HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Minutes 2001-09-18TOWN OF ITHACA PLANNING BOARD FILE Q
DATE /013/01'
The Town of Ithaca Planning Board met in regular session on Tuesday, September 18, 2001, in Town
Hall, 215 North Tioga, Ithaca, New York, at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Fred Wilcox, Chairperson; Eva Hoffmann, Board Member; George Conneman, Board
Member; Tracy Mitrano, Board Member; Larry Thayer, Board Member; Rod Howe, Board Member;
Kevin Talty, Board Member; Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning; John Barney, Attorney for the
Town; Dan Walker, Director of Engineering (8:20 p.m.); Susan Ritter, Assistant Director of Planning;
Mike Smith, Environmental Planner.
ALSO PRESENT: Eric Mulvihill, WHCU; Michael Husa, Cornell University; Jessica Keltz, Ithaca
Times; Bruce Hatch, Ithaca College; Steve Boyens, 1328 Slaterville Road; Lauren Bishop, Ithaca
Journal; Steve Wright, Cornell University; Rob Koll, 33 Waterview Heights; Gretchen Herman, 433
Bostwick Road; Elisabeth Harod, 2 Candlewyck Park; William Goodman, 94 Abbott Lane; James
Bosjolic, 207 Lynn Street; Tenda Chitewea, 102 Rachel Carson Way; Mattias Beck, 102 Rachel
Carson Way; Laura Beck, 227 S. Geneva Street; Rachael, Elan, Ariana & Gabriel Shapiro, 124
Rachel Carson Way; Frances Vanek, 414 Triphammer Road; Liz Walker, 115 Rachel Carson Way;
Sydney Merritt, 127 Woolf Lane; Kristin Haddad, 219 Lynn Street; Peter Trowbridge, Trowbridge &
Wolf; Tom Salm, Ithaca College; David Herrick, TG Miller; Bob Holt, Ithaca College; Tom Greenspun,
441 Bostwick Road; John Guttenberger, Cornell University; Rod Lambert, EcoVillage.
Chairperson Wilcox declared the meeting duly opened at 7:33 p.m., and accepted for the record the
Secretary's Affidavit of Posting and Publication of the Notice of Public Hearings in Town Hall and the
Ithaca Journal on September 11, 2001, and September 12, 2001, together with the properties under
discussion, as appropriate, upon the Clerks of the City of Ithaca and the Town of Danby, upon the
Tompkins County Commissioner of Planning, upon the Tompkins County Commissioner of Public
Works, and upon the applicants and /or agents, as appropriate, on September 12, 2001. (Affidavit of
Posting and Publication is hereto attached as Exhibit #1.)
Chairperson Wilcox read the Fire Exit Regulations to those assembled, as required by the New York
State Department of State, Office of Fire Prevention and Control.
Chairperson Wilcox asked the board and members of the public to observe a moment in silence in
honor of those who lost their lives as a result of the terrorist attacks.
Chairperson Wilcox opened this segment of the meeting at 7:35 p.m. With no persons present to be
heard, Chairperson Wilcox closed this segment of the meeting at 7:36 p.m.
AGENDA ITEM: SEQR Determination, Merritt 4 -Lot Subdivision, 127 Woolf Lane.
Chairperson Wilcox opened this segment of the meeting at 7:36 p.m.
Sydney Merritt, 127 Woolf Lane - I have been a resident at 127 Woolf Lane since late 1992, having
retired from 23 years of service in Taiwan. The request tonight is for permission to subdivide a piece
of land in 1995 from Tim Ciaschi. At that time Mr. Ciaschi indicated to me that the back lot in my
property was only 30 feet wide. I considered that insufficient. I bought the land for the sole purpose
of extending my backyard. Later on I discovered in Mr. Ciaschi's generosity, he also appended a
piece of property that bordered on Woolf Lane. It caused me all kinds of grief. I think it was
suspected that I was going to build house lots on it. That is not the case.
I would like to use the land to extend the backyards for three neighbors. This is the sole purpose for
which this subdivision is planned. The Durkees will purchase the first piece of land. They are two
PhD's retired from Iowa. He has a front yard that is a show place. I think there is nothing to fear from
them, environmentally. They are marvelous people. The next neighbor is Judy Maxwell. She is a
retired schoolteacher from Ithaca. The third person is Irene Kiely. Her late husband was a former
Mayor of Ithaca. I do not think that you find that we are environmentally irresponsible.
Chairperson Wilcox - My expectation is that this is 2.9 acres in which no houses will be built in the
future. It is a positive environmental impact.
Mr. Merritt - This is mutually to all of our benefits. Three neighbors will receive extended lots that will
be consolidated as soon as the transaction is completed. I will reduce the size of the backyard that is
of no use to me. It extends really beyond my immediate property. There is no profit involved in this
Board Member Hoffmann - Ms. Durkee is a member of our Conservation Board. She is definitely
interested in the environment.
Mr. Merritt - The neighbors have brought considerable talent and value to the neighborhood. They
are all new neighbors and wonderful people.
RESOLUTION NO. 2001 -79 - SEQR, Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval, Merritt 4 -Lot
Subdivision, Woolf Lane, Tax Parcel No. 23 -1- 11.135.
MOTION made by Rod Howe, seconded by Larry Thayer.
1. This action is consideration of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the proposed
four lot subdivision on Woolf Lane, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No, 23 -1- 11.135, Residence
District R -15. The proposal will subdivide a 2.9 +/-acre parcel into four parcels which will be
conveyed to and consolidated with adjacent parcels. Sydney Merritt, Owner /Applicant, and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board is legislatively
determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review with respect to Subdivision
Approval, and
3. The Planning Board, on September 18, 2001, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short
Environmental Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the applicant, and Part 11 prepared by
the Town Planning staff; a plat entitled, "Subdivision Map Showing Lands of Merritt, Located
South of Woolf Lane, Town of Ithaca, County of Tompkins, State of New York," prepared by T.
G. Miller P.C., dated August 14, 2001; and other application materials, and
4. The Town Planning staff has recommended a negative determination of environmental
significance with respect to the proposed Subdivision Approval;
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental
significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above
referenced action as proposed and, therefore, neither a Full Environmental Assessment Form nor an
Environmental Impact Statement will be required.
The vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Mitrano, Thayer, Howe, Talty.
NAYS: None.
The motion was declared to be carried unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the
proposed four lot Subdivision at 127 Woolf Lane, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 23. -1- 11.135,
Residence District R -15. The proposal will subdivide a 2.9 ± acre parcel into four parcels
which will be conveyed to and consolidated with neighboring parcels. Sydney Merritt,
Owner /Applicant,
Chairperson Wilcox opened the public hearing at 7:40 p.m. With no persons present to be heard,
Chairperson Wilcox closed the public hearing at 7:41 p.m.
Chairperson Wilcox - Should the board be concerned about the parcel of land that was to be deeded
to the Town by Mr. Ciaschi?
Attorney Barney - I do not recall the status. I will need to check on it.
Mr. Kanter - The information in the board's memo was just to put it on the public record and to
continue to make the Planning Board aware that the trail strip was intended to come to the Town
when the original subdivision was approved. For whatever reasons, it so far has not been conveyed.
It has been subdivided. Attorney Barney and I have been talking. He is going to follow up on the
issue. It was just for informational purposes.
HESOLUTION NO. 2001 -80 = Preliminary and Fig
Subdivision, Woolf Lane, Tax Parcel No 23-1-11 135
MOTION George Conneman, seconded by Kevin Tally.
