HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Minutes 2010-10-19FILE
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Board Members Present: Members: George Conneman, John Beach, Ellen Baer, Jon Bosak,
Kevin Talty, Rod Howe, Hollis Erb
Staff Present: Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning; Bruce Bates, Director of Code
Enforcement; Debra DeAugistine, Deputy Town Clerk; Creig Hebdon, Engineer; Susan Brock,
Call to Order
Ms. Erb declared the meeting duly opened at 7:01 p.m. and accepted the posting of the public
hearing notices.
Persons to be heard
No one wished to be heard.
SEOR Determination: Maple Hill Apartments Playground Modifications, 301 Maple Ave.
Bruce Abbott, president of Abbott Holding Company, gave a brief statement. According to the
agreement with NYS made by Mr. Abbott's father in 1971, the land on which the apartments were built
will revert to Cornell University in 2013. They are going to knock them down and not reuse them. Over
the next three years, his company will continue to operate the apartments. In 2000, he made an
application to the Planning Board to do extensive work in the driveways and other areas to ensure
groundwater would be properly directed to a holding pond. They dug a deep cistern and that seems to
have done the job. That work is complete except for a few details. He wants to close that permit and
open a new one to address these items. Once the main job was completed, the issue of putting in a
playground was still open because the PB added requirements for a bench and plantings in the
playground proper. He's appealing those two requirements since the bench was better served 30 feet
to the left of where it was supposed to be, which would have put it in the wood chip area of the
playground. It now sits outside the laundry room. Also Ms. Hoffmann thought it would be fitting to put
plantings in that area. But it's a small area, and since the children might break the trees to make
swords and other weaponry, it would be an exercise in futility. He would rather put in extra playthings
to make this barren area more appealing to the youth. There was no playground for the first 30 years,
because there weren't children — only grad students without their families. Now there are families with
Section 8 subsidies and refugees from Burma. There are lots of kids and activity. He's requesting that
the tree program be dropped and play equipment be put in. He described the equipment he'd like to
put in and where.
PB RESOLUTION No. 2010 -082: SEOR, Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval, Maple Hill
Apartments. Tax Parcel No. 61- 2 -7.1, 301 Maple Avenue
Moved by Kevin Talty; seconded by Ellen Baer
1. This action involves consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the
proposed modifications to the Maple Hill Apartments play areas, located at 301 Maple
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Avenue, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 63- 2 -7.1, Multiple Residence Zone. The proposal,
involves revising the February 2000 Site Plan Approval by adding a swing set, slide and other
play equipment, removing several existing trees, relocating a bench and eliminating a
proposed low evergreen hedge. Abbott Associates, Owner /Applicant; Bruce D. Abbott,
Manager, Agent; and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board is acting as lead
agency in environmental review with respect to Site Plan Modification; and
3. The Planning Board, on October 19, 2010, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short
Environmental Assessment Form Part I, submitted by the applicant, and a Part II prepared by
Town Planning staff, a project narrative in the form of a letter addressed to the Director of
Planning and dated September 7, 2010 with photo attachments that identify the location of
various proposed site plan elements and a "funky animals and spring riders" outdoor play
equipment product specification sheet, as well as other application materials; and
4. The Town Planning staff has recommended a negative determination of environmental
significance with respect to the proposed modification of the site plan;
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental
significance in accordance with Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR
Part 617 New York State Environmental Quality Review for the above referenced actions as
proposed, based on the information in the EAF Part I and for the reasons set forth in the EAF Part
II, and, therefore, a,Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be required.
A vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Erb, Conneman, Beach, Baer, Bosak, Talty, Howe
NAYS: None
PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed
modifications to the Maple Hill Apartments playground, located at 301 Maple Avenue, Town of
Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 63- 2 -7.1, Multiple Residence Zone. The proposal involves revising the
February 2000 Site Plan Approval by adding a swing set, slide and other play equipment,
removing several existing trees and eliminating a proposed low evergreen hedge. Abbott
Associates, Owner /Applicant; Bruce D. Abbott, Manager, Agent.
Ms. Erb opened the public hearing at 7:20 pm. Hearing no one, Ms. Erb closed the public
hearing at 7:20 p.m.
