HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Minutes 2014-06-03^ TOWN OF ITHACA PLANNING BOARD
215 NortK Tioga Street
Ithaca, New York 14850
Tuesday. June 3. 2014
7:00 P»M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary & Final Site Plan Approval and
Special Permit for the proposed addition to the Montessori School Annex Building,
located at 117 East King Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 43.-2-7, Medium Density
Residential Zone. The proposal involves constructing a 1,155+/- square foot classroom
addition, installing a new concrete sidewalk in front of the building, modifying an
existing deck, and installing new exterior lighting. Elizabeth Ann Clune Montessori
School of Ithaca, Owner; Lisa R. Smith, Executive Director, Applicant; Ernie Bayles,
Architect, Agent.
7:20 P.M. SEQR Determination: Ferrara Realty 2-Lot Subdivision, 602 Elmira Road.
7:20 P,M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for
the proposed two-lot subdivision located at 602 Elmira Road (NYS Route 13), Town of
Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 31-3-4, Light Industrial Zone. The proposal involves subdividing
the 3.598 +/- acre parcel into a 3.0 +/- acre parcel (Parcel A) and a 0.598 +/- acre parcel
(Parcel B) which will be consolidated with Tax Parcel No. 33-3-2.92. Ferrara Realty,
Inc., Owner/Applicant.
4. Persons to be heard
5. Approval of Minutes: May 13,2014 and May 20, 2014
6. Other Business
7. Adjournment
Susan Ritter
Director of Planning
SANDY POLCE AT 273-1747.
(A quorum of four (4) members is necessary to conduct Planning Board business.)
Tuesday,June 3, 2014
215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Board Members Present: Fred Wilcox(Chair), Linda Collins,John Beach,Yvonne Fogarty, Paula
Wedemeyer,Jon Bosak, Hollis Erb
Staff Present: Chris Balestra, Planner; Bruce Bates, Director of Code Enforcement; Dan Thaete,
Town Engineer; Susan Brock, Attorney for the Town; Deb DeAugistine, Deputy Town Clerk
Call to Order
Mr. Wilcox called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and accepted the secretary's posting of the public
hearing notices.
Public Hearing: Consideration of Preliminary &Final Site Plan Approval and Special Permit for the
proposed addition to the Montessori School Annex Building, located at 117 East King Road, Town
of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 43.-2-7, Medium Density Residential Zone. The proposal involves construct-
ing a 1,155+/-square foot classroom addition, installing a new concrete sidewalk in front of the
building, modifying an existing deck, and installing new exterior lighting. Elizabeth Ann Clune Mon-
tessori School of Ithaca, Owner; Lisa R. Smith, Executive Director, Applicant; Ernie Bayles,Architect,
Mr. Wilcox opened the public hearing at 7:01 p.m.
Mr. Bayles and Lisa Smith were present. Mr. Bayles said that the addition will be to the annex build-
ing, which houses students ages 9 to 12. There was a previous addition to the back of the building.
The new project is a new addition to add a single classroom, similar in size, to the addition in the
back. Along with this, they'll utilize an existing entrance more than they have in the past and move
their locker rooms to the basement, which is closer to this currently underutilized entrance. This will
entail putting in a new sidewalk to the existing parking, shortening an existing deck, and adding some
exterior lighting for security purposes. There will be very little vegetation removed: just some scrub
and a single large tree where the sidewalk will go. Drainage patterns on the site will be altered very
little. They'll create a swale to an underground drainage system that will take water out to the road-
side ditch.
Ms. Erb wanted to hear that this is not associated with a planned increase in enrollment because of
some of the things written in the special permit about traffic increases.
Ms. Smith said this isn't about enrollment but about flow.The flow in the building is poor and
they're trying to address associated noise issues. That's why they're creating a new entrance.The stu-
dents cross back and forth for different programming across the street. In the new configuration, stu-
dents will come into the building through the side door, go down the stairs into a locker room, and
exit generally out the front entrance. This will contain the noise. That's how students would flow
through the building.They're asking people to come in through the main entrance and check in.
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Ms. Erb asked about staging relative to the school year and the children.
Mr. Bayles responded that they have a contractor lined up and will submit a building permit tomor-
row. They would like to start work before the end of the month and have it done before school starts
Ms. Smith said they will not have any summer programming on that side of the road, so all that park-
ing is available, along with 15 new parking spots on the other side of the road that they won't need in
the summer.
Ms.Wedemeyer asked about the traffic flow for pick up and drop off.
