HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Minutes 2015-03-17TOWN OF ITHACA PLANNING BOARD
Shirley A. Raffensperger Board Room, Town Hall
215 North Tioga Street
Ithaca, New York 14850
Tuesday. March 17. 2015
7:00 P.M. SEQR Determination; Firelight Camps at La Tourelle Modifications, 1150 Danby Road.
7:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval for the
proposed modifications to the Firelight Camps at La Tourelle located at 1150 Danby
Road {NYS Route 96B), Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 36-1-4.5, Planned Development
Zone No. 1. The proposal involves increasing the size of the lobby tent (up to 40' x 60'),
and adding a new a 20' x 40' dining/lounge tent, a new mobile kitchen unit, a storage and
housekeeping shed, composting outhouses, fencing along the gravel driveway, and a
temporary trailer for winter storage. The Planning Board will also consider a
recommendation to the Town of Ithaca Town Board regarding the adoption of a local law
to amend Chapter 271 of the Town of Ithaca Code to modify the requirements for the
seasonal camping facilities (lobby and dining/lounge tents). Walter!. Wiggins,
Owner/Applicant; Scott Wiggins, Managing Director of La Tourelle Hotel and Spa, and
Robert Frisch, CEO of Firelight Camps, Agents.
7:20 P.M. SEQR Determination: Sapsucker Water Tank Replacement, 234 Sapsucker Woods Road.
7:20 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval for the
proposed replacement of the Town of Ithaca's Sapsucker Water Tank located at 234
Sapsucker Woods Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 70.-10-2, Medium Density
Residential Zone. The proposal involves replacing the existing 500,000 gallon water lank
35' diameter, 74' high) with a new 400,000 gallon water tank (42' diameter, 100' high)
on the same property. The new tank will be constructed prior to the demolition of the
existing tank to maintain water service. Town of Ithaca, Owner/Applicant; Creig Hebdon,
Town Engineer, Agent.
7:40 P.M. Consideration of a revised sketch plan for the proposed Amabel subdivision located at
619 Five Mile Drive (NYS Route 13A), Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 31-2-28 and
31-2-6 (portion), Low Density Residential Zone. The revised proposal includes a
clustered subdivision with approximately twenty-eight new housing units located off a
new road from Five Mile Drive. The project also includes approximately 41 parking
spaces, walking paths, community open space, a community garden, a children's play
area, landscaping, and stormwaler facilities. New Earth Living LLC and City ofIthaca,
Owners; Sue Cosentini, Applicant.
6. Nomination and Election of Vice Chairperson for 2015.
7. Persons to be heard
8. Approval of Minutes: January 6, 2015
9. Other Business
10. Adjournment
Susan Ritter
Director of Planning
A quorum of four (4) members is necessary to conduct Planning Board business.)
Accessing Meeting Materials Online
Site Plan and Subdivision applications and associated project materials are accessible electronically on the Town's
website under "Planning Board" on the "Meeting Agendas" page fhttD://www.town.ithaca.nv.us/meeting'agendas).
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Town Planning Board Members Present: Fred Wilcox(Chair), Linda Collins,Joseph Haefeli,John
Beach,Jon Bosak, Hollis Erb
Town Staff Present: Susan Ritter, Director of Planning; Chris Balestra, Planner; Bruce Bates,
Director of Code Enforcement; Susan Brock,Attorney for the Town; Deb DeAugistine, Deputy
Town Clerk
Call to Order
Mr. Wilcox called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and accepted the secretary's posting and
publication of the public hearing notices.
SEQR Determination: Firelight Camps at La Tourelle Modifications, 1150 Danby Road
Mr. Wiggins said they had an encouraging two months of being open last fall, so they will build the
remaining tent platforms that were approved. They found the need for additional lounge and dining
space for their guests and space out of the elements. They are requesting a larger lobby tent and a
second lounge/dining space in the common area. They also want to install composting outhouses, a
mobile kitchen, a housekeeping storage facility for summer use, and a winter storage facility to
contain the camp in the months it is not operating. They're also requesting approval of a small
section of fencing along the gravel drive, right next to La Tourelle, because as cars come up the gravel
drive, headlights are shining into the guest rooms. He is not aware of any environmental issues.