PB RESOLUTION No. 2010 -083: Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval, Maple Hill
Apartments, Tax Parcel No. 61- 2 -7.1, 301 Maple Avenue
Moved by Kevin Talty; seconded by Rod Howe
1. This action involves consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the
proposed modifications to the Maple Hill Apartments play areas, located at 301 Maple
Avenue, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 63- 2 -7.1, Multiple Residence Zone. The proposal
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involves revising the February 2000 Site Plan Approval by adding a swing set, slide and other
play equipment, removing several existing trees, relocating a bench and eliminating a
proposed low evergreen hedge. Abbott Associates, Owner /Applicant; Bruce D. Abbott,
Manager, Agent; and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as lead agency
in environmental review with respect to this project has, on October 19, 2010, made a
negative determination of environmental significance, after having reviewed and accepted as
adequate a Short Environmental Assessment Form Part I, submitted by the applicant, and a
Part II prepared by Town Planning staff; and
3. The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing held on October 19, 2010, has reviewed and
accepted as adequate a project narrative in the form of a letter addressed to the Director of
Planning and dated September 7, 2010 with photo attachments that identify the location of
various proposed site plan elements and a "funky animals and spring riders" outdoor play
equipment product specification sheet, as well as other application materials;
1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Preliminary
and Site Plan Approval, as shown on the Preliminary and Final Site Plan Checklists, having
determined from the materials presented that such waiver will result in neither a significant
alteration of the purpose of site plan control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the
Town Board, and
2. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary and Site Plan Approval for
modification of the February 2000 Site Plan Approval for the Maple Hill Apartments to include
the addition of a slide and other play equipment, removal of several existing trees, relocation
of a bench and elimination of a proposed low evergreen hedge and proposed play area
A vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Erb, Conneman, Beach, Baer, Bosak, Talty, Howe
NAYS: None
Consideration of acceptance of the Final Scoping Document for the Draft Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) that will be prepared for the proposed Cornell University Energy Recovery Linac
(ERL) facility, located north of the Pine Tree Road and Dryden Road (NYS Route 366)
intersection (at Wilson Lab Entrance), Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 63- 1 -8.2, 63- 1 -2.2, 63 -1-
12, 63 -1 -3.1 and 63- 1 -3.3, Low Density Residential Zone (LDR). The proposal involves
construction of an underground accelerator tunnel (14 -foot diameter and 1 +/- km long), a
cryogenic facility, and an extension to the existing Wilson Laboratory (185,000 +/- gross square
feet of building space). The project will also involve new stormwater facilities, parking, outdoor
lighting, and landscaping. Cornell University, Owner; Steve Beyers, P.E., Engineering Services
Leader, Agent.
Susan Brock stepped down and sat in the audience because she has a conflict of interest.
Steve Beyers was available for questions.
Mr. Bosak offered a written suggestion for the record, which he would like Cornell to take under
consideration. See attachment #1.
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Christa Bissell, 137 Pine Tree Road, made comments on behalf of the Pine Tree Road residents.
They have concerns about the 225,000 cubic feet of dirt, which represents over 25,000 truck trips
over a couple of years. They have submitted a petition to the County and to the Town regarding
the pedestrian bike: path and their desire to remove the vertical clearance on that overpass. The
residents find it a strange coincidence that these two projects are happening simultaneously.
They need a truck route and are getting rid of the vertical clearance, and it's going under a
pedestrian bike path title. The strip is 7/10s of a mile long with 50 households and 20 children,
and they are very concerned about the impact of this project on the already stressed
neighborhood. She provided the petition for the record.
Joel Harlan, Newfield, spoke in favor of the project.
PB RESOLUTION No. 2010 -084: Acceptance of Final Scoping Document, Cornell University
Energy Recovery Linac, Tax Parcel No.'s 63- 1 -8.2, 63- 1 -2.2, 63 -1 -12, 63- 1 -3.1, and 63- 1 -3.3,
Dryden Road (NYS Route 366) at Wilson Lab Entrance
Moved by Rod Howe; seconded by Kevin Talty
1. Based upon the applicant's revised sketch plan and revised project narrative, dated May 25,
2010, and reviewed by the Town of Ithaca Planning Board at its July 20, 2010 meeting, the
Town , of Ithaca Planning Board has determined that a SEAR positive declaration of
environmental significance continues to apply to this project, and that a Draft Environmental
Impact Study (DEIS) will be required; and
2. The Town of Ithaca Planning Board at its meeting on December 2, 2008, declared its intent to
serve as lead agency to coordinate the environmental review for the proposed Cornell
University Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) project located north of the Pine Tree Road and
Dryden Road (NYS Route 366) intersection, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 63- 1 -8.2, 63 -1-
2.2, 63 -1 -12, 63 -1 -3.1 and 63- 1 -3.3, Low Density Residential Zone. The proposal involves
construction of an underground accelerator tunnel (14 -foot diameter and +/- 1 km long), a
cryogenic facility, and an extension to the existing Wilson Laboratory ( +/- 185,000 gross
square feet of building space). The project will also involve new stormwater facilities, parking,
outdoor lighting, and landscaping. Cornell University, Owner; Steve Beyers, P.E.
