HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Minutes 2005-03-15TOWN OF ITHACA PLANNING BOARD
The Town of Ithaca Planning Board met in regular. session on Tuesday, March. 157
2005, in Town Hall, 215 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, New York, at 7:00 p.m.
PRESENT: Fred Wilcox, Chairperson; George Conneman, Board Member; Tracy
Mitrano, Board Member (7:07 p.m.); Larry Thayer, Board Member; Rod Howe, Board
Member; Kevin Talty, Board Member; John Barney, Attorney for the Town (7:18 p.m.);
Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning; Daniel Walker, Director of Engineering (7:07
p.m.); Mike Smith, Environmental Planner; Nicole Tedesco, Planning Intern.
EXCUSED: Eva Hoffmann, Board Member; Susan Ritter, Assistant Director of Planning;
Christine Balestra, Planner.
OTHERS: Fred Vanderburgh, Ithaca College; Steve Dayton, Ithaca College; Vincent
Nicotra, QPK Design; Dave Harding, QPK Design; Larry Fabbroni, 127 Warren Rd;
Dianne Conneman, 197 Christopher Lane; William & Aloma McElwee, 114 Kay Street;
Don Miller, Trumansburg.
Chairperson Wilcox declared the meeting duly opened at 7:05 p.m., and accepted for
the record Secretary's Affidavit of Posting and Publication of the Notice of Public
Hearings in Town Hall and the Ithaca Journal on March 7, 2005 and March 9, 2005,
together with the properties under discussion, as appropriate, upon the Clerks of the
City of Ithaca and the Town of Danby, upon the Tompkins County Commissioner of
Planning, upon the Tompkins County Commissioner of Public Works, and upon the
applicants and /or agents, as appropriate, on March 9, 2005,
Chairperson Wilcox read the Fire Exit Regulations to those assembled, as required by
the New York State Department of State, Office of Fire Prevention and Control.
Chairperson Wilcox opened this segment of the meeting at 7:06 p.m., and asked if any
members of the public wished to speak. With no one wishing to speak, Chairperson
Wilcox closed this segment of the meeting at 7:06 p.m.
Agenda Item: SEAR Determination: McElwee / Lynch 2 -Lot Subdivision, 114 & 116
Kay Street.
Chairperson Wilcox opened this segment of the meeting at 7:07 p.m.
William McElwee, 114 Kay St
We just want to take a pie shaped piece
sheds there and we want to put compost
which is in the way back in the back of the
could use it.
MARCH 15, 2005
of land from our neighbors. We have two
and topsoil, stone. It's in a wooded area,
lot and they are not going to miss it and we
Chairperson Wilcox — And the Lynchs have agreed to sell it to you? .
Mr. McElwee — Yes they did..
Chairperson Wilcox — Are you aware of any environmental concerns?
Mr. McElwee — No.
Chairperson Wilcox — Questions?
Board Member Thayer — Nope. .
Board Member Conneman moved the motion, seconded by Board Member Thayer.
There being no further discussion, Chairperson Wilcox called for a vote.
PB RESOLUTION NO. 2005 -018: SEQR, Preliminary and Final Subdivision
Approval, McElwee -Lunch 2 -Lot Subdivision, 114 and 116 Kay Street, Tax Parcels
71 =1 -51 and 71 -1 -50.2
MOTION made by George Conneman, seconded by Larry Thayer,
1. This action is the consideration of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for
the proposed subdivision of a +A 0.027 acre parcel from western edge of Town
of Ithaca Tax Parcel 71 -1 -50.2, located at 116 Kay Street, for consolidation with
Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel 71 -1 -51. William and Aloma McElwee and Ross and
Dorothy Lynch, Owners and Applicants, and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board is
legislatively determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review with
respect to Subdivision Approval, and
3. The Planning Board, on March 15, 2005, has reviewed and accepted as
adequate a Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the
applicant, and a Part ll, prepared by Town Planning Staff, a plat entitled, "Survey
Map Showing Proposed New Division Between No. 114 Kay Street and No. 116
Kay Street, Town of Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York," prepared by Allen T.
Fulkerson, L. S., dated December 30, 2004, and other application materials, and
MARCH 15, 2005
4. The Town Planning staff has recommended a negative determination of
environmental significance with respect to the proposed Subdivision Approval;
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of
environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental
Quality Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed, and, therefore, neither
a Full Environmental Assessment Form, nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be
required. 11
The vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Conneman, Thayer, Howe, Talty.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Mitrano.
The vote on the motion was carried.
PUBLIC HEARING: Consideratiory of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval
for the proposed subdivision of a +/= .0.027 acre parcel from the western edge of
Town of Ithaca _-Tax Parcel No. '71=1 -50.2, located- - at 116 Kay Street, to be
consolidated with Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 71 -1 -51, 114 Kay Street, Medium
Density Residential Zone. William ,& Aloma McElwee and Ross & Dorothy Lynch,
Owners /Applicants.
Chairperson Wilcox opened the public hearing at 7:07 p.m. and invited members of the
public to address the board. There being none, Chairperson Wilcox closed the public
hearing at 7:08 p.m. and brought the matter back to the board.
Chairperson Wilcox — Comments from staff?
Ms. Tedesco — No. It's a simple lot line adjustment.
Chairperson Wilcox — It's a simple two -lot subdivision as they say.
Mr. Kanter — These are ones that when we amend the subdivision regulations in the
near future maybe we want to consider these as ones that don't have to come before
the board.
Chairperson Wilcox — Would someone like to move the draft resolution?
Board Member Howe moved the motion, seconded by Chairperson Wilcox. There
being no further discussion, Chairperson Wilcox called for a vote.
MARCH 15, 2005
Preliminary and Final
McElwee -Lynch 2 -Lot Subdivision, 114 and 116 Kay Street,. Tax Parcels 71 -1 -51
and 71 -1 -50.2
MOTION made by Rod Howe, seconded by Fred Wilcox.
1. This action is the consideration of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for
the proposed subdivision of a +A 0.027 acre parcel from western edge of Town of
Ithaca Tax Parcel 71-1 -50.2, located at 116 Kay Street, for consolidation with
Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel 714-51. William and Aloma McElwee and Ross and
Dorothy Lynch, Owners and Applicants, and
21 This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as
Lead Agency in environmental review with respect to Subdivision Approval, has,
on March 15, 2005, made a negative determination of environmental
significance, after having reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short
Environmental Assessment Form Part I, submitted by the applicant, and a Part ll
prepared by Town Planning staff, and
3. The Planning Board, at a public hearing on March 15, 2005, has reviewed and
accepted as adequate a plat entitled, "Survey Map Showing Proposed New
Division Between No. 114 Kay Street and No. 116 Kay Street, Town of Ithaca,
Tompkins County, New York," prepared by Allen T. Fulkerson, L. S., dated
December 30, 2004, and other, application materials.
