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Minutes of Meeting 13 -3
Zoning Board of Appeals of Town of Ithaca
October 24 , 1960 .
Mr . & Mrs . H . S . Eighmey - Applicants ,
d b a Gables Restaurant -
Ashland Oil and Refining; Company , by
McPherson Builders - Applicant .
The adjourned meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals - of the .
Town of Ithaca was held on October 24 , 1960 at 7 : 30 P . M . .at the
Town Highway Barn , 343 Elmira Road , Ithaca , New York , as adver -
tised in the ITHACA JOURNAL on October 13 , 1960 . Members present
were . William Rolston , chairman , David Powers ; Robert Powers ;
. and Constance E . Cook , secretary . Also present were : Robert J .
Wells , Zoning Officer of the Town of Ithaca ; Mr . and Mrs . H . S .
Eighmey ; Andrew McPherson , Builder and Agent ; Gilbert M . . Ellis ,
Manager of Ashland Applicant ; Zane Meek , Ashland Plant Manager in
Ithaca ; and Paul Moyer , Ashland District Salesman .
The chairman , Mr . Rolston , called the meeting to order
and stated that the first item of business was to consider the
application of Mr . and Mrs . H . S . Eighmey , d/b/a The Gables - Res -
- taurant , for special approval of an extension - of- a nori- conforming
use . Appeal is from a decision of the Zoning Officer under Arti -
cle XII , Section 54 of the Zoning Ordinance , denying an applica-
tion to erect signs which. did not conform to requirements of
Permit #387 issued December 4 , 1959 . The premises affected are
at 919 Elmira Road , The Gables Restaurant .
The proposed change is to erect two signs , each sixty
sq . ft . , instead of the 12 sq . ft . now permitted . 1? easons in
support of the proposed change were stated . Customers have said
they could not find the restaurant . There is another sign in
the neighborhood approximately the same size as the proposed sign .
A letter in support of the application stating additional reasons
and containing a sketch of the proposed sign was read and filed .
No objections were expressed to the proposed change .
Discussion about the proposed change ensued . Mr . Powers
asked about the - supporting structure . Mr . Eighmey stated that
two 6 ' x 6 ' posts ' would support it . He submitted a sketch
for the Board ' s consideration . Mrs . Cook asked what color the
sign would be . Mr . Eighmey replied that it would be predomi -
nantly black and white , with some outline iYl color needed be -
cause of the snowy weather . No flourescent paint would be . used
on it . Mr . Powers asked whether the sign would be close to the
ground ; Mr . Eighmey answered that it would be about the same
' height as the present signs .
The Board dedided to adjourn consideration of the ap -
plication of Mr . and Mrs . H . S . Eighmey to October 25 , 1960
at 5 : 15 P . M . , at which time they would view the site of the
proposed signs .
The chairman stated that the next order of business
was to consider ,the application of the Ashland Oil and Refining
Coopany , filed by McPherson Builders , for special approval of
an extension of a non- conforming uses i . e . construction of a-
commercial building in a residential zone . Permit to construct
the building had been denied by the Zoning Officer under Arti -
cle. XII , Section 54 of: the Zoning Ordinance .
The ? remises affected are at the site of the former
Hurst Bulk Gas Plant on the Nest Danby Road , Ithaca , New York .
Specifically , the premises are a 100 ` x 200 ' plot leased from
the H . E . Babcock Estate ; and bounded on the east by the Le -
high Valley railroad , on the north by a private road. owned by
the Babcock estate which also owns the farmland on the south
and west . Across the private road is a cement block 'Plant .
The nearest public highway is the West Danbyy Road , nearly 200
feet away . There are , ° presently , on the premises a bottling
plant and warehouse and six storage tanks containinc; liquified
petroleum gas . There is also a small building , approximately
8 ' x 8 ' on the premises which will be replaced by the p _roxoosed
building .
Mr . Gilbert M . Ellis , Manager for the applicant , testi -
fied that the application was authorized bF the Ashland Oil
Company and that McPherson Builders had made the application
on° the company ' s behalf .
The proposed change is the construction of an office
and warehouse building , 20 , 4 x 441 , Armco Steelox . A sketch
of the proposed building and? site was attached to the appli -
cation .
Reasons for the proposed change were stated . The
present downtown office has been leased temporarily , and the real
estate if. now for sale . It would be more economical and convenient
to operate from one location , and it would effect better super-
vision to the existing facilities . This supervision would assure
additional protection to the public against explosions .
Additional discussion ensued . It was noted that fencing
of the area is required by lease and by Federal regulations . The
side yard will be 2 feet to the leased lot line . The lessor owns
the entire area from the railroad to the West Danby road . It
was pointed out that neither flammable nor explosive material would
be stored in the proposed new warehouse . The lessor has consented
to the building of the proposed plant . A letter from the attor
ney for the landlord was submitted and filed .
It was noted by Mr . Wells that it is one full mile or
better to the nearest residence , and over 500 feet to the Robert
Treman State Park .
It was further noted that no signs were requested on
the application , and therefore , if the application is granted ,
none will be permitted .
The plant will have three employees , with amply parking
available . The proposed building , will not increase any hazard for
the area .
No objections to the proposed change were stated .
It was moved by Mr . Powers , and seconded by Mrs . Cook
to adjourn the meeting to October 25 , 1960 at 5 : 30 P . M . to the
Ashland premises to view the site of the proposed construction .
Respectfully submitted ,
j ' Constance E . Cook ,