HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB Minutes 1999-12-21TOWN OF ITHACA PLANNING BOARD
DECEMBER 21, 1999
The Town of Ithaca Planning Board met in regular session on Tuesday, December 21, 1999, in Town
Hall, 126 East Seneca Street, Ithaca, New York, at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT: Fred Wilcox, Chairperson; Eva Hoffmann, Board Member; George Conneman, Board
Member; James Ainslie, Board Member; Tracy Mitrano, Board Member (7:51 p.m.); Larry Thayer,
Board Member; Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning; John Barney, Attorney for the Town (7:40
m ) George Frantz Assistant Town Planner: Susan Ritter, Environmental Planner.
p• , , ,
EXCUSED: Daniel Walker, Director of Engineering.
ALSO PRESENT: Mark Darling, Ithaca College; Tom Salm, Ithaca College; Bruce Hatch, Ithaca
College; Jan H. Suwinski, 451 Sheffield Road; Lauren Bishop, Ithaca Journal; Larry Fabbroni, 127
Warren Road; Mark Fonder, 126 East King Road; David Tessier, Ithaca Estates; Evan Monkemeyer,
Ithaca Estates; John Yntema, Conservation Board; Joe Swellow & Susan Spector, 162 East King
Chairperson Wilcox declared the meeting duly opened at 7:35 p.m., and accepted for the
record the Secretary's Affidavit of Posting and Publication of the Notice of Public Hearings in Town
Hall and the Ithaca Journal on December 13, 1999, and December 15, 1999, together with the
properties under discussion, as appropriate, upon the Clerks of the City of Ithaca and the Town of
Danby, upon the Tompkins County Commissioner of Planning, upon the Tompkins County
Commissioner of Public Works, and upon the applicants and /or agents, as appropriate, on December
15, 1999. (Affidavit of Posting and Publication is hereto attached as Exhibit #1.)
Chairperson Wilcox read the Fire Exit Regulations to those assembled, as required by the
New York State Department of State, Office of Fire Prevention and Control.
Chairperson Wilcox opened this segment
members of the public wished to be heard,
of the meeting at 7:36 p.m., and asked if any
Shirley Egan, Cornell University Council, asked when the North Campus Residential Initiative
Preliminary Site Plan approval would be scheduled.
Board Member Conneman stated that he would not be able to attend the January 18th
meeting. He will be available for the January 4th meeting.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that he talked with Mr. Kanter and they had discussed holding it
January 18th' or having a special meeting.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that this is a very controversial matter. It should be
scheduled during a time when people are going to be in Town, not just members of the board.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that the public hearing has been held on the matter. There needs
to be another public hearing because it was advertised with a recommendation to rezone to
Recreational District. Therefore, there needs to be another public hearing. It has been rezoned R=
30. He hopes that Cornell University and any members of the public will restrict their comments to
anything that is new, changed or relevant to the R -30 rezoning.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that it is important that all board members be present.
Jonathan Kanter, Director of Planning, stated that staff could be ready for the January 4th
meeting. They are awaiting information from Cornell University. The materials should be in at
anytime. There are two small agenda items scheduled for January 4th. It can be tentatively
scheduled for January 4th.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that she does not want to have issues rehashed. She still
feels it is better to hold the public hearing when people are in Town.
Chairperson Wilcox asked if Cornell University would have the materials submitted.
Ms. Egan responded yes.
Board Member Ainslie asked if the new board member would be attending this meeting.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that the new board member is Rod Howe from Forest Home and
his first meeting is January 4th. The North Campus Residential Initiative public hearing is tentatively
scheduled for January 4th. It will be scheduled as Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval and an
adoption of Statement of Findings. This board has held a public hearing. There was a second
meeting where the board deliberated the various issues. Hopefully, the board could restrict the
comments and questions to any unanswered questions or new information.
Mr. Kanter asked if they are unable to schedule it for January 4th, would the board be willing to
have a special meeting January 25th.
The board responded that the alternative date was fine if necessary.
Chairperson Wilcox closed this segment of the meeting at 7:44 p.m.
AGENDA ITEM: SEAR Determination, Ithaca College Compost Facility — Site Plan Modification,
953 Danby Road.
Chairperson Wilcox opened this segment of the meeting at 7:44 p.m.
Bruce Hatch, Director of Physical Plant at Ithaca College, stated that they received approval in
1999 to construct a compost facility of approximately 60' x 100' and a concrete pad of 50' x 100' with
a control room of 30' x 30'. This is partially funded by a New York State recycling incentive program
so that the garbage that comes out of the dining halls can be composted. They needed to gc
through cost reduction measures to bring the building in -line with the budget. Mr. Hatch stated thal
they are proposing to reduce the pole barn to a 50' x 90' building with a concrete pad of 50' x 90'.
The control room would be 20'x 26'. The structural and mechanical aspects were not affected.
There are little or no changes to the site plan. There is a reduced perimeter of the building
and pad.
Chairperson Wilcox asked if all board members are familiar with the project.
The board stated that it is familiar with the proposal.
Board Member Conneman stated that this is a simple change.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that the board discussed environmental issues at the prior approval
of the site plan.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that the public hearing was not advertised as a recommendation for
special approval. The SEQR form does refer to the fact that it needs to go to the Zoning Board of
Mr. Kanter stated that the opinion of the Director of Building /Zoning is that it does not need to
go back to the Zoning Board of Appeals. It has already received special approval from the Zoning
Board of Appeals.
MOTION made by Larry Thayer, seconded by Eva Hoffmann.
1. This action is Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for modifications to
the Ithaca College composting facility, the facility to be reduced in size now consists of a 50'x
90' enclosed pole bam with a concrete floor, a 50'x 90' concrete pad outside of the building,
and a 20' x 26' control room attached to the southwest corner of the compost facility. The
facility is located on the Ithaca College campus, close to the main access drive, Town of
Ithaca, Tax Parcel No. 41 =1 -11, R15 Residential District, Ithaca College Owner, Bruce A.
Hatch (Ithaca College), And Sear -Brown Group Agents, and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board is legislatively
determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review with respect to Site Plan Approval,
DECEMBER 21, 1999
3, The Planning Board, on December 21, 1999, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short
Environmental Assessment Form Part I prepared by the applicant, a Short Environmental
Assessment Form Part II prepared by planning staff, a series of drawings labeled "Site Plan"
dated 11116199 (CV1 -1), "Foundation Plan and Notes" dated 11117199 (C1 -1), "Elevations"
dated 11116199 (A34), "Floor Plan, Enlarged Floor Plan Reflected Ceiling Plan" dated
11117199 (A2 -1) and "Roof Framing Plan Sections and Details" dated 11117199 (S1 -1),
prepared by The Sear -Brown Group, and additional application materials, and
4. The Town Planning staff have recommended a negative determination of environmental
significance with respect to the proposed Site Plan Approval;
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of
environmental significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality
Review Act for the above referenced action as proposed, and therefore, and Environmental
Impact Statement will not be required.
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Ainslie, Mitrano, Thayer.
NAYS: None.
The MOTION was declared to be carried unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for
modifications to the previously approved site plan for the Ithaca College Compost Facility,
located at 953 Danby Road, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 41 =1 -11, Residence District R -15.
Said modifications include reducing the sizes of the compost building, control room and
concrete pad from what was previously approved. Ithaca College, Owner /Applicants Bruce A.
Hatch, Agent.
Chairperson Wilcox opened the public hearing at 7:49 p.m., and asked if any member of the
public wished to be heard. With no persons present to be heard, Chairperson Wilcox closed the
public hearing at 7:50 p.m.
MOTION made by James Ainslie, seconded by George Conneman,
1. This action is Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for modifications to
the previously approved Ithaca College composting facility, the facility to be reduced in size
now consists of a 50'x 90' enclosed pole barn with a concrete floor, a 50'x 90' concrete pad
outside of the building, and a 20'x 26' control room attached to the southwest corner of the
compost facility. The facility is located on the Ithaca College campus, close to the main
access drive, Town of Ithaca, Tax Parcel No. 41 -1 -11, R15 Residential District, Ithaca College
Owner, Bruce A. Hatch (Ithaca College), and Sear -Brown Group Agents, and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as lead agency
in environmental review, has, on December 21, 1999, reviewed and accepted as adequate a
Short Environmental Assessment Form Part I prepared by the applicant and a Short
Environmental Assessment Form Part 11 prepared by planning staff, and made a negative
determination of environmental significance with regard to Site Plan Approval, and
3. The Planning Board, at a Public Hearing on December 21, 1999, has reviewed and accepted
the revised maps, including the following: "Site Plan "dated 1116199 (CV1 -1), "Foundation Plan
and Notes" dated 11117199 (C1 -1), "Elevations" dated 11116199 (A3 -1), "Floor Plan, Enlarged
Floor Plan Reflected Ceiling Plan" dated 11117199 (A2 -1) and "Roof Framing Plan Sections
and Details" dated 11117199 (S1 -1), prepared by The Sear -Brown Group, and additional
application materials,
1. That the Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Preliminary and Final Site
Plan Approval, as shown on the Preliminary and Final Site Plan Checklists, having determined
from the materials provided that such waiver will result in neither a significant alteration of the
purpose of site plan control nor the policies enunciated or implied by the Town Board, and
2. That the Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary and Final Site Plan approval for
modification to the previously approved site plan for the Ithaca College composting facility,
reduced in size to now consist of a 50' x 90' enclosed pole barn with a concrete floor, a 50'x
90' concrete pad outside of the building, and a 20' x 26' control room attached to the
southwest comer of the compost facility. The facility is located on Ithaca College campus,
close to the main access drive, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No, 41 -1 -11, R -15 Residential
District, as shown in the drawing set entitled "Site Plan" dated 11116199 (CV1 -1), "Foundation
Plan and Notes" dated 11117199 (C1 -1), "Elevations" dated 11116199 (A3 -1), "Floor Plan,
Enlarged Floor Plan Reflected Ceiling Plan" dated 11117199 (A24) and "Roof Framing Plan
Sections and Details" dated 11117199 (S1 -1), and other application materials, condition upon
the following:
a. submission of an original or mylar copy and two paper copies of the revised site plan to
be retained by the Town of Ithaca;
ba that all food waste being hauled to the Ithaca College site from off site locations be
securely covered to reduce spillage along public roads;
ca that this operation comply with the following performance standards pertaining to noise,
odor, and vermin, and that the Town reserves the right to revoke Special Approval at
any time should this operation violate these performance standards:
1- no one shall operate or cause to be operated any source of sound in such a
manner as to create a sound level which exceeds the limits set forth for the land
use category as listed in Local Law No. 14 -1995.
