HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Minutes 2012-02-21TOWN OF ITHACA PLANNING BOARD
215 North Tioga Street
Ithaca, New York 14850
Tuesday. February 21. 2012
7:00 P.M. Persons to be heard (no more than fiye minutes).
7:05 P.M. SEQR Determination: Northyiew Water Tank Replacement, 350 Coddington Road.
7;05 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approyal for the
proposed replacement of the Northyiew Water Tank located on the west side of
Coddington Road (350 Coddington Road) at the end of an access driye. Town of Ithaca
Tax Parcel No. 41-1-30.2, Medium Density Residential Zone. The proposal inyolyes
replacing the existing 2(M),(X)0 gallon steel water tank (34' in diameter and 30' in height)
with a new 500,000 gallon glass lined water tank (48' in diameter and 39' in height) in
the same location. The proposal also inyolyes grading, modifications to the existing
fence and seyeral new stormwater elements. Ithaca College, Property Owner; Town of
Ithaca, Applicant; Creig Hebdon, Town Engineer, Agent.
7:15 P.M. Discussion regarding upcoming projects at the Town of Ithaca Public Works Facility,
Creig Hebdon, Town Engineer.
5. Approyal of Minutes: February 7,2012.
6. Other Business:
• New York Planning Federation Conference
April 15 - 17"', Saratoga Springs, NY
7. Adjournment
Susan Ritter
Director of Planning
SANDY POLCE AT 273-1747.
(A quorum of four (4) members is necessary to conduct Planning Board business.)
Tuesday. February 21.2012
By direction of the Chairperson of the Planning Board, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will
be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Ithaca on Tuesday, February 21,2012, at 215 North Tioga Street,
Ithaca, N.Y., at the following time and on the following matter:
7:05 P.M. Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approyal for the proposed replacement of
the Northyiew Water Tank located on the west side of Coddington Road (350 Coddington
Road) at the end of an access driye. Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 41-1-30.2, Medium
Density Residential Zone. The proposal inyoWes replacing the existing 200,000 gallon steel
water tank (34' in diameter and 30' in height) with a new 500,000 gallon glass lined water
tank (48' in diameter and 39' in height) in the same location. The proposal also inyolyes
grading, modifications to the existing fence and seyeral new storm water elements. Ithaca
College, Property Owner; Town of Ithaca, Applicant; Creig Hebdon, Town Engineer, Agent.
Said Planning Board will at said times and said place hear all persons in support of such matters or objections
thereto. Persons may appear by agent or in person. Indiyiduals with yisual impairments, hearing impairments or
other special needs, will be proyided with assistance as necessary, upon request. Persons desiring assistance must
make such a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearing.
Susan Ritter
Director of Planning
Dated: Monday, February 13,2012
Publish: Wednesday, February 15,2012
I, Sandra Polce, being duly sworn, depose and say that I am a Senior Typist for the Town of
Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York; that the following Notice has been duly posted on the sign
board of the Town of Ithaca and that said Notice has been duly published in the local newspaper.
The Ithaca Journal.
Notice of Public Hearings to be held bv the Town of Ithaca Planning Board in the Town of Ithaca
Town Hall. 215 North Tioga Street. Ithaca. New York, on Tuesday. Februai'v 21. 2012
commencing at 7:00 P.M.. as per attached.
Location of Sign Board used for Posting: Town Clerk Sign Board - 215 North Tioga Street.
Date of Posting; February 13, 2012
Date of Publication: February 15, 2012
Sandra Polce, Senior Typist
Town of Ithaca
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 15^^ day of February 2012.
Notary Public
Notary Public. Slate of New York
No. 01VVH6052877
Tioga County
Commission Expires December 26
Wednesday, February 15,2012 1 THE ITHACA JOURNAL
February 21,2012
By direction of the Chair
person of the Planning
GIVEN that a Public Hear
ing will be held by the PIs^
ning Board of the Town of
Ithaca on Tuesday, Febru
ary 21, 2012, at 215 North
Tioga Street, Ithaca, N,Y.,.
at the following time and o(i
die follovwng matter
7;05 P.M.
