HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Minutes 2014-02-18^ TOWN OF ITHACA PLANNING BOARD
215 North Tioga Street
Ithaca, New York 14850
Tuesday. February 18.2014
7:00 P.M. SEQR Determination: EcoVillage T.R.E.E. Solar Array, Rachel Carson Way.
7;00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan approyal for the
proposed solar photoyoltaic array for the new Sustainable Liying Center as part of the
T.R.E.E. Neighborhood at EcoVillage at Ithaca, located north of the Sustainable Liying
Center, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 28-1-26.85, Planned Deyelopment Zone No. 8.
The proposal inyoWes installing a 50 +/- Kilowatt array (approximately 228 panels) to
serye both the indiyidual apartments and the common facilities in the Sustainable Liying
Center. The array will be diyided into two equal sections and will total approximately
3,600 square feet. A six foot tall chain link fence will surround the entire project
(approximately 64' x 143'). T.R.E.E. LLC., Owner/Applicant; Jared Jones, Agent.
3. Presentation of potential water system improyements in the northeast area of the Town of
Ithaca. The project includes modeling, options, and recommendations for improyements
to the existing water system through the replacement of two existing older steel water
tanks. Creig Hebdon, Town Engineer and GHD Consulting Seryices Inc.
4. Persons to be heard
5. Approyal of Minutes: January 21, 2014 and February 4,2014.
6. Other Business
7. Adjournment
Susan Ritter
Director of Planning
SANDY POLCE AT 273-1747.
(A quorum of four (4) members is necessary to conduct Planning Board business.)
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Board Members Present: Fred Wilcox(Chair), Linda Collins,Joseph Haefeli (Alternate),John
Beach, Paula Wedemeyer,Jon Bosak, Hollis Erb
Staff Present: Sue Ritter, Director of Planning; Chris Balestra, Planner; Bruce Bates, Director of
Code Enforcement;; Deb DeAugistine, Deputy Town Clerk
Call to Order
Mr. Wilcox called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
SEQR: EcoVillage T.R.E.E. Solar Array, Rachel Carson Way
Two representatives from EcoVillage were present to answer questions. They explained that TREE is a
four-story building with 15 apartments and a sizeable amount of common space, and they entered a
lease agreement with Solar Liberty for an array about 250 feet behind the building in the north field.
It would not fit on the roof. The 228-panel array will occupy 3600 square feet surrounded by a chain
link fence in the northeast corner of the property. The original site plan did not include the array.
Ms. Erb asked whether the other array is functioning well and whether it was installed by the same
The applicant responded that it is not the same installer. It provides 60 percent of the residents' elec-
tricity use. It's working well. The new array should be enough to handle 60 to 70 percent of the TREE
common house building.
Mr. Wilcox asked why they want to install a larger array.
The applicant responded that they got a good deal from Solar Liberty, and with the current standard
of incentives, it's hard not to. When they went to purchase the array, they realized it wouldn't fit on
the roof. The ground-based array made more sense. It's a grid-tied system. The connection will hap-
pen in the back of the building. They don't have to dig below frost line.
Mr. Bates pointed out that they will have to follow the code.
Ms. Wedemeyer asked if the reflection from solar panels was a problem.
It was explained that solar panels aren't reflective; they're designed to absorb sunlight to convert to
electricity, although a certain amount of light will be reflected.
They confirmed for Mr. Bosak that this array is engineered to take winds of up to 96 mph. Mr. Bosak
noted that it is angled at 30 degrees,which he understands is the summer setting. He asked whether
snow will pile up.
Planning Board Minutes 0248.2014
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The applicant answered that he is not a solar engineer. The FROG array does get some snow on it.
Someone asked about a tracking array. The applicant responded that it would not be a good cost to
benefit in this area. Maybe in the southwest, where there is strong sun.
