M rye' ,SFr. a 11
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E ' �J(rfrryr�nrl,lk��i�,d�rr xr�,r"1r r� ir(r JJ r ,rA I I , �� � I
TO Please hike around:
; Have a picnic. Drive carefully. Look out for kids,
pets,tractors,and holes. It is a working
p g
,.., there are =
and around.
,r/{ ;�� �/Ir/�r ✓�s v11,J y l/�� / / Ir',� ///" '� NJ�' �'�s
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1, 'r '��;f�d,� j f !�l r'J,r✓y?�<Jr I ��� r'r �Y✓r„� „J, n ��
This map shows visitor roads {fir ,
(YELLOW) and work roads -
, r , 1 +' � ,� r/J, rli?'r r , ✓.r r r ,'+ rl��� 1J i%r
Please keep vehicle { ,
traffic on visitor
d r'' ✓ I ,�:..��i u�I/ l (/ / � r`l )r5��t�a( (l J; 4 1 -,.
roads. You can ; ; � ;;r � �l,r, ✓,rUxs .,;1 ,`%��, r;�, ,
walk along work („f^✓,/rJ(„Wrrrm
roads lease staYiSYY ru/rr%�r✓/��%//�/��o r �? �y1�.1i,,,�rr�+�� ,r�„r�J,x,r�l a 19 �, I r ur,ryrru ��r,/r4✓i�l/��l!r�. rl I1'��,,';, �✓,b
clear of the work zones
to be extra safe.
✓;'�rr,�' rf' , r'r%
,� a.
V � 1 I ��� �✓ I � { y� A
Want to know when crops are ripe?
p r/
a^ diancreekithacacom/subscribe
q £` `
PARKING 'r�.ea .a "1 a m..y ° „µ rtr„; rr rfc,S fit,
. �������� d,re� ���,���,.�k�r�,��a�.������a,G s��° ,�um�������aa�,,� �� ���^r�vo-i� �����.� �rLu��a^ ����, ����•�
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�� of tables�� pick
a �. , �� � �� � � �'�
CHECKgM IN&OUT—See the stand worker or use the after-hours pay slot �C
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.S—,Please w^ ^w, clearthese
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