1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for
Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval, as shown on the Preliminary and
Final Subdivision Checklists, having determined from the materials presented
that such waiver will result in neither a significant alteration of the purpose of
subdivision control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town Board, and
2. That the Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary and Final Subdivision
Approval for the proposed subdivision of a +/- 0.027 acre parcel from the western
edge of Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel 71 -1 -50.2, located at 116 Kay Street, for
consolidation with Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel 71 -1 -51, located at 114 Kay Street,
as shown on the plat entitled, "Survey Map Showing Proposed New Division
Between No, 114 Kay .Street and No. 116 Kay Street, Town of Ithaca, Tompkins
County, New York, " prepared by Allen T. Fulkerson, L. S., dated December 30,
2004, subject to the following conditions:
a. Submission for signing by the Chairman of the Planning Board of an
original or mylar copy of "the plat and three dark -lined prints, prior to filing
MARCH 15, 2005
with the Tompkins County Clerk's Office, and submission of a receipt of
filing to the Town of Ithaca Planning Department, and
b. Within six months of this approval, consolidation of the subdivided western
part of Town of Ithaca' Tax Parcel 71 -1 -50.2 of +/- 0.027 acres with Town
of Ithaca Tax Parcel 71 -1 -51, and submission to the Town of Ithaca
Planning Department of a copy of the request to the Tompkins County
Assessment Office for;consolidation of said parcels.
The vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Conneman, Mitrano, Thayer, Howe, Talty.
NAYS: None.
The vote on the motion was carried unanimously.
nda Item: S
n: Winston Court Front Porch
Chairperson Wilcox opened this segment of the meeting at 7:09 p.m.
Don Miller, Trumansburg, New York
I am representing Rocco Lucente. We would like to build front porch roofs over the
entry doors at Winston Court Apartments to keep the ice and snow off the front slabs of
the entryways.
Chairperson Wilcox — Are you aware of any environmental issues related to the
Mr. Miller — No.
Chairperson Wilcox — Questions of Mr. Miller? None over here.
Mr. Kanter — It seems to be an already developed apartment site and those are
relatively minor additions. Later on i when we get to the site plan you will see that we
had a couple of things on the plan that we would like to revise. We don't see any
environmental issues with this.
Chairperson Wilcox — It is interesting the way that the process worked back when this
was approved to put each of the houses on separate lots and I'm not sure that we would
do it the way this time, maybe we would.
Mr. Kanter — Do you know why the buildings are on separate parcels still to this day? Is
it largely for either financing purposes or...?
MARCH 15, 2005
Mr. Miller — I have no idea. These roofs should have been on there when they were
built originally.
Chairperson Wilcox — If there is no further discussion with regard to environmental
review, would someone like to move the SEQR motion?
The motion was moved by Board Member Conneman, seconded by Board Member
Mitrano. With no further discussion, Chairperson Wilcox called for a vote.
PB RESOLUTION NO. 2005 -020: SEQR, Preliminary & Final Site Plan Approval,
Winston Court Apartments — Porch Additions, Winston Court, Tax Parcel No's.
70 -34 to 70 -3 -14; 70 -44 to 70 -4 -6; 70 -5 -1 to 70 -5 -6
MOTION made by George Conneman, seconded by Tracy Mitrano.
1. This action is Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the
proposed front porch roofs to be added to all 18 buildings owned by Rocco
Lucente on Winston Court, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 70 -3 -9 to 70 -3 -14,
7044 to 704-6, and 70 -5-,1 to 70 -5 -6, Multiple Residence Zone. Rocco
Lucente, Owner /Applicant; Lawrence P. Fabbroni, P.E., L.L.S., Agent, and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board is
legislatively determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review with
respect to Site Plan Approval, and
3. The Planning Board, on March 15, 2005, has reviewed and accepted as
adequate a Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the
applicant (revised by Planning staff), and Part II prepared by Town Planning staff,
drawings entitled "Winston Court Site Plan'; dated 11- 22 -04, and "Winston Court
Additions, Fagade Addt." (Drawing 1A), dated May 8, 2004, all prepared by
Lawrence P. Fabbroni, P. E., L.L.S., and other application materials, and
4. The Town Planning staff has recommended a negative determination of
environmental significance with respect to the proposed Site Plan Approval,
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of
environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental
Quality Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed, and, therefore, an
Environmental Impact Statement will not be required.
The vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Conneman, Mitrano, Thayer, Howe, Talty.
MARCH 15, 2005
NAYS: None.
The vote on the motion was carried unanimously.
Chairperson Wilcox closed this segment of the meeting at 7:12 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for
the proposed front porch roofs to be added to all 18 buildings owned by Rocco
Lucente on Winston Court, Town "of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 70 =3 =9 to 70 -3 -14, 70-
4 =1 to 70=4 -6, and 70 =5 =1 to 70 -5;; 6, Multiple Residence Zone. Rocco Lucente,
Owner /Applicant,
Chairperson Wilcox — We are now three minutes ahead of schedule, which is normally
fine. The issue here is that the public hearing associated with this was advertised to
begin at 7:15; therefore, we are legally obligated to wait. Jon, did you want to make
some comments about the need for variances over and above what is in your memo?
Mr. Kanter —There I s nothing really more than what is in my memo, just to summarize it
because the buildings are on individual parcels and there are specific multiple residence
zone requirements, many of those requirements aren't met by the way the buildings are
set up. Again, that is because they were built starting way back in the late 1950s and
early 1960s all the way through the '11970s. So there are numerous nonconformities,
setbacks, lot widths, to name a few,, which from my understanding is that you have
already submitted an application to the Zoning Board and that would be going there if
this board does approve the site plan!
Chairperson Wilcox — It seems like a ;reasonable amenity to add to the... and it doesn't
have, in my opinion, too much of an impact.
Board Member Thayer — I don't think so.
Chairperson Wilcox — But that will be the Zoning Board's decision
Mr. Kanter — This is also one of the few apartment developments where the road,
Winston Court, is actually a Town road. Again, I think that is the way that the project
was developed way back in the old days. There are probably other things that I don't
know about. Our Highway. Superintendent from time to time brings that one up as really
the only one where he has to go and plow and maintain the road really within an
apartment development.
Chairperson Wilcox — It almost looks like the driveway is surrounding the building.
Chairperson Wilcox opened the public hearing at 7:15 p.m. and invited members of the
public to address the board. With no one present to be heard, Chairperson Wilcox
closed the public hearing at 7:16 p.m.
MARCH 15, 2005
Chairperson Wilcox — Are we all set?