2- there shall be no emission of any offensive odor discernible at the boundary of
the site.
3- there shall be no storage of material, either indoors or out, in such a manner that
it attracts or facilitates the breeding of vermin or endangers public health or the
environment in any way.
4- that no more than 500 tons of food waste per year be processed at the facility.
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Ainslie, Mitrano, Thayer.
NAYS: None.
The MOTION was declared to be carried unanimously.
AGENDA ITEM: SEAR Determination, Suwinski Two -lot Subdivision, 1454 Mecklenburg Road.
Chairperson Wilcox opened this segment of the meeting at 7:53 p.m.
Jan Suwinski, 451 Sheffield Road, statec
Road with approximately 20 acres of land in 1
rented it for the last several years has fallen in I(
Suwinski stated that he and his wife are willing
1.4 acres of land. There are no changes being
no environmental issues.
that he purchased the house at 1454 Mecklenburg
)940 It is a rental property. The person who has
ve with it and would like to purchase the house. Mr.
o sell the house. It involves selling the house plus
made to the property. To his knowledge, there are
Chairperson Wilcox asked what he plans to do with the remainder of the parcel.
Mr. Suwinski stated that the property adjoins his farm. He has taken hay off the land. He
plans to keep it as farmland.
Board Member Hoffmann asked if there would be a problem if Mr. Suwinski were to sell a little
more of his property to the east to make sure that there was enough space between the house and
the boundary.
Mr. Suwinski stated that it is a problem. The line to the east has been in existence for 44
years. They are not moving the line, but if the Planning Board approves this he needs to go before
the Zoning Board of Appeals because there is less than 40 feet between the house and the east
boundary line. There is also a problem from the other house to the line. It is about 40 feet.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that the boundary line could not be moved without making the
boundary line for the other house non - conforming.
Mr. Suwinski stated that they would be fixing one situation, but creating another violation.
Attorney Barney asked if they lived in the house to the east.
Mr. Suwinski stated that they rented the house.
Attorney Barney asked if the house to the east is 7 feet from the boundary line also.
Mr. Suwinski stated that it is about 40 feet from the boundary line.
Attorney Barney asked if there is some reason why they could not split the difference between
the two houses.
Mr. Suwinski stated that the boundary line has existed for 44 years. If the land were divided,
then the house to the east would be in violation.
Attorney Barney stated that either way he would have to go to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Each house could add more area to their side yard.
Mr. Suwinski stated that the two houses are two separate tax parcels. He was trying to create
the minimal amount of change. The line is acceptable to the buyer.
Mr. Kanter asked if both houses were present when the current lot boundary was created.
Attorney Barney asked if he knew when the houses were constructed.
Mr. Suwinski stated that the house that he is proposing to sell was built in the 1850s. The
house to the east moved there after World War II.
Attorney Barney asked if he owned the property at the time the house was moved there.
Mr. Suwinski stated that he acquired the piece in question in 1994. They bought the house to
the east in 1996. They own the land behind the houses. They wanted the additional land. He does
not want to be in the real estate business. He could not buy the land without buying the houses.
Attorney Barney asked if the north line is established with reference to the location of a pond.
DECEMBER 21, 1999
- JUNE 6,
Mr. Suwinski stated that there is a pond on the property that they are proposing to sell.
Attorney Barney stated that the back line is an odd shape. Is this because of the topography
or the pond?
Mr. Suwinski stated that they wanted the back line to be far enough to the north so that it
would include the pond. The pond goes at an angle. With the exception of the cut off corner, the
remaining line to the north is the existing line.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that he does not understand the concern. It is an existing
Attorney Barney stated that there is an opportunity to alleviate the condition.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that this would make the two houses not conform, but the distance
would be less.
Board Member Ainslie stated that if everyone took care of the land in the countryside like Mr.
Suwinski does, the countryside would look much better.
Chairperson Wilcox closed this segment of the meeting at 8:02 p.m.
MOTION made by George Conneman, seconded by Tracy Mitrano.
1. This action is Consideration of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the proposed
subdivision of Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 27 -1 =22.1, +/- 18.1 acres in area and located at
1454 Mecklenburg Road, into two lots, +1- -16.7 acres and +/- 1.4 acres in size respectively.
Said parcel is located in the A& Agricultural District. Jan H. and Susan J. Suwinski, Owners;
Mark Maser, Esq., Agent, and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board is legislatively
determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review with respect to Subdivision
Approval, and
3. The Planning Board, on December 21, 1999, has reviewed and accepted as adequate the
Short Environmental Assessment Form Part I prepared by the applicant, a Part II prepared by
the Town Planning staff, a survey map entitled "Subdivision Map Showing Lands of Jan &
Susan Suwinski Located at 1454 Mecklenburg Road (NYS Rte. 79), Town of Ithaca, Tompkins
County, New York', dated November 11, 1999, prepared by T.G. Miller PC, Engineers and
Surveyors, and other application materials.
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental
significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above
referenced action as proposed and, therefore, neither a Long Environmental Assessment Form, nor
an Environmental Impact Statement will be required.
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Ainslie, Mitrano, Thayer,
NAYS: None.
The MOTION was declared to be carried unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the
proposed subdivision of Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 27 =1 -22.1, 18.1 f acres in area and
located at 1454 Mecklenburg Road (Rt. 79), into two lots, 16.7 f acres and 1.4 ± acres in size
respectively, AG Agricultural District. Jan H. and Susan J. Suwinski, Owners/Applicants Mark
Masler, Esq., Agent.
Chairperson Wilcox opened the public hearing at 8:02 p.m., and asked if any members of the
public wished to be heard. With no persons present to be heard, Chairperson Wilcox closed the
public hearing at 8:04 p.m.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that the materials indicate 1454 Mecklenburg Road. The map
indicates 1456 Mecklenburg Road,
Mr. Suwinski stated that the house has two units in it. The front unit is 1454 Mecklenburg
Road and 1456 is the back unit. The tax parcel is 1454 Mecklenburg Road. The surveyor made an
Attorney Barney stated that he is not sure why this needs to go before the Zoning Board of
Appeals. If it does, it is on theory that it is an enlargement of a non - conforming use. If these
properties have been this way prior to 1954, then it would be a valid non - conforming use. What was
the boundary before?
Mr. Suwinski stated that the house he is selling has existed since the 1850s. He does not
know the history of the boundary.
Attorney Barney stated that the resolution should be changed to "any required variances or
special approvals" because if it is an enlargement of a non - conforming use, it is a special approval.
Mr. Kanter stated that this is creating a new lot. It is creating a setback deficiency on the new
lot that was not there before. This is the interpretation of the Director of Building and Zoning.
Attorney Barney stated that a new lot of 1.4 acres is being created. It has a setback deficiency
from the east side. Is this a separate tax parcel?
Mr. Suwinski stated that it was attached to the 18 acres that he is keeping.
Attorney Barney stated that the new line is not a non - conforming line. The existing line is non=
conforming. The theory is that a non - conforming use is being enlarged. It is localized on this lot.
MOTION made by Larry Thayer, seconded by Tracy Mitrano.
1. This action is Consideration of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the proposed
subdivision of Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 27 =1 -22.1, +/ 18.1 acres in area and located at
1454 Mecklenburg Road, into two lots, +1w16.7 acres and +/ 1.4 acres in size respectively.
Said parcel is located in the AG- Agricultural District. Jan H. and Susan J. Suwinski, Owners;
Mark Masler, Esq., Agent, and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as Lead Agency
in environmental review with respect to Subdivision Approval has, on December 21, 1999,
made a negative determination of environmental significance, and
3. The Planning Board, at a public hearing on December 21, 1999, has reviewed and accepted
as adequate the Short Environmental Assessment Form Part I prepared by the applicant, a
Part II prepared by the Town Planning staff, a survey map entitled "Subdivision Map Showing
Lands of Jan & Susan Suwinski Located at 1454 Mecklenburg Road (NYS Rte. 79), Town of
Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York ", dated November 11, 1999, prepared by T.G. Miller PC,
Engineers and Surveyors, and other application materials.
1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Preliminary
and Final Subdivision Approval, as shown on the Preliminary and Final Subdivision Checklists,
having determined from the materials presented that such waiver will result in neither a
significant alteration of the purpose of subdivision control nor the policies enunciated or
implied by the Town Board.
20 That the Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the
proposed subdivision of Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 27 -1 =22.1, +/ 18.1 acres in area and
located at 1454 Mecklenburg Road, into two lots, +/-16.7 acres and +/- 1.4 acres in size
respectively, subject to the following conditions:
DECEMBER 21, 1999
- JUNE 612000
a. granting by the Zoning Board of Appeals of any required variances or special
approvals, prior to the signing of the approved survey maps by the Chairman of the
Planning Board;
ba the surveyor correcting the map to show the correct address of 1454 on the building on
the 1.40 acre lot.