(Engineering Services Leader), Agent; and
3. The proposed project, which requires Site Plan and Special Permit Approval by the Planning
Board, is a Type I action pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, 6 NYCRR
Part 617, and Chapter 148 of the Town of Ithaca Code regarding Environmental Quality
Review because the proposal involves the construction of a nonresidential facility with more
than 25,000 square feet of gross floor area; and
4. A letter from Steve Beyers, dated October 3, 2008, has been received, in which the agent
states that "...the Town, Cornell, and the community may be best served through a SEQR
process utilizing a formal Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and review
procedure, rather than through review of the Long Environmental Assessment Form (LEAF)
alone." A Full Environmental Assessment Form, Part 1, has been submitted by the applicant
for the above - described action; and
5. The Planning Board, having reviewed the Full Environmental Assessment Form (EAF), Part
1, prepared by Cornell University, and Parts 2 and 3 of the Full EAF, prepared by Planning
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staff, established itself as lead agency to coordinate the environmental review of the proposed
Cornell University Energy Recovery Linac, as described above, and issued a positive
determination of environmental significance at its meeting on December 2, 2008, in
accordance with Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, also known as the New
York State Environmental Quality Review Act, for the above referenced action as proposed,
and confirmed'that a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be prepared; and
6. Cornell University and the Town of Ithaca Planning Board have agreed that a public scoping
meeting would be initiated to determine the scope and content of the DEIS; and
7. Cornell University has submitted a Draft Scoping Document for the Board's consideration;
8. The Town of Ithaca Planning Board accepted the Draft Scoping Document, as revised at its
August 17, 2010 meeting, as adequate for purposes of obtaining comments from the public
and involved and interested agencies regarding the scope and content of the DEIS for the
Energy Recovery Linac project; and
9. The Town of Ithaca Planning Board held a Public Scoping Session on September 21, 2010 in
order to obtain comments from the public and involved and interested agencies regarding the
scope and content of the DEIS for the Cornell University Energy Recovery Linac project, and
accepted written comments on the Draft Scoping Document through September 24, 2010;
10. A revised Draft Scoping Document (Revised September 29, 2010) has been prepared and
has been submitted to the Planning Board for consideration of acceptance as the Final
Scoping Document;
That the Planning Board of the Town of Ithaca hereby determines that the Draft Scoping
Document, dated August 18, 2010 and revised September 29, 2010, for the Energy Recovery
Linac adequately incorporates the relevant comments and concerns of the Planning Board, the
public, and involved and interested agencies;
That the Planning Board hereby accepts the above - referenced Draft Scoping Document, dated
August 18, 2010 and revised September 29, 2010, as the Final Scoping Document and as being
adequate to define the scope and content of the Cornell University Energy Recovery Linac
Environmental Impact Statement.
A vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Erb, Conneman, Beach, Baer, Bosak, Talty, Howe
NAYS: None
Susan Brock returned to the table.
SEQR Determination: Ithaca College Athletic & Events Center Modifications, East side of the
Ithaca College campus near Coddington Road.
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Rick Couture, 104 Westhaven Road, talked about the proposed changes to the Events Center.
David Herrick, TG Miller, spoke regarding the revised grading plan. They'd like to place additional
fill in the area of Z -lot and the pedestrian trail. This material is unsuitable for use on the site of the
new construction. Some of the surplus material has been staged just below Z -lot, and the revised
grading plan takes' advantage of unused space and minimizes having to haul the material away
off site, disrupting the local traffic system. He has not made any significant adjustments to the
grading adjacent to the property line. There were multiple undulations in the grading and now it's
a more consistent ridge line. There are no revisions to the grading slope. The bulk of the material
that would be spread is from the pedestrian path back to Z -lot. They're just taking the fill from the
trail and filling in a void that was a flat plateau in the original scheme. Most of the fill material is
failing not adjacent to the neighboring properties, but between the pedestrian trail and the Z -lot.
The new grading plan maintains all the original drainage patterns, maintains the elevations of the
ridges adjacent to the property lines, and focuses all the extra material against the existing slope
west of the pedestrian trail. The composition of the material is mostly clay and loam soil.
Mr. Talty was concerned that by filling in the void with clay, the water that used to go into that void
won't be able to go where it used to go. Mr. Herrick responded that there's no change to the
drainage patterns; all the swales adjacent to the trail remain, and they all go to the existing
wetland that has been constructed. It will all be top dressed, seeded, and mulched. It will revert to
vegetation. That slope is composed of fill today; they're not adding material that's different from
what's already there. They're not changing the hydrology or the location of the discharge of the
surface runoff. They are not changing the angle of the slope. Mr. Herrick also noted that there is
no justification to a neighbor's concern that adding the fill will change the horizon, and pointed out
that there are already trees at the top of the slope.
Mr. Herrick addressed Ms. Erb's concern regarding parking by stating that there is not enough
room for expanded parking. The existing landscaping plan won't change. There were always
plantings on the slope; now they will be at the top. The density of the plantings won't change.
Regarding possible requests to put in fill in the future, Mr. Herrick stated that it is "maxed out."
The pedestrian trail will preclude any additional fill.
Mr. Hebdon is satisfied with the plan and agrees that the slope is maxed out, unless they installed
retaining walls, because they're going to have to do some matting to hold this slope.