Board Member Mitrano — Yup.
Board Member Thayer — Yup.
Chairperson Wilcox — Jon, you are comfortable with approving the material and colors
of the additions?
Mr. Kanter —Yes,
Chairperson Wilcox — You are willing, to accept that.
Mr. Kanter - I think just the basic form of the additions look like they should be
compatible. I would assume that they are probably going to be white.
Chairperson Wilcox — White or off - white or cream colored or whatever, but we want to
make sure that they are not bright red or something that....
Mr. Kanter — So it's just that the plans didn't specify that.
Chairperson Wilcox — Mr. Miller, have you
What we would require of the applicant?
Mr. Miller — No.
seen the proposed resolution as drafted?
Chairperson Wilcox read the resolution to Mr. Miller and Mr. Smith provided a copy of
the resolution to Mr. Miller.
Chairperson Wilcox — Any further discussion?
The resolution was moved by Board Member Thayer and seconded by Board Member
Howe. With no further discussion, Chairperson Wilcox called for a vote.
PB RESOLUTION NO. 2005 -021: Preliminary & Final Site Plan Approval, Winston
Court Apartments — Porch Additions, Winston Court, Tax Parcel No's. 70 -3 -9 to
70 -3 -14; 70 -4 -9 to 704-6; 70 -5 =1 to 70 -5 -6
MOTION made by Larry Thayer, seconded by Rod Howe.
1. This action is consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the
proposed front porch roofs to be added to all 18 buildings owned by Rocco
Lucente on Winston Court, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 70 -3 -9 to 70 -3 -14,
MARCH 15, 2005
704-1 to 70 -4 -6, and 70 -5 -1 to 70 -5 -6, Multiple Residence Zone. Rocco
Lucente, Owner /Applicant; Lawrence P. Fabbroni, P.E., L.L.S., Agent, and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as
lead agency in environmental review with respect to Site Plan Approval, has
accepted as adequate a short Environmental Assessment Form, Part 1,
submitted by the applicant (revised by Town Planning staff), and Part ll, prepared
by the Town Planning Department, and has on March 15, 2005, made a negative
determination of environmental significance, and
3. The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing held on March 15, 2005, has reviewed
drawings entitled "Winston Court Site Plan'; dated 11- 22 -04, and "Winston Court
Additions, Fagade Addt." (Drawing 1A), dated May 8, 2004, all prepared by
Lawrence P. Fabbroni, P.E., L.L.S., and other application materials,
1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for
Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval, as shown on the Preliminary and Final
Site Plan Checklists, having determined from the materials presented that such
waiver will result in neither a significant alteration of the purpose of site plan
control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town Board, and
2. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary and Final Site
Plan Approval for the proposed front porch roofs to be added to all 18 buildings
owned by Rocco Lucente on Winston Court, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 70-
3-9 to 70 -3 -14, 70 -4 -1 to 704-6, and 70 -5 -1 to 70 -5 -6, Multiple Residence Zone,
as shown on drawings entitled "Winston Court Site Plan'; dated 11- 22 -04, and
"Winston Court Additions, Fagade Addt." (Drawing 1A), dated May 8, 2004, all
prepared by Lawrence P. Fabbroni, P.E., L.L.S., subject to the following
conditions, all to be completed prior to the issuance of any building permits:
a. granting of the necessary from the Zoning Board of Appeals, and
b. revision of the site plan to include the following:
i. corrected scale at 1 inch = 50 feet, and
ii. omit the delineation of parking spaces along Winston Court, as the
site plan does not accurately reflect the actual, number and
configuration of parking spaces, substituting labeling of location and
approximate number of parking spaces in each area, and
iii. location and dimensions of existing sidewalks on all of the subject
parcels, and
MARCH 15, 2005
IV. details of color and materials of proposed porch roof additions for
review and approval of Director of Planning, and
c. submission of an original final site plan, revised as indicated in condition "b"
above, on mylar, vellum, or paper, to be retained by the Town of Ithaca.
A vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Conneman, Mitrano, Thayer, Howe.
NAYS: None.
The motion was declared to be unanimously.
Agenda Item: SEAR Determination: Ithaca College Garden Apartments Buildings
26 -29 Renovations, Garden Apartments Drive.
Chairperson Wilcox opened this segment of the meeting at 7:20 p.m.
Vincent Nicotra, QPK Design
We are here tonight to present the apartment renovation of the Garden Apartments at
Ithaca College. This is a site plan, map of the apartment complex. There are five
buildings in the complex. Building 25, 267 27 and 28, which are very similar in design
with the exception of 27 and 28 have basements. 29 has been an anomaly referred to
as the bunker up on the hill. It is a one -story structure whereas these are multiple story
What we are going to show you tonight is an extension of a project that the
campus started in 2001 and dealt with building 25 as the first and only building that was
renovated. What we are intending to do this summer is to take the work that was done
here and basically continue on that path to finish the rest of the buildings. Primarily
what was done on the exterior was" that we had window replacements. The balcony
railings were upgraded. We added canopies at each of the stairwell entrances and we
had a small mechanical room addition as the utilities were upgraded in that structure.
That program is intended to be carried through with the remainder of.the four buildings
with some additional utility upgrades on the site as well as some roofing work and other
specialty work, which I will cover for building 29 specifically. So that is the overall
aspect of the project. Dave is going to cover the specifics of site work. I'll just talk
about the architecture right now.
This is a photograph of building 25 as you see it today with the work that was
approved by the Planning Board. If I could get you to look here, this is what the
entrance used to look like prior to the renovation in 2001. This is what the entrance now
looks like and this is the model that we intend to use for the remainder of the buildings
that are similar, again with 29 just a' little different because of the type of building. Also
what was done was a window replacement and if you can see here the balcony railings
MARCH 15, 2005
were upgraded to meet code. Down at the bottom here there was approximately a 300
square foot small mechanical room addition that was added to building 25. Something
similar will be done to building 26 and,;29. The exception with 29 is that it won't have a
pitched roof because of the character of that building. Otherwise those elements,
windows, balcony railings, canopies, and the mechanical room for those two other
buildings are part of the renovation package.
Building 29 has somewhat of a unique character. It is a one -story structure that
is built into the hillside and as you can see from this photograph it has stone riprap wall
that was part of the 1960s and I think that is what gives it its name. And what we are
proposing to do there is take the similar concept here to identify entries and in this case
to reduce scale, provide weather protection to students and give a sense of identity.