1. This action is consideration of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the proposed four
lot subdivision on Woolf Lane, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 23- 1- 11.135, Residence District R-
15. The proposal will subdivide a 2.9 +/- acre parcel into four parcels which will be conveyed to
and consolidated with adjacent parcels. Sydney Merritt, Owner /Applicant, and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as lead agency in
environmental review with respect to Subdivision Approval, has, on September 18, 2001, made a
negative determination of environmental significance, after having reviewed and accepted as
adequate a Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the applicant, and Part ll
prepared by the Town Planning staff, and
3. The Planning Board, at a public hearing held on September 18, 2001, has reviewed and accepted
as adequate a plat entitled, "Subdivision Map Showing Lands of Merritt, Located South of Woolf
Lane, Town of Ithaca, County of Tompkins, State of New York," prepared by T. G. Miller P.C.,
dated August 14, 2001; and other application materials.
1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Preliminary and
Final Subdivision Approval, as shown on the Preliminary and Final Subdivision Checklists, having
determined from the materials presented that the such waiver will result in neither a significant
alteration of the purpose of subdivision control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town
Board, and
2. That the Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the
proposed subdivision of Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.23 -1- 1.135, as shown on a plat entitled,
"Subdivision Map Showing Lands of Merritt, Located South of Woolf Lane, Town of Ithaca, County
of Tompkins, State of New York, "subject to the following conditions:
a. Submission for signing by the Chairman of the Planning Board of an original or mylar copy of
the approved plat and three dark -lined prints, prior to filing with the Tompkins County Clerk's
b. Within 6 months of this approval, conveyance and consolidation of "Parcel A," with Tax Parcel
No. 23- 1- 11.131, and submission to the Town of Ithaca Planning Department a copy of the
request to the Tompkins County Assessment Department for consolidation of said parcel,
c. Within 6 months of this approval, conveyance and consolidation of "Parcel C," with Tax Parcel
No. 23 -1- 11.130, and submission to the Town of Ithaca Planning Department a copy of the
request to the Tompkins County Assessment Department for consolidation of said parcel,
d. Within 6 months of this approval, conveyance and consolidation of "Parcel D," with Tax Parcel
No. 23- 1- 11.127, and submission to the Town of Ithaca Planning Department a copy of the
request to the Tompkins County Assessment Department for consolidation of said parcel, and
e. Within 6 months of this approval, consolidation of "Parcel B," with Tax Parcel No. 23 -1- 11.133,
and submission to the Town of Ithaca Planning Department a copy of the request to the
Tompkins County Assessment Department for consolidation of said parcel.
The vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Mitrano, Thayer, Howe, Tally.
NAYS: None.
The motion was declared to be carried unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed 213 space
gravel parking lot at Ithaca College, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 42. =1 -9.2, Residence District
R -15. The parking lot will be located off an existing parking lot on Main Campus Road and will
contain site lighting. Ithaca College, Owner /Applicants Peter Trowbridge, Trowbridge & Wolf
Landscape Architects & Planner, Agent,
Peter Trowbridge, Trowbridge & Wolf - This projects sits immediately west of what is called the M Lot.
It is an area of student housing. The surrounding area is agricultural land that has reverted to
vegetation. We received special approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals last night.
Ithaca College has provided an access way along the perimeter of the lot. The clear area is roughly
2.5 acres. We have provided the board with a revised cover sheet for the environmental impact
review. We are providing adequate lighting in the parking lot. The parking lot will also contain two
blue lights, safety lights, in the area.
We have provided the board with a draft parking study from our traffic consultant. There are two
sources of additional parking requirements. One is, prior to having the last two years of the freshman
class being larger than prior freshman classes, that there was a general staff need. The college rents
space from AXIOM. With six months or less notice, the college may have to vacate that parking.
There is quite a bit of concern about how parking is handled on campus. It is not just a current need.
It is an impending need if AXIOM were to change hands.
David Herrick, TG Miller - At Preliminary Site Plan review we presented to the board the storm water
management concepts. We have solidified those concepts into actual construction details. There are
some issues pertinent to storm water management that the board understands. We have looked at
all the lands above and surrounding this proposed parking lot. It ultimately drains down to our
detention facility. We are proposing to provide storm water detention primarily with less emphasis on
storm water quality within that facility. Water quality from this gravel parking lot will be handled
primarily through the several hundreds of feet that the water will flow through the existing woodland,
brush and dense ground cover before it gets to the basin. One of the considered conditions in the
resolution was that there be a management plan written and prepared by the college to the Town to
describe how water quality maintenance would be continued. I want to make it clear that we are
looking at the existing ability of the vegetation to handle any storm water quality issues. We are
looking solely at peak flow. We have progressed our drawings and details to the point where they
can be used for our construction. Staff pointed out elevational differences that we have corrected on
the plan. The drawings have been resubmitted to the Town.
Board Member Hoffmann - What changes have been made since the last presentation?
Mr. Herrick - There are no changes in the scope of the work for the basin. We will be improving the
outlet. There is a low point and culvert under that location that has collapsed. We will be removing
the old culvert pipe and installing a new outlet structure. We will be able to control the peak rate of
runoff out of the basin. We are making improvements in the dyke. We are also making some riprap
and erosion mat insulations below the outfall to protect against scouring. We have also thrown in an
underdrain pipe that will dry up the basin after rainfall events. Nothing has changed from Preliminary
Site Plan review.
Attorney Barney - Is it that you do not think you need a maintenance plan?
Mr. Herrick - Yes.
Ms. Ritter - I would agree with it. The detention basin is only used for detention, not water quality.
There is a lot of vegetation surrounding the parking. In the future, when the area may becomes
developed and the detention basin is used for water quality down the road, at that time we would
want to see a maintenance plan.
Chairperson Wilcox opened the public hearing at 7:58 p.m.
Kristin Haddad, 219 Lynn Street - I am a student at Ithaca College. I know this process is far along,
but I wanted to bring to your attention about the current parking situation on campus. There is
already an over abundance of cars on campus. There is a real difficulty finding parking spaces. Last
year a survey was done. A lot of people drive alone to Ithaca College. It is something that my group,
Ithaca College Environmental Society, has worked on in the past. There is still a present campaign
on public transportation and trying to permit car pooling. It is an issue that we talk about a lot at our
meetings. There is a lot more freshmen on campus. They are allowed to have cars. It is a binding
situation. I am not sure if building another big parking lot is one of the best solutions. I only foresee it
causing more cars on campus. It is a residential college.
Chairperson Wilcox closed the public hearing at 8:00 p.m.
Board Member Conneman Is there a plan for Ithaca College to do something about the number of
cars on campus?
Tom Salm, Ithaca College - The Ithaca College students have done a number of things. We started
this fall with discounted bus passes for our students. We hope to have in place next semester free
bus transportation for our entire faculty and staff. We will hope to take it to students for the fall
semester. How successful that will be is a real serious question. We are committed to trying to do it.
The Parking Policy Committee evaluates whether we ought to prohibit freshman cars. It is something
that has come up every year. Tonight is we kicked off a 7:30 p.m, meeting with our planning
architects. We are having an open session. A student was there early. He was asking me about the
model. He asked about parking and I talked about how we are trying to discourage parking. He said
that he lives on the Commons and drives to campus. He stated that nothing would make me change
that. He was a junior. It is convenient for him to take the bus. The buses should run every 20
minutes. He was not interested. We have a problem and we are trying to address. The question is
how successful it is. We do not charge for faculty and staff parking. There is no fee. Students are
charged $40 per year.
Chairperson Wilcox - There was another couple here at the last meeting that spoke about the issues
of students driving.