Ms. Erb asked whether there are hand-washing facilities near the composting toilets and where the
storage trailer will be during the summer season.
Mr. Wiggins responded that the composting toilet has its own hand-washing facility, a cottage has
been approved for multiple bathrooms,which they will complete this spring and that will have six
sinks, and that there is a hand-washing utility sink on the common space and a hand-washing hose in
the lobby space. The storage trailer will be off site; it is rented only for the winter.
Mr. Beach asked whether there are washing facilities or restrooms down among the tents.
Mr. Wiggins responded that there are not. The composting toilets are proposed to be between the
access road and the grassy area. They will still be a short walk from the tents.
Mr. Frisch added that one of the reasons they wanted toilets a little closer to the tents is because the
one negative feedback they received last year was that the bathhouses were too far to walk to at night.
PB Resolution No. 2015.004: SEAR, Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval, Firelight Camps at
La Tourelle - Modifications, 1150 Danby Road, Tax Parcel No. 36-1-4.5
Moved by Hollis Erb; seconded by Linda Collins
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1. This action is consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval for the proposed
modifications to the Firelight Camps at La Tourelle located at 1150 Danby Road (NYS Route
96B), Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 36-1-4.5, Planned Development Zone No. 1. The proposal
involves increasing the size of the lobby tent(up to 40' x 60'), and adding a new 20' x 40' din-
ing/lounge tent, a new mobile kitchen unit, a storage and housekeeping shed, composting out-
houses, fencing along the gravel driveway, and a temporary trailer for winter storage. The Plan-
ning Board will also be considering a recommendation to the Town of Ithaca Town Board regard-
ing the adoption of a local law to amend Chapter 271 of the Town of Ithaca Code to modify the
requirements for the seasonal camping facilities (lobby and dining/lounge tents). Walter J. Wig-
gins, Owner/Applicant; Scott Wiggins, Managing Director of La Tourelle Hotel and Spa, and
Robert Frisch, CEO of Firelight Camps,Agents, and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board is acting in an uncoor-
dinated review with respect to site plan approval, and
3. The Planning Board, on March 17, 2015, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short
Environmental Assessment Form (SEAF) Part 1, submitted by the applicant, Parts 2 and 3 pre-
pared by Town Planning staff, a narrative with photos date stamped February 6, 2015, and plans
titled "Layout Plan" (1-102), dated 1/29/2015 and prepared by Stream Collaborative, and other
application materials, and
4. The Town Planning staff has recommended a negative determination of environmental signifi-
cance with respect to the proposed Site Plan Approval;
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental
significance in accordance with Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part
617 New York State Environmental Quality Review for the above referenced actions as proposed,
based on the information in the EAF Part 1 and for the reasons set forth in the EAF Parts 2 and 3,
and, therefore, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be required.
Ayes:Wilcox, Collins, Haefeli, Beach, Bosak, Erb
Public Hearing: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval for the proposed
modifications to the Firelight Camps at La Tourelle located at 1150 Danby Road (NYS Route 96B),
Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 36-14.5, Planned Development Zone No. 1. The proposal involves
increasing the size of the lobby tent(up to 40' x 60'), and adding a new a 20' x 40' dining/lounge
tent, a new mobile kitchen unit, a storage and housekeeping shed, composting outhouses, fencing
along the gravel driveway, and a temporary trailer for winter storage. The Planning Board will also
consider a recommendation to the Town of Ithaca Town Board regarding the adoption of a local law
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to amend Chapter 271 of the Town of Ithaca Code to modify the requirements for the seasonal
camping facilities (lobby and dining/lounge tents). Walter J.Wiggins, Owner/Applicant; Scott
Wiggins, Managing Director of La Tourelle Hotel and Spa, and Robert Frisch, CEO of Firelight
Camps, Agents
Mr. Wilcox opened the public hearing at 7:15 p.m.