PB Resolution No. 2014.009:SEQR, Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval , EcoVillage Solar
Array, TREE Neighborhood, Tax Parcel No. 28.-1-26.85
Moved by Hollis Erb; seconded by John Beach
1. This action involves consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval for the proposed
solar photovoltaic array for the new Sustainable Living Center as part of the T.R.E.E. Neighbor-
hood at EcoVillage at Ithaca, located north of the Sustainable Living Center, Town of Ithaca Tax
Parcel No. 28.-l-26.85, Planned Development Zone No. 8. The proposal involves installing a 50
+/-kilowatt array(approximately 228 panels) to serve both the individual apartments and the
common facilities in the Sustainable Living Center. The array will be divided into two equal sec-
tions and will total approximately 3,600 square feet. A six foot tall chain link fence will surround
the entire project(approximately 64'x 143'). T.R.E.E. LLC., Owner/Applicant;Jared Jones,
Agent; and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board is acting as lead agency
for the environmental review with respect to Site Plan Approval; and
3. The Planning Board, on February 18, 2014, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short Envi-
ronmental Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the applicant, Parts 2 and 3 prepared by Town
Planning staff, an applicant narrative, a site plan/sheet PV-S 1 entitled "EcoVillage, 306 Rachel
Carson Way, Ithaca, NY," dated 2/10/2014, prepared by Solar Liberty; drawings and specifica-
tion sheets prepared by PV Racking LLC, including sheet numbers PVR FI (Page 1 and 2), dated
1-6-13 and PVRPP (Page 1 and 2), dated 1/6/14, and other application materials; and
4. The Town Planning staff has recommended a negative determination of environmental signifi-
cance with respect to the proposed Site Plan Approval;
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental
significance in accordance with Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part
617 New York State Environmental Quality Review for the above referenced actions as proposed,
based on the information in the EAF Part 1 and for the reasons set forth in Parts 2 and 3, and,
therefore, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be required.
Ayes:Wilcox, Collins, Haefeli, Beach,Wedemeyer, Bosak, Erb
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Public Hearing: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval for the proposed solar
photovoltaic array for the new Sustainable Living Center as part of the T.R.E.E. Neighborhood at
EcoVillage at Ithaca, located north of the Sustainable Living Center, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.
28-1-26.85, Planned Development Zone No. 8. The proposal involves installing a 50 +/-Kilowatt
array(approximately 228 panels) to serve both the individual apartments and the common facilities in
the Sustainable Living Center. The array will be divided into two equal sections and will total ap-
proximately 3,600 square feet. A six foot tall chain link fence will surround the entire project(ap-
proximately 64' x 143'). T.R.E.E. LLC., Owner/Applicant;Jared Jones,Agent
Mr. Wilcox opened the public hearing at 7:21 p.m.
Ms. Ritter said that the PDZ language was specific to FROG. The FROG array is on a parcel that was
undeveloped, so the array was considered a principle use structure. This array will be on a parcel with
houses and would be an accessory use. Since the PDZ does not allow the solar array as an accessory
use, it might require a variance or modification to the PDZ.
Mr. Wilcox closed the public hearing at 7:28 p.m.