PB RESOLUTION No. 2010 -085: SEOR, Preliminary and Final Site Plan & Special Permit,
Ithaca College — Athletics & Events Center Modifications, Tax Parcel No. 41 -1 -30.2
Moved by Jon Bosak; seconded by John Beach
This action is consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval and Special Permit
regarding changes to the Ithaca College Athletics and Events Center project located on the
east side of the Ithaca College campus near Coddington Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel
No. 41 -1 -30.2, Medium Density Residential Zone. The modifications include placing
approximately 9,000 cubic yards of additional fill on the east side of Z -lot, revising the speaker
locations for the outdoor synthetic turf field, adding a ramp in A -lot in front of Hilliard Hall,
adding two pole lights at the Coddington Road entrance to campus, and adding a new access
driveway and dumpster pad at Boothroyd Hall. The modifications also include creating a
temporary access road connecting Grant Egbert Boulevard to A -lot and a temporary access
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walkway from R -lot to the synthetic turf field bleachers. Ithaca College, Owner /Applicant;
Richard Couture, Associate Vice - President for Facilities, Agent; and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board is acting as Lead
Agency in an environmental review with respect to Site Plan Approval and Special Permit;
3. The Planning Board, on October 19, 2010, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short
Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) Part I, submitted by the applicant, and Part II
prepared by Town Planning staff, drawings and other details included in a packet with the
cover letter from Ithaca College titled "Ithaca College A & E Center — Plan Revisions ", dated
September 17, 2010, and other application materials; and
4. The Town Planning staff has recommended a negative determination of environmental
significance with respect to the proposed Site Plan Approval and Special Permit;
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental
significance in accordance with Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR
Part 617 New York State Environmental Quality Review for the above referenced actions as
proposed, based on the information in the EAF Part I and for the reasons set forth in the EAF Part
II, and, therefore, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be required.
A vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Erb, Conneman, Beach, Baer, Bosak, Talty, Howe
NAYS: None
PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval and Special
Permit regarding changes to the Ithaca College Athletics and Events Center project located on
the east side of the Ithaca College campus near Coddington Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel
No. 41 -1 -30.2, Medium Density Residential Zone. The modifications include placing
approximately 9,000 cubic yards of additional fill on the east side of Z -lot, revising the speaker
locations for the outdoor synthetic turf field, adding a ramp in A -lot in front of Hilliard Hall, adding
two pole lights at the Coddington Road entrance to campus, and adding a new access driveway
and dumpster pad at Boothroyd Hall. The modifications also include creating a temporary access
road connecting Grant Egbert Boulevard to A -lot and a temporary access walkway from R -lot to
the synthetic turf field bleachers. Ithaca College, Owner /Applicant; Richard Couture, Associate
Vice - President for Facilities, Agent.
Ms. Erb opened the public hearing at 8:08 p.m.
Marian Rogers, 152 Coddington Road, facing the north side of the Z -lot, requested assurance
that there also will not be more fill on the north side of the parking lot. She wondered whether
increased runoff from the east side would necessitate a larger wetland there. She asked how this
work would affect the schedule of the completion of the bike /pedestrian path. From discussions
with Ithaca College, they were led to believe that the path would be complete this past summer.
Mr. Couture responded that the overall project schedule will be complete in July of 2011. They
had to resequence some work as a result of revisions to the A parking lot. As a tradeoff, they had
to allow contractors to work on the A -lot and Coddington Road to have them ready for students
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arriving in the fall. The pedestrian trail and new Loop Road work was pushed out to possibly the
spring, but definitely by the completion of the project in July.
Mr. Hebdon agrees that pond is adequate — the project is just moving the slope around, not
changing the amount of water that will go into swales.
Ms. Erb closed the public hearing at 8:16 p.m.