Ms. Smith responded that there's a loop in the front where buses and parents drop students off in the
morning. They're received through the front door.That won't change. They might change dismissal
at the end of the day and take buses into their new driveway,which the school district tested and ap-
proved. They currently run buses to the annex in the morning, but not in the afternoon.
Ms. Smith said the door they will use is an existing, underutilized exit,which will now be more useful.
It will lead to the new locker room, which will contain the noise - children changing their shoes, tak-
ing off their coats - and free up the current locker room for a classroom.
Mr. Bayles said the locker room is currently adjacent to the front entrance. They'd like to move the
entrance to the other existing door, which leads down to the basement. It will remove a major source
of noise from the building, allow the kids to enter the rest of the building with clean shoes, and free
up a nice room with windows for classroom use.
Ms.Wedemeyer asked about wheelchair access.
Mr. Bayles said there are several egress points from the rooms, as required by code, that are all on a
grade and are on a wheelchair-accessible path. The main entrance is the only wheelchair-accessible
ingress point.
Regarding stormwater, Mr. Thaete said it's a simple SWPPP. When they apply for the plumbing per-
mit from Bolton Point, they'll need an updated water plan because their drawing is missing an exist-
ing water main.
Mr. Bates asked if the building is sprinklered. Mr. Bayles responded that it isn't. The addition will not
be sprinklered since the project cost is less that 50 percent of the replacement value.
Ms. Brock asked whether the current Operation and Maintenance reporting agreement would need
to be amended to incorporate new stormwater facilities. Mr. Thaete replied that the changes were
insignificant, so that won't be necessary.
Mr. Wilcox closed the public hearing at 7:17 p.m.
PB Resolution No. 2014.033:Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval, Special Permit,
Montessori School Annex Addition, Tax Parcel No. 43:2-7, 117 East King Road
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Moved by Hollis Erb; seconded by Paula Wedemeyer
1. This action involves the consideration of Preliminary&Final Site Plan Approval and Special
Permit for the proposed addition to the Montessori School Annex Building, located at 117 East
King Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 43.-2-7, Medium Density Residential Zone. The pro-
posal involves constructing a 1,155+/-square foot classroom addition, installing a new concrete
sidewalk in front of the building, modifying an existing deck, and installing new exterior lighting.
Elizabeth Ann Clune Montessori School of Ithaca, Owner; Lisa R. Smith, Executive Director,
Applicant; Ernie Bayles,Architect,Agent; and
2. This is a Type II Action, pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.5(c)(8) of the regulations of the New
York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Envi-
ronmental Quality Review Act, because the Action constitutes "routine activities of educational
institutions, including expansion of existing facilities by less than 10,000 square feet of gross floor
area and school closings, but not changes in use related to such closings." Thus, approval of the
site plan is not subject to review under SEQR; and
3. The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing held on June 3, 2014, has reviewed and accepted as ade-
quate a narrative, a topographic map prepared by T.G. Miller, P.C., labeled Sheet A-2 and titled
"Boundary and Topographic Map, Montessori School of Ithaca, No. 117 East King Road, Town
of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York," dated 4/30/2014, site plan drawings prepared by Ernie
Bayles, Architect, titled "Elizabeth Ann Clune Montessori School, 117 East King Road, Tompkins
County, Town of Ithaca, New York," including Sheets A-1 and A-3, dated 2-28-14, Sheets A-4
through A-7, dated 4-30-2014, and other application materials;
That the Planning Board hereby finds that the Special Permit standards of Article XXIV Section 270-
200, Subsections A - L, of the Town of Ithaca Code, have been met, specifically that:
a. the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community, in harmony with the general
purpose of this chapter,will be promoted, as the proposed classroom expansion will provide
needed space for the children of the Montessori school while minimally impacting the surround-
ing environment, including traffic circulation and parking, and
b. (i) the premises are reasonably adapted to the proposed use, given that the premises already con-
tain a school use, and the proposed addition will be located in an area currently maintained as
lawn, and (ii) the proposed addition fills a neighborhood or community need, for the reasons
noted above, and
c. the proposed use and the location and design of any structures are consistent with the character
of the district in which they are located, as the architecture of the proposed addition will match
the architecture of the existing structures on the premises, and for the same reasons noted above,
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d. the proposed use will not be detrimental to the general amenity or neighborhood character in
amounts sufficient to devalue the neighborhood property or seriously inconvenience the neigh-
boring inhabitants, for the reasons noted above, and
e. operations in connection with the proposed use will not be more objectionable to nearby proper-
ties by reasons of noise, fumes,vibrations, illumination or other potential nuisance than the op-
eration of any permitted use in the particular zone, for the reasons noted above, and
f. community infrastructure and services, including but not limited to, protective services, road-
ways, garbage collection, schools and water and sewer facilities, are currently, or will be, of ade-
quate capacity to accommodate the proposed use, per memo from Creig Hebdon, Town Engi-