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Ainslie, Mitrano, Thayer.
NAYS: None.
The MOTION was declared to be carried unanimously.
AGENDA ITEM: SEQR Determination, Summerhill Apartments Phase 2= Site Plan Modification,
Summerhill Lane.
Chairperson Wilcox opened this segment of the meeting at 8:12 p.m.
Larry Fabbroni, 127 Warren Road, stated that before it would not have been necessary for him
to come before the board for the small square footage that they want to add to the buildings. As long
as he had to come, he tried to encompass everything.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that it is not their intent to have applicants come before this board
for minor issues. Unfortunately, there was a situation that required them to change the zoning.
Mr. Kanter stated that the earlier thresholds would have triggered the accumulative total
increases in square footage.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that this project is mostly two -story buildings. Regulations require that all
ground level units be handicap accessible. He was not aware of it at the time that they did site plan
review. The building code was changed in 1995. If it were a four -story building, then only 25% of the
units would need to be handicap accessible. The handicap requirements add one foot to the
bathroom, one foot to the mechanical room. This resulted in the bedrooms being 9.5 feet. The
builder felt that he could not do the project with 9.5 -foot bedrooms. They are asking to add three feet
to the end units. The end units have three bedrooms. It adds three feet to the bedrooms and one
foot to the middle two units. This would make the bedrooms over 12 foot.
. One foot is added to Building 1. He had proposed moving this six unit building three feet to
the north. This answers the question about the distance of the buildings from the sidewalk. On the
drawing, a circle with arrows represents Building 2, one shows three feet to the north the other shows
five feet to the east. They do not have a problem with tucking the sidewalk along the end porch in
the relocated building to address the concerns of proximity to the wetland. They have some ideas
above and beyond the buffer grasses that were approved. There would be a garden at the end of
the building to keep people on the sidewalk and away from the wetland. There was some discussion
about Building 4 pinching off the parking lot. There is a one -foot change proposed. The one -foot
shift is not going to compromise the parking area.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that she does not understand what he is explaining.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that in the write -up that Mr. Frantz provided the board there was confusion
in terms of what they were proposing for this building. They were proposing to move the building
three feet to the north and one foot is added to the largest dimension. The building is being set 16
feet off the line rather than the minimum 14 feet. It is the exact same size parking lot as approved.
They would prefer to keep the parking lot 65 feet wide. It is on a slope and in winter conditions it
would not work as well if it were narrower.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that they were talking about Building 4, but now Building 1
and 2 are being referred to.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that they are proposing to move Building 2 three feet to the north and five
feet to the east. The five feet is to allow a walkway without going under the balconies. The reason to
shift three feet to the north is that they are proposing to add one foot onto the larger section of the
building. They would like to keep the building 16 feet off the line rather than the 15 -foot minimum.
This will keep the parking area at the same dimensions. The overall proposal is to add one foot on
the east portion of the building and three feet onto the building. It still gives us the visual break in the
There was concern about the additional foot to Building 4 pinching off the parking lot. There is
a 2.5 -foot sidewalk that comes out in that area. The building can be shifted without changing
anything associated around it.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that there is a 2.5 -foot wide sidewalk to the east of the
Mr. Fabbroni stated that when the building is shifted one foot to the east the sidewalk would be
shortened. The parking lot will not be affected.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that 1.5 foot for a sidewalk is not very big.
Attorney Barney stated that it is not width, it is length.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that there is more sidewalk underneath the covering than shown.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that in his write -up he mentioned Building 9. It is Building 10 that they are
looking to shift 10 feet to the north. This is shown on the drawing. They would like to shift the
building 10 feet to the north to gain more separation between the driveway that is to the south and
the building itself. The porches are tucked up against the driveway. This came about from the
handicap accessibility requirements.
Board Member Hoffmann asked what are the handicap accessibility requirements. As she
understands it, the applicant would like to increase the bedroom size. How much would the size of
the bedroom be increased?
Mr. Fabbroni stated that they would be increased from 9.5 feet to 12.5 feet.
Board Member Hoffmann asked what is the other dimension of the bedroom.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that they are currently 9.5 feet by 13 feet. The 9.5 feet dimension is
problematic. Some of the bedrooms are 9.5 feet by 13 feet and some are 9.5 feet by 11.5 feet.
Board Member Hoffmann asked what is the problem with those dimensions as far as handicap
Mr. Fabbroni stated that it is a small bedroom. The handicap accessibility issue has to do with
the adjacent bathroom. The bathroom needs to be one foot wider for handicap requirements. The
mechanical room needs to be one foot wider to account for handicap adaptability. There are two feet
being lost. Instead of having a bedroom that is 11.5 feet, it is 9.5 feet.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that if they do not change the size of the buildings and the changes
are made to make the apartments handicap accessible, the bedrooms are smaller. In order to avoid
making the bedrooms smaller, the proposal is to increase the footprint of the buildings.
Would the bedrooms be the same size as the bedrooms originally approved?
Mr. Fabbroni responded yes.
Attorney Barney stated that they are losing two feet, but adding three feet. Each dimension is
one foot larger.
Mr. Frantz stated that it in an increase of about 10 square feet per bedroom.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that there needs to be a 40 -inch free space in the kitchen where normally
it would be a 36 -inch free space.
Board Member Conneman asked if a revised plan would be submitted.
Mr. Kanter stated that it depends upon what the board asks for. The revised plan was
submitted. There maybe other elements that may need to be adjusted.
Board Member Thayer stated that he feels that he cannot vote on this issue. Mr. Jonson is a
good customer of Thayer Appliance.
DECEMBER 21, 1999
Board Member Hoffmann stated that there are regulations for handicap accessibility to the
buildings. Does the law state that every unit on the ground floor be handicap accessible?
Mr. Fabbroni responded that Board Member Hoffmann is correct. They thought that 25% of
the total units was the requirement. They found that because of the two -story configuration, the
ground level units need to be handicap accessible. It is 100% of the ground units.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that the previously approved plan had 25% of the units
handicap accessible. There are some units that are already handicap accessible.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that the middle units on the ground floor are handicap accessible.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that the bathrooms and mechanical rooms in those units
were already planned to be wider.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that they were not aware of all the requirements. They did not have the
same problems in the middle units. The current proposal is handicap adaptable.
Board Member Mitrano asked what size would the bedrooms be.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that they would be 12 feet 7 1/4 inches.
Board Member Mitrano asked if they are getting more room than the original proposal.
Mr. Fabbroni responded yes.
Board Member Mitrano stated that this is being done at the same time that they would be
complying with handicap accessibility by law.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that her main concern is the encroachment on the buffer
zone from the environmental point of view. She is not inclined to approve the project as proposed by
moving Building 2 five feet to the east and Building 10 ten feet to the north and extending Building 10
to the west into the buffer zone. She would like the applicant to think of another way of
accomplishing what they would like to do.
Board Member Mitrano asked what would be lost.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that there is a wetland area in the middle of the site that the
board was very careful to protect. Part of the reason is that there is drainage from old farm fields to
the east. They come across this property, down to the East Hill Plaza.
Board Member Mitrano asked how large is the wetland.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that it is 0.343 acres.
DECEMBER 21, 1999
- JUNE 6,
Board Member Hoffmann stated that part of the protection of the wetland was to have a buffer
zone around it. It was not going to be interfered with. It was to have plants to protect it from
encroachment. It was not to be mowed. This new proposal is encroaching even more.
Board Member Mitrano asked what is the standard of a wetland.
Mr. Frantz stated that they use the Federal criteria for the identification of wetlands. The
presence of certain types of soil, plants, and water within 18- inches of the surface at least two weeks
out of the year are the different criteria. The wetland has been delineated using the Federal criteria.
In the original site plan, the buildings were kept out of the wetland and there was a 15 -foot wide
buffer established around the wetland. This would be tall grass as opposed to lawn.
Board Member Conneman stated that this is the area that they are moving into.
Mr. Frantz stated that Building 10 is encroaching into the 15 -foot wide buffer by five feet. It is
currently one to two feet inside the buffer area in some locations. The building will encroach about
five feet if the building is shifted to the north.
Board Member Mitrano asked if they are in any danger of any Federal violation.
Chairperson Wilcox responded no. They are in the buffer zone, not in the wetland.
Mr. Frantz stated that the walkway around Building 2 is proposed to be shifted. A simple
realignment could be done to pull the walkway out of the buffer area. The issue is Building 10.
Board Member Mitrano asked how much it could be minimized.
Mr. Frantz stated that they could deal with Building 10 by not allowing them to shift it ten feet
to the north.
Board Member Mitrano asked Mr. Fabbroni what is his response.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that he could live with it. He thought that it was an improvement in that
the building would be pulled ten feet away from the driveway. The wetland is important to the
drainage pattern. It is integral to the entire drainage pattern in the area.
Board Member Ainslie stated the term wetland is a problem. People who do not understand
what it is think that there is standing water.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that there is water there at some point. The reason it is
important as a wetland is that it performs the function of gathering water.
Board Member Ainslie stated that the wetland is not being walked on. There is still a buffer.
Board Member Conneman stated that the encroachment is on the buffer.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that the buffer is not that great.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that they could enhance the buffer where it was less than 15 -feet. A wild
flower garden would make it obvious to people not to encroach on that area.