Here it is going to help the scale a little bit because the building is rather subdued. If
you look at one of the typical entries that happens there's some large bushes here that
obstruct the entrance to the apartment, which the campus doesn't and also we agree
that it is not very safe because you have to descend down a half a flight of stairs. So
we are going to remove those bushes and put up a railing because it is a half a flight
down. Students can park their bicycles there or put a chair out there. And what we are
going to do to supplement this and soften the whole architecture of this is that we are
going to take this stone out and replace it with some indoor juniper and some Baltic ivy,
which will essentially make this a green hillside, which I think is really going to change
the character and maybe they will call it something different. We are going to apply a
simplified version of the canopy that „you saw there in a slightly darker color because
here you have the brick architecture that allows those two to read very sympathetically
and here we don't want that to standout as much because of the low rise nature of that
structure. So that is the concept of building 29. Additionally, building 29 is going to get
some new roofing and once this stone material is removed, we'll also waterproof the
structure. So from an appearance perspective, you won't see any of that, but you will
see the new green and canopy space. Also, it is going to get a small mechanical room
additional similar to this one other than it will have a flat roof. Again, we got a very good
match on the brick and for all practical purposes you don't see the difference from the
old brick to the new brick.
Are there any questions? There are some other odds and ends as I will call them
and I can show you here on the site plan. In the package that we gave you it has
details and further information, but building 27 has a basement, which currently houses
a laundry room that the students that'live in the gardens use. We are going to renovate
that space downstairs so it is more comparable to what a student would expect in terms
of modern space. We are going to put some meeting rooms there and some seating.
They have a mail facility where they pick up their mail and we are going to upgrade that.
So to identify that entrance, right here, we are going to add a canopy very much like that
canopy. So it will be the same character, same materials. There is a staircase right
now that goes down into the basement that is open and. we are going to cover that
again for weather protection and it will not be in this shape, but it will use the same
materials, just a sloped roof like the` one on the addition. Again, very small. Its only
about 6 feet wide.
MARCH 15, 2005
And on building 28 we have an acrylic cover over the two staircases here. We
are going to take those acrylic covers off and we are going to put material to match this
staircase and the other canopies so that there is a sympathetic architecture to it. There
is the small addition onto building 29. So as far as the architecture itself goes, the only
thing I guess I would mention, we are going to put a small area -way here because when
we upgrade the mechanical system there will be some mechanical piping, vents and
things that will need to be exhausted. ' So this will be an areaway made of concrete with
a graded cover and a railing so that ;students don't go on it. I think that is about the
extent of it architecturally. Again, if I can just point you to the model that we did in 2001
that you reviewed and accepted. Any ,thoughts or questions?
Chairperson ,Wilcox — Would you express your own architectural opinion of building 29?
Mr. Nicotra — My architectural opinion'�is that it is a unique piece of historic architecture.
Some day it will probably be on the national historic register because of its distinct 60s
Chairperson Wilcox — Maybe that means we shouldn't allow you to remove the stone on
the outside.
Mr. Nicotra — I was a little tongue and cheek there. Hopefully you will take that in stride.
I ii
Board Member Conneman — I didn't say that it was ugly.
Mr. Nicotra — It's not ugly. Its just not there. Really, it's a low profile structure, which
has its advantages.
Chairperson Wilcox — Yeah
Questions? Comments?
Board Member Mitrano — No.
The 'decision to cover it with stone is interesting.
I'm delighted.
Board Member Thayer — I think it looks great.
Mr. Nicotra — I would like to turn it over;to Dave Harding, who will cover the site work.
David Harding, QPK Design
Most of the site work that is illustrated on the package that was submitted is renovation
work addressing some tired, old facilities, some pavement replacements, curb resetting
and what not. There are a couple of minor exceptions and one is in this existing parking
lot there are two peninsulas where the curb juts out here and in another location over in
this vicinity that the college would like to remove and make their snowplowing activities
a little easier. The one location is a crosswalk and what we are proposing to do is put in
a precast concrete paver crosswalk to delineate that still as a crossing and the parking
MARCH 15, 2005
spaces would be painted out on either side of it so that there was good visibility and
people could see students crossing.
The other scope change is addressing the dumpsters, which in this photo you
can see that the dumpsters currently are randomly located out in the middle of the
parking area as well as recycling bins, not very aesthetic. This occurs in two locations,
one over at the end of building 29 and another one over near the end of 26. And what
we are proposing to do is develop a dumpster enclosure just like the one you approved
for the College Circle Apartments project, which was a chain link fence with a privacy
slats interwoven. One would be tucked in more central to the site to make it a little more
convenient to all of the users. The other one would be shifted from this location up to
here, which again makes . it a little bit more convenient, but from a visibility standpoint
really has no impact.
Other site work includes rebuilding stairs that have deteriorated in several
locations and this really has asphalt walk replacement associated with the construction
of the foundations for the canopies'; at the main entrances. Vince talked about the
landscaping that is occurring in conjunction with 29. As you can see from by this plan,
the existing facility is fairly well landscaped and we are not proposing any other
substantial changes at this time.
guess I should point out that Mike Smith had noted in the plans that we
submitted that we forgot to illustrate the opening for the vehicles that access the existing
parking are in here. We have done that on that illustration. That is an existing condition
that was a drafting error. Then the 'last item concerns the comment in the Planning
staff's review notes that the light fixtures that we proposed in the submission, which
where a replacement in kind of the existing walkway light fixtures were not the cut off
type and it was explained to us that you were moving towards a local ordinance to
require cut off types. So we have passed out what we are proposing to use in lieu of
what was originally submitted and that" is similar to the fixture that is used throughout the
campus in many other locations.
Chairperson Wilcox — Are you replacing all the light fixtures sort of bounded by this area
or just certain ones?
Mr. Harding — They are only the light fixtures associated with the walkways so they are
all internal light fixtures. All the existing light fixtures that occur around the perimeter of
the parking lot will remain with the exception of one that sits out on, that peninsula and
that would just be moved back to the new curb line.
As I mentioned, this is an existing asphalt paved area, central to these facilities.
Currently the college has a handicap accessible unit located in this portion of 26. Part
of this project includes developing two more accessible units in the parking area in this
central area will be delineated as handicap parking spaces. and the walk system will be
extended over to provide the access over to those entrance ways.
MARCH 15, 2005
Chairperson Wilcox — Does that interior parking serve any other purpose . other than
handicap parking?
Mr. Harding — Service vehicles, laundry. It also happens to be an accessible fire truck
route and if you are familiar with the area these are actually pass throughs with second
and third floors or third and fourth floors up above the... but they have a I would guess
25 or 30 foot clearance through there so fire vehicles can access through the site.
Chairperson Wilcox — All set, David?
Mr. Harding — That is all I have. Any questions?
Chairperson Wilcox — None over here. Let me look to the left side of the table. I'll ask
Mike if he has any comments he wishes to make or not
Mr. Smith — Nothing to add. The new light fixture satisfies the condition we were looking
Chairperson Wilcox — Dan, any comments from your perspective?