To a question from Mr. Haefeli regarding the proposed fence, Mr.Wiggins stated that lights from
cars coming down the driveway, just as it heads to the lower parking lot, are shining in the hotel
guestroom windows, on both the first and second floors. He thinks the six-foot fence will be sufficient
to keep light from shining in the windows.
Mr. Wilcox closed the public hearing at 7:22 p.m.
PB Resolution No. 2015.005: Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval, Firelight Camps at La
Tourelle - Modifications, 1150 Danby Road, Tax Parcel No.
Moved by Hollis Erb; seconded by John Beach
1. This action is consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval for the proposed
modifications to the Firelight Camps at La Tourelle located at 1150 Danby Road (NYS Route
96B), Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 36-1-4.5, Planned Development Zone No. 1. The proposal
involves increasing the size of the lobby tent (up to 40' x 60'), and adding a new 20' x 40' din-
ing/lounge tent, a new mobile kitchen unit, a storage and housekeeping shed, composting out-
houses, fencing along the gravel driveway, and a temporary trailer for winter storage. The Plan-
ning Board will also be considering a recommendation to the Town of Ithaca Town Board regard-
ing the adoption of a local law to amend Chapter 271 of the Town of Ithaca Code to modify the
requirements for the seasonal camping facilities (lobby and dining/lounge tents). Walter J. Wig-
gins, Owner/Applicant; Scott Wiggins, Managing Director of La Tourelle Hotel and Spa, and
Robert Frisch, CEO of Firelight Camps,Agents, and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting in an uncoordi-
nated environmental review with respect to the project has, on March 17, 2015, made a negative
determination of environmental significance, after having reviewed and accepted as adequate a
Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the applicant, and Parts 2 and 3
prepared by Town Planning staff, and
3. The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing held on March 17, 2015, has reviewed and accepted as
adequate a narrative with photos date stamped February 6, 2015 and plans titled "Layout Plan"
(1,102), dated 1/29/2015 and prepared by Stream Collaborative, and other application materials;
1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Preliminary and
Final Site Plan Approval, as shown on the Preliminary and Final Site Plan Checklists, having
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determined from the materials presented that such waiver will result in a significant alteration of
neither the purpose of site plan control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town
Board, and
2. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval
for the proposed Firelight Camps at La Tourelle modifications, located at 1150 Danby Road,
Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 36-1-4.5, as described in Whereas #3 above, subject to the follow-
ing conditions:
a. submission to the Town of Ithaca Planning Department of one original copy of the final lay-
out plan, signed and sealed by the registered landscape architect who prepared the layout
plan, prior to the issuance of any building permit, and
b. submission of evidence of the necessary approvals from the Tompkins County Health De-
partment, prior to use of those facilities requiring the approval, and
c. adoption of the proposed local law amending Chapter 271 (PDZ No. 1 -Wiggins) of the
Town of Ithaca Code by the Ithaca Town Board prior to issuance of building permits for the
lobby tent and the dining/lounge tent, and
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby recommends that the Town of Ithaca Town Board
enact the proposed local law amending Chapter 271 of the Town of Ithaca Code to modify the
requirements for the seasonal camping facilities (lobby and dining/lounge tents) at the La Tourelle
Ayes:Wilcox, Collins, Haefeli, Beach, Bosak, Erb
SEQR Determination: Sapsucker Water Tank Replacement, 234 Sapsucker Woods Road
Mr. Hebdon stated that this is a continuation of the changes to the town water system in the
northeast area of the town. One of the recommendations of the GHD report was to raise the height
of the Sapsucker tank to raise the water pressure. It will be a concrete pedestal with a composite tank
on top.We got FAA approval for the location of the tank. It's outside the fly zone, so won't require a
Mr. Bosak asked what the size of the tank is; he pointed out that different documents in the packet
cite different sizes, from 360,000 gallons to 400,000 gallons.