PB RESOLUTION No. 2010 -086: Preliminary and Final Site Plan & Special Permit, Ithaca
College — Athletics & Events Center Modifications, Tax Parcel No. 41 -1 -30.2
Moved by Ellen Baer; seconded by Rod Howe
This action is consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval and Special Permit
regarding changes to the Ithaca College Athletics and Events Center project located on the
east side of the Ithaca College campus near Coddington Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel
No. 41 -1 -30.2, Medium Density Residential Zone. The modifications include placing
approximately 9,000 cubic yards of additional fill on the east side of Z -lot, revising the speaker
locations for the outdoor synthetic turf field, adding a ramp in A -lot in front of Hilliard Hall,
adding two pole lights at the Coddington Road entrance to campus, and adding a new access
driveway and dumpster pad at Boothroyd Hall. The modifications also include creating a
temporary access road connecting Grant Egbert Boulevard to A -lot and a temporary access
walkway from R -lot to the synthetic turf field bleachers. Ithaca College, Owner /Applicant;
Richard Couture, Associate Vice - President for Facilities, Agent; and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as Lead
Agency in an environmental review with respect to the project has, on October 19, 2010,
made a negative determination of environmental significance, after having reviewed and
accepted as adequate a Short Environmental Assessment Form Part I, submitted by the
applicant, and a Part II prepared by Town Planning staff; and
3. The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing held on October 19, 2010, has reviewed and
accepted as adequate, drawings and other details included in a packet with the cover letter
from Ithaca College titled "Ithaca College A & E Center — Plan Revisions ", dated September
17, 2010, and other application materials;
That the Planning Board hereby grants Special Permit for the proposed Ithaca College Athletics
and Events Center Modifications project, finding that the standards of Article XXIV Section 270-
200, Subsections A — L, of the Town of Ithaca Code, have been met;
1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Preliminary
and Final Site Plan Approval, as shown on the Preliminary and Final Site Plan Checklists,
having determined from the materials presented that such waiver will result in neither a
significant alteration of the purpose of site plan control nor the policies enunciated or implied
by the Town Board; and
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2. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary and Final Site Plan
Approval for the proposed Ithaca College Athletics and Events Center Modifications, as
described on drawings and other details included in a packet titled "Ithaca College A & E
Center — Plan Revisions ", dated September 17, 2010, and other application materials, subject
to the following conditions:
a. submission of one set of the final site plan drawings on mylar, vellum, or paper, signed
and sealed by the registered land surveyor, engineer, architect, or landscape architect
who prepared the site plan material, prior to starting any of the proposed modifications,
b. All other conditions of the Planning Board's original resolution of approval (Resolution No.
2008 -074) shall still apply, and
c. No additional fill shall be placed on the Z -lot slopes beyond that approved in the Final Site
Plan approval dated August 19, 2008 and the additional fill that is allowed by this October
19, 2010 approval, and
d. Submission of one set of a final as -built grading plan showing the proposed grades and
the final grade on the Z -lot fill area, acceptable to the Director of Public Works.
A vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Erb, Conneman, Beach, Baer, Bosak, Talty, Howe
NAYS: None
Consideration of a sketch plan for the proposed Longview Patio Homes project located off Bella
Vista Drive to the south of the existing Longview, an Ithacare Community development, Town of
Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 39 -1 -3.2 and 39 -1 -1.31, High Density Residential Zone and Planned
Development Zone No. 7. The proposal involves the development of 11 duplex rental units (22
total units) for independent senior living on a new access drive from Bella Vista Drive. The
proposal will also involve new walkways, stormwater facilities, outdoor lighting, and small flower
and vegetable gardens. Ithacare Center Service Company, Inc., Owner /Applicant; Mark A.
Macera, Agent.
Mr. Macera with David Schlosser, architect, discussed the project and answered questions. This
project represents Phase 3 of the Longview's development plan to reinvent Ithacare and expand
its ability to provide housing options and services to older adults.
Mr. Macera explained that this project is not the type of facility that is regulated by the state health
department, so it would not be affected by state closures of facilities in the future.
Bosak: if all these facilities are built, what do your studies indicate will be the saturation?
Regarding the saturation point for senior housing in the area, Mr. Macera responded that there
are a variety of models of senior housing, and each facility has similarities and differences. What
Ithacare has developed is a closed model, where they have a closed community with several
housing options as part of a continuum of care on one campus. A person can move in at the most
independent level and as they age in place, they can move through the continuum. The other
communities in the area don't incorporate the continuum Ithacare will offer. It's a buffet -style
approach; residerits only pay for what they need and can afford. The fee of $3000 a month
provides not only housing, but 24/7 services, such as meal services and transportation. Focus
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groups showed that people on the waiting list and others in the community were interested in
detached housing. Based on feedback, more than two dozen units are needed, but that is what's
affordable for the applicant to build.
The units will be handicapped. adaptable, meaning that physically and structurally all the spaces
and sizes and clearances are there as well as the blocking in the walls. So when a resident needs
or wants handicapped accessibility, staff can easily make the modifications. The units are all
single story with no grade and no steps. The grades are consistent with the rest of Longview.
When they built Longview with all the typical handicapped accessible features, people looked at it
negatively, saying the units looked too sterile, like a hospital or nursing home.
When asked why gardens will not be put in before tenants move in, Mr. Macera responded that
when they did so at Longview, users didn't like the location for various reasons, and they ended
up having to move the gardens. So once people are living in the apartments, residents will
choose the area they like best.
The Board and applicant discussed the road in relation to meeting building and fire code
standards. The project is its own separate development connecting into the Longview street
system. If the units will be on separate lots, the development has to meet subdivision
requirements. Since there is only one owner, they might not want to subdivide each duplex into a
separate lot. They will have to look at building code and fire code standards for sprinklers and
roads because this project is hard to fit into any zoning designation. Ms. Brock agreed that it
would be a good idea to look into a PDZ.