Board Member Hoffmann asked how they would keep people from going into the area.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that she would like to hear the staff's comments on the
Mr. Frantz stated that the encroachment on this wetland would not have any significant
adverse environmental impact. This site is already disturbed. This area has been filled. There is
loose brick and chunks of concrete scattered throughout the site. It is a very disturbed site. It is not
a high quality wetland. This encroachment within the buffer area is not a significant adverse
environmental impact. One of the reasons that there is a buffer around wetlands is to protect water
quality. All the water flowing into the wetland has picked up a lot of chemicals. The buffer is not
protecting a pristine wetland.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that the function of the wetland is to filter out the impurities
before it goes into the lakes and streams.
Mr. Frantz stated that the encroachment into the buffer area would not adversely impact its
Board Member Ainslie asked if there is active agricultural land above this area.
Mr. Frantz responded yes. It is open farm field.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that a great amount of the run -off from the field goes into Cascadilla
Mr. Frantz stated that shifting Building 10 is not so much of an impact on the volume of water
as the quality of the water.
Board Member Mitrano stated that it would be more of a problem technically than it would be a
reasonable duck standard. Would ten feet make a difference to a reasonable duck?
Mr. Frantz responded no. Shifting the building ten feet is not going to make any difference.
Board Member Mitrano stated that there are other opportunities from the duck's perspective.
DECEMBER 21, 1999
Mr. Frantz stated that there is a problem with a population explosion of water foul in urban
areas. One of the attractions is the readily available food supply.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that there is little or no standing water in this particular wetland.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that during the two weeks it could be very wet.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that Mr. Fabbroni stated that it was wet maybe two weeks of
the year. Before, when she asked how to keep people from encroaching into the area it was
mentioned that the area was wet.
Mr. Fabbroni responded that when the water runs through it, it is a wet area. This is a
waterway. Any kind of rain is going to make the area wet. It will be dry in the middle of the summer.
He does not know how to keep people out of the area.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that she thought that in the earlier approval there were ways
of making sure this area was going to be protected. People and buildings were not going to be
encroaching on the buffer area.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that they are going to buffer the area with high grass. The first thing they
did is encircle the wetland with a silt fence before they started excavation. He does not share her
opinion. The proposal is not dramatically different from the original proposal.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that on the Environmental Assessment Form, under 10,
commercial should be marked. '
Chairperson Wilcox closed this segment of the meeting at 8:50 p.m.
MOTION made by George Conneman, seconded by James Ainslie,
1. This action is the Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for site plan
modifications to the previously approved Summerhill Apartments Phase 2, located at
Summerhill Lane, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 62 -2- 1.127, Multiple Residence District. Said
modifications include enlarging each building to accommodate twelve -foot bedrooms and
handicapped requirements and two of the buildings would be shifted to accommodate the
enlargement of the buildings and to provide more separation from the driveway. Ivar Jonson,
Owner /Applicant; Lawrence P. Fabbroni, Agent, and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board is legislatively
determined to act as Lead Agency in environmental review with respect to Site Plan Approval,
DECEMBER 21, 1999
3, The Planning Board, on December 21, 1999, has reviewed and accepted as adequate a Short
Environmental Assessment Form Pt. I submitted by the applicant and a Part 11 prepared by the
Town Planning Department, a drawing entitled "Summerhill Apartments Phase ll Site Plan',
dated 12129198 and revised 5199 and 11199 prepared by Lawrence P. Fabbroni, P.E., L.S. and
other application materials.
4. The Town Planning staff has recommended a negative determination of environmental
significance with respect to the proposed site plan.
That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby makes a negative determination of environmental
significance in accordance with the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act for the above
referenced action as proposed and, therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement will not be
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Ainslie, Mitrano.
NAYS: None.
ABSTAIN: Thayer.
The MOTION was declared to be carried.
PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for
modifications to the previously approved site plan for Summerhill Apartments Phase 2,
located at Summerhill Lane on Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 62 -2- 1.127, MR Multiple
Residence District. Said modifications include enlarging each building to accommodate
larger bedrooms and handicap accessibility requirements, and shifting of the location of two
buildings to accommodate the enlargement of the buildings and to provide more separation
from the driveway. Ivar Jonson, Owner /Applicants Lawrence P. Fabbroni, P.E., Agent.
Chairperson Wilcox opened the public hearing at 8:51 p.m., and asked if any members of the
public wished to be heard. With no persons present to be heard, Chairperson Wilcox closed the
public hearing at 8:52 p.m.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that Building 2 is proposed to be moved five feet to the east. If the
sidewalk is changed on the east end of Building 2, they can avoid encroachment upon the buffer of
the wetland.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that she does not see the need to do so. What is wrong with
what was proposed in the original plan?
Mr. Fabbroni stated that there is a cleaner access way between Buildings 2 and 3 from the
parking lot. Before, someone would need to walk under the overhang and pass the ground units.
This is the reason for shifting the building five feet to the east. The sidewalk around that end of the
DECEMBER 21, 1999
-JUNE 6,
building does help with overall circulation to that building, it is not necessary. The walkway could
come between the two buildings. The circulation is better. He likes the idea of maximizing the
distance from the wetland and keeping the sidewalk.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that if there were not a sidewalk then there would be a muddy path.
Mr. Frantz stated that it is better to have the sidewalk around the building. It can be fit
between the building and the wetland buffer. There could be a low rail to prevent people from
encroaching from the sidewalk.
Chairperson Wilcox asked how many feet Building 10 would encroach on the buffer.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that the building would be 11 to 12 feet from the wetland.
Mr. Frantz stated that it would encroach about five feet into the buffer.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that it is not an active side of the building. The bedrooms are on that side
of the building. There is no external access in and out of the building from that side.
Board Member Conneman stated that if the buffer goes from 15 feet to 10 feet, it is a big
Chairperson Wilcox stated that this board liked the 15 -foot buffer around the wetland and liked
the tall grasses. It acted as a hindrance to some extent. It will be a place for children to play. The
board has been concerned about drainage in the area. If the buffer is 15 feet except in one place
where it is 11 or 12 feet, he is not that uncomfortable. If it is compromised in such a way that it is 7
or 8 feet, then there is a concern.
Board Member Conneman asked if they could require the buffer to be 10 feet.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that the board could require that the drawing be revised if
necessary so that Building 10 encroaches no more than five feet into the 15 foot buffer at a
Board Member Conneman stated that he would like it to state that the buffer is at least 10 feet.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that she has not heard a good reason to move the building
other than the building is close to the driveway. That is the fault of the initial design.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that it seemed liked an improvement.
Board Member Mitrano stated that the idea is to move it away from the driveway because it
would be better.
DECEMBER 21, 1999
Board Member Ainslie asked if there is anything against fencing a wetland so that people
cannot walk into it. Does it disturb anything?
Mr. Frantz stated that there is nothing to stop them from fencing the wetland in.
Board Member Ainslie asked if there are any in the Ithaca area.
Mr. Frantz stated that Sapsucker Woods is fenced off.
Mr. Kanter stated that if this were a pond and an attractive nuisance, then it might be
Mr. Frantz stated that it is not necessary. If the building is moved five feet, the encroachment
is reduced.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that it is easier to move the building five feet from its original
location. It can be put on a map and checked to see if it is correct. It is more difficult to say that the
buffer shall always be at least 10 feet.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that he does not have a problem making sure that the buffer is at least 10
feet. He has 53 points that identify the wetland shape.
Attorney Barney stated that it assumes that there has been no change in the shape of the
Board Member Hoffmann stated that she is not happy to see a project come in like this and
have request for changes. This project was not as thought out as it should have been from the
beginning. They did not know how much space had to be allowed for handicap accessible
apartments. It could have been known and planned for from the beginning. Some of the layout with
the walkway to the west of Building 2 and Building 10 the applicant is not happy with. The sizes of
the bedrooms could have been thought out.
Attorney Barney stated that the ADA does not have concrete rules. There are different
opinions. There are different interpretations. There is often a change between a concept design and
a final schematic construction design. They did come back before the board before they made their
Board Member Hoffmann stated that there are many items that were to be submitted to the
Town that were not submitted. The complete landscaping and planting schedule has not been
received. Has the Director of Planning seen a plan?
Mr. Kanter stated that he has seen the first phase, not the entire plan.
DECEMBER 21, 1999
Board Member Conneman stated that it needs to be submitted before any building permits are
Board Member Hoffmann stated that it should become before this board.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that it was not required.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that the board prefers to see these things before final site
plan approval. It should not be dumped on staff when it is the board's responsibility to decide and
the responsibility of the applicant to provide it.
Mr. Kanter stated that the board should have an opportunity to see them.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that the board set the conditions and they met them. He does not know
what the issue is.
Mr. Fabbroni stated that Building 3 is under construction. It is where it was first proposed
except for the three -foot addition to the bedrooms. He asks that the board allow progress to proceed
on that.
Attorney Barney stated that it could be addressed in the resolution.
MOTION made by James Ainslie, seconded by Tracy Mitrano,
1. This action is the Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for site plan
modifications to the previously approved Summerhill Apartments Phase 2, located at
Summerhill Lane, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 62- 2- 1.127, Multiple Residence District. Said
modifications include enlarging each building to accommodate twelve -foot bedrooms and
handicapped requirements and two of the buildings would be shifted to accommodate the
enlargement of the buildings and to provide more separation from the driveway. Ivar Jonson,
Owner /Applicant; Lawrence P. Fabbroni, Agent, and
2. This is an Unlisted Action for which the Town of Ithaca Planning Board, acting as Lead Agency
in environmental review with respect to Site Plan Approval, did on December 21, 1999 make a
negative determination of environmental significance, and
3. The Planning Board, on July 6, 1999, did grant Final Site Plan Approval, with conditions, for
the proposed project, and
4. The Planning Board, at a public hearing on December 21, 1999, has reviewed and accepted
as adequate a Short Environmental Assessment Form Pt. I submitted by the applicant and a
Part II prepared by the Town Planning Department, a drawing entitled "Summerhill Apartments
DECEMBER 21, 1999
- JUNE 612000
Phase 11 Site Plan" dated 12129198 and revised 5199 and 11199 prepared by Lawrence P.