Consideration of Prelimina
ry and Final Site Ran Ap
proval for the proposed re
placement of the Northview
Water Tank located on the
west side of Coddiogtori
Road (350 Coddingloii
Road) at the end of an ac
cess drive. Town of Ithaca
Tax Parcel No, 4M-30.2,
Medium Density Residerv
tial Zone. The proposal In
volves replacing the exist
ing 200,000 gallon sled
water tank (34' In diameter
and 30' In height) with 4
new 500,0(X) gallon glas^
lined water tank (48' in di
ameter and 39' in height) irj
the same location. TTi^
proposal also involvea
grading, modifications to
the existing fence and sev
eral new stormwater ele-
ments, Ithaca College,
Property Owner; Town of
Ithaca, Applicant: Creig
Hebdon, Town Engineer,
Said Ranning Board will at
said times and said place
hear all persons in support
of such matters or objec
tions'thereto. Persons may
appear by agent or In per
son. Individuals with visual
impairmenta, hearing
.fmpairments or other spe
cial needs, will be provided
with assistance as neces-
^ry, upon request. Per
sons desiring assistance
fnust make such a request
not less than 48 hours prior
.fo the lime of the public
Susan Ritter
Director of Ranning
Dated: Mt^iday, February
13, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Board Members Present:
Fred Wilcox (Chair), Linda Collins, George Conneman, Jon Bosak, Hol-
lis Erb
Staff Present:
Susan Ritter, Director of Planning;Bruce Bates, Director of Code Enforcement;
Creig Hebdon, Engineer; Deb DeAugistine, Deputy Town Clerk
Call to Order
Mr. Wilcox called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. and accepted the secretary’s posting of the pub-
lic hearing notice.
Persons to be heard
No one came forward to address the Board.
SEQR Determination: Northview Water Tank Replacement, 350 Coddington Road
Creig Hebdon introduced the project, which involves replacing the 200,000-gallon Northview tank
with a 500,000-gallon tank. The existing tank was placed in 1954; in the mid 1980s, Public Works
did an underwater evaluation of the tank and found that it was already deteriorating. When the
decision was made to either rehab the tank or replace it, they determined that the costs would be
roughly equivalent. Looking at the system as a whole, they decided it would be best to go with a
500,000-gallon tank.
Mr. Hebdon gave a brief overview of the system in that area. There are three distribution tanks in
the loop: Northview, Ridgecrest, and Troy Road. The East Hill tank is a 3-million-gallon transmis-
sion tank (the water comes directly from Bolton Point) that moves the water to the distribution
tanks. When the water drops to a certain level in the Ridgecrest tank, it triggers the valves at the
Troy Road pump station to pump water back to the tank. This starts a domino effect. Eventually,
the water level in the Troy Road tank starts to drop, which kicks in the Coddington Road pump.
That, in turn, runs until the Northview tank starts to drop, and when it reaches a certain level, the
Pearsall control valve opens up to let water through from the East Hill tank. During normal opera-
tion, the tanks drain down in the daytime and start calling for water in the evening. By 6 a.m. every
morning, all the tanks are filled back up. A lot has happened on South Hill since the tank was in-
stalled, and to stabilize the system and for better fire control, Public Works decided on replacing it
with a half-million-gallon tank. The Town has a permanent easement from IC for the tank.
Regarding fire fighting, Mr. Hebdon stated that most tanks are set up for three days of water with-
out a fire. With a fire, everything kicks in all at once and the water is pumped in. The new tank will
look like a blue farm silo. The new installation won’t get near the tree line, and all the existing lines
will remain in place. The project is scheduled for May 2 to June 30. While the tank is out of service,
PB Draft 02-21-2012
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water will be drawn from the Danby Road tank since it’s close in elevation, and the Pearsall tank
will be throttled open more during this time. They hope to have the tank back on line by June 18.