They are working with Tom Parsons of the Ithaca Fire Department to meet their road
Mr. Hebdon stated that because of the increased density, the water line needs to loop back up to
Danby Road or they could end up with stagnant water down in that area. It is a very long line with
not many users at the other end.
Mr. Macera asked what their next step should be. Mr. Kanter responded that a sketch plan 2 or if
they wanted to pursue a PDZ, that would precede the sketch plan since it would have to go a
different route and involve the Town Board. They should also start looking at road options.
Other Business
Meeting of November 2nd
• City of Ithaca fill site
• Golden Rod 30 -lot subdivision sketch plan
• 2 -lot subdivision
• Animal Health Diagnostic Center
Upon motion by John Beach, the meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m.
/Respec\tfully submitted,
Debra De istiine
t Deputy Town Clerk
The Pine Tree Road Residential District and Traffic Calming
The Pine Tree Road Residential District is a densely populated residential area located between
Route 79 and the intersection with Snyder Hill Road. It includes 50 homes, of which over 90%
are owner occupied. Many of the residents are long term, with the average residency rate being
approximately 18 years. Along this stretch of road that is less that 7 /10th of a mile, there are
between 17 -20 children residing in the homes, 3 which require special needs.
As stated in the Ithaca - Tompkins County Transportation Council's 2004 Park and Ride Options
Report, the area "suffers considerably from high traffic ". The amount and speed of the traffic is
unsafe for this residential area. Exiting driveways is often difficult, and particularly dangerous
with large trucks moving along the road. The Town of Ithaca Transportation Plan of 2007 cites
Pine Tree Road as an area which includes "crash clusters" and is "in need of speed mitigation ".
To provide the residents in this area with an acceptable degree of safety and livability, we ask
that the town and county begin to provide traffic calming devices to improve the road
conditions. These include such measures as:
• Reduce the speed limit to 30 mph, and enforce the speed limit.
• Installation of full traffic lights. The main location where this is essential is at the
intersection of Route 79 and Pine Tree Rd. Another location that might benefit from this
would be the intersection of Route 366 and Pine Tree Road.
• "No thru trucks — local deliveries only" — for the residential span of Pine Tree Road
• Incorporate visual narrowing. The road should not be widened or shoulders paved. Just
repair the holes (gravel) for safer walking and biking.
• Include such elements as raised crosswalks for pedestrians, speed bumps, a traffic circle
at the intersection of Pine Tree Road and Snyder Hill Road where traffic enters the
residential district.
Petition Regarding the Pine Tree Road Pedestrian / Bicycle Path Project
We, the undersigned, strongly oppose changing the vertical clearance of the old railroad
overpass thereby allowing larger truck traffic to use Pine Tree Road. This plan, which
describes one of groups benefited by the project as being freight carriers, is in direct conflict
with the safety and well -being of the residents in the area. Pine Tree Road Js a densely
populated residential area, almost entirely owner occupied, with long term residents.
Adding increased and larger 'Eruck traffic to an already heavily traveled road, is not
acceptable, and should not be part of a Pedestrian and Bicycle Path Project.
This road was already determined in prior studies to be an unacceptable truck route due to
safety issues. Additionally, the road is not a dedicated roadway, and only allows the county
an easement of use through the right of prescription.
We therefore ask that you do not change the height of the existing overpass and that you
begin to add traffic calming elements to the residential district of Pine Tree Road.
'Ne s Signature Name Printed Address
ag '
If 1�
Petition Regarding the Pine Tree Road Pedestrian / Bicycle Path Project
We, the undersigned, strongly oppose changing the vertical clearance of the old railroad
overpass thereby. �an�owing larger truck traffic to use Pine Tree Road. This plan, which
describes one o�g"rtiups benefited by the project as being freight carriers, is in direct conflict
with the safety and well -being of the residents in the area. Pine Tree Road is a densely
populated residential area, almost entirely owner occupied, with long term residents.
Adding increased and larger truck traffic to an already heavily traveled road, is not
acceptable, and should not be part of a Pedestrian and Bicycle Path Project.
This road was already determined in prior studies to be an unacceptable truck route due to
safety issues. Additionally, the road is not a dedicated roadway, and only allows the county
an easement of use through the right of prescription.
We therefore ask that you do not change the height of the existing overpass and that you
begin to add traffic calming elements to the residential district of Pine Tree Road.
Name Printed
C 73 l.�tti
l -IS -1,1nc
I q')rs
Petition Regarding the Pine Tree Road Pedestrian / Bicycle Path Project
We, the undersigned, strongly oppose changing the vertical clearance of the old railroad
overpass thereby allowing larger truck traffic to use Pine Tree Road. This plan, which
describes one of groups benefited by the project as being freight carriers, is in direct conflict
with the safety and well -being of the residents in the area. Pine Tree Road is a densely
populated residential area, almost entirely owner occupied, with long term residents.