Fabbroni, P. E., L.S., and other application materials.
1. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby waives certain requirements for Preliminary
and Final Site Plan Approval, as shown on the Preliminary and Final Site Plan checklists,
having determined from the materials presented that such waiver will result in neither a
significant alteration of the purpose of site plan control nor the policies enunciated or implied
by the Town Board, and
2. That the Town of Ithaca Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary and Final Site Plan
Approval for the proposed site plan modifications to the previously approved Summerhill
Apartments Phase 2, located at Summerhill Lane, Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 62 -2- 1.127,
as shown on the drawing entitled, "Summerhill Apartments Phase 11 Site Plan" dated 12129198
and revised 5199 and 11199, prepared by Lawrence P. Fabbroni, P.E., L.S., and other
application materials, subject to the following conditions to be met prior to the issuance of a
building permit or amended building permit for any building other than for building 3:
a. compliance with all relevant conditions of the July 6, .1999 Planning Board resolution
granting Final Site Plan Approval;
be submission of a revised
any necessary redesign
lot east of Bldg. 4, inc,
Planning Board on July
eliminate encroachment
the Director of Planning;
drawing "Summerhill Apartments Phase 11 Site Plan" to show
of the parking lot between Bldg. 1 and Bldg. 2 and the parking
'uding any redesign of the landscaping as approved by the
6, 1999, and realignment of the sidewalk east of Bldg. 2 to
on the wetland buffer area, subject to review and approval by
C, submission of a revised drawing to show the shift of building 10 no more than five feet
to the north;
do submission of construction details of all proposed improvements and detailed sizing and
final material specifications of all improvements, including proposed water and sewer
line connections;
e. submission of an original or Mylar copy of the revised final site plan, as approved, to be
retained by the Town of Ithaca.
AYES: Wilcox, Conneman, Ainslie, Mitrano.
NAYS: Hoffmann.
ABSTAIN: Thayer.
The MOTION was declared to be carried.
DECEMBER 21, 1999
- JUNE 6,
AGENDA ITEM: Consideration of Sketch Plan for the proposed Ithaca Estates Subdivision,
which includes the initial subdivision of approximately 15 ± acres into 11 lots for the
construction of 11 single - family houses, the associated dedication of 14.9 ± acres of land for a
Town park which includes the possible substitution of a 1.8 t acre parcel that ;was intended to
be dedicated to the Town as parkland, and concepts for the future development of additional
lands including additional single - family lots, higher density housing, pos °sible additional
commercial development, and a suggested road system to serve the future potential
development, located on East King Road on Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No's. 43 =1 -3.2, 43 -1=
3.32, and 43 =1 -3.4, currently zoned R -30 Residence, R =9 Residence, MR Multiple Residence,
and Business "C ". Evan N. Monkemeyer, Owner /Applicants David W. Tessier, Landscape
Architect, Agent.
Chairperson Wilcox opened this segment of the meeting at 9:15 p.m.
David W. Tessier, Landscape Architect, stated that he lives in the Town of Pompeii, NY. He
has been the chairman of the Planning Board and is currently the chair of the zoning Board of
Appeals. He has represented many developers.
The 11 -lot subdivision is where they would like to focus their efforts. In or to get to that
point, they have to work with the entire site and the parkland. The phasing is added to the drawing.
family project and he
Mr. Monk me er has been Ion - standin member of the community. It is his ami o t a
e a
Y 9 9 Y „Yp 1
has been working on it for a long time.
The drawing shows the 11 -lot subdivision in purple. Below that on East King Road there is
Phase I and Phase II. The area in purple is Phase III. Phase I and Phase II were developed many
years ago. At that time there was an agreement to provide some parkland to the Town. That never
i I
I happened. The parkland is something that the Montessori School is looking at 111purchas ng. t is
much easier to convert vacant land to a school than to take parkland and try to undedicate it. When
this occurred, it was part of a parcel that Mr. Monkemeyer, his father, and his sister owned. Mr.
Monkemeyer has full ownership and control over the full 118 acres. He is presenting the sketch plan
phase for the entire 118 acres. The area outlined in green is the future parkland. There are three tax
map parcels that they are looking to subdivide in various ways.
Phase III would be the 11 -lot subdivision. In the next phase, they would be looking to make
formal subdivisions within this. There is a road proposed through the center of the project that would
outline the parkland. The parkland calculation is shown on the drawings. It is being based on the full
118 acres. They are adding in the 1.7 acres that was committed several years ago. The total
required is 13.5 acres. They are proposing 14.9 acres for the parkland.
The general concept for the whole property is that the commercial area stays at the corner of
Danby Road and King Road East. It does fit in with the Town's plan. They might 'want to expand on
it at some point. Moving toward the east the parkland is in the middle. There is higher density
clustered housing in the center. The lots in Phase III are large lots. The area is ''currently zoned R-
30. The subdivision is based on the minimum 30,000 square feet. The lots on the west and north
DECEMBER 21, 1999
- JUNE 612000
side are based on 30,000 square foot lots with the minimum frontage. It is difficult for the developer
to build a road. Parkland is being given away on one side of the road. It does not leave an
opportunity to receive income to help pay for the road. He is relying on developing lots on one side
of the road only. One of the features of the entire development is the cul -de -sacs. They like the
design and uniqueness of it. In the center of each cul -de -sac they propose a large landscaping
mound. This would be the same for the three other cul -de -sacs shown. They would have their own
unique landscaping. They will try to provide electricity to this area so that it can be used for holiday
trees or other festive ideas.
Mr. Tessier stated that the proposed conservation easement line is shown. It is being
proposed and discussed. They know that there are sensitive wetlands and woodlands. They hope to
take advantage to it. There is a progression from commercial, high- density residential, low density
residential, to very large lot residential. It is a natural progression. There are many pieces to the
Board Member Mitrano asked what currently occupies the land.
Mr. Tessier responded that it is open field, abandoned farmland. King Road is to the bottom
of the drawing. The major wetland is just off the drawing to the right.
Mr. Kanter explained the general area around the site to the board.
Board Member Mitrano asked if there are any other wetland issues.
Mr. Tessier responded no.
Board Member Ainslie stated that all wetlands are on Ithaca College property.
Mr. Kanter responded no. There are some small pockets of wetlands on the corners of the
future park area. In the packet, there was a wetland analysis that the Town contracted out a few
years ago. There were some rare plants identified. There is a large wetland area to the north off the
Monkemeyer property.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that Cornell University owns the main part of the swamp.
Ms. Ritter stated that wetland is 51 acres.
Board Member Mitrano asked if the pond is in the wetland area.
Mr. Kanter stated that the pond is not part of that wetland.
Board Member Mitrano asked what are the environmental impacts.
DECEMBER 21, 1999
- JUNE 612000
Mr. Tessier stated that the swamp is at the high end of the hill. The Monkemeyer property is
below the grade of it. The water run -off runs down onto the Monkemeyer property towards Danby
Road. The swamp is 20 to 30 feet higher than the highest part of the Monkemeyer property. The
wetlands on the Monkemeyer property are more identified by the plant species than the standing
water. There might be standing water at a minimum two weeks out of the year. They are trying to
take advantage of the higher ground on the Monkemeyer property because that is where the views
are. They are the most desirable lots because they have the view of the north and the lake. This is
the reason for the lot configuration. Some of the upper lots would be backed up into the woods. It
would make desirable properties.
Board Member Mitrano asked if there would be water problems on the lower properties.
Mr. Tessier stated that they would need to contain the drainage so that '!it does not flood
properties down hill. They have shown a couple of areas on the plan in addition to the pond that they
would use for water retention areas. The wet basement areas should not be a problem because of
the hillside. They should be able to work with it.
Mr. Kanter stated that the applicant's engineers are doing a drainage study in regard to the 11
lot subdivision. Have they found anything at this point?
Mr. Tessier stated that he does not think that they have found any problems. It does have
contours on it. The most critical factor is the sewage and to make it work. The pond is being used as
part of the storm drainage and they are sure it will work. It will flow quickly downhill. They will need
to retain it. They will need to work with the pond to make sure that it has the "retaining capacity.
There are drawings showing the profile of the road and they are continuing to make progress on that
so they can be ready for a preliminary plan.
Board Member Thayer asked if there would be underground utilities and natural gas
Mr. Tessier responded yes.
Board Member Mitrano asked if Mr. Monkemeyer would be the lead developer.
Mr. Tessier stated that he would be the developer. Once he receives subdivision approval, he
may sell a few lots privately. He plans to develop and build each of the homes.
Board Member Mitrano asked why the property has not been developed.
Mr. Tessier stated that the land was farmed at some point. The mature forest has been
farmed at some point. There is one large oak tree 4 to 5 feet in diameter, including the swamp, has
been disturbed at some point. It has not been farmed in at least 50 years. There are young trees in
the area.
DECEMBER 21, 1999
- JUNE 6,
Board Member Mitrano asked what about the rare plants.
Mr. Tessier stated that they have been identified. It is the basis for the report. They are
mainly within the parkland. Most of the plants are focused on the hedgerow that comes out of the
woods. There are a couple of wet areas and most of the rare plants are located in the wet areas.
Board Member Mitrano asked which parcel is Montessori School interested in
Mr. Tessier responded that they are interested in the parcel that was to be' dedicated to the
Town as parkland.