Board Member Conneman - This board might not be as sympathetic if Ithaca College comes back
two years from now for another parking lot.
Mr. Salm - We expect to have a master plan within the next few years. We will try to attack the
problem in a number of different ways operationally as well as how we do parking.
Board Member Thayer - This is kind of replacing the AXIOM lot.
RESOLUTION NO. 2001 -81- Final Site Plan Approval, Ithaca College — 213 Space Residential
Parking Lot, Main Campus Road, Tax Parcel No. 42442.
MOTION made by Larry Thayer, seconded by Tracy Mitrano.
1. This action is consideration of Final Site Plan Approval for the proposed 213 space gravel
parking lot at Ithaca College, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 42- 1 -9.2, Residence District R -15.
The parking lot will be located off an existing parking lot on Main Campus Road and will
contain site lighting. Ithaca College, Owner /Applicant; Peter Trowbridge, Trowbridge & Wolf
Landscape Architects and Planners, Agent, and
2. This is a Type I Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as Lead Agency in
environmental review with respect to Site Plan Approval and Special Approval, did on August
21, 2001 make a negative determination of environmental significance, and
3. The Planning Board, on August 21, 2001, did grant Preliminary Site Plan Approval, with
conditions, for the proposed project, and
4. The Zoning Board of Appeals, on September 17, 2001, did grant Special Approval for the
proposed project, and
5. The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing held on September 18, 2001, has reviewed and
accepted as adequate for final approval, revised drawings entitled L 101 "Location Plan" and
L102 "Layout Plan and Details" both dated 8127101, and C101 "Watershed IX Hydrologic
Conditions ", and C102 "Schematic Stormwater Management Plan ", both dated 7118101 and
revised dated 8131101, and C201 "Stormwater Management Details" dated 8131101, prepared
by HOLT Architects, P.C., Trowbridge & Wolf, and T.G. Miller P.C., and other application
material, and
1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby grants Final Site Plan Approval for the
proposed 213 space residential parking lot located at Ithaca College, Town of Ithaca Tax
Parcel No 42- 1 -9.2, as shown on plans entitled L101 "Location Plan" and L 102 "Layout Plan
and Details" both dated 8127101, and C101 "Watershed IX Hydrologic Conditions" and C102
"Schematic Stormwater Management Plan ", both dated 7118101 and revised dated 8131101,
and C201 "Stormwater Management Details" dated 8131101, prepared by HOLT Architects,
P.C., Trowbridge & Wolf, and T.G. Miller P.C., and other application material, subject to the
following conditions:
a. submission of an original or mylar copy of the final site plan to be retained by the Town
of Ithaca, prior to issuance of a building permit, and,
b. in the event the parking area is abandoned, the gravel shall be removed and area
revegetated with grass or other natural vegetation, all within one year of abandonment.
For this purpose abandonment shall be deemed to occur upon:
(1) the date the college formally determines to cease using the area for
parking, or
(2) if the area has not been used regularly for parking by at least ten cars for
a period of one year; whichever is earlier
The vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Mitrano, Thayer, Tally.
NAYS: Howe.
The motion was declared to be carried.
AGENDA ITEM: SEQR Determination, Paley 2 -Lot Subdivision, Bostwick Road.
Tom Greenspun, 441 Bostwick Road - I am proposing to subdivide a 4 acre piece out of the larger
81.8 acre parcel. The issue was at some point I plan to build a house on the 4 acre parcel. The
issue is that there is no road frontage to the parcel. The way we were going to solve the problem was
a permanent legal easement across the 6.85 acre plot in front of it.
Chairperson Wilcox - Are you aware of any environmental impacts?
Mr. Greenspun - No. The property will have the standard septic system.
Chairperson Wilcox - Does the board have any questions? The applicant is asking for subdivision
with no road frontage'. As a mitigating part of the proposal, there is a potential for an easement
across parcel number 32. - 2 -3.4. It would be a permanent easement for access.
Mr. Greenspun - The plot that would be giving me the easement is owned by myself, my brother and
my mother. I do not think it would be a problem getting the easement.
Chairperson Wilcox - The issue for me is what I think about allowing a subdivision to occur without
road frontage. The second issue is the same people might not own the property granting the
easement 20 years from now. I do not know what potential issues might come along. There are
safety issues involved with fire and emergency access. This is why both State and Town law require
road frontage.
I had a discussion with Mr. Kanter about this application a few weeks ago. He has filled me in with
some of the background information. Much of it was included in Ms. Ritter Is information to the board.
The applicant and the Town for the past few months have tried to come up with different scenarios.
Ms. Ritter - The larger site is his grandfather's.
Chairperson Wilcox - The subdivisions that have occurred in the big lot are haphazard. There has
been no planning involved to insure access to the developable part of the south end of the lot. We
are pushing up against the UNA at the very south end of the lot. The board's purpose at this time is
SEAR. I am not aware of any environmental impacts.
How much of the 82 acres is farmed?
Mr. Greenspun - It is probably 80% farmed.
UTION NO. 2001 =82 -
2 -Lot Subdivision, Tax Parcel No. 32 =2 -3.2.
MOTION made by Tracy Mitrano, seconded by Rod Howe.
1. This action is consideration of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the proposed two
lot subdivision off Bostwick Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 32- 2 -3.2, Agricultural District.
The existing 81.8 acre parcel will be divided into two parcels, one 4.8 +/- acres and one 77 +/-
acres. The proposed subdivision will be located immediately behind 441 Bostwick Road.
Tom Greenspun Owner /Applicant, and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board is legislatively
determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review with respect to Subdivision
Approval, and
3. The Planning Board, on September 18, 2001, has reviewed a Short Environmental
Assessment Form Part 1, submitted by the applicant, and a Part /I prepared by Town Planning
staff, a map entitled, "Preliminary Plat Land to be Subdivided by Paley Properties LLC,
prepared by Robert S. Russler, Jr., Surveyor, dated 7125101, and other application materials,
4. The Town Planning staff has recommended a negative determination of environmental
significance with respect to the proposed Subdivision Approval;
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental
significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above
referenced action as proposed, and, therefore, neither a Full Environmental Assessment Form, nor
an Environmental Impact Statement will be required.
The vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Mitrano, Thayer, Howe, Talty.
NAYS: None.
The motion was declared to be carried unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the
proposed 2 Lot Subdivision on Bostwick Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 32.- 2 -3.2,
Agricultural District. The proposed subdivision will create a 4.8 ± acre parcel from the 81.8 ±
acre parcel. Claire Paley, Owner; Tom Greenspun, Applicant,
Chairperson Wilcox opened the public hearing at 8:21 p.m.
Gretchen Herman, 433 Bostwick Road - I cannot see this as environmental. I learned of the
subdivision through the notice. I would like to support Mr. Greenspun's application. The family loves
the land. I just ask that they be considerate of neighbors. We can all live happily there.
Chairperson Wilcox closed the public hearing at 8:23 p.m.
Board Member Mitrano - Attorney Barney, what do you think of the proposal?
Attorney Barney - If the board chose to approve the application, it should be conditioned upon
obtaining a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals. The board would be setting a precedent. I
sat in on one of the meetings. It is a tough situation. The board should look at it from a planning
standpoint and decide from a good planning approach if it is good planning.
Board Member Thayer - Could this lot be attached to the lot that Mr. Greenspun already owns one
third of?
Attorney Barney - The parcel is owned in three names.
Mr. Greenspun - The problem with that is I would like to build a house on the parcel at some point. It
would go against the Ordinance to build two dwellings on one lot.