Mr. Hebdon responded that Aquastore does a nominal size for their tanks. Their 400,000-gallon tank
actually works out to be 380,000 gallons once you do the volume calculations with the overflow.
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Ms. Brock said the town board's public interest order approved a 390,000-gallon tank. She pointed
out discrepancies in other figures.
PB Resolution No. 2015.006: SEQR, Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval, Sapsucker Water
Tank Replacement Project, Tax Parcel No. 70.-10-2
Moved by Jon Bosak; seconded by Joseph Haefeli
1. This action is consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed
replacement of the Town of Ithaca's Sapsucker Water Tank located at 234 Sapsucker Woods
Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 70:10-2, Medium Density Residential Zone. The proposal
involves replacing the existing 500,000 gallon elevated water tank(35' diameter, 74' high)with a
new 390,000± gallon elevated water tank(42' diameter, 96±' high) on the same property. The
new tank will be constructed prior to the demolition of the existing tank to maintain water ser-
vice. Town of Ithaca, Owner/Applicant; Creig Hebdon, Town Engineer,Agent; and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board is acting as lead agency
for an uncoordinated environmental review with respect to the project; and
3. The Planning Board, on March 17, 2015, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short
Environmental Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the applicant, Parts 2 and 3 prepared by
Town Planning staff, a narrative, drawings prepared by the Town of Ithaca Public Works Depart-
ment, including Sheet No. OV 1 entitled "Town of Ithaca Sapsucker Tank Replacement Project
Location Map," dated January 15, 2015; Sheet GP-1 entitled "Town of Ithaca Sapsucker Tank
Replacement Site Plan," dated 1/15/2015; Sheet GP-2 entitled "Town of Ithaca Sapsucker Tank
Replacement Elevations," dated 1/15/2015; Sheet GP-3 entitled "Town of Ithaca Sapsucker Tank
Replacement Grading and Erosion Control," dated 1/15/2015; and other application materials;
4. The Town Planning staff has recommended a negative determination of environmental signifi-
cance with respect to the proposed Site Plan Approval;
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental
significance in accordance with Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part
617 New York State Environmental Quality Review for the above referenced actions as proposed,
based on the information in the EAF Part 1 and for the reasons set forth in Parts 2 and 3, and,
therefore, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be required.
Ayes:Wilcox, Collins, Haefeli, Beach, Bosak, Erb
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Public Hearing: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval for the proposed
replacement of the Town of Ithaca's Sapsucker Water Tank located at 234 Sapsucker Woods Road,
Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 70.40-2, Medium Density Residential Zone. The proposal involves
replacing the existing 5 00,000 gallon water tank(35' diameter, 74' high)with a new 400,000 gallon
water tank(42' diameter, 100' high) on the same property. The new tank will be constructed prior to
the demolition of the existing tank to maintain water service.Town of Ithaca, Owner/Applicant;
Creig Hebdon, Town Engineer,Agent
Mr. Wilcox opened the public hearing at 7:43 p.m.
Ms. Erb said that when she read through the materials, she noticed that the pressure reduction valve
on Freese Road was considered a necessary feature of this project, but Freese Road is not in the Town
of Ithaca. It's a necessary component to prevent damage to households in a neighboring municipality.
She wanted to raise the question of what will happen if that pressure reduction valve is not approved
by Dryden.
Mr. Hebdon said that if that occurred, he would be back before the planning board looking to
relocate the valve to the Town of Ithaca - if it were to require site plan review. Right now, the sweet
spot would be partway down Freese Road, but if necessary, he could move it back up to Sapsucker
Woods Road.We're in negotiations with Cornell. The pressure valve is in a vault below ground.
Ms. Erb asked about the demolition and removal of the old tank.
Mr. Hebdon responded that if it's anything like the Christopher tank,which was the same exact size,
it will take one dumpster load. The guy came in and cut the pieces to size, put it in the dumpster, and
the dumpster left in one truckload.