Board Member Mitrano asked if there were previous commitments to the land.
Mr. Tessier stated that a proposal was made and accepted for the p''arkland, but the
agreement was never signed.
Attorney Barney stated that it was dedicated and shown as parkland on the approved
subdivision. The Town has been waiting for the deed to come in from the developer. Since then,
there have been discussions with the developer about exchanging that piece for a much large piece.
Technically, there would be litigation if the piece were sold to anyone else until it wars changed.
Mr. Kanter stated that different iterations of this sketch plan and of the proposed park area
have been through the Planning Board and Town Board, In 1997, the Town Board accepted the
concept of substituting the parkland if the larger park area worked out. The Planning Board gave
preliminary subdivision approval to three pieces. The main difference in the proposed park area is
that the northern most piece has been increased. It would give the Town more flexibility and room to
do things. Sufficient room on the north and south side would enable them to preserve the hedgerow
and more sensitive areas. On this proposal, the triangular piece was reduced from 5.07 acres to
4.79 acres. It appears that the road shifted to the left reducing the boundary line of the park. It
would not be acceptable.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that the other hill is known as the sled hill.
Board Member Mitrano asked why was it cut into.
Mr. Tessier stated it was to make the road bigger and it made the triangle smaller. He has
taken another look at it. It is easy to expand the circle slightly and move the angle to the east to gain
the space back.
Board Member Mitrano asked if the drainage and sewage would be adequate.
Mr. Kanter responded that the 11 =lot subdivision would need to be looked at first. The larger
future development would need to be looked at later. Drainage has been identified as the greater
concern. The sewer and water have sufficient capacities. The lines are there. It is a matter of sizing
and locating them correcting. Drainage has been seen as a potential problem that needs to be
addressed in the whole area. It needs to be addressed with the park as well. To put in any active
play fields, it will require significant re- grading of land in certain areas. It will be something that needs
to be looked at in more detail. Mr. Walker and Mr. Noteboom have looked at it. Some of the
Planning Board members have been out to walk the site. Most of the Conservatio0 Board members
have walked the site. The majority feels comfortable that while it will take some serious looking at, it
is doable. Drainage improvements could be expensive in some areas.
Board Member Mitrano asked how the bicycle trails and walkways fit into the site.
Mr. Kanter stated that the idea of doing a large community park originated from the Parks and
Open Space Plan. The community park for South Hill is shown in the middle of the properties being
discussed. A need was identified with the South Hill development. The Town does not have any
community area wide parks at this time. A system of trails was also identified in the Parks and Open
Space Plan. The trails would help link the residential areas with the proposed Community Park.
There has been some thought to connecting the trail to the park. Rather than going through the
natural areas, it would be more appropriate to come closer to East King Road and work its way up
the road system that was developed.
Board Member Mitrano asked if the trail system is already planned.
Mr. Kanter stated that there could be some improvements for the bicycle trail.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that the plan would not be changed, but the concept shown would
be changed.
Mr. Kanter stated that the concepts would remain the same. Ithaca College has indicated an
interest in being connected with the trail at the South Hill Recreation Way.
Mr. Tessier stated that the trails and the park are a feature of this entire development. He has
spent 23 years working for the City of Syracuse and the Park and Recreation Department. He is very
sensitive to parks and design. It is difficult to put a park in after the houses are built. There is an
opportunity to do both together. Even if the park is not developed until the houses; are in, it is known
that there is going to be a park. People are going to buy a house knowing a park is there. A lot of
people do like the feature. The park is across the road. The high- density cluster will be below the
park. The park should not be an impact on residences; it should be a positive addition.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that Nancy Ostman and Robert Wesley delivered a letter to
her house. She has given it to the board for their review. It is based on the studies that they have
done in the proposed Conservation Zones. They have provided a map of the rare plants that are
being discussed. Their letter is based on the altered plan with the road layout.
DECEMBER 21, 1999
- JUNE 6,
Mr. Kanter stated that they have identified specific plant locations. The letter is mainly a
repeat of memos and information that they have previously provided. They were the ones who did
the rare plant studies in the area, which lead to the Conservation Board's work.
Board Member Mitrano asked what is the Town going to get out of it.
Mr. Kanter stated that the Town would receive 15 -acres of neighborhood parkland. A few
years ago when Mr. Monkemeyer came in with an earlier sketch plan the board was very interested in
the different possibilities for future development on all parts of the property. He is showing the
Board Member Mitrano asked if this land is separate from the previous park location.
Mr. Kanter stated that if it all works out, the land would be released and the', developer would
be able to sell the land. It would be helpful for the board to give an opinion on some of the future
subdivisions shown on the east portion of the ring road.
The applicants have shown a 60 -foot wide buffer between the development and the natural
area. The Conservation Board has discussed the proposed buffer. Eight lots have been proposed
on the site plan. It looks more realistic to have six lots. Following the width requirement of the R -30
zone, about 7 of 8 lots would not be conforming.
Mr. Tessier stated that he has taken another look at it and it does look like six lots should be in
that location.
Mr. Kanter stated that the ring road becomes important and it raises the question of how much
development should go into the area. Some of the more sensitive parts of the site are in the upper
area. The number of lots and how they are configured is very important.
Board Member Ainslie stated that two years ago he asked Mr. Frantz what it took to maintain
the parks that the Town had. Two years ago, it took four full time men. It is nice to have more parks,
but there is a cost to the Town. They come free from the developer, but it does'' cost the Town to
maintain them.
Mr. Kanter stated that the Park and Open Space Plan does talk about that. It gives some
estimates over the next 20 years of what would be involved. This will be a significant investment of
future maintenance, staff and construction. There is a significant cost for this type of facility. Playing
fields in this location would require significant grading and drainage improvements The Town Board
has made a commitment over the long range that it is an important priority for the Town.
Board Member Ainslie stated that there is a park behind Old Hundred that has not been
established yet. There is a lot of land that has not been developed.
Mr. Kanter stated that this park is near a large population.
DECEMBER 21, 1999
-JUNE 612000
Ms. Ritter stated that the Conservation Board is very concerned about the effects to the South
Hill Swamp area because of the rare and endangered plant species. The Conservation Board did do
a report on that area. The 11 -lot subdivision is next to an important, rare plant comm „unity.
Board Member
Ainslie stated that
be some areas where
there cannot be a
would not get 14 -acres of park. There is going to
Ms. Ritter stated that she is referring to the South Hill Swamp Unique Natural Area.
Board Member Ainslie asked what about the plants in the dedicated area.
Ms. Ritter responded that they have been identified as some rare plant species. They are also
important. There does need to be some concern for the plant species.
Mr. Kanter stated that the intent was not to clear the entire 15 -acre parkland !'and pave it over.
There will be some acreage left in its natural state.
Ms. Ritter stated that there is an interesting mosaic of plant species in the swamp area.
Tompkins County Environmental Management Council has determined it to be a unique natural area.
There are wet species in the center of the swamp. As you move out, it gets very dry. In the drier
area, there are rare bird species. It is one of the most important unique natural areas of the Town.
Board Member Mitrano asked how this area would be affected by the project.
Ms. Ritter stated that there is concern about the area in green. It is the pine barren type of
habitat. Then there is the wetland area. There is an unusual change of plant species. There is
concern about protecting this area because it is located in the area of the' proposed 11 -lot
Board Member Mitrano asked if this were a 9 or 10 -lot subdivision would it make a difference.
Ms. Ritter stated that the Conservation Board is asking for a minimum buffer. It is hard to
protect plant species. You want to make sure that exotic species are not introduced. You want to
make sure that pets do not run loose in the area. Encroachment of development will have impacts.
The buffer is the best way to minimize the impacts. The Conservation Board is asking for a minimum
100 -foot buffer. Sixty feet of the buffer would be no disturbance. Forty feet would be no build.
Board Member Mitrano asked how that would affect Mr. Monkemeyer's property.
Ms. Ritter stated that they are asking for the proposed buffer to be expanded. The lots are
inconsistent with the conservation district.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that the line shown on the drawing is the 100 -foot buffer.
DECEMBER 21, 1999
Mr. Kanter stated that they are looking at the road that would serve future development on the
site. They are looking at the proposed park area in the middle of the property and a reasonable
number of lots around the road. It makes sense that the other area should be designated as a future
development area. It recognizes the fact that the development needs to be separated from the
adjacent natural areas. This plan helps recognize the significant natural features 'that need to be
preserved. The line indicates that the future development needs to be as close to the ring road as
possible. It helps to formulate the distance of the buffer.
Board Member Mitrano asked if this has been discussed with Mr. Tessier.
Mr. Kanter responded that they have not discussed the red line. The other aspects have been
discussed. They have been talking about the need for establishing a buffer area.
Mr. Tessier responded that they have proposed a 60 -foot buffer that is no build and includes
30 -feet of native trees and shrubs. Views are important to the value of the lots. The further away
from the boundary they are, the further down the hill they are. They are trying to get as close to the
boundary as they can to get as high as they can. In order to pay for the road, they iineed to sell a lot
of lots. Six or eight lots on one side is not going to pay for the road. No developer can afford it.
Board Member Mitrano asked if the board decided to hold fast on the red line, would they be
inclined to compromise on the parkland.
Mr. Tessier stated that it may provide for more building lots.
Mr. Kanter stated that the sketch plan is showing future commercial area zoned R -30 now,
showing high density zoned 19-30 now. He has asked the applicant to think about isome exchanges
with the locations of the high and low density. When dealing with an overall development scheme, it
can be thought out. He appreciates the applicant showing the future ideas. It will!i help the Town in
determining what is best for the area.