Chairperson Wilcox - There is a provision in Agricultural Zoning that does allow a second residence
on the same lot. My belief is it was put in to accommodate a farming operation where you would
have a second residence for the farm hands.
Attorney Barney - You are correct. That was the theory. I am not sure that the language limits it.
Mr. Greenspun - The primary use of the land would need to be agricultural and it would not be.
Board Member Thayer - The previous subdivisions do not make it easy.
Mr. Kanter - Somehow, this board was thinking different thoughts back in the days when it approved
the existing subdivisions.
The other alternative would be to reconfigure the lot line of the parcel that does have road frontage
and give parcels minimal road frontage. Then both parcels would be short of the required road
frontage. Variances would be needed for both lots.
Chairperson Wilcox - We have a rectangular shaped parcel in the northwest corner. Then behind it to
the south, there is another parcel that extends to the east of the parcel that has road frontage.
Mr. Greenspun - I heard the issue raised of future owners. It is highly unlikely that we would sell the
property. It has been in our family since 1945.
Chairperson Wilcox - Is any board member happy with the proposal?
Board Member Talty - This could be setting a precedent. I do not like that idea.
Board Member Hoffmann - I do not like that either
information that we have.
Ms. Ritter - What incomplete information do you have?
I also do not like the incompleteness of the
Board Member Hoffmann - The map does not show the driveway. There is no information about the
northwestern parcel that is unmarked. Mr. Greenspun sounds very unsure about some of what he is
Mr. Kanter - My recommendation would be at this point not to lead the applicant on to providing more
information if you are not inclined to approve it.
Board Member Hoffmann - I feel uncomfortable acting on something when we do not have all the
Mr. Greenspun - What information did you feel I was unclear on?
Board Member Hoffmann - The map was unclear and I mentioned the other information before.
There was some mention of an agricultural classification.
Ms. Ritter - The property is being farmed. It was a question of if there was a farm plan.
Attorney Barney - Is there a possibility of cluster subdivision?
Mr. Kanter - I think it would be stretching the requirements.
Board Member Mitrano - Have we made this kind of exception before?
Board Member Thayer - Someone did with Mr. Carmen.
Chairperson Wilcox - I cannot think of a single lot that we have granted subdivision approval to
without the condition that it be consolidated with an existing lot.
Mr. Kanter - The only case I can remember was the Rapponi property on Coddington Road. It had a
gravel access road to the Town's water tower on one side of it. It was not a public road. It did have
one parcel in the rear without road frontage. There was a condition that they obtain an easement to
get to the parcel. It was also a much shorter driveway easement.
Mr. Greenspun - We would be going an additional 800 feet from where the existing driveway ends.
Board Member Mitrano - What will happen if we do not approve this application?
Chairperson Wilcox - I would assume that they would find another approach to the situation.
Mr. Greenspun - I am not sure what we would do. I met with Town staff in preparation for this
meeting. I am not sure what the answer would be.
Attorney Barney - What is the attraction to a lot in this location as opposed to a lot that could be in the
northeast corner of the property?
Mr. Greenspun - I like the idea of having our children farther back away from the road.
Attorney Barney - There is an extensive flag lot. A lot could be put there to share that flag lot.
Mr. Greenspun - It is a possibility.
Mr. Kanter - We would have to draw another strip comparable to that. They could work out a shared
driveway agreement.
Chairperson Wilcox - There could also be a subdivision on the other side of the lot.
Mr. Kanter - Is there anything on that side of the parcel that would interfere with current farm
Mr. Greenspun - There is a cornfield there.
Attorney Barney - Is the parcel you are looking at farmed?
Mr. Greenspun - It is hayed.
Board Member Mitrano - I would not be in favor of this proposal. I would be in favor of seeing another
proposal that was more developed. I feel for your situation, but the board cannot set precedent.
Attorney Barney - The applicant could choose to withdraw his application or he could take his
chances on the board approving application. Either way Mr. Greenspun could come back before the
The board took a straw vote. There was only one board member in favor of the application. Mr.
Greenspun decided to withdraw his application.
Attorney Barney - Mr. Greenspun might want to consider coming back in and meeting again with
Town staff.
AGENDA ITEM: SEAR Determination, Cornell University Wrestling Facility, Campus Road.
Chairperson Wilcox opened this segment of the meeting at 8:48 p.m.
Michael Husar, Cornell University - I am the project manager for the proposed wrestling facility. We
presented the sketch plan stage to the board. We pointed out that we are locating our site on a
tennis court that is located on Campus Road just east of the current field house. At our last
presentation we were given direction in terms of plantings. We have increased the number of
plantings. We have a Red oak perimeter and a Red maple separating the current parking lot from the
field itself. We have extended the Red maple down with an additional five trees. We have taken the
Red oaks down along the path with an additional four trees. We have provided a Japanese flowering
crab grouping in front of the building.
The facility itself is a 900 seat wrestling facility. It consists of 15,000 square footage. Over 8,000
square feet is the arena itself. Around the perimeter we have a weight room, various offices and
public facilities and the locker /shower areas.
The facility at this point in time has barrel roof, which is determined by the actual seating heights of
the upper level of the bleachers.
Board Member Hoffmann -What changes have been made?
Mr. Husar - We are looking at simplification. There is some potential in reducing the amount of
glazing. There is a wall on the west side that we might bring in a little bit. It is a nice feature in terms
of having the angle, but there are costs involved in bringing out the framing to achieve that. We might
try to bring the framing a little tighter to the building and not have an as long angle. We would keep
the barrel roof. We are looking at making some of the smaller windows a shadow line using block
work. Some of the copings that we have right now that are pre -cast are to make them metal. They
are design features that are trying to maintain the look of the facility without necessarily the specific
The barrel roof is based on the fact that our bleacher height at the outer edge of the building dictates
the height of the edge of the building. The barrel carries across to give it a larger ring like feel on the
inside. From the east side looking west, we have the elevation of the facility adjacent to the existing
field house showing that it is comparable to the lower portions of the field house.
The site is a relatively flat site. We do not anticipate that there are any environmental impacts. We
have approximately 19,000 square feet in the existing tennis court, which we will be putting this on. It
will be replaced with 15,000 square feet of building area. We are reducing the amount of impervious
surface by almost 5,000 square feet. It should improve our situation in terms of storm water.
Board Member Hoffmann - I am concerned about the statement in the text that there is an
expectation that the field house will be expanded in five years. I am concerned about the fact that
regarding the parking lot to the east of the field house, which I assume, will be used by this facility,
the parking will disappear. I would like to know how far the expansion of the field house would go.
How many parking spaces would be lost?
Steve Wright, Cornell University - I am not sure the expansion of the field house in five years is a
reality. We are talking about an athletics master plan. It has a series of projects listed. The ones
that are on this current sequence of projects the board has heard about. The major component will
be the Helen Newman renovation and expansion. The concept that was put forward earlier that did
not make the original master plan did expand the field house to the end of the parking lot. It did not
make the first round of athletic projects. It might happen within the next ten years or longer. I do not
think we will be done with the projects on the current list within five years. This is probably closer to
ten or fifteen years. It is thought to be one of the higher priorities on Phase II, but there were ten or
twelve other projects on Phase II.
We are starting the design of paving the driveway of Precinct 9. We will be bringing it forward this
winter with some additional thoughts. We are going to begin our transportation master plan this
winter. There will be components of what we will do with the parking on Campus Road. There will be
concepts discussed for future parking garages and more remote type parking.