Mr. Walker — No.
Chairperson Wilcox — With no further discussion, would someone like to move the
motion as drafted?
The motion was moved by Board Member Conneman, seconded by Board Member
Talty. With not further discussion, Chairperson Wilcox called for a vote.
Drive from Coddin_gton Road, Tax Parcel No. 41 -144
MOTION made by George Conneman, seconded by Kevin
1. Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed
renovations and additions to, the Ithaca College Garden Apartment Buildings 26-
29 located southeast of Garden Apartments. Drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.
41 -1 -24, Medium Density Residential Zone. The proposal involves the
renovation of 140 student apartments in four buildings, new entrance canopies,
two new mechanical room additions, and site improvements including road and
walkway repair, site lighting, and utility upgrades. Ithaca College,
Owner /Applicant; Vincent Nicotra, QPK Design, Agent, and
MARCH 15, 2005
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board is
legislatively determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review with
respect to Site Plan Approval, and
41 The Planning Board, on March 15, 2005, has reviewed and accepted as
adequate a Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the
applicant, and Part 11 prepared by Town Planning staff, plans titled
"Demolition /Erosion & Sediment Control Plan and Details" (L4), "Layout/Planting
Plan and Details" (L -2), "Grading /Storm System Plan and Details" (L -3), Floor
Plans and Details (A -1.1 — A -1.7), Elevations (A -2.1 — A -2.8), "Entry Canopy
Elev, Sections Details" (A -3.3 and A -3.6), "Mechanical Room Floor Plans &
Details" (A -3.4), "Building 26 Mechanical Room Sections & Details" (A -3.5),
"Accessible Unit X., Plan, Reflected CLG Plan & Interior Elevations" (A4.1),
"Basement Floor Plan, Reflected Ceiling Plan & Details" (A -4.6), dated February
147 2005, prepared by QPK Design, and other materials, and
4. The Town Planning staff has recommended a negative determination of
environmental significance with respect to the proposed Site Plan Approval;
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of
environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental
Quality Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed, and, therefore, an
Environmental Impact Statement will not be required.
The vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Conneman, Mitrano, Thayer, Howe, Talty.
NAYS: None.
The vote on the motion was carried unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for
the proposed renovations and additions to the Ithaca College Garden Apartment
Buildings 26 -29 located southeast of Garden Apartments Drive, Town of Ithaca
Tax Parcel No. 41 -1 -24, Medium Density Residential Zone. The proposal involves
the renovation of 140 student apartments in four buildings, new entrance
canopies, two new mechanical room additions, and site improvements including
road and walkway repair, site lighting, and utility upgrades. Ithaca College,
Owner /Applicants Vincent Nicotra, QPK Design.
Chairperson Wilcox opened the pubic hearing at 7:38 p.m. and invited members of the
public to address the board.
MARCH 15, 2005
Fred Vanderburgh, Ithaca College
This is kind of out of step; I want to extend an invitation to the Town Planning Board and
to members of the Town next Monday and Tuesday to Ithaca College. Ithaca College is
on the brink of making history with a building. Our new business school. We got a
design competition and I facilitated a group. We've brought three architects to a finalist
position that is going to perform their competition in the Hockett Recital Hall. It is Robert
AM Stearn out of NYS, Burt Hill out of Philadelphia, and Goodie Clancy from Boston.
You are more than welcome to join us The presentations will be Goodie Clancy from 9-
11 on Monday and this extends to the Town, too. Robert Stearn will be there Tuesday
morning 9 -11 and Burt Hill will be therefrom 2 -4 on Monday afternoon.
This building will be, if we can accomplish what are goals are set, will be the only
platinumly certified business school in the world. It's a high goal to go for and reach.
think it is achievable and i think this is going to put Ithaca map. We've got a lot of
legwork to do yet. There's a lot of things that have to happen, but I think that if you
have an interest in joining us we would be more than happy to have you come up and
see these presentations and the sustainable buildings are the way of the future. It's the
way we are going and where we are heading. Its good for everything and everybody.
So we want to extend the welcome to you and if you can join us we would be more than
happy to have you come. Thanks.
There being no other persons to be heard, Chairperson Wilcox closed the public
hearing at 7:42 p.m. and brought the "matter back to the board.
The motion was moved by Board Member Mitrano and seconded by Board Member
Chairperson Wilcox — I was going to compliment the applicants again. I mean good
presentation, well- organized, good documents.
Board Member Thayer - Excellent.
Chairperson Wilcox — It just makes everybody's job easier.
Board Member Thayer - It really does.
Chairperson Wilcox —And it is appreciated.
There being no further discussion, Chairperson Wilcox called for a vote.
PB RESOLUTION NO. 2005 -023: Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval, Ithaca
College Garden Apartments Building 26 -29 Renovations, North Access Drive from
Coddin_gton Road, Tax Parcel No 41 -1 -24
MOTION made by Tracy Mitrano, seconded by Rod Howe.
MARCH 15, 2005
1. Consideration of Preliminary land Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed
renovations and additions to the Ithaca College Garden Apartment Buildings 26-
29 located southeast of Garden Apartments Drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.