Ms. Erb suggested a condition that the tank not be installed until at least July because of the bird-
nesting season at Sapsucker Woods.
Mr. Hebdon responded that that would be a problem: because of the time it will take for the
construction project, it can't be started in July and be finished on time. It needs to start at the
beginning of May if at all possible, because it needs five months of good weather for all the adhesives
on the tank to cure. There's a chance that it may be delayed until next year.
Ms. Brock explained that because of the amount of money the town needs to finance to pay for the
tank, it needs NYS comptroller approval. It will be filed after the town board study session on
Monday and it might take six weeks or 16 weeks to approve. So the timing is uncertain.
Ms. Balestra pointed out that it has to go to the ZBA.
Mr. Wilcox closed the public hearing at 7:52 p.m.
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PB Resolution No. 2015.007:Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval, Sapsucker Water Tank
Replacement Project, Tax Parcel No. 70.-10-2
Moved by Hollis Erb; seconded by Fred Wilcox
1. This action is consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed
replacement of the Town of Ithaca's Sapsucker Water Tank located at 234 Sapsucker Woods
Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 70.40-2, Medium Density Residential Zone. The proposal
involves replacing the existing 500,000 gallon elevated water tank(35' diameter, 74' high)with a
new 390,000± gallon elevated water tank(42' diameter, 96±' high) on the same property. The
new tank will be constructed prior to the demolition of the existing tank to maintain water
service. Town of Ithaca, Owner/Applicant; Creig Hebdon, Town Engineer,Agent; and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as lead agency in
the environmental review with respect to the project has, on March 17, 2015, made a negative
determination of environmental significance, after having reviewed and accepted as adequate a
Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the applicant, and Parts 2 and 3
prepared by Town Planning staff; and
3. The Planning Board, on March 17, 2015, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a narrative,
drawings prepared by the Town of Ithaca Public Works Department, including Sheet No. OV-1
entitled "Town of Ithaca Sapsucker Tank Replacement Project Location Map," dated January 15,
2015; Sheet GP4 entitled "Town of Ithaca Sapsucker Tank Replacement Site Plan," dated
1/15/2015; Sheet GP-2 entitled "Town of Ithaca Sapsucker Tank Replacement Elevations," dated
1/15/2015; Sheet GP-3 entitled "Town of Ithaca Sapsucker Tank Replacement Grading and
Erosion Control," dated 1/15/2015; and other application materials;
1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Preliminary and
Final Site Plan Approval, as shown on the Preliminary and Final Site Plan Checklists, having
determined from the materials presented that such waiver will result in a significant alteration of
neither the purpose of site plan control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town
Board; and
2. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval
for the proposed Sapsucker Water Tank Replacement project, behind (west) of 230 Sapsucker
Woods Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 70.-10-2, as described in the drawings listed in
Whereas Number 3, subject to the following condition:
a. Submission of one original large-sized set of the final site plan and drawings on mylar,vellum,
or paper, signed and sealed by the registered land surveyor, engineer, architect, or landscape
architect who prepared the materials, prior to the application for a building permit; and
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b. Receipt of any necessary variances from the Zoning Board of Appeals, prior to the application
for a building permit.
Ayes:Wilcox, Collins, Haefeli, Beach, Bosak, Erb
Consideration of a revised sketch plan for the proposed Amabel subdivision located at 619 Five Mile
Drive (NYS Route 13A), Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 31-2-28 and 31-2-6 (portion), Low Density
Residential Zone. The revised proposal includes a clustered subdivision with approximately twenty-
eight new housing units located off a new road from Five Mile Drive. The project also includes
approximately 41 parking spaces,walking paths, community open space, a community garden, a
children's play area, landscaping, and stormwater facilities. New Earth Living LLC and City of Ithaca,
Owners; Sue Cosentini,Applicant
Ms. Cosentini stated that her decision to rearrange the site plan came as a result of her living there
and becoming aware of how exquisite the site is. She wants every house to be able to access that
natural beauty uninterrupted. It's a remarkable location with all the hackberry trees and considering
its location to amenities. The rearrangement is actually to her detriment because the increase in
length to some of the utilities is quite costly, but she thinks it's the best way to organize the homes.