Adding increased and larger truck traffic to an already heavily traveled road, is not
:,acceptable, and should not be part of a Pedestrian and Bicycle Path Project.
This road was already determined in prior studies to be an unacceptable truck route due to
safety issues. Additionally, the road is not a dedicated roadway, and only allows the county
an easement of use through the right of prescription.
We therefore ask that you do not change the height of the existing overpass and that you
begin to add traffic calming elements to the residential district of Pine Tree Road.
Signature Name Printed Address
J '--z6kel: r% F
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Petition Regarding the Pine Tree Road PedAtrian / Bicycle Path Project
We, the undersigned, strongly oppose changing the; Vertical clearance of the old railroad
overpass thereby allowing larger truck traffic to uA Pine Tree Road. This plan, which
describes one of,groups benefited by the project as being freight carriers, is in direct conflict
with the safety and well -being of the residents in the area. Pine Tree Road is a densely
populated residential area, almost entirely owner occupied, with long term residents.
Adding increased and larger truck traffic to an already heavily traveled road, is not
acceptable, and should not be part of a Pedestrian and Bicycle Path Project.
This road was already determined in prior studies 'to be an unacceptable truck route due to
safety issues. Additionally, the road is not a dedicated roadway, and only allows the..county
an easement of use through the right of prescription..
We therefore ask that you do not change the height of the existing overpass and that you
begin to add traffic calming elements to the residential district of Pine Tree Road.
Signature Name Printed Address
Tree. rd
?Of 5
Petition Regarding the Pine Tree Road Pedestrian / Bicycle Path Project
We, the undersigned, strongly oppose changing the vertical clearance of the old railroad
overpass thereby allowing larger truck traffic to use Pine Tree Road. This plan, which
describes one of the groups benefited by the project as being freight carriers, is in direct
conflict with the safety and well -being of the residents in the area. Pine Tree Road is a
densely populated residential area, almost entirely owner occupied, with long term
residents. Adding increased and larger truck traffic to an already heavily traveled road, is
not acceptable, and should not be part of a Pedestrian and Bicycle Path Project.
This road was already determined in prior studies to be an unacceptable truck route due to
safety issues. Additionally, the road is not a dedicated roadway, and only allows the county
an easement of use through the right of prescription.
We therefore ask that you do not change the height of the existing overpass and that you
begin to add traffic calming elements to the residential district of Pine Tree Road.
Signature Name Printed Address
4 U D4(ttef J, JQ1lo 5
Mhe Moon
i-xq P T I.7A
oee 172f WA
�&f (4;7
Petition Regarding the Pine Tree Road Pedestrian / Bicycle Path Project
We, the undersigned, strongly oppose changing the vertical clearance of the old railroad
overpass thereby allowing larger truck traffic to use Pine Tree Road. This plan, which
describes one of the groups benefited by the project as being freight carriers, is in direct
conflict with the safety and well -being of the residents in the area. Pine Tree Road is a
densely populated residential area, almost entirely owner occupied, with long term
residents. Adding increased and larger truck traffic to an already heavily traveled road, is
not acceptable, and should not be part of a Pedestrian and Bicycle Path Project.
This road was already determined in prior studies to be an unacceptable truck route due to
safety issues. Additionally, the road is not a dedicated roadway, and only allows the county
an easement of use through the right of prescription.
We therefore' ask that you do not change the height of the existing overpass and that you
begin to add traffic calming elements to the residential district of Pine Tree Road.
Name Printed
215 North Tioga Street
Ithaca, New York 14850
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
7:00 P.M. Persons to be heard (no more than five minutes).
7:05 P.M. SEQR Determination: Maple Hill Apartments Playground Modifications, 301 Maple Ave.
7:05 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed modifications
to the Maple Hill Apartments playground, located at 301 Maple Avenue, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 63- 2 -7.1,
Multiple Residence Zone. The proposal involves revising the February 2000 Site Plan Approval by adding a swing
set, slide and other play equipment, removing several existing trees and eliminating a proposed low evergreen
hedge. Abbott Associates, Owner /Applicant; Bruce D. Abbott, Manager, Agent.
7:15 P.M. Consideration of acceptance of the Final Scoping Document for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
that will be prepared for the proposed Cornell University Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) facility, located north of
the Pine Tree Road and Dryden Road (NYS Route 366) intersection (at Wilson Lab Entrance), Town of Ithaca Tax
Parcel No.'s 63- 1 -8.2, 63- 1 -2.2, 63 -1 -12, 63 -1 -3.1 and 63- 1 -3.3, Low Density Residential Zone (LDR). The
proposal involves construction of an underground accelerator tunnel (14 -foot diameter and 1 +/- km long), a
cryogenic facility, and an extension to the existing Wilson Laboratory (185,000 +/- gross square feet of building
space). The project will also involve new stormwater facilities, parking, outdoor lighting, and landscaping. Cornell
University, Owner; Steve Beyers, P.E., Engineering Services Leader, Agent.