41 -1 -24, Medium Density Residential Zone. The proposal involves the
renovation of 140 student apartments in four buildings, new entrance canopies,
two new mechanical room additions, and site improvements including road and
walkway repair, site lighting, and utility upgrades. Ithaca College,
Owner /Applicant; Vincent Nicotra, QPK Design, Agent, and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as
lead agency in environmental review with respect to Site Plan Approval, has, on
March 15, 2005, made a negative determination of environmental significance,
after having reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short Environmental
Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the applicant, and a Part ll prepared by
Town Planning staff, and
3. The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing held on March 15, 2005, has reviewed
and accepted as adequate, plans titled "Demolition /Erosion & Sediment Control
Plan and Details" (L -1), "Layout/Planting Plan and Details" (L -2), "Grading /Storm
System Plan and Details" (L -3)! Floor Plans and Details (A -1.1— A -1.7),
Elevations (A -2.1 — A -2.8), "Entry Canopy Elev, Sections Details" (A -3.3 and A-
3.6), "Mechanical Room Floor Plans & Details" (A -3.4), "Building 26 Mechanical
Room Sections & Details" (A- 3. +5), "Accessible Unit X.- Plan, Reflected CLG Plan
& Interior Elevations" (A -4.1), "Basement Floor Plan, Reflected Ceiling Plan &
Details" (A4.6), dated February 14, 2005, prepared by QPK Design, and other
materials, and
1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for
Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval, as shown on the Preliminary and Final
Site Plan Checklists, having determined from the materials presented that such
waiver will result in neither a significant alteration of the purpose of site plan
control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town Board, and
2. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary and Final Site
Plan Approval for the proposed renovation of 140 student apartments units in
buildings 26 -29, new entrance' canopies, two new mechanical room additions,
and site improvements including road and walkway repair, site lighting, and utility
upgrades, as shown on plans titled "Demolition /Erosion & Sediment Control Plan
and Details" (L -1), "LayouVPlanting Plan and Details" (L -2), "Grading /Storm
System Plan and Details" (L =3), Floor Plans and Details (A -1.1 — A -1.7),
Elevations (A -2.1 — A -2.8), "Entry Canopy Elev, Sections Details" (A -3.3 and A-
3.6), "Mechanical Room Floor Plans & Details" (A -3.4), "Building 26 Mechanical
MARCH 15, 2005
Room Sections & Details" (A -3.5), "Accessible Unit X Plan, Reflected CLG Plan
& Interior Elevations" (A -4.1), "Basement Floor Plan, Reflected Ceiling Plan &
Details" (A4.6), dated February 14, 2005, prepared by QPK Design, and other
application material, subject to the following conditions:
a. submission of an originatset of the final site plan (sheets L -1, L -2 and L -3)
on mylar, vellum or paper, signed and sealed by the registered land
surveyor, engineer, architect, or landscape architect who prepared the site
plan materials, to be retained by the Town of Ithaca, prior to the issuance
of a building permit, and
b. submission of record of application for and approval status of all
necessary permits from county, state, and /or federal agencies, and
C. submission of either documentation showing the proposed light fixture has
a cut -off feature or submission of a different light which contains a cut -off
feature to reduce the glare and light spillage.
The vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Conneman, Mitrano, Thayer, Howe, Talty.
NAYS: None.
The vote on the motion was carried unanimously.
Agenda Item: Discussion of the draft Town of Ithaca Official Highway Map,
prepared by the Transportation '' Committee for inclusion in the Town's
Transportation Plan.
Chairperson Wilcox opened this segment of the meeting at 7:45 p.m.
Mr. Kanter — Basically Nicole has been helping the Transportation Committee with a lot
of the work on the Transportation Plan and this official map draft if one of the things that
we have been working on that we hope to put in the plan. The last date on our official
map is 1968. So we thought it was about time to present a new one because there
were a few things on that 1968 plan that were shown a possible new road alignments
that are not likely to happen in today's, world for various reasons, either environmental
constraints or development in the way of where the roads were intended to go, which
actually is one of the reasons for having an official map so that doesn't happen. I don't
think anybody really paid attention to that old ... I'm so sure that it was really an official
map in the sense of what we look at them today. In today's world, the official maps are
intended to show existing and. future roads, parks and even drainage systems for that
matter. The intent is to make sure that any future reservations, right -of -ways are kept
open so that building structure don't interfere with the ability to put those facilities in
place when the Town decides they are ready for them. Also the official map includes
any new roads and utility systems that are included in approved subdivision plats that
MARCH 15, 2005
get filed in the County Clerks office. For instance when we approved West View
Subdivision, that road system once it was accepted by the Town Board for a location of
a road system actually is incorporated into the official map. That was one that we
neglected to show on the version that you got. So there are a couple like that that we
are going to be adding. I will let Nicole talk for a second about how we went about
putting this together.
Ms. Tedesco — I'll keep it quick. We received a map layer from the County and it was a
couple of years old so it took some ';updating of the actual information in it such as the
speed limit of the roads, what classification the road is and stuff like that. So once we
had a complete and accurate layer, then we were able to create a map that shows the
locations of the roads and it shows them by who owns and maintains the road. There
are some questions on some road segments. For example, on Forest Home Drive
between Pleasant Grove and Warren Road, Fred Noteboom has been trying to figure
out whether that is actually a County' maintained section or a Town maintained section.
There have been some questions like that. Currently we think that that is actually
supposed to be maintained by the Town. Fred has been maintaining it for many years.
So it shows roads by who owns and maintains them. The State roads are shown
in a dark black line. County roads are shown in blue. Town in red. University in green
and privately. owned roads in light black. The future right -of -ways and the potential
right -of -way corridors are shown in red because they will be roads that are accepted by
the Town. Roads that have already been shown on a subdivision plat are shown with a
narrow dashed line. They have actually been created and approved, but they haven't
been constructed yet. There is a potential corridor between Bundy Road and the
Overlook subdivision and you will see that in cross hatching and that is the only one that
the Transportation Committee and Planning Department has decided is a very viable,
potential future right -of -way.
Mr. Kanter - But that is shown in a different pattern because that isn't an approved plat
or subdivision at this point.
Ms. Tedesco — It's shown in a wide polygon to indicate that it maybe somewhere within
that area.
— We could
make it wider to cover the whole west hill. Its not intended to be
width of
the actual
Ms. Tedesco — Fred Noteboom has already taken a look at this and he has given us
good comments. The Town Board has already taken a look at it. So I would appreciate
any comments that you might have and if you find this difficult to read, we also have a
larger version in Town Hall. You are welcome to come in and take a look at it.
Mr. Kanter .— The other two that we found so far in going through this that were left out
that we were going to add on there were Helen's Way, which was accepted by the Town
Board as part of the Mountin subdivision on West Hill off of Westhaven Road and that
MARCH 15, 2005
will access the new Town Park and trail that will go in there. Then the other one is a
real tiny one. I'm not even sure it will show up. The end of Chase Lane, the turnaround
area that was added about a year ago. We also have a road listing of all the roads in
the Town of Ithaca if you are interested in seeing that.
Mr. Walker — Jon, I also think there is a little piece just off Sesame Street,
Mr. Kanter — Another little extension piece?
Ms. Tedesco — Oh. The future Alison Drive, Yeah
Board Member Mitrano — You know Northview, if you started off down the right hand
side going south from Coddington and it starts to go down, there are some halfs, which
is sort of unusual in this sort of suburban development. Is that because plots were
added later? I just always thought that was sort of interesting.
Mr. Kanter — It could be. It could have been a lot split off with a lot built with a
built subsequent to full build out of the area. That is usually what happens an(
what happened in
adding houses. A
effect. There wer e
number listings to
them quickly.
the old days when they didn't leave room in street address
lot of this is the numbers changed when the a -911 system wE
es for
nt into
certain areas where we had to change entire road names and or
make sure the Fire Department and emergency services could find
Board Member Mitrano — Interesting. Thanks.