The athletics master plan of ten years ago had this site being the Natatorium. It did not make Phase
I. The parking has always been considered temporary.
Board Member Hoffmann - Under site grading at the end of the papers that we received, it does say
that the grading plan will take into account the plan to expand the Field House to the east in
approximately five years We need to consider that.
Mr. Wright - It would be a huge surprise if the expansion of the field house happened in five years. It
is not even in the planning horizon right now. It did not make the Phase I cut.
Chairperson Wilcox - The exterior details are not final. I like the way that the building looks.
Board Member Conneman - The materials of the building have been changed from the materials that
were submitted to the board.
Board Member Hoffmann - This is another case of an incomplete application.
Chairperson Wilcox - We have a good idea of how the exterior of the building is going to look. We
are aware of the fact that there might be changes to the exterior of the building based upon costs.
The question is if we have enough information to proceed with SEQR. I feel we have enough
information to proceed with SEQR. Someone might be uncomfortable with proceeding with SEQR.
Board Member Conneman - We have enough information to proceed with SEQR.
Board Member Hoffmann - I am concerned about the parking issue. Even if it is five or ten years
down the road before the parking becomes an issue, it is not a very long time compared to how long
this building is going to be there. We have to think about if another building replaces the parking
spaces, where the parking spaces are going to be relocated.
Attorney Barney - It is an issue that needs to be addressed at that time.
Board Member Thayer - That is something that they will bring to us at that time.
Attorney Barney - At this juncture, the parking is there. If there comes a time when the University
chooses to remove the parking, they are going to be back before the board with site plan approval.
Board Member Hoffmann - I understand that, but the applicant is taking a chance that they will not get
any more parking spaces.
Mr. Kanter - Is the parking lot under discussion entirely in the City of Ithaca?
Mr. Wright - Yes. It is in the City of Ithaca.
Mr. Kanter - I am not so sure that this board would have an opportunity to further comment on it.
Mr. Wright - This represents no net increase of traffic to this portion of campus. The wrestling
function occurs right now. Anyone that comes to a wrestling meet already has a place to park. It is
not anticipated to be an increase in traffic as a result of the new building.
Board Member Hoffmann - The text mentions that parking is available in the evening and weekends
for free. You obviously anticipate that there might be occasions when there is a need for additional
parking spaces, otherwise you would not have mentioned that.
Mr. Wright - That is correct. The extra parking is already available. They already park at Kite Hill or
this lot or along Campus Road.
Chairperson Wilcox - Board Member Hoffmann, I am curious as to where you are going. There is
plenty of parking.
Board Member Hoffmann - Yes, I know. They mention the availability of parking right next to the
building. At the same time they mention that there is a need for it. It is two different statements that
do not jive with each other.
Mr. Kanter - I think that what they were trying to do is show an overall program of where parking is
available. It is not that they would be dedicated spaces for this facility. It was to give the board a
feeling that there is quite a bit of parking in the area. It is not all right next to the building. There is
plenty of parking facilities in the proximity of the building. Some might need some type of shuttling.
Some may require people to walk 500 yards. Those parking spaces are not dedicated to the facility
or might not always be there for it.
Board Member Howe - I am ready for a vote.
Board Member Talty - I am so inclined to vote positive to this. I would like the applicant to make sure
the application for final site plan is complete.
RESOLUTION NO. 2001 -83 - SEOR, Preliminary Site Plan Approval and a recommendation to
the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding Special Approval, Cornell UniversitV Wrestling FacifitV,
Campus Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 67443.2 and 634-8.2, City of Ithaca Tax
Parcel No. 31- 14.2.
MOTION made by George Conneman, seconded by Larry Thayer.
10 This action is consideration of Preliminary Site Plan Approval and a recommendation to the
Zoning Board of Appeals regarding Special Approval for the proposed 15,000 +/- square foot
wrestling facility at Cornell University, Campus Road east of the field house at the existing
tennis courts, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 67 -1 -13.2 and 63 -1 -8.2 and City of Ithaca Tax
Parcel No. 31- 1 -1.2, Residence District R -30. The proposed facility will house the wrestling
program and provide a 900 seat arena, associated training facilities, locker rooms, and offices
that can be dedicated to varsity wrestling practice and competition. Cornell University,
Owner /Applicant; Michael Husar, Project Manager, Agent.
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board is legislatively
determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review with respect to Site Plan
Approval, and
3. The Planning Board, on September 18, 2001, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short
Environmental Assessment Form Part I, submitted by the applicant, and a Part 11 prepared by
Town Planning staff, plans included in a bound set of drawings and information entitled "Town of
Ithaca Site Plan Review — Cornell University Wrestling Facility" dated September 18, 2001,
prepared by Cannon Design, and other application material, and
4. The Town Planning staff has recommended a negative determination of environmental
significance with respect to the proposed Site Plan Approval;
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental
significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above
referenced action as proposed, and, therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement will not be
A vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Mitrano, Thayer, Howe, Talty,
NAYS: None.
The motion was declared to be carried unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval and a
recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals regarding Special Approval for the proposed
15,000 ± square foot wrestling facility at Cornell University, Campus Road east of the field
house at the existing tennis courts, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 67. =1 -13.2 and 63. -1 -8.2
and City of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 31.- 1 -1.2, Residence District 13-30. The proposed facility will
house the wrestling program and provide a 900 seat arena, associated training facilities,
locker rooms, and offices that can be dedicated to varsity wrestling practice and competition.
Cornell University, Owner /Applicants Michael Husar, Project Manager, Agent.
Chairperson Wilcox opened the public hearing at 9:10 p.m. With no persons present to be heard,
Chairperson Wilcox closed the public hearing at 9:11 p.m.
Mr. Wright - We have been facing budget issues on this project. When we put the submission
together, we did not know where we were going with some of these issues. The exterior changes are
not too significant other than the removal of the tower. The board can count on the tower not being
there. The tower as a design feature will be eliminated. It serves no practical function other than to
draw attention to the main entrance. The budget did not support it. Both the north and south
elevation will have the small windows removed. The pre -cast stone will be removed and replaced
with bent metal the same color as the pre -cast stone. Those are the only design changes.
Eliminating the tower was the most painful
Chairperson Wilcox - Will there be more changes?
Mr. Wright - No. This is the extent of the design changes to the exterior.
Board Member Talty - The changes alter the entire look of the building.
Mr. Wright - We have had significant conversations about this. We are quite comfortable having
made these changes. There is always a balance between too much design and how much goes into
functional structure. The changes we bring back to the board will reflect the changes that I have
described to the board.
Chairperson Wilcox - Mr. Smith, could you fill us in on your conversations with City?
Mr. Smith - Part of the walk that goes from the building over to the parking area should be the only
portion of the project that is within the City. Some of the landscape is within the City. We completed
the coordinated review. The City responded that they did not have any problems.
Chairperson Wilcox - Does the board want to grant Preliminary and Final Site Plan?
The board indicated that they would only grant Preliminary Site Plan Approval.
RESOLUTION NO. 2001- 84 - Preliminary Site Plan Approval and a recommendation to the
Zoninq Board of Appeals regarding Special Approval, Cornell University Wrestling Facility,
Campus Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 67443.2 and 63- i -8.2, City of Ithaca Tax
Parcel No. 3144.2.
MOTION made by Rod Howe, seconded by Tracy Mitrano.