Board Member Mitrano asked if they would be willing to discuss the trade off:'
Mr. Tessier stated that they would be willing to discuss it.
Board Member Hoffmann stated that there was a proposal to have the park; in an oval shape.
Mr. Monkemeyer came back with a different layout because he wanted to keep a portion of land for
development. If they were to approve higher density housing, it might offset losing some of the land
in the corner that is in the proposed conservation district.
Mr. Tessier stated that the square line has been drawn to wrap the parkland around where
they would like to see high density residential. There is a hedgerow and a steep drop -off in that area.
It would be expensive for the Town to build a ball field across the line.
Board Member Mitrano asked if this is intended to be sold for development.
DECEMBER 219 1999
Mr. Tessier responded yes. It is intended to be sold for high- density apartments,
condominiums. Instead of 15 lots on the upper corner and having 7 or 8, the 7 or 8 lots could be
brought down to the other area. It could be an equal trade off. It is a different kind of unit. It is single
family houses versus apartments. The developer has to think about what is more marketable. Single
family housing in the upper area is the most marketable thing to propose. They are not sure about
apartments and condominiums. There are a lot of them around. It just cannot be decided.
Board Member Mitrano asked if they are planning to develop the area as student housing.
Mr. Tessier responded no. Mr. Monkemeyer has a lot of apartments that are professors and
staff. They have talked about having Phillips Way as a fraternity row. It is close to College Circle
Mr. Kanter stated that there are two cul -de -sacs that come off the road that would be
necessary to serve that number of lots. If the number was reduced to 7 or 8 lots having direct access
off the ring road then you can eliminate the cukde -sacs and the extension of sewer and water. Costs
are being reduced for development.
Chairperson Wilcox stated the last time Mr. Monkemeyer was before the ;;board there was
issues of ownership with his family. He now owns all the property.
Board Member Ainslie asked if anything has happened on the Walter Wiggins property.
Mr. Kanter responded no.
Board Member Mitrano asked who owns the property across from Big AI's.
Mr. Kanter stated that David Auble owns it.
Board Member Mitrano asked what was happening with fraternity row.
Mr. Tessier responded that the college might not even like the idea. They have not explored it
yet. The apartments on Danby Road are groups of 8 people.
Mr. Kanter stated that in the proposed conservation zone that they would only be able to get 3
Chairperson Wilcox asked if there was a consensus on how wide the buffer should be. The
developer has proposed 60 and the Conservation Board would like to see 100 feet.
Board Member Mitrano stated that she would like to discuss it again. Her first instinct is to go
with the Conservation Board recommendation.
DECEMBER 217 1999
Board Member Hoffmann stated that this is something that needs to be thought about. The
board should re -read the South Hill report and see the reasons why the conservation district is
Board Member Mitrano stated that she would like to see both plans.
Board Member Conneman stated that 90 feet might make a lot of sense and allow an extra lot.
Chairperso n Wilcox sta ted that if the board would only like 3 lots in the are,. a, the developer
would need to re -look at the economics.
Mr. Tessier stated that the wooded lots are just as valuable as the view lots.
Mr. Kanter stated that Phase III is the nearest part of the natural area.
Mr. Tessier stated that there is also the possibility of fences.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that the board would like to give approval to the %subdivision and a
concept for the rest of the property that gets the Town the parkland now. They would like the
parkland and the road build.
Mr. Kanter stated that the road would not be built at once.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that Mr. Monkemeyer is going to want some assurances that he is
able to do the future development. The board cannot commit to the future. There needs to be an
understanding the allows the developer to proceed, protects the conservation zones, limits the
building lots in the northeast corner and gets the Town the parkland.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that Phase I and Phase II subdivision occurred. Land was set
aside and the Town never received it. He is not inclined to allow Phase III to proceed without getting
some land.
Attorney Barney stated that a condition of any subdivision would be that before any building
permits are issued the conveyance of the land needs to occur.
Mr. Tessier stated that the parkland relates to the entire development. The first priority is the
11 =lot subdivision. The next priority is the commercial area. Thirdly the 8 or 6 lots. Fourthly the
upper right hand corner. Depending upon the response from Ithaca College, that section might move
sooner or later.
Mr. Kanter stated that they would need a drainage report, an analysis for;;utility and grading
Mr. Tessier stated that they are working on the plans.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that this was a chance for the board to interact with the developer.
When and if they come back, there will be a public hearing.
Attorney Barney stated that the park space needs to be part of the 11 -lot subdivision plat.
Board Member Ainslie asked if the developer needs to come back in if they want to sell the
previous parkland to Montessori School,
Chairperson Wilcox responded yes. It is shown on an approved subdivision'ito be dedicated to
the Town as parkland. He does not have the right to sell it.
Mr. Kanter stated that the Town has agreed to release it if the Town receives the land for the
larger park. He is pleased with the current park figuration. It gives the Town flexibility. It is a large
area. The fields would fit well. The potential is there for active recreation fields.
Mr. Tessier stated that they do intend on including a trail along the road throughout the
Mr. Kanter stated an earlier version of the concept plan for the park showed the possibility of
the trail. It would help with connectivity.
Chairperson Wilcox closed this segment of the meeting at 10:46 p.m.
Board Member Mitrano asked what is going on with the property across from Big AI's.
Mr. Kanter stated that the property is for sale.
Board Member Mitrano asked what is it zoned and why does it not sell.
Mr. Kanter stated that it is zoned commercial.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that Mr. Auble probably overpaid for it and is having a hard time
selling it.
AGENDA ITEM: Consideration of approval of Planning Board schedule for 2000.
MOTION by Fred Wilcox, seconded by Tracy Mitrano.
RESOLVED, that the Town of Ithaca Planning Board adopt and hereby does adopt the
following as its schedule of Regular Meetings for the Year 2000. Unless otherwise notified, all
meetings will be held on the first and third Tuesday, commencing at 7.•30 p.m.
January 4, 2000 January 18, 2000
February 1, 2000 February 15, 2000
March 7, 2000 March 21, 2000
April 4, 2000 April 18, 2000
May 2, 2000 May 16, 2000
June 6, 2000 June 20, 2000
-- ---- -- July 18, 2000
August 1, 2000 August 15, 2000
September 5, 2000 September 19, 2000
October 3, 2000 October 17, 2000
November 7, 2000 November 21, 2000
December 5, 2000 December 19, 2000
AYE - Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Ainslie, Mitrano, Thayer.
NAY -None.
The MOTION was declared to be carried unanimously.
AGENDA ITEM: Consideration of nomination of Chair of Planning
recommendation to the Town Board.
MOTION made by Tracy Mitrano, seconded by Larry Thayer.
Board for 2000 as a
RESOLVED, that this board recommends to the Town Board that Fred Wilcox be appointed chair for
the year 2000.
A vote on the MOTION resulted as follows:
AYES: Hoffmann, Conneman, Ainslie, Mitrano, Thayer.
NAYS: None,
ABSTAIN: Wilcox.
The MOTION was declared to be carried.
Board Member Ainslie stated that he has read through the minutes and they make complete
sense compared to what is said at the meetings.
MOTION by Fred Wilcox, seconded by James Ainslie.
RESOLVED, that the Planning Board does hereby approve and adopt the September 7, 1999
as the official minutes of the Town of Ithaca Planning Board for the said meeting !as presented with
grammatical corrections.
THERE being no further discussion, the Chair called for a vote.
AYES. Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Ainslie, Mitrano, Thayer,
The MOTION was declared to be carried unanimously.
MOTION by Fred Wilcox, seconded by James Ainslie.
RESOLVED, that the Planning Board does hereby approve and adopt the September 21,
1999 as the official minutes of the Town of Ithaca Planning Board for the said meeting as presented
with grammatical corrections.
THERE being no further discussion, the Chair called for a vote.
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Ainslie, Mitrano, Thayer.
The MOTION was declared to be carried unanimously.
MOTION by Fred Wilcox, seconded by James Ainslie.
RESOLVED, that the Planning Board does hereby approve and adopt the ,° ctober 5, 1999 as
the official minutes of the Town of Ithaca Planning Board for the said meeting as presented with
grammatical corrections.
THERE being no further discussion, the Chair called for a vote.
DECEMBER 21, 1999
- JUNE 612000
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Ainslie, Mitrano, Thayer.
The MOTION was declared to be carried unanimously.
MOTION by Fred Wilcox, seconded by James Ainslie.
RESOLVED, that the Planning Board does hereby approve and adopt the November 2, 1999
as the official minutes of the Town of Ithaca Planning Board for the said meeting as presented with
grammatical corrections.
THERE being no further discussion, the Chair called for a vote.
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Ainslie, Mitrano, Thayer,
The MOTION was declared to be carried unanimously.
MOTION by Fred Wilcox, seconded by James Ainslie.
RESOLVED, that the Planning Board does hereby approve and adopt the November 16, 1999
as the official minutes of the Town of Ithaca Planning Board for the said meeting'as presented with
grammatical corrections.
THERE being no further discussion, the Chair called for a vote.
AYES: Wilcox, Hoffmann, Conneman, Ainslie, Mitrano, Thayer.
The MOTION was declared to be carried unanimously.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that he has given to the board a letter to Dan Walker from John
Clancy. It gives some background on the controversial proposed City dumpsite in the Town of Ithaca
near the Town of Newfield, Town of Enfield border and near the State Park.
Does this need to come to the Planning Board? Did the City willingly or unwillingly not abide
by appropriate municipal law?
Mr. Kanter stated that the fill permit requirements would necessitate it coming to the Town for
approval. As far as he knows, no application has been submitted. The road was cut through in
Newfield. Newfield does not have zoning or site plan review. There is a question as to how many
disturbances have happened in the Town portion. There are additional landfill areas adjacent to it
owned by a private owner.