Linear pocket neighborhoods are not unusual. She has lived in the Aurora pocket neighborhood,
where the houses are tightly clustered and face each other, and that arrangement didn't foster that
much more interaction. The interactions weren't that spontaneous, but rather structured because
people's lives are so full.These homes will be able to see each other, although the mature trees will
provide a buffer. Some intentional things will create that spontaneous interaction. She doesn't think
that separating the units a little will hurt relationships,which will mostly occur on weekends around
the community gardens, going for runs, going to the farmers' market in canoes, etc.
Mr. Wilcox said that something unusual about this neighborhood is that the builder is living on site;
that sways him. He sees pluses and minuses between the old site plan and the new, but he hears the
passion from Ms. Cosentini and thinks it will bring a better overall development.
Mr. Bosak really likes the way the current design respects the existing trees.
Ms. Cosentini said the trees she's taking down are primarily for solar exposure. The trees in a north-
south line don't have to be taken down, and those are mostly hackberries, but many of the ones that
run east-west need to come down because they occlude the path of the sun, and those are all locust
trees. Locusts are a pioneer species, so they don't have a long life anyway. They release nitrogen into
the soil when they're cut, which is good for food production. Many of the locusts have some sort of
fungus. They will be turned into stakes for the gardens.
Ms. Erb asked how they'll keep the two homes that abut Five Mile Drive from creating parking pads
off Five Mile Drive.
Ms. Cosentini said that will be taken care of through deed restrictions.
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Ms. Erb asked whether they have a way to delineate the privately owned space of the five center
houses from the rest of the common area so there are no conflicts. If it's a continuation of something
that looks exactly the same on the ground, then where a homeowner's plot ends and the common
space begins is nebulous, and that could arise as an issue. She agreed that the sidewalk in front of the
other homes will establish a "psychic" barrier.
Mr. Bosak added that there have been co-housing arguments over things like garden spaces,where
someone thinks a neighbor's garden is unsightly or that it's encroaching on common space.What's to
indicate the property line?
Ms. Cosentini responded that the property owners can build fences. They'll have to have a conversa-
tion once the residents are collected. The bottom line is that it's not a co-housing community. People
are going to be in dialog, but you can invoke property lines. There will be some rules regarding
fencing. She's hoping people will build vegetative screens. To a question from Mr.Wilcox, she said
clothes lines will be encouraged because if you're trying to achieve net-zero, that's one of your biggest
energy users. She's thinking of installing some type of system on the porches from which residents can
hang clothes. She's not under the delusion that like-minded people will live there and simply agree -
everything's a conversation. She's had a bit of practice by living in the cooperative on Aurora Street.
Ms. Erb said she was disappointed to see the dog park go away. Four-foot high fencing isn't that
expensive, and it doesn't have to be massive.
Ms. Cosentini said that even though she has a dog, she took out the dog park because there are so
many places to take your dog already. She's heard that dog parks are a veterinarian's favorite thing -
that's where dogs catch syndromes from each other. They love our Ithaca dog park - it provides job
security. She's seen a lot of fights at the dog park. There's a huge park area to run dogs across the
railroad tracks. Also, everyone seemed to be asking for a flattened area for kids to play.
Ms. Erb said she will want to hear for sure that fire vehicle access works throughout the site.
Ms. Collins thought it was odd to put the children's play area near the parking area.
Ms. Cosentini responded that there will be a more defined separation between the two. It is the
flattest place on the site and will get kids away from where people are gardening.
Mr. Bosak noted that sewage will have to be pumped up hill, and for site plan, he will ask what
happens if there's an ice storm and the pump stops working for any length of time because of an
electrical outage. He will want to see an emergency generator with enough fuel supply to last a couple
of weeks.