1. This action is consideration of Preliminary Site Plan Approval and a recommendation to the
Zoning Board of Appeals regarding Special Approval for the proposed 15,000 +/- square foot
wrestling facility at Cornell University, Campus Road east of the field house at the existing
tennis courts, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 67 -1 -13.2 and 63 -1 -8.2 and City of Ithaca Tax
Parcel No. 31- 1 -1.2, Residence District R -30. The proposed facility will house the wrestling
program and provide a 900 seat arena, associated training facilities, locker rooms, and offices
that can be dedicated to varsity wrestling practice and competition. Cornell University,
Owner /Applicant; Michael Husar, Project Manager, Agent.
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as lead agency
in environmental review with respect to Site Plan Approval, has, on September 18, 2001, made
a negative determination of environmental significance, after having reviewed and accepted as
adequate a Short Environmental Assessment Form Part I, submitted by the applicant, and a
Part II prepared by Town Planning staff, and
3. The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing held on September 18, 2001, has reviewed and
accepted as adequate, plans included in a bound set of drawings and information entitled
"Town of Ithaca Site Plan Review — Cornell University Wrestling Facility" dated September 18,
2001, prepared by Cannon Design, and other application material, and
1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Preliminary
Site Plan Approval, as shown on the Preliminary Site Plan Checklists, having determined from
the materials presented that such waiver will result in neither a significant alteration of the
purpose of site plan control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town Board, and
2. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary Site Plan Approval for the
proposed 15,000 +/- square foot wrestling facility at Cornell University, Campus Road,
Residence District R -30, as shown on plans included in a bound set of drawings entitled "Town
of Ithaca Site Plan Review — Cornell University Wrestling Facility" dated September 18, 2001,
prepared by Cannon Design, subject to the following conditions, prior to final site plan
a. submission of an original or mylar copy of the final site plan, to be retained by the Town
of Ithaca;
b, submission and approval by this Board, of final architectural details for the building
including description of materials, colors, revised elevations, samples of materials and
other details;
C. submission of cut sheets for any exterior lighting,
d, submission of details of any wall or freestanding sign including size, colors, and lighting;
e. granting of special approval by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
1. That the Planning Board, in making a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals,
determines the following:
a. there is a need for the proposed use in the proposed location;
b, the existing and probable future character of the neighborhood in which the use is to be
located will not be adversely affected;
C, the proposed change in use is in accordance with a comprehensive plan of
development of the Town;
2. That the Planning Board reports to the Zoning Board of Appeals its recommendation that the
aforementioned request for Special Approval be approved.
A vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Mitrano, Thayer, Howe, Talty.
NAYS: None.
The motion was declared to be carried unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval and Preliminary
and Final Subdivision Approval for the proposed development of a Second Neighborhood
Group consisting of 30 +/= dwelling units and a common house by EcoVillage at Ithaca, located
off Mecklenburg Road at Rachel Carson Way (a private drive), on Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel
No.'s 28 -1 -26.2 and 28 -1 -26.8, consisting of a total of 176 +/- acres. The subdivision will create
+/- eight parcels out of the existing two parcels, including Parcels A through G and the
remainder of the existing tax parcels, as well as individual building footprints reflecting
separate leasehold interests in the proposed cooperative organization. EcoVillage at Ithaca,
Owner /Applicant, Rod Lambert and Liz Walker, Agents.
Rod Lambert, EcoVillage - We feel like we have done our homework and we have been around the
block a few times. We are willing to take questions.
Chairperson Wilcox - There area a couple of structures that are stacked one on top of the other. Will
one person own the structure?
Mr. Lambert - It will be separate ownership. We are working on it at the moment. We are not sure
how we are going to separate the costs and ownership at this time.
Chairperson Wilcox - I thought that it was unusual.
Mr. Lambert - We hope to eventually have the coop own the buildings and people owning the interior
Chairperson Wilcox - We have been provided with a colored map showing the subdivision in and
around the second neighborhood group. It makes it a little easier to see the various lots that are
Board Member Hoffmann - Sheet C101 is incorrectly labeled. It will need to be changed.
Mr. Lambert - That is correct. It is the only sheet I picked it up on.
Board Member Hoffmann - In the drawing of Trio, N -5 section AA, it says on the bottom of the page,
"natural earth tones as per first resident group with minimal use of bright red ". The resolution states
no use of bright red.
Mr. Lambert - We can replace the word" minimal" with the word "no"
Mr. Walker - The site plan and utilities plan are in good condition.
Chairperson Wilcox opened the public hearing at 9:43 p.m. With no persons present to be heard,
Chairperson Wilcox closed the public hearing at 9:44 p.m.
Mr. Kanter - We did receive the letter from the Ithaca City Fire Department. We addressed their
concerns in the resolution.
Mr. Lambert - We do have a request in response the to the Fire Department's letter. It specifies that
no construction shall begin until fire hydrants are installed. We would like to add the words, "no
construction beyond foundations ". The fire chief told me today that his intent that there be no
combustible underway. He was satisfied that we be allowed not to do construction beyond
foundations until the fire hydrant system is installed. Would that be acceptable?
Chairperson Wilcox - Yes.
Mr. Walker - The foundation is concrete.
Attorney Barney - Are you going to apply just for a foundation permit then? A building permit is for
the entire structure. After you apply for the foundation permit, you would need to come back and
apply for a building permit.
Mr. Lambert - We would need to have an inspection before any foundation backfill can happen.
Attorney Barney - Once you receive the building permit, the Town is not in the position to stop the
progression unless something is in violation. The monitoring device that the Town has is in two
stages. The first stage is the issuance of the building permit. The next stage is a Certificate of
Occupancy. We do have foundation permits. They are permits for just the foundation itself. It is
slightly an additional cost.
Mr. Lambert - It would be somewhat of a hardship for us in terms of the building season.
Mr. Walker - It is easier to get a foundation permit than the full building permit. There may be code
questions about the structure that would delay you in getting a building permit. The foundation permit
is pretty straightforward.
Attorney Barney - The additional permit is not that much more expensive.
Mr. Walker - The other thing is that there are inspections that they have to have approval of the
foundation before they can start construction of the structure.
Attorney Barney - The inspection is a building code inspection. We would not be able to stop the
work on in the middle of a building permit unless it is a building code violation.
Mr. Lambert - Could we include a line that the Building Inspector is authorized to terminate
construction until the hydrants are in place? Would it satisfy the Town's concerns?
Mr. Walker - It depends on how the Building Inspector interprets it. It could state that no approvals for
inspection beyond foundation are to be issued until the fire protection in place.
Attorney Barney - Mr. Frost is not here tonight. We could say that building permits for foundations
only will be issued or other arrangements satisfactory to the Town Building /Code Enforcement Officer
made prior to the fire hydrants being installed. Then they could meet with Mr. Frost and make
arrangements with him. We want to be able to have a trigger to be able to stop the process.
Mr. Lambert - That seems like it would work.
Attorney Barney - I am still interested in seeing what the arrangements are with the Village
Association in terms of what rights are being given by the Village Association to use their roads. I
would like to have it as a condition of the resolution. The Village Association is going to end up
owning the road, water lines and emergency access road. It is important that all neighborhood
groups have a right to use the roads and water lines.
Mr. Kanter - It might be part of subdivision condition 2b. It talks about similar things, but it is more
than just access to the road.
Attorney Barney - Yes. The existing condition is fine. We can leave it as is.
RESOLUTION NO. 2001 -85 = Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval, Preliminary and Final
Subdivision Approval, EcoVillage at Ithaca Second Neighborhood Group, Rachel Carson Way
(Off Mecklenburg Road).
MOTION by Fred Wilcox, seconded by Larry Thayer.
