HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Minutes 2013-11-05TOWN OF ITHACA PLANNING BOARD
215 North Tioga Street
Ithaca, New York 14850
Tuesday. November 5. 2013
7:00 P.M. SEQR Determination: Ithaca Beer Company Fermentation Room & Tanks, 122 Ithaca
Beer Dr.
7:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the
proposed addition to the Ithaca Beer Company located at 122 Ithaca Beer Drive, Town of
Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 33-3-2.10, Planned Development Zone No. 14. The proposal
involves the construction of a new 690 +/- square foot fermentation room addition on the
east side of the existing building. The proposal also involves three new 29 +/- foot tall
fermentation tanks which will be accessed from the new addition. Tompkins County
IDA, Owner; Ithaca Beer Company, Applicant; Dan Mitchell, President, Ithaca Beer
Company, Agent.
3. Persons to be heard
4. Approval of Minutes: October 15, 2013.
5. Other Business
6. Adjournment
Susan Ritter
Director of Planning
SANDY POLCE AT 273-1747.
(A quorum of four (4) members is necessary to conduct Planning Board business.)
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Board Members Present: Fred Wilcox(Chair), Linda Collins,John Beach,Yvonne Fogarty, Paula
Wedemeyer,Jon Bosak, Hollis Erb
Staff Present: Mike Smith, Planner; Bruce Bates, Director of Code Enforcement; Susan Brock, At-
torney for the Town; Deb DeAugistine, Deputy Town Clerk
Call to Order
Mr. Wilcox called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. He stated that an item was removed from the
agenda. Based on the research done by the Town attorney, the application before the Board is aType
II Action under the NYS SEQR regulations and is therefore not subject to SEQR. That does not pre-
clude the Board from discussing environmental impacts under site plan review.
Public Hearing: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed addi-
tion to the Ithaca Beer Company located at 122 Ithaca Beer Drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 33-
3-2.10, Planned Development Zone No. 14. The proposal involves the construction of a new 690 +/-
square foot fermentation room addition on the east side of the existing building. The proposal also
involves three new 29 +/-foot tall fermentation tanks which will be accessed from the new addition.
Tompkins County IDA, Owner; Ithaca Beer Company,Applicant; Dan Mitchell, President, Ithaca
Beer Company, Agent.
Mr. Wilcox opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m.
Mr. Mitchell stated that they've reached capacity in their existing facility and are looking to put in
three fermenters that will allow them to continue to grow.
Ms. Erb requested that Mr. Mitchell put dates on his paperwork.
To a question from Ms. Wedemeyer, Mr. Mitchell stated that this property is not in the ag zone.
There are three properties: his home, a 75-acre parcel zoned agricultural, and the 10 acres the brewery
sits on,which is a planned development zone.
Mr. Smith said the adjacent 75 acres is in a low-density residential zone, which allows agriculture; it is
also in the County ag district.
Mr. Haefeli asked how much more build-out Mr. Mitchell anticipates.
Mr. Mitchell responded that the PDZ allows for 65,000 square feet. He wanted to grow in a financial-
ly responsible way, so they're building in stages. He hopes to be back before the Board next year to
talk about the next expansion. This project will give them 80% more capacity.The following year,
they'll need more warehouse space. Then, if the exterior tank project works, they'll either talk about
continuing with that or potentially putting some tanks inside, which is what the original plan called
for. This phase will both increase existing capacity and add new lines.
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Ms. Erb asked whether the stormwater facilities were originally set up for the ultimate expansion or
only what they were building right then. She wanted to know whether this would add impervious
Mr. Smith responded that there's an existing asphalt pad where the tanks will be placed.
Ms. Erb pointed out that the site is hidden from view.
Mr. Bosak said he's already on record as saying he's in favor of projects like this in the Town and that
he has absolutely no objection to this one. He wondered whether the PDZ specifically says silos and
not tanks.
Mr. Bates replied that the PDZ says silos.
Mr. Bosak suggested that the attorney write up something to indicate that the Board finds that the
intent of the PDZ in specifying silos is met here by interpreting it to cover tanks, because aesthetically
in every way, shape, and form, they're the same thing.