Mr. Kanter — So we tried to get everything as up to date as we find everyday. We either
miss something or something is shown wrong, but eventually by the time it goes into the
draft transportation plan, which should be sometime later on this year, hopefully it will be
pretty accurate. Again, getting back to some of the old recommendations for connector
roads, one example that we are not showing here and this was a conscious decision by
the Transportation Committee. For instance, the Taughannock Boulevard to
Trumansburg Road connection which;was in the old days called the Northwest Parkway
Concept, which goes back to when the State was looking at the octopus reconstruction,
reconfiguration and were looking into a whole new alignment perhaps for Route 96, but
that never did happen. There were in that time, which was in the early 1990s some
thought to having some ability to connect Route 89 to Route 96 as.kind of a bypass or
connector road, but there also at that II time was a development proposal called Cayuga
Cliffs, which was a very large subdivision proposal, about 100 lots or so on that steep
sloping area behind PRI and Rebecca Hall. From time to time we still here little
rumblings of interest in the property, but right now there is no active development
proposal and no thoughts of really building a road in that area.
Similarly there were ideas of having some kind of northeast connector road going
somehow connecting from Burns Road paralleling Pine Tree Road, going up bypassing
Forest Home. Most recently the northeast connector road was looked at in the NESTS
MARCH 15, 2005
study and if anything there was an idea that would be farther out in the Town of Dryden
somewhere. So now we are really not looking at anything like that in the Town of Ithaca
because of the way development has, occurred on East Hill. So things like that are
really no longer applicable in terms of future road alignments. There could be others
that could come up in other areas, but when you look on west hill, most of that area is
thought to be important for preserving it.
Board Member Thayer — That extension of Conifer Lane would have to be developed by
the owner and then turned over to the Town?
Mr. Kanter — That is normally how it would work.
Board Member Thayer — There's got to be one big bridge there to go across.
Chairperson Wilcox — One other potential area that doesn't show a road is .something
running east/west between Bundy and Mecklenburg Road, I would think at some point.
We've seen a lot of development proposals off of Mecklenburg Road on the northern
side and we have given lip service to some potential connector between Conifer's
various parts with potential condominiums with potential or not so potential Drake
subdivision. There is always the potential for some sort of interconnectivity there.
Again, putting it on the map I don't think would be appropriate at this point.
Mr. Kanter - Those were just a little bit too iffy to show on the map at this point. Things
could develop further and this is meant to be an evolving, changing map. Once things
like that happen, the map would be amended with new ideas, but other than that, the
Town really doesn't have any plans to build new roads and as new subdivisions occur
and again west hill is really the area where that is happening. I suppose we could look
at Troy Road and start incorporating some of that road system for the new Rubin
subdivision, but again it is too early because that could be changing from what they
showed on the sketch plan. So as long we are aware of those areas that are
developing, they will be incorporated as we go along.
Chairperson Wilcox — The other thing I was thinking is how difficult we make it for the
snowplow operators. If you look at all these tiny little roads and how... it can't be easy.
Mr. Kanter — What this map doesn't show because we are purposely restricting this to
the official highway map is trails, walkways, sidewalks and parks. We have our Park
and Open Space Plan, which in affect is an official map for parks and trail because it
does show both the existing and future park and trail alignments. What the
Transportation Plan will also be working on is perhaps where new walkways and
sidewalk systems might be able to interconnect with the planned trail system as well as
how it would relate to the road system. So we are going to be working and in fact
Nicole has already started working on a map separately from this that will show
proposed walkways and areas of sidewalks that should be looked at in the future that
would really help the Planning Board, the Town Board in thinking about these things.
MARCH 15, 2005
We have our sidewalk policy, which was adopted by the Town Board and
discussed by this board, which gives some assistance in that area. It does set out
some criteria for where new walkways could be built and could be Town walkways,
could be paid for by the Town and maintained by the Town, but those would only be
ones that would be more area wide connector types of routes, places where people
could walk not only within their neighborhood, but get to a destination like a school or
the Community Corners in Cayuga Heights in the case of Hanshaw Road, those types
of systems. Sidewalks within neighborhoods, of course, as we. are working with
developers on things like Westview and the Rubin Subdivision would hopefully be
addressed during that review here with the Planning Board and appropriate sidewalks
could be incorporated within that process. Probably retrofitting existing neighborhoods
with sidewalks is another thing I guess we will be getting into to some degree like in the
northeast area with some of the things that we will be looking at there with drainage
improvements and as opportunities arise to perhaps underground the ditches and add
areas where a walkway could go. So I think we will try to address all of them in the
plan, but primarily we are going to try to come up with a new map that shows our best
recommendations for where the longer connecting walkways could be added.
Board Member Mitrano — When is the proposed road along Conifer Lane going in?
Mr. Kanter — The one that goes through Larry's house?
Board Member Mitrano — Yeah, when is that going in?
Board Member Thayer —That's the question I had
Chairperson Wilcox — It goes in as development occurs.
Mr. Walker — The road is on the preliminary subdivision map for the Perry Farm and it
has received preliminary approval for location by the Town Board. So if that road has
already been approved by the Town Board, as soon as the developer decides to do
Phase II of the Perry Farm Subdivision. We do have a park...
Board Member Thayer — Does Phase 11 include going over to Conifer?
Mr. Walker — No. The second phase is just that road up to the Tot Lot and then the
potential phase III would have been the fields to the south of that.
Mr. Kanter — Then when the Sterling P,House and Sterling Cottage parcel was subdivided
off the Perry Farm, the rest of that road was platted through the south part of the Perry
Farm as a future road and at the same time it happened to coincide pretty well when
Linderman Creek Phase I came in. The Conifer Drive extension going north through the
Cerrachi property up to the Perry Farm property line was planned.
Board Member Thayer — I was looking for the missing link between Conifer and all of
MARCH 15, 2005
Mr. Walker — The Town actually!, has ... the right -of -ways have been platted. We
currently has an easement, as long as. attorneys filed everything properly, from Bundy
Road we have an easement to access both the Tot Lot site and the park site on the
south side. So we have an easement to go totally across the Perry Farm right now.
Board Member Thayer — Yeah, but they want you to have to build the road.
Mr. Walker —Yes.
Board Member Thayer — And you said that you wouldn't build the road.
Mr. Walker — No. We didn't say we wouldn't build the road. We said that policy has not
been that the Town is has not builtnew roads. We have had the developers build the
roads. But if there was a big enough need to build a road, we built Dates Drive in
conjunction with the County 15 years ago. So if there is a big enough need and the
Town determines the revenues are there to do it, they could build it.
Board Member Thayer — Of course that hinges on that right -of -way, the access road
that we are trying to get approved on the other side of it. That particular road doesn't
hinge on it, but it would certainly make it a lot easier.
Mr. Kanter - Right now the Conifer development is the one that is more hinging on
where some future road goes. I don't think Conifer has the finances to build the road all
the way. up to Bundy Road at this point just so that they can get a few more lots on the
Cerrachi property, but this is a long -term plan. It may not been in any of life times even,
but that's why we like to plan ahead.