1. The Town of Ithaca Planning Board is considering Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval
and Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the proposed development of a Second
Neighborhood Group consisting of 30 +/- dwelling units and a common house by EcoVillage at
Ithaca, located off Mecklenburg Road at Rachel Carson Way (a private drive), on Town of
Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 28 -1 -26.2 and 28 -1 -26.8, consisting of a total of 176 +/- acres. The
subdivision will create +/- eight parcels out of the existing two parcels, including Parcels A
through G and the remainder of the existing tax parcels, as well as individual building footprints
reflecting separate leasehold interests in the proposed cooperative organization. EcoVillage at
Ithaca, Owner /Applicant; Rod Lambert and Liz Walker, Agents, and
2. The proposed zoning amendment and rezoning, Site Plan and Subdivision Approval are Type I
actions pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, 6 NYCRR Part 617, and
Town of Ithaca Local Law No. 5 of the Year 1988 Providing for Environmental Review of
Actions in the Town of Ithaca, and
3. The Planning Board acting as Lead Agency, has coordinated the environmental review of this
matter by means of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to evaluate potential specific
impacts of the proposed. Second Neighborhood Group and cumulative impacts related to the
amendment of the Special Land Use District and potential future development, and
4. The Planning Board held a public scoping session on April 6, 1999 to hear comments from the
public regarding the scope and content of the EIS and approved a Final Scope for the
Environmental Impact Statement , as revised at the April 6, 1999 meeting, to identify relevant
environmental impacts to be addressed in the EIS, and
5. EcoVillage at Ithaca has prepared and submitted to the Planning Board on April 3, 2001, a
Draft EIS which has examined possible environmental impacts of the proposal, and based on a
request from the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, Town Board and staff, has provided
additional information regarding possible environmental impacts in an addendum to the Draft
EIS, entitled "Errata and Additions Submitted May 7, 2001", and
6. The Town of Ithaca Planning Board, as Lead Agency, has with the assistance of Town Staff
and the participation of the Town Board, reviewed the Draft EIS at their regular public meeting
held on April 17, 2001, and has reviewed the "Errata and Additions Submitted May 7, 2001" at
their regular public meeting held on May 15, 2001, and has found the Draft EIS to be
satisfactory with respect to its scope, content, and adequacy for the purpose of public review,
and has therefore, determined the Draft EIS to be complete, and
7. The Town of Ithaca Planning Board has held a public hearing at the June 5, 2001 meeting,
which was continued at the June 19, 2001 meeting, to hear comments from the public
regarding the Draft EIS, and the period to receive written comments from the public was
extended until June 29, 2001, and
8. The applicant has submitted a Final EIS on July 3, 2001, which includes by reference the Draft
EIS, dated April 3, 2001, and the Errata and Additions, dated May 7, 2001, and also includes a
copy of all comments received regarding the Draft EIS and responses to all substantive
comments, and
9. The Planning Board of the Town of Ithaca, as Lead Agency, on July 17, 2001, accepted the
Final EIS for the EcoVillage Second Neighborhood Group and Amendment of Special Land
Use District No. 8 for filing, having duly considered the potential adverse environmental
impacts and proposed mitigating measures as required under 6 NYCRR Part 617 (the SEAR
regulations), and
10. The Planning Board of the Town of Ithaca, as Lead Agency, has filed a Notice of Completion of
Final EIS, issued the Final EIS, and distributed the Final EIS to involved and interested
agencies and the public, as required by 6 NYCRR Parts 6179 through 617.12, and
At its regular meeting on August 7, 2001, the Town of Ithaca Planning Board has reviewed and
adopted their Findings Statement for the EcoVillage Second Neighborhood and Amendment of
Special Land Use District (August 7, 2001), completing the requirements of Article 8 of the
Environmental Conservation Law and NYCRR Part 617, and
12. The Town Board, after holding a Public Hearing on September 10, 2001, has enacted a local
law amending the Town of Ithaca Zoning Ordinance to amend Special Land Use District No. 8
to be applied to the overall EcoVillage property (except for the R -15 Residence portion along
West Haven Road), and
13. The Planning Board has held a Public Hearing on September 18, 2001, and has reviewed and
accepted as adequate plans for the EcoVillage at Ithaca Second Neighborhood Group, entitled
"Subdivision Plan Map — EcoVillage Cohousing Cooperative" (Sheet 1 of 2) and "Subdivision
Map - EcoVillage Cohousing Cooperative" (Sheet 2 of 2), both prepared by Allen T. Fulkerson,
L.S., T.G. Miller, P.C. and dated 6111101; the following site plan drawings, all titled "EcoVillage
at Ithaca, Second Neighborhood Group ", prepared by David A. Herrick, P.E., T.G. Miller, P.C.,
and dated 8110101: "Site Layout Plan" (Sheet C101), "Grading and Drainage Plan" (Sheet
C102), "Site Utility Plan ". (Sheet C103), "Erosion and Sediment Control Plan" (Sheet C 104),
"Site Details" (Sheet C201), "Site Details" (Sheet C202), "Utility Profiles" (Sheet C301), and
"Landscaping & Lighting Plan" (Sheet L101); additional materials included in the "Development
Review Application, Second Neighborhood Group — EcoVillage at Ithaca," dated August 10,
2001; and other application materials,
1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Final
Subdivision Approval, as shown on the Final Subdivision Checklist, having determined from
the materials presented that such waiver will result in neither a significant alteration of the
purpose of subdivision control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town Board, and
2. That the Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the
proposed subdivision of Tax Parcel No's. 28 -1 -26.2 and 28 -1 -26.8 into +/- eight lots, including
Parcels A through G and the remainder of the existing tax parcels, as well as individual
building footprints reflecting separate leasehold interests in the proposed cooperative
organization, as shown on the Subdivision maps entitled "Subdivision Plan Map — EcoVillage
Cohousing Cooperative" (Sheet 1 of 2) and "Subdivision Map - EcoVillage Cohousing
Cooperative" (Sheet 2 of 2), both prepared by Allen T. Fulkerson, L.S., T.G. Miller, P.C. and
dated 6/11/01, conditioned upon the following:
a. Within six months of this approval, consolidation of the following parcels shown on the
Subdivision Map: consolidation of Parcels B, D and G into one parcel to be owned by
EcoVillage Village Association; consolidation of Parcels E and F into one parcel to be
owned by EcoVillage at Ithaca, Inc. and to be leased to EcoVillage Song Cooperative;
and consolidation of Parcel A with the remaining portions of Tax Parcels 28 -1 -26.2 and
28 -1 -26.8 to be owned by EcoVillage at Ithaca, Inc.; and submission to the Town
Planning Department of a copy of the request to the Tompkins County Assessment
Department for consolidation of the above - referenced parcels.
b. Submission for review and approval by the Attorney for the Town of the language of
cross easements or other agreements necessary to ensure ingress and egress for all of
the parcels and entities in the subdivision to guarantee future access to the entrance
road and access to all utilities, drainage and stormwater facilities, recreational
amenities, common open space and other common or shared facilities on the overall
EcoVillage site, to ensure that future owners and leaseholders of all parcels have full
rights to use all of the above - mentioned facilities, prior to the issuance of any
Certificates of Occupancy within the Second Neighborhood Group.