Mr. Bates said that's not within this Board's privilege; it would be up to the ZBA or Town Board.
Ms. Brock asked Mr. Bates whether he had made an interpretation.
Mr. Bates responded that at this point, no matter how the issue is ruled, it's not going to affect this
project. It may be something that needs to be addressed before Mr. Mitchell goes any further. Wheth-
er they're silos or tanks, Mr. Mitchell is allowed that number currently within his zone.
Mr. Bosak pointed out that he's allowed five silos, not three tanks.
Ms. Erb said it was the Board's understanding that it was silos that the PDZ allowed.
Mr. Bates said that if the Board is asking for his interpretation, he would say they resemble a silo ver-
sus a tank.
Ms.Wedemeyer asked whether they have to maintain security lighting that will need to be increased
as a result of the project.
Mr. Mitchell responded that there is no lighting on the tanks. There's security lighting on the build-
ing, but not on the current silos.
Mr. Wilcox commented that 80% capacity will increase large trucks going in and out, and asked
whether they have the capacity.
Mr. Mitchell responded that the PDZ is set up to allow them to build up 65,000 square feet.They
have room for the trucks right now.
Mr. Wilcox closed the public hearing at 7:21 p.m.
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PB Resolution No. 2013.044: Preliminary and Final Site Plan, Ithaca Beer Co. - Fermentation
Room &Tanks, Tax Parcel No. 33-3-2.10
Moved by Hollis Erb; seconded by John Beach
1. This action is consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed addi-
tion to the Ithaca Beer Company located at 122 Ithaca Beer Drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.
33-3-2.10, Planned Development Zone No. 14. The proposal involves the construction of a new
690 +/-square foot fermentation room addition on the east side of the existing building. The
proposal also involves three new 29 +/-foot tall fermentation tanks which will be accessed from
the new addition. Tompkins County IDA, Owner; Ithaca Beer Company, Applicant; Dan Mitch-
ell, President, Ithaca Beer Company,Agent, and
2. This is a Type 1I Action pursuant to 6 NYCRR Section 617.5(c)(7) of the regulations of the New
York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Envi-
ronmental Quality Review Act, because the Action constitutes "construction or expansion of a
primary or accessory/appurtenant, non-residential structure or facility involving less than 4,000
square feet of gross floor area and not involving a change in zoning or a use variance and con-
sistent with local land use controls, but not radio communication or microwave transmission fa-
cilities," and thus approval of the site plan is not subject to review under SEQR, and
3. The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing held on November 5, 2013, has reviewed and accepted
as adequate, drawings titled "31)View 1" (3D1), "Building Sections" (P2), and "Plans" (P1), all
dated 10/02/13 and prepared by HOLT Architects P.C., and other application materials;
1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Preliminary and
Final Site Plan Approval, as shown on the Preliminary and Final Site Plan Checklists, having de-
termined from the materials presented that such waiver will result in neither a significant altera-
tion of the purpose of site plan control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town
Board, and
2. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval
for the proposed new fermentation room and tanks at the Ithaca Beer Company, located at 122
Ithaca Beer Drive, as described on the drawings listed above, subject to the following condition:
a. submission of one original large-size set of the final site plan drawings on mylar, vellum, or
paper, signed and sealed by the registered land surveyor, engineer, architect, or landscape
architect who prepared the site plan material, prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Vote: ayes:Wilcox, Collins, Beach, Fogarty,Wedemeyer, Bosak, Erb
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Persons to be heard
Nobody came forward to address the Board.
Approval of Minutes
PB Resolution No. 2013-045: Minutes of October 15, 2013
Moved by Fred Wilcox; seconded by Hollis Erb
WHEREAS, the Town of Ithaca Planning Board has reviewed the draft minutes from the meeting on
October 15; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, the Town of Ithaca Planning Board approves the minutes, as amended, to be the final
minutes of the meeting on October 15.
Ayes: Wilcox, Collins, Fogarty, Beach, Wedemeyer, Bosak, Erb
Upon a motion by Yvonne Fogarty, the meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
bra DeAugishntr; Deputy Town Ckrk
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