Board Member Thayer — That land is owned by just private people. I don't know how
that would ever get built unless the Town built it.
Mr. Kanter — It is mostly Cornell property except for the strip right off Bundy Road. It
would only be as that area develops, too, because I mean the Cornell property is what
about 30 acres, 35 acres. The other private property has been for sale for some
number of years and hasn't sold, but that has potential for quite a few lots. Then with
the Overlook connecting up to that, that's the 128 apartment units plus the 15 or so
single family lots. Eventually it has the potential to form a little bit of an off major road
system as another way of getting down West Hill, but I don't think we are seeing it as a
high volume bypass road. It's really a service road to serve whatever- development
goes in there.
Board Member Conneman — It has been my privilege to be on the Transportation
Committee representing you and Nicole has done a super job.
Ms. Tedesco — Thanks, George.
MARCH 15, 2005
Chairperson Wilcox closed this segment of the meeting at 8:14 p.m.
PB RESOLUTION NO. 2005 =024: Approval of Minutes - February 22, 2005 & March
MOTION by Fred Wilcox, seconded by Larry Thayer.
RESOLVED, that the Planning Board does hereby approve and adopt the February 22,
2005 and March 1, 2005 minutes as the official minutes of the Town of Ithaca Planning
Board for the said meetings as presented.
The vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Mitrano, Thayer, Howe, Talty.
NAYS: None.
ABSTAIN: Conneman.
The vote on the motion was carried.
Mr. Kanter gave the board an overview of what would be coming up on the next
On motion by Board Member Mitrano, the meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m.
Deputy Town CTerk
215 North Tioga Street
Ithaca, New York 14850
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
7:00 P.M. Persons to be heard (no more than five minutes).
7:04 P.M. SEQR Determination: McElwee / Lynch 2 -Lot Subdivision, 114 & 116 Kay Street.
7 :05 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the proposed
subdivision of a +/- 0.027 acre parcel from the western edge of Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 71 -1-
50.2, located at 116 Kay Street, to be consolidated with Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 71 -1 -51, 114
Kay Street, Medium Density Residential Zone. William & Aloma McElwee and Ross & Dorothy.
Lynch, Owners /Applicants.
7:10 P.M. SEQR Determination: Winston Court Front Porch Roofs, Winston Court.
7:15 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed
front porch roofs. to be added to all° 18 buildings owned by Rocco Lucente on Winston Court, Town of
Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 70 -3 -9 to 70- 3- 14,70 -4 -1 to 70 -4 -6, and 70 -5 -1 to 70 -5 -6, Multiple Residence
Zone. Rocco Lucente, Owner /Applicant,
7:20 P.M. SEQR Determination: Ithaca College Garden Apartments Buildings 26 -29 Renovations, Garden
Apartments Drive,
7:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed
renovations and additions to the Ithaca College Garden Apartment Buildings 26 -29 located southeast
of Garden Apartments Drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 41 -1 -24, Medium Density Residential
Zone. The proposal involves the renovation of 140 student apartments in four buildings, new entrance
canopies, two new mechanical room additions, and site improvements including road and walkway
repair, site lighting, and utility upgrades. Ithaca College, Owner /Applicant; Vincent Nicotra, QPK
7:40 P.M.
Discussion of the draft Town of Ithaca Official Highway Map, prepared by the Transportation
Committee for inclusion in the Town's Transportation Plan.
Persons to be heard (continued from beginning of meeting if necessary).
Approval of Minutes: February 22, 2005 and March 1, 2005.
Other Business:
Jonathan Kanter, AICP
Director of Planning
273 -1747
(A quorum of four (4) members is necessary to conduct Planning Board business.)
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
By direction of the Chairperson of the Planning Board, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Public Hearings
will be held by the Planning Board of the Town of Ithaca on Tuesday, March 15, 2005, at 215 North Tioga
Street, Ithaca, N.Y., at the following times and on the following matters:
7:05 P.M. Consideration of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the proposed
subdivision of a +/- 0.027 acre parcel from the western edge of Town of Ithaca Tax
Parcel No. 71 -1 -50.2, located at 116 Kay Street, to be consolidated with Town of Ithaca
Tax Parcel No. 71 -1 -51, 114 Kay Street, Medium Density Residential Zone. William &
Aloma McElwee and Ross & Dorothy Lynch, Owners /Applicants.
7:15 P.M. Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed front porch
roofs to be added to all 18 buildings owned by Rocco Lucente on Winston Court, Town
of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 70 -3 -9 to 70 -3 -14, 70-4 -1 to 70 -4 -6, and 70 -5 -1 to 70 -5 -6,
Multiple Residence Zone. Rocco Lucente, Owner /Applicant,
7:30 P.M. Consideration of Preliminary Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed renovations
and additions to the Ithaca College Garden Apartment Buildings 26-29. located southeast
of Garden Apartments Drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 41 -1 -24, Medium Density
Residential Zone. The proposal involves the renovation of 140 student apartments in four
buildings, new entrance canopies, two new mechanical room additions, and site
improvements including road and walkway repair, site lighting, and utility upgrades.
Ithaca College, Owner /Applicant; Vincent Nicotra, QPK Design,
Said Planning Board will at said times and said place hear all persons in support of such matters or objections
thereto. Persons may appear by agent or in person. Individuals with visual impairments, hearing
impairments or other special needs, will be provided with assistance as necessary, upon request. Persons
desiring assistance must make such a request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearings.
Jonathan Kanter, AICP
Director of Planning
273 -1747
Dated: Monday, March 7, 2005
Publish: Wednesday, March 9, 2005
DATE: March 15, 2005
Nap 5
F' ge Q /✓j
IR7 U)gffl ' /V IqD
/IT7 CtirtsT h� /,n.
I, Sandra Polce being duly sworn, depose and say that I am a Senior Typist for the Town of
Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York; that the following Notice has been duly posted on the sign
board of the Town of Ithaca and that said Notice has been duly published in the local newspaper,
The Ithaca Journal.
is Heariniis to
Town Hall 215 North Tioga Street Ithaca New York, on Tuesday, March 15, 2005 commencing
at 7:00 P.M., as per attached..
Location of Sign Board used for Posting: Town Clerk Sign Board - 215 North Tio ag Street.
Date of Posting:
Date of Publication:
March 7, 2005
March 9, 2005
6 001e �
Sandra Polce, Senior Typist
Town of Ithaca.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th' day of March 2005.
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Notary Public
Notary Public, State of New York
No. 01 CL6052878
Qualified in Tompkins County
Commission Expires December 26, 20 Q%