Ms. Cosentini said that such a redundant system is in the works.
Ms. Erb stated that one of her stock questions is contractor parking and materials storage.
Mr. Thaete said that, regarding the utility plan, the applicant went before the public works committee
that morning. He updated the board on that discussion. Because of the pump station, the sewer
needs to be private. The surface treatment on the road will be gravel, so the town will not take over
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the road. The town will take over the water if it conforms with town standards, which require two
connections - two taps off the main. They would need to cut into the existing main in two places to
make a continuous loop. There's an existing main on Five Mile Drive, so they could tap it on the
southerly side, then loop it around the site, and connect back on the northerly side.
Ms. Collins asked if we will require a traffic study.
Ms. Balestra responded that staff didn't feel this proposal warranted a traffic study.We didn't require
a study for the Westview subdivision on Danby Road - a 33 lot subdivision of conventional houses.
There will not be a significant increase in traffic from these single-family homes.
Ms. Erb remembered a discussion about walking and biking maps to other locations, especially
amenities, and suggested that having a zoomed out map showing that they are feasible would be a nice
Mr. Haefeli asked for clarification about increasing the roof areas.
Ms. Cosentini explained that the total roof area is not being increased; rather, that by increasing the
southern-exposed areas of the roofs, the PVs are twice the size as they were before. She said that the
road will be a lot like EcoVillage's,which is a gravel road. She doesn't like the dust of a gravel road,
but asphalt is very expensive. She will research alternative materials.Also, this will be like a woonerf-
very slow moving traffic.
Mr. Thaete said the road has to be able to support fire trucks, but what they put on top is up to the
applicant. He said the town uses crushed stone with a seal. This keeps the water from penetrating so
you don't get the ruts.
Mr. Haefeli said that he doesn't like that the houses are disturbingly lined up in a row and wishes the
houses were more staggered.
Ms. Cosentini said the feedback she heard from people who are interested in this development is that
they would really like to have private back yards. This way, they have a choice between being outside
in the common spaces and being outside and having a family gathering that they don't want other
people to come to. That's why the homes got pushed forward.
Ms. Erb said that affordability will be a question.
Ms. Cosentini said that she's answering the market niche that's in demand, but that two models will
be under$300,000.
Ms. Ritter wanted to talk about neighborhood design. She said to imagine walking down a street in
the city. if the houses were staggered, she thinks it would feel odd.
Mr. Bosak said that it's even worse if they are just a little out of line. That would seem like they were
meant to be in line and somebody blew it.
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Ms. Cosentini agreed. There is an effort to have the front yards be similar, in that the front yard is
just the buffer zone transitioning you to the public space, and having those similar makes it so one
house isn't isolated from the others. This is the relationship. They're 60-foot parcels so the houses
aren't so close that you feel like someone is looking on your porch, but close enough to greet your
neighbors from it. There's still a relationship with that other house.
Mr. Wilcox said that neighborhood conversations spontaneously occur on those porches.
Ms. Collins pointed out that at the next meeting, the board will want to see material swatches.
To a question from the audience, Ms. Cosentini responded that they will be pre-selling the homes
and most likely building three houses at a time and staging the crews accordingly.
Nomination and Election of Vice Chairperson for 2015.
The board decided to delay voting on this resolution because of potential future changes on the
planning board.
Persons to be heard - Nobody came forward to address the board.
PB Resolution No. 2015-008: Minutes of January 6, 2015
Moved by Fred Wilcox; seconded by Jon Bosak
RESOLVED, the Planning Board approves the minutes of January 6, 2015, as submitted.
Ayes: Wilcox, Collins, Haefeli, Beach, Bosak, Erb
Other Business
Mr. Wilcox announced that the town board appointed a new alternate planning board member,
Liebe Meier Swain.
Upon a motion by John Beach, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Planning Board Minutes 03-17-2015
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Respectfully submitted,
Debra DeAiigistine, Deputy Tovm Clerk