neer, to Chris Balestra, dated May 19, 2014. Additionally, the use is already operational as a
school, there is room on the site for expansion, and there are minimal changes proposed, and
g. the proposed use, building, design and site layout comply with all provisions of Chapter 270,
Zoning, and, to the extent considered by the Planning Board, with other regulations and ordi-
nances of the Town,with the Building Code and all other state and federal laws, rules and regu-
lations, and with the Town Comprehensive Plan, and
h. the proposed access and egress for all structures and uses are safely designed and the site layout
provides adequate access for emergency vehicles, as determined by Code staff review of the pro-
ject, and
i. the general effect of the proposed use upon the community as a whole, including such items as
traffic load upon public streets and load upon water and sewer systems, is not detrimental to the
health, safety and general welfare of the community, for the reasons noted above, and
j. the lot area, access, parking, and loading facilities are sufficient for the proposed use; and access,
parking, and loading facilities are adequately buffered to minimize their visual impact, as it was
previously determined that there is adequate parking to serve all of the Montessori School's
needs in either the Annex parking lot or the Main Building parking lot, and that those parking
areas are already buffered with vegetation, and
k. natural surface water drainage is adequately managed in accordance with good engineering prac-
tices and in accordance with any applicable Town local law or ordinance, and existing drainage-
ways are not altered in a manner that adversely affects other properties. The applicant has pro-
vided drainage plans to the Town Public Works Department and the Department has approved
the plans, per a memo provided by Creig Hebdon, Town Engineer, to Chris Balestra, dated May
19, 2014, and
1. the proposed use or structure complies with all the criteria applicable to site plan review set forth
in this chapter.
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1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Preliminary and
Final Site Plan Approval, as shown on the Preliminary and Final Site Plan Checklists, having de-
termined from the materials presented that such waiver will result in a significant alteration of
neither the purpose of site plan control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town
Board; and
2. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary& Final Site Plan Approval
for the proposed Montessori School Annex addition located at 117 East King Road, Town of Ith-
aca Tax Parcel No. 41-2-7, as described in the set of site plan drawings noted in Whereas #3
above, subject to the following conditions:
a. Submission of a Simple Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, for review and approval by
the Town Public Works Department, prior to the application for any building permits, and
b. All proposed lighting shall comply with the provisions of the Town's Outdoor Lighting Law.
Ayes:Wilcox, Collins,Wedemeyer, Beach, Fogarty, Bosak, Erb
SEQR Determination: Ferrara Realty 2-Lot Subdivision, 602 Elmira Road
Mr. Wilcox asked why they want to tack that corner parcel onto another parcel. It almost makes the
parcel it's being tacked to less saleable.
Mr. Ferrara responded that the one they're sticking it to really isn't saleable because of overhead wires
and because you can't build on it.
Ms. Erb pointed out that they need to provide an updated survey map with the correct street name.
Mancini Drive should be changed to Ithaca Beer drive.
Ms. Fogarty asked what the purpose of the subdivision is.
Mr. Ferrara responded that there's no real explanation. The corner parcel is at the bottom of the hill
on the three acres they're selling.
Ms. Erb asked how the purchaser of parcel A will access the parcel.
Mr. Ferrara responded that parcel A has access from Route 13. There's already a curb cut on Route
13, and the State is okay with egress off the parcel onto Route 13, but not access.Access will be from
Route 13A.
PB Resolution No. 2014.034: SEQR, Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval, Ferrara 2-Lot
Subdivision, 602 Elmira Road, Tax Parcel No. 31.3.4
Moved by Linda Collins; seconded by Hollis Erb
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1. This is Consideration of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the proposed two-lot
subdivision located at 602 Elmira Road(NYS Route 13), Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 31-3-4,
Light Industrial Zone. The proposal involves subdividing the 3.598 +/-acre parcel into a 3.0 +/-
acre parcel (Parcel A) and a 0.598 +/-acre parcel(Parcel B)which will be consolidated with Tax
Parcel No. 33-3-2.92. Ferrara Realty, Inc., Owner/Applicant; and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board is the lead agency in the
environmental review with respect to Subdivision Approval; and
3. The Planning Board on June 3, 2014, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a revised Short En-
vironmental Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the applicant, and Parts 2 and 3 prepared by
the Town Planning staff, a survey map entitled "Survey Map, No. 602 Elmira Road, Town of Ith-
aca, Tompkins County, New York," prepared by T.G. Miller, P.C., dated 12/29/2009, amended
10/30/2013 and 4/29/2014, and other application materials; and
4. Town planning staff has recommended a negative determination of environmental significance
with respect to the proposed Subdivision Approval;
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental
significance in accordance with Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part
617 New York State Environmental Quality Review for the above referenced action as proposed,
based on the information in the EAF Part 1 and for the reasons set forth in the EAF Parts 2 and 3,
and, therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement will not be required.