C, Submission of any cooperative proprietary leases, condominium or homeowners
association documents, or other agreements among property owners, including, but not
limited to, suitable provisions to assure maintenance of the entrance road and other
common utilities and facilities, for review and approval of the Attorney for the Town prior
to issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy within the Second Neighborhood Group.
d. Submission of a certificate or letter signed and sealed by the mortgagee to the effect
that he consents to the plat and any dedications or restrictions shown on or referred to
on the plat, prior to signing of the plat by the Planning Board Chair; and
e. Signing of one original or mylar copy and three dark -line prints of the final plat drawings
referenced above by the Planning Board Chair, said plat to be filed in the County Clerk's
Office, and a receipt of filing provided to the Town Planning Department, prior to
issuance of any building permits; and
3. That the Planning Board hereby finds that there is no need for the reservation of parkland in
conjunction with the proposed development of the Second Neighborhood Group since the
existing and proposed EcoVillage development includes adequate areas for playgrounds,
community gardens, recreational opportunities, and other open space amenities, but that
should the need for a set aside of land for recreational purposes be determined by the
Planning Board when and if additional portions of the EcoVillage property may be further
subdivided or developed, such set aside shall be based on the acreage of the original total
EcoVillage parcel that existed prior to any development, consisting of 176 +/- acres.
1. That the Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for the
proposed EcoVillage Second Neighborhood Group development to consist of 30 +/- dwelling
units and a common house by EcoVillage at Ithaca, located off Mecklenburg Road at Rachel
Carson Way (a private drive), on Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.'s 28 -1 -26.2 and 28 -1 -26.8, as
shown on the following site plan drawings, all titled "EcoVillage at Ithaca, Second
Neighborhood Group ", prepared by David A. Herrick, P.E., T.G. Miller, P.C., and dated
8110101: "Site Layout Plan" (Sheet C101), "Grading and Drainage Plan" (Sheet C102), "Site
Utility Plan" (Sheet C103), "Erosion and Sediment Control Plan" (Sheet C 104), "Site Details"
(Sheet C201), "Site Details" (Sheet C202), "Utility Profiles" (Sheet C301), and "Landscaping &
Lighting Plan" (Sheet L101); additional materials included in the "Development Review
Application, Second Neighborhood Group — EcoVillage at Ithaca," dated August 10, 2001; and
other application materials, conditioned upon the following:
a. Submission of final construction documents showing details of all proposed structures,
roads, water /sewage facilities and other improvements for review and approval of the
Town Engineer prior to the issuance of any building permits; and
b. All buildings and structures in the Second Neighborhood Group, including roofs; shall be
neutral in color, consisting of earth tones, to help blend buildings and structures with the
surrounding landscape. In particular, bright red colors shall not be used on the exterior
of any buildings or structures or on their roofs; and
C. Revision of sheets C101, C102, C103, C104, and L 101 to include a pathway connecting
the entrance of the Common House with the nearby gravel path, prior to issuance of
any building permits, revision of sheet C101 to show correct labeling of the parcel to the
south of the Second Neighborhood Group as owned by Eco Village at Ithaca, Inc., not by
Longhouse Cooperative; and
d. Provision of record of application for and approval status of all necessary permits from
county, state, and /or federal agencies prior to issuance of any building permits, and
submission of copies of all permits so issued prior to issuance of any certificates of
occupancy; and
e. Submission of record of approval for the water and sewer connections by the County
Health Department and by the Town Engineer prior to construction of said facilities; and
f. Submission of an original or mylar copy of the site plan drawings, revised as required
above, prior to the issuance of any building permits; and
g. Submission of a rental agreement, for review and approval of the Attorney for the Town,
giving Second Neighborhood Group residents the right to use the existing Common
House in the First Residents' Group on an interim basis until the Second Neighborhood
Common House is completed, prior to issuance of any certificates of occupancy in the
Second Neighborhood Group; and
h. As per the Ithaca City Fire Department recommendation in their letter dated September
10, 2001, no building permits other than foundation permits shall be issued by the Town
(unless other arrangements satisfaction to the Director of Building and Zoning are made
to insure the installation of hydrants before combustible materials are part of the
construction) for construction of any buildings in the Second Neighborhood Group until
the firewater hydrants have been installed and the new dry hydrants at the pond have
been established. No Certificates of Occupancy shall be issued for any buildings within
the Second Neighborhood Group until all infrastructure necessary for adequate fire
protection service, including water lines, hydrants, and emergency access paths, have
been completed to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer; and
i. Conveyance to the Town of Ithaca of a 30 foot wide permanent sanitary sewer
easement, subject to review and approval of the Town Engineer, centered along the
proposed sanitary sewer pipe as shown on the Site Utility Plan (Sheet C103) prior to
issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy for the Second Neighborhood Group; and
j. Any change in the site plan as finally approved by the Town Planning Board shall not be
made until an application for a modification of site plan is provided to and approved by
the Planning Board; and
k. Revision of the page in the "Development Review Application, Second Neighborhood
Group - EcoVillage at Ithaca" (August 10,2001), labeled "Trio N -S Section AA" to
indicate that there shall be "no" use of bright red (rather than "minimal" use of bright
2. That the Planning Board finds that a reduction in the required number of parking spaces will
not adversely affect traffic flow on the proposed site, will leave adequate parking for all of the
reasonably anticipated uses or occupancies on the site, and will not otherwise adversely affect
the general welfare of the community, and accordingly, such Board hereby authorizes a
reduction in the number of parking spaces required for the EcoVillage at Ithaca Second
Neighborhood development from 53 spaces required to 46 spaces proposed, as authorized in
the local law providing for amended Special Land Use District No. 8, subject to the right of the
Town, pursuant to the referenced provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, to require additional
spaces if the reduced number of parking spaces is found by the Planning Board to be
inadequate, subject to the following conditions:
a. The conditions permitting reductions of the required number of parking spaces set forth
in the Zoning Ordinance provisions relating to business districts shall apply to this
reduction, and
b. There be left adequate space in the vicinity of the parking lots for increasing the number
of parking spaces to the minimum normally required in the event the Planning Board
finds such increase is necessary after experience is obtained as outlined in the
business district provisions.
A vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Mitrano, Thayer, Howe, Talty.
NAYS: None.
The motion was declared to be carried unanimously.
Mr. Lambert - We,would like to thank the board and staff for the time that they have spent on this
Board Member Hoffmann submitted grammatical changes.
finutes - Auc
MOTION by Fred Wilcox, seconded by Tracy Mitrano.
2001 &
RESOLVED, that the Planning Board does hereby approve and adopt the August 21, 2001
September 4, 2001 minutes as the official minutes of the Town of Ithaca Planning Board for the
meeting as presented with corrections.
THERE being no further discussion, the Chair called for a vote.
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Mitrano, Thayer, Howe, Talty.
The MOTION was declared to be carried unanimously.
Chairperson Wilcox - Mr. Kanter mentioned to me that we might be able to cancel the October 16,
2001 Planning Board meeting.
Mr. Kanter - We do not have anything that was submitted in time to be on the October 16, 2001
agenda. We have three items scheduled for the October 2nd meeting.
The board is not likely to see the Steeples Glen proposal for quite some time.
Attorney Barney - A new developer might step forward in the project.
RESOLUTION NO. 2001 -87 - Cancellation of the Town of Ithaca Planning Board Meeting Of
October 16, 2001.
MOTION made by Fred Wilcox, seconded by George Conneman.
RESOLVED, that this board cancels the meeting of October 16, 2001, unless it is determined
necessary to hold the meeting by the Director of Planning.
A vote on the motion resulted as follows:
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Mitrano, Thayer, Howe, Talty.
The MOTION was declared to be carried unanimously.
Upon MOTION, Chairperson Wilcox declared the September 18, 2001 meeting of Town of
Ithaca Planning Board duly adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Respe Phit ub'/m'i tted:
Carri re,
Deputy Town Clerk/Deputy Receiver of Taxes