The old tank needs to be drained, cut up, and removed from the site. There’s a drain underground
for draining the tank so it doesn’t go back into the water lines. The old tank will be hauled off site
in two or three truckloads, and the new tank will be delivered on two or three large flatbeds. The
maximum number of workers on site at any one time will be five or six, and there are plenty of park-
ing spaces to accommodate them. To assemble the tank, the dome of the structure is built first; it’s
jacked up and a ring is placed underneath; that’s jacked up and another ring is placed underneath;
etc. The tank should last at least 50 to 60 years.
The new chain link fence will match the old eight-foot-high fence. Only the back section will need
to be removed to install the tank, and they will reuse as much material as possible. No excavated
material will be moved off site. Since most of the trees in the area are higher than the tank, it will
barely be visible.
Ms. Erb asked what will happen if the tank is breached in a disaster. Mr. Hebdon replied that
there’s a drainage ditch that runs below, which will capture most of the water. It was pointed out
that the IC wetland will also provide storage containment. Mr. Hebdon has never heard of a tank
Mr. Bosak asked how the Planning Board became the lead agency. Mr. Wilcox responded that the
Planning Board is automatically the lead agency for site plan approval. In an uncoordinated review,
each board does its own review. Mr. Hebdon said that the project has already obtained approvals
from the ZBA for height, from the Town Board for funding, and from the Health Department.
PB Resolution No. 2012-007: SEQR, Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval, Northview
Water Tank Replacement, Coddington Road, Tax Parcel No. 41-1-30.2
Moved by Hollis Erb; seconded by Jon Bosak
1.This action involves consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed
replacement of the Northview Water Tank, located on the west side of Coddington Road (350
Coddington Road) at the end of the access drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 41-1-30.2,
Medium Density Residential Zone. The proposal involves replacing the existing 200,000 gallon
steel water tank, 34’ in diameter and 30’ in height, with a new 500,000 gallon glass-lined water
tank, 48’ in diameter and 39’ in height, in the same location. The proposal also involves
grading, modifications to the existing fence and several new stormwater elements. Ithaca
College, Owner; Town of Ithaca, Applicant; Creig Hebdon, Town Engineer, Agent; and
2.This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board is acting as lead agency
in the environmental review with respect to Site Plan approval; and
3.The Planning Board, on February 21, 2012, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short
Environmental Assessment Form Part I, submitted by the applicant, a Part II prepared by Town
PB Draft 02-21-2012
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Engineering and Town Planning staff, site plans titled “Town of Ithaca Northview Road Tank
Replacement Project,” including Sheets GP-1 through GP-5, titled “Existing Site Plan,”
“Demolition Plan,” “Proposed Site Plan,” “Erosion and Sediment Control Plan,” and “Profile of
Tanks,” and Sheets MD-1 through MD-4, titled “Existing Tank,” “Tank Details,” “Miscellaneous
Details,” and “Standard Erosion and Sediment Control Details,” prepared by the Town of
Ithaca Public Works Department and date-stamped January 24, 2012, and other application
materials; and
4.The Town Planning staff has recommended a negative determination of environmental
significance with respect to the proposed site plan;
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental
significance in accordance with Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR
Part 617 New York State Environmental Quality Review for the above referenced actions as
proposed, based on the information in the EAF Part I and for the reasons set forth in the EAF Part
II, and, therefore, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be required.