7:30 P.M. SEQR Determination: Ithaca College Athletic & Events Center Modifications, East side of the Ithaca College
campus near Coddington Road.
7:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval and Special Permit regarding
changes to the Ithaca College Athletics and Events Center project located on the east side of the Ithaca College
campus near Coddington Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 41 -1 -30.2, Medium Density Residential Zone. The
modifications include placing approximately 9,000 cubic yards of additional fill on the east side of Z -lot, revising
the speaker locations for the outdoor synthetic turf field, adding a ramp in A -lot in front of Hilliard Hall, adding
two pole lights at the Coddington Road entrance to campus, and adding a new access driveway and dumpster pad at
Boothroyd Hall. The modifications also include creating a temporary access road connecting Grant Egbert
Boulevard to A -lot and a temporary access walkway from R -lot to the synthetic turf field bleachers. Ithaca College,
Owner /Applicant; Richard Couture, Associate Vice - President for Facilities, Agent.
8:00 P.M. Consideration of a sketch plan for the proposed Longview Patio Homes project located off Bella Vista Drive to the
south of the existing Longview, an Ithacare Community development, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 39 -1 -3.2
and 39 -1 -1.31, High Density Residential Zone and Planned Development Zone No. 7. The proposal involves the
development of 11 duplex rental units (22 total units) for independent senior living on a new access drive from
Bella Vista Drive. ' The proposal will also involve new walkways, stormwater facilities, outdoor lighting, and small
flower and vegetable gardens. Ithacare Center Service Company, Inc., Owner /Applicant; Mark A. Macera, Agent.
Approval of Minutes: October 5, 2010.
9. Other Business
10. Adjournment
Jonathan Kanter, AICP
Director of Planning
273 -1747
SANDY POLCE AT 273 -1747.
(A quorum of four (4) members is necessary to conduct Planning Board business.)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
By direction of the Chairperson of the Planning Board, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Public Hearings will be held by
the Planning Board of the Town of Ithaca on Tuesday, October 19, 2010, at 215 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, N.Y., at the
following times and on the following matters:
7:05 P.M. Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed modifications to the Maple
Hill Apartments playground, located at 301 Maple Avenue, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 63- 2 -7.1,
Multiple Residence Zone. The proposal involves revising the February 2000 Site Plan Approval by
adding a swing set, slide and other play equipment, removing several existing trees and eliminating a
proposed low evergreen hedge. Abbott Associates, Owner /Applicant; Bruce D. Abbott, Manager, Agent.
7:30 P.M. Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval and Special Permit regarding changes to the
Ithaca College Athletics and Events Center project located on the east side of the Ithaca College campus
near Coddington Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 41 -1 -30.2, Medium Density Residential Zone.
The modifications include placing approximately 9,000 cubic yards of additional fill on the east side of Z-
lot, revising the speaker locations for the outdoor synthetic turf field, adding a ramp in A -lot in front of
Hilliard Hall, adding two pole lights at the Coddington Road entrance to campus, and adding a new
access driveway and dumpster pad at Boothroyd Hall. The modifications also include creating a
temporary access road connecting Grant Egbert Boulevard to A -lot and a temporary access walkway from
R -lot to the synthetic turf field bleachers. Ithaca College, Owner /Applicant; Richard Couture, Associate
Vice - President for Facilities, Agent.
Said Planning Board will at said times and said place hear all persons in support of such matters or objections thereto. Persons
may appear by agent or in person. Individuals with visual impairments, hearing impairments or other special needs, will be
provided with assistance as necessary, upon request. Persons desiring assistance must make such a request not less than 48
hours prior to the time of the public hearing.
Jonathan Kanter, AICP
Director of Planning
273 -1747
Dated: Friday, October 8, 2010
Publish: Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Wednesday;ti0ctot►er13; 20104 ( THE ITHACA lOURNA�
Town of Ithaca
Planning Board
215 North Tioga Street
October 19, 2010 7:00 p.m.
Please Print Clearly, Thank You
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I, Sandra Polce, being duly sworn, depose and say that I am a Senior Typist for the Town of
Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York; that the following Notice has been duly posted on the sign
board of the Town of Ithaca and that said Notice has been duly published in the local newspaper,
The Ithaca Journal.
Notice of Public Hearings to be held by the Town of Ithaca Planning Board in the Town of Ithaca
Town Hall, 215 North Tioiza Street, Ithaca New York on Tuesday October 19 2010
commencing at 7:00 P.M., as per attached.
Location of Sign Board used for Posting: Town Clerk Sign Board — 215 North Tio ag Street.
Date of Posting: October 8, 2010
Date of Publication: October l3, 2010
Sandra Polce, Senior Typist
Town of Ithaca
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13`h day of October 2010.
Notary Public
Notary Public, State of New York
No. 01 CL6052878
Qualified in Tompkins County
Commission Expires December 26, 20 ��