Attorney Barney stated that the Mayor has assured the Town that he will comply with the
Mr. Kanter stated that if they do need to come in for a fill permit it would need to come to the
Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that the board has had some difficult projects and some easy
Board Member Mitrano asked what is going to happen with Cornell University,
Chairperson Wilcox stated that there would be site plan review January 4, 2000,
Board Member Thayer stated that the board needs to vote.
Chairperson Wilcox stated that the
There needs to be another public hearing,
same information again. He would like to
change. Hopefully the board can remem
member may or may not vote.
board has held public hearings, had board deliberations.
He hopes that the board does not needi to sit through the
hear what is new and different as a result of the zoning
ber the deliberations that the board has had. The new
Upon MOTION, Chairperson Wilcox declared the December 21, 1999; Meeting of Town of Ithaca
Planning Board duly adjourned at 11:05 p.m.
Prepared by:
Carrie L. Coates,
Keyboard Specialist/Minutes Recorder
Mary Bryant,
Administrative Secretary for the Town of Ithaca
Planning Board.
126 East Seneca Street
Ithaca,New York 14850
Tuesday,December 21, 1999
7:30 P.M. Persons to be heard(no more than five minutes).
7:35 P.M. SEQR Determination,Ithaca College Compost Facility—Site Plan Modification,953 Danby Road.
7:40 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for modifications to the
previously approved site plan for the Ithaca College Compost Facility,located at 953 Danby Road,Town
of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.41-1-11,Residence District R-15. Said modifications include reducing the sizes
of the compost building,control room and concrete pad from what was previously approved. Ithaca
College,Owner/Applicant;Bruce A.Hatch,Agent.
7:55 P.M. SEQR Determination,Suwinski Two-lot Subdivision, 1454 Mecklenburg Road.
8:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the proposed
subdivision of Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No.27-1-22.1, 18.1 +/-acres in area and located at 1454
Mecklenburg Road(Rt.79),into two lots, 16.7+/-acres and 1.4+/-acres in size respectively,AG
Agricultural District. Jan H.and Susan J. Suwinski,Owners/Applicant;Mark Masler,Esq.,Agent.
8:15 P.M. SEQR Determination,Summerhill Apartments Phase 2—Site Plan Modification,Summerhill Lane.
8:20 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for modifications to the
previously approved site plan for Summerhill Apartments Phase 2,located at Summerhill Lane on Town of
Ithaca Tax Parcel No.62-2-1.127,MR Multiple Residence District. Said modifications include enlarging
each building to accommodate larger bedrooms and handicap accessibility requirements,and shifting of the
location of two buildings to accommodate the enlargement of the buildings and to provide more separation
from the driveway. Ivar Jonson,Owner/Applicant;Lawrence P.Fabbroni,P.E.,Agent.
8:35 P.M. Consideration of a Sketch Plan for the proposed Ithaca Estates Subdivision,which includes the initial
subdivision of approximately 15+/-acres into 11 lots for the construction of 11 single-family houses,the
associated dedication of 14.9+/-acres of land for a Town park which includes the possible substitution of a
1.8+/-acre parcel that was intended to be dedicated to the Town as parkland,and concepts for the future
development of additional lands including additional single-family lots,higher density housing,possible
additional commercial development,and a suggested road system to serve the future potential development,
located on East King Road on Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No's.43-1-3.2,43-1-3.32,and 43-1-3.4,currently
zoned R-30 Residence,R-9 Residence,MR Multiple Residence,and Business"C". Evan N.Monkemeyer,
Owner/Applicant;David W.Tessier,Landscape Architect,Agent.
9. Consideration of approval of Planning Board schedule for 2000.
10. Consideration of nomination of Chair of Planning Board for 2000 as a recommendation to the Town Board.
11. Persons to be heard(continued from beginning of meeting if necessary).
12. Approval of Minutes: Sept.7, 1999,Oct.5, 1999,Nov.2, 1999,Nov. 16, 1999(Distributed
at Dec.7, 1999 meeting); Sept.21, 1999(in packet)
13. Other Business.
14. Adjournment.
Jonathan Kanter,AICP
Director of Planning
(A quorum of four(4)members is necessary to conduct Planning Board business.)
Tuesday,December 21, 1999
By direction of the Chairperson of the Planning Board, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Public Hearings will be
held by the Planning Board of the Town of Ithaca on Tuesday, December 21, 1999, at 126 East Seneca Street, Ithaca,
N.Y.,at the following times and on the following matters:
7:40 P.M. Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for modifications to the previously
approved site plan for the Ithaca College Compost Facility, located at 953 Danby Road, Town of
Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 41-1-11, Residence District R-15. Said modifications include reducing the
sizes of the compost building, control room and concrete pad from what was previously approved.
Ithaca College, Owner/Applicant; Bruce A. Hatch, Agent.
8:00 P.M. Consideration of Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval for the proposed subdivision of
Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 27-1-22.1, 18.1 +/- acres in area and located at 1454 Mecklenburg
Road (Rt. 79), into two lots, 16.7 +/- acres and 1.4 +/- acres in size respectively, AG Agricultural
District. Jan H. and Susan J. Suwinski, Owners/Applicant;Mark Masler, Esq.,Agent.
8:20 P.M. Consideration of Preliminary and Final Site Plan Approval for modifications to the previously
approved site plan for Summerhill Apartments Phase 2, located at Summerhill Lane on Town of
Ithaca Tax Parcel No. 62-2-1.127, MR Multiple Residence District. Said modifications include
enlarging each building to accommodate larger bedrooms and handicap accessibility requirements,
and shifting of the location of two buildings to accommodate the enlargement of the buildings an
to provide more separation from the driveway. Ivar Jonson, Owner/Applicant; Lawrence P.
Fabbroni,P.E., Agent.
Said Planning Board will at said times and said place hear all persons in support of such matters or objections thereto.
Persons may appear by agent or in person. Individuals with visual impairments, hearing impairments or other special
needs, will be provided with assistance as necessary, upon request. Persons desiring assistance must make such a
request not less than 48 hours prior to the time of the public hearings.
Jonathan Kanter, AICP
Director of Planning
Dated:Monday,December 13, 1999
Publish:Wednesday,December 15, 1999
( r
The Ithaca Journal
Wednesday, December 15, 1999
Tuesday December 21,
BCdirection of the
arrperson of the Planning
GIVEN that Public Hearings
will be held by the Planning
Board of the Town of Ithaca
on Tuesdoy, December 21,
1999 of 126 E. Seneca
Street, Ithaca, New York at
the following times In the fol
Jawing P.M.manner:
7:40 Consideration of
Preliminary and Final Site
Non Approval for mo&fica-
tions to the previouslyy op
proved site plan'{ar rhe Itkaca
Caliege Compost Facility, 10-
o-cared at 953 Danby Road
Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel`
No 41.1-11 Residence Dis-
trict R-15. Said modilicotiongt
include reducing the sizes of
the compost building, contra
roam and concrete pad from
what was previously ap-
proved. Ithaco College,
Owner/Applicant; Bruce A.
Hatch, Aggent.
8 00 P.M Consideration of
Preliminary and Final Sub-
division Approval for the pro-
rased subd'+vision of Town of
Ithaca Tax Parcel No
27.1-22.2, 18.1± acres in
area and located at 1454
Mecklenburg Rood (Rt. 79),
in two lots, 16.7±acres and
1.4+ acres in size respec-
tively. AG Agricullurol Dis-
trict. Jan H. and Susan J.
Suwinski, Owners/
Applicant; Mark Masler,
Esq Aggeent.
8:20 P.h1. Consideration of
Preliminary and Final Site
Plan Approval for modifica-
tions to the previously ap-
proved site plan fat Sum-
merhill Apartments Phase 2,
located at Summerhill Lane
on Town of Ithaca Tax Parcel
No.,MR Multiple
Residence District.Said modi-
fications include enlarging
each building to accom-
modate larger bedrooms and
handicap accessibilTty
requirements, and shifting of
the location of two buildings
to accommodate the
enlargement of the buildings
and to provide more
separation from the
driveway. #var Janson,
Owner/Applicant; Lawrence
P. Fabbroni, P.E. Agent.
Said Planning Board will at
said times andsaid place
hear all persons in support of
such matters or objections
thereto. Persons may appear
by a int or in person
Individuals with visual impair-
ments, hearing impairments
or other special needs, will
be provided with assistance
as necessary, upon request.
Persons desiring assistance
must make such a request not
less than 48 hours prior to the
time of the public hearings.
Jonathan Kanter
Director of Pfannip
December 15, 1999
(Please PRINT to ensure accuracy in official minutes.)
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I, Sandra Polce being duly sworn, depose and say that I am a Senior Typist for the Town of
Ithaca, Tompkins County,New York; that the following Notice has been duly posted on the sign
board of the Town of Ithaca and that said Notice has been duly published in the local newspaper,
The Ithaca Journal.
Notice of Public Hearings to be held by the Town of Ithaca Planning Board in the Town of Ithaca
Town Hall, 126 East Seneca Street, Ithaca, New York, on Tuesday, December 21, 1999
commencing at 7:30 P.M., as per attached.
Location of Sign Board used for Posting: Bulletin Board, Front& Entrance of Town Hall.
Date of Posting : December 13, 1999
Date of Publication: December 15, 1999
Sandra Polce, Senior Typist
Town of Ithaca.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 15th day of December 1999.
Notary Public
14 tsry Pubkc. State of New York
Residing in Tc.Tckins County
Reg. No. 4994047
My COMMissior. Exc+res March 30 (kVQ