Vote: Ayes: Wilcox, Collins, Conneman, Bosak, Erb
: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed
replacement of the Northview Water Tank located on the west side of Coddington Road (350 Cod-
dington Road) at the end of an access drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 41-1-30.2, Medium
Density Residential Zone. The proposal involves replacing the existing 200,000 gallon steel water
tank (34’ in diameter and 30’ in height) with a new 500,000 gallon glass lined water tank (48’ in
diameter and 39’ in height) in the same location. The proposal also involves grading, modifications
to the existing fence and several new stormwater elements. Ithaca College, Property Owner; Town
of Ithaca, Applicant; Creig Hebdon, Town Engineer, Agent
Mr. Wilcox opened the public hearing at 7:28 p.m. Hearing no one, Mr. Wilcox closed the public
hearing at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Wilcox mentioned that last year, the Ridgecrest tank was painted. The paint didn’t cure correct-
ly and some of the chemicals in the paint leached into the water, prompting the Town to notify all
residents who might have been affected. Mr. Hebdon added that the incident figured into their rea-
soning for choosing a glass-lined tank: they don’t have to be painted.
PB Resolution No. 2011-008: Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval, Northview Water Tank
Replacement, Coddington Road, Tax Parcel No. 41-1-30.2
Moved by Linda Collins; seconded by George Conneman
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1.This action involves consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed
replacement of the Northview Water Tank, located on the west side of Coddington Road (350
Coddington Road) at the end of the access drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 41-1-30.2, Me-
dium Density Residential Zone. The proposal involves replacing the existing 200,000 gallon
steel water tank, 34’ in diameter and 30’ in height, with a new 500,000 gallon glass-lined water
tank, 48’ in diameter and 39’ in height, in the same location. The proposal also involves grad-
ing, modifications to the existing fence and several new stormwater elements. Ithaca College,
Owner; Town of Ithaca, Applicant; Creig Hebdon, Town Engineer, Agent; and
2.This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as lead agency
in environmental review with respect to this project has, on February 21, 2012, made a negative
determination of environmental significance, after having reviewed and accepted as adequate a
Short Environmental Assessment Form Part I, submitted by the applicant, and a Part II pre-
pared by Town Engineering and Town Planning staff; and
3.The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing held on February 21, 2012, has reviewed and accepted
as adequate, site plans titled “Town of Ithaca Northview Road Tank Replacement Project,” in-
cluding Sheets GP-1 through GP-5, titled “Existing Site Plan,” “Demolition Plan,” “Proposed
Site Plan,” “Erosion and Sediment Control Plan,” and “Profile of Tanks,” and Sheets MD-1
through MD-4, titled “Existing Tank,” “Tank Details,” “Miscellaneous Details,” and “Standard
Erosion and Sediment Control Details,” prepared by the Town of Ithaca Public Works Depart-
ment and date-stamped January 24, 2012, and other application materials;
1.That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Preliminary
and Final Site Plan Approval, as shown on the Preliminary and Final Site Plan Checklists, hav-
ing determined from the materials presented that such waiver will result in neither a significant
alteration of the purpose of site plan control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town
Board, and
2.That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board grants Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the
proposed Northview Water Tank, as shown on the site plans titled “Town of Ithaca Northview
Road Tank Replacement Project,” prepared by the Town of Ithaca Public Works Department
and date-stamped January 24, 2012, subject to the following conditions:
a.That the applicant obtains a building permit for the proposed tank replacement, and
b.Submission of one set of the final site plan drawings on mylar, vellum, or paper, signed and
sealed by the registered land surveyor, engineer, architect, or landscape architect who pre-
pared the site plan material, prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Vote: Ayes: Wilcox, Collins, Conneman, Bosak, Erb
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Discussion regarding upcoming projects at the Town of Ithaca Public Works Facility, Creig Heb-
don, Town Engineer
Mr. Hebdon stated that he hopes to have a new pole barn and annex built this year. They plan to
use the pole barn for the storage of leaf vacs, chippers, and other cold storage material – equipment
that is currently stored outside all the time. They hope to get a variance for sprinklers because it’s an
open-faced storage area. The annex will have higher overhead doors and will store water and sewer
equipment and all the material that’s currently out by the salt storage shed. They plan on replacing
the storage shed next year, so they want to remove all the equipment that is stored in the area. The
wood shop in the annex is the only area that is currently heated. In the new annex, they also plan to
heat the area where the jet vac and other water equipment will be stored because this equipment is
continuously wet. The new salt storage shed will be much larger than the existing one. They current-
ly have to dump the salt at the entrance because they can’t back the dump truck in; they also have to
mix materials on site. With the new storage shed, they’ll be able to purchase a whole winter’s supply
of premixed materials all at once, and have it delivered directly into the shed with a tractor trailer so
all of the material will be enclosed.