PB Resolution No. 2014.010: Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval, EcoVillage Solar Array,
TREE Neighborhood, Tax Parcel No. 28.-1-26.85
Moved by Hollis Erb; seconded by Linda Collins
1. This action involves consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval for the proposed
solar photovoltaic array for the new Sustainable Living Center as part of the T.R.E.E. Neighbor-
hood at EcoVillage at Ithaca, located north of the Sustainable Living Center, Town of Ithaca Tax
Parcel No. 28.-1,26.85, Planned Development Zone No. 8. The proposal involves installing a 50
+/-kilowatt array(approximately 228 panels) to serve both the individual apartments and the
common facilities in the Sustainable Living Center. The array will be divided into two equal sec-
tions and will total approximately 3,600 square feet. A six foot tall chain link fence will surround
the entire project(approximately 64' x 143'). T.R.E.E. LLC., Owner/Applicant;Jared Jones,
Agent; and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as lead agency in
the environmental review with respect to the project has, on February 18, 2014, made a negative
determination of environmental significance, after having reviewed and accepted as adequate a
Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the applicant, and Parts 2 and 3 pre-
pared by Town Planning staff; and
3. The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing held on February 18, 2014, has reviewed and accepted
as adequate an applicant narrative, a site plan/sheet PV-S1 entitled "EcoVillage, 306 Rachel Car-
son Way, Ithaca, NY," dated 2/10/2014, prepared by Solar Liberty; drawings and specification
sheets prepared by PV Racking LLC, including sheet numbers PVR-FI (Page 1 and 2), dated 1-6-
13 and PVR-PP (Page 1 and 2), dated 1/6/14, and other application materials;
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1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Preliminary and
Final Site Plan Approval, as shown on the Preliminary and Final Site Plan Checklists, having de-
termined from the materials presented that such waiver will result in significant alteration of the
purpose neither of site plan control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town Board;
2. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval
for the proposed photovoltaic array for the T.R.E.E. Neighborhood at EcoVillage at Ithaca, Town
of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.28:1-26.85, Planned Development Zone No. 8 (EcoVillage), as described
in the drawings listed in Whereas Number 3, subject to the following conditions:
a. Submission of one original large-sized set of the final site plan and drawings on mylar, vellum,
or paper, signed and sealed by the registered land surveyor, engineer, architect, or landscape
architect who prepared the materials, prior to the application for a building permit; and
b. Submission of a grading plan and sedimentation and erosion control plan, approved by the
Town of Ithaca Public Works Department, prior to the application for a building permit; and
c. Submission of record of application for and proof of receipt of all necessary permits from any
county, state, and/or federal agencies, prior to the issuance of any final electrical certificates,
d. Granting of any necessary variance from the Town of Ithaca Zoning Board of Appeals or ap-
proval of amendments to the language for Planned Development Zone No. 8 (EcoVillage)
from the Ithaca Town Board that negate the need for a variance.
Ayes:Wilcox, Collins, Haefeli, Beach,Wedemeyer, Bosak, Erb
Presentation of potential water system improvements in the northeast area of the Town of Ithaca. The
project includes modeling, options, and recommendations for improvements to the existing water
system through the replacement of two existing older steel water tanks. Creig Hebdon, Town Engi-
neer and GHD Consulting Services Inc.
Mr. Hebdon, Town Engineer, and representatives of GHD Consulting Services (Kevin Castro, Nicho-
las Hyde, and Casey Lupini) gave the presentation.
Persons to be heard - Nobody came forward to address the Board.
Approval of Minutes
PB Resolution No. 2014.011: Minutes of January 21, 2014
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Moved by Fred Wilcox; seconded by Hollis Erb
WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca Planning Board has reviewed the draft minutes from the meeting on
January 21; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, the Town of Ithaca Planning Board approves the minutes, as amended, to be the final
minutes of the meeting on January 21.
Ayes: Wilcox, Collins, Haefeli, Beach, Wedemeyer, Bosak, Erb
PB Resolution No. 2014012: Minutes of February 4, 2014
Moved by Fred Wilcox; seconded by Hollis Erb
WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca Planning Board has reviewed the draft minutes from the meeting on
February 4; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, the Town of Ithaca Planning Board approves the minutes, as amended, to be the final
minutes of the meeting on February 4.
Ayes: Wilcox, Collins, Haefeli, Beach, Wedemeyer, Bosak, Erb
Planning Federation - Mr. Wilcox reminded Board members that the conference is coming up at the
end of March.
Emails Regarding Planning Board Business - Mr. Wilcox cautioned Planning Board members from
getting involved in email exchanges regarding Planning Board projects, preferring instead that discus
sions be saved for the meeting itself, where all members will be included.
Upon a motion by Hollis Erb, the meeting adjourned at 8:31 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
ebra DeAugistihe, Deputy Tow