Ayes:Wilcox, Collins,Wedemeyer, Beach, Fogarty, Bosak, Erb
Public Hearing: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the proposed two,
lot subdivision located at 602 Elmira Road (NYS Route 13), Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 31-3-4,
Light Industrial Zone. The proposal involves subdividing the 3.598 +/-acre parcel into a 3.0 +/-acre
parcel (Parcel A) and a 0.598 +/-acre parcel (Parcel B)which will be consolidated with Tax Parcel No.
33-3-2.92. Ferrara Realty, Inc., Owner/Applicant
Mr. Wilcox opened the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. and closed the public hearing at 7:31.
PB Resolution No. 2014.035: Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval, Ferrara 2-Lot
Subdivision, 602 Elmira Road, Tax Parcel No. 31.3.4
Moved by John Beach; seconded by Hollis Erb
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1. This is Consideration of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the proposed two-lot
subdivision located at 602 Elmira Road (NYS Route 13), Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 31-3-4,
Light Industrial Zone. The proposal involves subdividing the 3.598 +/-acre parcel into a 3.0 +/,
acre parcel (Parcel A) and a 0.598 +/-acre parcel (Parcel B)which will be consolidated with Tax
Parcel No. 33-3-2.92. Ferrara Realty, Inc., Owner/Applicant; and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as lead agency
with respect to Subdivision Approval, has on June 3, 2014, made a negative determination of en-
vironmental significance, after having reviewed and accepted as adequate a revised Short Envi-
ronmental Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the applicant, and Parts 2 and 3 prepared by
the Town Planning staff; and
3. The Planning Board on June 3, 2014, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a survey map entitled
"Survey Map, No. 602 Elmira Road, Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York," prepared by
T.G. Miller, P.C., dated 12/29/2009, amended 10/30/2013 and 4/29/2014, and other applica-
tion materials;
1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Preliminary and
Final Subdivision Approval, as shown on the Preliminary and Final Subdivision Checklists, hav-
ing determined from the materials presented that such waiver will result in a significant alteration
of neither the purpose of subdivision control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town
Board, and
2. That the Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the pro-
posed subdivision located at 602 Elmira Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 31:3-4, as shown
on the survey map entitled "Survey Map, No. 602 Elmira Road, Town of Ithaca, Tompkins Coun-
ty, New York," subject to the following conditions:
a. Submission for signing by the Chairperson of the Planning Board of an original and three
dark lined prints of the final subdivision plat, revised to change the name of Mancini Drive to
the current name of Ithaca Beer Drive, prior to filing with the Tompkins County Clerk's Of-
fice, and submission of a receipt of filing to the Town of Ithaca Planning Department, and
b. Within six months of this approval, consolidation of Parcel B (0.598+/- acres)with Tax Parcel
No. 33:3-2.92, and submission of a copy of the consolidation request to the Planning De-
Ayes: Wilcox, Collins, Wedemeyer, Beach, Fogarty, Bosak, Erb
Persons to be heard - Nobody came forward to address the Board.
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Approval of Minutes
PB Resolution No. 2014-036; Minutes of May 13, 2014
Moved by Fred Wilcox; seconded by Yvonne Fogarty
WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca Planning Board has reviewed the draft minutes from the meeting on
May 13; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, the Town of Ithaca Planning Board approves the minutes, as amended, to be the final
minutes of the meeting on May 13.
Ayes: Wilcox, Collins, Beach, Fogarty, Wedemeycr, Bosak
Abstentions: Erb
Other business
Mr. Wilcox moved and Ms. Erb seconded canceling the meeting of June 21st.
Mr. Wilcox announced that the NYS Planning Federation is looking for board members.
Upon a motion by Hollis Erb, the meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
^bra DeAugimUfiO^eputy Towh\Clerk