New York Planning Federation Conference
Ms. Ritter encouraged Board members to sign up.
Mr. Wilcox noted that the conference has been moved from October to April. Attendance at this
multi-day conference has dropped over time because of the cost of travel and squeezed town budg-
ets. Other non-profits are going to regional one-day conferences.
Board members spoke in favor of a change in venue. Mr. Wilcox said the most popular destinations
are Saratoga and Lake Placid; they tried holding it in Syracuse, but it didn’t work. They need a hotel
big enough for 150 people per night if the conference is held far enough away from Albany. Ithaca
has been brought up, but it doesn’t have the meeting space. Popular locations are also those to
which attendees want to bring their significant others.
Mr. Bosak said he read that the Holiday Inn is planning on tearing down the hotel and building a
convention center. He attended the planning conference in Lake Placid, and although he thought it
was worthwhile, it was held during a time of year when there was nothing about it that interested
him. Board members agreed that Ithaca would be a good place to hold the conference if it was
scheduled for a nice time of year (after school is out).
Upon a motion by Hollis Erb, the meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debra DeAugistine, Deputy Town Clerk
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Discussion regarding upcoming projects at the Town of Ithaca Public Works Facility, Creig Heb-
don, Town Engineer
Mr. Hebdon stated that he hopes to have a new pole barn and annex built this year. They plan to
use the pole barn for the storage of leaf vacs, chippers, and other cold storage material - equipment
that is currently stored outside all the time. They hope to get a variance for sprinklers because it's an
open-faced storage area. The annex will have higher overhead doors and will store water and sewer
equipment and all the material that's currently out by the salt storage shed. They plan on replacing
the storage shed next year, so they want to remove all the equipment that is stored in the area. The
wood shop in the annex is the only area that is currently heated. In the new annex, they also plan to
heat the area where the jet vac and other water equipment will be stored because this equipment is
continuously wet. The new salt storage shed will be much larger than the existing one. They cur
rently have to dump the salt at the entrance because they can't back the dump truck in; they also
have to mix materials on site. With the new storage shed, they'll be able to purchase a whole win
ter's supply of premixed materials all at once, and have it delivered directly into the shed with a trac
tor trailer so all of the material will be enclosed.
New York Planning Federation Conference
Ms. Ritter encouraged Board members to sign up.
Mr. Wilcox noted that the conference has been moved from October to April. Attendance at this
multi-day conference has dropped over time because of the cost of travel and squeezed town budg
ets. Other non-profits are going to regional one-day conferences.
Board members spoke in favor of a change in venue. Mr. Wilcox said the most popular destinations
are Saratoga and Lake Placid; they tried holding it in Syracuse, but it didn't work. They need a hotel
big enough for 150 people per night if the conference is held far enough away from Albany. Ithaca
has been brought up, but it doesn't have the meeting space. Popular locations are also those to
which attendees want to bring their significant others.
Mr. Bosak said he read that the Holiday Inn is planning on tearing down the hotel and building a
convention center. He attended the planning conference in Lake Placid, and although he thought it
was worthwhile, it was held during a time of year when there was nothing about it that interested
him. Board members agreed that Ithaca would be a good place to hold the conference if it was
scheduled for a nice time of year (after school is out).
Upon a motion by Hollis Erb, the meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m.
Respectfully submitted.